The Maid of Orleans is like war. Joan of Arc

The Maid of Orleans is like war. Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc - Great Love Stories

The Maid of Orleans, national heroine of France. The struggle of the French people against the English slaughterhouses weakened, and in 1429 the fate of Orleans fell into obligation. This activity contributed to the results of the Hundred Hundred War (1337-1453). In 1430, it was completely lost to the Burgundians, who sold it to the English, who declared Joan of Arc a chaclun and handed it over to the church court. Accused of lies, she slept in Rouen with a lot of money. In 1920 she was canonized by the Catholic Church.

Joan of Arc

Pushkin wrote that “... modern history lacks the butt of destruction, the life and death of the Orleans heroine.” Perhaps it is impossible to draw an analogy and, in certainty, the feat of Joan of Arc, because all of her short life, her affairs cannot be explained by the laws of women and the lives of human psychology. The whole hour is spent with such a little-understood reason for this action, with such a hidden power that she wielded.

The History of the Maiden of Orleans is the final episode of the Hundreds of Wars between England and France, the main reason for which was the struggle for land, buried by England (from the mid-12th century) from France. For an hour, as we know, the French door was torn apart by dynastic swearings, which led to blasphemous speeches. The disbanded squad of Charles VI - Isabella of Bavaria, who married her daughter to the English king Henry V, hastened to transfer the French throne to him, thus relieving her son Charles VII of power. The English ruled France, plundering and ruining the country, and the ranks and nobility, who were immersed in dissolution and troubles, were not in a position to plunder the French.

Resulting in armed robberies and lawlessness, the country's senses began to grow that France could be forced to fight against bodily sin. The carelessness of these people was a little obvious, since the woman had sunk into a middle-aged marriage, she was not respected by a fully-fledged person, but the lack of interest continued into her youth, in which the girl was not yet even umila, what's up. No matter how absurd they were, no matter how incredible they were, they wanted to believe in them more than ever, because only miracles could be in store for France. And a miracle happened.

Possible rural homeland d'Arc mala cream Jeannie has two more blue and two daughters. They lived together in harmony, following the calls of that hour, sacredly believed in God, and tended to evil. Jeanne was no different from her brothers and sisters, perhaps she was more pitiful, naive, prone to mysticism and even more devout. Vaughn loved to stand in church for years at a time, listening to the priest’s sermon in dismay.

The imprisonment of Charles VII from power caused Jeanne to suffer as a special misfortune. Perhaps her heart began to burn and was unable to endure any injustice. This divine gift quickly developed in the village girl to the point of obsession, to heights that were no longer accessible to the common inhabitant.

Suffering from the pains of her native land, Zhanna was transported to the world by sight. As if she sensed that Archangel Michael, Saints Margaret and Catherine were calling her to an important feat in the name of Victims. From the very beginning she told her relatives about her marriage, and they only marveled at how exactly the unwritten young daughter had shown her her destiny: to conquer Orleans and crown the Dauphine in Reims.

The appearance of the Mother of God left Jeanne in high esteem. Together with her uncle, the girl goes to the Vaucouleurs castle, where at this hour the door of the disgraced King Charles is opened, and the commandant of the castle tells the Lord about the wondrous trick. On the one hand, it’s funny that the king did not react at all to Jeannie’s advance - Charles, who was in isolation, deprived of money, was constantly rejecting proposals for help. Otherwise, it’s funny, as if he had reacted - what could this tendentious, small, illiterate girl really prove.

Only miracles can be called the advent of the Virgin of Orleans. The powers of Providence acted, primarily, through a woman – the king’s nineteen-year-old daughter, Agnes Sorel. On December 29, 1429, a peasant girl appeared in Chinon, the residence of Charles VII. The whole house and clergy gathered to look at the “heavenly messenger.” Karl stood with a group of courtiers, not bothering them at all, but, behind the orders, Jeanne, who had never bothered him, became angry right up to him.

The girl dealt with her strong hostility towards the courtiers with her fiery proclamations. It seemed that they were speaking with their lips like other, more influxing forces. Prote indifferent, weak-willed Karl doubted, rightly fearing the further degradation of his position. They decided to go ahead scientifically: a commission of authoritative theologians was assembled, which confirmed that Zhanna was entirely a good Catholic, and the women’s committee, under the guidance of the mother-in-law of Charles Iolanti of Aragon, was not occupied purely that one

Finally, the king handed over the d'Arc ensign with the coat of arms of the French royal office and gave a small banishment, which had famous persons, as well as the unoccupied brothers Jean and Pierre. The first victory of the fighting squad was the delivery of reinforcements and food to the taxation of Orleans. The success of the expedition immediately brought glory to Jeanne. During this period of light throughout France, there was a growing awareness of those who had appeared, calling, an angel from heaven, calling for the order of witchcraft. Under the ensigns of the Maiden of Orleans, the significance of power began to accumulate from all over the country, and a symbol was needed that would unite all patriots. I showed up.

Just before military action began, Jeanne sent a note to the camp of Englishmen who were besieging Orleans: “Englishmen, who have no right to the French crown, the King of Heaven, through me, punishes you to withdraw from taxes and return to Fatherlandism, Otherwise I would end up starting a war , about how you will always remember...” Signed: Jesus, Mary, Jeanne unoccupied.

On the 18th of June 1429, the enemies fled in panic, and the entire middle current of the Loire was cleared of the hated British. During the battle, Zhanna experienced unforgettable hostility. In the shining faces of the ladunks, on a black horse, with fluttering white hair, with an ensign in her hands, absolutely singing in her carelessness, she began to squawk after her the soldiers, who were always appearing there, and the ranks of the French were beginning to stampede.

Sensing the blatant enthusiasm, Karl will find that he has made all sorts of things. Having destroyed the city of Reims, de Jeanne transferred him to the French throne. All incidental forts were given up without a fight - Karl, out of satisfaction, having reaped the fruits, defeated the young girl.

On the 16th of June, at the hour of the appointed coronation, Joan of Arc stood next to Charles. After this ritual of anointing, overwhelmed with ecstasy, the girl rushed, in rejoicing, to the king’s feet: “O most noble king, now the will of the Almighty has come, ordering me to bring you to your place of Reims and receive you with the holy light "Announcement, so that everyone recognizes the rightful Volodar of France."

It was placed on it by the Divine Providence of the Lord, and after that its energy was exhausted. For these reasons, Jeanne asked Charles to let her go home; for others, she herself voted to end the struggle for the liberation of France. So it was different, but it is clear that enthusiasm is not trivial. The girl no longer had the strength to care for thousands of people in a constantly tense religious-patriotic situation. Bad luck began. During the siege of the capital, Zhanna suffered her first serious injuries and was previously injured. Not a little bit of sensitivity to this kind of swedishness, with which its glory ran wild, spread the news that the Maid of Orleans was not at all as omnipotent as it seemed.

In the spring of 1430, the girl lost her life. Until the 40th king, neither himself nor his army, because they did not seize the money of the Smilians, who gave tribute to their sister, did not try in every possible way to betray Joan of Arc.

The English government brought the Maid of Orleans to the court of the Inquisition, which accused her of blasphemy and complicity with the devil. Ale navit under the cakes, Zhanna preserved clarity of thought and joy. If they asked her to believe that she was crying out for God’s mercy, then, obviously, they wanted to make her rich and put her in a dark place, because you can firmly believe that she can be accused of pride, of imposture. And if the message is negative, then it recognizes deception behind it. Vaughn said simply: “If not, let the Lord please to value this faith in me, if so, let it be supported in me.”

Not being in the mood to blame Jeanne for chaklunstvo, they called “at self-willed heavenly powers that wearing of a human costume”, fenced off by cathedral decrees. The girl was furious until the end, and until the confirmation came out, they were burned to death in Rouen on May 30, 1431. Their relatives, brothers Jean and Pierre, took away the noble title and lands from the king in the city, and Jeannie’s name began to acquire legends and a fair bit. For a long time, the nonsense Jeannies appeared on the French land, who wanted to gain the glory of great unoccupiedness, but no one had yet succeeded in repeating the feat of self-sacrifice, which miraculously appeared this young girl from the French province. ї.

We really appreciate that we presented here a classic version of the life and story of Joan of Arc. Nowadays, some French historians are rightfully confirming the noble family of the girl, and in addition, claiming that instead of her, they burned the false accusations, which gave rise to endless legends about the fact that Jeanne is alive. But, obviously, it will not be possible to reveal the truth.

Joan of Arc, as she stands on both sides of her assistants (and it doesn’t matter, French, Russian or Brazilian - the stink, unfortunately, is the same everywhere), was born between 1831 and 1843 under the pen of Jules Michelet, who took over and the imprisonment of the director of the National Archives .

On the pages of his six-volume “History of France” he painted the ideal image that he imagined as a democrat, a romantic and a patriot. This black-and-white ideal itself (and the Virgin of France is not at all real!) The decisions of the Roman Curia were blessed this year, on May 9, 1920, for sainthood. How was it all true?


I'll pass on the official version. When the defeat of the French during the Hundred War seemed imminent, Jeanne appeared, intending to drive out the English, the “daughter of the people” buried the French in her place.

She was born in the village of Domremi, not far from the border of Lorraine and Champagne. At that time, the residents of the town supported the Armagnacs (one of the two feudal groupings that formed during the reign of Charles the Mad; they also supported the Count of Armagnac), who fought against the Burgundian party - the Bourguignons, who in the Hundreds of Wars against the English, the predatory raids of the Germans, why Zhanna often had to deal with the crookedness of her brothers and fellow villagers.

Jeanne, the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and his friend Isabelle d'Arc (from Vouton's daughter), blamed for the olive color, which she took away from Roma, being a Roman, she was tall and strong. and a stunning girl who expressed piety, practicality and simplicity. Since her childhood, she had been aware of the bravery of the people and, as she later said, “sorrow about the misfortunes of dear France stung in her heart like a snake.” At thirteen rocks, she sensed “voices” that told her to betray Fatherlandism.

Right away, they were angry, because such a confession seemed to overwhelm their strength. However, she gradually lived with this thought. Jeanne was not yet eighteen when she left the village to take part in the fight for the liberation of Fatherlandism. It was by force that they reached Chenon, a castle on the Loire, where the Dauphin Charles had fallen to the throne at that hour. Just before this, the military became more aware of the prophecy, when God sent the Virgin Mary to France. And the courtiers respected that the girl’s deep faith could raise the fighting spirit of the army.

If a special women's commission recognized Jeannie's purity (they realized that she was a hermaphrodite (as it was delicately formulated, “... not given up to normal wear and tear”) - this is the situation, however, among the expansion of legends and for no reasonable reason) , Its command was entrusted to the killings of the leaders, who joined the army of seven thousand, gathered to help the besieged Orleans. The military leaders recognized their supremacy.

The newly-born Orléans came out of the city walls and took the English fortifications by storm. As a result, nine days after her arrival in the place, the tax was lifted. This commemoration of 1429 became a turning point in the course of the war, and from then on Jeanne began to be called the Maid of Orleans. However, the Dauphine did not perform coronations and was not considered a legitimate sovereign. Jeanne persuaded Charles to start a campaign against Reims, since long ago French monarchs had been crowned. The army could have completed a three-hundred-kilometer march in two years, and the throne was crowned at the time of the crowning in the Cathedral of Reims, which now became Charles VII.

The war was troubling at this time. As if under Comp'ien, Jeannie was exiled by the Burgundians. They buried the Maid of Orleans in full and gave it to their English allies for 10,000 levres. They, in order to justify their defeats, called Jeanne in ties with the devil. The trial of the famous theologians deceived her into signing signatures under the evil writings, following which the heroine was declared a witch, and on May 31, 1431 (which, according to the English chroniclers, was won bedroom on a large scale in Rouen.

This summary of facts, a whole year of romantic romance in the style of Walter Skope, Alexandre Dumas the Father or Théophile Gautier, miraculously explains why the French historian, philosopher and sociologist of the mystic Hypolyte Taine did not respect Michelet’s style We will remember how many of the most popular poets of reality are, and we will calling it “the lyrical epic of France.”

If it weren’t there, that’s where the legend ends and the paragraph with the friend begins...


I’ll give you just a few examples, although I want to put almost everything into storage, unfortunately, I’m not in tune with either the wealth of historical facts or just a healthy mind.

Let's finish with the walk. The very names of the so-called “fathers” of the Maid of Orleans testify to their origins in the noble, and not at all rural, state (although, as the documents indicate, D'Arches was immediately abrogated the rights of the state, which, however, did not reduce They are privileged to wear the family coat of arms) . So we must say goodbye categorically to the “orach’s daughter.” She herself declared at the trial that she did not know her nickname: “My name is Zhanna the Virgin, but in childhood they called me Zhannetta.” In all documents of that era, she is called, inclusively, Dame Joan, Jeanne the Virgin, the Virgin of France or the Maid of Orleans, and this name, please note, remains until the liberation of Orleans. It is agreed that the coat of arms granted to Jeanne by the Dauphine is not closely related to the coat of arms of the d'Arques, indicating in a completely different way that the similarity is much higher...

Now about externality. To this day, the yearly reference image of Jeannie has not been preserved. A single living portrait - a little one with a pen, drawn up by the secretary of the Parisian parliament in the margins of his register TO 1429, when in Paris they learned about the withdrawal of taxes from Orleans. However, this little one has nothing in common with the original. This one depicts a woman with long curls, dressed in cloth with a beaded collar; she carries an ensign and is armed with a sword. Jeannie really had the sword and the ensign. However, she always wore a human costume, and her hair was cut short due to the need to wear a headdress.

A lot of people called Jeanne beautiful and were hopelessly stuck in her. A woman who has taken part in battles and facial tournaments is, in truth, little showy in strength and vivacity. However, the great Virgin was not - in one of the French museums her ice cubes are preserved, as evidence that her little girl... did not reach one and a half meters.

Let's talk about simplicity and prudence. As it emerges from the protocols, during the course of the process, having recognized her condemnation, the “daughter of the people”, with a deep sense of ignorance, threw out affirmations, either she had lost her time or worked according to the rule. And during the actual trial, Alain Chartier, secretary of two queens - Charles VI and Charles VII, stated:

“There was a feeling that this girl was trained not in the fields, but in schools closely related to the sciences.” And in Chenon she admired the Dauphin and her cousin, the young Duke of Alençon, with their unfinished mastery of horse riding, their thorough knowledge of Volodynia and the brilliant knowledge of the Igors, who were also among the nobility (Quentin, game of rings, etc.).

Before the speech, about the path to Chenon. It is clear that in 1429, not long before Jeannie left the village of Domremi, she lived in the family of Arcs, when the royal messenger Jean Collet de V'enne arrived accompanied by the Scottish archer Richard. For his orders, the formations of the escor of Jean de Novelonpont and Bertrand de Poulanger, their armored workers and many servants. Having arrived on the road to Nancy, de Jeanne spent a long time with the Dukes Charles of Lorraine and Rene of Anjou, and also “in the presence of the nobility and the people of Lorraine” took part in the personal tournament with a list.

If we believe that tournaments were a privilege for the nobility, that shields with the coats of arms of the participants were placed near the lists, then it seems absolutely incredible that Charles of Lorraine and other lords have come to terms with this, so that on a thoroughbred war horse I saw a village woman, and the list included the right to be ordained persons . And more food: are there any stars in it? It would have been even more important and even more important to adopt strangers... Which coat of arms did she stand under? The abolition (let's not say it soon) of the noble rights of the D'Arches? The axis has already been given to someone, as it seems, out of rank!

Unfortunately, after arriving in Chenon, Jeanne was secretly received by the offended queens - Jolanda of Anjou, mother-in-law of the Dauphin Charles, and her daughter, Maria of Anjou, Charles's squad. As you know, Diva was taken to Chenon with a boot, and there is no mention of any hemline. Because of the logic of her speeches, Jeanne, being a clairvoyant, humble village woman, would not have been guilty of entering the castle beyond the gatekeeper. Naturally, they would have reported this to the chief officer, to the governor, and perhaps to the dauphin... How would it all end? At that time, the visions wandered along the French roads near the Great Country.

I will stay. So, “the craftsmen forged Jeanne's voladunka” (who else could earn it?), but the king paid for them, moreover, as many as one hundred Tournaisian levres - a sum at that time great; The possessions of the Duke of Apançon, the cousin of the Dauphin, for example, were worth more than eighty. And they began to laugh, and the Virgin did not hesitate in her duties: “If my screen is empty, the king will replenish it,” she said. And the most important fact: Jeanne coveted the sword, because it lay against no one, but the legend of France, the famous military leader - Bertrand du Guesclin, constable of Charles V; I craved him - and took him away. And one more detail: Percene du Guesclin is already small, showing up at Chenon’s. How did you sip wine at the hand of a village woman?

These foods can be multiplied endlessly - more and more new ones appear literally on the skin. And so be it, the place of legend will not be occupied...


The Centenary War was a rightful family affair - the right to the French throne was claimed by the closest relatives (it is not for nothing that in the history of England this period is called the hour of the French kings). For our heroine this is of utmost importance: if any other situation had occurred, her powerful history would have appeared completely different.

The most powerful squad of the French prince Charles VI the Blessed Isabella of Bavaria was tempered by such a sticky temperament that with twelve children, the first four, respectful of everything, had goiters in the world kovi. Others' fathers were the king's younger brother, Duke Louis of Orleans, and also the Chevalier Louis de Bois-Bourdon. The remaining child of Queen Izabo was born on the 10th of leaf fall 1407. Jeanne is a beloved daughter, given to be drafted into the family of the wealthy nobles of the d'Arques.

However, having been born in love or in love, she lost her princess blood - the daughter of the queen and the brother of the king; This setting explains all the devastations of the past history. And the cry of the Maid of Orleans is not about the heroic command of the troops near Orleans (before the speech, the commanders were, to be sure, the Count of Dunois, the brother of Jeannie, but also the hopeless death of Gilles de Rais, What has gone into history under the names of Blue Borody, And about the belonging of the Valois dynasty to the Orleans Budyn.

The very next day, after her official appearance at the Chenon court, Jeanne spoke with the Dauphin Charles, and - and this is what all the evidence suggests - she sat in charge of him, which she could afford to deprive the princess of her blood. As the Duke of Alençon appeared, she unceremoniously cackled:

Who is this?

My cousin Alençon.

We kindly ask! - Zhanna said kindly. - The more of us there are, those who share the blood of France, the better...

Viznannya, wait a minute, absolutely straight. Before the speech, in battles, Jeanne fought not only with the sword of the great constable, but with a specially forged battle sword, on which the first letter of her name was engraved - J, topped with a crown. Svidotstvo, frankly speaking, is a promoter. To assign to oneself a heraldic attribute that does not rightfully belong to such a rank in the 15th century is simply unthinkable.

A few days after Jeanne was wounded on the 8th of June 1429 in the outskirts of Paris, she donated her armor to the Abbey of Saint-Denis as an offering for the cloister. Until this day, a stone slab has been preserved there, which is reminiscent of a tombstone on which Jeanne is depicted in her robes - at her left hand she is clutching a battle juice with a clearly marked J under a crown. There is no doubt that the Virgin of Orleans herself is depicted, because the inscription on the slab is clear: “This was the intention of Jeannie, which she gave as a gift to St. Denis."

Moreover, historians have known all this for a long time. Moreover, Jeanne did not sleep at all: even the royal blood is sacred (the spirit of the most holy persons was given to the unfortunate English Stuarts - first Mary, and then Charles I); a monarch or a prince of the blood can be thrown off, captivated, tied up, nailed down - but not at all.

Until the year 1432, the Maid of Orleans was in honor at the castle of Bouvereuil in Rouen, then she was liberated, on the 7th fall of leaves in 1436 she married Robert des Armoise and in 1436 she again recovered from her absence in Paris, she was born again recognized by the great Companions and region VII ( Having hugged her tenderly, the king hummed: “Virgin, darling, we kindly ask you to come back again, in the name of the Lord...”). So the legend about her arrest as an impostor was created by the followers of the myth. Joan of Arc (now Dame des Armoises) died in 1449. It’s only those who don’t want to know who know about it.


To understand this, it is necessary to understand the historical role of the Maid of Orleans. She was not a military leader - military historians are even more skeptical about the commanders who were gifted to her. This is not necessary: ​​the likes of the Bastard of Dunois and Gilles de Ré have successfully engaged in strategy and tactics. And Jeannie’s governors were to confirm the Dauphin’s rights to the French throne.

Two years before his death, in 1420, Charles VI, knowing that the Dauphin Charles was not his son, named his cousin, the young English king Henry VI, as his successor. Unfavorable for their decisions, the French respected that by law the right to the throne could go to the nephew of King Charles of Orleans, who, having needed the English full, was destined to spend another seventeen years.

Also, Dauphin Charles lost the most likely candidate for the throne; Whose son was Louis d'Orléans or the homeless nobleman de Bois-Bourdon? In the first case, his legitimacy could still be recognized, in the other - not at all. The axis here is small, behind the idea of ​​the authors of a carefully fragmented intrigue, Jeanne, the foolish princess of the blood, will appear on the stage; show up and confirm that the Dauphin is his brother and not his half-brother, and then obtain his coronation. With this roll, she got into it more closely.

The English lost one thing - to kill Jeanne, rendering invalid the testimony that was made at the Rouen process. The natural course of the confession was the acquittal of Jeannie at the counter-trial held in 1451: for the life of the wife of des Armoises, it was impossible to earn anything, since over the hidden Virgin there were still heavy burdens of the Inquisition, and we will not disclose the details It was always impossible to falsify the strategy. As soon as the close finale of the war was already obvious, the English, who were convinced of their claims to the French throne, agreed with Jeannie’s acknowledgments. The result was that after more than a century, through the protection of the Virgin of Orleans, the French monarchy was no longer in existence, but the suspense rose, so that its legitimacy was no longer doubtful Charles VII was recognized by the greatest authorities... And in this sense she truly won the Hundred War she lied to France.

So why does the legend triumph to this day? It’s quite simple: even the nature of myth is that it draws strength from itself, without requiring training and without being afraid of every proof, every fact, no matter what the stink may be.

There's a lot of unimaginable corruption. The Catholic Church is involved in both processes, the accused and the actual one, as well as the canonization of the princess of a dubious affair. To the democrats - for the place of the daughter of Orach, flesh like the flesh of the people, rises in the light of the truth of the princess of blood, conceived in sin. For the average Frenchman, for many generations he has already lived so closely with the legend that its ruin becomes an even more painful process. Then understanding the myth with today's methods is extremely simple.

Do you remember, for example, an obscure detail about the Germans who plundered the outskirts of Domrem? Vaughn is becoming quite sensible, to guess that it was no longer recorded at Mishla, but later - New course History of France" by Desir Blanchet and Jules Pinard, written shortly after the defeat of the Franco-Prussian War. And how actively this motive was vikorized by the participants of the Support under the Hour of Another World...

Many more generations will be like ravenous detectives who will read the brilliant historical books dedicated to the life of Joan of Arc by Robert Ambelain, Etienne Veill-Reynal, Jean Grimaud, Gerard Pesma and those, none of them unknown, who will continue to trace them Zhenya. As before, we walk cleanly with the insurmountable myth.

The taxation of Orleans ended - the taxation was characterized by the abbot of Dunois as a step in which to lay down the share of the empire. For the Duke of Bedford, this came as a real shock, as he began recruiting a new army. Before the troops were taxed, Suffolk easily moved them in the middle, sending nearly 700 soldiers to Jargaud, while Talbot took the surplus soldiers from Men and Beaugency. Count Dunois tried to follow Suffolk along the road to Jargaud, but the attempt was defeated and the Frenchman advanced to Orleans, at which time the Virgin rode on horseback to inform her king of the joyful news of the victory near Orleans.

Karl saw a number of people who were glad, and they discussed the matter in detail about those who were working further. Jeanne attempted to form a new army and further military actions by extricating the English from the low places of the Loire, before heading to Reims for the consecration of the royal power and coronation. Ale Karl and La Tremoye were fighting. News reached them about Fastolf's approach with a new army, and Fastolf completely rightly cried out in fear. Diva's plea was met, and an army was sent to Orleans with the Duke of Alençon and accompanied by Jeannie. After arriving in Orleans before the army arrived, the garrison of the place on the part of the Dunois and the combined forces destroyed the flooded bank of the river Jargo. The army was well equipped, well equipped for tax operations, and, as is confirmed, its strength was eight thousand people.

Those close to this place called the military council for the best food so they could continue the hike. Porada is notable for two reasons. First of all, it is unsurprising that the French military leaders, for all the strength of their army, destroyed food for the start of the campaign, which began in earnest. This can only be explained by the surrender before the defeat of the English, which, of course, could not be overcome in one night or one obloga. The French military leaders, perhaps, looked left-handed with fear, alert for surprises from the side of the dirty Fastolfe. (There were a lot of rumors about his close friend.) In another way, for the sake of this particularity, for the sake of substitution among others, Zhanni was asked for it as a full participant. This became a promotional display of the prestige that the Virgin of Orleans had gained.

For this reason, Zhanna energetically agreed to continue the campaign, and her thought took the mountain above others. The army resumed its march, reaching the walls of Jargo, and after a short battle, in which the Virgin was fought, the English, who had formed a fort, were thrown back to the place. In the evening, Zhanna approached the walls of the fort and shouted an unforgettable cry to the inhabitants of the place: “Give place to Volodar of Heaven and King Charles, and you yourself go. Otherwise it will be bad for you. Suffolk showed no respect for the threatening tone of this chaklunka, but entered into negotiations with Dunois, which, prote, yielded nothing. Early in the morning, in the 12th week of the month, tax orders were installed in positions and bombardment began. With only three shots of a magnificent mortar under the name “goydalka”, one of the main fortifications was destroyed and great mischief was caused.

For many years, the bombing was called to the new military council, where they argued about those who would go on the offensive or watch for developments. Taking the mountain again, the uncompromising voice of Divi, who was responsible for the fierce assault, and again they listened to it. A tax ramp was placed up to the window walls, and Zhanna herself began to climb up the hill along one of the ramps. Those who, having fallen asleep, rushed into the place and occupied it, the roads to the English before the exit through the place were blocked. The Earl of Suffolk and his brother John gathered on the bridge. The Count tsked at the Frenchman, who is a complete thief, and a private person. The Frenchman realized that he was no longer an armored bearer, so Suffolk promoted him to his place in the city, satisfying his honor, and then surrendered to him.

The entire English garrison of the place, on the accusation of noble people who facilitated the exchange for the ransom, was vandalized, the church that the English had victorious was plundered.

It was impossible to take two places along the Loire, Maine and Beaugency, in order to secure Charles’s safe route, which abutted in Reims. How many times have French military leaders acted promptly, if not because Fastolfe was not on their way? Zhargo fell for a week (12 chernia) before the winter, which was judged to be memorable. On Monday the army turned to Orleans, and on Wednesday it continued along the narrow bank of the river to Mena et Beaugency. Before nightfall the French reached the Bela Mena bridge. The place was stolen by the English, who were arguing at the end of the rising section. These same nights are the place for classes. They deprived him of a small paddock, but there was no effort to take the place itself, fortified by a meadow near the bridge.

The army continued to march along the deserted bank of the river to Beaugency, and found that the English were settled on the bridge and in the castle, just as the French had done before. Not far from the bridge and the castle, they hit the tax artillery, as it became clear that Jargot's taxes were so effective. In order to bring the shelling closer to the target, a number of harmats were placed on barges, which drove them to the castle. But the harmonic cores could not penetrate the massive and gloomy head of the castle of the 12th century (which looks like this today, no one has ever been taken into custody). The bombardment lasted the entire day (Friday), and at night the Bojanci soldiers, with Matthew Gough and Richard Gethin, in the hopeless situation of losing hope for help, talked to Alençon about getting out of the place where they had been attacked. This is the baggage train.

Then, on the Saturday of Sunday, the English, as it was understood, left the place, not suspecting that the forces on the ground with Fastolf had stopped two miles ahead of them the previous day and were now preparing to come to their aid, having crossed to the flooded shore. To explain how this emergency situation arose, you need to go to the English camp.

The 5th army under the command of Ser John Fastolfe set out on a campaign to reinforce the garrison of Jargo, as well as other places that were threatened by the French. The number of the English army is expected to be five thousand, but it seems to be a round number. It’s impossible to praise her. Less than twelve months earlier, Bedford had recognized the great difficulties of recruiting two thousand men for Salisbury's army. Then the fierce Yom managed to recruit more than 1000 men for Fastolf's army, and for the next four months there were no further reinforcements from England. It is unlikely that a repeated attempt to scrape along the notches would give more results, at least. As in the first attack, under the Anglo-Burgundian ensigns, the militia, or pseudo-French, formed, who formed a significant part of the English army. However, it is important to recognize this outburst so that the total number of English forces reaches three thousand people. All the best and most active soldiers from the Normandy garrisons had already been recruited, and the strength of Fastolf's new army may have deprived them of the best. This situation did not fit into the sight of Ser John, and he explains a lot about the steps ahead.

Fastolf, for low reasons, collapsed to Etampou (25 miles from Paris), seeing part of the forces to protect the convoy. On the 13th of June they marched to Janville, where they learned that Jargot was surrounded by a strong French army. In a desperate and hopeless attempt to turn the place around, Fastolf concentrated his attention on the twin places – Mene and Bozhansi. On the 16th of June, Lord John Talbot arrived from a terrible encampment of 40 men and 200 archers, with a captivity of 300 individuals. Having arrived from Beaugency, his headquarters was located near the borders of Orleans, with the aim of overwhelming Fastolfe's army, having taken off the record about its proximity.

Talbot arrived uranium. Fastolf met his comrade-in-arms at his chambers for a sleepover. Behind the hedge, they discussed military plans, and it was never clear that the military leaders were looking at each other differently. Talbot, who had less than a military record, but was endowed with a military character, was bitterly blamed for the offensive attack, and the French clearly threatened the Loiret. Ale Fastolf is having a blast. We know better than Talbot about the penetration of ineptitude into the ranks of the English and about those that the loyalty and loyalty of the French formations are not infallible. In addition, knowing that Bedford was planning to send new reinforcements - perhaps most of them would be recruited in England. Ser John was too slow to advance and pursue defensive tactics until reinforcements arrived. Talbot sharply reacted to his opponent, declaring that in any emergency he intends to go to the rescue of Bozhansi (which he has lost so much!), saying that no one else will follow him. This defeated Fastolf, and it was time to launch a march on Beaugency with all available forces. It was early in the morning, on Saturday the 17th of June, when the French tax artillery was shelling the castle of Beaugency, the English army was collapsing on the march. Ale Fastolf again tried to save the one who had caused a catastrophe to the careless. Bula sklikana vejskova rada. While they were recovering, the army stood without ruin, perhaps due to suspicions about differences between the military leaders. If, it was decided, it was punished to continue chewing the roc, the army was already struck by an illness that developed as a result of these differences.

Prote march passing at a speedy pace. Persha zupinka small mіstse bіlya Mena. The entire army marched along the river bank, and the French still built a bridge across the river. Before reaching Beaugency about two miles, the road rises to a low, hump-like ridge, from which another hump-like ridge can be seen that crosses the road at a distance of 800 yards. On this other ridge, the French army was in battle order, apparently looming about the date of battle. Having noted this, Fastolf went to the primary tactics of the English: he punished the army to stand down and flared up the battle order. The archers set up their sharpened poles and began to stalk the approaching French. Alas, the French did not collapse from the place. It is necessary to prompt them to action. Fastolf sent the Gentz ​​to convey a proposal to the French, so that three men from each side would fight in battles one against the other in the open space between two armies. This is an option for an immediate call for a duel of military leaders against standing armies, as befitted Edward III. But now - as in all other situations - the French ignored the call and lost their positions. Fastolfe did not intend to attack first, but the French had to overcome his modest forces. Therefore, the English commander, apparently, guessed the tactics of the Earl of Salisbury in advance of the battle of Kravan and followed it. Then, having reached Mena, we may intend to cross the river there and go to Bozhansi from the Pivden bridge, which was controlled by the English. Apparently according to this plan, the English army turned in the evening to Maine and began to prepare for the sinking of the bridge. The British hung in their position and throughout the night shelled the defenders of the bridge, which was an early sign of the “night bombardment” of artillery.

At dawn on Saturday the 18th of August the place was still in the hands of the French. Around the 8th rank, the striking forces of the English prepared improvised shields from planks for the assault, when the leader arrived with an alarming message about those who were buried by the French and that the enemy was now collapsing in front of Men a. It was on the right. The small English army now found itself caught between two fires, evening and afternoon, across the river. As one possible decisions the entrance was completed, and the English, with solemn hearts, began the return march to Janville. It’s unlikely that they knew that this was the first crock back at the entrance, which had been thrashing 24 rocks intermittently.

Let's turn around to the French camp. On Friday, Alençon rejected the disagreeable and unacceptable news about the reinforcement of his troops. The constable of France, Arthur Richemont, was approaching his camp with a thousand-strong army of Bretons. During the remaining hours of fighting in Brittany, the constable was busy at the court of the Dauphine with a bitter struggle for control of La Tremoy. I'm sorry, having recognized the defeats and been driven out of the battle. Finally, Charles blocked Alençon and joined with Richemont. Why didn’t the zustrich keep both of them quiet? And Count Arthur looked no better at the encampment. He was distinguished by his awkward manners, his unpresentable appearance, his small stature, his dark complexion, and his thick lips. In a word, I fell for another prominent Breton - Bertrand Du Guesclin.

Just as Richemont had dismounted, Jeanne wrapped her arms around his knee and felt the constable’s words in a hoarse voice: “I don’t know whether you were sent by the Lord or not.” So, I am not afraid of you, for the Lord knows that my soul is pure. Since you were sent by the devil, I am even less afraid of you.” This absolutely reliable language gives information about the mixtures with which the French were placed before Divi at this stage of their career.

Jeanne acted as a peacemaker between the two warlords, and, perhaps, her fears eased and hastened the unexpected news about Fastolf's approach with a strong army. Insecurity turns terrible enemies on friends. This is what happened. When Alençon turned violent against the English, the constable and his contingent were sent to the French army. Its population after this fell to at least six thousand inhabitants.


Jeanne began her campaign with a campaign against Jargo for a week. Already Saturday has arrived, the last day of the everlasting day. The British launched an attack on Mayday on the site of Mena and advanced to the village of Pate, located 18 miles away. Having learned about this, the French military leaders, as before, began to leave. “You have spurs,” Zhanna said, her eyes flashing, “spur your horses!” That's how they did it. Having recruited the highest leaders to the avant-garde group, Alençon ordered them to energetically re-examine the English. The vanguard had quickly caught up with the enemy, and the speed of the collapse was quickly followed by the convoy. In this manner, when the English reached the outskirts of Pathé, the French were already in Saint-Sigismund, several miles away as of today. Here the French stopped for lunch and resumed their march for two years. There was no conflict with the English. Patrols were sent from all directions. It was announced that, after the situation had gone away in the distance for the French, the English were heading out to Patya for the day. But it was all wrong. Prowling along the road to Pati, the horse patrols attacked the track of a deer on the street near Saint-Feravi (div. map 9). The deer ran right-handed, and the excited cries that were then heard were “Atu!” informed the French about the presence of the enemy nearby.

The road to Janville extends from the road to Pati of this village for two miles today. Having reached the indicated place, Fastolfe recognized from the patrols that the French avant-garde was following on his heels. Terminovo held a military council, revealing a difference in thoughts. As a result, Fastolf was in danger of losing his position, having flared up his forces in battle order on the humpbacked ridge. The infection passes along the line of the throat zaliznytsia two miles away at the exit from the village. At this hour, Talbot has corralled 300 warriors, we will reinforce 200 “elite archers” from Fastolf’s army, in order to secure the border line for the day before Patya.

The same angry deer rushed across the line of Talbot's archers. Not suspecting anything, they continued to gain control of their position, placing sharpened poles in front of them and driving them into the ground with instructions. With Talbot there were a good part of the army and its best military leaders - Scales, Rempston and Sir Walter Hungerford, and on the humpback ridge the battle order of the English forces, like the ill-fated soldiers and mismatched commanders. At Fastolf, those who were waiting did not cry out to us. His army represented the single support of the English in France, and the military (like Admiral Jellicot before the Jutland naval battle), which could lose the battle before noon.

The fighting position was secured by Talbot along the road that stretches from Lignaroy to Quance in the city, where it crosses the old Roman road from Saint-Sigismund to Janville. This place was located at the bottom of a shallow depression, which, however, was recognized by a prominent line several hundred yards in front of the ridge, which was engaged in Fastolfa's army. The place was filled with small villages and parks, along the roads, and perhaps there was a fence behind which archers were hovering.

The French were falling apart in order. The vanguard was formed by strong forces of cavalry under the command of La Ira and Poton de Xentrail, comrades in many battles. The main forces were led by Alençon and Dunois, and the rear guard by Constable de Richemont and Joan of Arc, as the battle in the rear guard was running out.

The French clashed with the rearguard of the English on another day. The share of the battle was considered strictly and could be expressed in several propositions. The French vanguard, rising to a small height, stretched from Saint-Feravi to Lignaroy, defeating the English, who were hovering in the recess in front of them. The rich and brave cavalry commanders of the French army, the leaders of the vanguard rushed down the slope with a wide and fierce lava at 400 English archers, who were not ready to defeat the attack and the ruins Znenatska. Moreover, the French cavalry bypassed the line of archers from both flanks, and they stumbled at a very early date, as they might have known. The stinks were lost in the dead, many people perished. It was not long before the main forces could reach the main forces, but the flow through the humpbacked ridge added to the chaos that surrounded Fastolf's diverse army. The remnants of the French vanguard that attacked were outnumbered, and immediately followed by the main forces, the army of Fastolf himself appeared in the winter, the first English commander was able to make effective approaches for recovery rapt attack. There was more strength than any Englishman who was on the battlefield. In front of us, the enemy attacked the English with caution and fear. This attack was carried out in a decisive manner by Thomas Daguert, Robert Knowles and John Talbot. The sourdough of Jeannie d'Arc was brewing. The bread was baked well. The Maid of Orleans, who was in the rearguard and did not carry out attacking actions, rather than using violence against the troops, won the battle of Patya.

Lord Talbot was buried near a tea tree that grew in front of the front line of the English. The commander was sitting astride his horse, but without spurs: obviously, the horse had been carefully brought down and was about to leave the battlefield. This Englishman was well known among the French army, and his burial in full raised the fighting spirit of their lava. Those nights were spent in one hut in the village of Pate, built along the road that has been preserved until now and is called Talbot Street. The Duke of Alençon, who had himself been captured at the Battle of Verneuil (and recently released), could not help but give up the calm of standing in front of the battle in a triumphant manner. I sensed a confirmation. Talbot said that everything is connected with the “uninterrupted war.” The behavior of the Englishman was so intense that his words were constantly quoted in French chronicles.

The French were also killed by Lord Scales and other English military leaders, but Fastolf was able to sing and save part of the army, although the convoy was lost. Vin went 18 miles to Janville. Having reached the place, Fastolf found the gates of the fortification wall closed. Nothing was lost except to continue the long march to Etampou, a distance of 24 miles. Less than 60 miles were covered for the day. The only sigh for the old warrior, who had completed a most important campaign, was those who had suffered defeat. Ale Fastolf saved a large part of the archers. They staunchly repelled the skin attack of the pursuers and, when they had exhausted their supply of arrows, they fought with the enemy, drawing their swords.

* * *

When news of the disaster reached the English and French capitals, there was a stormy reaction. A fund of funds was secretly taken from London to ransom Lord Talbot. In Paris, as confirmed, the Order of the Union of the ill-fated Ser John Fastolf was relieved. It turned out that he had “lost the war after noon.”

For Zhanni, the blissful summer campaign ended in triumph. General Lemoine, meaning that there was a single campaign, which included Jeanne, added: “She knew one thing - strength and one argument - battle... Why is the modest Maiden of Domremi taking her place among the great honors of the military leader ів".

We can assume that an inner voice is now telling Zhanna the need for an aggressive attack on Paris, following the well-known principle: “cut it while it’s hot.” The prospects for such an attack looked bright. Ale Jeanne turned her gaze towards Reims, declaring the sacred anointed Charles as the rightful king of France. The defeat under Pati irrevocably called for reconciliation between the Burgundians and the English. The Duke of Burgundy himself, having visited Paris, began to enter with the method of strengthening the defense of the place. The Duke of Zobov vowed to collect more troops.

Tim an hour later, Karl turned off and went to Reims. Trying to instill humor and serenity in her sovereign, Jeanne sang that the march to Reims would be swift and carefree. On the 16th of July 1429, Charles of Valois arrived at the city. The next day, the anointed coronation took place, after which the Dauphin Charles could be named Charles VII. Joan of Arc's mission is over. France and England would only have won if they had planned to perish in the next battle. Alec died.

* * *

Then there was a bloody, reckless military campaign (as it can be called a campaign). Jeanne, inspired by the idea of ​​​​an attack on Paris, tried to get the monarch to follow up, which she resisted. However, having attacked the route that followed the direct route to the Doti, the docks of the 5th Serpny Army did not reach Bre, possibly intending to move to the deserted bank of the Senya and turn back to the Bourgeoisie. However, the Duke of Bedford, who not only withdrew support, but also demanded the unprepared Duke of Burgundy, launched active military actions in support of his English ally, wanting to cross swords with the recently crowned new king of France. As the first king, he deprived Bre of a strong contingent of troops in order to meet Charles at the crossing, and he himself destroyed his army to Montero, which was 25 miles away. Karl, having realized that his hope would not come true, turned back and went to the village near Kripa, traveling 40 miles for the day's descent to Paris. Bedford, having sent a messenger to the imaginative place, was excited to bring the phlegmatic boy into the aggressive camp. It seemed that Bedford's cry had successfully dealt with the enemy, so that Charles had made a 12-mile march to Dammar-Ten (20 miles from Paris) and there, having discovered the English army, was put into battle order. After a whole day of troubles, the French entered again. Then Bedford reached Sanlsu (12 miles last night), and the 16th sickle of the offending army again clashed last night. Bedford extended his military formations with the aim of blocking the road to Paris, and the French again decided to attack and marched with their king at Creepy.

Realizing that the French did not want to retreat, Bedford led his army to Paris, alarmed by news from Normandy. Constable de Richemont departed from the province of Mayenne and now threatened the place of Evreux, located 25 miles from Rouen. In connection with this, Bedford destroyed the main forces of his army before Normandy, depriving the Burgundians and several other English troops from seizing the capital. She believed a threat that resembled the French king.

At this time, King Charles found himself more satisfied and benefited from accepting Burgundian places, such as Compiegne, without any pressure to capitulate, and risked war against the English. This tactic was clearly recommended to you by the evil genius of La Tremuaya. Usi the rest of the time during negotiations with Duke Pylyp, who, however, appeared to be a rightful companion for him. Leave this cold-blooded and respectable sovereign, having tied his share with the English.

Of course, the move did not make Jeanne happy, but she did not lose hope. She decided to persuade the king to leave Comp'igne and go to Saint-Denis (just a few miles from Paris), where the Burgundians came from. Having arrived at the place on the 7th spring, Zhanna from the advanced corral arrived there a few days earlier. The attack on the capital was planned for the next day. While Alençon stood guard in the distance outside the gates of Saint-Denis, Jeanne stormed the gates of Saint-Honoré from the corral. The maiden revealed her power in battle, and the outer river was successfully conquered. It was too late. Recently the defense was strengthened and the attack on the inner river stalled. Zhanna was wounded in the leg by an arrow from a crossbow; until the end of the dark, she lay in the sky. Alençon stayed all day, but the king did not deprive Saint-Denis. The Maid of Orleans was taken from the Bida in vain. The evidence is obvious, although the stench may be even more intense. La Tremoy bouv, obviously, will be baked with a bastard.

Now King Charles has demonstrated his will. He ordered the army to go out for the day, and Zhanni to follow him. Having crossed the Seine to Bray, now free from the enemy, the king was safely captured on the 21st of the 21st spring at Zhenya, the place of his departure to Reims.

The virgin knew of bad luck. I'm sorry for my bad luck. Ale її prestige has been stolen. Naygirsha appeared in front. She spent almost two months at court in inactivity, and when it was decided, she was allowed to fight after the previous siege of Saint-Pierre on the upper Loire, and there was another failure at the Battle of La Charité. Having spent months in cold weather in this place (also located on the upper Loire River), without denying supplies of food and ammunition to the royal court, Jeanne was afraid to withdraw her taxes. Then in the winter the military affairs slowed down.

* * *

Instruction 1430 r. The battlefields have come to an end with the spring. Burgundy went to the private pleasure with Charles. But now the Duke has taken up the battle again, perhaps in response to enemy reports that a new English army under the command of Cardinal Beaufort, including the child King Henry VI, is about to land at Calais. Duke Philip once again gathered his forces in Mondidié (30 miles on the day's departure from Comp'igne) and reached further to take Comp'en'. Having learned about this, Jeanne immediately left the royal court. With a group of henchmen, she passed in stages from Sully to Compiegne, arriving on the 13th of May, three years after Henry VI landed at Calais.

Formally, the Duke of Burgundy installed the canopy of the place, but it was on a ground floor, like the canopy of Orleans. The computer is turned on fresh birch Uazi, this obloga was carried out almost from the snowy bank of the river. At the warehouse of Duke Philip's army, the English were rounded up under the command of Ser John Montgomery. Over the past 10 days, the Virgin took part in a number of frivolous and barren things on the flooded birch, and on the 24th of the year, the grass created an unsettled fork in a corral of 500 people per day outside the place. Having crossed the long dam, the participants of the foray attacked the closest position of the Burgundians and dispersed them. It so happened that at this hour, behind the position, Jean of Luxembourg, looking over the hill, looked at the territory. He noted the attack and sent reinforcements to the Burgundians. When it came, the fumes were already boiling, with whom the Virgin was especially worried. During the hour of battle, Montgomery attacked the French from home. Most of them fled to the place, while Jeanne herself and a small group of warriors were thrown out of the row, and the route to the entrance through the place was cut. In fact, the English drove her into the disarray of the Burgundians, who buried the Virgin completely.

Assessing the episode cold-bloodedly, in a military way, it is clear that he demonstrates a rare outburst in the mutual relations between the two allies, one suspects that there is a fire on the side of the French garrison and that Jeannie is not required. Such was the end of the brilliant and unique military career, and it is impossible not to scold those who were not spared by the Virgin (for whom she prayed) to die in battle. And for France, and for England, this was the worst result, so that neither the English, nor the Burgundians, nor the French came out of the tragic inheritance full of Jeannie with honor - for the blame of the English soldier, who threw himself into the riches, as they spat the Virgin to convey It has a roughly shaken wooden cross.

From now on, we are depriving the glorified Virgin, since there is no need to recount the story more widely known, let alone the other middle-aged story about how the Burgundians sold the Virgin to England the people who were condemned by the French church and slaughtered by the English army. One can clearly see why the English government did little to improve the life of the Polonyanka, since it did not at all bear any responsibility for the unpleasant turn in the English campaign. In reality, it did not show such obsession. Where will there be a testimony about those that the Earl of Warwick, having promised Jeanne's freedom, for the duty of not taking the spoils to hand again.

* * *

As if it weren’t there, we have to turn to two meals that we were given just before Divi appeared on the political arena. What kind of influx did Jeannie’s inner voice bring into the war’s career and what kind of infusion did she herself contribute to the course of the war?

The evidence for the first supply is probably given by an indirect path in the anterior sections. Nobody cares that St. Margarita chi St. Katerina was well aware of the military strategy and that the stench was telling Jeanne to do everything, for example, she called on her to go to Paris or take the cover of the Company. Jeanne herself did not at all insist on this, as she was the king of the anointings. But those whose inner voice is true, thus empowering them with the burning fears of betraying France from foreigners and with a firm belief in those who can save their lives through violence through the sword. Further, I believe that in order to harden and sharpen a sword, it is necessary to raise the morale of the army through instilling in them the same kind of fun in the battle as they inhaled. After this had been achieved, the government followed the well-known principles of the offensive war - regardless of all the failures and disappointments - which lay in the true risk, the speed of action and the rapture. These simple, but even more important for the war, were deprived of the French for a long time in Tuna, the Virgin herself, and only the Virgin muddied their activities.

This indicates the interconnection of the first nourishment with the other: what kind of infusion did the Virgo make to overcome the war? - And gives evidence of the new one. It would have been possible to report with greater force if the war had ended with the death of Jeannie. It has been a long process of life for the next generation, and the initiative for military operations has now passed, as we are soon to do, to the last side. Another problem lies in the fact that we can’t help but feel Jeannie’s infusion of the fighting spirit of the French and the English. Too bad there are too few data. This topic may not be present in the chronicles of the English companions of Divi, and if all the evidence comes from the side of the enemy, the trace is placed on them very carefully. In fact, there is a single English document that supplies food to tell us. This is a very important document, which should be looked at with great respect. I respect the famous sheet of the Duke of Bedford dated 1433 in the English Parliament.

“At this hour (the hour of the taxes of Orleans) on our people, who have gathered in impersonality, perhaps the hand of the Lord has fallen upon great misfortune, we are crying out for the greater, I respect, unbelievers and doubts that the enemies are fighting discipline and misery, what is called Virgo , as a vikorist evil spell and chaklunstvo. This misfortune has not only led to the death of a significant part of our people, but in the same magical way it has reduced the courage of others and inspired enemies to gather for further struggle.”

The replacement of the sheet is entirely reasonable, I want to keep track of the two speeches. First of all, this sheet, although written three days after Divy’s burial, is full of respect for the contribution she gave to the English soldiers during her campaign, and certainly not at the present hour. In another way, Bedford, naturally, joked as a dude, attributing the blame for all the troubles of that period to the Virgin, rather than himself or the English military leaders. However, the shortest evidence, on the whole, is impossible to describe, since we have confirmed that “a cloud of misfortune began” with Diva and that she changed the course of the military campaign. And it is not at all reasonable to appreciate that she appeared when things turned out favorably for the French, when the Burgundians were tired of the fight and when the pendulum of fortune arrived at the turning point, only to then retreat back when Bedford and the alliance with Burgundy died It may end soon. All this, of course, played a role and, in fact, for 23 years after the burial in full of Jeannie, there were (as I already said) the swing of the pendulum on the crust of the English, before the stench was still expelled from France. All the credit goes to the fact that the pendulum began to collapse at the gate straight ahead, and to the fact that this swing of the inevitable course belongs to the miraculous creation, the pure and immaculate Virgin of Orleans.



It was especially important to recreate the picture of the entire battle with some level of reliability, since they wanted to guess about it incongruously and name different places of the battles. This is why the method of inevitable military versions had a significant impact. Tim is not less aware of two accounts of the battle that were written about it over the years: on the side of the English there was the ubiquitous Burgundian Jean Warren, on the French side - Guillaume Gruel, a Breton who fought under the ensigns of Constable de Richemont and who wrote his own chronicle. However, Warren's chronicle is so chaotic that one can blame the confusion of the author's own understanding of what actually happened. At the very least, in one fragment of the book, you said “avant-garde”, if the next word was “ar'ergard”. Well, this description does not deserve the great trust that I hope, although most authors, it seems, will take my statement on faith. Having taken part in the march of the main forces under the command of Fastolf and, obviously, there is more pressure on him to ensure that the power flows and flows of his “captain”, but to convey the sequence of events.

* * *

First of all, find the place of the battle. Dzherela today at whose place was: a) near Pate; b) on the day before the village.

Other villages, connected with them: Saint-Sigismund, Saint-Féravy, Linyaroy and Quans. Coming from all these valleys, the battle site is located close to Linyaroy.

The English marched from Mena to Janville. Which way did the stinks go? Here knowledge of locality helps. There is no doubt that they went along the old Roman road, which gravitates between Saint-Sigismund and Saint-Féravy, which is 1000 yards away from Lignara. The Linyaroi - Kuans road also takes the old road. Then, it can be assumed that Talbot's position was on the side of the road that the army was following, the Roman road. This assumption sounds like a search for his position.

If you have to choose a position in a hurry, such as choosing at the hour of direct rear guard, it is simplest and easiest to wander along the narrow roads. In this manner, Talbot, perhaps, having chosen a position on the Uzbek road Linyaroy - Kuans at the place, it crosses the Roman road. How does this position reflect the situation? Vaughn is removed from the distance, the prote is not perfect, the fragments are walking along the depression. The humpback ridge from Linyaroy to Saint-Féravy would be beautiful, but it is not so easy to occupy in a hurry. Moreover, the early Frenchman appreciates that the position was not far off. It is likely that in the area of ​​the fence there are a lot of roads that have been rebuilt and rebuilt, and one of the chronicles indicates that the fences have been rebuilt in a fighting manner. I respect that this position and having captured Talbot's corral. It is confirmed that the count was taken captive from the chagarnik. His command post, of course, was at the center of the battle line, and that’s where the roads are. It turns out that there is a single bush here, and I can clearly see how Talbot on horseback can be taken from the full bush. You can go ahead and call him “Talbot’s Tabernacle.” There are no ordinary monuments or memorials on the battlefield. This would be the perfect place to erect such a memorial.


“Obviously, the French were afraid of the Prince of Wales, despite the fact that they carried him on burdens.” Denifle X. Desolation of the Church... in the hour of the Centenary War

Old residence Bayol. Until now, the surplus of the motto and the castle yard has been saved.

In these positions in 1918, fate was driven by the German offensive of the 5th English Army.

There are no traces of her left.

At whose juncture I take advantage of Warren's testimony. Gruel signifies the hour of Bozhan's capitulation as the night of Thursday, which is impossible, because Fastolf would have already recognized this in Mena. Above those, Count Charles of Clermont supports the date named by Warren.

The presence of these “pseudo-French” formations is evidenced by two French dzherel.

In the past, the French would have to point out the number 3500.

The most recent of Joan of Arc's lives, Lucien Fabre's Joan of Arc, states that the English attacked the place by burying the place. Here everything is turned upside down. It turns out that the place could not be attacked without taking the place. Since the English were afraid to attack the place, it seems that they must move to the other bank of the river. In wars, the simplest argument is the most correct.

Patya Church has a stained glass window that depicts this incident.

Later, Fastolf was given his order back, and again commanded the troops in the province of Mayenne.

Joan of Arc, military leader. P. 53.

Majority historical research I categorically affirm that Jeanne was buried by the Burgundians. Having shown the guidance in the description of the battle, these affirmations have created the truth. Full of Jeannie was the result of mutual allies.

Rümer. T. IV.

Now that there is no place for battle, it is important for you to get all the information from the place. In his miraculous book “The Land of St. Jeanne” Owen Rutter writes: “It seems that no one remembers the place of the battle. We didn’t find anyone who could take us to the next place, so we turned back to Orleans.”

Possibly, Talbot has completely deprived the ridge for Fastolf’s army.

A simple village woman, born under the name of the Maid of Orleans, who liberated France from the age-old English yoke, was cruelly ridiculed by Voltaire, poetized by Schiller and, allegedly, recently canonized by Pope Pius X, lies one of the most important artifacts of the Middle Ages, rich in all sorts of couriers.

Who, for example, can expect - and it’s still at that hour, if the women were trying to belittled - that the 17th century of the maidenhood would fall to the share of raising Fatherlandism in the face of the influx of foreigners and the closing child on the French throne of a legitimate king, who is unlikely to having taken the insurance at the price? Isn’t it curious that the court and the leadership, which were weary of dissolution, only, with the emergence of unoccupied conditions, found enough strength to overcome the external and internal enemies of the world?

The history of the Maiden of Orleans is the final episode of the Hundreds of Wars between England and France, which resulted from the French succession to the throne, which became controversial in 1328, after the death of the remaining Capetian y - Charles IV the Handsome. The English Plantagenets, who were interested in disputes with the late king's neighbors, the lower Valois, who had established themselves on the French throne, decided to seek legal rights. At the beginning of the 15th century, the war emerged with particular intensity, due to the stubbornness of the English king Henry V of Lancaster, on the one hand, and the bewilderment of the French monarch Charles VI of God, on the other. The turmoil was caused by the discord of the representatives of the noble Budyns closest to the throne: the king’s brother, Duke Louis of Orleans, and his uncle, Duke Philip of Burgundy, through the government, divided all of France into two parties. The squad of Charles VI, Isabella of Bavaria, quickly became famous for the dissolute lives, as she hastened to marry her young daughter, beautiful Catherine, to Henry V, having handed over the French throne to her for the wicked pleasure of Troyes on May 20, 1420. Ika and regent of life. In this manner, this greedy mother greeted her son, the honor of King Charles VII of Peremozhets, who voted for his absolution to the throne, for which she took away the signature of her half-witted man. The burial of the unfortunate Charles VI in Saint-Denis on June 21, 1422 resembled the burial of a witch. Henry V actually became the freeman of France, but died of the same fate, consecrating the French throne to his 9-month-old son, Henry VI, who was transported to Paris. Even more insignificant than my friend Budinka, Valois recognized the Dauphin as king. What if a few dozen good Frenchmen could have been killed against the English hordes, which was reminiscent of their Fatherlandism, in addition to their mutual wars? For seven years, the English were in complete control of France. Charles VII, having lost all his lands in the night before the Loire, and in 1429 the city of Orleans, the key to the lost part of the state, was ready to fall before the Anglo-Burgundian force, when a miracle arose that would change, perhaps, the inevitable fatal Finally, it’s time to move again Vorogiv. The peasant girl awakened the national sensibilities of the French and inhaled their table tops so that they could give the enemy a birthday, having thrown up his later years between Fatherland. This heroine, a warrior of France, was called Jeanne Darc.

Vaughn was born on the Khreshchensk night of 1412 in the village of Domremi, located on the border of Champagne and Lorraine. Fathers Jeannie, Jacques and Isabella Dark, possible villagers, besides her, a few more brothers, Jean and Piera, and two daughters, Maria and Katerina. The youth of this girl, who tended her father’s flocks, does not represent anything miraculous. As a faithful daughter of the Catholic Church, she was caring, sensitive to mysticism, pious and even pious, often enduring excessive amounts of mockery for her extreme religion, which sometimes reached the point of exaltation.

The political beasts that penetrated into the towns of Lorraine settled the towns between the villages. Domremi stood for the Orléanists, who supported Charles VII, and often sided with the Susids, supporters of the Burgundians. The villagers, of course, did not understand the sense of the struggle between two powerful parties, but were clearly aware of all the evils of the civil strife. Parts of the invasion of the Anglo-Burgundian gangs in Champagne and Lorraine, which devastated fields, led to thinness, burned and plundered villages, and massacred villagers. The Dark family had to fight many times due to their violence, which, of course, changed the goodwill of their honest workers.

Under the influx of difficult circumstances for France, Jeanne, who suffered for Fatherlandism, took over the sanctity of the natural royal power and hated strangers, and blessed God with a stick about the order of the king’s witchcraft. In truth, only a miracle could put an end to all these fears. Alas, the Lord has already left France. Invisibly, at first it was timidly, and then the senses began to widen more and more, as they gradually became convinced that France could only be stolen, the fragments of the dissolute nobles, obviously, would be unreleased and so on. In this kind of transfer, the Orléans believed more than others, who well seized, under the command of Count Dunois, son of Louis of Orléans, their place, surrounded by the Anglo-Burgundians, who had deceived the Count of Salisbury.

They reached Domremi just a little while ago. From this hour the Ivanovs begin to re-examine the vision. If you pray at the church, Archangel Michael and St. Margarita and Katerina, the voices of which she senses, are deafening, that the Lord God herself is calling her to an important feat. Please don’t leave your home and your family and go to where the Ancient One is called. On the platform of everything important and visible in its information, the goal and feat were clearly indicated: to liberate Orleans and crown the Dauphine in Reims. Vaughn tells her father and brothers about her marriage, but is left with total distrust to the point of hallucination. No one is a prophet in his own country! Every day Zhanna becomes more and more obsessed with the idea of ​​inciting Fatherlandism. They don’t stop, they are getting really drunk, and when the girl, who had reached the point of ecstasy, appeared Our Lady, who longed for the same thing as the saints, Jeanne no longer doubted her high recognized

Ridiculed by her father and brothers, she told about everything that had happened to her, her uncle, to Durand Lassois, asking for help to get to the Dauphin. Having believed my uncle until recently, having believed in a miracle, he called his niece to Robert Baudricourt, commandant of the castle of Vaucouleurs, to whom Jeanne intimately told about the mission placed on her by divine Providence. Bodricourt knows better than to come into contact with such a godly village woman, and then show her to the yard, but still obligated to tell the Dauphin about the girl who is lying France.

The Dauphin, who is already friends with Marie of Anjou, and indulges himself in the number of his countless courtiers of watchful inactivity, not worrying about anything for the liberation of the country, having set himself to remain skeptical until a little about the unborrowed girl, as though To crown him with the royal crown. Few people think about something. Ale Aghaesa Sorel, as they unfairly call the filthy attack on the Dauphin, was put before the authorities differently. Having taken the place of the favorite La Tremouille, who had spent her time growing up, the 19th-Rich beauty realized that the necessary and insignificant mail for our people and, like one trampling for a straw, flocked for a wondrous maiden, perhaps in the soul and not I vehemently call upon the divine. Due to the zeal of Charles VII, who was not afraid to tell anything about an unborrowed girl, Agaesa began to ask to go to England, motivating her complaint to the advice of some astrologer, so that “there will be a long time of panovatime over the heart of the great king.”

“This king,” added the favorite, “is impeccably Henry VI...

The cunning was completely gone. The Dauphin, crazy about Agnes, could not allow even the thought of separation from her. If you will be a great king, you will not be him and will punish the discovery of Joan of Arc. For Agnes's sake, he is ready to do anything.

On February 23, 1429, a peasant girl from Domremi appeared in Chinon. The whole courtyard and clergy gathered to look at the heavenly messenger. The Dauphin stood with a crowd of courtiers, feeling no worse for them. Jeanne, who never bothered Charles VII, immediately became furious. The axis that sprang up:

Once, - all this with a soulless prayer,

Having forgotten about sleep, I sat under a tree.

The Most Holy One became men... dressed

She was like a shepherdess and said:

- Get to know me, get up, go out with the herd,

The Lord calls to you until then...

Take my holy ensign, sword

You'll survive...

And bring the anointed one to Reims,

And crown him as your heir.

Ale I said: Hey me, humble maiden,

Dare to undertake such a great feat?

“Go ahead,” she told me, “pure virgin.”

All the great things of the earth are accessible,

If the earthly bastard doesn’t know...

Take up your cross, submit to the heavens;

The suffering earth is cleansed;

The humble one is here - there will be gifts there!

And in a word, Vaughn’s clothes for himself

She threw off the shepherdesses and into a wonderful bliss

She appeared to me as the queen of heaven,

And she marveled at me with a sigh,

And not at all light glooms

Flew to the abode of bliss...

Jeannie’s simple confession manages her deep hostility to those present, most of whom quickly realize that this unimportant girl was sent by heaven to bring justice to justice, and it is good for the Dauphin to trust her. Prote indifferent Charles VII still has doubts, fearing the consequences that could be ruined and the country’s life would become more difficult. I wonder why the people's voice points to the permission of France? A committee of theologians was immediately formed to test Jeanne’s religion. The other husbands attested that the girl was a good Catholic and entirely generous, and the women’s committee under the leadership of the Dauphin’s mother-in-law, Jolande of Arragon, attested to their unoccupied purity. If you have any doubts, come to light. Having seen many miracles from Jeannie, that banner, but she modestly confirmed that she was destined for more serious feats.

The Dauphine handed over his ensign to the images of two angels, who tremble lilies, the coat of arms of the French queens, and gave a small suppression to the army, which had famous figures: La Gure, Baron Gilles de Rais, nicknamed Bluebeard, Yogo comrades Beaumanoir and Ambroise de Lot others, as well as the unoccupied brothers, Jean and Pierre. The 29th KVITEN POLONA RECOUNTING OF THE ORLEAN OF ORLEAN, Yakiyuyudyly, Hanging up, the seizures of the imminent Count Dunua, deliver to the MISTA їSTASHI I PIDKRIPLIPLIZNA Garnizona, Yaki with the ethnophynnyam mesh on Diva.

“I bring it to you,” Jeanne said to the Orleanians, “I will find the help of the King of heaven, created by the prayers of Saint Louis and Charlemagne and looking over your place...

The success of the expedition left the French completely convinced that Jeanne d'Arc had been sent to the fire, like an angel of God, calling for the order of the vengeance. Count Arthur III of Richemont, constable of France, brother of the Duke of Brittany, secretly passed over to the Dauphine, whose butt was inherited by others and great power was gathered under the ensign of the unoccupied. Having learned about the arrival of an unexpected woman in Orleans, the English, both soldiers and generals, however, lost their courage, having realized one of the prophecies of the astrologer Merlin, who were constantly concluding that “the maiden is more visible than the English From France and everywhere, if only the stinks didn’t get along with the Frenchman The troops who are deprived of it, those who remain will be deprived of troubles." Encased in the smell, the stench reverenced Jeanne like a demon and a chaklunka.

The first time the military affairs were published, Jeanne's daughter sent messages from the sheets to the English camp, urging them to take the tax without bloodshed. But the English tried to understand the messages but did not confirm anything. Vona dared to try again. “English,” wrote Zhanna, “who do not have any right to the French crown, the King of Heaven through me orders you to lift the taxes and turn to Fatherlandism, otherwise I will have to ruin the war, as you always remember. I am writing on the third day. є i will rise; You no longer reject less-than-desirable messages.” Signed: Jesus, Mary, John the Virgin. Having attached the sheet to the arrow, they were sent to the guard's camp. The English, having rejected the message, began to shout: “The Maid of Orleans will threaten us again!” Zhanna, like a chula tse, cried bitterly and, bachachi, so that words cannot reach her, she voiced.

The fortifications built around Orleans fell one by one under the onslaught of the French, who were covered with the miracle maiden. Already on the 8th of May the English had the opportunity to capture the canopy of Orleans, and then deprive most of the forts built on the birch of the Loire. On the 18th of the 18th century, the Maid of Orleans, as they now began to call Jeanne, defeated a strong persecution of the English, such as Lord Tagliot. The enemies fled in panic, and the entire middle course of the Loire was cleared of the hated British. At the shining face of the possessors, on a black horse, with an ensign in her hands, high, stringed Jeanne d'Arc, "noble Lorraine, a fair-faced warrior with lush hair," celebrated the attack, which had not risen to such kind of sights, stronger than the enemy. When the corrals rolled in and threatened the entrance, she bravely rushed into the middle of the dump with a booming cry: “Volodarka is with us, they don’t have to sing now!” and began to cry among her soldiers. Zhanna realized, completely unaware of the military mysticism, all the benefits of partial, repeated attacks, so as not to allow the critical hour to wake up and get ready, and gradually succumbed to such an approach. It is clear whose main role was played by its power, the insane faith that I can overcome, the faith that crumbles mountains, how to talk about the Gospel. Zhanna saved her wife's softness in the heat of battle: she fought off blows, but never lost herself; One of her "zbraya, which roils the enemies, - the ensign, who is a major there, where a number of French are beginning to attack; it gives them courage and will ensure victory. Unrespectful at all, the Maid of Orleans loses modesty, depriving herself of respect in the name of the Lord. The night after the battle. Please pray with tears for all those killed and wounded.

“No,” she confessed naively, “I couldn’t live like a Frenchman without dying.”

Having invigorated the army, it extracted all the blameless moral purity as a single guarantee of success, and on the basis of which it scrupulously investigated the worthless wives who were infiltrating the army. Being an angel of God, severing the enemies of Fatherlandism, in the presence of the slaughtered onslaught, Jeanne seemed to be an unprecedented beauty, but her comrades insisted that the presence of the Maid of Orleans did not bring up thoughts about the sun; she was truly beautiful, but only the greatest, spiritual beauty.

The furnishings, which had been successfully formed for Charles VII, were gradually settled in the new city itself, so that the maiden instilled in him with infallibility the sincerity of the prophecy of the Lord to go to Reims and be crowned with the crown of France. However, the closest followers of the Dauphin called his worship “positively to God’s wills,” and few people understood that this popular crusade, all the strength of which is in the enthusiasm that has buried Fatherlandism, and that it is necessary to bite while it’s hot, so that you don’t repent later, having spent friendly moment. The Dauphin listened to the minority and did not show mercy. All the related forts gave way to the battle, and to Troyes, evidence of the wicked treaty carried out by the dissolute mother of Charles VII, who, having surrendered after the first attack, recognized the Dauphin as his rightful king.

16 years ago, five months after Jeannie Darc appeared in Chinon, Charles VII of the city, with the triumphant people of that army, entered Reims. At the hour of the coronation, the Maid of Orleans, with her ensign, stood next to the king. The viconal was placed on her by the divine Providence of the Messiah and after this rite of anointing with light, buried in an unprecedented ecstasy, she rushed to the feet of Charles VII.

“Oh, noble king,” she chirped, “now the will of the Almighty has manifested itself, commanding me to bring you to your place of Reims and receive holy chrismation, so that everyone will recognize the rightful ruler of France!”

Vaughn doesn’t particularly value her wealth, she’s happy because she earned money for the good of her father’s land, and only asked to release Domremi, who had been ruined by a fortune-teller, in view of all the taxes that, of course, were settled. Moral success, having surpassed all advancements, having reached great dimensions. The rebellious places, one by one, went over to the side of the rightful king; oppresses that, having squeezed the nation and reducing its strength, it has died; France began to die freely. And all this was done by a simple village girl, a daughter of the people, inspired by a single thought to destroy Fatherlandism. The unenlightened shepherdess, listening to the voice of a strong heart, drew in a new inspiration for a feat that has no place in this story. Since the king and the nobility were willing to look upon Jeanne Darc as a messenger of heaven, the only thing that she could serve their purposes was the people, who were more sensitive to the act, who believed in her high cry, giving the maiden all their strength for a miracle. The ancient legends accompanied the young heroine everywhere, encouraging her faith. They sang that a group of warrior archangels would leave the battles and lead them straight to the pure virgin sword; that swarms of white snowstorms follow their banners, sometimes attracting Jeanne in the sight of the enemies; They told how once she brought the villagers, who were surrounded by swords, to the village center, where all the crosses were transformed at the intersection of the sword, and they talked about a lot more wonderful things about the Maid of Orleans in that age of slaughtering and slaughtering.

After the coronation of Charles VII, Jeanne, respecting her completed mission, asked to be allowed home.

“Let men fight, and God willing, I will overcome them!” she said.

For other information, she herself voted to end the liberation of France. However, this is hardly incredible: enthusiasm is never trivial. At the same time, Joanna could not help but notice the weakening of religious and political spirituality, which had fallen after achieving visible successes. Between the king’s proximity the fortune-teller began to deafen; everyone wanted to attribute to themselves more victories, the merits of others and the memory of the Maid of Orleans. From that hour the troubles began. Together with the king, Joan of Arc set out to conquer Paris. The company and Beauvais surrendered without support, but in the wake of the battles of the capital of France, the heroine recognized defeats, due to the late arrival of reinforcements, and was also injured. This has immediately missed its meaning. In order to appease the Maid of Orleans, Charles VII called her from all over the nobility, which from now on began to be called d'Arc du List. was defeated and captured by John of Luxembourg, a henchman of the Duke of Burgundy, who saw her for a pittance to his overlord. There was faith in her at court. To the murderer of his own, Ni Charles VII himself, Ni Ochuyuchi Yogo, - Yakshcho is not a brother before respect for Zhmenki Smіlivtsiv, on the Chille Zhillem de Re. Warriors of France.

The English troops treated Zhanna only as a chaklunka, as they knew by evil spirits And he achieves success with her help. Although the British leaders did not share such concerns, or for the sake of weakening the successes achieved by the Maid of Orleans, they were willing to encourage the soldiers, seeing them as a disciple and accomplice of the devil. The process began with the young king Henry VI, which was later praised with virok, and the joint efforts of theologians and lawyers were brought to the desired end. What were the Inquisition and the old men based on? The whole process was so stormy, revealing in Joan of Arc so much purity and straightforwardness that part of her judges, driven by their meanness and venality, abandoned the meeting, expecting a great wait before entrusted to him right. , a follower of the Anglo-Burgundians, with Talmudic casuistry in the debate, trying to make Jeanne aware of the evils committed by her.

“Don’t stop them cutting my head off,” she said firmly, “I won’t say anything!”

To entice the court, the bishop finishes it off in the following manner:

- Was Saint Michael naked when he appeared to you?

“Do you really respect that the Lord has nothing to do with clothing his servants?” - The virgin says.

- So that I live without fear.

- What else?

- I can’t repeat anything... I’m more afraid of not getting to them, no matter you...

- God doesn’t love him if he tells the truth?

Until Charles VII, having shamelessly abandoned Jeanne, she remained endlessly adored until the end.

— Why do Saints Margaret and Catherine celebrate the holy day for the English?

- They will want those who are like the Lord, and to hate those whom He hates.

- Why does God love the English?

- I don’t know who; I only know that they will be driven out of France, except those that will perish here.

— Do you believe your call is due to God’s mercy? This is the right food to beat Zhanna.

Confidence firmly means to sin against pride, to overfeel - to betray oneself.

“If it’s not,” she said simply, “let the Lord please place this faith in me, if that’s the case, let it be supported in me.”

— Did you bring your enchantment to the ensign to the holy cathedral at the hour of the coronation, when others were lost on the square?

- It was in the very heat of battle, and I thought it was fair to give it the honorable place.

It is not possible to criticize Jeanne in chaklunstvo, they were called “in self-imposed wear with heavenly powers and a worn human suit,” blocked by the council’s decree. They tried to explain the scholastic difference between the “permanent” (God, saints) and the “military” (pope, clergy) church, preaching to submit to the judgment of the rest.

“I submit to the military church,” Zhanna confirmed, “as I cannot overcome the impossible, because I put service to the true God before everything else.”

The mad girl went berserk until the news arrived, and she was tricked into signing up for a confession card, because she was a heretic who fell into deception, and, having been convinced in the church matter, burned alive in Rouen on May 30, 1431.

Whatever the burial may be, one thing is certain: for her the burial was entirely real. This mystical exaltation did not require her to arrange everything rationally: these words and actions were the same healthy glutton and calm simplicity. The painful death created a dazzling halo for Joan of Arc and a glorious, unforgettable memory among posterity. She stands inviolably, modest in her unoccupied purity and the knowledge of an up-to-date feat, which the people of her life did not dare to dare to achieve.

When, two centuries later, Voltaire allowed himself to portray the national heroine of France in such a brutish appearance that the word “pucelle” (maiden) became obscene, in his own ancestry without destroying any antipathies, then the foreigners were raised to yogo "Maid of Orleans". Pushkin draws attention to the statistics of one English journalist, which characterizes the mood of the London marriage:

“Jeanne d’Arc’s share of the Fatherland’s history is truly a joyous occasion.” We, of course, are guilty of sharing the rubbish of the court with the French. Albeit, the barbarity of the English may be shaken by the slaughter of a century, the cruelty of the image of national pride, which widely attributed the exploits of the young shepherdess to evil spirits. Is the food coming up, how to overcome the cowardly lack of food of the French? Firstly, not through the fear of the devil, of whom we have not been afraid for a long time. We would like to have created something for the memory of the glorious maiden: our laureate (Robert Sautey (1774-1843), the English singer who wrote “Joan of Arc”) dedicated to her the first unborrowed works of his (not yet purchased) collection ... How did France try to make amends for its crooked legacy, having sullied the very melancholic side of its chronicle? New history does not represent the subject of the destructive life and death of the Orleans heroine; What did Voltaire, this year’s representative of his people, get out of this? Since in life I had the chance to sing, and that’s why I live the strain! In the satanic spirits the sparks that smoldered in the song of the martyr's riches are blown away, and, like a drunken decoy, they dance in the midst of their own amusing fire. Vіn, like a Roman qat, adds to the death throes of the virgin Poem of the laureate not varti, therefore, eat Voltaire for the power of guessing; All the work of Soutea is a feat of an honest man and the result of a noble burial. It is respectful that Voltaire, while serving in France as enemies and defenders, succumbed to the most troubling condemnations in his entire life, even though he did not know the accusers when his evil crime appeared. The most baked gates have been deprotected. All of the buried people accepted the book, in which contempt for everything that is considered sacred for people and citizens was brought to the point of remaining cynicism. No one thought to stand up for the honor of his Fatherland... It’s a miserable century! Pathetic people!

Schiller stood up no less ardently for the ruined memory of the “Maid of Orleans”:

Your noble denunciation of deception did the trick!

For the purposes of the Maidan, I bark at you,

Look, it's beautiful in a pig, and there's no tax

І image of an angelic splash with riveting...

Momus's mockery is better than ignorance

And travel across the planet!

The noble mind of people to rule the hearts

And in a new miracle, you will know the miracle.

Having already known you from the devil's chariot

And in glory, having presented the stars to the robes!

In 1066, the Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror, defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings and became the Volodar of England. Nothing said anything about the price France would have to pay for this territorial addition. Truly, for the last time the famous formula was uttered: “We cannot be a free people who oppress other peoples.” Although, understandably, no one was bothered by the thoughts of the cross-border French.

Strengthened by a channel across the continent, England developed even more strongly. The burying of England by William created a painful friction between the Anglo-Saxon majority and the Norman minority. The rest were French-born Danish Vikings who settled in Normandy at the beginning of the 10th century under a treaty with the French king and under his formal suzerainty. Walter Scott brilliantly showed this super-eternity in the novel “Ivanhoe” - we can imagine how much respect his characters have for their nationality.

It is clear that in England, as in other countries, there were primary social divisions between the nobles and the commoners, the rich and the poor. However, in England the stench persisted, also stimulating the character of the international warlock. This situation led to an accelerated political development of England, aligned with other European countries, including France. To cope with the loss of power and the collapse of the state, the rulers of England had to undertake unprecedented political actions. The result was the Magna Carta, which was adopted by King John (John) in 1215. Although the charter immediately deprived us of the rights of the English barons and, significantly less, the common people, it served as a guide to the development of justice and freedom for the entire population. About this moment political system England became the birthplace of the future European democracy.

The geographical independence of England also eliminated the need to spend exorbitant pennies on protection from aggressive neighbors. It is not important to guess that the weakly discorded, torn apart by civil strife and disunion of Scotland, Wales and Ireland could not possibly pose a serious threat to England. This arrangement, which allowed the English not to overspend on defending their enemies, was conducive to the economic development of the region and the shift in the living standards of the population. The economic empowerment of England made it possible to create a countless, but miraculously equipped, army, as it so brilliantly showed itself in the Historic War.

As the relations between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons came to an end and the English nation was created, England became the most disturbed part of Europe. The British Empire continued to be crowded on the island, and the rule of the French crown over the mainland of the English did not control them. One of the results of this was the Harbian Wars against Scotland, Wales and Ireland. More and more often, things were being discovered from France and its overlord. After replacing the Scots and Irish, the French initially moved away and at the beginning of the 14th century conquered most of the English lands on the mainland.

Unfortunately, having won the Carta for themselves, the English did not think that their neighbors might also be right. The film “A Good Heart” miraculously shows how cruelly and impudently the English treated the insipid civilian population in the Scotland they buried. In other countries it was similar. The French had no small advantage over the Irish and Scots. At the same time, it is not necessary to condemn the English mentality: and the French do not need to be instantaneous if they have lost the ability to coerce the helpless people from the warlike camp.

As the main cause of the Hundred War became the rapid economic and political development of England, the drive was, as was often the case in Middle East, the succession to the throne. In 1314, the French king Philip IV the Fair died, after which three brothers were lost. Then it was impossible to admit that all three would die young and, of course, without direct fallout - the blue ones. However, that’s how it happened. Over the course of 14 years, the blues of Pylyp IV - kings Louis X the Grumpy, Pylyp V the Long and Charles IV Garnius - replaced one another on the Father's throne and died without losing their blues. Three months after the death of the young man, the widow gave birth to a girl. In this manner, the Capetian dynasty, which ruled France for over three centuries, began to stand.

How can one expect such a marvelous change of circumstances - the death of three people from the French throne in a short hour? First, what falls on the thought: zmova. Any of the contenders for the throne could facilitate the assassination of all three monarchs afterward. What a pity! The assumption is even more doubtful. Even if the rights of the pretender to the throne were not necessarily uncontested, otherwise he would simply have given his rival a gift. The rights of both contenders for the French throne after Charles IV were so dubious that they would be threatened. And why, having robbed the caller, did the widow of Charles IV give birth to a boy?

Of course, it is impossible to exclude that Charles IV finished off his brothers, and then, for whatever reason, there is no small prospect of succession to the throne, thereby depriving this world. However, this squad could give birth to a boy. Whose outcome would lead to the Hundred-Hundred War, I would like it to cease at any time. Well, there’s another mystery of the Hundreds of Wars: a more surprising, mysterious escape from the surroundings that sparked its beginnings.

Well, the situation in France after the death of Charles IV. Two people have lost their rights to the French throne. The first was the young king of England Edward III, son of Philip the Fair (his mother Isabella was a French princess, sister of the remaining Capetians). Another contender was the French Count Pilip of Valois, son of King Pilip III and nephew of Pilip the Handsome (son of his brother). In this rank, Edward was a descendant of the Capetians on his mother’s side, and Philip of Valois on his father’s side. On Edward's side there was close conflict with the extinct dynasty, and on Philip Valois' side - the Salica Law (Le Salica), establishing the Franks and defending the women to usurp the royal throne. In England this law is not in force. If it was not the Salich law, then the little princess, the daughter of the late Charles IV, became the main contender for the throne.

Looking ahead, I will note that the problem of succession to the throne became the drive to another terrible massacre - the War of the Trojans in England. Predilections also played out there, with little regard for the Salic law.

However, let’s return to the date that the Hundred War was given. In the year 1328, Philip of Valois was elected to the throne by the Royal Assembly and became ruler as Philip VI. Edward seemed to have calmed down. In the summer of 1328, Pilip VI took the vassal oath for the English Volodynia in France - the Duchy of Guienne in the lost part and the County of Ponthieu on the far side.

In the spring of 1337, the conflict flared up again: France announced the confiscation of Guienne. The reason for this was the granting by Edward III of the stool to Robert Artois, who was evil in the eyes of the King of France. The advances showed that his great king of France had certainly overestimated his strength. The stuff that he tried to drink turned out to be too much for him.

The first great battle was fought for Kadsana (Zealand) and ended with the victory of the English. In 1338, England voiced war against France. Edward reaffirmed his claims to the French crown. In 1340 he assumed the title of King of England and France. His coat of arms, next to the English leopard, was inscribed with images of golden lilies on a blacite aphid - the heraldic sign of the French monarchy.

The desires of the English monarchs for the French crown were abandoned, when, at the end of the 14th century, there was a dynastic revolution in England itself and the kings of the Plantagenet family were replaced by Lancasters. It was understandable, but it wasn’t logical, but why did logic wart on the ashes of those appetites who had lost power?

And yet, if not for the greed of Pilip VI, it is possible that the war would have ended - let alone, but at that time. It is wrong to consider that England was the one to blame for the Hundred War. Ale herself became the initiator of violence; France, on its own side, saved up a lot to end the war.

The dynastic war between the Volodars of England and France sparked a war, a crooked war, in which civilians on both sides, most importantly the French, became the main victims. We call it the Centenary, but in truth it included several periods of active combat operations, which were interspersed with unstable truces. The conflict between England and France began well before 1337, and ended only in the 19th century.

Progress of the war until 1420

Despite the tired thought, the beginning of the war would not be very successful for the English. After the victory at Kadsan, the English suffered few serious setbacks. The French fleet attacked the English ships, causing significant harm. Then the military actions met with great success right up to the Battle of Cres (1346). During the course of the battle, due to the unsatisfactory coordination of the action and the recent maneuvers of the French subdivisions, the infantry (Genoese crossbowmen) was lost under the fire of the English archers, and continued until the end complicated the attack of her cavalry. The royal army of the French, having finished their lust, launched a series of attacks, but suffered further defeats.

The fighting lost intensity through the plague epidemic (1348). People in Europe died in the millions. In just a few months, the population in Avignon doubled, and 62 thousand people died (for comparison: at Cres, about 3 thousand French died). Before the deadly disease, few people dared to shed someone else's blood.

Shortly after, the British renewed their offensive. In 1356, the army, with all its cunning - a rapt raid of a small horse pen near the enemy, before the hour of the French attack on the English, who had taken a fortified position on the mountain - they achieved victory at Poitiers. The main result of this battle may be the French king John II. The expenditure of the English in manpower was equally great, given the size of their small army. The victory at Cress gave England panic at the hands of France, the success of Poitiers making them rulers of the remote part of the country.

At the approaching hour, the cup of Terez's step by step was poured onto the bank of France. Jacob's protest in Paris (1357-1358) and the rural uprising of the Jacquerie (1358), which was caused by the hardships of the war and the Swavilian feudal lords and their armies, perhaps the French would have achieved significant successes even before 1360 roku. The English offensive was seen, attacking the inveterate support of the French fortresses. Bertrand du Guesclin was responsible for the defense of Ren.

In 1360, a peace treaty was concluded with Bretigny. Following this treaty, France transferred to England the territories in the afternoon (about a third of the entire country) - Gascony, Guienne, Périgord, Limousin, Saintonge, Poitou, Marche et al., and also in the evening - Calais and Ponthieu. At the same time, England was seen as a claim to the French crown and Normandy. King Ivan was released to pay an unprecedented ransom.

The peace treaty of Brittany lasted until 1369, but there was still a lot of conflict with the English in the middle of France, and beyond, especially in Castile. The Anglo-French antagonism has now moved beyond the Pyrenees. The former French followers became the king of Castile, becoming Henrique II. France and Castile formed an alliance. In the early 1369s, France, supported by Castile, renewed its fighting. During numerous battles on land and at sea, the French, supported by the Castilians, defeated the English and occupied most of the previously lost territories. The rise of the English was plagued by internal troubles - the struggle for the throne and popular uprisings, among which the most significant was the rebellion of Wat Tyler (1381).

Until 1375, a new truce was established, and everything was wiped out for two years. The further exchange of blows did not bring great success on both sides. The English defeated the Visadian French and Castilians in the British Isles, and the defeat of the Scottish allies of France destroyed London until a new truce (1389).

In 1392, France experienced a fatal outbreak, which gave rise to a new round of destruction. Otherwise, history was about the loss of millions of people: King Charles VI became insane. The rivalry of the Dukes of Orleans and Burgundy - the king's brothers - for the right of regency began.

In 1393, Duke Louis of Orleans became regent. This led to antagonism between Orleans and Burgundy. Three years later, a truce with England was established for 28 rocks, and Richard II (of England) took away Princess Isabella of France for his squad. However, in 1399 Richard II fell. Vlada in England passed to Henry IV of Lancaster (Bolinbroke).

In 1402, the French and Scots invaded England, but the rest were defeated for Gomildon Hill. Fate later, the French fleet defeated the English at Saint-Mathieu. Most of them were thrown overboard. The English witnessed the devastation of French lands.

Thus, at the beginning of the 15th century, a pendulum situation developed, in which each side had no small advantage. The military affairs were conducted not so for the protection of their vast population, as for the ruin and guilt of the enemy. So it was accepted at that time, and it seemed to be the rule, for just one time there was a lot of guilt, which we will talk about in the next sections.

Sometimes the peaceful population of France and England, who succumbed to violence and misery, was tempted to rise to defend their rights, and then the powerful army cruelly dealt with them. Both the English and the French rulers demonstrated treachery and unhumanity between civilians and prisoners.

Nezabar, however, the pendulum strongly hit the bark of England. In 1411, the race of warriors between Burgundy (Bourguignon) and Orleans (Armagnac, favored by the Count of Armagnac) grew into huge war. The English marched for Burgundy, ruining the French peaceful population. In 1413, a revolt of the Kaboch'iens broke out in Paris, which was mercilessly suppressed by the Armagnacs. Henry IV died at the same time, and before Henry V (of Lancaster) came to rule in England. In 1415, the army landed in Normandy and immediately defeated the French at Agincourt, victorious as traditional methods the fight against infantry (archers) against the face of the enemy, and the tactics of swift maneuvers. The British killed thousands of captives - they burned them with live bait, because they were afraid of an attack from behind one hour after the French attacks.

Until 1419, the English wanted to invade France and formed an alliance with Burgundy, which at that time captured Paris. The foreign crossing of military operations was friendly for the British and their allies.

Agreement with Troyes

In 1420, Henry V married the French princess Catherine. On the 21st of May a peace treaty was signed at Troyes. The initiators of this French side were Queen Isabella of Bavaria and Duke Philip the Good (Burgundy). An important role in the preparation of this agreement was played by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, who has since gone down in history as the leading cat of the Virgin of Orleans. Theologians and lawyers from the University of Paris also took part in the preparation of this document, as they theoretically supported the project of creating a “dual” Anglo-French monarchy. They recognized in it a kind of “divine city” that does not know national boundaries and state cordons.

At the heart of the agreement was the Dauphin Charles, who succeeded the French throne, relinquishing his rights to the crown. After the death of Charles VI, the king became Henry V of England, befriended the French princess Katherine, and after him - his son, the people of whose love. A special article was published to the English king It is important to bring into submission the places and provinces that have retained allegiance to the “self-proclaimed” Dauphin. For the English, the provisions of the treaty freed their hands for the most severe reprisals against those who seemed to them to be insufficiently loyal.

Having celebrated the holiday with Princess Katherine, Henry V immediately entered the borders of Paris. Having not yet become the French king, he saw France as his power. Following his order, there was a massive expulsion of the inhabitants of Harfleur, who were convinced to swear allegiance to him, and the place was settled by the English.

Thousands of Englishmen were besieged by the French, whom they suspected of lacking loyalty and support. A pledge system was introduced:

Since the death guards could not recognize those who had perpetrated this and other sabotage against them, the stratagems recognized the people, as if they had not been a little eager to support them. On Rinkov Square in Rouen - where Jeanne later slept - the bodies of the dead were walked on the racks, and heads were washed on poles above the city gate. In the spring of 1431, over the course of one day, 400 French were killed in the square of the Old Market - not partisans. In Normandy alone, up to 10 thousand people were killed. Given the current population size, it is important to avoid the assumption that the firehouses simply set out to completely protect the local residents.

In the territories occupied by the British, taxes greedily grew. Their money was used to strengthen the English army and give handouts to the French collaborators. The English made markers on French soil. The Duke of Burgundy, formally acknowledging the rule of England, actually entered into his own politics. Postuvovo, village after village, having taken over the regions of Pivnichnaya France, immediately ahead of Champagne and Picardy.

The establishment of the Treaty of Troyes and the introduction of systematic brutal repression against the French population changed the nature of the Hundred War. That became fair on the side of France, free for the French. From now on they fought not for the sake of England's captivity, but for the sake of themselves and their loved ones.

Dauphin Charles was inspired to learn the agreement from Troyes. He entered into conflict with his mother – Isabella of Bavaria – and went to the Loire, in Bourges, for the day. French patriots looked to him as a symbol of the independence of their land. It was also important to know that he was no more than a major feudal lord, stealing a trifle for Henry V and the Duke of Burgundy.

from Troyes to Orleans

We have already identified the mystical nature of certain key concepts associated with the Hundred War. This was the case for the Capetian family, which sparked the beginning of the war. The madness of Charles VI was also mysterious, which led France to the tragic strife between the henchmen of Orleans and Burgundy. The sickle of 1422 had another secret period, which was once again favorable for the French patriots: Henry V died in the full development of his powers (he also turned 35). The cause of his death was gas gangrene, which was then called “Antonov’s fire.” Two months later, death took Charles VI. He died before his son-in-law, and Henry V became King of France. Now the ten-month-old Henry VI has become the monarch of both powers, but in order to crown him, it is necessary to check until he receives 10 rocks. During this hour, the pods arose, which killed him with a coronation without a glutton.

The king's uncles, the dukes of Bedford and Gloucester, divided the regency among themselves: in the name of the king, the first began to rule in France, and the other in England. The kingdom was respected as a unit under the Treaty of Troyes, and the title of High Regent rested with Bedford. His closest lieutenant was Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of Winchester, kinsman of the king. With this help, John Bedford made connections with the French church.

The English emphasized connections from France not only with military and legal approaches, but also with matrimonial means. The butt was shown to him by King Henry V, and after his death, in 1423, Bedford became friends with the young sister of Duke Philip of Burgundy, Hanna.

The sheer number of firemen did not allow them to operate without widespread support from the local collaborators, who took a small part of the loot from the British. The English themselves disrespectfully called them “fraudulent French.” Among these collaborators there were many French churchmen. (I had already remembered the role played by Bishop Pierre Cauchon in the preparation and signing of the Treaty of Troyes.) Theologians and lawyers of the University of Paris also served the English - the most recent establishment of the French church, which at that time was not with the authority of Galusa theology and church rights.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the University of Paris became an autonomous corporation and was subject to thefts due to the drying up of secular rule by the system of privileges. When the time has come for civil strife, the university will stand on the side of the Burgundians.

Having established himself in France, Bedford became a member of the clergy-collaborators. The prelates entered the warehouse of the regent's court, took in important officials - the chancellor of the kingdom, state secretaries-ministers, testimonies of the regent's office, etc. bud. They were concluding various diplomatic entrustments. Their wine service was rewarded with high salaries, generous pensions and rich land grants, paid for by the sufferers and the blood of the Slavs.

Significantly preferred were the small townspeople of the territory, the population of which had already begun to convey their loyalty to the British. Before us there was a lot of trade with the island. Thus, the inhabitants of Guienne were influenced by trade with England when the arrival of the French armies in the 1450s was viewed very negatively and they tried to raise a stake against Charles VII.

The cruelty of the ruler did not lead to a blasphemous resignation, but, in fact, to a support that is growing. It appeared immediately after the English invasion of Normandy. Moreover, the nature of the spontaneous defense of the population in the face of soldiers’ plunders was also limited by isolated advances of villagers and townspeople, overwhelmed by the atrocities of the slaughterhouses. At the beginning of the 1420s, when an occupation regime was established in the conquered areas, this relied on the mass popular free movement. Its participants were aware of a hidden political strategy - the expulsion of the English. It was decided that the place of occupiers would be taken by people given to the Dauphin Charles. Here the French, muzzled by the interventionists, were waiting for their future despot. The fighters against the murderers tried not to mark the vices of the future king - not only out of their own honesty, but rather out of hopelessness.

Among the participants against the boule different people, including nobles whose confiscated lands were wasted by the English feudal lords, merchants plundered by important taxes and indemnities, craftsmen who spent their earnings in plunder and depopulated places, And the poor priests who stood close to the people and shared. And yet, the main force of this popular war was the villagers, who robbed both robber soldiers, tax officials, and the new English lords.

Near the forests of Normandy there were hundreds of encampments of partisans - “forest archers”. The stench was innumerable, loose, and easy to catch. The stench smelled the English at the stationary carriage. These tactics were essential for the people's war among the warlords: ambushes on the roads, overrunning couriers, attacks on financial officials and convoys, pouring on garrisons in small places and weakly fortified castles. In many such enclosures, the fighters swore to fight against the English until the end. The story of Robin Hood was repeated on a larger scale, only now the English and the Franco-Normans swapped places.

The English government oversaw punitive expeditions, combed forests and supported mass strife. The heads of the partisans and the people who helped them were assigned to the city. However, the unbearable minds of the occupation regime brought new fighters into the fray.

Krim directly, the Ekononichny Shkodi Angles, the partisans of the Frenchman, the same, were a part of the English forces, the yaki in the ilm vipad could not be the troubles, the troubles did not go. The occupation power was overwhelmed by the number of garrisons at the forts, especially in large places, protecting communications. The pace of the advance of the English in the afternoon became more rapid, and in 1425 there was a lull in military operations.

In the spring of 1428, the English occupied Normandy, Ile-de-France (Paris region) and the lands at the bottom, between the banks of the Biscay and Garonne. The union with the Duke of Burgundy transferred to them indirect control of similar and mountainous regions of the country. The zone of Anglo-Burgundian occupation was active, in the middle of it there were small islands of free territories, the inhabitants of which docks knew the rule of the slaughterhouses. One of these islands was the fort of Vaucouleurs with its surrounding villages, located in Champagne, on the left birch of the Meuse. This area was once the little fatherland of the Maid of Orleans.

Although in the hands of the Dauphin Charles there was a large territory, perhaps the whole of it was fragmented, and power in the localities was controlled by feudal lords, who were nominally aware of the Dauphin’s power over themselves - they could not possibly submit to the English. In reality, the Dauphin's rule expanded to a few areas near Orleans and Poitiers, and there was instability there.

Obloga Orleans

In order to restore order to their country, the English from Pristine France needed to cross the Loire, occupy the outlying provinces and unite with part of their forces, which no. This is what Bedford's strategic plan is all about; The occupiers gave birth to the spring of 1428. The upcoming operation against Orleans occupied a key place in this plan.

Rotating on the right birch of the Loire, in the center of the smooth and brutal bank of Paris, Orleans took the most important strategic position - controlling the roads that connected Northern France with Poitou and Guienne. Once buried, the British lost the ability to deliver the final blow, but today the French were able to stop the enemy’s attack. Thus, after the battle on the banks of the Loire, France's share lay.

At the end of the Red War of 1428, Sir Thomas Montagu, Earl of Salisbury, landed in Calais with an army of up to 6 thousand men and strong artillery. With the stretch of his sickle, the army was thrown to the Loire, and a protrusion emerged near the Orleans area. At the first stage, the fort of the right birch of the Loire was buried - Rochefort-en-Yvelines, Nogent-le-Roi et al. Until the end of the sickle, Chartres and several nearby places were taken, after which Salisbury buried Janville and a number of other small settlements. Having reached the Loire, Salisbury marched towards Orleans, taking Meung on the 8th of spring, and then after five days of raids also of Beaugency (26th of spring). Having deprived the garrisons, he sent William de La Pole up the mountain across the stream to attack Jargeau. This fort fell, having lasted for just three days. The two soldiers met in the town of Olive, dedicated to the city of Orleans, on June 12, 1428.

The English forces had at that time between 4 and 5 thousand soldiers. The shortening of the numbers of the English army was caused not so much by the costs as by the need to deprive the garrisons of the numerous places buried.

The defense of Orleans was commanded by a veteran, Captain Roald de Gaucourt. Although there were no more than 500 people in the garrison, the townspeople set up 34 militia corrals, for as many forces as they could not be deterred. Large reserves of food and ammunition were accumulated, and important artillery was placed along the walls. Before the arrival of the English, the town's bridges were burned; all the peasants huddled behind the walls. The place was well prepared for the coming harvest. The Orleanians faced a strong and decisive enemy.

The English made their first attack from the left side, against the Turelle fort, which covered the place and the gate. After three days of non-stop shelling, the French were deprived of the fort. It was 23 June 1428.

The next day, when looking at the taken fort of Salisbury, I thought he was seriously wounded. After some data, having previously lost a naughty shell, it fired one from the harmat on the window wall of Orleans. According to other data, the shell hit the handrail of the count against the wall and knocked out a piece of equipment from it, which hit Salisbury in the head. So how would it be otherwise, this commander, who had led so many campaigns so quickly, died. As if nothing happened, it is entirely possible that the English had already taken Orleans, and then occupied the desert regions of France. The Axis is another mystical idea that greatly influenced the end of the Hundred War.

No longer afraid to recognize the costs, the English were inspired by new attempts at assault. Because of this, they created a fortified system around the place, which made it possible to block the supply of food and shoot at those residents who fished fish in the Loire. Orleans appeared condemned to starvation, which would inevitably result in capitulation. Similar tactics were often used by the British in the past, for example, during the debacles of Rouen. Then they achieved victory, but they saved more than a thousand townsfolk - both the poor who died of hunger, and those who were killed by the murderers when the gates were opened in front of them. Of course, the tactics were too small to practice near Orleans.

However, at every moment there is no doubt. Not only the taxed ones, but the obliging ones demanded food. The English command could not afford to send soldiers to fish and plunder too many forces - both through the threat of discipline and because the area had already been plundered. From time to time, great food drives went straight to Orleans. One of these pens, commanded by Ser John Fastolfe, was captured by the French on the 12th of 1429. Prolunav battle, which went down in history as the “battle of herring”. The Frenchman was beaten. The stench was a sign of great waste. From this moment on, the fall of Orleans was imminent.

Well, the history of the Hundred War was full of amazing mysteries until the Maid of Orleans got in with her. Ale, perhaps, a mystery has emerged that has never been solved before.

Merlin's prophecy

After Queen Isabella of Bavaria and Duke Philip of Burgundy imposed an evil treaty on France (the one that was established at Troyes), a wider prophecy arose, which was attributed to the legendary British magician and sage Merlin, і patron of King Arthur, ruler of Camelot, і ruler of Camelot. Round table. The versions of this prophecy are carnage, but the essence is this: France is ruined by an evil queen, and the truth is that she is a simple, pure, innocent girl who came from the oak forests of Lorraine.

As soon as the agreement with Troyes was signed, the French changed their minds, so that the first part of the prophecy began, and now the axis-axis will come together. From day to day, a mysterious girl will come from Lorraine to correct the evil and lie to France against the rebels. Therefore, when Jeanne said that she had a mission from the expulsion of the English from Orleans and the coronation of the Dauphin Charles, many of the remaining followers believed that she was the girl from the “prophecy of Merlin.”

"The Prophecy of Merlin" played a significant role in the success of the mission of the Maiden of Orleans. This not only increased the sympathy of the people, but also prompted the rich noble Armagnacs to forget about Jeannie’s simple behavior: even the great Merlin pointed out to him! It is entirely possible that Jeanne herself was inspired by the magician’s prophecies.

About those that everything was completely prophesied, it was said at the Rouen trial, which condemned Jeanne: the judges, the accused, tried to bring to light that the girl’s arrival would help the French, who would perish, having been planned by Chaklunsky, demonic forces.

It is important to say what this prophecy is like. It’s easier to assume that the Armagnacs came up with something, if Jeanne was already preparing to become the Dauphin for Charles, or even earlier. Approximately until this version, the revision of the biography of the Maid of Orleans is pending. However, such an explanation can be fatal, since it relieves the loss of sense. I have repeatedly encountered the most important transfers, which were carried out with the utmost dignity. I’ll guess one thing – definitely hostile, the “prophecy of Merlin”.

A few years before the Titanic disaster, this idea was accurately conveyed by the science fiction writer Morgan Robinson. Not only did he describe the collision of a giant steamboat with an iceberg, but also based on technical data, the number of passengers and the hour of the day, which was obtained with high accuracy oh it happened. The ship's name was "Titan". And the prophecy is not a little in the nature of “the inspiration of folk creativity”, but was published in a seemingly suitable novel. As a result, the writer had the opportunity to prove the truth, to prove that he had not caused a catastrophe.

Prote, cross me, Robinson’s forecast is still inaccurate, even unprincipled. Sort of like “the prophecy of Merlin”...

And the “prophecy of Merlin” turned out to be not as accurate as Robinson’s forecast. Because the simple, pure, innocent girl who saved France from foreign aggressors came not from Lorraine, but from Champagne. From the region of Champagne, which borders Lorraine, it is itself grown there small fatherland Zhanni, village of Domremi. So, it’s very close to Lorraine, it’s completely back, and yet it’s not Lorraine. It’s not from the forest that Zhanna came. As if the village of Domremi was not a small one, but not a forest.

Perhaps, it doesn’t matter, Zhanna came as a star? Let not Lorraine and not the forest, but the “innocent maiden” lied to France. So the “prophecy of Merlin” may sound like this: “The evil queen is ruining France, but the lie is a simple, pure, innocent girl.” Of course, this solves the problem of the heroine’s behavior. However, the formulation becomes fluid and relevant not only to Jeannie, but also to many other women who were caught up in the Hundreds of Wars, for example, to Agnes Sorel.

Before that, it was not the evil queen who ruined France. Khiba? And Izabella Bavarska? - you can feel the pressure. Ale people sensitively called the queen to us before she went to foreign affairs. It would have been more correct to call not the evil queen, but the greedy and short-sighted Frenchmen, the Dukes of Orleans and Burgundy, who had started a war that was important for the last time. And you can also guess the greedy King Philip VI, who died in Guinea. Then, as a result of the “prophecy of Merlin”, you will lose your rib and legs.

For Jeannie herself, who was unliterate and did not know geography or history, it was entirely convenient to allow such a mercy. Most of them are also of little importance. And the great, wise, all-knowing Merlin hardly has the right to confuse Champagne and Lorraine, the oak forest and the village, the queen and the people from the royal homeland.

It’s even more surprising: why didn’t the enemies of the Armagnacs - the English and the Burgundians - vikorize these important details to discredit Jeannie, if she was just starting her way? They were trying to seize the girl, they were in charge of roadblocks, where they had recovered from their lives, they were ringing for all mortal sins, and then they forgot the ace of trumps: “Ladies of Armagnac, your Virgin Jeanne cannot be the same, as before Ikav Merlin. It’s not from the forests of Lorraine, but from the village in Champagne.” The ever-present miracle that came at once from Zhanna prevented the reality from completely killing everyone who was ready to deceive her.

The fact that Jeanne created, in essence, “the prophecy of Merlin,” speaks only of her ardent desire to help her people, if she had any opportunity to achieve this goal. The merit of the author's transfer, regardless of who he is, is doubtful.

And now it is acceptable that the “prophecy of Merlin” was prophesied by the Armagnacs themselves in order to instill popular confidence in Jeannie. But these peasants, like the unwritten Zhanna, did not know the geography of their native land, nor the difference between the forest and the village.

Besides, why do you want to tell Zhanni’s friends? Even more recent descendants of the period of the Hundred War, as the “prophecies of Merlin” had been prophesied many times, deprived the pose of respect of its formal-pardonable character. Especially those highly sanctified lords, who were from the “prophecy of Merlin”, gave rise to a thoughtful idea: “Oh, so everything was accumulated there, and Jeanne herself was being prepared for the role of the will.” They prepared filthy things because they put together the prophecy so carelessly. And what’s even worse is that no one prepared Jeanne for anything.

After Joan defeated the English near Orleans, the “prophecy of Merlin” faded into the background for French patriots. It’s no longer significant, the sign of the arrival of the rebels of France. Infinitely more important was that the liberation of France began.
