Plan of organization and conducting a round table. Round table, discussion, debate

Plan of organization and conducting a round table. Round table, discussion, debate


The method of conversation for a round table is built, as is well known, based on the principle of collective discussion of the problem. This form of the seminar occupation attracts, above all, the fact that it makes it possible to set out its point of view to each equal. It is important to create a benevolent environment. Respectful attitude of the teacher to students and students to each other - a very important condition for the success of the conversation "Round Table". So, the conversation for the "round table" - in nature, requires strict followation by the principles of equality and democratism.

Principle of equality means the absence of any privileges in some participants of the conversation before others, the rejection of any subordination between participants. Nobody will take, everything is equal in the dispute.

Compliance principle of democratism Must be excluded at meetings for the "round table" any manifestations of authoritarianism, a clamping of criticism, imposing their own views and beliefs. Invalid any forms of prohibitions, as well as conformal relations with students.

The teacher is very important to ensure that the conversation does not wear scholarship. The main and most difficult task is the ability to connect evidence and conviction During the discussion.

The conversation for the "round table" can be presented in a simplified form as a chain consisting of a sequentially connected thesis in the form of a question, its evidence, possible and real counterproofs, their refutation, transformation of the thesis as a result of the discussion into the conviction of participants.

Preparing for the seminar classes in the form of a "round table", the teacher should think about the formulation of the topic, filling it with such a content that has not only theoretical, but also practical importance, and also affects the interests of students and worries them.

Preparation "Round Table "Requires serious work of all future participants in the conversation.

The organizing function of the teacher is very important. Discussion must be controlled. Teacher Thinking out the logic of the presentation, outlines the nodal issues, the sequence of their consideration, chooses the lead. They should have the most prepared student who is enjoying great authority in the group.

Leaderthe most responsible role is given. He, as a conductor, sends a dispute. He has to show sequence, hardness and principle to protect his beliefs, the ability to compare the points of view of all participants in the discussion and assert the ideals of scientific worldview in the minds of students.

Leading Must explore all the available mandatory and additional literature, think over with the teacher the logic of the disclosure of the material, the sequence of the conversation; In advance to prepare blocks of problematic issues, naturally, think about both answers to them, develop a scenario of the conversation.

The teacher needs to be in advance, orient all students to those specific problems that are planned to be discussed to give advice on all issues. Students learn the topic on the original sources, the most interesting monographs, articles.

During the conversation, it is advisable to plant all students in one table, so that they watched not in the back, but in the face of each other. This expands the circle of participants, as if liberates interlocutors, promotes the free exchange of views.

Next important stage methodical work - building a conversation for a round table.

Scenario for a conversation for a round table:

1) introductory part,

2) formulation of problematic issues

3) discussion on them,

4) summarizing the discussion

5) Development of recommendations or information material for subsequent use by meeting participants.

The introductory part may consist of information about the subject of discussion, its plan, regulations. It is connected with the formulation of problem and search questions. It is important to formulate them so as to cause a discussion and stimulate the production of new issues.

In a conversation for a round table, deadlogs may arise, the discussion does not flauntar, the audience does not accept proposals for the exchange of views. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures to revitalize the participants in the conversation, but at the same time, in no case should not be contacted to calls, to demand an activity audience. If not "works" one problem, one can offer to discuss another, close to it in content.

Exceptionally valuable quality for exiting deadlock situations is the ability of a teacher and leading to improvisation. The ability to rebuild the conversation plan in the course of the meeting, to show the resourcefulness and courage in the presentation of acute problems, demonstrate methodical skills in a difficult situation - means to overcome the unfavorable course of the discussion, give it dynamism, returning the fruitful exchange of views to it.

The discussion is completed when the possibilities of new convincing speeches have been exhausted and students have already developed an idea of \u200b\u200btruth, but an objective assessment of positions must be made by the teacher. It is very useful to note the positive and negative points in the arguments of both parties, allocate the position to which the majority is inclined. Well, when the conversation for the "round table" will lead the majority of participants to a common opinion. However, this cannot be required, since the discussion is designed not only to give answers, but also to promote the search for truth, the process of setting new issues, and thereby stimulate the development of new problems.

The results of the meeting are summarized in the brief final word of the teacher, issues of discussion in the next lesson.

Analyzing the work of the host should be emphasized by its strengths and weaknesses (for example, badly, if the desire to impose their opinions). The evaluation of the speeches is given on the basis of the general preparedness of the student on the topic and taking into account its activity in the discussion, the arts in the jurisdiction of the dispute, the skill of the controversy, the ability to argue the defendant.

Usually, such a form of conducting a seminar occupation contributes to the development of the creative initiative of students, the formation of self-thinking skills.

Approximate theme "Round Tables"

Topic 1. Ecological problem. The threat of a global ecological catastrophe


Topic 2. Globalization and interaction of civilizations


    Bell D. Coming post-industrial society. - M.1999.

    Vavilov A.M. Environmental consequences of arms race. M. 1984.

    Globalistics: Encyclopedia. - M., 2003.

    Global problems and universal values. - M., 1990.

    Global problems of civilization. - M., 1987.

    Global evolutionism. Philosophical analysis. - M., 1994.

    Moiseev N.N. The fate of civilization. Mind path. - M., 2000.

    Panarin A.S. Global political forecasting. - M., 2000.

    Toffler E.Tremoy wave. - M.1999.

    Utkin A.I. Philosophy of global problems. - M., 2000.

    Utkin A.I.AmericanStrategia for the XXI century. - m..2000.

    Huntington S. Collision of civilizations? // Polis. -1994. - № 1.

    Chumakov A.N. Metaphysics of globalization. Cultural civilization context. - M., 2006.

    Chumakov A.N. Philosophy of global problems. - M. 1994.

Topic 3. Modern philosophical and scientific hypotheses

origin of man


    Adler A. Understand the nature of man. St. Petersburg., 1997.

    Andreev I.L. The origin of man and humanity. M., 1988.

    Porshnev V.F. On the beginning of human history. - M., 1974.

    Stevenson L. Ten theories about the nature of man. - M., 2004.

    Teyar de Shaden P. Phenomenon of man. - M., 1987.

    Human. Thinkers of the past and the present about his life, death and immortality. - M., 1991.

    Man in the science system. M., 1989.

    This is a man. Anthology. M: high school.1995.

Favorites, taking important solutions in the sidelines.

IN modern meaning expression round table It is used since the XX century as the name of one of the ways to organize a discussion of a certain issue; This method is characterized by the following features:

  • the purpose of the discussion is to summarize the ideas and opinions regarding the problem under discussion;
  • all participants in the round table act as proponents (should express an opinion on the issue being discussed, and not about the opinions of other participants); The absence of a set of several roles is not characteristic of all round tables;
  • all participants in the discussion are equal; No one has the right to dictate their will and solutions.

This discussion model based on agreements, as outcome, gives results, which, in turn, are new agreements. In the process of round tables, original solutions and ideas are rarely born. Moreover, often a round table plays a rather advocacy role, and does not serve as a tool for developing specific solutions.

see also

  • Round table of King Arthur - Neolithic object.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is a "round table" in other dictionaries:

    Table - Get an active coupon at academic coupon to buy a table at a low price on the sale in the sublite

    - "Inventor" of the round table Merlin's wizard from the English. Seld of the times of the early Middle Ages about the King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table (more precisely, anonymous authors of this epic). One day, Merlin's wizard suggested by the leader of the Britons of Ustor (Father Arthur) ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    - "Round table" see Roman Knight. Literary encyclopedia. At 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 ... Literary encyclopedia

    - "Round table", a form of public discussion or coverage of any questions when the participants speak in a certain order (initially sitting at a table having a round shape); Meeting, discussion of something with equal rights ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Form of public discussion or coverage of any question when participants speak in a certain order (initially sitting at a table having a round shape); Meeting, discussing something with equal rights of participants. Represents ... Modern encyclopedia

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A form of public discussion or coverage of any questions when the participants speak in a certain order (initially sitting at a table having a round shape); Meeting, discussing something with equal rights of participants. Representation … Political science. Vocabulary.

    Round table - Exchange of opinions, questions, answers between representatives of electoral associations, electoral blocks, candidates for deputies and media representatives, television viewers, radio listeners, readers in the framework of the pre-election campaigns ... ... Official terminology

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    "Round table" - round table, form of public discussion or coverage of any question when participants speak in a certain order (initially sitting at a table having a round shape); Meeting, discussion of something with equal rights of participants ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Grail in the middle of a round table Illustration of the French manuscript of the XIV century Round table Society, a conference or a meeting as part of a larger event (Congress, Symposium, Conference). Used in two senses as a free ... ... Wikipedia

    ROUND TABLE - Official meeting, meeting, conference with equal rights and opportunities for all participants. It is understood that the discussion of which l. questions, problems, tasks (P) is carried out on the same conditions for all without exception ... ... Russian Language Phrase


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Round tables - This is one of the most popular formats for conducting scientific events. In fact, the round table is a platform for the discussion of a limited number of person (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected in a particular area of \u200b\u200bspecialists).

But you should not use the concept of "round table" as a synonym for the concepts of "discussion", "controversy", "dialogue". It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partly coincides with the content of others."Round table" is a form of organizing an exchange of views.What will the nature of the exchange of views, this term does not indicate. In contrast, the concept of "discussion" suggests. As part of the discussion, there is a free exchange of views (open discussion of professional problems). The controversy is a special kind of discussion, during which some participants are trying to disprove, "destroy" their opponents. "Dialogue", in turn, is a type of speech characterized by situitation (dependence on the conversation situation), the contextuality (due to previous statements), a small degree of organization, involuntaryness and unplanned character.

Purpose of round table – provide participants with the opportunity to express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and further formulate either a common opinion, or clearly distinguish between the different positions of the parties.

Organizational features of round tables:

  • relative low cost compared to other "open" formats of events;
  • lack of hard structure, regulations. That is, the organizer has practically no tools direct influence on the program (it is impossible to force guests to say what is required to the organizers), and there are only indirect. For example, we can share all the discussion into several semantic blocks, thereby issued, thereby, the structure of the event, but here all that happens within these blocks is entirely dependent on the leading round table; significant restrictions on the number of visitors;
  • camera measure.

Moderation (maintenance).

The key element of any round table is moderation. The term "moderation" originated from the Italian "Moderare" and means "mitigation", "deterrence", "moderation", "curbing". The moderator is called the leading "round table". In modern value, the moderation is understood by the technique of organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

Master's task - Not just to declare the composition of the participants, designate the main themes of the event and give the start of the round table, and keep everything that happens from beginning to end in your hands. Therefore, the requirements for professional qualities of leading round tables are high.

The presenter should be able to clearly formulate the problem, not to give up the thought of the tree, to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe previous speaker and, with a smooth logical transition, to provide the word to the following, follow the regulations. Ideally, the leading round table should be impartial.

Do not forget that the moderator is also an actual participant in the round table. Therefore, it should not only direct the discussion, but also partially take part in it, emphasize the attention of those present on the information on which is required, or, on the contrary, try to convert the conversation as quickly as possible. It should be remembered that the presenter is obliged to possess knowledge under the stated topic.

The leading round table should not be:

  • Confused and intimidated. Such qualities are characteristic of beginners leading, associated with excitement and lack of practice.
  • Authoritarian. The desire to maximize the extent to control and regulate the course of discussion, maintain a tough discipline, does not have a discussion.
  • Conducive. The presenter must focus on the discussion on the issues discussed and concentrate it in time. The connivance from his part will contribute to the activation of alternative leaders who will try to switch attention to themselves. The discussion will begin to leave the topic, decay to local discussions. Too active. The task of extraction of information requires limiting the activity of the lead.
  • Bad listen The lack of the leading ability to listen will lead to a lot of useful from what was said during the discussion. In this case, the most subtle comments obtained as a result of a public discussion representing the basis for the discontinuation of the discussion will remain ignore. The reasons for such behavior may be the desire of the leading round table to rigidly follow the discussion questionnaire, as a result of which he focuses on it. Or the concern to effectively listen to all members of the group, without missing any of them and giving everyone equal time.
  • Comedan. Concentration involves the entertainment aspect of the discussion to a greater extent than on its content.
  • Exhibitionist. Such a leading uses the group mainly for the purposes of self-assertion, puts personal objectives above the study of the study. Summary can be expressed in fade postures, unnatural gestures and intonations, morals and other forms of "work in public".

Rules for Round Table Participants:

  • the participant must be an expert on the topic under discussion;
  • do not agree to participate in the round table only for the very fact of participation: if you have nothing to say, it is better to be silent.

Stages of training round tables:

1. Topics. It is carried out with the orientation in the directions of scientific work of the Department and teachers. The departments offer the themes of "round tables" with the rationale for its discussion and development. In this case, it should be considered general rule: The more specifically the topic is formulated, the better. In addition, the topic must be of interest to listeners.

2. Restoration of the lead (moderator) and its preparation. The moderator must have such qualities as sociable, artistry, intelligence. Important is a personal charm and a sense of tact. The competence of the master played a special role for the round table, so the moderator is obliged to independently prepare within the framework of a given theme of the round table.

3. Choosing participants and determination of round table experts. The essence of any round table is to attempt to "brain attack" on a certain problem and find answers to some important questions. To do this, it is necessary to collect in one place of people with the necessary knowledge on the problem requiring lighting. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to be outlined potential experts who could give qualified answers to questions arising within the framework of the discussion of the stated round table topic. If the scale of the event go beyond the framework of the university, it is advisable at the preliminary stage of the preparation of the round table to send by the alleged participants of information letters and invitations to participate in this event. It should be remembered that the formation of a group of participants provides a differentiated approach: it must be not only competent, creatively thinking people, but also officials, representatives of the executive branch, on which decision making depends.

5. Preparation Questionnaire for Round Table Participants - The purpose of the survey is to get an objective idea of \u200b\u200bthe opinion of the participants of the round table to the problems under discussion. Questioning can be solid (in which all participants in the round table are interviewed) or selective (in which part of the roundtable participants) is polled). When drawing up a questionnaire, it is necessary to determine the main problem-problem, dismember it to the components, assume, on the basis of what information it will be possible to make certain conclusions. Questions can be open, closed, semi-closed. The formulation must be short, clear, simple, simple, accurate, unequivocal. You need to start with relatively simple questions, then offer more complicated. It is advisable to group questions about the meaning. Before questions, the survey participants are usually placed, instructions for filling the questionnaire. In the end, thank the participants.

Preparation of the preliminary resolution of the Round Table. The draft final document should include a statement part, which lists the problems that were discussed by the participants of the round table. The resolution may contain specific recommendations to libraries, methodological centers, the management bodies of different levels, developed during the discussion or decision that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the timing of their fulfillment and responsible.

Methods of round table.
Round table opens a presenter. It represents the participants of the discussion, directs its move, monitors the regulations, which is determined at the beginning of the discussion, summarizes the results, summarizes constructive proposals. The discussion in the framework of the round table should be constructive, should not be reduced, on the one hand, only to the reports on the work done, and on the other, only to critical performances. Messages must be brief, not more than 10-12 minutes. The draft final document is announced at the end of the discussion (discussion), add-ons, changes, amendments are made to it.

Options for holding "Round Tables":

  • The first option - the participants speak with the reports, then discuss their discussion. At the same time, the presenter takes a relatively modest participation in the meeting - distributes the time of speeches, provides the word to the participants of the discussion.
  • The second option is the leading interviews of the round table participants or put forward the abstracts for discussion. In this case, he monitors all participants, "holds" the course of discussion in the direction of the main problem, for which the meeting for the "round table" is organized. This method of holding a round table is more interest in the audience. But it requires the leading larger skill and the deep knowledge of the "nuances" of the problem under discussion.
  • The third option "Methodical gatherings". The organization of such a round table has its own characteristics. For discussion, issues are proposed that are essential to solve some key tasks of the educational process. The topic of discussion is not declared in advance. In this case, the skill of the leading round table is that in a relaxed atmosphere to call listeners to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and bring them to certain conclusions. The goal of such "gatherings" is the formation of a correct point of view by a certain pedagogical problem; Creating a favorable psychological climate in this group of listeners.
  • The fourth option is "Methodical dialogue". As part of this form of a round table, students will get acquainted in advance with the topic of discussion, get theoretical homework. Methodical dialogue is conducted on a certain problem between the lead and listeners or between the groups of students. The driving force of the dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of listeners. A common emotional atmosphere is of great importance, which allows you to cause a sense of inner unity. In conclusion, conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

Presentation of round table materials.

The most common options for publishing the results of discussions for the "round table" are as follows:

  • a brief (reduced) presentation of all the speeches of the round table participants. In this case, the most important thing is selected. The text is given on behalf of the participants in the form of direct speech. At the same time, the leading round table must discuss with the protruding, which will be selected for printing from each speech. These rules dictate ethical requirements that should always be observed when working with the authors of texts.
  • general summary learned from different speeches that sounded during the discussion. In essence, this general conclusions According to that material that sounded during the conversation or the discussion of the round table.
  • the complete presentation of all the performances of the participants.

Report on the roundtable on the topic:

"Improving legislation in the field of the implementation of state language policies"

Moscow, Conference Hall of the Troika Hotel

October 6, 2017 In the city of Moscow, a meeting of the round table was held on the topic "Improving legislation in the realization of state language policy".

The round table was organized by the federal center of educational legislation.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation, Federation Council, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rossotrudnichesky, as well as well-known scientists and specialists, teachers, experts.

The Round Table opened the Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Svetlana Anatolyevna, who, in his welcoming Word, announced the main activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the field of the implementation of state language policies, issues and difficulties related to the legal regulation of the relations under consideration and expressed hope for effective cooperation and interaction With regional authorities to develop the most optimal, weighted and current proposals for improving language legislation.

The director of the Federal Center for Educational Legislation, Vladimir Vladislavovich Nasonkin, who reported the relevance of the chosen topic, the latest most significant events conducted in Russia and abroad on language policy issues, and pointed out the importance of the round table meeting, as it is assumed Discuss exclusively questions legal regulation the use and teaching of the Russian language and languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia.

During the round table, the focus was focused on the issues of legal regulation of the Russian language as a national, as well as on the problems of the regions conservation and the development of national languages \u200b\u200bin the Russian Federation.

The Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Svetlana Anatolyevna, Deputy Head of the Department for Interaction with Political Party and Public Associations of the Office of the Department, was actively involved in the discussion. internal politics President of the Russian Federation Elena Vladimirovna Leontiev, Head of the Personnel and Legal Governance of Rossotrudnichestvo Vadim Vitalevich Czech, Advisor of the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Federal Device, Regional Policy, Local Self-Government and Affairs of the North, Alexander Evgenievich Korchchenko, teachers and researchers of the Federal Center for Educational Legislation, St. -Petherburg state University, National research University "Higher School of Economics", Russian State social University, Kazan National Research technological University, Oryol State University. I.S. Turgenev, Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Dagestan Research Institute of Pedagogy. A.A. Tahoe-GoGi, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, School No. 1375 Moscow.

The working part of the event began with the report of the head of the topic of the candidate of law sciences Dmitry Vladimirovich Bondarenko, who in his report noted a special role of such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as the republic and paid special attention to the issues of legislative regulation of language legal relations and judicial practicewhich is currently developing quite inonelessly and even contradictory. Also, D.V. Bondarenko told the participants the main interim results of the study conducted, among which, in particular, noted a number of serious issues of legal and linguistic nature, which remain unresolved despite the consolidation of the Russian Federation of the state language of the Russian Federation. These include the problem of interaction between the state language of the Russian Federation with state languages \u200b\u200bof the republics as part of Russia (more than 30 national languages \u200b\u200bcurrently also have state status).

D.V. Bondarenko also noted that the modern language situation in the Russian Federation today is generally characterized by non-systemic, fragmentation and heterogeneity. Programs aimed at preserving and developing languages \u200b\u200bare accepted randomly, there are no single central planning and management systems.

Participants in the round table were presented specific proposals for improving the current legislation in the implementation of state language policies.

Special attention to the issue of the relationship between the laws of the Republic of of Russian Federation and the regulatory regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of language policy was given a professor of the Department of Law of the Kazan National Research Technological University, Dr. Barabanova Svetlana Vasilyevna. In particular, S.V. Barabanova told about the positive experience of the Republic of Tatarstan on the distribution of hours to study Russian and Tatar languages. According to S.V. Barabanova, in federal state educational standards There is no equal opportunity to study the Russian language and native languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. S.V. Barabanova also paid attention to the absence of responsibility measures in the Code of Administrative Offenses for Violation of Language Legislation.

Head of the Personnel and Legal Governance of Rossotrudnichesky Candidate of Law Sciences Vadim Vitalevich Czech voiced the position of Rossotrudnichesky on the dissemination of Russian abroad. In particular, V.V. Czech indicated that at the moment there is no single legal and organizational system of promoting the Russian language abroad, and certain activities in this area cannot replace the system regulation in this area. Particularly acute this problem is against the background of the enhancing process on the "extrusion" of the Russian language in the territories of the former Soviet republics. As supportive measures V.V. Czech proposed the provision of benefits to universities, which conduct activities to promote Russian abroad, establishing a competitive basis for a flexible grant mechanism to support compatriots living abroad and applying efforts to promote Russian abroad.

The head of the development of the development and support of the Russian language of cooperation in the field of education and science of Rossotrudnichesky, Natalya Bairovna Zyrendashiyeva, also made information on the problems of supporting and promoting the Russian language abroad, promotion of Russian culture, russian education and international cooperation programs in this area.

Speech by the Chief Researcher of the Sector of the Native Languages \u200b\u200bof the Dagestan Research Institute of Pedagogy. A.A. Tahoe-God, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zagirov Zagir Mirzabekovich was associated with the problems of ethnocultural education. Z.M. Zagirov noted that the adoption of an idea of \u200b\u200bethnocultural education at the region level, in particular in the Republic of Dagestan, means the creation of such a system of training and education, which could combine the modern level of technical equipment with traditional cultural values. In order to improve the quality of teaching Russian in educational organizations Republic of Dagestan, taking into account regional features, on the fore, from the point of view of Z.M. Zagirova, it is necessary to put forward the issue of improving the qualifications of teachers. A second, no less important issue, is the need to create bilingual textbooks and comparative grammar contributing to the early learning of Russian and Dagestan languages.

In addition, Zagirov Z.M. It was noted that it was with Cyrillic that a transition to ethnocultural education is connected, which has a huge pedagogical potential in the formation of ethnic identity, tolerance, culture of interethnic communication. However, in practice, the question often raises how to form educational plans and programs educational institutions Thus, in order to ensure the right to study the native language, observing all the standards of training load. In the method of teaching the Russian language, and any other foreign language, In lingvodidactics, the question of using the native language was and remains a discussion.

In the open discussion of the round table, Professor of the Financial Law Department of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Doctor of Law, Alexander Alibievich Yabulganov, drawing the attention of the problems present on a number of problems, the main of which is a personnel problem, consisting in the absence of the required number of teachers of the native language in Regions, as well as a lack of motivation in young people to acquire the profession of a native teacher. One of the variants of the designated problem may be the creation of circles for the study of native languages, in particular A.A. Yabulganov pointed to a successful example of creating such circles to explore the Nogai.

In the discussion of the participants of the round table, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth of the Russian State Social University, philosophical sciences, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Egorchev, who noted the general drop in the level of ownership of the Russian language in students, a decrease in the status of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, and therefore, it is necessary to revise the technology of language teaching technology, to adopt legislative acts that establish the ratio of the study of Russian language and languages \u200b\u200bof peoples Russia, ban on excessive use of borrowing from other languages. In addition, A.M. Egorchev pointed out the need to support Russian-speaking diasporas on the territory of the former USSR.

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the St. Petersburg State University, Ph.D. Sergey Mikhailovich Olonnikov touched upon the problem of the Russian language used in the field of professional communication and, above all, in the development of regulatory legal acts. Legal equipment, language and expressions used in the preparation of legal norms are often not clear to a simple person. In this case, we are talking about the right relationship of the use of professional vocabulary, in cases where it is necessary and commonly used language structures that are understandable to everyone - the deermen emphasized.

Associate Professor of the Department "Philosophy, History, Right and Intercultural Communication Communication" of the Vladimir branch of a financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Philological Sciences Kuznetsova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna in his report touched upon the specific features of the law enforcement practice of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of language policy. In particular, the report was important attention to the implementation of federal targeted programs, the existence of which contributes a significant contribution to strengthening the positions of the Russian language in Russia and abroad. However, E.A. Kuznetsov noted that regional legislative regulation in the field of language policy is carried out in different ways in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the multinational regions, targeted programs for the conservation and development of languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of these subjects of the Russian Federation were adopted and implemented, but as for regions, where, with a certain national diversity, the representatives of Russian nationality are still most of the population (in most cases these are subjects of the Central Federal District), then in the data Regions The legislation in the field of language policy is limited in many ways regional target programs "Russian language", which were adopted in some regions of the country. In this regard, the speaker was noted that sufficiently developed legislation in the field of language policy in the national republics and entities characterized by the multinationality of the population correlated with the almost non-wornity of this issue in the regions (mainly Central Russia), where most of the population make up representatives of one nationality. In these territories, work is largely limited by the framework of certain target programs.

Director of the Center for Internationalization of the Scientific and Educational Activities of the Oryol State University. I.S. Turgenev, Candidate of Economic Sciences Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhidikin issued a number of theses, in particular, the thesis about the need to register the media on the basis of compliance with the legislation on the state language, the possibility of obtaining qualifications by journalists only if the specified specialists apply the government correctly language. On the issue of establishing responsibility A.A. Zhidkin noticed that today the state language protection is assigned to the executive authorities, however, the responsibility for violation of the legislation in this area is not provided. In order to establish the appropriate responsibility, it is necessary to clearly legislative concept of the object of protection, the dissemination of responsibility is not on all citizens, but only in relation to special groups - government officials, media workers, service workers, etc.

Completed the program of the event Senior Researcher of the Federal Center for Educational Legislation, Teacher of History, Social Studies, Rights of GBOU School No. 1375 Elena Anatolyevna Prokofiev, with an interesting presentation on the historical aspects of state language policy in Tsarist Russia.

The participants of the Round Table noted the generally well-developed level of regulatory legal and organizational regulation of relations in the implementation of state language policy in all 22 republics that are part of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the results of the research conducted by the federal center of educational legislation made it possible to conclude the absence of effective uniform public Policy Conservation, development and improvement of the prevailing role of the Russian language as the only means of consolidating the peoples of Russia, which, in the opinion of a number of experts, is associated, first of all, with rather liberalized legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In this regard, it should be noted that consolidating in some cases as a state, in addition to languages \u200b\u200bof the title nations and other languages, including the Russian language (along with the fact that it is also recognized as a national language) still does not become a guarantee of a balanced language Politicians in selected republics.

The participants of the round table were discussed proposals for the improvement of legislation in the realization of state language policy, attention was paid to issues of legal mechanisms for the protection of the Russian language. Following the work of the round table, recommendations were formulated.

Round tables - This is one of the most popular formats for conducting scientific events. In fact, the round table is a platform for the discussion of a limited number of person (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected in a particular area of \u200b\u200bspecialists).

But you should not use the concept of "round table" as a synonym for the concepts of "discussion", "controversy", "dialogue". It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partly coincides with the content of others. "Round table" is a form of organizing an exchange of views. What will the nature of the exchange of views, this term does not indicate. In contrast, the concept of "discussion" suggests that during, for example, the "round table", the participants do not simply speak with the reports on some issue, but also exchange remarks, refine the positions of each other, etc. within the framework of the discussion occurs Free exchange of opinions (open discussion of professional problems). The controversy is a special kind of discussion, during which some participants are trying to disprove, "destroy" their opponents. "Dialogue", in turn, is a type of speech characterized by situitation (dependence on the conversation situation), the contextuality (due to previous statements), a small degree of organization, involuntaryness and unplanned character.

Purpose of round table - provide participants with the opportunity to express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and further formulate either a common opinion, or clearly distinguish between the different positions of the parties.

Organizational features of round tables:

    relative low cost compared to other "open" formats of events;

    lack of hard structure, regulations. That is, the organizer has practically no tools direct influence on the program (it is impossible to force guests to say what is required to the organizers), and there are only indirect. For example, we can share all the discussion into several semantic blocks, thereby issued, thereby, the structure of the event, but here all that happens within these blocks is entirely dependent on the leading round table; . significant restrictions on the number of visitors;

    camera measure.

Moderation (maintenance).

The key element of any round table is moderation. The term "moderation" originated from the Italian "Moderare" and means "mitigation", "deterrence", "moderation", "curbing". The moderator is called the leading "round table". In modern value, the moderation is understood by the technique of organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

Master's task - Not just to declare the composition of the participants, designate the main themes of the event and give the start of the round table, and keep everything that happens from beginning to end in your hands.

Rules for Round Table Participants:

    the participant must be an expert on the topic under discussion;

    do not agree to participate in the round table only for the very fact of participation.

    Stages of training round tables:

    1. Topics. It should take into account the general rule: the more specifically the topic is formulated, the better. In addition, the topic must be of interest to listeners.

    2. Restoration of the lead (moderator) and its preparation. The moderator must have such qualities as sociable, artistry, intelligence. Important is a personal charm and a sense of tact.

    3. Choosing participants and determination of round table experts. The essence of any round table is to attempt to "brain attack" on a certain problem and find answers to some important questions. To do this, it is necessary to collect in one place of people with the necessary knowledge on the problem requiring lighting. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to be outlined potential experts who could give qualified answers to questions arising within the framework of the discussion of the stated round table topic.

    5. Preparation Questionnaire for Round Table Participants - The purpose of the survey is to get an objective idea of \u200b\u200bthe opinion of the participants of the round table to the problems under discussion. Questioning can be solid (in which all participants in the round table are interviewed) or selective (in which part of the roundtable participants) is polled).

    6. Preparation of the preliminary resolution of the Round Table. The draft final document should include a statement part, which lists the problems that were discussed by the participants of the round table. The resolution may contain specific recommendations to libraries, methodological centers, the management bodies of different levels, developed during the discussion or decision that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the timing of their fulfillment and responsible.

Methods of round table.

Round table opens a presenter. It represents the participants of the discussion, directs its move, monitors the regulations, which is determined at the beginning of the discussion, summarizes the results, summarizes constructive proposals. The discussion in the framework of the round table should be constructive, should not be reduced, on the one hand, only to the reports on the work done, and on the other, only to critical performances. Messages must be brief, not more than 10-12 minutes. The draft final document is announced at the end of the discussion (discussion), add-ons, changes, amendments are made to it.

Options for holding "Round Tables":

    The first option - the participants speak with the reports, then discuss their discussion. At the same time, the presenter takes a relatively modest participation in the meeting - distributes the time of speeches, provides the word to the participants of the discussion.

    The second option is the leading interviews of the round table participants or put forward the abstracts for discussion. In this case, he monitors all participants, "holds" the course of discussion in the direction of the main problem, for which the meeting for the "round table" is organized. This method of holding a round table is more interest in the audience. But it requires the leading larger skill and the deep knowledge of the "nuances" of the problem under discussion.

    The third option is "Methodical gatherings". The organization of such a round table has its own characteristics. For discussion, issues are proposed that are essential to solve some key tasks of the educational process. The topic of discussion is not declared in advance. In this case, the skill of the leading round table is that in a relaxed atmosphere to call listeners to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and bring them to certain conclusions. The goal of such "gatherings" is the formation of a correct point of view by a certain pedagogical problem; Creating a favorable psychological climate in this group of listeners.

    The fourth option is "Methodical dialogue". Within the framework of such a form of a round table, students acquainted in advance with the topic of discussion, receive theoretical homework. Methodical dialogue is conducted on a certain problem between the lead and listeners or between the groups of students. The driving force of the dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of listeners. A common emotional atmosphere is of great importance, which allows you to cause a sense of internal unity. In conclusion, conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

Presentation of round table materials.

The most common options for publishing the results of discussions for the "round table" are as follows:

    a brief (reduced) presentation of all the speeches of the round table participants. In this case, the most important thing is selected. The text is given on behalf of the participants in the form of direct speech. At the same time, the leading round table must discuss with the protruding, which will be selected for printing from each speech. These rules dictate ethical requirements that should always be observed when working with the authors of texts.

    general summarylearned from different speeches that sounded during the discussion. In essence, these are general conclusions by the material that sounded during the conversation or the discussion of the round table.

    the complete presentation of all the performances of the participants.


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