Amazon Tatu with a sword. What value is a sword tattoo

Amazon Tatu with a sword. What value is a sword tattoo

Tattoo with the image of the secrei of Perun symbolizes strength, power, power, resilience, endurance, hardness of intentions, perseverance, purposefulness.

The value of the tattoo of the secreir of Perun

Our great-grandparents were deeply religious people. They believed in the powerful gods, which, according to their conviction, dispose of all essential in the world. Perun was the most important God of the ancient Slavs.

This god was considered the ancestors of the powerful and ruthless judge of human destination. The languages \u200b\u200bof the flame were cut down by the blow of his charming weapon.

He is a metal lightning in those whose intentions were vicious. His secure is extremely powerful and is an invulnerable symbol to this day.

Perun's secreir is a strong talisman to impart hardness in their intentions. As a rule, it means harness, courage and power. Tattoo In the image of Perun's secrets exudes the combat location of the human spirit.

As he was heard, a tattoo with an ax of Perun is considered a male talisman, because men were fighters and they needed a symbol that enhances their courage. But in the future, such a tattoo began to enjoy interest in women. They found her strong amulet from the dark forces, and to multiply her forces, deactivated all sorts of signs and drawings.

There is no doubt that the secreir was a talisman warriors who had a mad military energy. He kits for their people will save from danger and in battle.

To date, this charm can be applied more widely: it is able to strengthen the perseverance and strength of the Spirit, purposefulness and courage, even in those who in no way relate to the military sphere.

A similar magic symbol protects not only its owner, but also his family.

It was used in a wide variety of life situations throughout the whole era. In order to protect the house from evil spirits to thus, the sequir stuck in the door jamb. Around the newlyweds at the wedding drew a circle of secretion, with the purpose of nobody caused evil and did not cause the curse. Her could put in the threshold to drive unclean power From the house of a giving birth.

Such a weapon was made by a shop on which someone died, believing that death would be driven by a similar way.

The sequir as a tattoo is usually applied on the back, shoulder or chest. True, today it can be chopped into absolutely different parts of the body, it will depend only on its shape.

It was specifically in a triangular form, with acute ends, however, over time, the drawing has changed, the tattoo masters began to portray it with a long handle and two axes of round. Color range for tattoo stuffing in the shape of a secreter Perun is a variety of black and gray tones and a variety of dark colors.

Summarizing all the above facts, it can be concluded that the tattoo with the secretion of Perun is a powerful magic mascot, but if you are a supporter of paganism, then the properties of this tattoo only double and give you strength, masculinity and even wisdom.

The sword's tattoo is considered a male tattoo, which symbolizes the courage and honor, awareness of his fate. A woman with a sword is Amazon or the one that mourns his loss. The sketch of the sword tattoos often includes other characters, for example, a skull, snake, etc. Most often drawing is applied on the forearm, shin, shoulder.

Sword - ancient weapon Justice, a symbol of the struggle for life, for their ideals, fighting the enemy. The sword recreates the image of a warrior, ready to battle. For the most part, the sword is considered a male tattoo.

A woman, on the body of which the sword is depicted - this is either a militant Amazon or the one that has lost close in the battle. In the latter case, a sword, braided by ivy or flowers, will become a memory of loss.

The main values \u200b\u200bof the tattoo sword:

  • justice;
  • force;
  • courage;
  • honor;
  • resistance;
  • rage;
  • awareness of the inevitability and tragicity of fate.

Religion, philosophy and art use a sword as one of the bright characters. The sword is a symbol of death and struggle with it, a symbol of unmanaged strength and justice, a sign of evil and an instrument of protection.

The sword is a symbol of dealing with ignorance and stupidity in Buddhism. The symbolic image of seven swords piercing the breast of the Virgin Mary, displays seven sorrows that torment the human soul. Kabbalah uses a sword as a symbol of equilibrium.

The essence of the sword is a weapon capable of causing death. The one who owns the sword is ready to use it in the battle, is ready to take away life and risk his own life.

The sword is one of the few images that do not apply without background or symbols that complement it. Each combination with another object changes the value of the sketch of the tattoo of the sword.

  • The sword, blamed with flowers or ivy - the symbol of loss, says that a close man died in battle.
  • Sword, dividing a man and a woman - a weapon that shares a couple, talks about the purity and innocence of their relationship.
  • The sword, put into the sheath symbolizes the strength that is endowed with balance and prudence.
  • The sword of the Damocla is a symbol of the inevitable destiny, the frequency of happiness and well-being.
  • The sword broken sign that the owner recognized his defeat in life, survived the impaired loss, lost faith in life.
  • The sword with a dancing figure expresses the desire and willingness to resist death in all its manifestations.
  • Sword and snake sign of temptations and temptations of life.
  • Sword and cross symbol of union, fraternity, strong union.
  • The sword and skull (the sword pierces the skull) symbolizes the opposition of death.
  • The sword is broken - the image speaks of a big loss, loss, life impact, from which you can not recover.

The sword tattoo is a large image, surrounded by pattern and symbols. The image requires a significant space - it reflects the special philosophy of the owner.

There is a sword tattoo on elongated body parts: back, leg, hand. In essence, the sword is men's weapons requiring strength and combat skills. The image of the sword reflects the male essence and fits the men. Your Tattoo Master is simply obliged to draw for you a unique sketch of tattoo with a picture of a sword, taking into account your preferences.

Video tattoos Sword

And the following photos of tattoos depicting a sword from different masters.

Tattoo in the form of a sword symbolizes justice, acts as a symbol of struggle for its idea, life and freedom. The sword is associated with the warrior that goes on the battle. Religion and art use a sword image as a bright symbol pointing to death and fight her. In Buddhism, he carries another opposite role - characterized by stupidity and ignorance. Such a tattoo is popular, both among male and among the female.

What does guys mean

For the most part, the tattoo of the sword is considered male. In this case, it means power, acts as a symbol of masculinity. The owner of such a tattoo - a person conscious, who accepted his destiny and ready to fight for his life.

As a rule, the presented image is chosen by men who wish to emphasize their bravery, the desire to fight for good deeds. Since the sword is cold weapons, then it is directly associated with the image of knights and warriors.

It is worth noting that the sword is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, it means a dangerous weapon, a symbol of war. On the other hand, this is a great strength that is aimed at the struggle for good deeds.

What does girls mean

Women less often stop image selection on tattoo sword. However, the owner of such a tattoo is associated with the Amazons if the sword is depicted naked, without a sheath.

If a female tattoo includes vegetation when the sword wore ivy or a rose, then it means grief and loss of beloved in battle.

The surrounding elements directly affect the tattoo value of the sword. If it is hidden into the sheath, then such a sign can be interpreted as an indicator of prudence and equilibrium. If this is a whole composition where the image of a man and a woman, between which weapons are located, then it means an innocent relationship. The broken sword acts as a symbol of lesion.

In prison

At the "zone" presented tattoo bears different meaning. If a tattoo is depicted on the tattoo, including the sword, this is a direct warning about the threat and fierce violence.

Do not ignore such a chemless warning. With people who show presented drawings, it is better not to communicate, and does not quarrel.

The sword is an image that is often used in aggregate with other pictures and symbols. Depending on the items, the initial value of the tattoo is changed. So, the sword depicted in the hands of a dancing person means readiness to fight death to the very end. Sword and cross is a strong and unreasonable fraternity. Sword and snake are temptations that become in the life path. The sword and skull is another of the symbols of opposition to death in all its manifestations. This value is such a tattoo.


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