Boulat cloth. Palcers - fatal weapons of ancient warriors

Boulat cloth. Palcers - fatal weapons of ancient warriors

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The meaning of the word of the Paleza

palcers in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


palinese, g.

    Heavy baton with a thickened end, Udr. Inside as a weapon.

    Wooden rolls for chopping under rinse (region).

    Part of the soyh, serving for the dust of the earth during packed (region).

    Part of the church vestments in the form of a pair square (church.).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


S, g. Ancient weapon is a heavy baton with a thickened end.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Heavy baton with a thickened end, used in ancient as a weapon.

      mal. Part of the soy or plow, serving for the dust of the Earth during packed.

  1. g. Part of the church vestments of the highest clergy in the form of a brocade square.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    ancient (from the paleolithic era) shock or throwing weapons from durable and heavy varieties of wood, later with a stone or bronze impurge.

    Rhombid brush handkerchief, wearable on the chest, part of the clothing of archimandrite and honored priests.


ancient shock or throwing weapon, which appeared in the Paleolithic era. P. was made of durable and heavy trees; Later, the stone probes appeared and in the bronze age of ≈ metallic. P. is still found in some of the tribes of Africa, South America, Oceania in their development. A number of peoples P. were modified from the shock in a cringers (for example, Kirry ≈ P. U Bushmen). From throwing P. developed boomerang. P. (otherwise the succ) in the form of a bubble with a thickened end, usually counted with iron or stored with large iron nails and pointedies, was the simplest hand-held weapons of the ancient Russian warriors. From P. lead the origin of the Bulaw and the sixth floor.



Palice (Reductive from the Slavonic pala, stick "Duby, staff, Polane"), or dubinka - Cold weapons of shock-fragmentation effects originating from the usual wooden stick.

Such a wooden tool consists of a handle and a combat-shock part in the form of thickening or massive imparting. The handle and massive thickening make up a single integer. The tires may differ from the usual club or Oslopa first, less weight, secondly, greater fitness to battle, and thirdly, the presence of so-called "fortifications", that is, iron hoops, which is sometimes with spikes.

This is an oldest and simplest type of weapon. The club turned out to be the very first weapon, but actively applies and today as a simple, but completely effective instrument of self-defense.

From a legislative point of view, a double can be equated to cold weapons. At the same time, some special types of clubs (for example, baseball bits) are recognized as sports equipment.

Palets (values)


  • Palice - steel arms.
  • Palice - belonging to the liturgical vestments of the priest.
  • Palcese - Village in Bulgaria.
  • Palets, Igor Petrovich

Palets (liturgical land)

Palice - The belonging of the complete liturgical vestments of the bishop, Archimandrite, the protopsychiatrist, as well as awarded the priest. It is a diamond-shaped circuit boards in the middle, at the right side attached to the tape, is on the right side (the ginger in this case is outweigh on the left side).

In antiquity, the clickey was an integral part of only the Episcopal vestments, then in Greek and Russian churches she was learned and archimandritis and protopsychiatrics (from the XVI century). From the XVIII century, as an award, it can get igumen and protoier.

IN symbolic meaning The cloth, like a booming, has the same meaning of the spiritual sword, that is, the words of God, which should always be armed with a shepherd. But compared to the giver of the panic, it belongs to a higher level, as it also symbolizes the edge of the towels, which Jesus Christ said his legs.

Examples of the use of the word of the cloth in the literature.

Tas was lying on his bed, while Karamon, standing in the middle of the room, was practiced with palets. And the chain - Arak demanded that Caramon was owned not only by a sword, but also other types of weapons.

Even brisk Bersaliers, Guard Kokora Hercus, were armed palenitsa and daggers, and a bowl knights - swords and crossbows.

When we entered the huge room of the first floor, from where silent escalators raised us on the second, and the gallery with hundreds of brightly erased various female things were opened with hundreds of brightly erected women's eyes, swimwear, sparkling with all the lights of the rainbow decorations, flickering with gentle future laundry flowers sparkling from skillful illumination of bottles with all sorts of spirits - a suddenly froze in place with frozen palice Smile and lost the gift of speech.

Armed with swords, axes, palenitsa And Rhothanes, Novgorod, waited by Vladimirk, who went to the Council to the Elder Halmara.

Then the Gaznev himself came up to the idol and hit him on the copper head of his battle palets..

In the arena, they fought with a praise, although without prejudice to themselves, young, still untrained gladiators armed with training palenitsa and wooden swords.

Only stopped the attacks of the first roar in the air, it was the turn of double-apartments, scored palinese, Daggers, Protzanas, Swords and Palashi - everything that wounds, his terrible work will be peaks in madness, no one knows where other people's, where their own, and rati their own - do not distinguish between the enemy.

Huge, with a brilliant helmet on long gray curls, with a burning dark face and sparkling dark eyes, with severe palets. In his hands, Ratibor led the horror of the attackers, Evpathy was also grozen in his decisiveness.

For palinese Few bear strengthened, - responded to the zaliznyak, and the darkness caught a mockery in the voice of the slave, and also the ability to need.

Many days they sailed down the river Bururo, and then in Essekibo, brother more and more weaker, and the Caribbean eventually killed him palets..

There is nothing to do, presenting the kinematics of this simple mechanism, boldly began to make the manufacture of telescopic palinese with retractable spikes.

Duby Clapoto swung on the old man palets.But flew from the saddle, inequately squeal, having received a picking needle directly into the eye, launched by Impi Vanderbek.

Axes, secrets, axes, clovers, shells, male, pixels, palinese - occupy a dozen tables and shops.

Those did not see how they fell under the hooves of their partner, and the darkness drove his stallion, not palitsa And the sick with the horse is still one, already at the gap itself.

It was indicated where and what needs to be fixed, blacksmiths in the city ordered to make bugres and spears, placed on long weapons, braids, cooked by the rib on the cowness, heavy rashes and palinesePassed by baking nails.

Palcese as a weapon is known from ancient times. There were places for one more than five million years ago, in others - in the Stone Age. They were a transitional form from the simplest dubbing to combat boulas. The cloths belong to the shock-crushing cold weapons. In the hands of a warrior with appropriate force and skill, they can be formidable, deadly weapons. Some dysfoliaries are used and still.

Combat Palcese: Types and Characteristics

Usually, to make a closet, it was necessary to select the hardest wood, which was available in the area of \u200b\u200bliving warriors.

The slurries were made in different ways. For example, a young village broke out with the root, and the parts adjacent to the root served shock elements. The batchness of the tree influenced the greater injury to the enemy. It is clear that before applying, Cubin was processed for more convenient use of it.

In addition, on the tree trunk, in the area of \u200b\u200bKomly, there was an incision, and a stone was inserted into it. After years, a tree with a scruff stone in it. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe ingrown stone, a galler was obtained, which served as a shock element.

Weapon samples have been cut out of solid wood species. The shock part was strengthened with a wide variety of linings, rings and even small spikes.

The strikes caused by this weapon were of great strength, yes it was pretty impressive. The mass of the feet reached up to 12 kg, and their length is 1.2 meters. It is clear that such a weapon could have only genuine solo, as a result of this, the middle mass of the feet did not exceed 6 kg, and the length is one meter.

The tops of any blinds were always thicker than their handle. Sometimes the tops of the tips could be stone or iron, but more often they were made by metal.

There was also the presence of lighter powers, sometimes used for throwing. Such a weapon used the riders more often. Troops rushing, as a rule, in runaway enemies. As the riders they were as reserve weapons, used them with the loss of fixed weapons. With the help of blows of the lungs of the Palice, you could stun the enemy and captured.

In the territory of Ancient Russia, there were two-handed variants of the fells. Actually these options were distinguished by their length and weight. Such weapons could only wear warriors with short-sighted physical data. From shocks, the enemy fell from the telting sometimes, it was sometimes either very injured. Often, the raops were used against riders. Long cloths allowed them to act on a safe distance from riders, and drips around the horse could be dumping him with hoofs.

Differences of the Palcese from Bulaw

Typical cloths were shortcut-type weapons. Inseuting people at the sight of the boobs in the first RA, often confuse them with bulbs. And in fact, these different types Weapons are extremely similar to one another. Their main difference is that the makeup are combined weapons. Since they consist of handles to which shock elements are attached. While the shutters are always manufactured from solid pieces of wood.

Often, the blinds were wound with the skin, and spikes installed on the vertices. Typically, thick nails performed as spikes. For this purpose, the holes were drilled on top so that the nails could split the blinds. But the nails themselves were not completely hammered, they were then engaged or raised hats.

Matties of the Peoples of the World

Some African peoples still enjoy light closures. For example, Masayev's tribes call them Runda. These batons usually use tribal contests for casting range. In addition, they are sold to tourists as souvenir products. Their shock parts are clearly allocated and made on the shape of the balls. Often they have specific spouts in the form of a bird beak.

Some of the most difficult placing options are Russian beeps, as well as Japanese combat clubs - Tutsube. Oslopes used as a weapon of commoner, while Tutsuby did not disappear to use even samurai. In addition, the Japanese warriors who owned the technique of using Tutsubube, enjoyed huge reverence, because they had just incredible force.

There were also lighter Japanese shutters called Candanco. It was the legendary Japanese heroic personalities that these batons often used.

The cloths are often found in folk tales. Actually, they master the Greek heroes and Teshek, and the English king of Wilhelm won the conqueror with a light pan in his hand.

Original forms possessed the clubs of North American Indians. Separates resembled flint guns that were in the first settlers. The shock parts of these dubin resembled the butt. As a rule, the impact edges of these dubbies were crowned with flat silicon or obsidian spikes.

The Indian tribe of the Dakota possessed the so-called "flexible clocks." They were made of Evnyak beams, which were related to each other. At the ends of these pieces, heavy stones of round or oval forms were mounted.

The medieval European and Asian soldiers had iron cliffs having faceted cross-sections of the shock parts. Thanks to these faces, the slurries easily split the skulls. Sleep-shoes and robbers used wooden cloths. The cloths were extremely popular, because they were easily manufactured and had a huge force.

In the fencing European and Asian schools used wooden cloths as a weapon for training battles. Easy people, the clutches were popular as weapons on spectacular fights. In addition, many versions of that time managed to master the wooden shutters.

Knights despised wooden clubs, although they often took part in common coat tournaments. For the first it was fun, and for the second is a deadly dangerous event.

Nevertheless, the knights from time to time used wooden cloths in tournaments, but only when they fought with non-dense people.

Carpathian shepherds of the Paletsy

On the territory of the Carpathian Mountains, even in our time you can meet one interesting variety of fences. This is a long, almost two-meter weapon, which has a thickness of approximately four centimeters. The upper pieces of the pie bends the arc-shaped form, and the shock parts have significant growths in four sides.

The presence of such growths was obtained due to the cuts. They were made on growing trees. The tops of the trees were tied arcuate. Years later, when the trunks of the trees reached the necessary parameters, they were cut down and treated.

Such clutches are called "Herlegues". Hooks on one of their parts served for the hooks of animals behind the paws. While the shock parts could stun even the mothers of wolves. Moreover, the gelings could have been successfully fought off the robbers. According to local old-timers, such clutches were among many shepherds.

The shepherds themselves often used these terchers to resolve conflict situations in their environment. By now, the technique of the battle of Garlyg almost no one owns, and it is almost lost. However, there are information that there are still some "adepts" owning this technique, and their almost units. But they are already so old that they simply will not be able to demonstrate at least some techniques.

Modern Palents.

Modern blinds are often located at home or in many Russian cars - it is naturally baseball bits. It is known that such a popular game in our country has not passed. Nevertheless, the baseball battleship itself was very well. At the beginning of the nineties, raketiors, hooligans and just a criminal element were very often used, and today law-abiding citizens are often equipped with baseball bits.

It will be not so much about deadly weapons, how much about demoralizing. The one who believes that the ancient wars differed in a huge number of victims, is brutally mistaken. The main task of the army was not to destroy the enemy's magnificently, as many are trying to make it now, but only to break his resistance, collect tribute, hurt people into slavery and thereby ensure the prosperity of their people.

There were few dead, whereas the wounded had more than three-quarters of troops (which confirm the chronicle sources). Remember how they talked about the winning army: "It broke out." Did not quarrel, did not say, namely he broke! In such battles, the warriors do not raise each other as a cabbage, and just outlined them: wounded, crippled, stunned. For this, the weapons of this group are ideal. Despite the fact that it does not cause bloody wounds, it can stun the enemy, break the bones. Moreover, the armor did not save himself from the skillful blow of a pan or even a bubbin: the soft chain kilk was bent under such blows, allowing weapons to strike a strong injury or a fracture. It was also quite possible to knock on the head in the helmet, stunning the enemy or even split the helmet. So it was quite functional weapon.

And the cloth and the creel occurred from a simple club. However, her simplicity did not interfere with her excellent weapon. Dubin was often equipped with militia and rebellious people. Even in the troops of Emelyan Pugachev, there were people armed with only clubs. Despite its primitive look, the dumina can cause huge damage to the enemy up to the bone fracture, and if you remember the huge strength of our great-grandparents, there is no doubt that a dubbers in their hands was truly deadly weapon. The word "duby" speaks of what material it was made. The best oak is obtained from oak, or, at worst, from elm or birch. Moreover, the dumina as a weapon is not just some kind of snag. For a bubble, a comuted part of the specified wood species is best suited, and the place where the trunk goes into the roots is also the suspicious, the most durable part in the tree, which beat in battle. On the other hand, the dumina was suited for some ease and convenience of holding in hand. There was also a practice in such clubs to fill the nails, which even more increased the crushing ability of the club, because the dumina with spikes does not slip, but beats exactly in target. However, the edge between the club and the pan with the mace is very thin.

Bulava appear in antiquity, the spread of them in Russian troops in the XI century is the result of southeast influence. Iron and bronze, screwed by the Old Russian Bulan found more than 100. Their collective old Russian name - cue (in Polish so still called a stick, especially weighty).

Among the ancient Russian finds include iron impulses (less often - bronze) in the form of a cube with four crucifically located massive spikes. They are dated another IX-XI centuries.

Low later, their simplified form - cube cube appears. The role of spikes played pyramidal protrusions. Such brows were most common in the XII-XIII centuries (almost half of the finds) were applied to the simple population, including peasants. Weight probably amounted to 100-350 g.

Sometimes there were Bulava-cloves. They were the same form as the previous ones, but on the one hand were supplied with a beak-like protrusion.
In the XII-XIII centuries, bronze, poured bridal mills of complex forms with 4-5 pyramidal spikes are distributed. Sometimes they were golden. The mass of them must be 200-300 g.

Bronze impulsions with 4 large and 8 small spikes of the same weight are distributed, sometimes decorative bulges around spikes. It was the second most prevalence type - more than a quarter of the finds.

In addition to thugs with spikes, browses were used with spherical screws, more often iron, as well as multilobbing boulas. Their weight was 150-180 grams.

Bulava were more common in southern Russia, especially in Kiev than in the north. They were weapons like cavalry and infantry. The length of the handle on average was at least 50-60 cm. In the infantry used and clutches, clubs, butles were used.

Bulawa sat on a wooden handle, and screwed in the most simple was made from copper alloys, and Lead fledged inside. The more powerful impediment of the beam was caught from iron. Also are also mentioned bouquets and boulas. The mace with the iron handle until the middle of the XV century did not meet even in India, from where they later came to us. The fundamental difference of the cloth and makeup in the design of the ass. The cloth is a pear-shaped studded weapon, which we used to see in the hands of the hero. They have no more fundamental differences. Bulawe is also characterized by a slightly cubic form with large triangular spikes.

The word Bulava is the meaning of the "bump", the "knob". The combat part is called most often imaginary and head. As already mentioned, the ancient Russian Bulava was, as a rule, iron or bronze must, weighing 200-300 g. Twitted with a wooden handle with a length of 50-60 cm and a thickness of 2-6 cm. Sometimes, in order to The enemy did not overrive the shoe of the shutters, she was trimmed with a copper sheet. Bulaw was used, mainly equestrian warriors for applying an unexpected strike on the garment or shoulder. For the tires of the X-XI centuries, a cubic screw is typical with four-six pyramidal spikes. Such a design served as a prototype for the appearance in the XIII century the so-called Maulars-Klevtsov. We were imagined by a cube with one long clawed spike.

Another, this time the complicated form of bulva is a multiple bulva. It was done so that no matter how he hit the warrior, several spikes will go into the enemy.

From the XIV century in Russia, the six-meter is distributed (he also pernostly) - a pin with six dropped blades, located about the same as the boom plumage. Like the other weapon, the Bulava was decorated with an intricate pattern: between spikes, the ancient masters created intricate Vych. Shestops were listed on our territory Mongol-Tatars.

In Russia, they were told both simple mass boulas and chic gold-plated, designed specifically for a native warrior.

The form for the Bulander was done like this: At first, the master took the wax and did the union of the future weapon from it, then the wax was circumvented from above the clay. The clay shape was heated and the wax flowed from there. The form is ready.

Many artists (those that paint huge inappropriate axes) provide their epic heroes with huge all-metal "stopudo-" shutters in fact, as mentioned above, the Packets weighed only 200-300, well, there may be 500 grams, it was enough for a good blow. The boots are the waters of real heroes from fairy tales.

When "Bulava" say, most often they imagine the monstrous pear-like and, apparently, all-metal weapons that artists like it to be seen on the wrist or to the saddle to our Bogatyr Ilya Muromtsu. It is likely that it must emphasize the heavyweight power of the epic character, which, who neglected by the sophisticated "Lord's" weapon like a sword, crushes the enemy with one physical force. It is also possible that the fabulous heroes played here and fabulous heroes, which, if you order the Bulaw in the Blacksmith, so certainly "stops" ...

Iron makeups. (XI-XIII century):
1 - Pyramidal Mold Bulaws, 2 - Bulava- "Klevtsi"

Meanwhile, in life, as usual, everything was much more modest and more efficient. The Old Russian Bulava was an iron or bronze (sometimes filled with lead), screwed 200-300 g, reinforced on handles 50-60 cm long and 2-6 cm thick. The handle in some cases was trimmed with a copper sheet. As scientists write, Bulawa was used mainly by horse warriors, was auxiliary weapon and served to apply a quick, unexpected strike in any direction. Bulaw seems less formidable and deadly weapons than sword or spear. However, we will listen to historians who indicate: not every battle of the early Middle Ages turned into a fight "to the last drop of blood." Quite often the chronicler finishes the battle scene with the words: "... and there were a lot of injured, and there were a lot of wounded." Each party, as a rule, wanted not to exterminate the enemy in the midst, but only to break his organized resistance, to get a retreat, and the runners were not always pursued. In such a battle, it was not at all necessary to bring the "football" mace and to enter the ears in the ears. It was quite enough to "stunned" - stunning a blow to the shream. And with this task of Bulava our ancestors coped perfectly.

Mute muffins of various shapes.
XI-XIII century

Judging by the archaeological finds, Bulava penetrated Rus from the nomadic southeast at the beginning of the XI century. Among the ancient findings are prevailed by a cube with four pyramid-shaped spikes, located crosswise. With some simplification, this form gave cheap mass weapons, spreading in the XII-XII centuries among the peasants and ordinary citizens: Magni was made in the form of cubes with cut corners, while the intersection of the planes was given a similarity of spikes. On some impressions of this type, there is a side view. "Klevts According to scientists, Bulava, "Klevtsy" anticipate the "hammers with a beak of falcon", spreading in the 20th century and served for crushing heavy, durable armor.

1. Bowl of bulva head with chopped ribs. XIII century.

However, the development went not only along the simplification. At the same time, in the XII-XIII centuries, there was a very complex and perfect form appeared - with spikes protruding in all directions in such a way that the protrusion is in any case the protrusion is one or more. These impartations were mostly cast from bronze, which initially introduced scientists in an annoying delusion: in museum directories and even in scientific works they rank bronze era only on the grounds that they were made from the mentioned metal!

Multiple Bulava in the hands of experienced lattice masters sometimes turned into real works of art. The space between the spikes was filled with small bulbs and a wicker pattern. On some impressions, the pattern is flattened and crumpled: these ramps visited battles ...

Archaeologists have established that the master did the wax model at the beginning, giving up the necessary form of the right form. Then the model was deceived by clay and heated: the wax flowed down, and the molten bronze was poured into the resulting hollow form. But the coffee makeup was required, and the wax model did not for each. The shape of the cast could be obtained from the finished impossible, only in this case the clay shape was separated in two, and then fastened: the articulated seam was obtained on the finished ingot, which was later discharged with a file. Singing on the wax model is one screw, the master then made it from it several forms. Running around the hands, the products sometimes fell into the hands of others, often less qualified artisans, they did a copy from the copy - and so on. It is interesting to keep track of how scientists, getting acquainted with copies of different quality, gradually go to the main centers of artistic craft ...

In addition to iron and bronze, in Russia, it was still done to make a mole from "Kapa" - very dense growth with a bizarre wavy fiber structure, which occurs on birch.

And from the XII-XII centuries, the archaeologists come across spherical heads Mauds, from which Rybra, designed to strike, drank. Scientists consider such bulva with the immediate predecessors of the famous sixfoots - a foam foam bulb, whose history in Western Europe And in Russia it is customary to start with the XIV century.

As we saw above, Bulava often became a massive weapon. On the other hand, the glittering gold-plated boulava, the product of a good master, was made sometimes and the symbol of power. This is noted, in particular, among Russians, Ukrainians, Turks, Hungarians and Poles. In the XVI century, for example, Bulava still served as a weapon, but special, ceremonials have already appeared: they were separated by gold, silver and expensive stones and, of course, were not used for battles.

1. Palets. XIII century. 2. Bulava. XII century

In the same XVI century, apparently enshrines in Russian and the word Bulava itself, originally had the meaning of the "bump", "knob". In any case, for the first time it is found in written documents of the beginning of the 20th century. How did you call this weapon in earlier times? In the ancient Russian chronicles there are two terms, the meaning and consumption of which does not leave doubt that it is about Bulav. The first of these is "rod manual", referred to in the works of the XI century. The second term "cue". However, it had even the meaning of the "Staff", "heavy stick", "Dubinka". Meanwhile, Bulava is nothing but the heiress of primitive club, a combat variety of hammer. And in Serbian "Kii" and then so far - "Bulava".

As for the ancient Dubin, our ancestors of Slavs perfectly retained the memory of times when the metals and people were not yet known for the steams and stones. " Wooden clubs have thinned in the ground, without waiting for the shovel of archaeologists, but from writing sources it is known that they were in armared for a very long time. In fact, it could make the very last militant, who had no decent onion, not to mention the sword. Arab traveler of the X century, talking about the arms of the Slavs who met him, mentions the batons. They were worn at the belt, in battle they were striving to hit the enemy on the shream. Sometimes the batons are methali. The origin of the words "Palice" and "Dubinka" in the comments must be thought, does not need. Another name of the clutch was "Rogditz" or "Rogvitz".

Palets - weapons with ancient history. She appeared in the Stone Age and was a transitional form from the simplest clubs to battle Bulaw. The closet belongs to the group of shock-crushing cold weapons and with due force and skill is a deadly weapon. Modern varieties of the cloth are used so far.

Combat Palcers - General View and Classification

For the manufacture of the cloth, the hardest tree was chosen, which was available in the area where the soldiers lived. The clutch could be made in several ways:

  1. The easiest way to make this weapon was that the young tree broke out with the root, and his kolly served as a shock element. The presence of bitch was welcomed, as this allowed to injure the enemy stronger. Naturally, before using a dubb, it was processed to give a more convenient form;
  2. Another way to manufacture the cloth was that on the trunk of a tree, closer to the komul, was given a deep incision, where the stone was inserted. A few years later, a tree with an ingrown stone cut down. Where there was a stone, a thickening was formed, which served as a shock element;
  3. More modern samples of this weapon simply cut out of a solid tree. The shock part was strengthened by various linings, rings and even small spikes.

Blows applied by these weapons have a huge force, since the panel parameters were quite impressive. The weight of the cloth could reach 12 kilograms, and its length is 1.2 meters. Of course, only a real bogatyr could have such a weapon, so the middle weight of the cloth did not exceed 6 kg, with a length to a meter.

At first, any cloth was always 3-5 times thicker than her handle. Sometimes, the blinders could be a stone or iron, but most often simply became metal.

There were more lightups that were sometimes used for throwing. Such weapons most often used horsemen. It is usually riveted in the runaway enemy, as it was a backup weapon for the rider, which was used in the case of the loss of the main one. In addition, the enemies were stunned by a light closet, allowing them to take them.

In ancient Russia, there was a two-handed version of the pancake - the frost. This option was distinguished long and weight. Such a weapon could only own a warrior with a huge physical force. Oslope's blows shot down opponents with legs, causing hard injuries. Often, the raptop was applied against riders. The length of this cloth allowed her to work at a safe distance from the rider, and the horses blows were guaranteed to dumped with her legs.

Differences of the Gumps from Bulava

Standard Packet is a shortcut weapon. Many people seeing the cleans for the first time, can confuse her with a mace. Indeed, often these two types of weapons are very similar to each other. The main difference between them is that the male is a composite weapon, since it consists of a handle on which the shock element is fixed (using the eye). The shutter is always made from a solid piece.

Often the cloth turned out to the skin, and the spikes that could be made of thick nails were inserted into the threads. To do this, it was necessary to drill holes in the hell (otherwise nails can simply split the closet) and not until the end of the nails in them, from which hats turned out or raised.

Martial terraces of different times and peoples

Africa still uses the lungs of the local Masai tribe, which are called Runda. This club is used in local throwing competitions, as well as selling tourists as souvenir. Its shock part is dramatically distinguished and made in the form of a ball, often having a specific spout in the form of a beak bird.

The greatest options for the cloth can be considered the Russian frost and its Japanese fellow, fighting Tutsube. Unlike Oskop, which was a weapon of commoners, Tutsuby did not be bored to use samurai. On the contrary, the Japanese warrior who owned the technique of applying Tutsubube, enjoyed tremendous respect, since he possessed just a bear force.

There was a more easy Japanese clutch, which was called Canco. This baton was often used by the heroes of Japanese legends.

In general, the use of the cloth is often found in the legends. It was she who was the weapon of Greek heroes Hercules and Teane. Even the King of England, Wilhelm, the conqueror was often portrayed with a lightcloth in her hands.

Interesting form have a club of the Indians of North America. Some of them were similar to the flint guns of the first settlers. The drum part of these clubs was similar to the butt. Usually the shock edge of these clubs was crowned with flat spikes from silicon or obsidian.

Another interesting variety of the clutch was in the Indians of the Dakota tribe. It was the so-called "flexible clock." It was made from the bundle of IV rods associated together. At the end of this clock, a heavy stone round or oval shape was mounted.

Medieval Warriors of Europe and Asia used iron clocks, with a grungy cross section of the shock part. Due to the faces of the cloth easily split the head. Wooden cloths in that epoch used peasants and robbers. This weapon was enormous popular, as it was easy to manufacture and had a crushing power.

FEHTOVAL SCHOOLS OF EUROPE AND Asia used wooden cloths as weapons for training. Among the simple citizens and the peasants of the Palice was popular as a weapon for spectacular fights. Many peasants B. medieval Europe Virtuoso owned a wooden pan.

Although the knightly estate despised wooden clubs, the knights often participated in the peasant tournaments. For the peasants, the Knight's participation in their fun meant not only fun, but also a deadly danger. The fact is that the trained knights beat with all his might, and if the peasant won, it was often a proud feudal of waiting for him after the tournament with a sword in his hand.

Knights sometimes used wooden cloths in their tournaments, but only if their opponents became unfounded people.

Carpathian shepherds Palets.

In the Carpathian mountains, you can still find an interesting option of the cloth. This weapon is about two meters long, but has a thickness of about 4 centimeters in diameter. The upper part of the cloth is bent in the form of an arc, and the shock part has significant growths from four sides. These growths were obtained due to cuts, which were made on a growing tree. The upper part of the tree was tied in the form of an arc. After a few years, when the trunk of the tree reached the necessary length, he was cut down and treated.

Such a clutch was called "Gzzliga". The hook on one of his parts served so that the animal can be hooked behind the legs, and the shock part could be stunned even a vapor wolf. In addition, Garlygua could be fought off the robbers. Local old-timers say that earlier, many shepherds owned a similar pan, which often used it to solve conflicts among themselves. Unfortunately, Garlyga's battlecard is now known only to units and those are no longer able to repeat some of the techniques of the battle due to old age.

Pacifics of the Peoples of Oceania, Melanesia and Islands of the Fiji Archipelago

The places of local aborigines significantly dominate the rest of the weapons. They are both stone and wooden, various sizes. It was the natives with Fiji that they became famous as a virtuoso battle masters on the shutters.

The most important martial weapons of the islanders is the combat cloth of several species:

  1. Thusing, which, according to the method of use, is similar to the baton of the African tribe Masai. This club was made of solid wood, and the releasing roots at the base served as a finished shock part. The handle of such a club did not exceed 35 centimeters. In addition to throwing, the clutches of this type were used in hand-to-hand fights;
  2. Another variant of the throwing club was distinguished by imparting, which was smooth or carved. Often, the clutches of this species often were equipped with a set of spikes sticking in all directions. The entire handle of this weapon was covered with a skilled fine thread, which, in addition to decorative functions, did not allow the hand to slide;
  3. The heavy tower for the melee islanders was kept by two hands, for throwing it was not suitable because of its weight. Such a blinder had a flat pointed blade at one end. The herself of the club is reminiscent of his shape. Since the blow to the enemy was applied by this line, this weapon had rather chopping than crushing properties;
  4. There was another fairly exotic option of the cloth - with the rally at both ends. The technique of combat such a baton was very different from the use of traditional shutters. This tool was holding two hands in the middle. Despite a rather ridiculous species, such a cloth (in the hands of the master) showed itself more efficient than the European saber;
  5. In addition to these combat samples, there are still many different types of blinds, which are a symbol of the leader's power or are used only in ritual dances. Such samples are real works of art, as fully covered with threads with inlay. An image of the eye and man prevails in this thread.

All Aboriginal Nuts are made of solid trees.

There is another Polynesian weapon that local residents are called a wooden sword. Although according to the classification, it is more like a clock. Despite the formidable appearance, such a blinder was suitable only for several blows, after which the victorious side restored it for a long time.

The modern option of the cloth can be found in homes and machines of many of our compatriots. This is a baseball bat, which is not at all for the game of baseball.

7 types of weapons of the Russian warrior (15 photos)

From Bulava to "Bulava" - Russian weapons always caused fear and the thrill of the enemies.


True or a fairy tale, but Russian warriors could be a sword to crawl into the enemy along with a horse. It is not surprising that the real "hunt" was conducted for Russian swords. However, unlike the sword, the enemy in battle, the seized blade from Kurgan never brought good luck to his owner. Only wealthy warriors could afford the sword. The most famous, for example, the Blacksmith Lutoda was considered in the 9th century. Master Koval High-class bouquet unique swords. But mostly, all the same swords did foreign craftsmen, and the most popular were Caroling swords, the blade of which was preferably steel blades, welded on the metallic basis. Modest wealth warriors were armed with cheaper cellular swords. According to the blade of weapons, they were allowed, which facilitated his weight and increased strength. Over time, swords have become shorter (up to 86 cm) and a little easier (to a kilogram), which is not surprising: try quill for about 30 minutes half a half-kilogram meter sword. True, there were especially hardwood warriors, which were wrapped with a two-kilogram sword with a length of 120 cm. The weapon was embedded in the skin and velvet with a velvet, which were decorated with gold or silver notches. Each sword received the name at the Birth: Vasilisk, Goryna, Kitovras, etc.

"Saber is sharper, so it's a dealing"

From the IX-X century, Russian wars, mainly equestrian, begin to apply a easier and "prompt" saber, which comes to our ancestors from nomads. By the XIII century, the Sabl "conquers" not only the south and southeast of Russia, but also its northern limits. Sabls of noble warriors were decorated with gold, black, silver. The first sabers of Russian warriors reached a meter length, their curvature reached 4.5 cm. By the XIII century, the saber is pulled out by 10-17 cm, and the curvature sometimes reaches 7 cm. This curvature allowed to apply a sliding blow from which longer and deep wounds. More often the sabers were whole, they were blocked from the billets of carbonated iron, after which they were subjected to multiple hardening on a very complex technology. Sometimes nemonolite blades were done - the two bands were welded or boiled one lane to another. By the XVII century, there were sabers as domestic and imported production. However, our masters were equal to foreigners, first of all, on the Turks.

"Stunning strike"

The chain appeared in Russia in the X century and firmly kept his position until the XVII century. More often, the weapon was a short belt whip with fixed on the end of the ball. Sometimes the ball "decorated" spikes. Gerberstein's Austrian diplomat here as described the brush of the Grand Duke Vasily III: "On the back, the prince had a special weapon - a stick a little longer than the elbow, to which the leather belt is naked, there is a boulava in the form of some kind of hardwood, decorated from all sides of gold " The chain at its mass of 250 grams was an excellent light weapon, which turned out to be very powerful in the thick of the fight. A clever and sudden blow to a slave (s) of the enemy, and the road is free. From here and takes its origins to the verb "To Strangle". In general, our warriors could suddenly "amaze" the enemy.

"Clean Bashka, Motyan"

In Russia, the secreir was used primarily by foot warriors. On the outer, the secrets had a durable and long spike, often drown down, with which the warrior became easily painted enemy from the horse. In general, the sequer can be considered one of the types of axes - a very common chopping weapon. The axes owned by the axes: both the princes, and the princely warriors, and the militia, both hiking and equestrian. The difference was only that hiking warriors preferred heavy axes, and equestrian-hatchets. Another variety of the ax is the Berdyss, which the infantry was armed. This weapon was a long blade illuminated on the long ax. So, in the XVI century, Sagittarius Bunned with such a weapon in their hands.

"There would be a boulava, there will be a head"

The parent and the Bulaw, and the Palice can be considered a double - ancient Russian weapon of "mass lesion". Dubin preferred militia and rebellious people. For example, in the troops of Pugachev there were people armed only by the clubs, which they easily crumbled the skulls of enemies. The best bubbles were not made ababy from what tree, but from the oak, at a thin end - from elm or birch, while they took the most durable place, where the trunk passed into the roots. To strengthen the destructive strength of the Bubina, it was "decorated" with nails. Such a dumina will not slip away! Bulawa also represented the next "evolutionary stage" of the club, the tip (screwed) which was made of copper alloys, and lead inwards were poured. Differentials from Bulava geometry screwed: a pear-like studded weapon in the hands of heroes - it's a terrible, and weapons with cubic imagine, "decorated with" large triangular spikes - this is a boulava.

"The hand of fighters is tired"

Spear - a universal weapon, a military-hunting. Spear was an arranged steel (beaded) or iron tip. The spear reached 3 meters long. Sometimes part of the shaft was riveted in the metal so that the enemy could not reflect the spear. Interestingly, the tip could reach the length of the half-meter, there were cases and applications of a whole "sword" on a stick, with the help of which not only colole, but also cut. They loved spears and riders, but they used another way of doing the fight, rather than medieval knights. It should be noted that the thawed blow appeared in Russia only in the XII century, which was caused by the weighing of armor. Up to this point, the riders applied to the top, pre-swirling with her hand. For throwing warriors, seal was used - light spears up to one and a half meters long. The seal in his affect effect was among the average between the spear and the arrow released from the bow.

"Tight onions - then a heart friend"

Owning Lucus required special virtuosity. No wonder the shooting children were trained from day to day, shooting from Luke on Stumps. Often, the archers wrapped the hand with a raw strap, which made it possible to avoid significant injuries - an awkwardly released arrow took the impressive piece of skin with meat. On average, the archers were shooting 100-150 meters, with a great diurn, arrows flew twice further. In the middle of the XIX century, during the excavations of Kurgan, the burial of the warrior was buried in Bronnitsky, in the right temple of which the iron tip of the arrows was tight. Scientists suggested that the warrior was killed by an archer from the ambush. The annals describe the striking speed with which the archers produced arrows. There was even such a surcharge "shoot, like a strand of doing" - the arrows flew with such a frequency that they formed a solid line. Onions and arrows were an integral part of allegations of speech: "As an arrow hid from Luka," hence, "quickly left," when they spoke "how from Luka Strela," meant "right." But the "Singing Arrow" is not a metaphor, but a reality: on the tips of the arrows, the holes were made, which in the flight published certain sounds.

Other articles:

combat dubbing, cold weapons of antiquity, species and characteristics, differences from marshes, sizes and weight, as applied and used

Palcese as a weapon is known from ancient times. There were places for one more than five million years ago, in others - in the Stone Age. They were a transitional form from the simplest dubbing to combat boulas. The cloths belong to the shock-crushing cold weapons. In the hands of a warrior with appropriate force and skill, they can be formidable, deadly weapons. Some dysfoliaries are used and still.

Combat Palcese: Types and Characteristics

Usually, to make a closet, it was necessary to select the hardest wood, which was available in the area of \u200b\u200bliving warriors.

The slurries were made in different ways. For example, a young village broke out with the root, and the parts adjacent to the root served shock elements. The batchness of the tree influenced the greater injury to the enemy. It is clear that before applying, Cubin was processed for more convenient use of it.

In addition, on the tree trunk, in the area of \u200b\u200bKomly, there was an incision, and a stone was inserted into it. After years, a tree with a scruff stone in it. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe ingrown stone, a galler was obtained, which served as a shock element.

Weapon samples have been cut out of solid wood species. The shock part was strengthened with a wide variety of linings, rings and even small spikes.

The strikes caused by this weapon were of great strength, yes it was pretty impressive. The mass of the feet reached up to 12 kg, and their length is 1.2 meters. It is clear that such a weapon could have only genuine solo, as a result of this, the middle mass of the feet did not exceed 6 kg, and the length is one meter.

The tops of any blinds were always thicker than their handle. Sometimes the tops of the tips could be stone or iron, but more often they were made by metal.

There was also the presence of lighter powers, sometimes used for throwing. Such a weapon used the riders more often. Troops rushing, as a rule, in runaway enemies. As the riders they were as reserve weapons, used them with the loss of fixed weapons. With the help of blows of the lungs of the Palice, you could stun the enemy and captured.

In the territory of Ancient Russia, there were two-handed variants of the fells. Actually these options were distinguished by their length and weight. Such weapons could only wear warriors with short-sighted physical data. From shocks, the enemy fell from the telting sometimes, it was sometimes either very injured. Often, the raops were used against riders. Long cloths allowed them to act on a safe distance from riders, and drips around the horse could be dumping him with hoofs.

Differences of the Palcese from Bulaw

Typical cloths were shortcut-type weapons. Inseuting people at the sight of the boobs in the first RA, often confuse them with bulbs. And in fact, these different types of weapons are extremely similar to one another. Their main difference is that the makeup are combined weapons. Since they consist of handles to which shock elements are attached. While the shutters are always manufactured from solid pieces of wood.

Often, the blinds were wound with the skin, and spikes installed on the vertices. Typically, thick nails performed as spikes. For this purpose, the holes were drilled on top so that the nails could split the blinds. But the nails themselves were not completely hammered, they were then engaged or raised hats.

Matties of the Peoples of the World

Some African peoples still enjoy light closures. For example, Masayev's tribes call them Runda. These batons usually use tribal contests for casting range. In addition, they are sold to tourists as souvenir products. Their shock parts are clearly allocated and made on the shape of the balls. Often they have specific spouts in the form of a bird beak.

Some of the most difficult placing options are Russian beeps, as well as Japanese combat clubs - Tutsube. Oslopes used as a weapon of commoner, while Tutsuby did not disappear to use even samurai. In addition, the Japanese warriors who owned the technique of using Tutsubube, enjoyed huge reverence, because they had just incredible force.

There were also lighter Japanese shutters called Candanco. It was the legendary Japanese heroic personalities that these batons often used.

The cloths are often found in folk tales. Actually, they master the Greek heroes and Teshek, and the English king of Wilhelm won the conqueror with a light pan in his hand.

Original forms possessed the clubs of North American Indians. Separates resembled flint guns that were in the first settlers. The shock parts of these dubin resembled the butt. As a rule, the impact edges of these dubbies were crowned with flat silicon or obsidian spikes.

The Indian tribe of the Dakota possessed the so-called "flexible clocks." They were made of Evnyak beams, which were related to each other. At the ends of these pieces, heavy stones of round or oval forms were mounted.

The medieval European and Asian soldiers had iron cliffs having faceted cross-sections of the shock parts. Thanks to these faces, the slurries easily split the skulls. Sleep-shoes and robbers used wooden cloths. The cloths were extremely popular, because they were easily manufactured and had a huge force.

In the fencing European and Asian schools used wooden cloths as a weapon for training battles. Easy people, the clutches were popular as weapons on spectacular fights. In addition, many versions of that time managed to master the wooden shutters.

Knights despised wooden clubs, although they often took part in common coat tournaments. For the first it was fun, and for the second is a deadly dangerous event.

Nevertheless, the knights from time to time used wooden cloths in tournaments, but only when they fought with non-dense people.

Carpathian shepherds of the Paletsy

On the territory of the Carpathian Mountains, even in our time you can meet one interesting variety of fences. This is a long, almost two-meter weapon, which has a thickness of approximately four centimeters. The upper pieces of the pie bends the arc-shaped form, and the shock parts have significant growths in four sides.

The presence of such growths was obtained due to the cuts. They were made on growing trees. The tops of the trees were tied arcuate. Years later, when the trunks of the trees reached the necessary parameters, they were cut down and treated.

Such clutches are called "Herlegues". Hooks on one of their parts served for the hooks of animals behind the paws. While the shock parts could stun even the mothers of wolves. Moreover, the gelings could have been successfully fought off the robbers. According to local old-timers, such clutches were among many shepherds.

The shepherds themselves often used these terchers to resolve conflict situations in their environment. By now, the technique of the battle of Garlyg almost no one owns, and it is almost lost. However, there are information that there are still some "adepts" owning this technique, and their almost units. But they are already so old that they simply will not be able to demonstrate at least some techniques.

Modern Palents.

Modern blinds are often located at home or in many Russian cars - it is naturally baseball bits. It is known that such a popular game in our country has not passed. Nevertheless, the baseball battleship itself was very well. At the beginning of the nineties, raketiors, hooligans and just a criminal element were very often used, and today law-abiding citizens are often equipped with baseball bits.

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Bulaw, Palcese, Duby - Slavic Culture

When "Bulava" say, most often they imagine the monstrous pear-like and, apparently, all-metal weapons that artists like it to be seen on the wrist or to the saddle to our Bogatyr Ilya Muromtsu. It is likely that it must emphasize the heavyweight power of the epic character, which, who neglected by the sophisticated "Lord's" weapon like a sword, crushes the enemy with one physical force. It is also possible that the fabulous heroes played here and fabulous heroes, which, if you order the Bulaw in the Blacksmith, so certainly "stops" ...

Iron makeups. (XI-XIII century): 1 - pyramidal muffins with spikes, 2 - Bulava- "Klevtsi"

Meanwhile, in life, as usual, everything was much more modest and more efficient. The Old Russian Bulava was an iron or bronze (sometimes filled with lead), screwed 200-300 g, reinforced on handles 50-60 cm long and 2-6 cm thick. The handle in some cases was trimmed with a copper sheet. As scientists write, Bulawa was used mainly by horse warriors, was auxiliary weapon and served to apply a quick, unexpected strike in any direction. Bulaw seems less formidable and deadly weapons than sword or spear. However, we will listen to historians who indicate: not every battle of the early Middle Ages turned into a fight "to the last drop of blood." Quite often the chronicler finishes the battle scene with the words: "... and there were a lot of injured, and there were a lot of wounded." Each party, as a rule, wanted not to exterminate the enemy in the midst, but only to break his organized resistance, to get a retreat, and the runners were not always pursued. In such a battle, it was not at all necessary to bring the "football" mace and to enter the ears in the ears. It was quite enough to "stunned" - stunning a blow to the shream. And with this task of Bulava our ancestors coped perfectly.

Mute muffins of various shapes. XI-XIII century

Judging by the archaeological finds, Bulava penetrated Rus from the nomadic southeast at the beginning of the XI century. Among the ancient findings are prevailed by a cube with four pyramid-shaped spikes, located crosswise. With some simplification, this form gave cheap mass weapons, spreading in the XII-XII centuries among the peasants and ordinary citizens: Magni was made in the form of cubes with cut corners, while the intersection of the planes was given a similarity of spikes. On some impressions of this type, there is a side view. "Klevts According to scientists, Bulava, "Klevtsy" anticipate the "hammers with a beak of falcon", spreading in the 20th century and served for crushing heavy, durable armor.

1. Bowl of bulva head with chopped ribs. XIII century.

2. Shestokers. XIV-XV century

However, the development went not only along the simplification. At the same time, in the XII-XIII centuries, there was a very complex and perfect form appeared - with spikes protruding in all directions in such a way that the protrusion is in any case the protrusion is one or more. These impartations were mostly cast from bronze, which initially introduced scientists in an annoying delusion: in museum directories and even in scientific works they rank bronze era only on the grounds that they were made from the mentioned metal!

Multiple Bulava in the hands of experienced lattice masters sometimes turned into real works of art. The space between the spikes was filled with small bulbs and a wicker pattern. On some impressions, the pattern is flattened and crumpled: these ramps visited battles ...

Archaeologists have established that the master did the wax model at the beginning, giving up the necessary form of the right form. Then the model was deceived by clay and heated: the wax flowed down, and the molten bronze was poured into the resulting hollow form. But the coffee makeup was required, and the wax model did not for each. The shape of the cast could be obtained from the finished impossible, only in this case the clay shape was separated in two, and then fastened: the articulated seam was obtained on the finished ingot, which was later discharged with a file. Singing on the wax model is one screw, the master then made it from it several forms. Running around the hands, the products sometimes fell into the hands of others, often less qualified artisans, they did a copy from the copy - and so on. It is interesting to keep track of how scientists, getting acquainted with copies of different quality, gradually go to the main centers of artistic craft ...

In addition to iron and bronze, in Russia, it was still done to make a mole from "Kapa" - very dense growth with a bizarre wavy fiber structure, which occurs on birch.

And from the XII-XII centuries, the archaeologists come across spherical heads Mauds, from which Rybra, designed to strike, drank. Scientists consider such browques with the immediate predecessors of famous sixfoots - the Mahiv with the six ribs "feathers", the story of which in Western Europe and in Russia it is customary from the XIV century.

As we saw above, Bulava often became a massive weapon. On the other hand, the glittering gold-plated boulava, the product of a good master, was made sometimes and the symbol of power. This is noted, in particular, among Russians, Ukrainians, Turks, Hungarians and Poles. In the XVI century, for example, Bulava still served as a weapon, but special, ceremonials have already appeared: they were separated by gold, silver and expensive stones and, of course, were not used for battles.

1. Palets. XIII century. 2. Bulava. XII century

In the same XVI century, apparently enshrines in Russian and the word Bulava itself, originally had the meaning of the "bump", "knob". In any case, for the first time it is found in written documents of the beginning of the 20th century. How did you call this weapon in earlier times? In the ancient Russian chronicles there are two terms, the meaning and consumption of which does not leave doubt that it is about Bulav. The first of these is "rod manual", referred to in the works of the XI century. The second term "cue". In the chapter "The forge and the mill" was told about one of the meanings of this word "hammer." However, it had even the meaning of the "Staff", "heavy stick", "Dubinka". Meanwhile, Bulava is nothing but the heiress of primitive club, a combat variety of hammer. And in Serbian "Kii" and then so far - "Bulava".

Rider with a bewa in hand

As for the ancient Dubin, our ancestors of Slavs perfectly retained the memory of times when the metals and people were not yet known for the steams and stones. " This was stated in the head "Mother Earth and Father Sky". Wooden clubs have thinned in the ground, without waiting for the shovel of archaeologists, but from writing sources it is known that they were in armared for a very long time. In fact, it could make the very last militant, who had no decent onion, not to mention the sword. Arab traveler of the X century, talking about the arms of the Slavs who met him, mentions the batons. They were worn at the belt, in battle they were striving to hit the enemy on the shream. Sometimes the batons are methali. The origin of the words "Palice" and "Dubinka" in the comments must be thought, does not need. Another name of the clutch was "Rogditz" or "Rogvitz".

An article from the book M. Seminova "We are Slavs!"

Traditions → Wearing weapons in Russia

Traditions → Palcese, Bulava, Sixoeker

History → Battle Ax and Bulava

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Slavic heroes → How not the richie Russians

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Palets are one of the most ancient types of cold weapons. The simplest Dubube evolved quite quickly (hence the name, because "Pala, Stick, Palicians" - this is a dubb and there is a common Slavic) and won popularity of both hiking and horse warriors.

The lads were used not only for shocks in contact battle, but also for throwing from the distance to the head or body of the enemy. The weight of the ordinary clutch was up to 12 kg (in most cases 1-3 kg), length - up to 120 cm (the classic dimensions of the infantry clock - 60..70 cm, and cavalry - 70..80 cm), the combat part thicker thicker in 3 -5 times - in the discovery of the X-XI centuries, it often had a pear shape. Often this shock-crushing weapon was made not just from a strong tree, but also the metal was filled and supplied with spikes or nails. In the ancient, iron, steel and bouquets are also mentioned.

The high popularity of this weapon was due to the simplicity of manufacture, convenience, reliability. The closure was one of the few examples of extracurricular weapons - because in service with both hiking and horse warriors, both ordinary warriors and Knyazev, and in medieval Europe among those who participated in the cross campaigns of the bishops and abbates - since representatives of the Church were forbidden to "shed blood" . In the closure of some priests, there is still an element called "Palcers" (a piece of a diamond-shaped fabric) and symbolizing spiritual weapons - the Word of God.

The design of the cloth had a conveniently located center of gravity, a symmetrical form - which made it not to monitor the location of the combat part (as, for example, the sword is plafhmy), she could not get stuck, thanks to which the soldiers often fastened the cloth with a loop on the wrist.

With all the advantages of the Palice had disadvantages - first of all, this is the complexity of maintaining defensive battle and weak efficiency against seriously protected opponents. The landlords have an additional weapon and used more often for throwing into the enemy.

One of the subspecies of the cloth was Rogditz (cornea) - a wooden dubb-uphill, which is widely used by low-income warriors.

Bivak: Shetoper, Cups, Pernok, Bulava

In the history of the Cossacks Shetoper, Pernast, whiskers, Bulava is both weapons, and a symbol of power, and military regalia - Cleinodes (from him. Kleinod is a jewel). For centuries, they symbolized the highest honor from the Cossacks, valor, glory ... and, at the same time, were personal signs of the differences that the Cossack elders wore, in accordance with his position and title.

In many ways, the old traditions of Donsky, and and the whole South Russian
Cossacks associated with the use of combat baton and bulava (not
only as a weapon, but also as a symbol of military authorities)
genetically rented to the traditions of Volzhsko-Don Porodnikov (half-blood
The people of the Slavic-Turanian origin, which occupied by horse breeding) and
Novgorod Ukshkinikov, essentially the forerunners of the early Cossacks.
So, for example, Russian archaeologists during the excavations on the Don discovered
The burial of the warrior XI century, which, according to scientists, was a koshev
Ataman one of the brodnight detachments. Warrior was buried with the mace -
the attribute of his title, horse and other weapons on the brodnitsky custom,
Identary early Cossacks of the funeral rite. However, in
epics about Vasily Buslaev - Ataman Novgorod Ukkoyniki - often
Mentioned "frying elm". The name indicates at the same time in the breed.
Tree from which the Ataman Dubinka was manufactured and for the way
giving it a reddish shade - firing flames (also burned down and
ocked for the fortress "Histi" - the rooks of the ancient Novgorod,
Called in the eponym also "scribbled ships"). From the 70s. XIV.
the supporting point of the Ukshinikov who committed their pirated raids on the Volga and
Caspian, was the fortress of hlyms on the river Vyatka, and after its defeat
Moscow king Ivan III in 1489 - the city of Kamyshin on the Volga. However B.
The first half of the XVI century all this removal of Volnitsa from the Volga changed
wolf to Ilovly and Tishanka, flowing into the Don, and then settled by him
shores up to Azov and, along with the descendants of Porodnikov, played
A significant role in the formation of South Russian Cossacks (it will be interesting to you. Article: "Kubansky's Balak, Donskaya, Gorskaya - disappearing Cossack language").

Bulava is the further development of the cloth, which happened, in turn, from a primitive club. Bulava is a simple, reliable
and very effective weapon of hand-to-hand
battle widely used by man with
Ancient times, up to the beginning of XX
century. It is perfectly adapted for
defeat defendant defeat
Soft armor - rolling,
scaly, leather, felt and
T.P. (Details of the colts of the armor, riveted mail).
Simple malas like
rule, have a smooth spherical
screwed. However, this is incurred
sculpt from the surface of the shields and
rigid armor, which in turn
leads to useless loss of greater
Pieces of impact energy. For this reason, in
The process of evolution, screwed Bulava
began to equip spikes. Spikes stuck
in a shield or armor, screwed sharply
stopped and the energy of the blow
Consigned effectively. Spikes could
Be long or short. Long
caused more dangerous wounds, but
We received the greatest distribution
Short, because not "jamble" in shields and
armor, were more convenient and safer in

Perfect Bulava variety -
Shestoker. His impoverish represents
a rod with radially divergent
in different directions wide
blades - feathers. How can you guess
From the title, usually six feathers (sometimes,
however, and more - in this case weapons
called pernost or feathery). Feathers
Shestoper excluded Scrollization
weapons and, at the same time, effectively
Perebed the bones and prolamed
Metal parts of hard plate
Armorov, against which the usual bulva
with small spikes or smooth spherical
I was not effective enough.
These advantages contributed to a wide
spread speaker in the period
late Middle Ages. They are armed
and European knights and Russian knights,
and Egyptian Mamli, and Turkish sleeps, and Indian Rajput.

On Don-Batyushka.

Obviously, it was during this period the epic "shy elm" Novgorod
Horsemen and got on the Don, where he became part of the military tradition of the Don
Cossacks. Here he quickly transformed into the Ataman Shek.
At first, she was prepared from the throat trunk, while growing
notches with a knife that was dragged to the bark, forming a twisted influx (hence
Title: HUM). However, with the time of the member turned into a certain
Bulav and Cost hybrid consisting of a long straight ride
special notes "by the number of years of Ataman ministries, from the very
The emergence of the troops "and the metal knob (" Nabuldigi ") in the form
Rings, a small flexible bowl, the head of the beast or bird. To end
XVIII century There remained on the Don the main attribute of the Atamans of all
ranks, but in the future in the highest Cossack medium it was replaced by the mace and
Preserved only as a special sign of the dignity of beds,
town and farm atamans. Another Don type
"Chermen Elm" became the cane of Elaula, symbolizing his power and
Posted by an ordinary smooth thick stick with blunt piece
At the end, handed out of nuts or flashes. Esual Esaul, actually
who carried out police functions in the Cossack environment as well
responsible for military training of recruits, without constraints used this
cane and in direct appointment - punished the negligent and

Behind the Dnieper thresholds.

In Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, the archaic fee, the attribute of the Don Atamans,
Bulawa pushed back at the end of the XVI century, when part of the Zaporozhtsev became
shape the regiments of the speech compulcient to carry the border guard service and
As an auxiliary army in wars with the Turks. These Cossack detachments
equated to the shallow gentry, were on the state content
and called the registry Cossacks, and their military attacks, to Polish
Manner, - hetmans. Polish king Stephen Batori (1533-1586,
king from 1576), wanting to equalize Cossack hetmans with Lithuanian and
Polish corona hetmans, for the first time bestowed by them to wear a male,
He has long been a serve sign of the hetman government. Together with her hetmans
received rank "Bulavinsky" estates that brought their hosts
Solid income. In turn, the commanders of the Cossack regiments began to be called
colonels and, according to this title, got the right to wear
Small Bulava, or Pernasti, and six-edges. Thus, the makeup in the Cossack
The troops became divided into large hetman and small colonewood. First
Usually they were a nut to handle in length ¾ ARSHINA, in a rim
carved silver, with a large knob in the form of silver
Gold plated ball or a spherical oct. Often among them
There were also real works of art. So, for example, Turkish
Sultan complained to Ukrainian hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky (approx. 1595-1657
GG, Hetman since 1648) Belav, all mowed pearls and precious
stones. The second - were performed from iron, they were formidable weapons and
Could be used in real battle. After joining the left bank
Ukraine K. Russian Empire Now the Malorossky hetmans have become
Get boulas, Bunchuki and banners from Moscow. In particular, King Alexey
Mikhailovich through the near boyar bouoturlin sent the first Bovala Bogdan
Khmelnitsky, all of the silver, with the inscription "1654" and with his personal
Monogram. Meanwhile, the free community of Cossacks - Zaporizhzhya Schish,
subordinate to the Polish king only nominally, never lost ties
With his "registrant" comrades. As a result, cat and curtains
Sack Atamans also acquired large and small bulbs as
signs of their dignity. In general, comparing Zaporizhzhya military
Cleinodes with the regalia of the military attack and Esuula from the Don Cossacks,
It is impossible not to note another interesting detail. In Zaporozhetsev more
The primitive cane of the Don Esoula pushed out a cane, in the middle of several
Durable, to the ends thickened and hinge with silver rings.

Usually the Cossack colonels were worn as attributes of their authority
Bulava, Pernasti or sixfolds that were performed from iron, were
It is a formidable weapon and could be applied in real battle.

Since ancient times, Bulava served a person not only with a weapon, but also a symbol of power. Wanting to attract Cossacksto your side, Polish kings, Russian kingsand
Turkish sultans were often granted the highest Cossack Atamans symbols
authorities - bulbs, who made the works of jewelry
arts (similar to
what are presented in the photo below).

Monarch "mercy".

Throughout the existence of free
Cossack societies their history was characterized very difficult and sometimes,
tragic relationship with monarch of centralized power
states. On the one hand, kings, emperors and sultans have been eager
attract Cossacks to their side, as well as proven
yourself military force, and on the other - did not want to endure their free images
Life, Volnodumia, Autonomy and Self-Government. So, Polish kings,
Giving the Cossacks by the Kazakh titles, signs of differences and estates,
At the same time they tried to turn all the Cossacks who did not enter the register in
Hals of the Lithuanian and Polish magnates, which, along with other factors,
led to the Cossack-Polish wars and voluntary entry of the left bank
Ukraine to Russia (1654). But here in relation to the Cossacks
Purchased the same policy. After Azov campaigns (1695-1696) King
Peter I (1672-1725) began to strengthen on the Don land and one for
Another selection from the Cossacks their original liberty. And one hand he
limited their rights to freedom of commerce, fishing fish, logging on
own territories, etc., severe punish and executed dissatisfied, and
another, - for participation in the Northern War, he complained to the Great Truck of Don
Money remuneration, new silver seal and a wooden floor,
Motion from two ends of silver and decorated with the inscription: "Covels of troops
Donskoy 1704. " In 1706, for the suppression of Astrakhan Streletsky Bunta
- Silver Pernast, stealing and decorated with expensive stones,
"Bunchuk with an apple and with a planter, and with a silver tube, gilded" and a big
Military banner, written by gold on a gamble, as well as six birds
Banners written by gold and silver. Empress Ekaterina II continued
Policy of Peter I in relation to the Cossacks. After the harsh suppression of the uprising E. Pugachev and the taming of Yaitsky
Cossacks of her troops in 1775 defeated the Zaporizhia shred, and
The surviving Zaporozhets was "graciously allowed" to move to Kuban
("Grace", we must say straight, very dubious because the lands
Kuban at that time did not actually belonged to Russia, and the Cossacks are forced
were almost a hundred years to pay their own blood in the Caucasian War with
Mountains (Caucasian War briefly causes, results, consequences). Thirteen years later they were given another "mercy": for
courage and the smelter shown in the war with Turkey - the military officers returned
Clayinodes selected with the defeat of the juice. In 1776, Empress in the sign
Fale sent Alexey Ilovaysky to Donovoy Ataman
Much belaw and a goal, both with inscriptions. There was wooden, 2¼
ARSHIN LONG, with an embodied of two schorry
balls decorated at the top two crucifically placed black
eagles. Bulawa - from ebony, in length in 1 Arshin, with pear-shaped
Silver imagination decorated with gilding. And in 1786 he won the land
The troops of the Don Don Cossacks in eternal use, but for it
demanded from them to bear the state service life, starting from 17 years,
With your horse and equipment.

Military-served estate.

So, gradually, with the help of the "Knuta and Gingerbread" policy, the Cossacks from
Free Military Luda turned into a monarchy in a military service
estate, in the future, which became a reliable tool of imperial
aspirations of Tsarist Russia in the Caucasus, Balkans, in the Transcaucasia, Central
Asia and other regions. It is with this period that the Cossack history is connected and
gradual disappearance of the Bulander, feathers and sixfolds, because in
The past was the tradition of free Cossacks themselves. Time passed
Cossack hetmans, elected atamans, military troops and Kozakov- "Lyzari" (more details: "Lyzari". Zaporizhia Kozaki and from the Knight Code),
Above all appreciated equality, freedom, military glory and honor
Cossack. The time of "servicors", warriors in the service
States who defended his borders that were supporting his supreme
the authorities and those who received certain benefits and privileges from him,
Officers and epaulets. However, this type eventually began to go into
past. Already from the second half of the XIX century. The predominant becomes type
Cossack Farmer, who forced to take on the weapon only the current
System and weakening tradition. Moreover, at the beginning of the twentieth century was observed
The increasing contradictions between the Cossack Farmer and the Cossack-Warrior. Exactly
The last type, as more combatable, tried to save and sometimes
Artificially cultivated power. To this end, she tried to revive and
Some external attributes of the former Cossacks. In particular, whiskers,
Granted by the military overthrown Ataman of Donors in 1776,
served as a sample as for renewal in 1882 by the Urals
Cossacks and in the manufacture of meals for all Cossack troops in 1904.
This was done, expressing the words of the document, "to maintain
Ancient traditions of the valiant Cossack troops. " However, support these
Traditions became more difficult and difficult, because, by swelling from the Cossacks
freedom, destroying their ancient foundations and the stamped centuries system
values, the state deprived them of the thirst for the feats, of that spirit
rider and that recklessness removed who distinguished their dick
Ancestors (here you can see the article "Cossacks and fiction or reality").

Palcers, Bulava and combat hammers.

Palcers, six-edges, morgenshterns, tomahaws, boomerangs, checks, Telangi, lambs, chains and poles - all these types of weapons, oddly enough, are relatives to each other. Hercules stunned by the Nemoye Leo Bubbin, Sauron fought with the United Mediterranean forces with the help of a sixfold, and the Scandinavian God Thor interrupted with his hammer giants. In a word, without such weapons in fantasy, just can not do. Today, our popular heading "Arsenal" is devoted to one of the most ancient and universal weapons of a person - a shock-crushing. Enjoy reading!

Palets - hardly the most primitive weapon, which can only be imagined. And, undoubtedly, the oldest - it appeared as many as 5 million years ago! Do not know how to make guns, our distant ancestors on the hunt used sticks and long bones of large animals.

Gradually, people learned how to process the stone, then - metals ... Weapons were improved, but the blind and did not think to take their positions. Up to the 17th century, she continued to remain one of the most common weapons of war, both in Europe and Asia.

A unique feature of the cloth is its extracuriousness. On the one hand, Dububi traditionally performed as a "proletariat weapon." On the other hand, such symbols of power, like Hetman Bulava, Scepters and Imperial Wands, were the same twisers - only richly degraded.
Why Dububin turned out to be the most popular weapons of the People's War, to understand easily. But how did it happen that she also became a symbol of the supreme power?

Attitude towards the closure, as an attribute of the ruler, there was a very long time - another 10-15 thousand years ago. Conflicts between the tribes of hunters and collectors in most cases were practically bloodless. The tribe, from whom in the evening it turned out to be more wounded, recognized himself defeated. Or did not recognize. In this case, the controversial question was solved by the fight of the leaders who had already begun to death.

They fought with the shutters. Such a choice of weapons was due to the fact that the light shields from rods and skin spread at that time easily withstand the blows of a spear with a bone tip. But the flexible shield did not save from the blow of the baton.

In the era of the Mesolitis and Neolithic, the shape of the blind was very diverse. Egyptians and Libyans preferred simple beasts with a length of only about 60 cm with a spherical head of solid wood. In South America and Africa, a counter 120 cm long with a wide pointed wooden "blade" in one or even two thirds of lengths. Assegnum could be like beat and prick. In Asia, the cloths were widely spread with spherical stone victims. The American and Polynesian tribes used the "crows" with one or more long-directed wooden spikes.

Sometimes microlithic (from the Greek "micrololite" - "small stone") technique was used to make the palic. So, the makan was a solid wood board, in the edges of which fragments of silica or obsidian, or sharks or crocodile teeth pasted. There were both straight macaans up to 100 cm long and shorter variants having a shape, a wide drop or an extended oval.

So the clinic became the first weapon designed specifically for the war, not hunting. Later, when rigid wooden shields entered the fashion, axes began to be used in the near battle.

The Slavic God of Perun fights Lvom. And where he found him in our latitudes ...

Much later in Christian Europe, the Paler again acquired a special status, becoming a favorite weapon of the spiritual estate. Catholicism prohibited the ministers of the Church to shed blood, and instead of swords and axes, the priests were forced to paint the pancakes.

The cloth, as a rule, was not heavy weapon. For a sword or ax, weight gain meant and higher punching force. But the cloth with a punchy force did not possess in principle. For the same to successfully crush human bones, too much weight and not required.

Nevertheless, there were gigantic two-handed clocks. Such as, for example, a pubin of Hercules, which, judging by some images, weighed at least 20 kg. Or almost like that: in any case, both wholesale and allopoles weighing up to 12 kg are preserved!

Frees, undoubtedly, were the hardest cold weapon. Even two-handed swords weighed "total" 4-8 kg. But it's clear with the sword - and there why to do so massive if it did not affect her penetible ability?

Well, the shield in which Olopop's blow came, maybe it remained ... so straight and fly away. Together with your owner. Bunch of Oskopa guaranteed shot down the enemy from the legs.

Palcese in the Middle Ages

After the occurrence of the era of the metal with the cloth began to compete first swords and axes, and then sabers. And competition, must be admitted, the shutters withstood with honor.

The undoubted advantage of the cloth was the maximum cheapness of manufacture. Since it was not presented to hardness to hardness, it was possible to make this weapon and completely from the tree. Moreover, with minimal labor costs: it was enough to drive a few sharp fragments of the stone into the trunk of a young Dubka. A few years later, a spherical influx appeared on the trunk. It remained only to cut down the tree and handle the bark. And it was possible to simply harde the young oak. In this case, the function of the trunk with the remnants of the roots took on the function.

The "natural form" of, of course, looked not so gorgeous as carefully sharpened bulva. But from a practical point of view, the difference was minimal. A noticeable winnings gave only the arrival of imaginary gland. The center of gravity of the weapon is shifted up, and the blow went out stronger. From this point of view, the best were the ones with imparting, entirely cast from bronze.

But by no means low cost of manufacture, discouraged the closure unfavorable popularity. First of all, she attracted warriors with its exceptional - one hundred percent! - reliability. A dumina in battle could not break, nor fool or get stuck. Since the position of the palm on the shuttle arm remained unchanged, this weapon could be provided with a loop on the wrist. The cloth was not lost, even if it turned out to be broken from the Hand of the Warrior. In order to grab it, the shares of seconds again needed.

The widespread illustrators error is the image of the cloth frightening-massive. In fact, the weight of this weapon ranged between 1 and 3 kg. Even considering the high location of the center of gravity, in the speed of the cloth a little inferior to the sword. Moreover, no flexible armor gave satisfactory protection against shocking weapons.

There were a clock and disadvantages. In particular, it was difficult to put a deadly wound. After all, with an equal strength of the impact, the crushing weapon applied much smaller damage than chilling or chopping. Basically, the strike of the enemy's cloth was trying to disarm, wound or stunned. Actually, in antiquity "stunning" and called shock, coming after the should hit.

In addition, the closet compared to the sword gave much worse opportunities to reflect shocks. But its main disadvantage was complete impotence against rigid armor and shields.

Nevertheless, throughout the Middle Ages, the clutch was widely used as infantry and cavalry. The sword could be shocking quickly and accurately, but even light armor was often a serious obstacle for the medieval blade. A heavy battle ax crushed any obstacles, but the blows of the ax was hard to apply. The closet occupied an intermediate position between these types of weapons.

The permanent position of the palm on the handle made it possible to equip the steels with closed Garda.

Morgenstern and Shestoker

Regarding what kind of weapon is to be named by the morgenshtern, in the literature there is no discrepancies in the literature. Sometimes it is referred to as a panice with a spiked, sometimes - a challenge. In the end, creators role-playing game AD & D confused the case finally. On the one hand, they secured this name for the pan, and on the other hand, they combined the slips with spikes and the chalk into one "skill".

In fact, "Morgenstern" (in German - "Morning Star") is not a chain and not a cloth, but just a bronze ball with steel spikes screwed into it. Such must be attached to the handle both directly and with the help of a chain.

Thus, it is possible to refer to the "morgennsters" both the cloths and chains, if the above-mentioned part was used in their manufacture. But the spikes could be attached to a cylindrical iron basis or simply to fit into a wooden screw. So not everyone supplied with spikes of the Palest is a morgenshtern.

The goal, with the cortex, medieval masters sometimes dumped with sharp spikes, seems obvious. Why could they still do this if not then to increase the severity of the injured injury? Nevertheless, this answer is incorrect. Wounds, of course, the morgennstern caused more dangerous ... that's just to whom? It is easy to guess that the tower with the episodes sent in all directions was quite difficult to wear.

The spikes on the closure not only created serious inconvenience for the owner. They also deprived this weapon of its most important advantages: low cost and reliability. Making a "morning star" was very difficult, and the weapon supplied with it began to stick in the shields and cling to equipment.
On the other hand, the spikes allowed to overcome and the most significant drawback of the cloth: the tendency of a smooth impulmy to slip from the surface of rigid shields and armor. "Ricoles" led to the useless loss of most of the energy of the blow. In addition, the warrior, whose weapons slipped off the enemy shield, could lose their balance. The spikes were intended to solve this unpleasant problem. They entered the shield or armor, which stopped sharply, and the blowing energy was consumed ... fruitful.

Higher reliability had the clutches with short and blued spikes. The low metal buccorks increased the friction on the surface of the shield, but could not cling or getting stuck. But they were not capable and completely preventing squabbles. Therefore, the most perfect variety fingers turned out to be Siestoper or Bazdoyan.

Six-meter supposedly supplied with spikes, but by several chopping edges - feathers - directed along the handle. As you can guess by the title, usually feathers were six. Sometimes, however, and more.

Shestoker had all the advantages of the Morgenstern, but was free from its flaws. The feathers entered the shield, but a shallow blocked, and the weapon did not get stuck. Therefore, the six-meter could be provided with a loop and even closed Garda. In addition, the rigid feathers of the Bazdoyana effectively reheated bones and metal plates of armor. In the amount of these advantages in the Middle Ages guaranteed Shestoper, the rustling success is hardly in all countries of the world. European Knights, and Russian Vityazhi, and Turkish Spairs, and Indian Rajiputs were armed.

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