Aircraft carriers of the ussr. history and combat use (31 photos)

Aircraft carriers of the ussr. history and combat use (31 photos)

Kovalev, "Swastika over Taimyr".

"... The refusal of the Soviet plenipotentiaries to buy Messerschmitts, which the German industry subsequently produced for more than four years, could only be if we were offered outdated modifications of fighters. Most likely, it was precisely from the acquisition of the first samples of the 87s, 109 -x and 110-x our commission refused, but decided to buy completely different aircraft.

At that time, in the design bureaus of the Luftwaffe, individual modifications of the so-called obsolete aircraft were being developed, which could really attract the attention of Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev as an aircraft designer. These included: the Ju-87D-4 torpedo aircraft, the Me-110V-2 and Me-11 ° C-5 multipurpose reconnaissance fighters, the Me-11 ° C-4 bomber, as well as aircraft designed for the Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier: Ju-87C, Me-155 and Ag-197.

It was these planes that we needed for armament planned for construction of two Soviet aircraft carriers of the "Stalin" type (for the Northern and Pacific fleets). Most likely, it was these modifications that were recommended for purchase by the Soviet leadership .... "

Where does the wind blow from:
"... However, in the second half of the thirties, the very idea of \u200b\u200ban aircraft carrier as part of the Soviet fleet was still surreal. Imagine the surprise of post-perestroika opponents, and of Stalin's apologists, if they opened Jane's guide to the world's navies for 1938, and they would have seen a ship of this class in the list of ships of the Russian fleet, and even under the eloquent name "Stalin"! Moreover, two more aircraft carriers were included in the construction! "

So what was this lead ship named "Stalin"?

"... indeed, in accordance with the program approved by decree No. 154 of June 26, 1936, the construction of aircraft carriers for the Soviet fleet was not supposed, however, as a result of the report of the People's Commissar of Defense Voroshilov to Stalin and Molotov, which followed, the limit was increased by as much as 630 thousand tons (a colossal figure! According to the Washington Treaty of 1922, the total tonnage of all US battleships was limited to 525 thousand tons!), and in this new limit there was a place for two aircraft carriers (with deadlines in 1941 and 1942) and for super-heavy cruisers of the type "Kronstadt", and a lot more for what! The USSR really went to create an ocean-going fleet!

But back to the mysterious "Stalin". How could this ship have appeared in the ranks of the Soviet fleet?

Perhaps Jane's handbook itself will provide a clue. The fact is that the characteristics of "Stalin" given in it (displacement of 9,000 tons, speed of 30 knots) are very similar to the characteristics of the cruiser "Krasny Kavkaz", which was put into operation shortly before. The origin of the "Red Caucasus" is well known.

Shortly before the start of World War I, Russian shipyards laid 8 light cruisers of the Svetlana class.None of them was completed until 1917, but at the end of the twenties, when the consequences of the revolutionary devastation were overcome, three of them were nevertheless put into operation (the famous "Chervona Ukraine", "Red Crimea" and the already mentioned "Red Caucasus ”), Two more were completed as oil tankers. And what about the other three?

It can be assumed, that one of the unfinished Svetlana-class cruisers and was completed as an aircraft carrier. In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. The cruising hull could well accommodate a hangar for 22 aircraft (this is exactly what Jane's handbooks indicate), takeoff could be carried out from a hinged deck built on top of the upper deck of the cruiser, where some of the guns could well be stored. This is how, by the way, the British - the pioneers of aircraft carrier shipbuilding - created one of their first aircraft carriers - the Vindictive - the same one that took part in supporting Yudenich's troops in 1919 and ran aground in the Baltic.

Of course, in the second half of the thirties, "Stalin" looked somewhat archaic, but there was no choice: using an almost finished hull of an old cruiser with a powerful turbine installation is much cheaper than building a ship again! ... "

"... The work not only began, but, allegedly, the future training cruiser even managed to assign a name -" Aurora ": he had to replace in the ranks of the same veteran of Tsushima, who in 1917 banged out of a six-inch blank on the Winter one. the ship, which now flaunts at the embankment of the Neva, in this case, would be scrapped.

But, apparently, the fate of this ship turned out to be this: to be an eternal long-term construction, unfinished. For the construction of the new "Aurora" there was not enough money, then time. Then the war broke out and the ancient and many times redrawn building, apparently, was dismantled for metal in the post-blockade years.

Obviously, in the "previous life" this was the body of the unfinished aircraft carrier "Stalin"."

But another fact is interesting: the laying dates for the two aircraft carriers were specified in the program - 1941 and 1942.They could only be built at the shipyard in Nikolaev, under a big question - in Komsoomlsk-on-Amur. Cruisers of the "Molotov" class were brought there only to 50% readiness (due to the shallow depth of the fairway), then the empty hull was towed to Vladivostok for completion. This means that both in 1941 and in 1942, Stalin and his associates had no plans to defend Ukraine from the hordes of German fascist invaders.

McMurtry calls the second aircraft carrier "Stalin". According to him, it was the light cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" with a displacement of 9000 tons, laid down in Nikolaev in 1914. Its completion was delayed until 1929, when it was decided to convert the cruiser into an aircraft carrier. It was assumed that the "Stalin" will carry 22 aircraft and have a speed of 30 knots. The ship was expected to be completed in 1939.

Despite all these reports, none of the projects of the Soviet aircraft carrier survived the war, not even the bones survived. But if the aircraft carrier or aircraft carriers were laid down, the Soviets used up the metal for the needs of industry during the Second World War. (The proposal to build Soviet ships in American shipyards was rejected when the Soviets signed a pact with Hitler in August 1939.)

Mystery shrouds all Soviet attempts to build an aircraft carrier. The memoirs of Admiral N.G., published in 1965, slightly lifted this veil of mystery. Kuznetsov, People's Commissar of the Navy from 1935 to 1947. Describing the shipbuilding program adopted in 1937, Admiral Kuznetsov wrote:

“It was decided to build battleships, heavy cruisers and other classes of surface ships, that is, a large surface fleet. A large number of submarines were also built. The construction of an aircraft carrier was not excluded, but it was postponed until the last year of the five-year plan. This was explained, I remember, by the complexity of creating ships of this class and aircraft special for them. "

There were indications that the pre-war program included the construction of at least 4 aircraft carriers, which were due to enter service in 1948.

In fact, once the Hammer and Sickle fluttered on an aircraft carrier. At the end of World War II, the sunken German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin was captured by the Russians and loaded with trophies. He was dragged in tow across the Baltic Sea. Great excitement - perhaps during a storm - his load shifted. The aircraft carrier capsized and sank. Contrary to popular testimony, he was not rescued and remained in the depths of the Baltic as a mute testimony to the lack of Russian knowledge of aircraft carrier design and stability theory.

The Soviet military strategy for the post-war years was announced on July 28, 1945, when Stalin declared: “The Soviet people want to see their fleet grow, even stronger and more powerful. Our people are building new battleships and naval bases ”. The naval leadership immediately repeated Stalin's call for a powerful fleet. The following article in Military Thought magazine was a typical statement.

“The conditions of modern war at sea urgently require the participation of powerful aircraft carrier formations in the combat operations of the fleets, their use for inflicting crushing blows on enemy naval forces, as well as for the fight against enemy aircraft. These tasks at sea, as well as near enemy bases, can only be solved by carrier aviation. "

But again it turned out that the Soviets did not lay down ships larger than the light cruisers. Beginning in the late 1940s, the Soviet Union laid the keels of 20 light cruisers, surpassing the earlier "heavy" ones. 17 of these ships (15,450 tons, 12 - 150 mm guns) were launched, but only 14 were completed. Some of them were later rearmed with missiles. From time to time there were rumors that work had begun on the unfinished ships to complete their construction as aircraft carriers, but no signs of such work could be found. When one of these Sverdlov-class cruisers was handed over to Indonesia in 1962, rumors immediately spread that one of the unfinished ships had been completed as an aircraft carrier for Indonesia.

But not even a simple revival of the construction of warships followed. Of the 24 planned Sverdlov-class light cruisers, only 14. Stalin's successor Nikita Khrushchev fired Admiral Kuznetsov, who again became commander of the Soviet Navy in 1951, for his support of the artillery ships. Khrushchev said that "Kuznetsov is trying to win the future war with the weapons of the past." On another occasion, Khrushchev said that "cruisers are only good for carrying political leaders on visits and firing cannons on salutes."

The second resignation of Admiral Kuznetsov marked the end of the prospects for a large shipbuilding program, which included aircraft carriers.

Under Khrushchev's regime in the mid-1950s, the Soviet fleet began to implement a new large shipbuilding program. It was based on the construction of a large number of destroyers and submarines and was the embodiment of defensive strategy. The first of the destroyers were armed with cannons, the subsequent ones received anti-aircraft and anti-submarine missiles. These ships also had gas turbine engines and advanced electronic equipment.

Modern warships built under the rule of Khrushchev and his predecessor provided the Soviet Union with a powerful modern fleet. However, the suitability of these ships for offensive or defensive operations was questionable. The decisions regarding the types, numbers and characteristics of these ships seemed to be made by the Communist Party and the High Command, which was controlled by the army. The low weight of the fleet commander in the Supreme Command, as well as budgetary constraints, make the appearance of aircraft carriers in the Soviet fleet unlikely.

In addition to the ships themselves, in order to create an effective aircraft carrier formation, the Soviets had to build special aircraft, assemble the necessary cover and supply ships, create tactics, train pilots, and so on. All this made the cost of the aircraft carrier program for the state, which until now had no aircraft carriers, simply astronomical. Therefore, the increase in combat effectiveness achieved at such a cost was doubtful for the Soviets at the moment.

The Soviets recognized the role of naval aviation primarily for reconnaissance purposes, but not for anti-submarine warfare. In 1966, the Soviet fleet had about 850 aircraft, about 500 of them were bombers, jet and turboprop reconnaissance aircraft, and attack aircraft. Previously, the Soviets abandoned a large number of fighters, including the latest MiG models that belonged to the naval aviation. The maximum number of aircraft in it fell in 1957 - 4,000 aircraft.

Strange as it may seem, but precisely during the period of a sharp reduction in the Soviet naval aviation and its reduction mainly to the reconnaissance forces, the West received "accurate" information that the Soviets had finally begun to build aircraft carriers. It was reported that these will be 2 ships with flight decks, intended for basing helicopters. During this time, the Soviets used several types of anti-submarine helicopters, but the only one specially designed for this purpose was the Kamov Ka-20. This helicopter in the NATO forces was codenamed "Harp" (Arfa). The vehicle had 2 turboprop engines rotating in different directions 2 coaxial main propellers, nose and tail fairings for search equipment. The helicopter could carry air-to-surface missiles or anti-submarine torpedoes along the sides of the fuselage.

The Soviets' failure to create a large force of effective basic anti-submarine aircraft, such as the British Shackleton or the American P-3 Orion, could have given impetus to the construction of aircraft carrier ships to extend the range of anti-submarine helicopters.

The Soviet "aircraft carriers", which received the names "Moscow" and "Leningrad", resembled American landing ships in design. There was a large superstructure on the bow, and the flight deck occupied the stern. Soviet helicopter carriers had a displacement of about 15,000 tons and a length of 650 feet. Their flight deck was about 300 feet long. Such ships could successfully serve as amphibious assault ships and as anti-submarine helicopter carriers.

Although the Soviets did not make any serious attempts to build strike carriers, they praised these ships. In the book "Military Strategy", published in 1962, Marshal Vasily Sokolovsky, analyzing modern warfare, touched upon the role of various types of armed forces in the upcoming conflict. He wrote that the task of the Navy would be "the destruction of enemy naval forces, mainly the destruction of attack aircraft carrier formations and the destruction of missile submarines, as well as disruption of enemy sea communications." The order of priority of goals is interesting. Marshal Sokolovsky identified three main goals for the Soviet fleet: 1). Attack aircraft carriers; 2). Missile submarines; 3). Marine communications. Marshal Sokolovsky was a competent military leader, he served as the USSR's first deputy defense minister and chief of the General Staff from 1949 to 1960.

This opinion of the Soviet military about aircraft carriers was later confirmed by the flurry of attacks by communist propaganda on these ships, the frequent pursuit of British and American aircraft carriers by "fishing trawlers" for clearly reconnaissance purposes, and intensive overflights of American aircraft carriers by Soviet aircraft. When the nuclear submarines with Polaris missiles on board, which appeared in the mid-1960s, replaced the attack aircraft carriers as the main striking force of the fleet, Soviet interest in these ships died away. However, the striking power, mobility and flexibility of American aircraft carrier formations still make them the object of close attention of Soviet sailors.

Glory to our great people, the victorious people!

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles with the enemy and gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!

August 27, 1942.
Moscow Kremlin.

- But the American Iowas, modernized with the use of rocket weapons, were very successful strike ships, comrade Kuznetsov, you must agree - the meeting on the development strategy of the Soviet fleet, which has been going on for two hours, has not yet been very effective for the People's Commissar of the Navy. Trying once again to convince the leader to abandon battleships in favor of aircraft carriers, he again failed. Comrade Stalin really liked the huge artillery ships.

- Yes of course. But their real qualities did not have to be tested in battle. On the other hand, American aircraft carriers carried out a large number of important operations. And it is the aircraft-carrying ships that have obvious superiority at this stage of development, - Nikolai Gerasimovich's voice did not flinch. He confidently continued to defend his position. “Besides, Comrade Stalin, we will receive a large number of ships from the Germans under the terms of surrender: Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Heisenau, Admiral Hipper, Prince Eugen. That's a decent number of strong artillery ships.

- Do not forget that the Soviet Union will also receive the almost completed Graf Zeppelin - and our industry, I am sure, will be able to successfully complete this aircraft carrier - Stalin really wanted to finish building the armored monster of Project 23.

- Yes, but one aircraft carrier is clearly not enough for us. In addition, the presence of aircraft carriers does not mean the cancellation of the construction of all others. Moreover, I am sure that it is precisely a balanced composition that is what the Soviet fleet needs. And, as soon as we have at our disposal sufficiently accurate and reliable ship-based missiles, the construction of strong ships can be continued - but at a different stage of development!

- Vi, comrade Kuznetsov, are right in many ways. But Comrade Stalin nevertheless considers it necessary to consider this question from different points of view. Here vie, comrade marshal, what do you think? - the leader suddenly turned to Lednikov, who was silently sitting at the table.

Looking at the leader in surprise, the newly promoted alien remarked:

- I am not an expert in naval matters, Comrade Stalin. Of course, I have an opinion, but it is not an expert opinion and is based, rather, on general impressions from reading the relevant articles of analysts and meetings with naval officers, - Lednikov spoke slowly, carefully considering his words.

- Still, it would be interesting for me to listen to you.

- Of course, Comrade Stalin. Fleet building strategy is undoubtedly an important task. But we still need to decide for what purposes we are building this very fleet. To protect the coast, for cruising operations, for attacking any enemy, - after these words, the leader chuckled in satisfaction and began to fill his pipe.

- Naturally, if we choose to protect the coast as the main and only goal of the existence of the fleet, we will not need aircraft carriers, - after these words of Lednikov, Kuznetsov looked with displeasure at the marshal. - In this case, coastal aviation, artillery and, later, rocket batteries will be enough for us. True, in this version, I also do not see any special tasks for heavy and super-heavy artillery ships, since they will be more than redundant for solving the tasks of protecting the coast, - came the turn of the leader's dissatisfied glances.

- If cruising operations become the main task of the fleet, then artillery ships may make some sense. However, it is quite obvious that in modern war on the high seas they will be vulnerable to attack from the air - as the fate of the Bismarck vividly proved. Therefore, at a minimum, light aircraft carriers will be needed for air cover, - Kuznetsov, already drooping, threw up his head and looked hopefully towards Stalin. He thoughtfully lit his pipe.

- And finally, the last option. A versatile fleet capable of solving any problem. To be honest, this is how our path seems to me. Simply because the war at sea is not won either in cruising or in defense. As, however, and war on land. I will also note one more thing. In the future, nuclear submarine missile carriers and aircraft carrier strike groups were the main weapons at sea. Moreover, I would like to note that the latter were well-balanced squadrons, in fact representing a whole fleet in miniature.

True, one should immediately notice the lack of a universal fleet - this is its price. As we all understand, it is huge. And that is why we cannot be mistaken now in choosing a strategy.

- And what do you suggest, Lavrenty Georgievich?

- Do not rush. Obviously, the United States and Great Britain will be our main adversaries. And now they are busy with the Japanese. And they will not finish in the near future. Let our designers and designers thinkfully design ships of all necessary classes with an eye to the future. And let the Germans build us some more ships - like the Zeppelin and artillery ships. In any case, our fleet will be significantly strengthened in the near future. We are modernizing the air defense system on German and our ships, somewhat reducing the threat from the air. And then, when Comrade Korolyov finally achieves the expected successes, we will get a significant advantage at least of a high-quality plan, having ships designed specifically for missile weapons.

The debate about whether to build aircraft carriers for Russia does not stop throughout the entire period of existence of this class of ships. An impartial analysis shows that the Navy in the long term will not be able to effectively solve the important tasks assigned to it in the distant sea and ocean zones, if its groupings do not include at least one aircraft carrier, possibly with a nuclear power plant, with 70-90 aircraft on board ... The optimal number is at least two for each of the ocean-going fleets.

In almost all countries of the world, the answer to this question was unequivocal: some, who were guided by land wars, abandoned such ships, others, striving to expand the sphere of their dominance in the world, increased the number of aircraft carriers in their fleet as the main military instrument for conducting their external politicians.

And there were no aircraft carriers

As part of the Imperial Russian Navy, aircraft-carrying ships appeared almost simultaneously with other countries of the world - during the First World War. In the Black and Baltic Seas, two merchant ships were converted into seaplane transports. After the October Revolution, the concept of a small war was adopted in the Soviet fleet, in which there was no place for aircraft carriers. However, by the end of the 30s, there was an understanding of the need to have aircraft carriers in the USSR Navy.

"The modern confrontation between naval groupings is carried out almost exclusively in the air."

In accordance with the shipbuilding program, by the end of the 40s, aircraft carriers were to be included in the ocean fleets. Moreover, in the late 1930s, the Soviet government made attempts to buy the unfinished Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier in Germany. However, Berlin refused the deal. Nevertheless, it was this ship that became the first Soviet aircraft carrier. In accordance with the agreement on the division of the German fleet, the "Graf Zeppelin", which was 92 percent ready for commissioning, was transferred to the USSR and officially enlisted in the fleet. Its use would allow the formation of its own aircraft carrier school to begin. This ship was also of great interest from an engineering point of view, since the German shipbuilding at that time was one of the most advanced in the world. Under the influence of various undercover currents, contrary to the opinion of the leadership of the Navy, a political decision was made to destroy this ship. From then until the mid-60s, the attitude towards aircraft carriers in the USSR was negative. Officially, they were considered weapons of aggression.

With the entry of the Soviet Navy into the ocean, it became clear that it would be very difficult to ensure the implementation of an active foreign policy in the distant regions of the world without aircraft carriers. Yes, and fleet groupings at great distances from their bases to withstand massive air strikes without air fighter cover will be very problematic. The design of full-fledged aircraft carriers began. However, again incompetent, but very influential people intervened, who achieved the construction of certain hybrids - aircraft-carrying cruisers, combining the qualities of missile cruisers and carriers of vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

These were ships of Project 1143, of which four units were built. Moreover, the latter was significantly different from the first three weapons, especially electronic ones. The composition of the air group was the same - 36 aircraft. Including one squadron of vertical take-off and landing aircraft Yak-38 or Yak-38M, a squadron of Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopters and several search and rescue helicopters. The experience of their operation has shown the inefficiency of such aircraft in modern war at sea.

Therefore, it was planned to build a series of aircraft carriers with aircraft "normal" takeoff. In total, judging by the materials of the open press, it was supposed to build at least four of them. Two of them are with a conventional power plant. These are "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" and "Varyag". And two others - with atomic, the first of which was founded under the name "Ulyanovsk". "Kuznetsov" in 1990 was admitted to the USSR Navy and sent to the Northern Fleet. And the rest were not completed due to the collapse of the country.

Since perestroika, a press campaign has been launched against the development of aircraft carriers in our country. A number of people incompetent in naval problems imposed on the population and politicians the position that our country did not need aircraft carriers. One of the first to be destroyed were aircraft-carrying cruisers inherited from the USSR. By 1993, only two of the five ships of this class remained in our fleet. After the sale to India of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov, the Russian Navy has only one such ship - Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov.

Today, judging by the materials of the open press and the statements of prominent military and political leaders, there is still no unequivocal opinion as to whether aircraft carriers are needed in the Russian fleet. In the period from 2007 to 2012 alone, views were reversed twice.

Peacetime scenarios

Without going into details, all the tasks of the Russian Navy can be reduced to the main ones - protecting state interests by military means in peacetime, including supporting Russian diplomacy and its own citizens, repelling aggression from sea areas - into the military.

The geography of Russia's interests, primarily economic, is very extensive and extends over most of the World Ocean. This is the development of economic relations within the BRICS, the extraction of seafood, including areas remote from our shores, the extraction of minerals and energy resources on the sea and ocean floor, the transportation of goods and much more.

Among the main tasks requiring the involvement of aircraft carriers for their effective solution, it should be noted the participation in peacekeeping operations, the protection of Russian citizens in zones of military conflicts and their evacuation from them, as well as from areas of man-made and natural disasters. The naval groupings allocated for the solution of these tasks, especially in zones of military conflict, must be capable of repelling limited surprise strikes by small groups and individual boats or small warships and submarines, as well as combat aircraft and missiles. This may be required in the interests of defending naval formations, protecting civil aircraft of Russian or foreign origin and various ground facilities, ensuring the safety of Russian citizens from attacks by hostile military formations (mostly irregular) during the evacuation process.

The latter can be carried out both directly by boarding ships and vessels in the port or from an unequipped coast, and by air - by helicopters and transport aircraft. Their safety will also need to be ensured from both ground-based air defense threats and possible fighter attacks. Without the participation of combat aviation, these tasks, in principle, cannot be solved, especially those associated with countering aviation and ground military formations in the depths of foreign territory over several kilometers.

To cover the evacuation of Russian citizens, the defense of ship formations, the protection of civil aircraft of Russian or foreign origin and various ground targets from sudden attacks of individual combat aircraft and missiles or small groups, it will be necessary to patrol in pairs and units of fighters in the defended area together with one or two AWACS and U Depending on the remoteness of the patrol area from the aircraft carrier, you need around the clock from 12-15 to 24-30 fighter aircraft and from four to eight AWACS and U.

The possibility of an attack by large groups of aviation, mainly against formations of surface ships, especially important objects, or the accumulation of large masses of people, cannot be ruled out in unfavorable conditions. The number of such groups can reach 30 units. To repel them, it will be necessary to allocate an appropriate number of fighter aircraft - 12-18 aircraft and, possibly, an additional AWACS and U.

To control the underwater environment in the area where the ship's group is located in the interests of timely detection of submarines before they launch an attack with short-range missiles or torpedo weapons, at least two to four helicopters will be required in threatened directions. To do this, it will be necessary to have at least 12 helicopters in the aircraft carrier's air group.

To counter groups of ground forces and irregular formations, naval aviation is also needed. The actions of small groups of irregular formations delivering surprise strikes are countered only by the timely aiming of aviation groups at them from the position of air duty. Similarly, surprise attacks by small groups of boats, especially missile ones, are repelled. Therefore, at least one strike group of naval aviation, numbering two to four aircraft, must patrol the airspace. The outfit of the forces - also from 12-15 to 24-30 aircraft.

Emergency evacuation of citizens from a dangerous zone in the depths of the territory may require the involvement of a dozen or more transport helicopters. Under unfavorable conditions, they are provided with groups of fighter and strike aircraft of four to eight aircraft. In addition, support aircraft are needed - one or two - electronic warfare and at least one - AWACS and U. In the absence of such cover, the solution of these tasks may require large diplomatic efforts, be accompanied by significant material and political losses and even, possibly, large casualties, or even be impracticable.

Thus, for the safe implementation of Russia's foreign policy activities in peacetime, a sufficiently powerful aircraft carrier is required as part of our fleet.

During the war

One of the most important tasks of the Russian Navy will be to defeat enemy aircraft carrier and missile groups. The main areas of combat operations of the latter are sections of the distant sea and ocean zones, removed from our coast by 400-600 kilometers. From here, they will strike at targets on the territory of our country and ships at sea and at bases.

It is well known that superiority at sea is impossible without achieving air superiority. Modern confrontation between naval groupings is carried out almost exclusively in the air. Attacks by anti-ship missiles and attack aircraft are repelled by fighters and anti-aircraft fire weapons of ships. Small groups and single surface ships are attacked by two to four cruise missiles or aircraft. In strikes against large formations of surface ships, 30-40 or more anti-ship missiles from missile ships and submarines or up to 40-50 aircraft of carrier-based or tactical aviation can be used.

It is almost impossible to repel such attacks only by naval air defense systems, no matter how powerful they are. Especially if the means of air attack are suitable almost simultaneously, they are covered by electronic warfare aircraft and the strike of anti-ship missiles is preceded by the actions of air defense aircraft.

Fighter aircraft not only destroys some of the enemy's attacking aircraft, but also disorganizes their attack. As a result, the latter stretches in time - air attack weapons are suitable for relatively small groups, which the ship's air defense successfully destroys. The target distribution in the enemy strike group is violated, its attempts to cover up its air attack means with electronic jamming and to suppress the ship's air defense with anti-radar missiles are thwarted.

It is the disorganization of groups of attacking aircraft that is the main contribution of fighter aviation to the air defense of naval formations when repelling attacks from enemy tactical and carrier-based aviation.

Fighters can also make a significant contribution to the air defense of ship formations when repelling cruise missiles, destroying the most dangerous targets beyond the reach of the ship's air defense systems.

To repel large groups of tactical aviation or carrier-based aviation, it will be necessary to allocate from 24 to 32 fighter aircraft, the main part of which will operate from the position of duty at the airfield (on the deck) while ensuring their control from AWACS and U aircraft. Outside 100-150 miles from coast is possible only from an aircraft carrier.

In addition to the largest ship groups in the combat formation of the strike formation, there are small groups and single ships that solve various support tasks. To cover them, fighter aviation is also needed, which will be able to cover them from sudden attacks of small groups of air attack weapons, mainly from a position of watch in the air.

It has a number of advantages over cruise missiles and the use of naval aircraft for strikes against large enemy surface ships. Surpassing cruise missiles in range (800 or more kilometers versus 450-500 for long-range missiles), naval aviation groups, including electronic warfare, reconnaissance, AWACS and U strike aircraft, as well as fighters, are capable of providing identifying the assigned targets and hitting them. The success of a breakthrough to the target of strike aircraft and their missiles is achieved by suppressing the enemy's air defense system and repelling attacks from his fighters.

Ship fighters are also extremely important for covering the actions of strike groups of long-range (naval missile-carrying) aviation against aircraft carrier and other large naval formations of the enemy in the distant sea and ocean zones. Their escort with naval fighters will make it possible, if not to eliminate the threat from enemy deck and coastal fighters, then at least to minimize losses from their actions to an acceptable level. At the same time, the effectiveness of our aviation's actions will increase significantly.

Perspective look

The Russian naval groupings will have to solve tasks both in peacetime and in wartime, far beyond the reach of shore-based fighter and bomber aircraft. Is it possible to solve these problems without the support of shore-based aviation, primarily fighter and assault aircraft? With aircraft carriers, yes. They are not a whim of sailors, but an urgent need.

The analysis shows that the air group of Russian aircraft carriers should be quite large. To complete the entire range of tasks, it will need to have at least 40-60 aircraft capable of fighting surface and ground targets, as well as against an air enemy, including cruise missiles. In addition to them, the air group must have four to eight AWACS and U aircraft, two to four electronic warfare aircraft and two to four reconnaissance aircraft, as well as at least 12 anti-submarine and two search and rescue helicopters. A total of 70 to 90 aircraft. That is, it is a large-class aircraft carrier with a total displacement of 75-85 thousand tons, possibly with a nuclear power plant. Its air defense system should include self-defense means capable of repelling small air force groups (up to four units) in jamming conditions. For this, the air defense system on each side must have at least eight short-range air defense missile systems target channels and two to four small-caliber artillery channels.

In addition, in the ship's self-defense complex, it is necessary to provide for anti-torpedo protection and electronic warfare, capable of suppressing the seeker of anti-ship missiles.

CICS and other radio-electronic equipment, as the most important requirement, should provide the ability to solve problems of control of the operational formation, shipborne and cooperating aviation to the entire depth of its use in the interests of the shipborne connection.

It is necessary to have at least two such ships on each of Russia's ocean-going fleets. This will allow, taking into account the scheduled repairs and other measures to maintain these ships in a combat-ready condition, always have at least one combat-ready aircraft carrier in each of the ocean theaters.


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