Ig Palo: The Khalifat Horacean goes to change. Fighting ISIL goes to a new level: how Twitter leads war with a crime calibh outside

Ig Palo: The Khalifat Horacean goes to change. Fighting ISIL goes to a new level: how Twitter leads war with a crime calibh outside

The fear of the distress consequences of cybervars for any state appeared at the end of the last century. In various media, speeches of politicians, military and economic experts, the horrors of unauthorized penetration into computer systems and their hacking, which could not only be the conclusion of the energy systems of states, gas and oil pipelines, but also of national security systems. And even nuclear catastrophes.

Threat Kiberatach began to acquire in last years Special sound against the background of strengthening the terrorist activities of the Islamic State and affiliated with him other extremist and terrorist formations. These threats are becoming increasingly real on the background of incoming information that the MIR grouping not only actively recruits recently from software specialists, but also attempts to access cyber soup. Unfortunately, it is necessary to recognize that equipment that allows you to create and distribute a malicious softwareToday it is so available that it can be brought to the online store E "eBay", not to mention the possibility of collecting cyber auction on the "black markets". Thus, it is impossible to exclude that in a short time we can witness the revitalization of the use of a group of IG cybergigue against many countries and companies.

It is worth noting that the IG is already being successful to use Internet technologies using a network for recruitment, distribution of terrorist information and intimidation tactics. So, one group, which calls himself "Lizard Squad" in Twitter declared his connections with the game when she made Kiberataka for some of the largest game companies in the world, including Sony and Microsoft.

The main task of Kiberatakh IG is to provide communication between different terrorist and formations and promoting the Propaganda of the IG. After all, the "effectiveness" of terrorism largely depends on those waves that provoke its shares in the public consciousness. Therefore, propaganda is a key component of the goals of the IG on the formation of the Islamic Caliphate.

Numerous anti-terrorism experts, including FBI specialists, celebrate high technical competence of this grouping: it owns the newest methods communication encryption and is able to use closed channels that are protected by last word Technique. According to NBC News, the ig even has its own "technical support", which is available in the round-the-clock mode seven days a week and helps IG members to allow any technical difficulties. It consists of the team of experienced engineers in the territory of Khaliphate and several dozen experts around the world, which are also able to connect to the stocks of the IG at any time of the day and night.

Large-scale investigation of Greg Miller (SOUAD MILLNET) and Suad Mekhennet (SOUAD MEKHENNET) from The Washington Post (it relies on conversations with a few "reversible" fighters of the game, who are now behind bars in Morocco) for the first time draws a clear picture of the "cyber khalifat" .

According to them, the core of the IS information division is about a hundred people who work in one well-protected building on the latest equipment. The IG perfectly understand the importance of this service: her chiefs wear the rank of "Emirov", which equates them to the military leadership of the organization. Employees pay perfectly (sometimes seven times more than the militants of the same rank) or even provide a house and a car. Some of them previously worked on Al-Qaida in Iraq. In their environment, there are many talented youth from a variety of countries, before it is to join the ranks of Islamists, these people often worked in the media. The ig holds an information flow under tight control: each new militant immediately select all the chambers to leave no unresolved snapshot.

Cyber \u200b\u200bJihadist Y IG has already hacked accounts of the Central Command of the US Army in Twitter and YouTube in 2015, posted the secret documents, phone numbers, addresses email and home addresses of dozens of American military officials, as well as a video with a call to join the ranks of ISHIL. In addition, North Korea military maps and China have hit the network.

On April 8, 2015, the TV5 Monde television channel financed by the French State was subjected to the most powerful in the history of television Hacker Attack IG.

The hackers associated with the terrorist group "Islamic state" hacked the mail several members of the Cabinet of Ministers David Cameraron, as reported on September 12, the Daily Telegraph, referring to the data of the center of the government of Great Britain.

Hackers, in particular Anonymous, Ghost Security and a number of others, were combined for online-struggle with terrorism. Activists set themselves the task - to struggle with extremism on the network. To this end, they are followed by the activity of militants in digital space, trying to find information about possible threats. Thus, Hackers Ghost Security claim that thanks to them about 60 thousand extremist accounts on Twitter have already been blocked and about 130 sites have been disabled, the group also stated that they helped prevent the attacks in New York and on the island of Djerba in Tunisia.

However, according to the head of the Kaspersky Lab, Evgeny Kaspersky, qualifying to fight the terrorists of ISILs are obliged to various state structures, and not hacker groups. In an interview with the German publication, Spiegel, Kaspersky, in particular, indicated: "The situation under control should put, actually, state bodies and social networks themselves, for this not need Anonymous." In addition, Kaspersky sees the danger that the Islamists can carry out a complex cyberatak, using for this hired hackers. "I'm afraid that if the mafia can hire talented hackers, then Islamist terrorists will also be able to", "he stressed.

On the need for an active connection of state structures to combating cyberrorism, in particular with the "cyber-caliphatt" of the IG, recently stated the European Commissioner on the digital economy of Günther Ettinger: "Europe should do everything in order to ensure the safety of a digital infrast of the manure and increase the financing of struggle With kiberatas. "

The other day it became known that the United States creates a department for the fight against Promaganda ISHIL. This department will refer to the Ministry of State Security, but will be cooperated with other federal and local security agencies. And in the near future, a meeting of official representatives of the US National Security Agencies with representatives of the Internet company Silicon Valley will be held in California. The meeting will discuss issues of creating and work of this department.

Similar units to combat Cyberats of IG and Promaganda of Islamist militants are also created in other countries.

However, as the results of counter-terrorism of the fight against the "Islamic state" show, just uniting all the efforts of various countries to achieve victory over this "black plague" of the new century. In this regard, it seems that there has been a long time to create an international body under the auspices under the auspices of the UN, who not only would be coordinated and carrying out military operations against the Militants of the IG, but also by the fight against Cyber \u200b\u200bKhaliphat attacks.

Plates Vladimir, expert in the Middle East

Surprise high-quality review of the propaganda car of the Caliphate on the BBC. We still have the calipheat itself and its activities are inclined to underestimate, so the article will be able to introduce some features and techniques of information and psychological war, which are used by Khalifat's propagandists. Perhaps the most interesting article on the advocacy of the Caliphate for the last couple of months.

"Islamic state": how his propaganda works

I have already studied the propaganda of the so-called "Islamic state" for quite a long time. This is part of my daily work, and on the usual day, doing this case, I will abstractly and do not react emotionally.
I understand that what appears in front of me is disgusting. But I rarely fully feel horror from what you saw. However, on July 4, my protective mechanisms did not work when I saw this video, the widespread IG. A group of teenage boys built in a row, in front of them kneeling stood, as was stated, the soldiers of the Assad army. Boys aim in the head of the soldiers. All this happened in the Ancient Roman theater in Syrian Palmyra.
As always, I stopped video before the murder. I'm already accustomed to ultraloxy ig, but this video was different from others. The fact is that on my desktop, a family photo made almost five years ago, on which I am captured, my wife, father and stepmother - in the very Roman theater. At that time I lived in Syria, and they were one of my last guests before I left this rapidly rolling towards civil War Country Then I have not guessed that she was waiting.

On July 4, the MS Grouping distributed the video of the murder, as stated, "Assad Army Soldier" in the Ancient Roman theater

Since then, I continued to follow the happening in Syria, studying the evolution of his jihadist groups. I constantly stumbled on various videos about how the monuments of antiquity were destroyed, which I once visited with admiration - whether the Citadel Aleppo, the amphitheater fortress in Bosrera or the strikingly preserved castle of Crusaders Krak de Chevalé. But I have never seen anything like this full gloating and hate video shot in Palmyra. Never a contrast between the recent past and the real was not so striking. For several days I could not forget this video and constantly returned to thoughts about these soldiers and children who were used to murder. Even despite my then conviction that I understand why they make such things, I could not answer this question with a complete, proof, confidence. I decided that in addition to the research that I had already spent, I need to collect data that would allow me from the inside to understand the psychology of the propagandist IG.

"Immerse yourself in the world ig"

Armed with their knowledgeable knowledge, I wanted to immerse yourself in their world, to understand who these videos are intended and how these video materials reflect how "Islamic state" sees. We know that for ideological supporters, the Militarized propaganda of super-focus is attractive and gives pleasure. What about the rest? What about thousands of men, women and girls throwing their homes for the Khaliphat IG?
The first thing I did, knowing that such dive will take a lot of time - I set the time limits. I decided to take it on this work - at least before, - one month.
So all 30 days of the Muslim month of Shavval, beginning, according to the calendar of the "Islamic state himself," on July 17 and ending on August 15, I spent two hours a day, studying a network of supporters of the game, writing in Twitter in Arabic, sieving through Small sieve various forms and methods of propaganda and using for this combination of countless hashtegov used by the propagandists of the Islamic state.

Map of media media ig

What I found was struck me, but not because of my cruelty. In just 30 days, the official propagandists of the IG created and distributed 1146 different propaganda samples: collections of photographs, videos, audio recordings of applications, summaries, text reviews, magazines, posters, brochures, theological treatises - the list can be continued for a long time.
After the same propaganda materials in different languages \u200b\u200bwere grouped (news releases on radio and text reviews were produced in six languages), it turned out that 892 samples were released. All of them were presented in a single form and performed very well - to the smallest details.
I expected the propaganda materials of the IG in the network a lot, but I could not think that there would be so much. I was interested to know what other experts think about this, and I contacted Ambassador Alberto Fernandez, director of the Center for Strategic Anti-Terrorism Communication Communication (CSCC) - teams created by the US Department of State and to oppose the propaganda of the "Islamic state" on the Internet.
He quickly answered, saying that although it was not a big surprise for him, the materials turned out to be much more than he expected. This is a striking level of propaganda activity, with which no other non-state extremist movements cannot be compared, regardless of whether they resort to violence or not.

30 days of the month of Shavval

I decided to analyze the obtained data sample. At first, the propaganda samples published in 30 days of the month of the Shavval looked familiar. There were elements that I met once at a time, such as audio and text reports on the military exploits of the IG for the previous day. They appeared daily, with enviable methodicity. In addition, an ordinary cocktail appeared on the network from the materials about civilian life, about military operations, about super-mainstream sprapers, as well as examples of mercy and an atmosphere of a partnership in the ranks of militants, which is so attractive for foreign recruits. On some days, certain topics appeared more often than others.

The content of propaganda materials was extensive and changing

Most often emphasized the utopian idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice, working economy, religious "purity" and the permanent expansion of the "Caliphate". On other days it was more told about military training and parades, as well as on combat operations. In addition to these pretty superficial observations, it can be said that the content of propaganda materials was so extensive and changing that it was not easy to briefly characterize it. For example, in a typical day of the 23rd of the month of the month, 50 different propaganda materials were published. Photo reports and video included frames of the onset of the onset of the North of Syria and praise those killed in Salahuddine.
The photographs on the theme of the sacrifice were the effects of the effects of air raids "Crusaders-Sefavidov" in the Iraqi provinces of Anbar and Kirkuk. However, mostly propagandists were engaged in a thorough study of the topic "normal" life. 32 Materials from 50 showed a "peaceful" life: training of plasterers in the Mosulus workshop, the spread of newspapers in Faludj, repair of sidewalks in Talafar, installation of telephone lines in Kayar, confiscation and burning cigarettes in a sharkat and even a Camel Capon in Bir-al-Kalba.

The efforts of the IG to maintain its "brand" are distinguished by inexorable perseverance. Certain topics and key plots are highlighted in the total stream, but only a month after the start of this study, I was able to allocate the main trends. I realized this, I came across the secret of the media strategy IG: "To produce, produce, produce." Creating such a large number of Materials that it becomes impossible to keep track of them, the mediochers of the IG make it impossible to understand what they are doing. They fall into the Internet as many materials that it becomes impossible to disassemble which "brand" they create. They disorient their opponents and at the same time attract curious and defenseless.
However, an armed database collected for the month of Shavval, and the ability to assess the situation, I could bypass this problem. This propaganda labyrinth can be disassembled into parts. Soon I realized that the project that I began as my personal attempt to climb the advocacy of the IG, became something much bigger.

One of the collection of photos was dedicated to the execution of gay

When a structured archive turned out to be in my hands, I began to identify trends, patterns and anomalies. From the very beginning, the lack of cruelty was striking. From past research, I knew that the "brand" is something much more than shedding the blood of his enemies, but in the first few days of Shavval, these motives were completely absent. In retrospect, it made sense.

Utopia "Khaliphate"

A month Shavval, coming immediately after Ramadan, begins the holiday of the talk of the al-Fitr. The IG predictably tried to play it. His media should demonstrate to their audience that both inside and outside the "Caliphate" with the ID in the style of the IG is nothing can be compared. For this, propagandists focused on two elements of the utopian "Islamic state" - religion and social life of his "citizens".
They saved the scenes of the alms to those in need of Syria and Libya and dedicated a huge amount of time to show the festive prayers and the total atmosphere of the holiday - children playing attractions, toys and sweets, drown to orphans, fighters sitting in the forefronts and sheds, drinking tea and laughing Over something together. At some point, there was even a broadcast of the Official radio station of the IG "Al-Bayang", in which the "random passersby" told about their impressions of the holiday - of course, exclusively enthusiastic.

After a while when Ramadan has already passed into the past, the pictures of adults playing with children began to be combined with daily materials on military topics. Collections of photos about growing melons, various crafts and enterprises, about nature, confiscation of cigarettes and cleaning streets almost daily interspersed with photos of militants in masks that focus from mortars some goals, desecrates the breast of bodies of killed "enemies" and bragging captured trophies.
In addition to these carefully selected photo gallery (there were 696), 64 videos were published on various sides of the functioning of the IG as "States" - from registration of marriages and the work of officials responsible for bakeries, to the inexorable destruction of "idolatry" monuments "Religious Police" and terrible Public executions of people accused of "religious crimes". In one case, a man accused of homosexuality was dropped from the roof and clogged with the stones of the invited crowd.

Children in the amusement park - another element of the advocacy

For every two videos about everyday life, there was one, telling about the military aspects of the operations of the IG: training new recruits for speaking sniper weapons, "martyrs", reading their will before blowing themselves, as well as carefully related attacks in the position of the enemy.
Against the background of a constant combination of paintings of peaceful and military life, propagandists constantly played a note of victimization - constantly demonstrating the body of killed and mutilated children, women and old people, trying to squeeze the maximum of the political benefits from the side losses caused by the opponent's air strikes. Regardless of whether they showed the consequences of the strikes of the Syrian army or the international coalition, the paintings were invariable, and this allowed to legitimize the existence of an announced IG "Khaliphati" and justify the countless crimes of his militants.
Contrary to those who appeared in July countless reports that the II mitigates the level of their own cruelty, the spectrum of the demonstrated acts of violence was never significantly reduced.
Already on the fifth day of the month, the Shavval on the Internet appeared a video on which it was shown as a soldier of the Syrian government troops in the province of Hama kill a shot in the back and discard from the cliff.
Four days later appeared video decapitation of "spies" in Iraq and within a few days - the video on which the group of "enemies" in Afghanistan is binding and exploded by the charge of explosives on which they were forced to sit.

Cruelty motifs

The farther, the clearer the motives of these public killings became. Thus, a warning was sent, but not to the international community. The target audience of these videos were potential dissatisfied, living in the territory controlled by the IG.

Militants ig in the pool - It would seem common life ...

They were put in front of the dilemma - stay with us and live in Utopia IG or help the enemy and disperse the monstrous death. It is important that these warnings appeared not often. Propagandists ig wanted to intimidate and faster their audience, but they did not want these scenes of violence with habitual. The mess was much more complicated, and it was not possible to convey it alone.
I did not expect one - in contrast to what I noticed in the first year of "Khalifat" IG, - very little time was devoted to the ideas of accessories and mercy, at the same time former foundations of public diplomacy ig.
Only a couple of times the propagandists tried to attract foreign recruit the ideas of the partnership and friendship in the ranks of the fighters. Mostly calls for new recruits had religious content. Similarly, a very small proportion of a monthly propaganda stream was devoted to the promises of the amnesty who repentant opponents of the IG. Before that, the IG was often booked by this policy. All this is an indicator that propagandists adjust their work under a broader strategy of the management of the Islamic State.

It did not pass the day without the propaganda machine IG did not release the next portion of the materials. Separate parts of each propaganda package discharged in isolation, little mean.
However, in combination with each other, they represented a picture of the life of this group, in which everyone could find something for himself: the cruel punishment of opponents to attract supporters and scare enemies, prosperous agriculture And the industry for those who are looking for material well-being, the inevitability of punishment in the form of cutting off the limbs, breaking with stones and decapitations for those who are expensive a celebration of order and law, not to mention the convinced foreign jihadists seeking to live according to the rules of Sharia in the most medieval interpretation. And all this - accompanied by paintings of pictorial landscapes and wildlife striking the painting of Paradise. One undoubtedly "brand" ig Total. When I studied this database, I realized that propaganda was directed not only for the glorification of the IG abroad - recruitment of new supporters, maintaining the interest of sympatheticizing and attracting sponsors. It is also designed to hold the situation within the IG.

Propaganda in the absence of media freedom

Put yourself in place of any person living in the territory controlled by IG. You do not have free access to the Internet, and in those rare moments when it is, you breathe a fighter of the game in the head, followed by every step. In the territories of the IG, there is no freedom of information - alternative points of view, there are no news that doubt its propaganda. There is nothing except the "news" offered by the propagandists of the IG, and broadcasts carried out throughout the entire territory of the improvised media.

Idyllic paintings are interspersed with frames raising the "enemies"

In brochures discussed on these "media points", video broadcast on large screens, and reports of news sounding from reproductors, only idealized by the propagandists of the "Caliphate" image. The audience is in captivity of these news in the literal and figurative sense of the word. In a sense, the same thing happens on the Internet. I was engaged in this for my research, but for many supporters, Propaganda is the only source of news and information. Social networks are known for their unifying like-minded groups. Users choose their virtual life without looking at the "little things" and nuances. When this speaker coincides with the poisoning propaganda, which comes from the game, this propaganda becomes even more effective. Even if the IG fans on the Internet have open access to other ideas and points of view, they are almost not looking for them and do not pay attention to them. They become psychologically dependent on the marketing model of the IG. In July, I began to study in order to more deeply understand the Propaganda strategy. However, the result was much more useful. Having their complete media picture, even if only in one month, I had the opportunity to put out and evaluate the funds by which this grouping creates its image - both inside and outside your own borders.
Perhaps those who struggle with the IG will be able to more effectively withstand his information monopoly, if they are armed with the exact knowledge of which painting, they want to create people who host in the game. This project and its continuation can help them.

Charlie Winter
Senior Researcher QUILLIAM Foundation

Image Caption. In propaganda plots, the MO often appear the children living on the territories controlled by it - they are shown happy

The idyllic paintings of life in the territory occupied by the terrorist organization "Islamic state" are based on the promotion of extremists on the Internet. But as the IG loses its territory in Syria and Iraq, does its "Virtual Caliphate" disappear?

Forbidden in Russia, the "Islamic state" group is located on the verge of collapse in Syria and Iraq.

Just a few days ago, IG, my last stronghold in the Syrian territory. The loss of the city was preceded by defeats, Tal Afara and.

"Islamic state" as a certain "state" is no longer - today it exists in the form of a handful of territories held by the rebels.

Click How changed controlled IG territory since 2015



The territory is important for the IG, but for the organization that has retained a strong presence on the Internet for many years, it does not play a decisive role. However, to say that the IG will be able to fully exist only thanks to the online presence, too, it is also impossible.

The IG will not disappear, but will not flourish as in the past few years - and not least because its propaganda car is actually destroyed.

Carnavals and money bags

For the past three years, I keep track of the Arabia-speaking media associated with IG and try to catch new trends in promoting grouping.

Today, its propaganda system is in more than ever depressed.

For several months now, the II is trying to distract the attention of its supporters from the loss of the "caliphate" territories.

Image Caption. Children ride on an inflatable hill in the city of Tabka - Propaganda IS Sample 2015

When I first began to study in the summer of 2015, the grouping produced more than 200 materials per week - these were videos, radio programs, articles and photo reports.

Every day, several dozen news releases were covered, often with a fact form substitution, the situation on the battlefield.

Ig not just thoughtlessly made propaganda, she created a brand.

People who manage the propaganda system of grouping could have emerged directly to the "Caliph" and had to do with all aspects of life in the occupied territories.

They participated in everything - from military affairs and terrorist operations outside the territory controlled territory to projects on irrigation and movement management on roads.

They were responsible for the creation of a utopian picture of life in the "Calipheat" - bright and impregnated with false.

To this end, the IG produced the stories about fairs, where children play carelessly, about the spread of modern medicines among the patients and the elderly, about the poor and disadvantages, which were given huge amounts of money.

Image Caption. An important aspect of propaganda was the image of a full life in the "Khalifat"

Today, the Propagandists of the IG with difficulty produce 20 plots per week.

And this is not all that has changed, - the message about the joyful and second-hand life in the "Khalifat" disappeared from their propaganda materials almost completely.

In recent weeks, they managed to release except the photo reports about the grape collection in Egypt and the fight against drug trafficking in Afghanistan.

The main component of the IG brand today is a war, and the style of materials has become quite one-sided.

Instead of frames with children on inflatable slides, shooting adolescents in trenches or driving stuffed by explosives.

The purpose of the Propagandists of the IG is to strengthen the martial spirit, showing that the grouping fighters will be readily go under bullets and shade those who still have doubts.

New "Norm"

This change of tone occurred under the influence of three important factors.

Image Caption. Today the main character Propaganda ig - fighter on the battlefield

The first one is the loss of conquered territories: to distribute materials about the "normal" life in the occupied territories is almost impossible in a situation where those who live this "normal" life is more difficult to find.

Even in those cases when it succeeds, the manufacture of propaganda plot requires great work.

When the IG lost control over major cities in Iraq and Syria, where media centers were located, she lost the opportunity to make advocacy on an industrial scale before.

Several propaganda production centers are likely to function in the area of \u200b\u200bthe border between Syria and Iraq, but they also work more slowly every day.

Because of this, plots that are made outside the main array of the occupied territory of the territory are beginning to play the increasingly prominent role - recently the share of content is increasing, which is produced by an affiliated with ig grouping in the Sina region and in Afghanistan.

The second factor is a personnel deficit.

Like the main field commanders of the grouping, its high-ranking members controlling the propaganda system have long been the target of the international coalition and its allies.

Last year, a press secretary of the group and its "Propaganda Minister Abu Fourcan were killed as a result of air strikes.

The aim of the coalition air strikes became many operators, installations and producers who served aside at different levels in the propaganda system of the IG.

Many of them were killed, which could not not affect the general state of the propaganda system of the IG.

The third factor is that the Internet has ceased to be for extremists "safe space".

Due to the information counterattacks of coalition professionals on the Internet, or self-regulation of Internet providers, the IG can no longer use large social networks and file-sharing services to spread propaganda.

Serious threat

The result of all this was the gradual, but obvious change in the content of the propaganda of the IG.

it important moment, and not only because the IG can no longer qualify for such a strong as before, influence on the informational sphere.

Image Caption. Member of the religious militia of the IG in Afghanistan burns on the chamber of drugs

Propaganda always reflects the overall level of viability of the organization producing it, so the collapse of the brand ig does not foreshadow anything good for the fate of the group in Syria and Iraq, at least in the short term.

This inspires optimism, but there are bad news.

IG produces fewer propaganda than ever for the period of its existence, but the quality and ambitiousness of its materials still overlook the materials of rivals.

Despite the losses that the grouping carries on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq, materials with instructions for the preparation of terrorist attacks continue to appear on the Internet.

This is a serious threat.

Another threat is active supporters of the IG, which are still exchanged instructions for the manufacture of explosives and poisonous substances.

The danger did not disappear, it simply modified.

It is still very early to talk about the end of the IG - in Syria, in Iraq, or in virtual space.

But it is not necessary to ignore the fact that the foundations of the grouping begin to stagger.

Charlie Winter - Starandresearcher of the International Center for Studying Kings College Radication in London.

Microbloga Charlie Winter in Twitter -

The terrorist grouping "Islamic state" (IG) began to form in Syria and Iraq in 2013. In the summer of 2014, the militants of the IG have already controlled 35% of the territory of Syria and most of its gas and oil fields. The total territory under the control of the group was estimated at 40-90 thousand square meters. km. According to the American Research Center IHS, from the moment by the spring of 2016, the grouping lost about 22% of the territory.


According to GRU, the Army II has about 33 thousand militants, including 19 thousand in Iraq and 14 thousand in Syria. The Pentagon estimates the amount of militants in 31 thousand. The composition of the army is international. British special services in March 2016 announced that, according to their information, citizens of 50 states were fighting on the side of the caliphate. 70% of them are accounted for by Arab countries, but the leaders in the number of mercenaries from European countries are France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Earlier, in December 2015, the FSB reported about about 2 thousand Russians who are fighting on the Khaliphat side.

  • Reuters

The population taxable population at controlled territories in 2014 numbered 9 million people. In 2016, due to territorial losses, it decreased to 6 million. The Pentagon argues that and spent on the side of the IG during this time was 6 thousand less.


The main sources of financing ig-smuggling of hydrocarbon raw materials and objects of antiques, as well as eclipses from the population at the captured territories. IG through intermediaries sells oil at a low price in neighboring countries. The profit of the IG from such trade, according to various sources, could be $ 1-3 million per day. According to the study of the European Center for Analysis of Terrorism, in 2015 the Islamic State received $ 2.4 billion, becoming the most financially secured terrorist group in the world.

Nevertheless, active military actions deployed against caliphate recently change the situation. Thus, the income of the IG from the sale of oil fell over the year from $ 1 billion to $ 600 thousand, from the sale of gas - from $ 490 thousand to $ 350 thousand.


It is in service with ig there are tanks, armored personnel carriers, reflective guns, anti-tank systems and anti-aircraft drugs, including portable anti-aircraft missile systems. According to human rights defenders of the International Organization Amnesty International, the militants of the Islamic State use more than 100 types of weapons occurring from about 25 countries. As earlier, RT, it was uncontrolled in Iraq in recent decades.

  • Reuters

At the same time, the main mass of weapons was put in the US region and their allies. Its part of his militants captured the Iraqi army, armed with Washington.


Many experts refer to the most important weapon of the Gos Propaganda, which is conducted professionally using new technologies and workshop by contemporary trends. Videos of the IG shall received wide fame, most of which have their own plot, a specially selected musical background and a clear timing. The "Islamic state" has its own media and media chambers, daily broadcasting the news of the Caliphate. Released in May 2014 campaigning film "Ring Swords" Some Western media compared with a product of professional cinema. Propaganda and recruitment actively leads through the Internet. To involve newcomers in their ranks, media technologists of caliphate produce not only videos, but also computer games. The main addressee of propaganda is the youth, average age - 23 years old.

Crimes on controlled territory

Brutal executions and destruction of antique monuments - business Cards Ig. The score of such crimes has already exceeded tens of thousands. So, in 2015, the number of victims only on published by the "Islamic State" exceeded 5 thousand khalifat militants conduct a genocide policy against ethnic groups in Iraq and Syria: Yezidov, Christians, Turkmen, Kurds and representatives of other communities, including Sunnites .

The most loud crime against cultural heritage is the destruction of the monuments of Palmyra in the summer of 2015. Then the antique temples of Bal (Baal) and Baalshamine, the Triumphal Arch, were destroyed, and the National Museum was relieved. The militants of the Islamic state also blew up dozens of Shiite mosques, destroyed the temple of Nabu in the ancient Assyrian city of Nimride (on the territory of modern Iraq. - RT), the monument of the ancient architecture of the "Gogress of God" next to the city of Mosul, blew up the Central Library of Mosulus, in which 8-10 thousand unique publications were stored.

  • Reuters

On the lands assigned to the game, specialists are working to restore the affected artifacts. In the restoration of historical monuments, Palmyra takes part the State Hermitage.

Crimes outside the game

Supporters of the IG commit attacks on civilians outside the region. It is enough to remember the terrorist attacks on June 12, 2016 in the night gay club Pulse American Orlando city, the victims of which were 49 people, explosions in the Brussels airport and the Brussels metro at Malbek station on March 22, 2016 (34 victims), act of terrorism In Paris and his suburbs on November 13, 2015 (130 dead). IG took responsibility for all these attacks.

*"Islamic state" - terroristkaya grouping prohibited in the Russian Federation.

the growing threat of international security by the new terrorist group called "Khalifat Horacean". This formation has noticeably strengthened in Iraq, Syria and Central Asia -, above all, about Pakistan, Afghanistan and a number of CIS countries.

The wave of the so-called "Arab Spring" seriously affected the variability of Islamist and jihadist groups - the militants of the same group with ease of passage to another. When this or that terrorist formation falls under the ban, the main backbone of the gang remains, the name is simply changing. Sometimes this name may coincide even with the name of someone else's grouping. The term "Horacean" is very common in the perrsional peoples, analysts mark.

Three years ago, Edition The New York Times came out with the article, which argued that the new terrorist group of Khalifat Horacean is much more interested in committing terrorist attacks against the United States and American structures abroad. According to the newspaper, this new formation consists mainly of al-Qaeda radicals, which arrived from North Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Their plans also recruitment in Western states and the United States.

The exploration of the United States consider the new "caliph" part of Al-Qaida, manual on the Arabian Peninsula. A few years ago, officials in Washington warned about the danger of "Horasan", which has all the necessary resources and money for committing, for example, attacks on airplanes by analogy with 9/11. Moreover, it is especially disturbing American intelligence officers - the fact that among members of the terrorist organization there are many people from Western countries with passports of these states.

About the group "Horacean", consisting of Al-Qaida immigrants and not the first year already fighting in SAR, Western press wrote repeatedly. This name was first mentioned at the time of the American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 - then the organization was forced to relocate in Pakistan, in order to later create a caliphate in Nangharhar with the capital in Jalalabad.

According to some reports, Headshan Mukhsin Al-Fadhley is headed - a close supporter of Osama Bin Laden. On others, the grouping was created about 20 years ago by a certain Egyptian Mohammist Islambuli, a brother of Jihadist, an accomplice of the murder of President Anvara Sadata in 1981. Istambuli in nineties took part in many terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Initially, the main place of combat actions was not at all close, but the Middle East. By 2012, the grouping of the Egyptian jihadist joined the military actions in Syria and Yemen - then "Horacean" became the ally "Jebhat An-Nusra" and forbidden in the Russian Federation.

Later, in the spring of 2015, "Khalifat", operating mainly in Pakistan, was able to repent again to the north of Afghanistan - they immediately joined (not without a fight in some cases) Taliban militants, Al-Qaida, Network of Hakkani. According to some information, most of the members of the Khorasan grouping are at the moment - immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union (from the South Caucasus and South Asia), who previously participated in the battles in Iraq and Syria, and later were shipped along the Turkmen border. There, local extremists and Sunnis activists of the Islamic Political Party of Afghanistan joined radicals. As a result of negotiations with all interested terrorists, the militants "Khaliphat Horacean" was announced to create a province of the Caliphate, which should include the territory of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

After successful antiterrorist actions of Russia and a number of international players in Syria and Iraq, as a result of which the terrorists of the IG, their supporting points and their economic component were actually defeated, "Horacean" began to more actively fasten in Afghanistan. The militants are no longer focused on trying to subordinate to themselves of Syria's oil industry - now they are under the control of Afghan drug trafficking (speech, above all about the heroine), which brings no less means. Afghanistan is convenient for caliphate and the fact that it is there particularly convenient to gain new militants in their ranks at the expense of residents of Central Asia. At the moment, a significant terrorist group is created at the borders of Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. The number of several thousand people called themselves by members of Horasan. According to American intelligence, in the near future, a few thousand extremists who return home from Iraq and Sar can replenish the ranks of the grouping.

Probably, the supreme leaders of the jihadists understand that a well-shaped IG could no longer be able to return the former positions. Militants grouping diverge on other, smaller, groups that end up may later merge in Horacean. There is a chance that this calipheat is a peculiar "reincarnation" of the ideas of the Islamic state, especially with the fact that they have already had their own province, which should include all Pakistan and Afghanistan. What will happen next and how American troops will try to defeat radicals in Afghanistan, let's try to tell in one of the following materials.


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