1987 Red Square landed the plane. As the German pilot "removed" the top of the Soviet army

1987 Red Square landed the plane. As the German pilot "removed" the top of the Soviet army

On August 3, 1988, an unusual prisoner was released from the Soviet prison. They were the German pilot-lover of Matias Rust, a year before that, he became famous for the whole world by planted a plane on Red Square. Then this event has made a lot of noise: as a 19-year-old guy managed to discredit the Soviet system of air defense system, why did he need to make this insane act, and what punishment suffered the brave?

German fan pilot Matias Rust

Once, 18-year-old Matias Rust watched TV, in the news it was told that negotiations between the American and Soviet government in Reykjavik went to a dead end. The young man decided that the USSR should help and the West to establish relationships. At least, so he explained the motives of his act at the trial: "I thought I could use the plane to build an imaginary bridge between the West and the East to show how many people in Europe want to improve relations from the USSR."

Rusta flight map

At that time, Matias Rusta had the right to control the plane, and he had already spent about 50 hours in the air. On May 13, 1987, he informed his parents that he intends to go on the aircraft in Northern Europe in order to fly the required number of hours to obtain the rights of a professional pilot. On May 25, Matthias arrived in Helsinki, on May 28, told the dispatchers, which is sent to Stockholm. But Rust moved in the wrong direction, and later, in general, disappeared with radar.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Finnish coast, a search and rescue operation began. A large oil stain was observed on the sea surface, and then the assumption that the plane was crashed. While the pilot was looking at the sea, he crossed the Soviet border over Estonia. Of course, the radars immediately seen him, and soon the MiG fighter was next to him. For some time he was accompanied by him, but the order was not received about further actions, and MiG soon disappeared.

* Mission of the world * or provocation?

The fact is that in 1984 the Soviet Military was shot down the passenger aircraft South Koreawhich broke the airspace of the USSR. As a result, people died, and after that it was forbidden to shoot in civil and sports aircraft. When Matthias flew in the Pskov district, the local air strike holds training flights. Some airplanes took off, others went to the landing. At 15:00, all pilots had to simultaneously change the code, but did not do this in inexperience. Because of the confusion, all the aircraft arose assigned a sign "I-His", including the Rusta Plane, which was among them. When he flew over the Torcho, there were rescue work after the aircraft crash, and the Rusta plane was accepted for the Soviet search helicopter.

Matthias Rusta Airplane on Red Square

On the evening of May 28, the German Cessna plane landed on a large Moskvoretsky bridge and drove to Vasily Blessed Cathedral. The pilot got out of the cockpit and began to distribute autographs surprised passers-by and tourists. He was arrested in a few minutes. Outlook all newspapers reported sensation: "Country in shock! The German pilot athlete desalinated the serious huge defense arsenal of the USSR on the day of the border guard. "

* Mission of the world * or provocation?

Versions about the causes of Matias's act was somewhat: I tried to win a bet, I wanted to impress your favorite girl, performed the task of foreign special services, made a spectacular marketing course in support of the father's business - that was selling aircraft "Cessna" in Western Europe, and the news that this is the only aircraft who won the Soviet air defense system could contribute to the revival of demand.

Matthias Rusta Airplane on Red Square

Matias Rusta was arrested and tried for hooliganism and illegal border crossing. He was sentenced to the 4th year of imprisonment, but after a year they were released early. The head of the air defense troops, the Minister of Defense and about 300 officers lost their positions. And in the people, the Red Square began to call Sheremetyevo-3 and compose anecdotes on this topic.

Matias Rust in the courtroom

Upon returning to his homeland, Rust was deprived of piloting rights, as a "mentally unbalanced" person. Soon, he again landed behind the bars: working in a hospital with a nurse, he rushed with a knife for a nurse who answered his failure to courtishness. In 2001, he was tried again - this time for theft of pullover. Apparently, it, indeed, it was impossible to be mentally stable.

Matias Rust.

The Mission of the World Rusta is still questioned: too many inconsistencies and large-scale consequences: in the Soviet army, after that, mass purges carried out - as if they were waiting for a suitable occasion. Therefore, many call flight Rusta carefully planned provocation, which there was a lot at that time

Day On May 27, 1987, 18-year-old Matias Rust flew out of Hamburg on a four-bed aircraft "Cessna 172b Skyhawk" (Cessna 172b Skyhawk). He made an intermediate landing at Malmi Airport in Helsinki for refueling. Rust airport dispatch service said he flies to Stockholm. At some point, Rust stopped communicating with the Finnish dispatch service, and then headed for coastline The Baltic Sea and disappeared from the airspace of Finland near Sipoo. Rescuers discovered the oil stain in the sea and regarded it as evidence of the crash of the aircraft. Rust Soviet border and took the course to Moscow.

In one case (at the airfield of the tap), two duty fighters raised an alarm. The fighters found the aircraft of Rusta, but did not receive instructions on further actions and, making several flights over the plane "Cessna" (the aircraft of Rusta moved at a low height and at a low flight speed, which made it impossible to constantly accompany his high-speed fighters), they simply returned to the airfield. Moving to Moscow Rust focused on the Leningrad-Moscow railway. On the path of his flight, the duty links were raised from the airfields of Wotehilovo and Bezhetsk, but did not come to the order of the order.

The automated air defense system of the Moscow Military District was disabled for preventive work, so the tracking of the intruder was carried out in manual mode and coordinate on telephone communication. Thus, the plane of Matias Rusta did not hit the list of aircraft shot down during the Cold War.

Rust landed on a big Moskvoretsky bridge, rolled up to the cathedral of Basil Blessed, at 19:10 left the plane and began to distribute autographs. After 10 minutes he was arrested.

Versions about air defense reaction

According to one of the versions, the flight of Rusta was a promotion of foreign special services. As General of the Army, Peter Daenekin, said in one of the interviews, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force in 1991-1997, "There is no doubt that the flight of Rusta was a carefully planned provocation of Western special services. And most importantly - it was held with the consent and with the knowledge of individuals from the then leadership Soviet Union" Igor Morozov, the former Colonel KGB of the USSR, who marked: "It was a brilliant operation developed by Western special services. 20 years later, it becomes obvious that the special services, and this is no longer a secret, they were able to attract a grandiose project of persons from the nearest environment of Mikhail Gorbachev, and the reaction of the Secretary-General of the CPSU Central Committee was calculated with one hundred percent accuracy. And the goal was alone - delay the Armed Forces of the USSR, to significantly weaken the positions of the Soviet Union in the international arena. "

The commander of the USSR's anti-aircraft missile troops by Rasim Akchurin said: "The action was not harmless at all, but planned to defame our army.<...> Alexander Ivanovich Koldov, an amazing person, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, was removed by the commander. In addition, we removed the commander - I do not know his fate and I don't even remember the name. In the air defense, then a lot of people "darkened", and the operational duty even was abused. ... I removed the excellent Minister of Defense Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov and put Dmitry Jazz instead. " According to the duty officer at the central police station on May 28, 1987, Sergey Melnikova, the former Chairman of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, in a consequence in a trust form, told him that "she personally prepared this operation to indicate Gorbachev."


Rust was accused of hooliganism (his landing, according to the court, threatened the lives of people who were in the square), violation of aviation legislation and the illegal intersection of the Soviet border. Rust said in court that his flight was a "call to the world." On September 4, Rust sentenced to four years in prison. Matias Rust returned to Germany on August 3, 1988 after Andrei Gromyko, at that time, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, signed an amnesty decree. Rust conducted in preliminary prison and prison a total of 432 days.

Best days

In the popular stage, Rust is described as a reckless freedom-loving and a reckless guy.

Despite the early detection of Rusta forces by air defense, in Soviet newspapers his flight was presented as a failure of the Soviet air defense system. Mikhail Gorbachev used an incident in order to shift the Minister of Defense Sergey Sokolova and the Air File Commander of Alexander Koldunov, as well as for the subsequent reduction armed Forces. Both were political opponents of Gorbachev. Instead, he appointed people who supported his political course, although one of them was a new defense minister Dmitry Yazov - later participated in the coup against Gorbachev. The posts were lost, except for those named, two more Marshal - the head of the Air Force Alexander Efimov and the commander of the Moscow district police station Anatoly Konstantinov. As the "Labor" newspaper noted, American National Security Specialist William E. Odom noted that "After the Rusta span in the Soviet Army, radical changes were carried out, comparable to the cleaning of the Armed Forces organized by Stalin in 1937.

Rust life after flight

In November 1989, Rust, held alternative service in the hospital in the German city of Rissen, hit the nurse with a knife, because she refused to go to date with him. For this in 1991, he was sentenced to 4 years in prison, but was released after only 5 months. In April 1994, Rust said he wants to return to Russia. There he visited the orphanage and began to sacrifice money for him. He then disappeared for 2 years. Rumors about his death, but in reality Rust traded footwear in Moscow.

Then, at 28 years old, throwing the whole world, Rust returned to his homeland. There he announced his intention to marry an Indian girl named Githa (Geetha), daughter of a rich seed merchant from Bombay. Rust passed into Hinduism, and the marriage ceremony took place in India and the Hindu rite. After marriage, Rust and his wife returned to Germany.

In April 2001, Rust appeared before the court on charges of stealing the sweater in the department store. As of 2002, Rust lived in Hamburg with the second wife of Athena (ATHENA). Now Matias Rust earns a game of poker.

Plane Rusta today owns a rich Japanese businessman. He holds the plane in the hangar, hoping that over time it will grow.


After landing M. Ruste, some time in the people, the Red Square was called Sheremetyevo-3. Also in the country went anecdote that the fountain near the Bolshoi Theater was given a post of militia in case an American submarine emerges.

Also among military personnel of aviation-fighter regiments, the air defense troops walked a joke about two pilot lieutenants on Red Square, one of which asked for another to smoke. The other answered in the sense "What are you?! At the airfield do not smoke! ".

Charming Avturist))
Ray Moon. 19.10.2014 11:58:51

Rust Well done! He was a participant in a large, political game, the totalitarian regime of the USSR of that time. Give him hello !!!))))))

Behind the aircraft steering wheel, landed on Red Square in 1987, sat 18-year-old German Matias Rust. Immediately a joke appeared that there is now Sheremetyevo-3 airport in the center of Moscow. Soviet generals had no longer before jokes - many were lost, including the Minister of Defense.

Matias Rust himself, who left since that time in the USSR, and at home, recently, in an interview with Stern magazine, he called his flight irresponsible and added that she would immediately repeat it. However, and will not be able. European sky for it is closed so far, although the story itself is not closed and 25 years later.

Matias Rust prefers to control the situation. He recently returned from Latin America. There again passed on the pilot. Flew. In Europe, for the helm of the aircraft, the Rusta is not allowed for 25 years.

"I sometimes dream that flight, usually in the afternoon, when it takes off after lunch. Yes, and if there is a bit of free time, the memories themselves pop up," says Mathias Rust.

Rust sat on the big Moskvoretsky bridge. Next, I drove to Vasilyevsky descent, I wouldingly distributed autographs, I said, brought a letter to the Mira Gorbachev. He even brought bread with salt. And it seemed that the iron curtain was only a smoke curtain, because everything was so simple.

"The flight cards were available. In the KGB, I still didn't want to believe me that I simply ordered them, like any other road atlases. Then they themselves through the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bthen in Bonn, they ordered the same cards and were very surprised when they were received "," remembers Matias Rust.

The route of the 18-year-old pilot departing at that time only 50 hours: a long flight from Germany over the sea to the Faroe Islands, next to Iceland (Reykjavik), Norway (Bergen), Finland (Helsinki), and then almost atigade to Moscow. He focused on the railway. This part of the route is saturated with the most amazing coincidences. Rusta plane flew into the zone of the rescue operation. Bomber crashed. Many helicopters in the air. "Cessna" Rusta is taken for the light motor Soviet aircraft. Then he once again assign the code "I my". At the same time, Rusta was discovered immediately after crossing the government and could knock down, including on the nettle to Moscow.

"We have a C-300 system, it takes the goal 100 meters. And if I run three rockets on this plug airplane and they will explode at an altitude of 50-100 meters, and under the bottom will be kindergarten, I will do what then? It was a provocation planned by 100% winnings, "says the commander of the Moscow District Air Defense in 1987-1989. Vladimir Tsarkov.

Tsarkov claims: flight of Rusta is the operation of Western special services. And the border impairment itself is a well-trained pilot, and he already visited in advance in Moscow. Rust says: sat down at random.

"Without having been in place, it is impossible in such difficult conditions to land. And suddenly there is a cable over the road, it is unknown," Mikhael Khanka says the instructor of the School of Pilots "Pegasus".

And although the pilots of the same aircraft in Germany so far sometimes say to the joke: "Well, we make in Moscow," they all understand, now such an adventure would be impossible.

In fact, the flight of Matias Rusta on the development of small aviation in Europe practically did not affect. Influenced the terrorist attacks on September 11th. After them, a special device is installed on any aircraft, which transfers the individual identification number of the aircraft to the ground services. That is, the radar is no longer just a point, but a point with its unique number, that is, for example, this plane is already with some other in the air they do not confuse.

The Soviet court sentenced Matias Rusta by 4 years of imprisonment. He served a little over 14 months in an exemplary colony. After liberation, his fate was not easy. Returned to Germany, but after that violated the law. First attack on a woman with a knife. Again time. Then theft of sweaters in the department store. Explains - barely reduced ends meet.

"Everything happened so because it should have happened. It's just my fate," says Matias Rust.

The plane on which Rust has made a historical flight is exhibited in Berlin in the Technical Museum. Here it is one of the symbols of the end of the Cold War. However, his wings still decorate signs resembling a bomb. In this story today too many questions. Materials of the business pilot are still tempted.

Accidentally stumbled upon a story about the bold 19-year-old German, who in 1987 managed to plant a plane on Red Square. The event is known, everyone saw frames with a plane on the square, but as a preparation for the flight and how Matias Rastava was able to get to Moscow, bypassing the air defense of the USSR, they know a few. The story of a decent film.

Rusta span to Moscow in May 1987 gave a start campaign to discredit the Armed Forces

When the German pilot Matias Rust landed on Red Square in May 1987, this event made the doubt of many non-professionals perfectly with the domestic air defense system. A lot was written about this incident, but about true causes, and how it all happened at all practically nothing was published.

It is appropriate to note some events that preceded this flight.

At the end of August 1983, the South Korean "Boeing 747" was destroyed by the Far East in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Islands of Moneron, which violated our airspace to a depth of 500 km. The plane did not hold tie to the ground, the pilots did not respond to the actions of the fighters near the cockpit. In addition, the aircraft course crossed the area of \u200b\u200bairspace, closed even for flights of their aviation.

Countering the flight of the aircraft took place in compliance with the provisions of combat documents and in strict accordance with international rules. (Note that the incident with the chief of the South Korean aircraft is not the first.)

Press and television, especially foreign, discovered a discussion, and sometimes just a hysteria about the eligibility of the actions of air defense to curb this flight. Since 1985, the wind of democratic changes even more inflated this topic. However, specific proposals for the adjustment of combat documents were not made by the Ministry of Defense.

Postcards with types of temples

And now, on May 28 at 14.00 on the airway Helsinki-Moscow at an altitude of 600 m, the air defense unit at the Estonian town of Kohtla-Järve detects a small-sized aircraft without a sign of identification "I - my own", missing in the application as permissible to enter the Soviet airspace Union. Thus developed events to curb the illegal entry into the airspace of the USSR of the aircraft of an unknown state affiliation, an unknown type and with unknown targets.

In general, the situation resembled a Far Eastern version with the South Korean "Boeing", but it is impossible to discount that "Moneron Syndrome" still remained in force, and all this happened on one of the busiest airways, almost in the center of Europe.

Also, the materials of a thorough investigation will confirm that the technical complex of funds throughout the route of the flight Rusta, and it was about 1130 km, worked perfectly, and this little airplane was observed almost on the entire route. And only the human factor and a number of incredible, but tragic coincidences ultimately brought to breaking the fulfillment of the combat task by the air defense forces, to serious personnel permutations in the USSR Ministry of Defense and the beginning of the reorganization of the air defense system.

On the question "Rightly a 19-year-old citizen of Germany Matias Rust found himself in Moscow?" You can definitely answer: "No, not at all by chance."

From the case file it turned out that a young, but capable pilot was fond of flights to the limit range on his beloved, as he said, the plane "Cesna-172". Only in 1986 he flew several times to the Shetland and Faroe Islands. Flights over the ocean beyond the visibility of the Earth are not considered simple. The experience of the aircraft on the instruments from Rusta was decent. During 1986, he carefully studied the locality on the map, which was to fly a year later, collected postcards with the types of churches and temples in the area as landmarks. In May 1987, Rust decided that was ready for a conceived flight.

From Helsinki Airport, he flew at 13.30 Moscow time. In terms of flight, Stockholm was meant, it was only two hours at Cessna-172. After 20 minutes, Matias Rust had contacted the dispatcher, he reported that everything was fine on board and said goodbye. After that, turned off all means of communication, except for the onboard radio compass receiver, and sent a plane to the Finnish bay with a decrease in the height of up to 200 m, after which it turned 180 degrees and went to a point that was defined in advance and was defined exactly on the track connecting Helsinki and Moscow. The control and control of the air traffic in Finland was recorded a change in the flight of the flight of the Matias Rusta aircraft and deviation from the installed route. Since it created a threat to safety in this area, the dispatcher requested (on the radio) board of Rusta. Attempts to contact the pilot ended unsuccessfully.

Soon the Rusta plane disappeared on all screens of radar surveillance system 40 km from the coastal line over the waters of the Finnish Bay. Already after 30 minutes, a search helicopter and two patrol boats were sent to the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged fall of the aircraft, some items and a small oil stain were discovered. It was presumably concluded that the plane fell into water and needed additional forces and means to reliably make sure of this (after a few months, Finland's salvation service will expose Ruste to pay bill at 120 thousand US dollars for conducting search and rescue work on site alleged catastrophe).

PYCT in the meantime, carried out his plan to achieve the city of Moscow. The weather at that moment was cloud, with clarifications, with the lower edge of the clouds 400-600 m, the wind of Western, sometimes dried rain.

For about an hour of flight RUST strictly withstood the course on the radio beacon, the navigation station of which was located in the Helsinki area. Further, the entire flight was carried out according to the indications of the magnetic compass and the visual comparisons of the objects that were in advance were applied to the card. The main landmarks are marked by the Church of Lake, Lake Ilmen, Lake Seliger, Rzhevoskawa railway track. With such extended landmarks are just hard.


So, information about the discovery of an unknown aircraft was received by an automated command center part at 14.10. About 15 minutes in the conditions of the "Moneronian syndrome" came negotiations with civil dispatchers, what could it be? By this time the plane was already at the coastal line. Three duty anti-aircraft missile divisions were given in combat readiness, the goal was observed, but did not receive the team for destruction, everyone was waiting for the solutions to the commander of the OA air defense of General Major Kromin.

When it turned out that this is not a claimed plane, all the divisions of the army were preparing # 1 and lifted a couple of duty fighters from the tap airfield to identify the object.

At 14.29 pilot, Senior Lieutenant Painnin, reported that in the clouds breaking the sports aircraft, such as Yak-12, with a dark stripe along the fuselage. It was already in the city of Gdov.

The decline took place at the junction of the discovery zones of two radar units, and for the period up to 1 minute, the RUST was not observed on the locators. However, the flight track in the automated system remained stable.

At 14.31, the object is found, but already with a course of 90 degrees instead of 130. It moved now on the highway Gda-Malaya Vishera. It was decided that the same object was detected. With the KP of the army, the instructions refer to the parameters of the object and the command is issued to the rise more pairs of duty fighters for identifying it. Fighters returned with anything. According to the reports of pilots on their onboard radars, they did not find anything. However, the mark was steadily observed by all ground divisions. Changes in motion parameters were noted: speed within 80-85 km / h (instead of 180-210 km / h), height 1000 m (instead of 600 m).

Professionals are known that in spring and summer under certain climatic conditions, there are stable vortex streams in the atmosphere, which move with wind streams, there are long enough and on the radar screens to distinguish them from a small-sized aircraft very difficult. In such cases, great experience and skill are needed. At that moment, it apparently did not have enough to make the right decision. The calculation was obliged to pay attention to that within a minute, the height of the object increased almost twice, and the speed decreased almost three times.

At 15.00, Rusta Airplane was already in the Pskov district. The weather improved, the rain stopped, and Rust took a height of 600 m as the most economical for this type of aircraft and continued flight.

In the same area, educational flights of one of the air regiments were walking. In the air in different zones were from 7 to 12 aircraft. Some took off, others sat down, so the number of them constantly changed.

Rust has legalized

At 15.00, in accordance with the schedule, the code number of the government system was changed. All terrestrial and air facilities and systems should have completed this operation at the same time.

With fighters it happened immediately. Drinking the piloting technique, not all young pilots switched the necessary toggle switch on time, and immediately for the air defense system they became "strangers." The commander of the radio engineering part, knowing the situation with an unidentified aircraft, orders the operational duty system, in the zone of which fighters were located, forcibly assign a sign "I - my own".

"In other words, we can knock down," he explains his position to the young officer. He, in turn, explains that this is contrary to the instructions and documents. The officer of the Higher KP removes the disjunction of an incomplete senior lieutenant and changes him on a young lieutenant, who, who did not understand the military situation, fulfilled the order, assigning the sign "I - my" all fighters in the air, at the same time, and the plane of Matias Rusta.

By 16.00, already legalized, PYCT flies Lake Seliger and enters the responsibility zone of another connection.

The system tracking means reaffirmed that the airplane was detected without a "I - my" signal. Again an analysis of the situation. Again the rise of the duty pair of fighters. Under conditions of low cloud, the commanders did not risk lowering fighters to height below 600 m, punching the clouds from top to bottom. It was too dangerous. Thus, visually the Rusta plane was not detected.

The day before the flight of Rusta, 40 km west of the city of Torzhok there was a plane crash of one of the Air Force aircraft, a search and rescue group was worked. One of the helicopters on that day and an hour served as a connected repeater, barragging in the area. The decision was made that the aircraft without a signal "I am my own" is an application helicopter that was in the search and rescue zone. Twice legalized Rust continued to fly to Moscow. Until landing remained less than two hours.

Without raving exactly with an unidentified goal, General Krinin reported on it at the KP of the Moscow District Air Floor and the Central Command Point (CCP) air defense troops as a simple violation of the flight regime, that is, about the Soviet light motor aircraft flying without an application.

The operational duty duty officer Major Melnikov General, not having a complete characteristic of the flight of the flight mode, did not report on him the commander-in-chief troops of the air defense for the chief marshal of Aviation Koldunov, who was at this time at his workplace. First Deputy Head of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Timokhin, who remained for the head of the headquarters, did not respond to the report of the operational duty. Having read the fact that the uniolation aircraft will understand in the Moscow District, General Melnikov gave the team to remove this goal with alert on the Central Committee.

At the Command Point of District at this time, a tense combat work was laid on the control goals, which was led by the First Deputy Commander of the County Troops, Lieutenant Lieutenant General. Information about the "simple flight mode offender" it did not give values.

In accordance with the law

Now let us turn to the legislative or legal basis of the actions of the air defense forces. The USSR Law on the State Border of the SSR Union of November 1982. Article 36 reading: "Air defense troops, carrying out the protection of the USSR state border ... In cases where the cessation of violations or detention of violators cannot be carried out by other means, weapons and combat techniques apply ".

It will take 10 months, and in accordance with this Law on September 1, 1983, South Korean "Boeing" invaded the airspace will be shot down into the airspace. The fact of his sling will hide for some time for the words "observation of him was lost." And only a week later, the statement of the Soviet government would be reported that "the interceptor fighter fulfilled the command clause in full compliance with the law ..."

The law was, however, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, which he was put into action, was allowed to open fire only on military aircraft of capitalist countries. And that is not always. As a result, reaching parts and units, the order "grew" to a special instruction in ... 20 pages. And already according to this document, the one who made a decision on the use or non-separation of fire could be imprisoned.

If you add the Chicago Convention to this, in accordance with which the fire is prohibited on the defeat on aircraft-violators of civil aviation, it can be submitted, in which position all those who led the air defense forces at this ill-fated day were.

Purpose - Red Square

Meanwhile, at 18.30, Matiac Rust has already approached the outskirts of Moscow, crossed the Walking and headed straight to the Kremlin. The weather in Moscow was in a spring warm, windless and cloudless.

In the design of Pysta, it was planted to plant a plane right in the Kremlin. But, making sure of the height of 60 m, that there is no fit, it makes the decision to land on the Red Square, the dimensions of which allowed to do this.

With the left reversal and decline, Rust enters the landing between the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Basil Blessed. However, it was not possible to do because of many people in the square. He makes the second attempt, dramatically gaining height and turning over the hotel "Russia". Also dropping, including navigation lights and shaking wings, Rust expects that passersby will understand its intentions and free the area diagonal for landing. However, this did not happen.

Having made another turn over the hotel "Russia", Rust nevertheless managed to move the mode of operation of the traffic light in a large Moskvoretsky bridge in the stopwatch. Starting a decline over Street Big Ordahn, Rust very accurately calculated the trajectory of reducing his aircraft. And as soon as the red light light caught fire at the beginning of the bridge, the plane, almost the assisted chassis of the car roof, touched the wheels of the coating of the bridge. This distance was enough to, extinguish the speed, drive to the cathedral and drown out the engine. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin showed 19 hours 10 minutes, but it was far from the evening.

Colcessing flight

Rusta span gave a reason to collapse with severe accusations not only on air defense troops, but also on the armed forces. On May 30, a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee was held, which ended with the post of Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergey Sokolov and the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Floor Marshal Alexander Koldunov.

By June 10, 34 officers and general were attracted to the air defense troops. Flywheel Punishments continued to promote. Many were removed from the posts occupied, excluded from the CPSU, dismissed from the armed forces, were given to court. The blow on the prestige of the sun was applied. In fact, all the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to the commander of military districts was inclusive. It was created that there were any circles in the country interested in undermining confidence in the people to their armed forces. This was evidenced by the reluctance to understand that the country's air defense system was created to fight not with any means capable of flying in our airspace, and above all to reflect the attack from air and space of combat aircraft, winged missiles and other unmanned funds of danger to The objects of the country that no air defense can withstand air hooligans in peacetime, deliberately violates the airspace, especially on sports type aircraft on small and extremely small heights. Such a task is unbearable by the state from an economic point of view, and even more so for a country having the length of borders more than 60 thousand km.

Blow to prestigu

In this case, Rusta span to Moscow was clearly provocative. The flight was planned in advance, as evidenced by the choice of an experienced pilot, his program of purposeful training on the maximum range, careful study of the features of the upcoming route over the territory of the USSR.

You can only assume who stood behind this provocation. Calculation of strikes on the prestige of the Armed Forces of the USSR, their leadership, in the center of which turned out to be air defense troops, was accurate. And yet, power structures, starting with the Politburo, have created a state-owned rusta rustic problem around the problem. Thus, he was confused with his people, a prestige of the armed forces undermined.

It turns out that our potential enemy caused a serious defeat of the USSR's defense capacities with the hands of the "own" politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Rusta laid the beginning of a fall in the prestige of service in the armed forces, which continues to the present day. I didn't have to dream about the best.

In the West, Rusta span to Moscow was saved. In the magazine "Stern" praised his "feat", which broke the strongest air defense system from a hundred starting complexes of Land-Air missiles, 6 airlows with 240 intercepting fighters, etc. The article was notified that after 48 hours he lost his post by the head of the air defense police Alexander Koldunov, who killed 46 German aircraft in World War II, that Mikhail Gorbachev gave a reason to move from the post of the Minister of Defense of the 75-year-old Marshal Sergey Sokolov ...

It was not that on May 1, on the podium of the Mausoleum, there were only five military instead of fifteen. The calculation of the adventurous span of Rusta was confirmed. We knew how to deal with your way.

On August 4, Rust was forgiven, convicted to four years in prison. In an interview with the "News" correspondent, a member of the college of the prosecutor's office of the USSR Andreev, in every way giving the gravity of the guilt of the criminal, minus the "leprosy" Rusta to malicious hooliganism, painted the picture, in which fertility conditions was kept in the colony of Rust. But our commanders were punished with the entire case of unjustified cruelty. Nobody thought of them to rehabilitate.

Here it is notels to recall how in such cases came in other countries. On September 12, 1954, the Cessna type aircraft was landing at the White House in Washington, next to the president's residence. The plane crashed from a collision with a tree near the building. The pilot died.

Soon after the landing of Rusta, a few nights carried out unauthorized flights over Paris an light-engine aircraft, distracting well-known forces and means for preventing flights.

But neither in the USA, nor in France, the defense ministers were not removed for these flights, and even the honor was not affected by the honor of all armed forces. There were more expensive. First of all strengthened the radar service, introduced urgently in combat system more perfect technical means, accelerated the passage of operational information.

Landing Rusta in Moscow at one time turned around a large tragedy for air defense troops in conditions when the air defense fully meets the requirements of time. Now let's try to present a similar span in our time when the air defense system in relation to its main means is significantly weakened by the implementation of the so-called. The principle of "reasonable sufficiency." Today, such "Rust" can fly to almost anywhere and at any time. There is something to think about.

On the morning of May 28, 1987, the German amateur Matias Rust flew to the Cessna 172R monograph from the airfield near Helsinki, on which he flew from Hamburg to the day before. In flight documents, the end point of the route was to be Stockholm.

At 13.10, having received permission, Rust raised his car into the air and headed by the planned route. After 20 minutes of the flight, he reported to the dispatcher that he had an order aboard, and traditionally said goodbye. After that, turning off the onboard radio station, the plane turned steeply in the direction of the Gulf of Finland and began to reduce the height of 80-100 m. This planned

the maneuver was supposed to provide a reliable output of the aircraft from the control zone of the dispatch radar and hide the true flight route.

At this height, Matias went to the calculation point of the Finnish bay near the Helsinki airway - Moscow. Looking at the aircraft in the direction of the first ground reference point on the coast of the Soviet Union (the slate combine of the city of Kohtla-Järve with his smokes, which were visible in a hundred kilometers) and verify the readings of the radio compass with the calculated, Rust lay down on the "combat course".

Approximate route Rust from Hamburg to Moscow

Wikipedia / Europe_laea_location_map.svg: AlexrK2 / CC BY-SA 3.0

The violator of the state border of the USSR followed the international airway on the international airway. Information about it was issued on the KP of the radio engineering battalion in the Estonian town of Tapa, the 4th Radiotechnical Brigade and the Intelligence Information Center of the 14th Division. In fact, information about the goal has already been displayed from 14.31 on the screens of automated workplaces of the division of the Division CP.

Operational duty KP brigade Major Krinitsky did not immediately declare the goal by the violator of the State Government and continued to clarify the characteristics of the object and his belonging until Rust came out of the visibility zones of the RRS brigade. Deputy duty

major black, according to the report, knowing the real environment and the fact that the goal comes from the Gulf of Finland to the coastal line, "acted irresponsible"

and assigned her number only at 14.37.

Operational duty of the Division Division Lieutenant Colonel Carries did not require clear reports and clarification of the type and nature of the goal, "violating the requirements for the immediate issuance of the alert", as well as the procedure for making a decision on billing crews to identify the goal.

In fact, it was decided to: until the situation "Top" does not produce the situation. Over the territory of Estonia at this point there were at least ten light engineers of the most different departmental affiliation. None of them was equipped with a system of state identification.

At 14.28, it turns out that there are no civilian aircraft with small aviation in this area. At 14.29, the operational duty officer of the 14th division of the 12th air defense system decided to assign the "combat number" to the violator of 8255, about issuing information "upstairs" and the announcement of readiness No. 1.

Only at 14.45 about the movement reported on the higher KP of the 6th separate air defense army.

"Thus, in the fault of the KP of the 14th division, the air defense was lost 16 minutes of time, and most importantly - the acuity of the perception of the air situation of the Army KP disappeared, based on the fact that the goal was from the part of the Gulf of Finland and entered the border of the USSR," is approved report.

At the same time, the duty KP of the 656th Fighter Aviation Regiment in the city of Tapa Lieutenant Filatov, at 14.33, led to readiness No. 1 on duty fighters, repeatedly requesting permission to rise them, but in the division gave good only at 14.47.

The Rusta Plane, meanwhile, approached the Church of the Lake. At 14.30, on the route Cessna 172R, the weather deteriorated sharply. Rust decided to leave with a decline under the lower edge of the clouds and change the course to the area of \u200b\u200bthe spare reference: the railway station of the bottom.

On May 28, 1987, at 18.15, Cessna's civilian aircraft flew unhindered from Germany to the Red Square in the heart of the Soviet Union. In the cockpit: Matias Rust from Hamburg

Picture Alliance

The purpose actually has already passed the zone of a solid duty radar field at small heights and the damage zone of duty anti-aircraft missile divisions. It was missed precious time for interception.

Later, the command regarded the delay of calculations of the 14th division as "not explained, except for complete irresponsibility bordering the crime."

Arriving on KP at 14.53, the commander of the 14th division was reported that in order to clarify the target in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corridor No. 1 Helsinki route - Moscow was raised by the fighter. The fact that the goal was discovered even near the Government of the Finnish Bay, the officer's duty officer silent.

Operational duty on the KP of the 6th Army Colonel of the Voronkov, having received information about the goal, after a minute - at 14.46 - he led to readiness No. 1 attendant forces of the 54th air defense case and finally lifted the lifting pair of fighters of the 656th shelf in the air with the task of one Of these, overlap the border, another - identify the violator of the flight mode.

After another five minutes, its commander arrived at the KP of the army - General Hermann Kromin, who took over the guidelines on duty forces. He led to readiness No. 1 all the compounds and parts of the 54th air defense body. Commanders of the three anti-aircraft missile divisions of the 204th Guards Brigade in Kerstovo, who were on the route of the flight Rusta, reported that the goal was observed and ready for launch of missiles.

MiG-23 raised MiG-23 Senior Lieutenant Bajnina until 15.00 was waiting for the head of the regional center of the Unified Air Motion Management System of the Distribution Zone of the Leningrad Military District Colonel Timoshin will give permission to enter the area of \u200b\u200bairspace.

Only at 15.23 when managing from the point of deployment of the 54th case, the pilot was tested to the target for its identification. Speak to goal at an altitude of 2 thousand m under conditions of 10-point clouds with the lower edge of 500-600 and the upper 2.5-2.9 thousand m. Rust was almost 1.5 km below, right under the clouds - at height 600 m.

At the first occasion, the starting goal did not find. With a re-entering, at an altitude of 600 m, the pilot visually discovered the goal below for 30-50 m and in 15.28 passed to the point of guiding its characteristic: "Light-engine aircraft of white type Yak-12".

The type of target was reported by the command of the 6th Army, but there did not make any decision, approved by the fighter railway. At the same time, "MIGA" remained fuel for another navigation and more accurate identification of the target and, most importantly, determining its state affiliation.

The span between the Cathedral of Basil Blessed and the Kremlin Wall

Picture Alliance

"The" carpet "signal (the requirement of an immediate landing. -" Gazeta.Ru ") was not declared," emphasizes in official documents.

During the investigation, Ruste asked the question of whether he saw a fighter. The German confirmed and said that he even greeted the Soviet pilot, but did not receive any response signals. The Cessna 172R aircraft radio station was turned off.

The report of the Pilot MiG-23 remained without attention, as it was considered that the plane detected was one of the local airlubs, where at this time the planned flights were walking.

At this time, the rescue searches of Rust on the Finnish side continued almost within two hours. Due to the unexpected disappearance from the screen of the dispatching radar of the airport, the dispatcher was attempted to contact Matias Rust. After several unsuccessful attempts, the plane was declared a disaster, and rescuers sent to the intended area of \u200b\u200bfall.

Searches continued for several hours. Later, about $ 100 thousand for "services rendered" will contribute later.

At 15.31, the second fighter was raised from the Tapa airfield. The previous order of guiding with a delay before the responsibility zone of the Leningrad Military District was repeated. Only at 15.58 at an altitude of 1.5 thousand meters, the Soviet pilot was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goal, but it did not find it visually and returned to the content airfield without a result. By the time, the Soviet radars lost a weak signal from the low-tailed single-engine aircraft of Rusta and switched to the accompaniment of its reflections resembling it from meteo formations.

Here are some explanations. In the mid-70s, when powerful high-precantial locators began to admit the air defense of the PVT, during their polygon tests began to be detected with the motion parameters, commensurate with the characteristics of light-engine aircraft. They were jokingly dyed echo angels. This phenomenon caused serious difficulties in automated processing of information. If even the operator of them poorly distinguishes, how to teach "automatic" to work without errors?

During serious studies and mass of experiments, it was found that the RLS due to the high radiating potential can observe specific meteorological objects. This phenomenon is characteristic of the spring period in medium latitudes and when driving a powerful warm front. In addition, a very similar effect creates a seasonal migration of dense flocks of birds. RLS operators needed assistance in recognizing objects of this class. For the controls of the air defense troops, detailed techniques and instructions were developed.

The significant changes in the target parameters that occurred at a certain point were not alarmed and remained without proper attention. Operators clearly did not have enough qualifications. In addition, the loss of radar contact with the Rust aircraft occurred at the junction of the liability of two air defense compounds - the 14th division and the 54th case, where the coherence of calculating command clauses plays an important, if not a decisive role.

Raised in the future sequentially at 15.54 and 16.25 fighters from the airfield, the Lodechnoye field in the Leningrad region was already on false goals.

At this time, on the route Rusta, the warm air front moved to the southeast. Solid cloudiness was observed, seats rain, the lower edge of the clouds is 200-400 m, the upper edge - 2.5-3 thousand meters. The search was carried out for 30 minutes. To descend into the clouds, fighters were banned, it was too dangerous.

Only at 16.30 the commander of the 6th Army personally informed about the established situation of the duty officer at the KP of the Moscow District, making the conclusion that the target 8255 is a dense flock of birds. At the same time, in the current methods and instructions contained the necessary information about which types of birds and at what time of day can fly in the fog and clouds, and under what circumstances a dense flock can change the direction of flight.

After receiving information from the 6th Army, the Moscow District of 12.32 was included in the 2266th Radio Engineering Battalion in the city of Old Russa Novgorod region, and on duty crews on Tver Airfields Andreapol and Khotilovo were translated. The rise of two fighters from there to the detection of the target did not lead: the pilots continued to direct on the ghostly meteo formation.

In court, Matthia Rust was to be responsible for violation of the Soviet state border, violation of international flight rules and grave hooliganism

Picture Alliance

As it turned out later, the lost impairment aircraft at 16.16 was discovered on duty radar of the 1074th separate radar company of the 3rd radiotechnical brigade of the 2nd Air Defense Corps in the Tver region. These targets up to 16.47 in automatic mode were issued at the CP of the higher radio engineering battalion.

At the KP of the 2nd Air Defense Corps on the Special Equipment "Proton-2" later found data of the wiring aircraft from 16.18 to 16.28, however, due to the low preparedness of the corresponding calculations, the information was not used.

Matthias at that time was 40 km west of the city of Torzhok, where the on the day before there was a plane crash.

Two aircraft collided in the air - Tu-22 and MiG-25. There are several groups of rescuers and investigating specialists in the fall of the machine fragments of cars. To the site of the catastrophe, people and cargo were delivered by the aircraft of the aviation part in the city of Torzhok. One helicopter was in the air as a connected repeater. At 16.30, the Rusta plane was identified with a helicopter, so he did not cause any anxiety in this portion of the flight.

Air situation in the detection zone of the next unit, which entered the Mathias plane, was also intense. Here fought with the notorious long-lived meteorological objects. They were observed on the RLS indicators screens for 40 minutes (and several at the same time). All objects moved to the southeast. Here Rust again fell "under the amnesty" - was removed from the maintenance as a meteorological object. It happened already at the exit from the division detection zone.

Nevertheless, at the command paragraph, the exchange rate difference of this route was noticed from previously discharged from the maintenance of air objects. At 16.48, the decision of the 2nd air defense system commander was raised by two duty fighters from the Rzhev airfield with a task - search for small aviation aircraft or other aircraft southeast of the city of Staritsa. Search results did not give.

By 17.36, the Deputy Commander of the Moscow State Institution of the Air Defense Ministry appeared on the KP of the Moscow District, the Deputy Commander, which, appreciating the situation, set the task of bringing the 2nd air defense for the duty forces of the 2nd air defense system for a few minutes and ordered the goal of the reference radar Objectives of complexes C-200. This either did not bring results, since by this time Rust passed the border of the responsibility of the above-mentioned corps. The tasks of the 1st army of the air defense of a special purpose were not delivered.

At 17.40, the Matthias plane fell into the area of \u200b\u200baction of civil radars of the Moscow aeronautic. In the plan, the aircraft did not mean, carried out flight with violations of the rules, there was no connection with the crew. It seriously threatened air traffic safety in the Moscow Aviation Zone. Before finding out the situation, the administration stopped receiving and sending passenger liners.

When coordinating the plan of joint actions, with the command of the Moscow District, the air defense was decided that civilian experts themselves would understand with the violator of the flight regime.

When it was found that the violator is already over the city development of Moscow, where flights are generally prohibited, to take something late.

At 18.30, Rusta plane appeared over the Khodyan field and continued to fly to the city center. Deciding that it is impossible to land on the Ivanovo Square of the Kremlin, Matias undertook three unsuccessful attempts to land on Red Square. The size of the latter allowed to do this, but a lot of people were on the parsing.

After that, the German accepted a risky decision - landed at Moskvoretsky Bridge. By turning over the hotel "Russia", he began to decline over the street a large Ordin, turning on the landing lights. The post service in order to avoid accidents on the bridge included the red light of the traffic light.

The landing Rust performed masterfully, if we consider that he had a sniper to get into the area between the stretch marks of the contact trolleybus network.

It happened at 18.55. Hanging to the Pokrovsky Cathedral and turning off the engine, Matias left the plane in a new red overalls, put the pads under the chassis and began to distribute autographs.

Cessna on the edge of the Red Square

Picture Alliance

Already at the first stage, the consequences of reform began to appear - the dismemberment of the unified control system for the country's air defense troops between the military districts in 1978.

The troops of the United States of the USSR in the second half of the 70s developed as an active pace that their superiority was recognized in the West over similar systems of other countries of the world.

The re-equipment of air defense troops was completed on the newest ones of weapons and military technique. The air defense system during this period was a single automated organizational and technical complex, which was in constant combat readiness and continuously improved.

The air borders of the USSR in the years of the Cold War were constantly subjected to strength checks. By the way,

even in the mid-70s, the present scorch of the SSSR air defense system in the North-West region has become violations of the Government of light-engine aircraft (such as Cessna, Beechcraft, PipeRi Dr.) from Finland.

As a rule, the cause of such incidents was the loss of orientation by flyers of amateurs.

However, this did not affect this. April 20, 1978 in the Kola Peninsula district, the Passenger Airplane was crossed by the South Kali airline Kal. After unsuccessful attempts to force the plane to landing the Commander of the 10th Army Air Defense decided to apply the weapon. The air defense fighter SU-15 opened fire for defeat and damaged the left liner wing console. He made a forced landing on the ice of Lake Holpiyarvi in \u200b\u200bthe city of Kem. Two passengers died, several people were injured. The agency's aplers were subsequently recognized as correct, and all participants in the interception are presented to state awards.

By that time, the influential group of senior managers found the FFA reform of the USSR, which provided for the transfer of the greater, best and most efficient part of air defense troops to the border military districts. Decisively against this, the commander-in-chief of the military air defense of the country of the country of the Soviet Union Pavel Batitsky was performed.

In the summer of 1978, the harmful decision was made. Corps and divisions of air defense were at the disposal of administrative and economic structures, which in practice were military districts. The reform took place in the unjustified bustle. A few years later, it was still decided to return the troops to its original state, but the damage to the air defense was remembered so far.

Meanwhile, the tensions in the field of protection of the State Government did not fall. Only in the Far East in the early 80s, the operators of radio engineering troops were accompanied on PLC screens near the borders of more than three thousand air objects annually.

Matthias Rust participates in Tok Show, 2012

Picture allyance / jazzarchiv

Air defense officers became hostages of political decisions taken. And the procedure for coercion to landing such violators of the State Government is unequivocally defined so far.

During the Rusta Rusta to the territory of the USSR, the "holy principle of the border" was violated - the immediate issuance of information on the target until the situation is clarified. However, instead of a rational analysis, the incident began to search for the perpetrators, which were discovered almost immediately.

The leadership of the country were removed from their posts three Marshals of the Soviet Union and about three hundred generals and officers. This personnel pogrom did not know the army literally since 1937.

As a result, people came to the leadership of the armed forces and species of Sun, the people who inferior in their professional-business and moral qualities of the marchs and generals.


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