Rogozin Holding: How to change the control of the space program. The piloted cosmonautically entrusted Oleg Frolov The White House will figure out in the dispute of the state "Roskosmos" with private Dauria Aerospace

Rogozin Holding: How to change the control of the space program. The piloted cosmonautically entrusted Oleg Frolov The White House will figure out in the dispute of the state "Roskosmos" with private Dauria Aerospace

Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the first deputy head of Roskosmos Oleg Frolova.

But the space department is still associated with the "Proton-M" rocket, despite the removal from office in early October, Vladimir Popovkin, at which Roscosmos has become the real Balagan.

"Release Frolova Oleg Petrovich from the post of First Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency for his request," the document published on the official Cabinet website.

It should be noted that the deputy head of the department (from October 10, Roscosmos is headed by Oleg Ostapenko) was appointed an ex-head of AvtoVAZ Igor Komarov. Of course I did not want Russian missiles to be remotely similar to the Lada Kalina or Samara cars. But any "Kalina" with five-year mileage on Russian roads looks presentable and high-quality three-year activities of the former head of Roskosmos Mr. Popovkin, on the history of the scandals of which you can write plots to Sitcomm.

The most incredible incident with the participation of the ex-head of Roskosmos occurred in March 2012. Then, in International Women's Day, Vladimir Alexandrovich was placed in the neurosurgical branch of the Burdenko hospital in the state of moderate severity (he had shards from the bottle in his head).

The fact is that the respected official came up with the deputy head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Star" Alexander Paramonov because of the press secretary - the photo model Anna Vedisheva! Mr. Paramonov also turned to doctors, with a shock of the brain and a nasal fracture. Soon the official said that right in the building "Roskosmos" was "Guliana" on March 8, he was of course indignant and knocked on the door, he was not discovered, then he was discovered and gave him, expressing on corporate-space, in Haru, the fight and Paramonov hit him "Collectance" with a bottle of head (where a bottle suddenly took up a conversation in this institution - remains an open question).

One of the most ambitious programs for Russian cosmonautics over the past 20 years has launched the GLONASS navigation system. In 2000, Mr. Popovkin was her main curator from the Ministry of Defense - the main customer system.

It should be noted that from 2001 to 2011, 116.9 billion rubles were allocated from the budget from the budget, more than 330 billion will be spent until 2020. Despite the giant expenses that have already exceeded the cost of the United States on the GPS system, GLONASS can be called only a conditionally operating system - it has not been adopted by the Ministry of Defense.

The fact is that 23 satellites are operating in orbit instead of the promised 24, and many of them have already ends the resource of operation. Moreover, the accuracy of GLONASS is 1.5 times inferior to American GPS, although it was originally announced that it would be comparable with a competitor. The largest failure was the loss in December 2010, three apparatuses of GLONASS-M: due to the abnormal work of the engine of the Proton-M carrier rocket engine, three satellites fell into the Pacific Ocean.

When a tax audit was conducted responsible for the GLONASS state-owned project (FSUE "Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation" - at the end of 2009 transformed into OJSC "Russian Corporation Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Systems") suddenly it turned out that most of the most selected on State institutions of funds goes to the firm controlled by its management. According to the tax inspection reports placed in "Pocket companies", orders are about 40% of all expenditures and in two years already exceeded a billion rubles. At the same time, all the work was performed by the "Russian space systems" (RCS). The question is why firms belonging to the company's management received a huge state financing remains open. As a result, the company responsible for the GLONASS operates at the ratio of profitability, but the "daughter" of counterparties thrive and thanks to the State Financing become leaders among IT companies in Russia.

In early January 2012, under the control of Mr. Popovkin, the Interplanetary Station "Phobos-Grunt", worth 5 billion rubles, due to technical problems burned during startup.

By the way, almost no one is punished for corruption and exceeding the authority, which have already become rules in Roskosmos. In addition to this, Vladimir Popovkin in the summer of this year moved to the new tactics of "Volume" of employees from under criminal cases, transferring them to the remote design bureaus together with the documents, passing them along the way. For example, a key figure of a corruption scandal around the satellite GLONASS system Sergey Jurnures (a criminal case was initiated against him) switched to a new job, now he heads the Office, which will be responsible for the "scientific filling of the GLONASS program".

But now the deep-maintainable Popovkin will not be able to go to any other tactics - he was fired in early October, during the holidays.

At the moment, the reform of the Russian Space Industry is planned - the creation of a unified rocket and space corporation. "Industrial jerk" can occur with the complete stripping of Roskosmos from Popovkina's people whose professionalism causes the deepest doubt. In the coming years, Russia should have a carrier rocket perfectly "Proton-M" developed back in 1961, otherwise the country will simply cease to be a "cosmic superpower".

Successful designer from the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, Frolov Oleg Petrovich In 2000, he was asked to receive an honorary premium in the field of art and literature.

From 1959 to 1977, he designs vessels, eco-planes in conjunction with the team of designers and designers Central Design Bureauwho developed various vessels using the technology of underwater wings.

Part of the projects of Frolov, embodied

Many of his projects could be observed in Soviet times and to date. If you look at its development, which were still embodied in life, then for sure many of you will see familiar units of water transport.

Large water-air transport (development embodied)

In addition to embodied projects, each designer has a number of developments that are granted to granny regret on the shelves. Frolov Oleg Petrovich was also able to develop a number of very futuristic vessels that you can see below.

A considerable contribution of Frolov and for learning young professionals. In the State Architectural University, he taught the author's program for industrial designers.

P.S. Despite the fact that the ship is in the water, fires on the water is the worst and merciless spectacle. Therefore, in order to secure on each vessel, fire extinguishers must be fire extinguishers, and no matter what ship is a small boat or a large boat. Think first of all about your life!

(4) Head of the Board of Space Board of the UGD College, First Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency



Satellite for Angola pushed halfway

On Monday, Angola officially recognized the loss of the Angosat-1 telecommunications satellite, which the Energy Corporation was made for them, but agreed to order another similar device. Under the terms of the contract, Russian specialists should produce it in the queen within 30 months. Financial conditions for "energy" are extremely heavy: according to "Kommersant", insurance in the amount of $ 121 million will cover only half of work on Angosat-2. The remaining amount that, according to the most modest estimates, is estimated at $ 130 million, the enterprise will have to be sought independently.

The White House will figure out in the dispute of the state "Roskosmos" with private Dauria Aerospace

The first head of the Federal Space Agency became O. FROLOV.
09/19/2012, Moscow 16:50:01 Oleg Frolov was appointed First Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency. The appropriate disposal of September 18, this year. Signed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Oleg Frolov became the main military gunsmith

Yesterday, the defense minister Vladimir Popovkin officially introduced the head of the Main Department of Armament Oleg Frolov.
The gun mastercade was created in the military ministry recently. It is there that determine how many new tanks and airplanes, rocket complexes and submarines are required by the Russian army. The Glavk participates in organizing competitions for their production, controls the replenishment of our arsenals. Therefore, it can be said that General Frolov took one of the key posts in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, he became the only deputy Popovkin, that is, the second man of the army hierarchy. The main rocket-artillery and main cargo controlled management in the structure of the departments are actually obeyed by Frolov. Thus, a rigid command vertical is built in the system of equipping the armed forces.
Link: Id \u003d 566984 & soch \u003d 1

Vladimir Thank you: The structure of the defense decade

Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov On December 8, 2010, at a meeting of the military-industrial commission under the Government of the Russian Federation informed about the introduction of the draft Government of the Russian Federation of the Armament state program for 2011-2020. We are a release without a small 22 trillion rubles. Taking into account all the powerful departments, including 19 trillion. rub. - For weapons for MO. The volume of state defense order in 2011 will increase by 33% compared with 2010 and will be 1.5 trillion. rubles. And by 2013 will reach 2 trillion. rubles. That is, we can talk about at least $ 133 billion. Annual military budget since 2013, provided that half from the military budget will be spent on the purchase of weapons.
Link: ID \u003d 635331 & SOCH \u003d 1

A new head of the Military Space Academy has been appointed. A.F. Kakaaysky

On January 23, the Commander of the Space Forces General-Colonel Vladimir Popovkin presented the command and professorship

the teaching staff of the Military Space Academy. A.F.Babya New Chief of the Academy of Major General Oleg Frolova. As reported in the press service of the Space Forces, Frolov Oleg Petrovich was born on February 6, 1962 in the Voroshilovgrad region. He graduated from the Zhytomyr Higher School of PVA Radio Electronics (1983), Military Academy Air Defense (1994), Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation (2002). Held military service on team and staff positions in missile defense compounds (Pro) and control outer space (KKP), Space Forces headquarters. In 2003, he was appointed commander of the CCP connection. Major General (2004). Awarded the Order "For military merit", medals. Married, two sons.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin ordered to form a working group on the development of manned cosmonautics for the period up to 2025 and the future perspective. The Vice-Prime Minister instructed this group to the member of the military-industrial complex Oleg Frolov. Thus, Dmitry Rogozin unexpectedly brought the issue of the formation of the Space Policy of Russia outside the competence of Roscosmos State Corporation.

The order of Dmitry Rogozin dated February 2 (the copy is available at the Izvestia. "Create a collaborative with the Foundation for promising research" and FSUE TsNIIIMASH Working Group on the development of manned cosmonautics (RGPK) for the period up to 2025 and the future perspective under the leadership of a member of the board of the military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation Oleg Petrovich Frolov, together determine its composition and work plan " - it is stated at the disposal.

Oleg Frolov understands the topic: He worked as the First Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency Vladimir Popovkin in 2012-2013. Oleg Frolov then oversees the piloted programs: everything is associated with the preparation and provision of astronauts (including the direct coordination of the cosmonaut training center and TsNIIMash, where the flight management center is based).

According to sources familiar with the work of the military-industrial complex, Oleg Frolov is now the main consultant Dmitry Rogozin on issues related to space activities. Now it is he who is instructed to lead the working group to which the political scale remains.

Real decisions of the RGPK are unlikely to hardly disperse with the Dmitry Rogosic targets themselves by Dmitry Rogozic. It is the smoke-premier Cosmos and the Deputy Prime Minister in April 2014 "Development, followed by the colonization of the moon and the arrogant space, training and the beginning of the development of Mars and other objects Solar system»Strategic objectives of Russian manned cosmonautics.

In the form of a declared goals, this direction is relevant today: scientific teams offer the superheavy-class missiles, the moon base is designed, even the lunar polygon and the lunar astronomical observatory.

IN real life Cases S. lunar program It does not matter: the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 (FKP-25) was approved in the face of a tough economy of budgetary funds, and during coordination in the government, projects directly related to the provision of a piloted expedition to the Earth satellite were drawn out of it. So from the text of the FKP-25, the project "Creating a lunar run-up complex" (OCP "PPTK-2"), without which the achievement of the lunar surface is impossible.

There is no clarity and with missiles, with the help of which it is planned to master the moon: before RKK "Energia" (the heading "Roskosmos" on manned programs) developed a complex multipurpose scheme that allowed to abandon the creation of a heavy duty rocket and send an expedition to the moon, producing four starts for a short time. But this project fell under the sequestration, because for its implementation it was necessary to build two starting tables for "hangars" on the east. Money for one of these tables from the budget was drawn out, as a result, the multipuropus was relevant, and in Roskosmos, they again spoke about the prospects for creating a superheavy medium. The decision to create it is not accepted.

In fact, the "Lunny" articles in FKP-25 survived only the creation of the federation ship, which will be able to reach the lunar orbit. But its creation began before the emergence of the Moon's development program as a strategic target of manned cosmonautics. Actually, the main goal of the creation of the "Federation" is the replacement of today's Soyuz Space ships, which were designed in the 1960s of the last century.

In the state corporation Roscosmos, the news about the formation of a new working group was perceived with surprise.

Russian manned cosmonautics - a generally accepted leader, in Roskosmos prepare and execute piloted programs Executive Director Sergei Krikalev, who flew into space six times, and general designer of manned programs of the Russian Federation, General Designer of the RKK "Energia" Academician RAS Evgeny Mikrin, unconditional professionals, - noted Official representative of the state corporation Igor Burenkov. - Of course, if there is a similar order, "Roskosmos" will perform it - as it should be.

Experts do not see relevant tasks for the new working group.

Until 2025, we have FKP-25, and it is difficult to change it - only in the event of an increase in financing. Give God to fulfill the program in the accepted form, said Ivan Moiseyev's scientific director of the Institute of Space Policy. - We understand that the formation of a manned program is a product of many organizations, consensus among the scientific elite and goaling from the very top. So Oleg Frolov here with a whole working group is unlikely to solve.

Correspondent member russian Academy Cosmonautics Andrei Ionin believes that the time for the adoption of conceptual solutions on the piloted cosmonautics has not yet come.

The world of cosmonautics is now on the fracture. All changes: goal-setting, customer-contractor relationship, etc. It is possible that after 10 years, Roscosmos counterparties in the United States will not have NASA, but Spacex, Ilona Mask. And it will be another nature of the relationship. Now, I think, early take some large-scale decisions for a distant perspective, because everything changes very quickly, "said the expert.

In the apparatus of Dmitry Rogozin from comments abstained. Oleg Frolov did not answer calls.


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