Secret admiral. Admirals of the fleet of Russia

Secret admiral. Admirals of the fleet of Russia

For the sixth time in the Chelyabinsk Academic Theater of the Tama Orlov Drama, the ceremony of the folk premium "Light past" was held. One of the winners of 2009 was Admiral Fyodor Novoselov, whose activity is connected with the CB of Mechanical Engineering and the GDR named after Academician V.P. Makeev.

The project was created in theory of Oleg Mightaev, now the people's artist of Russia is implemented by the Government of the Chelyabinsk region and the Oleg Mityaev Foundation. The goal of the project is to pay tribute to people who glorified by the Chelyabinsk region in Russia and abroad; They contributed to the development of the economy, science, culture and art, sports, achieved success in socio-political activities.

For six years, 63 nominees who were born, studied and worked in the Chelyabinsk region, but now living beyond its limits (the last condition is one of the main prizes in the Prize). Among the laureates, many outstanding athletes - champions Olympic Games, world and Europe (L.P. Skoblikova, A.I. Tikhonov, A.E. Karkov, Brothers S.M. and N.M. Makarov, etc.), musicians, writers and poets, actors of the theater and cinema, Directorists (A. B. Gradsky, S.A. Gerasimov, A.O. Kroll, G.A. Panfilov, L.S. Bronvoe et al.), Public figures, military, scientists, businessmen, patrons, etc. .

Representatives of SKB-385 and CB of Mechanical Engineering (now - OJSC "GRC Makeeva" often became the laureates of the People's Prize "Light past". Such a representation means and confirms the significant role of the State Rocket Center among enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region.

In 2005, the People's Prize "Light past" was awarded the Creator of the Patriotic School of Marine Racking, General Designer V.P. Makeev, in 2007 - First Deputy V.P. Makeeva for the production, director of Zlatoust Mashawod (1976-1983) V. G. Doguev, in 2008 - First Deputy Head of SKB-385, Director of Zlatoust Mashawod (1961-1974) V.N. Konovalov.

In 2009, Admiral Fyodor Ivanovich Novoselov became the laureate of the Light past premium, which had over 40 years old. Working in the Military Representative Office of the KB of Mechanical Engineering, he made a significant contribution to the design, production and test of D-5 and D-9 complexes with ballistic missiles for submarines. In 1972, the head of the Rocket and Artillery Armament Department of the Navy, participated in the creation and development of missile systems with ballistic missiles. From 1986 to 1992 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for Shipbuilding and Army.

All these years, he was associated with Miass Rocket cells.

Press service of OJSC "GRC Makeev"


Fedor Ivanovich Novoselov - Admiral, in the past head of the department of rocket and artillery armament Navy (1972-1986), then deputy commander-in-chief of the Navy for shipbuilding and armament (1986-1992).

The name of Vladimir Nikolayevich Chelylai, a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the General Designer, twice the hero of the Socialist Labor, the Laureate of the Leninist and State Prizes of the USSR, gold letters are inscribed in the history of domestic science and technology. Housing is considered to be the father of the creator of a whole family of ship rocket complexes that make up the basis of the "anti-aviation" system of the Navy.

Passion and work

After early - for a year - the endings of the Kiev Aviation Institute, Vladimir Man, became interested in the problems of creating air-jet engines, focusing their design efforts on the development of pulsating engines (PVRS). In 1944, on the basis of the aviation plant # 51, the first special design bureau (OKB) was created in the country, specializing in the creation of shell aircraft (winged missiles), whose head was appointed Vladimir Manlai. In the period 1944-1953. The collateral of the OKB has developed winged missiles (CR) 10x, 14x and 16x aircraft and 10khn terrestrial based, designed to defeat terrestrial purposes.

In the late 1940s. These rockets were offered by the man and for armament of submarines (PL) and surface ships (NK), but design studies revealed a greater complexity of their placement on these ships. The first design steps of people have shown that in the industry there was an initiative developer of the Kyrgyz Republic, striving to cover three types of Sun as its brainchild. True, his first experience was unsuccessful due to the low reliability of missiles on the PVRD, shown on the tests. Work on them was discontinued, and the OKB disbanded. However, this failure was not broken by Vladimir Nikolayevich - he himself was convinced of the futility of the Kyrgyz Republic on the PVRC and the difficulties of their placement on the carriers because of the large dimensions.

High engineering training and the creative gift of the designer gave their results: the man was constructed by the Rocket wing coating machine (ARC), which allowed placing the KD with folded wings in small-sized launch containers and open the wings after the rocket output from the container. It was a tremendous leap in the development of weapons systems, primarily for the fleet, since it allowed to have a significant number of launchers on the ships and simplified the preparation of missiles and start them with the so-called "zero guides". Not only told his idea of \u200b\u200bHoush, he created a portable container model with a model of the Kyrgyz Republic placed in it, on which it clearly demonstrated in various instances, incl. Before the leadership of the Navy, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe start of the rocket and disclosure of the planes of its wings.

In June 1954, the order of Minaviaprom creates a special design group (SCG), which marked the beginning of the glorious history of the Moscow region of the OKB-52 created in 1955 in the city of Reutov, for the development of weapons based on winged rocket systems. In the second half of the same year, work began on the creation of a missile complex (RK) of P-5 from the Kyrgyz Republic placed on the pl, to defeat terrestrial purposes. During the tests, the design of a rocket glider was worked out, a container starting unit for long-term storage and launching of a rocket, their connection with the control equipment placed in a solid package of pl. In 1959, the P-5 missile complex was adopted by the fleet and is posted on the 613 re-equipped from the torpedo pl. 644 pr. 644 with two rockets (6 units) and 665 pr. 665 with four missiles (6 units). In addition, these RK were armed with 16 diesel submarines of the new project 651 and 5 atomic PR. 659 (4 rockets each). The final version of the RK P-5 under the C-5 index was also adopted for the armament of land forces in containers on Avtotosissi.

The complex P-5, however, did not solve the main task of the fleet - the defeat of the aircraft carriers, which were at the end of World War II, the main shock force on the sea and nuclear weapons carriers, moreover, the strategic part of the US Navy (before the emergence of atomic missile plots from the BR) and countries NATO B. general System their strategic nuclear forces.

The main weapons of the fight against aircraft carriers were chosen by winged rockets, which will later be called anti-workers (PCR). In accordance with the well-known resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from May 1946, the fleet was carried out on the creation of weapons systems with ballistic, cystic and anti-aircraft missiles for weapons of various carriers: surface ships, submarines, aircraft of marine aviation and placement on coastal planes. Priority attention in the first years after the Great Patriotic War was paid to the creation of anti-worked winged missiles. Already in 1948-1949. work began in a number of KB Minaviaprom to create a PCR for armament of surface ships, naval aviation and the coastal troops of the fleet - these were the RK "Storm", "Pike", "Comet", "Strela", KSSh, the last three were adopted for weapons and Tests, and then during the combat training of the fleet, showed reliable defeat of the goals and a great perspective. It was an important stage in the development of the PCR, which solved a number of serious scientific and technical issues and giving a fleet and industry to the first operating experience and combat use of a new type of weapon. But these rockets did not provide the possibility of creating a mass system of anti-relocatious missile weapons for the fleet.

The most powerful impetus to the further development of the PCR still made the creation of the RK P-5, during the work on which by the manual with the design team held a wide search for ways to create a highly efficient rocket for the defeat of mobile maritime purposes. And in 1956, the CKBM together with the Research Institute of Granite and Altair (Management System Developers) begins work on the creation of P-6 RK for PL and P-35 for surface ships. So it was necessary to start creating our National Weapons of PCR as the basis of the Anti-Avian Navy, Sun and the country as a whole. Immediately, I note that the Rocket Complexes of the PCR are our national priority in global rocket industry.

Star period

Rocket complexes P-6 and P-35 became the first complexes of high-precision weapons (WTO) of the Navy, capable of affecting small-sized maneuvering surface targets on various distances from the shooting ship, incl. and goals behind the horizon. The launch of rockets with PL for gas turntables was carried out by targeting from an external source of information, and the guidance and distribution of the volley missiles were performed on the commands of the ship operators, based on the information obtained from the radar vizier of missiles in the form of a pattern of radar beams of the enemy ships.

The efficiency of the complex in many respects depended on the accuracy of the target designation and the time of its obsolescence (the time interval between the target detection and launching rockets). Understanding this, scientists of the Institute of Armament and Institute of Radio Electronic Navy Systems, in coordination with the developer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an aviation intelligence system for maritime intelligence and issuing data on the detected purposes directly to the carrier ships of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These data on the goals after treatment were issued in the RC to start missiles. Created by Kiev Research Institute "Kvant" (chief designer I.V. Kudryavtsev) Aviation-ship system MRSC "Success" in combination with RK P-6 and P-35 became the first intelligence-shock system (RUS) of high-precision antique long-range weapons of Navy . It should be noted that the fleet weapon shock systems have always been built as reconnaissance and drums based on their own means of detecting goals and issuing target designation on the use of weapons also from external sources.

Understanding that intelligence aircraft with the "Success" system will not always be able to operate in the open ocean, by the idea of \u200b\u200busing spacecraft (ka) to conduct exploration of superior targets and the "reset" of intelligence information directly on the PCR carriers (FARK and NK). The idea was supported by the Command of the Navy and Government Decree No. 20.06.60, and was assigned to the cooperation of many KB and the Research Institute of Industry, headed by the CCBM, the development of a system of space exploration and target designation (ICRC). The general customer of the system determined the management of missile and artillery armament (equation) of the Navy, the military-scientific support was imposed on the Institute of Arms of the Navy. The ideology of the construction and principles of combat use was developed by the CCBM together with the Institute of Arms Navy.

The system was built on two types of spacecraft (ka): Us-A - for an active radar of targets with a nuclear energy installation on board as a source of electricity, and Us-P - for conducting the exploration of emissions of working radio equipment of the enemy's enemy's energy on-board installation on solar Batteries. The preparation and launch of the KA was carried out on the Baikonur cosmodrome, the flight management and the reception of intelligence information were carried out at the Special Template of the Navy. The plande, and then the surface rocket mines were equipped with special equipment for receiving the sedimentation directly with ka. Both ka and special rocket carrier UR-200 were developed by the CCBM team, while the UR-200 was universal as a carrier rocket (pH) for the conclusion of the KA and as an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for RVSH. She passed successful tests, but was not adopted. The Other, refined by subsequent ICBM (KB "South", Chief Designer M.K. Yangel) was introduced into the ICRC system as a pH.

The ICRC system was adopted in the mid-1970s. and showed high efficiency of intelligence in the World Ocean, incl. And during the Falkland conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina in 1982, providing the command of Sun, Navy and Flots with intelligence information. Reception items of information directly from the system were also posted on the KP Flots.

Under the RK P-6, diesel submarines (PLD) PR 651 were retrofitted and the TsKB-18 new plandle is designed. 675 (chief designer P.P. Pustmentees), which 29 units were built.

RK P-35 was created with his rocket, lightweight compared to the P-6 rocket, for armament of surface rocket cruisers (RCD) 58 (4 units) - sailors called "pocket cruisers" due to their relatively small displacement.

Even at the stage of testing of the Republic of Kazakhstan P-6 and P-35 In 1961, the General Designer of the Manva offered the new RK P-500, built on the same RUS schema, but his rocket had a large range and flight speed, an enlarged portion of flight at low height, which decreased significantly compared to RK P-6 and P-35. A more advanced management system, built on digital computing machines, had an increased noise immunity and a more efficient distribution of missiles by goal targets. The rocket was first equipped with a system of building of anti-aircraft and aviation missiles from himself, developed by the Taganrog Research Institute (Chief Designer V.N. Barovikov). The complex was intended to replace the P-6 RK on the PR. 675 and equipping new RCD projects.

This proposal was encountered in military circles ambiguously, because Its use was possible only when PL in the surface position. Against its development, the General Staff Admirals Admirals was performed. On a number of meetings in various instances, incl. Both the General Staff, the command of the Navy managed to show the need to replace the RK large series PL PR. 675 to a more efficient RK P-500, providing a greater survival of the plaction due to the start of missiles outside the zone of the opponent's root system, and for surface missiles such a complex was more effective than Rockets only with homing.

The creation of the complex went hard on technical and organizational reasons and ended only by the mid-1970s. It was placed during the modernization during repairs while placing unified adoption points of information from the ICRC and MRSC systems at half a series of PRD. 675, on constructed RCD. 1164 (chief designer A.K. Perkkov, Northern PKB) and heavy aviance cruisers (TAVKR) Ave. 1143 (chief designer A.V. Marindi, then V.F. Anikiev, Nevsky PKB).

The CKBM was created to perform work on the winged rockets, but the scientific and design interests of the general designer soon went beyond the scope of this direction. Already in 1961, the CCBM begins work on the creation of the IBR-100 MBR, which is distinguished by the novelty series of solutions that allowed the family of these missiles (UR-100K, UR-100N) to become the most mass MBR for RVSN. It a major competition of the ICBM, developed in the KB, headed by Queen and Yangel. This rocket has been proposed and the Navy as an alternative to intercontinental BRPL P-29, developed by the CBM, headed by Makeyev. Scientists and command of the Navy did not support this proposal to the CCBM, and the Defense Council under the leadership of Khrushchev agreed with the Fleet's opinion.

The inquisitive mind and the energy of the Jewawa lead the CCBM team to a new direction in rocket lights. In initiative begins at the end of the 1950s. The design of a powerful pH, which later received the name "Proton", which the general designer first reported in the summer of 1962 at a meeting of the Defense Council in Pitsunde, which led to the amazement of many participants. In parallel, it leads to the development of an orbital manned station (OPS), which has been subsequently called the "diamond".

Thus, the first half of the 1960s. It was a star period in the activities of Chelya. Such a latitude of scientific and technical and organizational approaches was characteristic of the style and methods of its work, found support for Khrushchev and the highest military leadership of the country. Some KB of famous aircraft designers and many plants were connected to the implementation of the CCBM proposals and many plants, and this did not like it. But life confirmed that all the ideas and suggestions of the Chelymaya were implemented and adopted.

"Amethyst" flies from under the water

Understanding the Vulnerability of the plande while at an emphasis, during the preparation and start of missiles and the need to manage their flight to the goal, CKBM in the early 1960s. On the task of the fleet, the RK "Amethyst" is developing with a solid fuel PCR, equipped with a control system of the radar head of the homing, developed by the Granite Research Institute, providing an autonomous flight of the rocket, search for a warrant of ships and guidance to the chosen target. The complex was adopted in 1968. They were armed with the plandle. 670 and 661, created accordingly in the TsKB "Lazurit" (Chief Designer V.P. Vorobiev) and LPL "Rubin" (Chief Designer N.N. Isanan). Rockets "Amethyst" started when PL in the underwater position on the principle "shot-forgot". In order to increase the hindrance of the homing head, selectivity of the goal and increasing the range of flight of the Rocket TsKBM developed the RK "Malachite" (as the further development of the Amethyst RK) also with a solid fuel rocket for armament of the PRT. 670M (Chief Designer V.P. Vorobyov) and IRC PR.1234 (Chief Designer I.P. Peregov, Central Diamond CCC). The control system with radar and thermal heads for this RK was created in the Research Institute "Altair" and provided flight mode with homing targets for radar and thermal principles.

These RK with solid fuel rockets successfully solved the task of overcoming the electronic air defense system and ensured the high efficiency of ships. With the increasing radius of anti-submarine defense and strengthening the aircraft carrier and other percussion systems of the Navy, the probable enemy required an increase in flight range and an increase in the ability of the PCR to overcome the developed system for ship-air defense compounds.

During the solution of this task, the highest achievement of domestic rocket construction in the creation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the PCR is the RC "Granit", which were armed with the plandle. 949 (Chief Designer P.P. Pedustov, then V.L. Baranov, LPL "Rubin"), atomic Heavy rocket cruisers (TRKR) Ave. 1144 (Chief Designer B.I. Kupensky, Northern PKB) and TAVKR Ave. 1143.5 "Admiral Kuznetsov" (Chief Designer V.F. Anikiev, Nevsky PKB). The supersonic rocket of this RK is built on a turbojet engine, started after the outlet of the rocket from under the water and the rearing the required power of the thrust in a short period of time. The ship system provides with a high temporary pace of the start of the entire ammunition of rockets, the onboard equipment - the collection of missiles and the flight of them in the mode of radio components with the refinement of the direction on the enemy's ship connection due to the direction finding its working radio equipment. When the calculated point is reached, the radar veins of all rockets are opened on the fraction of a second and cover the water surface area, ensuring the coverage of the ship order. After processing the information and its identification, due to the exchange of information between the missiles, the purpose of each rocket is selected, their decrease and flight at low altitude towards the target in self-disposal is occur. For the removal of the enemy anti-enemy, the rocket of the Granite complex is equipped with a special system, which provides overcoming the air defense system of the enemy's ships. Such an organization of a missile strike, according to the beginning of the early 1980s, provided a volley with rockets with one plande defeating the entire AMG with a high probability.

It should be emphasized that Vladimir Manlai confessed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating cruise missiles only with a supersonic speed equipped with a powerful combat part and a management system that ensures reliable supply of volley missiles to the target in conditions of overcoming the effective air defense system, so all domestic PCRs of its developments had a supersonic flight speed .

In the mid-70s. The United States launched large-scale work on the creation for fleet, aviation and army of the strategic winged rocket (ICR) type "Tomahawk" with a subsonic speed. After a detailed study and repeated discussions, scientists of the Ministry of Defense and the industry came to the conclusion about the feasibility of creating a similar system and in our country. As the general customer, I suggested by the people to develop a similar system for the domestic fleet, but he did not agree and noticed that he was not interested in addressing subsonic missiles, which is a long-stayed stage, and suggested a version of the supersonic SCR "meteorite".

After a detailed consideration of this proposal at the Institute of Armament and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Gorshkov, a decision was made to develop parallel to two JDC: "Meteorite" for arming PC in special launchers and a subsonic "grenade" (developer of the CB "Novator", chief designer L.V. Lulleys) starting from the torpedo devices of the PLA. The need to create an RK "Meteorite" metfaby met the objection, however the persistence of the commander-in-chief of the Navy and the evidence of the materials presented provided support for the Ustinov Defense Minister.

During the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Meteorite" a number of serious scientific and technical problems in rocket launchers were resolved: according to the design of the rocket glider, in the means and methods to reduce the rocket notice in the zone of the enemy air defense system, placement on the radar rocket to obtain a radar location map in the correction sites, The processing of the received pictures on board the rocket using a high-performance computing complex and bringing the rocket to a target with high accuracy. The Navy has created a special computing center for preparing on the basis of digital maps of the route route Rockets "Meteorite" and "Granat" and the sections of the trajectory correction of their flight on the territory of the enemy. But the meteorite rocket turned out to be significant mass-duty characteristics, which led to the loss of flight range (shooting) of missiles, the difficulties of their placement on the plan, and therefore it was decided to terminate the work on this RK.

A regular partner of the CCBM in the creation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the PCR was the developer of shipping and on-board systems for the management of complexes of the "Granite" MINSUDPROM in Leningrad (director V.V. Pavlov, then I.Yu. Krivtsov). Close multi-year cooperation between TsKBM and LPL "Rubin", headed by P.P. Deserted, and then I.D. Spassky, provided the creation of a domestic anti-avianship system, able to withstand in the World Ocean with powerful aircraft carrier groups of the United States and NATO.

During the 30 years, CKBM, under the guidance of the General Designer, Vladimir Chelomay, created and handed over the Navy seven RK with a CR with a summary number of 1444 starts, of which 56 starts on the PDD for the defeat of land goals, 270 starts on the IRK and coastal installations for the defeat of surface ships in the near sea Zone and 1118 starts on the placket and surface rocket mines for the defeat of large ships in the far sea and ocean zones. Taking into account the number of starts of its ICBM (up to 70% of all ICBM RVSN), the famous and unsurpassed PH "Proton", spacecraft with nuclear energy on board, Almaz, and other developments can be safely argued that other such KB And the general designers, with all deep respect for them, there was no in the country.

In the late 70s, under the leadership of Cheloma, proposals were prepared for the further development and improvement of the RK of the Antioavano System, which, after consideration by the Navy, were included in the Arms Program of the Navy for 1981-1990. This is a unified RK "Onyx" as the main weapon of multipurpose PLA (MCPL) of the Severodvinsk type and surface ships of Ave. 11,000 with a vertical start from multi-contact launchers, unified for various installation missiles, with a single armament management system. The second RK "BOLID" was intended to change the RK "Granit". Work on the creation of these RK was launched under the leadership of Chelomai and were continued by the CCBM team under the guidance of his student and follower, the General Designer of Herbert Efremov.

Vladimir Manomay was very sensitive to failures, but quickly and effectively found decisions and introduced them energetically. By character, he was a fighter designer, boldly putting forward new ideas and skillfully defending them in any instances. And it is not surprising that he had a lot of envious and ill-wishers.

Sergey Georgievich Gorshkov was born on February 26, 1910 in the family of teachers. After graduation, he entered the University of Leningrad, and in a year he moved to the Naval School. M.V. Frunze. In 1931, his ship service began on the Black Sea, in a year - in the Far East. 1934 - He is the commander of the SCR "Burun", which, according to the preparation of 1936, took the first place in the Marine forces of the Red Army. After graduation in 1937, shipping courses of ships in Leningrad S.G. Gorshkov again on the Pacific Fleet - commander of the Squaded Mission, the commander of the Division of the destroyers. In 1939, the commander of the destroyers of the destroyers on the Black Sea, and six months later, the commander of the shaped brigade of cruisers, with whom he met the war, passing, as they say, "from call to call."

He participant in all landing operations held on the Black Sea, starting from the landing in August 1941 in the area of \u200b\u200bGrigorievka village, near Odessa. Being commander of the Azov and Danube flotilla, acquired a rich experience of the interaction of the fleet forces with the troops of the seaside fronts. As one of the leaders of the defense of Novorossiysk, he commanded the 47th army for some time, which was not left unnoticed. I.V. Stalin suggested that Gorshkov entrenched the position of Comandarm, to which Sergey Georgievich asked him to leave him on the fleet, with which the Supreme agreed. After the liberation of the Crimea on the basis of the Azov flotilla, Danube Flotily was created, the commander became S.G. Gorshkov. Flotilla participated in the battles for the liberation of Odessa, Transnistria, fought for the freedom of peoples of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia.

From January 1945 S.G. Gorshkov commands the squadron of the Black Sea Fleet - the largest, according to its assessment, in the sea forces of that time a ship squadron. He was instructed to meet at the airfield in Saki leaders of the United States and Great Britain arriving at the Yalta Conference. It should be noted that his desire for the knowledge of the new and experience in participation in the war in the Black Sea Fleet was noticed by the command of the Navy. He is attracted to participation in the development of proposals for the first post-war military shipbuilding program for 1946-1955. (PVC-46), he heads the section on cruisers and destroyers.

Since November 1948, he is appointed by the head of the headquarters of the ChF. The main efforts, he sends to the development of plans for the preparation of fleet forces to conduct hostilities in the context of the possible use of atomic weapons in the war in the sea.

In February 1950, the naval ministry was restored, in July 1951. The Chief Military Council of the Navy discussed the state of affairs in the fleet, the minister was appointed N.G. Kuznetsov, his first deputy - Admiral N.E. Bass. Commander of the Black Sea Fleet - S.G. Gorshkov.

During these years, search engines were searched for the creation of new types of weapons, a southern landfill was prepared in 1949 for testing missiles. The fleet commander paid close attention to the construction of a landfill, staffing by testes of testes, the allocation of ships for new weapons.

On March 15, 1953, the Union of Military and Naval Ministries to the Ministry of Defense was held. Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov was appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense and Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

At the end of 1953, the Chief Headquarters prepared a PVC project for 1956-1965, which, after approval by the General Staff and the Minister of Defense in early 1954, was presented to the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The program did not receive support, because The country's leadership counted that the plans were given priority to the construction of surface ships, which is not enough ships with new types of weapons. The finalized deals of the fleet were repeatedly discussed at the meeting of the Board of MO and meetings from the Minister of Defense. After the approval of the PVK-56 project and the formulation of the tasks of the Navy in November 1954 were presented in the CPSU Central Committee. At the meetings of the Special Commission, the Presidium of the Central Committee and the report advised and defended the documents submitted only by N.G. Kuznetsov, and the heads of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff practically did not participate in this.

Unfortunately, the fleet did not have supporters and among the leaders of defense industries. The leadership of the country at the head of N.S. Khrushchev considered too expensive implementation of the planned plans and demanded their reduction and focusing the major efforts on the construction of submarines, considering them together with the naval aviation as the main force, able to confront the fleet of the likely enemy in the ocean, and the surface ships to build only for the country's defense from the sea, when This pl, aviation and NK equip rocket weapons. It is difficult to imagine what nervous tension experienced N.G. Kuznetsov, defending repeatedly in the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense, and then in the highest party and government instances their vision of the future fleet.

In July 1955, on the representation of N.G. Kuznetsova his first deputy was appointed S.G. Gorshkov. Soon Kuznetsov suffered a heart attack, the responsibilities of the Glavkom were assigned to this year. Gorshkova, and all responsibility for the preparation of plans for the construction of ships fell on his shoulders.

In order to study and taking into account the opinions of officers for the appearance of the future fleet in mid-October 1955 N.S. Khrushchev and G.K. The beetles are carried out in Sevastopol a two-day meeting with the command and commander of the CF connections. Khrushchev, in his appeal, encouraged participants to express his opinion and the vision of the future fleet, without looking at the opinion of the command.

Most participants advocated the main forces for the struggle in the ocean and maritime aviation with rocket weapons. There were different opinions about major surface ships, but most of the construction of cruisers and destroyers with rocket weapons and aircraft carriers of air defense. The leaders expressed satisfaction with the meeting, G.K. Zhukov outlined his vision of the nature of the possible war and the role and places of the fleet in the system of armed forces. N.S. Khrushchev agreed to the design of a small aircraft carrier to master how it expressed, the culture of the construction and operation of these ships, which may be needed in the future.

At the end of October 1955, in the Sevastopol bay, he drowned from the explosion in the nose part of the Linkor "Novorossiysk", and more than 600 people died. N.G. Kuznetsov was dismissed from the post of Commander-in-law Navy and dismissed from military service.

In early January 1956, Admiral SG Admiral was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Gorshkov. The beginning of his activities as commander-in-chief of the Navy coincided with a difficult period in the life of the fleet. The death of the Lincard "Novorossiysk" in the Sevastopol bay, the removal of N.G. Kuznetsov from the post of Commander-in-law Navy, discontent of the highest party and state leadership of the country plans for the construction of the fleet:

The developed scientific and technical revolution in military affairs demanded that the Fleet Development of Fleet Development, the definition of the appearance of new ships and weapons systems. Among the top team composition of Fleets there was no unity of opinions on this issue. Different opinions on the role and place of the Navy in the conditions of the possible use of nuclear weapons existed in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. In addition, there was a purely moral and psychological aspect - this year. The pots were much younger than many admirals who commanded the fleets during the war years and are in various positions in the Navy and the Ministry of Defense. The core of the country's highest military leadership was marshals and army generals. It is unlikely that the pots could exercise and hope for their support and understanding. These circumstances demanded from the 46-year-old commander's skillful policy of relationships and intense organizational work. Thanks to its deep knowledge of naval affairs, personal experience participation in hostilities on the sea and on land during the war, a firm character and the ability to build relationships with people S.G. Gorshkov successfully coped with the difficulties of the initial stage of their activities.

Life and practical results of many years of activity S.G. Gorshkova as a commander of Glavkom show that he managed to choose the right strategy for the construction of the fleet and tactical techniques for its implementation. At the end of January 1956, the Defense Council considered and approved the prepared Navy and coordinated with the ministries of defense industries the plan of design and construction of ships for 1956-1960, which was approved.

All subsequent plans for the Fleet construction program were developed under the leadership of S.G. Gorshkova. He was an ideologist and organizer of the creation of the ocean rocket nuclear nuclear fleet. In this work, he always sought to have allies and associates among the leaders of the country's defense complex, first of all shipbuilding.

Gorshkov organizes exhibitions - shows of new ships and systems of weapons directly in the Northern or Black Sea Fleets, inviting the leaders of the party and government, ministers, general and chief designers, directors of large factories on them. The shows were accompanied by the outputs of ships in the sea, where tactical teachings were carried out with the implementation of launching of rockets, torpedo and artillery shooting, aviation flights. During the exhibitions, there was a discussion of the issues of not only the construction of ships and the creation of weapons systems, but also developing the infrastructure of fleets, as well as social problems.

In determining the prospects for the development of the fleet, it always relied on science, first of all, to the work of institutions and academies of the Navy. When considering scientific works, he always focused scientists for the search for non-traditional ideas in the creation of armament systems and the construction of ships. He was an opponent for copying foreign ships and weapons. Although the study of foreign experience, he attached considerable meaning. Persisitantly recommended the Fleet Institutions more closely to interact with scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and head institutes of industries.

The fleet for its 300-year-old history has always been closely connected with the Academy of Sciences of the country, many prominent scientists have made an invaluable contribution to the construction of the fleet.

In the process of construction of the ocean fleet, especially nuclear submarines, a number of new problems arose, the permission of which required the participation of the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences. The Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences supported the initiative of the Navy and created special scientific advice:

Hydrodynamics (1960), executives - Academicians M.A. Lavrentiev and L.I. Sedov;

Hydrophysics (1967), executives - Academicians A.P. Aleksandrov and A.V. Gapon-sins;

Applied problems (1967), Head - Academician V.M. Shuffling;

Communication with submarines (beginning of the 70s), Head - Academician V.A. Kotelnikov;

Oceanographic Commission (1939), executives - academicians V.P. Shirhov and L.M. Brehovsky.

As part of each Council, members were representatives of the NII Navy.

S.G. The pots with great respect and attention treated outstanding scientists who made a significant contribution to the construction of a modern fleet. First of all, the Academician A.P. Alexandrova, scientific and practical work of which was closely related to the fleet still in pre-war years. He was the initiator and supervisor to create atomic energy installations and the design of nuclear submarines. For many years, incl. And after election in 1975 by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Petrovich was headed by the Council on Hydrophysics, organizing the World Ocean Studies in the interests of creating underwater observation systems and underwater shipbuilding. S.G. Gorshkov often attended and spoke at the plenary sessions of the Council on Hydrophysics and the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the problems of the construction of the fleet.

S.G. Gorshkov highly appreciated the creative activity of the general and main designers of ships and weapons, elected to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. This is academicians N.N. Isanin, S.N. Kovalev, V.N. Manlai, V.P. Makeev, P.D. SURUSHIN, B.P. Zhukov, Yu.B. Khariton, E.I. Alebakhin, A.I. Savin, V.S. Semenihin, A.A. Tupolev, S.V. Ilyushin, R.A. Belyakov, G.M. Beriev. With all these extraordinary personalities, as with many others, S.G. The pots perfectly knew how to conduct conversations and solve the questions and enjoyed a huge authority and respect in their environment. I think I will not be mistaken if I say that Sergey Georgievich was the most authoritative and respected warlord in the 70s and 1980s among scientists. Communication with prominent scientists and employees of the defense complex, meetings and conversations with scientists of the VMI and Institutions of the Navy allowed this year. Gorshkov receive a large amount of scientific and technical information, process it and be fulfillment when solving complex problems of building a fleet.

His ability to quickly catch the meaning of the conversation and make the decision were surprised and even envied, and some seen elements of voluntarism in this. Of course, Sergey Georgievich possessed a solid and volitional character and, as you know, never changed my decisions. About this figuratively spoke Admiral Fleet N.D. Sergeev: "Our commander, as a plane, has no reverse." But to blame him in voluntarism when making decisions on shipbuilding issues, I consider not only unlawful, but also knowingly false collapse. For 14 years of service in the central office of the Navy, and this is almost half the deadline for his fleet, with the second half, when S.G. Gorshkova was a huge authority not only in the Navy and the Ministry of Defense, but also in the government and the highest party circles, I did not notice the elements of voluntarism. By own experience We testify that under the personal reports he was official and strict, but it did not exclude the possibility of reporting to state his thoughts and even debate in essence the question.

The situation was at meetings of the Military Council or service meetings, especially on the results of combat and political training, issues of accidents and military discipline. The speaker should have given an objective assessment, do not try to "smear" flaws, be ready to answer unpleasant questions.

S.G. Gorshkov committed together with the heads of ministries and departments of the trip to the Research Institute and the CB of Industry for Shipbuilding, having visited in almost all headquarters, in many repeatedly. So, on missile affairs, he visited the Urals, Altai, in Tajikistan, Kharkov, Tula, Reutov, Lyubertsy, Khimki and Dubna, not to mention Moscow, Leningrad and other shipbuilding centers. With great respect and confidence treated the work of ships and constructors of weapons, always carefully and interested them in their speeches, actively participated in the discussion. He was very susceptible to the new proposals of scientists and designers and actively supported their introduction into shipbuilding. So, the ideas of the main designer R.E. were implemented. Alekseeva on the creation of boats on underwater wings and eco-planes, the creation of landing boats on the underwater wings, the introduction of anti-equipped winged rockets on the boats, which came out in their impact capacity to the level of large surface ships. S.G. Gorshkov supported in the early 60s, when only the development of space began, the proposal of the general constructor of the winged missiles V.N. Chelymaya on the creation of a naval cosmic intelligence system for the detection of surface vehicles of the enemy in the ocean and data transfer directly to surface and underwater ships. And such a system was created and was adopted by the Navy.

The mass introduction of anti-religious missiles for submarines, surface ships and aircraft of marine aviation ensured a certain balance of power in the ocean. The creation of an automated atomic submarine fighter of submarines (Scientific Director - Academician A.P. Alexandrov) was the most important achievement in the underwater shipbuilding.

At the factories, when visiting shops and laboratories, he showed great interest in new products in technology, production organization and quality control system, and also interested in the development of the enterprise, the mood in the team. He believed that only a prosperous enterprise could create high-quality techniques.

In its organizational work on the construction of Fleet S.G. Gorshkov relied on ordered management, whose heads were the main organizers of the preparation and implementation of decisions on the design of ships, the creation of armament complexes, testing the tests.

Considering the specifics of the conditions of operation and combat use, sea weapons systems were created on the tasks of the Navy, and therefore there were 13 offices in its central office. The work of these administrations of pots paid close attention, they were the main binding link of the fleet with industry. On a conversation with the general designers or directors of enterprises, GSCAnd, as a rule, invited the heads of ordered offices, having heard the opinion on the issue under discussion, which increased their authority in industry.

Sergey Georgievich for many years tied friendly, business relations with outstanding managers of defense industries: B.E. Butom (shipbuilding), E.P. Slavic (atomic), S.A. Afanasyev (Rocket and Space), S.A. Zverev and P.V. Finogen (defense), V.V. Bakhiyev (ammunition and solid fuels), V.D. Kalmykov and P.S. Pleshakov (Radiotechnical), E.K. Family (communications).

Complex problems of the construction of the fleet, in particular, when creating missile systems, the commander was allowed through repeated meetings and meetings with the general and main designers, heads of ministries to find a decision in the interests of the fleet. Thus, during the creation of a missile complex (RK), D-19 with a ballistic rocket R-39, created on solid fuel, not less than 10 meetings with ministers S.A. Afanasyev and V.V. Bakhyev in Moscow. In order to familiarize themselves with the course of work on the ground, they went to the enterprises of the Urals, Altai and Tajikistan.

Special attention on trips to fleets S.G. Gorshkov turned to the questions of the trouble-free operation of ships, preparation of personnel to the struggle for the vitality. Each case of refusals of the technique, leading to the accident or breaking the ship's exit to combat service, caused a strict assessment of the Glavkom. Its known to evaluate the accidental estimation: "There is no accident inevitable, it creates people with their unlikely, negligence and non-execution during the operation of complex equipment," which served as a guide for all categories of the personnel of ships and parts. In order to investigate accidents and disasters, he trusted the commission, focusing on objectivity in determining the causes and developing measures to exclude in the future.

In the course of the teachings in the sea, conditions close to combat were created. Ships were in combat order (orders), providing all types of defense, weapons of ships in readiness for combat use. BRs were carried out under the conditions of finding a plars in battle patrol. The launches of anti-workers were carried out under the conditions of an intelligence and shock complex using data on the purposes of the cosmic or aviation intelligence systems in the current time mode.

In the threat of an air attack, the junction ships were translated into full combat readiness, a combat order for reflection of air targets using anti-aircraft fires was issued only to those ships that were checked. This provision was recorded in the senior documents, which ensured the safety of all ships when reflected by air plaque. In the course of the combat exercises, the level of personnel preparation and reliability of the material part were estimated. In cases of unsuccessful launches of missiles, other shortcomings on the teaching of the pots never showed nervousness, gave clear instructions. After the teaching, the reasons were investigated.

I remember the case on the teaching on landing the landing on the ChF, which characterizes the Glavkom. One of the boats on the air cushion could not get out on the coast and did it only in the third approach. The fleet command and all who were on the observation tribune were worried and worried about failure and possible troubles for the boat commander. The chief committee calmly went to the category, and all those in the podium followed him. We saw the pale face of the commander when he reported Commander. Sergey Georgievich calmly listened to the report, greeted the commander by his hand and began the conversation about the combat and seaworthy qualities of the ship. The commander, senior lieutenant, was worried at the beginning of the conversation, which is quite natural, and then calmed down and confidently answered all the questions. S.G. Gorshkov thanked him and wished success in the service. It was necessary to see the prominent face of the commander. I think that the conversation with the Commander he remembered for life, and for those present it was an instructive example of Admiral's attitude to a young officer.

In the mid-1960s, on the initiative of Glavkom, the ships of the Soviet fleet began to bear the combat service in the Mediterranean. The main task was to track the actions of the 6th American Fleet. Over time, a similar squadron of ships was created in the Indian Ocean. In the Atlantic and West District of the Pacific Ocean, the combat service carried the operational squadrons of the Northern and Pacific Fleets. The military service of the escade of surface ships and multipurpose submarines, as well as the combat patrol of the underwater rocket carriers, was the highest form of combat and operational training of the Soviet fleet. Soviet Union Unlike the United States did not have permanent databases for ships in other countries. S.G. Gorshkov showed greater energy with the support of the country's leadership to establish friendly relations with a number of countries of Mediterranean, Africa and Southeast Asia. He made a number of visits, intergovernmental agreements on military-technical cooperation were prepared and signed and signed the order of the Soviet ships in the ports of these countries, which seriously facilitated the martial service. The exit of Soviet ships in the world ocean demanded that serious issues on the technical resource and the reliability of the work of technology in long-term swimming, to improve the conditions for personnel in various climatic conditions.

In the late 1980s, plans were made on the construction of the fleet, developed under the leadership of this year. Gorshkova. A powerful ocean rocket nuclear fleet has been created, which adequately represented the country of Soviets on the expanses of the World Ocean.

S.G. Gorshkov had a well-deserved and continued prestige among officers and admirals. Being at the top of the authorities for many years, he managed to preserve human relations with subordinates, respectful appeal to "you", and outside the meetings - by name and patronymic. For many years, even in difficult situations, I did not hear from his mouth of the faded words and scream, he always strictly and carefully heard participants and gave orders. Outside the service, all human, as they say, he was not alien to him.

At the end of November 1985, at the next my report, Glavkom said: "You probably already know that in the near future I am leaving with the service. Glavkom is appointed by V.N. Chernavin. Soon there should be Admiral P.G. Kotov in resignation . For a joint decision with Chernavin, I offer you the post of Deputy Commanded Craftsman and Arma. " This proposal was unexpected and became the highest assessment of my work and the entire Navy rocket and artillery service. I warmly thanked Sergey Georgievich for the high confidence and the honor rendered and assured that I would try to justify them. It was my last report to him. In subsequent years only telephone conversations: The latter took place on the eve of the Victory Day of 1988, and soon it was not:

It was a huge loss for the fleet, for the country. It is difficult to overestimate everything that was done by it. The main outcome of his life is the creation of a powerful ocean, rocket-nuclear, nuclear fleet of the country of the Soviets and the conclusion of it in the world ocean. This gigantic work is S.G. Gorshkova deserves not only the highest assessment, but also a deep study of scientists and the publication of special works devoted to the life path of the outstanding son of the Fatherland. Thanks to the fate for what I was lucky - a person who played in my life and the service decisive role was met. God's eternal glory and memory.

The history of Russian has more than three centuries. During this time, hundreds of outstanding commanders were awarded the title of admiral. Some of them played a significant role in fate not only the fleet, but also the whole country.

Apraksin Fedor Matveyevich

According to the legend, the genus of the famous admiral and occurred from the aristocratic estate of the Golden Horde. The Tatar-Mongolian ancestor of the Boyar dynasty adopted Christian baptism and married Russian princes during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. His distant descendant Fedor Apraksin at a young age entered the service under the royal yard. By fulfilling the obligations of the Claim, he managed to decline the confidence and the location of the young Peter.

The first serious state post of Apraksina was the position of the governor in Arkhangelsk. He had a chance to accompany the king in swimming in the White Sea. Soon after, Apraksin received from the sovereign Chin Major and the appointment in Semenovsky Regiment. In subsequent years, he was an unchanged satellite of the emperor-reformer in all military campaigns and diplomatic missions. Apraksin took part in the second siege of Azov. As part of the Great Embassy, \u200b\u200bhe visited Holland, where he got acquainted with the basics of the sea. Apraksin was led by the construction of ships in Voronezh, which should have become the basis of the Russian fleet. He made a huge contribution to the implementation of the plans of Peter the Great to turn the country into a new marine power. Apraksina was destined to become one of the first in the list of Russian admirals.

Commander during the Northern War of the army and the fleet in Ingermanland, he manifested himself a prudent strategist. Apraksin managed to repel the offensive of the Swedes to Petersburg and forced the capitulate the fortress Vyborg. One of the first admirals of the fleet of Russia participated in the famous defeat of the squadron of King Charles at Cape Gangeut.

Soon after, Apraksin fell into royal disfavor because of the accusations of corruption. Only previous merit saved him from severe punishment. Subsequently, Tsar Peter forgave Apraksina and appointed him by the Governor General conquered from the Swedes of provinces. One of the first admirals of the fleet of Russia for several years survived his emperor and died in 1728.

This sea commander is famous for not lost in battles not a single ship. Another unusual fact is that the Orthodox Church Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov is counted for the faith of saints. One of the most prominent admirals of the Russian fleet began his career in the Baltic Sea. During the first war with the Turks, he participated in the defense of the shores of the Crimea. Later, Ushakov commanded the personal Yacht Catherine II and defended Russian trade ships in the Mediterranean Sea from the attacks of the British fleet. He fully showed his brilliant abilities during the war with the Ottoman Empire of 1787-1791. Ushakov defeated superior enemy forces at the Island of Fidonisi, in the Kerch Strait and in the Temond and Caliac Cameras. In 1799, he became one of the admirals of the fleet of Russia.

Ushakov resigned without losing any of his 43 nautical battles. The last years of life, Flotodets dedicated prayers and church services.

Kruzenshtern Ivan Fedorovich

The famous Russian admiral had German-Swedish roots. At birth, he was given the name Adam Johann Ritter von Kruzenshtern. This navigator headed the first Russian round-the-world expedition. Kruzenshtern entered the service in the imperial fleet in the rank of Gardemarina after training in the Cadet Corps in Kronstadt. For the valor shown in the battles of the Russian-Swedish war, he received the rank of lieutenant.

In 1799, Kruzenshtern introduced the Tsarist Government to establish a direct maritime report with Russian colonies in America. The offer was supported by the Academy of Sciences and approved by Alexander the first. The additional benefit of the project was to build a more convenient way to conduct trade with China. The expedition lasted two years. Kruzenshtern and his assistants amounted to Atlas and a travel report, which described in detail all seen land and peoples. This scientific work was translated into many European languages.

The subsequent years of his life Kruzenshtern basically dedicated to teaching activities. He awarded the honorary membership at the Academy of Sciences and was appointed director of the navigation school. Kruzenshtern made a lot of improvements to the work of this school. Died in 1846 in his estate in Estonia.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

He entered the story as a fleet commander and land forces during the Crimean War and the siege of Sevastopol. Nakhimov studied at the St. Petersburg sea noble corps and received the first experience of swimming on a ship at the age of fifteen years. After participating in the circulation expedition, he was erected into the rank of lieutenant.

Nakhimov distinguished himself in the major maritime battle of the united squadron of Russia, France and England against the fleet of the Ottoman Empire. In history, this event is known as a reward for the skillful use of the artillery of Nakhimov was appointed captain of the trophy ship.

During the Crimean War, he conducted a brilliant operation on blocking and destroying the Turkish fleet in the Harbor of the city of Sinopa. Nakhimov received the title of Admiral and was appointed Military Governor of Sevastopol. He commanded the defense city and supported the morale of soldiers and officers. In 1855, being in advanced positions, Nakhimov received a deadly bullet wound. Admiral was buried in the crypt of the Saint Vladimir Cathedral in Sevastopol.

The commander of the Russian fleet in the Baltic Sea took place from the Family of the Ostsey Germans. His ancestors served the empire from the times of Peter the first. After graduation cadet corps And Nikolai Essen maritime academy received the title of Lieutenant and in the process of developing his further career commanded several ships, including armadago "Sevastopol". Admiral's name entered the story due to russian-Japanese war. After the surrender of the fortress of Port Arthur, he flooded "Sevastopol" so that the ship does not get the enemy. Essen was taken to Nagasaki as a prisoner of war, but two months later released. After returning to St. Petersburg as a reward for his brave actions, he received the Order of St. George.

During the First World War, Essen commanded the Baltic Fleet. Many considered him the most capable Russian admiral of that time. Nikolai Essen unexpectedly died in 1915 as a result of the disease. His name is named frigate of the naval forces of the Russian Federation.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

The last admiral of the empire has become a recognized white movement leader. Alexander Kolchak possessed a huge authority among the opponents of the Bolsheviks. During the period of the civil war, he headed the temporary Siberian government in Omsk. Attempts by Kolchak to unite all anti-Bolshevik forces were not crowned with success. After the white movement turned out to be on the verge of defeat, the Czech allies issued the admiral of the Red Army. Kolchak was executed without trial. The place of its burial is unknown.

IN Russian Empire China Admiral was honored with 189 people. The first of them was the companion of Peter the first last - Alexander Kolchak. In the USSR, this title began to be appropriated in 1940. In total, he received 79 Soviet maritime commanders. By decision of Joseph Stalin, a higher rank was established, corresponding to the Land Marshal - Admiral Fleet. Soon after the collapse of the USSR, he was canceled.

the Russian Federation

Many Soviet admirals remained in service in the Navy. The assignment of the highest maritime rank continued in new epoch. The list of admirals of the Russian Federation has 35 people. Since 1992, the six owners of this title were held by the post of commander-in-chief of the Navy:

  1. Gromov Felix Nikolaevich.
  2. Kroedov Vladimir Ivanovich.
  3. Masorin Vladimir Vasilyevich.
  4. Vysotsky Vladimir Sergeevich.
  5. Korolev Vladimir Ivanovich.

The predecessor of the current commander-in-chief Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov was forced to resign due to health problems. The Minister of Defense handed the Admiral Korolev Schtandart Navy in April 2016.

    Winners solemnly awarded diplomas of laureates and prize figurines of "Centaur with a flower in the chest" of the sculptor of Ernst Unknown.

    Opening a holiday evening, permanent lead, author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project "Light past" People's Artist of the Russian Federation Oleg Mityaev Suggested a date on January 17 to make the "Red Calendar Day" - as the Day of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region, and as the Day of the celebration of the "Light past". The first deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region spoke with a welcoming speech Andrey Nikolayevich Kosilov.

    The folk premium is awarded only on native land, therefore the winners who could not get a centaution in a timely manner becoming the guests of the next ceremony. The event of the evening was the arrival in Chelyabinsk to receive a folk premium Viktor Borisovich Khristenko: One of the first laureates of the "Light Past" (2004), finally, managed to combine his intense schedule with the date of the ceremony. The minister warmly welcomed countrymen, stressing the special significance of the project, uniting people returning them to their roots.

    One of the important conditions for the success of the project: People associated with them with fate, related or friendly bings, common activity, lifestyle, etc. are awarded award, but also residents of other cities and regions of the region - Zlatousta, Miass, Asha , Satka, laureates of the folk premium of past years. Among those who went to the scene to present the figurines and with congratulations to laureates - Vice-President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chairman of the Board of the International Cultural Foundation "World for Culture and Peace" Mark Levikov, managing director of OJSC "ChmK" Sergey Malyshev, Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Makarov; People's Artist of the Russian Federation Valentina Kachurina; Major General Stock, Head of the Security Service of the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant Leonid Polyakov, Olympic champion, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Laureate of the "Light past" premium -2006 Svetlana Ishmuratova; Head of the Head Representation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District on Maritime Strategic Rockets, Captain of the First Rank Andrei Yurikov other. The "bright past" connects people: there are classmates, friends, relatives, colleagues who sometimes have not seen many years. In the hall - family members of the laureates, their relatives. This is a whole army of fans capable of empathizing, supporting every laureate, as "their", "our". The unifying moment for the scene and the auditorium is the project's leitmotif - the topic malaya Motherland, the topic of people's community.

    The creative context of the event is supported by the best figures of the culture and art of Russia, so, the unchanged participant of all ceremonies is the world-famous composer and musician, folk premium laureate, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kroll. For the first time in the role of the host of the ceremony, the famous TV presenter "Good morning" and the program "Fashion sentence" Arina Sharapovawho conquered the hall with charm, sincerity and unique charm. The actor and cinema, People's Artist of Russia became a special guest of the ceremony Dmitry Pevtsov: He fulfilled an honorary mission, having received a statist table of Centaur and Diploma for his "cinematic godfather" - film director Gleb Panfilovawho could not come to the ceremony. For the Chelyabinsk public, the artist fulfilled an excerpt from his concert program "Singers a lot, singers - one."

    Not attended at the celebration and Galina Shcherbakova: video excretion from her (an interview in Moscow recorded a famous television journalist Rustem Sofronov, Laureate of "Light Past" -2007) was warmly greeted by the public. The statuette was presented (for the transfer of a colleague according to the "creative workshop") a special guest of the ceremony, the famous Russian writer Victoria Tokareva. A real gift for viewers, participants, and, most importantly, for the laureate Sergey Plotov was the performance of the people's artist of Russia Gennady Khazanova. Gennady Viktorovich did not just hand over his favorite author, but brought with him a unique entry of one of the reprise in his performance belonging to the "Peru Rodov", witty commented on it and his own poems dedicated to the perpetrator of the celebration were tried in the final.

    Artists took part in the ceremony Leonid Margolin, Rodion Marchenko, Witold Petrovsky(Moscow), Laureate of International Festivals of Jazz Music Big Band "Jazz Academy" under the management of the well-deserved artist of Russia Stanislav Berezhnov, Ballroom Dance Ensemble "Pulse" Palace of the culture of metallurgists under the leadership of the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Svetlana Malichina.

    During the preparation of the ceremony, a press conference was held with the participation of laureates and guests.


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