Geodakian evolutionary theory. Evolutionary floor theory according to V.

Geodakian evolutionary theory. Evolutionary floor theory according to V.

© VA Geodakian

Evolutionary floor theory V.A. Geodakian

Vigen Artavazdovich Geodakyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animal. A.N. Seversov Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Biologist theorist. Scientific interests - the problems associated with the problem of evolution, genetics, ecology, brain asymmetry and psychology, as well as issues of information and organization of systems.

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, drawings are not given - V.V.

No natural phenomenon caused such interest and did not contain so many mysteries as the floor. The largest biologists were engaged in the problem: Ch. Darwin, A. Wallace, A. Weisman, R. Goldshmidt, R. Fisher, Meller. And the riddles remained, and modern authorities continued to talk about the crisis of evolutionary biology. "Paul is the main challenge of the modern theory of evolution ... Queen of problems of evolutionary biology", - believes G. Bell - "The intuition of Darwin and Mendel, who lit so many mysteries, could not cope with the central mystery of sexual reproduction" . What are there two gender? What does it give?

The main advantages of sexual reproduction is made to communicate with the provision of genetic diversity, the suppression of harmful mutations, an obstacle to a nearby crossing - inbreeding. However, all this is the result of fertilization, which is also in hermaphrodites, and not differentiation (separation) into two floors. In addition, the combinatorial potential of the hermaphroditic reproduction is twice as high than the separation, and the quantitative efficacy of the most of the useless methods is two times higher than the genital. It turns out a separate way - the worst? Why then all the evolutionary progressive forms of animals (mammals, birds, insects) and plants (dwarm) separations?

The author of these lines, at the beginning of the 60s, expressed the idea that the differentiation of floors is the economical form of information contact with the environment, specialization in two main "aspects of evolution - conservative and operational, for the time passed since that time it was possible to open a number of regularities and create The theory that explains from a single position a lot of diverse facts and predicts new ones. The essence of the theory will be presented in the article.

Two floors - two information flows

In principle, two solutions of this conflict are possible for the system: to be on some optimal "distance" from the environment or divided into two conjugate subsystems - conservative and operational, first "remove away" from the medium to keep the available information, and the second "closer" to the environment To get a new one. The second solution increases the overall sustainability of the system, therefore it is often found among evolving, adaptive, follow-up systems (regardless of their particular nature) - biological, social, technical, etc. It is precisely the evolutionary logic of the field differentiation. Milk forms "adhere to" the first solution, separators - the second.

If you select two streams of information: a generative (transmission of genetic information from generation to generation, from the past to the future) and environmental (information from the environment, from the present to the future), it is easy to make sure that two sexes participate in different ways. In the evolution of the gender at different stages and levels of the organization, a number of mechanisms appeared, which consistently ensured a closer female bond with a generative (conservative) flow, and a male - with environmental (operational). So, in the male floor compared to the female above the frequency of mutations, less additivity of the inheritance of parental signs, already the reaction rate, above aggressiveness and curiosity, more active search, risky behavior and other qualities, "approaching the environment". All of them, purposefully bringing the male floor to the periphery of the distribution, provide him with preferentially obtaining environmental information. Another group of features is a huge redundancy of men's weights, their small sizes and high mobility, the greater activity and mobility of males, their tendency to polygamy and other etcological and psychological properties. Long periods of pregnancy, feeding and care for the offspring in females, actually increasing the effective concentration of men's individuals, turn the male floor to "excessful", to be, "cheap", and female - in the scarce and more valuable.

This leads to the fact that the selection acts mainly due to the removal of men's individuals, "redundancy" and "low cost" allow it to work with large coefficients. As a result, the number of men's individuals decreases in the population, but large potential opportunities allow them to fertilize all women. A small number of men's individuals transfers as much information as a large number of female, in other words, the channel of communication with the offspring of the male is wider than that of female. It means that genetic information transmitted by the female line is representative, and on a male selective, that is, in the women's line, the past variety of genotypes is fully maintained, the average genotype varies more.

We turn to the population - an elementary evolving unit.

Any separate population is characterized by three main parameters: the ratio of floors (by the ratio of the number of men's individuals to the number of female), the dispersion of the floors (the ratio of the variances of the sign, or its diversity, in male and female individuals), sexual dimorphism (the ratio of average signs for male and female floors). Ascribing the female sex a conservative mission, and the male - operational, the theory binds these parameters of the population with the conditions of the medium and the evolutionary plasticity of the species.

In a stable (optimal) environment, when there is no need to change anything, the conservative trends and evolutionary plasticity are minimal. In the driving (extreme) environment, when the plasticity is required, operational trends are enhanced. In some species, let's say lower crustaceans, these transitions are switched out by switching from one type of reproduction to another (for example, in optimal conditions - parthenogenetic, in extreme - separation). In most separate species, this regulation is smooth: Under the optimal conditions, the main characteristics are lowered (the birth rate of men's individuals decreases, their dispersion is narrowed, the sexual dimorphism decreases), and in extreme - grow (this is an ecological phase differentiation rule).

Since environmental stress leads to their sharp growth, these population parameters can serve as an indicator of the state of an ecological niche. In this regard, it is imposed that the birth rate of boys in Karakalpakia has increased by 5% over the past decade. According to the environmental rule, the main parameters should grow with any natural or social cataclysms (strong earthquakes, war, hunger, relocation, etc.). Now about the elementary step of evolution.

Transformation of genetic information in one generation

The genotype is a program that in different environments can be realized in one of the whole spectrum of phenotypes (signs). Therefore, there was not a certain meaning of the sign in the genotype, but the range of possible values. One, the most suitable phenotype for a particular medium is implemented in ontogenesis. Consequently, the genotype sets the range of implementations, the environment "selects" the point within this range, the width of which is the reaction rate characterizing the degree of participation of the medium in the character determination

According to one ground, for example, the blood group or color of the eyes, the reaction rate is narrow, therefore the environment does not actually affect them;, according to other psychological, intellectual abilities - very wide, therefore many connect them only with the influence of the medium, i.e. by upbringing; Third signs, say growth, mass, occupy an intermediate position.

Taking into account two differences in the floors - by the norm of the reaction (which is wider in women's individuals) and the cross section of the communication channel (wider in men's individuals) - consider the transformation of genetic information in one generation, i.e. from the zygota to the zygota, in becoming a bilizing and driving medium . Suppose that the initial distribution of genotypes in the population is equally for male and female zygot, that is, the sexual dimorphism under the sign under consideration is absent. In order to obtain the distribution of phenotypes (organisms before and after the selection) from the distribution of the zygota genotypes, from it, in turn, the distribution of the genotypes of eggs and sperm, and, finally, the distribution of the next generation's zygot, it is enough to trace the transformation of two extreme zygot genotypes to extreme phenotypes, extreme Gamets and again in the zygotes. The remaining genotypes are intermediate and remain those in all distributions. A wider female reaction rate allows him to leave the selection zones, maintain and transfer the entire spectrum of the initial genotypes to leave the offspring.

The narrow norm of the male reaction causes it to remain in the zones of elimination and subjected to intensive selection. Therefore, the male floor transmits the next generation only a narrow part of the initial spectrum of genotypes, the most appropriate environmental conditions at the moment. In a stabilizing medium, this middle part of the spectrum, in the driving - the edge of the distribution. It means that genetic information transferred to the female gender to offspring is more representative, and transmitted by men's more selective. Intensive selection reduces the number of men's individuals, but since the zygota form is required equal to the number of men's and women's weights, male individuals have to fertilize not one female. The wide cross-section of the male canal it allows. Consequently, in each generation of the population of the eggs of wide variety, carrying information about the past richness of genotypes, merge with sperms of narrow diversity, the genotypes of which contain information only about the most suitable environment for current conditions. Thus, the next generation receives information about the past on the maternal line, about the present - on the paternal.

In a stabilizing medium, medium genotypes of male and female games are the same, only their dispersion differ, so the genotypic distribution of the next-generation zygot coincides with the original. The only result of the differentiation of floors at the same time comes down to the population of the population for environmental information "cheaper" male gender. A different picture in the driving medium, where changes affect not only dispersion, but also the average values \u200b\u200bof genotypes. The genotypic sexual dimorphism of heamers appears, which is nothing more than the entry (fixation) of environmental information in the distribution of men's weights. What is his further fate?

If paternal genetic information is transmitted to sons and daughters stochastically, in fertilization it completely mixes and the sexual dimorphism will disappear. But if there are any mechanisms that prevent complete mixing, some share of this information will fall from fathers only to sons and, it means, part of the sexual dimorphism will continue from the zygota. And such mechanisms exist. For example, only information from the U-chromosome genes falls on sons; In different ways, genes of descendants are manifested, depending on whether they are inherited from the father or mother. Without such barriers, it is also difficult to explain the dominance of the father's genotype in the descendants from reciprocal crosses, known in animal husbandry, say, the high fee of cows transmitted through the bull. All this makes it possible that only the differences in the floors rather than the reaction and cross section of the communication channel so that in the driving medium, the genotypic sexual dimorphism occurs in one generation, which, when changing generations, it will accumulate and grow.

Diemorphism and dichronism in phylogenesis

So, when the stabilizing environment becomes driving, the evolution of a sign begins at a male. Floor, and in female it remains, that is, the divergence of the sign occurs, it turns into a dimorphic from the monomorphic.

Of several possible evolutionary scenarios allow you to choose the only two obvious fact: both sexes are evolving; There are signs of both mono- and dimorphic. This is possible only if the phases of the evolution of a sign of the sexes are shifted over time: the male change a sign begins and ends earlier than that of female. At the same time, according to the environmental rule, the minimum dispersion in the stabilizing environment is expanding with the beginning of evolution and narrows upon completion.

The trajectory of the evolution of a sign splits on the male and female branches, the sexual dimorphism appears and grows. This is the divergent phase in which the rate of evolution and dispersion of a sign of male pain. After a lot of generations and female begins to expand the dispersion and change the sign. Sexual dimorphism, reaching the optimum, remains constant. This is a parallel phase: the evolution speed of the sign and its dispersion in both sexes are constant and equal. When the male is a sign reaches a new, stable value, the dispersion is narrowed and the evolution stops, but still continues at the female. This is a convergent phase, in which the rate of evolution and dispersion is more in the female. Sexual dimorphism gradually decreases and, when the sign in the floors becomes the same, disappears, and the dispersion is aligned and become minimal. This completes the separator stage of the evolution of a sign, followed by a monomorphic, or stage of stability.

Thus, the entire phylogenetic trajectory of the evolution of a sign consists of alternating monomorphic and dimorphic stages, the presence of the same dimorphism the theory considers as a criterion of the evolution of a sign.

So, sexual dimorphism on any sign is closely connected with its evolution: it appears with its beginning, it is preserved while it goes, and disappears as soon as the evolution ends. It means that sexual dimorphism is a consequence of not only sexual selection, as Darwin believed, but any: natural, sexual, artificial. This is an indispensable stage, the modus of the evolution of any sign in separation forms associated with the formation of the "distance" between the floors in the morphological and chronological axes. Sexual dimorphism and sexual dichronism are two dimensions of the total phenomenon - dichronomorphism.

This can be formulated in the form of phylogenetic rules of sexual dimorphism and dispersion of floors: if there is a population sexual dimorphism on any sign, the sign evolves from the female form to the male; If the dispersion of the sign is greater in the male floor - the phase divergent, the dispersions are equal - parallel, the dispersion is more in the female - the phase is convergent. According to the first rule, it is possible to determine the direction of the evolution of the feature, according to the second - its phase, or the path passed. Taking advantage of the rules of sexual dimorphism, you can make a number of easily checked predictions. So, based on the fact that the evolution of most types of vertebrates was accompanied by an increase in the size, the direction of sexual dimorphism can be installed - in large forms, males, as a rule, are larger than females. Conversely, since many insects and spider-sifted in the course of evolution were smaller, the males must have less females.

The rule is easy to check on agricultural animals and plants, an artificial evolution (selection) of which a person directed. Selection - economic valuable - signs should be more advanced in males. There are many such examples: meat breeds of animals - pigs, sheep, cows, birds - males grow faster, gain weight and give better quality meat; stallions are superior to the mares of sports and working qualities; The rams of fine-dimensional rocks give 1.5-2 times more wool than sheep; The males fur animals are better than females; The males of the silkworm give 20% more silk and so on,

We now turn from the phylogenetic scale to the ontogenetic.

Dimorphism and dichronism in ontogenesis

If each of the phases of the phylogenetic scenario is to proper on ontogenesis (according to the rest of the recapitulation, ontogenesis is a brief repetition of phylogenesis), it is possible to obtain the corresponding six (three phases in the evolutionary stage and three in stable; dual, aftervolutionary and intervoluction) different scenarios for the development of sexual dimorphism in individual Development. Dichronism will manifest itself in ontogenesis as age delay in the development of a sign in the female, that is, the domination of the female form of the dimorphic sign at the beginning of ontogenesis and the male at the end. This is an ontogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism: if there is a population sexual dimorphism on any sign, this sign changes in the ontogenesis, as a rule, from female form to male. In other words, signs of the mother breed should weaken, and the paternal - to increase. Checking this rule for two dozen anthropometric features fully confirms the prediction of the theory. A vivid example - the development of horns different species Deer and antelope: the stronger the "horns" of the species, the earlier the horns appear in the ontogenesis first in the males, and then in females. The same pattern - the age delay in the female in the functional asymmetry of the brain - was revealed by S. Vytelzon. She examined the ability of 200 right-handed children to learn items to the touch with the left and right hand and found out that the boys have already have a robust specialization for 6 years, and girls up to 13 years old are "symmetrical."

The patterns described belong to the dimorphic, evolving grounds. But there are also monomorphic, stable, according to which there is no gender dimorphism. These are the fundamental signs of species and higher community ranks, such as multicellularity, warm-bloodedness, common for both sexes of the structure of the body, the number of organs, etc. by theory, if their dispersion is more in the male, then the phase is associated, if in the female - Investigated. In the last phase the theory predicts the existence of "relics" of sexual dimorphism and dispersion of floors in pathology. "Relic" dispersion is manifested as an increased frequency of congenital abnormalities in the female, and the "Relic" of sexual dimorphism - in different direction of them. This is a gerphea Diemorfism: congenital anomalies having an atavistic nature, more often should appear in the female, and having a futuristic nature (search) - in male. For example, among newborns with a supernorumative number of kidneys, ribs, vertebrae, teeth, etc. - all organs We have undergone the reduction of the number during evolution, there must be more girls, and with their lack of boys. Medical statistics This confirms this: Among 2 thousand children born with one kidney, about 2.5 times more boys, and among 4 thousand children with three kidneys almost twice the girls. Such a distribution is not accidental, it reflects the evolution of the excretory system. Consequently, three kidneys in girls are a refund to the ancestral type of development, an atavistic direction; One kidney in boys - futuristic, continued reduction trend. Similar and statistics on an abnormal number of edges. With dislocation of the thigh, congenital vice, with whom children run and climb on trees, than healthy, girls are born five to six times more than boys.

A similar picture and in the distribution of congenital heart defects and trunk vessels. Of the 32 thousand verified diagnoses in all "female" vices prevailed elements peculiar to the heart of the embryo or phylogenetic predecessors of a person: an open oval hole in the inter-subsensudual partition, an inadequate Botalas duct (a vessel connecting the fetal artery with aorta) and others. "Men's" The vices were more often new (search): neither in philogenesis, nor embryos had analogy - all sorts of stenosis (narrowing) and transposition of trunk vessels.

The listed rules cover the dimorphic signs inherent in both floors. And how are the signs inherent in only one floor, such as egg production, fullness? Phenotypic sexual dimorphism on such signs is absolute, organized, but hereditary information about them is recorded in the genotype of both sexes. Therefore, if they evolve, the genotypic sexual dimorphism should exist on them, which can be detected from reciprocal hybrids. According to such signs (among other evolving), the theory predicts the direction of reciprocal effects. Reciprocal hybrids according to the diversifying signs of parents should dominate the father's form (breed), and on the converging - maternal. This is an evolutionary rule of reciprocal effects. It gives an amazing opportunity to identify greater genotypical advancedness of male sex even for purely feminine signs. It would seem that PA ^ Radoxal prediction of the theory is fully confirmed: in the same breed of bulls genotypically "wonder" cows, and the roosters are more "eggs" than the chickens, that is, these signs are transmitted mainly by the males.

The problems of evolution are mainly related to "black boxes" without entering - in them, direct experiment is impossible. The necessary information is the evolutionary teaching of screams of three sources: paleontology, comparative anatomy and embryology. Each of them has significant limitations, because only part of the signs. The formulated rules give a new method for evolutionary studies absolutely in all signs of separation forms. Therefore, the method is of particular value for studying the evolution of a person, its signs such as temperament, intelligence, the functional asymmetry of the brain, verbal, spatially visual, creative abilities, humor and other psychological properties to which traditional methods Not applicable.

Functional asymmetry of the brain and psychological features

For a long time, she was considered the privilege of a person, communicating with speech, right, self-awareness, believed that asymmetry is secondary - a consequence of these unique characteristics of a person. It is now established that asymmetry is widespread in placental animals, most researchers also recognize the difference of its severity in men and women. J. Levi believes, for example, that the female brain is similar to the Brain of the Lefty Men, that is, less asymmetrical than that of a man-right-handed.

From the standpoint of the theory of the floor, a more asymmetric brain in men (and males of some vertebrates) means that evolution comes from symmetry to asymmetry. The sexual dimorphism on the asymmetry of the brain gives hope to understand and explain the differences in the abilities and inclinations of men and women.

It is known that our distant phylogenetic ancestors had side eyes (in human embryos of early development stages they are also located), the visual fields did not overlap, each eye was associated only with the opposite hemispheres (contralateral connections). In the process of evolution, the eye moved to the front side, the visual fields were overlapped, but to arise a stereoscopic picture, the visual information from both eyes was to focus in one brain area.

The vision was stereoscopic only after additional - ipsilateral - fibers that joined the left eye with the left hemisphere, right - with the right. So, the ipsilateral connections are evolutionally younger than contralateral, and therefore men should be more advanced, i.e., the ipsilateral fibers in the visual nerve.

Since the surround imagination and spatially visual abilities are associated with stereoscopy (and the number of IPSivolok), men should be developed better than women. And in fact, psychologists are well known that in the understanding of the geometric tasks, men are much superior to women, as in reading geographical maps, orientation on the area, etc.

How did the psychological sexual dimorphism originate, in terms of gender theory? There is no fundamental difference in the evolution of morphophysiological and psychological or behavioral signs. A wide female reaction rate provides him with a higher than that of the male, plasticity (adaptability) in ontogenesis. This also applies to psychological features. The selection in discomfort zones in the male and female goes in different directions: thanks to the wide range of reaction, the female floor can "get out" from these zones due to educationalness, training, conformity, i.e., in general, adaptability. For male, this path is closed due to a narrow reaction rate; Only resourcefulness, intelligence, ingenuity can provide him with survival in uncomfortable conditions. In other words, women adapt to the situation, men go out of it, finding a new solution, discomfort stimulates the search.

Therefore, men are more willing for new, requiring search, extraordinary tasks (often performing them in the village), and women better bring the solution to familiar tasks to perfection. Is it because they succeed in those activities where you can do well pollovated skills, for example in working on the conveyor?

If we master the speech, writing, any craft to consider in an evolutionary aspect, you can select the search phase (finding new solutions), the development and phase of consolidation, improvement. Male advantage in the first phase and female in the second revealed in special studies.

An innovation in any business is a male mission. Men were first mastered all professions, sports, even knitting, in which the monopoly of women is indisputable, invented men (Italy, XIII century). The role of the avant-garde belongs to men and in exposure to certain diseases and social vices. It is the male sex that is more often susceptible to "new" diseases, or, as they are called, diseases of the century,; civilization, urbanization - atherosclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia, AIDS, as well as social defects - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling, crime, etc.

According to theory, there must be two opposite types of mental diseases associated with the avant-garde role of the male and the arrigard - female.

Pathology, which is accompanied by insufficient brain asymmetry, small sizes of the corpulent body and large anterior commission, should two - four times more often to meet in women, anomalies with opposite characteristics - in men. Why?

If there is no difference between the sexes on the quantitative basis, the distribution of its values \u200b\u200bin the population is often described by a Gaussian curve. Two extreme areas of such distribution and there are zones of pathology - "plus" and "minus" of deviations, from the norm, in each of which men's and women's individuals fall with equal vessels. But if the sexual dimorphism exists, then each floor is distributed by each floor "It is formed, two curves aparted on the size of sexual dimorphism are formed. Since they remain inside the general language distribution, then one zone of pathology will be enriched with male individuals, the other women. By the way, the" sex specialization "characteristic of many others is characteristic of almost all countries of the world. Diseases.

The above examples show how "running" the theory of gender only in some human problems, in reality, it covers a much greater array of phenomena, including a social aspect.

Since the particulate state of the sign indicates that he is on the "evolutionary march", the maximum differences should be on the most recent evolutionary acquisitions of human-abstract thinking, creative abilities, spatial imagination, humor, they must prevail in men. And indeed, outstanding scientists, composers, artists, writers, directors - mostly men, and among the performers there are many women.

The problem of sex affects the very important areas of the interests of a person: demographics and medicine, psychology and pedagogy, the study of alcoholism, drug addiction and crime, through genetics it is associated with the economy. The correct social concept of the floor is needed to solve the problems of fertility and mortality, family and upbringing, professional orientation. Such a concept should be based on a natural biological basis, because without understanding the biological, evolutionary roles of the male and female, it is impossible to correctly define their social roles.

Here are only a few oversized conclusions of the theory of sex, from uniform positions, a variety of, previously incomprehensible phenomena and facts are explained, predictive possibilities are mentioned. So let's summarize. Evolutionary floor theory allows:

  • 1) predict the behavior of the basic characteristics of the separation of the population in stable (optimal) and driving (extreme) media;
  • 2) differentiate evolving and stable signs;
  • 3) determine the direction of the evolution of any sign;
  • 4) to establish a phase (traveled path) of the evolution of the feature;
  • 5) Determine the average evolution rate of the feature: V \u003d dimorphism / dichronism
  • 6) predict six different variants of the ontogenetic dynamics of sexual dimorphism corresponding to each phase of phylogenesis;
  • 7) predict the direction of dominance of the sign of the father's or parent rock in reciprocal hybrids;
  • 8) to predict and open the "relics" dispersion of floors and sexual dimorphism in the region of congenital pathologies;
  • 9) establish the relationship between age and sexual epidemiology.

So, the female specialization on the preservation of genetic information, and the male - according to its change is achieved by the heterochrome evolution of the floors. Consequently, the floor is not so much a way of reproduction as it is considered how much an asynchronous evolution.

Since the work presented here is the fruit of theoretical reflection and, generalizations, one cannot but say a few words about the role of theoretical research in biology. Natural science, according to the famous physics, the laureate of the Nobel Prize R. Milliken, is moving on two legs - theory and experiment. But this is how things are in physics, the cult of facts reigns in biology, it still lives observations and experiment, theoretical biology as such, there is no analogue of theoretical physics. Of course, this is due to the complexity of living systems, hence the skepticism of biologists who are accustomed to the traditional way - from facts and experiments to summarizing conclusions and theory. But can the science of live continue to remain purely empirical in the "age of biology", which, according to many contemporaries, is going to change the "century and physics"? It seems that biology is time to stand on both legs.


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The main advantages of sexual reproduction are the provision of genetic diversity, the suppression of harmful mutations, the obstacle to the near-good crossing - the result of fertilization, and not differentiation by two floors.

Hermaphrodites also have fertilization, but the combinatorial potential is twice as high as the separation, and the quantitative efficacy of the most of the most divergers is two times higher than the genital.

At the beginning of the 60s, the Evolutionary theory of Paul V. A. Geodakyan was proposed: Flooring Differentiation is the economical form of information contact with the environment, specialization in two main aspects of evolution - conservative and operational. Two floors - two streams of information.

Saving and changing evolves both the system and environment, but since the environment is always greater than the system, it dictates the evolution of the system. From the environment goes n degrading information - the system must remain stable, n useful information - the system should be sensitive.

Two solutions to this problem: N n Be at some optimal distance from the environment to divide into two conjugate systems - conservative and operational, conservative to remove away from the environment, promptly closer to the environment for obtaining new information

Two streams of information: 1) Generative - transmission of genetic information from generation to generation, from the past to the future (female floor): long periods of feeding and care for offspring - Conservative Mission 2) Environmental - information from the environment, from the present in the future (male floor ): Above the frequency of mutations, already the rate of reaction, above aggressiveness and curiosity, active search behavior - operational mission

N N In the evolution of the gender at different stages and levels of the organization, a number of mechanisms appeared, which consistently ensured a closer female connection with a generative (conservative) flow, and male - with environmental (operational). So, in the male floor compared to the female above the frequency of mutations, less additivity of the inheritance of parental signs, already the reaction rate, above aggressiveness and curiosity, more active search, risky behavior and other qualities, "approaching the environment".

All of them, purposefully bringing the male floor to the periphery of the distribution, provide him with preferentially obtaining environmental information. N Another group of features is a huge redundancy of male weights, their small sizes and high mobility, the greater activity and mobility of males, their tendency to polygamy and other etological properties. N.

Long periods of pregnancy, feeding and care for the offspring in females, actually increasing the effective concentration of men's individuals, turn the male floor to "excessful", to be, "cheap", and female - in the scarce and more valuable. n This leads to the fact that the selection acts mainly due to the removal of men's individuals, "redundancy" and "cheapness" allow it to work with large coefficients. N.

N n As a result, the number of men's individuals decreases in the population, but large potential opportunities allow them to fertilize all women's. A small number of men's individuals transfers as much information as a large number of female, in other words, the channel of communication with the offspring of the male is wider than that of female. It means that genetic information transmitted by the female line is representative, and on a male selective, that is, in the women's line, the past variety of genotypes is fully maintained, the average genotype varies more.

NN Any separate population is characterized by three basic parameters: the ratio of floors (ratio of the number of men's individuals to the number of female), dispersion of floors (the ratio of the values \u200b\u200bof the dispersion of the feature, or its diversity, in male and female individuals), sexual dimorphism (the ratio of average signs for male and female floors). Ascribing the female sex a conservative mission, and the male operational, the theory binds these parameters of the population with the conditions of the medium and the evolutionary plasticity of the species.

The transformation of genetic information in one generation N n The genotype is a program that in different environments can be realized in one of the whole spectrum of phenotypes (signs). Therefore, there was not a certain meaning of the sign in the genotype, but the range of possible values. One, the most suitable phenotype for a particular medium is implemented in ontogenesis. Consequently, the genotype sets the range of implementations, the environment "selects" the point within this range, the width of which is the reaction rate characterizing the degree of participation of the medium in the definition.

According to one ground, for example, the blood group or color, the reaction rate is narrow, so the environment does not actually affect them; N According to other - psychological, intellectual abilities - very wide, so many connect them only with the influence of the medium, i.e. education; N Third signs, say growth, mass, occupy an intermediate position. N.

n taking into account two differences in the floors - by the norm of the reaction (which is wider in women's individuals) and the cross section of the communication channel (wider in men's individuals) - consider the transformation of genetic information in one generation, i.e. from the zygote to the zygota, in the stabilizing and driving medium . Suppose that the initial distribution of genotypes in the population is equally for male and female zygot, that is, the sexual dimorphism under the sign under consideration is absent. In order to obtain the distribution of phenotypes (organisms before and after selection) from the distribution of the genotypes of the zygota, from it, in turn, the distribution of the genotypes of egg cells and sperm.

The distribution of the next-generation zygot, it is enough to trace the transformation of two extreme genotypes of the zygota in extreme phenotypes, extreme grounds and again in the zygotes. N The remaining genotypes are intermediate and will remain those in all distributions. n The larger female reaction rate allows him to leave the selection zones from the modification plasticity, to preserve and transfer the entire spectrum of initial genotypes to be offended. N.

N n n Intensive selection reduces the number of men's individuals, but since the zygota is required equal to the number of men's and women's weights, male individuals have to fertilize not one female. The wide cross-section of the male canal it allows. Consequently, in each generation of the population of the eggs of wide variety, carrying information about the past richness of genotypes, merge with sperms of narrow diversity, the genotypes of which contain information only about the most suitable environment for current conditions. Thus, the next generation receives information about the past on the maternal line, about the present - on the paternal.

N n If paternal genetic information is transmitted to sons and daughters stochastically, in fertilization, it completely mixes and the sexual dimorphism will disappear. But if there are any mechanisms that prevent complete mixing, some share of this information will fall from fathers only to sons and, it means, part of the sexual dimorphism will continue from the zygota. And such mechanisms exist. Only the sons enter the information from the U-chromosome genes; In different ways, genes of descendants are manifested, depending on whether they are inherited from the father or mother.

The functional asymmetry of the brain and the psychological features of N n. For a long time, it was considered by the privilege of a person, communicating with speech, right, self-awareness, believed that asymmetry is secondary - a consequence of these unique characteristics of a person. It is now established that asymmetry is widespread in placental animals, most researchers also recognize the difference of its severity in men and women. J. Levi believes, for example, that the female brain is similar to the Brain of the Lefty Men, that is, less asymmetrical than that of a man-right-handed.

N N n from the position of the floor theory, more asymmetric brain in men (and males of some vertebrates) means that evolution comes from symmetry to asymmetry. The sexual dimorphism on the asymmetry of the brain gives hope to understand and explain the differences in the abilities and inclinations of men and women. It is known that our distant phylogenetic ancestors had side eyes (in human embryos of early development stages they are also located), the visual fields did not overlap, each eye was associated only with the opposite hemispheres (contralateral connections). In the process of evolution, the eye moved to the front side, the visual fields were overlapped, but to arise a stereoscopic picture, the visual information from both eyes was to focus in one brain area.

N n Vision was stereoscopic only after additional ipsilateral - fibers arose, which joined the left eye with the left hemisphere, right - with the right. So, the ipsilateral connections are evolutionally younger than contralateral, and therefore men should be more advanced, i.e., the ipsilateral fibers in the visual nerve. Since the surround imagination and spatially visual abilities are associated with stereoscopy (and the number of IPSivolok), men should be developed better than women. And in fact, psychologists are well known that in the understanding of the geometric tasks, men are much superior to women, as in reading geographical maps, orientation on the area, etc.

How did the psychological sexual dimorphism originate, in terms of gender theory? There is no fundamental difference in the evolution of morphophysiological and psychological or behavioral signs. n A wide female reaction rate provides him with a higher than that of the male, plasticity (adaptability) in ontogenesis. This also applies to psychological features. N.

N N n The selection in the discomfort zones in the male and female goes in different directions: due to the wide range of reaction, the female floor can "get out" from these zones due to educational, training, conformity, i.e., in general, adaptability. For male, this path is closed due to a narrow reaction rate; Only resourcefulness, intelligence, ingenuity can provide him with survival in uncomfortable conditions. Women adapt to the situation, men go out of it, finding a new solution, discomfort stimulates the search.

Without such barriers, it is also difficult to explain the dominance of the father's genotype in the descendants from reciprocal crosses, known in animal husbandry, say, the high fee of cows transmitted through the bull. n All this suggests that only the differences between the floors are sufficiently rather than the reaction channel and the cross section of the communication channel so that in the driving medium, the genotypic sexual dimorphism occurs in one generation, which, when changing generations, it will accumulate and grow. N.

N N Therefore, men are more careful for new, requiring search, extraordinary tasks (often performing them in the village), and women better bring the solution to familiar tasks to perfection. Is it because they succeed in those activities where you can do well pollovated skills, for example in working on the conveyor? If we master the speech, writing, any craft to consider in an evolutionary aspect, you can select the search phase (finding new solutions), the development and phase of consolidation, improvement. Male advantage in the first phase and female in the second revealed in special studies.

Examples among newborns with a supernorumative number of organs under the evolution reduction of the number (kidney, ribs, teeth, vertebrae), more girls, and with their lack of boys. In the "female" defects of the heart, elements are dominated, characteristic of the heart of the embryo or phylogenetic predecessors of a person (open oval hole, open duct). "Men's" defects are more "new", nor in philogenesis, neither embryos have no analogies (stenosis, transposition of trunk vessels).

Hormonal regulation of sexual development The system of regulation of sexual function of the body is subordinated to a unified principle based on the coordination of processes of positive and negative inverse relations between the hypothalamicpofizar system and peripheral glands of internal secretion.

Hormonal regulation links 3 main levels: a) the central level, including the bark of the brain, subcortical formations, hypothalamus cores, epiphysis, adenogipophysis; b) peripheral level, including sex glands, adrenal glands and hormones secreted by them and their metabolites; c) fabric level, including specific receptors in target organs with which sex hormones interact and their active metabolites interact.

The central level of regulation is the main coordinating link of hormonal regulation are subcortical formations and hypothalamus, which carries out the relationship between the central nervous system, on the one hand, and the pituitary gland and the gender glands on the other.

Ø Ø in the hypothalamus kernels found a high content of biogenic amines and neuropeptides, which play the role of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the transformation of the nervous pulse in humoral. In addition, the hypothalamus contains a large number of receptors to sex steroids, which confirms its immediate relationship with the gender glands. External impulses, acting through afferent conducting paths on the bark of the brain, are summed up in subcortical formations, where the transformation of the nerve impulse in humoral is carried out. It is assumed that the main subcortical centers modulating the activity of the genital glands are localized in the structures of the limbic system, almond and hippocampus.

Biogenic amines In addition to the stimulating and inhibitory effect of subcortical formations, adrenergic mediators are played in the implementation of the transmission of a nervous pulse in the hypothalamus level - biogenic amines. Currently, they are considered as regulators of synthesis and secretion of hypothalamus railinggorms. In the central nervous system, there are 3 types of fibers containing various monoamines. All of them have a multidirectional action on the hypothalamus.

DOFAMERGICY SYSTEM Ø Ø Ø Ø The relationship of subcortical nuclei and hypothalamus is most widely implemented through a dopaminergic system. Dopaminergic neurons are localized mainly in the cores of the medobazal hypothalamus. Inhibitory the influence of this system on the production and secretion of gonadotropic hormones, is mainly LG? The stimulating role of dopamine in the secretion of LH, especially in the regulation of its ovulatory emission? The impact of dopamine is mediated by the level of estrogen? There are data on the existence of two types of dopaminergic receptors: stimulating and inhibitory production of LH. Activation of receptors of one or another depends on the level of genital steroids.

The serotonergic system N n n N The serotonergic system combines the hypothalamus with the departments of the middle and oblong brain and the limbic system. Serotonergic fibers come to the median elevation and end in his capillaries. Serotonin inhibits the gonadotropine-regulating function of the hypothalamus at the level of the arcate cores. It is not excluded its indirect effect through the epiphysis.

Neuromediators except biogenic amines, as neurotransmitters regulating the gonadotropinerregulating function of the hypothalamus, opioid peptides are predominantly enkephalins. . n They are found in all CNS departments. N opioids change the content of biogenic amines in the hypothalamus, competing with them for receptor places. N opioids have an inhibitory effect on the gonadotropic function of the hypothalamus. N.

Neurotransitters, neurotransmitters N N The role of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the central nervous system can perform various neuropeptides found in large quantities in various parts of the century. These include neurotenzine, histamine, substance P, cholecystokinin, vasoactive intestinal peptide. These substances have a predominantly inhibitory effect on luliberin products. Synthesis of gonadotropin-rilizing hormone (GT-RG) stimulate prostaglandins from the group E and P 2

The role of the hypothalamus N n n of the hypothalamus regulates the sexual (gonadotropic) function by the synthesis and secretion of GT-RG. There is one hypothalamic factor that regulates the production of both LG and the follicle-sufficient (FSH) of the hormone. The prevailing sensitivity of one of them (LH) to GT-Rg lies with various sensitivity of adenogi disease cells. The short-term action of GT-RG stimulates the emission of LH. For the secretion of FSH, the prolonged effect of GT-RG in combination with sex steroids is necessary.

The genital steroids significantly affect the function of the hypothalamus at all phases of sexual development. N Semi-steroids (mainly estrogen) belongs to a modulating role in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonodnaya interaction. N Semoids change the sensitivity of the tonic center to biogenic amines. N As a result, genital steroids rhythmically change the level of secretions of GT-RG neurons of the hypothalamus. N.

The pituitary gland directly in the regulation of the sexual system takes part three triple hormones pituitary gland: LH, FSH and prolactin. N is undoubtedly other pituitary hormones - thyrotropic (TSH), somatotropic (STG). n adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) also participate in the regulation of sexual function n

1. Poland (puberty) represents the transition from the juvenile state to adult. 2. At this time, secondary sexual signs appear and ripen, it is rapid growth, fertility is achieved and deep psychological shifts occur. 3. These changes are associated with the reactivation of the hypothalamus axis - pituitary gonadotropins - the stimulation of the sex glands - an increase in the secretion of germ steroids - the appearance of secondary sexual signs (clause No. 2). 4. The age of puberty is influenced by ethnic and geographical factors, economic and life conditions, the presence of obesity.

5. Delay in puberty - feature Chronic diseases and malnutrition. 6. Intensive physical activity (more often in girls) may be postponed or suspending sexual maturation, especially if it is accompanied by weight loss. 7. The ripening of external genital organs in boys is closely correlated with the lobcas, since both of these features are under the control of androgen. 8. The first sign is a puberty magnification of the testicles - the growth of their longitudinal size is over 2, 5 cm. The increase in their size correlates with the stages of puberty.

9. Poland starts between 9 and 14 years in 98, 8% of boys (on average 11, 6 years old) and for the full development of secondary sexual signs, it takes 3, 5 years (oscillations from 2 to 4, 5 years). 10. GORTAN, PURSNOWAL MESSABILITY AND MUDS GORTY INCREASED, Voice breaks around at 13, 5 years, and by 15 years, a voice characteristic of adult men is formed. 11. Hair on the face of boys appear in the corners of the upper lip and the top of the cheek, then over the middle part of the lower lip, on the sides and the lower edge of the chin. The beginning of the face of the face coincides with the 3rd stage of the lobcas, and completely by the 5th stage of the ripening of the floors. organs.

12. Mortarity of the boys - from 14 years. 13. For the period of Pubertat, the boys grow an average of 28 cm, become wider shoulders, the volume of muscles, the internal organs grow. 14. Ogarha (first pollutions) in 14-15 years. 15. The nervous system regulates 2 basic aspects of puberty: the timing and mechanisms of the transition from transpressive, or sexually infantile, state to complete sexual maturation. 16. There is still no unambiguous understanding that it launches Pubertat - activation of a pulsed LRG generator: the natural development of early hormonal shifts, or a certain metabolic signal associated with body composition.

The two most important functions of the testicles are spermatogenic and steroid - ensure the maintenance of the reproductive ability and the male physician phenotype. Hormonal regulation of puberty growth acceleration is due to the combined effect of testosterone and growth hormone: testosterone has an impact on the growth of the spine. The concentration of somatomedin in the plasma during puberty increases to the maximum, probably due to genital steroids and is mediated by increasing the secretion of growth hormone. The degree of ripening of the bone system, determined by radiologically, is an indicator of physiological maturation.

. NNNNN 1 - EXPIFISES OF EXTER FALNG 2 - EPIFIZS Average phalange 3 - epiphysis of the main phalanges 4 - epiphysis of the i-cuff 5 - Epiphyshes II, IV, V Mischny bones 6 - Handed bone 7 - hooked bone 8. - Trigger bone 9. - Sluts 10. - Large polygonal bone 11. - Little polygonal bone 12. - Lordid bone 13. - Pea-like bone 14. - Distal epiphysis of radial bone 15. - Loaded outflow of the elbow bone 16. - Distal epiphysis of the elbow dice 17. - Sisian-shaped bones I Metato bones

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The bone age is closely correlated with the beginning of the emergence of secondary sexual signs than with chronological age. The composition and mass of the body changes, the number of muscle cells in men is 2 times more than women. Paulic ripening is one of the stages of the process of starting sexual differentiation and the formation of a pituitary fruit in the ontogenesis of the fruit and the ending germanity. Hormonal shifts (first of all, the increase in testosterone) causes a male physique and a change in voice. Digidotestosterone causes development

The appearance of temporal depressions and the growth of beard. 6. Only free steroids are physiologically active, and 97 -99% of testosterone and estradiol present in the blood in the blood forms a reversible complex with globulin, binding genital steroids (GHSS). In Puberta, the GHSS level of boys significantly decreases in adult men, the GSPS level is 2 times lower than in adult women. 7. The character of the secretion of gonadotropins in men tonic (basal), secretion is regulated by a negative communication mechanism: a change in the concentration of genital steroids (and possibly inhibin) leads to reciprocal changes in the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins.

Testosterone Ø Ø Ø Ø Musculinizing effects Anabolic effects Formation and maintenance of the phenotype Participation in spermatogenesis The level of LH, rising in the early stages, slowly reaches the plateau. Leesig cells in tests under the influence of LH produce preferably testosterone, to a lesser extent androstendion, androstediol, estrogens, dihydrotestosterone. A small part of testosterone is secreted by adrenal glands.

The impulse secretion of LH in men occurs approximately every 90 - 120 minutes. Testosterone + ASB] Seed Canal | | Sperm cells | Secrets of the cells of the sertoli part of the androgens flavored in estradiol

Regulation of the gamenger function in boys The FSH level is progressively increasing during the entire period of pubertate under the influence of LPG pulses (luteonizing rhythm hormone hypothalamus). Ø Sperm function - sex and follicular (scholars) cells of the germinative epithelium of seed tubules. Ø Cell scholars combine genital cells with neuroendocrine GGHz, forming a functional system of Gametogenezane Sandocrine GGHz (GE GGHz). Ø

The exchange of information between the sex cells of all development stages and the whole organism is carried out mainly by scholars. Spermatogonia can also participate in the exchange of information with leildig cells. These interactions are limited to the permeability of the basement membrane. Somatic cells interact with both sex cells and with regulatory systems - the most important stage of the relationship of games and media

Serrtoliev Cells

Puberty and Nubility Ø Ø Puberty (Pubes - Flag of hair) - Poland coinciding with the completion of body growth, achievement by all organs of the degree of development, which is sufficient to make a man to conceive a child, and a woman to endure all the pregnancy, childbirth and their consequences . Nubility (from Nubis - bedspread) means age in which mounted marriage clothing, in other words, get married. The impressivity of the ability to conceive and the ability to make offspring is explained by physiological and psychological factors.

In girls up to 20 years, a significant part of the menstrual cycles is an inhibitory character, which indicates the absence of a rectal temperature lift in the 2nd cycle phase - the factor of youth sterility (no ovulation). Ø Psychological unpreparedness to the creation of a family, no material base. Ø The predominance of androgens or estrogen in the tissues, blood predisposes to various types of thinking, the level of activity, and often aggressiveness, changes the style of personality behavior Ø

Schematic representation of various stages of ripening follicle in the ovary: 1. Prioritial follicle; 2. - Follicle grainy sheath; 3. - the inner sheath of the follicle; 4 - grappes bubble; 5 - white body; 6 - Atrettic follicle; 7 - interstitial fabric: 8 - broken follicle; 9 - Yellow body: 10 - germ epithelium; 11 - regressive yellow body; 12 - Gate of the ovary.

Secondary sexual signs Ø Ø Ø Ø in girls The development of the mammary glands is monitored mainly by estrogens secreted by ovaries. The extension of the pubic and the axillary depression is under the control of androgens secreted adrenal and the ovaries. The development of the mammary glands is normalically coincided with the stages of the Lona Solving. In the period of pubertat, under the stimulating effect of estrogen, the pink surface of the mucous membrane of the vagina is pale, and large and small sex lips increase. Immediately before menstruation increases the volume of transparent or whitish selections. Pubertat in girls begins on ½ or 1 year earlier than that of boys. Between 8 and 13 years (on average 11 years) - the beginning of Pubertata in girls.

Ø Ø Ø ø Ø Mortgage Summer Girls appears at the age of 12, which is 2 years earlier than boys. The girls grow faster than the horses, the pelvic entrance is expanding, mainly at the expense of the godbacities. Heart dimensions increase in girls, like the boys equally. Girls reach the peak of growth rate (PSR) even before Menarche, menstruating girls are limited to growth. In girls, the rapid growth in pouring is determined by estrogen and growth hormone, although some influence have androgens produced in adrenal glands and ovaries. Semi-steroids, apparently, stimulate the increase in somatomedin concentration, which will mediate the increase in the secretion of growth hormone. The degree of ripening of the bone system is estimated by radiographs of brush, knee and elbow joints.

Hormonal shifts during sexual maturation N n changes in the central nervous system (CNS) leads to strengthening the secretion of luteinizing rhythmic hormone (LRG) in the pubertal period, which initiates and regulates the sequential increase in the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins and germinal steroids, leading to sexual maturation. Girls FSH increases in the early stages, and LG is rather in the late stages of puberty. Estrogens (estradiole E 2 - the main estrogen) secreted by girls on 90% ovaries. Estrogen levels during sexual ripening of girls gradually increases until it is completed when

In the folliculin phase, it reaches 50 pg / ml, and in lutein 150 pg / ml and above. The level of globular binding sex hormone (GSPG) in girls and boys are the same. Prolactin by the end of Pubertata in girls is an average of 8, 5 ng / ml, and in young men 6, 0 pg / ml. The increase in somateden in girls correlates with the level of estradiol. Gonadotropins are secreted by a cyclic variant due to feedback mechanisms, the secretion of FSH and LH always has a pulse or episodic. Psychological shifts associated with the completion of the identity of self-identification of the individual are largely due to the ripening of the gonad, an increase in the secretion of genital steroids and the advent of secondary sexual signs associated with these processes, the achievement of fertility.

Menarche is a later phenomenon in the process of puberty, it cannot be one of the factors affecting the start of hormonal shifts. Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that the factors that determine the dates of puberty implement their effect through the central nerve regulation of the pubertata.

Summary of the puberty period V V Poland is not an inevitable process; It can be stopped and even turn back. The factors of the external environment and some diseases affecting the occurrence of the occurrence and the stage of puberty, one way or another suppress the hypothalamic pulse generator - LRG. Intensive physical exertion, nervous anorexia can delay or stop puberty or even translate the hypothalamic-pituitary complex back to the prepubertal state. On the other hand, in rare cases of true premature puberty caused by pressure on the hypothalamus volumetric formations of adjacent brain structures, it is possible to achieve regression by decompression of the brain

Floor criteria Genetic: Male chromosome X, Y; Female chromosome X, X. Floor Phenotypic: Features of the body structure, type of exhaustion (male) (female). Hormonal floor: androgens; estrogens. Paul Gonadad: Genital floor: Eggs; ovaries. Semi-dick, uterus. scrotum; vagina. Psychological floor: self-identification - who he says to this person (man or a woman). The floor is social or passport: identification by the Company's society - by whom the society considers this personality (entry in the passport).

Finance Person Information


Worked in Fian, In-Takh Molecular biology, Biophysics, general genetics, development biology, human institution.

Since 1990, the leading researcher of the Bioacastic Laboratory of the Institute of Ecology Problems and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A.N.severzova.

Evolutionary floor theory

The first publication of Vigen Artavadovich Geodakian, devoted to the problem of gender, appeared in 1965 in the scientific and popular magazine "Science and Life". Since then, more than 150 works devoted to the theory of gender and related issues of life durations, the differentiation of the brain and arms, gender chromosomes, regulation mechanisms in plants and animals, heart defects and other diseases and even culture. About the theory repeatedly wrote on pages of periodic printing. V. A. Geodakyan spoke with reports in many domestic and international congresses of conferences and symposia, they read hundreds of lectures. Two conferences were devoted exclusively theory (St. Petersburg, Russia, 1990, 1992). The theory has already entered the textbooks (V. Vasilchenko, 1986, 2005; A.A.Kacchenko et al. 2001; N. Iconnikova, 1999) and included in the teaching programs of a number of Russian (Fiztekh, MEPU, RGGU) and foreign (Tel Aviv University) universities and institutions.

Scientific interests

  • theoretical Evolutionary Biology
  • genetics
  • neurobiology
  • theories of systems, information, etc.


  • Geodakian V. A. The role of floors in the transfer and transformation of genetic information. Probl. Transmission Inform. 1965A, vol. 1, No. 1, p. 105-112.
  • Geodakian V. A. On the existence of feedback regulating the ratio of floors. In the book: Cybernetics problems. M.: Fizmatgiz, 1965b, vol. 13, p. 187-194.
  • Geodakian V. A., Komvoythumen V.I. Regulation of the gender ratio by the feedback mechanism. Dan USSR, 1967, vol. 173, No. 4, p. 938-941.
  • Geodakian V. A., Kozyutsky V. I., Bileva D. S. Regulation of the fields of gender negative feedback. Genetics, I967, No. 9, p. 15Z-163.
  • Differentiation for permanent and RAM in genetic systems. Geodakian V. A., Materials Conference "Structural Biosystem Levels" 1967.
  • Geodakian V. A., Smirnov N. N. Sexual dimorphism and the evolution of the lower crustaceans. In Sat.: Problems of Evolution. (N.N. Vorontsov Ed.). Novosibirsk, Science, 1968, vol. 1, p. 30-36.
  • Geodakian V. A., Komvoythumen V.I. The nature of feedback regulating the floor. Genetics, 1969, T.5, No. 6, p. 119-126.
  • Organization of living and non-living systems. Geodakian V. A. In Sat: System Research, M., Science, 1970, p. 49-62.
  • Congenital heart patterns and gender. Geodakian V. A., Sherman A. L. Experimental Surgery and Anesthesiology. 1970, № 2, p. 18-23.
  • Geodakian V. A. Theory of systems and special sciences. In the book: Materials on history and development prospects system approach and general Theory Systems. M., Science, 1971, p. 17.
  • Geodakian V. A. Cybernetics and development. Ontogenesis, 1971, vol. 2, No. 6, p. 653-654.
  • On the differentiation of systems into two conjugate subsystems. Geodakian V. A. In KN.: Problems of biocybernetics. Management and information processes in wildlife. M., Science, 1971, p. 26.
  • Communication of congenital developmental anomalies with floor. Geodakian V. A., Sherman A. L. Stypn. Society. biology, 1971, vol. 32, No. 4, p. 417-424.
  • Congenital heart abnormalities. Geodakian V. A. Sherman A. L. in KN.: Problems of biocybernetics. Management and information processes in wildlife. M., Science, 1971, p. 196-198.
  • On the structure of self-reproducing systems. Geodakian V. A. In Sat: Development of the concept of structural levels in biology. M., Science. 1972a. from. 371-379.
  • On the structure of evolving systems. Geodakian V. A. In KN.: Cybernetics problems. M., Science, 1972b, vol. 25, p. 81-91.
  • Differential death mortality and reaction rate. Geodakian V. A. Biol. journal Armenia, 1973, vol. 26, No. 6, p. 3-11.
  • Differential mortality and mens and female reaction rate. Geodakian V. A. Zhurn. Society. biology, 1974, vol. 35, No. 3, p. 376-385.
  • Concept of information and live systems. Geodakian V. A. Zhurn. Society. biology, 1975, vol. 36, No. 3, p. 336-347.
  • Geodakian V. A. Ethological sexual dimorphism. In the book: group behavior of animals. M., Science, 1976, p. 64-67.
  • The amount of pollen as a regulator of evolutionary plasticity of cross-peer plants. Geodakian V. A. Dan USSR, 1977a. vol. 234, No. 6. p. 1460-1463. English translation
  • Geodakian V. A. Evolutionary logic of the differentiation of floors. In the book: Mathematical methods in biology. K., 1977b, p. 84-106.
  • Geodakian V. A. Evolutionary specialization of floors on the trends of stabilizing and leading selection. 3rd Congress of Allows Societies of genetics and breeders. N. I. Vavilova. Tez. Dokl., L., 1977V, II (I), p. 46-47.
  • Geodakian V. A. The amount of pollen as a transmitter of environmental information and a regulator of evolutionary plasticity of plants. Hypn. Society. biology. 1978, vol. 39, No. 5, p. 743-753.
  • Geodakian V. A. The number of pollen as a regulator of evolutionary plasticity cross-polling plants. In Sat: XIV International Genetic Congre. Sectional sessions. Tez. Dokl., Part II, M., Science. 1978, p. 49.
  • Etologic features related to the floor. Geodakian V. A. II Congress of the All-Union Teriological Oh. Tez. Dokl., M., Science, 1978, p. 215-216.
  • Geodakian V. A. On the possibility of the existence of adaptive selection of sperm. III All-Union conf. According to biological and medical cybernetics. Tez. Dokl. M. - Sukhumi, 1978, p. 244-247.
  • On the existence of the "father's effect" in the inheritance of evolutionary signs. Geodakian V. A. Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1979, vol. 248, No. 1, p. 230-234.
  • The asymmetry of the brain and the floor. Geodakian V. A. Mater. II ALS. Simp. "Anthropogenetics, anthropology and sports", Vinnitsa, November 18-20, 1980, vol. 2, p. 331-332.
  • Sexual dimorphism and "father's effect." Geodakian V. A. Zhurn. Society. biology, 1981, vol. 42, No. 5, p. 657-668.
  • Geodakian V. A. Evolutionary interpretation of reciprocal effects. 4th Congress All All Societies of genetics and breeders. N. I. Vavilova. Tez. Dokl., Chisinau, Schusitsa 1981b, h. I, p. 57-58.
  • Sexual dimorphism and evolution of the duration of ontogenesis and its stages. Geodakian V. A. Dan USSR, 1982A, vol. 263, No. 6, p. 1475-1480.
  • Geodakian V. A. Further development of the genetic and environmental theory of field differentiation. In Sat: Mathematical Methods in Biology, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1982b, p. 46-60.
  • Geodakian V. A. Rugman Rules and Allen in the light of the new floor concept. Mammals of the USSR. Tez. W All Congress of the teriology society. M., 1982B, p. 172.
  • Onhegenetic rule of sexual dimorphism. Geodakian V. A. Dan USSR, 1983a, vol. 269, No. 2, p. 477-481.
  • Evolutionary logic of the differentiation of floors and longevity. Geodakian V. A. Nature, 1983b, No. 1, p. 70-80.
  • Geodakian V. A. Sexual dimorphism in the painting of aging and mortality of man. In the book: Problems of the biology of aging, M., Science, 1983B, p. 103-110.
  • System approach and patterns in biology. Geodakian V. A. In KN.: System Research. M., Science, 1984a, p. 329-338.
  • Geodakian V. A. Genetic-ecological interpretation of brain lateralization and sexual differences. In Sat.: Theory, Methodology and Practice of System Research (Tez. Dokl. Als. Conf. Section 9), M., 1984b, p. 21-24.
  • On some laws and phenomena associated with the floor. Geodakian V. A. In Sat: Probabilistic Methods in Biology, Kiev, Institute of Mathematics Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1985, p. 19-41.
  • Is there a negative feedback in the definition of gender? Geodakian V. A., Geodakian S. V. Journal of General Biology, 1985, vol. 46, No. 2, p. 201-216.
  • On theoretical biology. Geodakian V. A. In Sat: Methodological aspects of evolutionary teaching. Kiev., Nukova Dumka, 1986, p. 73-86.
  • Sexual dimorphism. Geodakian V. A. Biol. journal Armenia. 1986, vol. 39, No. 10, p. 823-834.
  • System-evolutionary interpretation of brain asymmetry. Geodakian V. A. In KN.: System Research. M., Science, 1986, p. 355-376.
  • Geodakian V. A. Field Differentiation and Environmental Stress. In the book: Mathematical modeling in problems of rational environmental management. Rostov-Don, 1986, p. 88.
  • Geodakian S. V., Geodakian V. A. Gamet. from. 75; Floor. p.239-241; Sex system. from. 242-244; Reproduction. from. 253-255; Alternation of generations. from. 326-327. In the book: encyclopedic Dictionary Young biologist. M., Pedagogy, 1986, 352 p.
  • Onhegenetic and teratologic rules of sexual dimorphism. Geodakian V. A. V Congress Vogis, Tez., Vol. I, M., 1987, p. 56.
  • Evolutionary logic of flooding of floors in phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Geodakian V. A. Author. dis. Dokt. biol. science M., 1987.
  • Negative feedback Adjusting gender dimorphism and dispersion of floors. Geodakian V. A. Towards a New Synthesis in Evolut. Biol. Proc. Intern. SYMP. Praha. 1987. Czech. AC. SCI. p. 171-173. translation from English.
  • The theory of differentiation of floors in human problems. Geodakian V. A. Man in the science system. M., Science, 1989, p. 171-189.
  • Pansexualization and anthropogenesis. Geodakian V. A. 3rd School-seminar on the genetics and breeding of animals. 1989, Novosibirsk, p. 23.
  • Evolutionary floor theory. Geodakian V. A. Nature. 1991, No. 8. p. 60-69. English translation
  • Evolutionary logic of the functional asymmetry of the brain. Geodakian V. A. Dokl. An. 1992, vol. 324, No. 6, p. 1327-1331.
  • Asynchronous asymmetry. Geodakian V. A. Zhurn. Higher. nerve. Activities. 1993, vol. 43, No. 3, p. 543-561.
  • Man and woman. Evolutionary-biological purpose. Geodakian V. A. Interza. Conf.: Woman and freedom. Ways of selection in the world of traditions and change. Moscow, 1-4 June 1994, p. 8-17.
  • Sex chromosomes: What are they for? (New concept). Geodakian V. A. Dokl. An. 1996, vol. 346, p. 565-569.
  • On the evolutionary myopia of environmental concepts (from ecological religion to environmental science). Geodakian V. A. Report at the International Conference: Philosophy of Environmental Education. (Moscow. January 16-18, 1996).
  • Ecology, evolution, floor, leafship. Geodakian V. A. 1st Russian Conference on Environmental Psychology. December 1996
  • New concept of left left. Geodakian V. A., Geodakian K. V. Dokl. Wounds 1997, vol. 356, No. 6, p. 838-842. English translation
  • The evolution of asymmetry, sexuality and culture (what is culture from the point of view of theoretical biology). Geodakian V. A. Tr. Intern. Symp.: Interaction of man and culture: theoretical information approach. Information worldview and aesthetics. 1998, p. 116-143.
  • Evolutionary role of sex chromosomes (new concept). Geodakian V. A. Genetics. 1998, vol. 34, No. 8, p. 1171-1184.
  • Evolutionary chromosomes and evolutionary sexual dimorphism. Geodakian V. A. Izvestia Academy of Sciences, Biological Series, 2000, No. 2, p. 133-148.
  • Homo Sapiens on the way to asymmetrization (the theory of asynchronous evolution of hemispheres and cis-trance Interpretation of the left). Geodakian V.A. Anthropology on the threshold of the Millennium. Moscow 2003, t. 1, p. 170-201.
  • Isomorphism: asynchronous floor asynchronous asymmetry. Geodakian V. A. Materials of international readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the correspondent member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Acad. An Armenian E.A.Arttyana. May 30, 2003.
  • Convergent evolution of phenotype, asymmetry and sexuality to culture. Geodakian V.A. Sexology and sexopathology. 2003. No. 6. p. 2-8. № 7. p. 2-6. № 8. p. 2-7.
  • Terrorism is the problem of psychology of cis men (left-handed) Geodakian V. A. 3rd Russian Conference on Environmental Psychology. September 15-17, 2003, p. 24-27. I ECOPSICHOLOGY: METHODOLOGY, THEORY AND EXPERIMENT.
  • Evolutionary biology in a "synchronous impasse". Geodakian V.A. XVIII loved readings. Modern problems of evolution. Ulyanovsk, 2004.
  • Evolutionary theories of asymmetricization of organisms, brain and body geodakyan V.A. Successes of physiological sciences. 2005. T. 36. No. 1. p. 24-53.
  • Hormonal floor. Geodakian V. A. XIX loved readings. "Modern problems of evolution." Ulyanovsk, April 5-7, 2005.
  • Evolutionary role of cancer. Negentropian concept. Geodakian V.A. Materials of the International Conference "Genetics in Russia and the World" dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of General Genetics. N. I. Vavilova RAS 28 June - July 2, 2006 Moscow p. 45 (242).
  • Systemic roots of human and society evolution: the role of sex hormones. Geodakian V. A. Interza. Scientific conf. "Information culture of society and personality in the XXI century." Krasnodar-September 20-23, 2006, p. 75-80.
  • Why are early and late children different? Geodakian V.A. Interddes conf. "Information and communications sciences in changing Russia" Krasnodar, 2007, p. 150-153.
  • Binary-conjugated differentiation, information, culture. Geodakian V.A. "Information, time, creativity" Tez. Dokl. Interddes Conf. "New methods in studies of artistic creativity" and interddes. Simp. "Information approach to the study of culture and art" Ed. V. M. Petrov, A.V. Haruto, Moscow, 2007, p. 195-204.
  • The evolutionary role of the asymmetrization of organisms, brain and body (model and rule of the right hand). Geodakian V.A. XX Congress Physiologist. Societies to them. I.P. Pavlova. Symposium: "Functional intermetrous asymmetry". Abstracts reports. June 4-8, 2007 Moscow. P. 28.
  • Entropy and information in natural science and culture. Geodakian V.A. In Sat: "Theory of Information and Art Consciousness", 2008. Issue In-t art of artistic under the auspices of the interface. Acad. Informatics.

The quantitative ratio of floors, psychological and social differences between the sexes and others. The theory was proposed in 1965 by Dr. Biological Sciences (Genetic) Wigen Geodakian.

As V. Geodokyan notes, with the transition of a person from mostly biological to mainly social evolution, the pace of development increased dramatically. But having received an unprecedented opportunity to change the Wednesday, the person is forced to change himself. Thus, a feedback system arises between a person and a medium that accelerates evolution. The use of evolutionary gender theory, according to its author, should be fruitful in a comprehensive study of a person, first of all, in solving social problems (geodakian, 1994).

Belonging to the same type of Homo Sapiens determines the unity of male and female within the framework of the biological world. However, the presence of reproductive anatomophysiological differences between men and women gives the basis of biodeterminists to say that each gender has its biograms, acts as a carrier of a specific genetic code, which means it has its own biological role, which causes a number of social.

Changes and save are the main opposite parameters of the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution. Evils as the environment and the person himself. However, the medium is always more individual biological systems. Therefore, it is changes in the surrounding world that the development of a person is determined and dictated. If destructive information is received from the environment (epidemics, cold, heat, predators), the system should hold on at an information distance from the medium to maintain its own stability and stability. But the surrounding world at the same time acts and the source of useful information that guards a person indicates how he needs to change in order to survive and satisfy his own needs. In this case, the system should be in close proximity to the environment.

According to the evolutionary theory of Paul V. Geodakian, division on the male and female floor, namely, the conservative and operational components of the human biological system, acts as a solution to the conflict of simultaneous changes and the preservation of the necessary information. The scientist notes that if you select two streams of information: generative (transferring genetic information from generation to generation, from the past to the future) and environmental (transmission of information from the environment, from the present to the future) - you can easily see that two sexes participate in different ways in them. In the process of the evolution of gender at different stages and levels of the organization, a number of mechanisms appeared, which consistently ensured a closer female connection with a generative (conservative) flow, and male - with environmental (operational). So, at the male floor compared to the female high frequency of mutations, less additivity of the inheritance of parental signs, a narrow rate of reaction, above aggressiveness and curiosity, more active in the search principle, risky behavior and other qualities that "close to the medium". All listed features purposefully endure the male floor to the ambrusura of evolution and provide him with preferentially obtaining environmental information. In addition, long periods of pregnancy, great mortality during childbirth, feeding and care for the offspring in women actually increase the effective concentration of men's individuals in society, turn the male floor to "excess", therefore, "cheap", "experimental", and female - In the scarce and more valuable.

As a result, the law of natural selection acquires other accents. It acts mainly at the expense of male representatives, since it is more risky active, "excess" and "cheap." Thus, the population of men decreases, however, the tendency to allow them to fully reproduce the following generations and transmit the necessary genetic information to them, which is the state of the medium at the moment. As a result, genetic information transmitted by the generation of the female line is representative, since it is based on the conservative component of the evolutionary process, and the male is selective nature, since it is largely based on the law of natural selection.

Similarly, biodeterminists explain the emergence of psychological differences between men and women. Wider, adaptive, plastic, reaction rate to changes ambient Allows women to leave uncomfortable areas due to conformity, ability to learn, re-education, that is, adaptability. For men, a narrower reaction zone to changes in the medium makes this path impossible. Only resourcefulness, intelligence, risks and determination can provide them with survival in uncomfortable conditions. In other words, a woman is more adapting to the situation, and the man comes out of it, finding a decision - discomfort stimulates development.

That is why men are more successful when solving new, extraordinary tasks that require an active search. Women are improving this decision. If we are talking about mastering new activities, language or writing, here you can select two phases: 1) search and mastering; 2) consolidation and improvement. The first phase, according to the theory, is more characteristic of men, and the second - for women.

An innovation in any case, as a result of biological and social evolution, belongs to a man. Men's half of humanity was first mastered all the professions and sports. Even knitting, in which now the monopoly of women is indisputable, invented men (Italy, XIII century). The role of the avant-garde belongs to men and in the inclination to some diseases, and to most social vices. It is the male sex that is more often subjected to "new" diseases, or, as they are called, diseases of the century, civilization, urbanization, atherosclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia, AIDS, as well as social defects - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, crime, and t. d.

Consequently, it is the dual character of evolution: simultaneous changes and preservation of information necessary for the development of information, sexual dimorphism provoke.

In aggressive, both natural and social medium, the process is absent, since in any extreme conditions - earthquakes, hunger, war, disease, relocation, repressive traditions and customs - differences between the floors become more noticeable. Men become more masculine, and women are more feminine. In this case, each floor in the Unified Evolution process implements its own genetic program: conservative (female) and operational (men's). Mission's mission is to receive information from the environment, check it on the following generations and pay for it their own health and life (Geodakian, 1990).

In a stable environment, when there is no need for constant cardinal changes, the conservative trends are leading. In this case, the need for a male field from the side of society is less, and therefore sexual dimorphism manifests itself to a lesser extent. Physical strength, endurance, activity, risky behavior, curiosity, which is so necessary in uncomfortable conditions, lose their relevance and significance in a stable both natural and social medium. It is on this soil that, given the biodeterministan theories, and appears such a phenomenon as the unification of the floors.

According to biodeterminists / -One, the male floor acts as a buffer, protective zone around the female nucleus. However, if there is no threat from the environment, then the need for protection disappears by itself. In this case, the benefit from the male fest of humanity as a biological species is there any. From the standpoint, the process of unification of floors is nothing but the simultaneous feminization of men, which in comfortable conditions are deprived of an active evolutionary position, and the masculinization of women who are gradually studying and mastering new spheres of vital activity (Shevchenko, 2011).


Geodakian, V. A. (1-4 June, 1994). Man and woman. Evolutionary-biological purpose. Interddes conf.: Woman and freedom. Ways of selection in the world of traditions and change(p. 8-17). Moscow.

Geodakian, V. A. (1990). Evolutionary floor theory. Nature, 8 , 60–69.

Shevchenko, Z.V. (26-27 grass, 2011 rock). The problem of UniFіkatsії articles: bіologica is the so-called warehouse process. Materiali І all-ї ї ї їkovko and practical conference(p. 93-101). Ostrog: Victims of the National University "Ostortok Academia".

Geodakian V.A. The role of sexes in the transfer and transformation of genetic information // Problems of information transfer. 1965. T. 1. No. 1. P. 105-112.

Geodakian V.A. Differential mortality and mens and female reaction rate // Zh. Society. biol. 1974. T. 35. No. 3.

Geodakian V.A. Evolutionary logic of field differentiation // Nature. 1983. No. 1. P. 70-80.

Geodakian V.A. Ontogenetic rule of sexual dimorphism // Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1983. T. 269. No. 12. P. 477-482.

Geodakian V.A. On theoretical biology / methodological aspects of evolutionary teaching. Kiev, 1986.

Geodakian V.A. The theory of differentiation of floors in human problems // Man in the system of sciences. M., 1989. P. 171-189.

Geodakian V.A. Evolutionary gender theory // nature. 1991. No. 8.

Geodakian V.A. Two floor: why and why? St. Petersburg., 1992.


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    Promotes An increase in self-confidence, especially when it comes to the need to calculate money.

    Promotes The formation of self-confidence and awareness that in mathematics it is not easy to understand, but it is quite normal.

    Promotes The realization that the correct answers arise not by magic, but as a result of reflections and that to the same answer can be arrived in several ways.

    Promotes An increase in self-confidence and gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the material that the child takes place at school.

    Promotes Maintaining a child's motivation to further work.

    Promotes Turning tasks and examples in mathematics from the control in a fun game.

    Promotes Practice of oral and multiple account.

    Promotes Classes of mathematics or any other activity you want to stimulate.

    In this section you will find games and classes that will come in handy to you at any time when you just talk to a child on the way to school, for meals, in line, even in bed before bedtime.

    Promotes Exercise of the oral account and understanding of mathematical patterns.

    Promotes The development of an oral account technique is possible tasks of increased complexity.

    Promotes Awareness of proportionality and scale.

    Promotes The assimilation of simple frains.

    Promotes The formation of assessment skills and axes, as well as perception of infinitely large values.

    Promotes development of arithmetic skills, perception of forms.

    Promotes Skill of multiplication or division by 7 (and other numbers).

    You will need calculator.

    Promotes Development of preliminary assessment skills and calculator using a calculator.

    Promotes The assimilation of simple frains and the ability to share in the mind.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills and preliminary assessment.

    In this section you will find a variety of games and tasks that will help develop the analytical thinking of your child and take it for a long time.

    Promotes The assimilation of action with simple fractions, percentages, introduces circular charts.

    Promotes Fastening the multiplication skill.

    Promotes Fastening the skill of preliminary assessment and approximate calculations.

    Promotes Reproduction of geometric shapes and accurate sizes.

    Promotes Development of interest in geometry.

    Promotes Fastening the skill of addition and teaches to handle money.

    You will need Bank filled with dry bulk products (beans or raisins).

    Promotes Announced perception of numbers and the ability to think large values.

    You will need Sheet of paper A4 format.

    Promotes Development of geometric thinking.

    You need Watch with a second arrow or a stopwatch or timer in your mobile phone.

    Promotes Development of counting skills and senses of time.

    Promotes Development of counting skills and ideas about combinatorics.

    Promotes The formation of account skills and ideas about monetary units.

    Situations when God himself ordered to exercise with a child in calculations, how much: turn, sit under the door at the doctor's office, shopping trip. In this section you will find several short games that will help at such moments to brighten the wait. They occupy countless minutes and do not require props.


    Promotes Development of account skills, guesses and strategic thinking.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills and learning multiplication table.

    Promotes Studying multiplication table.

    Promotes account twos, three, five, tens, etc.

    Promotes Touching the multiplication table by 3 or 5 (or any other), securing the fission skill to a given number.

    Promotes Developing guesses and oral account skills.

    Promotes Development of mathematical language and geometric thinking.

    Promotes Development of logic and ideas about various numerical sets.

    Promotes The best absorption of any mathematical material, from the main arithmetic action to divisors and multiple.

    Promotes The consolidation of any mathematical material in need of additional elaboration, from the multiplication table to geometry.


    Promotes Development of confidence in counting actions.

    In this section you will find a variety of mathematical games that are better to do at home. For some of them, you will need something specifically to equip or purchase (surface for graffiti, measuring tapes, a magnetic kit for playing darts, clock with arrows), but all this promises such opportunities for mathematics with a child, that any spending and efforts with Deeply pay off.

    Promotes The clarity of the stroke of reasoning when you explain or are looking for a solution.

    Promotes The ability to determine the time by the clock. Clock with arrows and dial perfectly helps to remember the multiplication table by 5.

    Promotes The formation of ideas about metric systems and the translation of English metric units in decimal.

    Promotes Understanding the nature of the process and units of measurement.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills, doubling techniques or tripling in the mind, reverse account, calculating the reduced.

    Promotes Development of computational skills, including complex methods like finding multiple, dividers, etc.

    Promotes The ability to determine and count the time, the development of the oral account and the formation of useful habits.

    Promotes Development of the technique of rapid addition in the mind.

    Although in many games described in this book, you can play when the whole family is going at the table, we decided to separately note the games and classes directly related either with cooking or with food intake. You will find them in this section.

    Promotes Development of countable skills and axes.

    Promotes Ability to follow the schedule, count the time back and forth, make a schedule.

    Promotes The assimilation of simple fractions, action with fractions (addition and expansion).

    Promotes Awareness that equal shares may look different.

    Promotes The development of geometric thinking and introduces the properties of triangles.

    Promotes Development of spoken skills and mathematical imagination.

    Hike to the store opens up a lot of opportunities for games with money and searches for numerical patterns.

    Promotes Development of axial skills, assessment and comparison of values, practical application of school knowledge.

    Promotes The formation of ideas about the coefficient and proportion, as well as the development of the fission skill.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills and rapid selection of terms to a given amount.

    Promotes perception of the magnitude of the angle and distance, as well as aware of the importance of accurate instructions; Generates the ability to specify a program of action.

    Promotes forming the skill of the axis and multiplication.

    In this section you are waiting for games and classes that will especially use you on the way. When you are going somewhere in a car or by train, you can look at the window with a good idea.

    Promotes recognition of numbers, numerical discharges, working with identical expressions.

    Promotes Forming a preliminary assessment skill.

    Promotes Development of mathematical guesses (the ability to assume the answer when it is impossible to calculate).

    Promotes The assimilation of the rules of addition.

    Promotes Ability to keep an account and evaluate risks.

    Promotes Development of the axes and sense of time.

    Promotes The absorption of numbers, the evaluation of the chance of probabilistic forecasting.

    Promotes The formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bsociological research, ratings, interest ratios.

    Promotes Oral account technique.

    Promotes The formation of ideas about the speed and scaling of values.

    Are thematically all games and classes you will find in this section can be linked to what a child and you are engaged in bedtime: swimming, conversations about how the day went, fairy tales for the night.

    The evening in general has to intimate communication, and at the same time you can play together.

    Promotes Perception of volume, develops the relationship between the volume and form.

    Promotes Development of graphics skill.

    Promotes The skill of working with circular diagrams, forms ideas about proportionality and percentage ratio.

    Promotes The ability to find an unknown.

    Promotes The absorption of simple and decimal fractions and numeric row.

    Promotes The development of the perception of numbers, makes think about mathematics around us.

    If no additional details were required in the previous sections for mathematical fun, then it will be necessary to prepare something here, for example, to remember where the houses are a deck of cards or a board game set with a playing field, a cube and chips.

    You will need Any desktop game set with a playing field, chips and a cube.

    Promotes The formation of the skills of addition and multiplication.

    You will need The deck of playing cards and three players.

    Promotes Development of arithmetic skills.

    You will need Deck of playing cards.

    Promotes Development of arithmetic skills.

    You need Sheet of paper and pencil.

    Promotes Development of strategic thinking.

    You will need Some raisins, beans, small pasta or chips (something one).

    Promotes The formation of the skill of division and selection of dividers of the number.

    You will need Deck of playing cards.

    Promotes Concentrations with the score and development of the reaction.

    You need Paper and pencils.

    Promotes Mastering mathematical language.

    You need Paper and pencil.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills Starting from elementary addition to complex computing, such as: exercise to the degree, extraction of square roots, action with fractions and negative numbers (depending on the level of possession of the material).

    You need Hourglass for 3 minutes (at worst, a timer on the phone) and a photocopy of the table, which you will find on the next page.

    Promotes Mastering the multiplication table.

    On conversations about mathematics, we can push anything, be it a cap on the wheel of a car or a swing on the playground. Try to help your child see mathematics around: in the park, in the garden, on the street.

    Promotes Figures recognition and probabilistic prediction skill.

    Promotes Study of the properties of triangles, the development of measuring and evaluating skills.

    Promotes The perception of time, the assimilation of causal relationships, develops probabilistic prediction.

    Promotes The formation of the concept of "curve".

    Promotes Multiplication and division into two, introduces the principle of the lever and the law of equilibrium.

    Promotes The formation of ideas about the direction and angle of rotation.

    Promotes solving the tasks, the development of geometric thinking and measuring skills.

    Promotes Application in practice the similarity of triangles, the development of assessment skills.

    If a person thinks badly, he probably thinks that "mathematics" and "magic" are synonyms, and Mathematics itself has a mystery covered with darkness, which is impossible to comprehend. In this section, you will find simple numeric tricks that will not only help diversify your classes with an oral account, but also give the child to feel if not a wizard, then at least a sorcerer's student.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills.

    Promotes Development of oral account skills.

    You will need calculator.

    Promotes The skill of multiplication and selection of dividers.

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