I made a box of paper with my own hands. Making decorative boxes with your own hands: a bunch of ideas (MK)

I made a box of paper with my own hands. Making decorative boxes with your own hands: a bunch of ideas (MK)

If you think that making a gift box is so important, you will be deeply merciful. In order to make original packaging for a gift with your own hands, you only need to stock up on colored cardboard and terpenes. If you show a little bit of imagination, you can please your family and friends with an original wrapped gift.

Ideas, create and take photos of beautiful gift boxes with your own hands

Gift box with openwork decor

Gift box: heart

Square gift box

New gift box

Gift box: zirka

If you want to show your friend or relative all your respect and love, then try making a gift box with your own hands. If possible, try to use all your imagination and create the most original packaging possible. For the eggplant, you can create a round, knitted or diamond-shaped box, or customize the packaging to visually resemble a box, a bottle, a fruit, or a diamond.

Of course, the remaining options require a little more than a master, but as a result, you are missing out on a unique product that you definitely won’t be able to get in the store. The only thing you have to remember is that like viruses love accuracy. With this type of pattern, you cannot allow yourself to move along the line in either direction.

You must cut through all the lines as accurately as possible, making sure to create perfectly even edges. If this stage is not carried out as required, then we can say with great certainty that as a result the box is not entirely presentable.

How to make a cardboard box for a gift: template, shape

Croc No. 1

Croc No. 2

If you are a beginner, then you need to start your acquaintance with this type of handicraft using the simplest words. Believe me, if you do everything correctly, then the original square box will look more attractive. We will immediately present to your respected master class, for which you can get a straight box of gifts.

To prepare this you will only need glue, knives and special cardboard. If you don’t have anything like that, don’t get too embarrassed. You can completely calmly take the advice of the one that children vikorize in school lessons, and build a framework for the virus from him. It’s just that after the box is ready, you will have to decorate it further. You can use additional techniques such as decoupage or organzi, tulle or satin stitches.

How to make a small mini box for a paper gift: template, shape

Scheme for robots

Gift box

The box is ready

Template #1 Template No. 2

If you plan to give a small gift to a loved one, then you can make a small box for such a gift. Get a similar virus like the first one from a thick paper. If you make it out of thinness, you are sure that it will not fit into the required shape, or it will simply tear due to the mechanical flow that is pressed on its walls.

So, in this case, it is very important to place them as accurately as possible until all side parts are fastened. Since these systems do not have the ability to detect secret locks, it would be better if you fix everything with glue or double-sided tape. Since the first box is too idle for you, then we lowered two more complete templates, which were disintegrated and you can easily complete the mileage.

How to make a scrapbooking box for a gift?

Template #1

Box of squares

If you want to honor your loved one in a proper way, then create a scrapbooking box for her. For this preparation you will need both basic cardboard and a special paper for scrapbooking. Use cardboard to make a mitzon frame, and for additional paper add a Christmas decoration. Most importantly, in this situation you have a great field for imagination. As soon as the box opens up, you can decorate it both in the middle and on the outside.

Moreover, you can use these parts to create a place for small gifts. For example, you can create a place there for notes in which you can write your favorite words. Please ensure that the vital notes fit well into the elegant style of the gift box, which will be found in the same range of colors as there.

How to make an origami gift box?

Croc No. 1 Croc No. 2

Croc No. 3

At the same time, the origami technique became so popular that gift boxes began to be produced using it. In principle, you can create such a vib from any colored paper, but if you still create a vib for an important saint, it will be better if you spend on a paper for scrapbooking.

In this case, you do not need additional decoration of the internal parts of the product as you would like it to be. The only thing you have to do is to create a box, master class of any type of placement, you need to cut two square sheets, one of which will be literally 11-12 millimeters smaller. If you do not respect this aspect, then as a result you simply will not be able to combine the two parts into one whole.

How to make a gift box with a lid?

Recommendations for preparing a round box

A gift box with a lid is the ideal packaging for more important gifts. If you earn a few more, as shown below in the master class, you can supplement the main gift with cherry blossoms, boutonnieres from live flowers and wet-shredded leaves. As you have already, melodiously, realized how to make a similar box, preferably from tough cardboard.

If you have the opportunity, then buy it in a specialized store, or go to the nearest supermarket and pick up a paper screen there. When you bring it home, spread it horizontally and place it in a safe place. Leave it in this position for literally a year, and then proceed to strengthen the frame of the next virobu. This little trick will help you smooth out the wrinkles that you singly admired during the process of creating your masterpiece.

How to make a surprise gift box?

The box looks like a piece of cake

Template #1

Template No. 2

In principle, a box with a surprise can vary in shape, color and decor. In this case, everything is stored, including which approach you take. If you are going to the birthday party before the holiday, then you can use a completely standard box of square or rectangular shape, in the middle of which, in addition to the present itself, a piece of paper will be placed (you should be as long as possible and folded into an accordion).

If you are going to do something really special, then make a gift box for your child that looks like a piece of cake and put a bunch of cartoon characters in the middle of the cardboard. And in order for the smells to actually come as a surprise to the little one, fasten the figures on little springs, which will tighten them, just as the lid is removed from the box.

How to make a gift box with sweets?

Master class on making pyramids

Recommendations for preparing a pyramid

If you want your gift box to contain both packaging and leaflets, then create them in the form of a pyramid. In the photo, you can create templates, which you can use to create a small pyramid. If you try to enlarge the scale of the little one, you may end up creating a pyramid on which you can place what you need.

Remember, for such a surprise to look good, the scale of the baby will need to be increased at least twice. Only in this case you can work on the outer side of the intestinal virus, in which case you can put nice little notes. So, and remember, it’s not necessary to work with paper, but you can calmly fight for someone, for example, you’re alive. Simply, if you fasten them, then replace the glue with a vikorist stapler.

How can you get a gift box for yourselves?

Straight gift box

Visoka gift box

Trikutna gift box

We have already shown you how you can make a gift box out of cardboard and paper, and now you will find out how you can make packaging that is so sweet to the eye. The best thing is that you don’t have to buy any material to make such a virus.

So, if you are afraid of the usual plastic dance, then you will have to buy some haircuts and gossips for embellishment. Now, take a plastic ball and rub your neck and neck against it. As a result, you will lose an ideal cylinder. Then take the scissors and carefully cut it exactly as shown for the baby.

After you finish with this, start folding the material in such a way that you clearly see all the edges of the future fabric. If you don’t get around to working with your hands, then use a knife for it. As soon as you realize that plastic has become unheard of, you can safely pick up the box. For extra security, tie it with a satin stitch.

How to make a box for your wife's gift for 8 Bereznya?

Template #1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3

This has already happened, but I think most wives have 8 Bereznya is associated with the lower necks of momos and red tulips. The very same box for this saint, you must remember that on its outer side it is obligatory to blame the kviti. The stinks will be daubed or enriched with application, depending only on you. Golovna, so that your packaging shows with all its appearance that spring will soon come.

If you don’t want to spend the next hour decorating the box, then spend it on paper for scrapbooking. If you are ready to do a little work, you can grab some kind of template on the Internet, make a new one from scratch and cover the finished box with a pattern. Also, you can simply paint it beautifully for the eggplant.

How to make a box for a man's gift for 23 years?

Template #1

Template No. 2

Template No. 3

Since your homeland has good people, you simply need to work on the 23rd of February on a special day. We will help you create a Christmas atmosphere with the right gift wrapping. In principle, you can earn money simply. You can make a box for either a template or a master class, as we know you, or just because you are preparing a present for someone.

In this case, it’s best to forget about the little flowers, curls and all sorts of feminine things. It would be better if you buy a gift box with a paper with a camouflage print, or simply paint the finished product in different shades of green and brown. If you want to pack a present for an older person in this way, you can try decorating the box with red mirror or some other attribute of the Radian era.

You can also paint or tear up the template and then create the necessary application from the pieces. Well, if you are a lover of everything new, then try to make a box of a man’s shirt. How to earn it, you can use it for a baby that can accommodate a little more.

How can I get a gift box for my 14th birthday?

Box for 14 fierce Template #1

Template No. 2

Template No. 3

Who knows that it’s really hard to make a box for your heart. In fact, this type of product follows the same principle as all other packaging. All you need in this situation is just to find the right template and use it to glue the box together. We decided to make your task easier and therefore invite you to choose from a number of ideas for gift boxes for 14 years.

If you want to work as hard as possible, remember that in this situation you will also have to create a vibration that consists of two parts. One piece will fit right into the middle of the gift box, and the other will be the lid. Therefore, when cutting the frame of the new bird, be sure to check it again to see if one of the parts is larger in size.

As with a straight-cut fitting, this is necessary so that the upper part can be placed on the lower part without any problems. If you care about the color of the box, then it will definitely be red, but for the eggplant you can get a heart of pink, raspberry or purple-white.

How to make a gift box for fun?

Template #1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3 Template No. 4

Template No. 5

It’s funny, it’s not good to talk about those that a box for a cheerful gift can be special. And here it is not the form of the virus, but its decoration. So, feel free to choose the template that you would like to prepare such a product, and then start thinking about how the finished product will be processed.

I would really like to say that the result will turn out just like a proper Christmas Eve, the decor may be richly spherical. Then you can create volumes by sticking flowers, leaves or hearts on one and add all this beauty with elegant curls, laid out with rhinestones and sequins.

It is best for corn cobs to make their choice on square and rectangular shaped beans. Such people are shyer, and they decorate more easily. So, since in front of you there will actually be a canvas, then you can first draw out the elements of the next picture, marvel at how all the details will look at once, and only then proceed to their fixation.

How to make a gift box for People's Day?

Cake template

Template #1

Template No. 2

Template No. 3

National Day comes before these saints, as everyone waits impatiently. There is no difference in how many fates have occurred in the city’s purity, and today we all want to feel loved and dear to ourselves. What else can you do to turn us back to childhood and give us miracles, like a gift, by wrapping a box that contains a birthday cake. It is easy to produce such a virus, smut, and reveal three terpenes.

You can create a template, so you can make one piece of cake. If you expect that the resulting gift packaging will be of smaller dimensions than you need, then increase the scale to the required size, just stitches so that the process has all the proportions. Then prepare the required quantity of scraps, place them in a circle and measure the diameter of the figure that comes out.

Based on the obtained data, create a round stand on which you will place all the workpieces. You can paste over the edge of the tub with openwork snowflakes or a living mesh. When the stand is ready, fill all the boxes with gifts, form a cake and secure everything with a satin stitch.

How to make a gift box for New Year's Eve?

Template #1

Template No. 2 Template No. 3 Template No. 4

Template No. 5

Once you have already realized that you can make a box for the saint with your own hands, whatever its shape and color. For the sake of the New Rock, then you will have something to vibrate. If you show a little patience and diligence, then with the help of our templates you will be able to make a garish snowman, a fluffy Yalinka, a Boudino or Santa Claus.

If you separate the templates on a color printer, vikorist paper or photo paper, you will no longer have to print out the details of the next gift box and carefully glue them together. If you are unable to tear apart the templates, you can now create a gift package from a paper bag and a winter application, such as the head of Santa Claus, the Snowman or the Snowman.

In this case, the package, placed in front of the selected character, requires you to make it in red, white or black, and then glue the head of, for example, Santa Claus onto the top of the package. You will need to tie two pieces and tie them together from the very top of the hole for stitches, which you will use to tie your present.

How to make a box for a penny gift?

Template #1

Kviti for embellishment

Nowadays you no longer greet anyone with a gift envelope for pennies, so most people are trying to present them in an original way. The best option for this would be a box for a penny gift. You can earn money with a simple template. True, when preparing such a test, you have to remember that in this case you will create a box, the inner part of which will hang out.

Because you know that it is difficult for the sides of the virus to take shape, then it is difficult to mark them. If you are looking for additional cardboard, then one piece of paper will be enough. If you will be making a smaller paper, then first glue a bunch of paper together, and then fix this element on your paper. Well, of course, remember that as long as all the parts do not stick together, it is not necessary to collapse the internal part.

If we talk about the production of such viruses, then everything depends only on your imagination. You can decorate a box for a penny gift with everything you have on hand, or try to earn rewards from a paper for scrapbooking. How can they be modified and you can gain a little more.

How to make a gift box for malt?

Recommendations for preparing the box

Simple box for malts

In principle, the box for malt can be whatever it is. You can, for example, make a cake from a box that serves as a dessert (as we did in the first paragraph of our article) or make something simpler, for example, a round or rectangular box. Therefore, choose the form that suits your soul and begin to work on your holy spirit. If you don’t like these kinds of games, then try making boxes after templates, containing a few more.

But I would immediately like to say that regardless of the fact that you gain special respect, you need to add the very material from which you work your vibration. In this case, it is categorically forbidden to use a thin standard papier in such a way that it is unlikely to be able to vitrify the malt liquor. It will be better if you still spend money and find in a specialized store the thickest cardboard that you don’t need additional strength.

Also, to create such a masterpiece, use a paper for scrapbooking, just try to know the material on which the child’s baby will be applied. These could be castles, princesses, cute little animals, racing cars or even Lego. If we tell you that you won’t be able to buy something similar, then just indulge your imagination and decorate it with some vibrancy.

How to decorate and decorate a gift box with your own hands?

Troyandi with paper Pishna kvitka

Kviti from corrugated paper Applique for decorating gift boxes

Since you were respectful, you realized that you can decorate a gift box with any kind of decor. Therefore, as a decorative material, you can use a simple colored paper. Now, paint a new card of the required shape in different sizes. Once it’s chopped up, all you have to do is carefully cut the pieces, and then place them one on top of the other in 3-4 balls.

It is your responsibility to make sure that the pellets of your cards do not get mixed up one against the other. It will be more beautiful if the pellets of the new skin cells crumble. This way you can achieve the effect of fluffiness and visual realism of the flower. You can also glue the finished box with hearts, stars, openwork snowflakes, small notes with wishes and carved signs.

In addition, you can use paper to create patterns for the shape of bows and also spread them on the fly. Well, of course, don’t forget that paper can easily be decorated with colors from stitches and fabrics. As you can earn them, you can study in master classes that accommodate a little more.

Video: How to make a gift box for 10 rubles?

Paper boxes are a wonderful way to decorate gifts with your own hands, create original packaging for saving household goods, and also have a wonderful ability to bring creativity into life.

A great plus is that you can start practicing on a simple paper or unnecessary cardboard, after which you can move on to making beautiful boxes with a special paper.

So that the gift box with your own hands turns out to be neat and attractive, we will not rush to meet the needs of professionals and follow detailed instructions with photographs and diagrams, which can be found in our material.

Method No. 1: Square origami box

Beautiful and light in Vikonanna - this is what the first self-made box looks like. You will see that it works according to these simple instructions. This is the style of origami.

Popular statistics:

  1. Colorful packaging paper for gifts;
  2. Knives;
  3. Line;
  4. Olivets;
  5. Decorate the flowers - satin, oxamite or even stitching, volumetric application, flower bud.

How to make a box:

It’s easy to get packaging for a gift if you need it Pokrov's instructions with photos. In order to create a garne box, you need to cut the lid and main parts in the same style. The top can be presentable, we can paint it or add some color. The bottom can be made from a plain paper, depending on the color scheme.

  • Start by opening the lid for the box. I need a square shaped paper for this. Dimensions can be whatever they are - depending on the author’s intention. For this option, the square becomes 21.5x21.5 cm. It is necessary to cross the paper square diagonally to create a cross, as in the photo below.
  • The lower part needs to be bent so that the crossbar of the cross-chair lines lies on the central point. You can get your bearings from the photo. Then you need to fold the folds again, just like that, so that your edge is definitely covered with the dark brown. It is necessary to smooth out the leather well, so that the stinks can be drawn onto the paper. You can speed up the body of an olive. After this, we open the square back, saving the necessary further work on the paper.

  • We repeat these steps for the three pieces that we have lost, resulting in a ready-made square with a mesh of the parts we need. After this we cut two barrel parts from both sides, which now look like little bottles.

  • The next stage can be easily seen with photographs: we fold the lid of the new box.

  • After this, you can begin to assemble the base of the box. For this purpose, a square with a paper measuring 3 mm smaller than the front one. Ours has a size of 21.2 x 21.2 cm. The bottom is folded according to the same pattern as the cap. The result is a colorful box that can be decorated with stitching, appliqué, or a checkered pattern.
  • The inner ends can be glued from the inside with moving tape.

We have learned how to make a box with paper, and also the most reliable materials for such a typical product as gift packaging.

For details, you can watch the video where you can make a box in origami style:

Method No. 2: Straight box made from slit paper

A simple papier is not good, but a gift box with such a gift will never be a distant thought, as a way to keep an important gift intact. For the next year, a thick papier is like cardboard.

To prepare the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard;
  2. Double-sided tape/glue;
  3. Knives;
  4. Olivets;
  5. Line;
  6. Decorative embellishments.

How to make a box:

  • The core needs to be cut open and the template cut out. Since there is no such possibility, you can paint it onto your small paper, according to the required dimensions. The smut is adjusted in proportion.


  • Having finished your new cardboard box, you need to bend all the ends at the places marked with a dotted line. Since the paper is thick, you can help draw the line with an object with a sharp end (a saw, a saw, a twist).
  • Now, if the silhouette of the gift box has already appeared, you need to stick double-sided tape or apply glue to the area where the edges of the paper may come together - from the sides, as in the photo. Then you can fold the cardboard from the finished box and decorate it with stamps, applications, stitches, and inscriptions.

Method No. 3: Three-piece cake box

From paper and cardboard you can make not only simple square and rectangular boxes, but also gift boxes and packaging boxes of even original shapes. The best way to get involved in the preparation process is to help you take photos.

As in the past, the preparation of this box will make it easier to work with a ready-made template. The edges of the lid may be fluffy, which is associated with cream, or straight. The colors of the paper can be chosen at your own discretion, so that everything looks harmonious at once. The dimensions of the new box can be different, so that the template of the lower part of the letters is 3 mm smaller than the template of the lid.

To prepare the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard or thick paper;
  2. Glue;
  3. Knives;
  4. Olivets;
  5. Line;
  6. Decorative embellishments - for the baskets.

How to make a box:

Porada: First, try to make this box from a simple paper to understand the principle of preparation, and then proceed to the original on a more expensive paper.


Box cover template with straight edges. Box cover template with wavy edges. Template for the base of the “cake” box.

Important: Be sure to check the dimensions of the templates, as the butts may not fit exactly the same dimensions. Measure the size of the base template, but keep the pieces smaller than the size of the cover template.

  • I paint the template of the cover and the base of the box on two side-by-side arches. We scan the blanks from the paper.
    If this is the final option, and you want to work with cardboard, then paper templates need to be applied to the cardboard and describe the edges, outline the dotted lines of the edges, and then mark the storage parts of the box.

  • Then you need to make dotted lines on the cardboard. You can also help yourself with a linear or other object.

  • Now I have lost the ability to seal the top and bottom of the box at the meeting place - at the corners.

  • At the end you can decorate it with a vibrator, appliqué, nastins, and quilts.

Video tutorial: How to make a paper box

In order to inspire creators with new ideas to create these miracles in addition to any gift, you can look at a number of master classes and professionals. You can learn from them how you can easily earn money with your own hands case box, round screen boxі box-book.

Chantly, it’s a good idea to pick up gifts to love not only as a child, but as an adult, and if you don’t put them in an original box, then you will be deprived of unforgettable feelings in the form of a surprise. And we hope that the hour you spend on your creations will go by quickly and seamlessly, and the result will definitely please you. Here you can find the most original and best ideas on how to make a paper box with your own hands with a lid. Step-by-step instructions are written to help you complete it without any particular difficulties in treating illness.

Important! First of all, let’s start creating a gift box, so you can practice on a simple paper, and then you can catch all the mistakes and inaccuracies that may arise.

Select material

So, how can you make a gift box with your own hands? Why do you need these materials:

  • Corrugated cardboard;
  • Laces, stitches, tassels;
  • Gudziki, namistini;
  • Prepare the labels;
  • Knives, stationery knife;
  • Double-sided tape, olive glue;
  • Super glue or universal glue “Moment” (prosperous gel) for fixing the mixture;
  • Olivets, line;
  • Dirokol;
  • Compass.

There are no shortage of ideas for creating original boxes for gifts, we have selected the best and most affordable options for you.

Box with a round base:

  1. It is necessary to cut 4 circles: using a compass, we round the stake (you choose the diameter yourself) from a strong packaging cardboard, or from porous cardboard. Two large groups and two small ones.
  2. From tinted cardboard or whatever else you have, we cut out two stripes so that we match the size of the edges, with a reserve for overlap, one of them is wide, the other is narrow.
  3. Using additional Moment glue or double-sided tape, we glue together two large circles. Afterwards, we firmly glue together the two mugs that we lost.
  4. We need small mugs for the base of the box. Apply “Moment” glue to the side of the circle, gluing the paper to the cardboard; for reliability, you can also stick another glue on top of it.
  5. Do the same with the lid for the box: a thin piece of cardboard is glued along the edges of the large stake.

Important! To make your box look Christmassy, ​​you can create a colorful bow with a colored or printed stitch. To do this, you need to cut the stitch all the way through, glue its ends to the inner part of the lid, and tie the remaining ends that are missing in a bow to the animal.

Classic gift box

And for those who love the classics, there is this option: a small box for a small gift. We will need the following materials:

  • Line;
  • Knives;
  • Thick colored paper or cardboard (soft).

Let's take a step-by-step look at the whole process of how to make such a box with paper with your own hands. For the blanks you need two squares - a large one and a small one. Dimensions vary 1 cm, for example 15:15 and 14:14. Let's formalize it:

  1. You can see lines of squares diagonally, then bend to the center of the cut.
  2. Farther rolls, folded to the center, need to be folded to the proximal hem line, and then to the nearest hem line. A square may appear at the center, which will soon become our future bottom.
  3. After this, the sides of the diagonals, which have settled, are cut along the first grooves to the marked square in the center.
  4. The edges that we cut are folded into logs, this is how we make the walls of the box.
  5. The sharp ends of the walls are bent in the middle, to the center of the square.
  6. Not the folded tabs of the papers that have been lost, the curled ends are squishy, ​​thereby burning their middle.

We got a small little box.

The same manipulations are carried out with another square, and because this square is cut in size by one centimeter, the box will be smaller in size and will fit well with the previously prepared lid.

In order to fix the gift in the middle, place a serving dish or light paper on the bottom in winter. As you can see, making a gift box with your own hands is easy. To add originality and a strong accent, use colorful braid to tie up our box.

Box of secrets

And now, to your respects, we propose to create small gift boxes with a surprise. This is the name of the fake box: if the lid is removed, it will be broken. How to make a crust - you can marvel at another option described above.

Now, let's get started with making the gift boxes a secret.

Materials for robots

For it we need:

  • Knives, glue, paper;
  • Old leaflets, stories, stripes;
  • Embellish, decorative stitches.

Important! If you wanted to make a bottom of 18x18 cm, then for the top you will need 1 cm more, so 19x19 cm.

Step by step master class:

  • The box itself is finished in the following way: we divide the sheet into nine equal squares, which we don’t need, they need to be cut. The squares that are missing are folded in the middle, forming a box.
  • The inner part is decorated as your imagination desires (either with decorations or tops), glue on tins, rhinestones, gudziki, little leaves from leaves, a small bouquet.

Important! Don’t go overboard with the decor, so that the gift still loses the main focus of your surprise.

  • Now you can put the gift in the middle, take the sides of the box together and cover it with a lid, you can also tie it with a stitch.

Felt box

Felt is a wonderful material that can be used to create a variety of items such as handbags, decorations, toys, and gift wrapping.


For this creation we need:

  • Colored felt - its thickness varies, depending on the thickness of the sheet, choose the thickest and most flexible one so that it can be sewn by hand;
  • Naked threads;
  • Line;
  • Glue (super or hot glue),
  • Knives;

Master class step by step:

  1. Cross the fabric with olive to remove fewer traces and not tangle the fabric into 9 squares. Possibly also orthocutaneous species, but it is visible.
  2. Decorate with color appliques on the outside side, you can embroider unnoticeable little beads behind the baskets, decorate with nylons or beads.
  3. Carefully bend the walls and sew them one by one. Seams with contrasting threads will add a more unique and unique look. There are no common limitations with zagalom, so you can freely experiment.

Important! Felt boxes can also be used as a box for various items or decoration. It is also possible to vikorize them at the time of holding competitions for children and other saints.

Beautiful box that looks like a flower

If you need a minimum amount of money and hours spent, then you have the option of a simple box without glue:

  1. This can be done or you can re-paint the template on colored paper.
  2. I will prepare the line, create the line, and then create the line.
  3. If your paper is white, then turn the workpiece over with the right side, and then tone it all over the entire surface or just the edges using a sponge and stamping pad (you can quickly use pastels or watercolors).
  4. Let’s put our present in the middle, and we can collect the “pellets” from the fire.

Box with a heart

For special occasions, you can create such a delicate and romantic paper box with your own hands.


For her you need to take:

Robimo a box of paper - Master class step by step:

  1. Open and cut the template, go along the indicated lines with a blunt knife or scissors to create neat grooves in the required areas.
  2. Place the heart template on the part of the cover and cut it with a stationery knife.
  3. We carefully fold and fold the box along the lines, then fix it with glue.
  4. From the twisted side, carefully close it at the end with spit.
  5. We decorate the cover with paper and fabric flowers and beads.
  6. Robomo the bottom is the same.
  7. The composition, like work, is complemented by stitching.

Cardboard gift packaging

To prepare packaging for cardboard gifts, we need:

  • Arkoush cardboard;
  • Knives and compasses;
  • Scheme;
  • Double-sided tape and glue.

Let's get started:

  1. We create a template for a rectangular box from a single sheet, as shown in the diagram.
  2. The folding lines are carried out using scissors or compasses to evenly fold the sides of the box.
  3. Afterwards, glue it with pieces of double-sided tape as shown in the picture.
  4. Decorate with colorful pictures and inscriptions - place under the surface until you are ready.

Cardboard carrots

If it sounds intriguing, it will become a wonderful and irresistible surprise, where you can grab a small gift, for example, decorations, malt, small toys.

Important! Since we were thinking about what to put in such packaging, we have a bunch of ideas:

  • Friends or sisters can pack nail polish and lipstick this way.
  • For friends or girls, you can put a bracelet, earrings or a lace in a carrot.
  • For father or brother, gifts such as cufflinks, crib clips and pennies are suitable.

Materials for robots:

  • Orange papier;
  • Green thick threads;
  • Knives;
  • Serendipitous moment;
  • Green fabric (use felt);
  • Box template;
  • Dirkoprobivach.

Hide robots

Well, here's how to create the carrot box:

  1. There is a pattern on the orange chinky paper.
  2. The workpiece is checked. Let's add up our vibe behind the dotted lines.
  3. We assemble and glue the workpiece. The upper parts are made with wood chips to create an opening.
  4. From the green fabric we sew leaves, attaching green buds to them. About five of these leaves will be enough.
  5. The leaves are tied to the openings, which were previously cut with wood.

Important! You can create an additional sheet of paper on a green paper or ready-made cardboard paper, on which you can add vital writing.

Video material

Wrapping a gift is similar to mysticism. The simplest and easiest way is to buy ready-made bags and boxes. You can also create gift wrapping yourself, spending about an hour on it. Whenever you receive a gift, it’s a good idea to appreciate the packaging and the fact that it was chopped up by hand. This article covers three different methods: packaging from card paper, cardboard and leaflets. All three methods, with their apparent cheapness and simplicity, allow you to create a garni of gift boxes that you will soon be separated from.


Card papier

    Clean the work area and prepare the necessary materials. Prepare your work table and stock up on terpenes. What do you need:

    • Two arches of landscape paper 30 by 30 centimeters.
    • Glue: rare glue, sticky olivets, etc.
    • Knives.
    • Pencil for farb.
    • Line.
    • Paper bag.
  1. Attach two straight lines on the gate paper, criss-cross, from one side to the other. These lines will disappear; They should be traced on the back (highest) side of the paper. These two lines may shift at the center of the sheet. If the point of the webbing is not placed in the center, the edges will come out uneven and the edges of the box will not be flat.

    Fold the paper to the center point. Having placed the arch of the paper in front of you so that one of the corners is in the direction before you, bend the corners to the point of the crossline of the two lines drawn earlier. The leaf curls must meet one after another exactly in the middle, and you may end up with a symmetrical design.

    • It is important to place the sheet so that one of the cuts (and, obviously, the diagonal) is straight ahead of you; in the following description, the pieces will be referred to as “top”, “bottom”, “left” and “right”. Having placed the arkush paper on the cob of the robot in this manner, do not turn it away.
  2. Earn additional income. Fold the top and bottom edges, leaving the other two (right and left) folded. Then bend the left and right edges again to the center in such a way that their edges align with the central line (diagonal).

    • You may end up with two figures from the sharpened edges of the animal below.
  3. Fold the side edges of the sheet and bend the upper and lower tricut edges. You will have a diamond-shaped figure with vertical edges of the skin about 5 cm. In this case, the tops of the upper and lower tricutaneous edges (cut by you on the cob itself) are straightened to the center of the sheet. It is necessary to cut the edges.

    • The lines of the ventricles pass through the centers of the right and left sides of the spinal tricuts. Place the knitwear along these lines. As a result, you will have two new jerseys, spread out on the sides of the head jerseys (the post that came out will indicate the shape of the booth).
  4. Light up the paper and bend the top and bottom edges in the middle. The two heads were cut tightly from the skin side. Grab the space between two tritunics that are missing (their appearance suggests the shape of the box) and bend their tops into the middle of the sheet.

    • Bend the tri-knit edges along the line of the cob so that their tops meet at the central point. You take away the figure that the “budinok” predicts, with the “dakh” strengthened by the undercovers.
  5. Bend the larger knits in the middle, bending the smaller knits and spreading them out at the edges. Bend two recently formed biscuits into the middle. Then bend the smaller trikulets, which are spread out at the tops of the larger trikulets. If you bend the knitwear until the end, the stench won’t stick to the edge.

    • Now, once the side walls of the box are formed, you can guess the rice.
  6. Glue the edges of the side faces. The edges bent into the center are tightly formed into tricutlets and straightcuts. Glue the edges of the straight surfaces so that a wall is created near the center.

    • You can use vikoristovuvat special glue for paper, PVA glue; do not apply glue about in larger quantities, it is important to ensure that wine does not spill onto the openings of the paper, and after gluing, dry the paper.
  7. Raise the edges that are no longer glued together. Raise the knitted edges of the edges up; You will see that straight bases form the walls of the box (being glued, they will be flattened in a vertical position). In this way, you already have the bottom and walls of the box; Bend the three knitted edges in the middle so that their peaks meet in the center.

    • Having folded the knitted edges to the center of the box, you remove the lid; Now, to seal the box, all you need to do is squeak them all together.
  8. Glue the three-piece edges to the top of the box. Glue not just their vertices, but their side faces that stick together one after another. As a result, you will end up with a straight-cut box with a closed top and two sides, like the top half of a gift box.

  9. Do it yourself by preparing the lower half of the gift box; In this case, place the square arch of the paper with sides 3 mm shorter behind the front arch. The preparation of the lid of the box has been described above, as it is made of bread and bottom. Take the same arched paper as before, and then place it on both sides of the dark paper, about 3 mm wide.

    • After which, repeat the steps, move the area. As a result, you will be able to get a small gift box that consists of two parts, a bottom and a lid.


    1. Take a sheet of thick cardboard measuring 23 x 23 cm and another sheet of 16 x 16 cm of the same cardboard. Please ensure that several varieties of organic cardboard can reach the road. Don't be foolish on the road, you'll find cardboard that's remarkably cheap.

      • This model of gift box has a higher lower part and a smaller lid, which will require sheets of cardboard of different sizes. The size can be changed, either the top or the bottom fit one to the other.
    2. Make cuts in the cardboard arches that correspond to the bottom of the box. This sheet measures 23 x 23 cm. Cut quickly with scissors. The result may come out as follows: an equal-sided cross (or an additional sign). Make the cuts in the following manner:

      • Cut the sheet along the edges to a depth of 7.5 cm to the center, extending from the edges also 7.5 cm. Apply 4 cuts on the two outer sides of the sheet. As a result, you may end up with 4 squares with a side of 7.5 cm along the edges of a sheet of cardboard and 2 rectangles placed between them.
      • Draw lines on both sides of the sheet (burnt at the bottom), marking the location of the cuts. After cutting through the two lines, you will see a shape that resembles the cross and the sign of addition.
      • At a distance of 4 cm from the edge, cut the sides diagonally to the center. After this, you will have tights for the beasts below.
    3. Cut out the cardboard to make the top of the box. Take another, smaller cardboard box. Divide it the same way as the first one, but with the arrangement of its smaller dimensions. Get it like this:

      • On the two sides of the opposite sides, make rivets to a depth of 4 cm, protruding from the edges 4 cm.
      • Cut the cardboard from the leaf cutters to the front kerfs, thus creating three-piece patches on the leaf cutters.
      • Once again you have a figure that resembles a cross or a sign of addition, with knitted notches on the corners.
    4. Sign up "kuti". On the kuts there are three-piece virizi. There are two such virises above and two below. Fold them, smoothing and fixing the fold.

      • And again you may see a figure that suggests a sign of addition, with small knitted visages along the cut.
    5. Bring the sides of the cardboard sheet together, bending them straight to the center. Taking hold of the bottom edge of the skin, bend it uphill. In this case, the central part of the sheet that is no longer flat (the bottom of the box) can be used to create a regular square. In this way, you will have 4 edges to mark the bottom of the box from the sides. Join the side edges so that the three-piece protrusions extend from the inside.

      • Once the edges of the box have burned out, re-cut it again so that the tri-knit cords are removed from the inside of the walls. These visors will serve to connect the edges of the box.
    6. Continue the same operations with the lid. Take a smaller piece of cardboard and work with it the same way. Bend the edge of the cardboard in the same way as you did before. And in this case you may end up with half the box, although the dimensions will be slightly different.

      • Fold the edges of the sheet to the center, thus forming the edges of the box.
      • Raise all the edges so that the tributary lines are on the inside.
    7. Glue the knitted lines to the inner surface of the walls of the box. Well, you have two halves of a box in your hands that can be easily eaten. You can glue them together using some kind of glue. Simply apply a small amount of glue to the upper inner surface of the walls of the lid, which is placed on the bottom of the box.

      • Seal a bunch of quills until the glue dries, pressing the edges of the sides of the box. Then place the lid of the box onto its base and enjoy the results of your work.
    8. Vital leaflet

      Cut the vital leaflet completely. In this article we will look at a standard rectangular leaflet. A square leaflet will work, or other sizes will be available.

    • If there is writing on the inside of the leaflet, cover it with paper. This section of leaflet goes to the bottom of the box, so its appearance is not so impressive.

and other turbos).
Ale suddenly took the box from the gifts and hung up the small master class.

Ozhe, robimo pop-up box with a surprise.
The idea is this: a person takes a large box as a gift, opens it up, there is a smaller box in the middle, then another one, and so on until a small box with a small-sized gift appears in front of us.
This kind of packaging is very handy if you want to give a small gift for some decorations (rings), pennies or any other memorable gift.

The dispensing box hangs just below the order:
1. It has a significant look and does not create enmity, which is a great gift (this is for lovers of gigantism))));
2. It’s much easier to take away such a box than just a banal envelope from pennies;
3. The box can be decorated with carved memorabilia, photographs, other memorabilia and becomes a container of goodwill, but wait, it’s even more valuable, but it’s still a gift.

What do you need for the robot:

1. Cardboard (painted or corrugated)
2. Diverse obgortkovy papier
3. Decorative elements from paper, wood, or whatever you want to decorate the box with.
4. Double-sided tape (thin and backed)
5. Glue for paper (PVA, Moment Crystal or whatever else you choose to work with)
6. Paper or masking tape of different width
7. Knives
8. Line

Robotic hour:

It will take an hour for the boxes to be folded and left to measure. A box measuring 30x30x30 cm can be collected for 1-1.5 years (only one outer box!), smaller inner boxes can be collected for 30 years up to 1 year. Plus, add an hour for decorating - from pіvgodin to the skin box. Zagalom can be placed on folded and decorative packaging for 10-15 years. Therefore, plan to create such packaging later, otherwise you will definitely not be able to work with it.

I’ll tell you straight away that this option doesn’t pretend to be highly artistic, it’s easy to get enough details, it’s important that this is an option for a simple folding box))) You can get confused and create a perfect folding box in all cases chku, just get ready to spend a lot of money on it days, a fragment of the processing of parts follows a consistent approach.

Let's start?

1. Before the cob, measure the size. I recommend starting with the largest, outer box, since it contains the largest amount of material and can then plan the dimensions of the inner boxes. It’s better to make a box that looks like a cube, so it will be easier to determine the dimensions - the cube has all the same dimensions. The skin on the box is 3 cm smaller so that the decor and cover can be placed between the boxes in the middle. Also figure out what size the smallest inner box you have will be for what kind of gift it will be.

2. Select the base material.
Corrugated cardboard(such as old boxes or specially purchased sheets) are much lighter, so the capacity of the finished folding box will be quite small. Just be aware that the boxes will be larger, so the appearance will not be very compact and neat.
Palette cardboard It’s much more important, it’s more even, it sticks well and trims the paper, and it’s thinner than corrugated, so the box looks smooth, beautiful and neat.

3. On the base of the box we put 5 cardboard boxes of the same size. My box has a total size of 30x30 cm (all dimensions are based on the dimensions of my box).
Place one sheet in the middle and place 4 on each side. Leave a small gap between the sheets (about 3-4 mm) so that the sides of the box can be laid out smoothly.

4. Using paper tape, we glue all the sheets of paper on one side, turn the workpiece over and pierce it on the other side. In this way, I will prepare 5 sheets, glued on sticks on both sides.

5. Now that we are working with the largest, outer box, we need to glue the outer bottom so that the outer box looks decent.
We draw from a paper paper a square measuring 35x35 cm (it is due to a slightly larger cardboard bottom).

6. It is not necessary to apply thin double-sided tape to the cardboard bottom often and not very rarely so that the paper is glued evenly.

7. We take the dry paper from the tape and glue the sheet of paper that we printed earlier.

8. In the heaps of protruding parts of the paper, the cuts are carefully cut at 45 degrees.

9. We turn the bottom blank over, bend the rolls and glue them to the base.

The last centimeters are folded and glued to the base. Here it’s better to use glue quickly, since you need to coat large areas of paper.
Before gluing the sides, you need to bend the paper rolls so that the base rolls look decent.

This is what the inside of the big box may look like after gluing the note paper:

13. The base of the largest box we have is ready, now we need to make a lid. We know that the size of our large box is 30x30 cm, so the size of the lid may be a centimeter larger. We cut from cardboard a square of 31x31 cm and 4 pieces of paper measuring 31x5 cm. Here 5 cm is the height of the lid, I took this size of the lid through paper tape (I have a wide one, 5 cm), so that it would be easy to paste it over and would not require a bucket. izati I'll fill the width. You can customize the height of the lid to suit your needs.
The details are laid out the same way as when the base of the box is folded, but pressed up to the middle sheet (so there is no gap between the parts)

14. Cover the sticks of parts on one side of the workpiece with paper tape.

15. The axis is like this (the sticks are glued in the middle)

16. Fold the bundles tightly and cover them with some paper tape. It is important to stitch so that the parts are glued evenly and tightly - this will ensure the current appearance of the lid.

I’ll definitely make something so cute. Before speaking, you can “get used to” this method of gluing in the mail - be careful how to pack the box with a zipper, as this will immediately become a sensible principle.

It is the responsibility of the axis to be so neat, the little one:

I successfully forgot to take a photo of the process of gluing the lid, but, in principle, it’s good to cover the master class, the rest of the process is boring, but if I wanted to, I’ll post the process of gluing the lid from corrugated cardboard.

First you need to cut a sheet of paper paper to adjust the height of the cover, since the base of the cover is 31x31 cm, the height is 5 cm, then we cut a sheet of at least 42x42 cm, so that it is possible to seal the outside and inside height of the roof:

19. Ugh. Are you tired?)) And all of us have been killing the biggest box! Let's go further. The skin of the box needs to be 3 cm smaller, so that 5 slots of cardboard measuring 27x27 cm can be cut.

Laying sheets:

Cover both sides of the workpiece with tape

It is necessary to enter the following blank without the bottom covered with paper:

20. Now we glue the smallest box to the larger one. To do this, place the base of the large box on a flat surface, coat the bottom of the smaller box with glue and carefully glue it evenly to the center of the inner part of the bottom of the large box. The axis is like this:

21. Next, we repeat all the described procedures several times with appropriate changes in the size of the boxes. The axis that came into my mind:
1 box - 30x30 cm, cover 31x31 cm
2 boxes - 27x27 cm, cover 28x28 cm
3 boxes - 24x24 cm, cover 25x25 cm
4 boxes - 21x21 cm, cover 22x22 cm
5 box - 18x18 cm, cover 19x19 cm
6 box - 15x15 cm, cover 16x16 cm

Robiti did not become smaller than the box, because... It was necessary to put an envelope with a gift card, and 15x15 - the smallest box was very handy for him.
You can also make more boxes, increasing them, for example, up to 9 pieces. This will fit a box with a ring or other special gift.

22. Now we need to decorate all the boxes of our packaging.
Let's start from the very least, and before us lies the following controversy:

Decorate with detailed inscriptions, stickers and other decor, insert the envelope right away!

We close the box with a lid (you will also need to create decor at the top) and proceed to decorate the larger box.

I again close the lid and step on it decoratively:

And fix the axle of our big box!

To prevent the box from opening earlier, it needs to be tied with a beautiful stitch and presented neatly to the addressee. Buried and happy tears are guaranteed!

This is a small gif, where you can briefly see the process of creating a similar folding box:
