Girkota of bush boros. Why should I be happy?

Girkota of bush boros. Why should I be happy?

At that hour, the yak is fermented with wheat Pivdennoi Europe The United Kingdom, the life of the country is well aware of a greater important role in the Ukrainian and Eastern Europe. The price is tied to the goodness of life on the basis of ordinary terrains and in the more cold, vologous climate, characteristic of these regions.

Chemistry in the vitamins and enzymes that evolve in life, in the minds of life, in the behavior of life with water when changing water to prepare a taste, and in the way of insight into life If there is more bread in the dough, less wheat grass, then it should be done.

Існує row new species living products. The stench is varied from the fact that the living room comes in before the warehouse. The stench is also seen by the team, as well as some other fine details.

Є Khlib, preparations from 100% lively boros, ale rіznі vidi Khlib is broken up in a smaller amount.

The inflow of living forest on the thick and relish and the texture of the bread is changing fallowly from the part of the land.

The grain of life can be soaked in bread for a savor and texture. Lively grains can also be crushed when they are crushed into other small pieces of food in front of lively plastic.

Chemistry of life from wheat

Gluten is the main ingredient in wheat. Gluten is shaped like a clitin frame, which glides into carbon dioxide gas, which is fermented to fermented zukru with dizhi. It is necessary to produce the texture of myakusha khlib into the final rakhunka until it is expanded.

Zhito revenge nagato less gluten, less wheat. The veal has gluten of lower quality, if on the right it reaches the flooding of the little bulbs. Otzhe, khlib, preparations in the main from life boroshnaya, do not feel so hard yak khlib, prepared mainly from wheat bush. Myakush khliba, in yaku reloading rye, my tendencies of bootie schilny with smaller openings.

From the іnshy side, ryhto maє more flowers, nіzh wheat, for that life it is easier to wander shvidshe.

To take revenge on a group of important folding flowers, who are called pentosans... The stench of presence and in those grains, albeit at the life of the life of the speech, is the most.

Pentosans are important to the baker for several reasons. The smell of proteins in gluten virobnitstvі, і the water will be tієyu speech, as it is important here, to form gluten. Tse means, scho life is often in the middle of a large part of the water nіzh tisto, in which I am fermenting wheat.

Pentosan is easy to fall apart from one hour to another, and this fragment is produced to a sticky dough. Through the whole life, there is more meat, as a rule, more short change, less wheat.

Why should you need a leaven by the way?

The zhita has more enzymes (amilazi), which can split starch into sugar. The starch is necessary to form the structure of the meat. If it breaks down even more starchy, then the texture of the bread is awesome and becomes sticky. Traditionally, the transition to the acidification of the life of the life, like the trust in the amilase, is a tradition.... The axis of the chomu hlib with the high height of the living forest is ready to be prepared for life's sour(a leaven based on a living leaven)

The souring of the living test is very rich in life, which is characteristic of the daily bread, which can also be of interest to the home baker. Tse doda singing relish, yakim mi shukaєmo in everyday life.

See life boroshn

Boronous wheat is dark - boronous, overgrown with shells of grain. Winning a tendency to be rude and groaning, poglate to finish off a lot of water, and zagalom from her, it is important to praise.

Livelihood - in the main whole grain of livestock, otherwise fine-tuned.

The middle of life is boring - if the deyaki (but not all) the germs and hanging were seen.

Lighter, or more lively - the equivalent of universal wheat boros. The hangings and the buds of the boule are mostly, sometimes, visible.

In Europe, especially in Pivnichniy Evropi, there is a wide assortment of living forest, which includes growth of visceral and germ.

Why should the life be hot?

Life is good, to take revenge on the oily germ (darker and middle), it pounds even more quickly, so you can get better and better and more freezers... Іnkshe і borosno, і virobi with her, may be hot(In some cases it is even stronger, on the floor, but the vip is practically uncharitable).

Livelihood vikoristovushis order with wheat meadow

A small amount of grain - 5-10% of the rich bourgeois - an extra infusion for the relish of bread. The glimpse of the very life itself is not remembered, the ale and zagalny savor of the hlib we are building up. You can be tied with the same amylases in your life, so you see more flowers. The test has little life, but its behavior when it changes and grows and its texture, when it appears, it can be unintelligible. wheat bread... Tim doesn’t mensh, relish a little bit, to be beautiful.

Khlib іf more nіzh 50% of the lively forest - the whole of the history. Efforts to specialize in life, tied to the chemistry of life, become important from the growing parts of life in the test. As a rule, such chlibts are molded more flat, and when you see it for a few years before the nap, the pick did not crack.

In 70% of life, or more bread, you can know for a period of 24 years, and go up to decile days, until the moment you can get it. It is not for nothing in Russia їli hlib, which is three days and more.

Lipko ... Ale does not need to be more boring!

Just in everyday life, there will be more sticky. Since the glade is more fertile, the scarlet needs to stand.

When manually kneading the sticky life-like paste, pick it up, light blows, minimizing the contact of the hands with the dough, so that the number of paste that sticks to your hands is changed. You can also soak your hands with water, so that you can spare your olives.

Is it normal to turn up loudly? Broken 3 months to volume. I smell mute. On the viglyad, there is a gray siren. and by making the most beautiful

Posted by Natali Wlasowa [guru]
nothing bad! I rotate sprouts of cereals and if I grind them and the stench does not rise yet, I grind the stench in the grind. so do not be fooled in the heat-treated version of the package. well, it can be easy and dry

View from Vira[guru]
I’m ready to be built, but I don’t buy oatmeal but 5 cereals - I don’t see any of them

View from Larysa lymar[guru]
just the most playful to the song

View from It is blown out by the wind.[guru]
Everything is good, the plastic is grown in a natural look (it sounds humming without any additional filings). Oversized: cheap oatmeal, then girly relish, ale, yak sturdzhuyut, nikorrisnishy. ..a. Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі іѕ well prepared, whісh sold іn shopsі, pass the thermo-wrapping, consume the gіrkota. ... You can buy the same not girky plastic and grind it with grain.

View from Pavlo Lipatenkov[guru]
Rancid! I was brought to vivsyana boroshno vikina through tse

View from Ludyammila[guru]
Signed up!

View from Liona-STRO[guru]
Ні. I take the Charivnytsya stamps. Don't get hot.

View from Vito Scaletta[guru]

View from Atiana Nagibina[Newbie]
I dal and girku flour, I think it's old. you will be healthy, new people. And the vaughn was covered with a screw-like screw, no schobs were pissed off. For virobniks in the smut - uniknuty zbitkiv, not your health.

View from 3 responses[guru]

Vitannya! The axle is good from time to time according to your power supply: Is it normal to turn up loudly? Broken 3 months to volume. I smell mute. On the viglyad, it is bright gray.

For a warm mood that self-respect, it is necessary to drink a bottle of water, and after a dozen hour, brew your own porridge from dried fruits. Ale buvaє, savor your snidanku zenatska marvel you. Why should the vivsyanka be hot, you can also use the packaging and the correct recipe for preparing the gravy. Now about everything in order.

Why should vivsyanka be hot and robotic?

Yakshcho vizvychay eat vivsyanka, you can eat it, you have cooked porridge with an extraordinary rank, the rapt has become a girkoy for relish. The reasons for such a change to relish the product can be:

  1. Zvernit respect for the packaging of vyvsyanka. It can be at her place ending with the term of attachment for є ymovіrnіst of the wrong choice. For such minds, the grain of the beginning was done;
  2. Girky savor navit svіzha vіvsyanka zdatna pribati when busy with trivial varіnnі;
  3. To add to the ready-made porridge of non-fresh ingredients, for example, topping butter;
  4. You can, you vikoristovuvali for cooking porridge low-grade cereals;
  5. Oats are also built to absorb odors. Yakshcho the pack was taken in a dry order with the other products, which might have a pungent smell, but it could have zipsuvati.

In order to save yourself some troubles do not prodovzhuvati products... Remember, in a normal camp, porridge is not to blame for being hot.

In addition, since you have presented a container of ready-made ubik porridge, you need to find out the reason for this disagreement. If the grain is still stitched, you can try it in the salty water with a stretch of one piece. I want best pribati nova as a package of cinnamon cereals.

Yak correctly gotuvati plastic?

We already know that it is good for the implantation of a whole grain of veins. For that, it is right and tasty to prepare:

  1. Soak її for a couple of years by the water;
  2. Pour the porridge base into the unit. Tse mozhe buti water chi milk;
  3. In the middle heat, heat the base to the boiling stage;
  4. All you need is a quantity of grain;
  5. Cook with a stretch for about a half.

At the same time, in order to trim the grain of the cereal from the base of maє buty 1 to 3. If you need a consistency knot, then for a bottle of grain you will need two and a half flasks of ridini.

For this, the porridge is not tasty, it can be salted, or it’s ready to cook for an hour. Add more colorful additives before the already cooked product. Tse mozhut buti:

  • Dried fruits;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fresh fruits;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Varennya.

In a wide variety of cases, you will save the cinnamon additives and take away not only savory, but ale and garnu strain.

Yak, tidy up some food from the porridge?

It’s just as good as the freshness and correctness of the selection of your grain, as well as the possibility of adding extra products to the porridge, and you can use it all alone, you can try it with additives:

  • If you don’t like liquorice snidanok, cook porridge with additional chicken cube;
  • Dobre tidy up the girkotu tsukor;
  • Dried fruits;
  • It can also be immersed in salt water as a natural product.

However, using these methods, you can only mask your unacceptable gusto. In order not to allow him to appear, please:

  1. Redefine the term of attachment zazdaleg_d;
  2. Save the oats according to the recommendations on the packaging in a container, so that it can turn curly;
  3. Do not choose another cheap product (packaging is to blame for the cost of 50 rubles);
  4. I’ll cook the porridge immediately after cooking. So you won’t be surprised to get oxidized і mothers inappropriate relish;
  5. Prepare the strava correctly;
  6. Do not allow any unpleasant additives to be added to the finished herb.

Cornish porridge for snidanok

To build, for us from the dynasty of the sight, that the porridge is vrantsi in the region is brown. However, we do not want to see why it is so and what arguments to bring about reproach.

Like it seems, be-like products may or may not be in charge of starting their own warehouse. Oatmeal to take revenge on your own:

  1. Bіlok;
  2. Klitkovina;
  3. Carbohydrate;
  4. fat;
  5. Різні вітуміни;
  6. Kaliy;
  7. Magniy;
  8. Zalizo.

Vzhivannya of such porridge for additional help:

  • Uniknuti feeling hungry through those who will come to the edge of the country for the most part;
  • Polishshiti to the ShKT robot, instead of klitkovini;
  • Rozridzhuvati shelter;
  • Stabilize the functions of the stove and nirok;
  • Uniqueness of problems іf thyroid gland;
  • Polishing the memory of the rosum's efficiency;
  • Adjust your mood.

In such a rank, Vysianka is a true miracle product. Ale all the power tricks only whole grain, as will require a non-trivial varіnnya. So called the added plastic parts cinnamon rhymes through ruinuvannya and dodatkove cleansing of vihіdnoї sirovini.

Skoda vivsyanki for people

Vivsyanka, as a product, has its own shortcomings.

  1. Phytic acid, which can be found in vyvsyantsy, does not allow the absorption of calcium and, moreover, from the cysts;
  2. Gluten at the grain warehouse normal robots slunk and intestines and may experience allergies;
  3. The porridge is not low-calorie. If you cook grain on milk and sugar, then the number of cytokalories in one portion can fly up to five hundred, and at the same time it will clutter up the transplanted norms with problems due to the occupied carriage;
  4. Through the great vm_st to the crumbs of the plastics, they can often lead to diabetics.

In such a rank, yaksho vi you suffer:

  • Ailments ShKT;
  • Alergyu;
  • obese;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Diabetes, then you are more beautifully uttered from the well-known reception of such a strain.

It’s not easy to adapt from a new call, but a few picks and sizes are more beautiful than a bottleneck.

With such a rank, for which vysyanka is hot, do not forget to reconsider the term and attachment - the first sign of the fact that the plastic was prepared for a long time or was wrong. I want a little more broader reasons for girkoti, even more often.

Video: How do you correctly pick up the plastic?

Leonid Lomakin has a lot of commercials, as it is necessary to select the correct plastic materials, so as not to add an uncommon product from a batch:

Is it normal to turn up loudly? Broken 3 months to volume. I smell mute. On the viglyad, there is a gray siren. and by making the most beautiful

Posted by Natali Wlasowa [guru]
nothing bad! I rotate sprouts of cereals and if I grind them and the stench does not rise yet, I grind the stench in the grind. so do not be fooled in the heat-treated version of the package. well, it can be easy and dry

View from Vira[guru]
I’m ready to be built, but I don’t buy oatmeal but 5 cereals - I don’t see any of them

View from Larysa lymar[guru]
just the most playful to the song

View from It is blown out by the wind.[guru]
Everything is good, the plastic is grown in a natural look (it sounds humming without any additional filings). Oversized: cheap oatmeal, then girly relish, ale, yak sturdzhuyut, nikorrisnishy. ..a. Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі іѕ well prepared, whісh sold іn shopsі, pass the thermo-wrapping, consume the gіrkota. ... You can buy the same not girky plastic and grind it with grain.

View from Pavlo Lipatenkov[guru]
Rancid! I was brought to vivsyana boroshno vikina through tse

View from Ludyammila[guru]
Signed up!

View from Liona-STRO[guru]
Ні. I take the Charivnytsya stamps. Don't get hot.

View from Vito Scaletta[guru]

View from Atiana Nagibina[Newbie]
I dal and girku flour, I think it's old. you will be healthy, new people. And the vaughn was covered with a screw-like screw, no schobs were pissed off. For virobniks in the smut - uniknuty zbitkiv, not your health.

View from 3 responses[guru]

Vitannya! The axle is good from time to time according to your power supply: Is it normal to turn up loudly? Broken 3 months to volume. I smell mute. On the viglyad, it is bright gray.

Skin sir, I like to love baking, it’s tasty, I’m learning about the information, some of the best to lay down the taste, relishing that kind of great vip. It’s a good time today. And you know, yak is more beautiful for a vipichka? Yak її vibrate and zberigati? I will read it cinnamon please Hazyayok, I want to tell you a mustache, I know about flour.

Yake buvaє borosno ta yake borosno vibrati for vipichka

Literally all the commercials are repeating, which is most beautiful for the majority of types of bakery virobes in the wheat-growing Katunku. Do not be fooled by advertisements, as if you want to sell you that product, like є from a virobnik.

For the sorts of varieties that are boroshna, they are even more abundant and leathery, they should be suitable for viping a singing virob. For example, zdobu, tistechka and cake for the sake of it is more beautiful than the pectis from the wheat ferry Katunka. Vipichka is uncomfortable, as well as pies with rice filling, including liquorice, which is more beautiful than the first grade. Dumplings and dumplings, pancakes and dumplings are more beautiful than other varieties.

It is not so easy to know the well-to-do variety in our hour, because there are a lot of virobniks to spoil the only kind of vishy Katunok (you just want to write vishy Katunok, if you want it like that or not).

There is a lot of wheat about the wheat, a little more and more abundant species, about which we will talk about three things. Isnu majestic vibir boroshna, as you can buy something else in home minds: migdaln, llyane, gorikhov, hemp, corn, yachmin, corn, so far and so far. Overlap is possible to infinity! The skin of them is garnished at its own role, and we also have a strain of unique, unrepeatable relish and scent. It’s not easy to be afraid of experimenting, to know the most beautifully special for yourself, with a leather pie you will become a master of the art, and you won’t be breastfeeding.

Wheat dough

Wheat dough frequent guest from all views on our kitchen. Basically, you can stock up on starch, ale to special bites (glutein and gladin), which can be used as a child and change to gluten (gluten), and we can accept it just fine, you can eat something like that.

Well, it’s good for the family, but it’s necessary for the gluten, and the gluten molecules at the same time could be depleted one by one, and they were able to create elastic lanes. For such a reimagination, a sufficient amount of time is required for a single amount of boroshna, for example, for more than one hour for making a dough.

In some cases for the test, it will be necessary to minimize the acceptance of gluten;

From a few bricks, lay down those who will be good "weak" or "strong". If we need "weak boroshno" for preparing the pasta, then instead of a bottle in a new low cost, 10-12%. The whole indicator can be found on the skin packaging - virobnik can write. I think you used to write this in pachtsi before.

"Slabka" is boroshno - tsveyaine bakery is boroso for preparing confectionery virobes. If we are less than a bottle in now, we will be ready for more and less time.

It is also necessary to reduce the amount of wine and to adjust the amount of corn in the brownies, to just finish it in the minds of the home. Have a good luck yak? Replace part of the forest with starch (kartoplyanim or kukurudzyanim). There is a bit of corn to be deposited because of the fact that a large amount of food needs to be removed.

"Strong" flour is to take revenge on 13-14% of the bottle. It’s the most frequent choice for preparing another test. Throwing away from fertile and expensive varieties of wheat. It’s not easy to enter leaflets, brewed and knitty, so there’s more wine in the bush, and more gluten and more elastic lanes in the dough. It is easy to go to the mint, it is easy to stretch and tear.

It is important to know "Stronger" in our country, for that it is necessary to use Italian and Finnish virobniks.

Krim Bilka in Muts є Another important component is starch. It’s a wonderful zagusnik, who appears in his power before the hour of the temperature change (before the hour of heating), as soon as you need a bit of birth. Biscuits, puddings, puddings and muffins are tasty and tasty. That often you can know the starch, which replaces a part of the bush, but the growth is more beautiful.

Sort ta vidi wheat borosna

Vishy variety. It is good to store from the central part of the grain, in what is rich in starch, and even fewer vitamins. Tilki with it you can get a spicy cake or bisquit. Moreover, it’s necessary to add a little bit of corn to it, and then add a little bit of corn. The size of the parcels is 30-40 microns, the ash content is not more than 0.55%. Colir of biliy. Gotuyut zdobni virobi, as already said muffins and biscuits, cake.

First grade. To take revenge on trochas of fine-grained shells of grain; The particle size is 40-60 microns, the ash content is 75%. Colin bili, inodi creamy with zhivny, rarely siruvatii. Go for cooking uncomfortable vipychka (bread, buns, kuleb'yak, pies with stuffing and pies).

Another gatunok. Weed grass has more shells of grain. less in the front types. The great man took it to the end. Looks gross. Color is gray, one is creamy and brown. Prepare waffles, dumplings, biscuits, mlinz and pancakes from it. It’s just rude, but the vip is shyly callous. Do not go to prepare a bunch of food. More beautiful than other variety zmіshuvati z vischim abo persim, schob virobi vikhodili more pishnimi. Ash content - 1.1-1.2%. A whole variety of zmіshuyut with lively boroshny for preparing a living vipіchka.

Tapestry or whole grain. Naykorisnіsha, oskіlki to revenge nikorrisnіshі parts - the embryo that shell. The particle size is 30-60 microns. Virobi doesn’t go harsh, which means that whole grains are ferociously sour, and the other is a kind of vishy variety.

Krupchatka. Pridbati її is even more smooth. To vilify from her lokshin, dumplings. Do not go for the preparation of bread (uncomfortable other vipychka). Virobi with her is as hard as she is, but it’s too nasty to grow up.

Chim whole grain richly grows from a grain

Whole grains - the one who was otrimana for the additional one-time pomegranate of wheat grain at once with a shell, for some kind of cereals, I have enough high rіven gluten. Engage in one from themselves cinnamon varieties boroshna (nagato korisnish ​​zvychaynoi). Vona is dark that rude, more demanding in theology, less zvychana. This whole grain cannot be elastic, but the preparations are rough and hard. Rationally vikoristovuvati for the dough of whole grains and boron-rich katunku in rіvnіh kіlkosti, even though not transferred to the recipe.

Yaka buvaє boroshno krim wheat

  1. Gretska. Won’t take revenge on gluten, є a lover among people, like sitting on children. It is even more recognizable from koristuvanna, є slightly bitter smell. Now, if you will be fed as well as gluten-free, you will be able to see it - the Greeks.
  2. Risova. Prepare from the grains of rice, by grinding, two types of rice: standard white and unpeeled brown.
  3. Yachminna. There is a light bitter relish, to beat the vip with the mead. Vona go for the preparation of mlints, baking that "shvydkoy" hlib.
  4. Zhitnya. Poglinaє richly drive, through scho just go sticky. It is vipіkayut hlіb, which is splendid with a characteristic relish and aroma. Krim khliba її vikoristovuyut for preparing muffins, buns and mlintsiv. Behind the step, the broomstick and instead of the hangings continue into varieties: peeled, sianu, and tapestry. If you didn’t know what it meant for tapestry before, now you know that there’s at least one kind of living forest.
  5. Kukurudzyan. There are two types: a thin broomstick, a kind of a beautiful honey color with a characteristic low corn gust, that coarse broomstick, with a good taste and a triple grain bakery virobi. More often than not, from corn-borne you can cook Mexican biscuits, bread, buns and vipichku (navit dyetichnu).
  6. Soєva. Vona buvaє smeared (with yaskravim relish) і not smeared, yaku vikoristy for preparing dyzhdzhovy khlib. Vona maє biliy kolir, and virobi from neyvgo do not stale and burn the scorch. You can also substitute milk for the test.
  7. Speltovo abo boroshno z pivbi (polbyane). Rocking from varieties of wild wheat. Cook і buns, і pies, і pizza.
  8. Vivsyana. It is possible to grow, having grinded up the plastic in kavomoltsi. Vikoristovuєtsya for the preparation of varnished baked goods.
  9. Migdalna. Get started from the moment. Pridbati is easy, but it is possible to prepare it at home. You can get pies for her, as well as the famous macaroons.
  10. Linen. I have a clear bitter relish. One day, replace the egg with flour, so as there is a good deal of power. Add puddings, zapikanki, chlib.

Yak Vibrati Borosno

Vibrate is a good fermented product, which can be consumed without losing its power, but it will be tasty and brown, you need to vibrate. Beastly respect for this moment:

  1. Dovkilla. Note, in which to sell bred products, they must be dry, clean, without foreign odors and added vologosti.
  2. The term of attachment. It takes 6 months without preservatives. Do not trust the virobnik. which, having written, is the term of attachment 1 rik chi more.
  3. Colir. Is guilty of making a kind of that variety. For wheaten food, Katunku is a light creamy color. If you drip some water on a well-worn dribble, and if you get drunk at a blakitny colir, then clearly sign Moreover, they were prepared from the unripe grain. If the color of the experiment is not blakitny for an hour, but a chervoniy, then the hanging was added to the warehouse. As long as the color does not change, I can do it right with the yakisnym product.
  4. On the dot. Stiskaєmo boshnyanu masu in a fist. Vona maє crunch. As soon as the print was printed on your valley, the masa was re-painted on the breast, then it is a clear sign of the fact that you are a vologue. Such a product, having lost the power requirements, is not needed.
  5. Smell. Let’s take it, but we will take it to the aroma of peeds. Not to blame for the smell of rot, mustiness and sour dough.
  6. Gusto. Better wheat-rich dough, malty relish. As soon as in the presence of the house, the stench can crunch on the teeth.

Why should it be loud, or if it should be loud, it should be

In addition, if you bought a fermented product, you need to know that it is correct to take it out, but the product can be used and become hot, remove the odors from the outside, return it to the doctor for some reason. Such a product is not suitable for vikorystannya and it is necessary for vikinuti. It is a good idea not to recommend purchasing in reserve.

  1. Zberigannya obov'yazkovo can be seen in a dry and cool ice. The period of the period of growth must be surrounded by approximately a lot of months. It is not possible to take away the borosom oil from the oxidized oils. Even through the price of ruin the power of the product.
  2. Zberigati її is required in paper bags or linen bears. It is not possible to take advantage of polyethylene!
  3. If you boil the flour out of the bag, then pick up the jar with a crush, and you will start to curl up even more! It is also allowed to freeze for forty-eight years in order to shake off all the comas and nibbles on the eggs. It is not recommended to mix it up badly, as it has been opened for a long time from the new packaging, more beautifully, before the cob of a fresh party, I will bring up the old one.
  4. It is not possible to take a bilya of the state's gifts: sweet, pralny powder; Also, it is not necessary to take care of it from the cybuli, even all the products will see a pungent odor, but rather shyly absorb everything.
  5. It is allowed to freeze the fermented products in the freezer chambers. Tim himself prodovzhuyuchi period of accessibility in two or three times.
  6. It is not possible to tolerate temperature drops (especially sharp drops, if condensate is set in and the bush mass becomes volatile).
  7. It is necessary to trim the whole grain well in the refrigerator, even when the temperature rises, to find a room, or to take a place in the forest, to make a hot drink.
  8. Obov'yazkovo wikite proudly, as the color or smell changed.
  9. There is one cunning trick: to get rid of comas, put a small bay leaf in the container from the bush, and I will save it for the coma. For tsikh the same goals can be done with flour to remove the head to the chapel.
  10. The optimum temperature is +18 degrees. While it is good at temperatures of 0 degrees, the term of availability will not be 6 months, but 2 rocky.

Now, as for me to be built, you know everything about flour. Know yak vibrati borosno, yak yogo zberigati, yak vono buva і yak borosno more beautiful for this kind of vipichka. I would like to ask you to give me the permission to distribute it on my site, so you can know savory recipes Vipichki that you can fix the new knowledge from the statistics.


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