What is the second higher education to choose an engineer. The second higher one is better

What is the second higher education to choose an engineer. The second higher one is better

Recently, the number of applicants in various fields with several higher education is rapidly increasing rapidly. There is nothing surprising in this, because many authoritative companies prefer to cooperate with multidisciplinary specialists. In addition, the second highest helps successfully reach peaks in a career, deepen knowledge in the chosen profession. However, many people are guided by personal goals, not going to discontinue learning after receiving one diploma.

It is believed to be assumed by the student of higher education programs on the basis of an existing or unfinished higher education. As a rule, a large part of applicants have diplomas confirming the receipt of higher vocational education.

But is it possible to take the second higher one in parallel? This question for applicants does not lose relevance. Frequently higher than the highest educational establishments Provide your students such an opportunity. However, the main difference from receiving the first top is a commercial basis. At the same time, students are considered listeners and can only be studied at the correspondence department. It is important to emphasize the equalization of this status to the status of students studying at the day office.

As for the timing of obtaining a diploma, the first diploma and the form of training specified by the applicant have direct influence. In the process of enrollment, disciplines coincide in accordance with the programs are carried out. Thus, the smallest duration of learning will be among students who preferred a controversial specialty. The similarity of curricula will be a key to a significant percentage of the coincidence of objects. On average, a person will have to spend two to three and a half years to receive additional higher education.

From what course can you get the second higher?

It is one of the time to receive one more education. Students are capable of both primary and older courses. But most of them prefer them to get another diplomas, after graduating the third course of the main specialty. This step will avoid re-passing exams on subjects that are common to curricula. Deciding from what course you can get the second higher, the person must independently, based on its own capabilities and the goals set. Statistics show that the receipt of the second diploma simultaneously selects students studying on the third-fifth year.

To start learning for an additional specialty, a student needs to undergo certification tests represented by written testing of the profile orientation. The admission committee is required to provide not only the usual package of documents, but also an academic certificate issued by the main place of study.

After completing parallel learning, graduates, unlike their classmates, receive two diplomas of the state sample confirming the receipt of higher vocational education. It should be noted that it is capable of making universities licensed on only educational activities, state accreditation for a certain specialty. About such a feature must be remembered to modern students, considering parallel learning in different institutes or universities.

Today, an employee who has a higher education, has a certain advantage in the labor market. He can count on a good job with a decent work, employers favorably belong to specialists with a university diploma. Recently there has been a new trend: the Russians began to receive the second higher education.

In most cases, people go to the second higher education if they decide to change something in their lives (profession, work, change the level of income) or for self-development.

There are situations when a person understands that, what he is doing now is not him. Sometimes students are trained in a certain specialty not at their own request, but at the insistence of parents. The second higher education allows you to study what suits and like, what is the soul, follow your dream.

What does it give?

Going out the second time on a student bench - this does not mean to get a new degree of education, become a master or graduate student. As a rule, the second higher education gives a person a new specialty, a new impetus for the development and improvement.

Get the second higher education can all exclude. There are no age limit in this case.

In fact, the second higher education gives a second chance to realize himself as a specialist, in a new environment, as part of a new specialty.

Having received the second higher education as part of the undergraduate, a person can go to learn from the program of magistracy, and then if desired to become a graduate student.

How is trained?

In general, the educational process is no different from primary learning in the walls of the institute. The only difference is a more compressed learning time.

Since the "secondary student" already has one higher education by shoulders, then some disciplines omit. As a rule, these are objects aimed at expanding the horizons, general sections. The main sciences affecting a new spectrum of activity will be mandatory included in the course of study. According to them, the student will work in depth, in detail, write test work, pass testing and perform other types of independent work.

There are two training options:

- enrollment of students in a special group, where all students are at the same level (they set off for the second higher education);

- enrollment in one stream with schoolchildren and development individual Plan learning. In this case, previously studied items will be counted "automata".

Upon receipt of the second higher education, the main focus is on practical exercises, seminars, electives. According to the result, students also defend exchange work, pass reports and exams, write and protect the graduation project.

The training period ranges from 2 to 4 years, depending on the form of training: full-time, correspondence, remote. In most cases, students who receive the second higher education work in enterprises, therefore, the most popular and demanded by correspondence and remote basis are considered. They allow you to receive education without daily visits to the school.

How to proceed?

To get a second higher education, the incoming will have to undergo a series of tests: testing, interviews, exams. Recently, upon receipt, I must prevent eME results. You can pass this exam at a certain time within the university walls.

The main condition for learning on a "compressed program" is to provide a diploma for the first higher education. In this case, the procedure for consideration of the candidacy is simplified and enough to pass the usual interview or pass the exam, take a test for profile discipline.

In addition to the diploma, the applicant must provide a package of documents. You can clarify the list of the receiving commission or in the dean of the university.

Features of obtaining second higher education in Russia

You can get higher education at the expense of the state (free of charge) only 1 time. In all other cases, it will have to pay according to the price list of prices established in the university.

Also get the "second tower" can be in the direction of the enterprise (employer). In this case, the organization will pay training. If the student does not graduate from the university for any reason and does not win the training material, then all the funds spent on his training should return the company.

Consider if the first higher education was obtained on a commercial basis, then you can get the second for free. But in this case they will have to do on general reasons, regardless of the form of training (in person or in absentia). As a rule, a diploma is required (a document confirming education), passport, photos 3 * 4, a request for enrollment.

Postgraduate education is a popular practice of both recent university graduates and experienced specialists. The first often understand that after school hurried with the choice of profession and do not want to work in the specialty. Other problems are facing older people:

  • the knowledge gained before the knowledge is outdated;
  • the profession began to pay worse;
  • career growth requires a corresponding diploma.

If you want to change the qualifications, we will help determine the direction and give useful advice. And if you wish to learn about interesting student life, subscribe to our telegram channel.

Form of study

The main problem with which people face, decisive which second higher education is better to get - this is a form of study: correspondence, remote or full-time? Each option has its advantages.

Correspondence learning allows you to combine study with work, only occasionally arriving at the session. The distance at all does not require presence in the university - the whole process of learning happens on the Internet. Full-time form allows you to get a greater volume of knowledge, it is better to know the new direction. Therefore, if you choose a new industry for yourself, it is more useful to learn in person to understand the subtleties of the specialty. If your goal is a diploma, and the knowledge you are ready to extract yourself, the correspondence form is suitable.

Many leading universities of Russia offer special programs where you can get a second higher education remotely.


Applicants often worries the question whether the second higher education is possible for free. This is possible only if the applicant served in the army on a contractual basis at least 3 years or the first education received in a military university. But if a new diploma requires an employer, then options are possible when an enterprise is paid.


There are two steps in Russia higher School: Undergraduate (3-4 years) and magistracy (2-2.5 years). Therefore, how many years to receive the second higher education, solve you yourself. More often the choice is made in favor of the magistracy, since training in it takes less time. As a rule, the magistracy is chosen for its preparation due to its compressed timing. But if you are aimed to go through the way of learning from beginning to end, learn a profession from the very basics, it is better to start with bachelorvat.


If on the question: "Is it worth getting the second higher education?" You answered in the affirmative, then you can prepare for admission. For this you need:

  1. decide on the form, duration and direction of training;
  2. choose a university;
  3. get acquainted with the rules of reception.

There will be the exams that need to be handed over to the applicant and package of documents to provide the admission committee. Often, this package includes a motivational letter - we have already written about that.

Directions of learning

Information Technology

The most popular and high-paying industry today. Unlike economists and lawyers, the "boom" on the IT officers has not yet passed and the need for these specialists will remain high another 5-7. But the problem is that both specialized IT office, IT departments of organizations and enterprises are already required not just testers, system administrators or programmers-programmers, but more experts high level. To become such a professional, a little graduate from the Master in the field of IT:

  • need to have basic knowledge;
  • choose a specific specialization;
  • wash the skills and skills in it by reading modern literature, solving practical tasks and visiting trainings and webinars.

In addition, most employers in the IT industry need not a diploma, but real knowledge, so if you definitely decide to retrain in the IT, we advise not to look for a university, but to go to good courses.


It often happens. What those who, after the graduation class, were not going to return to school as a teacher, over time, they understand that the teacher's profession has many advantages. Among them:

  1. stability;
  2. social security,
  3. public respect
  4. paid summer vacation,
  5. extensive opportunities for additional earnings (tutoring, coaching, assistance in the preparation of student work).

But it is impossible to get a school or university without a pedagogical diploma, so the question arises how to get the second higher pedagogical education.

To do this, you need to decide on the form of training, choose a university and pass entrance exams.

It is possible to enter a magistracy on a pedagogical specialty by submitting an existing bachelor's degree, master's degree or specialist of any direction by passing English, pedagogy and a special subject.

After that, you will find 2-2.5 years of study, and you are a graduate teacher.


Unlike pedagogy, to master all the intricacies of the profession of an accountant or economist is quite difficult. If you do not have the appropriate undergraduate, that is, the risk that even the entrance exam in the magistracy will not be able to pass. Therefore, we advise you to carefully prepare:

  • explore exam programs;
  • visit advice;
  • planned on specialized courses.

The latter, besides, will help to accurately understand if you have the ability to this case and it is worth going to explore the subtleties of debit and credit or, maybe choose some other industry - for example, a marketer profession.


This profession also applies to economic, but, unlike the specialty of the accountant, is more creative and creative. The task of the marketer is not easy to analyze the company's work indicators, and find ways to increase them through the promotion of goods and services. Create creative advertising, to rebranding, make a cool promotion - all this is included in the circle of responsibilities of the marketer.

For mastering this profession, the magistracy is quite enough, and employers who today have a disadvantage of non-standard thinking staff, will be happy to accept the work of a graduate specialist.


If you are going to get the second higher legal education, you should be prepared for the fact that after it is completed to find work in the specialty will not be easy. Unlike the beginning of the 2000s, now lawyers are more than vacancies for them, and for the place of work with good conditions will have to deal with other candidates.

Therefore, to get the second higher in this area makes sense when it is necessary to promote the already existing work: from scratch after a legal magistracy, finding a high earnings work is very difficult.


This creative field of activity attracts many, but to receive an additional diploma for this profile is unpromising. The media editors note that the journalist's diploma does not guarantee that a person is suitable for this profession and therefore, in employment, he almost does not play roles. Other is valued:

  • the ability to write bright and interesting;
  • find exclusive information;
  • establish contacts;
  • promptly to be found at the site of events.

It will not be taught in magistracy on journalism and therefore it is better not to spend time on training there, and finish professional courses and to work out experience.

On the second top, other problems are waiting. Having turned off the rhythm of student life, many do not have time to prepare in time control or abstracts. Do not despair, temporary difficulties - not a reason to give up the dream. To the aid will come. Specialists will help not be lost in the new direction and in time to pass the control, abstracts, courses.

Make a conscious choice, do not be afraid to get off again at the desk and after a couple of years, becoming a popular specialist.

As the study showed, a housing system held some time ago, almost in each of the federal districts of the country, an increase in the number of students wishing to receive a second higher education was observed.

And how are they? Education in Italy

"He studied in Italy" - most Russians this phrase is familiar to the novels of the classics of the year before last and biographies of great sculptors, painters and opera singers. The country where Michelangelo lived and worked, Leonardo da Vinci, Verdi, Rossini, Caruso and others, are traditionally perceived as Alma Mater of the greatest artists. However, the history of education in Italy is much wider and deeper.

Olga Ivanova

According to Rosstat, the overwhelming majority of students (66.5% of men and 70% of women) arrived in universities under 30 years of age, about 20% of people - from 31 to 40 years and about 6% - over 40 years.

It is easy to see that the second higher education is becoming increasingly popular. According to the VTsIOM, confidence that it is necessary to constantly increase the level of their qualifications, 66% of respondents express today. At the same time, 23% believe that this should be done annually, every three years - 26% and once every 5 years - 17%.

And most a large number of People confident need to constantly improve the qualifications, among people with higher education - 86%. What leads already experienced specialists again to the student bench?

1. The need for the labor market in universal specialists

Increasingly, the vacancies of employers include two higher education. Some employers are fuzzy to imagine why they need such a specialist, but after the time trends are looking for such that they give rise to jokes about the cleaner-economist-tamad-diver-analytics. Another is really required by a specialist who is versed not only in the economy, but also in jurisprudence or marketer with knowledge of psychology.

Ivan, 27: "At work, where there was no architect, I realized that a programmer without a skill to design an architecture was weak and dependent. I decided to fix this flaw. To some extent it turned out. Unfortunately, in addition to general aspects there are still a great many small regions. Nobody will teach everything. Probably, learning programming can be infinite. "

2. Pursuit of career growth

Sometimes a higher position requires new knowledge and skills that it becomes an incentive to get another diploma. But if the second education goes against the professional way, it can be even a minus.

Olesya, 37: "Worked long enough in a specialty, but at one fine moment decided to change the profession on a more" female "due to career dissatisfaction, left the production of lawyers."

3. The desire to change profession

About 40% of students come to the university again in order to change the qualifications. Often it is associated with disappointment in the first received specialty. After all, in the 17-18 years, most applicants are difficult to choose a profession for life, and parents, guided by ideas about how best, forcing their children to enter the "prestigious" faculties. In addition, the resulting specialty may lose its relevance and attractiveness and prompt a person to receive new knowledge.

Alla, 42: "There was no work in a specialty in a new place of residence. An interesting vacancy was proposed, but completely in another field of activity. I learned with interest again. "

4. Waiting for higher salary

Many students lay great hopes for the second diploma, since, in their opinion, he is a guarantor of more solid remuneration for their work. If you really got the necessary knowledge and are ready to take on more responsibility at work, then this is your option. IN otherwise, the second crust will go to the stack of other documents.

Egor, 31: "He worked for six years engineer-designer at a large enterprise, but at some point I realized that the existing salary does not suit me and I want to realize my communication skills. It switched to the sales department on a much greater salary, however, with the condition that I will get the second higher at the Economic Faculty. "

5. Striving for knowledge

Knowledge can be outdated, lose relevance, and some experts want to understand related issues. Sometimes a person appears a hobby that becomes the case of his life, and he again goes to learn to master the necessary knowledge. And in the end, there are people who want to constantly self-improve. And it doesn't matter for them - they will be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained or not, the main thing is to expand your horizons.

Julia, 46: "How much I remember, learn something, to see or find out something new always manif. Work on yourself and satisfaction with the results of this work ... It's like love for travel. "

6. Prestige in society

Some people go to receive the second highest or defense of the candidate, because it is fashionable. It seems to them that the presence of a multitude of regalia in the business card will automatically raise their authority and will force others to listen to them. One of my classmate was defended and even worked for some time on a low-paid, but loud position in the university solely to have full right to write all its regalia on the business card. Indeed, some people have such an impressive list of professional advantages.

7. The desire to deserve praise

If the child in the family constantly talked about the fact that love must earn, especially success in school, then in school he will learn at some "fives", not for a joke to worry because of the slightest "four", then go into good university, after graduation, will receive a red diploma. But this is not enough. The need to prove their native, close and friends of their need, significance and desire to earn the praise motivate such a person to receive the second, third higher education, walk to all sorts of courses.

8. Infantilism

Being an eternal student is definitely nice. In this case, the thrust for knowledge is replaced by the desire to be in this particular atmosphere, and the study is perceived as a party or communion of interest. Such a student is studying without much effort and quite satisfied and "Troika". He as far as possible I want to push the moment of employment and in response to reasonable claims to say that he learns! This is a certain attempt to escape from liability when you need to make decisions yourself.

9. Desire to arrange a personal life

Not such frequent cause For the second higher, but still takes place. Admission is still in one university or new courses are another way to get acquainted, since the student environment implies communication, and, moreover, it is better to look at the person you like. Often this path is chosen by those who studied on traditionally "youthful" or "maiden" faculties, for example, in aviation or pedagogical.

Obtaining a second higher education is a rather responsible step. Honestly ask yourself what you will get after the end of the second university besides a diploma. If we decided on the objectives, then consider several universities, best accredited, and programs for the selected specialty in each of them.

Do not forget to see the items that are included in the program and the number of hours of training, otherwise instead of new knowledge risks to go through the same discipline on the second round. If you are interested in several universities, collect feedback on the quality of education by the selected specialty, the teaching staff and the learning process. It narrows the search for a search and will help better determine priorities. And so that you choose, let it open up new horizons before you!

Fashion trend or vital necessity?
Not so long ago, our country literally "went crazy" on the second higher education. To have one diploma or learn only in one university was unlikely and shame. According to the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (WTCIOM), the number of results receiving the second in 2005 increased by 25% compared to 2004. Now the "Passion on the tower" was a little dull, and people finally had the opportunity to soberly assess the situation with obtaining a second diploma.
Most often, going out to receive the second specialty, people expect that at the end of the university they can easily find a new high-paying job or will be able to make a brilliant career in the same place. The Institute of Retraining and Strengthening the Qualifications of the Ural State Economic University conducted a study called "The Second Higher: Motivation of Choice", according to which 71.1% of respondents suggest that the receipt of second education will contribute to an increase in their income. Also, 60.9% of respondents are confident that at the end of their studies will occupy a higher position. The overwhelming majority of owners of one diploma are convinced - the presence of the second will become a cherished wand-cutter. However, as practice shows, with the receipt of second higher education, only some people have cardinal changes - the long-awaited progress in the career begins, and in life as a whole. For another part of the grief-students, the second "tower" is just the result of the wonderful time and money.

Three "against" ...
1. It is stupid to go to get the second "tower" just because they are doing so now if not all, then many. You need to clearly understand your motivation - if now you work, say, the seller in the shoe store, and you for such employment, in fact, did not need a first diploma for what to spend strength, time and money for the second?!
2. Want to become a real pros of your business and prove that you are a highly qualified specialist? The second diploma is not needed for this. If you plan to develop as part of your first specialty - go to graduate school or go back training courses. A specialist who has deep knowledge in its sphere and also with experience will be valued by potential employers much more than an inexperienced graduate of the university, even if he has two diplomas.
3. It does not matter whether you plan to receive a second higher education at the same time as first or you want to combine learning with work - be prepared for excessive loads. It is always difficult to combine the receipt of the "tower" with anything, because regardless of your employment, the demand from all students is the same.

... and four "for"

1. The desire to radically change the sphere of its activity may arise from those who worked in one place for 15-20 years, and those who just started their careers and quickly realized that, perhaps, chose something wrong. It would be nice to do something else, but the lack of previously obtained knowledge does not allow this. It is at this moment that it is worth thinking about obtaining a second higher education.
2. The modern labor market undergo active changes. Every day more and more new industries and trends appear. And they also require highly qualified personnel with the necessary fundamental knowledge. Such a need is also due to the need to obtain a second higher education in a number of specialties that have not previously been taught in universities at all.
3. Among the people already employed at the places, the problem of knowledge lack, level of qualification is often found. This happens when finishing the university, the graduate goes to work not in its specialty. Having worked for a while, he experiences an acute need to receive a second education, which will now be associated with the current area of \u200b\u200bits activities. And it is also another reasonable reason for obtaining a second diploma.
4. The desire to move on the career ladder is very commendable. Correctly chosen specialization for the second higher education will certainly help its owner to go to another position or to achieve a long-awaited wage increase.

And still…
What conclusion can we still do? Do I need a second diploma and why?

Evgenia Gorbunova, student SUURSU: "At the moment I get two higher education, and after a year I have two diplomas in my arms. One of them is a diploma of the International Faculty, specialization - anti-crisis management (this is my "first" education, it is a full-time), the second specialty legal - civil law and the process, I get it at the correspondence department. I believe that I will have a completely profitable tandem of economic and legal entities, and this will give me the opportunity to be a rather popular specialist in the labor market. Generally B. modern worldIn my opinion, the presence of a second higher education from an employee is a huge plus. Now there are such posts, where it is easy not to get, not having two diplomas. Of course, I will not say that it is very easy to receive two formations at the same time. Almost all classes absentee learning It is necessary to attend, because of this, you have to skip the "Point". Sometimes it happens that the sessions at full-time and absentee departments coincide, and then in a month it is necessary to pass about 12 exams and 10 tests, which is quite difficult. In addition, you have to perform many current tasks, which gives additional load. However, it is worth noting that all these difficulties need to be overcome in order to continue to provide a decent future. "

Olga Khorivin, Lecturer of the Department of Mass Communication SUUGU: "We always support students who want to receive the second higher, since integrated knowledge and an integrated approach to education are very valued. For example, on our department, we already give students the opportunity to receive the second higher linguistic education. We are confident guys will be useful to have economic skills, know additional languages. Education is never excess. "

Subtleties of "tower": where when and how?
Well, perhaps, now it is possible to say with confidence: if you have strength and time for self-development, you should definitely go for the second diploma. True, it is necessary to determine the correct motive and put on themselves specific goals that will be achieved after receiving the next "tower". If the prospects seem foggy, should not be distracted by the second higher education and try to argue the immense. In general, the famous saying "Some seven times - a rejection once", as it is impossible to determine the need for a second diploma. Well, then the information for those who have already clearly decided what will come for the second time.

1. What are our years?

At what age get the second highest is best? Specialists of the project "2EEDU" from the company "BEGIN GROUP" conducted a study, based on the results of which 47% of respondents thought about obtaining second education in 20-25 years. At the age of 26 to 30, 23% of respondents were decided to receive a new specialization, and 16% went on new knowledge during the period when they were from 31 to 40 years. Such data is proved - it is never too late to learn to learn another education at any age.

2. What is the market?
The demand of specialists of various plan on the labor market is now so diverse that it is quite difficult to decide where to do the second time. Once again we turn to the statistics of the WTCIOM. According to the latest data, the second top leaders are specialties in the fields of economics and finance (each of them is 32%). Legal education is equally popular - it is chosen by 29% of respondents, and specialization in the field of computer technologies - 28%.
Another study, also mentioned by the "Begin Group", indicates a considerable interest of students for management, this specialty wants to study 42% of workers with higher education. In the second place of the rating - "Finance", they, according to researchers, are interesting 29%, the third place is occupied by Marketing - he has 19%.
Be careful to the All-Russian trends, and think again, on which specialty is worth stopping your choice. And then, no matter how I had to go to the third diploma.

3. Time - Money
All universities offer to get a second education on a commercial basis. Yes, and 5 article federal Law "On education" dated July 10, 1992 stipulates that "a citizen has the right to receive higher education on free basedIf it (education) is obtained for the first time. " This means what to do "on the budget" to the second "tower" will not be able to. In a doubly losing position, working people will be, since, according to 177, the article of the Labor Code, employers do not provide employees who receive the second higher education, leave for the time of the session while preserving the average earnings.

Typically, the duration of obtaining the second highest is about 2-3 years, and although general education disciplines are most often lowering, in their duration there should be no less than 500 hours. However, if the content of educational disciplines of the first and second specialty is fundamentally different, training can last and all 5 years. Also, students receiving the first higher education, in a number of universities, have the ability to parallel learning a second specialty.

Anna Ivanchikova
especially for


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