What's in paradise. Lost, acquired and the one in the sky

What's in paradise. Lost, acquired and the one in the sky

He answered by Allah:

"Orthodox I prepared in paradise that I did not see any eye, I did not hear any ear, I could not think anyone." On the beauty of Paradise and his grace can speak infinitely. It is said that in paradise Firdavs will be all the treats and drinks, which a person saw and a thousand times more than those whom he has not seen in his life. It is also said that honey and dairy rivers flow into paradise. Paradise consists of eight levels. Each next paradise is located above the previous one. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: " The inhabitants of the lower Raev look at the inhabitants of the upper way as we look at the stars ».

Paradise vegetables and fruits differ from earthly. Most High named the paradise treats with grapes, dates, honey, milk, meat; Paradise clothes - silk, velvet; Paradise houses are houses from silver and gold, pearls, yahont, etc., so that we understand, for these names are familiar to us. And if the Most High named the Paradise Fruits, His treats, clothes, at home by their names, we would not understand what we were talking about, and we would not have any desire to be worthy of them. How can the fruits of this world be similar to the paradise, then as it is said that if the people of this world are seen at least a grape from the very lower paradise - Dar-Us-Salaam, will they forget about all earthly benefits? And if people from Dar-Us-Salaam will see a grape from Giannat Na'im, they will have disgust to all the fruits of their paradise. The same extent is the ratio of gifts of paradise of the higher level, to the paradise level below. Their ratio is similar to the ratio of gifts of the lowest level to worldly gifts.

Awarded Paradise will be prepared by the Palace of Pearls and other jewels. In each palace, there will be seventy thousand gates, every gate - seventy thousand trees, at each branch of these trees will be seventy thousand varieties of fruits. In every courtyard will be seventy thousand gold shops, each shop - a length of 330 elbows, on each shop - seventy beds. Next to each courtyard - seventy children, in their hands they have gold bottles, in each bottle - different drinks. Before the palaces there will be honey, dairy and other rivers. When a person wants to climb a shop (like a couch), she will be on the elbow below, and when he is going to her, she will rise to the sky. When people want to go somewhere, the shops will attract them. If they want to take off on the sky, the shops will fly along with them, as if birds.

Angels from Allah with different treats and fruits on golden trays will come to each inhabitant of paradise five times a day. This is a gift for the magazine performed on time.

There is no night and dark in paradise. The roof of Paradise serves the 'Arsk Allah, and the light will come from it. The sign by which the inhabitants of Paradise will be able to distinguish the night of the day will be the closure of the gate of paradise and lowering the curtain on them. Then people will go to their tents along with their Guria and wives that they had in this world. In the morning, paradise birds welcome the Most High.

If a person wants to see someone, the shop will deliver it there faster than lightning. And after the meeting will take back to the inhabitants of Paradise. Angels at times attend people and greet them. At the time when the inhabitants of Paradise will have paradise fruits, the birds in the trees will become Slavor (Tasbych) them with their beautiful voices. They will be for pleasure, and not to quench thirst or hunger. Also, they will not have any discharge, if they even have continuously. From their bodies will be highlighted sweat, which will absorb their bathrobes, but they never get dirty.

Yes, allah gives us a paradise! Amine.

To be in Paradise - the dream of any Muslim, aspiring to the content of Allah. After all, Giannat has a great award promised by the Most High the most God-fearing slaves.

The most numerous community in paradise will be the intelligence of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.). This is confirmed by the Hadith, cited by Tyrmizi, Ibn Maja and Ahmad: "The residents of Giannat will be lined up in 120 rows, 80 of which is the Islamic Umm."

How will the inhabitants of Paradise

After entering the paradise abode, the appearance of people, by the will of Allah, will be changed in best sideWhat is said in Hadith: "The bodies of the residents of Giannat will be perfect. They will not be excess hair, including on the face. They will be forever young, and their robes will be maintained by new "(Tyrnisi). At the same time, their faces will glow and radiate radiance, as they will be gifted by the good news.

In addition, the inhabitants of Paradise will be much higher than their terrestrial growth. This is due to the fact that the first person - Adam (A.S.) had an increase in 60 elbows. According to Hadith, driven by Bukhari and Muslim, all people in Giannate will be the same value. Given that one elbow is approximately 45 cm, the average growth of people in paradise will be 27 meters.

Also, all the inhabitants of Jiannat will be there at the age of 33, no matter how much they were at the time of death.

The robes of the inhabitants of Eden will be created from the silk of green and decorated with gold.

Paradise places

Many of the paradise is associated as a place in which people's souls become happy and do not need anything. So what is waiting for us in Giannat?

1. Kausar

One of the most important paradise awards is the river called Kausar (or Kyusar, Kavsar), which means "abundance". Its significance says that this river is dedicated to the Holy Quran, which millions of Muslims are read daily during Namaz.

About the Kausar River, Muhammad's Kausar River is also said in the Khadisakh Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), who called her "his reservoir". Describing the paradise stream, God's messenger (S.G.V.) said: "His water is lighter than milk, the smell is more pleasant than Musk ... who will fall from this source, that will never be afraid of thirst" (Bukhari, Muslim).

As follows from Hadith, who leads Muslim, the distance between her shores is surpassed from the Jordan city of Aqaba to Aden, located in the south of Yemen. Considering that between these settlements more than 2,100 km, the Kausar River is great and abundant.

In addition, its significance is that the Muslim Umm will be brought to the paradise source on the vessel day and everyone will fill its vessel with its water (Muslim).

2. Guria

Another enjoyment for Orthodox will be paradise women - Guria. About these creatures Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) said this: "If one of Gurius drew his face into this world, she would have highlighted (with their beauty) all the space" (Bukhari).

Guria is excellent creatures that will be consolation for Orthodox Muslims in Paradise. They have a perfect face and are deprived of any external or internal flaws. Men in Jannate will enjoy their society. At the same time, the inhabitants of Paradise themselves will be able to choose the Gurius that they wish. This is stated in the Hadiths, who lead Abu Daud and Tyrmizi.

At the same time, it should be noted that here we are talking exclusively about communicating with Guria, and not about sex, as some try to present it. People will be deprived of the instincts that they are inherent in the earthly life. In addition, there they will not differ in sexual sign, which means that sex needs will not be.

According to Islamic sources, if the man was married in earthly life and was pleased with his wife, she will remain his companion forever and will be the wonderful of all the paradise Guriy.

If the woman was not married, then in paradise she will be a companion of whom she wishes, as the inhabitants of Giannat will not need anything. In addition, any woman who turned out in paradise will exceed Guri in its beauty. This is the award of the Most High the best of his creations.

In the event that Muslim was married several times and all her husbands will be in paradise, the question arises, with whom it will be in Giannat. On this expense in the Wednesday, there are 3 points of view. Some believe that the woman will be with the spouses who had the best temper. Others believe that Muslim will receive the right to choose who she wants to stay together with whom. Third confident that the woman in paradise will be with her last husband.

3. Paradise Bazaar.

The third enjoyment for the inhabitants of Giannat will be a bazaar that people will visit every Friday. There will blow the wind that increases the beauty of all the inhabitants, and they will all leave the market more beautiful (Muslim).

Upon returning to their spouses, they will delight them with their beauty and shine.

4. Paradise wine

Another pleasure will be a special drink, referred to as heavenly wine. It should be noted that this nectar has nothing to do with alcohol. The fact is that it will have a perfect taste and from him "does not hurt a head and do not lose their mind" (56:19).

This drink will be in the jugs of the inhabitants of the Eden in an unlimited quantity, although one throat will be enough for quenching thirst.

5. Paradise gardens

In addition, in Giannat, believers will recline in the heavens of the gardens, what is said in Ayatah:

"Truly, God-fearing awaits success, paradise gardens and vineyards ..." (78: 31-32)

Messenger of the Lord (S.G.V.), describing Jannat, argued that two gardens would be silver, and two were gold (buchari).

Paradise gardens for believers will be resting areas where people will enjoy the fruits of trees, to taste with which no earth fruit will be compare. At the same time, food and drink will always be in sufficiency and in any quantity. In the Gardens, Eden will be built by beautiful dwellings, in which the inhabitants of Paradise will settle. These buildings themselves will be built of gold and silver, and the land there will be from Saffra (Tyrnisi).

6. Plants

In Giannate, his inhabitants will be able to hide in the shade of a large tree, through which "the rider can surpass during the century, and not exceeding him" (Muslim).

Another plant in Eden is a lotus of the extreme limit, which was shown the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) during. Near it, 4 rivers flow - two of which in paradise, and the other two are Nile and Euphrates (Bukhari, Muslim).

The most discerned in Giannat will be a plant called Henna (Bukhari).

Note that all pleasures awaiting people in paradise, not to count, as they are known only to Allah. In addition, we are able to imagine only through the prism of earthly goods, although Jiannata's rewards are at times superior to them. The pleasure of Paradise in this world we cannot comprehend and feel fully. We only need to strive for the acquisition of the Most High, in the power of which is our future, and ask all of us to be awarded the best abode.

Paradise allone, the Blessed Dobryo, the Godroda village, the fun is unclear and pleasure,

The glory of the righteous, the prophets of Krasoto and the Holy Dwelling, the noise of kidding your pretext of all moths,

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Lenten triode, Syropusive week, the stimit on the Lord.

About RAE

- Father Alexander, please tell us about the conclusions to which you came, studying the Scriptures of the Holy Fathers about the paradise.

My own task is very modest due to the volume of my possibilities. I think that, first of all, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the teachings of the holy fathers on space and the creation of the world and to systematize it. Here you can find the material for writing ten dissertations, but few do this. Meanwhile, all writing about the creation of peace and man, they love to refer to the Holy Fathers. That is, we often see how individual quotes are taken and adjust to the author's reasoning. It is unlikely that this approach can be considered scientific.

The main feature of the teachings of the Holy Fathers about the creation of the world was, in my opinion, attention to the action of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God was in the created world from the very beginning of his creation, and Scripture (in the Hebrew version) likes this action to the bird sitting on the egg - this is exactly how the Hebrew text of St. Ephrach Sirin. The world was perceived as creative space, originally and continuously filled with life. This initial fullness of life makes primordial space with different, different from what we see now.

So much interest in the matter in itself, what we see today, it appeared much later, already in a new time, in Europe, losing faith in Christ. In addition, for the ancients, an aesthetic aspect was of great importance, which is not mentioned, or they say briefly, or even in passing. In fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful is one of the most important for the understanding of Shestodnev. But this, so to speak, "not modern." It should be noted that the theologians appeared now that they understand all this and seek to find a new solution to this issue. I would call N. Serebryakov and Ierie Oleg Mumrikov.

- Why is the doctrine of paradise important for modern Orthodox theology?

Tree of Life

- What is a tree of life?

Today, the source of life for us is the sun, but at the beginning of the creation was not so. Life was supported by the grace of God. A mysterious tree of life was planted in Paradise, which should have become a source of eternal life for a person and for the whole world, but a man could only taste him from a special blessing of God. Holy Fathers say it was together and real, and a symbolic tree. Liturgical poetry speaks of the Cross of Christ as a tree of life. And the Lord himself Jesus Christ is a tree of life. As we read in the State of the pretabilities of the Nativity of Christ, "the stomach tree in Vertepe flourish from the Virgin."

From the Tree of Life, the light came out, as Saint Ephraim writes about this, but the light is special. Probably, this light was not limited to the space of paradise: it spread to the whole universe. The Bible says that even before the creation of the Sun there was a primordial light. The sun, as the Holy Vasily writes the great, was the "chariot of pristine light." This light can be tried to tie with relic emission. But there was a paradise light. As the paradise water came out all the land, as the heavenly light melt the whole universe. And after the sin, this light is also separated from our universe. Real defects have been preserved, but the paradise light does not cover our planet.


The Bible says that the animals were produced by the Earth immediately and then are given by God to heaven. Some scientific directions adhere to the theory of evolution, that is, the teachings on the origin of some species from others. How to be here?

Yes, animals and birds were brought to paradise. And the fish too, probably sailed along the paradise river. The whole creature for the paradise blessing was shown. Beasts are slender rows, not afraid of each other, went to Paradise, and Adam gave them names, says St. Ephraim Sirin. They were afraid of man, but they were listening. What is the meaning to the attitude of Adam and the world of animals? According to the ancients, give something name meant to receive the possession of this subject, as the name is associated with the essence of things.

For example, the philosopher Plato said that the essence of each creation is its idea: the horse has a "horse", the idea of \u200b\u200ba horse, which is the essence of a horse. Adam gave names to animals and through it he fasted their essence, thus getting power over them. Of course, the stay of animals in paradise in some way adds them. It was some very important stage for them. It can be seen that the theory of evolution has nothing to do with the biblical text, at least before pronouncing the court. By the way, I remind you that on the train all animals ate her grass - there were no predators on Earth, and how about us? And what does the "natural science" apologetics say about this?

- And your opinion?

It seems to me that this herbal food indicates a special nature of the pristine world, like paradise - no one went to each other there, there was no suffering and cruelty in animal behavior. They were created impassive.

But how to be with dinosaurs, lizards, mastodonts, savage tigers and other creatures that Paleontology say? Children often ask about it. And for some reason it does not answer them ...

As we just already talked, it should be borne in mind that the paradise and pristine being was different from the current existing being in qualitative terms. It is necessary to either believe how to truth, or consider the story about a children's fairy tale. Need to remember the doctrine of the essence of things. The essence is unchanged, although everything external may change in this creature. The essence of the holistic animal of the world is that all the animals are generally created as assistants of people. Not only horses, dogs and elephants, but in general all living creatures. Open science prehistoric creatures are the giants who have incredible power - had to be assistants, servants of humanity.

The Lord created the first people - Adam and Eve - perfect and sinless. He created them in the image and likeness to his own. That is, he endowed the properties that he himself possesses: freedom, creativity, reason. The lot of the first people were holiness and paradise bliss, and the meaning of life is the knowledge of God and likes to him.

Earth paradise, or a wonderful garden in which God settled Adam and Eve, was in the east of the Earth and was called Eden.

The life of people in paradise was performed by joy. The conscience was calm, the heart is clean, the mind is light. The highest perfection consisted in moral innocence. The idea of \u200b\u200bsomething is unclean and sinful was alien to them. "And both Nagi, Adam and his wife, and not ashamed" (Gen. 2, 25).

They were not afraid of neither diseases nor death, did not have needs in clothes. Living in paradise, they used him all the gifts and enjoyed all his joys. The fruits of the Eden Garden are, especially the fruits of the "Tree of Life", they received bodily forces, health. And were immortal.

Among the animals there were no hostility: the strong did not touch the weak, everyone lived together and eaten herbs and plants. None of them was afraid of people, and everyone loved and listened to them. But the Higher Happiness of Adam and Eve consisted of communicating with God. The Lord was in paradise visiblely as a father to children, and talked with them.

This living, the direct connection of a person with God was the first and perfect religion of the human race. Our communication with the Lord now we call prayer.

God created people to love him and each other and enjoy the great joy of life in the love of God. Just as angels, he gave them complete freedom, without which there can be no love. So that Adam and Eve could show their freedom and approved in good, God gave people a commandment. She forbade eating the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. "And the Lord God commanded a man and said: from every tree in the garden you will eat; and from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - do not eat from him; for on the day, in which you taste from him, death will die" (Gen. 2- 16,17).

By fulfilling this command, or the desire of God, Adam and Eva showed their love for him. Gradually, moving from obedience to an easy command to more difficult, they would strengthen in love and improved in it. Adam and Eve were happy to listen to God. And he was in paradise in all the will of God and God's order. Sacred Scripture does not tell us how long the blissful life of the first people in Paradise continued. But she excited the evil envy of the devil, who, having lost her himself, looked at the bliss of others with hatred. After the fall, the envy and thirst for evil became the properties of his being. Every good, peace, order, innocence, obedience became hated for him. Therefore, from the first day of the appearance of a person, the Dvil sought to terminate the fertile Union of people with God and captivate a man for himself in the eternal death. And now he appeared in paradise - in the form of serpent, which "was a cunning of all beasts of field" (Gen. 3, 1). The evil and cunning spirit approached his wife and told her: "God said genuinely: do not eat from what tree in paradise?" (Gen. 3, 1). "No," said Zmia Eve, "we can eat fruit from all trees, only the fruits from the tree, which among Paradise, said God, do not eat and do not touch them so that you do not die." (Gen. 3, 2-3). Then the devil opened in his wife distrust of God. He told her: "No, don't die, but God knows that on the day, in which you taste them, your eyes will open and you will be like gods who know good and evil" (Gen. 3, 4-5).

Seductive speech Snake has affected Eve. She looked at the tree and saw that the tree was nice for the eyes, good for food and gives knowledge; And she wanted to learn good and evil. She frustrated the fruit from the prohibited tree and eaten, "and gave her husband to her, and he ate" (Gen. 3, 6).

The greatest coup in the history of mankind was accomplished - people violated the commandment of God and lost what the Lord gave them so lovingly and generously. There are now eternal and unauthorized longing for lost paradise, grief and death.

But the Lord is bemppedient and endless, like endless and impossible his mercy and love. The Son of God, which was in the world, Lord Jesus Christ, again cited a man what he had once rejected. He gave him the opportunity of God-closeness, bliss and immortality. And now a person, curling his will, prone to sin more than to create a good, overcoming the imperfection of the mind, which has lost the desire for things to the Divine, can fix the evil in his life, which Adam made Adam. And then he will gain much more than what our progenitor lost, expelled from Paradise, - he will gain the incredit and eternal kingdom of heaven.

Eternal life, invulnerability, bliss and youthless is a familiar picture? It is a paradise. He is prepared only the most obedient. We can say that everyone dreams about it, and who says he does not dream - lying. In each paradise its own order and bonuses. Dialogue disassembled what you could choose.

Lucas Cranes, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Image from the site: ru.wikipedia.org

Lost, acquired and the one in the sky

According to the concepts of Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), we, people, have already had a paradise. Adam and Eve lived exactly there - in Eden, in the East of the Earth, but, to taste the forbidden fruit from the Tree of knowledge, were expelled by the destination. A wonderful garden is now guarding the winged Cherubim, and we have not to get there.

If you go there it appears if you choose the righteous path in the earthly life. "Or do not know that the unrighteous kingdoms of God do not inherit?" (1 Cor. 6: 9). Pretty specific descriptions of what awaits the righteous after death, draws a new covenant:

"It has a big and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve angels on them.<…> City Street - Pure Gold, Like Transparent Glass<…> The gate will not be blocked by the day; And night there will be no<…> Among his street, and on the other side of the river, the tree of life, twelve times the fruit that gives his fruit for every month; And tree leaves - for the healing of peoples. And nothing will be damned; But the throne of God and the Lamb will be in him, and his slaves will serve him. And hesitated his face, and his name will be on their cheakhi. And the night will not be there, and they will not have the need for a lamp, nor in the light of Sunny, for the Lord God illuminates them; And they will reign in the eyelids "(Rev. 21: 2, 12, 21, 25; 22: 2-5).

For Christians, the kingdom of God is not the same Eden, in which the first people lived. Do not return there. You can get only in the one that in heaven. Adam and Eve did not know Christ. But we are descendants - they met him, and strive for him, in the kingdom of heaven. And not only strive, but also together with the divine creating it. No one's speech may not be about any eternal rest. God will host Adam in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate him and keep him (life. 2:15), and about the future residents of Heavenly Jerusalem it is written that they will serve him (Rev. 22: 3). Staying in paradise in the Bible draws some kind of human activity and is depicted not as static and idleness, but as the constant dynamics of approaching God. And more people there are waiting for the most tree from the pristine paradise, and it is it that will feed the righteous.

Mikaloyus Churleins, "Paradise". Image from ru.wikipedia.org

For Muslims, these two paradise - Eden and Heavenly - rather are identical. Islamic paradise is called Jiannat. The ideas about it are less metaphysical, more landed. The inhabitants of him are provided to each other and their pleasures, and if Allah appears, it is only to greet them (Koran, 36:58) and ask about their desires. "Allah is pleased with them, and they are satisfied with Allah. This is the Great Profit! " (Koran, 5:19; 59:22; 98: 8).

These are the gifts are prepared by believers: "In the gardens, the mobility is the crowd of the first and a little latter, on the lodges of embroidered, leaning against them against each other. Course their boys are eternally young with bowls, vessels and cups from a fluid source - they do not suffer from headache and weakening<…> Among the lotus, devoid of spikes, and acacia, fucked by the fruits, under the far-spreading shadow, on the shore of the flowing waters and the medium of fruits of abundant, not depleted and not forbidden, and the carpets of the disengaged, and we created them (partners) by the creation of a special and made their virgins, husband loving, peers.<…> For God-fearing there is a place of salvation - gardens and vineyards, and full-rigid peers, and the Cup is full. They will not hear there or a chatter, nor accusations of lies "(Quran, 56: 12-19; \u200b\u200b28-37; 78: 31-35).

There is quite common, but the erroneous opinion that women in the Islamic paradise do not expect. However, it is not. "Allah promised to believing men and women to the Paradise gardens, in which the rivers flow and in which they will be forever, as well as beautiful dwellings in the Gardens of Eden. But the content of Allah will be above it. This is a great success "(AT-Tauba, 9/72). Just for women and men in it are prepared different rewards. Each man gets virgins - Guri: "Bolsheglase, blacks of virgin, with silver-colored skin; which neither a man nor Jean Which look only on their husbands. "

In the Quran, the women who came to the paradise called the words "Azvadzhun Mutyaharatun" (pure spouses). These women are worthy of paradise, and the higher there will be their level of cleanliness, the more beautiful they will. Here they are decorations.

Paradise without paradise

In Judaism, there is a concept of paradise, but it does not imply eternal life in the fabulous garden. Judaism draws his attention to the fact that, leading righteous life, a person gets the right to resurrect for the life of eternal on earth, even the body is resurrected. After the resurrection, the Earth will be different - absolute, ideal. Paradise and hell are interpreted by Jewish theologians as metaphorical concepts.

Buddha statue. Photos from Pixabay.com

In the eastern religions, the paradise can be called Nirvana. She is nowhere. And it is not connected with the achievement, but rather with extinction, termination. The soul comes out of the constant round of rebirth - Sansary, gets rid of suffering and dwells in eternal non-existence. There is no desires as there are no suffering with which each stage of reincarnation is conjugated. The causal relationship is destroyed. According to the words of the Buddhist thinker Nagardun, "the cessation of thought about being and non-existence is called Nirvana."

In Hinduism, the care of the egocent-based existence is called Moksha. This is the stage preceding Nirvana. In Jain, as karma is a special type of substance from which the karmic body of the jiv (saint) is interpreted as liberation from karmic substances and is achieved in the process of knowledge of religious practices. Jiva gets Siddhawa - absolute knowledge. He can raise the top of the Siddhaktra Universe. And this is already close to the traditions of Christianity and Islam.

On the ground

Abolitionism (not to be confused with the movement against slavery in the United States) is based on the Manifest of the British philosopher David Pierce (he is also called the "builder of paradise") "hedonistic imperative". According to him, the achievement of the highest possible extent of happiness is the main purpose of life. According to abolionists, there exists " a basic level of Happiness ", to which a person comes back with time, regardless of what happens to him. Neither the level of income, no events that are able to make it happy or sad for a long time (such as the birth of children or the death of a relative) do not play roles.

In the future, "our descendants may have to live in civilization well motivated, many reaching people moving by various gradients of bliss, they will be unknown not only suffering and illness, but also the slightest psychological discomfort," Pier writes.

David Pier. Photos from ru.wikipedia.org

The level of human happiness is limited biologically. Pierce expresses the theory that humanity can overcome genetic predisposition to suffering scientific achievements In areas such as applied neuroscience, biotechnology, nanotechnology, genetic engineering and psychopharmacology. Aboliusists consider the possibility of suffering as an undesirable aspect of human nature and believe that people can and are obliged to reprogram the brain to achieve the maximum level of happiness. There is a version that this one can achieve not only with the help of already developed technologies - for example, genetic engineering, but also due to technological advances, theoretically capable of appear. For example, loading consciousness in a computer system.

Abolitionism proceeds from the fact that emotions have a physical, not spiritual nature, and thus, by reconfiguring the brain, it is possible to radically change the way of perceiving by the people of the surrounding world. And although the evolution did not make everyone happy, the technology can occupy the place of evolution and create an extrepressure that only feels happiness and does not feel sad or fears. At the same time, external functionality is preserved and improved. The skeptics raises the question: how to know happiness in the transgumanist paradise, without having experienced disappointments, because the value of positive emotions is determined, based on negative experience? Since most of the abolitionist projects implies a stepperity of the implementation - from the creation of bioprostheses to immortality - then scientists are responsible for determining methods for the development and embodiment of each of the stages. In the case of the implementation of these ideas, the commensity of the end goals and possible means of achievements that appear in connection with risks are required. It is likely that people may not go along the path of these programs.

Prepared Egor Shcherbot / IA Dialogue

What awaits us in hell, read.


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