What the pyramid of hunger is built of. What are the Pyramids of Hunger and what they are

What the pyramid of hunger is built of. What are the Pyramids of Hunger and what they are

The first blogger who registered his magazine as a media visited one of the most exotic sites in the Moscow Region - the Pyramid of Hunger. It looks like concrete, but it is actually made of plastic and wood. Inside, visitors can meditate, and the owners of the pyramid sell "charged" stones and water.

Is it a scientific experiment, or an art installation? A money-pulling tool or a greener tool? Read on for a selection of blogging reports.

Tells dariavorontsova in the community moya_moskva :

The structure was built in 1999 by Russian engineer Alexander Golod and is a constructive version of the so-called "energy pyramids". The height is 44 meters, the weight exceeds 55 tons. The construction cost more than $ 1 million.

The pyramid is made of fiberglass panels: no nails or metal elements were used. The structure is hollow, it is semi-dark inside - a little light penetrates through the translucent walls. There are several large globes in the center, and a souvenir trade is going on near the walls. At night, the pyramid is illuminated.

Readers ask questions. tovarish_77 :

where did the engineer Golod in 1999 get 1 lam of greenery?


Detailed reportage publishes Sergey Mukhamedov :

It has nothing to do with hunger in the usual sense. It was built by Alexander Golod. The pyramid has long become the hallmark of the Novorizhskoe highway. It is difficult not to notice it - the folk path does not overgrow here. The network is full of praising and revealing information about the "seventh wonder of the world." But it is not in the editorial rules to borrow texts from Wikipedia or reprint copy-paste. Everything that will be written below was collected by our correspondent directly on the spot, without using the Internet.

The first thing that surprises is that it is not made of concrete, although from the outside it looks very much like a monumental structure. This is some kind of fiberglass stretched over a wooden frame. Only retail outlets are illuminated, inside the twilight, light breaks through the walls with difficulty.

The second surprise is free admission and the fact that no one pays attention to you. They do not grab the sleeve, leading to the magic crystals, do not load: "I want to check your aura ..." I came - well, okay.

The pyramid is absolutely autonomous in this regard and does not require any employees and service providers for its functioning. Everyone who came here knows why. The vast majority are out of curiosity. Check in, take a look, fool around for Instagram, since no one forbids taking pictures. I did not ask the motivation of the others. I was afraid to frighten off nirvana.

There are three globes in the center of the pyramid. Nobody could explain their purpose to me. Behind them lie the crystals that Alexander Golod brings here for "charging".

Blogger irma_alpen full of disappointment:

The pyramid looks very interesting from the road, from the Novorizhskoe highway, but close up it is some kind of dump. The Hunger Pyramid has nothing to do with hunger. It is named after its creator, engineer Alexander Golod. Who is interested in esotericism - welcome, the pyramid was created for you. I am not esoteric, and I consider all this fun to be psychopathic delirium.

Alexander Golod argues that the shape of the pyramid allows you to accumulate energy, and staying inside the pyramidal shape can heal diseases. Therefore, he builds pyramids all over Russia - there are such pyramids in Togliatti, and near Lake Seliger, and in other places. If the Internet is not lying, even in Georgia and Ukraine he managed to build a couple! The pyramid in New Riga is the largest of its pyramids.<...>

Since, according to Golod, the pyramid accumulates energy, then all objects located here are charged with it. It is not surprising that on several dirty counters, placed around the perimeter of the pyramid, they sell all kinds of stuff, supposedly useful charged - some kind of glass balls, mini-pyramids. Make money, in a word. It smells of dampness and rot.

It is very funny to look at those who are trying to catch the flow of energy - they walk from corner to corner, spread their arms to the sides and close their eyes. And old grandmothers sit on a bench right in the center of the hall.

Depressing impression. Just don’t let such people, they will happily believe that this will heal them and bring happiness.

Anyone who has ever driven along the Novorizhskoe highway must have seen the huge gray "Pyramid of Alexander Golod", lonely towering over the area. The pyramid is no more - the hurricane on May 29 took it down in two seconds.

The collapse of the most famous pyramid

The last one who saw the "pyramid of Hunger" was the pagan priest-Rodnover Radmir, who, together with other pagans, literally a second before the collapse of the structure, conducted a pagan ritual inside the pyramid.

“Today we received information that we need to visit the place of power - the Pyramid of Hunger,” Radmir told his fans on the “Concept TV” channel on Youtube. “The information was that irreparable could happen there. Arriving there with our friends, we performed a Slavic rite of glorification of our family, glorification of our ancestors, glorification of our defenders of Russia. As soon as we finished this ceremony, the lights went out. Then we quickly left the pyramid. After seven seconds, the pyramid was destroyed.

A powerful gust of wind swept the pyramid across the field in one move. It is interesting that the pieces of the structure did not hurt anyone. A small piece of the casing of the pyramid collapsed on the nearby ostrich farm, hitting one of the birds - however, the unfortunate ostrich escaped with a slight fright.

Biblical context by Tarantino

Well, the sign of Heaven was manifested more than exhaustively - regardless of who to believe in - in the thunderer Perun or in the Lord God of hosts.

“And I will perform great vengeance on them with fierce punishments; and they will know that I am the Lord when I take My vengeance on them ... "These are the words of the prophet Ezekiel, known to young people only because this line is quoted by the gangster Jules in Tarantino's Pulp Fiction.

Charged pyramids in the pyramid of Hunger on Novorizhskoe highway (summer 2015)

And, I must say, the Lord endured for a long time.

Pyramid building enthusiast

Pyramid-building enthusiast of Russia Alexander Golod from Dnepropetrovsk began building the first pyramids back in 1989 with money raised from the sale of automobile tires in Ukraine and Moscow.

- I never had a lot of money, and then I suddenly became the director of one of the first cooperatives, - Alexander himself shared the secrets of his success with journalists. - I did not know what to do with them, and at the suggestion of my friends I began to build pyramids.

Golod chose the cheapest technology for its structures - from foam and fiberglass.

He built the first pyramid 11 meters high on the territory of a greenhouse in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. It was made of polystyrene, and to the questions of journalists specially invited to the opening, why your pyramid does not look like the ancient Egyptian samples, the enthusiast himself mysteriously replied that such a pyramid is even better than the Egyptian one, because, they say, the principle of the "golden section" is embodied in it, allowing you to accumulate ionizing energy in the best way.

It is clear that after such statements all scientists attacked Golod with criticism, Academician Eduard Kruglyakov himself, who served as chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, devoted a whole report to Golod, but the pyramid fan did not care.

The pyramid squeezes out energy from the "astral" around the clock, without breaks and weekends

He built the next pyramid made of plastic in Bashkiria at the Ishimbay oil field, stunning oilmen with a statement that the beneficial effect of these structures allows increasing the debit of wells by 30 percent. It sounded tempting, especially since Golod himself did not demand any money for his experiments. He needed photographs of his pyramids against the backdrop of the country's sacred oil rigs.

Then he built a pyramid near the town of Ostashkov on the shores of Lake Seliger, after that - on the Novorizhskoe highway, allowing everyone to charge mineral water in eggplants for a reasonable fee with "torsion energy". And they charged - all these inhabitants of elite summer cottages, all these officials and top managers who do not believe in God or in the devil, but who drink water charged in the pyramid.

“What if the formula really changes there? .. They say it helps a lot from insomnia…”

Near the entrance to the pyramid, guests were greeted by a tray where you can buy pre-charged goods: bottles of water, salt crystals, gypsum pyramids - all at a price of 250 to 1000 rubles. The goods were sold out like hot cakes - fortunately, the pyramid squeezes energy out of the "astral" round the clock, without breaks and weekends.

“When the pyramid was built here, weeds stopped growing here,” the saleswoman advertises her product. - The fields were covered with rare flowers from the Red Book, and a stork settled nearby ...

All in all, Alexander Golod has built several dozen pyramids in the most different parts of the country over the past two decades. And he only built the first 17 pyramids on his own money. But for the rest he was paid - and a very solid amount.

Indications for use

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, several owners of tourist centers have installed the "health-improving" Golod pyramid.

A pyramid was erected near Samara to “recharge” water, minerals, natural crystals, souvenirs, etc.

Hunger Pyramid (after the hurricane). Photo by Evgeny Odinokov / RIA Novosti

In the city of Togliatti, the pyramid was even placed on the roof of a private medical center - to "harmonize the surrounding space" and to "produce crystalline information matrices", which doctors who lost their fear and conscience sold to their patients. Say, "pyramid matrices" can even cure AIDS and oncological diseases in an inoperable stage. Unhappy people, clinging to any hope of a cure, gave the scammers their last money ...

Well, now the pyramid of Famine has been destroyed - albeit the most famous, but only one.

The Lord of hosts seemed to give us a sign to think about other pyramids still standing in our country.

For example, about the same pyramid in the center of Moscow, where the mummy of the "eternally living" leader of the world proletariat, who planned to destroy both Russia and the Church of Christ, is still displayed for universal worship.

I would venture to suggest that it is no coincidence that the Lord sends us this sign precisely in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, in the year when hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christians, in prayerful reverence, decided to worship the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasure brought to the country for the first time. A sign that it is time to close the Satanic pyramid. That one cannot simultaneously worship the relics of the Saint and the mummy of the bloodiest dictator on Earth.

We must choose something and not be mistaken with the choice, otherwise all our pyramids and verticals will scatter in an instant.

Perun will confirm to you.

On the outskirts of the village of Chesnokovo near Moscow, there is something that you would not expect to see in central Russia: a pyramid stands in an open field. For 13 years now it has been a place of pilgrimage for those in urgent need of recharging.

Stone of Leaders and Chieftains

Honestly, even if there is no acute need for an amendment of mental strength, it is difficult to pass by. The height of the Moscow Region pyramid is 44 meters, it stands on a hill and is visible from Novorizhskoe highway better than any mansion or church. You will come sooner or later.

And you will be surprised. In appearance, the concrete structure turns out to be a fiberglass structure covered with concrete chips. The curious wiped off the "dusting" in some places, so from the inside the pyramid looks slightly leaky and therefore even more mysterious.

It works seven days a week, closing only at night. They say that in the early years, visitors had to be allowed in in batches - all did not fit, although there was unexpectedly a lot of space inside. The middle is covered with oilcloth, on which there are three giant globes and a can of water. Around - benches: someone for rest, someone for meditation, someone to put bottles of water - the people who passed through Chumak and Kashpirovsky, according to old memory, carry it "to charge". By the way, you can buy water on the spot - a bottle "aged" in the "New Jerusalem" pyramid costs 40 rubles.

Inbox is immediately divided into two unequal parts: most rush to the souvenir counter. Conversations between buyers and sellers begin with the same question:

- What's this?

- Onyx, the stone of leaders and chiefs.

- Crystal. Improves brain function, protects the biofield.

- And how to use it?

- To increase immunity, spray on the back of the head, face, crown and spine ...

From a showcase with pyramids costing from 200 to 12 thousand rubles ("Information Copy of the Pyramid has a beneficial effect on the surrounding space almost as effectively as a 44-meter Pyramid"), solutions of 100 rubles ("It allows you to significantly strengthen immunity and bring the body into harmonious state ") and crystals of 250 each (" The use is possible both to strengthen immunity and to neutralize the harmful effects of "radiating" objects ") people proceed to inspect the pyramid itself. According to the instructions, it is recommended to bypass it first inside counterclockwise, then outside - in the opposite direction. People walk in zigzags, from the counter to the globes and back, apparently trying to find something else to do. Until someone pokes: why are globes here? It turns out that they are also sold.

Correcting space

The Moscow Region pyramid is private property. In 1999, engineer Alexander Golod built it on his own site. With his own money (in the 90s he had a cooperative for the production of guitar strings) and with his own hands - with two assistants and a crane. Now Golod is in charge of the Gidrometpribor research and production association, which, in addition to the meteorological instruments proper, also produces the same globes.

Finding the pyramid builder turned out to be not easy - the telephones indicated on the sites of the pyramid and Gidrometpribor were stubbornly silent. In the pyramid itself, they shrugged their shoulders:

- I was here only today.

At best, Hunger is considered an eccentric who believed in the ability of the pyramids to correct the structure of space.

Allegedly, it is crooked and that is why all the troubles - ozone holes, wars, earthquakes, drug addiction, lack of spirituality, AIDS and migraines. According to Golod's hypothesis, "the dynamics of mitigation and elimination of all negative manifestations substantially depends on the size of the Pyramid" - therefore, the more, the better.

Scientists who were initially interested in what was happening in the pyramid (in the video posted on its website, filmed, apparently, in the late 90s, they really appear), quickly lost interest in it. Information about the research, allegedly carried out in leading scientific organizations, the leadership of these same organizations denied. Even Egyptologists disowned the Golodov theory of the pyramid. The commission on pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences drew a bold line, declaring it anti-scientific.

All this does not prevent the pyramid from standing still, “correcting space”. If you look at the cottage settlements that have grown around in 13 years (on the one hand - the elite "Knyazhye Lake", on the other - the "Agalarov Estate" residence, the most expensive residential facility in the Moscow region), one can assume that it is doing well. Skeptics, on the other hand, believe that Golod just guessed the right place - when land ran out on neighboring Rublevka, people with money began to buy it along the nearest Novorizhskoe highway.

The answer to a stupid question is 800 rubles.

In addition to loitering onlookers, in the pyramid you can also meet those who clearly visit regularly. They quickly walk to the center, sit on a bench, turn their palms to the sky and withdraw into themselves. Actually, withdrawal into oneself is even recommended - “to make it easier for the body to perceive the positive properties of the Pyramid space”.

- It happens that people with problems go for a month, two, a year ... - Aleksandr Golod says cautiously (he was found after all). The pyramid builder himself comes to the pyramid every day, but on business and because he lives nearby. - If a person needs to balance something in himself - irritability, illness, it is very interesting to come here. It won't hurt.

The attitude of the workers of the pyramid to what is happening in it is explained by a comic (hopefully) price list above the counter: “The answer to a stupid question is 500 rubles, the correct answer to a stupid question is 800 rubles, the correct answer to a question that requires complex thought processes due to the senselessness of the question is 900 rubles. " To assess the scale of the disaster, it is enough to stand next to the guard attacked by an inquisitive visitor for a couple of minutes.

Satisfying curiosity and stocking up on souvenirs “processed” in the pyramid, people rush to the white world, where clean air and a trailer with a sign “Aura Photo” await them.

People have the right to believe what they want. There is at least one plus in the pyramid near Moscow: it's funny. It seems that there is nothing funny either in the structure itself, much less in what is happening inside, but it is absolutely impossible to remain serious. Let's consider this a test for adequacy.

Where else?

The Bashkir people went for firewood

The Moscow Region pyramid is not the only one of its kind. In the 90s, Alexander Golod installed a dozen more modest pyramids in different regions. Some are still standing, others are less fortunate. For example, eight Bashkir pyramids, built at the Ishimbay oil and gas field, so to speak, for the flow of hydrocarbons to the wells, were dismantled by local peasants for economic purposes.

But the 11-meter Togliatti pyramid, installed on the roof of one of the medical centers, is in order, although not used.

- We put medicines in the pyramid, and then gave them to the patients - by agreement, - says Vitaly Groisman, scientific director of the medical center. - Another group received the same drugs that have not been in the pyramid. The former acted more efficiently. That, in fact, is all. I am not doing this now.

The Seligerskaya pyramid, 22 meters high, is also a place of pilgrimage. In the village of Khitino, on the outskirts of which it stands, there are only 215 inhabitants, but nearby there is a busy highway along which tourists go to Seliger. As for the miraculous transformation of the surrounding space, alas - apparently, it is especially curved in those parts. The Khitinsky village council stated the absence of any transformation:

- There are no changes. The people drink in a terrible way.

My friends and I love adventures and interesting stories, so it is not surprising that the Novorizhskaya pyramid and stories about it did not leave us indifferent. We decided to definitely visit it, but before going on a trip, it was decided to familiarize ourselves with the history, because how to understand where is the truth and where is the lie, not knowing where it all began?

The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek language and means polyhedron (according to another version, "pyramis" comes from the word "feast" - "fire"). People owe their origin either to a memorial cake, or to a huge pile of wheat grains. Accordingly, the first originates from Death, and the second from Life. This is probably why the Egyptian pharaohs chose this form for their tombs, wishing to rule in both worlds.

But this is not the main thing! Scientists have found that the seeds and cereals left as gifts retain their properties even after more than 2-3,000 years inside the tombs. Dead bodies of animals do not rot, but are mummified, razor blades acquire their pristine sharpness. It turns out that a pyramid model with the correct proportions and correctly oriented in space is capable of something else!

The golden ratio underlying the pyramid does its noble cause: if you put cheap wine in the pyramid, it acquires a noble taste, milk retains freshness for a long time, “charged” water contributes to the healing of the whole organism. Thanks to all these qualities, they began to erect pyramids in Russia and many other countries.

Alexander Golod - a scientist or a hoaxer?

It is difficult to judge, but the person is interesting and versatile. Engineer, graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics department with honors, was seriously fond of football, was a player and coach. Then he taught mathematics, retrained as a programmer, opened his own cooperative.

In 90 he became seriously interested in the phenomenon of pyramids, their design and construction. According to Golod, the pyramids not only contribute to the complete recovery of a person, they are able to defeat cancer, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism and other serious diseases. In addition, its structures affect the surrounding world as a whole. They have a unique ability to change spatial structures, restore the ozone layer and the surrounding nature.

Experts and ordinary people alike claim that the Hunger Pyramid improves well-being. Even a short stay in it relieves headaches, improves tone, and gives a burst of energy. Those who believe in the power of the energy pyramids come here regularly for the next portion of energy. There are many curious people who watch, buy souvenirs, take pictures against the backdrop of this huge building.

Travel and Reflection

The pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway is the largest of all the structures of Golod, was built in 1999 without the use of metal (glass-plastic structures) in the proportions of the golden section.

The pyramid is perfectly visible from the road, it looks very interesting (albeit a little strange) against the background of the general landscape.

Dry grass, cloudy sky and a huge gray needle directed upwards. This is how the pyramid, which is located on the 38th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway, greeted us desertedly and sadly.

But we didn't have to grieve for a long time, as soon as we got out of the car, the roar of many engines fell on us. Directly from the side of the pyramid, a column of dust approached us, in which we could see extreme sportsmen on ATVs.

They rushed past us so quickly that we realized what it was only when the last cars were hiding in the distance.

After waiting for the dust to settle, we came closer to the pyramid.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters, from a distance it seems that it is a concrete monolith. In fact, it turned out that the pyramid was made of fiberglass, allegedly without the use of nails or other metal.

After wandering around, we found a house, where they offered us to "photograph the aura" for money.

This can be done before and after visiting the pyramid. They say that the difference is huge, but ... we did not dare, or maybe we just spared the money.

Nearby is the "Ostrich Compound". Such a loud name hid a couple of sleeping ostriches in the distance and one sluggish chewing something, but who stubbornly did not want to be photographed.

Inside the pyramid

It was getting dark. The March sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon. It's time to look inside the pyramid.

It turned out that there was unexpectedly a lot of space, the air was cool, and it was twilight around. The walls are translucent and let in enough light.

This was very unexpected after the seemingly "concrete" structure.

There were several people inside, while the amazing silence remained. People talked quietly among themselves, looked at souvenirs. Someone was sitting on a bench under the very dome, thinking about something important, for which, as a rule, there is always not enough time in the daily rush.

In the center there are 3 large globes. As they say, to harmonize the globe as a whole and to correct all defects that have arisen from human intervention in Nature.

According to research, the principles of the "golden section", which Alexander Golod necessarily take into account during construction, have a very beneficial effect not only on nature, but also on the human world and relations between them. Their impact restrains the emergence of world wars and cataclysms, and also contributes to spiritual, economic and moral prosperity.

It is argued that military radars fix a column of energy above the structure, possibly an ion flow that restores the ozone layer. It is at such moments that you want to start believing in miracles.

The local population and visitors use these magical properties in a more prosaic way, charging various alcoholic drinks. According to them, vodka becomes softer, and cheap cognac and wine matured.

The healing properties of the pyramid are listed on a piece of paper that is inside on a special stand: energetically charged seeds will give an unprecedented harvest, plants will be resistant to drought and disease. Water will heal, medications will be more effective and will not cause side effects.

An experiment was carried out when salt and crystals charged in a pyramid were sent to prisons, after which a decrease in the level of aggression and morbidity of prisoners was observed there. Wow!

Miracles also have to do with money

As it turned out, if you wish, you can buy any souvenirs here: ABO solutions (adaptation of biological objects), globes, energetically charged water in bottles, semi-precious stones to attract health and good luck, information copies of the pyramid and other esoteric curiosities.

The range of prices is wide enough, as they say: for every taste and budget. The workers in the pyramid will enthusiastically tell and show everything about any product.

There are also unusual products: ABO information pairs. It is such a small crystal that is grown in this 44-meter pyramid. After dividing it into 2 parts, it becomes the information matrix of the great pyramid.

That is why everything that fits between these halves is harmonized. They can be placed on different sides of the bed to improve sleep, they can be attached to the body around the sore spot. Also, all emitting household appliances that are inside the field of these matrices should stop disturbing.

The issue price is 100 rubles. Oh, it was not! I bought them and pasted them on the table next to the computer. Everything is fine: the technique works great, and I am also writing this article in a great mood. Let's assume that the information matrixes from the Hunger pyramid have a positive impact! 🙂

A bit of philosophy

I don't know if the pyramid on the New Riga highway can actually have such an impact on the whole Mother Earth, but it makes you think. About the world around you, about people, about the future that awaits our children. What tomorrow brings us, our endless intervention in Nature, the pursuit of profit, tireless mining. Or maybe it's true, to spit on everything and start a new life? In harmony and peace.

If only for the sake of a short stop in life and thinking about the Eternal, you should definitely stop by here for at least a few minutes.

Pyramid in the suburbs how to get

Finding this place will not be difficult. Especially if you are driving a private car. The pyramid is located on the 38th km of the Novorizhskoe highway. There are signs on both sides. And it is difficult to pass this place: the goal is visible at a glance.

By train, you can get from the Rizhsky station to Nakhabino and by bus 20 to Chesnokovo.

By bus - there are several regular routes from the Tushinskaya metro station.

Coordinates of the Novorizhskaya pyramid of Famine: 55.78427, 37.06366.

You can visit the Pyramid of Hunger on any day, open seven days a week, in the summer from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm, in the winter from 10.00 to 18.00 pm. The entrance is free.

But it was time for us to go home, and this is more than 100 km. All the way we remembered with pleasure today, how intense and interesting it was.

Our trip to the outskirts of Zvenigorod took place on March 28, 2015. Here is our route on the map.

To conveniently travel around the Moscow region of Zvenigorod and the region, you can easily rent an apartment or a room in the city or the suburbs for a few days, or book a hotel in any convenient place.

It began with celestial bodies, about which we learned a lot about new things, and we even managed to see spots in the sun through a real telescope! After that, we again found ourselves in heaven - in an amazing one, which was the first of all Russian monasteries to receive the status of Lavra.

And here again Space and mysticism, and also in a man-made miracle: a pyramid in the Moscow region.

And it was even more surprising that a little more than a month passed after this trip, and we again happened to find ourselves in the pyramid of Hunger. Only not in Novorizhskaya, but in its younger copy, which is located on Lake Seliger. But this is a completely different story ... And you can read it.

The map below shows other attractions and where I was able to visit.

You all know this cult pyramid of Famine on the thirty-eighth kilometer of the Novorizhskoe highway, which was destroyed in May by a hurricane, but you do not know anything about where and why it came from and who built it. Julia Dudkina, a special correspondent for the samizdat “My friend, yes you are a transformer”, tracked down engineer Alexander Golod and found out why he does not communicate with the army of shamans and admirers of his pyramids and why he is not really trying to save the world. This story has everything: the Federal Penitentiary Service, growing cucumbers, animals in a solution of salt from a pyramid, women's tears, and even experiments on newborns.


May 29, 15:15

May 29, 15:20

At this time, engineer Alexander Golod - a sturdy short old man born in forty-ninth - is driving along a Moscow street in his brand new black Land Rover. Even in such a powerful car, he feels the force of the wind, it seems to him that the SUV is about to be lifted off the ground. Suddenly the phone rings: Hunger is told that his largest pyramid, which for seventeen years calmly stood in a field on the side of the Novorizhskoe highway, has just been blown away by the wind. The famine is immediately sent to the northwest. He's not really surprised. An experienced engineer, he knows that the structures of the pyramid were weakened two years ago, and long ago gave an instruction to the guard: as soon as a strong wind blows, people should be taken out into the street. And if in the story of Magus Radmir it was he who felt something and commanded "to exit", then in the world, as Alexander Golod sees him, nothing mystical happened: everything was clear according to the instructions. On the site of this pyramid it was high time to build a new one, higher and stronger, but it costs 3,000,000 dollars, and one, without partners and organizational assistance, cannot cope so quickly.

Anyway, now that the hundred-meter-long, dilapidated structure has collapsed, Hunger is relieved. He suddenly realizes that for a long time he has lived with constant fear: what if someone suffers because of his pyramid? But now everything is left behind. On May 29, when the strongest hurricane in almost twenty years broke out in Moscow and the Moscow region, sixteen people died, including an eleven-year-old girl. Fifty people were injured. In the city of Lyubertsy, a tower crane fell, more than seven thousand people were left without electricity in the Moscow region. But when a hundred-meter pyramid weighing more than fifty-five tons collapsed on the thirty-eighth kilometer of the Novorizhskoe highway, no one was hurt.

Alexander Golod badly remembers the names of people with whom he just spoke on the phone, but he perfectly remembers everything that happened to him twenty years ago. Once, when an engineer built another pyramid on Seliger, a journalist from the Vek newspaper came to him. I followed him for a long time, asked questions, was delighted. And then, when the material came out, Golod read in it about men from neighboring villages, who allegedly were already taking up axes to demolish his "demonic structure." Golod decided that he was treated very unfairly, and even complained to his friend, journalist Viktor Litovkin. Once Litovkin wrote a text about the pyramids for the Izvestia newspaper: he did not doubt the scientific achievements of Golod, did not call them pseudoscience and openly hinted that the state should help the engineer with his projects. Golod trusted this journalist. But Litovkin said that criticism in the press was not bad at all. On the contrary, it will attract more attention. And in general: if they write only good things about you, it means that something is wrong with you.

Since then, journalists from various newspapers and TV channels have taken hundreds of comments and interviews from Golod, he has long ceased to be offended and upset about those who express doubts about his concept. But he is skeptical of journalists, he speaks reluctantly and little about himself, refuses to remember how he built the first pyramid, answers direct questions with vague phrases and in everything he refers to his old interviews that came out in the last century. There is nothing in them about the life of an engineer, about his family. From them it is impossible to understand why, once in his youth, he was so attracted by the pyramids and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe golden ratio, why he spent tens of years and millions of dollars on them. What happened in his life that he devoted himself to gigantic structures, not afraid to present himself to the whole world as a crazy eccentric. But Golod believes that journalists do not need to know about it. “They come only at birth and after death. But all the most interesting happens right in the middle, between these moments. And now, when the pyramid collapsed, dozens of television cameras have visited the ruins. And when she stood, no one worried about my research.

For Hunger, his pyramids are not at all a Vedic temple collecting energy. It is a tool that changes the structure of the surrounding space, affects connections, events and phenomena. If there is a pyramid in space, built according to the proportions of the golden section, then everything that happens will strive for its harmonious manifestation in time. According to the Hunger, wars, ozone holes, epidemics, climatic disasters, terrorism, propaganda are phenomena of the same order, and they can be influenced if the space is harmonized. True, the pyramid is just a tool, and you can use it in different ways. The most important thing is not in the pyramid, but in human consciousness. During the Euromaidan, a pyramid erected by a group of activists also stood in the main square of Ukraine, but Golod is sure that in this case this tool was used unsuccessfully.

The engineer knows that pilgrims - Old Believers, lovers of esotericism, shamans - constantly came to the pyramid in New Riga. But these people have nothing to do with him, Alexander Golod. For him, everything he does is a series of experiments in the field of physics. Rather, in the area of \u200b\u200bphysics that has not yet become an official science. According to Golod himself, he conducted research on mice, babies and prisoners. In the late nineties - early 2000s, he transferred five tons of salt, infused inside the pyramid, to the FSIN institutions in one of the Russian regions. Six months later, the prison guards said that it was as if they had “replaced the entire contingent”: the death rate became lower, and violations of the regime began to occur three times less often. Animals that were given a pyramid salt solution and bathed in it became more resistant to stress and their aggressiveness decreased. Golod even claims that together with the head of the neonatal pathology resuscitation department of the Russian Research Center for Pathology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he tried to administer a glucose solution to newborns with severe pathologies, and their instantaneous state index values \u200b\u200bincreased. According to the engineer, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and employees of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences took part in his experiments. True, this information can hardly be verified. Once the author from the magazine "Russian House" Vladimir Ustinov asked the deputy director of the hematological research center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Vladimir Gorodetsky whether his employees really participated in Golod's experiments. He said: “If you intend to talk about the scientific research of Mr. Golod, then, I am afraid, the conversation will not work due to the lack of a subject for conversation. It is possible that our employees were involved in the experiments, but if this was done, then, of course, in private. "

Once it all started with cucumbers. In 1989 Golod lived in Dnepropetrovsk and had his own cooperative for the production of nylon guitar strings. The cooperative was called ABO - "Adaptation of biological objects". Once employees of the cooperative Sergey Misyura and Andrey Belik told Golod that there are people in the world who study pyramids and believe that pyramidal structures have a beneficial effect on the environment. The employees decided to conduct an experiment: what would happen if you put cucumber seeds in a pyramid of the golden ratio. Hunger was at first skeptical, but still, out of curiosity, he decided to check. In that year, the harvests in the Zaporozhye region suffered greatly from acid rain, but Golod recalls that the experimental cucumbers still survived, and the harvest was twice as large as in previous years. According to him, the same thing happened with the seeds of zucchini, watermelon and beets. A year later, ABO put the pyramids in the Voronezh, Tver, Belgorod regions and in several other places. Then Golod went to Moscow, met with entrepreneurs and economists and convinced them that with the help of pyramids it would be possible to feed the whole country. He needed someone to invest in his project. It seemed to him that potential investors were interested. But then perestroika began, and everyone was not up to it. Since then, Hunger has been building pyramids with its own money. After the collapse of the USSR, he privatized the NPO Gidrometpribor, which he previously headed, and this brings him enough money. Its pyramids stand on Seliger, Bashkiria and Astrakhan. In 1990, he built an 11-meter pyramid in the Ramensky district (later it was dismantled). The local priest did not like this pyramid very much: he was upset that the "demonic structure" was taking away his parishioners. As if people who used to go to church with donations now pass by it, the confused people “bow to the pyramid”. The priest was worried that the people "far from science" were confused and carried away by empty rituals instead of sincere faith. It is unlikely that Father Vladislav asked himself if there was anything in common between the church and the pyramid.

While Alexander Golod was building hypotheses in the field of physics unknown to mankind, pilgrims, adherents of esotericism and just lovers of mysticism were drawn to it. Rodologist and healer Alexander Triyan says that he came to the pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway with a group of associates to "cleanse and gain energy." He believes that, no matter how Alexander Golod himself assessed his own structures, different people can use these structures in different ways and interpret their meaning in their own way. “When you just drive up to this place, you feel a special energy,” says Triyan. - I have identified several patterns. The pyramid collects positive energy around itself, and outside, the rest of the energy flows down the structure. If you walk around it clockwise, the energy will spin up through the pyramid, if counterclockwise - vice versa. That is, according to the healer, you need to walk around the pyramid clockwise in order to raise your energy balance, and in the other direction - to dump excess energy. So you can normalize your energy field. At the same time, on an invisible, energy level, the pyramid consists of two parts - there is also a lower pyramid, like a mirror image of the upper one. It doesn't matter what Hunger himself thinks about all this. “He views his structure as an engineer,” says Triyan. "In his own way, he is right, but everyone has their own understanding, and the pyramid can be used in a different way, not the way its creator came up with." The healer believes that the reason for the collapse of the Moscow Region pyramid is not the dilapidation of structures. There were simply too many people who came there to “work with energy,” and the field around the pyramid did not have time to cleanse itself of excess negative energy. Sooner or later, this happens to every such object.

A copy, taken from a copy, which in turn was taken from a copy - so the hero said in a half-forgotten book from my puberty age - more precisely, from the age that should have been mine, but I'm not sure if all this happened to me. The hero of the book spoke about the feeling that occurs when you cannot sleep. Today it seems to me that the world is like a film strip, where the main character is somewhat similar to me, but still not me. I am thinking about all this while I get to the thirty-eighth kilometer of Novorizhskoe highway. Once this place was popular with tourists and buses used to run here, but now there are no special routes. For three hours I change from one suburban minibus to another, trying to find a place where I can cross to the opposite side of the highway. At some point, I am standing in the middle of the highway, many kilometers from Moscow - much further than I need - and I do not understand how to get out of here. It seems to me that there is no pyramid and no engineer with the strange name Hunger. In the end, I call a taxi with my last money and finally arrive at the place. All this way could be done in half an hour, but today something is going wrong - just like the Vedic sorcerer Radmir.

I am in someone's faded memory of a huge field in the middle of which there is a pyramid. An elderly man with glasses walks around the pyramid. He's wearing jeans, a denim shirt and a denim T-shirt. Everything is burnt out, faded blue. His eyes are the same color. Huge plates of fiberglass are heaped a few meters away. A live ostrich is looking at me from behind the fence, and it is completely out of place. The old man from the burnt-out jeans does not remember who I am and where I came from, although in the last 24 hours I spoke to him on the phone five times. The sound of the wind and construction drill will remain on the dictaphone recording. All this is against the background of the quiet voice of the old man. In place of the fallen pyramid, a new one is being built - a temporary one, eleven meters high. It remains only to make the cladding. In fact, this new pyramid is the top that remained from the old one.

Yesterday Alexander Golod agreed to be interviewed, but today he doesn't want to talk to me.
- Could you tell ...
“No, I couldn't,” he interrupts.
- Excuse me, what exactly can you not tell?
- I can’t do anything.

The dialogue moves in a circle, Alexander Golod says that his goal is to prevent information wars, and that the pyramid is just a tool. Previously, he did not deal with pyramids and was an adherent of pseudoscience. “But maybe I am still an adherent of pseudoscience,” he grins. And again he turns to information wars. I do not believe in any mysterious properties of the pyramids and I wonder why Famine built so many structures, and there is still ISIS on Earth, propaganda and climate threats. “But while there were no pyramids, catastrophes also happened. Who knows, maybe there would be twice as many now, ”Golod says. He doesn't think he is doing anything unusual. He just has money, and he can spend it on his hobby. So what? "You are also fond of something." I'm trying to understand: does he really want to save humanity so badly that he invested twenty-seven years in it and was not afraid to be branded as crazy. He is very surprised: “Who told you that I want to save humanity? I don't even think about him, it just happened by chance that the pyramids affect him. For me, this is all an interesting experiment, a study. I would like to help my children and grandchildren, but humanity ... No ”.

Golod says that in the next few years he will build a new pyramid on the same site, twice the size of the one that collapsed. It costs a lot of money, but the engineer never liked talking to people, so he didn't get any connections or business partners. And the government does not want to participate in his project. Hearing that I got here for several hours by bus, Golod says that he will give me a lift back to Moscow in his SUV. And now he needs to leave: not far from here he has a suburban area, and there he needs to meet with someone. At the same time, he promises to bring me strawberries from the garden.

Left alone, I sit on the ground at the foot of the pyramid. Above me is a clear sky, and in the middle of it is a black thundercloud, it hovered right over the edge of the structure. Suddenly I start crying - for the first time in a year. The world no longer looks like film. I suddenly realize that if I believed in God, this is how I would imagine our meeting. For several days I have been asking a mysterious old man for an audience, but he forgets who I am and cannot really tell anything about himself. They talk and write about him as if he wants to save humanity by establishing harmony in space, but in fact he is just conducting an experiment for the sake of his own curiosity. Pilgrims and shamans come to his buildings, who interpret his science in their own way and carry out their rituals, but he does not care about the rituals, he meant something completely different. He says several times that he is tired of conducting a dialogue with me, and in plain text sends me home, but then brings me strawberries from his own garden. I do not believe in either his teaching or the power of the pyramids, but he does not need to be believed in - he is self-sufficient and does not really like people. You never know if he's serious or mocking. The same is with his strange, thirty-year project: you never know whether it is a brilliant invention ahead of its time, or a ridiculous eccentricity of a talented engineer, or complete madness. Or maybe just a cruel joke that took too long, but it’s somehow a pity to stop - it’s too interesting how it will end.


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