Where to get the key from the intercom if I lost. What about the key from all doors? Making keys from intercom

Where to get the key from the intercom if I lost. What about the key from all doors? Making keys from intercom

They ensure safety and prevent the penetration of foreign ones. To get home, you need to take advantage of special.

He opens one door, and who enjoy utility workers and Monterters, is able to interact at once with several intercoms. To make a universal key for the intercom, you need to know the device and the principle of operation.

The principle of operation of a universal key

The keys for the intercom can be a contact type, in the form of a tablet, or contactless, acting at a distance - keychain or map. Regardless of the type, it carries an individual key code.

Codes may be factory, prescribed in manufacturing, and service that use service centers and company installers.

Inside the intercom tablet is a chip with memory for recording and storing the program. It is enough to apply it to the contact pad on the door panel to get inside.

Touch Memory Tooling Technology is highly dependent, and it is necessary to start a single-wire compound that occurs at the time of contact with the reader that gives food. Then the mechanism for sharing information with the intercom controller is launched.

The hose microcircuit comes high frequency pulses, generated by the hardware block of the intercom. If the data coincides, and the correct cipher in the identifier is recorded, the passage opens.

In the intercom module, binary codes made of nic and units of 64 characters are prescribed. Memory in devices occurs overwritten and non-recording, that is, it is subject to reprogramming or not. If the device was finalized after the recording, it will not be possible to rewrite it.

What equipment need

Would you like to know: how to make your own hands the universal key for the intercom? To do this, you need to own programming basics and have knowledge in the field of electromechanics.

Do not do in this case and without special equipment. The presence allows you to make a copy for one intercom, and an emulator is already needed to make a universal key.

Duplicators of a simple design are designed for the most popular types of identifiers, and the quality of the coding is not always flawless. The code of the original key for the further manufacture of the new is in any case they consider.

And if you know the brand and model of the intercom used, then after a few attempts it will turn out to make your own launder for the intercom.

Professional devices, have great technical capabilities. With their help, they make high-quality magnetic keys to any intercom.

Functional allows you to bypass the lock installed on door device, Perform the finalization even on cheap blanks, get an accurate duplicate due to the optimal selection of the workpiece.

Upon working identifier, the instrument will determine the model and type of equipment, the number of already programmed launders from users.

The emulator is a device that has a display and memory for storing key codes opening different intercoms. The device successfully imitates the identifiers of any format.

Using an individual set of parameters, the equipment is configured to a specific intercom system in order to make it easier to choose a personal cipher. For intercoms of different grades, several algorithms will be used.

What kind of harvest is needed

The keys for intercoms work on a contact and non-contact principle.

To begin, it is necessary to determine the principle of action of a particular device and find out its brand, learn with what keys the intercom is compatible.

You can do this on the manufacturer's website and on the forums on the Internet. It is important that the fact is whether the workpiece allows the information to overwrite information.

According to these data, it is possible to choose among the existing diversity the necessary workpiece or blank for identifiers. They are sold in all places in the manufacture of keys.

The price of blanks is distinguished by affordable. Each blank model is represented in several variants differing in quality, functionality, plastic type and cost.

Self-making key

So how to make the key for the intercom? There is an opportunity to overwrite an individual code into the chip with your own hands, provided that the appropriate billet has not passed the finalization.

Duplicators running autonomously, without connecting to a computer, use much easier. After turning on the device to the network, a notice of readiness will be displayed on the screen.

The original magnetic identifier must be attached to the read zone. On the end of the processing process, the device will inform the inscription or signal.

Now it is necessary to attach a blank to the reading zone. It is enough to spend from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and with your own hands ready. The conclusion signal will be a characteristic sound or an appropriate inscription.

The essence of programming is reduced to the introduction of the desired cipher using an electronic device called a duplicator. For these purposes, Arduino is successfully applied.

The device allows you to read the already programmed identifier code and put the original key cipher into the blanks. Information about the compatibility of intercoms and duals for bars with a duplicator can be found in free access.

How to perform a key programming for intercom

To simulate and record key codes, Arduino is successfully used, which is connected to the magnetic blank along a simple diagram from a 2.2 com and two wire resistors.

It is easy to make it yourself. To work with the protocol, you will need to download and unpack the archive with libraries. Connecting to a PC is carried out through the USB port.

First you need to know the number of the original key that is cloned. This will help the monitor of the serial port, which will display the desired cipher on the screen.

Loaded Skatch needs to be corrected so that you can make new data. The array is prescribed the number of the original identifier. For a universal identifier, several, unlimited quantities are introduced.

Now to the diagram you need to connect the blank blank. Corresponded Skatch Download B and open the monitor of the serial port by a Ctrl + Shift + M key combination. The programming process will begin, the results of which the message appears in the open window of the port.

In the process of firmware, error messages can appear. The failure at the beginning of the recording suggests that the workpiece was not overwritten and will have to search for another. An error on the recording of the next byte indicates a violation of the compound from the tablet to Arduino.


It is worth noting that universal keys simply do not exist, as there are no universal codes for intercom systems.

Yes, one key can open the devices of one manufacturer on the entrances of high-rise buildings in its area and at the other end of the city.

But the percentage of coincidences with the equipment of other manufacturers will be low, because there are significant differences in systems.

Video: how to make a universal key to the intercom with Arduino Nano

Nowadays, each house is equipped with intercom. If you forget the keys, we will help you get home without any problems.

Consider the following intercoms and codes to them:

1. Open D.omophone vizit. (Visit).

2. Open intercomEltis. (ELTIS).

3. Open intercomCyfral (digital), model SSD-2094.1M. .

4. Open intercom Metak.

5. Open intercom Barrier 2, 2m, 4 m.

6. Open intercom Rainmann.(Raiman).

7. Open intercom Domoguard(Domogard).

8. Open intercom T - Guart.

9. Open intercom Factorial.

10. Open intercom Blink.

How to open the rest of the model intercoms without a key: Laskomex AO-3000, Stroy master, Technology, Berkut LS2001, Polis, Keyman, NFCread in the article - .

Like O.pitch intercomV.izit. keyless.

Intercom VIZIT - is used very often in our time. To open the intercom Vizit. The old series, you can try the following code: 12#345 or*# 4230 . For,to open the intercom Vizit. New version, use the code: 67 # 890, * # 3423, 12 # 345. These codes are all standard, and always work if the specialist has not changed during installation. You can still try "#"+" 196 ".

If you failed to open the intercom "Visit" in a simple way, go to a more complex process. We will try to enter the service menu using the # 999 combination. There must be two short beeps, then enter, master code of the intercom visits, by default, the manufacturer uses 1234. If the master code is correct, there will be one short sound, if not correct, the signal will be two-tonal. If the default code is not suitable, try, the other master Code Intercom Visit: 3535, 9999, 0000, 6767, 12345, 11639 or try to come up with a combination yourself. After a successful entry in the menu, click "2" - "pause" - "#» - "Pause" - "3535", combination of opening the door without a key. When you press the "3" button, we can program a clean key and attach it to the device, so we will enter it into the database. The button "4" erases all the keys from the intercom memory. Button« * » - Exit from the mode used, "#" - the confirmation.

Like O.to pitch intercom eltis keyless.

To open the intercom Eltispress the call, score 100, then the call button and set 2323 (7273 or 7272). If the combination 100 does not fit, try: 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900. It will work if the manufacturer has not changed the ELTIS intercom code in case of repair or maintenance. Special code can be found in the following way: Press the "Call" button, and we are waiting for 20 seconds, it should be on the display, it will appear for a while 5 digits and quickly disappear (do not forget to remember them).

If the above information is not crowned with success, we can find out the engineering code. We choose any digit and hold, waiting for the display "Code», we enter a standard system password 1234. In the case of the correct code, the firmware version and the "FUNC" menu will be lit on the screen. Press "1" and set a new access code to intercom Eltis, after pressing "2", confirm the password. At the end, reset all the settings using the "6" key, then exit the "0" menu. We enter the Domofoma code Eldis, which you installed. At the same time try: (letter - "B") 1234-2-1-3-3-123

Like O.cyfral intercom pitch keyless.

If you havecode from the Cyfral intercom, you will easily go into the entrance, but you don't have the key, and you need to try to open a Cyfral intercom without key (only in if the apartments in the entrance are multiple: STR, 200, etc.). Click "Call" and try from 100 to 900, "Call" 7272, or at the end of 7273.

For models with the letter "M", click "Call" - "41" or "Challenge" - "1410". It happens, the opening of the door is triggered, if you simply enter "07054"

DomoFon codesCyfral.SSD-2094.1.M.(You can define a model by burning or flashing dash).We type "call" - "0000", the door can open immediately or go to the service menu (on the screen will be displayed "ON "), click the button "2" and the door is open.If the button is lit.OFF » This means the quick input mode is turned off by the installer.

DomoFon codesCyfral.SSD-2094.In order to enter the service menu, click "0000", it should be displayed on the display.cOD. " We use the combination "123400", "123456", "456999" and "challenge". If the code approached the display will be written "F0", we enter "601" and the door is open.

Like O.to pitch the intercom Metak keyless.

Consider the easiest way to open the intercom with a metal. We look at the start of the apartments in the stairwell, click the challenge, enter the number of the first apartment in this entrance, and again "Call". The display will appear COD, enter the combination "5702" and the door should open (if the factory settings have not changed). In cases where the door has not opened, go to other options:

- "1234" - "Call" - "6" - "Challenge" - "4568";

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Challenge" - "8";

- "Call" - "1" - "Challenge" - "5702";

- "Challenge" - "5" - "Challenge" - "4253";

- "Call" - "6" - "Challenge" - "4568";

- "Challenge" - "1234567";

- "Challenge" - "1803";

- "65535" - "Challenge" - "7418378";

- "Challenge" - "First Apartment number" - "Call" - "5702";

- "Call" - in order, we recruit "1,2,3,4,5,6,7".

ANDsign up system j. Code for DomoFonov Metak:

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Challenge" - "9" - "3" - "New Code" - "Call" - Wizard Password (default 1234);

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "in the only - "0" - "New Code" - "Call" \u003d Sharing Password (1234567 by default).

Codes for DomoFon Metako Series MK-20TM, we are not needed at all. To open Metakwe take any "tablet" key, without a special firmware (just a clean key). Apply, the intercom includes programming mode, and opens the door. If you do not have a magnetic key, the intercom code is methak MK-20MT, maybe: "Call" - "27" - "Call" - "5702" or "Challenge" - "1" - "Challenge" - "4526".

Like O.pitch intercom Barrier 2, 2m, 4M. keyless.

Nowadaysintercom Barrier,it is rare and stands in old houses. A mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key are used. For models Barrier 2.and 2m,the default code is 1013 (it is constant). The intercom is quite simple, you can use a couple of magnets and simply spend over the key hole. To open Barrier 4,you need to use three magnets and cheat with them until you open. Standard code will not work, Barrier 4.used in the entrances where concierges are sitting.

Like O.pitch intercom Rainmann. keyless.

Ranimn 2000 is a common model. Press the "key" - the code "987654", the double signal should be sounded, after entering "123456", the letter will appear on the screen.P », Log in intercom. After entering the following buttons: "8" - open the door, "6" - turn off the intercom, "4" - block the door.

howaboutpitch intercom Domoguardkeyless.

Press the "C" key and wait for the signal, after the signal quickly type "669900» - « call "+" Apartment number one more than in the entrance. " On the DomoFon screen will appear "F - ", What does it mean we are in the menu. For the opening of the clamp "080". If you want to enter a new key "333" to disable the "071" door lock.

Like O.pitch intercomT.- Guart. keyless.

Click "Call" + "00000" + "Quickly twice the call button. The main thing is the last two pages of the call to make the most quickly as possible.

Like O.pitch intercomFactorial without a key.

Click "000000" or "123456". The second option is pressing "5", we are waiting for (3-5 seconds), type "180180" + "Call" + "4" + "Call".

Like O.pitch intercom Blink. keyless.

There is no keyboard and screen in the intercom, used in private houses or concierge entrances. Service combinations do not work here. We take the usual Crohn battery or another company (suitable for size), number D9-0.1. European Type - 6F.22. We take the battery, we find bolts of an unusual form (the size corresponds to the size of the battery) and apply the battery, the door is open.

Universal ways of opening intercoms:

Apply about 10-15 centimeters below the installed intercom. There is an intercom electronics there, when you hit there is a chance to close the diagram and open the intercom;

The opening of the intercom is electric shock. To dothe electric shock can be used or buy. Just attach it to the reading device and give a discharge;

Applications physical strength To open the intercom. As the door is known to hold a magnet, and to open you need to sharply pull the doors. In fact, enough efforts of one person. For 100% of the option you need 2-3 people, make a good emphasis and at the same time sharply pull the doors and it will open without any problems;

Buying a universal key for opening a intercom. Such a key without any problems can be bought on the Internet or on the company that are engaged in intercoms.


1 . All combinations in the work article, if the installer did not change the default access (90% of the installers are communicating them).
2 . Combinations depend on the series and manufacturer.
3. The discovery of the intercom is the case is permissible, and the hacking of the intercom with mercenary objectives is punishable already under the Criminal Code.

Video. How to open vizit without a key?

Video. How to open an ELTIS intercom without key?

Video. How to open a Cyfral intercom without key?

Video. How to open an intercom with a keyless key?

Video. How to open the intercom factorial without a key?

How to make keys for intercom do it yourself? Before you think about this issue, you should first find out what keys, blanks, duplicators, how they are arranged and what they are.

What is a universal key for intercom?

You need to start with the fact that the keys to the intercom are several species. It can be like a contact "tablet" (usually the electronic media is attached to a special holder) and contactless key rings, maps or magnetic keys, as well as two-contact keys that are really rare. Each of these keys includes a certain code that is made there during the manufacture.

Overwrite this code is quite real, if the firmware did not perform finalization, and also if the keyproof allows you to do this.

Is it possible to make yourself?

The universal key for the intercom will make it quite difficult to do simply because there are no fully universal keys. There are from this rule and some exceptions. Indeed, one magnetic key for the intercom (for example, from "factorial") can approach all the entrances of the house or coincide with any of the houses at the other end of the city.

Manufacturers may not particularly take care of the firmware difference, since in fact such coincidences constitute only the interests of the percentage of this number - one or two, rare more entrances in the whole city. There is a universal tablet to open the locks of the intercom, but again it depends greatly on the manufacturer. For example, a universal tablet from "factorial" will not suit the castles of other manufacturers.

What is a blank key for the intercom?

The main technical characteristics that distinguish the workpieces are that they are contact or contactless. Also, the fact is also of great importance, is it possible to overwrite the code on the workpiece, or there is no possibility. In addition, manufacturers such billets are really quite a lot - they all differ in small details, as well as the quality of production. Cheap is plastic or expensive, for example. Thus, the magnetic key for the intercom can greatly differ from the usual one.

What is a duplicator keys for the intercom?

Duplicators can be both professional and most primitive - legislation Russian Federation In this case, it is not violated, since such equipment is not affected. Such instruments enable a person to consider the code of the original key - in the future it will be used to make a new key, which can be done both manually and automatically.

The simplest duplicators can only work with the most common billets, and therefore cannot be considered particularly useful, although it also gives some possibilities. But the quality of duplicates still leaves much to be desired, in addition, it will be necessary to know the brand and model of the intercom, and possibly after several attempts you will still be able to make the key from the intercom.

The professional devices are much more useful. They possess extended technical characteristicsAs a result, it gives very high quality copies. The uninitiated may even seem that with their help it is quite realistic to create universal keys for the intercoms with their own hands, but it is not. This device allows you to get around the filter and use a duplicate as a native key, but no more.

True, the optimal billet is automatically selected, which significantly reduces the likelihood of errors and a variety of defects. Also, such devices lead copies made, and these very copies will be guaranteed to serve as well as the usual keys.

Making keys from intercom

To make them, you first need to know his model. If you can not do it yourself, then a professional duplicator will do everything for you. About what kind of workpiece is needed, it is worth finding separately - this information is in the open access. On the Internet, it is quite possible to find the tables of compatibility of duplicators and billets and avoid unpleasant excesses. Making keys for the intercom with a duplicator will take from a few seconds to a few minutes. It all depends on your experience with such elements.

We make the device with your own hands

In fact, the universal keys for intercoms do with their own hands is quite difficult - everything resumes in the above problem about the common differences of all existing systems. It is realistic to fulfill such a task only a person who is well understood in programming, and also has significant engineering skills. In general, the manufacture of keys for the intercom - the process is quite laborious.

If you have your own duplicator, then for one intercom actually make a copy. But to make a universal key for the intercom, you will need an emulator.

What is the emulator?

Actually, this is a device that allows you to open almost any doors. There are limitations here, but it is still much closer to truly universal keys. In fact just make the key from the intercom is not enough, write software - That's what is really hard. Although even with the best and high-quality emulator, any door in front of you will not open.

Here the problem is again in the difference between systems and even models of intercom from one manufacturer. There is nothing difficult to set up an emulator for one system, then the code will be seamless on a specific algorithm, which means that all intercoms of such a brand will be opened literally by hand to hand. Everything becomes more difficult if there are at least two stamps or two different schemes, it already means the presence of two algorithms. So, the emulator himself will have to understand what to use in a specific situation, the benefit of options, how to make an intercom, not so much.

Even despite this, make the keys for the intercom are quite real. But it is still impossible to make them completely universal. This is too serious, even for the team of programmers and engineers, especially since the electronic key will not open the magnetic castle and vice versa. Nevertheless, emulators for different systems can be found in reference books, and in the presence of experience or perseverance it is possible to make universal keys for intercoms with their own hands. However, it will be easier to buy a factory duplicate.

Myths about DomoFonah

You already know that you can make a universal key with your own hands really, although it is quite difficult. The result will naturally differ slightly from the expected. You can talk about some misconceptions of people about intercom systems:

  • There are no universal codes in the Intercom, it differs only the Vizit system, where there is really a digital combination in the factory settings that allows you to open a lock without a key.
  • Universal keys for intercoms simply do not exist - too different systems and principles of locks of locks, so it will not work out one key.
  • The magnetic key for the intercom can not be demaging if you put it in a bag with a magnetic clasp or on the speakers and so on. But it is quite realistic to damage such a key to mechanically damaging such a key, so avoiding neat appeal.

So, we found out how to make universal keys for intercoms with their own hands.

Are you not strong in programming microcontrollers? You could not make a duplicate key, how did you teach you "Hacker"? Your girlfriend laughs at you when the Iron Ball-Domofone does not miss you? Do not be sad - "Hacker" will once again find a solution for you, allowing you to penetrate the impregnable doors to the sounds of music.

What about the key from all doors?

In the September issue for the past year "Hacker" already talked about how to manufacture the universal key from the intercom. As a major part of our device, we used a cunning microntroller. But all the steep peppers hunting in the assembler and debugger, as well as to binge over the table with a soldering iron, when the summer / beer / friends / girl (needed to emphasize)? Especially since more and more often on the expanses of our native country, there are a strange type of key, in which there is not an example at all there is no cherished number (as you understand, needed to remove a copy from it in our method), but there is a mysterious inscription "Cyfral " We will not be dark and let's say right away that Cyfral. - This is the domestic product, so to speak, our answer is Chamberlain. We will pay attention to this device and try on the strength of this nut ...

Excursion to theory, or practice then

Over the past few years, the Touch Memory DS1990 identifiers from Dallas Semiconductor occupied a leading place in the market for access control systems. Small-sized, performed in a solid metal case, they were able to satisfy almost all requests from Russian consumers. In general, what to tell: everyone saw these "pills" hundred times. However, to fake such a key turned out to be very simple: it was enough to be just considered the code that is stitched into the key identifier. In 2000, the company "Digital" has developed and patented its own digital electronic identifier Touch Memory Cyfral DC-2000. Domestic development was designed to eliminate a number of shortcomings. It was simple in production, and their domestic enterprises quickly mastered.

The following description of its operation is given in the DC-2000 Contact DC-2000 documentation (Touch Memory Cyfral): "The DC-2000 case is similar to the design and sizes of the DALLAS DS1990 case. It is made of stainless metal. The disk diameter is about 17 mm, thickness is 5.89 mm. Hollow inside the disk consists of two electrically disconnected parts. The hermetic cavity placed an electronic circuit on a silicon crystal. The output of the circuit is connected to the disk halves with two conductors. The rim and donyshko are earthen contact, and the cap performs the function of the signal contact.

The DC-2000 case is the same tablet.

Complete the scheme.

The DC-2000 microcircuit works on its own unique protocol. When contacting the DC-2000 reader, the cyclic code combinations, consisting of starting and eight information words begged. The starting word is different from the informational number of units: three units in a row and one zero. Information word is one unit and three zero.

The pulse duration for the status of "Log.0" and "Log.1" is different.

The location of the unit in each information word is programmed individually at the stage of manufacturing the DC-2000 key chip. The applied technology allows you to get a 65536 code combinations! The code combination occurs by changing the current consumption current of the fixed key chip. Moreover, the pulse duration for the status "Log.0" and "Log.1" is different, as shown in the time diagram.

"Scary-complex" scheme for listening to our key.

Since when reading data from the ROM at any time, a disruption of the electrical contact of the reader with the instrument housing is possible, then it is necessary to control the integrity of the read data. For this purpose, the code combination is read from the ROM three times in a row and compared with the reader (personal computer, microprocessor controller). In the event that the codes coincided, the serial number is read correctly. AT otherwise Repeated data is performed. "

Simply put

In other words, as soon as we insert the key to the receiving Luza, it will paury in it by the code until the intercom brains do not solve that the code is correct, and will not discover the desired sesame. In principle, again, it would be possible to make an emulator with the help of a microcontroller, but we have a way easier and more interesting!

Since the intercom "Digital" only listens the key identifier and does not use any protocol at all, the path to bypass is very simple. You should only record the carriage rag around, and then reproduce this entry of the intercom.

Unfortunately, the windshield is a tape recorder - it does not work. The coefficient of detonation of popular Chinese players is such that even the intercom who does not even possess musical hearing will notice Laude. What else do you have from recording technology? Well, computer with sound is probably! So you can record the carriage rag in and then just light it on the CD. Play recording is not a problem, for example, through a portable CD player, which is accurately available in every second friend of your friend. However, even if suddenly the CD player you do not get involved, the digital voice recorder or a cell phone will come. True, Mobile is not suitable for any, but we will tell about it further.

Let's go to the case: listen to the key

To record the "Music" keys "Digital", we need a 2.4-5-second power source. You can use the computer power supply, but the likelihood that it will add unnecessary noises to our record and thus will spoil the "work". Therefore, it is better to store two any batteries, which in the amount will provide us with 2,43-3 V. for those in the tank, recall that the power is +5 V can be obtained from the USB port connector and on some Game ports, Suppressing the noise of the computer with the simplest filter from the choke and the condenser. Next, we need to resist with a face value of 1.5-2.2 com any type and execution. Of these components, we collect a very complicated scheme of three elements to listen to our key.

Such a thing exactly does not hurt in his pocket.

Depending on the ratio of the resistance and supply voltage of the circuit, the amplitude of "digital music" will be 0.3-0.5 V at the level of the constant component of 1.0-1.5 V, which will allow you to submit this signal directly on the line input sound card.

That's so beautiful and tidy looks like a collected device.

If there are only a microphone input, as some models of laptops and cell phones have, the scheme will have to complicate, adding a voltage divider from two resistors, one of which is variable. By manipulating the handle of the variable resistor R3, it should be provided on the microphone input of the signal amplitude of about 0.5-1.2 mV.

Next include your favorite sound recording software. Better, of course, something like Cool Edit.(www.syntrillium.com), Sound Forge. (www.sonycreativeSoftware.com) or at least t otal Recorder.(www.highcriteria.com). Everything is suitable for the recording level virtual indicators and allows you to end the level of the recorded signal without overloading the map of the card. ... well, there is no court! You can use the usual "sound recording" from the standard Windows set, although in this case you may have to make several entries to choose an acceptable level.

In the program used, select the signal source (where we connected: "Microphone" or "linear input"), after which you write an ordinary audio file with the extension of WAV with parameters: PCM 44100 Hz, 16 bits, mono duration 1-2 minutes without use any compression signal. In principle, for the intercom will be enough for 5 seconds, but this stock will simply allow at the right moment to act without excessive fuss. If you want to record with a mobile phone, you need to take care to be able to capture sound through the headset. Here, of course, you will have to cut the microphone from the headset itself, and if it is a pity - to solder a separate wire with the connector and attach it to the divider outlet. But it is real!

Moving further

So, the desired file or several WAV files from different keys received! It's time to burn them on a CD in the form of CDA music files, what will help everyone known Nero. (www.nero.com) or any other similar program. You can write and simply as WAV files if the CD player supports such a format. When writing in MP3 format, code information may be lost during the compression process, in which case it is necessary to set the options of the maximum bitrate and the maximum quality of the MP3 file formable. In the Cool Edit window, the signal form remains undischarged, but how it will perceive the intercom, I do not know. If, when writing to a mobile phone, the algorithm of compression with losses, the rolled focus is most likely not possible, but it is still worth trying. In the extreme case, the WAV file can be formed on a computer, and in the mobile to drain as high-quality mp3 via Data cable, Irda or Bluetooth. The number of options here is quite large, it all depends on the mobile used. Perhaps even will have to make a simple midelet on Java. Fortunately, even in the standard delivery of J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 Beta 2 there is an example of downloading and playing music in WAV format. If it seems to you unreal, two ready-made Midlet attached. You will only have to discompany the jar file, put a key WAV key file under the name MY_KEY.WAV (or my_key_x.wav, to the Audio folder), enjoy all this back and properly stick into the mobile. The keys file itself should not be very large - troubles may occur when downloading. SECONDS 5-10 is quite enough, especially since Mobile will lose it continuously in a circle.

It's time to act

Well, open a couple of doors? Instead of headphones, we solder to the lace with the connector with a value of 680-820 ohms for negotiation with the diagram of the reader's reader "Digitle". Both channels of the stereo cable are turned on in parallel, according to the diagram. The load of 680-820 Ohm significantly exceeds the resistance of common headphones and the yield of the player should not overload, if, of course, the curves did not smell something short, but the manufacturers most often care about fools, and there is hope that protection is used in the player or mobile Coming from short circuit.

To have some confidence in success, the output of the CD player or a mobile phone should develop an alternate signal with an amplitude of at least 0.5 V. If you can use the oscilloscope, see the signal amplitude at the load. Otherwise, you will have to twist the CD player output regulator in the field of the lowned door. However, the probability of success is very large - I have, for example, without any door settings opened immediately at maximum volume.

Cool Edit and Sound Forge programs can see the signal shape and without an oscilloscope. You can also link various software oscilloscopes using iron audio card. The number of such programs scattered on the scope of the network is very large. In any case, the correct form of the recorded signal should approximately correspond to the shown in the figure.

If the emissions indicated in the figure with colored circles are significant and intersect the zero line line, then it is likely that the signal recording will have to be repeated with another level of recording or edit the signal manually by reducing the amplitude of emissions. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, the required quality of the WAV file is achieved from the first second time even with a very mean parameters of the sound card itself (I personally use the ancient ESS-1868).

Simplify debugging

In order not to stand up a lot of time in the intercom, reminding the concerned terrorist, can be used for debugging you can use a simple Cyf_Key.com software that allows you to read key codes via the computer's LPT port.

For the hardware program, a sample of a comparator or a Schmitt trigger is needed, powered from the voltage +5 in the USB port connector or the Game port. Such devices in the recent past were widely used in the schemes of popular 8-bit computers like "Sinclair", RK-86, "Orion", "Micro" for entering programs and data recorded on tape recorder cassettes. A simple diagram of such a device is shown in the figure. If you have trouble collecting such a scheme, you can try to do with a simpler design, but in this case you have to choose the R2 resistor constant offset at the busy port of the printer.

The Cyf_Key.com program uses direct reference to the timer and I / O ports, so it follows it from under the naked DOS, the benefit of the small size of the program allows it to fit on the system diskette. With the correct key code definition, the program displays their list, in case of failures or errors in the key signature, it is possible to display the "E" symbol (Error). In order to make sure that the hardware is working, the program must be running on two different computers, connecting their STROBE outputs with BUSY inputs and running one of the programs in the key read mode, and the other is in the key emulation mode from the file.

An unpleasant circumstance can be that somewhere at the stage of creating or playing the file, the sound path inverts the key signal. The chance of modern equipment is very small, but who knows that the Chinese are creating there to reduce their products. In this case, without a sound editor, it is not necessary, because the signal before recording will have to invert.

We bring marafet

For pairing with a husk, it is better to make a simple design that allows you to climb the intercom with bare wires in your hands, and it is not elegant. Since we have not spent on all this garbage until even trimming from paper with green commissars, the key contacts can also be performed in the style of "Xaper" from the girlfriend: cardboard, tin and any super block.

In the presence of direct hands, it may turn out a very pretty device. In any case, the rim of the Luba is the contact of the common wire (cable braid), and the central round contact is alarm.

To the record is ready!

Turn on the CD player or mobile phone to play the key file, the volume level is maximum. With confident (evil, stupid, insidious, etc. - to choose from) the facial expression speak the magic word: "Digitally open!", We connect the device to the Louz of the DomoFon, and the iron monster with the sad sound "Dynk!" Must fall! You can, of course, without theatrical effects, and the phrase is on your discretion, but if I decided to hit the girl, it should be trained in advance, especially with the volume level ... CD player (mobile phone).


Of course, the proposed method of emulation of key-identifiers "digital" is the easiest. Note that cool peppers owning the Java programming language for mobile devices (J2ME) and possessing sophisticated smartphones, a universal key for any systems such as Touch Memory Cyfral DC-2000 and Touch Memory DS1990, without essential hardware costs exceptionally software , manipulating the Mobile COM port signals. The main obstacle is enclosed in the version of the Java machine installed in the telephone, whether it has developed a consistent port control tools. In a positive case, hardware will have to perform only easy chains of the Mobile COM port and the reading / emulation schemes of the Touch Memory keys.

Of course, all of the firms, software and trademarks listed in the article are an integral ownership of their owners. The information provided does not at all provokes to illegal actions, and it is aiming to indicate firms and manufacturers for disadvantages and holes in their products, as well as allow all simple mortal peppers (like fritters and hackkers, and not as they) do not carry plastic keys with them And do not tear the hair on the head (or elsewhere else) in case of their loss. Be that as it may, they save duplicates in the computer, they will not interfere with the emergency!


On the disk you will find the programs mentioned in the article as well as mildaylets for your mobile phone.


The material is presented solely for informational purposes. The author and editorial board for the use of the material are not carried.

Andrei "DR. SAM »Semenov

Hacker, number # 104, p. 026

The failure of the key from - the phenomenon is very rare, if we consider the so-called tablets, and very likely, if we are talking about the RFID contactless system built on the cards triggering from a long distance.

If for some reason the door of the entrance, the gate of the private house or the castle at work stopped to be released, often the question arises: how to reprogram the key from the intercom? This process for an ordinary user does not at all mean complicated interference and participation in programming a personal identification device.

Features of programming intercom keys

To understand why the programming of the individual keys of the Intercom includes only the recording of a new identifier and its binding to the subscriber on the device installed in the door, it is worth high on the mechanics of work and the internal structure of familiar tablets and cards.

All keys are built on a disposable diagram. If there is a failure or physical disorders of the internal structure - the personal identifier is simply ejected or destroyed. Neither repair nor reprogramming without the use of special industrial devices is not provided.


Small keychains, cards - already familiar with many people. To trigger such a key, it does not need to be leaning to the reading site. It is enough just to bring for a certain distance.

By triggering, the keys are ranked:

  1. with an identification zone of 100-150 mm, a common format, type proximity;
  2. with a range of definition up to 1 m, type of Vicinity.

Despite such differences in the distance, the work of all identifiers passes through a simple scheme.

The intercom used by the keys of this class has a radiation unit electromagnetic field Weak intensity in the zone of the contact site. Inside the RFID card or keychain is a simple scheme, it includes an inductive oscillating circuit, a miniature transmitting antenna and a chip that generates a signal.

When the key is inserted into the radiation zone - the energy is produced, the internal electrical circuit is activated. The card or keychain transmits the radio frequency signal, the intercom recognizes the identifier and unlock the door if it is registered in its memory.

A simple way, how to reprogram the key from the RFID intercom is simply not exist for most types of products. The identifier is formed by a chip sprayed in the factory defense, the number of unique combinations (cards and keychains) is huge, changes in the code are not envisaged.

It will deteriorate the key can be due to mechanical beggars, fesomes (as a result, damage to the chip or the transmitting grid of the antenna occurs) and due to the effects of strong electromagnetic radiation, according to a comparable with a microwave.


Touch-Memory is contact pills familiar to most people. Inside such a key is also located microchip.

However, the identifier transmission occurs on an electrical single-channel scheme. At the time of the key of the key to the contact site, in the intercom, the circuit of the data reading circuit occurs.

The unique code stitched in a tablet is transmitted and verified for compliance with one of the device recorded in the memory. If identification passed - the door is unlocked.

To spoil Touch-Memory Tablet can be exposed to strong static stress, applying a tablet to electrified clothing. It is quite difficult to make it, because the impulse must pass between certain points of the contact site, but this cause of the breakdown is the most common.

The tablet with the chip is very durable, it is mechanically difficult to damage it, the key, in addition to the impact of statics - can be burned in the microwave. Any other impacts, including the most powerful optical magnets - Touch-Memory transfers without consequences.

A way to program access keys for the intercom of this class is to use a special programmer. With it, there are clones of tablets, as well as universal lats for the intercom series.

Touch-Memory are divided into classes. They are not dependent on the internal structure and principles of work, but from manufacturers, each of which creates an internal scheme with certain characteristics and methods for the formation of a unique code.

Touch-Memory of the following types are widely used:

  • with labeling starting on DS (Dallas), used in the huge number of models Vizit, Eltis, C2000 and others;
  • with DC marking, as well as digital KP-1 - Touch-Memory data is designed only for CIFral intercoms;
  • series K, widely used in Metacom access control systems and other intercoms.

Similarly, there are classes, RFID formats, for example, the oldest HID, popular Em-Marin, as well as the MIFARE cards used in the long-distance distance. Therefore, before finding out how to program a personal key from the entrance door from the access door - you first need to purchase a touch-memory or RFID compatible format.

Programming the key from the intercom do it yourself

Methods, how to encode a personal key from the intercom from work, home or accessing friends - is only in the recording of the data of the appropriate personal identifier in memory of the device controlling the door. To do it yourself, you need to access service features from the front panel keyboard.

Master, installing the intercom - must be reprogramming and change the factory master codes and other service information.

If this is done, the techniques how to register your key to the intercom using standard access combinations - do not work. However, a huge number of devices on the doors - respond to factory codes and allow you to activate the service functions.

Algorithm of action

The easiest way is to find out how to encode the key from the intercom from the access door, in the serving company. Some of them provide such data.

But there is a set of standard actions for intercoms of common brands.

  1. Rainmann, Raikman - Call is pressed, 987654 is entered, after the audio signal - 123456. If an invitation appears on the display - click 2, the tablet is pressed, the tablet is applied, pressed.<номер квартиры>, #. The memory entry is made by the * button;
  2. - Visits # -999, after sound-invitations, the code 1234 is gained (in separate series - 6767, 0000, 12345, 9999, 3535). After that, it is pressed 3, after pause - the apartment number, the key is applied, pressed #, *. If the factory code (1234 and others) is not accepted, the intercom will publish a two-tone signal;
  3. - To keep the call button to the reaction (sound, invitation to display), enter 1234, then the apartment number, call. In response to the invitation to lean the key, exit the menu by pressing the * button.

In the most modern versions of the CIFRAL intercom used sufficiently complex code sets. Methods, how to encode the key from the entrance door, looks like this: call, 41, challenge, 14102, 70543.

Then it is necessary to wait for the appearance on the invitation screen, click 5, enter the apartment number, after the inscription on the touch display - attach the key. The recording in memory shows the beep.


You can write in memory of the intercom any of the purchased keys that mistakenly call the dwarves. In reality, this is a working mechanism with its own unique code. It is only required to register on the access device.

A variety of key application techniques are available. One and the same can be used on several intercoms of one brand, provided that registration is made on each. The main thing is to touch-memory a tablet or RFID card, keychain - had a compatible format with a device on the door.

Video: how to make a duplicate keys from the intercom


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