How to find out what kind of damage is on me. How to identify the evil eye and damage yourself at home

How to find out what kind of damage is on me. How to identify the evil eye and damage yourself at home

If the "black streak" of troubles has dragged on for a long time, you should not immediately reward yourself with self-deprecating epithets - the cause of many problems is a negative magical program - the evil eye or damage. It is easy to "infect" them: even a beginner magician from among your enemies can do this, and relatives, having dropped an unkind word, can involuntarily harm. How to find out if there is damage on a person, with the most detailed instructions for three proven rituals using the means available to anyone, you will read in our article.

Signs that make you suspect damage

How to find out if damage is directed at a person, with a guaranteed result? Check if any suspicious events are happening in your life.

If the impact is made on you:

  • the discovery of suspicious objects in the house, whose origin no one can explain (pins, needles, hair, threads and rags, bones, candle stubs, sand or earth);
  • troubles that began exactly after someone else's gift;
  • painful thoughts and disturbing dreams, depression, depression, nervousness, auditory hallucinations;
  • loss of energy and constant health problems, unexplained from the standpoint of official medicine;
  • a premonition of death or thoughts of suicide;
  • feeling unwell in the church, sudden reluctance to attend, rejection of the smell of incense;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the chest or shoulders (something presses, bends to the ground), a feeling of chilliness in the chest and abdomen;
  • loneliness or relationship problems;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • a sharp change in the quality of communication with one or more loved ones (as if "turned away" the person);
  • loss of a pectoral cross;
  • unreasonable unfair situations at work;
  • inability to accumulate money or debts due to regular sudden expenses;
  • theft, accidents, damage to property.

If they are trying to harm your loved ones:

  • constant conflicts between you and relatives: scandals, resentment or physical aggression;
  • consecutive illnesses in family members;
  • severe financial difficulties (overwhelming credit);
  • disobedience and overexcitation of children, frequent attempts to leave the house of adolescents;
  • strange behavior of pets (aggression, fear);
  • problems in the personal life of women ("the crown of celibacy" or unsuccessful marriage for representatives of several generations in a row);
  • suicide or several deaths in a row, especially if only the male part of the family is affected.

If you find similar signs in yourself, do not panic, but check if you have black magic on you using special rituals.

How to find out if there is an evil eye or damage yourself

Negative changes in the biofield can prevent you from getting help. Confused the time of meeting with the magician, delayed at work, could not get there, or there was an unexpected financial problem? This is due to the manifestation of evil magic. To overcome them, consider the effective ways to independently determine the evil eye and damage, available at home, without contacting specialists.

Method 1: how to find out by a raw egg if there is damage to a person

This ceremony works due to the special informational structure of the egg. The embryo of a new life in him is similar to its already realized form - man. If you are affected by destructive magic, during the energy exchange during the rite, part of the negative will pass to the egg. Changes in its structure, in contrast to your biofield, will be expressed in a visual form.

To get a reliable result, get an egg from a domesticated chicken, or at least from a farm. Factory will not work - it has the wrong energy. The egg must be very fresh.

During the waxing moon, do the following:

  • Take a half-liter jar or a large glass, pour fresh cold water into it (tap water will do) and set it in a dark place for three hours.
  • Hold the egg in your hands, transferring your warmth to it, bring it to your chest and forehead, then hold it over your head for a couple of minutes. At this time, there will be an exchange between your information fields.
  • Use a sharp knife to break the egg and pour the contents into the water.
  • Please note: if you damage the yolk when breaking the shell, the procedure must be started over, otherwise nothing will come of it.
  • Sit comfortably to avoid sudden movements and tilt your head low. Place a glass or a jar with an egg on the parietal zone (if it does not hold steadily, you can hold it a little) and stay in this position for five minutes.
  • Then you can analyze the changes.

    If the yolk does not spread, and the water and white remain transparent, you will not be affected by any negative program.

    Signs of damage are:

    • lowering the yolk under water, its "scalded" appearance or darkening;
    • stripes, flakes or threads pulling from the protein;
    • air bubbles or cloudiness in the contents of the glass;
    • breaks with noticeable edges in the protein structure;
    • dark or black inclusions.

    Light haze or white "spider web" indicates light spoilage that you can remove yourself. Other signs indicate more severe influences.

    Method 2: how to find out if damage has been induced on matches

    This folk method is good for an individual home check, the best time for it is Friday, at sunrise or sunset. The ceremony is based on the cleansing ability of the flame: when a match burns out in your fingers, the fire takes over part of your aura and transfers information to the charred tree.

  • Take a glass without edges and fill it with raw water without adding to the top on your finger.
  • Grasp it with your palms and hold it for several minutes, charging it with your energy. Then add a pinch of salt.
  • Mentally ask yourself a question about the presence of damage and light a match. It should burn out in your hands almost to the end, so as not to burn your fingers, intercept it.
  • Lower the burned-out match onto the surface of the water. Repeat the procedure twice more.

    The result is interpreted as follows:

    • Floating matches on the water confirm that everything is in order.
    • If the matches are frozen in an upright position or sank to the bottom, this indicates the action of a negative program. Its severity is determined by how many of the matches have undergone such changes: all or only some.

    Method 3: how to determine that the damage was done to the family

    Determination of damage done to the whole family is done in your shared home. It is important that relatives are close, aware of your intentions and support them.

    The ceremony uses silver - the material most susceptible to witchcraft influences. And the power of faith will help you “open your eyes”.

    To identify damage, get a new silver cross, preferably in the church store. If this is not possible, a piece of jewelry from a secular store, previously consecrated in the temple, will do. Choose a quiet morning when all family members can be in the house for a full energy readout. Light a candle in each room. Take the cross in your hands and, saying the prayer "Our Father", go around the whole house. Repeat these steps three times. Choose one of the rooms where you and most of your loved ones will be comfortable during the day, and try to spend more time together. There the cross should lie in a conspicuous place until evening. Examine the cross at the end of the day. Even a slight darkening of silver indicates a strong damage to the family.

    If you find any of these signs in yourself, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. A firm intention to improve one's life cannot be overcome by any malware. The main thing is not to sit idly by, justifying your sorrows with the intervention of ill-wishers. Having figured out how to find out if there is damage on a person, you can eliminate the influence yourself or decide to seek qualified help.

  • Damage is a negative impact on a person, which can lead to problems in all spheres of life and even death. Very often, the manifestation of a negative program cannot be noticed immediately, attributing everything to a series of failures or just a coincidence. But, if the black bar does not end for too long, perhaps the reason is magical effects.

    The presence of a negative program on a person or house can be indicated by various everyday symptoms that are difficult to miss. We will list them below.

    To death

    Damage to death is one of the most dangerous. The sooner damage to death is recognized, the higher the chances of getting rid of it.

    Death damage symptoms:

    1. A sharp deterioration in health, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    2. Diseases cannot be diagnosed or standard treatments are ineffective.
    3. Constant weakness.
    4. Death seems to be on its heels: a person cursed to death often witnesses accidents, fires, etc.
    5. The person cannot stand looking into the eyes.
    6. Blackening or loss of a pectoral cross.
    7. At the service in the church, the candle is constantly extinguished by the spoiled one.

    Important! Corruption to death does not kill instantly, it usually takes from several months to a year. But, the longer the damage on a person, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

    For family

    You can find out if there is damage to the family by some symptoms.

    The symptoms are:

    1. Frequent quarrels, as a rule, for no reason.
    2. Nervous disorders of the spouses.
    3. Treason.
    4. Irritability and intolerance of spouses towards each other.
    5. Family budget problems.

    For loneliness

    Loneliness corruption is one of the most popular types of corruption. Usually the weaker sex is susceptible to this type of damage, and the influence is aimed at repelling the rival.

    Symptoms of damage to loneliness:

    1. Lack of attention from the opposite sex.
    2. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy.
    3. Health problems, frequent illnesses.
    4. Disruptions of the menstrual cycle in women.

    For beauty

    Damage to beauty among witches is one of their favorites, because it can prolong youth for many years.

    Symptoms of beauty damage:

    1. Hair begins to fall out.
    2. Skin problems, rashes.
    3. Sharp aging - the appearance of wrinkles, the skin acquires an earthy tint.
    4. Fast weight gain or emaciation.
    5. Lack of desire to take care of yourself.

    On house

    Damage to the house affects all its inhabitants, often acting for several years.

    A house is cursed if:

    1. Houseplants are dying.
    2. Animals behave wary, do not take root for a long time.
    3. Inhabitants experience constant fatigue, as if the house "drinks" all the energy.
    4. Unpleasant odors appear: rot, burning, dampness.
    5. Bad dreams.
    6. Holy water is spoiled in a damaged house.

    Watch a video that explains the symptoms of spoilage:

    The presence of several of these signs may indicate a negative program. To find out for sure, you need to diagnose.

    How to recognize on your own if you or your family are wearing it?

    There are various diagnostic methods that allow you to independently identify whether there is damage to you or your family. We will describe in detail the most proven and effective methods below.

    Using an egg

    For diagnostics you will need:

    • 0.5 liter can of clean water;
    • fresh egg.

    How to check:

    1. A jar of water should be placed on your head and held for 3-5 minutes for the water to absorb information from the energy field.
    2. Then, in the water, carefully so that the yolk does not burst, break the egg and watch the result:
    • If the water remains clean, and the yolk sank to the bottom, there are no negative programs.
    • Threads and bubbles leaving the protein indicate the presence of spoilage.

    Important! If the threads sink to the bottom after some time, the damage was done on purpose.

    With a candle

    For diagnostics you will need:

    • large full-length mirror;
    • wax church candle.

    How to check:

    With the flame of a candle, slowly, clockwise, "shine through" the reflection in the mirror. They start from the head, slowly going down to the floor. The crackling and soot of a candle will serve as a signal of the presence of damage. The type of spoilage depends on the level at which it begins to smoke. At the level of the head - damage to death, chest - loneliness, if the candle smokes at the feet - damage to blocking roads and good luck.

    With matches

    For diagnostics you will need:

    • container with water;
    • three matches.

    Matches need to be held in your hands for several minutes to charge them with your energy. In turn, matches are set on fire and thrown into the water and see the result:

    • Matches float on the surface without touching each other - there is no damage;
    • Matches on top of each other or bent down - the evil eye is possible;
    • If a match goes under water, damage is possible.

    With the help of a pet

    Pets are often helpful in identifying negative impacts. Cats are especially good for this.

    A domestic cat, even the most affectionate one, will feel tense sitting on the lap of a spoiled one and try to escape. If this behavior is unusual for the cat, it may indicate the presence of spoilage.

    Using tarot cards

    One of the most reliable diagnostic methods is diagnostics on Tarot cards. To diagnose damage, it is better to take a deck of dark Tarot cards, since they are more designed to identify negative effects than others. Only the major arcana will be needed. You need to draw one card, asking the question "Is there any damage to me?"

    If the Moon, Hermit and Tower cards fall out, this is a light, everyday damage, self-evil eye. The hermit indicates the corruption of loneliness. The High Priest and the Hanged Man cards indicate the presence of church corruption. As a rule, this is damage to illness or death. It is quite difficult to remove such damage.

    Death and Judgment point to corruption through the cemetery. Sometimes a person brings trouble on himself by bringing something from the cemetery.

    Important! You cannot bring objects from the cemetery into the house, as well as leave photos of living people on it. This can cause damage.

    The high priestess indicates love taint. The devil points to the corruption from which a person begins to suffer various kinds of addictions. This is a very powerful corruption.

    Important! For one hundred percent certainty, it is worth carrying out several types of diagnostics.

    How do you know that you have been negatively impacted?

    When the diagnostics showed the presence of damage, I want to know who it came from, because even after getting rid of it, this person can continue to harm. It happens that damage is caused unconsciously. Very strong emotions of anger, despair and irritation in conjunction with the wish "Let you die!" can lead to damage to the person to whom this message goes.

    Negative programs can be laid by close relatives who say: “It's cold outside. You'll catch a cold! ”,“ No money ”, etc. Such seemingly harmless phrases can bring on the so-called everyday damage or the evil eye. Moreover, bad thoughts and words can damage yourself.

    But, if someone from the outside brought the damage, there are many ways to reveal the identity of the ill-wisher.

    Wax casting

    Find out who caused the damage with wax. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. A small amount of wax must be melted in a water bath and poured into a container with cold water.

    Then they look at the results:

    • If the wax draws geometric shapes or silhouettes of animals, a man caused the damage.
    • If a wax pattern is formed into hearts, flowers, the moon - the negative came from a woman.

    Sometimes wax even draws silhouettes of people and faces with characteristic features or strange figures that speak of the profession of the enemy. The numbers indicate how long ago the damage was made, and the letters indicate the initials. The stronger the induced damage, the more information will be revealed.

    Knowledge in a dream

    One of the most common and simplest methods is to reveal the enemy through sleep. Before going to bed, you need to relax and stop the internal dialogue, get rid of obsessive thoughts.

    When you manage to do this, you need to pronounce the conspiracy:

    “I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Among the ranks of the light ones there is Saint Samson. In the name of God, eternal and living, I say the holy word - Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream. Let the holy Samson show me my enemy, Through a dream, a prophetic face will show him to me. Living and holy Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my sleep, In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

    Another conspiracy option:

    “I sink into the kingdom of Morpheus, I sink into blissful sleep. Let the gift of broadcasting be revealed to me for this night, and the whole truth about the enemies will be seen. Through a dream, I will see the face of the enemy and recognize his real name. The Lord himself guards my dream and protects me from all my enemies. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After pronouncing, you need to immediately go to bed with the intention of seeing the offender in a dream. If done correctly, you can see the face of the enemy. It is better to immediately prepare a pen and notebook to write down what you see.

    With needles and candles

    You need to buy two candles in the church. Set one of them on fire, and the other to break and melt over the flame of the first. Pour the wax into a container with water. If the wax has taken the shape of an object, the gender of this object will indicate the gender of the ill-wisher. After that, three needles are taken and stuck into the resulting image.

    When sticking each candle, repeat:

    “The spearhead into the water! Water - under the canopy! Whoever wanted evil for the Servant of God (name) will come to my doorstep! Don't be shy, show up! Show yourself to the servant of God (name)! Amen!".

    A container of water is placed at the doorstep for the whole night. The next day, the enemy will make itself felt - by coming to visit, by calling, by a chance meeting on the street.

    With a pendulum

    For this method, you need a natural stone pendulum, black tourmaline is best. If there is no stone, you can take a wedding ring. The selected item is suspended on a chain and lifted into the air. If this is your first experience with a pendulum, you need to adjust it.

    First, you need to ask the pendulum the obvious questions (For example: am I a woman? I was born in January? Etc.) and look at its oscillations. Typically, swinging back and forth and clockwise means Yes, swinging from side to side and counterclockwise means No.

    After setting up the pendulum, you can go to questions about the enemy. The answer to the questions should be “Yes” or “No”, the questions should be clear and understandable.

    An approximate plan of questions is as follows:

    • Was the damage caused by a man / woman?
    • Do we know each other personally?
    • Will I see this person anytime soon? Etc.

    With the help of higher powers

    A ritual with an appeal to higher powers can also help in capturing the ill-wisher.

    For this you need to take:

    • seven rusty keys;
    • container with boiling water.

    The keys are thrown into boiling water with the words:

    “Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (your name) wants to bring harm to his house. There will be no peace for my enemy, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen".

    The next day, the ill-wisher will show himself.

    Through a ritual through the lining

    Important! As a rule, damage to the house is applied through an object that is carefully hidden in the house. Perhaps it was brought by a person close to the house.

    If a lining was found in the house, using the ritual you can find out who made it.

    To do this, you need to buy a package of new identical needles, squeeze them tightly in your hand, putting in all your intention to recognize your enemy. Then needles are stuck into the found object, each is asked a question:

    • Who did it?
    • Who wishes me harm?
    • Who is my enemy?
    • Who wants to harass me? etc.

    After the ritual, sprinkle the subject with Thursday salt to block its negative effects.

    For several days, it is worth taking a closer look at those around you. If someone avoids communication or, on the contrary, shows excessive friendliness - most likely, it was this person who caused the harm.

    By tarot cards

    Tarot cards are capable of giving an accurate and comprehensive result.

    Major arcana:

    1. Inverted Moon, Tower - household damage from a loved one.
    2. Magician - a young man brought on misfortune.
    3. High Priestess - Negative comes from an older woman.
    4. High priest - an old man caused damage.

    Minor arcana.


    1. an elderly dark woman, single or living alone;

    2. a woman from work;

    5. mature man, divorced;

    6. husband or lover;

    8. girl;

    9.Married woman, godfather, neighbor.

    The page is a relative of her husband.

    Knight is a business partner, employee.

    The Queen is a close friend who wields magic.


    1. parents of a spouse, a sworn enemy;

    3. divorced woman;

    4. former lover;

    5. the wife of a military or government official;

    6. woman;

    9.old woman

    The page is a young girl.

    The queen is a widow.


    1. a young rich woman;


    6. the one who was given money and gifts.

    9.a childless relative or girlfriend

    The queen is a relative. Many animals.

    The king is the father's relatives.


    1. at a holiday, at a wedding, the girl is bright

    2.the mistress made a love spell


    The knight is a rejected worshiper.

    The queen is a wife, a mistress.

    Video: how to find out who did it?

    Watch the video on how to find out who caused the damage:

    Damage is a dangerous phenomenon and the sooner it is detected, the easier it will be to get rid of it. And it is imperative to get rid of it, since the outcome can be disappointing.

    Sudden health problems, malaise, and depression can signal a negative impact. There are several ways in which you can easily check if a person has damage.

    Unfortunately, everyone can be susceptible to damage and the evil eye, but not everyone can understand why suddenly there were problems at work, in the family, their health and mood worsened. All this can be caused by damage that can be imposed not only by strangers, but also by loved ones. There are many ways to check. And we will tell you about the most effective methods that you can use at home.

    Signs of spoilage

    In many cases, damage manifests itself as a deterioration in health, especially if he is completely healthy and his symptoms cannot be associated with his lifestyle. In this case, it is necessary to remember about conflicts with people, envy that could have been caused by the success of this person, perhaps even the appearance of enemies in recent times. The following symptoms signal damage:

    • weakness, loss of strength;
    • frequent injuries and illnesses;
    • headache;
    • lack of appetite;
    • manifestation of chronic diseases;
    • insomnia.

    If at this stage it was not possible to identify and remove the damage, then the mental and spiritual state of a person is undermined, which is manifested by the following signs:

    • sadness, depression, apathy;
    • craving for smoking, alcohol;
    • the appearance of various phobias;
    • feeling of resentment, longing, uselessness;
    • conflicts.

    People who have been damaged most often find themselves in difficult situations that threaten their lives: accidents, disasters, fires. They also often lose or break things.

    How to determine if there is damage

    1. Gold ring... This method is very effective and easy to implement. To understand if there is corruption, you need one gold ring. Wash your face and hands thoroughly, and then run the ring over your cheek. If a dark trace remains in this place, this indicates the presence of damage.

    2. Salt... To do this, you need a frying pan and some salt. First light the stove and place the frying pan on it. Wait for it to heat up, and then pour a large handful of salt onto a hot surface - you can measure it with three teaspoons. When you pour salt, read a small conspiracy:

    “Solyushka from the land, solyushka from the path. Burn on fire, blaze on fire Amen. Amen. Amen".

    If the salt turns black, it means that the person has damage.

    3. Matches... With the help of matches, you can identify the presence of damage in a person. This is a very simple way. To do this, you will need a few matches and a glass of water. Mentally ask if you have been damaged, and then take the matches and throw them into a container of water.

    • If the matches fell without crossing each other, there is no damage.
    • If they touch each other and lie at the bottom, you are damaged.

    To make sure of the presence or absence of damage, it is necessary to produce all three methods of detecting magical effects. If suddenly damage is really imposed on you, you urgently need to get rid of it, otherwise it can lead to serious problems. We wish you happiness, well-being, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    12.09.2018 06:18

    Everyone is negatively affected: fatigue, irritability and sudden pain are signs of an energy attack. Fight...

    Wandering around the world network, you often come across articles about black magic, all kinds, the evil eye and the like, and sometimes you wonder if this whole world of magic really exists or is it only for those who believe in it? Next, we will analyze in detail what it is.

    Trouble and setbacks happen in every person's life. For example, quarrels in the family, problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, betrayal of friends, illnesses, accidents ... Especially if all the troubles go one after another, you involuntarily begin to think - is it just a black streak in life (whether this zebra is wrong) or it someone's evil eye, or maybe even damage? And if the phrase "trouble does not come alone" no longer reassures you, and any hope that everything will pass by itself disappears, then you should see if there are any signs of damage on you. Its signs are varied, and they can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. It all depends on how weak and vulnerable a person is. What signs of damage will be depends on what kind of damage is directed (on love, friends, career, etc.).

    What are the obvious and first symptoms and signs of spoilage?

    If, for example, leaving your apartment in the morning, you saw that:

    • Before the very threshold, the earth is scattered, husk from seeds
    • A puddle of water coming from nowhere
    • A nail is hammered into the door frames.

    And all sorts of other oddities that could not appear by themselves. They will tell you how to determine the damage.

    Consider the general signs of induced damage:

    1. If you yourself think that someone has damaged you (intuition usually does not fail)
    2. Deterioration of health, loss of strength
    3. Apathy
    4. Stress, depression, suicidal thoughts
    5. Irritability, suspicion, eternal discontent
    6. The appearance of unreasonable fears (for example, riding in an elevator, fear of the dark, confined space, people)
    7. A perfectly healthy woman cannot get pregnant
    8. Sudden weight loss or weight gain for no apparent reason
    9. Acute lack of fresh air (as if suffocating)
    10. Violation of perfectly fulfilled life plans
    11. You are annoyed by your appearance, reflection in the mirror
    12. Desire to remove the cross if you wear it around your neck all the time
    13. You cannot be in the church, look at the icons and church candles
    14. The appearance in the house of cockroaches, mice, ants (especially if they have never been before)
    15. Memories of past troubles
    16. Nightmares haunt.

    In this case (if you are sure that this is not just a black streak in life), you should look for other people's things in your apartment. This can be anything from an accidentally abandoned pen to a gift item for a recent event. If this is indeed found, then you should immediately get rid of this item. And not just throw it away, but burn it. And while the thing is burning, say three times

    “Where it came from, go there! Who sent, take it! "

    If the person who brought the evil eye on you is from the circle of your friends and acquaintances, then you can easily recognize him. His face will burn after the burning of the “spoiled little thing”.

    Methods for determining symptoms and signs of spoilage in a person

    If you find any of the above, then you should directly contact a specialist or try to get rid of the evil scourge yourself. Only you can do it yourself only on condition that you believe that you can do it. Without faith in corruption, spells and prayers, your actions will be useless. Now let's look at more specific symptoms and signs of spoilage. As mentioned earlier, corruption can be targeted at various areas of life. Damage can be for relationships, celibacy, loneliness and even death.

    Signs of damage to relationships

    • Aggression towards the partner appears
    • Thinking about another man (woman)
    • Feelings change for no reason
    • Sexual attraction to a person passes
    • The state of health worsens.

    These signs are usually observed in two people at once. But if you observe any of these signs, then you should not immediately think about damage. Perhaps, indeed, your relationship has become obsolete, and it is worth parting.

    Signs of damage to loneliness

    • You are a beautiful smart girl, and men don't seem to notice you.
    • Meet a guy, but the relationship does not last long and falls apart for no particular reason.
    • Suddenly quarrel with your best friends, and there is no harmony with colleagues

    The same points apply to men, because its signs are always the same.

    Damage to health

    Signs of damage to health most often look like a sudden illness and are similar to. The disease appears out of nowhere and develops rapidly. When contacting a doctor, no causes of the disease are identified. And medications have no effect. It happens that damage is directed to something specific. For example, a person begins to recover quickly (damage to obesity) or, conversely, "melts" before our eyes, quickly loses weight (damage to weight loss), there may be deterioration in appearance or infertility. In general, everything that is somehow connected with the body is all damage to health.

    Damage to property

    • Fire
    • Flood
    • Robbery.

    In general, it can be anything.

    Damage to work and its external signs

    • Everything falls out of hand
    • Discord with colleagues
    • Deals fail
    • Sponsors refuse to work.

    The most terrible damage to death

    Signs of damage to death are the most terrifying thing you can find (God forbid, of course). Few will dare to do this. There are a great many types:

    1. Death by car accident
    2. Death by water
    3. Incurable disease
    4. Electric shock.

    And many, many other reasons why misfortune can happen to a person. And what is most striking, damage to death can arise by itself. Just because someone really hates or envies you.

    So, how to identify and how to recognize damage - we found out. And if any of the points from everything that has been said here suit you and you are one hundred percent sure that this is someone's unkind intent, then you should immediately contact the specialists. Fortunately, there are many of them now.

    The only thing, please note! You should not go to salons with fortune-tellers and clairvoyants. Usually in such establishments are charlatans. The most real ones conduct receptions at home and hardly take money for it. Or they just don't name the price. Everyone who turns to such people for help must assess the cost of the service himself.

    You can get rid of the damage that has been put on you on your own, using folk methods

    Let's see the simplest methods of treatment.

    Option number 1

    Option number 2

    If you are a baptized person, then this method is suitable as a treatment: you need to buy a candle in the church. At home, light it up and drive it up and down along your body. At the same time, read the prayer "Our Father". After reading the prayer, baptize yourself with this candle. If, while you are holding the candle along the body, the flame begins to sway and crackle strongly, then on this part of the body you need to sharpen special attention - to baptize this area, saying “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". You need to baptize 7 times. Then continue to recite the prayer and move the candle up and down along the body.

    Option number 3

    If you are not baptized, then you can perform the same ritual, only the candle should be an ordinary wax (i.e. not a church one), and you do not need to read the prayer. You can just say out loud words that evoke positive emotions in you (love, kindness, hope, etc.)

    If you are of another religion, then such methods will not help you at all. And it is not recommended to turn to the methods of another religion.

    Option number 4

    Another option is to put a pin on your clothes. The head of the pin should be pointing down and positioned at the level of the heart. It is desirable that no one sees her.

    Option number 5

    This way you can remove damage from a sore spot on the body (we need a dry twig, which itself fell off the tree). Passing this twig over the sore spot, they read the conspiracy:

    As you can see, there are very, very many ways. And they are all extremely diverse. You cannot describe, learn and do everything. In order to read independently, you need to study special literature, diligently and persistently work on yourself. Such skills are not easy to learn. And finding out about the successful result of your conspiracies is very simple: to see signs of removal of damage is as simple as identifying signs of targeting damage. One has only to remember what symptoms you had, and note what has changed now. First of all, of course, the desire for life comes back. Improves overall health, complexion. Diseases and phobias go away. Relations with loved ones are improving. Friends are returning. Career is going uphill again. Remember, filmed on time is a success and victory over evil spells. And in order to no longer allow a new evil eye, you should learn to push away negative energy from yourself. To do this, three times in a row, for three days, until noon, with a lit wax candle, read this conspiracy:

    Unfortunately, on the path of life there are people who are so envious that they are ready to go to great lengths to damage the lives of others. Some of them not only put spokes in the wheels at work and gossip behind their backs, but also resort to various magical rituals, for example, to. In this case, you must definitely remember and know how to check if there is damage and who caused itto limit your communication with the evil person and protect yourself from negative influences from him.

    Situations often arise that can confuse even the most confident person. It happens that the calm ones get irritated, the kind ones get angry, and not the conflicted ones - for no reason they give a slap in the face. But more often than not, unusual actions have their own reasons: blockage at work, feeling unwell due to a cold. If you cannot find any probable reasons, you should check for the influence of Black magic. Discover, how to understand that damage is induced, you can easily visit my website or even from this article.

    How can one fall under such influence?

    The reasons for targeting damage to an ill-wisher can be very different. For example, your spouse's envious ex-partners may try to knock him off balance in this way and back into their business. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there is someone among your “loved ones” who might wish you harm?

    But first you need to be sure that damage is taking place. To begin with, it is important to understand the difference between damage and the evil eye. The evil eye can bring themselves without knowing it, greatly envying you. To impose the evil eye, you do not need special rituals and ceremonies, enough strong emotions and a strong biofield. It is for this reason that some mothers do not show their newborn children to the last, even to the closest ones, because affection is also a strong emotion that can heap troubles.

    Damage is not so simple, and accidentally, out of ignorance, it will not be possible to impose it. The person who exposed you to such a magical influence is actually dangerous for others, because through his fault a person with damage can even reach thoughts of suicide.

    Signs and symptoms

    1. A person who has been corrupted primarily harms not others, but himself. He becomes disorderly, even if this has not been observed before. He skips visits to doctors for reasons of “forgetting” or “not wanting”, even when the medical condition requires immediate professional intervention.

    2. It is easy to determine the presence of a celibacy crown or damage to relationships. Young, beautiful people are left without a pair, although they desperately crave love. They go on dates that never end in anything serious, even resort to, but all efforts are in vain. In this case, a natural question arises, what is the matter. As a rule, the answer lies in the induced damage, which must be got rid of.

    3. Damage can be the fault in the case when a young couple is unable to have a child, but no medical problems have been found.

    4. Animals are very sensitive to changes in the host's energy field. Cats are especially sensitive in such situations. Therefore, if the earlier affectionate darling of the family began to react too violently and menacingly to you, this is an occasion to think about and turn to methods for determining and removing damage.

    5. The state of health, with which I never had any special problems, has sharply deteriorated. Medical examinations do not help to identify the problem: judging by them, you are completely healthy. This is not a reason to blame your body for simulation, but on the contrary. Your body tells you that something is wrong, and it's time to seek help.

    6. There are situations when deeply religious people find themselves unable to cross the threshold of the temple. As soon as they approach the holy places, their health deteriorates sharply, thoughts in the head get confused and form into indistinct confused curses. In some cases, this is a sign of spoilage, while in others, a real one is sometimes required.

    7. The same as in the previous paragraph may also apply to the time of reciting prayers. As a rule, possessed people or those who have been corrupted cannot calmly cry to the Lord. While reading the prayers, they yawn, laugh terribly, and are confused from their thoughts. If during a prayer you hear in your head extraneous voices that scoff at your appeals to the Lord and offer instead to do something more interesting, this is a reason to think.

    o In addition, smoothed people involuntarily hide their pupils not only from others, but also from themselves. They turn away when someone looks into their eyes, and when they look at themselves in the mirror, they try not to cross their eyes with the reflection. Therefore, a long gaze into the eyes of the interlocutor is considered one of the surest ways, how to understand that damage is induced.

    8. There is an inexplicable fear of the sun. To a smoothed person, it begins to seem that the sun's rays burn the skin and dazzle, and the only option to be in complete comfort is to avoid any sources of light and remain in pitch darkness. It is not for nothing that even in ancient Russia it was believed that this is a sign of the manifestation of the devilish principle, while referring to it to heal a person.

    In addition to damage to a specific person, damage can be inflicted on the entire room. In this case, protection from damage will be meaningless, because upon returning from the ritual of cleansing to a house filled with negative energy, a person will still "cling" to himself with anger, envy and negativity.

    How to recognize negativity in your home and rid yourself of it

    To check if there is damage on a house or apartment, it is enough just to look closely at the walls, sort things, inspect doorways.

    1. Previously, you were the best host in the area, and now guests do not want to come under the pretext that your house has become very uncomfortable? It is possible, of course, that the matter is in an unsuccessful repair. But if no cosmetic changes were made in the apartment, it is worth examining it for the presence of other people's scissors, needles, and other items that can harm you - your envious, knowledgeable ones.

    2. It happens that the answer lies in the pillow. Ill-wishers who have access to your home could put extraneous magical things in the pillowcase: dog hair, egg shells, charmed straw, fabric and hair dolls, needles, and so on. Examine clothing and bedding carefully for suspicious items.

    3. If, after cooking, you find hairs in it that clearly do not belong to you, this is also a sign that a curse lies on your house or specifically on you. Be careful: finding foreign things (not just hair) in food is a sure way to understand how to check if there is damage on a person.

    4. On the walls of housing, incomprehensible symbols may begin to appear. At first glance, this may seem like a consequence of the appearance of mold, in which case you need to take a closer look at the signs. If the divorces seem to be abstract drawings, then this is not at all about. Chances are, it's actually mold, and you need to get rid of it to avoid health problems. If the divorces add up to devilish drawings, inverted crosses, or even, perhaps, something that looks like a door - it's time to invite a priest to the house. In no case should you touch these drawings. Especially dangerous are those that are a low door with a dark spot in place of the handle. It is the door to, and the one who enters it once will never be the same.

    5. If you have old letters and photographs in your house, now is the time to review and re-read them. Also get out old bibles and prayer books, look between their pages for any notes. If you find something suspicious (there are strange inscriptions and drawings in the photographs, eyes are scratched out, obscenity is scratched with a pen between the lines of the Bible) - this is an unkind sign, and it's time to turn to someone who has the ability to remove evil eyes and damage, or perform rituals on their own.

    Some more ways to identify and eliminate negativity

    In addition, there are several more effective ways.

    The most famous and common is, of course, based on raw eggs and clean water. This is an old way that is used in many countries, and not only Slavic. They say that it was first used in.

    1. All you need is an egg and water. Even if you are a believer, you should not use holy water in this rite. If a curse is actually imposed on you, the use of holy water can be perceived by the Higher Powers as a mockery, and then it will become much more difficult to cleanse yourself.

    3. Important: if during the ritual on the egg you notice incomprehensible gray or green spots, then the induced damage is too strong. She was directed by someone to die in agony. It's almost impossible to deal with such things on your own, so contact a specialist.

    The second effective way to find out on yourself an extraneous negative impact

    1. Take a glass of water to help you. As already mentioned, in rituals of this type, you cannot use holy water brought from the church or collected from holy springs. Simple tap water, which has settled or was passed through a filter, is suitable.

    2. Prepare a church candle and six matches in advance.

    3. Light the candle.

    4. Start reading the prayer "Our Father" or any other that you know and can say without hesitation. In this case, there is no place for uncertainty, therefore if you do not know for sure whether you can turn to the saints without forgetting words, it is better to choose another method, how to check if there is damage on a person.

    5. While reading the prayer, take two matches and light them from a candle. You need to take them crosswise so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the two candles.

    6. Prayer should be said three times, one for each lit pair of matches. It is worth lighting the matches at the end of the prayer, because the burning ones must be kept above the water, and then thrown into it. If you light the matches too early, you can burn yourself before the end of the prayer, and the ceremony will have to be repeated again.

    7. After the prayer is read three times, and all six matches are floating in the water, it's time to evaluate the result.

    8. If matches remain floating on the surface of the water, as they should, then no negative impact will threaten your health and well-being.

    9. If the matches look like floats, and one end of them has sunk, and the other hangs above the surface, this indicates an evil eye. But as you know, the evil eye can be imposed by someone completely by accident, and there is also such a thing as "self-evil eye". Of course, it is also necessary to get rid of it, but in this case it makes no sense to read articles on how to find out who caused the damage. This person may well be you yourself, or a person who does not wish you harm, simply envied your successes to one degree or another.

    10. If the matches sank and lay on the bottom of the vessel, then this is a direct symbol of the damage directed at you. You can remove damage with the help of various rituals and prayers, but if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to turn to a professional in this matter.

    Let me remind you that you need to check yourself for the evil eye or damage not only if you are overtaken by a black streak of failures. If you periodically carry out rituals on an egg, matches or, for example, wax, this will help identify spoilage at an early stage and quickly save yourself from unpleasant consequences.

    It is not necessary to devote your life to magic, in order to find out who caused damage to you, or how to check if there is damage to a person who is dear to you. There are also simple ways to identify negativity that I have given in this article.

    Damage and evil eye

    Written by: Magician Aida


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