Agario Lol without lags online. Portal online games boom

Agario Lol without lags online. Portal online games boom

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Play agario more together

Among the offers of Agario have both those in which you can play with friends. Laying the invitation to friends and having tried in advance about what server to choose, you can arrange a real slaughter and make a pretty well and have fun deliberately devouring each other in front of the amazed public for the sake of a common victory.
Survive in the world of microorganisms is not easy. In order to come to this conclusion yourself, it is worth it to fit into the skin of the bacteria or microbe. Only this can be understood how hard it is virus. Today, such an opportunity appeared in gamers of the whole world. Play in Agario everywhere. Just need access to the Internet. Going into the game, you never know who exactly will be your opponent, because it is possible to play online at any point of the globe. In order to win the victory, you need to try to very much. First of all, it is important to possess a brutal appetite, in the second ability to logically think and quickly make faithful solutions. In any sentence from the Agario series, sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself, but only to survive and eat the enemy at the moment when he will weaken or lose vigilance.

Hard life viruses

Life is fleeting. Being in the skin of the bacteria, it's starting to understand very quickly. Each here cares only about its own skin. Healthy competition and desire to survive - this is what is a distinctive feature of the numerous games of Agario. All their participants are hungry and voracious, that's just they are not in a single plate, but in the same flask, a cup of Petri or other capacity for experiments.

Your goal here is not to win, but to hold out as much as possible, and if you are lucky, then in the status of the winner. At the very beginning of the game, you feel like a little tire with an irrepressible appetite, then you start to grow. Together with increasing dimensions, you gain solidity and take self-confidence. If at the first stage you can safely devour a plankton, which is small multicolored points, then you will have to eat like that.
What tactics choose during the game Agario

Archings are dedicated

Do not be surprised if in the game the game will come to the top victims. Not always lucky. Sometime will be lucky enough to visit the top of the eaters and see your nickname in the upper right corner. During the hungry game, Agario each produces its tactics. Maglessly moving around the field turn cool will not work. One Plankton will not be fed, and its absence will lead to weight loss and worsen characteristics. In Agario, you need to be aggressive and careful, prudent and clever. On smaller balls you can hunt. To do this, it is necessary to divide with a space. It is possible here and shoot with the W key to distract attention.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the mass of your ball at this moment is reduced. It is worth splitting in the event that you are threatened with a real danger. Being eaten half is better than to complete your existence and surrender without struggle. In addition, the life of the change, if there is an appetite and luck, you can easily restore the lost positions. There is a bitter pill, so-called spines, the collision with them is dangerous only when you already stand something. Stumbled upon a green poisoned circle, your ball will crumble into small parts that will become easy prey for others. Faster to collect in a pile will help in this case, the Q key.

Remember that in Agario there are dangerous and at the same time bread. Here you can find easy production around the perimeter of the glass, but at the same time, you can easily become a food for larger bacillus.

Agario Lol is a game, superior to popularity Many other fashion famous game - PRATTELS. It is famous for their big balls and a rainbow-mod, during which everything flickers.

How to play

The task in Agario Lol is quite simple - grow the largest cage in the game and win the top. But a simple task often requires huge energy consumption. To understand how to win in this elementary game, you will need hours of stubborn struggle.

To gain a mass you need to eat with your bacterium colored circles on the field and cells of smaller players. But the more your cage becomes, the slower it can move. It is necessary to share it inadvertently so that the second half rushes forward and absorbed a small opponent. After separation, your cells again merge together, but not immediately. And at this time you need to be looking for them, separated by someone did not swallow.

Agario lol is a simple, fast and very exciting game with a multitude of mods that can be selected in the title menu. And especially popular it has become due to the release of fashion

Moreover, the author is a nineteen-year-old Brazilian Mateus Valadares, who did not even think about this. He just published his just created toy on an online resource, where all entertainment was offered to gamers for free. And here, as they say, it rushed .....

Very soon, Mateus received a proposal to place his brainchild on Google Play, so that the owners of smartphones were able to play in Agar I operating system Android. From now on, more than a year has passed. It is incredible, but even now millions of people on the entire planet continue to play in Agario, and the number of people will not decrease, but only grows. What does she attract users like that?

The principle of natural selection in miniature

In Agario, play online - it means to become a participant in the main evolutionary process for clarity strongly compressed in time. As the biology textbook broadcasts us, the meaning of natural selection is to increase the number of individuals with maximum fitness to life on Earth and reduce with minimal. Well, and if briefly: strong devouring weak. True, in the case of Agario it happens online.

Starting to play, the gamer gets at its disposal a living cage that is freely moving on the screen. There are thousands of the same cells around it (they manage other players. They all strive for one - to survive. Make it can be the only way: to ensure that you do not eat larger participants in the game, but at the same time eat those who are less. Only it is possible to become stronger. At first glance it seems to play Agario simply. Unfinished graphics enhances this deceptive impression. In fact, before you - a dynamic and rather difficult strategy, in the course of which you have to get a good head.

Starting in Agario to play, pay attention to the "acting persons" present on the screen. Here you will meet many multi-colored balls of one tone (such as yours) or decorated with original skins (they can be downloaded separately), green bacteria with small spikes and clusters of plankton points. The latter can be boldly to eat at the moments when you need to quickly gain strength. For the green participants of the game it is worth hiding when some major hungry cell attacks you. And you can also press a button with the letter "W" five times and shoot an enemy from it.

In situations, when some Giant comes on your heels of your ward and is about to devour, the most reasonable will make a move by a horse by pressing the space. This will make it possible to divide the cell into two separate, and if the persecutor is still eating one and they, the second will continue to exist and allow you not to fly out of the game. However, even if you fly out, it's not worth much to worry. On our site Agario is available for free, so you can produce a cell survival strategy, checking its viability in practice.

Online game "Agario Lol" is rightfully considered one of the most popular varieties of multiplayer arcade about bacteria. For fun and dangerous adventures, players in "Aragio" parts of Lol are offered 9 different mods.

Survival in the world of bacteria

IN free game "Agar Io Lol" You will be transferred to the aggressive measurement of the microbes warring together. While your point is very small, it is susceptible to hazards from all sides. The only chance for her to survive in Agario among the voracious relatives is to become more in size and devouring potential offenders in the game. To achieve this, make actively collecting in Agario on Lol locations multicolored points. The more you eat, growing more powerful. Always be alert and expect to the "Agario" attacks from either side, because the high opponents rush unexpectedly, slowly putting with the blind zone of the game.

In the version "Lol" lovers of "Agario" waiting for the mass of interesting modes. To choose one of them, stretch the slider down in the cell on the main window of the game under the graph to fit Nick. In the first crumb "Agario" will be of the form of diamonds. In the original mode of the game "Rainbow" all the balls on the field will flicker as neon lights. And the character "Lol" will be like chameleon, constantly change the color. Also in the game there is a separate red button for Fashion "Agario. LOL FUN. "

How to play

Immediately in the "Agario Lol" enter nickname, define with the mode and go to food battles. Move the circle in the game with the mouse. As weight gains, the Agario ball will move everything slower, so to dial the speed for chase for the victim or escape from the predator, you will have to share. To do this, press the "space". Through time, Agar Lol will connect, but while it is fragmented, beware of the attacks of large individuals. And in the "Agar I Lol", we can fear the saws placed in the territory: they will turn the bacterium into pieces. To prefab, throw out a piece of "w".


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