Why the voice changes when talking. How to make a voice sound courageous

Why the voice changes when talking. How to make a voice sound courageous

Voice is one of the communication tools. His timbre and height can form an opinion about a person, especially now, when the telephone communication is perceived as something of granted. Agree, a sales manager with a pleasant sonorous voice and a well-delivered diction and speech, even when communicating on the phone, I want to buy his goods. And what to talk about the timbres of famous singers, which can "start" stadiums of fans, just running one line. So the voice may have a great power.


But if from nature you got the average version of vocal data, and the voice is unrivorous, quiet or unpleasant, one should not despair. There are many techniques of how you can change the voice. This does not mean that as a result you will be able to sing Aria Bas, with the original Dobante, but to make the voice you beautiful enough forces.


Before looking for a methodology, how to change the voice, you need to carefully think about, why do you need it and what result you want to achieve. You should put real goals - let's say to learn how to sing properly classic opera things, you need to spend on classes with the vocal teacher for more than one year. And for a simple tuning in karaoke, it is enough to go through a small number of voice formulation. The same applies to changes in the tonality - to increase or lower the voice to a few tones, you need to spend time, forces, and perhaps even survive the surgery on voice ligaments. Therefore, changing the voice is worth slightly, mainly to achieve the following goals:

  1. Give the voice of depth and intonation saturation, if it is dull and does not attract attention.
  2. Make a voice a bit harmful if you are a man, and after the teenage period, the voice remained too high.
  3. To learn the right dictation to work more efficiently, in cases where your job is related to the conviction of people, a large number of communication or other voice manipulations.

How to change the voice in these cases?

The first and simplest decision is to contact specialists in speech formulation. Such teachers are preparing speakers, DJs of radio stations, actors, and in last years They are also in demand during the election campaign companies, in large firms or press services, where it is necessary to put on a speech to the future candidate or any other person who will have often talk to a chamber.

Second method

Another way how to change the voice is to do yourself. More often to pronounce with the pillow balls of the proverb and spear. Read more out loud - after all, the more often you train voice ligaments, the plastic they become, and even easier, with the help of them to make the timbre above or lower. There is another way to change the voice: it helps to expand the range of proper breathing in yoga classes. It will not seem coming down, and you will not fall when you have to talk a lot.

Another option

For men methods, how to change the voice of the voice, making it low and more hoarse, is also very much. You can specifically pick up a bundle, for example, cold milk. Makes the voice below the systematic smoking and drinking alcohol, but remember that these ways can harm your health. Another way to make it sonorous and low - strongly strain the ligaments. They will be chained, but the timbre will become pleasant, with a light hoarse. In general, everything is in your hands. These ways can really help those whose voice does not sound beautiful and effectively.

With age, the human voice changes. Impact external factors, such as environment, locality where you live. Almost every person something is not satisfied with itself and the voice is not an exception. If desired, change, you can do oratorical art, which many today consider the useless and old-fashioned exercise. In fact, the permanent work on oneself will achieve excellent results, but this will require readiness and dedication.

Many are interested in how to change the voice of the voice, and is it possible. In accordance with the studies, the ability to change the voice of the voice depends on the psychological mood of the speaker, respectively, any of your mood and emotions will be reflected in the voice. There is such a practice for telephone line operators. They need to answer a call with a smile, respectively, this not only improves the voice of the voice, but also gives positive emotions to man, on the other side of the line.

Is it possible to change the voice at home?

If you set a specific purpose and want to change the voice, to begin with, it is worth listening to those voices that you like and try to copy them. These exercises can be carried out at home. Try to mostly copy pronunciation and intonation. To control your occupations, you can burn the voice to the film to which you imitate and your own, then listen to them in turn. Listening to the records, pay attention to every little thing and try to correct your drawbacks, making recording again.

In the question, how to change the voice will help the execution of simple exercises. And for classes, you do not need to go to some courses, it is quite stubbornly working on yourself at home. Exercises that make it possible to achieve the desired result, provide for a daily reading for at least 10 minutes daily. You can read fairy tales to your child, newspapers or other materials. The main thing is to do it out loud and expression. Own reading write to the film. Listening to, analyzing your own mistakes, working on them, you can achieve the desired result.

How can I change the voice?

Another way is to visit speech courses held in your educational institution. We draw your attention to that diction, the right speech is stubborn and constant work. Famous speakers and speakers were engaged in years and continue to train until now. In most cases, a beautiful and well-supplied voice is the result of persistent classes and long-term practice.

People interested in the question of how to change the voice without programs, or rather its timbre, it is worthwhile to know that this is physiologically possible only in case of operational interference or injury, but there are certain parameters that can be adjusted for long-term practice.

Voice formation occurs in the larynx, the main part of which is voice ligaments. The voice appears as a result of air output by opening bundles and penetrate it through lumen. Additional oscillations formed at the air outlet are the timbre. Every person is individual, respectively, it gives a voice a certain color. To change the voice, you must learn how to properly manage resonators responsible for sound quality. Developed resonators make a voice not only more ringing, but also sustainable, which is especially important for oratory activities. But the monotonous will not be interesting if the speaker will not withstand the pauses and give a certain emotional color of the informed information, so it is very important to take care of this side of the question.

Even when you grow up, your voice is influenced by the people who surround you and the terrain in which you live. Few people believe that they need to be changed in their voice. Oratoric art that teaches how to change the voice, consider old-fashioned and unnecessary occupation. For example, a lawyer who, by profession, is laid beautiful and competently speak, learns the culture of speech only when he needs it to perform in court.

To significantly change your voice, you need certain courage and readiness hard to work. Those people who think how to change the voice, worthy of respect and admiration. After all, they have to change their habits that are impassed with Mother's Milk.

With the past, it is always difficult to part. Some need patience and time, as it is difficult to forget the old habits in one day. The result of your effort will be noticeable after a while.

Before changing the voice, you need to listen to the voices that you fall in the shower, and try to imitate them. It will be the first step towards the desired goal. Choose a pleasant voice for exercises and repeat after him by copying its pronunciation and timbre. Write down the voice that you copy, on the film and do the same with your own, and then reproduce them in turn. Carefully listen to both records, paying attention to expressiveness, pace and allocation of certain words and phrases. Treat your vote is subjective, as if you listened to a person's spent.

Read out loud at least ten minutes a day. Read articles in the newspaper, fairy tales to a child or your own performances. Write down the fragment of something on the film and listen to the entry every day until you get playing such a sound as you need. Keep your recordings and listen to the difference to be tangible.

Oratory courses

You can try to change the voice by visiting oratory courses at the university or in the club. Consider that now the successful speakers and speakers practiced years and continue classes and now. Almost always beautiful and delivered not a simple accident, it is the result of hard work and practice.

We receive your voice from nature. Some speak low voice, and some high. Someone is loud, someone is very quiet. Each of us has its own characteristics of pronunciations called diction. If you are interested in the question of how to change the voice of the voice, then you need to know, it can be changed only physiologically, that is, as a result of injury or operational intervention. But there are certain parameters that can be controlled by control and practice.

The voice is formed in the larynx, the main part of which is air when leaving the lungs, turns and cries the ligaments, wheels, penetrating through the lumen, which is formed by vibrating ligaments. So the voice appears. Additional oscillations that are formed in the cavities contribute to the emergence of sounds that enhance the main one and gives your voice an individual coloring - timbre.

The most important thing is that you have to remember, while studying the skills of voice sounding, this is what even the most beautiful voice will not save if it is a monotonous and uninconed. It should be a pause before and after important phrases so that their meaning is understood by listeners. Too fast or slow speech leads to the fact that the audience loses interest and ceases to perceive the information. You need to be able to allocate an exclamation or question intonation with a voice, focus on emotional and informative phrases.


Not all Mother Nature endowed a sonorous and melodic speech. But, it is not worth a despair, everyday work will help to correct the situation. Recalling and clear speech is needed not only to actrators, leading and other public personalities. From creaky, hoarse and deaf voice suffer ordinary people. Holders of unrelated speech to be afraid to speak publicly, to get acquainted, communicate with people. If you ask you several times what you said, then it's time to take action. Learn how to make your voice beautiful and enjoyable for others.

How to make a voice beautiful?

Healthy voice ligaments are the first step towards a beautiful and pleasant voice. Therefore, it is important not to launch viral diseases. Curly disease in the absence of treatment causes complications in the form of laryngitis and pharyngitis. At the same time, ligaments suffer, and the voice acquires a sipid and hoarse shade.

Strengthen immunity. Healthy lifestyle, outdoor walking, vegetables and fruit. Follow these rules to strengthen immunity and protect yourself from colds.
Eat liquid. If the body does not supplerate moisture, the ligaments remain dry. From here there appears voice and hoarseness.
Do not be nervous. , do not worry. Nervous stresses leave their shade on a voting rubbing, they are talking with fuzzy.

Twist a minimum use (sharp, bitter dishes). Think about the hole harmful habits. After smoking, the voice becomes hoarse. What does not add attractiveness and charisma girls.

Exercises for a beautiful voice

Get ready for work on your speech. To perform gymnastics, you will need a tape recorder and mirror. The recorder helps to understand how the voice sounds which changes occurred. The mirror is used to memorize the facial features when pronunciation of sounds correctly. Exercises for a beautiful voice:

Try vowels. Take the position near the mirror and start pulling vowels. Observe a specific sequence. Start with and-and-and-and, then stretch: e, a, oh, y. Hurry is not welcome, repeat the sounds in a circle several times. If you think how to make a voice deeper, then focus on the letter "y". Next complicate the exercise. When pronouncing sounds, knock on the chest fists. An example for imitation will be tarzan. If you do not remember, then review the movie. Sounds say broken and loud.

Mix. Many people purre and camp to their nose, doing business, performing homework. Similar exercise perfectly trains voice ligaments. For proper execution, do not open your mouth. Pronounce sound Mmm Quiet, then louder and louder. Thus, voice ligaments are strained gradually and do not break away.
Rug. Similar sounds make up a tractor or tiger. After the growls for 3-5 minutes, pronounce words. Initially, starting with the letter "P", then with this sound in the middle and end of the word. Write the words in advance so as not to pause. When pronunciation, we are trapped, making the focus on the sound "P". Repeat the words 3-4 times.
Hurry. It is known that yoga possess a pleasant and melodious voice. Reach such speech by regular training. To perform the exercise, type the air and delay it in the stomach. Then breathe dramatically and pronounce the sound "ha". It is more correct to say shock, the better, the better. If you do not understand how, then find video with martial arts. Look at how during movements, karate followers shout sounds.

How to make a voice enjoyable?

Beautiful speech depends on strong ligaments and sustainability for colds. To reduce the number of infectious respiratory diseases, make simple exercises. It is important to comply with the regularity of execution. Highlight 10 minutes in the morning.

Silent question. Without opening lips, pronounce the letter "M". Mix 1-2 minutes, and at the end, how to ask the question: Mmmmmm? If, when performing gymnastics, you feel vibration in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and lips, then they did everything right.
Breath! Do not breath. Dial the full light air and exhale dramatically. Imagine that you cut the candle or blow the dust. So that the exercise happens, put the paper sheets on the table. Now try to shift the paper from the spot.
Broach consonants. Write the sounds on the paper sheet and pronounce in turn. Stretch every sound, then move to combinations so that at the end there is a consonant (bomme, bimm, boom).
Mo, Mo-, ME-. Repeat these combinations in a circle. Join the exhale. Initially, briefly, and then long, focusing on a vowel letter.

Show language. This exercise you probably performed in childhood, competing with friends. To begin with, pull the language as far as possible and try to get it to the chin. Staying in the same position, tilt your head up. Then the tongue-tube shadow to the nose. Help the head up.

How to change your voice?

Unknown man We judge on maneers, clothes, speeches. Unpleasant when a pretty girl pronounces phrases with a sipl, hoarse and unintelligible voice. Sometimes such a question serves as a refusal to fail. Imagine the secretary of a large firm or translator with an unpleasant voice. Immediately fold the negative impression of the organization.

Ask for a girlfriend or friend. Put the partner next to and stretch the sound "A". At the same time, move your head. Turn it slightly, reject back or forward. It should not be sharp or unnatural movements. Lock your feelings, in what position the letter sound is melodious and more pleasant. Ask a friend's opinion. Remember sensations, sound and position of the head. Try to repeat and achieve a beautiful sound.
My phone rang. Play useful and cheerful game. Girlfriend Highlight the role of the caller. Let it hurt, which organization is going to call (travel company, pharmacy, club, serious organization, plumbing). Your task is to answer the call. At the same time your voice must comply with the institution. Play your voice, change pronunciation, add new notes. Fix when the voice sounded beautiful and attractive.
Check the reaction. Put your friend with your back to myself. Prepare two events before this: pleasant and causing. Retell news. Initially, pleasant, then after the pause is negative. Ask the interlocutor how your voice changed. Surely, you will hear what has changed intonation. The voice sounded beautiful and pleasant when you told joyful news. Take this science to a note.

Performing exercises, pay attention to the tempo and volume of voice. It's nice to listen to the interlocutor telling calmly and quietly. At the same time, a person does not make a tambourity, makes pauses, relevant accents. The ideal indicator is 120-150 words per minute.

February 2, 2014, 14:29

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