Saturday before Easter is called passionate or great Saturday. And yet it is possible to go to the cemetery in Easter

Saturday before Easter is called passionate or great Saturday. And yet it is possible to go to the cemetery in Easter

The answer of Orthodox priests to the question about whether to go to the cemetery for Easter and Easter holidays, categorical - no. It is explained by the fact that Easter is the main church holiday proving the victory of life over death. On this day, it is not customary to remember the departed; On the contrary, you should be happy and celebrated this great bright holiday related to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A trip to the cemetery on this day is a sin. You can visit this sorrowful place later - on the red hill.

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You can or can not go to the graveyard at Easter?

In the bright Christ, the resurrection, many traditions attend the graveyard. In almost all cities in Easter day, they will even organize special bus tickets to the cemetery, so that people are easier to get there and share with the spirits of relatives with light news. But the Orthodox faith does not welcome such an action.

Priests explain this by the fact that Easter is a holiday for any Christian. In the soul of a believer man on this day should be joy, since the resurrection of Jesus testifies that there is no death, and there is only a transition to eternal life. When visiting the passion, the person begins to grieve among the graves about the departed relatives and loved ones, as a result of which he may doubt the possibility of spiritual salvation.

After Easter, for a week in churches, there are no memoirs. These seven days of the dead people fan with Easter chants. Therefore, the priests emphasize that this bright holiday needs to be rejoiced, not to mourn.

When you can go to the cemetery before and after Easter

You can go to the polls to the bright Christ of the Resurrection. For this, special days called parent Saturdays are indicated. For the period of the Great Post, they fall three times. These days and it is recommended to ride the graves to spend the dead.

After Easter, the cemetery is also visited in a specially designated day. It may be called differently:

  • Radonitsa.
  • Red hill.
  • Wiring.

He falls on Tuesday of the week next after the completion of the Easter week. Before visiting the graveyard, it is recommended to first go to church and pray for the soul of dead relatives.

How do you remember the departed in the days of the Easter week?

It is to Radonitz celebrate Easter on the graves of the dead relatives. It is necessary to pray for them in the temple or in the cemetery. The deceased person does not need anything - neither the cross, nor the monument, since it is just tribute to tradition. The soul of the deceased constantly needs only prayer.

Essential assistance in this is provided by the pursuit of the church. Before visiting the disease, you need to go to the temple to the beginning of the service and submit a note that all the names of the deceased for their commemoration are indicated. After the liturgy is completed, the Panhid should be served. Prayer strength will give the communion of remembering on this day. It is also preferably at the exit from the church to give a thread alms and ask him to pray for the dead relatives.

How to behave in the cemetery?

On the graveyard they light a candle and pray again for the soul of the deceased. You can invite a priest on the grave for a clock lithium. At the grave are necessarily closed, recalling the affairs of the deceased in good word.

Many people leave cookies and candy on the cemetery. According to the Christian tradition, it is impossible to do this, because the soul of the deceased does not need it. This is a pagan tradition, which also does not approve. orthodox priests. It is best to hand over to the poor.

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Saturday Before Easter is called Passionate or Great Saturday Because it is a special day when Christians remember the burial and stay in the coffin of Jesus Christ, after his crucifixion and physical death. This is a day of grief, silence and fasting.

Sometimes Saturday before Easter is also called the Holy Saturday and a quiet Saturday.

Signs and customs of Saturday Before Easter, what can and can not be done:

On this day taken pray a lotand should be sure visit the service in the temple.

Service in the temple is all day. The worship service of the Great Saturday begins the day before Easter, from the evening of Friday, when the church recalls the corporate burial of Christ and the descent of him to hell. During the uterus of the Great Saturday (we will remind that it serves on Friday night), a procession is made with funeral singing. Holy Dimper (Icon of Christ lying in the coffin) is applied around the church building and waters to the honorable place in the center of the temple.

In the morning Saturday morning and day in the temples served the evening and liturgy of Vasily the Great - a solemn and beautiful worship, completed by the blessing of bread and wine. The priest sanctifies baskets with herbs and Easter eggs that brought believers. A small church candle is sure to be inserted into each cake. However, on the Great Saturday, this consecrated will not yet be bored, it is necessary to save it until the resurrection, the holiday of Easter.

Before Easter, in the Easter night at the end of the Great Saturday, in the twelfth hour of the night, the Network service (semi-perch) begins, on which the ship is entered into the altar and remains there 40 days before the Holiday of the Lord. The procession and night easter worship ends with the consecration of kulichs, cottage cheese and painted eggs. Now, on returning from the temple, believers can already begin to begin and eat prepared Easter dishes, because it will be the morning of the Light Christ of the Resurrection.

Holy Saturday - the day of Christian repentance and silence. On Saturday, the eve of Easter cannot be focused, even talking loudly, you should ask for forgiveness from those who offended and forgive the offenders. On this day, one should generously serve alms and help in need.

It is forbidden to perform heavy physical work, such as working at a construction site or in a garden. It is also impossible to sew, wash, iron and plant general cleaning at home, writes the C-IB portal. It is better to do this before, in pure Thursday before Easter.

Since a passionate Saturday is a sorrowful day, the main thing that cannot be done on this day is to arrange holidays, celebrations, celebrate birthdays and of course not to cope the wedding. Have fun and take alcohol on Saturday on the eve of Easter - a big sin.

The hostess this Sabbath usually prepare Easter dishes, bake the cakes and paint eggs, collect an Easter basket for consecration. They often put a piece of baked meat, butter and salt, which is believing, will bring abundance of home and health to the owners. However, these products can still be eaten. In a passionate Saturday, strict fasting should be adhered to, try not to eat boiled food and restrict ourselves to bread, water and vegetables. It is allowed only a little red wine to maintain the forces of those believers who are preparing to survive the all-bedroom service.

The main event of the Great Saturday is the wonderful convergence of the fertile fire in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. This event is the main miracle of the Orthodox Church, and it is eagerly awaiting hundreds of pilgrims in Jerusalem and millions of believers at the TV screens on Saturday the eve of Easter. It is broadcast by B. live air On many channels in the Great Saturday from 13 to 15 hours Moscow time.

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A large number of people have rooted in consciousness of the obligation to visit the cemetery at Easter. And they sincerely believe that this is prescribed by the church. In fact, everything is somewhat different.

Let's start with the fact that the clergymen have a negative attitude to visiting the cemetery at Easter. They argue this by the fact that on the brightest holiday of Orthodox should not be a tint of grief. Throughout the Easter week in churches, there is no amusement of the departed, and the Panhid does not serve in a light week.

If a person died on a festive week, it is satisfied with the funeral on a special rank, with inclusion in it a large number of Easter chants. A long celebration of the communist ideology that prohibited any religions, provoked some displacement of some traditions. And somehow it was forgotten that there is a special day highlighted to visit the cemetery in honor of Easter - Radunitsa, which is the second Tuesday from Christ's Christ.

The Light Resurrection is a holiday of life when her victory is noted over death. According to Orthodox teaching, a person's death does not mean the end of his soul. She still stays long wayFor forty days, in the kingdom of heaven. It is for this reason that you should not attend the graveyard for Easter, this day should be completely given to joy.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that Sunday is only the first day of Easter, followed by a festive week, during which all Orthodox should rejoice. And at this time, sad memories are sin.

Of course, the care of the heads of people can only be welcomed, but it was not bad at the same time to consult about the feasibility of such trips with representatives of the Church. And if they did it, they could find out that the Orthodox doctrine does not consider the right visit to the cemetery directly the first day of the Easter's bright holiday.

And yet it is possible to go to the cemetery in Easter

In many cities on the day of St. Sunday, the cemeteries become the place of real pilgrimage. When and who was introduced by this tradition? According to historians, the statement that all this began after the October Revolution does not have sufficient grounds. Her roots are traced from earlier times.

For residents of small villages, as a rule, the road to the church was not close, and therefore each trip to it became a real event. A visit to the Temple in Easter was mandatory for each family member, and prepared for him in advance.

And since there was always a cemetery near the church, then the graves of the deceased relatives were visited at the same time. After all, again to make a small and quite expensive trip in a week to remember the rest, I could afford not everyone.

A more popular version associated with the peculiarities of the Board of Soviet power is more popular. The religion began to be considered outlawed, to find special literature on the interpretation of Orthodox customs was almost impossible. And communication with the clergy to figure out all the nuances could pour out quite serious trouble. Here are people and began to interpret Easter traditions in accordance with their vision.

When they go to the graveyard after Easter

The church calendar speaks about the second Tuesday after Easter (Radunice) as a day when you should remember all the departed. It is on this day that the good news of the resurrection of Christ can be carried in the cemetery, which mounted relatives and relatives there. No other day from bright weeks for this purpose is not suitable.

In order of useful information! When the clergymen ask about the admissibility of the painting of eggs at Easter if the family has not ended in the family, they give an affirmative answer. According to some superstitions for this purpose, an exceptionally black color can be used in such a situation. The church argues that there are no color restrictions.

We also want to recall that for the Great Post, three parent Saturdays were installed at once, in which it is necessary to remember the departed, to take prayers for them in the temples, visit their graves, preparing them for Easter. Another nuance. Christian traditions do not allow breaking food on the last refuge of the relative. The soul of the deceased there is no need for food, and this tradition came from paganism.

In conclusion, we want to give verse that we really liked the fact that there are answers to all questions:

Do not go to Easter in the cemetery

Do not go to Easter in the cemetery
To all those whom it is not with you.
In a bright holiday Christ, rejoice,
Put God for the whole white light!

Do not go to the departed parents,
There are others for this days
After all, you want, do not want, -
On this day, Christ see them!

Do not carry your suffering,
Sorrow and tears, mental pain,
Do not be a drunk company
On the day when the world is ruled by love!

Do not deprive them of the holiday of Light,
No need to praise them nor flattery,
Their souls will be silent unrequited,
But you came - they are here too ...

On Easter day, sometimes Springne
Give your joy to everyone who you are mil.
In Jesus Christ Resurrection
Dear do not disturb the grave ...

Do not go to Easter to my parents,
Do not kiss the cross.
Do not peer them in a quiet abode -
On this day they see Christ!

This question is our correspondent Anna Ivanova discusses Maxim Promozvsky with Jeema, the editor-in-chief of the Orthodox youth journal "Heir", the defender of the Orthodox youth union "Young Russia": - that one child in some situation is normal and good, then another is deadly. You always need to look at what a child, what is the situation in the family, and seriously understand, because, giving a general advice for everyone, you can harm. The only thing I can say, we have to raise a child since childhood, to keep a good one with him, good contact, you can instinate certain values \u200b\u200bto him, including aesthetic, generalifications. If he understands the meaning of the events taking place, which is not always just in adolescence, then such a problem may not arise. And if such a problem arises, you need to watch what kind of child interests, on what response, on which reaction we can count on. One, despite the ban, will go to the disco or will run out of the house, and the other will take a ban as proper.

How do parents, on the one hand, do not let everything on samonek, and on the other, do not turn into grinding old people, not provoke a child for a lie, do not tear a string that binds them and the child?
- parents who fell into such a situation, it is very important to be competent psychologists. We must learn to understand your child. You can buy good books on age psychology, for example, there is an excellent textbook. V. and Slobodchikov or the book of Shishova and Medvedev "Multicolored White Crows".
Secondly, you need to understand that you will not rear it on other people's shoulders. In general, being parents are tragedy. Because you think you can do everything, or much, and sometimes it turns out that there is almost nothing depends on you. Here you need a lot of wisdom, experience, patience. I often think about it, because I also have children. Here I remember the very first family - the family of Adam. He had two sons: Cain and Abel. And I do not think that Adam raised them differently. He was a holy man, and Eve was, as we know, the woman is saint. And even in this family, Cain was born, and they could not do anything. No matter how you wise and experienced, not only depends on you, what will be your child. There is such a prayer: "Lord, give me calm to accept what I can't change, give me the courage to change what I can change, and give me wisdom to distinguish one of the other." This prayer is very accurate for parents. I think they should remember her and with this prayer to contact God for help and the assignment.

- Is there really so dangerous discos and other similar events?
- Seven or eight years ago, we held a seminar on drug addiction with the Germans, and then I was surprised that the conversation about drugs they start with what they say: a drug is all that causes attachment and addiction. Speaking about TV, disco, wine, Internet and games, they say - these are all drugs. Parents need to be understood, and the child must understand it. A person, getting into the atmosphere of the disco, is experiencing a rise, euphoria, there are loud music, friends, close contact with the opposite sex, it all creates a sense of joy, some kind of lift, community, unity. And if the child has already come there, then something oppose this will be difficult, but in any case it is necessary to clarify this to the child. It is necessary to explain to him the nature of this joy, the nature of the feelings he experienced, show their timeness and imperfection. Explain that he will fall into dependence on this, because if one day he experienced such a rise, he still wants. And since with the time of emotions will be dulled, then besides the disco, it will take it an additional stimulator in the form of alcohol or drugs. In addition, the disco is a place where the issues of relationships with the opposite sex are not entirely solved. Because there are still not classic dances, which allow the young man and the girl to bring the distance, but to a certain limit, in the corresponding cultural forms. In general, it's dangerous.
But it is desirable to explain all this to the child at the moment when he was already going to the disco, but in advance. And in general, long before such issues need to gradually form the world of child's hobbies. Then these problems will be less.

- Is the Orthodox disco possible?
- Unfortunately, Orthodox discos have already appeared. I am not a supporter of their holding. After all, it is not that the organizers undertake to ensure that there are no alcohol, drugs on them, and the fact is that the disco herself, its atmosphere is beyond the limits permissible for the church person. We should not try to choke what is impossible to choke. If we can somehow affect the organizers of the discos, try to make this territory free from drugs - it is not bad. Just do not call it an Orthodox rock concert or an Orthodox disco. There should not be the presence of the church explicitly. Of course, if my child still wants to go to the disco and I can not stop him, I will try to send it there, where the absence of drugs and alcohol is ensured, but still it will be just a disco. And if a person chooses, he should know that he himself made this choice. He must understand that black is black, and white is white.
There is one more danger here. If we now say that the Orthodox disco is the norm, this is good, then a teenager who more strictly applies to everything, says: "Well, if the Orthodox has a disco, then I do not want to be Orthodox, I will go somewhere in The catacomb church or sectarians, where it can not be in principle. " Therefore, I believe that we do not need to go on this path.

How to be if in little city Disco - Is this the only place to leisure all local youth?
--Doest you know I am in small cities and can tell you that the provincial disco is even worse than Moscow. But in the provincial city, the temples have good opportunities to create alternative places of meetings and leisure activities for adolescents. And if parents are concerned about this, you need to gather, come to the priest and say: let us organize leisure for our children with the temple. You can create military patriotic mugs, sports sections, intelligent clubs. We are sometimes very passive towards yourself. But you need to understand that under the laying stone water does not flow. And those conditions that we are given is the first step of our salvation, but this is what concerns us. And if I am a parent - this is not my personal destiny. Here I have to show maximum activity and responsibility.

Many holy fathers tremble enough of any excessive merry and dancemanm (most often in this regard, they remember the "Word of Games and Dance" Svt.Ioanna Zlatoust (Prologue, March 24)), but this custom turned out to be inexperienced. Left: Antonina Rzhevskaya, "Merry Point". Right: Modern Disco

Remembering Ushinsky
After publishing this material on website , I received a question from the reader:
- You say: You can or can not go to the disco. But there are much more important issues in the world. Yes, now those who have ever went to the disco create GDP, manage large corporations, are engaged in scientific developments. You want to deal with the consequences, and not with the cause. Give a sense in life, teach him to achieve goals and he will not destroy his life. And the sinters and the missing sex with the opposite sex only harm psyche and health, and the disco is one of the most beneficial cases. Dating, Communication, Love, Family, Children - Much begins at least with discos.

Maxim Prozozvansky is responsible: - First, about those people who have achieved something, have become, for example, Orthodox - despite the fact that in their lives there were hobbies like discos, yoga, oriental martial arts ... More K. D . Ushinsky wrote that one of the mistakes of many teachers of his time was that they followed logic: I grew up normal manI was brought up in this way, then all the rest should be educated as well. It is impossible to appreciate on the example of a particular person, what effect on it was provided by a disco. And it is very difficult to say, thanks to which he became who he became ... The robber on the cross was also saved, but it does not mean that everyone needs to go into the robbers!
Secondly, a person who has gained the meaning of life, the disco and is not needed at all. As for the disco that the disco is a kind of "medicine" for shy people - I can not agree with that. The shyness prevents some "free" relationship, but not to create a family. I do not know normal people who would like to marry, but could not do this because of shyness! Of course, at the disco, breaking is happening, but can not find any other forms of liberty?! Disco - this is primarily a way to get pleasure, and family life - Something else. Serious relations arise when people do something together, together overcome difficulties - any serious team work It has more to the development of relations in the direction of marriage, rather than a disco. No sport was at one time about the mountaineering, there was such a joke that this is a school of courage and a school of marriage.
If possible, parents must protect the child from the disco, but not everyone can use tough measures. If you can not protect the child from discos, you need to warn it from possible negative actions and impressions with which he can face there.

happiness will come to those who will awake all night

Day on the eve of the bright holiday Easter called Passionate or Greatsaturday. If Friday is a passionate week - this is just a sorrowful day, then Saturday is filled and sorrow? And joy at the same time. The body of the Savior is already in the funeral cave, but the resurrection of Christ is about to come. Another Saturday name is beautiful, because on this day many believers paint eggs - a symbol of a new life.

And what else do you need to do on this day?

1. Attend the all-sleeping. If there is no such possibility, you can simply try not to go to bed, light the candle in front of the icon and pray. Who will awake up until the morning, he will find happiness, health and good luck. After all, it is believed to be on the night of a passionate Saturday on Sunday, happiness wanders along the ground, but it comes only to those who do not sleep.

2. Prepare festive Easter dishes. It is desirable that they were twelve.

3. Fast. Some believers and are completely refused from any food on this day. But if you really want, you can eat bread, dried fruits, vegetables without oil.

4. Consecrate in the temple painted eggs, Easter cakes, salt and other products.

5. Serving alms.

6. To put up with everyone, with whom you are in a quarrel, to take offense and forget any misunderstanding.

Passionate Saturday: what can you do

1. Try Easter dishes before the first star appears in the sky.

2. To eat meat and dairy products, eggs.

3. Give anything from home or lent money.

4. Celebrate birthdays, to protect weddings, have fun and laugh. It is believed that the couple who will play a wedding on this day long will not live together. And the one who will have fun on Saturday will cry the whole next year.

5. Drink and indulge in the carnal uteuham.

6. Do any kind of needlework.

7. Hunt or fish so as not to stick the misfortune.

8. Work on the garden, make repair or maintain construction.

9. Quarrel, swear and squander.

10. Wash in the bath, bath or walk to the sauna.

Signs on this day

On the weather on a passionate Saturday you can determine what summer will be. So, if the street is sunny and clear, then you should wait for the heat, if the rainy and zyabko, then the summer will be cold. A rich harvest promises a dark night from Saturday to Sunday.


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