Berseries - Viking Furass Special Forces. Military Elite - Bersery Video Games for Class

Berseries - Viking Furass Special Forces. Military Elite - Bersery Video Games for Class

1. Fitting

  • Berserk (berserker) "The warrior dedicated himself to God beyond the battle of herself into rage. In battle, was distinguished by a great force, a rapid response, insensitivity to pain, madness. They did not recognize the shield and mail, fighting in one shoes, or naked on the belt.

2. Items

  • Shock skills of the melee

A fairly strong blow is weaker than crushing pain 2 times, but recharge is very fast. MP consumption is not large that allows you to constantly use it to achieve mobs.

  • Rollback: 3 seconds
  • Power: 3653 (without sharpening at 74 levels)
  • Grows: darkness. PVP. Consumption MP.
  • Utility. One of the main skills in PVP. Since I recommend swing at wigs, in this case it is almost unnecessary. In solo, he is obligatory for solo mobs.
  • Power: 7635.
  • Rollback: 6 seconds.
  • Ground: Earth. Power. PVP. Reducing MP.
  • Utility.

The blow compared with crushing pain unfortunately for its use it is necessary that the effect of bleeding is. So to use be sure to have skill

  • Power: 7635.
  • Rollback: 6 seconds.
  • Ground: Earth. Power. PVP. Reducing MP.
  • Utility. As in PVP and in Pve, the main shock power.

Another skill for PVP swings on 3 prof. But very interesting because Attacing all enemies located ahead within a radius of 45 degrees.

  • Power: 6060.
  • Rollback: 6 seconds.
  • Turns:?

This skill is very tasty feeding ab. It is he who up to 61 levels gives us the opportunity to solo on the wigs (bugs of mobs). When using attacks all opponents around you at a distance in 200. I advise you to download to 62 Next, it is not necessary to almost go to save points

  • Power: 2740.
  • Rollback: 3 seconds
  • Ground: Earth. PVP. Consumption MP.
  • Utility. In the quality of the wigs (bouches), our most important skill. In PVP, you can use for an additional damage to the enemy. In the masses of PVP, I consider it useless since the demaga is small

In grace, the final when used damage to all enemies in a circle. I advise you to download to 62 Next, it is not necessary to almost go to save points

  • Rollback: 3 seconds.
  • Utility. In the quality of the wigs (bouches), our 2 sweep skill. In PVP, not used by usabel. He eats a lot and is not a sense.
  • Natiys
  • Rollback: 3 seconds.
  • Grows: the chance of passing. Consumption MP. Land.
  • Utility. For many, this is one of the main skills in Pve and PVP. The tactics of many forced surrendered combo further rejected both a new mill. As a mob, I personally advise not to use, it's some kind of mobs in the solo, I will die from one skiel in solo.
  • Power: 2192.
  • Rollback: No.
  • Grows: reduction of MP. Land. PVP. Power.
  • Utility. Some use it for quality on wigs (bouches). Personally, I think this is a waste of MP. I really like to quickly collect 3-4 mob quickly. In PVP, it is sometimes better to start with it, as the damage is not bad. PVP masses also look beautifully provided with very quick control.
  • Power. Not specified.
  • Rollback: 3 seconds.
  • Grows: passage. Reducing MP. Power.
  • Power. 4040.
  • Rollback :?
  • Turns:?
  • Self Bafa \\ Aura
  • Utility. Collection of shower in the city without straining.
  • Rollback: 3 minutes 45 seconds.
  • Utility. Use at the beginning of battle with a magician. In PVP 1 minute you should have enough to kill enemy.
  • Rollback. 15 minutes.
  • Grows. Reducing recharging time.
  • Utility. In one-time PVP, consider that you have a trump toupe.
  • Rollback: 15 minutes.
  • Utility. Thanks to this skill, we kill all opponents in light armor. PVP is required.
  • Rollback: 1 minute 15 seconds.
  • Utility. Useful because We are crazy and unnecessary XP will not hurt ...
  • Rollback: 1 minute 15 seconds.
  • Utility. Because of a strong decrease in protection, skills is very dangerous if you are shaking solo. On the Republic of Belarus, use pleasure. In PVP, use, categorically I do not advise. The party can be used.
  • Rollback: 45 seconds.
  • Utility. Use at the beginning of battle with archers and magicians. Ten seconds are quite enough to fly to the Magician or Lukar.
  • Rollback. 15 seconds.
  • Utility. If not forgotten included if you forgot that and figs with it))
  • Utility. Against all kinds of miles to use necessarily.
  • Utility. Turn on if you need to escape or, on the contrary, catch up with the enemy.
  • Rollback: turns on and eating mana. 3 mp every 5 seconds.
  • Grimits: in strengthening. To reduce waste MP.
  • Utility. On the Republic of Belarus, it looks pretty. In Qache, I do not advise you to use how much the MP will end very quickly and as assequentially you will be forced to sit down. In PVP, if you do not like tactics with a run, but you want to fight, then turn on.
  • Debafy.
  • Chance: I have 50%. It is impossible to say exactly.
  • Grows: chance. To reduce MP.
  • Utility. The main skill in PVP. Khach with mobs do not need.
  • Rollback: 1 second.
  • Grows: chance. Consumption MP.
  • Utility. In PVP, the main skill. In PVE can be used on x2 mobs. When passing from X2, the Mob is obtained x1)) Also, this skill is very pleased to agreed on the mobs that in turn reduces movement and as in the investigation increases% experience per hour.

3.Read \\ armony

  • i want to remind you that we wear two-handed swords.

And not simple and ancient. In order to turn the usual two-handed sword in the weapon of the ancients, we need to use our skills


price in Girane 81,975 (Shop)


price in Girane 349,250 (Shop)

because We are up to 74+ rally only skills us the main defense!


from it, we make an ancient sword and insert sa on CP- price in the gianne (store) 10kk-12kk pure and 14kk-15kk with sa

either run in the same with grade costs 5kk-6kk in the store


I do not advise buying a weapon for this grad. For kacha, the Great Sword has enough (sa on XP), but it is possible in principle to put HP.

the best set for PVP against the stained opponents. We have very little Kona so better does not happen


the price depends on the server but it is better to either knock or craft from RB (which is more profitable, sometimes faster). As well as collect the stones of the attributes to insert in the HD and get the HD + 150Attopitus that will give a huge boost to the damage, provided that the skills are imprisoned under the same attribute.

collect it according to anything because You can insert the stones of the attribute that it will not give a threshing increase to sew.

4. Tatu

  • Up to 62 tattoo level, we do not need. And after in my opinion there is one option
  • -4Sil + 4 High
  • -1Sil + 1 Hang
  • -4Sil + 4lvk

5. Hunting (Pve)

  • 1-20
    • i will not describe actually all the quests from the assistant newbies
  • 20-28
    • We go perform the quest the path of fate so we are 21lvl. Also we pass a dangerous temptation that it will give us any + 20% and 100k
    • We go to the Gludio and in the number of 2 people we pass the hall of the abyss of 2GUs (Kamalok)
    • We register to the drive. We go to the sacrificial necropolis (below the Alpine).
  • 28-40
    • I chose the strengthening of the partisans of the mobs X2 and the hurbs fall.
    • You can go to the catacombs of heretics (near Dion)
    • We begin to pass the quests for 2 profs. And also carry out such quests ** Temple Preacher, Ball of Temple, Warrior Temple - 1, Warrior Temple - 2, ** Space Fox - 1, Space Fox - 2, Spare Fox - 3, Fallen Angel - ** Sunset order.
  • 40-46
    • An ideal place for us is the island of alligators or you can go to the tower of the circle.
  • 46-52
    • It starts to kach on wigs and the best place on such a lvle is Canyon Toron. ** First on the guards to 49 and then up to 52 on Silenians.
  • 52-62
    • Here, the most ideal place for us is under the Oren. We leave from the main gate and immediately roll on the mountain to the bottom. So, descending from the bottom, we find a lot of small packs. so possible up to 55 ~
  • 61-76
    • There are many places for Kacha. I chose the neighborhood of the Greek. Right from the central exit in front of us two slides. We go to the left or right. Killing antelope and wolves. I want to pay attention to what the wolves like only them remain half of the HP begin to crawl the mill.
    • As soon as you feel the strength, start to ride upstairs and just swing on the teddy bear and buffaloes. They cassette the camp as well as wolves.
  • 66-75
    • Great place swamp shots. In a pair with Est 1 Berse.

Here or clan or on Parnas. The choice is yours. On Parnass you can get closer through the island of alligators.

6.We for Bers

For BERS, I consider it a teeming one Pet and this is a chicken, and do not care that it is a batade magician fades. The main thing is that she pours mana and this will very simplify the life of Berserker.

Video games for class

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His word: " Is it possible about Berrikov's wipers? I wondered or not :)

Managed, you can. An interesting topic of ancient legends, let's find out more ...

The history of mankind is full of legends and myths. Each era encloses that the new page covered in this dust. Many of them have been riveted in the fly, never lived to the present day. But there are legends over which the century does not rule. Stories about warriors with inhuman abilities - unresponsible to physical pain and non-eating fear in the face of death - from this number. Mention of superflocks can be found hardly from every people. But the mansion in this row is the Berseries - the heroes of the Scandinavian sag and epos, whose name has become nominative. And now what an interesting thing is legends. Sometimes the truth and fiction in them so intertwined that it is hardly possible to separate one of the other.

For several centuries, Vikings were the most terrible nightmare. When the horizon was shown by the Smeyazhi roys of brutal aliens, the population of surrounding lands, covered by candied horror, was looking for salvation in the forests. The scope of devastating hikes of Normans is amazing even today, after almost a thousand years. In the east, they laid the famous path of "Varyag in Greeks", gave rise to the princely dynasty of Rurikovich and more than two centuries took an active part in the lives of Kievan Rus and Byzantium. In the West Vikings, since the VIII century. Sicking up Iceland and south of Greenland, Irish and Scotch shores were kept in constant fear.

And with the IX century. Moved the boundaries of their raids not only far to the south - to the Mediterranean Sea, but also deep into European lands, raving London (787), Bordeaux (840), Paris (885) and Orleans (895) . The redheads of the aliens captured the whole defenders, sometimes not inferior in the size of the possessions of many monarchs: in the north-west of France, they founded the Duchy of Normandia, and in Italy - the Sicilian kingdom, from where hiking in Palestine long before the Crusaders made. Terrorizing the population of European cities, militant Scandinavians even honored the honor to be mentioned in prayers: "God, get rid of Normanov!". But among the northern barbarians of the warriors, before whom the Vikings themselves experienced a mystical thrill. They knew perfectly well that the tribesman was caught under the hot hand, and therefore was death, and therefore they always tried to keep these brothers in arms apart.

With one in the warrior field

Ancient Scandinavian sagas conveyed to us the legends of invincible warriors, which, beyond the battle rage, with one sword or an ax rose into the ranks of enemies, crushing everything in their path. Modern scientists do not doubt their reality, but much of the history of berserkov and today remains unsolved secret

Following the established tradition, we will call them berserkers (although the more accurate term is Borcorc, that is, "Medvedepot"). Along with the Bear warrior, Ulfheadner also existed - "Volkolicova", Warrior Wolf. Probably, these were different hypostasis of the same phenomenon: many of those who are called berserkers, wore a nickname "Wolf" (Ulf), "Wolf Skura", "Wolf Juice", etc. However, the name "Bear" (Bjorn) is not less common.

It is believed that for the first time the Berseries are mentioned in the Drape (long poem) of Skald Torbjärna Hlinov - the Vidnavannavian literary monument. It is about the victory of King Harald beautiful, the founder of the Kingdom of Norway, in battle at Havrsfjord, which occurred presumably in 872. "Berserki, destroyed in the bear skins, leveled, shocked by the swords, bite in rage the edge of their shield and rushed to their enemies. They were obsessed and did not feel pain, even if they were struck by a spear. When the battle was won, the warriors fell without his strength and plunged into a deep sleep "- so an eyewitness and participant of those events described the entry into battle of legendary warriors.

Most of all the references to the Berseries in the Sagas of the IX-XI centuries, when the Vikings (Normans) on their high-speed shipping ships were horrified by the peoples of Europe. It seemed that before them could not resist. Under the blows of Vikings, such major cities like London, Bordeaux, Paris, orleans fell under the VIII-IX centuries. What to talk about small towns and villages, their Normans devastated in a matter of hours. Often on the captured territories they created their own states, for example, the Duchy of Normandy and the Sicilian kingdom.

Who were these fighters? Bersers or berserkers called Vikings, from an early age who devoted themselves to the ministry - the Supreme Scandinavian Divine, the Lord of the wonderful drawing of Valchallla, where the souls of warriors were allegedly sent to the eternal feast, the souls of the warriors who were heroically fallen on the field of Brahi and deserving the favor of heaven. Before the Battle of Berrikov, they were injected into a special kind of battle trance, thereby distinguished by a huge force, endurance, fast reaction, insensitivity to pain and increased aggressiveness. By the way, the etymology of the word "Berserk" still causes disputes in scientific circles. Most likely, it is formed from the Staronorvezhi "Berserkr", which is translated either as "bearish of the skin", or "without a shirt" (Ber root can mean both "bear" and "naked", and Serkr - "Shkura", "Shirt "). Supporters of the first interpretation point to the direct relationship of the berserkov, wearing clothes from bearish skins, with the cult of this totem animal. "Harorbashchiki" make an emphasis on the fact that the Berseriki went to battle without a mail, naked on the belt.

Bronze plate of the VIII century. Torslund, oh. Eland, Sweden

Excerctory information about Berscers can also be found from the "youngest EDDDA" - a collection of the Old Absorbian mythical legends belonging to Peru Snorry Sturlson. In the "Ingling" saga, the following is said: "The guys of each other rushed into battle without mail, and tormented, as if frantic dogs or wolves. In anticipation of the fight from impatience and rage, bubbles in them, gnawed their shields and hands to the blood. They were stronger, like bears or bulls. They spilled with the animal roar, and neither the fire, nor iron did not harm them ... ". The Old History Poet claimed that "one knew how to do so that in the battle of his enemies blind or blahli, or their fear covered, or their swords were not sharper than sticks." The relationship of berserkov with the cult of the main god of the Scandinavian Pantheon has other confirmations. Even the translation of numerous names of the Odin indicates its insane and fierce nature: watn ("obsessed"), IGG ("terrible"), Juryan ("militant"), Hnikar ("Sewer of Conference"), Belverk ("Villain"). The nicknames of Berrikov, who gave the "Lord of Wrath, to be his heavenly patron. For example, Harold the ruthless, binding into battle before others, or broken in 1171 under Dublin Normansky leader John, who had a nickname Wode, that is, "madman."

Berseries did not accidentally be a privileged part of the military estate, a kind of "special forces" of Vikings. And those of them did not do not spontaneously echigine or sacrificial madness on the ristar. They just always opened the battle, conducting a demonstrative, and in most cases a victorious match in sight of the entire troops. In one of the chapters "Germany", the ancient Roman writer Tacitus wrote about the Berrisks: "As soon as they reached the mature age, they were allowed to grow hair and beard, and only after the murder of the first enemy they could lay them ... Briefs and others walked with loose hair. In addition, the most boldly wore the iron ring, and only the death of the enemy freed them from his wearing. Their task was to prevail every battle; They always formed the front line. " The detachment of the berserkov forced her enemies to tremble. Storming the city as a combat avant-garde, they left the mountains of corpses of defeated enemies. And after the Bersers, a well-armed, protected by the infantry armor, which tried to defeat the defeat. If you believe the literary monuments, the Old Berrils often used the Bersers as personal protection, which once again confirms their military elitism. In one of the sag it says that the Danish king of Khrolf, 12 berserkov went to the bodyguards in the bodyguards.

From dossier. "Berserk is a mechanism exploded by fierce passion, adrenaline, ideological installation, respiratory techniques, sound-insulated vibrations and a mechanical action program. He does not fight for something, but only to win. Berrque does not need to prove that he will survive. He must repeatedly recoup his life. Berserk not only goes to die, he goes to receive violent pleasure from this process. By the way, that is why it most often remains alive. "

"There is an approval in battle ..."

Everything to a single certificate is depicting berserkov as fierce fighters who fought with wild, right to magical passion. So what is the secret of the berserkov rage, as well as their insensitivity to injuries and pain: Was it a consequence of narcotic intoxication, hereditary disease or special psychophysical training?

Currently there are several versions explaining this phenomenon. The first is the obsession "the animal spirit." Ethnographers confirm that something similar has been noted among many nations. At the moments when the "Spirit" seizes by a person, he does not feel any pain nor fatigue. But only this state ends up how obsessed with almost instantly falls asleep, as if turned off. In general, tonight as military practice was widespread in antiquity and Middle Ages. Traces of "transformation into the beast", of course, not literally, and in a ritual and psycho-pephered sense, can be found in modern military vocabulary and heraldic symbolism. The custom is assigned to special forces of predatory animals in order to emphasize their elitism, also originates in the deep past. The ancient Germans imitated the beast, he played the role of a mentor when initiated when a young man, joining the ranks of adult soldiers, demonstrated his fighting skills, dexterity, courage and courage. The victory of a person over the totem animals, considered the ancestor and the patron saint of this tribe, meant the transfer of the warrior of the most valuable animals. It was believed that as a result, the beast was not dying, but the hero was embodied in his heaven. Modern psychology has long revealed mechanisms, through which a person "is gaining" into the image of that creature, whose role he fulfills at the moment. Bersers who levers and worn bear skins, as if actually became bears. Of course, the animal masquerade was not the know-how Normanov.

The famous Munich ethnologist Professor Hans-Joachim Posprot is confident that the cult of the bear has emerged much earlier and was widespread more widely. "Already in the patterns of the Stone Age, for example, in the Cave of Tréra Frene in Southern France, we find images of dancers in bearish skins. And the Swedish and Norwegian laplanders celebrated the annual bear holiday until the past century, "the scientist says. Austrian Germanist Professor Otto Höfler believes that in the animal dressing, a deep meaning was laid. "It was understood as the transformation not only by the audience, but also changing themselves. If the dancer or the warrior fell into a bearish skin, then the strength of the wild animal, of course, in a figurative sense, passed into it. He acted and felt like a bear. The echoes of this cult can be seen today, for example, in the bear hats of the British royal guardsmen who guard the London Tower, "he says. And in the Danish folklore, it is still confidence that anyone who puts on the rail collar can turn into a beam-wasp.

Modern science is known that nervous system A person can produce substances in its composition and the action close to drugs. They affect the "centers of pleasure" of the brain directly. It can be assumed that the Berseries were as if hostages their own rage. They were forced to look for dangerous situations, allowing to join the fight, or even provoke them at all. In one of the Scandinavian sagas speaks of a person who had 12 sons. All of them were the Bersers: "They have become custom, being among their own and feeling the fidelity of rage, go from the ship to the shore and throw there large stones, turn out with the root of the trees, otherwise in their rage they would cripple or killed relatives and friends. " The phrase "there is an ecstasy in battle" acquired literal meaning. Later, Vikings mostly still managed to control such attacks. Sometimes they even entered the state that in the east is called "enlightened consciousness." Mastering these arts became truly phenomenal warriors.

During the attack, Berrisker, as it were, "became" the corresponding beast. At the same time, he discarded a defensive weapon (or did not act with him for purpose: for example, he fused into his colors, shit, shocating the enemy in shock), and in some cases - and offensive; All the Scandinavian Vikings knew how to fight with their hands, but the berserkers were clearly distinguished even at their level.

Miliac strata considered a shameful unarmed battle. At Viking, this postulate acquired the following form: I am ashamed to not be able to fight with weapons, but in the ability to conduct an unarmed battle is nothing shameful. It is curious that as a utility (and sometimes the main one - if he fought without a sword), the Berserker's weapon used stones, picked up from the ground a stick or a bombing in advance.

Partly this is due to the deliberate entry into the image: the beast does not apply to the use of weapons (stone and stick - natural, natural weapon). But it is likely that archaism is also manifested, following the ancient schools of martial arts. The sword in Scandinavia penetrates quite late, and even after widespread distribution, he was not at the expense of the Berrisers who preferred to the cleaner and the secure, with which they applied circular beats from the shoulder, without connecting the brush. The technique is quite primitive, but the degree of mastering it was very high.

In the column of Trajan in Rome, we see the "shock detachment" of such beast warriors (not yet berserkers). They are included in the Roman army and are partly forced to follow customs, but only a few have helmets (and nobody - Panciri), some of them are closed in the animal skin, other - half-fit and squeeze instead of a sword of the Tubin ... it is necessary to think, it did not reduce their combat capability, Otherwise, the Emperor Traian, in whose guard they came in, would have been able to insist on re-equipment.

Usually, Berserki began every fight, one of his appearance hodges horror on enemies. If you believe Sagam, they did not use armor preferring to them with a bear hide. In some cases, the shield is mentioned, the edges of which they in rabies gnaw in front of the fight. The main weapon of the berserkov was the battle ax and the sword they owned perfectly. One of the first reasons for us about invincible warriors left Scald Torbjorn Holklinov, writing at the end of the IX century Sagu on the victory in the battle at Havrsfjord King Harald beautiful, the creator of the Norwegian kingdom. The likelihood is that his description is documented: "Berseries, destroyed in bearish skins, roamed, shocked by swords, bite in rage the edge of their shield and threw up on their enemies. They were obsessed and did not feel pain, even if they were hit by a spear. When the battle was won, the warriors fell without his strength and plunged into deep sleep. " Similar descriptions of the actions of the Berserski in battle can be found in other authors.

For example, in a saga about the ingling: "The men of each way rushed into battle without mail, and tormented, as if mad dogs or wolves. In anticipation of the fight from impatience and rage, bubbles in them, gnawed their shields and hands to the blood. They were stronger, like bears or bulls. They spilled with the animal roar, and neither the fire, nor iron did not harm them ... ". Pay attention, this time is mentioned that they were warriors of Odin - the Supreme Divine of Scandinavians, to which, after death, the souls of the great warriors are sent after death in battle, to sing with the same as they, brave and enjoy the love of heavenly virgins. Apparently, the Berseries were representatives of a special group (caste) of professional warriors who were preparing for battles from childhood, devoting not only in the subtleties of military skills, but also teaching art to enter the battle trance, aggravated all the feelings of the fighter and allowed to manifest the hidden possibilities of the human body. Naturally, in battle to overcome such fighters was extremely difficult. In fear, as they say, the eyes are great, therefore, such lines appeared in the sagas: "One knew how to do so that in the battle of his enemies blind or blahli, or their fear was covered, or their swords were not sharper than sticks."

Traditionally, the Berseries made up an advanced detachment starting the battle. They could not fight for a long time (the battle trance could not last long), breaking the ranks of enemies and laying the basis of the common victory, they left the battlefield of the ordinary soldiers who completed the defeat of the enemy. Apparently, bringing herself to the state of the trance without receiving certain psychotropic drugs, which allowed the Berseries as if to "turn" in powerful and invincible bears. Turnover is known in many nations when a person identified himself with a beast as a result of the disease or adopting special drugs and even copied individual traits of his behavior. In the saga, it is not in vain focus on the invulnerability of the berserkov. In battle, they managed not so consciousness as the subconscious, which allowed the "inclusion" of the person in common in everyday life - an aggravated reaction, extended peripheral vision, insensitivity to pain, and perhaps some psychic abilities. In Berserk battle, literally felt the arrows and spears flying in him, which foresaw, from where the blows of swords and topors will follow, and hence he could beat off the shield from him or to avoid. These were truly universal warriors, but these are only needed for the period of battles.

Normans fought often, and therefore, and reincarnated by the Bersers, it was not rare. Apparently, the fighting was becoming something like a narcotic dependence for them, and perhaps almost so was. Consequently, the peaceful life of the berserki was in principle not adapted, becoming dangerous for society, since they needed dangers and sharp feelings. And if there is no war, you can always provoke a fight or robbing. As soon as those who have resulted in the seizures of foreign lands, Norman began to move to a sedentary calm life, Berseriki turned out to be superfluous. This clearly manifested in sagas, in them from the end of the XI century a berserki from the past heroes turn into robbers and villains who are declared a merciless war. It is curious that it was recommended to kill the berserkov with wooden stakes, since against iron "they are invulnerable." At the beginning of the XII century, there were even special laws aimed at combating berserkers who were expelled or mercilessly destroyed in Scandinavian countries. Some of the former invulnerable warriors could join a new life, it was believed that for this they must be baptized, then faith in Christ would save them from combat madness. The rest, it is possible that they constituted the majority of the former military elite, were forced to run to other lands or were simply interrupted.

Ahunicorgal madness

There were also other attempts to explain the inhuman rage of the berserkov. In 1784, S. Edman, referring to the customs of some Eastern Eastern Breeding tribes, suggested that the Bersers faded themselves with anonymous agony. The peoples of the Far North - Tungus, Lamuts or Kamchadaly - until recently, in the practice of Kamlany (fortunes), a powder made of dried amansor, licking which from the palm, shamans fell into the trance. The behavior of the berserkov in battle really resembles the state of intoxication with muscarin - poison of the Motherland: inquiry, outbreaks of rage, insensitivity to pain and cold, and then incredible fatigue and deep sleep, which wrote that "Vikings fall to land from fatigue, not from RAS" . It is such a picture that the saga of the battle under the Norwegian city of Stavanger in 872 was impassively recorded, when the Berseries had fallen ashore and slept a dead sleep for a shore. The action of muscarine, as well as any other hallucinogen, is based on changing the speed of impulses of nerve endings, which causes a feeling of euphoria. And its excessive dose can lead to a fatal outcome. But here is interested in another: the state caused by the poison from one individual will soon apply to all others. Some historians believe that the Berseries knew about this technique, and therefore the anti-doping was used only leaders of detachments or elected. However, there is no reliable evidence of the "fungal" theory. Separate ethnographers still suggest that the Berseries belonged to certain sacred unions or families in which knowledge about the mysterious properties of plants was transmitted from generation to generation. But in the Vaccoreantaneous Sagah, there are no mention of psychotropic means. Therefore, the discussion on the topic "Berserki and Mumorory" is a waste of time, whatever attractive this version seemed to.

Now about one half-phth property of berserkov - invulnerability. A variety of sources in one voice argue that the Warrior Beast actually could not be fighting in battle. From the breederkov's throwing and shock weapons, a peculiar "madness wisdom" was burned. The defective consciousness included the extreme speed of the reaction, aggravated peripheral vision and probably provided some extrasensory skills. Berserk saw, otherwise he was predicted to any blow, having time to repel him or crowd out from the attack line. Faith in the invulnerability of berserkov survived the heroic age and was reflected in the Scandinavian folklore. Berseries XI and XII centuries. Skillfully took advantage of the image that remains inherited from the ancestors. Yes, and as much as possible and the possibilities refined their image. For example, in every way heated rumors, as if they can comply with any sword. Sagi, with their love for all supernatural, easily absorbed such colorful details.

Doctors also contributed to the raystery of the secrets of frantic warriors their satisfying contribution. "The legendary strength of the Bersers did not have anything in common with spirits, nor with drugs, nor with magic ritualsAnd there was only a disease that was inherited, "said Professor Jessa L. Baik. They are ordinary psychopaths who have lost control over themselves with the slightest attempt to merge. Over time, the Berserki learned how to play a well-rehealed performance, one of the elements of which was biting the shield. It is well known that exhaustion coming after an attack of rage is characteristic of people with mental disabilities. Hysteria Easily cross the face separating pretense against reality, and the learned reception becomes a symptom of real illness. Moreover, psychosis covered by the medieval society often wore an epidemic character: it is enough to remember the dance of St. Witt or the movement of flaglalates. As a bright example, Jessa L. Baika leads unbridled in anger, cruel and greedy viking, and on the part-time of the famous Icelandic poet Egil, who lived in the X century. So, if you believe "Saga about Egil," he possessed all the features of the Berristen, who took his wild temper from the ancestors. And his head was so massive that it was impossible to split it after death. Analysis of the text of the Vidnavannavian literary monument also allowed Bayok to conclude that the Egil's family suffered from Pagtet's syndrome - hereditary disease, in which an uncontrolled increase in bone occurs. Human bones update themselves gradually and usually happens for 8 years. However, the disease increases the pace of destruction and neoplasm bones, that they become much more and ugly than before. The consequences of the pague syndrome on the head, where the bones become thicker are especially noticeable. According to statistics in England today, this submission is subject to 3 to 5 percent of men over 40 years old. Confirm or refute the exotic hypothesis due to historical remoteness is very difficult.

Heroes or villains?

Since childhood, we learned the immutable law of fairy tales and myths: all the characters acting in them are divided into "good" and "bad". Halftones here, with rare exception, does not happen - such is the specificity of the genre. What category can be attributed to bersers?

No matter how strange it sounds, but fierce warriors were most likely for their contemporaries with anti-peers. If in the early sagas the Berserki was depicted as selecting warriors, the bodyguards of the king, then in later tribal legends they are marauders and rapists. In the "circle of the earth", the collection of stories composed by Snorry Sturlson in the XIII century, there are many similar evidence. Most episodes are stereotypically in content and composition. Shortly before the Christmas, some of the huge growth and endowed with an extraordinary force, often accompanied by eleven people, is declared an uninvited guest to the farm with the intention to pick up everything valuable and forced women to cohabit. If the farmer is at home, he is either sick or dismissed and can not resist the villains. But more often it is for a lot of miles from the house, in the distant province of Norway. The head of the aliens - Berserk, ready to prove its right to dispose of a challenge in the duel. Those who wish to fight with a strongman, pushed in such fights (and all its previous opponents are dead), not. But just at this time on the farm, a courageous Icelandan turns out to be, who either takes a challenge, or defeats Likameev cunning. The result is always the same: the Bersers are killed, including those who hoped to escape. When the troubles behind, the owner returns and generously giving the Savior, and he fogs in memory of what has happened - the scalidic poem from eight lines - thanks to which his feat is becoming widely known.

It is quite natural that for such "shares" of the bersers, to put it mildly, disliked. Reliable historical evidence has been preserved that in 1012 Yarl Eic Khakonarson declared berserkov in Norway outside the law, and they apparently began to look for happiness in other parts, including in Iceland. Most likely, the Berriki-Mararians are gangs of homeless people who remained not from the warriors. They were born for battles: superbly owned arms, prepared psychologically, knew how to intimidate the enemy with a growl, aggressive behavior and defend from the chopping blows of dense bearish skin. But when the berserki became not needed, they were minted by the fate of any forgotten army - moral degradation.

The end of the era of the Norman hiking, the Christianization and the formation of early refortel statehood in the Scandinavian lands were in the end to the complete rethinking of the image of the Berrice. Already from the XI century. This word acquires an exceptionally negative shade. With the bersers under the influence of the church, pronounced demonic features are attributed. In "Saga about Watisdol", it is described that in connection with the arrival in Iceland, Bishop Fridrek was announced there by the war "obsessed." Their description is given quite in the traditional spirit: Berseries are creating violence and arbitrariness, the angry does not know the boundaries, they are born and growled, burglaring into the edge of their shield, walk along the hot coals with bare feet and do not even try to control their behavior. According to the advice of the newly arrived clergyman, obsessed with evil spirits were scared with fire, they scored to death with wooden stakes, for it was believed that "iron does not vulne the berserkov," and the bodies were discharged in the ravine without burial. In other texts, it was noted that the frown of Berserk forever lost the ability to reincarnate. Pursued and tightening from all parties, which, in new social conditions, hazardous outcasts and criminals, accustomed to live only by raids and wake, Berseries became a real disaster. They broke into settlements, killed locals, arranged ambushes for travelers. And the right of ancient Scandinavia put bloodthirsty madmen outside the law, taking the duty to each resident to destroy the berserkov. The Law of 1123 published in Iceland said: "The berserk seen in rabies will be concluded for 3 years." Since then, the warriors disappeared in the bear skins, and together with them the gray paternal antiquity was riveted in the summer.

It is unknown to anyone where and when the last berserk died: the story is zealously protects this mystery. About the former fame of violent Vikings today remind perhaps the heroic legends and suede ruunic stones scanned on the slopes of the Scandinavian hills ...

On the Informeal The article turned out to be a little more fully, so you can read particularly interested in there -\u003d24429


Roman Shkurlatov

Let me remind you who are and, as well as how interesting The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

"... Thorolv so rushed that she threw a shield for his back and took a spear with both hands. He rushed forward and chopped and coluola enemies to the right and left. People ran away from him in different directions, but he managed to kill many ..."

("Saga about Egil").

Berseries or berserkers are the rarest and most terrible of warriors, who are afraid of all over the world for their inhuman power, a cruel character and the complete absence of fear. The essence of this phenomenon was in the conditional "reincarnation" of a person in a fierce beast - a bear or a wolf with a human face. Brushless reincarnations were considered the highest form of manifestation of combat rage in many military traditions. These were warriors, seeking in battle not to save their lives, and as expensive it can be sold, picking up more enemies to that light. Berserk is typical for many European peoples.
To judge what the image of the Warrior-beast was, we can first of all by Scandinavian sources, because in Scandinavia such warriors existed until the XIIII centuries. Ber - "Bear" (on the Old Bersi - "Bersi"), and "SERK" can mean "shirt". Most often, this term is also interpreted - "Bear shirt", in the literal translation from the Old Berrick "Berserk" means "one who is in the skin of the bear." However, this is not enough, the Totem of the Berserkov was a wolf, and they did not have any attitude towards the bear, sometimes they were also called "Ulfheadner", that is, the volkler. Probably, these were different hypostasis of the same phenomenon: many of those who are called the Bersers, wore a nickname "Wolf" (Ulf), "Wolf Skura", "Wolf Pave", etc. However, the name "Bear" (Bjorn) is not less common. With a shirt, too, not everything is in order, because among the peculiarities of the Berserka - its illustratively naked torso, usually swatched semi-digit - dressed in the belt, or in bearish or wolf skin. The Berseriki's body was decorated with a red or black tattoo, which had a magic meaning. There is another interpretation of the roots of the words "berserk". The ancient German "Berserka" can be translated in different ways, "BERR" translated from the ancient Zhenizhnenecsky means ... "naked"! Thus, no "bears", "shirts", do not have a relationship to Berrut. This concept is literally translated - naked shirt. " In "Saga about Tomsk Vityazes", the root of the "Serucker" is used, which comes from the concept of "secreir". From here, the name is not quite correct - "Berrisker". In Russian tradition, the option "Berserk" is often used. The form "Berserk" arose as borrowing from English; English Berserk means "frantic, fierce".
The only, documented data on their existence is poetic images that have survived in the Scandinavian sagas about invincible warriors, which, beaten by combat rage, with one sword or an ax broke out into the ranks of enemies, crushing everything in their path. Modern scientists do not doubt their reality, but much of the history of berserkov and today remains unsolved secret.

In written sources of Berriki, for the first time mentioned by Scald Torbjar Hoploplov, in a song about the victory of King Harald Beautiful, in the battle of Hafsfjord, which occurred allegedly in 872 ,. The likelihood is that his description is documented: more than a thousand years ago, Harald beautiful founded the Kingdom of Norway, it was far from a peaceful enterprise, since noble childbirth did not want to lose their lands. He took him an army. On the front combat order, he chose particularly strong, decisive and young men, those most Bersers. Those devoted their life to the same, God of war, and in the decisive battle of Boksfjord, dressed in bearish skins stood on the nose of the ship, " Berseries, destroyed in bearish skins, shoved, shocked by swords, bite in rage the edge of their shield and rushed to their enemies. They were obsessed and did not feel pain, even if they were hit by a spear. When the battle was won, the warriors fell without his strength and plunged into deep sleep" Similar descriptions of the actions of the Berserski in battle can be found in other authors. For example, in a saga about the ingling of the famous Icelandic poet of Snorry Sturlusson: " The guys of everyone rushed into battle without mail, and tormented, as if frantic dogs or wolves. In anticipation of the fight from impatience and rage, bubbles in them, gnawed their shields and hands to the blood. They were stronger, like bears or bulls. They spilled with the animal roar, and neither fire nor iron caused them harm and, like mad animals, they had a foam from their mouth ..." Berserki was in the state of a combat trance, they fell into an uncontrolled rage (Amok) which the Vikings was called a martial spirit, and demonstrated a complete disregard for death. Berserk could take a spear from the wound and throw him into the enemy. Or continue to fight with a severed limb - without hand or legs. Probably, this should look for an analogy with an invulnerability of a weapon, which could not be killed by conventional weapons, but only a silver bullet or an aspen cooke. From a physiological point of view, this can be explained by emissions to blood excess adrenaline. Then a person can tolerate pain for a long time and not feel fatigue.

During the attack of Berserk, as it were, "becoming" the corresponding beast. At the same time, he discarded defensive weapons, and in some cases - and offensive; All Scandinavian Vikings knew how to fight with bare hands, but the Berseries were clearly allocated even at their level. Miliac strata considered a shameful unarmed battle. At Viking, this postulate acquired the following form: I am ashamed to not be able to fight with weapons, but in the ability to conduct an unarmed battle is nothing shameful. It is curious that as a utility (and sometimes the main one - if he fought without a sword), the Berserker's weapon used stones, picked up from the ground a stick or a bombing in advance. Partly this is due to the deliberate entry into the image: the beast does not apply to the use of weapons (stone and stick - natural, natural weapon). But it is likely that archaism is also manifested, following the ancient schools of martial arts. The sword in Scandinavia penetrates pretty late, and even after widespread distribution, he was not at the expense of the berserkov, who preferred to the cleaner and the secure, with which they applied circular beats from the shoulder, without connecting the brush. The technique is quite primitive, but the degree of mastering it was very high. In 31 chapter "Germany", the Roman writer Tacitus writes: as soon as they achieved mature age, they were allowed to grow hair and beard, and only after the murder of the first enemy they could lay them ... Briefs and others went with the loose hair, moreover, they wore Iron Ring, and only the death of the enemy dismissed them from his wearing. Their task was to prevail every battle; They always formed the front line. Tacitus mentions a special Cast of Warriors, which he calls "Harier" and who carry all the signs of the berserkov (800 years before the battle for Hifsfjord): " ... They are stubborn warriors. It is characterized by natural wildness. Black shields, painted bodies, choose dark nights for battle and make fear in opponents. No one stands before unusual and as if their hell"." Harier "means" warrior "and one ranked among them" Herjan "," Mr. Warriors ". None of them had their own home or field, some kind of care. They came to anyone, they were treated, they used their own They were careless in their affairs, and only the weakness of old age made them unsuitable for military life. They considered a shame to die in their own beds from strokes and at close death they lay down a spear. At the Celts, for example, the tribe of seklans, which in East Slavic tradition could sound As "Berserki-Vyatichi", plunged into the panic horror of the ancient Romans by the view of the wild rage of their naked warriors. It was in 385 BC, when the Celts took Rome. It is likely that the old songs were somewhat embellished. Nevertheless, It is striking that all the descriptions depict the fierce warriors who fought wild, straight a magical passion.
In the literature, Berseriki often appear in pairs, repeatedly twelve them immediately. They were considered the personal guard of the Old Kovannavian Korong. This indicates the elite character of this caste of warriors. The immutable loyalty to his lord is found in several places of old sag. In one of the Saga, the King Danes Hrsrolf was 12 berserkov, who were his personal guard: "Bödvar, Byrki, Hyalty, Hochhemut, Zwitsserk, Kün, Watr, Werew, Baigud and Svyppag Brothers".

The origin of the Bersers leads from the mysterious men's unions of the Warriors and animals, which existed in many nations of the world. Preparation of berserkov passed on all in peculiar pagan monasteries. The future beasts of the warriors gave Villas of celibacy and completely devoted themselves to God Odin - their Heavenly Patron. It was the word one (or wotan) meant "mad, merciless, angry." This god of Wolve warriors did not accidentally depose in the wolf mask, nursing two sacred wolves on the throne under the tree of the world. Some ethnographers suggest that the Bersers belonged to certain secret unions or families in which the knowledge of mysterious forces or "plants of force" was transmitted from generation to generation. Others believe that there were unions of the berserkov "Men's unions", and that the manifestation of Berril's rage was a test for the courage, which was required to every young man when joining an adult union. Many primitive peoples could observe such rituals with dances in masks and ecstatic states. Inexplicable, however, in this theory there remains that in any of the Scandinavian sources there is nothing like that. After adoption in the Scandinavia of Christianity, old pagan customs were forbidden, in particular, fighters in animal skins. Published in Iceland Law 1123 says: " amended in berserka rabies will be concluded 3 years links" Since then, warriors disappeared without a trace.

And what is known about Russian Berseries? Berserk - the word is not Slavic. Our ancestors have their own sound of this word - fighting. There is another curious term - "Rykar", that is, the screaming warrior. And they say, the knight - the concept for us is unconventional, as if coming from the German "Reuters" - "Rider". Interestingly, what phonetically closer to the modern Russian word "knight" is a German "Rector", English "Knight", French "Chevalier" or the ancient Russian "Rykar"? I think the answer is obvious. East Slavic Rus has always cope with the small professional military contingent. A squad, consisting of the youngest (subsequently formed the social layer - "Children of Boyar") and the eldest, even in the great principles of Russia, rarely reached a number of up to 2,000 people. Let me remind you that on her shoulders there was not only the confidence in the pure field, but also the defense of strategically important objects, the throne, the collection of a tribute to the treasury, the formation of rati in the subject territories, etc. Of course, the individual qualities of each played a special role in such a troops . With a sudden raid, you won't collect - you need time. In addition, the root arsenal is also under the castle of the prince, and therefore, the peasants for arrivals are armed than having fallen and no armor do not have. Organization of troops - the case is complex. People collect little, of which you need to form combat troops. And where to do it when becoming the throne is already charged with everywhere by nomad. But then the decisive word was at a single suicide, capable of neutralizing the enemy for some time.

Eh, as not sweet to recognize our "independent" historians, that East Slavic Rus had their own berserki. And acknowledge something you have to go, where are the sources, the thing is stubborn. Byzantine writer Lev Diakon wrote about RUSSA, which with huge shields before going to the attack, roamed, shouting something incomprehensible. Historian Klyuchevsky wrote: Demyan Kudenhevich traveled to the Polovetskaya army "Without a helmet and shell", the Holothel Holy Holy Holy Waves of the Great: " Olbeg Ratiborich, admire their own and nip the arrow, and hit the manure of the result in the heart, and his friend is all the beer ..." No less eloquently says Nikonovsky chronicle about Ragdae: " And walked this husband to three hundred warriors" What is it, HeroPlonance? Where there! The chronicler grows from the "Bloom resistance" of bloody disassembly. Barbaric precresses are not at all his path. This is the real essence. Remember Evpathy Kolovrat. He libeled Ryazankna from Tatars for half a year, in the midst of the invasion. And the latter of Evpathy did not pass his fight. Tatars were never able to take his warriors in hand-to-hand. They were just thickened by stones from throwing guns. Despair gesture and at the same time resourcefulness of Batya. This beast was so amazed seen that won, ordered to dig alive and let them go free, and the dead to bury with the honors. In the "Tale of the Battle of Ryazan", belonging to Peru of the medieval writer Eustafia from Zagaisk, it says that for each of these soldiers "The Regiment of Desperate" accounted for up to a thousand Tatar-Mongols. Restat the genuine picture of the events of those days. In the autumn of 1237, Evpathy Kolovrat had to stay in Chernigov. Tatar-Mongols have already trampled Ryazanchina. Evpathy returned in December on the ash region. Instead of Ryazan - charred heads. He did not look for himself business, gathered 1,700 people who are ready to tear the enemy with his teeth. There was no time to prepare for battles. But it was impossible to call him newcomers in combat art. "The Regiment of Desperate" chased behind the departing hordes. " And they began to bring without grace, and all the shelves of Tatar was mixed. It was molded by the Tatars that they rebelled the dead ..."- so the chronicler says. There was no policy of Eurasia in Russia, and Kolovrat did what he had to do. The frightened battered allocated the best shelves under the command of his shrin. The Great Singer took place on the Suzdal Earth. The battlements themselves started. They came together before frozen shelves. Spears broke on "Kbiva", but neither horses nor riders trembled. Went into the course of the saber. And then Kolovrat destroyed the hosted "Outol", to the saddle. Fucking the Ordans, ran. But the success of the Russians was temporary. Baty surrounded the "desperate". They beat off all attacks, and then Bate ordered to shoot them out of the kamnets. The fighters pounded stones. Alive is only five. Baty ordered to dig the body of Kovovrat. Known by the words of Batya above the Dead Berrich: " If such served me, I would hold it near the heart!"The Bat's Bat's body gave five surviving Ryazans and demanded that Vityaz was buried with proper honors,. He let them go, who did not do before the enemies before. The number of Tatar troops is officially not indicated and it is assumed that they were up to half a million. But the fact itself remains a fact. It is reliably known what the event was. It is clear only one thing that a simple person could not do this, whatever rage he possessed, there is a limit of human forces (physical).

And what, actually, is "Kolovrat"? Koklet, that is, "rotating in a circle." This is a hiking berserka. The space, as is well known, is organized by the principle of the circle. Motor Amenity Zone for ordinary person - These are the polradius of the circle in front of him. To build a movement in other directions, a person involves more complex and even structurally dangerous evolutions of the musculoskeletal system. For example, with an incorrectly organized movement behind the back, the men's knee joints are often "scattered", vertebral discs, etc. are often "scattered". This is mainly happening for two reasons. Firstly, a person evolves in front-point target, and, secondly, it also does not have a special motor skill when building an atypical action. That is, not only that this method of movement is not constantly justified, it is also not mastered. Human body It has a lot of safety, but it is necessary to exploit it, of course, meaningfully. For Berserka, in this case, the concept of the back does not exist. Otherwise, he could not fight in the thick of the fight, surrounded by the opponent from all sides. Pol radiation action "Definitions" is the usual, crashing man. For him, as not refund, the idea of \u200b\u200ban easier reflection of the attacks from behind the back and the usual melt is bite. The movement of the Berserka is built in such a way that he glides all the time by impact, shifting the blow and shifting himself. As a result, no punch goes into penetrating defeat. Reflexes Berrice react not to the blow in general, but on its individual phases! This is a very important circumstance. For example, if you are cut by a sword from year to year, you begin to first suppress the panic fear caused by the instinct of self-preservation, and then notice that there are some regularities in the actions of the enemy. And so; If you learn how to use them, it becomes not terrible at all. The body itself carries a giant action potential. Of course, motor abilities, like the abilities in general, each person is developed in different ways.

Berserk is a mechanism exploded by fierce passion, adrenaline, ideological installation, respiratory techniques, sound-insulated vibrations and a mechanical action program. Berrque does not have to prove that he will survive. He must repeatedly recoup his life. Berserk not only goes to die, he goes to receive violent pleasure from this process. By the way, that is why it most often remains alive. Fanatik Lee Berserk? Yes. But only not a religious, killing himself "for the sake of Allah." No one has proven that Allah is in general. God exists until there is faith in it. Berserk does not commit a spiritual feat. For him, the highest app of spiritual forces - the norm of behavior. How to shave for you. He is over dozens of times death and rebirth, and the fanatic is only one day. But it is precisely in this that one of the amazing manifestations of barbaric superhighuity. Ready to agree that the Bersers are an exceptional phenomenon. But isn't the deformation of the personality of Varvara, in the mass of his taught Christian doctrine, makes such phenomena exceptional? Berserk is a need, it is an imprint of the struggle of North European peoples for survival. If the East is able to put up "under guns" dozens, thousands of people, the barbaric squads of Europe have numbered only hundreds of warriors. Hence the military start in barbarism - always the problem of personality. What the East never knew, absolutely devaluating the very concept of human life. " There are 9 hundred square meters from the dies, and Russia has a ninety copy. We hope for strength, repay Pondosha, and our anti-nicknames ... and removed the wallpaper, and the singer of evil, and the Polovts of the Spirit, and our perishes, o'am secure ..."That's all the tale. The essence of the barbaric in the same time, so that never under no circumstances will be ourselves. Then the enemy will run. Since he will not have a choice.
What can make us doubt in the chronicle? Ability. The ability to make a similar one. Ability at all. The fact that the Lord God is so unevenly divided between people. Surprisingly, no one questioned the composer's gift, which explodes the silence of the world of storm sounds of bearing passions. Or the gift of the sculp, the ricking stone to admire us the impossibility of living in the dead. And what about the art of the fight? Or is it not art at all, but only the routine of mutual members? Not at all! It would be wrong to think that Berserk is just a psychopath with a weapon in his hands. Freedom is a dear thing. Freedom and asks full. Berseries are not by chance a privileged part of the military estate. A complex mechanism of military work allocates them at all is not a spontaneous richness and sacrificial madness on the ristar, but a completely defined role. It is she who makes berserkov elite. Berserk opens a fight! It is specially created in order to conduct an indicative duel in sight of the entire troops.
Another curious moment is a berseriki, introducing itself to an insane condition, freeing from the clothes, simply pumped up her. Such behavior in the language of the zekov now means: "ready for killing." So that's why in the Russian fight the head is losing. This fight is called "Hunting" and symbolized by the wolves tearing with each other. For the first time, they are found in the ritual Cup Riton from the Kurgan X century, called "Black Grave". The head is lost because a complex physiological mechanism is activated, changing the course of nervous reactions of the body. In this state, Berserka significantly increases the speed of motor reflexes. The movements of his poushers and are easy, the activities of peripheral receptors will slow down, why Berserk does not experience, for example, pain, if at this moment it is hurt. The detail may be secondary, but on mystified ancient mind imposed its special imprint. For example, laughing with an arrow in the back and at the same time not experiencing pain hardly does not cause superstitious fear of the enemy. And the wild power of the Berristen, who can break the opponent with his hands in these minutes? Here coming from the chronicle "Destroying on the floors", that is, in half. Let me remind you that your enemy in a ritual afternoon - Hordean Hordean Hostavrulah - Evpathy Kolovrat ruled to the saddle.
Modern science knows that the nervous system of man is including those partitions that are amenable to conscious control - can produce substances in its composition and the action of close to drugs. They affect the "centers of pleasure" of the brain directly. If these substances are allocated when a person falls into a certain state of consciousness, then in this state it is experiencing a complete analogue of "kayfa", and when leaving it begins "breaking".

"Professional" Berseries became like hostages of their own rage. They were forced to look for dangerous situations, allowing to join the fight, or even provoke them. From here - Bercerca asociality, causing alertness, even those who admired their courage and combat capability. And from here - this is the most combat capability that manifests itself in the "opening of the gateways". Later the berserika mostly still managed to control such attacks. Sometimes they even entered the state that in the east is called "enlightened consciousness" (although they usually not through the extension, not through meditation, but through combat rage; such a way is sometimes fraught with the fact that the "beast" will take the top over man) . This made them phenomenal warriors. Different sources in one voice claim that the Warrior - the Beast actually could not be fighting in battle. True, the details of this invulnerability are described in different ways. Berrika allegedly could not be killed, nor hurt by martial weapons (what followed that there was not a combat against him against him: a wooden club, a hammer with a stone, probably, etc.); Sometimes he was invulnerable only against throwing weapons (arrows and dart); In some cases, it was clarified that during the skillful possession of weapons, it can still be injured, and even deadly, but he will die only after the fight, and before the wound will not notice. From throwing (and from the shock), the berserkov weapons burned a kind of "madness wisdom." The defective consciousness included the extreme speed of the reaction, aggravated the peripheral vision and probably provided some extrasensory skills. Berserk saw (and even predicted) any blow and managed to repel him or bounce. Beserrs helped to beat dangerous strikes, but if the blow turned out to be missed, it allowed "not to notice" it. It is difficult to believe, but many independent sources report: Viking to some extent maintained combat capability even after the monstrous wounds, from which a modern person would instantly lose consciousness. With a cut-off leg or hand, crocated with breasts, punched belly, he continued to fight for a while - and he could grab his killer in Valgall. And yet the descriptions of cases have been preserved when Berrik did not simply avoid the wound, and not even just endured her, but having received a blow, it remained to be unharmed! Also exaggeration? Maybe ... But it looks very similar to the eastern "iron shirt method", in which hardening bones and muscles, and most importantly - the ability to concentrate internal energy, in certain cases they make the body difficult to blame even for the blade. But the Viking blades are not the east: no matter how northern warriors admired them, this admiration comes from a lack of material for comparisons. At least, in the time of Bersers, hardening the blade was only superficial and it was far from the severity of the samurai katana. In addition, even the "energy" did not always save the Berrik. Sometimes missed by the sword really did not cut the body, but struck such a serious bruise that it could provide the Final Fight. After all, the opponents of the Bersers were under them to become. Yes, and not every Berserk knew how to competently enjoy internal energy. Sometimes they spent it too extensively - and then after the battle, the warrior fell into the state of "Berserk's powerlessness", not explaining only physical fatigue. The attacks of this powerlessness were so heavy that the Warrior beast could sometimes die after the battle, not even being injured in it!

There were also other attempts to explain the "berserka rage", where the source of such power is not transcendental forces. The state of intoxication, the attacks of rabies, hallucinations and subsequent fatigue could be caused by the chemical substances, namely Muskarin, the Emanitory poison. Today we know that people in the poisoning of the Municipality wildly beating around themselves, they are excited, they are visited by delusional thoughts. In surrounding and doctors, they see the fairy creatures, gods, spirits. Toxic effect stops after 20 hours, and then people, immersed in a deep dream, from which they in most cases wake up only after 30 hours. Researchers know why people after consuming agaroves become such: chemical processes arise due to hallucinogenicities similar to LSD, muscarine - one of them, changes the speed of pulses of nerve endings, causes a feeling of euphoria. But maybe the opposite effect, due to its large number, Bad Trip (literally "bad journey"), which can end with death. However, the advancing changes caused by this substance that occurs initially only one person, and then apply to all. On any techno party, you can observe a similar effect. The behavior of a person adopted hallucinogen, rhythmic music, monotonous cotton, feeding lead to the same condition and others. This "synchronization" is carried out by the activation of the neurotranslate characteristic body, the action of which is similar to the actions of drugs. Thus, the dynamics arises, which can be called "collective ecstasy". It is assumed that the Berseries knew this and only a few leaders "encouraged themselves doping" from the mumor. It is definite that they knew what action he had per person. Ghettingen Professor Psychiatry Hanskarl Loiner: " Amanita plays from the initial times an exceptional role of mythological agent in subarctic and arctic spaces. It was used here by the tribes here for ecstatic practices."However, still there is no accurate evidence of such the theory. In any sources there are no sources about such a raising forces. But it does not prevent some historians. They believe: it is precisely because only the northern warriors knew the action of the mumor, they hiding this knowledge, storing Freight and invulnerability of the gods. "But is it so?
Doctors also contributed to the rest of the Bersers: " The legendary strength of the Berserkov has nothing to do with the spirits or drugs, nor with magical rituals, but was inheritance transmitted", Professor Jessa L. Bajok thinks. Icelandic poet Egil was quick-tempered, angry, invincible as his father and grandfather. stubborn character, and his head was so massive that after the death of Egil was impossible to split it with an ax. So written in Saga About Egil. Descriptions There Letimwoads allowed by Baika to know the fact that the family of Egil suffered from a pagete syndrome, a hereditary disease, in which an uncontrolled increase in bone occurs. Professor Baik: " Human bones update themselves gradually and usually the bone structure is updated over 8 years. However, the disease increases the pace of destruction and neoplasms so much that too much, ugly changes the structure of the bone, and they become much larger than before". The consequences of the pague on the head syndrome are especially noticeable, its bones become thicker. In England, from 3 to 5% of men over 40 years of age are susceptible to this disease. But is it possible to attach the myth around the berserkov only inheritance diseases?
Bureerkov's row entered the saying. People's speech took a repeated testimony of the "bustling of the top of the shield." Animals scala teeth before attacking. We also "show someone's teeth" if we want to make something similar. The skilled fighters pursued the goal "to work out", but we also know about their bear skins. And it gives a reason for all sorts of sense. Have they been semi-short young warriors to prove their courage, went into battle with unprotected body? Does we talk about sacred male unions dedicated to God's dead, and how did the warriors served to him? Were they just crazy, who beat the fanatics to death? Have they owned supernatural forces that defended from injuries? Or was it a narcotic effect? Are they suffering from hereditary diseases?
So who are they BERERKI?

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