Extrasensoric training. Extrasensoric training and clairvoyance training extrasensory abilities

Extrasensoric training. Extrasensoric training and clairvoyance training extrasensory abilities

Before the student for the training of psychic, I check it not adequate and on passing in my hands.

Extrasensoric training: test for sensitivity in hand

Stop your hands in front of you. Palms look at each other. Imagine how the ball is going between the palms. Important form. It is not necessary to see galls. Put the ball! Are there any sensations?

Only one single moment is important: that hands feel new feelings from the ball. It is necessary that the man felt, distinguished the feeling from the ball of energy from the feeling in his hands in the usual condition. Nothing more needs in this. So far, all sensations of the student will be subjective.

Extrasensoric training: Start of study

It will be necessary to train every day at least 15 minutes, but no more than an hour. Otherwise there will be overload, and this is only harm to health and development. All the techniques will need to make hands so that the student himself checked, whether it makes the technique or not.

This is the big problem of all esoteric techniques. Nobody checks anything for some reason, but it expects that he develops his spirituality. It's just funny. It can not be believed to believe in the word, everything must be checked and each technique, every skill to take control.

First, the feeling of all from the energy can be different. Who has tingling in his hands, who has a chill, who has warm or density. Only with time the skills become objective and similar. Therefore, you need to train.

Extrasense Training: Safety Safety

In the training of psychic, it is necessary to allocate security techniques. Because the more effective technique, the greater the result, with proper execution, with incorrect it will be more harm.

It is for this reason that an experienced person should teach, who, in case of an error, the student can find the cause and eliminate.

My student comes in my studies once and shows Vienna. To the fourth lesson, they swept off voltage. This is an indication that the load is serious when working with energy. What looks like a vein in a rumble when Vienna comes very close to the skin and looks sophisticated. But my student was not thin and serious physical exertion.

I immediately understood that there were loads and once again he clarified all the techniques do it. Immediately I got to the point. He did one technique. Calculated it is not important for its development.

After our meeting, he began to do it every day. In the first three days, Vienna got up in place only during training, then they went under the skin again. By the end of the first week, the student restored the vessels.

This is an example warning to those who want to deal with serious affairs are not deliberately and without an experienced person nearby.

Extrasensoric training: help others?

Often, as soon as a person begins to take care of psychic, rushes to escape and help everyone. This can not be done.

First, the student has not yet mastered the student and does not have a holistic picture.

Initially, it is necessary to work with you. Master on yourself and receive feedback. It is important to accumulate a lot of confirmations that psychic training is a useful thing. Our brain is clogged with logic and often refuses to believe even obvious facts. It is for this reason that it is necessary to get used to their new abilities gradually.

ExtrasenSorika is the ability to feel different energies, enter into contact and read the necessary information without the use of vision, hearing, touch, and other ordinary feelings. We are convinced that the training of psychic is available at any age, because in every person a huge spiritual and energy potential is hidden.

How the extrasensory abilities are manifested

Psychic is a person who can feel what has already happened or will happen soon. People who have passed extrasensoric training can tell the past, predict the future and even . In other words, psychics are considered to be people whose perceive abilities - vision, intuition, touch and rumor go beyond the usual.

Some people get these amazing abilities in the form of a gift of nature or inherited. The same who wants to develop ultra-sensitivity and awareness, an extrasensoric training is available. Depending on which of the channels it becomes basic to perceive the "fine" information, all extrasens can be divided into groups:

  • Clairvoyant - have the ability to see hidden events or objects that pop up in their consciousness in the form of clear or blurred paintings.
  • Empaths - people who have passed the training of psychic, who begin to feel the emotions and experiences of other people.
  • Telepaths are those who are able to catch states and even the thoughts of others. Such psychics can interact with people without the use of sensual channels.
  • Predickers are people who have precognitive clairvoyance, i.e. capable of receiving knowledge about future events.

The development of special abilities is a serious way of development, work on your own level of consciousness and, of course, training is psychic from professionals in this area. If you feel an irresistible craving for similar skills, we invite you to classes of clairvoyance, courses and other training programs in our esoteric center.

Development of clairvoyance

Develop special abilities to some people succeeded as a result of injury or strong stressful situations. However, if you have never had innate skills and similar circumstances, you can go through efficient psychic training.

Turning to our esoteric center, you can take classes of clairvoyance from professionals and get the following skills:

  • high-quality and efficient energy recovery, skill working with aura and chakras;
  • bringing in order of mental and physical health as the result of the training of psychic;
  • ability to clean the surrounding space from heavy energies;
  • understanding how to properly build relationships with people in order not to lose personal energy.

Remember that the training of psychic is painstaking work and a constant desire to increase its level of consciousness. After all, to become suspicious to the fact that hidden from ordinary personFirst of all you will need a hard work on yourself.

Our esoteric center invites classes of clairvoyance, seminars of software, healing and other special abilities of everyone who is ready to stand on the path of conscious life.

Love Cand.

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Psychics are not born, but become. Even if you were born with the gift of the sixth sense, it does not mean that you will not need work on yourself. There are a number of useful exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities.

The ability of foresight is a consequence of a number of very important conditions. Several factors affect your ability to guess the future: the correct state of the soul and body (therefore, meditation, yoga and breathing) are so important), a customized energy and developed brain. On the basis of this, it is possible to distinguish 5 exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities. To find out how strong you are at the current time, use our article about five ways to find out if you can see the future. This will help you draw conclusions about what you know, and what to make the main emphasis in training.

Useful exercises for beginner psychics

Exercise first: development of intuition. Psychic abilities directly depend on intelligence. Many scientists believe that the ancient people who were our first ancestors had an incredibly strong brain. He worked not as with us, but almost 90% of common opportunities. This allowed people to communicate contactless, at the level of thoughts. Scientific research suggests that intuition and balance-vu is a kind of ancestral legacy that sooner or later can manifest itself from each person.

The more active the brain works, the greater the likelihood that you can see the future. Disclosure of extrasensory abilities will help develop and logic, and abstract thinking. To do this, you need to read more and engage in accurate sciences. Effective classes will attempt to predict what awaits you in the near future. Record your thoughts and expectations to check them and compare them with reality. The more often you have the effect of the Deja-Vu, and the more often the coincidences will appear, the better. Deja-vu is when it seems to you that you experienced the current life situation in the past.

Exercise Second: Learn to feel your aura. The fact is that a person is surrounded by an energy field. To predict the future or guess the mood of people without words, learn how to understand your energy. Almost every person ever experienced such a feeling when an unpleasant negative comes from someone. Here you are sitting next to a man who is bad in the soul, and he is nervous. You start feeling negative and also infect bad moodSince your biofield is reconfigured and synchronized with its biofield.

The exercise is to learn how to feel the boundaries of your field and, inlet, someone, feel changes. Divide your arms to the side at the maximum distance. This is the approximate borders of your biofield. Pulling hands ahead in front of them, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the interlocutor sits in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the wave of a person by catching its energy waves.

Exercise Third: Meditation.Since we have lost their extrasensory abilities, data from nature at dawn of civilization, the concentration is now very important. The smaller the vigor thoughts in our head, the easier it is to find answers to questions about the future or what you want to see.

One way or another, but you need to relax as much as possible. To do this, you can meditate. If you want to clear the mind at home or just take off when no one distracts you, let's go comfortably or even take a stay. Then everything is very simple - you need to imagine yourself in a special place where there are no people. The best options are: Space, the vertex of the snowy mountain, just a darkness or cloud on which you are sitting. The main thing is breathing. Breathe deep and as much as possible. Clean your mind from everything to feel the energy of the surrounding world, which permeates you from the legs to the head. Try at home, and then you can do it anywhere.

Exercise fourth: they say that prophetic dreams - This is not the miscinous witch, but also the natural gift given to us in order to see the future. Famous stories about prophetic dreams - good things example. It's really one of best ways Predictions, since the brain at this time is deprived of thoughts about work and matters, so it can be extremely effectively interact with bioflays.

As for the methodology for the development of this direction of psychic, try to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts before bedtime and think about what you can see. If these are betraying questions, then think about your loved one. If this is an exam, imagine that you are already in the process of delivery. It will help to see a prophetic dream, but at the beginning should not give such interpretation everything you will see. Watch for yourself, and if there are results, then you are on the right track. Conscious dreams can also reveal the unknown faces of your potential. A significant contribution to this direction was made by the ideas of Stephen Laberzha, who can come in handy and to you.

Fifth exercise:despite all scientific arguments, scientists have no explanation to how some witches or seams can see the future. It is said that reflective surfaces help see what is hidden from our eyes. In this regard, the best assistant will be a mirror that, according to experts, is the border between the worlds. The future it shows only the chosen. Find out, you are elected for this or not, special classes will help.

To verify its strength and its presence, as such, you will need two mirrors, which will create an endless tunnel. Put them around yourself to try to see in endless mirror reflections what you want. Do it in complete silence, calm and darkness. But be careful because with a not enough biopol.

Finally, I would like to say that scientists spend a clear parallel between the color of the eyes and extrasensory abilities. Previously, we have written off what kind of eye color most clearly reflects the person's predisposition to the sixth sense. Good luck to you in learning, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The training of shamans in Polynesia could be formal or informal, depending on the region. In ancient times in New Zealand, the people of Maori wishes to learn the art of Shaman in Wahar Wananga - a kind of "School of Mediums", where training was conducted under strict control and where all sorts of exams surrendered.

The Hawaiian tradition was focused on education in the family, when candidates were accepted or adopted by the Shaman's family, and training took place in an informal atmosphere ...

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2 Error - assume that you can wonder and read information on clearing all in a row. This is not true. Some people are closed to clairvoyance, and some people and situations are generally contraindicated, for the sake of their own good ...

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In each person, his ability will dorm, with the help of which he can acquire knowledge about the higher worlds, but not everyone develops his abilities, a person is free to choose - to use his gifts from birth, to choose from them partially what he liked or not to develop at all live like a body

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Many people who want to study esoteric and magic, and even some who have already begun to do it seek competent in spiritual experience people who are interrogated with questions about where they find teachers who will teach them everything (it is more correct to say something mysterious and supercussion).

Psychics are "ordinary" people in whom, as a result of spiritual and energy practices, wonderful or unusual cases, and for other reasons opened, increased sensitivity to the world, a special understanding and unique perception of life. As a result, our "three-dimensional" world, which eyes "see everything" and consider it to be "normal", for psychics - became only part of real lifewhich expanded significantly and supplemented with new knowledge, energies, measurements ...

Practically before each person who decided to stand on the path of spiritual development and perfection are the same questions: what is the way to choose which practices, what kind of teachings are true and which are not, how not to get into the mystical circulation of mistakes and delusions, how to disregard your karma and fate and how to effectively help yourself and other solve various tasks that we have life.

All these questions are quite natural and proceed from common sense any person.

Spiritual and esoteric ways ...

The development of the gift of clairvoyance requires many effort and knowledge. A person must learn to manage his energy, contact his inner voice, look at the world with an irrational look, and sensual perception.

For development Such a gift is needed a permanent practice. What types of practices to study and try can be understood independently, relying on the sensation.

What is esoteric and parapsychology?

IN modern world People increasingly began to face such concepts as esoteric and parapsychology.

Therefore, it is important to know the exact definition of these two words, because they are closely connected with the self-knowledge and development of the spiritual state:

  1. Parapsychology - This is a science that is trying to explain the supernatural events taking place with man or near him.

    In parapsychology, the main task is to create conditions in which a person will be able to reveal all its internal forces, talents, combining them with external factors.

  2. Esoterics Helps to know the entire mystical component of a person's life. The main task to change the rational perception of a person who concerns material existence.

    In esoteric, it is important to be able to go beyond the generally accepted, established by mind and society.

Esoteric and parapsychology combines one. Both "sciences" are aimed at the development of super-powerful people who are hidden in the subconscious world of each person.

Lessons for Extrasensoric Learning and Energy Working

Psychic and energy work can be learned. There are special schools, groups. It is important to find a good mentor and a suitable system of lessons.

SAME Popular in our country are subsidiary lessons. Usually, the standard set of lessons is designed according to a specific program.

Clairvoyance lessons for beginners:

  • Constantly Conduct meditations that will help concentrate energy to the desired result.
  • Start Usually with qigong. This will help increase sensitivity to the desired level.
  • Learn Listen and hear an inner voice, which is differently called intuition.
  • Further It is learned to rely on intuition, it is entirely to trust her. So that the effect does not disappear constantly use the internal voice prompts.

Extrasensoric training can not happen quickly if the person himself is not configured to the result. All sorts of meditations and practices can help this.

Note! It is important to be able to perceive others, without opposing them. If this block is not, then the lessons on psychic will help to become an extrasens.

If the result is not observed in the learning process, it is better to change the mentor or the program of the lessons themselves. Energy incompatibility often blocks human abilities.

How to learn clairvoyance

Many wonder: How did Vanga become clairvoyant? What led to such deep self-knowledge? Clairing training can be carried out by studying certain practices.

Most Significant results can be achieved thanks to the methods of yogis.

Practice is developed individually, as the rate of mastering its minds every person has its own.

The most efficient and simple practice was developed by Himalayan yoga. It consists in enhancing vision without contemplation. Practice requires maximum concentration.

How to master the skills of clairvoyance with this practice step by step:

  1. Need to take A comfortable position is sitting and as long as possible in it without movement. Only breathing remains the only move in space.
  2. In relaxed I need to carefully peer into the darkness of the eyelids, closed eyes. Over time, hypnographic images and paintings will appear.
  3. Pictures Will be changed outlines, shapes, shades. The main task is to track these changes and fix for yourself.
  4. After expiration Some time this state will lead to hypnotic sleep. You can change the state by showing physical activity.
  5. About After a quarter of an hour of hypnosis, hypnographic images will become clearer and acquired values.

Each time the picture will be clearer and clearer for you. When the hypnographic representation becomes the most realistic, you can proceed to programming, asking questions to the subconscious.

How to independently develop the gift clairvoyant at home

You can develop the gift of clairvoyance yourself without resorting to special learning. How to become clairvoyant, developing talent outside schools and groups? There is a technique for self-development of clawnaging talent.

Note! After passing the first step, the subsequent may vary in sequence or completely exclude, by means of unnecessary.

There are seven major steps that a person must pass for insight, the disclosure of the cognition of clairvoyance.

Initially, it is worth tune in to learning and listen to yourself, determining the shifts in training.

Home Training:

Step number Training features
Test-determinant First, it is worth passing a test that will determine which level of development of extrasensory abilities is now present. Which profile is closer to a person, what direction in the future work is suitable
Exercises for the mood Relax, focusing on an inner voice. Energy accumulation point at this moment must be located in the center of the forehead
Question training By asking the question, try to answer it, taking advantage of the prompts of the inner sensation and voices. Match a response to the actual current
Media exercise Being in a state of meditation, try to find an answer to a difficult question or predict the outcome of the situation.
Stimulation of prophetic dreams Before bedtime, try to submit events that will occur tomorrow. The gift of the future is evolving through programming
Intuition Thanks to the sensations, try to understand the feelings and emotions of man
Perception of aura Using hands to try to feel the energy of another person

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