Magical rites and rituals. Epiphany

Magical rites and rituals. Epiphany

Occult death of hugo chavez

Does anyone know from you (did you read the so-called concept of public security with its six priorities in the process (and phenomenon) of human management?

If not read - read. The strongest and most important of the priorities is ideological.

You can still say - ideological. You can call it and religious.

And what's the death of President Venezuela in March 2013?

The fact is that…
How to say? Well, in general, this most people believe in something ...

The "kissing rite" at the meeting has very old roots - people "sniffed" each other, thus obtaining information about the person coming. This custom is practiced now. But everywhere differently. It is interesting to know how people in different countries kiss when meeting?

In Austria with comrades, it is enough to kiss for once in each of the cheeks in any order.

The Germans kiss only with close people, with the rest limited to the handshake. Also enter the United Kingdom, where even a handshake ...

Each of you, without a doubt, is aware that the title of this lecture is taken from Faust Goethe. You all know that in this poem it is shown to us as Faust, a representative of the highest human effort, enters into a deal with evil forces, the bodies are represented in the Poem Mephistophele, Emissar Hell.

You will learn that Faust must conclude a deal with Mephistofel, the action of what should be signed by his own blood. Faust, in the first instant, looks at it for a joke. Mephistopheles...

By paying attention to the shelves of bookstores, completely tired by the books by esoteric, and looking at the grid of broadcasting some TV channels, we seriously wondered about the popularity of occult knowledge in the modern world. One side.

These are the books of "classics" of the genre - Elena Blavatskaya, Rudolf Steiner, Annie Besant, on the other - countless "secrets" of the Templars, Druids, etc. To understand the classical esoteric and modern, as well as in her relationship with the mass culture, Boris helped us ...

If the Slavs or Slavs from birth were named by the Slavic name, then the rite of imputions do not need. Of course, if there is no need to inform the new name. If a person was not baptized or brought to any other alien faith, then the rite of adhesions are carried out as follows.

Machina stands facing the candid fire. The priest sprinkles his face, man and the topics three times, pronouncing the words: "Yako Thyya water is clean, such will be a purely face; Yako Thyya water is chista, the thoughts will be thoughts; Yako Toya ...

Wedding rites of the ancient Slavs

In the Slavic custom, the bridegroom kidnapped the bride on the playing schools before negotiating with her about the abduction: "Looking at the playful ... and that washing of my wife's wife, with her who came to: I have two and three wives."

Then the father of the bride groom gave Vo on - redemption for the bride. The day before the wedding, the future mother-in-law stove knuckle, sending it to the house of the groom. The groom sends the bride of the living rooster into the house. In the pre-wedding day, no envelope is happening. Everyone is carefully prepared ...

In many Slavic lands, traces of holidays in honor of the dead have been preserved. The people go to the Mogilniks 1 Sukhneya (March), at the time of dawn and there brings victims to the dead. The day is called - "Navius \u200b\u200bDay" and also dedicated to Morane.

In general, any rite in honor of the dead has its name - triction. The triscuitation is dedicated to the day dedicated to their honor. Over time, the Slavic TRIZNU, changed to the commemoration. Triscus was previously a whole ritual: a tortillas, pies be brought to the burial ground ...

As we noted above, each number has its place in the hierarchy and, possessing, in the potency, the comprehensive characteristic of the universe, in a private manner reflects (symbolizes) the parameters of the world, while on a certain stage of spiritual self-determination.

For a more complete reflection of the correspondences of existing in esoteric theory and practice, we will give the orientation and determination of a specific number of natural rows in several directions of knowledge, namely through well-known mystical (metaphysical ...

What can be said by considering it through the prism of Russian esoteric hermeneutics?

Two words seemingly similar, one (OE) and one (ICA), and at the same time different. The unit, as the next element, coming from ..., formed (decorated) and close to objective (if we consider the existent aspect of the existing), there is a building material in the reflection of reality, that is, the world of phenomena.

In view of the variety of the objective environment, the unit less often determines anything independently ...

A young guy named Michael lives with his father and is forced to help him in an unloved business. The fact is that the family business is to prepare the bodies of the deceased to the burial. Brought up in rigor, Michael has a small choice - to become a coffin as his father or a clergyman.

The other is given. The desire to leave the hateful town is so great that Michael decides to apply for admission to nonresident educational institutionin which priests do from the youth. The exam passed ...

I baptic, and did it voluntarily at 15 years old (truth under pressure from Rodney). It was fashionable then at the beginning of the 90s, all atheists suddenly went to be baptized.

Most of Christians, cross in an internally age, and no one asks them. But even an adult man accepting the decision on baptism is under the influence of public opinion and in the end does not see anything in the ritual that he can damage him. Well, as they say that it won't be worse, why not be baptized.

I posted this article for those who decide on baptism, well still not all sacred in infancy. You can weigh the pros and cons. If, after reading this huge text, your desire to accept the baptism rite did not disappear, then safely go to church. Baptism is a purely voluntary business, and if I didn't change my mind, it means Christianity for you.

Any religious action is the initiation, initiation, magical procedure. What is the occult essence of christian baptism? When you read the text to the end, you will be terrible, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading.

Formally, based on dogmatic theology, baptism is interpreted as a birth for the "spiritual life", they say, born from the womb, a person was born only for physical life to become a Christian and have a chance to "enter the kingdom of heaven," is necessary. From the point of view of the Christian Church, both Catholic and "Orthodox", which is actually the Levoslavny, unprecedented infant - "Rel". The word is what! Just born, and already- "Rel"! Those .- "Pogatnaya", pagan, non-Christ. Those. From the point of view of Christian theologists, all that "expands is settled", all who are encouraged and are born in a natural biological way, all this is initially erased, dirty, Gadko, Merzko, in full compliance with the doctrine about the "immaculate conception", for only one conception for The whole history of mankind was immobally, it became, all the rest of the conceptions are stristed! Those. All that is born should die, because Death went into life through the "Falling", and the only chance to escape and "find eternal" is baptism.

As a matter of fact, such procedures existed in many cultures, and in Hinduism, and in various kinds of esoteric orders, ancient mysteries, secret societies, they also have today in traditional communities, so-called "lullaby civilizations". In the Hinduism, the underwent initiation rite was called "twice-birth" and received the right to study the Vedas and participation in the ritual. The meaning of similar initiative rites, as a rule, was in elimination, to break the generic injury, i.e. It was a re-passing through the oily water, passing the path "Death-re-birth". At the same time, the rite could be the meaning of the inclusion of neophyte into a certain closed fraternity, the community, further- connecting the neophyte to some egregor or an energy information field. But! These rites have always been held with adults, conscious people, or with adolescents, but never with babies. Those. Always taken into account the unshakable law of freedom of choice and freedom of will.

In Christian baptism, it's all on the contrary - the initiation is made on a baby who cannot prevent this, to express their desire or reluctance, but the fact that all the babies during this black and gear procedure are crying, indicates that they are so expressing their violent The indignation of this violent action and the unwillingness becomes the next sheep of "God", intended for the miscarriage.

Look carefully on these drawings, what do you see? You see a five-pointed star, the main symbol - Yantru of the USSR. And now I will prove you that the Christian "criticism" - there is a stacking of a cross, but a five-pointed star. See: the blue arrows shows the trajectory of the movement of the brush right hand - originated from the ajna chakra - points above the nose, then the vertical line down, about the solar plexus is a chakra manipura, then right shoulder, then the left shoulder, from Catholics- converse . Formally, it seems that the cross is imposed, but in reality, a five-pointed star is imposed, because you do not take into account the trajectory of the movement of the forearm and elbow. These trajectories are shown in red arrows. Now, if you connect all the lines, a five-pointed star will be obtained without the left lower beam that from the point of view of magic, not fundamentally, because all processes occur mirrored and in accordance with the rules of symmetry in the left side of the body reflects what happens in the right. So, when you are baptized, "Autumn yourself with a procession", then impose on yourself Five-pointed star! What you congratulate you!

"Orthodox" version of the Catholic version of the soul

In different treatments in magic and esoteric, it is said that a five-pointed star- "good" sign, because it is a sign of protection against negative influences, especially since if the star is "head" - up, then this means evolution, "movement to the light" But if the horns are up, the "head" down, then, of course, is the Diavolskaya Star. All this is a complete shoe. Inside any five-pointed star is another, inverted. So When you impose a "good" five-pointed star on yourself, you still impose a five-pointed star, which is directed "head" - down. Moreover, with its first movement, from Ajna Chakra, that is, the places where your ego, personality, spirit, you give it to a point where a big star, explicit, connects with a small, inverted, implicit star. And what does all this mean? And this means that you lowered your spirit down, they sent him not "to the light and God," as you diligently inspire, but on the contrary, down, in darkness, to death. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that your soul as a result of this drawing turned out to be captured and sealed inside two Five-pointed stars And now she is not going anywhere from there, she is locked there and very reliably locked by double magical walls, he is heard five magical nails!

The tradition of imposing pentagram, as a protective sign goes back to the Egyptian pharaohs, on all sacred drawings and bas-reliefs, they were depicted with crossed on his chest with their hands, the same position of the hands of the Mummy Pharaoh; Depending on which hand was from above, the magical purpose of this gesture changed. Hitler, during his public speeches, also often folded his hands on the chest in the same way. But these gestures were not the drawing of a five-pointed star, it was the imposition of a big pentagram, and between these two signs a huge difference. If the pentagram is indeed a protective sign and in the Chinese system of U-Sin-five first elements, it shows ways to bring the first elements, the five-pointed star, inscribed there shows ways of destruction and oppression of the first elements.

Now, if you compare the "Orthodox" procession and Catholic, then you will see that in the "Orthodox" version of the soul turns out to be locked much more and more reliable, since the soul is deployed at about the right side of the chest, then the "Orthodox" sign outlines it from all The three sides, in the Catholic version, the right remains the opportunity to exit.

Do you think it's by chance? Just so historically developed?
No, dear citizens, nothing in this world does not accidentally happen, especially if it concerns such things as religion, cults, rites, everything has a deep, secret, occult, magical meaning and meaning. And therefore, it is ridiculous to hear how the "Orthodox" citizens will displeasure the abuse of the Red Masonic five-pointed star, which introduced into the Soviet Geraldik Laba Davidovich, a high-ranking member of the Jewish Missraim Lodge. Why do you actually indignant? You yourself are these five-pointed stars on yourself drawn! Moreover, I will say, all 900 years of Christian yoke all these headless "servants of God" painted this five-pointed star on themselves and in 1918 she materialized, Zasali was hidden, it became obvious!

The fact that the cross is actually a five-pointed star is encoded in the Word of the Crucifixion - Jesus nailed to the Cross five nails and the fifth point is a thorns of the crown. What is the meaning? The fact is that ritual murders in antiquity were made with the help of a h-shaped cross. The victim intended for ritual murder, sacrifices, were nailed with special ritual cloves. Steps to the lower crossages, palm, the victim was killed by piercing whiskey with ritual screwdrivers. It turns out five points. This is the so-called St. Andrew's Cross, which existed long before the Apostle Andrei.

In these three pictures, you see how the crucifixion on the X-shaped cross is gradually transformed into a five-pointed star. Jesus crucified on a shaped cross, because the Romans did not provide execution on a h-shaped cross, but those who organized this performance were all provided and until the Roman soldiers shared the money that they were given to them turn away, a failed Messiah quickly Folded four nails to the cross and put the thorns of the crown. Thus, this magical instrument was originally conceived as a sign of sacrifice, ritual suicide, because if you put it on yourself, you kiss it in the church, do it on yourself, thereby reading themselves to the sacrifice yourself, i.e. To the final and complete destruction of you, as a person.

This is just one aspect of baptism, the next aspect set out Vladimir Avdeev in the article "What to do to a pagan with baptism?"
Indeed, when baptism, the "sealing" of all power companies of the baptized and complete separation of it from earth forces and energies occurs. It is called "renunciation from their sinful nature." Since no other nature exists, it is a renunciation, there is a renunciation of our frequent mother of nature, which gave birth to us, raised and focused.

Another aspect of the baptism is set out in the Book "Eniology" - the author claims that the Baptism procedure is an obvious Blackanian ritual-enervalting to death. I completely agree.

Another aspect. Why are "Orthodox" call "obstinate"? Because with the baptism of "Holy", the water is poured into the painshoeboat, unlike the ancient non-Christian and modern Baptist rituals, when neophyte is immersed in water with head. What is the difference?

In the fact that the full immersion in water, as a rule, the natural river, lakes- is a symbolic act of re-passing through the oily water, rebirth, in addition, water symbolizes space, astral.

During the "Orthodox" baptism, water is poured only on the top. As a result, this ceremony turns out to be worried about the whole life - its head is energetically, information separated, cut off from the body! Therefore, all "Orthodox" consider the body with sinful, genitals - dirty and shameful, childbearing, and everywhere, and in all, they approve their dualistic heresy-eternal struggle "Light" spirit and "dirty" matter. Their thinking is absolutely schizophrenic, they are completely inadequately perceived the world. It is so distorted, it is deformed that it seems that you are dealing with severe mentally sick people, koi and people, it is no longer possible, because they call themselves. crowd of rams. But the most terrible thing is that when these psychboles become the majority, when they become at the head of state, this state is inevitably waiting for innumerable disasters.

But this is not all of this dualistic separation of the entire energy constitution, there are even more devastating consequences. In addition to the fact that they consider the mother to matter, who gave birth to them and focused on the beginning, they came up with an even more monstrous idea that the entire material world lies in the authorities of the "Prince of this world".

It is clear that this idea was thrown into order for the Christian sheep to all their headless herds sought with all the power of the soul to go with the "sinful" land in the kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem, to "burn eternal". But, as long as they live, they, with full accordance with this doctrine, are trying to make up our mother's mother as possible. Why not shy? After all, if this world is in the power of the devil, it is necessary to adversely called this enemy of mankind.

As a result of the destruction of nature, total pollution of everything and every river, every lake. They even managed to skip Baikal! They shy everywhere and exit to the suburban forest and see how much garbage is there they rested "Orthodox". Wherever they appear, whatever they do, they all destroy. Even when they try to do something positive and useful, they still do not work anyway, or quickly comes in disrepair and destroyed. This applies to roads, cars, houses, communications. Why? Yes, because all this is done with hatred to the world around!

But that's not all. This dualism of the energy constitution is "white top-dirty bottom", leads to complete degeneration, degeneration, diseases. After all, if your genitals are "dirty", if it is a conviction, if sex is fornicing, even in marriage, if childbearing is erased, how healthy, happy, full-fledged children can be born in this country? Is it possible to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby "dirty and shameful" genitals? So they degenerate and die over a million per year.

You may argue after all in the Tsarist Russia the birth rate was high, but at the expense of whom? - illiterate peasantry. And the Russian peasant that he saved him, the Christian church was simply as an external, imposed cult, the subtleties of theology did not know, did not read the Bible and lived with natural laws.

Now, the situation is other, povered literacy, television that frankly holds the ROC policy, the overall activity of this vile Christian propaganda leads to the fact that all the baptized in all the time of the second baptism become active carriers and conductors of these dualistic heresions - on the mental and energy level. They infect everything around their stench!

Do not believe - look at the statistics of the incidence of venereal, gynecological and urological diseases. Growth of hundreds percent over the past 15 years! Do you think this is the result of sexual freedom? In dr. Greece and Rome of Sexual Freedom were much more than in modern post-Soviet Russia, but sexual diseases were exceptional rare there, and women did not know what diseases of gynecology. Why? Because then there were no doctrines about the sinfulness of genitals, sex and climbing childbirth! The generic mission of a woman was sacred, even the temple prostitution was sacred, foolish and yonical cults flourished.

"Orthodox" baptism especially adversely affects the woman, all this abomination, which is poured into the subconscious of the woman - starting with the story about the creation of Eve from the edge of Adam, her temptation of Zmeim, exile from paradise in her fault, "give birth to flour" and t .. - I will not re-transfer, leads to the fact that its genitals, and the main thing - energy is minimized. Clairvoyant see it as a black spider who swept the uterus with their tentacles. This is a clear damage that is produced on a massive scale and is actually legalized by the state. In this way, the woman thus becomes simply dangerous for himself and for all men with whom she comes into sexual relationships, even if it is her legitimate husband. By itself, it begins to hurt the gynecological diseases of the type of fibromes of the uterus or the erosy of the cervix, adnexites of different etiology, the vagina microflora becomes pathogenic, as a result she constantly sick fungal diseases and infects men.

A man, entering a sexual relationship with a woman thyroid, instead of clean, light energy yin, instead of the energy of happiness, gratitude and love, get an energy-dirty lump of energy. Because the doctrine on the flooding of sex is planted deep into the subconscious, then every sexual intercourse on the subconscious level such a woman will perceive as its desecurity, which inevitably affects it and on her man.

As a result, the man instead of the feeling of happiness, it gets a feeling of guilt for "desecration", which inevitably leads to the need to pour this unpleasant feeling of alcohol. So they drink and die off.

If a woman on deep unconscious levels laid the idea of \u200b\u200bthe viciousness of all sexual contacts, even in a wedded marriage, because only one single conception in the entire history of mankind is called "immaculate", then after each intercourse subconsciously will consider itself "defiled", "torn" And it will be subconsciously - to want a man of death! That is why men do not live here even to retirement, and most of the "Orthodox" women meet old age in full solitude.

Next, what does the expression of the Cross mean the expression mean? They put the following meaning in it: Since, they say, the progenitors Adam and Eve were sinned (and the Eva is in the highest degree), and God expelled them out of Paradise, it means that all people are sinful and should, de, carry the stamp of this sinfulness on themselves All my life, in the hope that the coffin will be taken to the kingdom of heaven. They do not understand that in a purely magical sense, dogmat about the total sinfulness of the whole human kind is the monstrous force of the damage that all the baptized, moreover, they are because of this, imposed damage, spoil everything around themselves, shy And spread their abrasions everywhere. I mean all their freezing thoughts and affairs.

But that's not all. When they assume the cross, this in the occult sense means that they take on all the negative karma of the Jewish, and then the Christian Egregor.

The child, healthy, healthy, is abusive, he would live, be happy, and he doesn't have a cross, once - in the font - and now all those abominations and crimes are hung on it carefully and detail in the Old Testament, starting With Eve, with the murder of Cain Abel and further, all the crimes and murders who have already made Christian churches, up to the nasty and abominations of the current hierarchs. And he is unhappy, all his sufferment is drawn by this cargo carma carma, which has nothing to do with him. But his loving parents hung her on him! And why? Yes, because they themselves are the same, and secondly, they were forced by all these bearded barbarians in black specialists and state leaders who support these the most bearded barbarians who have the most black magicians!

And finally, during baptism there is a connection of neophyte to the egregor of Christianity. Connecting to one or another egregor occurs during any initiatives, but in this case, the individual reincarnation experience is completely destroyed. A person is deprived of his individual path of life. He becomes a zombie, an automatic, which was inspired, including at the energy information level the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uniqueness of human life. Therefore, all Christians do not understand what karma is what reincarnation is denying evolution, deny the soul prevention. These people become simply dangerous for nature and the fact that Christians slowly and inevitably die out and more actively - "Orthodox," proves that nature began to actively get rid of this cancer tumor called Christianity.

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At the dawn of the development of mankind, if they are equal to more or less traditional views of historians, the foundations of the form of society in which we live are also launched. Of course, a lot is gone, and Mammoth Tasha is now divided not publicly, but mostly behind the scenes, but the ritual part of the life of our ancestors has firmly entered the chord of the consciousness of their descendants. It is believed that the popularity of the ritual is due to its communicative function. Some researchers consider the ritual as a way of demonstrating military, economic, sexual and other resources, noted such functions as making a procedure for disorder, adaptation to the external environment, the exchange of various values, religious legalization of myths, symbolic expression of feelings.

Religious acts who took the shape of the rites and ceremonies during the evolution of customs, sometimes became rituals and, changing in time, live and now - something in the form of church communion, something in the form of an Easter bunny, and something in the form of Vakhanaliy Rural Disco or rock concert. The actions of rites are still symbolic, but some of them discarded with the ultralitarian significance and demonstration is still perceived seriously. Let's see what rituals found their reflection in the work of modern metal groups.

Dark ritual

The most popular ritual, which was reflected in rock music, of course, remains that it can be called "dark ritual". It is committed unchanged for dark affairs, like this: a call to the world of demons, terrible revenge, as a last resort - the acquisition of worldly goods, and most often - for the sake of power. Thanks to the cinematographers, this action has acquired serious popularity in the rocker environment, and then in metalworkers in different stripes. Perhaps, the popularizer of this phenomenon can confidently name Ozzy Osborne, who called his Black Sabbath group on the poster of the horror film, which was twisted in the cinema next to their rehearsal point. What is the attraction of a dark ritual? On the films, nude women are usually involved in it - either as a prizar, or as victims; The audience is going to stylish raincoats - a company of like-minded people, an attractive communicative aspect; Well, and then everything will go depending on how rich in the inner world of the meeting participants. According to the canon, everything ends with orgie or sacrifice.

As an example of how the Dark Ritual may sound in Rock, take the track "Ritual" of the popular commercial project from Sweden Ghost. The group performs an old-fashioned, but clinging, rock with the elements of a protestum, by and large, falling into the category of what is blurry is defined as Occult Metal. Participants wear sectarian rows, masks and identical pseudonyms - Unnamed scar. Only the leader and vocalist Ghost, Papa Emeritus II, performs in Papal Ryasa with Corpspeyt for the whole face. Thanks to makeup and Fallete Pope, as well as the subject of his songs, you can rightly compare Ghost with a simplified and lightweight version of King Diamond. Recently, the pope performances are simply fired under the old man in dark glasses, but for hell. Details! Evil made a maximum effort to take an attractive musical form.

Necessary elements:

Altar, candles, attractive naked women, rows, self-confidence.


The dungeon, abandoned castle, a private mansion, about which there is bad glory.


Given the illegal nature of the sacrifice, we have such events are absolutely logical to the law, directly metaphysical results can be varied - from the manifestation in this world the forces of evil to the wallet with money.

Voodoo ritual

Voodoo is a traditional African religion, in some countries still wearing official status. During the flourishing period of the slave-building in the United States, black slaves, then not yet considered for African Americans, continued the practice of this cult, bringing into it the external attributes of the Christian religion, so that at least somehow protect the faith of ancestors from the attacks of white devils. The worship of Loa's spirits, wearing voodoo attributes of Catholic saints in the American branch, mediation of various professionals in the field of ritual services, the overall animal nature of religion - all this is lost against the background of two voodoo constants in cinema. Zombies and a doll - Voodoo - this is what we first represent when it comes to this African cult. By and large, Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Brazilian cults recognize the existence of a comprehensive God, rightly taking his essence with a very pragmatic point of view: since he manages the universe, he is too busy there, so that it is too busy there in order to get into our everyday troubles. Such an explanation clearly illustrates not only a sense of separation with a comprehensive force, but also the attitude of people to the spirits and their messengers. In a word, Voodoo is a cult for people practical and do not give much metaphysical values.

Pombagira - the goddess of the Afro-Caribbean Pantheon, her name was taken by the British Duma project, for several years working in the duet format. Pete and the lady of his heart Caroline on two write their interpretations of various aspects of Voodoo culture. Pete knows what she sings: "In my life I witnessed things that have become a constant source of inspiration for me. I am writing the appropriate texts and investing your experiences in the sound of songs. In the past, I was a member of some occult organizations, I traveled to Nepal, met with Shamans, I participated in Haiti in Cult Voodoo ceremonies. I try to show these experiences in my music. " The song "Baron Citadel" is dedicated to one of the main spirits of Pantheon Voodoo, Pete comments on her name: "Baron's Citadel is a huge bone tomb of Baron Chairs. In Northern Haiti, he is revered as the spirit of the cemetery, the keeper of the intersections. It symbolizes the central point of the division of the world of living and the world of the dead. "

By the way, Finnish traditionalists from the Duma Spiritus Mortis at the time dedicated the baron song "Baron Samedi", but such reliability, like Pombagira, could not be achieved. On one of the latest albums, the musicians promised the most accurately "to recreate the course of Voodoo ceremonies with different moods up to trance, during which the obsession of Loa can be survived. Therefore, Pete warns: "It is mistaken to believe that we simply play music, what we create is much deeper and multifaceted."

Necessary elements:

Special security mascots and amulets, sacrifice (rooster, grain, rum, tobacco), black candles, ritual dancing under the drums.


Any residential premises consecrated concrete way.


If the rooster cut at home or in the courtyard, then the law should not have problems, with proper compliance with the ritual norms, successful in work, in business, in family matters and in life; As side effects - the obsession with the spirits of Loa or the transformation of one of the participants in the ritual in a stupid zombie.

Ritual Aghor.

Aghori is a small sewing sect, the ashes-dirty image of which is lost against the backdrop of other colorful Indian religious flows. Followers of the exercise - ascetics, that for India the norm, but the focus is that they imitate the most extreme qualities of Shiva as a winner of death. As a result, their favorite meditation site is a field for cremation; They bathe in the ashes from the burial bonfire; They wears a necklace from skulls and bones; They can be found in a state of intoxicated by drugs or alcohol; They behave like insane. Aghori willingly violate all ascetic taboo, convinced that they will accelerate enlightenment to the opposite to the replacement of all values. At the same time, Aghori is attributed to even more repulsive habits: they eat the rotten flesh of the corpses; They have ritual intercourse with menstrual prostitutes in cremation places; They meditate, sitting on the corpse, and also surround themselves attributes of death, such as human skulls, of which they drink and with which magic rituals are carried out. This is what Bhairavananda writes in one of his books: "Meditate on the wasteland, on destroyed at home, on the broken things, on the sick, on the dead bodies, mating it with the wisdom and instructions of teachers, you will understand the essence and free from everything that torments and enslaves "

Tamil cinema gave tribute to Aghori in a powerful and gloomy film "I am God", and the Moscow Psychedelic Duma formation The Moon Mistress dedicated them a strong and dirty track "Creation Meditation". After the release of the debut album, the group was compared with such Western teams as Electric Wizard, but never accused of copying. In the song under obsessive, shuttle riffs and meditative rhythm, creating all prerequisites for entering dark trance states, the external sides of the rituals of the rebellious fans of Shiva and his Maha Shakti are described. The dark-red tones that fill the album booklet complement the mood of the composition, and in dirt, ashes and painful visions with proper experience, you can open the truth.

Necessary elements:

Skulls, corpses, alcoholic beverages, opium, attributes of rituals of worship by other Hindu deities.


Cemetery, location of corpses, abandoned houses.


In our country, most likely, criminal prosecution or, rather, a deserved carpet ticket; In India, with a greater probability of Slava Asklet and with a smaller probability - enlightenment.

Christian Mass.

Also ritual! Christian worship services are extensive and diverse in mind large number denominations. Initially, they were based on the Jewish temple worship services, absorbed the elements of Zoroastrian and other local cults in their time, then overturned their characteristic attributes, many of whom we are very familiar. In Russia, Christian worship services are popular for the fact that until the 1990s with Orthodoxy, they actively fought, and in the 1990s actually proclaimed the official state religion, but, as in many other countries (and religions), the moral essence of the question is lost on The background of external manifestations of rituals. These rituals are tightly associated in the heads of the public with antenatural clergy, believing grandmothers, gloomy and solemn liturgies, a dense aroma of incense and crackling wax candles. On the friendly and distant West, the Mass take place sometimes fun at the expense of debris dances and tricky chants; One of our channels persistently broadcast the sermons of one of these sects, but there were frankly weak songs there from the point of view of arrangements.

The Swedish group Griftegard ("Cemetery") with arrangements is all right. The sign composition of the group is called "Charles Taze Russell" in honor of the founder of the Religious Movement "Bible Researchers" (later - Jehovah's Witnesses) and boasts such signs of Christian service, as solemnity, gloom, hardness and inspiration. It is worth noting that the vocalist of the group Thomas Ericsson sings Litania bitterness and black longing from the real department, without being a religious fanatic. Interesting Christian theme Guitarist Griftegard Ola Blamquist explains the following: "In Sweden there is one Psalm of the XVIII century, called Ju Större Kors, JU Bättre Kristen, which is translated as" the more cross, the better a Christian, "I think that in this headline i.e. In the process of acoustic alchemy, you can learn a lot from our "Via Dolorosa" - this is a whole life path, but what remains on the other side of all this (and who sees it?) - You suffered a gap in the end or not, life does not guarantee a happy end " .

Necessary elements:

Knowledge of the "Faith" symbol, directly faith (preferably with a shade of hint of hints of religious enthusiasm), Christian attributes, Cahors, Refractory.


Special, according to confession, temple or in some cases a concert hall with good acoustics.


The joy in the life of the posthumous and optionally deprivation in the life of the earth.

Black mass

Black Mesa is a special case of a dark ritual. Usually, representing the profanation of communion, comes down to the parody of the original Christian rite. So, in the first documented black Messe (1594) instead of the cross, the black turnip was used, instead of the holy water - goat urine. The advantage of the events, of course, was his mass and obligatory, in the presentation of schoolchildren of all ages, sexual orgies. This ritual was widely popular with artists (Francisco Goya and Unnamed European engravers), writers (Marquis de Garden, Zhoris Carl Gyuismans, Mikhail Bulgakov), musicians (Alexander Scriabin) and cinema figures (Roman Polanski, Kenneth Engers), and some art leaders are unreasonable It was romanticized by his image in his works, making more emphasis on such an attractive elements attractive to the unpretentious public, as freedom in the broad sense of the word, the use of alcohol and substances, as well as the mandatory presence of naked boobs. The notorious founder of the Church of Satan Anton Shandor LaVai did the bid. Viktor Pelevin has its own opinion: "Western Satanism is unpromising for the reason that it is centrally inscribed in the goat goat muzzle. This, if briefly, the doctrine for goats - what can be understood either by directly revealed sign, or after many years of research, during which the seeker may well become completely unbelievable. Western Satanism is not evil, but petty horned animal husbandry. "

The duet of the American Multiple of Chad Davis and Bearded Fila Swanson released his first eponymous album under the heading "Hour of 13". The texts "Hour of 13" are predictable entirely and are fully devoted to the values, the cute heart of the sofa occultists: evil as a whole, witches, sin, blood and satanic rituals. The lyric side of the question is presented, perhaps a little more than that of other teams of this sense, but it is natural that such a split together with a bofmone on the cover allows you to automatically attribute the project to the occult-doom cohort. Rows like a "sacred blade I cut myself / and masturbating on wounds / then and the seed of expire / smoke Fimiam surrounds me" sound categorically and add degree of esoterity, but the question of how seriously it can be taken, is it worth it before, to put it mildly, Very trusting and impressionable listener. At the same time, Phil, vocalist and text writer, says the following: "Playing in the occult group, I scream inspiration in old teams like Angel Witch, Christian Death, Coven, Talon (Aka Sedition) and Satan's Massacre. Music, and the texts of these groups inspired me, and I could deeper to understand the origins of the "Satanic Panic" of the 1970-1980s, it was heated by groups standing at the origins of the genre. "

Necessary elements:

Altar, candles, naked women (optional), rich imagination.


It is possible at home.


If the victim is brought, the ritual may acquire an illegal nature, there will already be drawn in accordance with the Criminal Code.

Ritual for the glory of the ancient gods

Although Khulhu's myths were invented by Lovecraft practically in a flat place, their plots firmly entrenched in modern culture and became its integral part. Cinema, computer games, books, comics and, of course, music - almost all manifestations mass culture They fell under the influence of the titanic ancient gods. In the story "Call Ktulhu" describes an ancient religious tradition of worship (cult) of Ctulhu. According to Lovecraft, the cultists are present in a variety of corners of the Earth: in particular, among the Eskimos of Greenland, and among the inhabitants of New England. At their meetings, the cultists arrange human sacrifices, silence, danced in ecstasy and sing wicked chants in honor of their deity, hoping for his awakening and be sure to follow him with a merry anarchy and annoy.

The British Arkham Witch could not bypass the side of this important question and on their second, performed in the spirit of uncompromising and ever-young Nwobhm, the LEGONS OF THE DEEP album paid him due attention in the song "Kult of Kutulu". Syonon's vocalist explains that the text is based on the excellent interpretation of the Lovecraft myths performed by Alan Mura ("The Courtyard and Neonomicon"). These comics should be read, you need to believe, it is not for the rigid lady. Moore took a lot from what was the background of Lovekraft myths - especially depressed sexuality and non-richism. We are not talking about it in our songs, but you think about the Zotik club in them. " The song is characterized by chaotic, oversaturated by madness of energy, brightly animating the move described in the "call of Ktulhu" ritual dancing, and a memorable chorus, in which Simon fanatically stands in the microphone Sacramental: "Cutula IA! PCH'NGLUI MGLV'NAFH KTULUHU R'LEH VGAKH'NAGL FHTAGN! "

Necessary elements:

Monoliths with ancient letters, victims, a small terrible figure of extraterrestrial material, solid reason or its complete absence.


Specially equipped deserted places, the capital of the ancient gods.


With the successful shipment of the ritual "All people will become the great elders - wild and free, will be on the other side of good and evil, will throw up the laws and morality, will shout, kill and have fun" and almost with any outcome to be guaranteed a ticket to Durku.

Ritual Peruvian Shamanov using Ayaua

Ayoyaska - Sacred for the South American Indians, a plant that provides a psychoactive effect and is traditionally used as a drink of force that contributes to cleansing and healing. For the safe reception of the ragland, using a special diet prepare the body and spirit of the participant of the ritual, increasing its susceptibility to contact with the essence of the plant. And then it is not only in the occult component of the event, roughly speaking, the brew itself is toxic, and that is how it is so requested by a volley, even the old shaman will never drink. The Indians sometimes add additional ingredients to the beard of Ayaua, which they believe help them see clearly the world of perfume. In addition, from their point of view, all diseases have a mystical origin. And Ayoyaska is used in ceremonies often precisely to clarify the magic cause of the disease, as well as to reflect and neutralize evil magic, which is considered responsible for certain types of the disease. The drug in no way serves as a panacea from all diseases, but only part of the healing ritual.

The Musicians of the Peruvian Doom Team Reino Ermitano are not acquainted with Ayaua, some participants regularly accept decoction during special ceremonies. In addition, since 2001, Reino Ermitano is performed by a rather traditional spirit, but the vocals of Tanya Dauret, mystical texts in Spanish and the covers, made in the spirit of harsh impressionism, emphasize the psychedelic foundation of the team. Bass-guitarist Marcos Koyfman for himself clearly defined the style of the group: "I adhere to conservative positions regarding the Duma, that is, I share my approach and that tearful, gothic, mixed in the synthesizers of nonsense, which is not even heavy, but in specific circles is considered a dum; It does not apply to us, ha ha! But we are not tied to this genre, only for gravity and strength, as well as creativity! " And Tanya Duarte takes advantage of his gaze on the use of Ayoyauska: "The drink from this vine is boiled together with another plant, chakrune, which acts as a catalyst, conducts healing of the body, consciousness and spirit, gives answers, fills creativity and magic. Colored and geometric hallucinations accompany this process of purification. This is a transcendental experience for any person and especially for the artist. Focusing doors open, demons are expelled, paints surround you. The pumping and singing of the sacred melodies of Shaman throughout the night ritual covers you and leads to the experience that changes your life. Western culture with contempt relates to this ritual, but in the so-called primitive rituals there are answers to harmony with an external and inner world, I think so. "

Necessary elements:

An experienced shaman with its songs, diet (table number 3, table number 4) immediately before the admission of drugs, decoction based on Ayaauska, pure thoughts.


Wild Peruvian jungle.


Improvement of the body, intuitive answers to important life questions, minimum - the cleansing of the body from helminths.

Panic ritual

How many peoples in the world, so many rituals. Essentially, the entire array of non-Christian and pre-Christian religions belongs to paganism, and since it is important for all of us the concept of "pagan ritual" too extensive, we will take as an example of the rituals of Druids. Druids were closed by the Kelstsky Priests and the oblasts from Celtic peoples, they kept legends, they guessed religious needs, one way or another, they were ideological inspirations of the population. Collected a sacred mistletoe, predicted the future, and, and, more interesting, sacrifices brought. What about the collection and cooking mistletoe anyone saw the movie? Not. And the "wicker man" even relieved in 2006 with this strange Nicholas Cage in the lead role! Sometimes the Celts sacrificed brought animals, and sometimes people. Guy Julius Caesar in "Notes about the Gallic War" wrote that the druids were counting on the aid of their gods, strictly only in the case of bringing human sacrifice. According to Caesar, prisoners were used for such victims, criminals, and in the absence of these and innocent people. In a new time, on the basis of Caesar's testimony, a legend was formed that she was burned to the sacrifice to the sacrifice in a cell from IV roths. Archaeological confirmation of these stories were not found, but WHO CARES?! The same Civilized Romans were attributed to Druidam Cannibalism, and in favor of this version, archaeologists periodically add a person found in some of the caves, "presumably killed for sacrificial purposes." Yes, who will now discern.

In the Breton project Stangala, from the very moment of its occurrence, it was clearly marked by a decisive desire of musicians to create new psychedelic-stunular music with elements of Celtic traditions. Brittany - the historical region in the north-west of France, and the legacy of the Celts there is preserved at least in the form of the Breton language, on which Stangala and perform their songs. From attributes, the musicians retained something from tools and melodies, as well as those elements that conditionally can be attributed to folk medicine. And although their last album "Kreiz-Breizh Sessions" of such references, apparently, contains a minimum, the main hit of the "Doom Rock Glazik" group clearly illustrates the loyalty of the musicians by Celtic traditions and text, and the video sequence of a specially shot clip. The song tells about three sorcerers, cooking in the Breton forests of incredible power magic potion. To close the question, add: the name of the debut album Stangala "Boued Tousek Hag Traou Mat All" is translated as "mushrooms and other cool pieces."

Necessary elements:

Boiler, medicinal herbs, mushrooms and good mood.


Dormant Celtic forest or meadow with dolmen.


Even more good mood.

Occult ritual

Occultism is a general concept used to determine a wide range of traditions and teachings like alchemy, Kabbalah, Spiritualism, theosophy, astrology, and other things. Shamanism and magic, chiromantia and treatment of hand over, the battle of psychics and trendy in the XIX century, spiritual sessions - all this and much more falls under this definition. Alan Chumak and his bank with charged water, Pavel Globa and its infernal prophecies, Dark Lord Kashpirovsky and Malango Malakhon Togolochon Malakhov in this soil became the scourge of Russian television. People are always interested in unknown and mysterious. There are other, less unambiguous representatives of this movement. For example, Alister Crowley. His life was saturated with events, and often Crowley gave an interesting on-Mount of interesting, new ideas at that time. For example, in one of its essay 1902, described the meditation as a "means to achieve the goal" and represented ceremonial magic as a way to train the will and the constant direction of thoughts on the desired object by the ritual. Somehow he fulfilled the magic ritual appeal to egyptian God Horu and reached, he said, serious success. Calling through the "sexy" magic of the Demon of Horonzon in the African desert for two with one impressionable poet. Once, according to Crowley, God declared him about the beginning of a new magic Eon and about the mission of Crowley as a prophet of this Eon. Everything came out, however, to the ground in Sicily "Telemia Abbey", in which the old man Crowley practiced a disorderly sexual relationship, drug use and exercise of magic.

Complete finally, the Italian horror spirit group ABYSMAL GRIEF, I got up before a difficult question. The topics of the songs of the team are firmly connected with the world of the dead: about half of the songs is devoted to the burial of the dead, while the other - necromania, that is, to communicate with them different ways. But today it was pretty calling for all the muddy entities and other Chernihi, so they limit ourselves to the household side of the problem. Lonight, like a march of the funeral procession, and the solemn "WHEN THE CEREMONY ENDS" demonstrates the detached and slightly mocking attitude of the musicians to this phenomenon as the image of death. ABYSMAL GRIEF emphasize on the attractiveness of the restrained aesthetics of this rite, creating an atmosphere of irreversible darkness and mystical extension, which, however, they have been perfectly obtained for 19 years. Regen Graves, guitarist and the author of the group songs, firmly assures: "We always wanted our music to sound ritually, in the baroque spirit, and I think that it is impossible to choose to make the tools better than the church organ or harpsichin. We also quite like the cello, but it is not so easy to include it in our music without avoiding accusations of trends and gothicity ... I do not adhere to a negative look at death. It is only a transition to another form of spiritual life that a person is not given to comprehend. The negative aspect lies in the fact that people spend their lives as if they are invulnerable or as if they are special, and this is the reason why modern culture is trying to protect people from the image of death, as a result - no one understands its limits and its Roles in the earthly life, refusing to other and nature. Our "civilized" life is just a leisure and grotesque funeral procession on the path to cleansing. " On the question of how regen wanted to be organized by his funeral, he responds: "I would prefer cremation. No large-scale ceremonies - I would prefer to be forgotten as quickly as possible. "

Necessary elements:

Damaged body, coffin and plot of land or matches and urn, with specific cultural traditions Connect the imagination.


Cemetery, crematorium ... Well, in general, as lucky.


If you do everything in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the country of residence, then there will be no consequences.

What magic rituals are known at the moment? How to use rituals in magic? What is needed in order for magical rituals and conspiracies to get and spell created a miracle? Many of these and other issues regarding various magical practices, magic rituals and creation of magical conspiractions are described in this section of our site.

Any of the currently known magic spells, whether it is a ritual, a conspiracy or magic rite, compiled on clear magical laws, once already been created by someone, those people who lived and live among us. As a rule, each magic spell necessarily contains the characters causing some pretty persistent associations in human consciousness. Spell in magic, in itself, introduces a sorcerer into a certain state of the changed consciousness necessary for the proper operation of this spell precisely with the help of emerging associations.

However, without a magician, the spell is absolutely useless. Only expressed in the outside world through the magician it acquires strength and begins to act. Magic ripes themselves, pronounced during the spell process, as it were, a special trap for the energy of the intention arising in the Corpun consciousness.

However, it should be remembered that not the belief itself gives the effect. The result gives knowledge that the effect will be exactly the same. Between faith and knowledge - a big abyss.

Example: You can ask a person: "Do you believe in God?" And the answer will be: "I believe", for which it always is waved to answer: "Well, believing yourself to health. Medieval people believed that the land is flat ..." When a person believes, he implies that it is automatically that this is on the very Business ... maybe not ...

A man beginning the magician is not yet very experienced in the rules and laws of creation of spells, a person who is only in magic enters, very much needs to confirm the correctness of his actions. He does not know how to kold himself correctly, it does not know how to follow the magical ritual, to make his own, working spell, or his effective magic conspiracy, and it is precisely he often needs a certain doping in the form of additional confidence and an additional concentration that will give him a plot compiled by someone more experienced. This will allow it to form an intention. The harder the ritual (take the tooth hanged, go to the crossroads of seven roads, flock three times and jump on one leg, at the same time having jogging the second in the air, holding the lobe of the left ear), the person is stronger - not faith - and the intention in This case, after all, as they say, knows "where the legs grow").

Many magical rituals imply, for example, actions on the appropriate day of the week (indeed, the location of the planets affects the nature of the energies in our world - let the astrolomatologists forgive me so corrupt and, perhaps, ignorant statement). But if the magician is no longer quite a beginner, some "not that" the position of the moon does not hurt him. Another thing, if he wants to connect the energy of its specific phase to work.

In the description of rituals and spells in magic, the tools that need to be used are given. But in general, any set of magical instruments (color candle, certain ingredients, etc.) will really have an effect if the magician is familiar with their symbolism. In principle, in many respects and all sorts of "Mars's Days" and "Days of Venus" make sense if the sorcerer knows how to use the energy to create a spell, the magical energy from which all existence is created. And for the proper use of each of these magical energies, you need to know what forces they represent. You can postpone the subjects of strength, but you need to be able to include them. You need to know that they will help you in work - and what will help. Otherwise they will be just decorations.

The same applies to all Magic tools: Red Candle - Why Red? And not blue? And not green? Without knowledge (at least intuitive) color correspondences, the magic ritual will turn into thoughtless mechanical work of the conveyor type. No in the magic of non-working rituals and magical conspiracy. There is a person who knows how to form the intention, and there is a person who will not help any ritual.

For no accident, such a powerful emphasis is placed on an associative series, magical symbolism and connecting certain types of energies in magic. In principle, for magical impact, in fact, nothing, no devices or tools are needed. Everything necessary for the magician is from birth, namely - personal magical power. It is enough intention, and it can be able to form without fixtures. But if you are using conspiracies and spells, it would be nice to at least understand what the conspiracy is generally in question, and for this you need, at least, figurative thinking. If you feel the text of a conspiracy, ritual, if you enter with him in the resonance - very good. But ... All conspiracies were made under the man who used them (or a person was honed under them). The most important thing in the magical conspiracy and ritual - it should be yours, relatives.

That is why I believe that to use the "kababalistic spells", you need to know what they spend. If they are pronounced, the names of God are written, what can happen mindlessly applying them? If in the exercise (see, for example, the same famous simplifier Michael Craga) is given a set of sounds (presumably - the word in Hebrew), which the operator must speak, but which he simply does not understand whether it will be sense? After all, it is not that correctly pronounce (on transcription in the book and even after numerous translations from the language in the language, it is perhaps almost impossible), even tune in for the energy carried out, it is unlikely to ...

Completely magicians enjoy other people's techniques - but before that there is a "fitting" technique for ourselves - is suitable or not? Not all from someone else's experience, the magician can apply - simply because it can "live at another frequency" than the author of some magic method. It is described difficult, but in practice it is checked easily: mine is not mine.
So, all this long speech was kept to one thought: it happens much better to come up with your own conspiracy, a spell, a ritual, than to follow someone else, to which the soul does not lie. Yes, you can do without them. But sometimes you live with them :-))) how to do it? The first is to understand the goal, the necessary effect. Second - pick up a symbolism, since you decided to use it

And it is not necessary to guide the "write a letter" button to determine which symbolism is needed. Check the encyclopedia of characters and shift the sources. You want runes - Please have links to sites, there is a list of recommended literature.

And determine for yourself that a set of actions that, as you feel, must be done. And not change them already. It can be traditional (outline the circle, the might of the candles and flavors, the appeal, reading Spell, the release of forces, the cleaner of the circle), or anyone who is close to your heart. Maybe for you the best ritual will be a walk in the forest or throwing the colors in the river? Or cutting out of a symbol tree?
Conspiracy is also good for themselves. I gave very few ready-made conspiracy in my life, which came to me personally. The practice of compiling Spellov can be viewed in the article by Mashenkov in the internet. And in general, the Council is: Well, if your conspiracy is rhythmic. Well, if there is a rhyme. If you can do without it - well, and the ladies. It should simply be what will affect your consciousness (and subconscious), and the best of all the rhythmic and rhymed lines are influenced. In general, you can even take your favorite poem if it acts properly.
The ritual can be seen in a dream, plot - hear. To do this, it's just worth noting your dreams, leaning out of them what has power. It will certainly be one of the best options - because it will be dictated by your source of dreams to you personally, and it will be, and it will be subject to you.

The witch always knows how it is necessary. She knows that if she does something and then, it will work, although no one taught it :-)) Therefore, the most important thing is to trust your a little. Listen first of all it. And not only in that way, "will work it or not", but it would be nice to ask yourself a question "Do I need it? Or not?" And if during the provenation of the situation (in order to understand what will work, and what not) feel that you will keep up with the wall, feel unpleasant sucking, the stress under the spoon (well, each individual experience of discomfort) - it became, and not in the technique of business. And in the goal that you delivered is not the goal, or not the way to achieve it. This very "wall" is a faithful sign of the wrong way, a closed path, and here it is already not necessary to develop a ritual, but silently sit and think about the question: "What am I doing wrong?".

And the frequently asked question: "Why don't the conspiracy work? Give the acting!" It makes no sense. They do not work because it is not enough or a gift or skill.

I live in a spa town where it is good to earn only in the summer season. Nevertheless, the rest of the time you need to live the money that earned in the summer. Money as always lacked, many things, such as technique, furniture and many other things, had to buy on credit, overpaying interest. Such existence is essentially tired, I have a good education, I work much, and there is still not enough money. Decided that you need to change something in my life, resort to real help in solving problems, as I once used Occult rites To buy your own housing. When I have already made sure that occult rites are able to change our reality for the better. Let you not frighten the phrase occult rite So called any rite with the use of previously unknown forces. The rite about which is not in question is not a rite of black magic, it is white Magic able to change our lives. This ceremony recommended me alone Skarharka, whose services I have already used and it helped me a lot.

Occult rite to attract big money

I worked this plot on the growing moon in the morning until dinner, you can and in the evening after eight. The main thing about this can not be told about this when you are going to do, otherwise nothing will happen to this. I took two declined buckets in one poured water, and put a coin to another. After overflowing from the bucket in a bucket of water seven times and pronounced a special conspiracy. As Sadharka told me, if a part of the water goes out to be gathering a cloth and rub the floor to the threshold, so I did. After transfusion of water and reading a conspiracy, I got a coin from the bucket and put it in a separate purse in the purse. In order not to confuse it and not to give, paying for the purchase.

Occult ritual helped solve the problem


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