The holiday "Day of the Flag of Russia" on the playground of the kindergarten. Elder - Preparatory Group

The holiday "Day of the Flag of Russia" on the playground of the kindergarten. Elder - Preparatory Group

Day of the Russian Flag.

(Holiday scenario for senior preschool children).


Rail the citizens of their country through the love of their homeland.

To form the basics of patriotism (the upbringing of the qualities of a person who form the basis of its communicative and social activity).

Call positive emotions in children.

Software tasks:

Fasten the concept of "flag", "coat of arms", "Hymn" - symbols of our country.

Contribute to the development of a sense of pride.

Educating the ability to listen to the music of a different nature and emotionally to respond to it.

Develop the ability to understand the mood expressed in music and transfer it in movements.

To acquaint with the history of the Russian people.

Secure the knowledge of Russian folk instruments, determine their sound.

Call a desire to actively participate in the common dance and the game.

Materials and equipment: Flag of Russia (large) and small on each child, musical instruments, microphone, children's musical instruments, balloons, attributes for playing games.

Preparatory work: conversation with children about state symbolism, viewing the Russian flag, reading poems about Russia, the manufacture of appliqué "Our Flag".

Scenario of children's event.

Under the solemn march, children are included in the hall. Children having fun marching and mashed white, blue and red flags.

Children of the preparatory group:

1. We are in honor of the flag day today

Gathered here friends

Under the Russian Our Flag

We are a huge family!

2. Flag of Russia - a great banner,

Proudly three colors solve us ,

And everyone is ready to praise ,

And now and at all each other to congratulate.

EVERYTHING: Our flag is Russia

This flag is all known in the world.

LEADING: Each country has its own symbolism, that is, the signs of the differences are their flag, coat of arms and anthem. (Pay attention to the flag). The national flag means the unity of the country and independence from other states. The flag of the Russian Federation has its own holiday - it is celebrated on August 22. The Russian flag is tricolor, that is, white-blue-red. Each color has its own value.

Children of the senior group:

1. White color - color purity.

Blue - Sky Blue.

The third is bright-red,

What dawn is beautiful!

2. Three shades of the flag,

And the country is glad.

Celebrates the holiday proudly,

Day and honor, and freedoms.

3. Our flag - valor symbol

And folk pride.

Russia has an important day

We need to celebrate everything!

LEADING: The national flag rises during the solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds.

Let's now raise a friendly over the earth,

Flag of the state of friendly, great herself!

We are singing you, native Russia,

We want the country to be our strong,

Let proudly banned in the sky take off,

And the song of Russia sounds over the world.

Sounds the "Anthem of the Russian Federation" (flag entered).

LEADING: In children's handles - small check box

It burns like a light!

Let him live and live in the eyelids

White - blue - red Russian flag! (Children are mashed by flags).

LEADING: Everyone must love and respect his homeland. One person has a native mother, one and his homeland. Her people like her firmly. There was a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. Let's remember them together.

1. Motherland beloved - that mother ... Rima.

2. If friendship is large, there will be a homeland ... strong.

3. Live - the Motherland ... serve.

4. For the Motherland of his forces, no life ... Do not regret.

5. Motherland Mother, able to ... stand up.

6. Man without a homeland - that nightinglets ... without a song.

LEADING: In whatever corner you are not born, you can proudly say: "This is my homeland."

1reb: What are we calling your birthday?

House where we live with you!

And birrors along which

Next to my mother we go.

2 Reb: What do we call birthday?

Field with a thin spike!

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

3 Reb: We are about our homeland sang songs

Because there is no homeland anywhere!

Performing a song "About Motherland".

LEADING: Today the holiday was noted, but did not play yet!

Outdoor games:

1. "Tell the checkbox" (3 commands, 3 flag - white, blue, red. Each team is given a certain color flag. Children become each other. Transmitted along the chain.

2. "Prut through the flag through the barriers" (2 teams. Running snake between kegs, jump over the ravine - gymnastic stick, crawl into the hoop. Transfer the next player.

3. "Whose circle is more likely to be gathered." (3 colors) 3 teams, each is going around its definite color. Go round, cotton, running the swarming, with the end of music to make a circle near his check box. Flags hold teachers.

Sound music sounds sound.

LEADING: Let it be famous for his power Russia,

Big and good our country!

And in the wind flag develops stylishly

In the eyelids and at all times!

Stop - ka, guys, in a large wide circle,

And by hand, take your friends, girlfriends.

Azure skill will be spinning over you,

Wakes up the forest and the field of the cheerful dance!

Children perform a "big round dance".

Under the song "My Russia", children are masted by flags, solemnly pass through the hall. The holiday is completed.

Planning and holding a festive event "We are growing under the flag of Russia"

1. Introduction
(1 slide)
The project "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" emphasizes that "the education system is designed to ensure the upbringing of the patriots of Russia, citizens of the legal democratic, social state that respect the rights and freedoms of the individual."
(2 slide)
Strategic reinforcements are formulated by President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin: "The priorities of the state youth policy should be aimed at the formation of a harmonious personality, the upbringing of a citizen of Russia - a mature, responsible person who combines love for a large and small homeland, nationwide and ethnic identity, Respect for culture, traditions of people who live nearby. "
Kindergarten is the first step in the formation of personality and pre-school institutions should lay the foundation for solving problems on the moral and patriotic education of the child, and this is a complex pedagogical process, it is based on the development of moral feelings.
(3 slide)
The methodological manual is recommended by educators of pre-school institutions and music leaders for planning work on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers, to develop event scenarios for the Russian flag day; For educational and non-elected activities to familiarize preschoolers with symbols of Russia.
Acquisition of children to acquaintance with the state symbols of the Russian Federation is one of the priorities. Not depending on the program of development of a preschool institution, from his profile, the patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks.
Patriotic feelings are formed from the birth of a child, in the process of his whole life. These are the feelings of love for the family, to the kindergarten, the native city, the native nature, compatriots, awareness of themselves as a citizen of their country, respectfully belonging to the symbolism - flag, hymn, coat of arms. The task of the teacher is to help children fully understand, comprehend symbols, their origin, meaning, images, functions.
The celebration of the Day of the Russian flag is legally established not so long ago and the flag as a state symbol is most accessible to understand preschoolers, since from an early age checkbox is a second subject, after rattles that the baby begins to manipulate in organized activities. Preschoolers, before entering school, continue to use it as an attribute of a patriotic holiday: the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the Day of Cosmonautics, the Day of Victory and others. Showing the oldest preschoolers, a small three-color checkbox, I asked: "Why do you need a checkbox?" Answers most of the children: "To wave," "to play", "go for the holiday". Looking at the big flag - confident answers from the children sounded much less. This is not because children do not know, but because the situation itself did not cause the reaction in children to concentrate their knowledge and express them in the responses. Therefore, a big holiday, pre-prepared by the preliminary work, is necessary for children in kindergarten to bright paints, bursts of emotions, solemnity of the situation, content and musical design helped the child "transfer" a speech from passive to active, helped acquire or save knowledge, leave vivid impressions About an important state symbol - the flag of Russia.
(4 slide) Objectives:
- the provision of practical assistance to educators before in the development and use of knowledge, both theoretical and practical nature, in the organization and holding of the festive event "Day of the Russian Flag".
- implementation of an integrated approach to the development of the child and the implementation of intellectual, moral, physical development of preschoolers by familiarization with the symbols of the Russian state

(5 slide)
* To summarize the material about the flag of Russia.
* Provide material for planning in pre-work on moral and patriotic education, preparation and conduct of activities with preschoolers for 5-7 years, dedicated to the public holiday of the Flag of Russia.
* Submit material for teachers of preschool institutions, from experience, on the topic "We are growing under the flag of Russia."
* Rail in children and adults (teachers, parents) The feeling of pride and dignity for the fact that their homeland is Russia.
* Rail a aesthetic attitude towards the colors of the Russian flag.
* To form elementary ideas in children and adults about the origin of the banners.
* Continue to acquaint with the historical and symbolic meaning of the Flag of Russia; Rise love and respect for your homeland, pride for your country, your people.
* To summarize the knowledge of children about the state flag.
* To acquaint with the value of the colors depicted on the flag.
* Cause children a sense of pride, admiration for the beauty of the state flag. * Call the desire to make small flags with state symbolism.
* Relief in children respect for the power of the Russian state, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for their country.
Planned results:
* Manifestation of teachers to dust in-depth interest in planning and carrying out measures for moral and patriotic education on the topic "We are growing under the flag of Russia."
* Increased significance of this topic in the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.
* Awareness of the feeling of pride over the courage and the resistance of Russians in different centuries living under the flag of Russia.
* Mastering preschoolers of available knowledge about the state symbol of the Russian tricolor flag.
* The birth of preschoolers of patriotic feelings from understanding the meaning of the words "we grow under the flag of Russia"
(6 slide)
Flag of Russia - Tricolor,
Three stripes catch the eye,
And each new color,
And the color has its own secret:
The bottom is the brightest,
Color victories in the burning of hot
Russian blood that mined
And the people are not forgotten.
In the middle of the flag - blue
Like a Volga on the plain,
Blue riming rivers
He loves a Russian man.
From above as clouds,
Snow and milk color,
Clean, white - world color,
He says he - no wars!
And, Ageev
(7 slide)
The first flag of Russia was approved in 1668 by King Alexey Mikhailovich as the flag of the first domestic merchant "Orel". Until that time, there was no official state banner to Russia.
Peter I in 1705 on a tricolor with white-blue-red flowers and the coat of arms of the XVII century country, in the form of a two-headed eagle. It is known that Peter himself drawd the sample and determined the order of horizontal bands and ordered that this flag would rise to all the country's shopping ships.
On August 12, 1914, the Ministry of Internal Affairs introduced an additional flag. A golden square was added to the tricolor with an image of a state eagle, which symbolized the unity of the king with the people.
During the February Revolution, the Red Banner was widely used, but on April 25, 1917, at the legal meeting, it was proposed to leave a white-blue-red fabric as the National Flag, since this flag does not have dynastic emblems and can be considered a flag of new Russia. And after the October Revolution, the new authorities began to use a red flag with symbols R. S. F. S. R. which deciphered as the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. In 1923, the flag of the country became the red canvas with a crossed sickle and a yellow-colored hammer in the upper left corner over them and a five-pointed star of the same color. This flag lasted 68 years before the collapse of the USSR. It is one of the symbol of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
After the collapse of the USSR - there was no dispute, to which flag to return. The emergency session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on August 22, 1991 adopted a decree to consider the official symbol of Russia Tricolor, which was approved by the President of the Russian Federation by Boris Yeltsin on December 11, 1993. Later on December 25, 2000, Vladimir Putin finally approved the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Flag"
(8Slide) In August 1994, the President of Russia signed a decree in which the historical Russian three-color state flag, who received the glory of many generations of Russians, and, in order to educate the current and future generations of citizens of Russia, is said: "In connection with the restoration of August 22, 1991, Relationships to state symbols, decree:
Install the holiday - Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation
On December 22, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Flag of the Russian Federation" was adopted. According to the law, the national flag is a symbol of Russia. (Slide) It is a rectangular cloth of three isometric horizontal strips: top - white, medium - blue, lower - red. And celebrate it on August 22.
Currently, there is more and more about the need to upbringing patriotic feelings, pride in their homeland, respect for the decent, education of self-esteem, self-confidence, their involvement in the fate of the Motherland.
The attachment of children to the state symbols of the Russian Federation is one of the priorities. Not depending on the program of development of a preschool institution, from his profile, the patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks.
Patriotic feelings are formed from the birth of a child, in the process of his whole life. These are the feelings of love for the family, to the kindergarten, the native city, the native nature, compatriots, awareness of themselves as a citizen of their country, respectfully belonging to the symbolism - flag, hymn, coat of arms. The task of the teacher is to help children fully understand, comprehend symbols, their origin, meaning, images, functions. (9 slide) and as a person cannot live without behalf, surname and patronymic, and his homeland can not exist without flag, coat of arms and hymn.
(10 slide)
3. For example, planning work on the preparation of the holiday "Flag Day" for August month.

Julia Buttov
Conversation with children "Russian Flag Day"

Preparatory to school group.

purpose: to acquaint children with the concept of homeland, Fatherland; Educating civilian - patriotic feelings.


to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200btheir homeland, as a native country, a sense of love for their homeland;

form a valid attitude to state symbols;

to give a concept about the symbolic meaning of the colors of the state flag of Russia.

Educator: Guys, we live in a country that has a surprisingly beautiful name - Russia. So we are who?

Answers children: (Russians)

Educator: Many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia only, unique country, because it is our homeland. For each person it starts with a parental home. In whatever corner of the country you are not born, you can proudly say "This is my homeland!"

Educator: Dear Guys! Today, August 22, our country celebrates a wonderful solemn date - russian Flag Birthday!

What is the holiday today?

Responses of children.

(I show the children photo with the image flag)

Three colors on flag of Russia

Red, White, Blue)

With a red stripe flag -

In her the blood of fathers and grandfathers,

With red Russia

Honor and victory

Blue stripe - the color of the sky is clear,

So that life in our country was beautiful

White color, in it love, good and purity,

We want to live in friendship and peace always.

Educator: So what colors are our flag? (children's responses)

How are they located? (children's responses)

Guys, what do you think I need a country flag, coat of arms, anthem? (children's arguments, the story of the teacher about the meaning of the hymn and flag for any country)

Leading: Many proverbs and sayings folded the Russian people about their homeland, remember some of them.

There is no land more than our homeland.

For his homeland, neither the strength, no life regret

One person has a mother - one and homeland

Take care of the land is a loved one like mother

Who is the Mountain Mountain, that true hero

Leading: So let those blow, from which colors our flag?

Responses of children.

Children, and let you draw you Russian flag.

Publications on the topic:

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the state festival "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland", about the service in the army, childbirth of the troops. Develop communicative.

Nezorak Anna Petrovna Educator of the municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten Combined Type No. 1".

A summary of the event for the Day of the Russian Flag in the Central Group A summary of the event for the pupils of the average group dedicated to the Day of the Russian Flag.

Very soon on August 22 in Russia we will celebrate the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. This day appeared in our calendar.

Purpose: consolidate and systematize knowledge on this topic. Crystal Zhemushka Hello, Guest-Winter! We ask for mercy to us the song of the North.

Flag - Russia represents! The flag of Russia knows everyone! Russians are proud of them, they seek decent! For work it is necessary: \u200b\u200bcardboard.

Velieva Zera Abdulkadyrovna
Abstract Node "Russian Flag Day" in the senior group

Abstract Node in the older group

Amounted to: Velieva Z. A. Educator MBDOU DS №1 "Space"

Subject: « Day of the Russian Flag.»

Type of classes: ?

Type of occupation: Cognitive

purpose: Education of patriotic feelings of love for homeland, respect for symbols countries: flag, hymn Russia.



To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200btheir homeland, as a native country, a sense of love for their homeland;

Secure knowledge O. Russian flag,

Form a valid attitude to state symbols;


Development of cognitive interest in historical heritage Russia, emotionally - patriotic education symbolism Russia, feelings of love and pride in Fatherland.


Education of love for various peoples living in Russia.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation, balls, colored crayons, flag of Russia, Hymn phonogram Russian Federation.

TSO: laptop, multimedia screen, flag of Russia, Hymn phonogram Russian Federation.

Technologies: gaming; information and communication; Personal oriented

Structure occupation


Proudly reude on the mast of the ship,

In battle soldiers take me

I Russia part and sign -

Red - blue - white ... (flag)

IN: Guys, we live in a country that has a surprisingly beautiful name - Russia. So we are who? (Russians) And what is Russia?

Children: Russia is a country, this is our homeland.

IN: What is the Motherland? (Motherland is a place where we live.) Look at the map, what is our homeland? (Huge, big). Many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia only, unique country, because it is our homeland. For each person it starts with a parental home. In whatever corner of the country you are not born, you can proudly say "This is my homeland!"

Reading poem "Motherland" Side Tatyana.

Motherland is a big word, big!

May not happen in the light of miracles,

If you say this word with a soul

Deeper the seas it, above the skies!

It fits exactly polimyr:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

City of the birthplace, native apartment,

Grandmother, Mom, Kitten ... and me.

Sunny bunny in palm,

Lilac bush behind the window

And on the cheek of the mole -

This is also homeland.

IN: Russia - Large and beautiful country. For each person, she starts with a parental home, in whatever corner you are not born, you can proudly to tell: "This is my homeland!"

"What is the Motherland?" - I asked my mother.

Mom smiled, led hand:

"This is our homeland - cute Russia, no one in the world of the Motherland is so. "

In the heart you have everyone, the Motherland - Russia! White birch trees, spooled.

There are no you attributive, there are no you beautiful, there is no other in the world of the Motherland.

The exercise "U my Russia»

At my Russia long mosiches, Press both hands to the chest, then "Split" Imagine braids.

At my Russia bright cilia, (Press both hands to the chest, then the index finger Show cilia)

At my Russia blue eyes -(Click both hands to the chest, then connect the fingers of both hands near the nose, take the elbows back, half column)

On me, Russia, you are very similar. (Press both hands to the chest, then the index finger alternately show on the neighbors)

For me Russia - White Birch, (Press both hands to the chest. Perform half-headed, hands above the head semicircle)

For me Russia - Morning dew(Press both hands to the chest, then perform 3 semisradias with simultaneous compression and definition of fingers)

For me Russia, you are all more expensive (press both hands to the chest, then breed them on the sides, hug yourself by the shoulders)

What to make my mother look at mom. (bring the right hand forward with the palm up, then the left hand, connect the fingers of the hands into the castle palms to yourself, forming a semicircle)

You are mine Russia, all warmly warm (press both hands to the chest, then stroke yourself on the cheeks)

You are mine RussiaYou can sing songs, (press both hands to the chest. Pictulate the game on the dudka, turning first right, then left)

You are mine Russia, inseparable with us, (Put both hands to the chest, then take everything by the hands)

After all Russia Russia, I'm with friends! (hands put on the shoulders to each other, run 2-33 times to the right and left)

The sun shines, the winds blow, (stand straight, arms up - to the sides, then smoothly shake them from side to side)

Livni pours out Russia, (Smooth movements of both hands up-down)

In the sky, the rainbow color - (perform half-headed, depicting a rainbow)

There is no land of my beautiful! (execute semi-clone, hands dilute from the chest to the sides, then press your arms to the chest)

IN: Russia The country is extraordinary when the sun gets up in the Far East, the morning begins, in the west evening. In the south, warm and blooming gardens, and in the north the frost cracks and is snow. Each area Russia Wonderful by its nature, its folk culture, art crafts, labor and achievements of people.

Each country has its own flag, in our country - Russia - also there is a state flag. What colour flag of Russia? (White blue red)

IN: White color - birch.

Blue - sky color.

Red stripe - sunny dawn.

What else reminds white color? What can you see in the nature of white? (Birch, Snow Whole Winter, White Chamomile, White Clouds)

IN: What does blue remind about? (Sky, rivers, sea, lakes)

IN: What does the red flowers resemble? (Flowers, berries, sun)

IN: Everything is right. And now I will tell a fairy tale about that. How nature chose a color for flag. They met snow, water and sun.

"I will give russian flag your pure white color », "said the snow.

And on flag A white strip appeared. The water collected her friends - the sea, large and small rivers, oceans, lakes. All together they decided to give flag your deep blue color. So the flag appeared blue. In the morning the sun rose. "I want to give russian flag Your brightest red, "said the sun. And the third strip became red. So russian flag has become a tricolor

IN: guys, and you want to know the history of the occurrence flag of Russia?

Flag Our country has its own story. Many centuries ago instead flag People used the pole, tied to his tip of herbs, branches or ponytailPainted bright paint. It was called. The main purpose of the tongue was to collect "Take to yourself" Warriors to protect their land - villages or town. Then the steps began to do from the fabric. Most often they were bright red. 350 years ago when Russia Rules Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, on warships began to post white-blue-red flag. And in those days, and now the color is attached to a special meaning. White color means the world and cleanliness of conscience, blue - sky, loyalty and truth, red - fire and courage. These colors since ancient times worshiped in Russia. We are talking "blue ocean", "White light", "Spring-Red", "Red Maiden", Using a word "red" in meaning "beautiful". Apparently, it is not by chance white, blue and red colors became the colors of the state flag of Russia. Existing today russian flag Federation was approved on August 22, 1991. That is why on August 22 we celebrate Russian Flag Birthday


Children came to the parade.

Friend of each other stood in a row.

How beautiful all walks.

A friendly legs raise.

Hands up raising,

Hands down to lower.

To the sides

On the belt - and sleep.

Show me your checkbox,

Hiding behind your back, friend.

Independent activities

IN: Now I suggest you to make our applique russian flag Of the finished strips of white, blue and red colors.

Show what flags have turned out? They can be attributed home and tell their parents about what you know about flag.


IN: Guys stand up and take your checkboxes. Now listen to the poem and perform the movements.

Children came to the parade.

Friend of each other stood hardly.

How beautiful all walks.

A friendly legs raise.

Hands up raising,

Hands down to lower.

To the sides

On the belt - and sleep.

Show me your checkbox,

Hiding behind your back, friend.


  • Introduce children with the image of the State Flag (color solution, location of the bands);
  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

Flag day today notes
All Russia, without the edge and end,
And every firmly magnifies
This symbol is proudly crown.
After all, there is no country without flag in the world,
But this is the whole relatives,
In it, honor and pride and courage,
From past and to the present day.
Let the flag always remove
Keeping the native side
And we with the appreciation of the eternal
Not once will bow to him.

On August 22, Russia celebrates one of the main holidays Day of the State Flag! Each state has its own symbolism. This is coat of arms, flag and anthem. This is not just a beautiful image. This is the embodiment of the history and expression of patriotism of citizens. Therefore, we all need to know and respect the history of state symbols.

Any flag has a symbolic value. To "read" the coat of arms and the flag of the state, you need to know the value of color, images. The definition of symbolic value depends on national traditions, ethnocultural characteristics of the country. The colors and location of the Russian flag bands give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the world adopted in Russian traditional culture. The Russian flag means the unity of the country and its independence from other countries.

Why are the strips are so, and not otherwise? The Red Strain is our beautiful, beautiful land, on which sometimes, unfortunately, wars happen, blood sheds. Over the earth - blue sky. This is a blue band. And over the earth and the sky is all the cleanest, bright, beautiful, some divine power, or, as they say, Lord God.

In Russia, these colors were worshiped for centuries: they were decorated with dwelling, patterns on clothes, Russian tricolor, diplomas, photos, transport, etc.

The horizontal location of the bands was determined by the submission of the structure of the world:
At the top - the sky - blue color;
At the very bottom - the world of people.
It is not by chance that these colors combines the coat of arms, where the colors have their own value:
White - Saint George Victorious,
Blue - waving rider raincoat,
Red - background and shield of the coat of arms.

The image of the rider who is hit by a black dragon, means victory for good and justice over evil.

"Two eagles carry in Bella Light the chariot, in the center of the belt rules a pair of birds, and at the top of the sun itself; Two wings of his sisters - dawn Morning and Zarya evening "- this explains the meaning of the people's tradition.

Of course, over time, poetic meaning was forgotten, and the sunny chariot changed a double-headed eagle.

The coat of arms appeared in 1497. Eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. One head is the state ruler, King Ivan Vasilyevich - the Grand Duke of All Russia. The other is the ruler of the Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of All Russia, Philanthrop.

There are heads on one torso - this is the unity of Russia, besides, the king and the patriarch were their brothers. In the future, the eagle remained two heads as a symbol of the unity of spiritual and secular power.


  • E. K. RIVINA « Coat of arms and flag of Russia» .2002
  • E. K. RIVINA " Russian symbolism» . Arcti - Moscow 2004
  • A.Ivanov "My Homeland - Russia". 2011.
  • E. L. Erochene. "State Device of Russia." Album for classes with children 6 - 7 years.
  • "My homeland is Russia coat of arms, anthem, Russia flag." Handbook of Schoolboy Publishing House "Lite"
  • O. N. Barannikova "Lessons of citizenship and patriotism in kindergarten." Publishing house Arct - Moscow 2007.

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