What are the reasons for conflicts from preschoolers. Children's conflicts: causes, prevention and permission

What are the reasons for conflicts from preschoolers. Children's conflicts: causes, prevention and permission

Society cannot develop without a collision of interest. It is when resolving the contradictions that truth is born. Pedagogical conflict is no exception. In the dispute, each of the parties is trying to prove its right thing, defends his own point of view in the process of the incident, which provokes the collision of interests.

When creating and its resolution, age and the status of its participants are of great importance. Also, a successful or destructive solution will depend on how participants own its repayment strategies.

Pedagogical conflict has its own specifics and features:

The professional responsibility of the teacher for the right way out of the controversial situation, because education institutions are a small model of society;

Conflict participants have an unequal defining behavior of the parties in it;

The difference in life experience and age breeds the positions of participants in the conflict and creates a different responsibility for errors in its resolution;

A different understanding of the events and their causes by the participants of the controversial situation: Children are difficult to cope with their emotions, and the teacher does not always understand the position of the child;

The pedagogical conflict in which the witnesses are present is educational value, which should be remembered by an adult;

The professional position of the teacher in the controversial situation obliges it to be initiative when it is resolution;

If in the process of the teacher made a flusher or error, it leads to the emergence of new incidents in which other participants are included.

The main contradictions in the field of education were and remain under the category "What and how to learn". It is in this plan that "clashes" often occur between teachers and legitimate representatives of the child, since the latter believe that their child has undergone or misunderstood the material.

Pedagogical conflict is an inevitable part of the educational process, because there will always be people who are dissatisfied with each other's actions: not all teachers and educators share their parents' position, as well as the latter far from every question agree with the teacher.

The main thing in this dispute is to try to find a compromise solution, which would suit everyone, because from how comfortable the psychological climate will be, the activities of the teacher and the work of the educator will depend.

Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts - a sufficiently difficult procedure for any representative of this profession. If they are selected, some major rules should be guided:

Try to repay the conflict, that is, to translate it from the emotional part to the business, to calm, so that there is an opportunity to negotiate;

It should be tried to prevent the conflict situation, because it is easier to do, rather than looking for ways to solve it;

Allow the controversial situation "here and now" so as not to exacerbate it. Even if it was possible to make only partially, the work done opens the doors for further positive arrangement.

Conflicts in pedagogical activity - the thing is ordinary. This is a sphere so they are inevitable. The pedagogical team of the school, and especially the kindergarten is to a greater extent consisting of female individuals, and they have every day to "get around" with each other. And besides internal interactions, there are also conversations with parents of children, not always benevolently tuned. Therefore, inevitable, the main thing is that they are not destructive.

Eternal problems of the pedagogical process - what to teach and how to learn are global problems for the entire global education system. Especially they aggravated on the eve of the XXI century. Currently, the whole world education system is experiencing a crisis. The essence of the crisis is that the current system of education and education is not able to effectively perform the functions of socialization of new generations. One of the options to exit the global crisis is to create a new education and education system that meets the requirements of modern society.

Consider the most characteristic of the Russian education system of the problem and the causes of various kinds of conflicts.

At the level of interaction, society - education can be distinguished by the following contradictions:

  • 1. The absence of a holistic and consistent concept of a new educational policy (development strategy of the education system);
  • 2. The lack of financial and logistical support of the education system (the Russian economy is in decline and is not able to allocate the necessary resources for the needs of education);
  • 3. The poverty of the funds allocated leads to such negative consequences as:
    • Socio-labor conflicts, strikes, rallies, picketing of public institutions, hunger strikes and other forms of protest;
    • closure of educational institutions due to lack of funds for their maintenance (heating, electricity, repair, etc.);
    • Reducing government subsidies for school lunches, textbooks, equipment and other needs;
    • Extreme dissatisfaction of education workers to the material remuneration of their work. The low level of wages forces education workers to look for additional earnings, which negatively affects the pedagogical process.

The age periodization and the allocation of situations and conflict characteristic of each age give the teacher to navigate the reasons that violate the interaction with students.

In general, such reasons may be actions and communication of the teacher, the personality features of the student and the teacher, the overall situation at school.

We give examples of causes of conflicts:

  • Small teacher's opportunity to predict the behavior of students;
  • The surprise of their actions, often violates the planned course of the lesson, causes a teacher annoyance and striving by any means to remove "interference";
  • The disadvantage of information about the reasons of what has happened difficult to choose the choice of optimal behavior and the corresponding setting of the collapse;
  • The witnesses of situations are other students, so the teacher seeks to maintain his social status with any means and thereby often brings the situation to conflict;
  • A teacher, as a rule, is estimated not to separate a student's deed, but his personality, such an assessment often determines the attitude to the disciple of other teachers and peers (especially in elementary school);
  • The student's assessment is often built on the subjective perception of his act and a small awareness of his motives, the features of the individual, living conditions in the family;
  • The teacher makes it difficult to analyze the situation that has arisen, rushes strictly to punish the student, motivating this by the fact that excessive severity in relation to the student will not hurt;
  • Incidentally important is the nature of the relationship between the teacher and individual disciples;
  • Personal qualities and non-standard student behavior are the cause of constant conflicts with them;
  • The personal qualities of the teacher are also often caused by conflicts (irritability, rudeness, vitality, complacency, helplessness, etc.)

Additional factors advocate the prevailing mood of the teacher when interacting with students, the lack of pedagogical abilities, interest in pedagogical work, the vital disadvantage of teachers, the general climate and the organization of work in the pedagogical team.

The cause of many conflicts, school leaders consider the low level of pedagogical communication of teachers who cannot stop in time, avoid sharp words, do not blame for the disadvantage in the family, do not emphasize negative qualities, do not make fun of peers. These are well-known provisions, but they often violate many teachers.

Many of the teachers find it difficult to conduct a dialogue with disciples of different ages. The teacher's dialogue with students is often conducted on the command and administrative level and contains a set of stereotypical expressions, reproaches, threats, discontent with the behavior of the student. Such communication continues for many years of schooling in school, and for older school age, many of the students produce a response style of communication with teachers.

Conflicts arise when students are alone with a teacher (in the presence of foreign or administration of the School of Conflict, there is no conflict), therefore the administration is difficult to assist him in their prevention and resolution.

In the field of national education, it is customary to allocate four subjects of activity: a student, teacher, parent and administrator (leaders of various levels: director, widens, etc.).

You can highlight 10 types of confrontations:

  • student - student;
  • student - teacher;
  • Pupil - parents;
  • Pupil - Administrator;
  • Teacher - teacher;
  • Teacher - parents;
  • Teacher - Administrator;
  • Parents are parents;
  • Parents are administrators;
  • Administrator - administrator.

Conflicts among students occur quite often. The main occasions of conflicts between students are rudeness, rudeness, cruelty, gravit. But most often such conflicts are found at primary and secondary school students. Conflicts between senior senior students are uncommon; They are older and turned different resentment; more friendly with their school comrades; They have enough other problems. The reason for such conflicts has the following grounds:

  • personal hostility of each other;
  • inadequate assessments and self-esteem;
  • Tactlessness in communication, envy to the successes of the other, etc.

The most common among the "student is a student" conflicts of leadership, in the middle classes conflict groups of boys and girls.

The second type of conflict "Student - Teacher". The causes of such confrontation and conflict are:

  • insults from students;
  • non -actic behavior;
  • disrespectful attitude towards teachers;
  • unpreparedness of homework;
  • systematic (without valid reasons) passes of classes;
  • differences in value orientations;
  • dependent attitude to study, laziness, reluctance to learn;
  • weak preparation for lessons, lack of independent thinking, lower level of general education;
  • lack of interest in study;
  • Violation of discipline in class and others.

And if you consider the conflict from the point of view of students, the reasons may be the following:

  • insults from teachers;
  • non -actic behavior;
  • binding when issuing estimates;
  • Owning requirements;
  • Uninteresting lesson by teacher and others.

Conflicts in the interaction "Teacher - a student" in addition to motivational, conflicts of moral and ethical can be blocked. Most of the conflict situations whose participants are a teacher and a student, characterized by a mismatch, and sometimes both the exact opposite of their position in relation to studies and rules of behavior in school. An undisciplinedness, racking, a frivolous attitude towards studying a student and excessive authoritarianism, intolerance of the teacher - the main causes of acute interpersonal clashes.

The reason for many conflicts is also the disrespectful attitude of teachers to their students, unwillingness or inability to see in the student of the ally and partner in joint activities. Interpersonal and group conflicts among school students are commonplace. The socialization process (adaptation, self-identification, etc.) implies various kinds of conflicts not only in the school environment. The problem is that the structure of building a modern mass school on the principle of coented and opposition - "Teacher - a student", "Senior - Jr.", "strong - weak", "successive - no sense" - and this all stimulates children's conflict, which It gives rise to cruelty, burglariness, rudeness in group and interpersonal relations of schoolchildren.

The conflict "Student is a parent." Conflicts of this kind most often arise due to misunderstanding from parents or unfavorable atmosphere in the family (drunkenness, fights between parents). The causes of such quarrels can be:

  • Children teach little lessons at home;
  • Do not always listen to parents, do everything in their own way;
  • due to bad studies;
  • Children spend a lot of time on the street or in the yard;
  • Listen to a lot of tape recorder, watch TV;
  • Do bad behave in school;
  • Due to the choice of the future profession;
  • Do not remove your belongings;
  • little read, etc.

As can be seen, the main causes of conflicts of children with parents are studying and misunderstanding each other.

Conflicts in the teacher's environment: "Teacher - Teacher", "Teacher - Administrator", "Administrator - Administrator". These conflict types are hidden, imperceptible to others. In fact, are typical organizational conflicts. They may arise for the following reasons:

  • non -actic attitude towards each other;
  • due to an uncomfortable schedule of classes;
  • shifting responsibilities to each other;
  • administrative abuses;
  • Uneven distribution of pedagogical load.

The largest number of conflicts in the teacher's environment causes the problem of training load. Teachers consider it the main reason within school conflicts, while they are not satisfied with both excess and its disadvantage.

The reason for the growth of tensions and conflicts in the teacher's environment is also the vulnerability of a teacher from unfair accusations from other participants in the socio-pedagogical process: school administrations, employees of higher education bodies, parents of schoolchildren and students themselves. At the same time, teachers who show a deep interest in their work, more often enter the conflict with representatives of the administration and other colleagues, which formally relate to their duties, and the last more often conflict with schoolchildren and their parents and, accordingly, their more "conscientious" colleagues.

Intense atmosphere and conflicts in school groups create both unreasonable benefits and privileges, which are used by certain categories of employees. They can be: "Pets" director or width; those who persistent require; teachers who have the title; one who works better; Members of school trade union committees and others.

If we summarize the causes of conflicts that have a place in the teacher's environment, they can be reduced to two grounds:

  • Problems of communication, for example, lack of tact, hot temper, intolerance to the disadvantages of other, overestimated self-esteem, psychological incompatibility, etc.;
  • An outdated administrative system for managing school institutions, built on the principle of "boss - subordinate", in which there is almost no place for normal human communication.

Conflicts between teachers may arise for various reasons: from the problems of school schedule before the collision of intimate personal order.

In the interaction of the "Teacher-Administration" there are conflicts caused by the problems of power and subordination.

Conflicts between teachers and parents. The cause of this confrontation is children (school students). In this conflict, as a rule, it is not necessary without the administrator intervention. Bowl of all parents believe that with their child, the teacher is poorly drawn; It is impertuous assesses: it makes fault, it understed. Often, parents accuse teachers in incompetence. Teachers, in turn, accuse the family, parents in self-esteem from the learning and education process, i.e. All communication and upbringing parents are shifted on the shoulders of teachers.

Interpersonal conflicts arising between teachers and students can be business and personal in their content.

The frequency and nature of conflicts depend on the level of development of the class team: the higher this level, the less conflict situations are created. In the cohesive team, there is always a common, supported by all its members a goal, and in the course of joint ventures, general values \u200b\u200band norms are formed. In this case, the advantage of business conflicts between the teacher and students, which arise as a consequence of objective, subject contradictions of joint activities. They have a positive character, as aimed at determining effective ways to achieve a general group target. However, such a conflict does not exclude emotional tensions, a pronounced personal attitude towards the subject of disagreements. But personal interest in general, success does not allow the conflicting parties to reduce the scores, to be approved by the humiliation of the other. In contrast to a personal conflict after a constructive solution to the issue that has given the business conflict, the relationship of its participants is normalized.

The conflict is the formation of opposite interests, views, disputes threatening with complications.

Children's conflict - when some of the children seeks to satisfy their desires, not counting with the need of others.

Conflicts are inevitable, as the child is very difficult to focus on the desire of peers, understand what he feels. It is impossible to live without conflict, they must be foreseen, to be able to go out constructively. Children need to be learned correctly act in a conflict situation.

Possible causes of conflicts:

1. Emotional difficulties

2. If the child has no arbitrariness

3. List of pupils, kindness, culture

4. Unstable moral criteria in the education of the child in today's conditions

5. Inability to manage your behavior

6. Not knowledge of the rules and rules that need to follow when communicating with others

You can draw the following conclusion: conflict children are missing (+) socially - emotional experience for constructive communication in society. The assimilation (+) socially emotional experience occurs, above all, through the interaction of the child - adult (teachers, parents).

Modeling the child received, by observation and interaction of the child tolerates the experience first in the plot role-playing game, only then in relationship with peers. One of the prevention methods is a plot role game. The teacher will be observed for this type of game, it will definitely see the gap in the behavior of the child, then with the help of directions, it is necessary to adjust the behavior of the child, in the future, considering the seen, the educator is able to guide the child in the necessary direction.

Any collective game, is the screen on which the shortcomings and features of the identity of the child are displayed, consequently, the role of an adult is to be able to notice the shortcomings, analyze them, help the child to cope with them. Proper attention in educational - educational work should be given to the formation of interpersonal communication with peers. The need for early formation (+) experience is determined by the fact that its absence leads to the natural emergence of negative forms of behavior, i.e., to conflict.

Teacher must create conditions for the prevention of conflict situations; Remember that effective help can be provided only in direct interaction with the child:

1. Permanent ethical conversations

2. Games - dramatization, dramatization of fairy tales

3. Analysis of conflict situations that happened in the past with children, analysis of similar, conflicting behavior of fabulous characters; Discussion of the consequences of a child's actions for feelings of another person;

It is necessary to teach children to the conscious perception of their feelings, desires, the ability to express them accordingly, understandable people, i.e. Quietly refer to desires and judgments of other children.

4. It is very important to create conditions for games in which concerted actions, mutual assistance, cooperation, solving problem and life situations that require the manifestation of mutual understanding and ability to resolve conflicts. Explain that, in one way or another, it is better to act together and help each other. Encourage them in the manifestation of these qualities. Pay attention to children who cooperate are sharing toys and help each other, bring them as an example. Select moments in which preschoolers are expressed in favor of cooperation and mutual assistance.

5. It is very important to teach the child to own etiquette formulas:




6. To teach contact with the help of speech (by name, diminishing name, other good words), neustal means (tactile contact, eyes in the eyes);

7. ... it's constructively expressing your mood - be able to vote your mood (work with corners of the mood), so, we teach the child to analyze your mood ... ... take a leading role in a conversation, without breaking etiquette (tone of communication, facial expressions, gestures , tactile touch);

8. ... Ability to empathize, sympathize, understand the emotional state of another child;

9. To the educator, teacher must be remembered that the desire of an adult to teach to suppress negative emotions is pernicably affecting the psychological health of the child. It is necessary to express emotions, but adequately, in a socially acceptable form;

10. ... Do not protect children from negative experiences - "greenhouse education" is poured into more acute consequences;

11. ... consider not just the modality of emotions (positive, negative), and their intensity;

12. ... the abundance of the same type of emotions, albeit positive, can lead to an "emotional excess";

13. Encourage the desire of children to negotiate if problems and conflicts arise, express their thoughts and feelings, instead of solving problems with force;

14. But it is not necessary to repeat the same requirements, prohibitions, punishment, clearly and accurately formulate the rules of behavior.

Conclusion: Working with children pursues the goal to train children with the skills of interpersonal communication with peers, the child's cultural behavior largely depends on the culture of the behavior of near parents, educators, teachers.

"It doesn't mean to educate and edify,

and first of all, to live in human itself.

Who wants to fulfill their duty to children,

he must start raising from himself. "

A.N. Ostrogorsky.

Work with adults is reduced to the preparation of their own communication with children and to teach children to the skills of interpersonal communication.

consultation: conflicts of preschool children.

Children's conflicts, their causes.

    Ignoring strategy. There is no doubt that preschoolers receive a certain experience of social conflict, but hardly receive the experience of social reconciliation. If you do not help the warring parties to hear and understand each other, they themselves, as a rule, do not learn. - This is an extremely fierce point of the conflict, and the absolute majority of Drachunov themselves do not understand why they are pulling them. So if children's fights ignore, they will be renewed again and again. And most importantly - the children's souls will endure the growing feeling of mutual hatred.

    Strategy for suppression and punishment. The most simple and widespread strategy: Drachunov scold, dilute in the corners, to roughly punish, cause parents. Such a strategy leads to the fact that obvious conflicts fade, but some preschoolers make out of this that it is necessary to find out the relationship with the help of fists need secret, in a secluded place. The conflict not finished in the group will continue for its border. And for some children there will be a sign of additional heroism: this is not only a fight with each other, but also a correspondence fight with an adult punishing them.

    Cooperation Strategy. The most difficult and most effective strategy that adult helps children understand their internal experiences, which led to a conflict, and together with them trying to invent and test various methods of reconciliation. Of course, it is possible to situly reconcile the quarreling children by some universal pedagogical move - for example, to captivate the game or some truly interesting joint work. But only when not S.lucid deep. True, in any case, the experience of such reconciliation is obviously and helps only situly. After all, the conflict is just a marker of some internal stresses that adhere to preschoolers. Especially if conflicts renew again and again, if the child is characterized by increased conflict.

Pedagogue with conflict resolution is necessary:

First, recognize the presence of opposing goals from the participants of the conflict, to determine these participants themselves. Almost these questions simply simply decide on external manifestations, since the conflict of preschoolers are very emotionally reacting to what is happening and reported on the conflict.

Secondly, to identify the range of issues that make up the subject of the conflict. The main problem is to determine in jointly used, which is the subject of conflict, and what is not. At this stage, approaches to the conflict are produced, the positions of the parties are revealed, the points of the greatest disagreement and the points of the possible convergence of positions are determined.

When resolving the conflict, the teacher carries professional responsibility for the correct resolution of the conflict situation: a kindergarten - a model of society, where pupils assimilate the social norms of relations between people.

Various events and their causes of participants, the eyes of the teacher and children see different. The presence of other preschoolers when conflict turns them from witnesses to participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning.

The professional position of the teacher is to take the initiative to resolve the conflict and in the first place to put the interests of the emerging personality. Still, children's conflicts are easier to prevent than to solve successfully. Since the teacher is assigned the role of an intermediary observer, its main goal is a targeted impact on eliminating the reasons for the conflict, prevention of the behavior of conflict participants, ensuring a normal exchange of preferably verbal actions of the conflict participants, so that they listen and hear each other through the one who between with them. Therefore, the subject and material of the conflict is important for the teacher in conflict, but the formal side of the interaction, i.e. His organization.


So, as a result of the theoretical analysis of literature on the problem of conflicts between children of preschool age in gaming activities, we come to the following conclusions:

    By conflict is the most acute way to resolve significant contradictions arising in the process of interaction, consisting in countering conflict constituent and usually accompanied by negative emotions. The conflict has a definite structure: subject, object, subject, participants, conflict actions, conflict situation.

    Among the causes of conflicts between preschoolers in the game, the following are noted: the destruction of the game, about the choice of the general theme of the game, about the composition of the participants of the game, because of the roles, because of the toys, about the plot of the game, about the correctness of gaming actions. The conflict situation develops into conflict only with the joint playing actions of the child and peers. Such a situation arises in cases where there is a contradiction: between the requirements of peers and the objective possibilities of the child in the game (the latter are below the requirements) or between the leading needs of the child and peers (the needs are outside the game).

    After breaking in more detail, the occurrence and development of conflict types in preschoolers, pending more deeply in their essence, can be judged which techniques can be more efficient to be used to resolve this phenomenon and which gaming methods can be most efficiently used for this purpose in pedagogical psychology.

Swan, pike and cancer

Purpose of the game: Develop attention, physical endurance, coordination of movements, purposefulness. Required materials and visual aids: Long and strong rope, 2 toys, funny music. Stroke Game 2 players can take part in this game. It is a variation on a well-known fables. Participants are tied to each other with a rope for the belt. At the same time, they are located back to the back. At a distance of meters, they need to put a toy or any other subject. At the command of the leading participants should get a toy. Each of them must be dragged to your side of the opponent. The game ends when someone from the participants will get their toy.


Purpose of the game: Develop attention, memory, communicative and analytical abilities, observation. Required materials and visual manuals: a slightly transparent curtain. Stroke Game All participants close their eyes, and the lead chooses one of them and puts it for the curtain. Then everyone opens their eyes, and the lead explains the task. The guys should learn who behind the curtain (or simply analyze who is missing among them). Then they should remember as much of its features (the color of the eyes, what he is dressed, what kind of hair, etc.), that is, should give as much as possible his portrait. When the guys will express all his assumptions, hidden behind the curtain, the player can go out, and everyone else will see how Tomny their description was. If the participants of the game of quite small age, then the rules of the game can be explained before they close their eyes. So they can already purposefully analyze each other's appearance and remember much more distinguishing qualities.

Cheerful forty village

Purpose of the game: Develop communicative abilities, coordination, attention, observation. Required materials and visual manuals: Merry music. Stroke Game At least 6 people participate in this game. Larger players are only welcome. All participants must stand together and put hands on the shoulders standing ahead. The player who will be the first will be guide and leading. The guys should watch the leading and go strictly to its trails. With the help of music, you can accelerate and slow down the movement. If the guys cope with this task, it can be complicated. The presenter can show not only direction, but also some intricate movements. For example, movement on one leg, movement in the rhythm of Lambada (music will help), some manipulations of their hands, etc. The participants who did not cope with the task are dropped out of the chain.

Change the place

Purpose of the game: Develop communicative skills, attention, coordination, analytical abilities. Required materials and visual aids: chairs for each participant, except one. Stroke Game This game is suitable for initial acquaintance. It helps to establish contact between children, contributes to the emergence of an informal setting. All participants, except for one (he will be the first leading), should sit on the chairs. At this time, the presenter should call any sign common to all (or for some) participants. It may be hair color, sexuality, details of the wardrobe, etc. After he calls him, the participants to which the named definition belongs should be swapped. At the same time, the goal of the lead is to have the chair itself. The participant who did not have time to sit on the chair becomes new leading. He must call a new quality that can combine several participants. Now on the team they should be swapped in places. For the lead it is important to make a message suddenly to have time to take place.

Wax stick

Purpose: Fasten the ability to act together with other children, develop empathy skills, confidence in others.

Games: All band members get tightly to each other, feeling each other. One of the participants becomes in the center of the circle. He who stands in the center (wax stick), closes his eyes and relaxes as much as possible; He is already shaking the rest of the group members. It is desirable that every child in groups be at the place of the "wax stick"


    1. Galiguzov L.N. Communication Steps: from year to seven years. - M, 1992

      Mukhina V.S. Age-related psychology. - M., 1998.

      Nifontova O.V. We teach children to resolve the conflict. - M, 2011.

      Smirnova E.O. Features of communication with preschoolers.-M, 2000g.

      D.V.№1 2003 T. Padovko, A.Wost why are they conflict?

Consultation for teachers

Children's conflicts and ways to overcome them

Pedagogian psychologist Ropotova A.A.

With children's conflicts adults face pretty early. For younger children, conflicts often arise because of the toys, in middle-aged children - because of roles, and at an older age - because of the rules of the game. Children's conflicts may arise about resources, disciplines, difficulties in communication, values \u200b\u200band needs.

There are two types of conflict patterns:outdoor and internal . External conflicts in preschoolers are associated with contradictions arising during communication and joint activities. The arising in the field of relations of children, they, as a rule, do not master deeper interpersonal relations. External conflicts are temporary, situational nature and are usually allowed to children themselves through independent adoption of the norm of correctness and justice. Such conflicts are often useful, as they provide the child with the right to be responsible, on an independent solution of the problem situations that have arisen and act as a regulator of the full relationship of children.

The internal psychological conflict is mostly hidden from observation, and appears from preschoolers in the context of their leading gaming activity. Unlike external, caused by objections related not to the organizational part of the activity, but with the activity itself, with contradictions between the requests of the peers and the objective possibilities of the child in the game or contradictions in the motives of the child's game and other children.

Internal contradictions cannot overcome children without adults. During these contradictions, the internal emotional world of the child is oppressed, its positive emotional well-being, the baby cannot satisfy his needs, personal relations are distorted, psychological isolation from peers arises. Internal conflicts are negative, they slow down the formation of full, harmonious relations and comprehensive personality formation.

Causes of conflict:

In the communication of children with each other there are situations that require consistency of actions and manifestations of a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to abandon personal desires for the sake of achieving common goals. The preschooler is not aware of his inner world, his experiences, intentions, so it is difficult for him to imagine what another feels. He sees only the external behavior of another and does not understand that each peer has its own inner world, interests and desires.

The group is brightly distinguished by children popular and unpopular. Popular children are clever, skillful, intelligent, neat; Unpopular enrolls untidy, quiet, fuse, harmful, aggressive, weak and poorly owning gaming actions and speech. In peers cause irritation to those children with which it is difficult to negotiate, who violates the rules, can not play, slow, inept.

In the children's team, conflict situations often provoke difficult or conflict children (aggressiveists, complainants, beznays, maxima, etc.).

For 5-6 year old children, they are significantly accepting their peers, their assessment, approval, admiration are very important. Children experience the need to get an interesting role and show themselves, behave in different ways in a situation of success and failure. All these aspects of the relationship of children can provoke a conflict between them.

Psychological problems as a source of conflicts

Disobedience, stubbornness, inorganization of behavior, slowness, non-immortability, tape, falsehood, weakness - often serve as the discontent of adults, causing emotional tensions of relations and mutual irritation. The main thing is to know the age of the child's age characteristics.

Features of communicating with peers:

  1. A wide variety and wide range of communicative actions (imposing their will, requirements, orders, deception, dispute);
  2. Overly bright emotional saturation of communication;
  3. Nonlarity and non-inflammatoryness of actions (unexpected actions and movements - the adoption of bizarre poses, concern, inventing new words, non-pieces and teases);
  4. The predominance of initiative actions on response (for a child, its own self-statement or action is important - inconsistency generates conflict).

The emotional disabilities associated with difficulties in communication can lead to a mental illness. In preschool age, the child is actively formed in nature and it needs a constant correction of adult behavior. You need to teach a child socially acceptable norms of behavior and communication.

Main approaches in resolving conflicts in the children's team

Conflict resolution is:

  • minimization of problems separating parties through a compromise search, agreements;
  • elimination of fully or partially caused by the conflict;
  • changes in the objectives of the conflict participants;
  • agreement on the controversial issue between participants.

In childhood, conflict situations, the great set and most children's quarrels are usually resolved by themselves. Small shocks are natural phenomena of life, the first lessons of interaction with peers, with the world around the world, the stage of teaching by samples and errors, without which the child cannot do. Adults without any particular need to join the quarrels of children. They need to learn to independently come out of controversial situations and stop conflicts.

The task of adults is to teach children to interact with other people, the ability to express their desires, listen to the desires of the other, to negotiate. At the same time, the child must be an equal member of this process, and not just blindly obey the requirements of an adult or stronger partner (finding a way out of the current situation, the options for solving the conflict).

It is necessary to teach children to explain to each other, which they want, and then offer them to think about the way out.

Two ways to resolve conflict:

  1. Destructive - "Leave, and I will not play with him", "I will play I'll", "Pozov's teacher, and she will make everyone play," "Everyone will beat and get playing."
  2. Constructive - "I will offer another game", "I will ask the guys what is better to play."

In the resolution of children's conflicts, the tutor provides the "general language" finding, which is the result of achieving understanding.

The activity of the educator in the resolution of children's conflicts should be a systematic and include the following sequential steps:

1. Definition and evaluation of the essence of the conflict situation, its reasons. Message about your displeasure the emergence of conflict. Getting rid of the "viewers".

2. Evaluation of the objectives of the conflict situation: approval of personal claims; imposing his behavior style; The details of the other side; mercenary aspirations. It is important to show the differences in understanding the goals that each of them pursued in a quarrel. Most often these goals are different.

3. Pay attention to the emotional state of children entered into conflict, to understand the causes of this state, resolve the rapid reactions. The teacher must suppress its own and children's negative emotions. The educator can usepositive messagewhich includes:

Description of the action ("When you ...");

A description of the possible or inevitable result of this action ("may happen that ...");

The proposal for an alternative behavior ("better ...").

4. Find radical tools to eliminate the causes of the conflict situation:

Apply the measures of educational impact (take into account the needs of everyone, to use a creative approach, develop communication skills leading to rapprochement, to form a readiness for self-resolution of the conflict, to learn to manage emotions; evaluate the act, not the identity of the child; neutralize the struggle for power; develop alternatives, attracting children; to a joint creative search);

Put forward certain strict requirements;

To indicate the need to adhere to the established certain norms of behavior not only during the stay in kindergarten, but also in everyday life.

5. Evaluation of the features of conflict participants.

6. Determine the dynamics of the conflict development process. If the problem cannot be solved "going away", then determine the time and presence of an intermediary - a parent, a psychologist, a replaceable caregiver.

With the children of the group, you need to constantly conduct diagnostic conversations on approximate issues:

  • Do you want to go to kindergarten? Why?
  • What mood you most often go to kindergarten?
  • What games do you know? What games do you know how to play?
  • What games do you like to play most?
  • Tell me, please, how to play your favorite game?
  • Is there a ruler in this game that must be observed?
  • Is it possible to violate these rules?
  • Do you have many friends among your peers in the group?
  • Do you have conflicts with parents? How often?
  • What do you think conflict and quarrel is the same thing?
  • If at the time of the quarrel you understand that the wrong, then what will you do?

When solving conflict situations, the educator should applyactive techniquehearing. This is the ability to listen and hear the child. Actively listen - it means to return to him in a conversation what he told, while having denote his feeling. The teacher takes the "Eyes in Eye" pose, configures on a child, listens with sympathy, uses support, clarification, clarifications in conversation, clarify the most important thoughts and feelings (i.e. confirms, reflects the content of the information and feelings of the child). The teacher shows the adoption and understanding of the child with the tone of the voice, facial expressions, gestures, look, the look, does not interrupt and does not give advice, does not result in examples, remains neutral, without accepting an draw of the side, receives his information that interests him, tries to put himself in his place. It is important in a conversation to keep a pause - this time belongs to the child, the pause helps the child to figure out his experience. No need to hurry with conclusions, check your assumptions and make sure that the child understood correctly. You need to wait and after the child's answer - maybe he will add something. The conversation passes in a relaxed, calm atmosphere. The educator does not dominate in conversation, he is a mediator, assistant.

To learn that the child is not ready to hear the replica of an adult, it is possible by his appearance: if his eyes look to the side, "inside" or away, then you need to continue to be silent, because The child occurs very important and necessary inner work.

The tutor is sometimes useful to repeat, as he understood what happened to the child, it is advisable to use other words with the same meaning.

Both sides are listening: if at the moment one of the participants in the conflict is saying, and he begins to understand that he is delivered to his problem, then it is necessary to understand another participant in any way that he will be as closely listened. The child must draw conclusions from his own words, gradually enhancing their emotional heat. The tutor should not lead to the effect of "self-absorption".

You need to discuss the following:

  1. What happened? (Formulate the essence of the conflict).
  2. What led to conflict? Why did this happen? (find out the reasons).
  3. What feelings caused a conflict from the collision participants? (Determine, call feelings).
  4. How to be in this situation? (find a solution).

If you show the child that he really is listening, they understand and sympathize, thereby declining the severity of the conflict: it is important for the child to feel heard and understood.

Methods of prevention of conflict

Conflicts in the children's team are easier to warn than to resolve. The most promising conflict warning at the stage of their origin, signs of what can be: clashes between children, disorder of discipline or game rules, tag, mind, the alienation of the child from the group. The educator must draw attention to each such barcode and take measures to prevent the brewing conflict.

The group of children should be formed, provide and maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in it, respectfulness to the person, its advantages and individual characteristics, self-criticality, goodwill, organization of productive activities, the high authority of the educator. The educator should notice unwanted behavioral trends and rebuild them not by an ordinary order, but a psychological way using joint games and classes. A personal example of an educator who avoids judgments and estimates who infiltrate the dignity of the child is important.

A very important aspect of education is the developmentselfontrol - This is when individual behavior complies with certain standards, rules, regulators that were established in this society.

A number of principles can be distinguished, according to which the educator may affect this process:

  • Children are more willing reacting to adult arguments if they mutually experience attachment and trust each other. Children are less aggressive with parents who provide them with emotional support.
  • Educational techniques are more effective when the action is constantly, and not temporarily. The positive effect is achieved if adults do not have disagreements on discipline issues.
  • Training occurs easier when encouraging prevails in the process for positive actions or statements, and punishments are applied in extreme cases. Disciplinary impacts cease to be effective if the child should be scolded no matter what and how he did. Physical punishments must be excluded. Excessively strict, degrading and cruel punishments do not give a positive effect, because they provoke from the child opposition, a sense of alienation and aggressive behavior.
  • External behavior control is needed to all children of preschool age. Controls should not be extremes. Educational techniques can be based on the organization of the child's activities, for example, with the help of interesting plot and rolling games, toys, development environment.

One of the directions of the teacher's pedagogical activity should be the development of skills of communication of children with peers, for this uses:

Scene-role games (including the presence of a problem situation);

Imitation games (imitating any human process);

Interactive games (interaction games);

Socio-behavioral training (training models of constructive behavior in the resolution of the conflict situation);


Reading and discussing artworks;

Viewing and analysis of multiplication films fragments with subsequent modeling of new versions;


The educator offers children games and actively participate in them. For trust conversations with children in the group, you can equip such corners and zones as: "Sunny Circle", "Corner of Trust", "Island of Desires", "Islet of Selfie", "Secret Room", "Cozy Corner", "Table of Negotiating", "Peace Rug", "Peace Chairs", "Corner for Friends", etc. And literary heroes can come to visit children.


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