Consultation for parents "Vegetables and fruits - useful products." Educator: Pankratova N.K. Consultation for parents "Food vegetables" Consultation (secondary group) Consultation for parents about the benefits of vegetables

Consultation for parents "Vegetables and fruits - useful products." Educator: Pankratova N.K. Consultation for parents "Food vegetables" Consultation (secondary group) Consultation for parents about the benefits of vegetables

Consultation for parents

Vegetables and fruits - useful products.

The main secret of the long life, persistent immunity and a strong organism is the daily consumption of vegetables. Of course, because they are the main suppliers of vitamins, fiber and trace elements, which are vital to a person.

The role of vegetables for the body is very large, and now we will consider those of them most common and benefit.


There are many vitamins in cucumbers. For example, such as B6, A, B2, C, and B1. They include pantothenic and tartronic acids, thanks to which fats and carbohydrates are not transformed too quickly. You can still find potassium and sodium in it. Also, cucumbers are powerful diuretic products. The cucumbers are very useful for those who suffer overweight. That is why even a well-known diet from cucumbers, which is considered very effective.


In carrots there are so many useful substances that it does not need to be prepared, but to use in the cheese, original form. It contains vitamins B6, B1, C, B2, various essential oils and enzymes, as well as carotene. On the content of carotene, only pepper can surpass. But nutritionists warn that carrot salad do not need to refuel with fatty refills (for example, sour cream or butter), as carotene flavored with fats is poorly digested by the organism.


For many years she is considered "grain of health." And not in vain, because it can be found in it about eighteen species of amino acids and about the fourth part of the elements of the Mendeleev system. Corn gives youth to the body and improves the work of the cardiac system.

A tomato

The utility for the body of the tomato consists in the large content of vitamins C and A, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Another red vegetable contains biotin, which helps in rejuvenating the skin, nails and hair. Carotene, which is included in tomatoes, is an excellent prevention tool with cancer diseases.

Useful properties of fruit.

Now let's stop our attention on no less important products than vegetables. Of course, it will be about fruit. Many of us are accustomed to consider them just dessert, something so you can pamper yourself between meals. But recent studies have shown that some fruits can fully replace the use of classical products, as they have such useful substances such as potassium and proteins. It is also an excellent charging for the brain.

People who are used every day in the diet of fruits, feel much happier and joyful. Not only are they getting a delicious portion of food, so also the necessary vitamins and microelements come to the body. None vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies will not replace the full use of fruit.

But here it should be noted that it is better to buy those fruits in which you are sure. Try to buy products only from verified vendors, because recently there has been such a situation that fruits from abroad will be taken to our country. You understand that in order for them to retain the transportation, their diverse chemistry.

Also, a plus of fruit can be called that they do not need to be thermal processing. Rinse them thoroughly, and they are ready to use. After all, everyone has long been known that the more Paris, cook and the products, the less useful vitamins and salts remain in it.

After drinking fruit, you will never feel in the stomach of severity or discomfort, such as the use of ordinary food. . Take yourself for the rule every day, before taking food, eat, for example, one apple or banana. Believe me, it will take a little time, and you will feel that the body behaves differently, as it began to get the necessary vitamins.

A variety of fruits presented on the shelves of our stores simply amazes. You can choose even those who have not seen in life. But before their use, it is still worth consultering with a specialist. Do not force yourself to have one or another fruit, if you do not like it. For example, you have read somewhere that oranges are very useful for health. You start to eat it, and in the mouth there is a feeling of the impossible acid, which is simply impossible. In this case, your body reports to you, in the stomach is disturbed by an acid-alkaline balance. In this case, you can draw attention to another fruit.

And at all, do not ask anyone who has no tips. The main adviser should be your own organism, which will tell you what he needs now and what he needs. And at the end I want to tell you a pleasant appetite!

Consultation for parents

"Vitamins in vegetables and fruits"

We are accustomed to perceiving food as a tool of hunger. But do not forget that many products can treat diseases. First of all it concerns children. Provide baby with healthy nutrition. After all, the children's body is susceptible to adult. So, useful food will not only give the child to the child, but also the body with vitamins and microelements. This is one of the effective ways to return the baby a good state of health!

  • Natural antibiotics. Some products can be called natural antibiotics. Onions, garlic, celery, carrots, apple, olive oil have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Honey is good together with milk or radish.
  • Products for the normalization of digestion. A separate group of delicacies helps to normalize the digestion process.
  • Blueberry, banana, cinnamon will stop the child with diarrhea. And acidic apples, raw and boiled beets, carrot and plum juices, on the contrary, get rid of the constipation. With colic, a child will cope with dill and fennel. Nursing mom is enough to drink decoction of these herbs to insure baby from painful sensations.
  • Food - stretch of stress. Such troubles like an excessive voltage of the nervous system and an insomnia in a child will eliminate anti-stress products. These are pasta made of solid wheat varieties, porridge, baked in peel potatoes. You can turn on the list and solid cheeses (the child is worth trying them after a year). There is a valuable substance tryptophan. It acts relaxing on the nervous system. There is another important nuance that should not be neglected. Whatever you prepare, do it with joy and with a good mood. Then every spoonful food will bring pleasure and benefit to the child.

Vegetables: carrots, tomato and broccoli - vitamin charging. Regardless of the color of the peel and juiciness, each vegetable is a kind of natural tool for health promotion.

Carrots recommend children to improve vision and skin condition. This is due to the presence of carotenoids that are part of the orange root. It can be extinguished on the side dish, nibble with raw or grind on a grater for the preparation of salad. But do not forget that carrots benefit only in combination with creamy or vegetable oil.

Tomatoes will remove the problem of lack of vitamins in the child's body. They are record holders in the number of useful substances.

Fruits: bananas, peaches, grapes are rich in iron and strengthen appetite

Multicolored fruits - a vivid example of a combination of pleasure, beauty and benefit.

Apples contain iron, ascorbic and folic acid, rutin. They contain a sufficient number of pectins. Without these fruits, it is not for the correction of iron deficiency states.

Bananas are especially needed to children with weakened protective functions of the body and towards avitaminosis. Their gentle flesh is rich in vitamins A and group B, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Peaches stimulate the production of gastric juice and increase appetite. These fruits are especially useful for children with a bad appetite.

Grapes contributes to the full work of the kidneys and the heart muscle. In addition, it strengthens the walls of the vessels and improves blood clotting.

Vegetables Children are not very complaining because of their fairly fresh taste (if without salt and spices) and dense structure, fibrity. However, it is impossible to overestimate vegetables for baby food. In vegetables, many mineral salts, which children are disastrously lacking, there are many carbohydrates, vitamins and organic acids in non-irritating concentration, as well as substances that stimulate the peristaltics, separation of juices and regulating stools.



Consultation for parents "Vegetables in children's nutrition"

Children's vegetables

Vegetables Children are not very complaining because of their fairly fresh taste (if without salt and spices) and dense structure, fibrity. However, it is impossible to overestimate vegetables for baby food. In vegetables, many mineral salts, which children are disastrously lacking, there are many carbohydrates, vitamins and organic acids in non-irritating concentration, as well as substances that stimulate the peristaltics, separation of juices and regulating stools. Especially valuable and useful of vegetables can be considered a beta-carotene, giving vegetables yellow and orange color, folic acid contained in green vegetables, vitamin C, mineral salts of potassium, copper and iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and manganese.

In addition, fruits contain tubyl substances, essential oils and phytoncides, due to which they have a strong anti-inflammatory, stimulating digestion and stool action. Without vegetables in a daily diet, you can't call any child with full-fledged, and it is very difficult to feed children completely without vegetables in cooking.
Before cooking vegetables, they need to be thoroughly rinsed in running water with a special brush,

How much to cook vegetables for children?
On average, the cooking time of vegetables will be for potatoes chopped by a cube, about 15 minutes, for fresh cabbage - up to 25 minutes, for sauna cabbage to one and a half hours, for carrots up to 25 minutes, for fresh tomatoes, peas and spinach for about 8 minutes, Beets until half an hour. Digestive vegetables should not be, as a result, they lose most of the vitamins, lose their nutritional value, are welded and becoming shapeless and tasteless. Vegetable beams from purified vegetables are useful and nutritious, there are many mineral salts in them, so they should not be poured, but you can add them to second dishes, first dishes or sauces.

In addition to boiled vegetables in the first and second dishes, children are useful. Fresh vegetables are useful.

The benefits of vegetables for baby food

But it is worth remembering that in everything you need a measure - the excess of vegetables in the child's nutrition will not lead to the accumulation of additional vitamin and minerals in the body. For full growth and development, they need stable and normal, not excessive, but intermittent amount of vitamins.

Remember about nitrates!
Any fruits can carry a potential threat to a child if technologies were violated during their cultivation or special substances were used. All of you have heard of nitrates, but in itself the presence of nitrates in plants and fruits is quite normal, these substances are sources of organic nitrogen required by plants for growth and development. But, with all this, the accumulation of nitrates in overvoltage in the fruits of plants is extremely undesirable. Especially active nitrates are accumulated in roots and stalks, roots, stiffs and large leaf veins, and in the fruits of nitrates is usually significantly less. But what is the benefit of each of the most widespread vegetables in baby food?

Potato use

Potatoes - the leader among vegetables in consumption, almost all people of our country and many other countries eat it. It has a lot of vitamin C, which is also destroyed during cooking, but not all, and falls into the body of the kids. In addition, in potatoes, there are many vitamins of group B, and vitamin RR, iron and potassium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, calcium and manganese, copper and zinc, cobalt, nickel, boron. The younger of the tuber, the more vitamins and trace elements in it. Potato vitamins are soluble in water, therefore, on the plate it is not the best option, it is better to switch to a double boiler, a microwave plate or a brass cabinet, otherwise, with a cooking, most of the vitamins simply populate into water. Potatoes is the very calorie vegetable. And the highest nutritional value is given carbohydrate connections (starch) no less useful proteins of potatoes - they are also the most complete, there are almost all indispensable amino acids.

Beet's benefits
Beets are very useful for nutrition of a child with vegetable - it contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin P, group Vitamins B1 and B2, as well as PP. In addition, the beets of all vegetables are rich in iodine, it has a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. In the composition of beets a lot of fiber and pectins, so it is very actively stimulating the digestion in the intestine, which leads in most cases to the election of the stool. This product is useful for children with a tendency to constipate, in addition, it is useful for kids with anemias, coagulation problems and elevated pressure.

Pumpkin benefits

This solar vegetable contains a lot of substances useful for the health of substances - vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin B6, as well as ascorbic acid, vitamin E and PP, a lot of carotene, vitamin A. precursor in a pumpkin. Many phosphorus salts, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and the number Iron in it exceeds the number in any other vegetables. Especially a lot of pectin and potassium pumpkin, which is useful to kids. Not only pumpkin herself will be useful, but also her juice, porridge with pumpkin, which help in cleaning the liver and intestines from slags, help to treat inflamed kidneys and intestines.

The benefits of carrots

This vegetable beauty contains a lot of carotene, as well as vitamin C and vitamin E, iodine, magnesium, copper, iron and calcium. Carrots are delicious, has a sweet taste, which ways like children, it cures wounds, strengthens the teeth and gums, takes cholesterol, helps with digestion diseases, in the treatment of vessels and heart strengthening. In addition, it helps children actively grow and strengthen the immune system, helps to get sick and faster to recover. Carrot actively helps to fight chronic fatigue, you can drink carrot juice, eat carrots salads.

Benefit of white cabbage

This is one of the traditional representatives of vegetables on our table, which contains a whole range of useful vitamins and minerals. The cabbage setting can be attributed to ascorbic acid, vitamin P, vitamins of group B, carotene and folic acid, biotin, vitamin K and vitamin E, phytoncides, potassium salts, phosphorus and calcium, sulfur, iron and iodine. Cabbage juice has an active fogogon effect, it is used as a medicine. The cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, so that there is less gas formation and bloating, for children cabbage when cooking needs to be carefully arched and scattered. No less useful will be not only fresh, but also sauerkraut - it contains lactic acid, which helps grow useful microbes, and kills harmful. Children's cabbage are recommended to give only two years, it also contains histamine, a well-known inflammation mediator and allergies. in children.

The use of cabbage broccoli

These are small cabbage kochenants collected on branches. The special value of this type of cabbage is that it contains vegetable and easily absorbed protein, the nutritional properties are little inferior to plant proteins. A set of essential amino acids in this cabbage protein is no less valuable than, for example, in the composition of chicken egg proteins. In addition, in this cabbage there are many carotene, vitamin C and group B, a lot of folic acid, vitamin E and PR, phosphorus, chlorophyll (gives it green), as well as magnesium and phosphorus, sodium salts, potassium and calcium. By the number of iron, this cabbage is the leader among their fellow of another variety.

Green peas use
Pea contains a set of amino acids useful for the body, such as arginine, lysine, cysteine, tryptophan and others. In addition, it is enough vitamins of the group B, Vitamin C, Vitamin RR, Provitamin A. If the peas are dry, the protein in it is no less than in beef, but it is harder. Many in peas and minerals - potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Thanks to the content in the peas of protein, it prevents the aging of the tissues and helps to update the fabrics. Polka dot strengthens immunity.

Use of Kabachkov
Zucchini - very gentle and delicious vegetables, they contain many potassium and calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as a small amount of useful organic acids, useful protein, ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Zucchini is the lowest-calorie vegetable, and also contains substances, Help clean the body from cholesterol. Zucchini gently and delicately affect the microbial flora of the intestine, helping the growth of useful microflora

The benefits of cucumbers

Fresh green fruits love almost everything, and this is no accident. In cucumbers there are many mineral substances in the form of calcium salts, potassium, phosphorus and iron, as well as trace elements in the form of copper, manganese, iodine, cobalt and zinc, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and group B, gentle fiber and pectins. In cucumbers there are quite a lot of iron, more than in many fruits. In addition, in cucumber a lot of useful "lively" water, which helps with hot weather to restore the balance of water and quenches thirst. But with all this, the cucumbers are useful in the development of edema and elevated pressure, as they are able to remove excess water and salt from the body, they are a natural diuretic.

Use of tomatoes
Tomatoes love many children for their pleasant taste and cheerful color. Tomatoes contain many ascorbic acid and vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron, calcium, phosphorus, lycopene, a special substance, natural antioxidant. In addition, in tomatoes, a lot of serotonin substance, which is called a hormone of pleasure and happiness, as well as a special connection - Tiramine, which undergoes transformation into serotonin already inside the body itself. Tomatoes help fight stress and act as natural antidepressants, there are many folic acid in them, which is extremely useful with the growth of the body.



Taking care of the health of the child, we must not forget about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, because they are all rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of the child's body.

Let us dwell on the most famous.

Apples - Beautiful source of vitamins and trace elements. The use of apples stabilizes the activity of the intestine, eliminates constipation.

Pear it contains organic acids that regulate the process of operation of the gastrointestinal tract increases appetite, and the tissue that is part of its composition contributes to the dew of useful bacteria in the intestine.

Banana Rich in potassium, useful for the work of the cardiovascular system, raises the mood.

Apricot it contains iron and vitamins, stabilizes the intestinal operation.

Grapes It helps with the decline of strength, anemia, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders (diathesis).

Strawberry Contains a large amount of magnesium, useful for the growth of the kostomuscular system of the child.

Raspberries vitamin C is rich in, indispensable in the autumn-winter period for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Cauliflower Contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine.

Broccoli The content of vitamin C and carotene is ahead of cauliflower. It is recommended for anemia, it is pleasant to taste and is easier to assimilate a children's body.

Carrot Improves blood clotting, vision, increases immunity.

Zucchini. useful for patients going on amendment, weakened people and are very well suited for baby food.

Potatoes Strengthens the cardiovascular system, eliminates the problems with digestion.

As you can see, the benefits of vegetables and fruits is huge. And knowing the features of everyone, depending on the time of year and the tastes of the child, you can always make a tasty and useful menu.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Consultation "Vegetables and Fruits - Useful Products"

Useful food will not only give the child to the child, but also the body with vitamins and microelements. This is one of the effective ways to return the baby a good state of health! ...

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Consultation for parents

"Vegetables for children"

Educator Krivseva A.V.

I will show toys

How to issue.

My material is not simple,

Unusual, painted.

And I will tell you how you can make the most ordinary dishes from vegetables unusual and attractive to the baby's eye.

Let's start with the fact that the diet of children should be balanced, useful and nutritious, which guarantees healthy mental and physical development, - every mother knows about it.

To be confident that your child gets the necessary substances and vitamins, you need to provide its body every day. Five main products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein and water. This is the necessary minimum, and in no case cannot be saved!

So, vegetables!

Not every child with pretty pleasure eats vegetables. And they need to eat! What to do? To not give up!

Use the Rainbow principle in a vegetable menu, and more and more useful will be able to fit several colors on one dish.

Actively attract the child to the process of cooking vegetables - ask to wash them, clean from the easily seated peel or husks, a more older child can even ask them to cut down (while it is better to make the vegetables to be boiled).

Another way to interest the kid with vegetables is to turn them into a holiday. Serve vegetables as a treat on the festive table or offer a child as a snack of fresh vegetables, but attention, in different ways chopped. There is such a word "carving", which in translation from any language is customary to understand how - decorative cutting from vegetables and fruits. This is real art! For children, this method of feeding vegetables is particularly interesting, because, as we have already spoken a little higher, sometimes it is very difficult to force the child to eat at least a little vegetables. But one thing to eat ordinary carrots and completely different is a bump of carrots or, for example, an exotic flower. You can teach Karving and the child himself. This lesson will help develop not only the perfection and ability to prepare, but also to instill a wonderful feeling of taste! With the most small, start with a simple - cut the figures from boiled vegetables along with the children using the baking molds.

But that's not all. You can feed the vegetables in a beautiful dishes, at the bottom of which can be depicted, for example, the favorite fabulous heroes of the baby. Purchase several plates with different images. A child will be happy to absorb soup or mashed potatoes, to seek to find out who today hides at the bottom.

Well, if, tricking all the possible options, you did not manage to make friends the baby and vegetables, do not despair, try to increase the portion of the eaten fruits - they have almost the same nutritional properties.


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