Butyrka name singer. Butyrka group

Butyrka name singer. Butyrka group

Zhdamirov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a famous musician, one of the creators of a separate direction of Chanson. We will talk about the biography and work of this talented person as part of this article.


This prominent music activity was born on August 6, 1958 in the family, he was not the only child, so he grew up in conditions of cruel competition, since each of the children wanted to get more attention and praise from his parents.

Parents surrounded children with permanent attention and care, and, despite the heavy and difficult years of deprivation, they tried to upset, to fuck their childhood, showing only a good side of life. And never, never focused on poor. As if it does not exist at all.

Only children still could not not see the truth. Around everything was not that bad, but not well at the same time. Gradually, life spoiled, and the children's inquisitive mind perfectly understood it. But while the family was answered for them, until they were provided to the streets, the children could and believe the word mother with dad. Molded, they went to fight their legs to pursue the expanses of their immense homeland. And right here, the truth itself surfaced out.


The guy's youth passed, gently say, unsafe. It was in his youth and hooliganism, and constant drives to the police. Young guy lived on a full coil. For him, there was only one day, and all that besides him - and burn it all fire, but the disappearance is the propagation! Several times, the teenager was close to being in a true jail. But thanks to the relationships of the parents, and simply an incredible cosmic luck, the young man escaped a shameful in those times the stamps "Criminal".

It could not continue. Since parents were associated with the art, and Brother Guy, not Aby who, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe dance genre, it is not surprising that Vladimir decided to forget about the curve and a narrow road of the criminal and with a farewell, he decided to seriously engage in music and independent creativity.

Quickly entering the taste, the guy begins to try to record his own songs. Little skill to play the guitar and the strengthened voice allows him to record the first test songs. His personal level of the musician is growing, and the guy seeks to urgently find like-minded people.

The formation of artist

Well, and then the time rushed to run. Raced, went, was spinning, twisted. Homemade guitars who are mastered in the evenings in the courtyard, sipping alcoholic beverages. VIA, work on dancing and weddings, under the noise of drunken guests and the cries of "bitter" to the newlyweds. Vladimir tries to perform constantly, but the tight schedule gradually kills in it the desire to write real music. The career of the musician is limited to similar small performances, and although he has stable earnings and in some way of glory, a man wants something more. Something else, but what, unfortunately, does not know at all.

A new round in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirova occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov. Oleg only freed from prison, where they were written most texts for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers who Oleg offered cooperation, but turned out to be the only one, whose voice, charisma and self-dedication helped to make the right choice that had determined the fate of both for years ahead. Their first joint project was called "Far Light", and, as many believe, it was he who became a turning point in the life of the project authors, forever changed their little world of music, showing it to the world just as the creators themselves saw it.


Relations within the team did not work almost immediately after its foundation. No, two adults people with a rich luggage experience behind the shoulders did not suit the demonstrative scenes and did not quarrel on trifles, as if their life consists. But sometimes there were real conflicts of interest. Two musicians could not solve than should in the world of music become their young group and in what direction they will move.

For this reason, success towards the team came after quite a long time, and the musicians had to make a lot of effort to do this. The first songs of Vladimir Zhdamirov were not too warmly adopted by the public. The team, of course, visited the event for money, and gave a certain number of concerts. But Music Vladimir Zhdamirov and his groups were average quality, and people immediately heard it and could not enjoy the singing and the game of men.

I had to sit down and negotiate. The reconciliation of the two sides was long, but gradually, with the discovery and advent of dialogue, the quality of the songs began to improve. Worldwide Glory, of course, did not bring new songs, but people have already begun to wait for them, somehow showing the signs of love, attention to the singers.

End of the creativity of "Far Light"

The group has completed its existence specifically in the format of "Far Light" for several reasons. First, ideas for songs have become much smaller, and it seems like creative disagreements, forgotten and buried to the ground, began to appear again. Musicians did not want to go through again through the most pleasant moments of creativity and decided to end it on a high note, remaining friends.

Secondly, the audience and listeners at concerts began to seem that the musicians could be much more than they were issued on emotions and show as music written by them. Letters of fans have become increasingly supporting the hope that the musicians will make a truly chic project that will return them to Olympus Russian music.

Due to these circumstances, men accepted a joint decision to open a new chapter in their lives. They say about this stage, they say a little, but from those words that journalists managed to pull out of them, it is clear that now, after so much time, they do not regret anything.


In 2002, the team released the first album called the "First Album". The disk had a stunning success. The listeners finally got something new, but were among them and those who did not like new music. But without them, the team had an impressive fanbaza, and in a short time the "Butyrka" group became one of the most popular among Chanson performers in Russia.

Of course, such news could not not affect the creativity and goal-making group. The main thing in this story is that Glory was not at all random. The listeners finally got the desired piece of normal creativity, and a voice with the singer's feed also played their role. New glory.

The new album went under the end again 2002. The group decided to beat the gland while he was hot, and thrown into music, like a wild dog per person. Album Vladimir Zhdamirova and his team again liked the public. The group has already been tightly established in the positions occupied by it. The work of Vladimir Zhdamirov and the whole team was assessed, and therefore, it was possible to rest a little and think about what to do with glory and with the responsibility with their courageous shoulders. The number of corporate standards, speeches and just concerts doubled, if not tripled in one month. Everyone wanted to listen and see live on the musicians and their feed. The price tag in speeches increased, along with him and the opinion of artists about their own person.


The group began receiving all sorts of national awards and rewards. Musicians throw writing new songs and toured across the country with an old and proven program. In each city, they are warmly met, they are stars and worthy of warmth and loyalty of human hearts. They always have full halls, and they sometimes play crawled. But even such speeches like the public.

Artists begin to attend thematic programs, expand the staff and open new vacancies. Now they are not just musicians, they are brand, and the brand task is to match the level.

Problems inside the team

But nothing is forever under the moon. In the group, of course, there were problems and disagreements that they skillfully hidden from the audience. But if they can be deceived, putting themselves exactly do not deceive.

In December 2013, personnel permutations occur in the team, which will become a final chord in life, and most importantly - in the work of the once well-known group. Instead of Vladimir, they take a new vocalist to work. Before that, no one is informed about the decision taken earlier, which, in fact, is a poverty game of other participants.

A new turn in the biography - Vladimir Zhdamirova put before choosing, but to the honor of the last, he just takes it as a fact. Of course, it is difficult for him, of course, he does not want to leave partners. But the choice is not made by him, and therefore nothing depends on it.

Vladimir collects musicians who do not want to work without him, and together they leave the "Butyrka", leaving behind this musical project.

After "Butyrka"

After a goodbye with the group, Vladimir was in a difficult situation. He did not have the right to fulfill his songs, the opportunity to start writing new too. The studios were expensive, so to begin with the creative association of people who left the "Butyrka" worked in some way, getting ready to start everything from scratch. Cheap corporate events returned, the atmosphere of communication of musicians with listeners returned. He again begins to read his letters himself, again begins to respond to them and interested in the opinion of fans. The care of glory goes to him, and soon he records the first solo album, which begins to spin and sound in the world.

Solo debut

On the first day of 2014, the official release of the debut solo album "Behind the Spring Fence" took place. Vladimir Zhdamirov is not frustrated. He continues to do a favorite business - music. The song "Spring" Vladimir Zhdamirova became popular in the radio. Gastrols begin, human love is returned to the singer.

Zhdamirov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a famous musician, one of the creators of a separate direction of Chanson. We will talk about the biography and work of this talented person as part of this article.


This prominent music activity was born on August 6, 1958 in the family, he was not the only child, so he grew up in conditions of cruel competition, since each of the children wanted to get more attention and praise from his parents.

Parents surrounded children with permanent attention and care, and, despite the heavy and difficult years of deprivation, they tried to upset, to fuck their childhood, showing only a good side of life. And never, never focused on poor. As if it does not exist at all.

Only children still could not not see the truth. Around everything was not that bad, but not well at the same time. Gradually, life spoiled, and the children's inquisitive mind perfectly understood it. But while the family was answered for them, until they were provided to the streets, the children could and believe the word mother with dad. Molded, they went to fight their legs to pursue the expanses of their immense homeland. And right here, the truth itself surfaced out.


The guy's youth passed, gently say, unsafe. It was in his youth and hooliganism, and constant drives to the police. Young guy lived on a full coil. For him, there was only one day, and all that besides him - and burn it all fire, but the disappearance is the propagation! Several times, the teenager was close to being in a true jail. But thanks to the relationships of the parents, and simply an incredible cosmic luck, the young man escaped a shameful in those times the stamps "Criminal".

It could not continue. Since parents were associated with the art, and Brother Guy, not Aby who, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe dance genre, it is not surprising that Vladimir decided to forget about the curve and a narrow road of the criminal and with a farewell, he decided to seriously engage in music and independent creativity.

Quickly entering the taste, the guy begins to try to record his own songs. Little skill to play the guitar and the strengthened voice allows him to record the first test songs. His personal level of the musician is growing, and the guy seeks to urgently find like-minded people.

The formation of artist

Well, and then the time rushed to run. Raced, went, was spinning, twisted. Homemade guitars who are mastered in the evenings in the courtyard, sipping alcoholic beverages. VIA, work on dancing and weddings, under the noise of drunken guests and the cries of "bitter" to the newlyweds. Vladimir tries to perform constantly, but the tight schedule gradually kills in it the desire to write real music. The career of the musician is limited to similar small performances, and although he has stable earnings and in some way of glory, a man wants something more. Something else, but what, unfortunately, does not know at all.

A new round in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirova occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov. Oleg only freed from prison, where they were written most texts for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers who Oleg offered cooperation, but turned out to be the only one, whose voice, charisma and self-dedication helped to make the right choice that had determined the fate of both for years ahead. Their first joint project was called "Far Light", and, as many believe, it was he who became a turning point in the life of the project authors, forever changed their little world of music, showing it to the world just as the creators themselves saw it.


Relations within the team did not work almost immediately after its foundation. No, two adults people with a rich luggage experience behind the shoulders did not suit the demonstrative scenes and did not quarrel on trifles, as if their life consists. But sometimes there were real conflicts of interest. Two musicians could not solve than should in the world of music become their young group and in what direction they will move.

For this reason, success towards the team came after quite a long time, and the musicians had to make a lot of effort to do this. The first songs of Vladimir Zhdamirov were not too warmly adopted by the public. The team, of course, visited the event for money, and gave a certain number of concerts. But Music Vladimir Zhdamirov and his groups were average quality, and people immediately heard it and could not enjoy the singing and the game of men.

I had to sit down and negotiate. The reconciliation of the two sides was long, but gradually, with the discovery and advent of dialogue, the quality of the songs began to improve. Worldwide Glory, of course, did not bring new songs, but people have already begun to wait for them, somehow showing the signs of love, attention to the singers.

End of the creativity of "Far Light"

The group has completed its existence specifically in the format of "Far Light" for several reasons. First, ideas for songs have become much smaller, and it seems like creative disagreements, forgotten and buried to the ground, began to appear again. Musicians did not want to go through again through the most pleasant moments of creativity and decided to end it on a high note, remaining friends.

Secondly, the audience and listeners at concerts began to seem that the musicians could be much more than they were issued on emotions and show as music written by them. Letters of fans have become increasingly supporting the hope that the musicians will make a truly chic project that will return them to Olympus Russian music.

Due to these circumstances, men accepted a joint decision to open a new chapter in their lives. They say about this stage, they say a little, but from those words that journalists managed to pull out of them, it is clear that now, after so much time, they do not regret anything.


In 2002, the team released the first album called the "First Album". The disk had a stunning success. The listeners finally got something new, but were among them and those who did not like new music. But without them, the team had an impressive fanbaza, and in a short time the "Butyrka" group became one of the most popular among Chanson performers in Russia.

Of course, such news could not not affect the creativity and goal-making group. The main thing in this story is that Glory was not at all random. The listeners finally got the desired piece of normal creativity, and a voice with the singer's feed also played their role. New glory.

The new album went under the end again 2002. The group decided to beat the gland while he was hot, and thrown into music, like a wild dog per person. Album Vladimir Zhdamirova and his team again liked the public. The group has already been tightly established in the positions occupied by it. The work of Vladimir Zhdamirov and the whole team was assessed, and therefore, it was possible to rest a little and think about what to do with glory and with the responsibility with their courageous shoulders. The number of corporate standards, speeches and just concerts doubled, if not tripled in one month. Everyone wanted to listen and see live on the musicians and their feed. The price tag in speeches increased, along with him and the opinion of artists about their own person.


The group began receiving all sorts of national awards and rewards. Musicians throw writing new songs and toured across the country with an old and proven program. In each city, they are warmly met, they are stars and worthy of warmth and loyalty of human hearts. They always have full halls, and they sometimes play crawled. But even such speeches like the public.

Artists begin to attend thematic programs, expand the staff and open new vacancies. Now they are not just musicians, they are brand, and the brand task is to match the level.

Problems inside the team

But nothing is forever under the moon. In the group, of course, there were problems and disagreements that they skillfully hidden from the audience. But if they can be deceived, putting themselves exactly do not deceive.

In December 2013, personnel permutations occur in the team, which will become a final chord in life, and most importantly - in the work of the once well-known group. Instead of Vladimir, they take a new vocalist to work. Before that, no one is informed about the decision taken earlier, which, in fact, is a poverty game of other participants.

A new turn in the biography - Vladimir Zhdamirova put before choosing, but to the honor of the last, he just takes it as a fact. Of course, it is difficult for him, of course, he does not want to leave partners. But the choice is not made by him, and therefore nothing depends on it.

Vladimir collects musicians who do not want to work without him, and together they leave the "Butyrka", leaving behind this musical project.

After "Butyrka"

After a goodbye with the group, Vladimir was in a difficult situation. He did not have the right to fulfill his songs, the opportunity to start writing new too. The studios were expensive, so to begin with the creative association of people who left the "Butyrka" worked in some way, getting ready to start everything from scratch. Cheap corporate events returned, the atmosphere of communication of musicians with listeners returned. He again begins to read his letters himself, again begins to respond to them and interested in the opinion of fans. The care of glory goes to him, and soon he records the first solo album, which begins to spin and sound in the world.

Solo debut

On the first day of 2014, the official release of the debut solo album "Behind the Spring Fence" took place. Vladimir Zhdamirov is not frustrated. He continues to do a favorite business - music. The song "Spring" Vladimir Zhdamirova became popular in the radio. Gastrols begin, human love is returned to the singer.

The history of the "Butyrka" group begins in September 2001. By this time several songs were recorded, but the team still had no name. The name of the group "Butyrka" appeared quite by chance, after September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a bold escape from Butyrsa prison.

The debut album ("First Album", 2002) had a stunning success, and "Butyrka" becomes one of the most popular groups and performers of the Russian chanson. And this success was not accidental - lovers of this genre could not not notice the original sound and arrangement, the memorable voice of Vladimir Zhdamirov, as well as the honesty and sincerity of the verses of Oleg Simonov. This is explained by the fact that everything that "Butyrka" sings - True! Oleg, unlike many authors and performers, is not familiar with life for barbed wire. The themes of his poems not only about prison and camps, but above all about the fate of people and history from his life.

The "second album" came out in the same 2002. He became a worthy continuation of a successful debut and strengthened the success of the group. At the presentation of the Public Music Prize "Decent Song 2002", held in St. Petersburg, in the BKZ "Oktyabrsky, the group won the nomination" Opening of the Year "and was awarded award for the best video in the genre" Russian chanson "(clip for the song" The smell of the spring "dir. A.Tumandev). Songs of the group are on the first line of the charts of sales and hit parade of Russian radio stations.

In January 2004, a third album called "News" came out.

Now the group is working on their fourth album. "Butyrka" leads an active concert activity as in Russia and beyond.

Composition of the group:

Best days

Genuine legend of world pop scene
Visputated: 75.
Karl Habsburg-Lotringen
Visputated: 75.
Karl Karmarsh.

, Urban romance

Butyrka (group) Butyrka (group)

"Butyrka" - Russian music group that performs thymus songs. Leads an active concert activity both in Russia and abroad.


She walked in 1999, when Oleg Simonov, hesitated 8 years, freed and returned home. For all long 8 years, serving punishment in the Irkutsk colony, he wrote songs, singing them under the guitar. It often happens that it is in captivity that the man's sincere, coming from the heart to the heart of other people row, is born in the nute. Oleg always hoped and believed that people who heard his songs would be able to feel what he felt when they wrote them and his little hope was not leaving, that someday these songs would hear themselves and they will sound on the whole country.

Rejoicing, he began to work on writing his songs professionally, and began to look for a vocalist who could bring his songs to a wide audience of listeners. Thus appeared in the group Vladimir Zhdamirov, who at that time sang on rural discos and wedding parties in the Voronezhsky outback and did not even think about the career of the musician, the soloist of the group.

Neither Oleg Simonov nor Vladimir Zhdamirov had a special musical education and Oleg attracted to record their first album of the Talented Voronezh Arrangeder Alexei Bryantsev, who gave him to the songs the sound so familiar to the listeners.

This album was released in 1999 at the Soyuz Studio, and the new creative project was named Group "Far Light". However, these album did not bring popularity to the guys. After writing three more new songs: "Snow melts", "Banderol", "on stage," Oleg offered them to audition in different Moscow sound recording companies. And it so happened that the music editor of the company "Master Sound Records" (today, the company "Chanson"), known to work with such performers as Mikhail Circle, Petlyura, Ivan Kuchin, Sergey Nagovitsyn, Alexander Dumin and many other famous chanson. In the company "Master Sound", which was headed by the owner of which Yuri Sevostyanov appreciated the originality and piercing honesty of the verses of Oleg and the interesting vocal of Vladimir. With the participants of the creative team, the name "The" Butyrka group "was concluded a long-term contract, and Alexander Abramov became the producer of the group, who invented the name of the team, the image and images of his participants.

So actually a group "Butyrka"...

There was a serious job. Over the first album worked a whole team of people:

Alexander Abramov, Producer Group, worked on the style of the group and came up with the sound of the voice of Vladimir Zhdamirov, Oleg Simonov worked on the texts, Alexey Bryantsev wrote his chic arrangements, who became a business card of the team for many years, other people were engaged in tour, photo sessions, album and poster covers design ...

So it took 13 years. The albums were recorded and went out, clips and concerts were shot. "Butyrka" won many hearts of their listeners, their songs were loved by millions and they sounded on the whole country. Their popularity grew every day! The group needed to just write new songs and please our listeners. But something went wrong or not there. Why, during the last three years, was not recorded a new long-awaited album?! Songs were ready, waited in the wings. But the vocalist of the group Vladimir Zhdamirov did not find any time nor the desire or creative mood to fulfill these songs. For a group of such a level, staying on the spot and sing the hits of a decade ago - a non-disabilities! And soon it began to affect the concert activity of the group and its popularity at all. The listeners are wonderful, but faded hits, radio stations have become less than the songs of "Butyrki" on the air - no new products.

The company "ChanSon" (former Master Sound Records Company) comes to the rescue, headed by the CEO of Olga Sevostyanova, who, after the death of the spouse of Yuri Sevostyanov, continues his business.

Companies belong all rights to published creativity of the musical team and the right to a trademark. And they make a decision to look for a vocalist to record a new album. So the group appeared a young, talented artist Mikhail Borisov, who passed casting in the company Russian chanson and won.

Misha not so long ago, the topic of Butyrsky songs was very close to him.

Mikhail played the guitar since childhood and he loved to perform the songs of the famous chanson and could not even imagine that it would take the place of vocalist in the legendary group!

On December 23, 2013, a meeting of the whole team of the group was held at Russian Chanson, where Vladimir Zhdamirov explained to everyone, which leaves the group, as it worked for a long time over a solo project.

No humus without good.

Now we have a friendly team. Professional musicians who did not find a common language with V.Vdamirov returned to the group. You know them all.

  • Our Hood Hands. - A. Zhuravlev Solo Guitar G. Voronezh
  • A. Holochapov - Bass Guitar Volgograd
  • Y. Akimov Drums - Moscow
  • Sound operator - V. Liznev Moskva

I want to say thank you for the huge help in the record of a new album!

In 2014, in January, a new album "Return home" was released and a new concert program was prepared.

We hope that "Butyrka" will not disappoint you with his new songs and they will like them!


CD Discography

  • 2002 - First album
  • 2002 - Second album
  • 2004 - News
  • 2005 - Icon
  • 2007 - Fifth album
  • 2009 - Sixth album
  • 2010 - Freedom Street
  • 2010 - hooligan
  • 2014 - Return home
  • 2015 - Svidanka

Current Makeup

  • Oleg Simonov - Keyboard, author of texts
  • Andrei Bykov - Vocals
  • Alexander Holchepov - Bass Guitar
  • Andrei Zhuravleov - Guitar
  • Yuri Akimov - Impact
  • Yulia Griboyedova - Art Director
  • Valery Leznev - Sound Director

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An excerpt characterizing the boting (group)

"Guys, Veded," said one soldier. All raised their heads, listened, and from the forest, in the bright light of the fire, two, holding themselves for each other, human, weirdly dressed figures.
These were two french hiding in the forest. Hoarsely speaking something on incomprehensible soldiers, they approached the fire. One was higher than the growth, in an officer hat, and seemed quite weakened. Going to the fire, he wanted to sit down, but fell to the ground. Another, small, chunky, bangbed on the cheeks of the soldier, was stronger. He raised his comrade and, pointing to his mouth, said something. The soldiers were surrounded by the French, unkind the sore of the chinel and both brought cereals and vodka.
The french officer who weakened was Rambal; The scarf tied was his runner Morel.
When Moror drank vodka and milked the pot of Kashi, he suddenly looked painfully and began not ceasing to say something that did not understand his soldiers. Rambal refused meal and silently lay on the campfire, meaningless red eyes looking at the Russian soldiers. Occasionally he published stretching moan and shook again. Morel, showing on the shoulders, inspired by the soldiers that it was an officer and that it should be heated. The officer Russian, who came to the fire, sent to ask the colonel, will not hesitate to warm the French officer to him; And when they returned and said that the colonel ordered to bring an officer, Rambala passed that he would go. He got up and wanted to go, but stunned and fell, if the standing soldier did not support him.
- What? You will not? - Mockingly winning, said one soldier, referring to Rambala.
- E, Fool! What you lie underess! That then the man, right, man, - heard from different sides reproach to the jokes of a soldier. Rambalar was surrounded, rose two in their hands, catching up with them, and carried to the hut. Rambal hugged the neck of soldiers and when he was incurred, he spoke complaints about:
- Oh, Nies Braves, Oh, Mes Bons, Mes Bons Amis! Voila des hommes! Oh, Mes Braves, Mes Bons Amis! [About well done! About my good, good friends! Here are people! About my good friends!] - And, like a child, headed on the shoulder one soldier.
Meanwhile, Morel was sitting on a better place surrounded by soldiers.
Morel, a small chunky Frenchman, with inflamed, leaking eyes, linked along the woman with a handkerchief over a cap, was dressed in female hubby. He, apparently, Zahmelev, hugging the hand of a soldier who was sitting near him, sang a hoarse, a broken voice of the French song. The soldiers kept behind the sides, looking at him.
- Well, well, well, teach, how? I will be a variety. How? .. - said the joker songwriter, who hugged the Morel.
Vive Henri Quatre,
[Long live Heinrich Fourth!
Long live this brave king!
etc. (French song)]
Moror lost, winking the eye.
- Vivarika! VIF SERUVAR! Sidlyablik ... - repeated the soldier, waving his hand and really catching the entrance.
- Vish, deftly! Go Go! .. - rose from different sides, joyful laughter. Morel, wrinkling, laughed too.
- Well, Valya still, more!
QUI EUT Le Triple Talent,
De Boire, De Battre,
[Who had a triple talent,
drink, fight
And be a courtesy ...]
- But after all, also folded. Well, well, walking! ..
"Kyu ..." he said with effort. "Kew Yu Yu ..." he pulled out, diligently honing his lips, "Lethardtal, de Bu de Ba and deprivagala," he lost.
- Ay, important! That's how Hrantzuz! Oh ... go go! - Well, still you want?
- give him porridge then; After all, it will not be soon with hunger.
Again he was given porridge; And Morel, laughing, began for the third bowler. Joyful smiles stood on all the faces of young soldiers looking at the Morel. Old soldiers who considered indecent to engage in such trifles, lay on the other side of the fire, but occasionally, lifting on the elbow, looked at the ferret with a smile.
"Also people," said one of them, dodging the chinel. - And the wormwood is growing on their root.
- oo! Lord, Lord! How Starry, Passion! To the frost ... - and everything calmed down.
Stars, as if knowing that no one would see them, spiked in the Black Sky. That flashes, it is impoverished, then shuddering, they are happily about something joyful, but mysteriously pulled together.

French troops evenly melted in mathematically correct progression. And that transition through Berezina, about which so much was written, there was only one of the intermediate destruction of the French army, and not at all a decisive episode of the campaign. If they wrote so much about Berezin, then from the French, this happened only because on the Berezinsky disaster bridge, undergoing the French army before evenly, here suddenly grouped at one moment and in one tragic spectacle, which everyone remained in memory. From the side of the Russians they talked so much and wrote about Berezin only because they were away from the war of war, in St. Petersburg, the plan (Pfule) was drawn up in the strategic West of Napoleon on the Berezine River. Everyone was assured that everything will actually act exactly as in the plan, and therefore insisted that it was the Berezinskaya crossing the French. In essence, the results of Berezinsky crossing were much less frantic for the French loss of guns and prisoners than the red, as the numbers show.
The only meaning of the Berezinsky crossing is that this crossing is obviously and undoubtedly proved the fart of all the plans for cutting and the justice of the only possible, as required by both Kutuzov and all troops (mass) of the action - only following the enemy. The crowd of the French fled with the constantly increasing force of speed, with all the energy aimed at achieving the goal. She fled like a wounded beast, and it could not be on the road. It proved not so much a correction device, how much movement at bridges. When the bridges were broken, unarmed soldiers, Moscow residents, women with children who were in the foreman, - all under the influence of the inertia's strength did not give up, but ran ahead in the boat, in frills.
The desire it was reasonable. The position and running and haunting was equally bad. Staying with His, each in disaster hoped for the help of a comrade, for a certain place occupied by him between his. Survived by Russians, he was in the same position of the disaster, but he became a lower step in the section Satisfying the needs of life. The French did not need to have loyal information that half of the prisoners, with whom they did not know what to do, despite all the wishes of the Russians to save them - died from cold and hunger; They felt that it could not be otherwise. The most fournal Russian chiefs and hunters to the French, the French in the Russian service could not do anything for the prisoners. The French ruined the disaster in which the Russian army was. It was impossible to take away bread and a dress from the hungry, the necessary soldiers to give away not harmful, not hated, not guilty, but just unnecessary French. Some and did it; But it was only an exception.


Simonov Oleg Vladimirovich

Russian musician.


Oleg Simonov was born on June 22, 1967 in the city of Tobolsk, the Tyumen region. Since childhood, loved music and playing a piano. Later moved to live in the Voronezh region.

Before the start of creativity, the fate of Oleg Simonov was not so happy. In 1991, he was convicted. Twisted 8 years in the Irkutsk Colony. It was in prison that he began to develop his musical creativity. Released in 1999.

Released in 1999. Within 8 long years of serving a sentence in the Irkutsk colony, Oleg wrote songs, and sang them under the guitar. After that, Simonov hoped and believed that people having heard his songs would be able to feel what he felt when they wrote them and did not leave his little hope, that someday these songs would hear themselves and they will sound on the whole country.

Freed from prison, Oleg began to work professionally on the records of his songs and began to look for the vocalist of his future group.

Once, he met Vladimir Zhdamirov, who at that time sang on rural discos and wedding parties in the Voronezhsky outback and did not even think about the career of the musician and soloist of the group. Neither Simonov, nor Zhdamirov had some special musical education and then Oleg is attracted to record their first album of the Talented Voronezh Arrangeder Alexei Bryantsev, who attached his songs to the songs so familiar to the listeners. This album was published in 1999, and the new creative project of Simonov was originally called "Far Light". However, this album did not bring any particular popularity of Simonov and Zhdamirov.

After writing three more new songs: "Snow melts", "Banderol", "on stage", Oleg offered them for listening to different Moscow sound recording companies. And so it happened that the music editor of the company "Master Sound Records" Alexander Duchi noticed the group. The company "Master Sound" rated the originality and piercing honesty of poems Oleg Simonov and the interesting vocal of Vladimir Zhdamirov.

With the participants of the creative team, the name "The" Butyrka "group was concluded a long-term contract, and Alexander Abramov became the producer of the group, who invented the name of the team, the image and images of his participants. To date, Simonov is the leader of the Music Team Playd.

In 2008, Oleg Simonov married Yulia Griboyedova, the director of the concerts of the Music Group of the Bell.

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