How to become an accountant at home without experience. All about the work of the accountant at home

How to become an accountant at home without experience. All about the work of the accountant at home

Accountant - work is always in demand, and every company, large or
Small, needs its services. But if the first can afford to hire
myself a whole headquarters of specialists to work in the office, then for the second remains
Just negotiate with a remote employee. Today we will tell how to work with an accountant remotely.

How to work as an accountant remotely at home?

The best option for both sides is if you are already numbering the headquarters for at least a year and a half, and the company is confident in the reliability of your activity. Then you can simply agree on the remote home work. Some managers do not agree to such a type of cooperation, but most of them come to an agreement. Agree, there are different situations in life that a person cannot work at a complete rate, and the firm does not agree because of this valuable experienced employee.

Of course, it will be necessary to come to the office, but it is nonsense compared to
Daily rates at 6 am and shaking in public transport. Another advantage of working at home is that you can make a deal with several firms at once, and, having done work for the main employer, make additional tasks.

Before working as an accountant remotely, the first thing to do is to get economic education, desirable higher. If it is not, then options where you can go to get a lot of colleges, courses, correspondence form at the university. But no matter how good there were certain courses, they provide only basic knowledge, and a good accountant needs to be in advance in their business. Read more special literature, attend seminars.

When a question with education will be resolved, proceed to writing a summary. Competently compiled, it will be a key factor in your employment. Indicate your data and coordinates, skills, experience, as well as the advantages that the firm will receive, cooperating with you.

To find a client that will need an accountant services, have
Several ways:

  1. Place resume on special job search sites.
  2. Contact an ad with the employer.
  3. Use existing connections (if any).
  4. Make yourself know with the help of friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

Also be sure to do at least a couple of business card kits so that in the event of a dating with a potential employer, to instantly give its coordinates.

How to work remotely to an accountant for individuals?

Accountant services are needed not only on the company's scale. Each physical face needs no less. To make calculations correctly and make the necessary documentation for the tax from an ordinary person without the right formation takes a lot of time and nerves. It is easier to hire a remote accounter. One case of such a service will not bring big profits, but after all, such clients can be selected with a dozen, and an additional bonus in the form of a sarafined radio will make free advertising and attract more people.

If you are still not sure in such a work method, we recommend visiting special forums and ask how the accountant remotely works. There will be shared with you not dry recommendations, but personal experience, and will give valuable practical advice. In addition, we offer to see below the presented videos in order to have a better idea of \u200b\u200ban accountant remote work. Remember that Accounting is not for weaklings, and even remote work requires the maximum concentration of attention and energy. Therefore, even in the home conditions, try to create a personal quiet space, where nothing will distract from work.

Times when an accountant had to continuously be in a dusty office, laid down with boiled papers, had long been rushed in the summer. The technological process is penetrated into the sphere of finance, even more than in some areas of production. To keep accounting, form and submit reports is now possible remotely, and therefore the practitioner accountant has a great opportunity to work without leaving home.

The demand for professional accounting services remains consistently high, and competent experts are always in demand by the employer. According to aggregated job search portals, the accountant is one of the most popular vacancies. The number of proposals for applicants has a hundred thousand, there is among them the possibility and remote work.

Who can become an accountant

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that accounting services are not the type of earnings that is suspended with each wishes, regardless of the level of education. To become an accountant one day will not work. The accountant primarily sells its professional knowledge and skills to the client. Therefore, it is important to have a specialized higher education or at least, graduate accounting courses.

Often, the courses occupy from 2-4 weeks to 2-4 months, depending on the schedule of classes and the amount of information. There is also the opportunity to remotely master the basics of accounting on online courses. You can enroll on the correspondence or day separation of a higher or secondary special educational institution, and in your home-free time to work as an accountant at home. However, even the received vocational education will not cancel the fact that the accountant must constantly upgrade its knowledge and practice, track changes in legislation and innovation in the automation of accounting.

Before proceeding with work, accounting specialist should know and be able to follow:

  • Know the rules for registration of primary documents.
  • Freely navigate in terms of accounts, understand the essence of economic operations, correctly "distribute" operations on accounts.
  • Be able to make tax, statistical, financial, management reporting. Understand how the indicators of reports are checked (compared).
  • Know the basic provisions of tax, labor, economic law. To be able to analyze the laws, find interconnected explanations, letters and registering acts.
  • To be able to use account automation programs and conduct electronic payments through the remote banking system.

In addition to professional skills, such personal qualities of an accountant are important as: stressability, ability to overtime work, attentiveness, scrupulousness, perfection.

An accountant who wishes to become a freelancer and work at home must be sociable and be able to teach himself and their professional skills.

Rarely, what an employer will entrust his finances to a person without talking with him at least in the online conference mode. Therefore, it will not be superfling that the accountant should have a presentable and neat appearance.

To whom the work is suitable for a private accountant at home:

  • Experienced specialists who have reached professional vertices at the same place of work and think about changing the employer, but do not see decent alternatives.
  • Specialists who want to change the routine office work on earnings with a more flexible schedule.
  • Young accountants who cannot find suitable work due to the lack of proper experience.

Equipment of the workplace

Suppose, the above skills, knowledge and qualities you possess, so we decided to leave "on freeze bread" and provide services at home. The first thing is to take care - this is the organization of the workplace. Unlike the organization of production, the provision of accounting services does not require significant investments in equipment, however, to work at home the accountant is necessary:

  • Modern personal computer. Powerful enough to store large arrays of information and work with remote servers; quite reliable.
  • Reliable internet connection. Remote work with servers on which accounting databases are located, as well as sending payments through the Internet Bank and the provision of electronic reports - all this requires a good high-speed Internet.
  • Printer, and better multifunction device (printer, scanner, copier). Accounting automation does not deprive the accountant of the need to print primary documents, reports, consolidated statements and registers. Sometimes there may be a need to make copies of existing paper documents, for this it will be useful for at least the scanner.
  • Phone (stationary and mobile). Of course, in our time it is difficult to find a person who does not have a mobile phone. Nevertheless, call to banks or tax authorities very often accounted for in the old manner using a landline phone. In order to minimize their expenses, it is better to get a stationary and mobile phone.
  • Comfortable table and chair. Accountant work is sitting, so it is important to take care of your comfort and health. An uncomfortable workstation in the future can lead to problems with his back, legs, neck, therefore it is better not to save on yourself.
  • Filing Cabinets. As mentioned above, some accounting documents still have to be kept in paper. Therefore, it is better to determine the place for them in advance. However, the cabinet is not a priority acquisition, it will be possible to buy it when the volume of customers will increase, and therefore the documentation.
  • Calculator and stationery.It would seem that in the modern world of gadgets, when the calculator is in each phone and computer, you can forget about the stationary counting machine. However, it is much more convenient to quickly summarize the numbers on the calculator. Stationery will be needed for designing and storing documents.

Also, you will need a webcam and headset to communicate with customers, but they can be purchased as needed.

Often, the work of the accountant does not provide for frequent communication with visitors, especially if you immediately position yourself as a remote worker. However, it will not be superfluous to provide a place in the house where, if necessary, you can chat with an employer or counterparty.

Do not rush to immediately invest large amounts in the organization of the workspace. To get started, there will be enough computer, phone and printer. Everything else can be purchased as the number of customers and work volumes increases.

Customer search

The most difficult aspect in the work of a private accountant is the search for customers, which directly depends on earnings. It is most convenient to go to private practice if you already have at least one employer who agrees not to keep an accountant in the office, but to cooperate remotely. If there is no such employer, you will have to look for it one of the following methods:

  • On regional ad sites. Rarely when it turns out to keep accounting completely remotely, without meetings with the employer and visits to the office. Perhaps by mutual agreement with the client, you will be able to make the bulk of the work at home, and to visit the employer 1-2 times a week, to sign the necessary documents, solving financial issues, cash settlements. Therefore, priority to search for customers in the city or region of your stay, in order to minimize transport and business trips, as well as ensure the efficiency of solving the tasks.
  • In All-Russian and international sites for finding work.The search principle is the same as on regional sites - look for an employer closer to yourself. All-Russian sites offer more vacancies, which means the possibility of higher earnings. To search for international sites, knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis needed, most often English. But knowledge of a foreign language is an additional plus in the summary and the opportunity to get a higher paying job.
  • On freelance exchanges. Freelancer - a voltone-free specialist who provides its services through the Internet. At the initial stage, freeline exchanges were programmers, designers, photographers and copywriters. Now, on many large stock exchanges there are entire sections dedicated to the topic "Accounting / Finance / Consulting", where the accountant can publish the summary and find its customer. Often, the scheme of work on the stock exchanges is: the customer places the task, the Contractor responds if it is capable of performing this task. Some exchanges act as guarantors to fulfill the obligations to the parties of the transaction, other only help the customer and the performer find each other. Almost all exchanges there are rating system - the better the task is fulfilled, the higher the contractor rating. Accordingly, the performers with a higher rating earn more.

Below will look at the most popular stock exchanges, where the accountant can find a client:

  • More than 500 applicants are registered on the stock exchange, which provide services in the field of accounting. The cost of services of accountants is different, someone asks for their services 1-5 $ and someone $ 10-30 per hour. Earned money experts get on the webman's wallet.
  • - On the site there are several hundred performers providing accounting services. The cost of their work is also different, someone "worth" 300-500 rubles per hour of consultations, someone 5000 per month of work. For more successful work on this stock exchange, it is worth purchasing Pro Account.
  • relatively small stock exchange, with attendance up to 10 thousand people per day. It registered several dozen performers who provide accounting services. Someone is repelled from the hourly cost of work, asking for services 50-300 rubles per hour, someone voiced the cost immediately for the month: 5-15 thousand.
  • Young and small, specialized stock exchange. It can be found on it both a single task and remote, or permanent work in full-time staff. The cost of services is negotiated between the customer and the performer.

Be prepared for the fact that at first the formation of private practice will be difficult to find good customers. Perhaps you have to work a lot, but for little money. There is also a lot of information debris on the Internet, when there is a network marketing, unsax customers, financial pyramids and frauds for attractive deals.

Carefully consider each sentence before proceeding to work. If possible, examine reviews about the customer. It will save you from financial losses and wasted speech.

To speed up the process of finding customers, it is better to use all of the above methods.

It is important to pay attention to its pages on social networks. The social networks can act as a means of promoting their own behalf, in particular. For a remote employee, the page in the social network is a kind of "face". Try to make your official pages more business. Clean them from provocative, disconcing, ambiguous information, stupid jokes and pictures. According to statistics, most of the employers explore the profile of a potential employee in social networks, in order to confirm its competence. Subscribe to professional communities, you can repress news about changing legislation or articles of professional topics. It only will "add weight" by your candidacy in the eyes of potential customers. By the way, social networks can also become a customer search channel, however, the risk of such transactions is very large, since payment guarantees are practically absent.

In the future, to promote your name, you can create a visit site, with a description of your professional experience, customer reviews, detailed listing and price of services provided. True, without investment in promotion, a website or group in social networks will take the last position in the issuance of search engines, so you should not create a site at the very beginning of the formation of private practice, since it will entail only additional costs without profit.

How much can earn money

The size of earnings depends on several factors:

  • Availability of professional experience;
  • Alleged amount of operations and responsibility;
  • The region in which the company is located.

It is no secret that the salary of an accountant in Moscow and St. Petersburg is an order of magnitude higher than in other regions. In Moscow, you can find a job as an accountant with part-time employment and the possibility of remote interaction with salary from 15 to 45 thousand per month. In the regions, the minimum salary proposal may be 5 thousand rubles for a specialist with partial employment. In general, if the time and volume of operations will allow you to keep 2-3 clients at the same time, you can go on a good level of income with flexible schedule.

The advantage of the exchange, compared with the traditional work in which you can find a well-paid project and in a short time one time to earn an impressive amount: 15-20 thousand rubles, and even more. But solid, highly paid projects for accountants on stock exchanges occur not every day.

How to issue relations

An important stage of remote work is to design a relationship with the client. Accountant - a man who is responsible for documenting operations and mapping them in accounting. Therefore, to carry out their work without documented obligations and guarantees, primarily unprofessional.

You can arrange relationships with a private accountant using:

  • Labor contract
  • Civil law agreement
  • Economic contract if an accountant is an IP or director of the company that provides accounting services.

It makes sense to issue an employment contract if an accountant is arranged for a permanent job, even with partial employment. An employment contract is established by the list of job responsibilities that are imposed on a private accountant. The GPC treaty is issued, as a rule, to a one-time work with a specific result: to restore accounting, to put documents to the database, pass a report or carry out an inventory.

If you plan to issue an IP or open an LLC to provide accounting services, the amount of tax costs include in the price of your services.

Additional ways to make money

The main activity of a private accountant is the provision of accounting services (accounting, financial, managerial). However, the search for customers for permanent maintenance is a long process. While this process is happening, the accountant can work as follows:

  • Write coursework, thesis, test work on the discipline "Accounting" and related economic disciplines;
  • Write articles on accounting, economic, financial subjects. In the future, you can write even a book on topical accounting issues;
  • Provide consultation on a fee basis, respond to accounting issues of Internet users;
  • Selling software products on keeping accounting, including through the Internet and posting partner links;
  • Become a teacher of accounting courses: to conduct seminars or even webinars for accountants.

Development prospects

Long resistant work for the benefit of achieving its goal does not pass without a trace. Over time, when the number of customers increases, and the amount of work will increase, it may be necessary to attract additional employees. Thus, you will not only provide yourself with work at home, but also provide it with other people. In the future, you can also establish your accounting services firm or become an auditor. After all, even the founders of such well-known international audit firms as Ernst & Young and Kpmg began with the fact that they went to private accounting practice.

Freelance Accounting plays an increasing role in modern business. This is especially true of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs. Remote accountant promising profession for a good specialist. If 20-30 years ago most of the calculations needed to lead on paper, now you have Excel, 1C and many other auxiliary programs. 5-10 years ago with all reports had to run into a tax, now in many countries reports are submitted via the Internet.

The accounting scope is very extensive both by itself and relative to the transition to the remote. I can not promise to cover absolutely all the information about the work of the accountant at home, but I will try to highlight this topic as much as possible.

Despite the fact that many modern companies translate many processes on outsource and remote work should be considered a profession from all sides. Since enterprises, directors, and the experts of the old school themselves, the benefits of remote work may not be visible.

Advantages for a specialist

  • Opportunity to work in comfortable conditions
  • Opportunity to work from anywhere
  • Ability to work at any time
  • Ability to work in several companies. For example, if you are engaged in an accounting company or private entrepreneurs
  • Cutting time to work trip
  • Reduction of lunch and passing costs

Disadvantages for a specialist

  • Communication difficulties. In fact, the conditional flaw. With a competent management of its time and affairs, any communications can be minimized.
  • Problems from the Internet. And this is a real problem if you have urgent work.
  • Lack of live communication. There is nothing to explain here, but it is worth noting such places as a coworking centers where you can rent a workplace and get acquainted with a lot of people. But today it is, for the most part, youth institutions.

Advantages for the employer

Cutting costs - One single and most important advantage for any company. No need to keep the department of accounting, the office is under them and equipment. In addition to the printer, which in accounting is extremely important

Disadvantages for the employer

Communication difficulties - tfrom the same disadvantage as a specialist. If you need to quickly resolve the question, then you need to contact the employee, but for this you should define the work schedule and the time when it is always available

IMPORTANT:most problems in work arise due to problems in communications, this applies not only to accounting. Therefore, always stipulate the period in which you will be in touch, and if necessary, to remove - always warn. This Council applies to both specialists and heads.

You will find out where to start providing accounting services at home, where to find customers for remote work and how to become a successful accountant, working outside the office.

Every year, such a phenomenon is gaining popularity as remote work. It is also called the fashionable word "freelance".

The very concept reveals the essence of cooperation: the employer and employee (customer and the performer) are at a distance of each other. That is, remote work is professional employment outside the office with the help of Internet technologies.

Remote work Accountant - When you do not need to go to the office every day

This way of employment is interesting to many. It is especially popular for those who are tired of work "on Uncle", but it is impossible to open your own business. Much among retirees, women in decree, students.

This type of earnings can be viewed and as the main, and as a part-time job. Work at home remotely saves your time and money!

Starting to work out of the house, you will no longer have to spend time on the road from home to the office, stand in the road traffic jams, stick to the dress code adopted in the company. You can save on traffic expenses, lunchs in a cafe.

More and more programmers, designers, marketers, accountants become members of the community of successors.

I am a professional accountant with experience in Freilance for more than 10 years, so I will tell you exactly how to work as an accountant remotely.

Where to start work - step-by-step instructions

You can get the desired result in any business, only by conducting high-quality preliminary training.

You do not know how to organize work remotely? How to start working as an accountant at home? Then my step-by-step instructions will have to be likewise!

Step 1. Organize the workplace

Everyone who wants to provide accounting services remotely, I recommend first to equip my mini-office at home. Yes, yes, just so and in any way!

If this is not done, then you can get into a very unpleasant situation.

Example from life

My friend Olga, who has worked for many years by the chief accountant at a large plant, decided to go to "free bread." No sooner said than done!

To find the first customers to her old connections helped her: once she led the employment courses for novice entrepreneurs at the city's office. Here are some of them and became its customers.

"Customers are the most important thing, everything else is secondary" - a novice freelancer was confident. She believed that she had a table, a chair and a computer had, which means she was ready to work as an accountant on the remote.

The first working day has come in the new quality. Olga enjoyed silence, leisurely by his affairs. How suddenly the unimaginable began: one client asks to urgently pay materials, another to postpone the goods to the warehouse, the third - to issue a vacation.

And then the trouble: the computer hangs, the table is far from the outlet, and the extension cord, as discharged, is unknown where, in the printer, the cartridge is slightly "lively", the former accountant in the Buknogram one of the companies is not at all over ten days.

Late in the evening Olga, who almost stood out of his strength, telling me about his misadventures of this day, no longer doubted that the properly organized workspace was important!

For home office accountant, I advise you to purchase the following positions:

  1. Reliable computer.It is better to consult with computer-friendly specialists. Perhaps, for your tasks, the one you use to communicate in social networks. Or maybe your "old man" will not pull all the necessary programs, and you will have to either upgrade it or buy a new one.
  2. MFP (printer + xerox + scanner). The thing is essential, even if you mainly deal with electronic documentation. First, it is often necessary to send a scan of any document with signatures and seals, which means that it is necessary, first of all, print it, to arrange properly, scan and only then send it. Secondly, the paper archive "Pervichka" nobody canceled. Thirdly, probably your employees may need a copy of the employment record (for example, to obtain a bank loan). And here without a photocopy can not do. Believe me, there will be many such cases, every day.
  3. Calculator. Read on the phone or online calculator is inconvenient, verified in practice.
  4. Table + chair. Of course, the table and chair can be anyhow, but we want to deal, not as you have to have, but with comfort. Remember how the back hurts and the neck, when you have to sit down all day after an uncomfortable table. After a couple of hours, I don't want to think about anything. You dream to finish everything rather and warm up.
  5. Stationery. In this category, I took not only handles, pencils and erases, but also a stapler, hole punch. All these are little things, without which you can not do!

This is the most needed. With the rest, decide in the process.

Check the quality of communication and the Internet. Decide in advance with the services in which you will have to keep accounting. Even if you are familiar with their functionality, do not be lazy to test again. So you will save your strength and nerves when the flower will fall on you.

Step 2. Make a summary

I am sure, no one will argue about the importance of the ability to present themselves. After all, the future customers employers somehow have to learn about your main skills skills, education, practical experience, strengths and weaknesses, professional achievements, etc.

Here is such a presentation for an accountant-remover and will be resume.

Summary - a document containing reliable information about education, practical experiences, business and other information necessary for consideration of the candidate for employment.

Now there are special companies that pay for a fee to pack your information into a beautiful shell, create a summary that will present you to potential employers in the right, favorable perspective. If you do not want to bother, then this is your option!

Make a completely effective resume can also be independent. Network to help you! Retell all the advice from numerous sources on this matter is not necessary. Find and read them you can yourself.

I want to pay attention only to several particularly important nuances of this process:

  • always indicate only reliable facts. Remember - all important information is easily checked;
  • structure information. I advise you to take advantage of the summary templates. For example, on the site, after registering as a applicant, you can easily create a good summary;
  • watch out the style of information. Summary - Official document, Your business card. Creative in drawing up this document will be admissible if you are a candidate for animator, leading program shows, etc. When applying to a bank, a major company of liberty can play with you a cruel joke;
  • do not mantle yourself L. Tolstoy, do not write your resume in several volumes. 1-2 standard sheets are quite enough;
  • and, if it is not trite, write competently. Errors in the summary are not allowed.

Step 3. Find Customer

With the workspace and resume sorted out! It's small - to find the customer.

And here almost all means are good:

  1. Feel free to contact your acquaintances, tell them that from now on you are an accountant-freelancer.
  2. Make inexpensive, high-quality business cards, they may need to you at any time (for example, when you are waiting for your turn to tax, know: people next to you are your potential customers. Communicate, tell about your services, leave a business card).
  3. Subscribe to groups in social networks, placing such vacancies - find them not difficult.
  4. Place ads in newspapers publishing vacancies.

It did not work out to find the work of the "partisan" methods, consult professionals - specialized resources. Read about them in detail below.

Going to search, weigh your strength. Clearly determine what amount of work you are ready to stick. Indicate priority taxation systems for yourself, that is, those with which you are willing to work first. Decide companies using such systems, and start your first steps in Accounting Fireland.

Even if you are superprofessional, do not gain many customers at once. Delete - this is not work in the office, here is your rules to which you still have to get used to.

Where to find a remote job accountant

So, we define the places where employers are found - customers, ready to cooperate with deletener accountants.

There are a lot of such places: Freelance Exchange, Specialized Work Supporting Services, Bulletin Boards on the Internet, Personnel Agencies, etc.

Get acquainted with the most popular:

1) - This is the place where performers and customers are found from all over Russia and CIS countries. The service began its work in 2005. Over the years, the number of registered users has reached more than 1.5 million years. Programmers and designers, accountants and copywriters, consultants and tutors can find themselves work via the Internet at home, a safe worthy earnings.

Exchange of Exchange:

2) Weblan member - This is another Freelance Exchange, where the accountant can find a remote customer for their services. The service was created in the early 2000s, but still occupies a leading position.

Benefits WebLancer Exchange:

  • simplicity access to the resource;
  • quality assurance;
  • the benefit of the customer and the artist is guaranteed internal arbitration;
  • availability of the service "Safely Transaction".

By registering, you can not only place your ad, but also respond to customer offers. However, it is only available on paid tariffs. You can only view vacancies for free.

It is nice that here you can find both permanent work and the project. Choose you!

3) Avito - One of the most famous online free classified ads in the Russian Federation. As of June 2017, more than 35 million different ads were posted on the site.

Here are a variety of ads: about buying and selling things, equipment, real estate, vacancies, service offer. We are also interested in the section "Services". Of course, the service has a special section "Work", but the supply of accountants are printed here. To access, you need to go through a simple free registration.

And then everything is simple! Place the clinging announcements with a proposal of accounting services remotely, attach your certificates and diplomas related to accounting (if available) and wait for the first customers. The fact that your offer is a response, you will learn from an email message specified during registration.

Want to speed up the process? Order paid promotion of your services.

What you need to become a successful accountant at home

To become a successful deletener accountant, you need to have some key qualities. Do not confuse them with professional competencies. The presence is not discussed!

This is about:

  • skills of communication. To be able to communicate with people, it is very important to have them. Communicable specialists find customers faster, conclude more favorable contracts;
  • self-organization. Having left freelance, people relax. Condure to plan, correctly distribute the time between work and recreation. It seems to them that they did not have time today, will do tomorrow. So run away days. And now it was still ten for one task. All of them require an urgent solution;
  • self-control. There are no more bosses over you, no one controls your affairs. How will your career begins, now only depends on you;
  • the desire to self-develop. Accounting and tax accounting is perhaps one of those areas that is constantly changing. No one writes instructions and regulations, do not follow the update of legislation, does not take care of increasing their professionalism. Only a personal desire to self-develop will allow you to withstand competition and become successful.

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