Year of birth Catherine Golitsyn. Katerina Golitsyn: biography, personal life, career, children, husband

Year of birth Catherine Golitsyn. Katerina Golitsyn: biography, personal life, career, children, husband

She is called "Iron Lady of Chanson", and his instagram singer starred: "Hayter of Gloss and Glamor". She really is "shamelessly beautiful", plus talented, active and cheerful, in spite of any difficulties of life. Katerina Golitsyn is a bright "star" of the Russian chanson, but it is not limited to one style of execution: increasingly her songs sound in the style of "Pop", "Disco", even rock she began to slowly master the rock.

The biography of the artist is vividly interested in its numerous fans. What diet woman sticks to always stay in such a great form? How do husband and children relate to a dense concert schedule of his wife and mom? And finally, what is aware of its future creative plans?

Official data

Katerina Golitsyn as a child.
  • Real surname, Name: Yakovlev Ekaterina.
  • Creative pseudonym: Katerina Golitsyn.
  • Date of birth: 1962 year, April 5th.
  • Place of birth: Omsk, USSR.
  • Russian nationality.
  • Zodiac sign: Aries; According to the Chinese horoscope - Tiger (Element of Water); Planet patron - Mars.
  • Growth and weight: 179 cm, 65 kg.
  • Education: Double Higher; Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, Russian Music Academy. Gnesinic.
  • Business: singer, leading, songwriter, producer.
  • Main style of execution: chanson.
  • Family status: Married.
  • Children: daughter Yuri, son Andrei.

Start of life path


The one was born, whose biography will be described below, in the Siberian city of Omsk, in the family of hereditary Cossacks from Kuban. Parents of the future singer fell into Siberia on Distribution: Young oil engineers at first lived in a small hostel room, not bothering hands worked. Due to the fact that Dad and Mom girls constantly disappeared at work, the granddaughter took the Krasnodar grandmother in the first years of life. Childhood spent on Kuban - about it loves Golitsyn to tell often in an interview.

Later, when the child has grown, Yakovlev's family (such a real name of Kati) began to take a girl with him on a business trip, and with her parents traveled almost the entire Soviet Union. In the rare moments of rest in the evenings, Dad loved to play the guitar, and these music watches adopted the girl's love for music - she dreamed of writing musical instruments from an early age, sing.

When she was five years old, the family of Yakovlev was moved to Moscow, and the girl went to the school in the capital. Deciding to independently make his dream (learning music) reality, Seven-year-old Katerina went to a music school, which was located near their home, at the nearby metro station. Having heard in her perfect performance "along the street Metelitsa", the teachers decided unconditionally - this talented child was accepted!


At home, when everyone learned the news about admission to a music school, it was decided to immediately buy piano. And by that time, she was already perfectly mastered the father of the guitar. At ten years, the future star star played fluently on two tools, performed famous lunches, and at school a favorite pastime after lessons became musical circles. Another dream is routing - to enroll in the appropriate university and do the pop professionally.

"Gnesinka", where Katerina Golitsyn gave the documents after school, was famous at that time, it was impossible to do with the "streets", and the "long hairy hand" (that is, the Briton) did not have a girl ... on the last exam (on the writing) it was trite "cut off "But she decided not to waste time with a gift and entered another university - to the pedagogical, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. In the breaks between school, it was decided: visitors to Moscow bars and restaurants in the 80s can remember the novice singer Katu Yakovlev.

The dream was not forgotten, and in five years, after receiving a diploma in the profile "English and literature", she again decides to try her happiness and this time successfully gives exams to the music academy. Gnesinic. She already writes the first songs that are noticed by the public: Katerina is invited to perform in such teams as "peers" and "girls".

Creative way


I really wanted to record my songs and introduced the already appearing fans with their work, but considerable money was asked for a disc record, and this was her next dream - the release of his own album. In the meantime, the artist begins cooperation with Moskoncert and Rosoncert, speaking solo (1989-1995). In the first organization, she was offered to perform with the ensemble "Muscovites", and for some time the girl sang there, but it was "rushing" to listeners, and the Katyusha group is created. In this group, she performed the first famous hit "The Best Friend" - he broke up on cassettes across the country.

1994: Katya Yakovleva (so far) appears on the song - 94, performing "no word about love." Already conquered popularity, and tourists begin, whole stadiums are collected.

It is shown on TV in the transmissions "Morning Mail", "wider circle", invite to perform on ORT and TV-6. It would seem that the career will develop rapidly, but the collapse of the USSR undermined plans for the future, and not only she. It became incomprehensible how and where to act, and the singer changes the style of activity: she is no longer seen on the big stage, but they began to receive weddings, birthdays and other customized events.


An attempt was made to gain popularity in the United States, where Katya unexpectedly enjoys the style of "Country". Alas, in the States, no one was interested in her songs, and a young woman earned money on life with lectures about his homeland in English. And the husband waited at home (Katerina was married before leaving in the US) and fans who were surprised: where did they suddenly disappear their favorite Yakovleva?

The spouse's affairs suddenly went uphill, and disappeared the need to dangle over the ocean, taking off between the American audience and the house, family. Life is a mysterious thing, and as the trouble does not come alone, it is almost always "duplicated." The turning point was for the woman 1997: along with Sergey Mazaev, she recorded the already famous single "leaving, go away," and he instantly becomes mega popular. With minimal financial investments (and the funds that were so lacked recently, have already allowed!) The disc was released and went through the hands of fans instantly. That album is now a real rarity, the dream of the fans of the artist. By the way, in 1998 he was released in Sweden.


Thanks to the help of the head of the "Moral Code" and his friend Stas Namina (a collection of her studio was recorded) the number of her fans increased in geometric progression. And it was the first disc, where only one composition sounded in the usual style, the rest were announced as chanson. Katya so "hooked" a new direction that it was decided to continue to continue creativity in this style. And there was a need to change the surname: once the work went on a different way, you need to take a pseudonym. The surname "Golitsyn" is not invented by it "from the ceiling": on family legend, one of the ancestors of Atamanov was Golitsyn.


And, as they say in such cases, "rushed" ... a talented woman with his head plunged into creativity, taking a small pause in performances. Here are the fruits of its activities by year.

  • 2001 - 2002: Recording and publication of the Alboma-Solnik Nearby Romance.
  • 2002 - November 2003: Songs, combined in the collection "Love Absorbear".
  • 2004: New Album "Decembrist".
  • December 2005: Disk "Northern Blues".
  • March, 2006th: solo album "Happy Birthday, Tragging Day".

And since the autumn of the same year, the triumphal procession of the singer Katerina Golitsyn in the country with "live" concerts and records on TV.

  • The first own concert in the "Cosmos" hall and the full allocracy.
  • The release of the disc with the full-length version of this speech, plus interview fragments and conversations with fans (series "The Best Concerts - Collection").
  • Shooting the program "Love Season" (again in "Space") and the collection of the collection under the same name.
Born in Omsk, currently lives in Moscow. Birthday - April 5, Zodiac sign - Aries.
He graduated from the 2nd Moscow Regional Music School (Pop Branch) in the Piano Class, then the State Music School named after the Gnesins (Pop Branch) in the class of vocal. Having worked around ten years on restaurants as a soloist of musical ensembles, continued his career in various professional "Komsomol and youth" groups of type "peers" Muscovites "and" Girl ", then solo in the teams of" Rosoncert "and" Moskoncert ", later organized Own project, began to independently write music, poems, appeared their author's songs. In 1990-1991, two first solo vinyl records were published ("Giants") - "Katyusha" and "Call me on the night."
In 1995 - 1998, it was mainly engaged in the main studio work and by 1998 almost ceased concert activities, for a while completely devoting himself to family and children. But over time, certain life circumstances give rise to new impulses to the continuation of creativity, although in the bulk of the interview the singer itself characterizes this period of life (1999 - 2001) only as "without comment." However, it is known that at this time it was written by most of the famous songs included in the first albums "Nefrazersky Romance" and "Love Absorbear".
So, in the first album that appeared in 2002, all the songs, from the words of Katerina, were written not from the desire "just do something in the style of chanson"; They simply could not not appear, for they are the result of personal experiences, or are based on real events in the life of friends; Including the Neil Romance on the wedding in captivity - there is a concrete life story. In November 2003, the second album was released - "Love Abnole". Here is still about life. Love, loyalty, friendship, sadness, nostalgia - On the one hand ("Musician from the transition", "Parking", "Meet"), and, on the other, more like a tribute to the genre - operas, judge, north, zone, ZK (" SIZY DOVE "," LOVE COMPANY "," Over the snowstorm ").
In May 2004, work on the third album was completed, for which 12 new songs were recorded, the release date is clarified, presumably August 2004. The owner is definitely strong, with a large range, voices, such that for some reason makes the listener immediately and unconditionally believe the words of heroes immediately and unconditionally Her songs, Katerina Golitsyn is worth a certain mansion in the genre. Perhaps many will seem familiar with these characteristic decisive, sometimes with a supervision, intonation in vocals - and it will be right: as a singer (as well as a composer, the author of the texts), Katerina has been working for more than eight years and enjoys well-deserved popularity and reputation as the star of the first magnitude.

Katerina Golitsyn Author and performer
Full name Katerina Anatolyevna Golitsyn
Born on April 5, 1962 in Omsk
A family
Katerina was born in the family of the Kuban Cossacks, but not in his native village, but in the distant Omsk, where the first years of her life passed. In Siberia, Katerina's parents hit the distribution from the institute, at the first opportunity they returned to their native land. Among the ancestors were Atamans.
Katerina's father spent a lot of time with a guitar in his hands, so the little Katya grew under his singing. In the repertoire, Anatoly Evgenievich had North, Vysotsky, Galich. The family returned to the village, but lived in Kuban for a short time.
Father received a position in Moscow. In the capital moved when Katerina was five years old. The first thing that the girl did in the new city was a visit to a music school near the subway "Sokol". By five years, she could already play out on his piano than and shook the adoptive commission, when he sat down for the instrument and performed "along the street Metelitsa Metset" and "Murku".
It is worth noting that parents about admission learned as a faithful fact, but immediately bought an old piano "wave" by an independent daughter. When the daughter was 10 years old, Anatoly Evgenievich taught her to play the guitar of the song "Cranes", "Lilac Fog", "Wait, steam locomotive". In school, the girl attended the circles of artistic amateurness, solired in the school ensemble.
After graduating from school, Katerina decided to enroll in Gnesinka, but the first time did not work out. In order not to stay without higher education, she decided to learn foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the Moscow Pedium Institute. Krupskaya, and musical talents practiced at work, the benefit of the study was easy.
All five years before successful arrival in Gnesinka, Katerina sang and played on the keyboards in the restaurant. Katya's parents did not support. Already at 18, Katerina earned more than her relatives.
Five years later, she still goes to Gnesink (the pop department in the class of vocal). After graduating from her, Katerina leaves the estrad's restaurant (in Rosoncert). The pop biography of the singer is given. At that time she acts as Ekaterina Yakovleva.
Sings in such groups as "Muscovites", "Girls", "peers", and becomes the face of VIA Katyusha. In the late 80s, their first album "Call me on the night" comes out, and in the 1990th "Best Friend" is widely dispersed on the cassettes. It was pop music, such a favorite in the 90s in the people. But Katerina itself does not consider it as serious creativity and stays in finding a private style.
In 1994, she stops working with Rosconcert and devotes all his time to raising an eight-year-old daughter and a newborn son. She comes to Country Music, buy albums of iconic performers of this genre, writes their songs. In 1996, Sergey Mazaev, the leader of the Morale Code group and a friend of the family, comes to visit and, having heard the new ones on the sound of the composition, written by KaterinoPod, with the impression of the albums of the early Cheryl Crow, offers her a joint record. Album Kati Yakovleva "Leaving - Leave" comes out in 1997 and even without large financial injections and promotion receives the recognition of a narrow circle of specialists and connoisseurs. The very same Katerina decides that Kati Yakovleva will no longer. There are severe times for her family.
The singer herself for the period from 1998 to 2000, only the capacious "no comment" says. In 2002, it appears again. Now her name is Katerina Golitsyn (Maiden's name Yakovlev forgot), she has a new material - she is ready to hit the listener by other songs. The debut album in the genre of Chanson "Nerezersky Romance" came out in December 2002. The lyrics of Katerina Golitsyn's lyrics were not just trial, they were felt, bright, based on events from life - the listener felt their strength and truthfulness. The album was successful as follow-up. So, in 2003, the album "Love Absorbear" was released, in 2004 - "Decembrist", and in 2005 Northern Blues. "Happy Birthday, Tragging" recorded in 2006, "on a guitar string" - in 2008, "Wild apple tree" - in 2011. In 2013, the author's collection of Katerina Golitsyn "Other" comes out, on an album approach with the working names of "Raspberry snow" and "between us, girls."
In writing lyrics for him, such eminent authors, such as Alexander Dobronravov, Vladimir Chernyakov, Vladislav Agafonov, Oleg Gegelsky, Andrei Kuryaev, Garik Krichevsky, took part in writing.
Personal life
Katerina Golitsyn is not only a successful singer, but also a loving wife and mother. Her daughter Julia can be seen in the video "Love correspondence", and son Andrei, being a devoted fan of his mother (his favorite album "Nefrazersky Romance"), writes poems, and also fond of sports. Julia's daughter studied at the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO. Katerina's husband Golitsyn Master on shooting, is fond of hunting - she gladly calls to his cozy family nest friends "on game".
"I do three or four dishes at the same time, and here I have a feast mountain until the morning. And what kind of feast of my dogs - I have two shepherds ... ", - the singer shares. However, the information about his family of Katerina is trying not to advertise.
Achievements and awards
2005 and 2006 - Chanson Year's Prize winner
2003-2005 - Member of the festival "Long live Chanson!" In the IC "Olympic" (Ether on TVC channel)
The leading and participant of the Festival "Russian chanson" in Jurmala, Kaliningrad, Abakan, Kiev.
Permanent participant of festivals "Long live Chanson!", "Eh, ragble", "Chanson at the Slavic Bazaar", "City Day on Poklonnaya Mount", "Festivals of Memory Mikhail Circle"
2013 - the winner of the Chanson Year Prize.
Recently, Golitsyn made a role for himself - became the leading "chanson TV".
Do you know that ...
When a little Katya was brought from the maternity hospital, the cribs were not at home (it was not easy to get it) - and the girl is bed in a suitcase.
At 4, Katia Golitsyn was distinguished by freedom-loving character and excellent riding skills. Once the father barely caught her for two versts from home - the girl herself saddled the stallion and rode towards the ravine.
Golitsyn - the name of Praded Katerina, the hereditary Kuban Cossack.
Golitsyn's people are also known as the "Iron Lady of the Russian Chanson".
It does not stand still: "My best song is not yet sung, my best album has not yet been recorded. Perhaps even my last child is not yet born. I really want a little baby again. And even two, so that they grow together with a small difference in age. "
Hits. "God - the gown" "Crow" "Everything went" "Rustic History" "Wild Apple Tree" "Road" "Good Town" "Woman" "Think money" "The Best Friend" "May" "We will not become friends" "Non-return" "Don't let me go" "Nobody say" "New Year's" "late encountered" "Happy Birthday, Tramp!" "Northern Blues" "You" "You are alone and me one"

Katerina Golitsin - singer, executes his songs in the style of Chanson. Very talented and charming woman who won fame in wide circles.

Unique Katerina Golitsin

The girl began his creative path with participation in the ensemble, she spent a long time in the team and sang in restaurants. The work was simple and interesting: she even went with a concert to America. But all this lasted until 1995. After that, the singer decided to change the scope of activity and ceased to give concerts.

In many ways, this decision contributed to a good husband's earnings. In those years, her spouse Yuri went to the mountain and he did not have to work for Katerina for money. Yuri - Successful businessman, head of various companies.

Katerina gives concert

At the moment, he holds a post in public position. He and his talented wife raising two children: daughter Julia and Son Andrei. Julia has already completed the university in the specialty "International Journalism", and Andrei to study at Moscow State University on the manager.

After 5 years, Katya was more determined for its purpose and already wrote a few songs and began to fulfill them. In 2001, she recorded the first album. For a long time singer I was looking for my style in music. The experience of working abroad had a considerable influence on it: for example, Katya became a shroud fan of country style.

Soon, all Russia heard Chanson performed by Golitsina. At first it was not easy: for recording the studio songs asked huge money. Despite financial wealth in the family, Katya could not afford such costs.

Katerina Golitsin

The husband supported her and helped as he could, as the development of the name of the star contributed to some connections and acquaintances with the persons of show business. They helped the singer to record albums.

Difficult times passed, and now Katerina is one of the most successful and popular performers of Chanson. She is insanely grateful to everyone who helped her on this difficult creative path, especially her beloved husband.

It was he who was next to her during the crisis, inspired Katya and believed to success. Perhaps it affected their family life and made the union with a stronger.

You can talk about this woman by clock. Hot Favorite singer with the voice of a unique voice, poet, composer, besides, also beautiful. Who is she? It is Ekaterina Golitsyn, a real hurricane, whirlwind, which seems to never stop. It has great professionalism and ability to work. Being a seven-year-old girl, he often went without parents to listen to music and touch the tools.

Currently, Ekaterina Golitsyn - singer, author, leading his own programs and festivals. In his speeches, she can easily make the public, subtly feel her mood from the first minutes of the scene. Catherine has an incredibly strong energy.

Golitsyn - creative pseudonym. This name had her great-grandfather, who was once the Kuban Cossack, Ataman.

Ekaterina Golitsyn (biography): childhood and youth

Katerina's ancestors were from Kuban. Two great-grandfather lived in those edges. The future parents of the girls went to Moscow to learn, and then for a while the place of residence was the city of Omsk. There, on April 5, 1962, Katya Yakovleva (Catherine Golitsyn) - Singer, who has reached all-Russian fame in the future.

Katerina's father loved to play the guitar, Little Katya rose under his singing. The family had to move on short time from Omsk to Stanitsa. When the girl was five years old, again changed the place of residence to the capital. Upon arrival in the new city, the future singer visited a music school, in which parents decided to give her to study. She greatly surprised the adoptive commission when, sitting on the piano, played and sang "along the street of Metelitsa Metset."

Parents acquired an old piano for her daughter. Father, Anatoly Evgenievich, learned her playing guitar. At 10, Katyusha played freely and sang Sires "Lilac Fog", "Cranes", "Wait, Steamoz". In school, she was an active participant in artistic amateur, was a soloist of the school ensemble.

Ekaterina Golitsyn (biography): Student years

Katya since childhood dreamed of becoming a singer. After waiting for the end of the school, I went to the vocal department in Gnesinku and failed. It did not want to stay without higher education, I decided to study at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The student of the music school of Catherine fell his student of the music school after five years.

In the pedigree, the girl showed himself a good student, but her zeal to music did not leave her. She began to sing in the restaurant, played on bought an electronic console, which served her as a drummer. So I started my way of Ekaterina Golitsyn - singer, artist songs in the style of Chanson.

Then Ekaterina took up the studio work, almost completely stopped concert activities. The songs that today belong to the genre, referred to as "Russian chanson", she began to write in 1999, and in 2001 she began at his first solo album.

Creative life of Catherine Golitsyn

A career of the future singer originates in the musical ensembles of restaurants. Further, the teams of Rosquertes were sent, where Catherine worked as many as six years. Creative throwing lasted about ten years, the singer could not find his music style.

She worked in groups of "Muscovites", "Peers", "Girl" until he became the leader of VIA Katyusha. In the eighties, being in this group, Katya wrote the album "Call me, night", in 1990, the cassette "The Best Friend" was published, the publisher of which was Catherine Golitsyn. Albums with the songs of the girl were published by great circulation and gained enormous popularity among the population. They are reissued to vinyl discs in 1991.

When all-Russian fame, Catherine Golitsyn, whose songs belong to a light genre, was disappointed in disco music, to earn singing no longer needed. She finally decided to do a truly favorite thing. The reason served as a meeting with the head of the Moral Code group and a long-time friend he liked the creative life, which Ekaterina Golitsyn led. Songs written by this talented woman performed independently in the American genre caused delight in it.

This was the reason for the recording of a new album in Studio Stas Namina. Later, the composition "Airplanes" became a hit. In 1997, the album "Leaving - Leave" was published, which was recognized in the narrow circle of the singer's friends. From this time, Catherine decided that there was no place in her life for Kati Yakovleva.

Pop history singers

Beautiful and clever, sings perfectly, flew to an inaccessible height - this is Catherine Golitsyn, her biography about this tells in detail. Songs she also writes itself and performed them itself!

It would be not easy to achieve such success without help from the side. Katya is very grateful to her husband who helped and did everything that was in his power so that she was able to take a prominent place in show business. A great influence on the singer was staying abroad, where she gained invaluable experience in the work.

Songs in the genre of Russian chanson

In March 2007, the first large solo concert of Catherine Golitsyna was held in Moscow, in November, her talent fans had happiness to visit the second called "Love Season". Both concerts were on Chanson TV. The singer has nominated eight times on "Chanson year". In the prestigious festivals of Radio Chanson, Ekaterina Golitsyn participated three times (2008, 2009, 2011).

10/21/2011 - "While playing jazz";
. 10/21/2011 - "Post-war Waltz";
. 10/20/2011 - "I'll be back";
. 10/20/2011 - "Let's say forgive";
. 09/19/2007 - "Odnoklassnitsy".

Personal life singers

Talking about your family talented woman tries less, does not like to do it. However, some information about personal life is available. Ekaterina Golitsyn, whose biography shows how strong it is and purposeful, married a person, who has been marriage in large companies and banks for a long time. People considered him very rich. The family life of the spouses was normal, they lived very together, appreciated and understood each other. The husband never allowed himself to infringe the rights of his talented wife, proud of her achievements.

Yuri, so called the husband of Catherine, was a master of shooting, loved to go hunting. Friends came to "game" to them. During his wife's trips to America, the husband remained with his daughter. But when his business went up, Catherine was able to give more time for his work, and not ride making money on endless tour.

Ekaterina Golitsyn - a loving wife and a wonderful mother. Together with her husband, they raised two children. Son Andrei went in the footsteps of the mother, writes poems, loves to play sports. He is a student of Moscow State University - Faculty of Management. Julia's daughter graduated from MGIMO (Faculty of International Journalism).

Professional achievements


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