How to calculate the cost of shawarma and open a stall. Own business: production and sale of shawarma What is needed to make shawarma

How to calculate the cost of shawarma and open a stall. Own business: production and sale of shawarma What is needed to make shawarma

Real, classic shawarma is a rather fatty fried meat (chicken thighs, pork or lamb) with the addition of aromatic sauce, vegetables, special sauce and fresh herbs. They are wrapped in thin pita bread, which is then fried in the fat that was melted during the frying of the meat until it is crispy, golden brown. In some cases, for making shawarma, pita is used - oriental bread with a cavity inside, into which a delicious filling is placed. But you can not always trust street vendors, and sometimes it is hard to believe in restaurants, but homemade shawarma will be one hundred percent under your control. You use fresh ingredients, your favorite meats and vegetables, and even make the sauce to your liking.

Homemade shawarma is completely the fruit of your labors and the quintessence of your preferences. In this version, it will already be difficult to talk about harmfulness, shawarma will not be more harmful than salad. I often cook homemade shawarma, especially in summer, and I find it a great and quick snack for the whole family. An easy way to feed your household with fresh vegetables and healthy meat proteins. If you do not get carried away with sauces or cook it not from fatty mayonnaise, but from sour cream, for example, then the usefulness of the dish will not raise questions.

Features of cooking meat, sauce and vegetables

Dairy products are used as a sauce for shawarma - sour cream, kefir or mayonnaise, with the addition of fresh herbs, spices, chopped garlic. It is the sauce that makes a simple dish, convenient for eating "on the go" and a quick snack, original and juicy.

In addition to the traditional vegetables - crispy fresh cucumber and juicy tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, Korean carrots, French fries and many other ingredients are added to the shawarma.

Thin lavash or flatbread, and for those who know how to masterly bake bakery products, you can also cook at home, this requires a minimum of products, and the cooking process is simple.

Delicious homemade shawarma with chicken, cucumber and Korean carrots

In fact, only lamb was originally used to make shawarma, but later the recipe was modified, and now they increasingly use chicken meat from chicken legs and thighs. You can also take chicken breast, but then you need to be careful not to overdry the meat when cooking. Shawarma with chicken is one of the most popular now in home cooking, because it is very simple, inexpensive, and the result is very tasty.

  • Korean carrots - 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cabbage (Beijing) - 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Some fresh greens;
  • Chicken meat with legs or fillets - 300 gr.;
  • Thin Armenian lavash - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp spoons;
  • Mayonnaise 0 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • A pinch of curry;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Coarse salt and black pepper to taste.


1. Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with curry. Well, rub the spices into the meat and fry it until golden brown in a little oil. The chicken must be completely cooked. Transfer the fried chicken to a bowl to cool.

2. Finely chop the washed fresh herbs and chop the cabbage into thin slices, cut the cucumber into thin strips without removing the core.

3. Mix good mayonnaise with regular tomato paste, add garlic or a little hot chili to the sauce to taste.

4. Spread some of the pita bread with sauce, put pieces of meat, vegetables and herbs, add Korean carrots, add more sauce on top and wrap in a roll.

5. Form the required number of servings and fry, warming the shawarma until golden brown on all sides.

Serving, cut the shawarma in half, making an oblique cut, add fresh lettuce leaves and, separately, an additional portion of the sauce.

Juicy homemade shawarma (shawarma) with minced meat and mushrooms

A very tasty and incredibly juicy shawarma is obtained according to this recipe, because instead of pieces of meat, homemade minced meat with seasonings and spices is used. In addition, mushrooms are used, mixed with melted cheese. Believe me, such a shawarma at home will turn out no worse than in street cafes and restaurants. The combination may seem not entirely familiar to someone, but I highly recommend still trying to cook shawarma with such a set of products.

For cooking you will need:

  • 250 g homemade minced meat;
  • 280 gr. any mushrooms, for example fresh champignons;
  • 2 small onions;
  • Some soft melted cheese;
  • Fresh Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 chili pod;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Dry herbs, salt and pepper to taste.


1. Cut one onion into small cubes, rinse the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms first to remove all liquid. Add salt and spices and melted cheese to the mushrooms, stirring constantly, make sure that the cheese melts and turns into a thick sauce.

3. Separately fry the chopped onions and transfer the minced meat to the skillet. Bring all the ingredients on the stove to full readiness, remembering to season with salt, spices and black pepper.

4. Cut the second onion into thin half rings, salt well and pour boiling water or a little apple cider vinegar for a couple of minutes. If ordinary onions are suitable for frying, then marinate the best red varieties.

5. Grind the chili peppers, after removing the burning seeds.

6. Put mushroom sauce on pita bread, add minced meat, cabbage, prepared chili and pickled onion on top. The final layer is mushroom sauce.

7. Now tightly wrap the filling in pita bread, cut off the excess cake and fry until golden brown in a dry corrugated pan.

Well, you can serve the dish to the table by decorating it with sprigs of lettuce leaves or fresh herbs.

Delicious homemade turkey shawarma - we reveal the secrets of cooking

Delicious and at the same time very unhealthy food for a quick snack if you decide to buy shawarma on the street. But if you have fresh homemade shawarma on your table, then you know all the products and methods of storing them, you fried the meat yourself, added spices to your taste. In such a shawarma, there will be much more benefit and pleasure. For example, turkey shawarma will not be too fatty, such as pork. After all, the turkey fillet that is used is lean and healthy enough meat so that the finished product can be considered almost dietary. Calorie content will depend on how much sauce you put in and how much oil you use for frying meat. Everything is in your hands.

For cooking you will need:

  • Peking cabbage - a small head of cabbage;
  • 1 red onion
  • 2-3 salted cask cucumbers;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 100 g Korean carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard;
  • 2-3 sweet tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • 85 gr. processed cheese;
  • 300 gr. turkey fillet;
  • Spices - salt and black pepper, sweet paprika and curry, Provencal herbs - pinch each;
  • A little vegetable oil.


1. Cut the onions into thin half rings, transfer to a bowl and either scald with boiling water, or marinate in salt, sugar and apple cider vinegar.

2. For the sauce, combine melted cheese, soy sauce, sour cream and mayonnaise, and mustard. Season with salt and spices, and mix thoroughly. Add a couple of garlic cloves to taste.

3. Cut the turkey into small pieces, season with salt and spices and fry until tender.

4. Cut the cucumbers, both fresh and salted, into thin strips, and chop the tomatoes into cubes. Chop the cabbage and mash it with your hands.

5. Spread pita bread on the work surface of the table, grease it with sauce, lay out meat, cucumbers and tomatoes, Korean carrots and cabbage, add more sauce and pickled onions, roll up into a tube.

6. Fry on all sides in a clean, dry frying pan, and for those who are not afraid of extra calories, a frying pan in which the turkey was fried will come in handy - the cake can be fried in it with the remaining oil.

Bon Appetit!

You can pleasantly diversify the taste of shawarma by replacing the meat with good ham or any other smoked meat, and a large number of vegetables will make the dish juicy and healthy.

For cooking you will need:

  • Thin lavash - 1pc;
  • 350 gr. good ham;
  • Any hard cheese - 200 gr.;
  • A large bunch of greens and lettuce leaves;
  • 150 g Korean carrots;
  • A little mayonnaise;
  • 2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.


1. Cut the ham into thin strips.

2. Chop bell peppers and tomatoes into small cubes.

3. Chop fresh herbs as small as possible and mix with mayonnaise, add black pepper.

4. Spread pita bread on the work surface of the table, coat with sauce, lay out the ham with vegetables and lettuce, add the Korean carrots and roll well so that the shawarma does not fall apart during frying.

Warm up, frying the sides of the cake until golden brown and serve hot. Delicious, crispy and healthy shawarma is ready at home!

When preparing shawarma according to this recipe, you should pay special attention to the taste of the meat, perhaps it should be marinated for a short time for juiciness and softness, giving additional taste. Suluguni and adjika cheese will take a special place here. Real Caucasian taste. If you've never tried this, I highly recommend it.

For cooking you will need:

  • Sauerkraut with beets (Gurian style) - 150 gr.;
  • Juicy lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Not very salty feta cheese or suluguni - 200 gr.;
  • A bunch of cilantro and basil;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of adjika;
  • 1-2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • 300 gr. lamb pulp;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 g Greek yogurt
  • Favorite spices and seasonings - to taste;
  • 1-2 red onions.


1. Chop the onions, add salt and slightly mash them with your hands, so that he starts up the juice. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the onion along with spices and seasonings. Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, and the purple basil leaves.

2. Cut the lamb into large pieces, salt well and mix with the onion and seasonings. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours. To help the spices absorb into the pulp, you can add a little vegetable oil to the meat.

3. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper, a little lemon juice, cilantro to the yogurt and mix well.

4. Cut large pieces of pickled cabbage into thin strips.

5. Fry the pieces of meat in a hot frying pan with butter until tender, then cool and grind into pieces of a convenient size for eating.

6. Spread a little adjika lavash, add a layer of cabbage, then pieces of meat, chopped tomatoes and cheese, and a generous portion of the sauce.

7. Wrap the filling in a tortilla and fry in a skillet or grill until crisp. You can serve in any convenient way, for example, by making a baking paper wrapper.

Any part of chicken meat is suitable for cooking, but it will be better and juicier with the fillet of the thigh, it must first be cleaned of fat, skin and cartilage. Mushrooms can also be any, but the easiest way is to take tender mushrooms.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 200 gr. any mushrooms;
  • 250 g chicken meat;
  • Salt pepper - to taste;
  • A couple of garlic cloves;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • Fresh greens;
  • 2-3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 85 gr. mayonnaise.


1. Chop the onion, garlic and mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates.

2. Cut chicken into thin strips, add to mushrooms and fry with salt and spices.

3. Chop tomatoes and fresh herbs. Spread the pita bread, coat it with mayonnaise with the addition of salt, pepper, garlic and herbs, put the meat and vegetables on top and add more sauce.

4. Wrap and fry in a dry frying pan, but as an addition to this shawarma, slices of fried potatoes are perfect.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious and simple pork shawarma at home

And of course, you cannot pass by the traditional and familiar type of homemade pork shawarma. This is the most common meat in our latitudes and can be cooked very tasty. Pork shawarma may seem a little fatty to you, but the whole point is what kind of meat you take for this. Do not like fatty, then use lean pieces of ham or shoulder blades. Neck for those who are not afraid for their figure. By the way, you can wrap a shish kebab in shawarma, you only need to cut it slightly into pieces ready-made. But in this video recipe, you will see how to cook a simple but delicious homemade pork shawarma.

It is important to properly heat the pan to fry a tortilla or already rolled shawarma. Having caught the right temperature, you can get a ruddy and golden crust, and at the same time still a soft cake, not a crouton;

Shawarma is not only a very popular, but also an incredibly tasty oriental dish, for the preparation of which we need pita bread, meat filling, sauce and fresh vegetables. For good, meat for shawarma needs to be grilled, however, it is not always possible to make at home, so today there are just a huge number of recipes adapted for home cooking, according to which shawarma is prepared at home very quickly and easily. In order for such an appetizer to turn out to be more tender and juicy, it is recommended to choose meat with a small amount of fat.

The main secret of such great popularity of shawarma is that it is very satisfying, tasty, the whole cooking process does not take more than 20 minutes. In addition, such an appetizer is just perfect for treating unexpected and very hungry guests.

Many are familiar with the amazing taste of shawarma, but, unfortunately, not all housewives know how to prepare shawarma at home. Here are some simple recipes for making homemade shawarma.

Homemade shawarma recipe # 1:

2 Armenian lavash,
80 g white cabbage,
150 g of pork meat,
2 tbsp. l. any ketchup,
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp. l. green onions
80 g sour cream,
20 g carrots
1 tsp oil (sunflower),
1 tsp fresh herbs
Salt, vinegar 9%, sugar to taste.

To begin with, finely chop the cabbage, chop the carrots on a coarse grater. Then add fresh, chopped greens and onions. Mix everything well and season the salad with a little oil and vinegar. Add salt and sugar (a little, to taste). Then cut the meat into thin strips. You can move on to making a delicious sauce.

Sauce: mix sour cream, ketchup and pre-chopped garlic. As soon as the sauce acquires a homogeneous consistency, we can begin to “collect” the shawarma.

We put pita bread on the table, after which we make a fairly wide strip of sauce on it, spread about half of the meat on top, then cabbage salad, now pour the sauce over everything again and carefully fold the pita bread into a tube.

2 Armenian lavash,
2 tomatoes (fresh),
1 tbsp. l. salad onions,
1 cucumber,
4-5 st. l. soy sauce,
150 g of any meat
1 tbsp. l. spices "7 peppers",
2 garlic cloves
vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise, potato chips, parsley - a little to taste.

In a deep bowl, mix the seasoning, sauce and vegetable oil. We wash the meat thoroughly, then rub it with the prepared oil mixture and place for 1 hour in a cool place so that it can be properly marinated with spices.
After an hour, we take out the meat and cut it into thin slices, and then fry it in a brazier preheated and greased with oil. At this time, we prepare the sauce - mix equal amounts of mayonnaise and sour cream. Garlic cloves are chopped and added to the sauce - everything mixes well.

Peel the cucumber and finely chop, dice the tomato. We put thin pita bread on the table, after which we alternately lay out the fried meat, chopped vegetables and fresh herbs on it. The filling is poured on top with a small amount of sauce, then the chips are laid out in an even layer and carefully roll the pita bread into a tube (as when stuffing pancakes). The shawarma is ready, and it should be served immediately before the chips are soaked. If desired, you can use another sauce for shawarma - for example, tomato or garlic.

Homemade shawarma with chicken breast

400 g chicken breast fillet,
1 carrot,
2 pita bread,
3 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 tomato,
150 g white cabbage,
3 garlic cloves
3 tbsp. l. not greasy mayonnaise,
2 cucumbers (pickled).

First you need to boil the chicken breasts in salted water. As soon as the fillet is cooked, it must be left for a while to cool, and then finely chopped or split by hand. Finely chop the cabbage and slightly knead it with your hands (thanks to this simple technique, the cabbage will become softer and more tender). Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, if desired, you can peel the tomatoes from the peel, and for this you need to pour boiling water over them. Grind the carrots on a medium-sized grater, cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes.

Now we need to start preparing the sauce - in a bowl we mix sour cream with mayonnaise and add pre-chopped garlic, mix everything well.

Put a sheet of pita bread on the table, then grease it with garlic sauce. Now we spread a layer of chicken, chopped vegetables and pour the sauce over everything again. Then we roll up the pita bread into a tube, and the shawarma can be served to the table.

Homemade shawarma with cheese, meat and vegetables

50 g cheese (hard),
2 tbsp. l. low-fat mayonnaise,
½ fresh cucumber,
½ fresh tomato,
300 g of any meat,
1 bunch of greens
100 g Korean carrots,
2 pita bread,
2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce,
1 head of onion.

Shawarma is prepared at home very quickly, and the whole process will not take more than 20 minutes. The combination of meat with pickled onions is very tasty. So, in order to pickle onions, you need to take an onion, a whisper of salt, 1 teaspoon each of vinegar (apple cider) and granulated sugar.

Finely chop the onion, and then transfer it to a deep bowl and slightly wrinkle it with your hands, then fill it with sugar, add salt and a little apple cider vinegar - mix everything well. The onion should be marinated for about 10 minutes, and at this time it will be possible to start preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Cut the cucumber and tomato into small pieces, grind the cheese on a grater. In a frying pan, lightly fry the finely chopped meat.

We open a sheet of pita bread, and then 1/3 of the part will need to be folded in half. Now on the top of the pita bread we spread the Korean carrots (if desired, you can replace with pickled cabbage), tomato and cucumbers, grease everything with mayonnaise. Next, lay out some of the meat, grease it with tomato sauce, and then add the onion (which has already been marinated by this time) and a layer of cheese. The filling is covered on top with the free part of the lavash, after which it is twisted into a tube. Shawarma should be served immediately.

Homemade shawarma with chicken and vegetables

2 potatoes,
1 tbsp. l. low-fat mayonnaise,
200 g of red or white cabbage,
300 g of chicken meat,
2 thin pita bread,
1 head of onion.

First, we take the chicken meat and cut it into not very large pieces. We put a frying pan on the stove and leave it for a while so that it warms up well, and then fry the meat in vegetable oil until fully cooked.

While the meat is being fried, it is necessary to peel the onion and cut into thin half rings, after which we fry it in a pan until it acquires a pleasant golden hue.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, and then fry them in a pan. Chop the cabbage finely. So, after all the components are prepared, you can proceed directly to the "assembly" of the shawarma.

We lay out a sheet of pita bread on the table, after which we grease it with mayonnaise, while a few centimeters will have to recede from the edges, so that later it will be convenient to wrap the shawarma. Put fried potatoes on top of mayonnaise, then a layer of onions, meat. Put the cabbage on top and pour the filling with mayonnaise.

At the next stage of cooking, you need to roll up the pita bread. If desired, the shawarma can be heated in a pan and served hot.

Homemade shawarma with pork and eggplant

2 tbsp. l. any ketchup,
4 sheets of pita bread,
2 tomatoes (fresh),
2 tbsp. l. low-fat mayonnaise,
1 bunch of greens
5 garlic cloves
1 large eggplant,
500 g pork
2 or 3 tbsp. l sunflower oil,
Salt, spices, ground black pepper - a little to taste.

First you will need to take the eggplants, wash and peel them, and then cut them lengthwise into thin strips. Put the sliced ​​eggplants in a deep bowl and sprinkle with a little salt - leave for about 20 minutes. This must be done in order for the eggplants to give off all their bitterness, otherwise the taste of the shawarma will be spoiled.

After the specified time has elapsed, fry the eggplants on both sides in a preheated pan with the addition of vegetable oil (an appetizing golden crust should appear). Until the eggplants have cooled down, they must be coarsely cut with a sharp knife.

Add chopped fresh herbs, chopped garlic cloves, spices and a little mayonnaise to the eggplant container. Mix everything well and lightly season with salt.

Cut the meat into thin slices, then fry it on both sides (a crispy brown crust should appear). Until the meat has cooled, it will need to be cut into small pieces.

We lay out a sheet of pita bread on the table, after which we spread the cooked eggplant sauce on one edge, then a layer of warm meat and tomato slices. The filling can be sprinkled with ketchup on top, but this is an optional ingredient.

Now you need to properly wrap the shawarma so that the filling does not fall out - slightly tuck the edges along the long side, after which we carefully fold the pita bread into a tube. During this process, you will need to lightly press down the filling so that it does not come out.

If desired, the finished shawarma can be fried on both sides in the oil remaining after cooking the meat (for each side no more than 2 minutes). Serve the dish hot.

Sharuma can be made in reserve. To do this, you need to carefully pack the shawarma in a small bag and place it in the refrigerator, where you can store it for several days, but not longer. Then you can easily and quickly heat the shawarma in a pan. It is better to refuse to use a microwave oven, as it does not have a very pleasant aroma from heated tomatoes and herbs.

A traditional oriental dish, shawarma, has taken root in Russia as well: many of our compatriots are happy to have a snack with this lavash stuffed with meat and herbs. Real shawarma is not only tasty, but, in any case, healthier than all kinds of burgers. Particular attention is paid to meat for shawarma: beef, chicken or lamb should be very fresh, of high quality and properly marinated. And this is not always achievable, especially in the context of street trading.

The MDener company was one of the first to become interested in the technology of preparation blanks for shawarma and set up their production. We have studied traditional oriental recipes for this delicious dish and made our own adjustments to them. As a result, the marinades we created have become our legitimate pride: the meat is moderately soft, spicy and insanely fragrant. In general, if you decide to buy meat for shawarma from us, the clients of your enterprise will be fascinated by the unforgettable taste of an already familiar dish and will definitely go into the category of regular ones.

How do we make shawarma blanks?

Our workshop is located on the territory of the Tagansky meat processing plant and is equipped in accordance with the latest technologies for the production of semi-finished products. We are justly proud of the perfectly streamlined process of cooking meat for shawarma, which allows us to produce products of the highest quality.

  • We take selected beef, lamb and chicken and test it for hormones, GMOs and other harmful additives. If available, we ruthlessly discard meat.
  • We place pieces of meat in a special marinade, the recipe for which is our trade secret.
  • We form shawarma blanks so that you can work with them as conveniently as possible.
  • We pack the blanks on special disposable pipes in order to exclude contamination and penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the product in food polymer film.
  • We deliver products to you on the very first call or online application, so you no longer need to stock up on meat for future use and store it at home.

We hasten to please you: if you want buy we have meat for shawarma, delivery of a batch of 5 kg will cost absolutely free: in Moscow and the region we deliver orders by our own transport.

The MDener company pursues a flexible pricing policy: the larger the order, the lower the cost of each kilogram!

Every person dreams of ever becoming an entrepreneur, opening their own business, so that they no longer work for someone else, but earn and develop independently. However, it should be understood that you are unlikely to be able to immediately open a second Microsoft and start earning billions from the first months. You need to go to everything gradually, you should start with something simpler. There are dozens of home business options to try if you have some savings. This article will focus on one fast food establishment that is familiar to almost everyone. There you can buy shawarma, and almost every person does it. From this we can already conclude that opening your own establishment for the preparation and sale of shawarma is a good idea. However, before you invest big money in any event, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with all the little things. How much does the equipment cost? What is the cost of shawarma? Is it necessary to take into account the seasonality? There are many questions, and you can get the answers in this article.

Shawarma cost

Naturally, after reading just one article, you won't be able to sit down and write a complete business plan right away. However, you will already have a general idea of ​​what exactly you need to do to open such an institution, and you will also be guided by what money you will need to invest in it and what kind of return you will receive from it. And the first question that needs to be considered is the cost of shawarma. Naturally, you should not use the result that you will get now as a benchmark - this is just a rough example, because all ingredients may differ slightly in price.

How is the cost calculated?

So, the cost of one shawarma includes the cost of such products as meat, lavash, in which it is wrapped, vegetables that are added to the shawarma, sauces, packaging, napkins. Also, of course, the electricity used to prepare it is taken into account. If we calculate the average cost of all these elements, the average cost of one serving of shawarma is 37-40 rubles, which is not very much. Now you need to look at what prices for shawarma are set by sellers. What you see can greatly delight you. The fact is that you are unlikely to find a shawarma cheaper than 70 rubles per piece, and in some cases its price can reach 100-120 rubles. So you will be getting twice as much from one serving as you will spend to create one. As you can see, this activity can be quite profitable, so you may be interested in it. And if this is true, and you are starting to consider the likelihood of opening your own point, you should familiarize yourself with the tips that this article has to offer you. After reading it, you will already have an outline of a business plan in your head, thanks to which the transition from hired labor to your own business can take place much faster.


So, the calculation of the cost of shawarma has been made, and now you can understand that the difference between the cost and the cost of sale is the biggest plus of this business. However, this is far from the only advantage that you should pay attention to. For example, you also do not need a large cooking area, all the necessary equipment can fit into an extremely small area. If you do not plan to open your own full-fledged restaurant, but want to sell shawarma by hand, that is, from a stall, then you can even make your retail outlet mobile. In any case, you do not need to spend a lot of money to rent a spacious room, and this is a huge plus. As you can see, the calculation of the cost of shawarma turned out to be far from the only positive note, and in the near future you will be even more convinced that a shawarma stall is an excellent choice for starting your own business.


Unfortunately, it is not enough to know how to calculate the cost of shawarma in order to successfully start a business. You will need a lot more knowledge on this topic, and first of all, you should decide on the staff. The fact is that many people believe that starting your own business necessarily involves hiring a large number of employees. However, this is far from the case, and in many cases you can handle it yourself. As for the shawarma stall, there are various options. The most important person who will be responsible for the operation of your kiosk is the cook. You need to be as serious as possible when choosing a person who will cook for you. The process of making shawarma is extremely simple, and you can cook one portion in just a couple of minutes, but the responsible person must thoroughly know the process. You can always take this position yourself if you do not want to pay extra money to hired workers, however, the method in which you hire at least one high-quality employee is still much more reliable.

Other responsibilities

You can do bookkeeping and, if necessary, perform the duties of a cashier. If your outlet becomes popular, the chef will have to cook a lot, so if he is distracted by taking orders, he may lose productivity, which will affect your income. Well, now you know far not only about what the cost of one shawarma is. The business plan is getting clearer, and now it's time to add information on the preparation of the necessary documents to it.


Fortunately, you should not have any problems with the documents, since in the Russian Federation, with the opening of an IP, everything is as transparent as possible. You need to have start-up capital and sanitary and epidemiological permission, as you are going to sell food. Of course, you can open a limited liability company, but this comes with a lot of paperwork, unnecessary investments and a much more complex tax system, and the only reason you might want to make such a choice is the desire to sell alcohol. In most cases, shawarma is sold well without alcohol, so it is best to opt for an individual entrepreneur. When you complete all the paperwork and have official confirmation that your company is open and functioning, you can do more mundane things. You already know what the cost of one shawarma from a stall is, but the fact is that you will have to spend money first on the necessary equipment in order to then use this knowledge in practice.


To get the right equipment, you need to have a basic understanding of how shawarma is prepared. The cost price of such equipment in Russia may fluctuate, but you should understand that this is a one-time waste, so you should not save and buy used or dubious equipment. So, to prepare the dish itself, you will need a special grill, as well as a burner for it. If you have never tried shawarma and have not seen how it is prepared, you should familiarize yourself with the process. Meat is the main ingredient and the equipment costs the most. The grill is a device into which a metal vertical rod is inserted with a large amount of meat cut into thin pieces strung on it. This kind of skewer rotates, while the burner installed on one side cooks the meat without stopping. You just need to cut it off, and it will fall into a small tray, from which you will then collect it and add it to the dish. The grill is not the only thing you need, however. You will also need a powerful refrigerator for storing everything you need, a cash register for financial activities, and other small items such as containers for vegetables. Returning to the topic of basic equipment, its choice is made depending on your financial capabilities. There are a large number of grills from various manufacturers, among which, of course, it is worth highlighting German technology. However, it is very expensive, and if your starting budget is not too large, then you should postpone buying such a grill until later periods when your business stabilizes. You should start with the equipment of a Soviet or Chinese manufacturer, and later you can switch to grills that will also allow you to expand your assortment by making hot dogs and other fast food. As you can see, it all started with how to calculate the cost of shawarma, and now you are already thinking about buying equipment. There is progress, but that doesn't mean you should stop. There is still a lot of work ahead!

Location selection

So, you already know how to calculate the cost of making shawarma, which premises to rent, whom to hire, and what equipment to purchase. But even this will not be enough to start your own business. For example, you don't yet know if the location of your shawarma stall plays a role. It turns out that the location of your stall is one of the most important parameters. Choosing the wrong location will lead you to go bankrupt pretty quickly. So how do you choose the best location?

In this case, everything is quite simple: you need to look for places where there is a large flow of people, but where there are no other fast food or catering establishments (or at least there are no establishments of this type). The fact is that shawarma is why you have to provide an impressive turnover of products. Moreover, you need to count on high sales for your idea to pay off. So, you better take some time to explore some of the potential points of your city. Places near universities and other public places where people spend most of their day are great options. You should also pay attention to the metro stations, but do not forget that the metro is not available in every city. Knowing what the cost of the shawarma you are going to cook, you will be able to more clearly imagine how much rent you can afford. The higher the rent, the more you have to pay each month, but at the same time you can be sure that the flow of people will be impressive, creating high demand.

So how much does it cost to open such a business?

Above, you familiarized yourself with the theory on how to calculate the cost of shawarma and open a stall, but this is not enough. You need to be more specific about the costs you will face. So how much money and what exactly will you have to give out? First, you need to draw up your own individual entrepreneur, having prepared all the necessary documents. Depending on various conditions, the price can range from six to fifteen thousand rubles. Also, you should not forget that this is a rather lengthy process, so you need to think in advance about how to apply.

Second, you need to purchase hardware. The highest quality devices from Germany will cost more than 75 thousand rubles, so you will most likely want to know about less expensive devices. It is best to choose a good domestic grill, for which you will pay about 35 thousand rubles, but if you have a strict economy, then you can buy a Chinese device at your own risk and peril for 20-25 thousand rubles.

Third, you need to think about how your employees are paid. If you work exclusively on your own, you can skip this point, but if you hire a cook, he will have to pay 10-20 thousand rubles a month, depending on the region.

Fourthly, the most pressing issue is rent, since these are the highest costs on an ongoing basis. Every month you will have to pay at least thirty thousand rubles, but at the same time you should understand that such a price is unlikely to allow you to rent premises in a profitable area.

And finally, you need to think about how to find suppliers of necessary products, such as meat, vegetables and sauce, as well as have the means to pay for water, electricity. Don't forget about the emergency fund. You should always have on hand the cost of running your business for at least two months, even if everything works fine for you. This will allow you not to worry about times when something might go wrong.

Is it profitable?

Well, it's time to take stock and decide whether it is profitable to open a shawarma stall? As you can see from the above, the costs will be quite impressive. You need to prepare at least 100 thousand rubles, but this amount is really the lower limit. It is better to count on 200-300 thousand, but this is not so much, if you understand that your income every month will be at least half of this, and with the deduction of all expenses, your business will pay off in six months - do you remember what the cost of shawarma is? In Moscow, you can sell it for 120 rubles per serving, which is very, very profitable.

Fast food was invented by the Americans, but the Turks were able to promote a tasty and satisfying dish on this fertile field - grilled meat wrapped in pita bread with spices and seasonings, shawarma. You can find out the true taste of this dish only in Turkey, however, it is flourishing all over the world. shawarma business, adapting a simple meat dish to the tastes of a particular region and earning great money.

How to open a shawarma stall in Russia

Since its inception in the Russian open spaces, the shawarma business has enjoyed an ambiguous reputation and is under the scrutiny of regulatory authorities of all ranks: fire inspectors, sanitary doctors and tax police. In order to open a tent with shawarma, you will have to overcome the same bureaucratic barriers as if you were opening a cafe or restaurant, but at the finish line you will provide yourself with a guaranteed decent income. So, having registered an entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary find a good place... Your clients are working people, students, newcomers who need a quick and tasty snack. Therefore, it is best to open a shawarma stall at the crossroads of busy streets, near an office high-rise building, an educational institution, a railway station and even a market. If it turns out that an ATM or a payment terminal is installed next to your chosen place, it means that your intuition did not disappoint: financiers never make mistakes and do not install equipment in unpromising places. The next stage of entering the shawarma business is obtaining permits in Gospozhnadzor and SES. These two bodies will become your constant companions in business, and therefore it is better to open a tent with shawarma at the start in strict accordance with the requirements for fire-hazardous premises, so as not to subject yourself to constant fines in the future. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service will closely monitor what conditions you have created for the preparation and storage of perishable food. Paying everything state fees and having received permission to operate in the field of public catering from the fire supervision and the SES, you can assume that you have passed half the way to opening a shawarma stall. It remains to buy equipment, raw materials and you can start work.

Equipment and raw materials for making shawarma

To start a shawarma business, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Grill, gas or electric.
  2. A set of spare burners for the grill, which is recommended to be purchased at the same time with the purchase of the grill.
  3. A spacious refrigerator for storing perishable food.

I must say that on the market you will find the widest range of equipment for making shawarma from foreign and Russian manufacturers. The design of the grill and burners is simple and domestic proposals are practically not inferior in quality to foreign ones, but their cost is half, and sometimes three times lower. You can open a tent with shawarma, equipping it with domestic equipment for 30-40 thousand rubles or similar imported equipment for 100-120 thousand rubles. The final choice only depends on your budget and ambitions. Meat, spices, vegetables, seasonings and lavash for shawarma can initially be bought at the market or wholesale food stores, receiving discounts on large volumes. As your shawarma business develops, you need create your own base of direct suppliers and constantly work with them. This will save money on the purchase of products, as well as guarantee their quality and freshness.

Income, expenses and profit of a business on shawarma

To open a business on shawarma, you will need 250-300 thousand rubles, which include:

  • equipment - 40 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of products for 4 months - 30 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises for 4 months - 60 thousand rubles;
  • state fees - 60 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills for 4 months - 40 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of sellers for 4 months - 40 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses (production risks) - 60 thousand rubles.

On average, one tent with shawarma sells 100 servings of shawarma for a price of 50 rubles per 10-12-hour working day. That is, with a monthly income of 150 thousand rubles, the net profit will be 60 thousand rubles and in 4-5 months you will fully recoup your investment.


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