Abstract in the middle group migratory birds in the fall. Abstract classes in the middle group "Migratory and wintering birds"

Abstract in the middle group migratory birds in the fall. Abstract classes in the middle group "Migratory and wintering birds"

Abstract Node of the educational area "Social World"

on the topic "Freight birds" for children of the middle group.

To introduce pupils with migratory birds (Skwort, Grach, Swallow, Zhuravlem, Solovy, Stick, Zhavork), explain why these birds are called migratory. Secure in the dictionary Generalizing the concept of "migratory birds". Intensify the use of nouns, the names of adjectives in the speech of children. Develop thinking, connected speech, auditory and visual attention, shallow motility. Relieving a kind, careful attitude to feather friends, lay the foundations of environmental education.

Phonogram with forest noise and birds singing, pictures with image of winter and migratory birds, ball, snowflake, twig.
Integration of educational areas:
cognition, artistic creativity, socialization, regional studies.
Travel course.
. The educator suggests to listen to children sound recording.
- Children, what do you hear? (Forest, Forest Noise) - And how did you guessed that this is the forest? - What birds do you know? - Why are some birds called wintering, and some migrate? We will meet you today with migratory birds. Look carefully on the board, what birds did you find out here? Let me suggest you with mysteries.
Riddles on flight birds:
 On the sixth - the palace, in the palace - the singer, and his name ... (Skzorets) wants - straight will fly, wants - in the air hangs, it falls the stone from heights and sings in the fields, sings. (Lark)  You recognize him right away: Chernoklyuy, black-eyed, he is important for the plow, worms, the beetles find. (rook)
 So it is important for the swamp! And the literature of the marsh away runs away. After all, if the frog will not be able to cover, then no one will help this frog. (Heron)  flew to us finally the best our singer. Days and nights, he sings. (Nightingale)  wants, it's sad, he wants to pinch me, I am going, I am afraid who it is ... (Gus)  flies to us with warmth, the path has done a long one. Looks a house under the window from grass and clay. (Swallow)  Who on the Christmas tree, leads the score: "Ku-ku, ku-ku? "(Cuckoo)  Long-legged, long-haired, long-hearted, gray body, and a naked head, red, wanders on the swamps of dirty, catches frogs, stupid swords. (Zhuravl) Well done guys, we guess all the birds. Look carefully on birds, from which parts of the body they consist? (Head, torso, legs, wings, beak) And now let's try to describe all of our birds. Who wants to describe the crane? What is he?
The game "Write a bird". (Children at will come out and describe birds).
Guys, and after all, all these birds have chicks, they appear in spring. And who have chicks, you know? Let's play the game "Whose cub?
Exercise "Whose Baby" (with the ball)
on the formation of suprelivative forms of nouns. In the ridge - grach and geek.
Skvortz - Skvortyonok and Dworch. Etc. Well remembered the winter birds? Now we will check it. Go out everything to me and we will play the game "Winter birds"
the moving game "Winter and migratory" is carried out under the phonogram of funny music. - Let's play. If I chase a migratory bird - "fly" and "Machine wings". If you call the winter - squat and slate into your hands. Children go to the music and sing: "We are walking together for each other, singing together. We must think, do not yaw, just rightly show. " (Sparrow, swallow, tit, cuckoo, crow, rag, forty, nightingale). Sit yourself into place. Now let's remember with you, where do we live with you? (In the north). And what is the name of our city? (Salekhard) And our land? (YNAO). Correct guys. And who knows what birds live in our district? (partridges, ducks, rivets, white owl, geese, swans). Most birds YNAO are flying. And the rare and valuable bird of the district is a white crane (bar). This bird is listed in the Red Book of Yamal. (show books). Guys, what is this book? (This is a book with a list of rare and threatened the disappearance of birds, animals, plants). Guys, let's now make a swan, do it yourself, and it will be a symbol of our city. But first, that our fingers work well, we will play with them.
Fingering gymnastics "This bird of nightingale"
Sorry, sing: Ten Birds - a flock. (Clap in your hands) This bird is a nightingale, (alternately bend the fingers on his right hand starting with the little finger) This bird is a sparrow. This bird is a sovuka, a sleepy head. This bird is a fistrel, this bird is a corner, this bird is a digital, (alternately bend the fingers on your left hand since the little finger). This is a champion. This is a haircut. This is cheating. Well, this is an evil eagle. (Hold the thumb left) birds, birds - home! (Masha handles, like wings). Collective Applique "Swan"

Guys, what do you think, why do you need birds? Why do birds call feathers? - Why do you need birds? What are they useful for people? (Birds help people to preserve the harvest, save forests from harmful insects, please the inhabitants with their singing) - What do people do for birds? Now, late autumn, what can people help birds? (Feed in winter crumbs and plant seeds.). - What happens if the birds disappear? - Why do you like birds?


directly educational activities

in the middle group

Theme "Fresh Birds»


Education area "Cognition"

    Clarify and expand the knowledge of children about the birds in the spring (birds arrive, begin to pump the nest and remove chicks)

    Develop mental operations.

    Develop an auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence.

    Develop cognitive activity of children.

Education area "Communication"

    Activate and enrich the subject, the verb dictionary on the lexical theme.

    Learning to use nouns in a plural.

    Intensify the speech of children.

    Learning to form adjectives from nouns.

    Monitor the correct sound.

Educational region "Socialization"

    Educating the careful attitude towards the birds (consider without damaging them, feed only with the permission of adults, not to frighten, do not break the nest).

    To form cooperation skills, goodwill.

Educational Region "Physical Culture"

    Learning to coordinate movements with speech.

Education area "Health"

    Keep and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through the use of brain gymnastics, accounting for individual characteristics of children.

Integrative qualities of children: To form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, adequate use of means of communication, dialogic speech, the ability to manage their behavior.


Subject:Rook, starling, nightingale, cuckoo, swallow, crane, stork, swan, beak, wings, feather, nesting house.


Verbal:To build, build (nests), take care, care, remove (chicks), shout, twitter, flutter, circling.

Methods and techniques:org. Moment, d / and "one- a lot", "where is the nest?", illustration, conversation, questions, result.

Heating technology:gymnastics for brain UPR. "Elephant".

Individual work:intensify mental activity - Artyom, Vanya.

Material:illustrations, ball.

Structure occupation

Organized moment

Educator:- Guys, I will talk one thing, and you are a lot.

Swallow - swallows;

Grache - Grachics;

Skzorter - Skvorts;

Zhuravl - cranes;

Swan - Swans;

Cuckoo - cuckoo.

Main part

Educator:- Well done, children. What do you think about whom we will talk today?

Children:- We will talk about the birds.

(On the board, pictures depicting birds are displayed: Swallow, Gracch, Skzorets, Crane, Swan, Cuckoo.)

Educator:- Right. Why are they called birds?

Children:- The birds have a beak, wings, the body is covered with feathers.

Educator:- Right. Children, we know that there are birds and flights. What are these birds?

Children:- These are fleeting birds.

Educator:- Why are they called flight?

Children:- These birds arrive to us from the distant edge.

Educator:- Well done. And at what time of year do birds fly to us?

Children:- Birds arrive in the spring.

Educator:- Why in spring?

Children:- Snow melts snow, reservoirs, getting warm, wake up insects that feed birds.

Educator:- Right. Select a picture with that bird that flies in the spring first.

(Child picks a picture)

Educator:- Name this bird.

Children:- It's rho.

Educator:- Right. As soon as it appears on the fields, the ruchies are already here as here! It is important to go through the fields and seek worms.

Educator:- And after the rivers return to the native edges of the star. Choose a picture with a star.

(Child picks a picture)

Educator:- Guess who else flies to us in the spring?

-Theless in the forest is far away the ringing "Ku-ku".

Children:- This is a cuckoo.

Educator:- Why did you decide so?

Children:- Cuckoo pronounces "Ku-ku".

Educator:- So, cuckoo what does?

Children:- Cuckoo dug.

Educator:- Look for a picture with a cuckoo.

(Child picks a picture)

Educator:- Guys, guess which bird has such a tail?

(The tutor shows a picture with a tail of a swallow)

Children:- This is the tail of the swallow.

Educator:- Well done. Show picture with swallow.

(Baby shows a picture)

Educator:- Guys, what do gross, starfish, cuckoo, swallow?

Children:- These birds feed in the insects.

gymnastics for brain UPR. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to the shoulder, pull your hand forward (which is written). Pain the lazy eight in the air, at the same time pull out the top of the body after the hand, moving the ribs. See on your fingers. Repeat it with the other hand.

Educator:- Right. Children, when the ice on reservoirs melts, other birds who live on the lakes arrive to us. Guess, according to the silhouette, who flies in spring on the reservoirs?

(The tutor shows a swan silhouette)

Children:- This is a swan.

Educator:- Well done. Choose from the remaining swans pictures.

(Child picks a picture)

Educator:- What does Swan eat?

Children:- The swan feeds on herbs, leaves, petty grains, which lives in water.

Educator:- Right. And now you call the third extra.

Sparrow, Tit, crane.

Children:- This is a crane.

Educator:- Why?

Children:- Sparrow, Sinitsa - Winter birds, and a crane-fleering bird.

Educator:- Right. Guys, cranes live in a swamp. They feed on berries that grow there, frogs, bugs.

Educator:- Guys, see what poultry do when they fly to us in the spring?

(The tutor shows a picture-tip: a tree with a negle)

Children:- Birds whip nest.

Educator:- Right. And why do the birds come and build nests?

Children:- In order to remove chicks.

Educator:- Well done. Birds are pounding their nests, lay eggs and remove chicks.

The game "Where is the nest?"

Grache clings the nest on the tree.

Swallow builds a nest under the roof of the house.

Zhuravl builds his nest on Earth, among bushes.

Swan climbs her nest near the water, in the grass.

Skzortets climbs his nest in a birdhouse.

Cuckoo has no nest. She puts off her eggs in other people's nests and does not raise chicks.

Educator:- Guys, what birds fly to us?

Children:-Migratory birds.

Educator:- When flying to us flew birds?

Children:- They arrive in the spring.

Educator:- Right. Well done!

Software content:

1. Expand the presentation of children about migratory birds, their lifestyle and appearance.

2. Develop thinking, connected speech, auditory and visual attention, shallow motorcy.

3. Intensify the use of nouns, the names of adjectives in the speech of children.

4. I exercise children in the orientation in space and on a sheet of paper into the cage. Fasten the hygienic rules of the letter.

5. Relieve a kind, careful attitude towards pennate friends, lay the foundations of environmental education.

6. Deliver pleasure and joy to children, cause bright emotions and a good mood.

Preliminary work

Conversation about birds; view illustrations; reading stories, fairy tales, puzzles of birds; Finger games; Moving games: "birds", "birds, nests, chicks"; Didactic games: "Whose nest", "who is superfluous", "catch and name", "right - left"; "Mnemotable", modeling; work with stamps; performing exercises in the notebook in the cell; Acquaintance with a finger alphabet.

Material for the lesson

Sound letter, pictures depicting migratory birds and their silhouettes, mnemotable, tree with a nest and a birdhouse, a house with nests on the roof and under the roof, christmas trees, a lake, a sheet of white paper, on which the path diagram is drawn, gouache blue, stamps; Sheets of paper in a cage, simple pencils, clothespins, hoops, ball, "bird friend".

Structure occupation

Organizing time.

A friend turned to each other, smiled,
Hand right filed, left hand left.
And we hugged each other.
Moved and bowed.
Are you ready to do?

Children: Everyone is ready to do.
We will really try!

- Guys, we came a sound letter. Listen, please, Him.

"Carr-Carr! Bed-trouble! Birds did not return from the south. The evil witch has enchanted them. I decided to ask for help to you, in kindergarten. After all, the best friend than you, for birds not found. Guys, help, please fold the birds! "

From whom the letter came? Especially known to everyone, she screams local (crow). Will we help detect birds? I think our knowledge and ability will help us.

Conversation "Migratory Birds"

  • What is the name of the birds that are flying to warm edges for the winter? (migratory)
  • And the birds that remain with us? (Winter)
  • What time of the year of birds is more? (in summer)
  • Why? (and wintering, and migratory)
  • What birds shied witch who did not return from the south? (migratory)
  • What time of year they come back? (spring)

Fingering gymnastics

Spring came,
icicles melt,
Patched the first streams,
Bear Berlogue
And in the fields shout.

Alternate finger bending for each word
Cotton for every word
Imitation of a bear gait with all the fingers on the knees
Rhythmic cotton for every word

Q: What migratory birds do you know and can you call?

Game with the ball "Catch and name"
The educator throws the ball to the child, he returns the ball and calls a migratory bird.

  • Check if birds are chosen correctly?

The game "Who is superfluous"
On the magnetic chalkboard among the images of migratory birds there are pictures with the image of the winter birds. Children are cleaned.

  • It's time to argue our birds.

Work with mnemotable
W.: Tell me what birds here hid. On the tables a schematic image (bird head; the feature of the structure: tail, beak, legs; the color of the plumage; what is powered by; where it lives; wintering or migratory).

For example:
"Rook is a large black bird with a powerful white beak. The tail is short, similar to the blade, feeds on thick shaggy caterpillars. Builds a nest of branches high on trees. Grach - migratory bird. "

"Swallow is a small bird. Spin - black, and pink breast with white. The beak is very small, and the tail is long, twisted. Swallows catch on the fly midges, mosquitoes. Build their sockets from clay and herbs under the eaves and roofs of houses. Swallow - migratory bird. "

"Skzorets - a mid-size bird with black feathers with a purple tint. The beak is small, sharp. Feels in worms, caterpillars. Nests or in old hollows, or in bubbles. Skzorets - a migratory bird. "

"Lark - a small bird with thin high legs. The plumage is brown, yellow. Thanks to him, the bird is invisible among the shreds of last year's grass. The nest is the usual fossa in the ground among the grass. It feeds on small insects. Lark - migratory bird. "

"Stork is a large bird with a big red beak and long legs. Coloring white-black. It feeds on small rodents. The nest is built on the roof, on top of a high tree near human housing. Stork - migratory bird. "

"Wild duck is a large waterfowl. The beak of the duck is wide, like a comb, and paws with membranes. The plumage is motley, the spleen is brighter. Food is looking in water and coastal tine. The nest is building near the water. Duck - migratory bird. "

Children make up two or three stories on mpmotables. Others call the bird and answer the teacher's questions:

Conversation about birds

  • Why is the stork call long-legged? (he has long legs)
  • What does it eat? (small rodents)
  • Why do you need a refill duck on your feet? (Duck - waterfowl)
  • Where does the eggs laid eggs? (in the yam, in the ground, among the grass)

Children alternately give me the memotablon to the educator and take the silhouette with the image of the adulted bird. Suiter to the tree, a house, looking for a nest for your bird and cling it with clothespins.

  • And why does the bird need a nest? That's right, put off the eggs from which chicks will hatch.

W.: Guys, did we catch the birds with you? In the nests planted? Do you hear the singing of birds? (No) What to do? Who will help us?

Music sounds. A scholarship appears, waving wings, in hand - a briefcase.

P.: Hello Children! I heard about your problem and can help you.

W.: Who are you?

P.: I professor of bird sciences. I bring up a young bird in a bird school. By the way, do you know what kind of young birds are called?

D.: Chickens ..

P.: Right, I call them the gloomy chicks. And why?

D: When the chicks are born - they have yellow clavies.

P.: By the way, when chicks are born? That's right, in the spring.
When I found out that you are talking about migratory birds and that the evil sorcerer jumped them, then I hurried to you. On help. If you do my jobs, then birds are drowned. Do you agree to go through such a test?
With the onset of spring birds return to their homeland. Where? From South. I have a map where the path is drawn through which birds fly. Describe this path.

D.: At first, the birds flew straight, then turned to the right, left, once again for the right and flew to their homeland.

P.: Well done guys! And now show this path on a sheet of paper.

Work with dispensing

Cleaned sheets for exercise and stamps. Children make a print. In the process of performing the exercise comes to each child, checks. Does he hold the stamp correctly, praises for accuracy, etc.

P: Thus, birds returned to their homeland. And here they are here, with us.

Working with a picture "Tree"

  • What birds settled on the tree? (Ruch and Skzorets settled on the tree)
  • Which bird sits on a tree high? (High on the tree sits rag)
  • Which of the birds is sitting on the tree below (Skzorets sits down on the tree)
  • What is located to the right of the tree? (on the right of the tree is the lake)
  • what is located on the left of the tree? (to the left of the tree there is a house)
  • what do we see from the back of the tree? (rear of the tree we see the Christmas tree)
  • what is in front of the tree? (in front of a tree in the grass - the lark nest)
  • Where is the stork nest? (Aist's nest is located on the roof of the house)
  • where is the jack of swallows? (Swallow's nest is under the roof of the house)

P.: Now I will turn you into birds and play with you.

Game "Birds, nests, chicks"

The goal of the game: To be able to be attentive to the teams of the educator, quickly act in accordance with the team, orientate in space, be able to imitate the voices of birds.

Attributes to the game: the heads of birds, hoops by the number of children.

According to the team "Birds", children move on the socks to the music, waving their hands.

According to the team "nests" - gather in a circle, holding hands.

According to the team "Chicks" - find their hoop, sit down and at the request of the teacher imitate the voice of the right bird. (Cuckoo: Ku-ku, duck: Vary-rus, rcho: Krak-Krak, Swallow: Fouth Fouth, Crane: Curlons, Goose: Ga-ha.)

Repeat the game twice.

W.: Many joys get birds when they return to their homeland and settle in their dwellings. But last year's houses to the bird arrival must be checked and repair. For example, in birdhouses there may be OS sockets, bumblebees. They may not be enough for all birds.
Let's build new birdhouses. Skvorts will arrive on a housewarming, bring chicks and flee into the forest.
Before working with dismantling fingers.

Finger gymnastics. Bedroom

From the birdhouse stick together we combine the thumb with the index
The beaks of small squorthes. Connect a thumb with an average
Key times connecting a thumb with nameless
krevik two, connect a thumb with a little finger
Paws, paws, compress and squeeze cams
head. Paint in air hands circle

W.: Build a nesting book on a sheet of paper into a cage. Look, on a sheet into a cell on the left drawing, you need to draw on the cells exactly the same drawing on the right. Tell me, from which geometric figures a birdhouse is made. What kind of figure will draw first? Get started. Be careful!

Work in notebook

During the work of children, repeat the hygienic rules of the letter.

W.: Attach your birdhouses to the tree (clothespins). Now the birdhouses will be enough for everyone. The singing of birds is heard. Hooray! We did everything! You have passed my test. The evil spells of the sorcerer were removed. Birds sank.

Conversation "Birds and People"

  • What benefit does a person bring birds? (Birds destroy harmful insects, birds please people with their singing)
    How to treat birds? (Birds must be preserved, help them, do not break nests, do not offend)

W: You are great! We coped with all my tasks. Deserve awards. Read the word written by finger Azbuchi, learn about the award.
That's right, you are awarded the medals of the birds of birds. Love Nature, take care of nature, take care of nature. It's time for me to say goodbye to you.

Authors: educators of the highest category of the correctional group
Gataullina MA
Bogdan V.I.,
Leningrad region
Vsevolozhsky district
Koltushi village.

Abstract Node in the middle group on the topic "Winter birds"

Sarapulova Anna Nikolaevna, educator of Madou "Kindergarten No. 92", Berezniki, Perm region.
Description of the material: I offer you an abstract of directly educational activities for the children of the Central Group (4-5 years) to form a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with nature) on the topic "Winter birds". The material introduces children with birds of the native land in need of feeding in winter.
Demonstration material: Cards depicting birds, bird feed in the warm and cold season, feeder, samples of bird feed.
Equipment: Audio player, audio records of bird sounds, passage from the work of P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz snowflakes", songs "Bird" (words Y. Entin, music by D.Tukhmanov) on a flash carrier.
Purpose: Formation of ideas about the winter birds and the role of a person in their lives.
1. Rail a caring attitude towards birds, the desire to help them survive in winter.
2. Enrich the vocabulary and expand the horizons of children.
3. Expand the knowledge of children about the birds of the native edge.
4. Teach properly to feed birds.
Preliminary work: Organization of bird observations flying to a plot (crow, pigeon, tit, sparrow, bullfinch), carrying out mobile games "Sparrow", "Snegiri", "Sparrow", finger gymnastics "Feeding" (Nishcheva N. V. Cardotek mobile games, Exercises, physical councils, finger gymnastics. - SPB.- Childhood-press, 2008), viewing plot paintings on the topic.

Motivational and estimated part:

Guys, listen and guess the riddle:
Revealed snowy arms,
Trees all dressed in dresses.
It is cold weather.
What is this time of year?
The answer of children: Winter.
Educator: Winter came ... (audio recording of the work of P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz snowflakes")
Metelitsa, Metelitsa,
And spins and steles
And the song sits,
And the Duma sees ...
On the street it became cold. Snove the approach of frost and birds. Some flew into warm edges. What are these birds call?
The answer of children: Freight.
Educator: That's right, these birds fly from one edge to another. Looking for where warmer.
But today we will get acquainted with birds that are not flying anywhere with the arrival of winter. They stay to winter with us. These birds call - wintering.

Main part:

Educator: You can find out the winter birds, guessing the riddles:

This little Ptashka
Wears a gray shirt
Picks up quickly crumbs
And saves from the cat.
The answer of children: Sparrow. (After the correct answer, the teacher hangs a card with a picture of a bird to a magnetic board)

Educator: Sparrow - a small bird with a brown back and gray breast. Live sparrow stinks. Sparrow useful birds. In the summer they feed on harmful insects: butterflies, caterpillars, beetles. In winter, the sparrows are hungry. They arrive at the housing of people in search of bread crumbs, seeds, grains. (The tutor includes audio recording of sparrow sounds)
Listen to the following riddle:
Although smaller sparrow,
I'm not afraid of the winter and I,
All the bird known to you.
And call me ...
The answer of children: Cinema. (The tutor hangs on a magnetic board card with a bird image)
Educator: We are with you guys, you can see every day on the street. Bottles are very movable and deft birds. The head, the neck, the strip along the breasts they have black, wings and tail bluish, the back is yellow-green, the abdomen is yellow, and the cheeks and stain on the back of the head. Like sparrows, the tits in the summer feed in the insects. And in the winter they are going to small pieces and are looking for food near people's homes. Love sinitsa pork fat, seeds, bread crumbs. (The tutor includes audio record sounds of tit)
But another mystery:
What kind of birds? Do not blind.
Breast Alay, burns.
Birds sat on the snow
These birds ...
The answer of children: Snegiri. (The tutor hangs on a magnetic board card with a bird image)
Educator: Snegiri is very beautiful birds. Try to describe their appearance: the color of the head, breast and wings.
The answer of children: Head black, breast red, wings gray.
Educator: Well done. Summer bully eating berries, kidneys, seeds. But insects they do not eat! Live bullfinches in the forest. But in the harsh cold winter, they also fly to the housing of people to enjoy seeds and nuts. (The tutor includes audio record sounds of bulk)
Without our help, birds will not be able to survive the winter. I suggest you guys help birds and prepare food for them.

Didactic exercise "feed birds in winter"
The tutor introduces a feeder to the group and lay out on the table. Options for bird feeds: candy, sunflower seeds, millet, wheat bread, chocolate, potatoes, carrots.
Educator: Guys, please help me choose food for birds. (Children choose plates with the necessary feed, report the correctness of the choice and pour food into the feeder)
We made a feeder
We opened the dining room.
Sparrow, bullfinch,
Will you have a winter lunch.
On the first day of the week
Titles flew to us.
And on Tuesday, look,
Fit bullfinch.
(Z. Alexandrov "New Dining Room")
Educator: You coped well with the task! While walking, we will install a feeder on the street. And now I suggest you play the game "Birds on a walk".
Moving game "Birds on a walk"
The tutor lays out on the floor circles of a large diameter of gray, yellow and red colors. The gray circle will determine the sparrow feeder, yellow - for the sinicles, red - for bullfding. Each child the educator verbally reports the name of the bird. The audio record of the song "Bird" is included. Children, depicting birds, move around the group. On the team "Dining room is open!" Birds fly to the appropriate feeder. The educator and children define the fastest and friendly bird stink.

Reflective-estimated part:

Educator: I invite everyone to our circle to remember that we learned new today.
(Children sit on the carpet in the circle, remember, preparing for reflection)
What were we talking about today?
The answer of children: About birds in winter.
Educator: Nikita, what birds do we call moving?
Baby's answer.
Educator: Polina, what birds do we call the wintering?
Baby's answer.
Educator: Semyon, please call the winter birds you remember.
Baby's answer.
Educator: Guys, what do sparrows eat in the summer? And in winter? Guys, what are fed by bullfinching in the summer? And in winter? And what do the tit feed?
(Children with a support on the pictures on the magnetic board answer the question)
Educator: Julia, what did you find out interesting in class? (What surprised you?)
Baby's answer.
Educator: Our lesson is over. I suggest going to the street and install the bird feeder.

The abstract of integrated classes in the middle speech therapy group "Migratory birds"

Type of classes: Final

Type of classes : integrated (speech development + artistic creativity)

Software content:

Consolidate the knowledge of children about migratory birds, the ability to classify winter and migratory birds;

Develop a coherent speech, learn to compile a descriptive story with a support for mnemotablitsa;

Develop auditory and visual attention, thinking, research activities, the ability to draw conclusions, a fine motility of the fingers of the hands;

Bring up a kind, careful attitude to feather friends, lay the foundations of environmental education;

Deliver pleasure and joy to children, cause bright emotions and a good mood.


Birch mockup, artificial tree, audio recording "Votes of Nature", Letter, TV, DVD Player, Slideshow "Migratory Birds"

Demonstration material:

Cards with the image of birds, dying and fly feathers of birds, fan, mnemotable

Handout:clothespins, Multicolored Paper Leaf, Simple Pencils,

Artwork materials:billets for the nesting, glue, cardboard, tassels

Preliminary work speech therapist and teacher:production of dispensing and demonstration material

Preliminary work with children:

Conversations about birds, watching birds, reading stories, fairy tales and poems about birds, viewing illustrations, watching movies.

Didactic games: "Who is superfluous", "catch and call", "mnemotablitsa", acquaintance with finger gymnastics. Cutting billet

With Amalem, Nikita, Sofia - Drawing up descriptive stories on mnemotable

Individual work with children before classes:follow the right pronunciation of sounds, l in Daniyar, Polina, Zarina

Structure classes:

  1. Introductory part: 2 min
  1. Letter from crows "
  1. Main part: 16 min
  1. Drawing up descriptive stories about migratory birds on mpmotablo:
  1. Final part:2 minutes
  1. Summing up the classes
  2. Pedagogical assessment of children's activities

Travel course:

  1. Introductory:

purpose : Creating an emotional attitude, positive motivation for the lesson

Speech therapist : Stand up with each other, as if the month is semicircle.

Guys, we came a sound letter. Listen, please, Him.

"Carr-Carr! Bed-trouble! Birds did not return from the south. The evil witch has enchanted them. I decided to ask for help to you, in kindergarten. After all, the best friend than you, for birds not found. Guys, help, please fold the birds! "

Speech therapist : From whom the letter came?

Especially known to everyone, Overcrowding Local (crow).

Children: from crows

Speech therapist : Let's help you split birds? I think your knowledge and ability will help us. What birds enchanted the evil witch? Who did not return from the south?

Children: Migratory birds

Speech therapist : What time do they come back?

Children: Spring

Speech therapist : There are no birds, silence. (I pay attention to the tree, empty nests)

Speech therapist: To poultry poultry, you need to perform tasks (Children sit on chairs)

  1. Main part:
  1. Presentation "Migratory Birds" - 9 slides

Speech therapist : What migratory birds you know. Let's see (turns on slideshow)

Children : Grach, nightingale, starling, etc.

Speech therapist : And what bird we did not call? What bird opens the spring?

Children: Grac

Speech therapist : It's time to argue birds, make a story about them

  1. Drawing up descriptive stories about migratory birds:

"Rook is a large black bird with a powerful white beak. The tail is short, similar to the blade, feeds on thick shaggy caterpillars. Builds a nest of branches high on trees. Grach - migratory bird "

"Swallow is a small bird. Back - black, and white breast. The beak is very small, and the tail is long, twisted. Swallows catch on the fly midges, mosquitoes. Build their sockets from clay and herbs under the eaves and roofs of houses. Swallow - migratory bird "

"Skzorets - a mid-size bird with black feathers with a purple tint. The beak is small, sharp. Feels in worms, caterpillars. Nests or in old hollows, or in bubbles. Skzorets - a migratory bird "

(Children make up two or three stories on mnemotabliks)

Speech therapist : Guys, did we catch the birds with you? And you hear the singing of birds?

Children: NO

Speech therapist : Let's rush them on the tree. Now go and sit on the rugs.

  1. Didactic game "Railfish"

Speech therapist : Guys, look at this magic birch. On the right side, the leaves were blocked - here we will live migratory birds, and on the left side there is still winter. Winter birds will live there. Be careful not to confuse winter and migratory birds.

(Children come out, take cards with the image of birds and hang on the appropriate half of the tree)

Speech therapist : Well done boys! That fell our birds.

Children : Nightingale, cuckoo, etc.

  1. Dynamic pause. Movable game "Stoy".

Speech therapist: Let's turn into birds and flying a pack.

Clean, birds, on the meadow, quickly make a circle.

We play a pack. Steak, flying-ka!

Fleet birds, (Run on the socks in a circle for each other.)

Birds are small. (Swing the hands like wings.)

Birds fly, they are not tired.

Stop! Delivered birds on the track, (Sit down by turning face in a circle.)

Brokes crumbs knocked:(Pounding with indicable fingers on the floor.)

  1. Experiment with bird feathers

Educator: Swan prepared for you feathers. Consider them than feathers differ from each other?

Children : Some - Soft, Small, Others - Solid, Long

Educator : Think some of them are called Pukhov and warms the bird. Why?

Children : Because it is fluffy, soft, warm

Educator: And the other is called Makhov. Why? Is it easy or heavy?

Children: Heavy

Educator: To understand how birds fly, let's remember which air?

Children : Invisible, does not interfere with movements, it can be felt when running.

Educator : Take a pencil. What is he light or heavy?

Throw it up, what happened?

Children: Pencil fell

Educator: Take output, heavy items can rely on the air?Children: No, they fall

Educator: Let's check, and light surfaces with a wide surface of the air can hold for a short time? Take a sheet of paper and throw it up. They also quickly fell like a pencil?

Children: NO

Educator : What conclusion can be done?

Children: Light items with a wide surface briefly hold in the air

Educator: On the example of the Fair, I show how the wings and tail in the birds are revealed when they take off. With revealed wings and tail, the bird becomes wide and can rely on the air. The piercing birds are repelled that air and soars in the sky. On the ground, the open wings and the tail interfere with the bird, so it folds them and presses to the body. Guys, I think you understand why the bird can fly through the air.(Children sit at the tables)

  1. Artistic creativity. Applique "Bunny"

Educator: Let's build new birdhouses. Skvorts will arrive on a housewarming, bring chicks and flee into the forest. Before working with dismantling fingers.

  1. Finger gymnastics. Bedroom.

From the benchmark TracchatWe connect the thumb with the index

The beaks of small squorthes.Connect a thumb with an average

Kevious times Connect a thumb with nameless

key two Connect a thumb with a little finger

Paws, legs, Compress and squeeze cams

Head . Paint in air hands circle

Educator: Guys, on the past occupation, we cut out the details for our nesting house. Tell me, from which geometric figures a birdhouse is made? What kind of figure will be glued at first? Get started. Be careful! ( Independent activities of children)

Educator : Attach your bunches to the tree (clothespins).

Now the birdhouses will be enough for everyone.

Educator : What benefit does a person bring birds?

Children : Birds destroy harmful insects, birds please people with their singing

Educator b: How to treat birds?

Children : Birds must be preserved, help them, do not break nests, do not offend

You are great! Creamed with all the tasks. Love Nature, take care of nature, take care of nature.

Sh. Final part:summing up the classes, pedagogical assessment of children's activities

What did you like in the lesson? What is remembered?


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