For what was sitting Arkady Kobyakov on the zone. Biography

For what was sitting Arkady Kobyakov on the zone. Biography

Parents of the future chanson were people simple: Mom, Tatiana Yurevna, was a working on the enterprise for the manufacture of children's toys, and father, Oleg Glebovich, worked by the senior mechanic of the Avtobaz. The family of the artist included not only parents, but also a grandmother, who judging by the interview, since childhood instigated the grandson of love for music and taught him philosophically to relate to life.

When Arkady Olegovich was still a small boy Arkasha, the teacher of a kindergarten, in which his parents were distinguished, drew attention to the musical abilities of the future artist. She strongly recommended Tatiana and Oleg to identify a child to school with a musical bias. The grandmother Arkady was supported by this idea, and, ultimately, at the sixth age, he became a student of Nizhny Novgorod choral chapel for boys in the class of piano.

Kobyakov grew to sociable and, alas, a rather hooligan "shirt-guy", quite easily influenced the street. What led him, because of its hot and hooligan, to the first criminal term.

For three and a half years, the Ardatov Educational and Labor Colony for minors became over the head for Kobyakov. But after that, the history of the life of the famous artist never ceased to present unpleasant "surprises". Shortly before his liberation, in December 1993, the Father Arkady dies with ridiculous circumstances.

Start of a creative path

Even during the rejection in the children's colony, Arkady Kobyakov began writing songs. The most striking example of his work of that period was the song "Hello, Mom", written shortly after the death of the singer's parents. Piercing and sad, she absorbed all that fans later loved the artist: mental pain, melodiousness of the musical component and the basis on the sorrowful experience of Kobyakov.

Committing to freedom, Arkady decided to continue his musical education. He successfully enrolled in the academic state philharmonic. Mstislav Rostropovich, but, alas, and did not finish training in this educational institution. The prison past gave itself to know, and the parents who would have been releasing a matured son from the final transition to the curve of the criminal track, there was no longer there. And in 1996, Kobyakov again went to the seats not so distant - this time for the robbery attack, for six and a half years.

Musical Career and Recognition

Best days

Alas, and subsequently Arkady Kobyakov conducted a significant part of his life in imprisonment. So, in 2002 he was condemned for four years for fraudulent frauds, and in 2008, according to the same article, Arkady went to prison for five years. Therefore, it is not surprising that a significant part of his work was created precisely in places of detention.

The most seriously the artist was carried away by musical creativity during his third rejection, in the camp "South". For four years, held in this camp, Kobyakov recorded several dozen songs and even removed seven video clips to the most popular of them. Not only the cemers and warders learned about the young singer and composer with difficult fate, but also lovers of chanson from all over Russia. Freed in 2006, the artist worked for chanson in restaurants and on corporate parties, as well as on the gatherings of domestic criminal authorities.

Once again, hitting the grille, Arkady continued to write music. Moreover: in 2011, together with the famous chanson from Tyumen Yuri Ivanovich, Kostyakov gave a concert for prisoners camp. At about the same period, the first official album of the artist was released, called the "Arrest Soul". Subsequently, the artist released a few more plates: "My Soul", "Convoy", "Best", "Favorites".

Work after liberation

From its latest conclusion, Arkady Kobyakov was released in the spring of 2013. By that time, the artist was already very famous and popular among the fans of Chanson. His compositions "all behind", "I'm only passing", "breeze", "go at dawn", "And over the night camp", "I'll become wind", "don't call me", "It's time to say goodbye", "Frog" And many others turned out to be very in demand.

On May 24, 2013, the Contractor gave a solo concert at the Moscow club "Butyrka", which was literally filled with fans of Kobyakov's creativity. Also, the artist repeatedly performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Irkutsk and other cities of Russia.

In his creative career there were duets with such chanson, like Alexander Kurgan ("Ah, if you knew") and Grigory Gerasimov ("Look in the soul").

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov, for his short life, turned out four times behind the bastard on the timing of three and a half to six and a half years old, was not lonely in his personal life. In 2006, coming out of prison and starting to speak at parties and corporate parties, he met a charming girl Irina Tukhbaeva. Irina did not frightened the difficult past of his beloved and answered "yes" on his proposal of his hand and heart.

In 2008, his wife made Kobyakov the main gift that loving and beloved man can dream of: the son of Arseny was born. Family and children have always been the main priority of chanson, about which the photos on which Kobyakov gently hugs his spouse and looks at her invariably enthusiastic look. Perhaps it was the separation of the family with the greatest test during the last sentence. Perhaps this is why the fourth time really became for the latter last.

During the years of his creative career, Arkady dedicated to the spouse Irina somewhat filled with love and passion songs. Friends of the artist tell that Kobyakov loved his wife and son very much and was extremely strongly tied to the family, hoping that he could become a good father for a survey. Unfortunately, Kobyakov Jr., like their eminent dad, found out that there was a bitterness of loss. Perhaps, over time, the songs of the famous chanson, who remain to live and after his death will become.

Death and funeral

In the last year of his life, Arkady lived in Podolsk, continuing to write songs and perform at various events. Perhaps the musician would record even a lot of albums if in the morning of September 19, 2015 did not go to the world another in his own apartment.

The cause of the death of the artist is internal bleeding, which has opened due to stomach ulcers. At the time of the death of Arkadia Kobyakov was only 39 years old. Farewell to the artist was held in Podolsk, and buried him at home, in Nizhny Novgorod.

There are people known in show business, with complex biographies, like Arkady Kobyakov. At the same time, his fate though he is not easy, but interesting. He was destined to pass certain trials, and life provided the opportunity to make a choice and go to her way. But ... if the choice is wrong, and the person always comes on the same rake, he leaves life, even if leaving a bright track in creativity.


Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich - a singer who wrote poems and music and performed songs under the guitar in the genre of Chanson. It so happened that he wrote and sang on the difficult life of the arrested, about love, about throwing the soul and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof a modern man.

Arkady appeared in Nizhny Novgorod in the working family on June 2, 1976. Father is a motor worker, and mother made toys at the factory. The boy's talent manifested itself from early childhood. A kindergarten teacher drew attention to the ability of a child to sing. His grandmother who lived in with his parents paid attention to it. She insisted that his grandchildly was scheduled to study in a choral chapel, which has long existed in Nizhny Novgorod. So in 1982, at six years, Arkady was determined on the piano department.


Arkady studied, like all his peers, in a secondary school. In the initial it was not so much energetic how much a hulagal child. Apparently, he lacked maternal love, and the inner emptiness formed in this soil pushed him into the cruel world of the street. Mother left the family and did not participate in the education of the Son. She went to another man. At that time, Arkady was a small boy, and he needed a mother who just threw him. Studying in a music school did not save his peers and the terney crime path from the dubious company.

Children's colony

In 1990, in the biography of Arkady Kobyakova, a fourteen-year-old guy, an event occurs, as a result of which he falls into the children's correctional colony for fortune. It was theft. In the colony, he continues to study at school and writes his first songs.

In 1993, before his release, in a terrible accident on the highway leading to Arzamas, his father dies. For six months before the liberation of Arkady learns that there is no mother too - "People say that there is no long ago." He writes a piercing song "Hello, Mom" \u200b\u200bin the correctional colony.

And again prison

In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov (photo below), this prison sentence was not the only one. When he was released after a correctional colony, they decided to: Start live correctly, without breaking the laws.

He enters the philharmonic, but he could not finish it. His past behind bars made himself felt. Arkady did not have anyone, except for friends with the criminal past, they pulled him back, on this slippery path. Group robbery with these companions led Arkady to Nara for the second time in 1996. The term was given 6.5 years.

And this is not the last "walker" in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The family could somehow protect him from the harmful influence of friends related to the criminal world, but he had no one, except these friendships. The term of punishment came to the end, and in 2002 he went to the long-awaited freedom. However, he learned to live free. Without having already spent the year, he pleased for the bars for another 4 years for fraud.

Acquaintance with Irina

In 2006, again freedom, but for a while, for just 2 years. But it is at this time that he meets his future wife (in the photo). In the biography of Arkady Kobyakova finally a glimmer appeared. Irina Tukhbayeva, as a ray of light and warmth, entered the life of Arkady and, as far as he could, shook his soul.

They met at the party where Arkady performed her songs. It seems that love from them broke out at first glance. Irina did not embarrass the crime past of her beloved. Calculation lasted not long. On his proposal to marry him followed her "yes." With children were not delayed, and their firstborn Arseny was born already in 2008.

It is impossible to doubt the fact that Arkady was a good father or husband. He tried to give a family more time without infringing them with attention. After the concerts, he was going to hurry. According to the stories of his friends, he adored his wife and son.

However, who is accustomed to commit crimes cannot keep the wife and children from the violation of the law. In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, the next black band - at the end of 2008 was convicted of fraud. The punishment was a five-year serving of the term in the camp - from 2008 to 2013. Only being behind the bars, he begins to understand that he lost the opportunity to be close to the younger son. In his diary, he admits that separation with his wife and the child is the biggest punishment from all camp deprivation.

Creativity in the life of Kobyakov

When did Arkady engaged in creativity? His time he had enough. He wrote songs and in prison, and at freedom. In his diary, he wrote that creativity was for him the only intense in conclusion. He began to compose songs in the children's colony. And the first listeners were the warders and the same as he concluded. It is there that his popular songs are written, and their more than 80. These include:

  • "And you are such as ice";
  • "I'm only passerby";
  • "I will bother the world to your feet";
  • "All behind";
  • "Hello, Mom";
  • "And over the night camp";
  • "Leave at dawn";
  • "Ah, if you knew."

During the last stay in the South Camp, Arkady recorded the songs written by him and removed several clips. In those two years (2006-2008), before the last swim in prison in the biography of Arkady Kobyakova, a light strip finally flashed. He appears a wife and child, work in restaurants and cafes, where he performs his songs. Kobyakov repeatedly performs on the gatherings of criminal authorities and even gets a proposal from one of them to gain a foothold on the stage with a proposal to sponsor his start. But Arcadia does not choose such a generous proposal. He does not want to sell his sincere songs for money and climb into the world of scenic intrigue.

During his last conclusion, Arkady writes songs. In 2011, he, together with Tyumen chanson (Yuri Kosti), gives his concert on the zone and prepares for the release of the official album "The Arrest Soul". In May 2013, the Solo Concert of Arcadia Kobyakov is held in the Moscow club "Butyrka".

Long-awaited freedom

Freed after the conclusion in 2013, Arkady with the family moves to live in Podolsk. He continues to write songs and work out at parties and corporate events, where he was constantly invited by chanson lovers.

There are many facts telling about creativity, about arrests and fate, there are in the biographies of Arkady Kobyakov. Family family and photos are not the property for public ferris, so there are very few of them on the Internet. Yes, and did not really love Arkady to spend a photo shoot, he was engaged in his loved business. Kobyakov wrote songs, among whom Irina's many devoted to his wife. He loved her until his last sigh.

Death Kobyakov

Morning on September 19, 2015, nothing foreshadowed. But this date has become the most sad and last page in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The cause of death was established by doctors after autopsy - a stomach ulcer with internal bleeding. In principle, this is not surprising. Of the 39 years of the years, Arkady spent 19 years in the camps, and the food there, of course, is not home and not restaurant. Quite such a lifestyle could lead to a disease. If you do not treat an ulcer, it turns into the trinical, which is most likely, and happened in the case of arcadium.

According to the stories of friends, still in a correctional colony, Kobyakov got into Schizo for several months for his audacity shown to the ward. The conditions for finding there really could greatly undermine the health of the young guy. The disease could only progress and lead to a logical conclusion, which happened in his life.

Arkady Kobyakov at the time of death was only 39 years old. They said goodbye to Arkady in Podolsk in the mourning hall, but Irina Tukhbayev decided to bury her husband in his native city - Nizhny Novgorod. The singer's grave is located on the city cemetery. The monument is depicted smiling arkadium. A few years have passed since his death, but the fans continue to come to him and bring live flowers to the grave, still not believing that their idol was left of life.

Kobyakov Arkady - a man who experienced a lot of life difficulties. Having passed the difficult path of the arrested, he begins to write the first poems and songs that performed by the guitar in the genre of Chanson. He told his work about how difficult the life of the arrested, as difficult to love, about the soul and work.


Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov (dates of life and death 02.06.1976-19.09.2015) by nationality Russian. Kobyakov autobiography is not so extensive and long, as difficult and difficult. As a child, a talented boy began to write poems, not suspecting how to glorify his surname.

Childhood and youth

Arkady Olegovich was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976 in the family of modest workers. Father Oleg Glebovich worked as a mechanic on the car, and Tatyana Yurevna's mother worked at the plant for the production of toys. Arcasha's boy grew capable and active, spent a lot of time with his grandmother, who instilled his love for music. In kindergarten, the teacher Arkashi noticed his talent - the ability to sing beautifully and advised the family to give the boy to the choir.

In 1982, when Arkady was 6 years old, the parents staged it to the Nizhny Novgorod choral College named after Lion Syuvukhina, a class of piano. Active and credulous boy loved to jumper and hooligan. The relatives of Arkashi did not give it much importance, thought that the reason was the reason from the family of the mother of the child Tatyana Yuryevna to another man.

Years passed, and the little squad rose in the young criminal. Due to the lack of maternal love, concern and attention Arcasha contacted a bad company. Growth and weight of the boy lacked to give proper rebuff and resist puzzle. He slowly pulled into a criminal world, the first result of friendship with hooligans was the bench of the defendants.

In 1990, a sentence was made for the perfect theft of Youth - 3.5 years in a correctional colony. A difficult period began in the life of a teenager, the next strike was the loss of parents.

The death of parents

In December 1993, serving the term in the colony, young Arkady learns about the death of his father: an accident occurred on the track, as a result of which Oleg Glebovich died. But on this unpleasant surprises of fate did not end. The next shock becomes news of the mother, which, as it turned out, was not alive for quite a long time.

After that, Arkady wrote the first touching song "Hello, Mom", in which the pain of losses and the refusal of the soul believing that she was no longer.

Having survived such a grief, the young man decides to stand on the path of correction and after serving the term in the colony enters the Nizhny Novgorod philharmonic. Rostropovich. But good intentions and plans of the singer are not destined to come true, as he still stays in the criminal environment.

What and where and where was sitting in prison

In 1996, Kobyakov, without finishing the philharmonic, he gets again on the dock. This time he was convicted for 6.5 years for robbery. In 2002, departing a second term, Arkady goes to the long-awaited freedom. The lack of a decent, law-abiding, loving family on the one hand and prison past, the criminal environment on the other hand the young man again to "Nara". The court sentence is 4 years for fraud. After the next "rejection" of Kobyakov, a long time was long for freedom, and in 2008 on the same article he falls behind the bars for another 5 years.


Having in prison a significant lifetime, Arkady wrote a lot of songs about losses, love, mental torments, through music and text transmitting their own experiences. Kobyakov seriously became interested in creativity when he served the term in the South camp. Four years spent in it, the musician spent on writing dozens of songs, recorded 7 video clips. Not only Camecamer, but also fans of Chanson, learned about the young talent.

Departing a prison sentence in 2006, Arkady performed in cafes, restaurants, on the gatherings of criminal authorities. During the next "rejection", the musician continues to be engaged in creative creativity, develop it. The fruits of the works did not make themselves waiting, in 2011, the famous chanson bone Yury Ivanovich and Arkady give a joint concert for prisoners.

The musician becomes in demand, his work fell in love with many connoisseurs of the genre. For the first time Kobyakov saw her fans on the stage of the Moscow club "Butyrka". Since 2014, the singer collaborates with the famous Gold Chanson company, at this time the old songs are reissued and new songs are being written: "Flickering stars", "I'm only passage", "there is no way to run", "all behind" and others.

This period of the musician's life is significant to the release of the second album called the "breeze". Kobyakov pleased fans by performances throughout Russia. In creatively active time, Arkady Olegovich released the albums "The Arrest Soul", "Convoy", "My Soul", "Best", "Favorites". The fact that life can be filled not only by longing and torment, Kobyakov managed to find out, meeting the real, sincere love.

Personal life

Arkady Olegovich was a man of fun, active and simple, so easily attracted people to him. He was not difficult to join the new company and, of course, he was surrounded by the attention of the ladies. There were rumors about the relationship of Marina Ibeeva and Kobyakov, fans wondered who she and who had to singer. The woman performed the organizer of his concerts, Arkady called her sister.

With his only wife, the musician met, barely coming out of prison in 2006. The parent has become a guest at one of Kobyakov's concerts. There was a feeling of attraction between them, trust, it seemed that the fate of them was brought. Now this beautiful girl has become a permanent guest at every concert of the singer.

Wife Irina Tukhbayev

The conquered heart of the musician was a stranger called Irina Tuhbayev, her prison past Arkady was not frightened, so clearly reflected in the numerous tattoo throughout the body. After a short meeting of Kobyakov, Irina made an offer to marry him, to which the girl answered agree.

In a young family, love reigned, in an interview with the musician's friends tell about how Arkady adored his wife. During the years of creative lifting, the artist dedicated Irina a few songs. The singer did not hide a personal life, so in the network you can find many family photos in love and happy couple. Soon, Irina and Arkady thought about children, in 2008 they had the first and only son.

Son Arseny

The newborn baby spouse called the arms. Family happiness was not destined to last long, in 2008 Arkady was again on the dock. License with his wife and son will force a singer to rethink life actions, and it will be his last term.

In his diary, the artist wrote that the worst punishment is parting with his family. Kobyakov wanted to create a strong, friendly, loving union and protect the Son from those experiences, suffering that he had suffered.

To the great regret, the boy will not be able to fully know the deceic care and love, Arkady Olegovich left too early, as he wrote in his last song - "Lead at dawn." At that time, his son was only 7 years old.

Causes of death and funeral

On September 19, 2015, the famous Chance Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov left the age of 39 years. This news has become a complete surprise for fans of his work, because nothing foreshadowed trouble. The connoisseurs of the genre hoped to hear many more songs written and filled with a musician.

The official version of the cause of death is the ulcer of the stomach, due to which internal bleeding has opened. Farewell to the artist took place in Podolsk, since the last year the Arkady family lived in this city. The funeral of her husband Irina decided to arrange in his native Nizhny Novgorod. The singer's grave is located on the city cemetery, to the place of the last pagan fans to this day lay flowers.

Facts and rumors

The sustainable death of the artist caused a lot of rumors and speculations: what happened, however, his death was fiction, perhaps he was alive or he was still killed, why did not have time to help and he died, where he really was buried.

How many questions were at fans when they published the news about the death of the musician. Until now, not all of them believe that Arkady Olegovich died. There are people who believe that Kobyakov is alive, and his story has not yet completed.

According to the speculation, he stated his own death to start living re-without prison past.

However, the friends of the musician say that in the zone for bold communication with the supervisors of the artist was periodically placed in Shizo. In some prisons, the penalty isolator resembled the camera torture, where the convicts could remain no food for a day. Food for prisoners was prepared from cheap and low-calorie products. Survived deprivation, difficulties, nervous stresses could provoke the appearance of a disease that the singer did not pay due attention, from which he died.

Now the fans of the chanson remains only to listen to the old records of the beloved singer, in which he put the soul and experienced over the difficult life of the feeling.

Biography, History of the life of Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich .. Church and Youth Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on 02.06.1976. It happened in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of ordinary Soviet workers. Arkady rose, like all his Nizhny Novgorod peers, studied in an ordinary general educational middle urban school. The boy from an early childhood loved music, so parents gave the child at the six-year-old age in the Nizhny Novgorod choral Chapel of the boys, which has long existed in this big city on the Volga. The guinea Ros is very hooligan, subject to the influence of the street, so at the age of 14, Arkady was for the first time behind the grille. He was condemned for theft and sentenced to three and a half years of the children's colony. In 1993, parents fell into an accident on the highway leading to Arzamas, and died. Then Arkady and wrote his piercing song, calling her "Hello, Mom." Committing to freedom in 1995, Arkady entered the academic state philharmonic, which was called Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich, but the young man did not have to finish training in it. The commission in the group led to the receipt of the following period. In 1996, Kobyakov went to prison for six and a half years. Rejoicing from the conclusion in 2002, but did not have time to be freedom and year, Arkady Kobyakov was again convicted for four years, this time for fraud. The beginning of musical creativity, serving the sentence in the South Camp, Arkady Kobyakov fucked by musical creativity quite seriously. A young man recorded, sitting at the zone, about eighty songs in the genre of Chanson. In the camp were removed as seven video clips. The name of Arkady Kobyakova became known not only to the wardens and convicted, but also to the Wide Russian public. After the conclusion, Arkady began to work as a chanson, speaking in various restaurants, singer was also invited to corporate parties. He sang on the gatherings of the criminality, which were attended quite often large authorities of Russian mafia. The musical maturity of Kobyakov seemed to end the past, in 2006 he was married, and in two years this young couple had a son. The boy called him arsion. However, at the end of 2008, a young father was convicted of fraud, he received five years in prison. Being in the camp, Kobyakov still wrote songs, in 2011 he even gave there a concert for prisoners together with the famous Tyumen chanson Yuri Ivanovich bone. In the conclusion of Arkady, the first official album prepared his first official album, he called this record "The Arrest Soul". In the spring of 2013, Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov again published and already on May 24 in the Moscow club called "Butyrka" gave a solo concert. Having moved to the city of Podolsk, Arkady Olegovich continued to engage in musical creativity, rely on his biography and talent of a unique performer who allowed to become a popular Russian chanson to this singer. However, at 5:30 am September 19, 2015, Kobyakov died suddenly in his apartment in Podolsk. He was only 39 years old.

Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich - A unique author and performer of their songs, which really knows what kind of zone, since most of his life spent the barbed wire. That is why all his songs are pure truth. For the accuracy of his creativity, he received nationwide recognition and love. His songs are distinguished not only by unique melodiousness, but also those who have developed during the years the author's truck handwriting. They are permeated with pain and bitterness of the spiritual state. It is especially noticeable in the songs from the "Artant Soul" cycle.

Arkady was born on June 2, 1976 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) in the family of simple workers. At the age of 6 years he entered the Nizhny Novgorod choir Chapel of the boys (Nizhny Novgorod choral College. L. K. Syuvukhina). It continued its musical education in the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Philharmonic. M. Rostropovich, but it did not have time to complete the training - because of its hotness and hooliganic nature, it was time and went to serve a sentence of imprisonment.

Arkady began his musical career at the zone, where more than 80 songs recorded, and also removed several clips. His songs "And over the night camp", "never", "goodbye my friend" and many others enter into numerous Chanson collections.

In 1993, a terrible tragedy separated Arkady with the most close and most expensive people - parents. They died in the automotive accident on his birthday. The tragic case in the life of Arkady, at the time of which the song "Hello Mom" \u200b\u200bappeared, clearly emphasizes the fact that further nor the song written by it does not have a fictional plot. In each song, someone really experienced fate. For many songs, Arcadia remains just a beautiful composition, but only until the pain and sadness put the deepest meaning in these heartfelt words and music. Open soul and real reality - this is what the distinctive feature of the character of his songs.

Official site:

On September 19, 2015 at 5:30 am in his apartment in Podolsk, the author and performer of Arkady Kobyakov died suddenly. He was 39 years old.

This message appeared on the page of Off. Arkady Kobyakov "VKontakte" and on the page in "Odnoklassniki" director Arkady Kobyakova S.A. Maletseva:
"Friends, natives Thank you for your support and warm words addressed to our beloved and dear artist Arkady Kobyakov. His songs will live in our hearts and our souls. I inform you, the funeral will be held at the homeland of Arcadia in Nizhny Novgorod. I officially inform who wants to assist In the wires on the last path of our dear and favorite artist, only Yuri Chekhov, Lyubov Golovkin and Margarita Zagagino-Baturin are carried out.
Sergey Lekomtsev.

Farewell to Arkady Kobyakov will take place on September 22 from 10.00 to 12.00 at the address: Podolsk, ul. Kirov, 38, Corp. 6 (1st City Hospital G. Podolsk).

The "Information portal of chanson" expresses its condolences to close and native Arcadia. Bright memory.


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