A lover of a secluded life: the biography of the composer and the poet Ivan Kochina. Biography Ivan Kuchin Biography Funeral

A lover of a secluded life: the biography of the composer and the poet Ivan Kochina. Biography Ivan Kuchin Biography Funeral

In almost all his songs there are prison topics. This is not because he wants to seem original, but for the reason that herself bold imprisonment twelve years. Ivan Kuchin managed to part with the criminal past, and now it is present except in his compositions. He writes about what survived himself, but in no case promotes the "prison romance". His songs sincere and truthful, they concern the most hidden strings of the soul, maybe, therefore, the work of Kochoka is so fond of homeland and abroad.


Ivan Kuchin was born on March 13, 1959 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, not far from Chita. The father was the name of Leonid Kuchin, he was an employee of the Avtobassa, Mom - Nina Konoko worked on the railway. Twelve years later, Elena's younger daughter was born in the family.

In the orphanage, Ivan did not shine any talents, as all his friends in the yard. Music was absolutely indifferent, as well, and to any other type of art. Parents were confident that when the time comes to be determined with the profession, then Vanya will prefer the "working" specialty. They saw a driver, like a father or railway factory, like a mother.

After receiving a school certificate, Kuchin decided to leave to another city. At that time, frequent scandals began in the family, Mom proved to the father for a constant shortage of money, and his father, in turn, did not hurry home, preferring to drive time with friends for a bottle. Ivan decided that he had not dreamed of such a future, and went to Ulan-Ude.

His friend wanted to try his happiness in the pedagogical technical school, and Ivan decided to deal with him for the company. He became a student of the artistic faculty, but he studied there for only six months. This time was enough to understand the incomprehension of the decision. Ivan understands that it is not interesting for him and throws the school. He was immediately called in the army, and two years of his life Kuchin gave the Zabaykalian garrison located near the native town.

After the demobilization, Ivan was contacted not with the company and in 1978 already received his first prison sentence. He was accused of the embezzlement of state property. After the liberation of Kuchin returns to the former lifestyle, and again it turns out in prison. In total, he was convicted four times and spent 12 years behind bars. In 1993, during the last butt, his mother died. He was not allowed to funeral, and Ivan was not even able to say goodbye to the most native man. It became a big shock, forced to finally get treasure and seriously think about her fate. When he went out of prison, he solid decided to end the old life. There was no work for him in his hometown, so Kuchin is solved on moving to Moscow.


It can be said that the creative biography of Ivan Kochin began in the 80s, during his stay in prison. It was there for the first time he wrote a song called "Crystal Vase". Ten years later, she entered his first collection of the same name. In one of the interviews, Ivan told that he had pushed him to write this composition. Among other "guests", prison was the elderly prisoner, who was serving a sentence from the times of Stalin. And after a conversation with him, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the first song was arose. Then Kuchin began writing regularly, writing his poems in the notebook. As a result, he has accumulated seven notebooks with poems that managed to maintain only due to some miracle. During searches, prisoners were withdrawn all unnecessary, records were also included in the section for prohibited.

In 1987, Ivan managed to record his songs, which entered the collection "Return home". It was not possible to publish them, the film was in the hands of the guard. But the abyss of the album was not given, soon friends and relatives of policemen shared them with their friends who liked the work of one of the "Sidelts". So the first records were in the people, although for some time their author was considered Alexander Novikov.

After moving to the capital, Kuchin managed to find the opportunity and record on the professional studio "Marathon" two of their disks, called "flying the year" and "new camp lyrics". Among other songs there was a "man in a tag, which has already managed to become a hit. Entrepreneurs from Siberia, who became sponsors of his third album called "the fate of thieves" were interested in creativity. Songs appeared in this collection, the text of which was already known to numerous fans of his creativity - "And the violin crying quietly", "the year" will "bloom", "White Swan". In just one year, the disk came out with millions of circulations and everything was done. At the same time, Kuchin took his first video on the White Swan composition.

The first success inspired the performer to record a new album, and the material was abuse. Soon there are two more discs - "Forbidden zone" and "Chicago", in which the "Honey" composition sounded, "Sentimental Detective", "Kuste Ryabina", "Gangster knife". In the 1998th, a new album was released a new album Konasset Print. The artist begins touring activities, gives concerts in almost all Russian cities.

Such success of his music soon led to financial well-being and stability. Ivan was able to buy his own apartment in the capital, arrange his destiny. For several years, the artist has not released new discs, there were personal reasons for it. The new collection appeared in 2001 and was called "Tsar-Batyushka". It includes compositions in which the author moved away from the prison topics - "Photo Cartochka", "Baguchik", "Counseloan", "native places". Later on the tracks "Horse Voronene" and "Tsar-Batyushka" shot music clips.

In 2001, the author of the author was awarded the Order of "For Service in the Caucasus", which he got from the hands of General Tsina. Russian soldiers often listened to the songs of Konchin, and they supported them in difficult minutes of the Chechen war. The composition "Freedom", which Kuchin and Mikhail Circle were performed particularly popular.

In 2003, a new collection appears in the film work of the artist - "Rowan Road" appears, which included hits that entered special popularity. A year later, Kuchin issues a new album called the "cruel romance", in which the song "Friend", "Talliana", "Nochka" sounds.

The next entry in the studio Ivan decided to eight years later. Then the album "Heavenly Flowers" came out, songs from which the performer sang for several years, and the "black woman" was generally written in general during the years. In one of the interview, he told reporters that these compositions can be compared with real wine, whose taste over the years is becoming more refined. To the question why the recording of this album lasted for so long, the singer replied that he had no producer, and everyone had to do.

To make money on creating songs and their arrangement, Kuchin gives solo concerts.

In 2012, new tracks of Ivan Kochin came out - "hedgehog", "Verba", "Caravan" and a music video for the composition "Pacific Ocean", which was part of one of the albums of the 90s. In January 2015, the musician presented a new one, the ninth album "Orphan share." The clip on the song of the same name from this collection was sent documentary frames.

Artist has many fans, therefore, unofficial communities appear on social networks. For example, in Vkontakte, the fans of the curea place video recording from the performances of the artist, lay out the announcements of the upcoming events. In 2016, Ivan released another compilation, called "The Collection of Superkhitov. Best songs". A year later, he visited concerts in Novosibirsk, Pskov, Ufa.

The singer says he refuses speeches at the zone, because he is disgusted with the life developed by the 12th years of stay behind bars. Kuchin says that his songs are not popular because they describe the prison romance, on the contrary, he sings about people who are in a hopeless situation and try to change it.

Personal life

Larisa Ivan met his future spouse in Barnaul. The girl was his fan, tried to get on all his concerts. They got married in 1997, and Ivan became for her not only husband, he wrote for her a few compositions that entered her album called "a branch broke down." Kuchin took the most active part in the release of this album. However, family happiness was short-lived, Larisa changed her husband, and they broke up. It is said that she found a man's male. This gap Ivan experienced very hard, he attached a lot of effort to preserve the family, but they were in vain. On this occasion, the Contractor recorded the composition "Sing, Guitar!", Which was largely autobiographical and included it in a new collection of "Rowan Road".

The divorce passed for a long time and painfully, and if it were not for the younger sister Elena, Ivan would have to be completely hard. She did not have a family, and he and brother for the first time in many years felt related ties. They bought a house in a small village, away from noisy megacities. Ivan equipped his own recording studio in the house, and except for this household behaves.

He has everything you need for a normal personal life, only for many years the singer is not married.

He was not used to letting money on the wind, therefore it has one car, and quite old, the 1995 release. In the new century, Elena's sister holds his director.

Ivan Kuchin today

Chance cannot be called a public person, it is quite closed and does not support contact with colleagues-musicians. Among his acquaintances only Tatyana Bulanov.

Kuchin does not perform on television, preferring once a month to hold live concerts, which calls "meetings with friends." He communicates live with fans, sings the songs who loved them, represents them a new repertoire, gives an interview. He often sings the composition from the repertoire of Vladimir Vysotsky, accompanying himself on a guitar or piano.

In mid-2018, Ivan Kuchin presented his new job - a "military album". By tradition, his cover decorates the photo of the singer. The new album includes sixteen compositions, on the topic of friendship, love, loyalty, valor and honor. The most successful can be considered the songs "Thumbelina", "Building", "Soldat", "Afghana", "Favorite mine".


  • 1994 - "Fly of the Year"
  • 1994 - "From the camp lyrics"
  • 1995 - "Crystal Vase"
  • 1997 - "The Fate of thieves"
  • 1998 - "Cross Print"
  • 2001 - "Tsar-Batyushka"
  • 2003 - "At Rowan Road"
  • 2004 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 2012 - "Heavenly Flowers"
  • 2015 - "Orphan Share"
  • 2018 - "Military Album"

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Ivan Kuchin acted in DC Toz. The concert chansonier turned into a sincere conversation, in which he frankly told the public about his life.

Criminal Star
Chanson Ivan Kohn in Tula knows well and love very much, but for 25 years of creative life in our city, the artist arrived for the first time. Tickets cost from 500 to 1500 rubles scattered as hot cakes.
Kuchin came to Tula per day before the concert with his native sister Elena. It is she for Ivan and director and administrator.

Tula, Chance sang her hits and brought four new compositions as a gift.
In the second branch of the concert, Ivan Kuchin took about half an hour at the notes of the audience from the audience. The conversation of the chanson and tulakov turned out to be very frank: Ivan told about the fact that he was four times in prison that his wife threw him, and God did not give children ... The most interesting questions-answers correspondents "Sloboda" recorded for you.
- Ivan, why did you sit?
- I sat for theft. In our house culture was equipment. She disappeared, and found from me. Then not only the equipment disappeared, but for some reason I have all the time! And so 4 times (laughs). Local sound engineers ask do not worry - I'm in the string.
- Ivan, how much do you have a knack? Show!
- No, comrades, Striptease I will not show today (Kuchin jokingly shook his tulan with his finger). Believe me for the word - I have no knoll. Because I am very afraid of needles: probably, so I did not become a drug addict.
- About the career of a musician, probably since childhood dreamed of?
- My head was clogged with a different fool. But when my mother died, and I could not bury her (sat), at that moment my soul woke up. Then he began to seriously compose poems and songs. At your meetings, I always ask the audience: when you come home, call your parents, just tell me a couple of warm words - it's not too late ... I'm already late, and this wound does not heal.

Chanson Ivan Kuchin conquered Tulakov soulful songs
and disarming open smile!

Why chuck does not want to marry
- Do you have a wife and children?
- When children needed to start, I was in prison. And when it came out, I got a woman Larisa, who did not want children. She wanted to get more money from me and songs. And when she dispelled me like Loch, went to the young. Then, however, I was asked back - well, who will take it? Now you get married late. This is a sore subject for me:
- Which of the artists are you friends?
- With any of the artists are not familiar. True, she saw on tour with Tatiana Bulanova and met on the train with Willy Tokarev. I came to him in a compartment with a bottle of vodka, but he refused to drink with me. Since then, I have not fitted with a bottle.
- Why don't you shoot clips?
- Imagine, show the clip of the respected Sergey Penkina, then the video of the loved by the people of Boris Moiseeva. And between them, with my "man in the tagging"! In Blue: No, I do not agree to it!
- on Rublevka performed?
- I'm not a prostitute and sell your creativity for money does not intend.

The most courageous tulyaks rose to the scene to the beloved
chance and fun to fulfill the hit "Ordinary".

P. S. After the concert, Kuchin did not refuse anyone in the autograph and with each wisp photographed for memory.

From the file "Sloboda"
Ivan Leonidovich Kuchin
Born in March 1959 in the city of Petrovsk-Transbaikalsky Chita region.
He graduated from the Faculty of Art and Faculty of Ulan-Udynsky School.
Spent 12 years in prison for theft.
Divorced, no children.
Musician self-taught, author of text, music, arrangements of songs in the genre of prison lyrics.
Hits: "And in the tavern quietly crying the violin", "Crystal Vase", "man in the tagrayer", "ordinary", "sentimental detective", "Bagulik".

Glow of the people
Ivan Kuchin helps to raise children!

Olga Malysheva:
"In 1995, when my son was still in my tummy, Ivan Kon's songs helped me to enter it." When the son was born, Kuchin helped me raise him. His songs are close to my soul. I noticed that we even dance with him equally. I called Son Ivan in honor of my dad. And two men help me to educate Vanya: My Dad Ivan and Ivan Kuchin! Favorite song - "Baguchik".

Alexander Elena:
- Kuchin - a nice man, not pretending, does not shift, very natural, affordable. My driver has always been records in the car. When we went to the car, he always listened to his cassettes!

Larisa Timofeeva,
photo of Sergey Kireeva.

Ivan Kuchin himself talks about himself, life, creativity:

The first song "Crystal Vase" is written by me in the 85th year. I was the Siberian stage, and with me - one prisoner with a special regime, the old grandfather, who was sitting since Stalin's time. So he told me the legend I turned into a song.
So from the camp I made songs. Seven full notebooks. They were not taken away on the bump, although the poems often tear off: during the Communists it was impossible to write anything. Therefore, I like Solzhenitsyn my novels, half of the songs kept in my head.
And since then, I learned not to divide people on criminals and not criminals, at military and policemen. I share them on people and dislike. Because each system has good people and there are nohumans - whether it is a camp, be it freedom.

I do not sing in prisons. After 12 years spent there, I can not go to the camp as an artist. If you come someday, only on the general bases: a mug, a spoon and mattress. This is not that my principal position, it is allergic to the camps. Let the people who are now there are, I think they will understand me. When I was sitting, artists came to us, it was hurting to realize that now after our concert program would leave the stage, go outside, free, and you will stay behind bars.

I have no relation to the party, I do not personally know with any of the artists, I have not met any of them. True, I saw on tour with the singer Tatiana Bulanova and quite accidentally met in a train with Willy Tokarev. I came to him in a compartment with a bottle of vodka, but he refused to drink with me. Since then, I have not come to anyone with a bottle, and there was no reasons. Since three famous executors of Chanson is calling three years ago and says: "Ivan, you explain to me, so you are so popular, you earn a lot of money, and you have come Nothing and call you in any way. I also write better songs, and I have "not channels". Why? And I have no worse songs, but the voice is perhaps. And better. "

I lost everything that I could - I do not have children, there is no family, there is no mother. Pose from scratch, eight months lived in the basement, and I believe that it all depends on the person and from the songs. If the songs are real, they themselves are the same way to the listener.

In our show business, everything is put on the stream, to knock out money from the people. Moreover, the money is earned on someone else's grief, and people who do not understand what they sing about. They will collect their show businessmen throughout Moscow, will feed ice cream, they are risen in the window and let's sing booty songs, and not only did not sit, but did not even serve in the army. And then such expressions appear in their songs that do not correspond to elementary camp concepts. I, for example, is corded when I hear in one of the songs of the word about the fact that "the mother's rose has no". How could he be born?

Russian show businessmen underestimate listeners. Our people are not as stupid as they imagine him, he dismantled in people, and in songs. I have never had any relation to the show business. I arrive at the tour not as an artist, but because, for example, there are people in Rostov who know me and respember. They personally call me and invite to speak to the public. Therefore, I call my performances not with concerts, but meetings with friends. Money I receive from these meetings, I do not share in Moscow with the matches of show business, anyone, as they say now, "not detach", and put them in his pocket and then invest in the development of your own studio, where I write down my albums.
And friends see no showman in me, who tries to portray someone, and man: what I really are. My audience is the people who come to the hall to make sure how much I have changed for the year or two, did not have life with my life.

About songs: In general, for me a very important topic - to fit your songs. As Vladimir Vysotsky said: Here he wrote a song about the beasts, about their rebirth and noticed that he himself became differently treating cats and dogs. So I am constantly changing in relation to yourself. It happens, you will write a song, and you yourself see that you do not match the written, somewhere wrong behave. And trying to fix something to keep the bar.

My songs are not about camps and prisons, but about a person who fell on the edge of his life. It is worth it to make one wrong step, and he will fall down. I tell about what he does in this position what he thinks as surviving.
Sometimes people understand my songs deeper than me. Then they tell me what I wrote about, but this sometimes tell me that I myself give me. For example, I am still surprised, for what you love in all cities "Izba" in all cities? I am "to the light bulb." But I have recently even old songs, which seem to never going to perform, reanimate and sing in the form in which they were conceived and written. You never know what I do not like, people may be, and like it.
In general, most of my songs are autobiographical. Even in the album "Rowan Road" there is a song "Sing, Guitar!" About how the wife was gone from the hero. So my wife escaped to younger. Now, they say, asks back. But who will take it?

Ivan Kuchin was born on March 13, 1959 in Petrosabaikalsk. Ivan Kuchin says: I got behind the bars once, then the second, third, fourth: I do not know how long it would continue. But when my mother died, and I could not bury her, at that moment my soul was woken up, and I began to understand that I had already become adult to the end of my days, that I had no more than anyone to rely on, with me there was no more beloved man. Then it was seriously (and not as before - urabs!) To compose poems and songs. So, I saw a dream and wrote a song "Sleep". I never thought that I would go on stage, I just felt the mental need to sing. At your meetings, I always ask the audience: when you come home, call your parents, just tell me a couple of warm words - it's not too late. And now it's too late:

I am remartured for 12 years. But this is not so proud of. Just every person, especially in youth, makes mistakes: I have done them for 12 years. I was sitting on youth and stupidly. I did not kill anyone, I did not rape anyone, my grandmother did not throw a grandmother, but the equipment in the House of Culture whistled: Article One - 144th, all 4 times. I had a dream - to make my own studio, record music.

I got married, life went calm, and wounds began to heal. But when I meet with the audience, I write down, I compose, then the memories again piled avalanche:

Three years ago, I moved from Barnaul to Moscow. We live there with my wife very secluded. I work in the sweat of the face in my home studio, I write down my albums myself. I never go anywhere else (I don't have any cars). I do not spend in Moscow, I do not go to the concerts of other artists. The first album recorded in 1985 did not specifically spread, but was seized by the police at the next arrest. Discussed his policemen.

Each person who falls into place is not so distant, gets up with the choice: either go up, or down. Middle there is not given. Of course, quite a few people go down, but many are up! They begin to assert themselves, express. One goes to the library, the other is engaged in a carving on a tree, the third draws pictures, the fourth sings and composes. Believe me, I saw such cool poems, I heard such songs: Of course, the majority went out to freedom and plunged into real life, threw these poems and songs. And I did not throw. Recorded his songs to the tape recorder at the request of friends, wives. I did not particularly count on anything. Well, then the listeners have the questions: "Where is this kuchin? Who is he? Maybe an emigrant or an unreal face?" And in 1997, I started playing on stage. The first time is very active, and now less often. Approximately once a month I go to the scene and call it not a concert, but meetings with the audience. I am not clown, but an artist ...

Once I was told: "You are so talented because I wrote a song" And the violin crying quietly ". But, sorry, this is a complete nonsense." Tavern ", I am confident, sounds in the head of everyone at the bottom of birth, the wedding. Suitable The moment, when a man drinks, will break, then he always raises toasts for love, friendship, parents, and I just recorded these words, feelings and sang them. Someone lost mom, someone else has happened - every person is experiencing , and the one who is going through - he and the poet ...

Freeding the last time in 1993 from the Abagura Forest, ITC-12 Ivan, thanks to friends, starts writing songs.

Ivan Kuchin was born on March 13, 1959, in a simple working family. Father Leonid Ivanovich worked as a driver, Mom Nina Innokentievna was a railwayman.

He studied at the artistic Graphic Branch of the Ulan-Ude Pedagogical School. He served in the army, in the Trans-Baikal Military District. I received my first time for theft of equipment in the house of culture. The period C1980 to 1993, Ivan recalls reluctantly and here biography is limited to dry facts: tried four times, he spent on bars a total of 12 years.

Freeding the last time in 1993 from the Abagura Forest, ITC-12 Ivan, thanks to friends, starts writing songs. In 1995, having no family, no means, no permanent place of residence goes to Moscow. For a long time, wanders on the codes and attics, while his songs thundered around the country. And only in 1996, with the financial support of Novokuznetsk businessmen, she relieves the apartment, settles life, marries a young woman and records the Album "Fate thieves", which in 1997 becomes an absolute sales leader, allowed Ivan Kuchin to stand on his feet, buy an apartment, build a modern studio and live happily and rich. But, fate and this time caused a cruel blow: Larisa's wife, whom he loved, devoted to her songs and brought her to people - betrayed him. From 1998 to 2001, there were no new albums.

The only sister, which under Ivan's under the age of 12, learning that the brother was left alone, the mirro in the broken-water processes and sections of the property came to his aid. According to Ivan himself, the mother always wanted children to live together and, apparently, her will happen.

In 2001, the album "King Batyushka" comes out, which reveals the author as a more mature and wise poet. And such songs as the "horse raven", "King Batyushka", "counselor", I am sure to enter the history of Russian literature. It was for these songs that Ivan was awarded the Order "For Service in the Caucasus" by the North Caucasian Military District and personally by General Troshin G.N.

And now Ivan and Elena, both who have no families moved from Moscow for 101 kilometers, in a deaf village, where they have a wooden house, a garden, a garden, a music studio and a lot of cases that you need to have time to do.


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