How to make a business selling goods for adults. "All orgasms are equal": brands of goods for adults are protesting against gender censorship Facebook Promotion of intimate goods in social networks

How to make a business selling goods for adults. "All orgasms are equal": brands of goods for adults are protesting against gender censorship Facebook Promotion of intimate goods in social networks

I have two formations: technical (MAI) and the economic (financial academy). In 2003, I created an Internet agency Webprof, was engaged in consulting, performed on sectoral conferences. Cases walked very well. Suddenly I made a profitable offer, and I sold the studio. Rested, was on vacation, thought something to do next.

... and then - goods for adults

At about the same time, the familiar appealed to me with a request. She had an online store toy for adults (, and she left for permanent residence in Asia. She didn't want to throw her, and she asked me to help him in Moscow. The successful development of the project in the future led us to the decision to continue this business together as partners.

The situation was not very positive: working capital was enough only for rent from a 150-meter warehouse, where 3 people worked. I understand the business of the online store, I realized that this almost permissive business can be turned into a fast-growing and developing.

The fact is that in 2008 E-Commerce has already begun to grow - people began to actively buy on the Internet, and there were all conditions for development. And such products like adult toys are especially convenient for online purchases. A person is easier to order a thing on the site and get it in a bag without a logo than to come to the store. Many are confused.

Search for financing and collecting team

I already got into my hands already existing, even if the project did not bring at that time, so he did not require investments from scratch. Thanks to the growth of E-Commerce, we very quickly went to profitability only with the help of direct advertising and sarafined radio. And income from work was enough for business development. Also inserted in the development of the project its resources from the sale of a Web Studio.

First, less than ten people worked in the state. First of all, I collected IT-Division and, then I began to form a call center (now there are five people in it, one of which is from the basis of the company).

Today we have about 30 people, we give some tasks to contractors.

During the first year, the turnover of the online store rose 10 times to 3.5 million rubles. We have become the largest client of one of the few at that time distributors of adult products.

Then we started receiving requests for the wholesale sale of goods and decided to declare themselves as a wholesale player. We believed that the E-Commerce is a great future and from the very beginning focused on working with online stores. In 2010, we opened the company "Provider of Happiness".

How to come up with the name

By the way, the name was invented very quickly. Helping our storekeeper to answer the letter, I drew attention as he subscribes: "Sergey, a supplier of happiness." I realized that this phrase very well reflects the company's mission.

Dmitry Korobitsyn

I sincerely believe that our goods help people be happy. Marriage and happiness - inseparable things. And if marriage is supported by good regular sex, it is almost impossible to destroy the family. And Sergey, by the way, and now he has been working in the company in the post "Senior Storekeeper".

About market features

The Russian market of goods for adults younger than Western, but developed and develops it is noticeably faster. It is believed that the first sex shop in the West appeared in Germany in the 1960s, in Moscow - in 1992. But not everyone bought, most came out of curiosity as in the museum. And Russian entrepreneurs quickly developed this idea.

Now in Russia about 10 distributors companies. Only in Moscow more than 300 stores for adults, according to Yandex.Cart. The intimate goods market demonstrates steady growth, and this attracts novice entrepreneurs. Large distributors, as a rule, specialize in some one direction: in US goods, someone works with their brands, someone in Siberia, someone in Moscow ... We also have our own chip, a unique feature - Dropshipping service.


I learned about Dropshipping in 2011, he then actively developed in America. Dropshipping is a business model at which the delivery of orders to buyers instead of the online store is engaged in the supplier. He takes all the concerns on the assembly, packaging and delivery of orders and charges a small commission for this service.

It was clear that in Russia this model is very difficult to implement. The main limitation is that people are not accustomed to pay the card on the website of the online store, no confidence in the seller.

Even now, according to our data, only 15% of all buyers pay cards. And our country is huge. If you want to wade on a federal scale, it was necessary to come up with a very powerful logistics system that would solve all questions.

We have long thought about opportunities and risks, and then mobilized and for the month prepared service to launch. At the end of November, at the event "Practice Days" we have publicly announced the service with the name "Real Thripshipping". Dropshipping service allowed the company to grow in a short time in all indicators. We have grown annually by 25-30%, and with the launch of the dropship, we consistently add 50-60% each year. Thus, by the end of 2017, the company's turnover is only in the direction of Dropshipping amounted to 14.5 million rubles per month.

When the first offline store opened

A prominent part of our wholesale customers is classic offline shops. To better understand how they work, in 2016 we opened two own. One on Kutuzovsky Avenue in Moscow and another in the queen.

We do not consider this direction as a priority, there are no plans to create a federal network of sex shops. But we need to feel the demand, customer needs. The profitability of our offline stores is slightly over 30%. On the day, 30-40 people come to us, a third of which goes with the purchase.

Business promotion

Dropshipping is always educational activities. And then, and now you have to explain what dropshipping is and how it works. At first I actively promoted the company myself: I performed at the conferences, I carried out webinars on e-commerce. In 2011, we launched the email marketing channel, now there are about 100 thousand subscribers in the database. We still have a Telegram channel for online stores, two groups in Facebook and industry portal.

Stores for adults slowly, but surely turn the loyal audience. Quiet and cautious Russians begin to overtake the thresholds of sex shops. And even interesting, how did the economic crisis affect this original segment of trading? After all, the crisis is not up to the frills ... or vice versa?

In our nearby past, the average citizen had no jazz nor boxing, nor personal life. Only love.

We have a lot about love and supo a lot, they learned to earn it in different ways, only here in the applied plan of our personal life to diversify it was possible not so long ago.

The sexual goods industry in Russia is a rather "hot" topic, and with an increasing level of demonization of this side of human life, as well as an incredibly low level of literacy of the population regarding their own body and its needs and opportunities, quite profitable. According to experts from experts, the capacity of the national market in the "sensual" sphere is estimated at 25 billion rubles.

How do you feel today stores for those who already have 18 years old?

While the situation with the level of demand for food and clothing is far from the most stable - the Russians began to spend money less eagerly, shops with goods for the "soul and body" demonstrate a steady numerical growth both in the capital and in the regions.

This summer, in one of the new resort capitals of Russia, the well-known network "Pink Rabbit", positioning itself as "anti-sexop", opened its first store. Unusual combination of the format, in which the store you can buy both toys for adults and products for massage and health, as well as, for example, a conventional set of bed linen or washcloth.

And in St. Petersburg, in the meantime, the new, but very ambitious network "Lovezona" ("Lavzona") is growing with the positioning of the "sex boutique", designer design of shops and the first in Russia experience of accommodating the store of goods for adults in the class "A Class Center" " The network management reports that the company's plans to bring the total number of owned stores to the beginning of 2018 to 50 in Russia, as well as open at least 20 franchise stores.

Positioning, again, rather modest - health goods and harmonization of relations - so requires legislation. There are networks that offer consultations of sexual specialists, other market players promote their range through educational programs for adults.

So, for example, the "Pink Rabbit" network is actively promoting his "Academy of Love", and the Network of Intimo Boutiques "Lavzon" cooperates with the fashionable educational project of SEX 2.0 Elena Rydnaya, also known as SO-founder of the site and the SEXPROSVET.ME Conference and the Application Evangelist For spontaneous dating Pure.Dating.

Comments Maximilian Lapin, owner of the network of stores of strengthening the family "Pink Rabbit":

Despite the crisis, it should be noted that the number of buyers as a whole did not diminish and gradually even grows. The average check did not fall, the number of purchased goods even grew, the purchases became complex. Buyers began to give more preference to designer products. They gradually become a luxurious and fashion attribute of adult games. Also, people often began to buy analogues from China instead of originals from the USA, Europe and Japan. But according to our observations, this is not only connected with the fact that the cost is somewhat lower, but also so that the quality of the analogs has noticeably improved.

In connection with the growth of the dollar and the euro, we, as well as everyone began to purchase more products of Russian production. The quality of domestic products has improved significantly, something is even better than overseas. Many products of Russian manufacturers, we are now released under our own brand Lapin Rose. Own brands of goods generally help in a crisis.

According to our estimates, Russians spend about 1 billion rubles on the goods of an intimate nature in the capacity of the market in 26 billion rubles (the average purchase check multiplied by the number of potential buyers). The market volume is growing approximately 15 -20%, and today it is far from saturation.

Does the crisis affect the sales volume?

From the point of view of the consumer, it is very difficult for the first time to move the leg through the threshold of the store of goods for adults. And the creation of the appropriate mood is real art, therefore in the design of the interior, and in the behavior of consultants, and in the layout of the range there should be an idea and atmosphere - privacy, security, comfort and, of course, intima.

According to preliminary estimates, Russians spend a little more than 1 billion rubles per year on intimate goods. This business has already survived two crisis: default of the 1998th and financial decline Rovno ten years later. And, judging by the moods of the consumer and retailers, it is quite intended not to survive the complexity of the current period, but to increase turns at the expense of a successful combination of online, offline segment and purchases through mobile applications, when ordering from which personalization and comfort client are provided.

Comments Anastasia Vasilchenko, Yandex. Money:

The turnover of Intim's online stores connected to Yandex.Casse, increased 4 times for the year (they compared summer by summer). The number of purchases increased by 3.2 times, the number of buyers - 3 times. The average check of one such purchase is now equal to an average of 3,400 rubles.

Moreover, the demand for intimacy goods was even higher than on the eve of some holidays (they compared the number of purchases within 10 days before the holiday with the average for the year in the same period): So, before the new year, demand was at about the average annual, before 14 February, he exceeded the average annual by 11%, and before February 23, it became lower than the average annual per 15%. And in July, the number of purchases in sex shops exceeded the average annual figure by 33%.

Yandex.Market data is also confirmed by Trend: the number of visitors to the section "Intimate goods" on Yandex.Market increased by almost 30% for the year, the number of transitions to the stores of stores has grown.

What happens to the assortment, and where is the money, Lebovsky?

Mainly erotic toys for adults are taken to Russia from China, Japan, Germany, Spain, and the United States. In conditions of sharp increase in the euro and dollar, a couple of years ago, foreign manufacturers focused on the Russian market revised the proposal structure and began to produce products with another set of functions. But, nevertheless, the luxury brands and technological innovations did not use less demand, and their networks did not withdraw them.

A separate topic is the Russian product. It takes an impressive part in the assortment of existing networks. In the network of Lavzon, they comment that on their shelves, the share of the product of domestic production is about 20%, which, in principle, is not enough for such a narrow and so young for the Russian niche market.

So what is the main secret if not successful, then the stable growth of the niche of the goods for adults?

Alexander Zaremsky, Executive Director "Lavzons"explained that any crisis is new opportunities for growth. At that moment, when weaker market players are ready to pass positions, a strong player with a unique proposal will strengthen its position. A unique offer is not only an assortment, it is primarily customer-oriented in the broad sense of the word and an intelligent approach to each. It is important not to slip into such a small business before the frank vulgarity, to give the client to understand that all his desires are normal and understandable, and for conditionally acceptable money to help feel like overwhelmed - service, aesthetics, privacy. Therefore, network stores are constantly being held both trainings for sellers, training psychology with a client, assortment and ways to use it and free seminars for customers.

Contradictive the theme of sex toys does not give rest of the novice businessmen. Should I climb into this niche? The answer is affirmative: the demand for sharp sensations was and will always be. And the online store successfully solves the problem of "stainlessness".

Offline vs online

The presence of a physical store gives advantages: high speed and low shipping cost. It is one thing to order the goods from the supplier's warehouse and give in a row through third-party logistics. At least one day will pass. And quite another - wrap the goods on your counter and send a quick courier. The toy comes over a couple of hours.

But most often keeping the warehouse and courier comes out more than you give it all to the outsource. In addition, the presence of a point, even at the passing place at the subway, does not mean a flurry of customers. The subject is such that those who want to "touch, see live" not so much.

With the site everything is easier - complete anonymity. I made an order, Ivan Sidorov introduced himself by Ivan Sidorov, the courier with a neutral black sachet came to you the next day.


For greater mass, sellers for adult toys do not invent a bike, they are not looking for a highlight and position themselves openly and clearly: a sex shop, a store of intimate goods and so on and the like. But there are lovers to remove from competitors and sell themselves as a wonder.

Option first

Rate "Family Strengthening Store." It is an online antiseksshop, where the focus is the happiness and health of the family. There will not only be sold a vibrator, but will also teach the basics of sexual maturity and culture in the "Academy of Love".

And when you have children, you will come here again behind diapers and quadcopter.

Jokes jokes, but you need to pay tribute to the "Rabbit" online store. They are very cool in the "adult topics" and literally make this market.

On such sites, as a rule, try to write that sex is normal. What we are actually about high here. We are for the idea. Sometimes it looks organically, but the edge from normal to comical very thin. And if you go through, you can strain the client. In the sense of getting nervous. "Give it easy to buy what I want, and leaving!"

Option two

There is a completely reverse situation - the kingdom of sin and vice. You go to the site and be sure to see a sequapile beauty from the photo bank. In the logo - Yin-Yang or the characters "ME" and "JO", or the organ of five-marched, or angels and demons. A black background with purple overflows is often used to emphasize the "prohibition" of the theme.

Option Third

The extreme degree of positioning is the goods for a very very narrow target audience. Probably, the owners of such shops have read the book about "Blue Oceans" and decided to translate the author's ideas. And be sure to test it in your business. So "sex shops for women" appear (Hello feminists), "sex shops for men" (well, what about!), "Shop for those who over 40" and other brilliant ideas.

Usually there are such masterpieces for long.

Positioning probably is good. Decide to you. But, as practice shows, the experiments are not always crowned with success.

Competition complexity

If you decide to open a sex shop, get ready for various kinds of restrictions in the use of online services. Speech about Internet marketing tools and ready-made modular solutions for the site.

For example, you will not be able to use retargeting. Primary in Yandex.Direct. You cannot configure the display in networks. For you only search. This is true, because it is unlikely that someone will be happy if this kind of advertising will be chased.

But a spicy moment in working with Yandex. Kassa (real case). The service sent a letter of approximately such a content:

"The bank has a claim to your site: Remove the pictures with the unaczzle parts of the body, the maximum is allowed to images topless. How to follow, inform the response letter. Term - two days. "

And how do you like the law on personal data? It seems to be nothing, but customers want anonymity. And we say they: "Well, you buy, no one will know about you, but be aware that we follow you." This, fortunately, well-known deputies (will not call names) until they got to the online shopkers. And then soon fingerprints will have to ask before buying a product.

And now more about how to attract customers. Where to look for our traffic and customers who want to remain incognito? Of course, in search engines.

contextual advertising

Context in "adult topics", by the way, is quite profitable. Of course, if you can configure it competently: to freeze with rapid references, additional phrases, etc.

For example, many are tormented by the question: whether to advertise at night. On the one hand, it is cheaper. And on the other, is it so effective? Experienced, it was possible to find out that it was possible to post advertising at night, but at the same time you need to customize the site. For example, we made a separate advertising campaign from 22:00 to 08:00. In ads, wrote: "At night a 10% discount." Made for this special UTM labels. The site tracks them and, if sees the "Night" label, shows the banner about the night discount.

In this case, it is really effectively. Because a person sees the same mess on the site as in the ad. Understands that it was not just "shimanuha".

Medium market players are unscrewed in context 15-20 thousand rubles daily. And now threw the demand for the goods and turnover of stores, if such budgets affect advertising.

Search Promotion (SEO)

While everyone solve the dilemma "Links to be or not to be?", Sex shops are successfully engaged in linkbilding. Only this is not some satellites, Dorvai, exchanges, runs and other black methods. Do not even think about this side. Links are put by naturally by web masters, bloggers, jutups, SMM-locks on normal sites, where there is traffic.

An important detail for SEO (however, as for contextual advertising) is not to use in key words and arranging links all sorts of obscenity of the type of genital organs, mat, jargonisters from porn, so as not to catch the ban from search engines. Take a nomenclature and go directly on all commodity needs.

This, by the way, is a real screenshot from the interface, where many metropolitan, regional shops and their colleagues from Belarus and Kazakhstan are promoted. See budgets? 50 rubles, 100 rubles for one word are monthly links. Available? Not that word. Even if there is no money on the context, welcome to SEO. Yes, with him the way to the start of sales longer, but if there is no money, you have to stay.

Another important nuance is texts for the site. You can, of course, pump out the descriptions of the supplier. So do many and normally stand in the top. But today they are in the leaders, and tomorrow they flew, because you came with such unique, beautiful, selling texts in categories and cards of goods. We can write yourself - we write themselves. No - we give a copywriter. There are, which create masterpieces for 200-300 rubles for 1000 characters. The description of categories and goods is no longer necessary.

Work with customers

Be sure to have an online chat. Modest buyers and are not very likely to want to clarify some details of the range. Therefore, it is necessary to be in touch. The stress resistance and sense of humor are the qualities that your consultant must be endowed.

We will summarize our messenger: toys for adults - the theme of fertile, the demand is always, places in niche - still too. You can safely start with the online store in the same scheme that is convenient for you (dropshipping, sales from your warehouse), and give people joy. There should be no problems if you consider a simple rule to be removed from porn themes. You can share your thoughts in the comments, if there is something to say on the topic.

The most difficult way to create advertising to companies producing intimate goods. Advertising capabilities of this segment are very limited due to the ambiguity of the goods. The main complexity is that it is impossible to show the "product of the face".

This advertisement has an age limit of 18+, which means that the daytime to display advertising is strictly prohibited, not all TV channels will take a video into broadcast even in the evening. Advertising activity These goods are mainly conducted on the Internet (various publics, forums, groups) and in printed advertising.

With advertising stores selling erotic goods, everything is more or less simple. As a rule, they cost outdoor advertising and with a proposal to look at new impressions. Sometimes for advertising used with the participation of growth dolls.

Advertising placement on similar outdoor The designs in St. Petersburg costs about 15,000 rubles per month, durability of 4 hours a day, taking into account the work of two promoters and rental of growth dolls / costumes will cost about 10,000 rubles.

Much more difficult to create qualitative visual advertisingwhich will not be annoyed by its frankness. The main thing in advertising intimate products to escape from the black humor, vulgarity and banal jokes associated with their use.

In advertising condoms, the image of the rabbit is very popular. What is the rabbit associate with, if you put the 18+ icon? The rabbit is positioned both as an active, fast sex, and as an animal that is capable of quickly and multiply. Tulipam condoms developed advertising with a slogan "Take a challenge first, and then the creeper of children." We see rabbits playing glade. There is no vulgarity and vulgarity, but the general meaning is understandable.

Slogan "Play", a couple of female and male feet in some denim pants. We intuitively understand what we are offered to play.

Chocolate taste condoms

Advertising condoms found a place and. Slogan advertising campaign: "C Durex You are safe." Any man will be pleased to go through such a turnstile after the end of a hard work day. Or through several turnstiles ...

The approximate cost of such advertising is from 4,000 rubles for 1 turnstile, on turnstiles, as a rule, sold by packages from 255 turnstiles (in St. Petersburg). This example is taken from overseas practice.

Advertising erotic contentAs mentioned above, it is prohibited for displaying on television, in connection with which the main advertising channel becomes the Internet. It plays an important role here. Here is one of the most popular Durex advertisers. He was on the air and television channels.

According to the story of the roller, the guy is going on a date. He walks down the street, and behind him the seed spermatozoa. He sees a favorite girl, and sexual desire makes itself felt. Spermatozoa seek fighting, girl in confusion. But the reliable condom Durex will retain her calm. Such videos are not always missed on television.

The other advertising campaign Durex turns to human greed. Durex releases a series with a picture of children's products with a price tag to show how costs can be reduced if it is pre-protected.

It is more difficult to create advertising of goods that are considered to be silent. The purpose of this advertising is not only to sell the goods itself, but also to minimize embarrassment when buying this product and convey to the audience the need to use protection tools for their own security.

From the readers, there were many questions about what goods there really most often buy. Famous online store shared the list of goods that are most popular in Russia. Before that, no one did such ratings. The rating was very significant. For example, many people think that only perverts go to sex shops, and there is nothing to order there. The rating has shown that the most popular goods are just for traditional pairs. So Mizulina can sleep well, with morality in our country everything is in order.

Books useful to read. Never know where they use. Especially when it comes to the novel "50 shades of gray" James. This book broke all sales records. However, it was lucky not only to publisher, but also sex shops. The fact is that the book tells about the love of 22-year-old British and her beloved, the young millionaire Christian Gray. Gray, a lover of experiments in the style of BDSM, shows his beloved hidden from her until the world of submission and dominance, where pleasure and pain are closely connected. Probably, it is thanks to El James BDSM products - weekeys, leather belts, ropes - turned from the attribute of fetishists to the absolute hit of adults and the subject of dreams of millions of readers of the novel around the world. In the Kond-shop, the first place in the ranking is handcuffed in the stylist of this book. Handcuffs are made of metal with a cold glitter, the inscription quotation "You Are Mine" is engraved.

The "Kondo-shop" presents a complete collection of 9 toys and 11 book accessories. Handcuffs recommend supplementing a set of young physics with a set for an entilence. It consists of satin mask and special universal soft shackles for hands and legs at the same time. Play bold, like Gray!
On the photo next to handcuffs vaginal balls, anal plug and a vibration ring on a penis from the original collection.

Moving on. In second place - Lubricant Djaga Djaga Rose. It is unlikely that our time remained people who do not know what lubricant is, but just in case we will explain. Lubricant is an artificial lubricant. It is indispensable, for example, if you use a condom or latex toys, since long-term rubber friction dries skin. This lubricant is made on a gel basis, which means it does not spread or evaporate, as it happens with water-based lubricants. The smell of roses sets up partners for romantic way :)

In general, the Thai brand Djaga Djaga is known attentive to the selection of its products. The company does not use parabens and synthetic oils. Lubricants contain only natural ingredients and essential oils - roses, jasmine, ylang-ylang, peppermint. All these are natural aphrodisiacs. It is believed that the smell of these plants has an exciting effect. There are also hypoallergenic lubricant, which is suitable for allergies and people with sensitive skin.

Bronze medal - toys for steam WE-VIBE, the most sought-after goods in their category. This is the third generation of toys. The manufacturers equipped it with a remote control, several modes of operation added, increased power and took care of waterproof. At the end of last year, the fourth version came out, which promises to beat all records of popularity in 2014. Designers reworked the form, picked up more pleasant to the touch material. WE-VIBE 4 can work without recharging 3 hours in a row.

This toy is perfect for couples as an additional stimulator. It is small and therefore can be used during the immediate sexual intercourse, and not only during the foreplay.

In the fourth place - again lubrication, this time PJUR COOL with menthol. Sex love contrasts - caress and rudeness, hot wax and silk, hot leather and ice. PJUR COOL gives incredible sensations when used. A rather unusual thing that accurately helps to feel something new.

The German company PJUR is one of the best in his niche. It produces high-quality lubricants for every taste and case: in addition to the "classic", also anal, moisturizing, regenerating (for dry and irritated skin), prolonging (extend the erection), tonic (with pepper, cinnamon, ginger and cocoa).

The fifth place is occupied by a lace jumpsuit Katish Hustomer. What it is? Literally from English - "Cat clothes." Remember the film from Holly Berry "Woman Cat"? Where is she all such sexy ran in a jumpsuit? In many ways, thanks to this image and these Catsyuites appeared! It turns out that the girl is something dressed, or not dressed: the fabric is quite dense, but there is a deep neckline. Katissyuit sits well on any shape due to the elasticity of the material and hides all the flaws;) This Catciuit is considered the best representative of the category.

And remember movies again. :) Watched a movie with Woody Helson "People against Larry Flint"? It was Larry Flint that created the Hustler Ero Erpoistry - the world leader in the sphere of erotic linen, clothes and shoes, toys, video and magazines. Hustler - Always crazy sexy, be it lace underwear, the costume of a policeman, secretaries, nurses or mechanics! Lingerie for BDSM (leather corsets, gloves, body leather belts), pestis (stickers on nipples), fetish shoes, such as transparent height shoes 21 cm or scarca lacquer boots and, of course, also cool sex toys.

Sixth place - a vibrator to stimulate the QVibry clitoris. Designers clearly tried to make this device as much as possible to a huge latex member who represent ordinary people when hear the word "vibrator". In addition, in the kit there is a silk bag - just in case. Interestingly, this vibrator is charged from the USB port. It is divided into two parts, mimicrates under the USB flash drive and connects to the laptop. Those who enjoyed them are saying, you can even disguise at work. No one guess.

I think these condoms do not need ideas. This is a Japanese brand OKAMOTO. We produce the thinnest condoms in the world. They are even entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Their thickness is 0.03 mm, it is 2 times less than that of ordinary condoms. Okamoto condoms are not completely felt on the skin. If you want completeness of sensations in combination with security, they are for you.

The Japanese company Okamoto produces condoms in online stores. It is noteworthy that they practically do not sell them in pharmacies. Fans of special sensations may be interested in black condoms, characterized by special strength. There are also increased size, anatomical shape, the most subtle and just ultra-thin. Since it is often difficult to determine the choice of the choice, you can buy a complete set immediately and test everything.

Seventh place. Of course, this rating would be incomplete without a rubber member. Toyfa dildo is the old good classic of the genre, improved thanks to modern technologies. Absolute realism. Plus a suction cup (can be attached to any surface). Lubricant in the kit! The Toyfa line is presented with almost any sizes and forms of phallos, which are allocated by their realism among representatives of this category.

Toyfa offers customers a huge selection of toys for couples, dildos, penis, vibrators, handcuffs, shackles and other pieces for a variety of sex.

The ninth place in the ranking will please the men: This is a device for increasing the penis MALEEDGE PRO. In contrast, the compilers of spam dispatmers "increase a member of 40 cm in 2 weeks", only manufacturers of this device developed the only scientifically proven way to increase the member. As they communicate, the increase is due to the stretching: you put on the penis a special nozzle, which gradually stretches the skin. Thus, the organ grows in length and width. Manufacturers promise + 29% long and + 19% in thickness for 6 months.

MALEEDGE is designed and manufactured in Denmark. In presents a line of their products from inexpensive to more advanced devices.

Another hit of recent years is a simulator for women, vaginal balls Anasteisha K-Balls Single. Help to train the muscles of the vagina and pelvis. There is a whole science of training intimate muscles - virgilding. Such exercises not only enhance the sensitivity of the vagina, they are also very useful for health: prevent stagnation of blood, prepare the body for childbirth or help after them to recover. Specifically, these balls are designed specifically for the exercises of Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist, who recommended to women to download intimate muscles for preventing the prevention of diseases of the rectum and the urogenital system.

Anasteisha is a series of high-quality adult products that are also medical devices. This confirms their high quality, efficiency and safety.

CONDOM-SHOP.RU - the largest hypermarket of intimate goods in Russia. This rating was drawn up by the results of 2013 and takes into account the statistics of orders both in kind and in monetary terms, it included only the best of the best. Competition was very tough: 250 thousand goods were sold in just a year.

What are the advantages of CONDOM-SHOP.RU?
1. Long-term assortment: in the store 15 thousand positions. They all have passed certification and safe for health
2. Free 24-hour counseling on the site or by phone. Consultants have medical education.
3. Forward and convenient delivery in Moscow and Russia (courier service, posts, Russian Post). When ordering for a total amount of more than 3000 rubles, delivery is free.
4. Full customer anonymity: if you use the courier services for delivery, the order will come to an opaque courier package without mentioning the name of the online store and the contents of the package. When delivering goods by mail of Russia, departure is carried out by 1 class, the box will not contain any information about the store or content. The goods can also be taken independently and anonymously out of 600 points of issue in more than 100 largest cities of Russia
5. In Moscow, the order can be obtained the next day, the goods are delivered to most cities in Russia for 2-6 days.

Until March 8, 2014, the Grand Sale of toys, lubricants and erotic linen with a 40% discount is held in Please your loved ones on March 8! Girls, and you do not wait for a special reason to please your men :)


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