Mikhail Tanich. Biography Mikhail Tanich

Mikhail Tanich. Biography Mikhail Tanich

Tanich Mikhail Isaevich (1923-2008) - Russian poet songwriter, wrote texts to many popular and beloved in the people of songs: "Black Cat", "We choose, we choose", "How good to be General", "Soldiers walks on the street "," Weather in the house "," Komarovo "," The knot will begin. " Since 2003, the People's Artist of Russia.

A family

Misha was born on September 15, 1923 in the city of Taganrog. His real name - Tanchelevich.

The grandfathers of the father's line was a pious Jew-Orthodox, prayed constantly. The family told the legend that grandfather was well acquainted with the Jewish playwright and the writer Sholom Aleichem. When Sholom Aleichem was leaving for permanent accommodation in America, he entrusted her grandfather to maintain his unique library. Grandfather then lived in Odessa, and during the pogroms of Jews all books burned down.

The second grandfather on the maternal line, Boris Trashnov, lived in Mariupol and worked at the Metallurgical Plant by the chief accountant. When he quit from work, moved to live in Rostov-on-Don.

Father, Tanakhilevich Isaac Samoilovich, born in 1902, during the civil war served in the Red Army. Then he arrived in Mariupol, where at the nineteenth age earned the post of deputy chief of the CC. After working in this position a little, was sent to Petrograd for training, graduated from the Institute of Municipal Economy there. After study, he received a direction to Taganrog, where he was appointed to the post of chief in the management of utilities.


Isaac Samoilovich loved sports, especially football. When the son turned five years old, he gave him a leather soccer ball. At that time, it was a real treasure, a cherished dream was carried out for the child, because he was just as the father, his life was not thought without football.

From morning to evening, the boy drove this ball in Taganrogian wastehouses, the child needed not a fairy tale nor sweetness, he was delirious by one football.

In addition to sports, I tried Misha and other hobbies. Already by four years, he learned to read, and a little later began to rhyme the words and fold his first poems. I tried to engage in drawing, he first liked it, but soon realized that he was not the first in this matter, there were many artists, and abandoned the album with paints. Such a character turned out that he wanted to be the winner from the ornament, he did not recognize the loss.

Parents were very busy in their works, however, the child did not feel deprived of their attention and caress. His childhood considered happy and light. It was during these years that Misha got a moral hardening for the whole further life from Mom and Pope.

Unfortunately, his serene childhood cropped early. The terrible times of Stalinist repression began. At night, it was terrible to go to bed, because the streets went by the NKVD black funnels, and no one knew who would come at this night. The dad was accused of the embezzlement of socialist ownership in particularly large sizes, they were arrested and ranked in the fall of 1938.

Following the Father, Mama was arrested, less than a year later they were released, but with limited rights and with a certificate that her husband was appointed ten years without the right of correspondence.


After the arrest of Mom Misha took to her grandfather in Mariupol.

Here the guy graduated from school, and in June 1941 received a certificate of secondary education. He had plans to enter the institute, but everything collapsed in one moment, as the war began. Misha even forgot about his favorite verses, which continued to periodically write from childhood.

In 1942, Mikhail joined Komsomol and was called into the Red Army. For training in 1943, he was first aimed at the North Caucasus, then in Tbilisi. Here Mikhail entered the artillery school. He himself admitted that at that moment he was more interested in not studies, but relying in the school hot food.

For the front prepared fighters for six months, but Mikhail lasted a whole year, due to the fact that his father was the enemy of the people. This stigma influenced that when the release he was a senior sergeant, and not lieutenant, like the rest of the guys.

In the summer of 1944, Misha entered the existing army. He fought on the 1st Belorussian and the 1st Baltic fronts. Commanded a tool in the fighter-anti-tank artillery shelf. Several times was injured and contuge. In December 1944, after the injury and heavy contusion, during a defensive battle, during the training of him, he was almost buried alive in the fraternal grave.

In January 1945, in the battles for Clauses, despite the strong artillery fire of the enemy, the tool under the command of Sergeant Tanchilevich destroyed 2 German bludges and 2 blottal points. During the battle, the platoon commander was killed, and Mikhail took the command to herself, coping with the tasks.

Misha's victory met in the homeland of the Russian Empress Catherine Great in the German town of Zerbst. On the end of the war they said Polish soldiers. Silence came, and it was not necessary to fight more, but it was absolutely not believed in it, as well as that remained alive. At first, every new day without war, shooting and surrounding death seemed unreal.

Home, in Rostov, Mikhail returned on the train, which was more suitable for transportation of livestock. There were no amenities, but the German trophies are tied to the walls - bicycles and other junk. For combat merits, Misha received awards - the Order of Fame III degree and the Order of the Red Star.


Returning to his homeland, Mikhail looked a little bit and decided to enter the Architectural Faculty of the Rostov Construction Institute. The exams surrendered successfully, was enrolled in the ranks of students, but he failed to finish the educational institution. A new wave of punitive scenario began, now against those who praised abroad, their life, roads, equipment. Such people relied to take note, and even better isolate from Soviet society.

Misha had negligence somewhere to be blurted out that he really likes the radio telephone electroinquencin radio and that he is better than our Soviet models. One of the students of Donoz's heard, and Mikhail arrested for anti-Soviet agitation. Then there was a consequence, during which they did not beat a lot, but they were not allowed to sleep, so that the arrested were confused in their testimony. In court, no evidence of his faults did not publish. The prosecutor requested five years, but for some reason awarded six.

Then there was a stage on Solikamsk for shipment, where fate turned out to be favorable to Mikhail. He met the Zero-famous artist by Konstantin Rothov, who before the arrest he worked in the journal "Crocodile" for the post of chief artist. Rotova was commissioned to make a visual agitation in the camp, and he took Misha in his brigade. So the future poet managed to avoid the treasury, on which all prisoners who arrived with him in Solikamsk were killed.

Takhilevich was released before the death of Stalin. On the day of the funeral of Tirana, who destroyed the life of a young guy, the tears of tears in Mikhail from the eye. He considers it a paradox, but recognizes: "We were just all the children of that time".


After the liberation of Mikhail, a cousin was waiting in Moscow, but the former convict could not go to the capital, since it was not rehabilitated. He stayed on Sakhalin, where she settled to work in the "Stroyhehmontazh" master. The local newspaper began to print his poems under the pseudonym Tanich.

In 1956, he was rehabilitated and left closer to the capital, first in the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo near Moscow, then moved to the Balashikha railway area.

In 1959 he saw the light of the first poetic collection of Mikhail Tanich. The composer, Jan Frenkel, quite known by that time, revealed the collection, came out to Mikhail with a proposal: he will write music to his poems "Textile town", and it will be a song. They met in the corridor of the Publishing House of the Soviet newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Tanyan then repeatedly admitted that he did not know how his fate would have developed if it would not have this meeting with Frankel.

And then I rummaged. The song sounded on the air and immediately without any promotion became folk, they were filing by saleswomen in kiosks, taxi drivers in cars, students and retirees. Cooperation with Frankel continued and resulted in the song "Someone loses, someone finds", "Well, what to tell you about Sakhalin." Tanic began to work with other composers:

  • with Oscar Feltman was written the song "You had a white light with a wedge";
  • with Edward Kolmanovsky "We choose, we choose";
  • with Vladimir Shainsky "Secret Light", "There is a soldier in the city."

Fruitfully collaborated the poet with almost all the well-known Soviet composers: Nikita Theologian, Vadim Gamalius, Arkady Island, Igor Nikolaev. With Yuri Saulsky, they wrote a hit "Black Cat", which became a business card Tanich. His songs sang the most famous performers of the Soviet pop: Maya Kristalinskaya, Larisa Dolina, Alyona Apina, Muslim Magomayev, Eduard Hil, Joseph Kobzon, Edita Pieha, Valery Leontyev. Young Alla Pugacheva made his debut on the Soviet radio with the song "Robot", written by Mikhail Tanyan and composer Levon Merabov.

At one time, Tanich defended in the union of composers of young Yuri Antonov. Together then they wrote two "Mirror" songs and "Dream comes true", which Antonov completes any of his concert.

In the mid-1980s, the poet collaborated with the most popular composers by Praimond Poles and David Tukhmanov at that time.

In 1990, together with composer Sergey Korzhukov, Tanich created a group "Forest", the team performed songs in the style of Russian chanson. The most famous their musical compositions:

  • "I'll buy you a house";
  • "Warm, Russia!";
  • "Commandment";
  • "Korean";
  • "Three tattoos";
  • "Bird Market";
  • "Wagon Stolypinsky".

In 1994, Sergei Korjuki died tragically, fell from a balcony of a multi-storey building, and "timber" for some time ceased to exist. Then new musicians came to the team, and the group was reanimated. After the death of Mikhail Tanich, the artistic director "timber" is his wife Lydia Kozlov.

Since 1968, Tanich was part of the Writers of the USSR, is the author of many poetic collections.

Personal life

The first love of Tanich happened immediately after the end of the war. In the German city of Bernburg, they and fellow soldiers went to the restaurant, where he met the nephew of the host of Elfrieda Lane. They began to meet, but Misha did not marry her, although at that time the law had not yet been accessed, according to which marriages with foreign citizens were banned (he was accepted two years after the war).

In the early 1980s, Tanic was tankers in the GDR and wanted to meet with Elfrieda, but it turned out that she lives on the other side of the Berlin Wall (in Germany). But her aunt, the very owner of the restaurant, he found and gave her a record with songs to poet Mikhail Tanich poet.

The first wife of the poet was the girl named Irina, on which he married an arrest. Ira did not wait for him from prison, after the liberation of Mikhail, a divorce was decorated, and he left, having risen his simple belongings: an embroidered with a cross, a teaspoon from Melchior and the book "12 chairs".

One day, Mikhail wandered on November 7 into a hostel to young professionals. They celebrated, a luxury table was covered: a few cans of Kuccachk caviar and pickled swabs, Odessa sausage and herring with a loaf. Nevertheless, the evening was intellectual: youth read poems and sang songs under the guitar.

At the table, a girl was sitting thin, like a co-night, in a blue almost metropolitan dressing dress. Mikhail seemed to be fifteen years old. She struck him with her green eyes and an incredible eyelashes. And then she said: "Now I will sing two songs of our poet Mikhail Tanich," neither bedtime, nor the Spirit I suspect that this same poet wandered to the party and sits at one table. The girl was called Lydia Kozlov, she became for Mikhail the biggest reward in his life.

Tanich almost guess, He was eighteen years old, he was thirty-three at that time. They got married and lived in a happy marriage more than half a century. The spouses have two daughters inga and Svetlana.

Until the end of the life, Mikhail retained the love of football, was a fierce fan. Another of his life hobbies were dogs.

The poet died on April 17, 2008 from chronic renal failure. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

When the war began, Mikhail Tanich had 18. But, by finishing the artillery school, he immediately went to the front. For the Hero of the Soviet Union shouted in the battles, the Hero of the Soviet Union was rejected, but the application was rejected: Tanich turned out to be the son of the enemy of the people. After the victory, the poet himself found himself in the Benches of the NKVD for the fact that the German radio receiver praised.

Son "Enemy of the People"

In fact, the surname of the poet is not Tanich, and Tanchilevich. Subsequently, the poet became famous for the whole country began to use it precisely after serving the 6-year sentence. But first about the father. Isaac Samoilovich served as the head of the communal services of the city of Taganrog. In 1937 he was arrested by accusing the embezzlement of socialist property. After a few months, Tanakhilevich was shot.
Since Misha's mother, a 14-year-old teenager went to her grandfather to her grandfather with the father of the NKVD. At the beginning of the war, the family again had to move: this time in Tbilisi. It was there that Mikhail finished an artillery school. He had to become a lieutenant, and only the title of senior sergeant received. Do not hurt anything: "The enemy of the people."

Good radio!

In hostilities, Tanich showed a courage, for which he was awarded the Order of Fame III and the Red Star. The command was requested about the assignment of the Hero of the Soviet Union to Mikhail, but received a refusal. As part of the Red Army, the poet fucked from Belarus to Germany itself, where he heard the joyful news about the victory. Being in the German city of Bernburg, Tanich accidentally met with a certain elfride lane. Warm relationships began between young people. But before marriage, it did not come.
Mikhail returned to his homeland and filed documents to the Engineering and Construction Institute in Rostov. However, he did not have time to tear. In 1947, Tanich took away his black funnel. Someone from the student brethren to him. Like, Tanakhilevich praised the abroad and said that there is better than in the Union. But in fact, in a conversation with classmates, Mikhail admired only the German radio receiver "Telephoonnun". The investigator did not interest such details, and the young man was accused of anti-Soviet agitation and convicted for 6 years.


Tanich was sent to the forest belonged near Solikamsk. In the harsh camp conditions, the convicts were dying one by one, and without waiting for liberation. Mikhail Isaevich would certainly divide their fate. He had already turned his legs, and the whole body was covered with furunculas. But the poet was lucky: he was transferred to the forest to the office.
Tanchelevich was released in 1953, when Stalin died. But this freedom was relative, as it was limited to the mark "defeat in rights". Therefore, for some time, Mikhail lived on Sakhalin. He wrote poems that were printed in one of the local newspapers. It was then that the poet and took a pseudonym Tanich.
In 1956, Tanich rehabilitated, in connection with which he finally got the right to settle in the capital. Tanchelevich finally changed his real surname on the one who signed his poems, and went to Moscow. There, he soon made friends with the composer Jan Frenkel and became famous for the whole country.

Tanich Mikhail Isaevich (Real Surname - Tanchelevich; September 15, 1923, Taganrog - April 17, 2008, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian poet songwriter.
Born on September 15, 1923 in the city of Taganrog.
Spouse - Kozlov Lidia Nikolaevna.
Daughters - Svetlana Mikhailovna Kozlov and Inga Mikhailovna Kozlova.
Grandchildren - Lion and Veniamin.
Father Mikhail Isaevich was a responsible employee in Taganrog (he was shot in 1938).
Mature Certificate Mikhail Isaevich received on the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, 1941.
In 1942 he was called in the ranks of the army. He fought until 1945 on the 1st Baltic and 1st Belarusian fronts. As part of the 33rd fighter-anti-tank brigade, there was a way from Belarus to Elba, as a commander of the anti-tank gun. The last 11 months directly participated in the battles.
He was awarded the orders of Glory III degree, Red Star, Patriotic War I degree, 15 medals.
After the end of the war, I lived in Rostov-on-Don, where he entered the engineering and construction institute for the architectural faculty, but did not have time to finish it.
In 1947, he got into the same prison as the Father on the 58 article clause 10. Then - 6 years of shipments, camps, timber.
In 1953, after Stalin's death, he was released from locations.
Began to publish in the 50s. Member of the Writers Union since 1968.
M. Tanich worked with almost all the famous Soviet composers and leading pop artists, theater and cinema. Composers-co-authors - Ya. Frenkel, V. Shainsky, A. Ostrovsky, O. Feltsman, Y. Saulsky, V. Soloviev-Sedoya, N. Bogoslovsky, I. Nikolaev, R. Gorobets. Soloists - K. Shulzhenko, A. Pugacheva, I. Kobzon, M. Magomaev, E. Pieha, E. Hil, V. Leontiev, L. Dolina, A. Afina and others.
Total Mikhail Tanich became the author of 15 books, including songs. Last dated 1998: "Life" (poem) and "Weather in the house" (songs), published for the anniversary of the poet.
M.I.Tanich - Favorite author of famous and popular songs, winner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1997), winner of the Jubilee Competition "Song of the Year", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of this transfer, almost all the festivals "Song of the Year", laureate of the National Music Prize "Ovation" (1997). Awarded the Order of Honor (1998). In March 2001, the title "Honored Artist of Russia" was awarded.
The main project of Mikhail Tanich recent years is the group "Forest" (for this ensemble, more than 100 songs wrote).

None of the participants in the musical team in prison was not, any stories that face the "timber" were written directly by Mikhail Tanyan. Sergey Korzhukov was the first soloist and composer of the group. He wrote music more than 60 songs of the group.

In 2008, the main ideologist of the team was not the main ideology - Mikhail Tanich. The composition was updated again. The artistic director was the spouse Tanich - Lydia Nikolaevna Kozlov.

During the existence of the group, at least 21 albums were published, including two after the death of Mikhail Tanich.

Mikhail Isaevich Tanich died on Thursday night on April 17, 2008 at 03.10 (MSK) for 85 years of life in the intensive care of the Moscow hospital named after Botkin.
On April 19, after the memorialist in the house of the actor is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Song filmography M. Tanich:

1972 - "Big Change" - Director Alexei Korenev;
1973 - "Lived three bacheloy" - director Mikhail Grigoriev;
1976 - "Secret Light" - director Igor Dobrolyubov;
1977 - "Magic voice of Jelsomino" - directed by Tamara Lisitsian;
1981 - "Waiting" (television) - director Radomir Vasilevsky;
1982 - "4: 0 in favor of Tanechka" - director Radomir Vasilevsky;
1983 - "White dew" - director Igor Dobrolyubov
1984 - "Wedding Sockery" - director Evgeny Ginzburg
1985 - "Dance floor" - director Samson Samsonov

Awards and Achievements:

Order of Honor (September 15, 1998) - For merits in the field of culture
Order of the Red Star
Order of Glory III degree
Order of the Patriotic War I degree
Honored Artist of Russia (November 18, 2000) - for a great contribution to the development of domestic culture and art
People's Artist of Russia (September 15, 2003) - For great merits in the field of art
Winner of the Jubilee Competition "Song of the Year" (1996)
Winner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1997)
Laureate of the National Music Prize "Ovation" (1997)
Honorary Citizen of the city of Taganrog
Honorary Professor of the Rostov State Construction University

Former members of the "Forest" group:

Mikhail Tanich † - author of poems, artistic director (1990-2008);
Sergey Korjukov † - vocals, music author (1990-1994);
Sergey Wild - Vocal (1994-1996);
Leonid Margolin - Bayan, Keyboard, Guitar (1995-1998);
Ruslan Kazantsev - vocals, choreography (1994-2000);
Sergey Kurp - vocals, guitar (1994-2008);
Alexander Fedorkov - composer, arranger, keyboards, pipe (up to 2006).

The current composition of the group "Forestovat":

Volkov Stanislav Vladimirovich - vocals, guitar;
Velichkovsky Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich - vocals, bass guitar
Solovyov Vladimir Alimovich - Choreography, Accordion;
Smirnov Veniamin Ignatievich - choreography, percussion;
Alexander Fedorovich Alexander Fedorovich;
Rodionov Konstantin Aleksandrovich - Keyboard, vocals;
Alipov Vladimir Nikolaevich - Guitar, vocals;
Goncar Oleg Vladimirovich - Keys, vocals;
Blinnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich - Sound
Knenelikin Anatoly Yuryevich - Director of the Group
Lydia Nikolaevna Kozlov-Tanich - Artistic Director of the Group "Forest

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Biography, Life History Tanich Mikhail


Born on September 15, 1923 in Tanganrog. When for years to ten in front of Mikhail, the question arose: "Who to be", in the football and Chekhov Taganrog the answer could be only two - a football player or a writer. Despite two large metallurgical plants, few people dreamed of being a staler. And the future poet wrote his first opus. It was something like the play in verses about Pavlik Morozov, of course, who was pronounced fists. Maybe, having mastered this position, Tanichly for a long time and was oppressed by the football ball. In the future, always tried not to be "for", but "against" anything.


In 1942, Mikhail called for an existing army. He fought on the 1st Baltic and 1st Belarusian fronts. As part of the 33rd fighter-anti-tank brigade, a way from Belarus to Elbe was held. In December 1944, according to Tanich himself, he was almost buried alive in a fraternal grave after severe injury.

In the city of Bernburg, shortly after the victory, the 21-year-old Mikhail met the young German elfrida lane. It did not marry her, although the law prohibiting marriages with foreigners was accepted only in two years. In the early 1980s, having arrived in the GDR, I wanted to meet with Elfrieda, but she lived in Germany. Tanich met with her aunt, the former owner of the restaurant, where he met Elfrieda, gave a record with songs to his poems.


After the end of the war, he entered the Rostov engineering and construction institute, which did not have time, since in 1947 he was arrested under Article 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (anti-Soviet campaign). In a friendly company, he said that german cars are better than ours; One of those who heard it comes to him. Tanic was "Polon hopes and plans, just health, ahead - all life with its thousands options" (Mikhail Tanich, "Played Music in the Garden").

In prison, and then - in the camp (in the area of \u200b\u200bSolikamsk, on the forestworker) Tanich spent the six years received by him.

After many years, he suddenly said in television: "At first, he was angry, and then I understood: I was put correctly. The state has the right and should defend himself ".

Continued below


After the success of the first song, the author of the "Textile Town", as they say, rolled. Just a few names: "Love-Ring", "What do you say about Sakhalinn", "Black Cat", "Mirror", "How good to be General", "goes soldiers in the city", "black and white", "take me With you, "do not forget", "on the far station to go", "Love Wires", "Bird Market", "Komarovo", "Knot", "Weather in the House", there are cycles of songs: "songs of Anquie-Machinemaker" , "Limit", "timrebing" (with this group M.Tanich works to this day).

Joint creativity

M.Tanich worked with almost all the famous Soviet composers and leading pop artists, theater and cinema. Composers-co-authors - Ya.Frenkel, A.OSostrovsky, O. Feltsman, Yu.Saulsky, V.Solov-Sedoya, N. Bogoslovsky, I. Nikolaev, R. Gorobets. Soloists -, E.Hile, and others.

Interesting Facts

The hero of the song "Vityok", which Mikhail's poems wrote composer and singer Igor Demarin, is the nearest friend of the childhood of the poet Viktor Agara.

Tanish from childhood and to death very much loved football. In childhood, according to the poet: " For me, he was all - and Gogol Mogul, and the fairy tale Arina Rodionovna. "

Shortly after his first textile town hat became popular, Tanich, buying a cupcake, suddenly heard that the saleswoman stall sings the song. He could not resist and said it was his song. She did not believe and replied: "The muzzle did not come out!"

On the work of 220 rubles received for the year on the year of the "textile town" (already after the denomination of 1961) Tanichly bought the Czechoslovak bed in the store "Furniture" and polished bedside table. All the money was spent, but Tanich believed that he got furniture to the task.

"We fell in love and married your song" You're a white light wedge "", Tican's wife Wisen Lipatova said.

Giving an interview with a western journalist and answering the question "How do you feel about the Soviet mass song?", answered: "I do not understand her. Here they now have a popular song "The White Light has come down on you, the White Light was killed on you, on you the White Light Wedge ...". And as many as three author! .. ". The composer Oscar Feltsman was meant, jointly writing poems Mikhail Tanich and Igor Shafan. Tanich indignant: "Give me God to write again such a popularly beloved song! Her sang 170 million choir! Such songs are obstacious, but only laughed at us ".

In his book, Tanichly responded very well about and, however, mentioned only about this, without writing anything about his attitude towards his work. Almost fourteen years after death, on the commemoration of Scharun, a married couple approached Tanichau. They presented themselves with friends of the Vysotsky and his eldest son, said that Vysotsky, shortly before death, called his interview with a mistake, "I asked to apologize for him before the authors", I wanted to do it myself.

In Glavpur, Tanich asked that at his creative evening in Hungary, in the group of our troops, did not exceed the song "How good to be General". Cause - She does not like the generals. "And Colonels like!", answered Tanich.

Poet Vladimir Tsybin, by definition of Tanich "Not from the worst in the long list of the Writers' Union", he said in his presence: "So one more lost". Tanich thought that someone died, but it turned out: anatoly transverse "in the song left!". Tanic Ironically commented on it in his book: "... The family of poets lost its own, the stranger went, in the song - died for real poetry. And tolya, by the way, and always in the song was not a stranger, and so far it turns out of it. Tsybin - no, and Toli - yes! ".

Slightly the tribal song "Non-Oboshvanov" from the repertoire "Mascoval" may seem mockery of over, the author of the novel of the same name. But he did not finish his novel, because he was arrested and convicted on political charges (specifically, only for reading in the circle of Petrashevtsev, Belinsky's letters to Gogol), found himself at Katorga. In the fate of Tanich a lot like.

Death of poet

For 85 years of life, the heart of the favorite author of popular songs, the founder of the group "Forestov" Mikhail Tanich, stopped. Mikhail Isaevich felt bad on Tuesday, and "ambulance" immediately delivered the poet to the resuscitation of the Botkin Hospital. Next to him, all this watch was His gently beloved wife Lydia Kozlov, who for almost half a century remained his only muse.


April 20, 2008 Memory of the passionate fan of the Football Club CSKA, the author of the strings "The army should be the first, / the army cannot be the second," honored a minute of silence before the match of the 6th round of the Russian Championship.

(1924-2008) russian poet songbook

Mikhail Isaevich Tanich was born in Taganrog, but his childhood was held in Rostov. It ended, barely Mikhail turned 14 years old: in 1938 he was arrested by his father, and a little later - mother. Mikhail began to live in relatives. He began to write poems even at school and even his graduation wrote as a poem.

Another hug throughout his school years was football. Like many peers, he wanted to become a famous football player, advocated the school team at all competitions, and the physical education teacher kept his sports career.

However, all these plans broke the war. Mikhail Tanich received a maturity certificate on June 22, 1941. By age, he was not subject to call, so together with relatives remained in Rostov. There he entered the Institute of Transport Engineers, but soon, together with other fellow students, was evacuated in Tbilisi.

Here Mikhail Isaevich Tanich literally precipitates the military enlistment office and still seeks to be sent to the Tbilisi Artillery School. After an abbreviated training course, Tanich becomes a sergeant and goes to the front as a commander of the anti-tank gun. He accepted the first fight in the Baltics, under Shauli.

Almost all the war, Mikhail Tanich walked, fighting on the front line. He was lucky - only once he got a serious contusion and was treated for several months in the rear, but then returned to the front again.

War Mikhail Tanich finished in Berlin as a commander of the anti-tank platoon. After demobilization in the fall of 1945, he returned to relatives to Rostov, where his mother was waiting for him, which by that time had just been released.

Mikhail Isaevich Tanich entered the Architectural Faculty of Rostov Engineering and Construction Institute, but he studied there a little more than a year. In the second year, he was arrested and condemned for six years in prison for 58 article "For anti-Soviet activity". In the camp, he met the artist K. Rotov, and together began to produce a handwritten magazine "Crocodile": Rotov drew, and Tanich wrote poems.

After liberation, he could not return to Rostov, as he was forbidden to live in 39 cities of the country. He settled to work as a mechanic on the construction of a power plant in the city of Volzhsky, and in his spare time I wrote poems. He managed to print some of them in a local newspaper, and soon he becomes a standing author there.

In Volzhsk, Mikhail Tanich met his future wife Lydia Kozlova. She worked on the construction of the power plant, later came to the literature and also became a poet. Her songs "The snow is spinning" and the "rolling-field" became his hives, and the song "Iceberg" written on her poems entered the repertoire A. Pugacheva.

When Mikhail Tanich rehabilitated, he moved along with his wife to Moscow. Then it started the hobby of the author's song, and Tanyan decided to try his strength in the new form of creativity. The first experiments were successful, A. Galich was supported. Later it turned out that Tanich is a born poet songwriter.

Initially, he was invited to write the subtext to the music of famous composers. Of course, writing the text on ready-made music is technically more difficult, but for the poet it was a real school. The first composer with which Tanic began to cooperate directly, was Yang Frenkel. Together they wrote a popular song "Throwing pebbles with round bezhka." A little later, together with the composer Y. Saulsky, Mikhail Isaevich Tanich wrote the first domestic twist - the song "Black Cat".

The debut of the poet on the radio, and, accordingly, the famous "Textile town" became an exit to the wide audience. Working in the transfer "with good morning", Mikhail Tanich met A. Pugacheva and together with the composer R. Merabov wrote the song "Robot", which, in turn, became the debut of the singer on the radio.

From the mid-sixties songs, Mikhail Tanich was widely sprouted with pop. They were performed by I. Kobzon, M. Krystalline, E. Hil. Cooperation with Kobzon continues so far, although at times they had to part. So, in the seventies, pathetic, not lyrical songs. Tanic never wrote about Bama or about the construction of new power lines, and even after a trip to Sakhalin, when songs about oil workers were waiting for him, he wrote touching "Well, what do you say about Sakhalin?"

It is difficult to call the performer who would not have in his repertoire of the song Mikhail Isaevich Tanich. A. Malinin, I. Kobzon, A. Pugacheva sing them. L. Dolina, V. Syutkin, I. Ponarovskaya, L. Vaikule, other famous performers. About 20 plates with his songs have already come out, and the company "Melody" in recognition of the merit of the poet presented him with "Golden Disk".

In 1991, Mikhail Tanich decided to carry out his own musical project and organized a group "Forest", for which he wrote several dozen songs. They are sharply different from the previously created their autobiographical setting. The hero of the songs is a man who has passed the camps, who tells about his life, about the experienced, but does it without excessive tragedy and darling, rather with a light irony: the past for him has already been sick. Tanic himself executes these songs, in which he was convinced by the group, because only author can transfer such personal experiences.

Special page of his creativity - songs for movies. For the first time they sounded in 1965 in the picture of "Women." Then other works followed, and the song "We choose, we choose us" from the painting "Big Change" became a hit. The largest work of the poet in the cinema - the creation of the Musical "Wedding of Sokes" based on Georgian folklore. And the entire songs of Tanich were performed more than thirty films.

The life of the composer was so far that he did not remain without work a single day: he drives a tour with a group "Forest", writes albums.

My main support in the life of Mikhail Isaevich Tanichly believes his wife - she is the first listener and the critic of all his songs. They have two daughters: one gifted artist, the other is a talented musician. There are grandchildren. The composer prefers to work in creativity houses, where nothing distracts him, or at the cottage in Jurmala. In 1998, the seventieth anniversary of one of the most popular songwrites of our country was solemnly noted. At the "Star Square", a star named Tanich was laid at the "Russia" concert hall.


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