What does the tattoo stars on hand mean. Five-pointed tattoo star value

What does the tattoo stars on hand mean. Five-pointed tattoo star value

The star is an ancient magic symbol that hides in itself a lot of mysterious. He personifies heavenly arch. Perhaps the sky is the most universal description of the meaning of this symbol. And if you go into details, we will find a lot of interesting interpretations of this ancient sign. Consider the most interesting tattoo variations.


A five-pointed star is a universal sign that personifies good luck, and in some cultures - harmony. Pentagram is often used as an army sign. For representatives of many ethnic groups five-pointed star She became a kind of guard from evil forces. For example, during the Middle Ages, the Pentagram was a means of protection against the devil.

Interestingly, in an inverted form, a five-pointed star resembles a face with horns. It is possible, so it is considered one of the symbols of Satan, popular among fans of the occult.

Star of David

It is a six-pointed star that symbolizes the full power of God over the world. Star with its six peaks personifies all sides of the world. The symbol indicates that the whole universe is subordinated to divine laws.


Seven-pointed star is a very interesting symbol that opens the secret of the mystery about the mystical essence of man. The septagram is considered a symbol of Eastern culture. Interestingly, the seven-pointed star was the emblem of ancient Georgia - the famous country of Iberia, in which the astral cult flourished. As a tattoo of a septagram is able to become a symbol of self-improvement and bring good luck to its owner.


The eight-pointed star is an ancient pagan symbol, meaning abundance and fertility. Such a tattoo can bring material well-being in your life.


Tattoo stars - it is rather aesthetic than the philosophical body. Many girls and guys stuff such tattoos, wanting to emphasize their uniqueness, their "star" status. In addition, some tattookers believe that the stars of the stars are capable of bringing good luck and inspiration to those who stuff her body.

About subcultures

The star is too interesting and a comprehensive symbol, and therefore various subcultures have been exploited more than once. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn some facts about tattoos with the stars:

  • Star tattoo in the area under the clavicle - the symbol of the thief in the law. The criminal environment is a distinctive sign of the authoritative criminal.
  • Tattoo on the wrist - a sign of lesbian. If only the girl does not want to find another girl, you should not stuff such a tattoo.
  • Celebrities

    Who only does not pinch a tattoo with the stars. Among celebrities, this trend is especially popular. Who has little status status and who decided to fix it with ink under the skin? Among the brightest characters:

    • Debra Wilson;
    • Rabi Rose;
    • Avril lavigne;
    • Elisson Moshart;
    • Lindsey Lohan.

1 In the universe there is an infinite number of stars, which means that there is a huge selection of ways to personalize this image for your tattoo! Stars are among the oldest characters in many cultures, religions and conviction systems, making this image the most powerful and powerful. These values \u200b\u200bcan also be personal, for example, you may want the stars tattoo symbolize a specific goal to which you are striving, or the achievement you already possess.

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Before continuing, let me advise you for some more interesting articles on the subject of tattoos. For example, what does the tattoo of the snake mean; the meaning of the tattoo spider; which means tattoo squid; How to understand the tattoo sea rusty, etc.
So, will continue the value of tattoo stars?

Stars are often combined with other images and symbols to add an additional sense of human tattoo, as well as create a more complex and interesting design. Tattoo Stars can also be made in the style of the artistic work of a particular people, linking the image with a certain time, place or human culture. No matter what the design of the stars tattoo you choose, you can be sure that it will be special and unique!

The value of tattoo stars

Due to the many varieties of various tattoos, the stars, the values \u200b\u200bof these tattoos are quite numerous. In general, some of the most popular star projects will transmit these values:

  • Wish / desire
  • Attainment
  • Success
  • Luck
  • Uniqueness
  • The task of conquest
  • Balance
  • Individuality
  • Survived after breast cancer
  • Navy or coastal
  • Gamer
  • Transformation / metamorphosis
  • Religious faith.

Options Tattoo Star

As briefly discussed above, the variations of the sketches of the tattoo of the star are potentially limitless. The values \u200b\u200bthat they can represent are equally numerous, but are also very personal for a particular individual receiving this tattoo. Several popular options are discussed below, each of which can be configured to your taste and preferences.

Tattoo Little Star

Little stars tattoo can have a very extensive sense - after all, such nightly shines, one of the most common symbols in world cultures and religions! Excellent design for tattoo with small stars is to get a simple stack sketch. The drawing can be placed almost anywhere on the body, from the ankle to the ear, and getting only one contour will help you finish it quickly and (almost!) Painlessly. Another small star design is to make a small shimmering star. It can be any color you want, but simplicity is the key to success, especially recommended black or yellow ( see below more about color stars). Adding some flicker can reflect your unique personality, or demonstrate that you have achieved something significant or important in your life.

Comet Tattoo / Falling Stars

Falling stars or comets are known for a long time, and often considered symbols of success, and getting this stars tattoo can be useful for your own life luck. Often, the comet's tail will be present in these sketches, which can consist of star dust or a series of smaller stars. Adding this part to your design will help cover a large area than a tattoo with small stars. Another wonderful way to personalize this design, play with color. For example, if you are an astronomy amateur, you can choose only yellow shades, but if you have an amazing and more frequent character, think about using the color scheme of the Rainbow Spectrum.

Tattoo Star chain

The chain tattoo is becoming increasingly popular among men and women, primarily because they can symbolize a lot of things for the user. One way to further personalize this tattoo is the inclusion of star images that can be made in several ways. First, the links of the chain can be formed in the form of stars, demonstrating that the carrier has an unbreakable will, and is not able to give up in spite of everything. Another way is to have a star pendant or a key chain, placed on a chain tattoo, which throws the wrist or ankle as the bracelet design. This star can be performed in any style and color, which allows it to use people of different religious denominations. For example, you can make a star David, if a person is a Jew or Celtic star, if a person has generic ties with this culture.

Tattoo Stars in the style of Tribal

Tribal tattoo stars show two popular tattoo topics - stars and tribal patterns, and combine them to make a unique style. To save the tribe element, these stars must be made in black, and be completely filled (unlike small tattoos of stars that can be simply made in the form of contour). Another design that you may want to consider is a big circle, surrounded by rays, some of them are intertwined. Read more What does Tatu Tribon mean?

Marine Star Tattoo (Red and Black)

One of the most common color stars tattoo is a tattoo with a red and black star, which is very popular among members of the naval forces and coastal units Armed Forces USA. This particular star design combines the shape of a five-pointed star on the American flag, and alternating red and black color patterns create a wind rose, similar to those depicting on marine maps. This star tattoo also personifies the arrival of the sailor home, if one day he left his homeland for a long time. Read more about tattoo starfish.

Tattoo Pink Star

The rose star tattoo often symbolizes the fight against breast cancer and is an excellent alternative to a tattoo depicting a traditional pink ribbon. Indeed, when the pink alternates with a black star tattoo style, this image becomes almost a "punk" or an alternative emblem to combat breast cancer, creating truly unique importance in the design of the star tattoo.

Tattoo violet star

Getting a purple star tattoo is a way to portray your identity through the color and symbolic nature nature. Purple color is a combination of the energetic energy of the red and calm stability of blue. Consequently purple, represents the balance of elements and emotions. It is not a completely natural state for most people, but the star can symbolize the desires and aspirations. Thus, the combined symbolism of the balance of purple and the desired star character makes it an ideal tattoo for those who want to achieve the inner world and equilibrium. Read the value of violet color.

Tattoo star Mario

Fans of the classic game Nintendo " Mario Brothers.»They know that this tattoo symbolizes an important image from the games. The star you need to choose, increases the player's speed, and makes it invincible for a short period of time. Star design, simple yellow with two black eyes, can be easily customizable to fit your own taste and style. For example, gamers wishing to express their femininity can add a crazy look at the star, or fanatics " Mario Brothers."There may be other images and characters from the game in Tatu. You can also get a series of these stars throughout the body to portray the" Star chain ", which appeared in some versions of the game" Mario Brothers."To give players even stronger starvation.

Tattoo Star and Zebra

In the symbolism of animals Zebra can represent balance, individuality and freedom. These strips allow her to hide in the long herbs of African plains, hiding it from predators, and offering means of mimicry. Those who want to include a strong emblem of this animal with the same powerful star symbol, can do it. different ways. One simple option is to adapt the starfist (discussed above), and alternate points with black stripes. Other ways to make your tattoo the star zebra unique, it is to create a small stars tattoo, and then fill it with zebra strips or make a series of zebra stars along your body. Learn more about Tatu Zebra.

Tattoo stars and butterflies

Butterflies are often perceived as a symbol of revival, and the inclusion of these metamorphosor insects with stars can create a unique image, which means both rebirth and the desire for specific goals represented by the stars. This particular tattoo is often pretty feminine in color and design, bright shades of red, purple, orange and blue are used for both butterflies and stars, and the stars themselves often include a flickering effect. This tattoo can also be adapted to any size that you need. For example, you can choose only one star and a butterfly, or a whole series of stars and butterflies made along your back, ankle or other part of your body. Read the detailed article What does the butterfly tattoo mean?

Tattoo stars and clouds

The clouds symbolize several different things in various cultures and myths. For example, in Greek and Roman mythology, the clouds served as a house for the gods, and many people today believe that thunderstorm clouds symbolize failure or danger. Depending on what you want to represent the clouds, your design tattoo stars and clouds will mean one of the many things. For example, a design that includes stars and the sky in thunderstorm clouds, demonstrates that you have passed through difficult times to achieve your goals. Another design will consist of bright yellow stars among the white clouds field, symbolizing that those you lost are in a better place. Learn more about Tatu cloud.

Tattoo Star and Skull

The tattoo of the skull and the stars is mandatory for anyone who loves the skull, but wants to include in their sketch a more complex meaning. The excellent design idea is that the star looks like a skull, as if it consists of flesh. This may mean victory over death or strongest injuries, because the skull often personifies death, and the star is the fulfillment of a complex task. Another design may include " Cheerful Roger", Famous pirate flag with a skull, inside the star in the marine style. It can demonstrate the dual forces that manage your life, finding freedom and fulfillment that you are required. Learn more about.

Tattoo Stars and notes

Tattoos with music record are quite popular, but if you are looking for something a little different, try to turn on the star or two in the design. One way to do this is to choose a fragment from your favorite music and write notes surrounded by stars. You can also make notes in the stars instead of circles, demonstrating that you can play a rather complicated composition.

Tattoo star and grape vine

Tattoo with a lot is an incredibly decorative element, and they were popular for many years. Adding stars to your vine tattoo can show hidden meaning and visual promise. There are several ways to include stars in the design of the vine. For example, instead of leaves or colors coming from a grape vine, place the stars. It can demonstrate the goals that you have achieved, and the tattoo can be updated for many years to keep up with all your achievements! Another way to add stars is to wrap the grape vine, or surround the crescent of the Moon with the stars around the moon and the vine, creating a picturesque night sky.

Tattoo stars and playing bones

The bones are not very often chosen for the tattoo, and adding stars in the sketch, you will create an even more unique design. Cubes can symbolize gambling, risk and good luck, and getting the tattoo of playing bones opposite the star in the marine style, will personify the sailor culture. Many sailors, whether pirates, capers or fleet officers, will play bones, and other games to "kill" time in a long flight.

Tattoo star Davida

The star of David is an important symbol in Judaism, and the Jewish people in Hitler Germany was designed to wear David Star on her clothes to identify them as Jews. This is a great tattoo for those who want to demonstrate their Jewish faith, the more it can be easily personalized to show their personal belief and principle. For example, one unique design would be to get a Jewish letter or a short word inside the star. It may be a word or idea that are important to you, or initials someone you have lost.

Tattoo flaming star

Flame and fire can be included in almost any of those mentioned above the star tattoo. The element of fire may indicate aggression, anger, desire, transformation and change, and your willingness to burn something to achieve your goals. The combination of a flame with the stars in your tattoo design can demonstrate that you have achieved a successful way, or that you have passed through the flame of life and come out of all the peripeties even stronger. This tattoo may be of this size as you like, while many use hands or legs for this image, and all their free space. However, the drawing has the same powerful promise when it is stuffed on a small scale, for example, on the blade or inside the wrist. To easily distinguish the flame and stars, make fire in its natural red and yellow color, and for stars, choose something like blue or black. Such a color will allow these elements to be clearly different from each other.

Tattoos with the image of the stars are very popular, diverse and much symbolic. The tattoo value of the star primarily depends on what kind of star is chosen for a tattoo, and in which context it is drawn. The star tattoo is equally popular in men and women. It is very easy to perform and visually beautiful, so it is often used as the first tattoo. In fact, the star, as a symbol has a very old and deep meaning. It is found in many cultures and religions, but at the same time is not tied to any of them, which makes this symbol completely universal. The star is the symbol of the sky, the symbol of prosperity and lucky, it is believed that the stars give a person inspiration.

The starfish at one time was very popular with sailors as a symbol of protection against the detrimental forces of the water element. It was believed that she helps a person to return home after a difficult journey.

Of the Tattoo, David (six-pointed), it has a deep religious meaning: it symbolizes the absolute rule of Godhead over the Universe, in all sides of the world. She is also called Solomon's seal or a star of the Creator. It is believed that this star arose after the victory of David over Goliath, who wore a shield in the form of a six-pointed star. After this event, David became the king of Israel.

A five-pointed star (pentagram) is a popular tattoo in protective symbolism. According to the beliefs of the ancient Celts, it is considered a symbol of harmony and magic. An inverted pentagram, resembles a goat face and is the emblem of the Satanian Church.

Seven-pin (septagram) represents a mystical side of a person. It is considered a symbol of good luck and perfection.

The eight-pointed star (oktorgamma) symbolizes abundance. Widely used among the Gentiles of Ancient Egypt.

Nine Eltimate Star (Nanogram) is a symbol of stability to which every person seeks. In the Scandinavian mythology, such a star meant nine worlds. In Ireland, the Star Tattoo is a symbol of good health.

A dropping star is often used to designate some important event or change in a person's life. The value of the tattoo star in the constellation or with a crescent means the fulfillment of desires, the world chaos. Stars with a crescent are very often used in the religion of Islam and in the national symbolism of the country of Turkey. And the eastern legends associate asterisks with wonders and magic. The value of the tattoo asterisk for women perform primarily the function of a stylish ornament or accessoryThey attract customers with their diverseness and charming design. But be careful, the tattoo star on the wrist is a distinctive sign of lesbian. And the star under the clavicle is the attribute of the authoritative thief-recidivist.

The star is so universal symbol that each person can choose a star to his taste and preference.

Tattoo is known to humanity not one thousand years. During this time, such a kind of art has undergone many changes in technology and styles of drawings on the skin. This is a specific cipher that serves as a hidden sign "His / Alien" for a variety of groups of people. One of these symbols is the "Star" tag on the shoulders. The value of such a picture is widely known among people who are serving a sentence in places of prison or liberated from there. What is the interpretation of the considered symbol, consider in more detail.

Sacred Meaning Star Sign

Star sign has a certain mystical essence. This is one of the most ancient symbols of many cultures and religions. The value of the symbol is now many centuries - peace and desire for perfection. And this is an eternal symbol of inexhaustible energy, good luck and get rid of the worldly fuss.

To make yourself a similar pattern on the skin, you should understand what the tattoo stars on the shoulders, wrists, legs and other parts of the body. After all, such a pallium has a powerful energy potential.

Falling star talks about dreamy nature. She pushes a person to fulfill his desires. After all, they are sometimes riddown when the star falls! On the wrists, such a symbol of non-traditional orientation is glowing. The star of David speaks of the desire for domination.

Number of rays

A five-pointed star is a desire for harmony. An inverted pentagram is often used by Satanists.

The seven-party star has a magical meaning like the very number 7. This magic will be with a person for a long time, like the tattoo itself.

The eight-pointed star denotes life into abundance.

The nine-pin star in the ancient Celts symbolized health and prosperity. Such sense carries such an image today.

However, a special meaning is concluded by the criminal knack "Stars" on the shoulders. Its value always changes. However, the basic message can still be understood.

Criminal tattoo

In Europe, the tattoo received its spread in the 18th century after the journey of James Cook. He told in his statements about the inhabitants of Oceania, which were applied on the body drawings with the help of needles and special pimels. From this period, the era of tattoos begins in the old world.

One of the directions of such drawings was a criminal tattoo. Such dolls like stars on the shoulders are of the importance of a special rank of a person in their surroundings. This is a kind of personality passport that speaks about status.

If you can decipher such signs, you can learn a lot about a person - from its origin and life path, to habits, inclinations and beliefs. This number includes stars on shoulders. Palace, whose value helps to understand the nature of the person, always caused interest among the uninitiated.

History of criminal fatty

In foreskinsty, the study of thorough tattoos paid quite a bit attention. In the Soviet years, the registration system was introduced on the body of criminals intended for their identification. Such pallows like stars on the shoulders, in their meaning they should have to inspire the fear of ordinary inhabitants. Although their presence often became the cause of arrest.

But even the fear of going to prison did not stop people with the criminal past in solving the tattoo, for example, the stars on the shoulders. Slap, whose importance knew very well in the prison world, were justified, because with all risks such sign marks gave special privileges.

On the essence of the tattoos as a sign of the degradation of a person first than said Lombroso. This erroneous opinion with a more serious study showed that the value of the stars on the shoulders and other drawings was intelligent. Similar drawings were naive and pretty simple.

Tattoo in the form of stars

In the usual world, the stars tattoo is a very popular pattern.

Superval celebrities apply similar images to attract even greater popularity. They try to hide their squals in the form of a star on the shoulders and other parts of the body under clothing, but in rare cases are still ready to demonstrate their native drawings. Among celebrities there is a completely different meaning, different from the criminal interpretation of what stars on shoulders mean.

Ordinary people also often choose similar symbols for applying to the body. Such a pallium is also used to attract popularity, fame.

The value of the prison sentence

An innocent tattoo inflicted in favor of fashion, in prison is interpreted in a completely unexpected way. Improper symbolism may cost a short-sighted man of health, and even life.

Prison fathers - stars on the shoulders whose value is far from criminal reality, people are mistakenly regarded as a sign of thieves in law. Such tattoos can be found in enough large number of people. They are united by the ability to confirm their right to carry the described drawing.

The right to such a prison nap like stars on shoulders, the value of which is so often found in various sources, have people who have deserved a certain authority. In addition to thieves, people can wear people in the law, openly opposing prison administration and the camp regime.

Method of application

Previously, the prisons were made by palls using a needle and a substance containing South. The pigment was obtained from the burned soles boots. Uses, which means the stars on the shoulders of convicts, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the figure itself, changed over time.

In the future, they began to use ink as paint from ballpoint pens. For the image itself, a special stamp was used. The needles stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they performed 1-2 mm. They were loose in the paint and in one movement imprinted into the skin, leaving a certain picture.

Subsequently began to apply special machines from the electric razors. Instead, the needle took strings from the guitar.

Star configuration

Star can have a different amount of ray. Usually their number is from six to ten. Falling in the form of stars on the shoulders most often have eight rays.

In the center of the drawing can be depicted anything else, for example skull, lightning, other stars or signs. Each drawing has a special meaning. For example, if a skull is depicted in the center of the tattoo "Stars" on the shoulders, this means "shooting will fix me", and there are still decoding type "Born for suffering" or "Be what happens."

If inside the star is a zipper image, it is deciphered as "Davi Ments". This is a warning that a similar person is configured rather aggressively to the prison system and is not afraid to show it. The swastika in the center of the figure means the approval of the "Bay Communists".

Prison stars and religion

Fucking "Stars" on the shoulders, the value of which varies depending on the configuration, can often talk about national affiliation, religion. Muslims, serving prison sentence, can be broken inside the star of the crescent. The Jewish instead of the eight-pointed variety will recruit the star David.

Although those who occupy high status in the criminal world do not adhere to some religious commandments. They have their own code, their rules of behavior. Their faith says: "What can the Warre, then you can not a fierraper." On faith in its usual understanding, they just do not care. Such people are also called "Dritzalovo". Exploring what stars on the shoulders mean, it is safe to say that people with similar drawings on the body express their reluctance to live according to the rules. Even free from the places of serving a conclusion, such people do not refuse their beliefs and at any moment ready to confirm the life status using aggression.

Recently, the opinion is increasingly found that the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulets. No respected criminal will agree to wear a sign of law enforcement officers. Therefore, even the one who once naked such a stamp on his shoulders today seeks to close it with other pictures.

Having considered many interpretations of the prison symbolism, it can be concluded that a large variety is inherent in such a prison attribute, like a "star" on the shoulders. Its value is constantly changing, but most often such a symbol is distinguished by the Buntar man. He challenges the system and does not live according to the rules. He will never give up his criminal worldview, so you need to be extremely careful with such people. To date, the popularity of the presented symbol is reduced, since the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulets. In criminal circles there is nothing disgraceful than to wear a symbolism of law enforcement officers.

The value of the tattoo "Star" in the modern world

Today, among the younger generation, you can find a huge number of people who have tattoos on their body. Different images may carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes and so on. Very often, people choose the stars as a tattoo. But what does it mean? Let's figure out.

Star symbol

The star as a tattoo is a fairly popular phenomenon. The value of the Tattoo "Star" depends, above all, from the variety of the latter, as well as from its location. Such drawings are in demand for both men and women, since they are easy to perform and beautifully beautiful. Very often the star is applied as the first tattoo.

In fact, the star has ancient meaningIt can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not tied to them, so this symbol is universal.

Stars in ancient cultures

Star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In antiquity, they believed that every person had his own star, which was born and dying with him. It connected the fate of a person with the astral body, it was the beginning of the development of science of astrology.

Star is a symbol of multiplicity, order. But the deep meaning of this image depends on the form, the number of angles and color.

Number of corners

The value of the Tattoo "Star Triangular" is displayed in the Bible. This symbol personifies the all-seeing eye, the fishery of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and associated with a cross, the five-pointed image of a person of a person from the space and acts as a faith. AT ancient Egypt She marked ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as the "teacher", "Enlightenment" and so on. The value of the tattoo "star turned" speaks about black Magic And unclean strength.

The six-square star of David, or the seal of Solomon, (two intersecting triangles of blue) was a faith, translated from the Jewish language "God-defender". This symbol was previously applied to protect against evil and was the primacy of God over the entire Universe. It is believed that this image arose after David's victory over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. A white six-square star (Bethlehemskaya) personifies the Christmas of Christ, and the seven-angled - east, mystical side of a person, his perfection. The octagonal star is the symbol of the cross (twice the four-pointed star), abundance, and the niolent - the stability to which everyone strives. Also this is the image of nine worlds and good health. The twelve-grown star is an image of perfection.

The value of the Tattoo "Star" in some variations

The starfish has long been used as a guard from the water element, so it was mostly sailors. Star, falling, indicates some an important event In a person's life, coming changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons also believed that the star burning in the flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the universe.

Location Tatu

The value of the tattoo star on hand, namely on the wrist, is a lesbian symbol. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

In the thieves world, a hexagonal star, referred to as the "Rose of Winds", is placed on the forearm under the "chains". Her carrier must have thieves. Also, the jailers are also applied to the stars on the elbows. This means that the person "does not give the hand of the cop." The tattoo of the star kneeling is the following: a person will never submit the law and will not be in front of him. If the image is applied to the clavion, this suggests that its carrier is an authoritative thief recidivist.

Today, the most popular place to apply a tattoo is the shoulder. It is very profitable, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this section of the body has a pronounced contour, they can get very beautiful stars on the shoulders. Tattoo, the value of which is expressed in the symbol of power, lucky and self-sufficiency, looks at the shoulder.

The tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, and maybe carry a certain semantic load. Choosing this or that image, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that it represents, because today the same tattoo may have several values. Star, no matter how much angles it has either, always personifies infinity and universe. Since ancient times, it is considered a good sign that brings good luck. In the case when it has clear fat contours and a rather bright color, this may indicate that the star is a conventional symbol of beauty. Whatever it was, and the flickering stars has always worried the soul of man, the dreams argued, awakening secret desires. All this led to the fact that the star today is a dream and hope.

Tattoo star - meaning

Picture a star on his body has recently been very popular, since this drawing is characterized by simplicity of performance, extraordinary beauty and mysteriousness. In general, the value of the Tattoo Star lies in the personification of luck, good luck. She is able to give a person forces, inspire, increase its creative potential. But the symbolism of such a tattoo is ambiguous, and first of all will depend on the one in which it is depicted, as well as from its location.

What does Star Tattoo?

The number of corners of the star on the tattoo can tell that it symbolizes this night sky shone on the human body. So, about the triangular star was still mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, such an image is directly related to religion. It is the personification of the all-seeing eye and the Lord.

A star having four corners is a cross image. It is believed that she is able to give a person a decisiveness and in a difficult moment can indicate the exit from a difficult situation. A five-pointed star, she is a pentagram, is a kind of guard, able to protect its owner from evil thoughts and unclean. However, an inverted pentagram is a symbol of exercises about Satanism.

The value of the tattoo star David, which has 6 corners, has a religious meaning: it speaks of the rule of the Lord over the entire Universe. She will protect his owner from the earthly evil, will become a kind of talisman that brings good luck and luck. Septograph - star with seven corners symbolizes Man as a perfect creation. Night shine, having eight corners - a symbol of abundance. A star with nine ends is talking about the desire for stability and harmony.

Tattoo Star, located on his shoulder, means that with her help, a person wants to show his self-sufficiency, luck. Usually on this body section, such a tattoo depict the personalities of the dominance, endowed with leadership qualities.

The Tattoo of Rus, personifies the unity of the body, spirit and human soul is of particular importance. It combines the female and male beginning, the birth of a new life. Rus star is a symbol of the Slavic nation, uniting divine powers with everything that is on Earth.

The second name of the star Rus is the star of Svarog, the tattoo of which also acts as a guard. Having such an attribute on the body acquires spiritual power and the patronage of God. Infinite freedom, faith, sense of justice and honor - that's all that symbolizes such a tattoo.

Thieves tattoos and their meaning, examples of photo tattoo

The thieves tattoo belong to the category of the tattoos of the criminal world and carry a deep meaning and information about a person who has such a tattoo. In a criminal environment, there is a law to be subordinate to thieves tattoos and their meaning.

The thieves tattoo are applied according to this expiratory law of the criminal world. It is he who determines: to whom and for what to fill the corresponding tattoo. If the tattoo was inflicted undeservedly, then the punishment for it will be very severe.

The value of thief tattoos on the body Directly depends on the personality of the criminal: what place he occupies in the criminal world, the form and complexity of the crime committed them.

In the distant past, gangsters and tattoos challenges were made on the order of the state - in this way they put a stamp - a sign for life so that everyone saw and knew that this man had committed a crime.

Any tattoo in the criminal world must be deserved. Starting from the elite tattoo and ending with the shameful tattoo - everything is worth and meaning. The shameful tattoo is pinching against the will of a person, it resembles the Middle Ages, and serves as a sign of shame for life.

A lot of thorough tattoos about the life and destiny of the owner can tell a lot. Each symbol, each phrase applied at the zone has its meaning and meaning. Some tattoo protest or propaganda. The thieves tattoos are not applied for the sake of decorating the body, they always have a criminal essence and symbolize the fate of the criminal.

Here are some thieves tattoos and their meaning

Star - This is a symbol of inner power, spiritual power.

Knife It is a symbol of the victim, death, revenge.

Crane symbolizes the highest justice, the merciful soul.

Eagle Ensures the power of the spirit, royality, greatness, pride.

Epaulet is a sign of difference for any merit.

Mother of God Indicates that since the young age is engaged in theft. Also wears the overag symbol.

Connect stars They have significance denied or thief in law.

bug Symbolizes pickpocket. And it is stuck on the brush of hands, or on other parts of the body.

Churchdepicted with domes, denotes how many domes, so much walker or districted years.

Tiger - Symbol of cruelty and rage, biting of power, police.

The symbol of the thief is spider in Pouthene. Crawling up - "I will burn further", down - "stopped with theft".

Cat Symbolizes pickpocket.

Tell me, please, what does the Tattoo "Star" mean?

Recently, it became often to notice the tattoo with the stars in young people (I will lay out examples) and it was painfully interested in their importance, since their plentiful youth attacks their body. Do not tell me?

Sofia Rodina

Tatakers with the image of stars are popular not only in women, but also in men along with scorpion tattoos. And, as a rule, tattoo with a star is first tattooed, as it is not too complicated in performance.
There are a lot of stars tattoo execution options, but they all carry a powerful symbolic meaning.

Tattoo "Star" Tribal
The star is one of the oldest characters and is found in almost all religions. An image of a star inspiring into a man inspiration. Stars are universal symbols and they are not tied to some particular culture or religion. They can have many different values \u200b\u200bfor different people.
Star tattoo is a symbol of prosperity and luck. This is the sky symbol.

Tattoos Comet and constellations.
These tattoos are very popular. They are universal and pretty beautiful. This type of tattoos is suitable for covering large areas of the body. This is a symbol of success and good luck.

Tattoo with marine stars.
Such tattoos are mainly male. In the past seasons, starfishes enjoyed popularly popular with sailors who applied them as a defense symbol. In such a tattoo of the star 5 rays, which alternately painted in white and black colors, thereby creating the illusion of volume. People who make such tattoos can be conductors in life and will always be able to bring you out of darkness. In Ireland, for example, stars tattoos symbolize strong health. At the same time, we should not forget that such tattoos make gays and lesbians, causing them on wrists. Do not fall into a delicate situation

Semper Ad Meliora *

Star tattoos have an interesting story: in the past, sailors were focused into the sea with the help of stars, the polar star was used as a main landmark, therefore, the stars tattoos were gained great popularity since then.

Star tattoos were made by sailors for good luck to find a way to sea.

Since the tattoos of the star represent dreams, hopes, freedom and high ambitions.

Saytik threw the hostess

In this case, "such a starsfall" serves only - "decor element" for its owner)
But there are tattoos carrying a semantic load. I was told, in fact, a man who has a tattoo "Nautical Star" told, followed by the text ... The image with the image is "Nautical Star" ("starfish"), has a long history of origin. So, more "during the times of the pirates", the men had such a tattoo in the breast (2 stars, on the right and left chest), were added more than 2 stars. "Nautical Star" - became a symbol of "Following the way", as well as the symbol of the "Return of Sailors Home". In our same days, such a tattoo (besides the fact that it is a symbol of the US Armed Forces) denotes - the desire and achievement, "the personal shine in the darkness of life", "illuminates the path in the dark." Also, she becomes a guide in man's life to her possessing. The one who told me the essence and meaning of these tattoos, says that "his starfish", said him more than once.
There is also a tattoo referred to as the "wind rose" ("WIND ROSE"). Such a tattoo, again, sincecrall wore marine wolves, sailors and fishermen. Leaving the sea, in difficult situations (during the storm, when they were shot down from the course) they focused on the "own vector diagram", packed in their chest / back)

Simple in execution, universal, spectacular and incredibly stylish stars - the sketch with which it is impossible to guess. This is a frequent choice for the first tattoo and the win-win option for those who are still solved on a great native image.

Stars and space on the shoulder of the girl

My choice is a star tattoo. Sketches of this drawing can be sorted out for years, so there are many of them on the network. It took a long time to find the one that fully arranged me. I am very pleased with the result and advise everyone to start decorating your body with small stars.

Alexandra, Perm.

Since ancient times, people looked into the sky and saw the stars there, attractive, frightening, and mysterious. It was difficult for a person to explain the phenomenon of stars, and therefore he explained their appearance with the help of magic, supernatural and divine forces.

Surely, it is one of the most ancient characters that are found in a great set of various cultures, mythologies and religions. This is what makes a sign very versatile, he will have that symbolism that man will invest in it.

Star on the chest in pink color

Magic symbols

  • Pentagram. A five-pointed drawing that came to us from the world of ancient Celts. This is a good sign talking about harmony and magical possibilities, a symbol of five feelings and five elements. Often is a protective amulet. It is such a star familiar to modern society and is directly related to the light and well-being.
  • Inverted Pentagram. She resembles a goat's head and is considered an identifying sign of Satanists.
  • Star of David . Six-pin pattern that enlisters two equilateral triangles imposed on each other. It has a huge meaning for Jewish culture and carries religious color. The shield in the form of such a star used David during the battle with Goliath, and the ring of King Solomon with this symbol allowed him to talk to animals and driving jinn. The symbolism of the image is closely connected with the continued power of God over the world.
  • Septagram. The Elven Star about seven ends is a mystical sign that brings good luck and contributing to human improvement. Suitable for everyone who believes in miracles, magic, a little childhood.
  • Octagram. The eight-beam image, sometimes appears in the form of two squares superimposed on each other. This symbol carries with you abundance, energy and wealth.
  • Nanogram. The star about nine ends is a symbol of higher spiritual harmony and stability. In the Scandinavian mythology, such a drawing pointed to nine existing worlds.

Despite the fact that the meaning of star symbolism is very old and deep, it is often applied and without any semantic load as the decoration.

Little stars from a girl on the leg

What a star are you under?

I have a lot of small stars: on the neck, lower back, fingers. Looks very stylish. I think that all girls are suitable for all girls!

Lily, Elabuga

Star on the leg of the girl

If you are interested in the star tattoo, you will meet the photo of the options for its execution in this article, and we list the most common of the founding drawings:

  • Falling star . In such a drawing, the carrier seeks to say about global changes in his life, as well as attract good luck and fulfill the desires. Girls love to decorate themselves with a cascade of falling asterisks.
  • Marine compass made in the form of a four-pointed star. Sailor sign that helps return home from a long sailing that protects from cunning aquatic element. Such a choice is omitted, because it is a guide stars (for example, a famous polar star) in the old days helped the sailors to navigate the sea. Irish has such an image indicates a strong health.
  • Star with crescent. It is characteristic of Muslims and symbolizes the implementation of any dream.
  • Star of life. The six-pointed blue shine with a rod of asclepia is associated with medicine and healing, is the emblem of medical care. Such a drawing usually choose those who miraculously recovered from severe illness.

Did you know? The stars on the wrists are considered an identification mark among people of non-traditional sexual orientation, and the same image under the clavicle, on the knees or elbows in the thieves of themselves, thieves of themselves in the authority.

Stars on the shoulder in black and white

Who will fit?

It is interesting. The list of "grooved" celebrities is truly huge: Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Drew Berrymore, Rihanna, Eva Longoria, Sienna Miller, Zhel Bunzhen, Jerry Hollyll, Kate Hudson, Anna Kournikova and many others.

Star is a mandatory symbol of good luck, luck, fulfillment of desires, so it will suit people aimed at success. It uses the demand from singers, musicians, showmen. Some people put an indication into their asterisk on a thin, mysterious, vaporic nature, others, on the contrary, speak their image about the purposefulness and unshakable will. Girls use drawings as a stylish accessory. They are popular among those who feed their first tattoos.

Star under the bracelet on the wrist girl

Where to locate?

Girls Little asters can be chopped out anywhere, this is a matter of personal preferences. Starrals are well looking at the female neck, lower back, blades and shoulders. Loves the female floor to have their path along the neck or ankle.

Men choose the neck, visible part of the hand and shoulders for their drawings. Also, the six-pointed and marine stars are classically performed on their hands.

Beautiful bright star with notes on the leg

It is interesting. An eighteen-year-old girl from Belgium became famous for what she had 56 stars on the face! At first she accused the wizard in this excess, saying that he ordered only 3 characters. But later she had to confess that she herself decided on such a risky step, and invented the story because he was afraid of the reaction of his father. Recently, the girl stated that she was quickly tired of tattoos and plans to get rid of them, with the exception of several images above the eyebrow.


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