Household magic: Magic items in your everyday life. Black magic in everyday life of modern Russians Meaning Magic for life in the house

Household magic: Magic items in your everyday life. Black magic in everyday life of modern Russians Meaning Magic for life in the house

Doors, windows, keys and locks have long been attracted by the imagination of magicians and mystics. In protective household Magic These things have unique properties, because it is designed to protect the house from the penetration of everything unclean.

a door
The door is the entry symbol to other measurements. Many protective rites are associated with the doors and door threshold. The most popular doors' protective ornaments: onion and garlic brazers, plant wreaths, bags with herbs and salt, bells, and salt, scattered on the threshold, under a rug that distilts evil.

There are other techniques for the protection of the house from the bad forces: the two crossed needles sublated under the rug, the mustard seeds, a knife under the threshold. The magical protective properties have three nails, driven up at the top of the door in the form of a triangle facing the top.

The door is capable of how to disgust and attract certain energies. Five-plated coins under the threshold attracts money. To get rid of the playing houses or ghost, there was such a rite: you need to stand on the threshold from the inside of the house and a few times in a row slam the door. Then the entity will take a trap between the door and the jamb, and then it will immediately leave. And on the contrary, if the owners do not want to lose their brownie, it should not clap the door.

There is such a type of people who reite the door manifest and some time still shift the bags or talk before it is close. This is bad sign, as there is a belief that the one who does not close the doors, attracts unwanted entities into the house and produces the most favorable energy from the dwelling.

Ancient priestesses often depicted with keys in their hands. It symbolized the connection with the subtle peace and deities. Keys - a symbol of wisdom and comprehension of secrets. A number of spells and magic rituals Located with keys. Owned on the neck, a small silver or gold key can replace the talisman. The iron key, as a phallic symbol, helps from impotence if placed it under the mattress.

Several old keys from home can be collected into a ligament on a red ribbon. It will be faithful from thieves, the so-called - constipation from thieves. You need to get around your home and make the keys near each corner of the house. Then the constipation from the thieves is hanging on the front door as an amulet decoration. The key that comes to one of the castles of the house, placed next to the bed in an inverted form, will turn away the nightmares and contributes to peaceful sleep. But the key found in the street is not worth dragging into the house. This is perhaps the most harmful find, after a needle, pin and money trivia.

The windows are the same doors, only without keys. In antiquity, the windows were called the eye of the wind, as the slits in the walls made to ventilate from smoke, often whistled from the wind.
Hung on the curtains windows acquire a protective function if they white colorBut since light curtains are not closed from the Sun, then white curtains or tulle help from negative effects. Until now, white curtains are taken in the kitchen. Today, modern design ideas are so diverse that they can help those owners who would like to provide their home the greatest protection. What windows are most effective in the magic context?
The crystal hung on the window repels everything bad :)

These are windows with stained glass, as the glasses of different colors refract light and empty cleansing vibrations. Patterns on the windows discarded the painted rays into the room, forming glowing fragments on the walls and on the floor, the crystal effect. Special meaning Have round windows, known as moon windows. They can bring the maximum magical benefit in the bedroom and harmonize the personal life of the owner.
And finally, the windows wash is useful for a solution of ammonia alcohol or vinegar. And any talismans, stones, crystals, plants, work hard if they are installed on the windowsill.

Fate threw me the neighbors with troubles. For a long time, for some phrases, my gadget was dignified that the neighbor was engaged in magic, and simply by household witchcraft.

They pushed me on this guess randomly obscured in the conversation phrase. And I thought. What you need to be with a neighbor career. I thought it thought, but since we initially in the life of a loy, they won't always be kicked.

Was once such a case. The daughter of a neighbor comes to me and asks scissors. Why not give, gave. And only after I gave the scissors to me a thought came, why did her scissors why do her scissors? She has a huge pitch on the door to the bathroom nail and on it a lot of different scissors hangs, all sizes. What is not surprising, since the neighbor has worked all his life on the sewing factory master.

That's something wrong here. Climbed on the Internet, read. And armed with new knowledge decided to protect the witchcraft. The fact that she took the scissors, it is not dangerous yet, and the danger takes me at that moment when she will give them away.

How to take them back for yourself safe? In no case can you take them through the threshold, or I should go to it or it goes to me. And take the thing with the right hand, but to give left. Or, on the contrary, I forgot. It will be necessary to look again on the Internet. And when you take a borrowed thing to someone, well, in my case scissors, then you need to say about yourself: "I take the scissors, and there is no lining!" So I was well prepared for a possible attack.

Not immediately she brought the scissors, two days later. I hear the doorbell, went to open. Only the door opened, and she sucks her scissors in her hand, and I involuntarily grabbed them, just on the machine without thinking. Says: "On". "I did not have time to say something, well, do not give them back.

I closed the door, and myself scold, what I am fool! Well, now, nothing can be done.

But communication with these neighbors brought to a minimum.

And here is two days ago, she invites me to commemorate me. Here I remembered all this and I think it will definitely ask for something. And I remember how to give, yes how to take, well, for what I have these troubles, here I have a problem with my husband and I myself can barely, the back hurts that it's just unbearable, not before that I. Maybe I came up with everything, I don't need anything from me and it's just the fruit of my patient imagination.

And then the doorbell on the door. I open, in front of the door, a neighbor with my daughter, they ask for a knife, allegedly the door slammed and somehow it is possible to pose a knife, then it will open.

To be honest, if I hadn't been so annoyed because of the pain in the back, I would give them a knife. And then I was just broken. I will not give you anything to say, I have long since I have a misfortune for misfortune and I think it's you. I will never give you anything. And the door slammed.

Then I am talking later, and he says that it is impossible to be so straightforward. I wonder what I had to say how to refuse, say that I have no knife in my house?

Yes, let them know that I see their tricks.



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And you good luck, Vitaly!

Well, I did the right thing that I did not give anything and slammed the door in front of the nose.
I will tell my story. That was a long time ago. When my husband and I were young we had many friends. All holidays a large company in our apartment noted. We were constantly all went to borrow money, because We have always been. Nobody has never been denied anything, everyone was brought, the soul of the Naraspa, nothing sorry.
Then somehow our life began to change, began to quarrel on trifles, the daughter began to sore. Someone the husband advised to bring her to faith to one white magician. We went, weed. But this is not over.
The magician said that we have a paddle in the apartment that you need to find and destroy. We brought him to my home. Not entering the apartment, he began to drive his hands around the door, found and pulled out several sewing needles. Said it was done to death. The house also found a few needles.
Of course we were very surprised and covered with this magician issues:
- Who did why, why? After all, we, it seems, no one ever wished to anyone, on the contrary, everyone always helped.
He said that this was done from the envy of our good friends, whom we are constantly accepted, we will have a feed and on which we will never think bad. He said that the man who made this one would feel that he was exposed, he would be very bad, he would get sick and the next day will appear to us and ask for something. Punished nothing to give. And their witchcraft will also return to the boomerang.
As he said - everything came out. On the next day, one girlfriend came to all some kind of upset and her appearance was painful. She said that she was quarreled and asked me a nail file. Of course, I did not give. She said that the pill was lost somewhere. After about half an hour and her husband came. I also asked for something from my husband. I already do not remember what exactly I asked. And he was denied.
My husband and I could not believe that these people could wish for evil. After all, it did not appear in any way. We did not treat them worse or squeeze their curses, just began to behave carefully.
I do not know whether the law of boomeranga really worked, but further events in the life of our "friends" began to develop on the tragic scenario. At first, the older 18-year-old daughter died, she was raped and killed. After some time at the age of 47, this girlfriend died in a dream from the heart stop. A year three years ago, the husband of this girlfriend died. Their youngest daughter is alive, married, but life fails.

Not everyone can become the victim, and the household magic of Slavs can all be mastered! Our ancestors of Slavs had nothing like that, any object in the house had not only domestic importance, but also the magical. Practical use Household magic was recognized by Svrasmia. Now in the North Fairy Tale, we collected conversations in which travelers share their knowledge and turned them into a story about magic in everyday life.

Practical application of household magic: housing arrangement

Magic in everyday life begins with the device of housing. The house must certainly be hidden, filled with love, light, warm. Even in the urban apartment should be a house, the owners are treated for him every day, creating a simple, domestic magic. And the house should have their own magic place - homely hearth.

Magusa told Slavic magic in everyday life:

"On the topic" Arrangement of the house ", I would recommend the Belarusian author (in Belarus there are many old goods from the north, because the patterns and the structure of houses are echoing; for example, a switter in the Leningrad region and in the Mihal district of Belarus, the" related "-star-comprehensive settlements ).

Yanka (Ivan Ivanovich) Crook - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Rector of the Institute of Culture of Belarus, researcher of the traditional spiritual culture of Belarusians. It is engaged in the problems of reconstruction of the Slavic mythopoietic model of the world, the archaic calendar, the study of archetypes and the symbols of Belarusian mythology and folklore. Author 9 monographs, 15 brochures, more than 1000 articles.

One of his books is the "golden rules of popular culture." Final chapter "Man and the world: home, household, health and family well-being "reveals the age-old secrets of the construction of the microcosm of Belarusians, starting with the choice of space for the construction of the house, creating and maintaining symbols of ritual places in the courtyard and the house and ending with the ritual principles of housekeeping, the basics of protection and conservation of spiritual and energy The beginning of man.
The book is written in popular language, saturated with quotes from folk folklore. The Belarusian ritual symbolism is compared with the rites and traditions of other Eastern Slavs.

And I'll tell you for all about how to revive our model apartments, cottages. The most important hearth is on the one hand, this is a relationship with the houses (there is information on our website here), and on the other hand, it is element of fire! Soon the holiday was caught - collect some coals from the fire and keep all year in a clay pot, it will be a healing of a homely focus, and in healing, known; Near the plate (better above the stove) put in a small peary of amber, Peridot, Gagat, Aventurine (these are stones supporting the element of fire) or a stone with the sign of semarlang. It is important to have a table for which all family members will fit freely, and you can put at least 3 dishes if the kitchen is not big, then place this table in the room; The table should be covered with a tablecloth; The table in the house and the altar is a scene of the ritual, a symbol of family and prosperity, as you will collect food and what put on the table, with what conspiracy words and feelings - so you tell the gods about your living - to be a.

The bed is also important, the entire old "outfit" of the beds from the pods, blankets, the covered is coated - the spouses need to sleep on a common mattress, and guests can not even sit down, the bedspread is needed with protective signs, the pillows are different (oh, the pillows are that our dreams take care and can help from headaches); How to be when sleeping on a sofa in a one-room apartment? - After the guests, clean the sleeping place from the seven herbs with radiant, water Kroprop, a new bed linen warming up and sew yourself or order a patchwork with a good master bedspread, for example, or on the invalid of the usual swallow signs of Perun in the corners. The house should have a thread, needles, buttons in a special box - it is at least a small female Skarb, filling the house from the inside. With the doors and windows, it is difficult to do with the doors in the apartment, so apply charms, and remember: cleaning the house is similar and filling. "

Women's magic in everyday life: Magic needle

The needles used to use Slavs in household magic with different kinds of vorozhba and in fortune telling. Being on the one hand sharp, on the other - made of metal, they could be both dangerous and protecting, depending on the circumstances and methods of consumption.

Throwing on the door of the needle did not allow the penetration into the house of evil Navi and sorcerers. People loved throwing bent and curved needles into the healing and executing wishes of wells and sources, yes, it seems, and now love, because at their bottom you can often see completely new, unfortunate needles.

Usually it is considered a good one to find a needle on Earth, but only if it is immediately lifted. In some regions, this is good only with the condition that the tip is directed from you. If it is directed to you, you need to leave a needle on the spot, because it means to "take a sorrow." There is a sign that the unmarried woman should not be lifted from the ground a curved, a slight or rusty needle, otherwise she will also die unmarried. The presence of a sharp tip makes a needle with a bad gift between friends, unless something will be presented in response.

In some places they are not good to lend them. However, it is quite safe if the giving or giving a loan will not give a needle from hand to hand, but will invite you to "treat." Many sailors do not like to have them on board, because because of the needles there may be flowed in the body or fishing networks can be broken.

Of course, in the household magic of Slavs, the needles are used for coasting embroidery. In order, the master has its own needle, which she constantly sews. The more often they work as a needle, the more power in it. A needle for embroidery can be metallic or bone, such as they were in the old days.

Brass needle for household magic from North Fairy Tale

For rites, magic in everyday life, usually choose a metal needle, a new one, which has not yet been sewn. Needles are used in many cases: to protect the house, to remove the evil char (sometimes for their guidance, it is useful to know about that, to do such rites), in love magic. Use needles and in healing. In this case, the needle often assumes a person's illness, after which it is broken or buried to the ground (it happens that both). That is why for such rituals and take each time a new needle so that the disease does not go to the man who earlier she sewed.

Household Magic Combs and Combs: Burning On Hair

For each woman, the magic object can be a scallop, which combed the hair. In the old days, before the wicked of the braid, it was defined, and the hair was combed to bone scallop. The vorozhba on the hair was part of the simple, the usual household magic of Slavs.

The girls had their magic scallop, which was combed to make her hair long, strong, the beauty of them arrived. Even a conventional comb, and even more magical, conspired, comb, never gave another woman to not give beauty, happiness. Women knew about it, because they themselves never asked someone else's scallop.

Magic comb can give her husband to a woman, then he himself will comb her hair. Such a rite of the joint burning on the hair helps to preserve love, the family in the family for many years. Girls, which have not yet met their narrowed, wondered on the crest: combed his hair before bedtime, and the scallop himself put under the pillow, so that they had a future husband.

Bone scallop for burning on her hair do not give in other people's hands

If there are maintenance items in the house are there an impotence?

Not only the items bringing happiness is in the house. Unfortunately, now many do not know about whether it is stored with health, and good luck.

About what items should not be held at home, we tell on a nonforn webinar e. Come visit! View the webinar record can be at any time.

In November, the public stuck the Blagoveshchensk schoolgirl: she was caught at night in a cemetery with photographs of peers over which she made some magic rituals.

"I spent 4 hours there, to get what I wanted and did not want those person," so explained her strange actions of a teenage girl herself.

However, it is not alone: \u200b\u200bas it turned out, the tendency to solve their problems in relations with other people "the grave" way does not depend on the age or from the status. And the fact that many believe in these funds is still Polbie, and the real trouble is in cruelty and cynicism. Both consumers of magical councils and those who distribute them.

The correspondent "MK" found out where there are similar know-how and who spreads them.

I feel like a man smells!

When a photo of the grave appeared on the network with the graveyard in the urban feature of Blagoveshchensk with the pictures scattered in her, the classmates of young obeskoby, and the girl was taken to deal with school pedsoves.

He took her note and the police, but immediately made a reservation that it could hardly be submitted to some particular accusation.

It turned out that the girl went to the cemetery after a quarrel with the peers - with the aim of revenge. But the instructions for a fortification received, presumably on the Internet.

Why photo rituals turned out to be in the end there - until the mystery. Whether the girl was reported thus in front of an unknown "magic instructor," or tried to abstentrate his opponents ... Whether the "instructor" himself learned the gullible avenue.

"Alas, this is a tendency," said the psychologist Alina Kolovova. - Before the crisis, people wore money to sorcerers for full-time consultations, and no exposure impressed them. Now many have no money for it, and teenagers and suppressed. But all sorts of magicians adapted to the economic situation: now they are for a small (in comparison with the former) MDU send advice on the network.

And also in bookstores, full of all sorts of "witch's reference books" and others from them, replenishing such advice on amateur magic. Such literature can be equated with entertainment, it is impossible to prohibit it, and the horror is that not only adolescents, but some adults do not know how to build relationships and solve conflicts by normal way, which will be completed on other ways.

And if we can not say that these are their own problems, then with schoolchildren there should be a psychologist who has been working with this age group. This is his task not only to resolve conflicts, but also prevent them from and foresee their emergence ...

Indeed, the schoolchildren of many Russian regions are buried: this summer, three Sakhalin teenagers posed on the grave, demonstrating a horsepower gesture on the camera - and it was also a ritual with meaning.

And in the Saratov region, police officers detained two women at the moment when they were buried in a fresh grave of dolls from breadfish with needles stuck in them, a pentagram, winged from wax, a photo of a young man, burned around the edges and also by needles.

At the site of the rite, law enforcement officers also discovered a glass with blood remnants, two empty bottles of cognac ... and two sliced \u200b\u200bheads! True, lamb.

The severed heads stood on top on the grave, and the packages with the symbolism of the local market were lying around, where, apparently, were acquired ...

It is curious that with their magical influences, ladies rigged to the cemetery on the road SUV - that is, it is impossible to call dark vagrants. The law enforcement officers spent a conversation with the ladies in place, during which they stated that they were cleared of the body and brought one man to themselves. After that, Mount-witches had to let go of the ravis.

- Ladies can suffer punishment for vandalism only if the action of the relatives of the deceased, on whose graves the action will be played, the application will follow, "the lawyer Anna Romanova explains.

But who will help the ladies themselves? If they believe that love and family happiness can be attracted to their sliced \u200b\u200bhead, then the next time they will choose a more secluded cemetery - only and everything.

Chuchelch needs with the mind!

"The period from the Catholic Day of all saints (November 1, on the night of which is celebrated by the" Hallow Holiday "of Halloween) until the Orthodox baptism is considered to be better time For all sorts of rituals, "assures users of the Guru themed" magical "forum on the network.

Why such a mixture of confessional holidays, it cannot explain: "Well, Christmas, and our, and Catholic. The shints - everything is guess, it has historically developed. And November and January are more suitable for violence. Only in November it is necessary to do one thing, and in January - more. "

Such specifics excites my curiosity, and I decide to spend time, throwing questions about a variety of incoming forums: how to eliminate the rival? And how to shock a man who does not like me and not even want to know?

Active communication in the chat rooms of "like-minded people" in the end leads me to acquaintance with three ladies, each of which has its own story. At the same time, two of them are a mother of 40 years old and daughter for 20 years. And the third ... if you believe it for the word, a psychiatrist pre-age doctor! All of them are fond of diploma rituals - and everyone is absolutely sure that they do not attack, but defend.

"A mother-in-law chuffwind on my daughter," says 40-year-old mom named Natalia. - How did you know? Yes, how not to know here? How little daughter gave, so she began to get fat, and this is a sign! And her weakness is constant. But I like smart man, I did not bind. I smile in my face myself, and slowly the question began to study.

I bought books, to the grandmother of one rustic went ... Chucked something with the mind! And I was advised to do what. At dawn after baptism, on Monday, it is necessary to dial water from the river, to attribute it to the cemetery, there the words defined above it can be sprinkled, and then pour under the door to the head-sleeper. She will go back. Well, I did it.

- And what, behind?

- Well, yes, she, forgive the Lord, in the spring pledged ...

I take a swivel. And on what I obviously see that Natalia herself naughted all the atrocities of daughter mother-in-law, for not a single argument, in addition to their own fantasies, does not have it. And from the fact that the ritual faced the action ...

However, if as an enlightened person does not believe that the river driver under the door can entail someone's death, in general, and blame for nothing! Unless in the fact that the thought is material.

- And who are you by profession? - Gently interested in the interlocutor.

- teacher primary classes- Woman answers.

Well, then then take from her wards? And no longer surprises the worldview of her daughter - the very daughter-in-law, which is allegedly an evil mother-in-law.

- Of course, my husband's mother did not want Egor to marry me! - Confidently broadcasts Veroch. - But the word across him was afraid to say, he knew that he was doing everything in his own way. And he is not in vain, we had the first guy in college, behind him all the girls ran! Do me you know to shit him worth it?! Avoid on churches and grazing!

- What for? - I'm stupid.

- What do you mean why? - Veroral is amazed. "To the rivals of lime, you need to get their photos, stick the needles in our eyes, ears and all feminine organs, attributed to the cemetery and buried. Preferably in a fresh grave. Although it is possible, but in fresh or rather.

So I'm guarding, when the Fresh Different will be, attached to the procession, the city is small. Then seven churches should be circumvented in order to make a sin of damage to rivals to remove them ...

- And you believe that this is damaged so damage, and then you will go around the churches - and everything will be taken?!

- Why not? - Veroral is again surprised again.

And really, why? I have no answer to this question. For its possession itself after the edge of my understanding.

But the psychiatrist has other methods. With her, I enter into correspondence, already taking experience from the windows and her mom, and confidently declare that it was customized to go to the end with respect to the hated girlfriend.

"To me, in such a situation, a black blouse from the body of the Enemy was helped," the psychiatrist meets. "But this is only if you can get a blackswear, which she put on a couple of times and did not have time to wash.

- And what to do with this shoe? - I ask.

"I am one dedicated to me, Granny in the village, where my family is from, in the Altai Territory," explains the doctor of human souls. "I am a friend, with whose husband we had love, asked for a black blouse - under the pretext that I was not on the funeral to a deceased relative to go. Well, she gave, just apologized that not a very fresh blouse - she worn a couple of times. Well, I just need to ...

And I went to the cemetery, where I was always buried, and the blouse was imperceptibly shouted in a fresh holmik. So the granny she said.

- And what the mistress of blouses said?

- Well, after 9 days it was necessary to pull out the sweater, after another 9 days you can wash, and then return. Weeks three I hid from her, I tried to my eyes not to appear, so that she did not ask where the blouse. And as the term has expired, he returned it in its pure form.

- And what is the result? Everything worked out?

- Yes of course! She soon began to hurt, everything was swollen, emanated, like the old woman and predicted. Drinking became like a shoemaker, although before that did not have addiction ...

- And then? - I specify in horror.

"And then my husband and I wore her husband, I didn't need it anymore, I returned to my own." And that they had there before, I do not know. I'm not interested in other people's affairs if they do not concern me.

Baba Yaga to the Russian Spirit is not very strict ...

Communicating online on a given topic, I feel like drawn. After a couple of days, I'm already completely in the subject and I know for sure that the most faithful methods of visor vehicles, damage and other effects on others are not covered by ads, but along the srangian radio.

Although ads from the series "I wanted a rival" in the network, too, PRUD, and more advanced witches close all the same in a science-shaped form and spend paid seminars in online, referring to some complex esoteric disciplines and other occult literacy (which, as later It turns out that everyone has its own). And the truth you do not find, as well as you will not prove.

From new friendliers I get a cherished phone "The most powerful black sorcerer, which solves any questions." Algorithm for helping such: put on the number 3 thousand rubles, then wait a week. If in a week the witch does not call himself, it means that your business is too complicated - and it is necessary to put another 3 thousand rubles. As new bidders told me, the launcher calls some happy after 6 thousand rubles, and some unfortunates and after 30 he does not call.

- Why do they continue to pay? - I wonder.

- Well, they need to do it! - perplex me in response.

I highlight for a good term to learn the enemy in the face of 3 thousand. Breastly earned rubles, promising, if the witch does not call back, it's not to increase the rage in the rage. I am lucky, and she calls 3 thousand at the mark of 3 thousand, whether it demested that the case of my left egg is not worth it, since the fictional, or it just has urgent spending.

To your questions (about the spell of one who is in my direction and does not look, and about the damage for the rival) I get from the lead quite concrete recommendations. Performance are complex - that is, requiring concentration on targets. But in general, fulfilled:

- To eliminate the rival from the road, the first thing mining her photo on which the face is clearly visible, but it is desirable for all women's parts - the chest and the field of female organs, too, have been visible. Need to prepare needles - put them in a saucer and pour them rainwater or tal snowTo rustle.

For about a month can leave. Then at midnight, I'll tell you the number separately, when you know, in which month everything will be ready, pushing her in a picture of his eyes, so as not to see, the ears so as not to hear, the mouth, so that you don't tell if you want, another person can be shifted And hair so that beauty is gone.

Then they pushing her both chest, so you will take her attractiveness for men. And the field of genital organs - then she cannot give birth, and enjoy a man, and get it herself. Nice, in general, will be bab, empty. And if you want more than just to deprive her attractiveness, you need to try so that the rusty needle is bigger to place somewhere above the level of the head - in the sodock of the door, where it passes every day.

Well, in general, her head should have this needle every day. If it is in a house in the house, everything is simple. At night, you need imperceptibly twist the door handle, for which she takes her hand every day. Take it on the cemetery, to stick in the gravestone and to spite - the spell separately will say. And then you will quit the handle in place. And for a man to return, you buy 40 nails larger. And 40 nights in a row will fry them for 40 minutes in a cast-iron puff ...

How to cook everything, put 3 thousand and call me. I would help you so much, but without payment my advice can turn against you yourself. And how to do everything, I will teach you how to sinks. And then you will punish the highest forces for evil neighbor!

Against the background of the outlined concern about the sinlessness of my soul, it sounds very touching! And if you consider how long the rituals themselves, not only the rituals themselves require, but also prepare for them can be represented to what extent the unfortunate leader is concentrated on its otherworldly task!

I suppose it does not go to work, focusing on the proximity of the cherished goal! And without any magic, it is known that if something very much wants to achieve any ways, all the time think about it and long to suffer, sooner or later something happens ...

If, of course, you can't go crazy before. And if adults and educated people are underway, what to take from unreasonable teens?

- Attempting to bring some conditional forces from the permission of their own problems from the outside, "the psychologist Alina Kolovova explains," the desire to pour the problem with alcohol or other substances that change the consciousness. This weakness, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, depressed aggression and inability to communicate in the team.

Of course, for example, a quiet, scored girl, an outsider and a rude, the school will behave timidly, suppressing its true emotions, and then, alone with the instruction of a network charlatan, will feel at all sound witch.

This is a kind of self-treatment for her, the way to believe in your strength, that she is able to win the place under the sun ... But the "Infernal" submission of solutions for any teenager issues cries consciousness and psyche for any teenager. Today, all sorts of occult hobbies also refer to Internet addiction, as the basic information children draw exactly from there.

Much more efficiently and more correctly communicate with the teenager, to delve into his problems and do not let them on Samotek. This is the case and school psychologists, and parents. First love, friendship, betrayal, boycott and other teenage disassembly at this age more important than world cataclysms and sometimes lead not to childhood, but to the most serious consequences up to mental disorders and suicides.

Parents and adolescent psychologists should explain that it is possible to win the love, friendship and confidence of another person only with the help of their own advantages and actions, and not with the help of the strength of thought and afterlife. Equally, how to get out artificially by one person from another not only is impossible, but also to wish it wrong from a moral point of view.

I would recommend parents and psychologists to introduce special lessons for extracurricular reading (I know that in some schools there are those in the framework of the study of the history of religions) for adolescents who study thematic literature - from mystical medieval and historical novels to Gogol and Edgar - and explain On the example of history and classics, from where humanity had a mystical prejudice and how they were taken in more enlightened epochs.

And how embarrassing in our age remain dark and superstitious, as an illiterate nomad in the desert.

Zhanna Golubitskaya, "Moscow Komsomolets"

Our ancestors knew how to attract well-being in their home and avoid trouble. Each hostess, the keeper of the home hearth resorted to simple proven means, which attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to the house, so eliminate any manifestations of the negative. Use wubble and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells before entering the entrance. They will indicate their way with their ringing to your doors and become excellent protection against evil and unclean power.

When cooking, transfer your energetic food so that it was filled with your love and care. Solit food clockwise, sentencing:

"Good luck with a satisfying, salted, salted for lunch. I do not care food not overseas, not delicacies. Food is a homely domestic, on its own cooked, on love created, causing impregnated. "

Any action performed by you in the house, fill the positive energy. Do not take care of the fulfillment of your duties in a bad mood, so as not to move the capricious luck. Do not forget that it will be only in that house, which is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place to disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all endeavors, and forget to click on the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

So that the house was a complete bowl, good luck and good mood did not leave his walls, not enough ...


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