The most ancient runes and their meaning. Slavic runes: meaning, description, detailed interpretation, and their combinations among themselves

The most ancient runes and their meaning. Slavic runes: meaning, description, detailed interpretation, and their combinations among themselves

Slavic runes As the alphabet of the gods and the most ancient way to communicate with them and among themselves no longer cause disputes of historians and connoisseurs of Russian Vedas. Moreover: to our great joy and universal power of the people - their native memory is reborn every day, and the language of the ancestors is studying brothers and descendants with the same great pleasure and interest as modern foreign languages.

As before, from Slavic runes are auble with deep meaning and tremendous force. Our masters represent numerous work on the pages of this portal, in which each Slavic Rune from the alphabet is drawn up in a capacious word or phrase, and carries a certain promise and charge. Many of the alphabet approved today in 18 of the main Slavic runes have a translation in the form of letters of Cyrillic, and the strongest of them wear the name of their native gods: Perun, Chernobogo, Dazhbog and Leli.

But at the very beginning of the acquaintance with the alphabet of Slavic runes for centuries, many appear fear and confusion - how to translate one or another symbol, how to interpret the lick and how does it act in amulets and talismans?

The ginar will try to answer all your questions and try to tell us simply and understand about Slavic runes so that you heard the main thing and were able to learn how to use them.

Similarities of Slavic Runes, Descriptions, Interpretations and Values \u200b\u200bwith Scandinavian Futarc

Those who already know the Scandinavian Futrk well, with the move will determine the similarity of the descriptions, the meanings and interpretation of many Slavic runes from the designated alphabet. Not trying to break the spears, internal personal beliefs and claim the truth, and even more so to carry out our own research with serious calculations (yet our Internet portal has a popular convey to the well-known information and suggestions - and not to break the available and generate new disputes), we note - It really takes place.

And it does not even matter - who was the first, an egg or chicken. Slavic and Aryan peoples initially had common roots and common culture, and the brothers always respected each other, their behavior, customs and foundations, and descendants respected Veles in the appearance of Odin or Odin in a velée image. That is why many choose the alphabet and Futark, which it is easier for them and is clear to use, as a tendency to a conversation on a particular language, or the use of certain folk adventures, as well as a particularly characteristic field of accents in sounds.

Be that as it may, each Scandinavian and Slavic Run need to understand and feel, tune in to her sound in the Word and in the soul, to understand the heart - what exactly she carries for you and hear personal, important. Only after such a workplace can be hoped that your dialogue with the gods will be heard correctly and quickly read the sent response.

For this, days, months and even years are going on, well, and if you urgently need an overlap with Slavic runes - contact the masters who perfectly own their native ancient languages \u200b\u200band have an adjustable connection with the ancestors. They will readily help create an amulet or a talisman, bringing good luck and resolve your problems, attract well-being and wealth, put protection of patrons.

Description of Slavic Runes: Interpretation of Symbols and Application in Champions

Slavic runes with appropriate targets were used in creating ornaments for embroidery home fauces, creating household objects: dishes, interior decorations, religious products, upper and lower clothes for men, women or children, roasts and belts.

On the translation of Slavic runes on a shirt or man's shield, you can understand both its belonging to the family and the role in it, and also to feel - how strong is his faith and the patronage of the gods. In ritual symbolism slavic alphabet It is also used very actively - the leads create real letters from the runes carrying after due activation and the intention of the huge promise and the friendly interaction of Javi, Navi and the rule.

Apply Slavic runes and in the mantic - for effective diagnosis Situations and layouts for the upcoming work, to identify the results of the proceeded and forecasts for the future. As well as Scandinavian, runes are applied to wooden or stone dies, define direct and inverted values, take into account them with interpretation. The reading of Slavic Runes in one or another copyright formation is made on a specific system, but each rune is always an important proposal and a bright way in a single, frank story of the gods.

Appeal to them before starting the mantle and receiving favor increases the strength of the genus and cohesion, expresses the spirit and will, helps to realize the coming and prepare for this, sometimes changing the path, having received the opportunity to abandon with the mother-makochy, a happy share in the fate of the family.

1. Rune Mir

In the Slavic Rune Alphabet symbolizes the letter M
Money: Belboga, Tree of Peace, Inner

Obtaining assistance, response, protection, understanding of the situation, appeal to the gods and receiving peace and benefits, rethinking and reassessment of existing values. The rune will force to the act not from the point of view of justice, but the concepts of the most good and good. Therefore, never use it with negative impacts or attempt to turn the situation in your favor.

The world, the rune of Belboga in the traditional Slavic presentation is the way God and man as its incarnation in Javi. The axis of the universe is a world generic tree, as well as the spine of a person's core - is the main thing that is the basis of the world. Slavic rune itself symbolizes and tree growing up, and man, with arms raised up. One of the main meanings of the word World - Rod, Society, a community in which there is certainly its order calling for abiding laws.

In the Scandinavian Futarca, the significance of the Slavic Runes of the world transmit two runes: Mannaz - as an image of a person, personality and Algiz - as the image of God. The very image of Belboga is parallel Haymdal, or white ACS. Like the Slavic White God, Heymdal protects the limits from Chaos's forces, is the main guardian of the order.

2. Rune Chernobog

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter h or c
Casual meanings: black, inverted world tree, shadow, jester

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: In contrast to Belboga, the Black Bog is an absolute evil. To appear on the way and in life, a place for something new, good - you need to destroy the old, unnecessary. Want a new love, get ready to lose past memories, etc. Chernobogo and Belboga are the two sides of being, two faces of equilibrium. The runes of the world (Belbog) and the Chernobogi together produce rock, the rune of fate. The value of the rune itself when translating: change and destruction, causing harm even in good goals (for example - operation), double bottom, hidden presence and negative impact.

If the blackbody protects against the effects of chaos and protects the world order, then the black binds us with the roads and the forces of chaos. However, the absolute evil is only a negative effect or force will be incorrect, as a person consists of good and evil, and a look at a particular act and its reasons will be absolutely different in different situations.

That is why the existence and interaction of good and evil is invariably in nature and constantly strives for the equilibrium of these centrifugal forces affecting the world itself.

The rune of the blackbog is God-Trickster, the Jester and the soldering, fighting with the guardian of the order and violate the established boundaries. In relation to man, the rune is a shadow behind our left shoulder, which playing leads us to breaking the lyrics and the destruction of illusions. In magic, Chernobogo helps to resolve old unnecessary connections and break from a closed circle.

In Scandinavian Futarca Runa Chernobogo finds great coincidences in the rune of Hagalaz and partly in Perth. One of the images of the black is the omnipresent joke and the Loki destroyer.

3. Rune Alatyr

In the Slavic Rune Alphabet symbolizes the letter A
Casual meanings: World Years, Holy Grail, Aza, Beginning, Majesty

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: Alatyr is the beginning, the stumbling block, around which the world is spinning. Alatyr is everywhere and anywhere, he is easy and hard, he is small and great. It is pure energy, magic - everything starts with everything. The main values \u200b\u200bof the runes of Alatyr in force, knowledge, opportunities. Cycles, stability, treatment, restoration, indication of the path - opening roads and prospects.

There is no rune in Scandinavian Futarca fully transmitting the value of Alatyra. Only to some extent it is possible to compare the rune of Yera and the camp from the Northumbria Rune Rune.

Alatyr is the world mountain, the center of the world. It is around Alatyra who is the eternal struggle of the Black Bog and Belboga, the battles and the fights of chaos and order forces - the preservation of the law of equilibrium. Alatyr, stone-foundation - raised by the gods from the bottom of the color handful of land and transferred to Buyan Island to the open sea.

Under Alatar, all the rivers of the world originate and all roads begin. Magic altars to appeal to Rule and presenting Relations is a symbolic image of Alatyr-stone serving the throne to the main gods.

4. Rune Raduga

In the Slavic Rune alphabet symbolizes the letter R
The main meanings: road and joy, victory and success, result

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: The rainbow is the shortest path from the point A to the point B, it connects two shores of the River Heavenly Bridge. This is the path, the journey, the maximum approximation of the desired, including with the help of magic, the intervention of the gods. This is the establishment of contact and joy from communication, the successful result of the event.

The road is the state of movement between order and chaos. The road has no beginning and end, but there is a source, the point of the first step and the result. The famous motto "Do, what should and be, what will be" - a great illustration for the runer of the rainbow. The rainbow path has a heart, and leads a rune to Alatyry. The path trajectory, the speed and other parameters determine the eternal confrontation of the forces of the black and whitebog, the harmonious effect of fire and water, light and darkness, day and night.

In the Scandinavian Futarca Runa Alatyr corresponds to the general value: the road, traveling rune Raid. However, the latter symbolizes time on the journey, his fact itself and the path, sometimes - a loss of life. It is impossible to stay on the rainbow, because this path opens with the gods at a specific time for a particular purpose.

5. Rune need

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter
Casual meanings: Viy, Nav, Fate, Kryvda, inevitability

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: This is the rune of hellish fire, causing pain that they deserve such a fate. In a positive sense, this is the recognition of their problems, needs and desires, which they would be. In negative - pressure and coercion, difficulties, invaloration, poverty is bitter and grave existence. Appeal to the rune is a connection with the Dark Fales.

The need is Runa Veles in the form of or otherwise, the main god of the lower world, Navi. Viy scary God "His look burns all the living, but this fire does not give light and shakes in the chain, it gives a feeling of hopelessness and emptiness. But sometimes this fire is needed to deploy Kolovrat Roads in the direction you need. In magic, the need is a ban on any action or predict of material difficulties, bonds and chains of consciousness that closing the true reality of the universe.

In Scandinavian Futarca, this Scandinavian rune corresponds to the value of the natism.

6. Rune Krada

In the Slavic Rune Alphabet symbolizes the letters G and to
Casual meanings: True, fire, embodiment, verb action

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: Kranda is a sacrificial fire, igniting for the gods not only when burning the deceased, but also when bringing the demand, rituals and requests for advice or assistance in difficult affairs. This fire burns, removes everything unnecessary, preventing, cleans and opens the path. The most important values \u200b\u200bof the kradi in the work: deliverance, recognition, desire for the goal, knowledge and thirst to know, thanks and choosing.

In the Scandinavian Futarca, this rune most of all corresponds to KVORT. The same clear action is strong and irreversible, the same power of fire and the embodiment of the Divine force and the plan. The fire is a gift of the gods to people, so in some extent the value of the Slavic rune of the Krand corresponds to the requirements of the Scandinavian Kano and Gebo. This is a rune action, verb - the incarnation of the goal and intentions. In the magic of the Krand, cleanses the channels, releases the desire and helps their implementation.

7. Rune Treba

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter t
Casual meanings: warrior, sacrifice, spirit hardness

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: This is a rune warrior-wanderer on the road to the main thing - Alatyry. This is a rune to establish its rules, requirements and if necessary - and the victims. The game rules do not violate. It is their observance, a thorough study and following them leads to victory.

However, each game and the achievement of victory implies rivalry, battle, competition - war. Overcoming difficulties, goal, distribution of forces, spending, achieve, skill, need - here are the main defining symbols of the rune Trekta words. Treka is similar to the value from the Scandinavian Rule Tayivaz. In the northern tales there is such a legend: when the gods caught Fernira - a wolf, which enhanced Ragnarov, the end of the world, it was necessary to impose a strong way on the beast to protect against his strength and actions. However, this could be done only by cunning. Promising a farnir that the gods only test the way and then remove them, the Ture put the wolf in the mouth of his hand as a pledge of the promised. The ways were superimposed, but they were not removed and the Fernir bit off the hand of Turius. This price was achieved by the victory over the chaos and the continuation of the world.

It is the inevitable offering for sacrifice to something and imply Teivaz and Treka. However, not a simple sacrifice, but to sacrifice the most important thing - himself. The warrior of the Spirit is a bright fire of such a victim, the shackles of consciousness wins and finds the path to Alacy, giving strength and knowledge.

8. Rune Power

In the Slavic Rune alphabet symbolizes the letter with
Casual meanings: force, gaining knowledge and integrity

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: It means absolutely any power acting on someone or something. It is also the applied force - the action that changes the situation or object. The beginning, impact, focus, the challenge of the divine and natural strength, the call and the ability to take the flow: All these are key characteristics of this rune. In Scandinavian Futarca, the power according to its meaning corresponds to the rune of the coil. In Nordov, force is not only an opportunity and ability to change the whole world and self, but also following the chosen path without the Okov of Consciousness, which shares thought and being. Slavs also followed such a logical interpretation and made a rune with a symbol of victory on their own ways and sacrifice themselves to the external sake of the present - the release of the spirit and its own "I". In magic, the use of this Slavic rune helps to send a questionable to a brief, winning path and clarify the question asked, make a decision to act.

9. Runa Wind

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter in
Casual meanings: Veles, Wind, Strength, Venne, Knowledge

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: Variability, destruction, ending, destruction, natural disaster, mowing, dispelling, cleansing, possibilities, speed - that is the power of the wind. The main thing is to learn how to manage it and use carefully for your own purposes, setting the right motion vector. As a rule, it is used in combination with other runes to clarify a positive or negative position, as well as to work with the inner, improvement and development, the challenge of elements and the use of air energy. At the Magic level, the wind symbolizes the magic circle and strength in it, creating a whirlwind and giving speeds. This rune symbolizes the strength, wisdom, wealth and knowledge of Veles. Visually, she resembles a dual demand - the rune of the warrior of the Spirit. Just like Trek, the wind symbolizes the wanderer on the way to Alatyru's stone, heading for the result and force. At the emotional level, the wind is rage, inspiration, irresistible desire and action.

10. Runa Beregin

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter B
Main meanings: Mother Macaw, Earth, Fate, Birch

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: Working with water and land, getting strength in a new beginnation, good luck, wealth, well-being, solving all family questions and ending trouble, protection, justice and patronage are the main properties and values \u200b\u200bof Rune Beregin. It is famous for both women's beauty, wisdom, cunning, maturity and fertility.

Bereginy - the maternal beginning, in the Slavic Vedas under this name I understood the goddess Makos. Therefore, the rune of Mother Macoshi Bereginy is also in earth fertility that allows people to live, and in general human destiny. Since Makoshi has two hatters - day and night, then this Slavic rune in an inverted value is not only a symbol of life, but also death. Only part of his meanings, she is like a Scandinavian rune of Berkan, as well as Freiggy, Heavenly Mother and Hel, underground mother. According to the tradition of mother-Makosh, as it gives life to souls on Earth, it takes her time after time, a clan of human destinies along with the help of a share and underwent.

Bereginy is a rune of fate, as Makos is sometimes considered to be continuing Veles, as a spouse, as well as the rune of the Earth's element - heavy, mighty and grateful for care.

11. Rune Hd.

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter
Main meanings: Yarovit, Yar, Yarilo, Fire, Love, Passion, Youth

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: UD symbolizes the son of Veles, the Yarovit or the Son of the Scandinavian God of Odin, Baldra. The rune carries it by means of feminine women, and all men are courageous - Yar. In the Scandinavian Futarca, the UD corresponds to the rune of the uruz and a little in its values \u200b\u200band ingus. This is power - uniting two opposite principles and born a new life, this is the fire of love and passion, creative flash and attraction. It is no coincidence that the Word is perceived as early as the limb, a member, phallus - a symbol of fertility and transformation of chaos, turning the emptiness into being.

Yarilo like a rune dd - it is spring, it is blooming, awakening living and joy. It is a passionate relationship between a pair, conception, heat, growth, sex, desire, beauty and youth.

12. Rune Lelya

In the Slavic Run alphabet symbolizes the letter l
Casual meanings: Lelia, love, water, attraction

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: Lelia, as well as the continuation of the Lada is youth, beauty, spring, clean streams and melting of cold snow. In the meaning of the runes hidden love, family, children, sentences, intuition, joy. In the magic aspect of Lelia awakens intuition and strength, the departure of the truth. The Scandinavian Futrk has a similarity of the Rune Laguz, and for some criteria, this Slavic rune is similar to the action of WUNO.

Lelia sincecore was revered by his Slavs as a daughter of the Great Mother. From her behalf, a variety of single, very warm and soft, main ones and meaning in the life of a person's words: Lyalya - a child, cherish and others. Being a sister of Yarovit, who owns the elements of fire, Lelia is also associated with the elements of water - clean and constantly moving, running along the streams and rivers, sowing Springs.

Under different names, we meet Lela as the goddess of power in many cultures and legends: Sea or River Virgo, the keeper of the sacred grail and ways to him, it leads the same confidently and purposefully as a water flow flows, and nothing will stop her on the way to goals. It is not caught and not to conclude it in the shackles, but it envelops and flows, filling all the lively saving moisture, blending sorrow and sadness.

13. Rune Rock

In the Slavic Rune Alphabet symbolizes the letter x
Keyways: Rock, Spirit, Fate, Unknown, Hidden

Translation and importance of the Slavic Rune: This is karma, predestination, fate, inevitability is a rock prepared by the gods. This is the absence of options, exit, determination, but also significant event, Hope for the best stake.

The Slavic Runic Alphabet contains 18 characters, which, like Scandinavian runes, have their meaning. With the help of runic symbols, it was possible to learn fate and even protect against the dark forces. Runes are used now, since their strength really helps to solve a number of physiological and internal problems. In Slavic runes, you can guess, and you can use them as a guard. But in order to apply the power of these ancient characters, you need to know the value of each rune.

Runic symbols are used in the manufacture of jewelry, accessories and jewelry. In order for the rune to become a protective guard, do not buy it in the usual store. It is better to make a rune on your own. This requires natural material (wood or stone) and your own blood.

Belobog (World)

The rune symbolizes the universe and the inner state of the person. This is the harmony of all things. In a magical understanding of the Slavic Rune, the world is the patronage of the gods.


This rune is the opposite of the rune of Chernobog. It has a devastating force leading to the world in chaos. Rune Chernobogo is useful to use as an entry to destroy old connections and the destruction of the usual lifestyle.


Rune Alatyr is the center of the world. This is the balance of good and evil forces, harmony and chaos. It is given to streamline the whole.


This rune is the path to Alatyry, the road to equilibrium. It is used as a charm to achieve their goals.


The rune need possesses magic of restriction, captivity and constraint. She ships a man and gives him to move on. This is a rune prohibition and bonds.


Slavic rune Krand is the embodiment of energy. It reveals human capabilities and helps to realize desires. Great charm to make a conceived case.


Rune Treka symbolizes sacrifice. She gives a person everything he only wishes, but in return requires deprivation of something.


This is the rune of power, power and power. It enclosed in an incredibly powerful energy, guiding a person to win and achieve the goal. This is a rune of real warriors.

there is

This rune is natural forces, life. If you want to get the patronage of the elements, then the rune will help you in this. It gives energy and restores the strength.


Runa Wind symbolizes creative gust. It is suitable creative people. With its help, you can get inspiration to the embodiment of new ideas.


This is exclusively feminine rune, symbolizing motherhood, female energy and the beginning of life. She protects pregnant women, children and gives sexuality and femininity.


This is a men's rune associated with male strength, passion. It protects the energy field of strong sex representatives and gives their health.


This Slavic Rune is connected with water, cleansing and joy. She puts the intuition and attracts good luck in all matters.


This rune symbolizes the path from beginning to end. This is a rune of fate, which can affect the life of a person both negatively and positively.


The meaning of this Slavic rune is help, support, protection. This is the strongest charm, which will help overcome any difficulties.


This is a rune of wealth and abundance. With it, you can attract good luck in all spheres of life. Its main purpose is to attract money and family well-being.


Runa Perun is a symbol of motion. This Slavic rune-guard helps move any business from a dead point, change life, attract changes and new people.


This is the rune of energy stagnation. She immobilizes all actions and leads everything in peace and pacification. How to believe this Slavic rune will help bring thoughts in order, become a more balanced and calm person.

Using Slavic runes for fortune telling or as an overlap, remember that the symbols are important to endow their own energy. For this, they are recommended to draw them independently. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

17.08.2014 09:26

Strong overalls are able to give protection against any negative impact. So that your life is not broken ...

Unfortunately, due to the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Russia, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (by date of birth, including) were lost. However, in 2001, the book Anton Platov was published, in which he talks about the runes and ways to interpret.

Pagan heritage: Slavic runes and their use

He himself claims that the book is not the truth in the last instance, but the boards carried out great work on the study of both the history of Slavs and the legacy of the heritage in the form of artifacts.

In addition, unlike Slavic, Scandinavian (North German), or still known as Futark, the runes have been preserved perfectly.

They are largely consonant and their interpretation in some places coincides.

Total to us came 18 RoIs:


Belobog, or the rune of the inside, also matters the world, the tree of the world.
Speaks about the human essence, that he is hidden in a particular person, his inner power.

Also matters of desire for order in everything.
Used as a human protection mascot with bright gods.
Futarke partially corresponds to the runes of Algiz and Mannaz.


Chernobog. Notes as an inverted previous rune. Gray, shadow.
The desire for absolute mess, chaos. Means human unconsciously, intuition. Can be associated with those who stand behind the left shoulder and pushes to madness.

Means the rupture of templates, wrecking well. Exit from any ordered closed system.
Futarks partially carry the same values \u200b\u200bof the runes of Hagalase and Perth.

Do not think that the first rune means the absolute good, and the second is an absolute evil. These are rather two components of the necessary world equilibrium.


Alatyr. The center of the world, mountain on the island of Buyan. The place where everything originates.
Altar, where they sacrificed.

In different magical formulas, the Alatyr stone, under which all global forces are hidden. This is the meaning of this Slavic rune.
There are no analogues of even partial in the founder. Only a little intersects with the yer.

Rainbow, Rune Path

Road leading to Stone Alatyry. The path that appeared in the struggle of opposites, mighty whiteobogo and a black womb.

Means successful travel, help on the road, generally good outcome, especially complex cases.
In Futarke fully corresponds to the rune of Raid.

Need, or the rune of fate, inevitability

Fire devouring everything in its path, blocking the path.

In a magical sense, this is a complete ban on the continuation of any actions.

There is no such rune in the founder, but in other German runic traditions there is a naud with the same meaning.

Craft, sacrificial fire. Runa Truth.

Means the desire, execution of intentions.

Cleansing thoughts, finding true desires.

Futarke correlates with Gebo and Kano.

Treka, Runa Warrior

N. there is a meaning of the hardness of the spirit and sacrifice. Find the strength to sacrifice something for the achievement of more. So won in chess: sacrificing a pawn, put the mat. But Rune Treka implies the victim of the part of himself, the rejection of the dark for the sake of the true goal, the victory of the conscious over the unconscious.
In Futarke, this is the rune Teivaz.

As you can see, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (by date of birth in this context is not considered) Very often, as it were, a supplement and continuation of each other. But the runes of the older Futark are rather individual in their meaning.


The name speaks for itself.

This is the rune of power and knowledge. Determining the path leading to victory.

Similar to the rune of Soulu.

Wind, rune top

The inner power of a person means the presence of a rod and strong beliefs. Inspiration.

Work on yourself.
There is no analogue in other rune practices.

Beregin. Rune Mother, Earth

Contradictive runes. A symbol for taking life to accomplish anything and deprivation of it with the arrival of the term.

Power of earthly power.

Fertility. True feminine. Means the arrival of some benefits, wealth.
She corresponds to Berkan in Futark.

UD, Runa Love and Youth

Continuation of the kind. Personifies love not only to man, but also to life itself. Power of youth, love fire.

Powerful force capable of filling the void of chaos through the opposite connection, fertilization.
In the founder it is a Uruz.

Lelia, Live Water Rune

It is alive - streams, rivers. Running water, not noticeing obstacles. Awakening from sleep.

Appeal to force is not reason, but intuition.

Laguz and Woney in Futarke.

Rock, Rune Unknown

Means the presence of higher forces, unpredictability of the situation. The development is unpredictable, because all the threads are in the hands of fate, rock.

Partly corresponds to Perth, Evaz, Hagalaz. But most of all the rune of one, which is used in several rune practices as 25 Runa of the Senior Futark.

Opportal, Rune Motherland

Indicates the acquisition of support, some pillars in life, from which the power will be shattered. Also may indicate the help of the gods.

Partially coincides with Ansus.

God god, rune gift

In gdeania means a gift for fate or gods. The case, which is asked, will end unexpectedly successfully. Wealth and not only in material, but also in the spiritual plan.

Ingus, Gebo and Dagaz from Senior Futark.

Perun, Rune Power

Unexpected help. A powerful patron who can help even in hopeless business.

Replenishment of vital energy.

Partly coincides with Ruju Tourisis.

There is a rune of life, movement

Infinite movement, because the stop is like death.

Finding the strength to continue anything.

Non-stop growth.
Evaz and Berkan.

Source, rune stagnation, ice

Peace, stop all processes. Need to wait. Life arose from ice, so the break in motion is not eternal. Ice melts, and life to continue.
In Futarke, this is a rune Isa.

Due to the fact that for a long time, all pagan traditions were persecuted, Slavic runes, their meaning, description, interpretation, including in accordance with the date of birth, were lost. Therefore, choose yourself, for example, the talisman is not so simple. It is first to first calculate your panel (and only 16 in the Slavic tradition), then define your patron from the pagan gods. And only then you can determine - which rune symbol is suitable for the talisman.

Today, many people reveal for themselves the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - Scythians, Luntice, Drevlyan and other nations. The traditions and beliefs of the ancestors are unrestrained. There was too strong the connection of people of that time with nature, the energies of the Earth, which allowed them to live in harmony with the world around, which is so lacking a modern person.

Old Slavonic runes are part of the culture. At one time, they were very revered and used not only as the symbols of the alphabet, but also to protect.

History of the appearance of Staroslavlyansky runes

Historians did not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of the Runic letter from the Slavs, but agree that it is as ancient as Celtic, and Etruscian symbols.

For example, the famous German chronist Titmar Merzeburgsky, who lived at the end of the 10th and early 11th century, mentions when describing the Slavic Temple in the lands of the Luthich idols with incomprehensible signs on them. Surely he would recognize the German or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images described Ibn El Nedim - Arabic writer who lived in the same period. He mentions an ancient Docyrillic writing, which he discovered on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, it is safe to say that the most ancient alphabet of our distant ancestors were Old Slavic runes. If you contact archaeological finds, you can find out that the ancient masters put the rune signs on home utensils. For example, found in the village of the military, which on the Dnieper, the clay pot contains an inscription from 12 words for which 6 characters applied. The fact that 3 of them were similar to the Scandinavian runes, says that the cultures of these peoples crossed.

The same symbols were found on the cult objects from destroyed in the 11th century ancient Temple Poland's Redegasta (Baltic) Slavs.

It is impossible to the Starlistian runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) perceive exclusively as the signs of the letter. Their influence on the life of the ancient pagans was huge: these symbols were applied to the body, on the runic stones, dishes, on the domestic cattle, idols and other important objects for life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscian and Celtic roots, as these peoples lived next to the Slavs. In addition, the runes were used for the letter, there was a cult in which these signs were considered sacred, as they were given to people with the gods. Plates with runes, for example, put in burial, and pebbles, with signs deposited on them, served as chambers.

They were used not only during the times of paganism, but after the adoption of Christianity's Slavic peoples. For example, in depicted the rune Algiz, as it was considered strong protection From someone else's witchcraft and evil eye. To increase its power, a multiple image of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 Runes are known: peace, black, rainbow, alatyr, krand, need, wind, power, eating, trek, Beregin, Lelia, Ud, Rock, Support, Dazhbog, Perun and source.

Old Slavonic runes and charms with the characters deposited on them carried a certain meaning and possessed by force.

Runes - good symbols

As accepted by almost all the ancient peoples, Slavs believed that the world was managed by good and evil forces. Among their gods and goddesses are found like those that help people and care about them and those who inspire horror.

Staroslavan runes did not avoid the same fate. Among them there are protection to which include:

  • The rune world symbolizes the tree of life and the universe. Also refer to White God And a person who is his embodiment. The rune resembles a tree with two branches. Its center is a global tree trunk or human spine. Rune Belbog also means genus, world order and harmony. In the Scandinavian mythology, Hamdall's God corresponds to him, who protects the order and peace from Chaos.
  • Rainbow means the road that has no beginning, no end. How she was used in travels for a favorable return, as well as for a positive end of some complicated business. The rune transmits the state on the way, which differs from the usual bustle, as if a person slides in life between order and chaos.

  • In the ancient Slavs, the word "Krand" meant fire and the rune with such a name pointed to purification, the disclosure of their plans to the world. In magical purposes, it was used to embody the intentions, to get rid of masks and superficial desires. She helped to make dreams. There were fire and verb ("word").
  • Treba meant sacrifice, without which it is impossible to embody his desires. It was depicted in the form of an arrow, which indicates that its main direction is a dedication, like the desire of warrior to victory. It is impossible to achieve new heights without sacrificing with its comfort, habits, and this sacrifice should bring anyone who steps to a new road.
  • The rune of the force meant the ability to change the two worlds - internal human and through it external. The symbol is a warrior, and the magic value is unity. A person who lost the integrity and connection with nature, with the help of this rune, restored the equilibrium in the mind and cleared it. Her warriors took with them to return home with the victory.
  • Bereginy is a symbol of a mother of the Goddess, who knows everyone alive on the ground and protects his children. On the one hand, it gives souls coming to the world, a new body, but on the other - takes life, therefore it can be called a symbol of both life and death.
  • Old Slavonic charms, runes and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans - the topic is extremely interesting. These symbols played a very big role. Belief in the external management of the gods of the fates of people gave these signs to this signs, which helped our ancestors to stand out before the threat of evil and chaos.

    Runes - death symbols

    Regardless of the level of development of civilization and beliefs of people, they were always afraid of death. The unknown, which lies behind it, leads a person to horror. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlime world, and part of the runes are associated with death or fate, which even gods cannot hide.

    Old Slavonic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

    The ancient Slavs conventionally divided the runes to strong and weak and, depending on the situation, they could increase their action by repeated repeat.

    The strongest runes are

    Modern connoisseurs of runes do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as it was characteristic of the Old Slavonic shamans and wipes. In those days, faith in their power was very high in the people, therefore essentials with runic signs were particularly popular.

    They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, the rune symbols embroidered on the shirts, women walked into the braids of the ribbon with them. The most popular were the charms, which were depicted by the Old Slavonic runes (some of them are presented in the article) associated with wealth, well-being, health and storage of the family hearth.

    Among them were the strongest were:

    To some extent, modern descendants of the ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect against problems or to attract wealth, love or success in their lives. Some of them use charms, and someone makes tattoos. Old Slavonic runes are not a tribute to fashion, and the deep connection with those who could reveal it in themselves.

    Protection of the house, family and property

    Knowing a kind, reverence of the memory of ancestors and the family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well, from where and from whom their race went, and passed these knowledge to the subsequent generations. Rituals associated with the burial, the birth of a person were largely associated with the natural energies that people were used to restore the deceased or protecting newborns.

    Ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the right course and distribution of the energy of qi. Old Slavonic runes, correctly charged, had a magical property to harmonize the external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the homely focus, for the protection of family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, the possibility of continuing the kind. These include:

    These are the interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavonicchairs, runes and their meaning. Tattoo with them is one of the most popular in modern people, since the well-being of families for them is important as well as for their ancient ancestors.

    Runes from the evil eye and damage

    The Old Slavic magicians were able to not just use the runes to create protective faces, but also to make a spell of them. Suverval people at all times are afraid of someone else's envy, damage and evil eye. Properly made charm can have not only protective functions, but also to neutralize the negative sent per person.

    For example, to protect the lead:

    The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their dead ancestors could protect them and help in a long time. The combination of powerful characters in one figure has repeatedly increased its charge. You can also enter our time, after studying the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning. A tattoo from several characters will allow not only to create powerful protection, but also to attract good luck or wealth.

    Fortune telling on runes

    Today I will find few people who could interpret the runes as well as the leaders and magicians of antiquity. One way to find out your destiny or simply get advice, how to act in one or another situation was a divination at the Old Slavonic runes.

    Depending on how they dropped out which side the sign was laid, it was changed, and a good rune could be bad. Wrong sorcerers of those times helped people to avoid problems or warned them about possible danger. Modern magicians know only the main values \u200b\u200bof the runes in fortune investigation, for example:

    • Rune Alatyr could mean the beginning of a new case or the upcoming road.
    • The rainbow symbol meant a prosperous outcome of something.
    • If the need for fortune telling, then the person was waiting for obstacles in affairs, ruin or even death.
    • The rune of Krand foreshadowed that a person would have to realize something in life, but for this he needs to clean his consciousness.
    • When power fell out, it meant that a person would find the right decision for his situation.
    • Runa Wind personified the creative essence of man and indicated that the time to disclose its potential should be given.

    This is not all the interpretations of Old Slavonic runes, since even the sequence of their loss could give new options for the development of events in the fate of a person. Sometimes Staroslavlyansky (runes) were used to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that hidden treasures were under the protection of the spells, they were conspiracies and special combinations of runes, which were not only to bring the treasure detector to the right place, but also to keep him life.

    Runes in Tatahu

    Today it becomes fashionable to use the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning in the tattoo. Those who decided to apply their protective force should be very careful, since without knowledge and faith in their power it is in best case - There will be just a drawing on the skin, and in the worst it is possible to obtain an effect that is expected to be expected.

    It was the faith of people who endowed the runes by force, because each of them was associated with a certain God, for example:

    • Runa Wind symbolized Veles, who translated the souls of the died in the kingdom of Marines.
    • Beginni's sign was connected with Makosh - the goddess of land and harvest.
    • Rune UD is Yarilo.

    It was the faith in these gods and the goddesses endowed the runes of powerful energy. Ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection against the dark forces or to attract good luck. Just today, people should use Old Slavonic runes. Tattoo, supported by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real faith for his carrier.

    How to make a rune-charm

    It makes no sense to buy a ready-made charm, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least correct the purchase. To do this, it is necessary to rinse it in flowing clean water, then hold the candles over the fire, put in salt for a day, after which it is for incense. So all 4 elements will be wrapped their strength.

    The next stage is to transfer the wrapper of its energy with a prayer to God or the goddess, which the rune symbolizes. A request for help or protection gives it a mighty force.

Consider Slavic runes: them, description and interpretation. We'll figure it out how to choose a symbol by date of birth. The magic of ancient symbols can significantly improve the quality of your life, if used correctly.

What should be done:

  • Fold the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on October 16, 1991: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 28
  • If the value turned out more than 17, continue addition: 2 + 8 \u003d 10

The resulting number is the number of your sign. In our example, the figure 10 corresponds to the wind. This means that in man there is a huge creative potential that needs to be used. Waper with the wind will help to find talents in itself and use them for good, develop and strengthen.

Application Runes

There are many ways to use Slavic characters. The most common of them:

  1. Production of fabrics from natural materials. Such talismans need to be done, and then activate with the help of the energy of four elements
  2. Usage B. magic rites and rituals. Runes are used both in black and in white magic for love spells, obtasses, healing, assistance in the performance of desires and other
  3. . To repay, you need to make a ruffic set of all characters. There are special layouts with which you can find out the future

It is very important before you begin to use the runes in your life, study the theoretical base. You must experience the meaning and value of each sign, to understand what situations which symbol can be used. Especially carefully study, in what cases the use of runes can harm.


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