Students. Students having fun

Students. Students having fun

Want to know how American students spend their spring vacation? Then look at this shocking report with the so-called "biggest beach partner on the planet", which gathered more than 60 thousand students of American colleges on the island of Saus-Padre, Texas, on the very border with Mexico.

The endless party on the Coca-Cola beach, implying enjoying the rest, sun and sea, in reality is distinguished by non-digestion, drug use, depravity and disorderly sexual bonds. At the same time, many participants of the fun have not reached 21 and the American laws do not have the right to drink even beer.

What is noteworthy, the rest of the year the island of Saus-Padre, where in 1804 the Catholic priest Padre José Nicholas Balli founded his farm, is quite a respectable place of married American family holidays.

(Total 31 photos + 1 video)

1. About 60,000 college students are sent annually on South Padre Island to celebrate their spring holidays, the so-called Springbreak.

2. Many are having fun in the literal sense. Those who can no longer stand on their feet, the police and friends help get to a specially organized "field" medplex.

3. Cases are so bad that the authorities had to organize a mobile medlept with 32 beds, which is commonly used in hostilities and natural catastrophes.

4. Here is an example of a standard beach entertainment - a girl, in a position upside down, should drink beer straight from the barrel.

5. And this young man in Red Sombrero is already a client of the medpark. He cannot speak, but only makes an inseparable roar zombie.

6. At 9 o'clock in the evening, the surviving on the beach party return to the hotels to stay before continuing the fun in the clubs, which are open until 2 o'clock in the morning.

7. The next "standard" scene - the girls kiss under approving cries of the crowd and appeals "show tits!"

8. Frequently democratic prices for alcohol prices in local stores: 1,75-liter bottle of vodka is sold for $ 11.95, although one cocktail in the bar is on average cost $ 9.5

9. You may be interested in why so much buces on this girl? And this is a local custom - if you give a girl beads, she should show her chest.

10. Judging by the stirring of young people gathered around the girl, this custom is very popular.

11. Yes, and girls, apparently, do not mind ...

12. Another beautiful "tradition" is to be led by beer. Well, no races of formula one on a pedestal ...

13. On the beach, students drink beer straight from the barrels and installed on the sand flags of their colleges. Undoubtedly, all colleges are honored with honor to be presented in this way.

14. Without any romance, it also did not cost.

15. But this young person, despite the presence of beads on the neck, decided not to part with a ride from the swimsuit, for which there was an Ovvistan, a dissatisfied crowd.

16. For someone, the party is over. During the holidays, the Islands police produces thousands of arrests for drunk driving, speeding, not fastened belts and other misconduct.

18. But back to those who can no longer only dance, but also just keep on the legs ...

19. This is what the most medplex looks like, sometimes more like a morgue. In place there are military who served in Iraq. Even they say that nothing like this nightmare has never seen anywhere before.

20. The Police Representative Texas orders to leave the beach.

21. Girls enjoy the rest away from the training classes and the eyes of the parents.

22. The next scene of continuing fun in clubs is for those who can still drink, dance and have fun.

23. Dancing on the open veranda club Louie "S BACKYARD.

24. Fun does not always end even after closing the nightclubs. Many move to hotels to continue the party there.

26. Perhaps no less shocking is the reaction to the local authorities that have to go literally to deal with conscience. On the one hand, what is happening on the island, recognized by the second place after Las Vegas in the ranking of the most "carbon monoxide" parties in honor of the spring vacation, does not fit into any fractions of decency and worries the local population, and on the other - it brings very and very Good income.

27. Even according to the most modest estimates, given the cheap special offers designed for students (a trip to the island can hold $ 200), a week of vacation, the budget is replenished by $ 20 million. In reality, you can safely talk about a much longer amount.

28. As a result, the authorities prefer to close the eyes of the wrongness of thousands of minors, while the penalty of them, for example, by $ 500 per glass on the beach.

29. Moreover, all this vakhanalia is cynically sponsored by such gigantic corporations as Coca-Cola, Vitaminwater, Bic, Trojan and others.

30. In one day, the Field Hospital takes more than 60 patients mainly 18-22 years, at least 15 of which are in a state of not only alcoholic, but also a narcotic intoxication. The number of calls to the rescue service 911 during the holidays exceeds the usual 5 times.

31. The representative of the island's fire service, also involved to prevent unrest, so assesses the situation: "If they won't come here, they will go somewhere else. Refusing to parties in honor of the vacation here on the island, we will not stop them. So let him come here. At least we have a business with this for 30 years and at least know what to expect and how to prepare for it. "

Video: on the beach party in honor of the Spring Vacation on the island of South Padre

The most important thing is when we go to the campaign wherever you go, always take sufficient food supplies with you. It is extremely necessary that in the event of a shortage you have not had to go back at the most inopportune moment, in the most interesting place. And so you can always eat and continue your way.

On the nature ride best on your cars than to walk solely on foot. In this case, you can take a lot of necessary things, and you can leave the car near the privala seat. But it does not have to carry all these tents and food.

Going on fishing, grab with you everything you need and do not forget the replacement hooks and a fishing line. It never existed in this case. It often happens that you caress somewhere and disappears everything that was striking on the fishing rod. Therefore, it is better to be stocked.

How cool with friends or with his student group go somewhere to relax together. And if it is also skiing, so everything is fine. It is only important in this case and a good instructor to find so that without injury, such a vacation has passed.

She rides somewhere on his bike. Maybe she lives in the village and then she was very lucky. Or maybe just got on vacation and decided to ride a little along the field on this vehicle. Also a good option to spend time during your summer vacation.

Very useful for health Family holidays in nature in the form of cycling riding. Just important to use helmets just in case. Because on the road may be every and unnecessary defense will never hurt. Well, the main company correctly pick up.

before going to nature, decide right away who will prepare you. This is not a small factor. Rest with rest, but I want even more. And you need to immediately understand who require your portion of nutrition. Do not forget to take with you everything you need from dishes.

Here in such houses you can stop when you are planning to rest outside civilization, in the campaign. Tents, of course, is also good, but sometimes you can allow your body to relax in a more familiar atmosphere. And it costs it is inexpensive.

Learning to relax on the sea, choose a paid beach. Despite the fact that you have to pay some amount of money, but you will always be, where to lie down, you will be confident in the preservation of your things. And just it is much more convenient and more comfortable.

It is probably scary. At this speed, go down the snow. Yes, when you have instead of the legs, these long wooden sticks, which are called skiing. It is necessary to have not only courage, but also a certain kind of skills to risk at such a feat.

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The company consisted of five friends: Lenes, Fourth Course Student Baumanki, Two Students medical Institute Bones and Garik, the leader of the graduate student Edik Shcheglov and, finally, Volodya Silantyev, who recently returned from the army and entered the first year of the Institute of Steel and Alloys, on the nicknamed "Stalevar". On the third day of stay on the Black Sea shore, in Loo, the team decided to spend neighboring beaches in search of girlfriends. As always, the initiative took Odik in his hands.
- Little, and not wait for us somewhere, eh? Maybe in Sochi?
- Let's better in Dagomys. And right now.
No sooner said than done. Singing and collecting beach accessories, the company sat on the bus and in an hour it was not enough on the beach of the boarding house.
Oakdating, began to play cards, in a fool. At first they played just like this, then, as it happens, they started to podkayn each other and decided to play at a desire. The rules were simple. Who loses, executes the desire of the first who came out of the game. The first of the game came Kostya, and lost Garik. Kostya looked at Garik for a long time, then his face enlightened.
- You! You will remove smelting and get rolled naked to the sea.
- Yes, what did you go?
- A bargain is a bargain. Polly.
- Guys...
The guys got together a bone. Everyone was wondering how Garik in Plastunski naked crawling towards water.
- Come on, Harris, undress.
There was nothing to do. Garik lay down on the sand, prayed his legs, pulled the smelting, squeezed them in his hand and, wriggling, crashed to the sea, under the laugh of society.
When Garik Pobsokh, and the fun subsided, the game continued. This time the reverse combination fell out, "Garik came first, the last Kostya. Apparently, the Plan of Revenge Garik was in advance, because not a second in a second, he ordered to undress, put on the sea "past the aunt and on the way to go her." The loser is undressed and crawled to the aunt.
"Guys, but the Kostik crawls better than Harris," said Volodya.
Indeed, Kostya Polzov is quite professional, much faster and graceful to Garik and in a matter of seconds reached aunt. Here he stopped, raised his head, looked at the lady and shouted insecure twice.
- The lady looked at the slider over his glasses, screamed and launched a thick book into it. Hadustic Tomik hit the costha right in his head, why he jumped up and, hiding behind the melting, drove into the sea.
Most of all, of course, Garik had fun. Already Kostya Overlook, and the aunt stopped throwing angry glances towards the guys, and Garik continued everything from laughing. Finally, caught and he went a new game. Won Lenka, and the wishes fell out of Volodya.
- That's what, Stalevar, - It is important to Lenka, - see this old man with a glass in hand? Yes, yes, it. Come to him, stand on your knees and spoy song.
Volodya silently went to the sea, plunged, then got out, the zigzags went to an old man, theatrically bought on his knees and shouted:
- The sea spread widely ...
A completely unexpected old man picked up.
- And the waves are raging away ...
Next, they sang a duet, though only one verse, since Volodya did not know the song further, and having shook his hand to the cheerful gentleman, returned back.
The people around the having fun and cheerfully waited for the next victim. The client did not make himself wait, - again in the role of the victim turned out to be Volodya, and driving a dance fell by the leader. Edik Odik Orliny gaze the beach expanses, looking at the steelmaker and wrapped:
- you got, Volodya. Kiss, that cute girl in a blue swimsuit.
The surrounding conversations, of course, did not hear, and therefore doubled the attention. Volodya was a confident step to the girl, leaned over and smashed her into the cheek, and then straightened with a satisfied look and glanced victiously at the companions. From nowhere to take, Natural Hercules appeared next to the girl, heights above two meters, the whole of muscles, with small evil eyes. Silacha grabbed Volodya for the neck, lifted, looked at him intently, shook and threw on the sand. Volodya served in the army and some techniques gained, but only he approached the athlete, as history repeated.
Saved the position of the girl.
- Misha, leave him, - and seeing that the gigant fluctuates, raised his voice.
- I said to whom, eh? You don't hear?
Misha stunted and sniffed a little bit alone.
Orders did not end at all.
- Sawn out and cooled. Well?
Giant Ponuro walked to the water.
- Where is your company? - Girl asked playfully, - My name is Tatiana, you can Tanya, and Misha is my cousin. Good guy, but quick-tempered.
Behind the conversation, the girl said that they came in four of us, three girlfriends and Misha were a common bodyguard, and that she would be glad to get acquainted with the rest, and, by the way, girlfriends too. The last passage wore a substantive shade.
Volodya, during the whole conversation, did not descend the eye from the sea and everything was waiting for the return of Peteitrop. He came up with the filing of Tanya, sullenly met Volodya. Gradually pulled up and guys, just to the arrival of girlfriends.
The next day, students again went to Dagomys and played cards in an extended composition. To the vast satisfaction of Volodya in the first tour of the giant lost and crawled to the water, scattering the holidaymakers with a detachment lamin. The status quo was restored and all went to dancing.

Many people are wondering how Russian students are having fun. To explore this topic, very serious social studies were conducted, which were held for a long time under state support. As a result, the well-known main trends and trends among the entertainment preferences of our students became. Based on their results, it is safe to highlight the most beloved ways of entertainment among students.

Fifth place - a variety of games

Our students love developing and exciting games. Today there are quite a lot of them, and every day it appears more and more. In addition, you should not write off classic chess, checkers, etc. Such games allow not only to have fun, but also help their own development.

Fourth place - tea culture

At the moment, enjoys great love among the entire population. This trend has not passed past students. Our students love to spend time over a cup of tea, study tea culture of different nations And try a variety of tea varieties. Not only Chinese teas are very popular, mate, etc. Now there are more and more high-quality domestic teas of this type.

Third place - physical development

Sport is very exciting and interesting. Russian students have fun, dealing with a variety of sports. And the choice here is very large, these are team sports, and classes in the gym and fitness halls, and contact martial arts. And of course you can not forget about yoga and other bodily practices enjoying great love.

Second place - reading books

Undoubtedly, reading books is a real passion, gigantic love, both our students and the rest of the population. Students with enthusiasm having fun, reading their own, visiting the library or being in their personal library. They share the knowledge gained and recommend interesting books to each other.

First place - spirituality

Our students understand that spiritual is the basis, this is the main thing. Accordingly, they are enthusiastically and actively devoted their time meditations, prayers and various spiritual practices. Everyone wants to be as close as possible and know it as deep as possible.

"Student years are the best in life" - a statement that hate all your student years, naughty over textbooks and flowing pants in the first pair on Saturday. If you have never lived in a hostel, then the missed goulazy and "kul stories" are especially sharply forced to hate "best years."

At the same time, the studentship was always considered the most advanced part of society, the most disobedient and shavy. It is worth remembering at least 1968 student unrest in France with excellent slogans "Be realists, demand the impossible!", "Prohibit prohibited" and "all the power of imagination."

And what happened in our age institutes ago? How did students live after the revolution? How did they love, rosychiri and intellectually talked? What did our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers do in youth? This topic is devoted to the book "In the circle of peers: the life world of a young man in Soviet Russia of the 1920s" of the doctor of historical sciences Alexander Rozhkov.

The period of the 1920s is interesting primarily by the fact that the former installations and values \u200b\u200bof the whole society were reworked under the onslaught of the Bolsheviks: who to love who to pray how to dream how to behave and how to think. Therefore, it is social institutions (from school to the army), in which the family had a minimal impact on the rapid minds, became the forge of the new philosophy of life. New "correctly oriented" comrades came to work. The book is interesting primarily not by the description of the household addiction of young people, but by the way the forced transformation of their life rules was traced. Even in these things distant from politics, like drunks and sexual relations, you can see hints of influence from outside.

§1 Leisure and entertainment

The program of radio programs for February 1927:

16.00 – 16.30 "Radiopioneer".
17.20 – 18.10 Peasant radio ingaste.
18.15 – 19.05 Working radio ingaste.
20.00 Broadcast opera "Carmen" from the state. experimental theater.

20.00 Walking in the evening of Jewish music from the small hall of the conservatory.

Through the station Comintern on the wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radiopioneer".
Lecture on radio engineering: "Capacity (condenser)", lecturer Belikov.
17.20 – 18.15 Conversation according to natural science: "What does the life of the body?", T. Perelmut.
18.15 – 19.05 Working radio ingaste.
20.00 – 21.00 Broadcast from the CDC report prof. Bronner: How to deal with syphilis in the village? "
21.00 Walking in the evening Pushkin from the small hall of the conservatory.
23.00 Information in Esperanto.
23.55 Fight hours from the Kremlin Tower.
Through the station them. Popova on the wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 Cooperative currency courses. Commercial arithmetic (Filimonov).
19.30 – 20.00 Report Profile: "Trade unions in Norway", t. Segal.
20.30 Broadcast of the concert of the Leningrad State. Chapels from the column hall of the House of Unions: "Wedding" Stravinsky.

Through the station Comintern on the wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radiopioneer".
17.20 – 18.10 Peasant radio ingaste
18.15 – 19.05 Working radio ingaste.
20.00 – 20.30 Report of the Central Federal District.
20.30 – 22.35 Broadcast of the concert of the Leningrad State. Chapels from the column hall of the houses of the Unions.
23.55 Fight hours from the Kremlin Tower.
Through the station them. Popova on the wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 The report of the Aviamih: "On the Congress of Aviamikham", t. Zarzar.
19.30 – 20.00 Report prof. Lapiro-Schoblo: "To the 80th anniversary of the Great Edison Inventor."

Through the station Comintern on the wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radiopioneer".
17.20 – 17.45 The conversation of the agronomist: "The influence of various feeds on livestock productivity."
17.50 – 18.15 Conversation in natural science: "How animals are breed", t. Novikov.
18.15 – 19.05 Working radio ingaste.
20.30 Broadcast of the concert of the Leningrad State. Capella from the Polytechnic Museum.
23.55 Fight hours from the Kremlin Tower.
Through the station them. Popova on the wave of 650 m
20.00 Broadcast Opera "Loangrin" from Gabt.

Through the station Comintern on the wave of 1456 m
16.00 – 16.30 "Radiopioneer".
17.20 – 17.45 Report of the Central Committee Rabpros: "How to work with a book?", T. Rabelsky.
17.50 – 18.15 Report: "New materials for housing construction", prof. Fedorovsky.
18.15 – 19.05 Working radio ingaste.
20.00 – 20.30 Report of the Central Committee of the WFLKS: "On the Chinese Komsomol".
20.30 Evening dance.
23.55 Fight hours from the Kremlin Tower.
Through the station them. Popova on the wave of 650 m
19.00 – 19.30 Cooperative currency courses. ABC of cooperation, t. Lintelov.
19.30 – 20.00 Report t. Ulitsky: "How to deal with economic self-education?"
20.30 Broadcast Concert Zoe locija from the small hall of the Conservatory.

As follows from the analysis of students' time budgets, their leisure was very short-term compared to the recreation of schoolchildren. Having postponed a read textbook, tired of science, a conscientious student barely managed to view a newspaper chronicle before bedtime, or several pages of an exciting book like "Tarzan". Basically, rest accounted for a weekend (Saturday evening and Sunday) and holidays. The nonresident, who fell into the metropolitan universities, at first made excursions and cultures. Many sought to learn Moscow or the city on the Neva, wander through the metropolitan streets and embankments, to ride on the tram.

It is quite characteristic of that time that mass leisure was the subject of ideological control, and from both special bodies and student organizations. It was worth only to Tula students to print an announcement of the New Year's concert-ball, which planned to participate two orchestras of spirit music, a device of dancing, games, American auctions, luxurious at the time of the buffets, as they were exposed to angry criticism in the press alerted proletarian students. At the same time, they sincerely wondered how Gublit could miss such an ad. Similar criticism was heard in their address and organizers of the student evening concert in the Moscow Dental Technical School on Arbat.

Sport, as noted above, did not in the 1920s in the 1920s by mass phenomenon in the environment of students. At the same time, many students tried to improve their body by paying this every free minute. Popular among the universities there were gymnastics of the frecase, physical exercises on the Muller system, playing football, lapto, ski racing, swimming and rowing. This new youth introduced in the daily use of the most common and affordable sportswear, which consisted mainly of panties and gymnastic shirts. As the Rabafakovets said, they were not ashamed to demonstrate their "liberated" bodies. On Sundays, the Vorobyev Mountains in Moscow became the place of sports and games of Soviet youth, among which there were a lot of students. Ideal models with whom they sought to identify were "Spartan hardening" and "Greek beauty".
One of the forms of organizing the free time of the students was listening to radio programs. This technical innovation of everyday use turned over life Mir Student in the 1920s is no less than television in the 1950s or the Internet at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. Especially actively radio invaded the daily lives of students living in hostels, since the radio receivers were distributed primarily on the collectives. By the end of the 1920s, many student hostels were informed. As a rule, each room in such hostels had its radio, and the hostel as a whole is a loudspeaker. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to talk about the priority of radio in the field of student leisure. One of the reasons for this was very low sound quality. Improved radio equipment quite quickly compromised itself. According to the reviews of contemporaries of those years, instead of words, she was "spoiled", instead of a concert, only howl was obtained.

At the same time, there was no other opportunity to quickly receive centralized information transmitted over long distances, and the radio became for many students the most important means of forming a common picture of the world, contributed to the building of Soviet identity.

In addition to cultural forms of leisure, there were more prosaic practices of "relaxation". If the atmosphere of study in the university itself has significantly limited the manifestations of hooliganism, the atmosphere of student hostels, on the contrary, has significantly contributed to a rampant life. There was not only the arrogant professors, but also parental care. It was considered the norm and duty to "wash" any event of personal or social character. For example, "commemorate" in the beer receipt of scholarships, "drop" for a meeting. Therefore, many students who lived in hostels loved and knew how to relax, sometimes without any external occasion. One student described the usual day off:

"I went somehow in the morning on Sunday to comrades. Sucked. They answered "you can not immediately. Has entered. I look, something is unclean. Sit around the table, the herring will fly and even without bread. They saw that his own, and began to convince to her bone out of the cup. There still, it turns out, a little. Potted, cut themselves. Then it was found that, despite the fact that the scholarship was not far, one was ruble; Brought another bottle. Then I had to go to lay the pub. The next day at the institute wandered pale with headache and held lunch coupons. "

Anne Gorsach brings the opinion of one official in Moscow State University, which complained about students, "breaking the chairs in a local club who put inscriptions on the walls, terrorizing their neighbors in the bedrooms, forcing them to participate in drunken games, and intimidating provincial girls."

"The hostel life" Merzlyakovka "- reported in the student journal, - is significant in three phenomena: drunkenness, robes, mat. Any fee of scholarship causes the inevitability of the clocks, which inevitably follow the robs and mat. " Students used alcohol not only in hostels, but also often visited the peteed places that were then a lot. According to N. Lebina, in Leningrad in 1926 approximately 360 beers operated. Joint drunkenness often brought parties and non-partisan, because the feast was often satisfactorily satisfied. Not only not only the days of receiving scholarships, but also various holidays, birthdays, meetings after vacation. For example, in August 1926, for a short time, the Krasnodar carriage "ambulance" was raised repeatedly to seriously "sick" students, too actively marked his return from vacation leave. Releases from the university of newly minted specialists were even no more: "What is this release, if you don't get drunk so that you climb on the karachets," one Taganrog-based Komsomolets student expressed to this event. Revolutionary holidays were no exception that was reflected in the frivol student song:

October cheerfully certify
Tsim la-la, Tsim-la-la
On the bottle drink,
Tsim la-la, Tsim-la-la.

I had to call the police that drunk students answered the threat of massacre with those who caused a police outfit, supported by a fight with residents and the use of weapons.

A young student body demanded sharp sensations, and therefore a rare group break came out without a scandal. Drinking students did not give to their colleagues. It happened, a firearm, having occurred in some communists and Komsomol members, was launched. For example, in one of the hostels in the room where three student lived, a company of twelve people gathered. Drunk drunk, they arranged a loud walk with dancing, as a result there was a scandal with neighbors. Women and little children were frightened by broken students. I had to call the police that drunk students answered the threat of massacre with those who caused a police outfit, supported by a fight with residents and the use of weapons. In the Ostrogogian pedtechnik from boredom organized the Society "Hrew" with regular membership contributions and meetings. His members adhered to ten "pig" commandments, the main of which were the commandments of drunkenness and gluttony. Students from Karelia, who came home to the holidays, created the "All-Russian Society of Alcoholics". In total, 20 students were united in the parish, of which 17 were Komsomol members and three - communists. Before his exposure, they managed to organize three closed in the evening. About the collective celebration of the holidays reported in the letter of the Don Pedhekhnikum:

"All the days of old and new holidays ... Here, in the dormitory, we were burning in drunkenness, at the time of representing a shinkar with launched Zaporozhets ... The administration was not there, and the guys were taking themselves with might and then they drank everything, even the orphan girls ... and who, asked, Busal most? Of course, the Komsomol members and many more sympathizer comrades were superior to the board. We occupy the poorer, staged a real future there, where often I spend the "Athenian Nights" with their women. Zhiduha is now good ... unleashed ... fun. We do not know what will happen next when the last combat cohort will go out of PART, there will be only one academic Goleutba.<…>

The old guys still support the traditions of the old PET, and they are already scattered. Drunk opened damn, and no longer hid, and blow might and main. Let's go away, and begins to scold compatible, party and komsomol. "

The "hero" was considered a student who knew a lot of silent jokes, obscene songs and did not shy them to fulfill in the presence of girls. The obscene vocabulary was generally a natural attribute of student everyday life, but even the most educated students and female students did not accountess without it. At the same time, the studary as it would have justified their colleagues: "The Matermia is sometimes not to serve as a cross, she sometimes helps to tell what you can't tell the pages." As one inhabitant of the student hostel recalled, any attempts to protest against the violation of silence resolutely stopped: "It is worthwhile to call anyone (about the cessation of noise at night in a hostel. - A. R.), how from all sides they will throw it:" Intelligent! Mother's son! In production was not! "And so on, and so on. The next night, the ovelaged "intellectual" himself proves his proletarian ideology by a chchelet, call, brand. " A bright idea of \u200b\u200bthe student daily gives the wall "Diary of our room" in the dormitory of students-Vhowemasov, promulgated in the student journal:
"15 / iv - I gazed into the board, Kolka splocked - went abroad; 16 / iv - did not eat and did not smoke. We think to put the world famous record. Money is not a penny; 20 / iv - played cards to ... (then stood a lotly, but very strong word); 28 / IV - Vaska deprived ninch ... "

2§ "The proletaries of all countries, do not multiply!"

I don't have family, I broke with her for a long time. I grew up in humans, among the comrades. While I studied on a slapac, the questions of love went past me.

The original slogan that has become the title of this paragraph belongs to the Tuapsinsky Technical School teacher, actively preaching sexual abstinence among students. The unreality of this good wishes of the teacher addressed to the student generation, which felt a rapid flow of sexual freedom, is obvious. Unlike school, university life has formed much more needs and opportunities to meet students of their libido.<…>
In the conditions of such a training system had to be rebuilt with all students. It was especially difficult to get used to the specifics of the student life and the universities of the urban life who came to the university from the village of the peasant and a resident of the Small city. Deep to understand this fracture in rural and provincial psychology helps the revelations of the student Odessa and students of the Kharkov universities:

"The change in the residence (from the village to the city), where other morals, other people, forced the surviving from the village to hide, hide, because they laugh at sexual innocence, over the instinct of the fact that in the city of the ten-year-old boy suffered perfectly; Dust and dirt of the city, his moral debauchery does not give the "ascetic" ... and it is impossible to turn away from the fascinating girls who, according to the last fashion suit, make a challenge with dormant feelings and mow on them when they find out about your ideals. "

"I don't have family, I broke with her for a long time. I grew up in humans, among the comrades. While I studied on a slapac, the questions of love went past me.<…> With admission to the university, my life changed dramatically. I moved B. big city, in a new situation, and new comrades for teachings and hostel turned out to be completely different. I encountered the fact that in most students look at the student, as for widespread consumption. They see them only a woman and "cool love", not like. There are cases when the guys go to spend the night in women's rooms. I am sad all this.<…> My bullies, begin to live sex life ... Easily converge and part, and without any moral oppression make abortions.

All the horror is that it is done every day, everyday and simply, and everything is accustomed to it. "

Among the students of those years were widely distributed prey and extramarital connections. Almost 75% of students lost innocence until 20 years. Another intensity was distinguished by age 17-20 years, during which 46.8% of men began to be permanent sexual life. In women, this peak accounted for age from 18 years to 21 years. It is significant that in the sexual student practices there were no class and party differences: 90% of communist students lived an active sexual life, 40% of them used the services of prostitutes. Judging by some student surveys, approximately half of them did not recognize love, although two thirds of the studios were experiencing love experiences. It is known that in one of the universities almost a real duel was held with seconds between two students who did not share the girl among themselves. Meanwhile, the listener of Moscow Rabafaka V. Nikitin wrote in the questionnaire about the life: "Love (Rabafakovtsy) reject and consider it nonsense and a boys. Recognize it only from the point of view of sexual communication. " The overwhelming part of the student (on average 85%) was prone to sexual proximity.
It is quite natural that the views of the young men and girls on this problem were often opposite. We find in the questionnaires two extreme points of view:

Student 2 courses: "The basis of love is a sexual attraction of two subjects to each other. If a misunderstanding comes in sexual relationship, then the whole poetic superstructure will collapse. " 3rd year student: "I live for two years with a better friend, with mutual love of sexual relations we do not have. Both are completely healthy. I find that true human love - out of sexual proximity; Poland can only break the harmony between loving. "

D. Lass found that the students of the second half of the 1920s began sexual life a little earlier than the students of the first revolution. Previously, already at the age of 13, the sexual debut had peasants, later all - representatives of the petty-bourgeois layers. The predominant majority of workers began a permanent sex life at 18, peasants - in 19 years old, representatives of unpoletarian students - at 20 years. In the female environment there were other trends. Most peasants in permanent sexual relationship entered in 18 years, women of small bourgeois layers - in 19 years, and workers even later - in 21-22 years.

Many students were inherent in a brutal type of behavior in relations with beautiful floors. In the course of a significant part of the student, a cynical formula was common: "The power of love is directly proportional to the resistance of the material, that is, the resistance of a woman." "Red Donjuans" did not sang their beloved serenad, did not compose poems in the hope of charm naive peasant. The basis of his tactics of the temptation, they put the political adoption and the slogan of the liberation of the woman, and such tactics often brought them success. One of the representatives of this generation of conquerors of women's hearts was a Moscow student B. Bogdanov. Having B. different cities Two wives with children, he started the third novel with a trusting student. His life credo was possessing a 12-storey house in which every floor should live in his wife. It is not surprising that the next Boris girl was shocked when she learned that she only takes the third floor, and he needed women who "possess the art of cosmetics, know how to talk and look into the eyes." However, young men with such a type of behavior often sought to demonstrate their superiority over a woman not so much in front of the opposite sex, as before other representatives of their gender. One of the loving masses before comrade his love loves:

"Go, it happened, for the evening or where, where, the will and the will. Sometimes failure. It takes a different bitch, although it is good, you will quit, because with such anyway nothing will come. Well, on the other hand, you will go to the garden, the moon and all that. And there, of course, the word for the word - well, in the "ladies". - "But what about the alimony?" - asked other, inexperienced in such love. - "Miracle, you do so that the wolf is full and sheep must. Take everything you can. What threw, then yours. I am now and the invoice has been lost for a long time, how many girls shouted. Here it is necessary to decrease, speed and onslaught! ".

I am wondering myself that a lot of intercourse is required. I am very excited, I can not sit near the women and worrying from their proximity. I got off the way with the girls, I can not cope with him. Please assist.


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