Iranian men what they are. Serdyuk Yu

Iranian men what they are. Serdyuk Yu

I also married Iranian. Together for 9 years. I am 31. We have three daughters. I am very pleased that they are so positively talking about Iranian men, because the husbands are really very good. In any case, in the family of my husband, the whole male floor wears his women in their hands. They are very caring fathers.

In the hometown (I am from Turkmenistan, Ashhabad) I never saw the husband to ride the child, fed, put to sleep. Iranian men do not consider her dignity below to cook lunch, remove the apartment, wash the dishes, etc. They love to spend their free time along with the family, they like to go to restaurants often, to go to nature, active rest, love their country and traveled it all along and across.

No problem for them, if the wife did not prepare lunch, they will order food from the restaurant. I, to be honest, do not even know what prices for products, because shopping makes a husband, but I just write what we need.

Wear gravity is not a female business. Sometimes, if I want to relax, the husband takes children to the park, or in Disneyland, or in a cafe, and gives me the opportunity to be alone.

My husband is my best friend to whom I can tell you anything and be sure that he will understand me, and will not reproach. I am very happy, I feel protected, I feel my beloved, the only thing, I feel great respect for both my husband and from his family, they love me very much.

Of course, among the Iranians, as among all nationalities, there are scoundrels, but thanks to their culture and upbringing, they are still good. And I was very pleased to know that in Iran there are "Russian" girls, satisfied with life and not complaining about what you need to wear a manot and shawl, because I consider it such nonsense, compared with the happiness that we have.

Many of my familiar with laughter and even contempt talk about how Iranian women are dressing, in particular about those who wear Chadra. But I believe that we should, if you do not take their culture, then at least have elementary respect for it. Of course, now, probably, the majority of women and men Iran want to get rid of hijab, but there are others who believe with all the heart ... let's respect each other!

Inar Nurliev, letter to the editor's site. In the photo - the author of the letter.
Commentary site administration site

Your story once again proves that Iranian husbands are the wall for which many representatives of beautiful sex want to hide. And the one who says that life with Muslim turns into slavery is often absolutely not familiar with the subtleties of such a marriage.

Particular attention, indeed, I want to give everyday life. Husbands Iranians with pleasure help their wives in the household. Joint cleaning of an apartment or washing not only does not cause indignation from them, but also brings pleasure. Unlike many Slavic men, Iranians perceive the help of his wife, as an excellent opportunity to stay together, to do a common matter.

As for cooking, in this Iranian husbands there are no equal. They just adore cook. Therefore, it is often possible to observe such a picture: the husband is fussing in the kitchen, and the wife reads a favorite magazine or watching TV at this time. The dishes cooked by the Men Iranian are always very nutritious and helpful. The fact is that the correct combination of products is laid by nature. Many Slavs, having lived a few months with Muslim become slim, thanks to food, stabilizing metabolism.

Making purchases, husbands Iranians really take care that the wife does not bore gravity. In fact, they always buy a lot: if the spouse asked a kilogram of carrots, then be sure that the husband will bring at least three. This strange feature is a bit annoying our women, because it is not always preserved superfluous, and it has to throw it away. But the stock of Iranians is explained by their belief that the refrigerator should always be scored.

There is a stereotype that Muslims are polygamy in nature, and entered into marriage with one woman, they will look for other relationships. Yes, polygamy spread in Iran, but modern Iranians prefer to create families in which one wife. At the same time, they madly love and respect her. And the treason for a man of Iranians is considered to be lower than its dignity.

The fact that the husbands of Iranians are the best fathers, really, do not have to doubt. Their love for children is very similar to the maternal. They feel so much of their child, they know that it is better for him at the moment. Balusa his child, Muslims do not forget about discipline. Trusting your husband's upbringing of a child, you can be sure that this work will not pass in vain. From childhood, son or daughter will respect you and listen to your opinion.

Coming out married a man of Iranian, a woman greatly facilitates life. Everything that it will be required - this is love, dedication and respect for the spouse. If you can give it to your man, you wait for a long and happy family life with him.

Fractional faith, 5 years old married to the Iranian, especially for the site

April 18, 2012.

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46 comments to " Iranian men - wonderful husbands and excellent fathers

  1. Marina:

    What a warm and sincere letter, Inara ... I'm so glad for you and for your family, it's great that you are happy and loved that you are surrounded by caring and love of the whole family of your husband. It means a lot and shows how much you give them ... In order to have something to do with you, what you have now in your family, you need time and it was necessary to make a lot, have an open loving heart. I wish you to preserve and save it all, be happy and just enjoy life in love and joy!

  2. Inar:

    Marina, thank you very much for the warm words.

  3. Zhenya:

    and where is faith to hijab? As far as I know, in the Qur'an about all these windings and wanderings (Hijabs, Chadras, Parajnji) are not told not words, but simply so that the macshek and naked neck and everything should be covered in the female !! And the rest came up with abnormal religious fanatics

  4. Inar:

    Well, let's let's laugh at them and humiliate or what? I repeat once again, we must respect each other, this is their choice. Now if they walked half-naked, you would never mind condemn them ... Well, if you are such an expert of history, how much to treat the fact that in the Bible it was stated that a woman should cover his head with a handkerchief, and in ancient, women with Non-naked head called "Propolition". And the fact that in the real Bible from God was forbidden to drink alcohol, and now no one remembers about it? Let's not deepen in history ... Without respect for each other, we can hardly stay people

    • Lilas:

      Tell me, it is very convenient to walk in the heat + 40s in black clothes, a pile of handkerchiefs, pants and other things? And most importantly, swim in a "bathing suit" like a jumpsuit for diving, in a woolen hat over or enter the water in the dress, and then lie down On the beach at her husband in the legs in all this wet?))) I watched such pictures many times))) besides the bewilderment and explicit stupidity, no thoughts seek! This is either a thermal strike or other extremes.

      What does the respect do not understand? !!

  5. Lena:

    great, Inar, I also have a lot of good about Iranian husbands / men I hear, I know many very much, I have not met the scum.
    (And which the Bible is discussed here, calling the present - the Old Testament or the new one? And then there is nothing in the new ban on alcohol ... I will take at least a miracle in Cannes Gallilee. :-)
    But these are the details. In general, I agree with Inara: the customs of the country must be respected. Moreover, in Iran, there is no obligation goes closed from the head to toe. Most young people are just a scarf or a palatine, they are not wrapped up, namely, they are thrown)

  6. Zhenya:

    God what is it? What kind of bible did you read, inar? In the Bible, it has never been forbidden to drink alcohol, even Jesus drank wine, written only to not get enough to drunk! And about the headscarves for women, it is written that they are mandatory only in the church in prayer and that's it! I do not condemn anyone, I just do not like to give different ignoramus and fanatics to give our battle for the word of God!

  7. Maria:

    Inar, sincerely happy for you. I am very pleased with the fact that I didn't hear anything bad about the Iranians and did not read anything, only positive feedback from Russian girls who became wives of Persians. In my life now there is also a choice, I made the Iranian, I loved, he loved me, made an offer. This is such a step ... another country. In December, I am going to go to him. While we communicate online, but it is wonderful. I could not even think about what this could happen to me.

  8. Inar:

    I am glad for you Maria, in my surroundings there are many girls who married Iranians, and they are all happy in marriage. If he really loves you and he has serious intentions, then you can say with confidence that everything will be fine with you, because for your wives they will do everything so that they are happy. But still give you the advice on which you did not ask: be alert. Never forget that among any nationality there are scoundrels and swelling.

  9. Maria:

    I forgot to ask you, have you been afraid when I got acquainted with Iranian? Worried? After all, you also made a fateful step, moved to another country, accepted other customs.

  10. Inar:

    Well, I have a slightly different situation, we painted in my homeland according to our laws and lived there for 8 years, and Iran traveled several times a year to visit the family of her husband, etc. And for constantly residence in Iran we arrived only a year ago. Before painting us, a lot of all kinds were needed from her husband that he was not married to Iran and others, so I had nothing to fear.

  11. Maria:

    Then tell me, please, what could be a danger to me if we get married in Iran?

  12. Inar:

    It does not matter in which country you register a marriage if you get married, then there is probably no danger. Having said about vigilance, I probably alert you a little, but I did not mean anything concrete, just care is needed everywhere, especially in such a matter. It was easier for me because my parents were next to me, I was sure that he had no wife in Iran, because if the first wife gives consent, IRANET, on legal grounds can take the second wife, and much more. And even religion ... I was Muslim from birth, so I am easy to live with Muslim; For me it was quite easy to wear a manot and shawl. All these small nurses also need to be considered.

  13. Maria:

    Inar, thank you. Sorry that many questions, it's just such a serious thing, I am very worried. If you do not mind, leave your email, I would still have time for you, because for me Iran is a mysterious country about which I don't know anything, and your loved one does not understand anything and does not say anything, we We communicate in English, which I also know not Ahti. In short, it is very difficult yet, I would ask him a lot, I would tell a lot, but I can not. I will be very grateful for communication with me if you are not against, of course, communicate.

  14. Inar:

    Mary, as I understood, you were not yet in Iran and considering that you still could not talk about the language barrier, and therefore the person did not know well, then you are better not in a hurry, come first just to visit without serious Steps, look at his family, go to the Manto and the scarf on the head, live it with way of life, and then, if you realize that it is suitable for you, you can take the next step. Because if his family is strongly religious, then there is a little more difficult to a girl from Europe. Of course, I do not mind talking

  15. Leona:

    Hello, girls! Is it really hard to find a job in Russia a man from Iran?

  16. Olga:

    Leona, a foreigner is generally difficult to find in Russia. Although, even depends on what job ...

  17. Daria:

    What a wonderful, warm story.
    But I am very interested in how to get acquainted with the parents of the future Musha-Iranian. Do I need to take gifts? How to dress? How to behave?

  18. Inar:

    Acquaintance occurs as everywhere, i.e. differently. I personally met me at the airport, all the relatives of the husband and acquaintance went very warmly, I was very good at once. I was lucky gifts, but it is naturally necessary to dress according to Iran's laws, i.e. Manto (this is something like a long shirt so that the ass closed) and shawl or handkerchief. And in the house the clothes are usual, as you comfortably.

  19. Daria:

    Thank you, Inara! It is only in the future for me, we think with mch about marriage. Iranians are so difficult, the mandatory approval of parents from which the future seems to depend on. Marriage and adoption of Islam, registration of children and the fact that the child should have a Muslim name. How to understand all this. My MCH speaks great in Russian, helps and advises. But it is a pity that there are no assistant sites ..

  20. Inar:

    Well, I was easier, I'm from the birth of Muslim, so there are no problems with this. As for names, there are no problems with it. Find on the Internet a list of Muslim names, read and you will see that you can easily find a compromise. For example, Daria's name, it is also Muslim, only the Iranians utter the emphasis on the last letter. Or the name Mikhail, and they say Mikael, beautifully. Or the name Danil, the Iranians say Danal, the name of Tanya they say Tanya, Olya turns out Olya, Elena will be Helena, they have a lot of beautiful names such as elik, Elina, Alina, only emphasis on the last letter. If you move to Iran, this does not mean that there should be absolutely Iranian cells, no one will prevent you with learning our children and your culture, too, talk to them to Rus.yazyka, put at home Antena and watch Russian channels, you will find many Russian-speaking acquaintances. Moving to Iran is not so scary, as it seems, only if you are one hundred percent sure of your man.

  21. Daria:

    Inar, Son he wants to name the Koshos, but as in Russian it will not be able to remake the mind :)))
    About moving to Iran - the question is special. We live in France both, so I don't see sense to move, but he fluctuates. Many hurts blood and native land pulls him home.
    And I wanted to ask you how much time was your acquaintance with his parents? Year, two or already once decided to legalizing the relationship?

  22. Zhenya:

    Koshos is in Russian Cyrus, the king was so. You can remake in Cyril)). And live better in France 🙂

  23. Daria:

    Zhenya, thank you! Nassmeyshili :))) Cyrus-in translating to Persian means .... Chmmm Men's sexual body. Therefore, all words starting with Cyrus are caused by my MCH attack of an endless laughter :)))

  24. Zhenya:

    So then according to Persian - a member, and in Russian - the king 🙂 and let Does not call so poor boy, since this word is so funny 🙂 🙂

  25. Inar:

    Well, yes, with the name of the Kurosh, you will not argue :) There are no no options. It would be possible to Kirill Kiryuch, but I already understood that you know why these options disappear. Kurosh means a Kuros, and for the girl you will choose the name :)
    But about moving to Iran, I would be pretty thought. Of course, I do not know what your husband is doing and from which city he is, but to live in Iran it became hard and expensive due to the collapsed economy. And while it only gets worse, so if you live in France not bad, it is better not to hurry with a move. We only eight years after marriage moved to Iran, and now we are already thinking about whether we did right.
    With my husband everything happened, sooooooo quickly, we somehow immediately understood that it was for all my life and did not pull. Of course, we were hurried, but thank God we were not mistaken in our choice, for 10 years this year will celebrate. Already three months after the acquaintance, we got married in the Muslim law, i.e. Mullah read a prayer over us, a document was signed and we became husband and wife. Two months after that, we went to Tehran to get acquainted with the family and immediately at this trip played a wedding. Therefore, I don't even know how to answer your question ...

  26. Oksana:

    Inar, how are you now? Tell us a little about Iranian families, about the position of a woman, men, etc. I read the article on this site about Saud.Aura - there is generally horror, women can not go out of the house, it is necessary to leave the country to leave the country, etc.

    • Inar:

      Freedom of a woman in Iran basically does not have restrictions, here women work, learn, engaged in sports, attend pools, beauty salons, etc. As in other countries. Last year, statistics showed that among the girls who arrive at the institutes were more than guys. But of course, much depends on the man, perhaps some husbands do not allow their wives to visit certain places, as in any other country in each family their orders. You asked how my business, thank you, I'm fine, I am satisfied with my life in Iran. And I would like to tell readers that the quality of life in Iran directly depends on the person with whom you are going to link your life. I'm not talking about the material side, I'm talking about the fact that the man will depend on how comfortable you will be in Iran, in his family, with his friends, etc. I was lucky, my husband is a very good person, besides, he lived for 13 years in another country and therefore his horizon, his views on life is much wider than those who have lived in Iran.

  27. Olya:

    Oh, and I did not know that the child should have exactly. Muslim name, I chose my daughter in my opinion the most beautiful name of Sofia, I hope they will be written. And if not, I do not even know.

  28. Inar:

    And Iranians also have the name of Sofia, only they utter it a bit differently Safiya (emphasis on the last letter). In the search engine, enter "female Persian names" and read, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by their variety and compromise.

  29. Olya:

    Thank you, it is already easier. I do not want to choose another.

  30. Baira:

    OBBEKTIVNBLY RASSKAZ! ESLI V Cheloveke Bolbwe Xorowego, Tem Menbwe on Zamechaet Ploxogo V Drugix!

Persians, or Iranians, are indigenous people of Persia (the current official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Iran), the people of the Iranian group of the Indo-European family. Persians are an ethnic majority in Iran (51% of the more than 66 million people in the country); They live mainly in the central and southern regions of Iran. Of the Persians are recruited a significant part of civil servants. Outside Iran, Persians live mainly in neighboring countries - in Iraq, in the west of Afghanistan, in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. After political shocks of the second half of the twentieth century. The big group of Iranians emigrated to Europe and the United States. Today in our country and in the southern states of the CIS also lives a large number of immigrants from Iran. Along with the Afghans, they traded in the markets, conclude small-winding transactions. Many Persians are engaged in religious propaganda.

Modern Iran is a multinational country. The main national minorities include Azerbaijanis (24% of the country's population), Kurds (7%), Gilants and Mazendarans (in the amount of - 8%), Arabs (3), Lura (2), Belukhi (2), Turkmen (2), Turks (1), Bakhtiyars, Cascais, Tajiks and other nationalities (in sum - about 2% of the population). Formed as the State of Persians, Iran in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, he conducted an active conquest policy, the Persian rulers united under their power of multi-leaf peoples and tribes. In the VII century Persia won Arabs. They brought with them Islam, who became the primary religion: now 99% of Iranians - Muslims. At the same time, 89% of Iranians profess the Islam Shiite sense, 10% - Sunnis.
The poem "Confession of Shiita" of the Russian poeses Lyudmila Avdeeva conveys the globility of the simple Iranian:

There is no passage in the life, I know rich.
There is justice, all joys nearby.
And the shade will love with me.
And here it is not standing on Earth.

Here our family is all the poorest in the quarter.
I do not dare to dream to give me Shade.
Here is hungry to live, there are no work so many years.
And there will be happy any unemployed.

There is a river from Master, there are mountains from meat.
RVI fruit for dinner from the paradise garden.
Our neighbor is nothing more dissatisfied.
He wants to learn, and the house is not completed ...

Islam Shiite sense, practiced only about one tenth of all Muslims in the world, for Persians is the basis of life philosophy.
Since 1979, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the state leadership turned out to be in the hands of Shiite theologians. The Islamic regime created an unprecedented state in modern history, in which all parties to life were subordinated to the ideas of Islam Shiite sense. Political, legal, moral, aesthetic, ethical, cultural and philosophical representations of the overwhelming majority of Persians today are determined by the provisions of Islam.
Bogolyubie, a clear and firm followation of the norms and traditions of Islam is the main virtue, allocated by residents of modern Iran when emphasizing the positive traits of the nature of one or another person. Of course, these qualities are not limited to a set of positive characteristics of Persians.
A distinctive feature of Iranians is hospitality. Polite reception is the minimum on which a foreigner can count first coming to this country. The accusation of non-microjitism is one of the worst in Iran. In any house you will be met with the words "Hosh Amadid!" ("Welcome!"). The guest will give the best place at the table and feed the best and most diverse dishes. Even if it is the house of the poorest Persian, the neighbors will help him. For the owner there is nothing more pleasant than to hear from the guest that efforts did not disappear in the gift that he is struck by the reception, wealth of dishes and their taste.

Women on demonstrations
Carry portrait
President Khatami

Generally goodwill - one of the business cards of Iranians. Communication with people in Persian is imbued with respect to the interlocutor. When applying to each other, Iranians use the words "Aha" (Mr.), "SAHEB" (Mr.), "Baradar" (brother), adding "Aziz" (dear), "Mochtaram" (dear). Equal on the situation, people at the meeting are hugging and hudded each other's hands. When meeting with senior, Persians are low. Expressing respect, gratitude and attention, Iranians often apply your right hand to heart. Sociability, preventability and politeness are the most commonly manifested communicative qualities of Persians.
The highest moral principles of Iranians include honors of the deceased ancestors, respect for older and old people. Senior, according to generally accepted opinion, is the personification of the kind, family. Universal well-being depends on the success of everyone. Related, clan and tribal relationships cement nation. Countrymen who moved from the village to the city before others help newly arrived in employment and arrangement of life. Among the Iranians are distributed a tradition that resembles the Soviet Saturday. Residents of one block, villages or streets collectively help in building a new home to their comrades. This event becomes an authentic holiday of labor. Singers and musicians come to support working. Upon completion of work, everyone is treated with pilaf and sweatshops.

One of the distinctive qualities of most Persians is the desire for the beautiful, love of art. After the proclamation of the Islamic Republic in 1979, the clergy held a course on the subordination of the culture and art of the problem of Islamization of Iranian society. Forbidden was "Western Art". It slowed down the cultural enrichment of the country from the outside, but at the same time stimulated the rise of folk art. Among the simple Iranians have many people endowed with talent musicians, poets, declamators, artists. Persians distinguishes a magnificent sense of humor. Joke, on time and to the place of this, allows you to survive adversity.
Iranians are superstitious. Muslims in Iran live in the world of permanent mystical gloves. They believe in evil spirits, talismans, witchcraft, divination, believe that stones, trees, buildings can be sacred. Bread, water, crops, roads, sky, fire are also considered sacred. The spirits of the dead are terrible, which "roam in search of living" and can enjoy in them, especially in women. Therefore, Persians are afraid to appear in those places where, according to their belief, evil spirits live. Amulets are widespread among simple Iranians designed to protect against the evil eye and damage. The amulets hang on the neck of a newborn baby, a boy, a beautiful girl and newlyweds, as it is believed that these people are in the smallest degree protected from the "goat evil spirit". In the villages believe in ghosts, witches. Experiencers of dreams are very popular.
When communicating with Persians, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the features of their cultural and religious development. To earn respect for the Persians is easier if you know the names of their great compatriots. Citation of Omar Khayama, Saadi, Hafiz and other Iranian poets and philosophers will raise your authority in the eyes of the interlocutor. But the Iranians should be avoided to discuss religious topics with the Iranian. Iranian will never tell you in the face that you offended him, taped a thin string of his soul. However, in the future, such a resentment will not be formed and can cause cooling or even cessation of relations.
During the Muslim post per month, Ramadan is changing a lifestyle in Iranian families, it becomes more measured and slow. The working day is reduced. Important cases are postponed at a later time. It makes no sense to wait for the Muslim to quickly fulfill your request. A foreigner who is in Iran during the post should not smoke during the daytime, eat or drink in the presence of local residents. Irritation can also cause the appearance of a European woman who does not stick to her legs, hands and face from the views of prayers. The state of inhibition in which Muslims are located during the post, continues for some time after its end. The most dangerous are the first days after the post. It is for them that there are peak of road accidents in Tehran and other major cities. Drivers simply do not have time to adapt to the conditions of a sharply growing pace of life and an increase in the number of cars on the roads.
Despite the fact that Article 20 of the Iranian Constitution proclaims the equality of all members of the Society before the law, Iranian women are practically deprived of many rights. Legally, a man is considered as the head of the family, a woman in the family is subordinated to a man. The right to file for divorce has only a man. Children in the event of the death of the spouse are transmitted to raise in the family of the late husband, and the woman loses the right to their children. In case of divorce, children also stay with the Father. All women, Iranks and foreigners, in public places and institutions are obliged to wear hijab - cape on the head. During the Iranian Iraq war 1980-1988. The slogan was spread in Iran: "Iranka, Hijab is your turn!". In transport and public places there are separate places for men and women. Women do not have the right to engage in many professions (in particular, there can be no singer women, women, women archaeologist or geologist). The law allows Muslim to marry an innovation, but forbids Iranka to marry a foreigner if he is not a Muslim. The freedom of the movement of Iranka is also limited by a number of Sharia's positions. A trip abroad can only be held when performing one of two mandatory conditions: accompanied by an adult man - family member or with a written resolution of her husband or father (for unmarried).

Criminal penalties for women are more severe than those provided for by the Criminal Code for such crimes for men. In February 2003, two women were hanged for the murder of one man, two more received a lifetime sentence.
Of course, in Iran, not everything is so gloomy, as Western media represent. Life in the country continues. In recent years, there has been a certain liberalization in the lifestyle of Iranians. Of course, on television does not demonstrate "light porn", as in our country. But it is safe to say that the overwhelming majority in the Iranian society and does not seek such "freedoms". The skill of Iranians is easily and in philosophically to worry life adversity - that rod that allows this nation to develop, moving in one with all humanity. Unlike Europeans or Americans is not a reason for the announcement of people about which they know little, "out of law."
Iran is a multinational state in which religion performs a large number of functions, and the main one is the association of people.

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Hey! My name is Christina, I am 25 years old. 5 years ago I met Iranians, we loved each other, and now I live in one of the most mysterious countries of the world - in Iran. The life of this country is shrouded in many fears, myths and prejudice. I will tell you how everything really happens here.

Myth 1: Iranian women are rummaged in black from head to toe

After the Islamic revolution of 1979 in Iran, a dress code for women is really introduced in Iran: it is impossible to open naked legs, the sleeve should be at least 3/4, you can not wear tight clothes, show bust. And the most important thing: every woman should wear a handkerchief.

I have never seen women in Iran in Paranzh (this robe completely closes the body, leaving only eyes open). Religious Iranian, mostly older generation, can be seen in Chadore - this is black clothes that hides the body, but leaves the face open.

The handkerchief and the dress code is the law, while far from all Iran's youth is so religious. Jeans, sandals, heels and fashionable styles within acceptable norms are not prohibited, so Iranki look very stylish and fashionable. The handkerchief is most often used as a fashion accessory, and it is more likely to throw on the head, and do not hunt into it.

In Iran, there is a certain "Fashion Police". The guys stand in places of clusters of tourists and launch offerators. Tourists are sent "for handkerchief / cardigan", but the locally can also write out.

Not all Iranians are delighted with the dress code in their own country: as soon as the aircraft from Iran picks up a height, many girls are changed and they go abroad without a scarker. So the whole thing is not in religion, but in the laws of the country: they have to be observed, but still young women still dress beautifully and modern.

Myth 2: There are no rights in Iran in Iran

Women in Iran live much easier than in some other Muslim countries.
Iranian woman has the right to be anyone.Wants - his wife and a housewife, and does not want - a politician, a taxi driver, the seller, however wishes! I have already seen Iranian police, translator and even journalist. Iranki quietly walk along the streets alone, drive a taxi and driving, they can be sitting at the table with men, and most of the employees in all sorts of institutions are women.

Moreover, the head of the family is most often a woman. It is she who manages the family budget that housekeepers often work in families, so the wife does not have to do the farm 24/7. Iranka also has the right to submit for a divorce and get away from her husband, drive a car (in Saudi Arabia only this year!), Again, get a job, go to study abroad. Iranki is very sociable and open: calmly rented conversations with unfamiliar men in the bazaar, very much to love tourists and agree to take pictures.

Myth 3: Iran is a very dangerous place.

The reputation of Iran is picked up due to difficult relationships with the United States and sanctions imposed on the country. I will say right away: there are no hostilities. Moreover, there is such an indicator as the "global index of terrorism", it takes into account the number of terrorist attacks affected by and so on. The first lines are occupied by Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Syria. Russia is located at 33rd place, the United States - on the 32nd, Germany - on the 38th. Iran, according to this rating, stands at 53th place.Perhaps Iran is afraid, because this country is like the sound on Iraq?

Due to sanctions in Iran, there are no majority of large brands and fast food, Facebook does not work and some other social networks, however, residents still easily bypass blocking.

Myth 4: The bride and groom get acquainted only at the wedding

Depends on the family. Yes, in Iran there are families living strictly in the Qur'an: there parents prohibit children to enter into relations before marriage, choose them themselves and the newlyweds almost do not have time to know each other before the wedding. But this is a separate category of people, their minority.

Most young Iranians do not hide - they go on dates, hold hands. At the same time, it is not customary here to kiss in French and every way to demonstrate their feelings, but also for a kiss in the cheek you will not be arrested.

To start living together, the pair declares temporary nicknames: It is done quickly, and his duration can be spelled out of any. In Iran, it is customary to arrange gorgeous weddings, but not everyone has money for it. Young people live together in temporary nickname, dug for a wedding, and no one looks at them as Kos.

Couples in Iran often conclude a marriage contract, and there is one curious component in it - Mehria. This is a gift to the bride who makes the groom either immediately, or its size is prescribed in the marriage contract: Thus, the wife will not remain without financial support in the event of a divorce, and the court will take care of me. Gold coins can be as megrie, as well as more creative desires, for example, 500,000 roses, rewritten with her husband's hand, a collection of poems and others.

Myths dealt with myths. I want to tell about some features that I surprised me in this country.

Perhaps, by the number of operations made on the nose, Iran boldly may take first place. "New nose" here almost every second Iranka: I went to the pharmacy - a pharmacist with a plaster on the nose, walking around the city - one, the second, the third - through one girl with postoperative dressings on the face. Iranki do not hide what the operations did: on the contrary, this is a kind of way to demonstrate that there is money in the family to go to the surgeon. The funny thing is that some girls will simply glue the plaster on the nose to get off for a girlfriend.

And not to say that the Iranian noses are strongly humpbalances - it just happened that rhinoplasty became fashionable. Most girls go to the surgeon for "easy smoking". It seems to me that it looks like under the car, well, I like Irank, however, this is their business.

2. In Iran has its own street food. And she is very original

Not only burgers and hot dogs are sold as streets on the streets of cities: Iran can also Enjoy stewed beets, baked potatoes and roasted beans. Traders stand right on the street and prepare food in boiling chains.

At the same time, Iranians love and know how to cook tasty, and always very welcome guestsand there are huge tables with many national dishes. When I just arrived in this country, we almost went to guests every day and got acquainted with your husband's relatives: and in every home the table was covered and giving gifts. And here are very loved by tea: it seems to be ready to drink everything 24 hours a day!

3. The entrances look like holles in hotels, and apartments - as a museum

Of course, in Iran, as around the world, there is absolutely different housing: both simpler, and more worship. But what surprises me is how the middle class houses and apartments look like (relatives of my husband are more like more to him). When we pass by the elite districts, I can not even believe that this is Iran: it's too chic.

For example, my husband's sister lives in a new residential area. There is excellent infrastructure - gardens, schools, shops, 3 shopping malls, a bunch of restaurants, a beautiful park complex, in each house there is a sports club.

A separate mention deserve entry. It all depends on the new home or old.
There are emerges, securities and sofas. In some homes there are even further - there are televisions, aquariums with fish. And in the elevators playing music. You go to the elevator, choose the desired floor, and then the color illumination is turned on, and the "lonely shepherd" is played from the speakers from the movie "Kill Bill".

If there is such a beauty in the courtyards and entrances, imagine now that in apartments. Iranian style is, of course, luxury: gilding, rounded shape, red. For Iranians Family is the main value, so they seek to make the house as cozy and comfortable. In the interior, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, in each apartment (even small) there will be a spacious room with armchairs, sofas and tea tables. Otherwise, there is always a lot of guests in the Iranian house, and the size of the apartments usually allow. Apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters. M is not "wow", but "okay, comes up."

In the houses are always very, very clean: Yes, many Iranki do not work, but 100 square meters. M! White sofas, carpets, and around small children with chips - how do they coexist at all? And the candles on the table - what miraculously did they live before the arrival of guests?

I watched a lot of preparation for receptions in my husband's mom's house. There are carpets so vacuum, which sometimes it seems that the pile will break off. In the kitchen, even the plinth of the refrigerator wash. By the way, about carpets: Iranians love them very much, and this is the indicator of the viability of the family. Handmade carpets are huge money, but even in the most modest housing will definitely be the carpet - the truth is the usual, factory.

4. Many interesting architectural solutions everywhere.

This does not mean that a person infuriates something: people say "no" by the clasion. Iranian friends are tsokut, if they want to abandon the proposed chocolate. Castle a child who does not want to go to school. Castle an old man on the market if the answer will be "no" to your offer. It is unusual, but quickly get used to and once "C" ceases to seem offensive.

  • Easy to you can meet men kissing when meeting in cheeks or discussing something in an embrace.
  • In Iran, sex changes are allowed. The government considers so - the operations can be carried out if they help a person to determine its real floor. Moreover, the state partially sponsors the operation of approximately $ 3,000 and carries out complete control over the process, ranging from the first consultation at the psychotherapist, finishing his visit to the surgeon. By the number of operations on the change of gender, the Islamic Republic is inferior only to Thailand.
  • Should I come to Iran?

    Tourists are afraid to come to Iran, and all because of the bad image and scandal with the United States. In addition, alas, some equate Iran to Iraq, but these are completely different countries. Here you live amazing, hospitable people, there is no war here, it's safe here, warm and interesting.

    Who should come to Iran? Fans of coloring. There is no crowd of tourists and the traveler as if it gets into a new and amazing world. You can bring a lot of authentic gifts (carpets, dishes, spices, tea), visit the amazing mosques, see the Rose Lake Urmia, taste the local cuisine. Come and you will all see with your own eyes!

    Tell me, what did you hear before Iran? Surprised how is it really?

    At all, I completely tired you with architecture! I will no longer, except that I'll show one mountain village.
    And now - to people!

    Many times had to read in the media that this is the country of backward religious fanatics.
    The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe trip to Iran flashed in me in not the most standard circumstances - in Lebanon, during a visit to the most beautiful cave of Jit. Just at that moment, the cloud of buses was drowned with Iranian tourists looking gloomy - like a flock of black check box. Those who wish to ride a boating on underground lakes accumulated more than, had to stand in line. At some point I tried to look at the situation removed - pure sur. I am in the ghostly underground hall in a dense crowd of aunts, cooked to the nose into black robes, the cold waves and Charon wakes up with his oars. I even frost myself for a moment. I had to stand for a long time, but at some point I felt that the crowd was completely non-aggressive. Persons were extremely smiley, manners polite, the voices are calm. Cape craveled from one girl, and I saw an incredible beauty with some kind of almost Spanish rose in her hair. The picture was still stood before my eyes.
    Then, on the plane from Damascus, my neighbor was a conversational Uzbek businessman who assured that a more friendly country than Iran, not at the East, he leads to them for 17 years.
    In general, I wanted to see close.
    The first question is frightening black clothes. I will explain in detail because myself was recently mistaken. The face in Iran does not close - the Fader is worn, that is, thrown on top of a black semicircular sheet. But not everyone is worn everywhere. This clothing is considered to be "official" - to the service in the state office it is customary to walk like this. Well, she is also "on the exit" - that is, to another country, that I watched. (By the way, on my taste, ladies, clutched in black, they look at a rarity stylish and not oppressed).
    In Iran itself, everything is much more fun. If you are not in the service and not in the mosque, the usual shape is pants, a short sewer or a long blouse and a handkerchief.
    But the handkerchief can be tied so that just ah! On some fashionistas, I looked, just revealing my mouth. Well, cosmetics are somewhat abused, it is. Broving seems to have all tattooed. Look at typical tehran girls:

    And about the fact that I found a red rose in the cave in the hair. Everything turned out to be much more prosaic! So that the handkerchief does not slip off, and the hairstyle seemed lush under it, the girls are attached to the top of a cloth-crab with a "pompon" from the seeded cape. Pompon size depends on personal taste. (I clung to myself small, but local girls it happens with their own head).
    The bulk, of course, does not look like a modest, but somehow calmer. This lady is from the Yazda.

    Here are our accompanying - Ferest, Ira and Fatima.
    Fatima from shiraza than is very proud of, because Shiraz, the time of the century is considered the cultural capital. University education, discreet and noble manners, friendliness and desire to show the guests the most - all this makes it an ideal guide. With her, our driver Nabi is also a chicken, calm, pleasant and educated. Fatima assures that one pleasure work with him is behind him as a stone wall.

    I asked a lot about the usual mistake, about the life of the "oppressed" Iranian, which surprised Fatimally. The only thing that "oppresses" her is the duty to wear a handkerchief - she would be wore with great pleasure if it were not forced. This was not at the time of her mom, that is, before the Islamic revolution. (However, in Shahsky times it was taken married at 15 years and start a bunch of children, and now 80% of students are girls). Whether to go to Russia, in graduate school, she has not yet decided, as the child is 3 years old, and in addition, she wants his travel agency in Shiraz. But in the summer I was going to see Moscow and Peter.
    Fershte, unlike her, bachelor. Not that convinced, but it really happened. Cheerful, mixing and very simple. He alone arrived in Tehran from Mashhad at 18, he filmed the room, studied, worked (this is the question that no man in the east). Now it works in tourism, teaches at the university and teaches Russian independently, on books. In Moscow and St. Petersburg just in love.

    Increability of the history of Ira, the former Moscow Region Teacher's Teacher. In Russia she did not have it, and she left for Tehran with two children - marry. Then two more bore. To the question, whether she is not afraid to live in Iran, it is even offended - you say, much more terrible. Iranian medicine was very praised - even Mama brought to make an operation. Showed a photo of the eldest Russian daughter in Black Chadore - and no one forces, the girl sometimes like to walk like that.

    Ira herself believes that wearing handkerchiefs - not such a big fee for those advantages that the local life provided it. She especially admires Iranian husbands.
    Here I can not not note that the main thing about the country is a huge number of men with babies in your arms! At the same time, they kiss them, silent, whisper something on the ear - like our moms. And mommy goes nearby. All this makes the impression of the nation at all is not militant, but family-oriented. (The driver of Nabi joked that Iranian men are all podkabablniki). However, see:

    And even funny I am a detail - a lot of young people with a ripped patch of noses! At Iranians, it turns out that plastic operations are in great fashion. As I was explained, now they are fashionable to do nose smoky! Oh my God! Why do they spoil their noble Persian noses! At the same time, the boiled boys are much larger than girls - since they were also allowed to use this service 5 years ago! That's what I do not understand!
    Okay, the result.
    Iranians loved me very much and even seemed like those similar to Russians. Well, hooray - I now have one love more in my life!


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