The family refers to a reasonable person. Systematic position of man - abstract

The family refers to a reasonable person. Systematic position of man - abstract

"The main stages of the human evolution" - Gorilla. The most ancient people (Peteitront, Sinantrophop). Ancient people. PropelInitek. Parapitecia. Driopiteca. The first modern (Cryanonian, modern man). Avstals. Chimpanzees. Gibbon. Novikova A.V. Ancient people (Neanderthal). Fight for existence, natural selection. The main stages of the evolution of man.

"Human biology" - Stage 3 Registration of research results - 2 weeks. Formation of groups for research. Project protection. Australopitets. Independent distribution of tasks inside groups. "Nature! What is the impact of a person on the biosphere? Drawing up an action plan. What is the miracle of nature man?

"The origin of the RAS" is the position of a person in the animal world. Epilogue. Driving power of human evolution. Human race. Starting from the 17th century a lot of different classifications of human races are offered. The origin of human races of a person, apparently, appeared relatively recently. In Indonesia, South Asian Race prevails.

"Biology of race" - a desert. Duration of the project. "All people are brothers and sisters." Rasa -___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________.

"The origin of a person on earth" - front view. Skull Propeypiteka. Systematically collect materials on the origin of man Darwin began in 1837. We give a few examples that prove the scale of human activity: disappearing aral. Genesis contains two stories about the creation of man by the God. II. 4. Divine origin of man.

"Races of a person" - evidence of the belonging of human races to one biodiversity. The occurrence of races and the mechanisms of omegenesis. Basic concepts for lesson: race, misunderstanding, racism, mohethisation, social darvinism. Features of the modern stage of human evolution. The division of humanity to race is based on morphological signs.

Total in the subject of 10 presentations

It has its own features. They are connected with the biosocial basis of a person reasonable.

Man: Systematics

On the one hand, a person is the object of wildlife, the representative of the kingdom of animals. On the other hand, this is a social personality that lives according to the laws of society and strictly obeys them. Therefore, modern science of human systematics and the peculiarities of its origin are treated with both biological and social positions.

Human Systematics: Table

Representatives of the taxa, which belongs to modern people, have a number of similar features of the structure. This is proof of the presence of their single ancestor and the common path of evolution.

Taxonomic unit Similarities and characteristic features
Type chordsFormation at the initial stages of development of the embryo of chord and nervous tube
Speed \u200b\u200bvertebral

The formation of the inner whose spine is

Mammals classFineralizing the young milk, the presence of a diaphragm, differentiated teeth, pulmonary respiration, warm-bloodedness, intrauterine development
Detachment PrimatesFive-plated limbs, contrasting thumb rest, identity of 90% of chimpanzees genes
Gominida familyBrain Development, Little Ability
Rod manThe presence of a vaulted foot, a free and developed upper limb, the presence of spinal bends, ai-graduated speech
View man is reasonableIntellect and abstract thinking

Type chords

As you can see, the person's place in the systematics is clearly defined. Heterotrophic type of food, limited growth, the ability to active movement determine its belonging to the kingdom of animals. But according to features, the representative of this systematic unit also includes classes of bone and cartilaginous fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

How can such different organisms relate to one type? It's all about their embryonic development. In the early stages, their axial chord is laid. A nervous tube is formed above it. And under the chord, the intestine in the form of a pass-through tube. There are gills in the throat. With the development of these ridiculous structures, a person underwent a series of metamorphosis.

The spine is developing from the chord, from the nervous tube - the spinal and brain. The intestine acquires a cross-cutting structure. Gill slits in the throat will overgrow, resulting in a person goes to pulmonary breathing.

Mammals classes

A typical mammalian representative is a person. Systematics refers it to this taxon is not accidental, but for a number of characteristic features. Like the entire representative of mammal animals, man feeds his young milk. This valuable nutrient is produced in specialized glands.

The systematics of a person intelligent refers it to the group of placental mammals. During the intrauterine development, this body binds the mother and future child's body. In the placenta, their blood vessels are intertwined, a temporary connection is established between them. The result of such a work is the implementation of transport and protective functions.

The similarity of a person with other mammal representatives is also in the peculiarities of the structure of organ systems and the flow of physiological processes. These include enzymatic digestion. Biologically active substances are highlighted by the liver, salivary and pancreas. The overall feature is the presence of differentiated teeth: cutters, fangs, large and small indigenous.

The presence of a four-chamber heart and two circles of blood circulation determines the warmth of the person. This means that its body temperature does not depend on this indicator in the environment.

View man is reasonable

According to the most common hypothesis, man and some species of modern monkeys have one ancestor. There are a number of evidence. The family of hominids is characterized by an important feature - straight. This feature, of course, was associated with a change in lifestyle, which led to the release of the anterior limbs and the development of a hand as an organ of labor.

The process of the formation of a modern species was held in several stages: the oldest, the ancient and the first modern people. These phases have not replaced each other, and a certain period coexisted and competed with each other.

The oldest, or monkeysoids, were able to independently make the tools of labor from stones, mined fire, lived in the primary herd. Ancient, or Neanderthals, communicated with the help of gestures and a ridiculous self-parting speech. Their rules of labor were also bone. Modern people, or Cryanovonians, built their own housing or lived in caves. They sewed clothes out of the skins, knew a pottery, tamed animals, grown plants.

A person whose systematics is determined by a combination of anatomy, physiology and behavioral reactions, is the result of long-term evolutionary processes.

Systematic position of man


Larionov Anton Igorevich

Scientific classification

Treatment: Eukarota

Kingdom: Animals

Fabrication: Eumetazoi

Section: Bilateral

Subsection: Recently

A type: Chordovy

Subtype: Vertebrae

Class: Mammals

Subclass: Placementary

Squad: Primates

Suborder: Sukhonosy

Infrastructure: Famosis

Forwarding: Persons

Family: Hominids

Subfamily: Hominins

Tribe: Hominini

Sample: Hominin

Rank: People

View: Reasonable man

Subspecies: A reasonable reasonable man

Treatment: Eukarota

Eukarotes (nuclear) - the talent of living organisms whose cells contain kernels. All organisms, except bacteria and archaeys, are nuclear.

Animals, plants, mushrooms, as well as groups of organisms under the general name of the protists - are all eukaryotic organisms. They can be unicellular and multicellular, but everyone has a common cell structure. It is believed that all of these so increasing organisms have a general origin, so the nuclear group is considered as the monophiletic taxon of the highest rank. According to the most common hypotheses, eukaryotes appeared 1.5-2 billion years ago. An important role in the evolution of eukaryota was played by symbogenesis - symbiosis between the eukaryotic cell, apparently, already had a core and capable of phagocytosis, and the bacteria varied by this cell - precursors of mitochondria and chloroplasts.

The structure of the eukaryotic cell

Eukaryotic cells on average are much larger than prokaryotic, the difference in the volume reaches thousands of times. Eukarot cells include about a dozen species of various structures known as organoids (or organelles, which, however, somewhat distorts the initial meaning of this term), of which many are separated from cytoplasm with one or more membranes. In prokaryotic cells there is always a cell membrane, ribosomes (substantially different from eukaryotic ribosomes) and genetic material - bacterial chromosome, or gene, but internal organides surrounded by membrane are rarely found. The kernel is a part of the cell, surrounded in the eukaryota by a double membrane (two elementary membranes) and containing genetic material: DNA molecules, "packed" in chromosome. The kernel is usually one, but there are multi-core cells.

Kingdom: Animals

In everyday life, the animals are often understood only by four-legged ground vertebrates (mammals, reptiles and amphibians). In science for the term, animals secured a wider value corresponding to Latin Animalia. Therefore, they say that the animals, in addition to mammals, include a huge variety of other organisms: fish, birds, insects, spider, mollusks, starfish, all kinds of worms, etc. The person belongs to the kingdom of animals, but traditionally seen separately - even professional biologists Use the revisions "Animals and Man" or "Animals, including Man."

At the same time, earlier to this kingdom have attributed many heterotrophic protists and divided animals to fabrics: single-celled Protozoa and multicellular metazoa. Now the name "Animals" in a taxonomic sense has been fixed for multicellular. In such an understanding, animals as a taxon have more specific signs - for them are pecked, a multi-part structure, the presence of at least two germinal leaves, the stages of Blastuly and Gastruv in the embryonic development. The overwhelming majority of animals have muscles and nerves, and not having them groups - sponges, plaque, mesozoes, bookpoints - perhaps they lost their secondary.

At the same time, in science, the term "animals" is sometimes invited to use and in an even wider value, implying in animals is not a taxon, but the type of organization is a vital form based on mobility, heterotrophility and a gold-duct.

Origin Metazoa

The first fossil remnants of animals belong to the end of the Damekambria, about 610 million years old, and they are known as Ediakar or Vendian Fauna. Their, however, is difficult to relate with later fossils. They can be predecessors of modern branches of animals, and may be independent groups, and maybe they were not animals at all. In addition to them, the most famous types of animals, more or less simultaneously appear during the Cambrian period, about 542 million years ago. This event, called the Cambrian explosion, was caused either by the fast divergence between differentiating groups, or such a change in the conditions that petition made possible. However, some paleontologists and geologists suggest that animals have appeared much earlier than previously thought, perhaps even 1 billion years ago. Traces of fossils, such as prints and holes in the Tonai period, testify to the presence of three-layer worms, large size (about 5 mm wide) and complex, like earthy worms. In addition, at the beginning of Tiona about 1 billion years ago, at about the same time, there was a reduction in the diversity of stromatolytes, which may indicate the emergence of new animals during this time. However, the discovery of the fact that prints are very similar to these early traces of fossils are made today by giant unicellular protists Gromia Sphaerica throws a shadow of doubts about their further interpretation as evidence of the early evolution of animals.

Family: Eumetazoi.

Eumectases or real multicellular - the focus of animals, which includes all species possessing a real multicellular structure.

It is opposed to less developed fabrications of parasows and agnotozoys into which sponges and lamellar fit. Sometimes lamellar and sponges refer to one grate of the Prometases. Some authors also attributed to the fault of the Promethaisians and Diciemide.

Eumetases are distinguished by the presence of muscle and nerve cells, as well as specialized intercellular contacts. Currently, many authors reject the selection of arms of the Prometases and Eumectases. According to modern molecular biological and comparative anatomical data, the lamellar are a nursing group of intestinal, and sponges - a nursing group of Grebnevikov. Probably the absence of muscle and nerve cells in these animals is the result of secondary simplification.

Section: Bilateral

Bilateral symmetric or bilateral - the section of animals to which all double-sample-symmetric types are. In all of them, the left side of the body mirrorly matches the right. This principle, however, does not apply to individual internal authorities, which demonstrates, for example, the location of the liver or heart in humans. The scientific name of Takson dates back to the Latin words of Bi and Latus. Another important exclusion is igblerike, adult forms of which are approaching radial symmetry, while the larvae bilaterally symmetrical.

Subsection: Resellers

Secondary - subsection of bilateral animals. These include the most progressive animals - vertebrate (horde subtype).

The origin of secondary strokes is unclear. Perhaps they originated from radial (shepheric) animals regardless of the primary. According to other hypotheses, the ancestors of the reorganist were representatives of one of the primitive types of primary, united in a group of lower worms. The latest data of molecular studies speak in favor of the first theory.

Type: Chordovy

Chordovy - The type of secondary animals, for which the presence of a mesodermal axial skeleton in the form of chord, which is replaced by the highest forms. According to the structure and function of the nervous system, the type of chordovy takes the highest place among animals. Chronologically chord - the youngest type. About 51,000 species of chordovy, in Russia - 4,300 species are known in the world.


Usually there are three subtypes of chordovy (sometimes four). The highest subtype is vertebrates, which owns about 95% of all types of chord. Of the lower chords, they allocate underacted and shells. The most ancient and most primitive subtype, whose representatives occupy an intermediate position between invertebrates and chord animals are distinguished in a separate type of animal-semi-ferrous (Hemichordata).

Below are three generally accepted subtype of chord:

    Subtype Cancer or Cephalokhordovy, Cephalochordata

    Subtype of shells, or tunic, or urohord, tunicata or urochordata

    Vertebral Subtype, Vertebrata or Craniata

Headhead, fish and amphibians belong to the animations, the remaining vertebrate classes - to amniotam.

Subtype: vertebrae

Vertebrates - subtype of chordan animals. Dominant (along with insects) on Earth and in the air group of animals.

Vertebrates - the highest subtype of chordovy. Compared with the lower chords - undecented and shells - they are characterized by a much higher level of organization, which is clearly expressed both in their structure and in physiological departures. Among the vertebrate there are no species leading a sedentary (attached) lifestyle. They move over a wide range, actively looking for and exciting food, finding for the reproduction of individuals of the other sex, fleeing the persecution of enemies.

Features of the structure compared to other types

Active movements provide spinal animals. The possibility of changing habitats depending on changes in the conditions of existence and needs at different stages of their life cycle, for example, in development, sexual maturation, reproduction, wintering, etc. and with physiology.

The nervous vertebrate system is significantly more differentiated than the lower chord. All animals of this subtype are developed brain, the functioning of which causes the highest nervous activity - the basis of adaptive behavior. For vertebrals, the presence of a variety of and complex organs of feelings that serve the main link between the living organism and the external environment are characteristic.

With the development of a brain and sense organs, the occurrence of a skull serving a reliable case for these extremely gentle and important organs is connected. As an axial skeleton, instead of chords at the overwhelming majority of animals, a more advanced and durable formation is functioning - a vertebral pillar that performs the role of not only the support rod of the body, but also the case enclosing the spinal cord.

In the field of the front of the intestinal tube, moving parts of the skeleton arise, of which the mouth is formed, and in a huge majority of the jaw apparatus, providing grapplation, retention, and the highest vertebrates and grinding it.

Class: Mammals

Mammals - the class of vertebrate animals, the main distinguishing features of which are legability (with the exception of the clock infralass) and feeding the cubs with milk. About 4500 species of mammals are known in the world.

Characteristic signs of mammals

In addition to the smallest and feeding offestness by milk, a number of signs are characterized for mammals; Some of them are also found in other vertebrate groups, some are not characteristic of not all types of mammals, and only certain such signs are unique. Among such features:

    Having hair cover (wool), sweat and sebaceous glands

    Special type of brain structure (including the strong development of the final brain, the transition to it of the functions of the main visual center and the control center complex forms behavior)

    The presence of three hearing bones of the middle ear, outdoor ear passage and ear shell

    Seven vertebrae in the cervical spine


    Four-dimensional heart. One (left) arc aorta

    Alveolar structure of lungs

    Teeth sitting in cells (alveoli) jaws; HeteroDonality (reconcile)

    Non-surfactant erythrocytes

Subclass: placental

Placental, higher animals are the most common mammalian cohort, which is also considered the most highly developed. Another cohort is the sample (Metatheria) or a two-utility (Marsupialia). A distinctive feature of placental is the birth in a relatively developed stage.

Today, placental is the most common and diverse cohort among mammals.

Placentamentaries are divided into four supervisors that are determined by genetic relationships and general historical origins:

Afroteria (AFROTHERIA) - a few group at first glance is extremely different animals. It belongs to the tubes (Tubulidentata), Damana (Hyracoidea), sirens (Sirenia), proboscida (proBoscidea), jumpers (Macroscelidea) and tenrol (AFROSORICIDA). For afoterias, and extinct classrooms (Desmostylia) were also treated.

Income (XenArthra) - Contains a detachment detachment. It was probably in South America.

Euarchontoglyres(EuroChonoGlires) - The group includes rodentia (Rodentia), Town-shaped (Lagomorpha), Primates (Primates), Tupa-shaped (Scandentia) and Shankrew (Dermoptera).

Laurelioteria (Laurasiatheria) is a large group, part of which are insectivores (insectivora), manochable (Chiroptera), lizards (Pangolines) (PHOLIDOTA), predatory (Carnivora), non-parckless (Perissodactyla), vigorous (man-and-art (artiodactyla) and cetaceous (Cetacea) ). Armed presumably in the proto laure.

Detachment: Primates

Primates are one of the first (in the sense of "higher") a detachment of placental mammals, including, including monkeys and a person.

For primates, the five-plated very movable upper limbs (hands), opposition to the rest of the rest (for the majority), nails. The body of most primates is covered with hair, and lemor and some wide monkeys have too shock, because of which their hair cover can be called a real fur. For many species, mantle, mane, beard, mustache and other "jewelry" are characteristic.


The detachment of primates allocated in 1758 by the Linney, which was taken to him by people, monkeys, semi-esshynes, bats and sloths. For the determining signs of primates of Lynne, has taken the presence of two Milky glands and a five-palist limb. Since the XVIII century, Takson has changed, but in the 20th century there was a slow Laurie to the sloths, and the hands were excluded from among the nearest relatives of primates at the beginning of the XXI century.

Recently, the classification of primates has undergone significant changes. Previously highlighted suburbs of semoresias (Prosimii) and human-like primates (Anthropoidea). The semoressens attributed all representatives of the modern sub-train of Strepsirhini, longly, and sometimes stupid (now considered as a special detachment). The anthropoidea subverse has become monkey infrastructure. In addition, the Pongid family was previously isolated, which is now considered part of the hominid family.

Sublocks and families

    Mokrone (Strepsirhini)

    • Dwarf Lemurs (Cheirogaleidae)

      Lemurovy (Lemuridae)

      Lepilemuri (Lepilemuridae)


      Rowkoniydae (Daubentoniidae)

      Lorium (Loridae)


    Sukhonosy (Haplorhini)

    • Disclaimed (Tarsiidae)


      Chain monkeys (Cebidae)

      Night Monkeys (Aotidae)

      Saky (Pitheciidae)

      Spider-shaped monkeys (Atelidae)

      Martychkovy (Cercopithecidae)

      Gibbon (Hylobatidae)

      Hommeridae (Hominidae)

Origin and coming relatives

Primates are sometimes grouped together with helprings, mancaps and stupid in the Archonta overcare. In another presentation, formed on the basis of the 1999 molecular studies, primates, helmet and stupid (along with rodents and hares, as well as a common ancestor - wood agriculture) belong to one of the four branches of placental - the supervision of EuroChonToGlires, and the mancasts - to the other, LauraSiatheria .

Primates occurred probably from primitive insectivores in the uppermal time.

Covers: Sukhonosy

Sukhonosy monkeys - primates arrivals. Previously, this follow-up, with the exception of long-distance, was called real monkeys, emphasizing the difference from the so-called semolstery. Today, such a separation is considered obsolete.

Sukhonosy monkeys, to which a person belongs to, differ in a number of signs from another subjection of primates - Mokrous monkeys. As it follows from the name, the haplorine primates have a dry nose and a less developed sense of smell. Drainy monkeys prevail the birth of one cub. In general, this subverse is considered more developed in evolutionary relation.

Sukhonoscopy monkeys are divided into two infrautroys:

      disclaimed (Tarsiiformes)

      monkey-shaped (Simiiformes)

      • wide-up monkeys or new light monkeys (Platyrrhina)

        focusing monkeys or monkey old light (Catarhina)



Furious monkeys or monkey old light - parvota Primates. Together with the wide monkeys (monkeys of the new light) enter the infrastructant monkey, and with long hence they form the junction of the dry monkeys.

Among focus Allocate three main groups:

parapiteite ( ParapitheCoidea.) - Fully extinct group of cloth monkeys;

martyshkovy ( CERCOPITHECOIDEA.) - an extensive group of vector-axis primates living in Africa, Asia and Europe (Gibraltar);

hominoids ( Hominoidea.) - The highest monkeys to which a modern person belongs to a systematic relationship.

Everything focus - Day animals. Everybody is characterized by a complex social organization. Almost all focus, excluding thick-walled, have a narrow nasal partition, and their nostrils are drawn down. The size of the body ranges from 35 cm (dwarf china) to 175 cm (gorilla). The brain is well developed. Teeth 32. Primates are mainly powered by mixed foods with a predominance of plant, less often insecto. In connection with the mixed nutrition, they have a simple stomach. Four-type teeth are cutters, fangs, small (premolars) and large (molars) are indigenous; Molars with 3-5 tubercles. Primates occurs a complete change of teeth - dairy and constant. There are throat bags. The tail from most long, but it is never used for grabbing. In some representatives (Lapunder, Mandril), the tail is short or absent (Magot, man-like monkeys).

Primates have a well-developed five-layer, grabbing limb adapted to Lazagan on the branches of trees. For all primates, the presence of a clavicle and the full separation of radiation and elbow bones, which ensures the mobility and variety of movements of the front limb. The thumb is moving and many species can oppose the rest of the fingers. The end phalanges of the fingers are equipped with nails. For those forms of primates that have cogtevoid nails or have a claw on separate fingers, the thumb always carries a flat nail. Hair cover and individual sections of the skin are sometimes brightly painted. The lowest vocal monkeys have graval bags and sedabiled corn. They are common in Africa and Asia in the Arabian Peninsula, in South and Southeast Asia, China and Japan. One kind of narcotic monkeys, Magot, occurs even in Europe (Gibraltar). Live herds or family groups.

Manoid monkeys, hominoids or anthropomorphids - the foresight of the cloth monkeys (Catarrhina), having a body structure similar to the human.

According to the latest anthropological data and the generally accepted theory of origin of species, all the monkeys of the old light (narrow-skinned monkeys) are divided into two large supersatimities: mardy-shaped and humanlike. Many anatomical signs are distinguished by the first and second. For man-like monkeys, a larger body is characterized, the lack of tail, rocked bags and sedabous corns (they have, but small). Manoid monkeys are peculiar to a fundamentally excellent way of movement in trees: instead of running on the branches in all four limbs, they are mostly moving on their hands, under branches. This method of movement is called brachia. The adaptation to it caused a number of anatomical changes: more flexible and long arms, movable shoulder joint, flattened in the head-rear direction chest.

All people have a similar structure of the teeth and a larger, compared to the mardy-shaped, brain. In addition, their brain and more complex, with highly developed departments responsible for the movements of the brush and language, organs of vision



The hominids are the family of the most progressive primates, including people.

Earlier, the hominids attributed only people and their extinct ancestors, and Orangutanov, Gorillas and Chimpanzees were allocated to a separate family of Pongid. But with this definition, the Pongid family becomes parafylastic (i.e., not all types of their nearest overall ancestors), while in modern biology strive for monophiletic taxes. Therefore, many biologists now include orangutans into the hominid family as a subfamily Ponginae. In addition, the gorillas and chimpanzees are often included in the Homininae subfamily, along with people. This classification is shown below.

Submissions: Hominins

Hominines - Hominidae's subfamily (Hominidae), to which a man of reasonable (Homo Sapiens), Chimpanzee (PAN) and Gorillas (Gorilla).

TRIBA: Hominini

Hominini (Hominini) is the tribe of the family of a hominide, which includes people, chimpanzees of their extinct ancestors and a few more fossil clans. Goodman also includes Gominini Gorillas in the tribe, including them in the oppression of Hominin and Orangutan, highlighting them of the Pongina (Pongina).

Design: Hominin

Hominin or Hominin - the proportion of anthropomorphic primates isolated from the Treba Hominini. They are characterized by gradual evolution towards straightening. The only survivor, which comes from the geominine sample is Homo Sapiens. According to the Hudman's classification, the gorillas (as a genus) and chimpanzee are included in the Gorillas and chimpanzees, which it includes the size of Homo.

Rod: People

People are a family of primates of the Gominid family. Includes a view of a reasonable man (Homo Sapiens) and surrounding it. Homo's ancestors are considered Australopitet.

There is already an outdated classification of species inside the genus (and the anthropogenesis scheme) as a sequential change of "stages": archangets, paleoanthropes, neo-strokes.

Currently, anthropology is made to share all fossil people into groups (stages), each of which includes several species.

      Archantrip - Ancient people.

      Paleoanthropes - Ancient people (Homo Neandertalensis, possibly, Homo Heidelbergensis).

      Neoantrops - People of modern appearance.

The group of archantropov includes two main types. This is a kind of Asian ancient people, a man strapping (Homo Erectus), and his African version, a man working (Homo Ergaster).

The classic representative of Paleoanthropes (ancient people) is the Neanderthal, or the Neanderthal's man, - Homo Neanderthalensis. Recently allocated another species - Heidelbergian man, Homo Heidelbergensis, later than the most ancient people Homo Erectus and Homo Ergaster. With some researchers, he refers to Paleoanthrops. "Homo Neanderthalensis is associated with Ashhelskaya and Mustier stone industry.

The following is the form of a modern person, or a man of reasonable, Homo Sapiens. Sometimes the last two species are combined into one - H. Sapiens, including two subspecies - H. Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis - Neanderthal's intental and H. Sapiens Sapiens man - a reasonable man.

View: reasonable man

Subspecies: a reasonable reasonable person

A reasonable man is the only living species of the Homo family of the Gominid of Additions of Primate. From modern person, in addition to a number of anatomical features, it is distinguished by a significant degree of material culture (including the manufacture and use of tools), the ability to a self-parting speech and abstract thinking. The combination of human individuals is called humanity.

Systematic position and classification

Together with a number of extinct species, a reasonable man forms a man (Homo). From the nearest species - Neanderthals - a reasonable person is characterized by a number of features of the structure of the skeleton (high forehead, reduction of abnormal arcs, the presence of a depositous process of temporal bone, the absence of a gasket protrusion - "bone shinone", a concave base of the skull, the presence of a chifferent protrusion on the municipal bone, "Cino" The indigenous teeth, a flattened chest, as a rule, relatively longer limbs) and the proportions of the brain departments ("bezvoid" frontal shares in Neanderthals, widely rounded in a person reasonable). Currently, work is underway to decipher the genome of Neanderthals, which allows you to deepen the ideas about the nature of the differences of these two species.

In 2003, the remains whose age is approx. 160,000 years (Pleistáze). Anatomical differences of copies prompted researchers to allocate a new subspecies of Homo Sapiens Idaltu ("Elder").

A comparison of DNA sequences shows that the very close relatives of a person from now living species are two types of chimpanzees (ordinary and bonobo).

Other representatives of this line (mainly Australopita and a number of species of the genus Homo) have not yet been preserved.

The emergence of a person was associated with a number of essential anatomical and physiological modifications, including:

    structural brain transformations

    increased cerebral and brain

    development of dongy movement (bipedalism)

    development of grabbing

    the omission of the larynx and the sub-band bone

    reducing the size of canine

    the appearance of menstrual cycles

    reduction most of the hairproof.


People are the only modern mammals walking on two limbs. Some monkeys are also capable of straightening, but only for a short time. True, some lemurs (Sifaki) on two limbs jump.

Hair Pokrov

The human body is usually a little covered with hair, with the exception of the heads of the head, and in half-armed individuals - groin, armpits and, especially in men, hands and legs. Hair growth on the neck, face (beard and mustache), chest and sometimes on the back is characteristic of men. (The lack of hair is also found in some other mammals, in particular the elephants.)

Like other hominids, the hairpro does not have a bleach, that is, is not fur. To old age, man's hair is gray.

Skin pigmentation

The human skin is capable of changing pigmentation: under the action of sunlight it darkens, a tan appears. This feature is most noticeable in the European and the Mongoloid races. In addition, in the skin of a person under the influence of sunlight, the synthesis of vitamin D is the synthesis.

People are omnivores - feed on fruits and root, meat of vertebrates and many marine animals, eggs of birds and reptiles, dairy products. A variety of food of animal origin is limited mainly to a specific culture. A significant part of food (and animal food is almost always) is exposed to thermal processing. Drinks are also highly varied.

Man is the only living creature capable of drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities. Most animals are disgusted with ethyl alcohol and drinks, which contains it (although there are exceptions, in particular, some dogs can lap beer, laboratory rats are often with pleasure drinking alcohol).

Newborn children, like the cubs of other mammals, feed on maternal milk.

Man is one of the few representatives of the animal world with speech ability. Many birds, such as a parrot, have a sound resistance ability, but for the ability to speech, a second signal system is needed, which, apparently, is characterized only by a person. In a number of experiments, monkeys and dolphins tried to teach an understanding of simple phrases or their generation using the language of gestures, but such attempts most often ended to no avail. The exceptions became known experiments with the Chimpanzee Washo and Kooko Gorilla, which demonstrated the possibility of studying and using the human language with higher primates.

A person has the most developed brain among animals. The ratio of the mass of the brain to the mass of the body is greater than that of any other animal (with the exception of the coat of the spider-like monkey) [the source is not specified 202 days], and the absolute mass of the brain is more only in elephants and cetaceans.

A person has a well-developed brain area responsible for the balance and coordination of movements, which allows you to walk on two legs. The olfactory areas, on the contrary, are poorly developed, which corresponds to an extremely weak sense of smell. On the other hand, a person, like all primates, has stereoscopic vision.

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1. Eukaryota vessel (Eucaryota);

2. Kingdom Animals (Animalia);

3. Large milk (Metazoa);

4. Section Bilatenensymmetric (Bilateria);

5. Subsection Reogrammer (DeuteroStomia);

6. Chordata type (Chordata);

7. Vertebrata subtype;

8. Mammamy class (Mammalia);

9. Subclass of niphelistic (Theria);

10. Infrared placental (EUTERIA);

11. Primate detachment (Primates);

12. Person-shaped subvernament (Antropoidea);

13. Section of cloth monkeys (Catarhina);

14. Upcomy of man-like monkeys (Hominoidea);

15. The Hominidae family;

16. View man is reasonable (Homo Sapiens).

Section 2. Ontogenesis

Topic 2. Prenatal Ontogenesis

The development of the new organism begins with the process of fertilization (fusion of the sperm and egg cell), which occurs in the uterine tube. Flusted sex cells form a new single-celled germ - zygotahaving all the properties of both genital cells. The optimal conditions for the interaction of the spermatozoa and the eggs are created within 12 hours after ovulation. Combining the core of the sperm with the core of the egg leads to formation in a single-cell organism (zygote) of the diploid set of chromosomes (46).

Table 1. Length and name of the embryo

First week- This is a period of crushing (division) zygotes for subsidiaries. Immediately after fertilization during the first 3-4 days, the zygota is divided and simultaneously moving in the uterine tube towards the uterus cavity. As a result of the division of the zygota, a multicellular bubble is formed - blastulawith cavity inside. The walls of this bubble are formed by cells of two types: large and small. From the outer layer of small cells, Ste5nets of the bubble are formed - trofoblast.In the future, the cells of the trophoblast form an outer layer of the shells of the embryo. Dark large cells (blastomeres) form a cluster - embubline (germinal nodule),which is located Knutrice from Trofoblast. From this accumulation of cells, the embryo is developing and the extraordinary structures adjacent to it. By the end of the first week of development (6-7 days), the embryo enters the uterus and is being introduced (implanted) into its mucous membrane; Implantation lasts about 40 hours. Surface cells of the embryo forming a bubble - trophoblast, isolated an enzyme, a routing surface layer of the uterus mucous membrane, which is prepared for the introduction of the embryo in it. Forming villings (increased) of the trophoblast come into contact with blood vessels of the parent organism. Trofoblast turns into a nourishing sheath of the embryo, which is called. village shell (chorion).Initially, the chorion is the villi from all sides, then these patches are saved only on the side facing the wall of the uterus. In this place of their chorion, the uterus-adjacent mucous membrane develops a new organ - placenta (children's place). The placenta is the body that connects the Mate5rian organism with the embryo and ensures its nutrition.

Second week -this stage, when the cells of the embryoblast are separated by a hectare of two layers (two plates), of which two bubbles are formed. From the outer layer of cells, adjacent to the trophoblast, is formed exposable (amniotic) bubble. From the inner layer of cells (incarnation of the embryo) is formed endorbic (yellowing) bubble.The bookmark ("body") of the embryo is where the amniotic bubble comes into contact with the yolk. During this period, the embryo is a two-layer flap consisting of two sheets: exterior germinal (Etoderma),and inner germinal (Entoderma).Etoderma is facing an amniotic bubble, and Entoderma arrives at the yolk bubble. At this stage, you can define the surface of the embryo. Dorsal (spinal) surface goes to amniotic bubble, and ventral (chest) - to the yolk. By the end of the second week the length of the embryo is 1.5 mm. During this period, the germ shield in his rear (caudal) part expands. In the future, axial bodies begin to develop (chord, nervous tube).

Third weekit is a period of education of a three-layer panel (embryo). The cells of the outer ectodermal plate of the germs shield are shifted to its rear end. As a result, cell roller (primary strip) is formed, elongated in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the embryo. In the head (front) part of the primary strip, the cells grow and multiply faster, as a result of which a small elevation is formed - primary nodule).Place the primary nodule indicates the cranial (head) end of the body of the embryo.

Spinning quickly, the cells of the primary strip and the primary nodule germinate to the side between the ectoderm and the entoderma, so forms the middle embryo sheet - mesoderma. Mesoderm cells located between the flap sheets are called intrafremidia mesoderm,and evicted beyond its limits - offer mesoderm.

Often mesoderm cells within the primary bubble is particularly actively growing from the head and tail end of the embryo, penetrates between the outer and the inner sheets and forms cells - spinal string (chord).At the end of the 3rd week of development in the front of the outer germinal sheet, active cell growth occurs - it is formed nervous plate.This record will soon be defeated, forming a longitudinal furrow - nervous groove.The edges of the groove thicken, bring together and grow together with each other, closure nervous, groove into the nervous tube. In the future, all the nervous tube develops nervous system.

In the same period of their posterior part of the Entodermal plate of the embryo panel in the extra raging mesenchym (in the amniotic leg), the finger-shaped grown penetrates - allantois,which person does not perform certain functions. In the course of Allantomis, blood poodle (placental) vessels germinate from the embryo to the chorion Village). Containing blood vessels, connecting the embryo with off-sucking shells (floating), forms abdominal skeleton.

Thus, by the end of the 3rd week of development, the germ of man has the appearance of a three-layer plate (shield). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe exterior germinal leaf, a nervous tube is visible, and a deeper is a spinal string, i.e. Axial organs of the human embryo appear. The length of the embryo is 2-3 mm.

Fourth week -a germ, having a form of a three-layer panel, begins to fake in transverse and longitudinal directions. The embryonic flap becomes convex, and its edges are accomplished from the surrounding embryo amnion deep furrow - togolish fold.The body of the embryo from a flat panel turns into a bulk, ectoderma covers the embryo from all sides.

The nervous system is formed from the ectoderm, the skin epidermis of its derivatives, the epithelial liner of the oral cavity, the anal part of the rectum, the vagina. Mesoderma gives the beginning of the internal organs, the cardiovascular system, the organs of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles), actually the skin.

An Entoderma, which, inside the body of the embryo, is coated into the tube and forms the incident of the future intestine. A narrow hole that reports the embryonic intestine with a yellow bag in the future turns into a navel ring. Epithelium and all glands of the digestive system and respiratory tract are formed from the Entoderma.

Embryonic (primary) intestine is first closed in front and rear. In the front and rear ends of the body of the embryo appear in the fusion of ectoderma - the mouth of the pocket (the future pot of the cavity) and the anal (rear-ground) pog. Between the cavity of the primary intestine and the oral hole there is a two-layer front (roto-silence) plate (membrane). Between the intestine and the posterior space, there is a clock (posterior) plate. The front (roto-pharyngeal) membrane breaks through the 4-1th week of development. On the 3rd month, the rear (posterior) membrane breaks.

As a result of bending, the body of the embryo is surrounded by the contents of amnion - amniotic fluid, which plays the role of a protective medium that protects the embryo from damage, primarily mechanical (concussion). The yolk bag lags behind in the growth and on the 2nd month of development has the form of a small bag, and then completely disappears. The abdominal skeleton is lengthened, becomes thin and gets the name upholstery rope.

In the head office on each side of the embryo from Etoderma, the primitives of the inner ear and the future lens of the eye are formed. At the same time, the heads of the head are rebuilt, which, around the mouth, form supported and maxillary processes. The kice (caudal) of these processes are visible to the contours of the mandibular and subwaged arcs.

On the front surface of the body of the embryo, elevations are visible: hearty, and behind him hepatic bumps, the deepening between these walls indicates the place of formation of one of the primaries of the diaphragm. The caudal of the hepatic beacon is the abdominal skeleton containing large blood vessels and connecting the embryo with the placenta (poucher rope). The length of the embryo is 4-5 mm.

In the period from the 5th to the 8th weekthe formation of organs (organogenesis) and TK5ANE (histogenesis) continues. This is the time of early development of the heart, the lungs, the complication of the structure of the intestinal tube, the formation of the capsules of the senses. The nervous tube completely closes and expands in the head unit (future brain). At the age of 31-32 days (5th week) the length of the embryo is 7.5 mm. At the level of the lower cervical and 1-th-breast segments of the body appear former-like concurrents (kidneys) of the hands. By the 40th day, the feet are formed.

At the 6th week, the length of the embryo is 12-13 mm. The laying of the outdoor ear are noticeable, from the end of the 6-7th weeks appear bookmarks of the fingers of the hands, and then legs.

By the end of the 7th week, the length of the embryo is 19-20 mm. Start forming eyelids. At the 8th week, the length of the embryo is 28-30 mm. The commissioning of the nucleation organs is ends. From the 9th week, i.e. Since the beginning of the 3rd month, the embryo takes the form of a person and is called the fruit (length by the 9th week - 39-40 mm).

Starting from 3 monthsand during the whole fetal period, the further growth and development of the formed organs and parts of the body occur. At the same time, the differentiation of external genital organs begins. Low nails on the fingers.

From the end of the 5th month (Length 24.3 cm) eyebrows and eyelashes are becoming noticeable. On the 7th month(Length 37.1 cm) opens the eyelids, begins to accumulate fat in subcutaneous tissue. On the 10th month (length 51 cm) The child is born.

A person belongs to the kingdom of animals. However, it is very different from all other representatives of the animal world. In the ecological pyramid, Homo Sapiens occupies the highest level. The main thing is that a person with special tools can transform environment, modifying and adapting it to its needs. What class does a person treat? We will consider this and other questions in this article.

Position of a man in the animal world. What class does a person treat

In the animal system, Homo Sapiens has such an affiliation:

Type - chord;

Detachment - primates;

Subtype - vertebrate.

Specific signs, such as the presence of five departments of the spine, sweat and sebaceous glands, warm-bloodedness, four-chamber heart and others, allow you to answer the question about what class is a reasonable person. All of these characteristics allow Homo Sapiens to the mammalian class.

Such features of a person like tooling the fetus in the pedered organs of the mother and nutrition of the fetus through the placenta are signs of which a person belong to the subclass of placental.

General and human sensible and other representatives of the mammalian class

We have already figured out, to which class people relate.

What features are common with this class of animals, and what are different? Some similar features were described in the previous section. In addition, man just like other representatives of this class, feeds its newborn offspring with milk.

However, although the structure human body And it has many similar features with the structure of mammals, it also has differences. First, this is a snapshot. Only Homo Sapiens has such a feature.

Because of this, the human skeleton has four bends of the spine, a vaulted foot and a flat thoracic. In addition, people differ from other mammals by the predominance of the brain department of the skull over the facial. Consciousness and ability to communicate with speech - these features, together with all others, are distinguished by a person from animals and put it on the highest level of development.

Features of man and animals

Which class of animals includes a person, we have already found out. What animals are the most monkeys, cetacean, mouse. It was proved that primates had a sense of justice, as well as people, and even prone to altruism. Some challenged animals, such as dogs or cats, are leaving for training. However, no matter how smart and capable of any representatives of the animal world, they will never exceed the mind of people.

The attitude of man and animals

We have already answered the question: "To which class does a person treat?", And also identified it type, subtype, detachment and subclass. Now it will be about the relationship between and representatives of the animal world.

A person in its essence is an ultra-slip. He eats meat meat killed animals. Moreover, some animals may be the property of people. Domesticated individuals serve to satisfy human needs, not only in nutrition. With the help of aluminated animals, a person protects its property, performs heavy field work, protects products from rodents, transports various objects, etc. From the wool of animals and their skin, a person gets raw materials for the production of clothing and shoes. Pets such as cats and dogs are needed to people for communication, recreation and entertainment. That is, the relationship between man intelligent and animals is very close and multifaceted.


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