Vinnitsa National Medical University. Vinnitsa Medical Institute forgotten School Year of Vinnitsa Medical University Open Day

Vinnitsa National Medical University. Vinnitsa Medical Institute forgotten School Year of Vinnitsa Medical University Open Day

Vinnitsa Medical Institute - "Forgotten" academic year of 1942 ...

Some acts (de facto)
One adventure (de jure)
(and in a n t y r a -
risky and dubious project
undertaken excluding real forces and conditions
accompanied by random success
and doomed to failure)

Information sources.
Stop note of the management of the Institute.
Departments of the Institute before, during and after the occupation of the city of Wehrmacht.
Teachers of the institute and their fate after the liberation of the city.
Organization of classes.
Release doctors.
Causes of termination of the Institute in 1943

Not only to write about it - it was not accepted. To write, in general - it is forbidden, and it was still possible to say - in the kitchen it was possible, but in classrooms, at meetings - God forbid, how - by distant by sins - Marxists are expressed.

On the time of the occupation of the ideologues of the CPSU, and after them - local historians, archives employees, knowledge of the Society "Knowledge", all sorts of propagandists there and so on especially officially did not apply. There are several reasons for this, and they, no matter how connected one on the other:
- the public many facts - even in large details - were not known and therefore the whole picture, especially some episodes, were mysterious, mysterious, which is really impossible,
- from the previously known a lot of things that was in no way fit into the communist concept of behavior as an enemy, and under his cathody of civilians,
- a sufficient amount of such, which was tolded to hide, not disclose, refute (next lie), etc.
- There were no memories of witnesses in the occupation in print in the print, and there could not be, and even in the variants censored by the "competent" authorities: too one-sided-untrue, they would have appeared then ...

In fact, it was the links of one ideological chain: the facts were not known, since the archives were closed, no one was closed, the memories of writing, knowing what the identification of such manuscripts could turn out (there was no need to dream of the publication), and the foundally detected and the competent authorities found It was from the public to hide, because it, on the one hand, did not fit, as mentioned above, in the communist concept and, on the other, exposed the essence of these bodies ...

If - about the time of the German occupation, then on the atrocities of the fascists or about partisan movement - please, and about partisans - again, selectively, or, as if scientifically expressing, differentiated. That is, about Bolshevik, and not about nationalist (terminology of German orders and circulars) partisans. The circle related to the first was strictly defined by the Bolsheviks and the KGB: they, first - and glory, and honor. Post-war disassembly between the first (previously by the decade and finally - to the twentieth of the victory) were, under the pressure of the same "working and peasant party" and "the guards of the revolution", are saturated. Then the heroes were officially named. And everything seemed to be firmly in place. Or rather, to the places indicated by the only party in the country and without any public criticism of vigilant dzerzhinsy.

[Soviet special services and party bodies suspected all underfiders and partisans in espionage and provocatence, as indicated in the collection "Life in occupation" (see below). This is evidenced by numerous archival documents.
Even 20 years after the end of the Second World War (!), July 1, 1965, Vinnitsa Regional Party Archive represented (I am sure that not for the first time) Institute of History of the Communist Party of the Central Committee of the CPU - branch of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU certificates about the number of participants of the anti-fascular struggle , on underground party and anti-fascist organizations and groups on the territory of the Vinnitsa region (p. 369-370).
Twenty years of suspicion of doubts and check-check ...]

(By the way, the nationalist partisans were not united from the very beginning, in addition, many of them, in the process of struggle with the Germans, changed not only their tactics of hostilities, but also political attitudes and goals. The main reasons for this are short-sighted theory and practice. The German national nationalists in relation to the population of the occupied lands, on the one hand, and the increasing failures of the occupiers on the fronts of the war, on the other.)

As a result, the German occupation of Vinnitsa 1941-1944 G. We knew no more than the German occupation of 1918-1919, although the occupation during the Second World War was much longer, tragic and closer to us in time.

In short, living in Vinnitsa 15 post-war years, and five of them are a student of the Medical Institute, I didn't recognize anything about the history of this university concerning the time of the shopping time in the city of Hitler's troops.

But the times of "perestroika" came, then the USSR broke up, radically weakened censorship - and in the new independent state of Ukraine (as in the Russian Federation) appeared the first studies and - not adjusted by the party (CPSU) melody, in many ways dissenising with it - publications, affecting the topic of interest to us.

I will give, for example, this dissertation:

Gіnda Volodir Vasilovich. Omesta in the Rocky of the NIMETSKY OKUPATSIA in the general environment "Zhytomyr" 1941-1944 PP. Abstract dis. ... candidate of іstorny sciences. Cherkasky National National University ІMENI Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2007.
- Barinov Igor Igorevich. Occupational regime of Nazi Germany on the territory of Ukraine, 1941-1944: the abstract dis. ... candidate of historical sciences: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2013.

Finally, two books came out. The first is from the series "Documents of Soviet History": "Life in the occupation. Vinnitsa region 1941-1944 Moscow, Rossman, 2010 [later, with references to this collection, I will indicate - i], the second - V. Ya. Kulikov "The occupation of Vinnitsa (18.07. 1941-20.03. 1944) Evidence evidence. Publication E. G. Pedachenko. Kiev, parapan, 2012 "[later, with references to this book, I will indicate - ii].
If the first of these books has been edited and the documents presented in it seem to have no doubt about their identity with the originals, the second book is a collection of memories written, although the same author, but at different times. Therefore, in it, some events are described two or more and - not always equally, which is quite explained by the properties of human memory. The publisher of these memories is the grandson of Dr. Ya. Kulikova Professor-neurosurgeon E. G. Pedachenko led memories as far as he considered it possible and necessary, "in order", but - absolutely correctly done - repeats did not withdraw. Therefore, I will also sometimes repeat, because I can not know which of the versions of presenting an eyewitness of events V. Ya. Kulikova is more responsible for the truth. And also - and not quite on the topic: Publist of memories V. Ya. Kulikova - the leading neurosurgeon of Ukraine prof. E.G Pedachenko - Son of the first post-war students of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute.

I want to be presented to further presentation relating to the Health Institute directly, the following note from "Life in Occupation ..." (I, p. 152):

"On August 9, 1941, temporary urban self-government was formed, which in November 1941 began to be called Vinnitsa City Governance, at the head of which Hitlerians appointed professors of the Medical Institute A. Sevastyanova (Gavo. Fund R-1311. OP. 1.D.286. L.1, 9-10). German Bernard, before the war he lived in the territory of Vinnitsa region, from the end of July 1941 he was the Chairman of the Vinnitsa Regional Administration. These governments were created by the German FeldComandature of Vinnitsa. Among the staff there were many members of the OUN (b). Throughout 1941-1942 The Nazis arrested and shot some employees accused of belonging to the OUN (b). In the spring of 1943, German FeldComands changed the structure of Vinnitsa city administration. "

About A. A. Sevastyanov and about one of his deputies - also Professor of Medin Institute - G. S. Gan will be described in detail below. As for the engineer of Isidor Fadeevich Bernard, it is not interesting to notice that he headed the administrative and economic part to the war in the Medical Institute. [In the staffing of Vinnitsa City Government - I, p. 185 - S. F Bernard is written, probably because he was called, using a colloquial form, "Sidor"] that is, all three chief executives of Vinnitsa in the period of German occupation were Former employees of the Medical Institute. Accident?

A little bit about Bernard, who lived "... modestly. Bernard did not want and did not know how to use his position. He lived only on his earnings. Assign someone else, it was visible, it was disgusting. In the geacheraft - commission trade, to open some enterprise, take a bribe, etc. - he was not started. He dressed poorly. Sobilo followed a little. In this regard, he was absolutely not like a German. At the same time it must be emphasized that he did not try to become different. He did not go to the Germans: the impression was created that he needed less than they were in it. The invaders were awarded and his "Sribnoy ViDgnow", but no one had ever seen her on it. " (II, p. 167).

And - more by I. F. Bernarde the words of one of the figures of Oun (b) in Vinnitsa region in 1941-1943: "... Deputy Burgomistra Vinnitsa Bernard, who shared the entire population of Vinnitsa only into two national groups - Germans and Ukrainians , Called to Ukrainians (geographically) katsapov, Poles and different reversed. " (I - "From the memories of E. Aletiano - Popivsky on the activities of the OUN (b) in the Vinnitsa region in 1941-1943.", P. 395 - 406). ["At the beginning of January 1944, E. Aletiano - Popiv left from Vinnitsa region, fought as part of the Ukrainian People's Army, was in Italy, then went to England, where he died in 1976" - from the editorial reference to his memories.]

In the state archive of Vinnitsa region there are documentary materials that would help us more clearly present the time and those events. But while they are not available to me.

That's what I can inform about these materials:

Dava R-1325 "Vіnnitsky Medichnya Estitution M. Vіnnitsya".
1. F. R-1325
2. Vіnnitsky Medichenium Estitution (Perigod of Nіmezky-Fascistski Okupatsії), m. Vіnnitsya
3. 1942-1943
4. 12 Ref
5. Non-free Jerelo Non-arrivals Document_V is not standing.
6. CARCO TOS ROSOPIONDENIE OF THE APPLICATION OF THE INSTANT; Protes of Square Ekzamenitskyi Komіsiy; by the provisions of the ISPitiv; Natiesi; staffing; diploma student; Lists of Abіturієntіv, Vikladachiva Tu Studentiv; Listwan with Medichniki Vіdddil General Komіsarіata at m. Zhytomyrі about Stan Roboti Assistant; Anktyi Pratskіvnikіv; Vіdomosti on the annunciation salary.
7. Access to Document without core.
8. Cop_yuvannya is allowed to be listened to the Nauchoviki Tsіlokh І z dosivor of the administrator of the ADMINSІSTRI.
9. Ukraїnsk, Nіmezka.
10. Fіzichny Still Documentіv Zander. Document is crying.
11. Ways.
12. -
13. -
14. NCH. Vіddіlu Zherigannya, the region of the village of Dovіdkovaya Avaratova O.M. Galamai
15. 17.03.2004

Not much there is: only 12 cases. For comparison: in the archive F. R-1335:
Vіnnitsky Medichni Tekhnikum (Period of NIMETSKO-FASISKOKI OKPAZKI), m. Vіnnitsya 1941-1943 - 105 cases, and in the archive F. R-1326: Vіnnitsyka psych_atrichna Lіkarnei (Perigod of NIMETSKO-FASISTSKOKI OKUPATSії), m. Vіnnitsya 1941-1944 - 177 cases .

So, the archive, indicating the activities of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute during the occupation of the city of German troops, is available. But on the official website of "Vinnitsky National National Certifications University IM. M.І.Pirogova "( On the work of the institute in the years of occupation does not say a single word. Mystic, isn't it?

Not! Not true, lie, somewhat softer - falsification of history. Why, asks - now, when and talking, and you can write about it? I do not find any other explanation, except - in a rooted, who has emerged in the flesh in Soviet times, habits, imitating party - "Mind, honor and conscience of our era," to hide, lie, "powder brains", "hang noodles on the ears" , pr. Although folk wisdom warned: "Breakhnoy Uverai Svit goes, that back will not come back."

At first, the organizers of the work of the Medin Institute during the occupation tried to donate the heads of the Germans. In a memorandum (see below), they report on the holding of "according to the Plan of the Berlin Medical Institute Friedrich-Wilhelm." Forget that this medical institute was not, but was a Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet (current, since 1946, Humboldt-Universitaet Zu Berlin), from which 29 Nobel laureates came out! And as part of this university was the Faculty of Medicine. And among the Nobel laureates, they were listed by the start of the Second World War, the following university employees - Laureates on Medicine: Emil Von Behring (1901), Robert Koch (1905), Paul Ehrlich (1908), Albrecht Kossel (1910), Otto Warburg ( 1931), Hans Spemann (1935).

About laboratories, clinics and all other things, which is related to the preparation of doctors, including, of course, the teaching staff, forget, however, it is impossible. So, if you even assume that the leaders of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute of Time occupation of the city had translated into Russian (Ukrainian) language educational plans "Berlin Medical Institute", to realize them in the then conditions, if there is a state of teachers, there was absolutely no possibility.

I had to see German university laboratories and clinics (Leipzig, Munich, etc.), built in Kaiser times with such a wretch, which to compare them with an unfinished morphorcupus, which then shoved everything - medical institute and technical school, regional hospital. N. I. Pirogov (the hospital itself was taken by the Military Hospital), it cannot even come to mind.
What kind of "idiots to the degree of Bi-Square", expressing in Odessa, in this case this report is addressed?! Similar nature, however, has not yet created.

Only in one Vinnitsa Medical Institute of the 1942 sample was not inferior to the Berlin Medical Institute.
It is known that after the arrival of the Nazis to power from the Berlin Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet, 280 teachers' employees were fired, which was 35% of the total number of teachers. More than 90% of dismissal occurred on the basis of anti-Semitism. Not left at the university and any of the Jewish Students.
So, only in this Vinnitsa Medical Institute (and there is no no one's own guilt in the sim of his own merit: the invaders themselves were "disturbed") was like "Berlin Medical Institute".

Could not - in principle - to help another lie: "assigning" titles of professors and associate professors with no such teachers (see below). Finally, just a ridiculous looks like a request for the resolution of the Medical Institute to implement a scientific tour of the professorship staff in Germany (Berlin, Düsseldorf, etc.) for exploring the modern state of scientific and academic work at large centers of Germany. " (I, p. 780) So looks like a parody! - But it was still serious and in a far from the fun time: they say, we will go, let's see, we will return - we introduce yourself. All, including scientific work - and we will also have Nobel laureates!

It is emphasized that these not required reports were compiled by anyone at the end of 1942 (this can be judged by the report that on September 21, a "solemn act on the course of medical students" was held), when the Wehrmachut was already obviously Align in the captured territories. As for the "issue of medical students" (and not doctors), then there are compilers of a report note, rightly according to Freud, the knowledge and skills of those who interrupted, in connection with the beginning of the war, regular classesFor about six months of "Dumping" in the occupation did not add.

Why did the wrong place so much?
If you consider at least

That the same teachers who worked in the Vinnitsa Medical Institute before and (or) after the war, were in the "lecture" of the Institute during the occupation;
that graduates of 1942, with the liberation of Vinnitsa in 1944, after the formal exam and the exchange of diplomas, were recognized by Soviet physicians;
that one of them became in the 70s by the head of the department of surgery of the institute, and the other - the assistant of the Department of ENT diseases,

That is officially about the work of the Institute in 1942-1943. It would be necessary to though briefly mention.

For reference: with the beginning of the war, the time of study in medical institutes sharply reduced, the so-called accelerated issues were held - the front demanded physicians. One of these, apparently, "super-resistant" graduates engaged in one course. He served before the title of Major of the Medical Service, to the post of head of the otorinolaryngological department of the hospital, but, in the end, he had to start everything from the beginning, from the first year! The accelerated Diploma of the doctor during the transition of Major to the civil service was not recognized.
And here - the exam - and you are a full Soviet doctor! (II, p. 344).

So, we start with this, so many speaking documents submitted under No. 227 in I on page 552-554 in the Ukrainian language (Gavo. F. R. - 1325. OP.1. D.8. L. 46-48. Copy .) And on page 779-781 - translated into Russian (translation - imperfect, but I have not changed anything; remained as a bad positioning of text parts and incorrect cuts of words, typos).

"Report postpost
Vinnitsa Medical Institute
about the educational and pedagogical activities of the Medin Institute

Vinnitsa Medical Institute began its work after conservation in March 1942
Lectures were read on the 5th year from March of the month of the month for free. At the end of August, and in September of the months, state exams for those who graduated 5 are a course of students, and on September 21, a solemn act on the occasion of the issue of medical students.
From 1 to 10 August, entrance exams were held for the 1st course, and from September 1, work was launched on the 1st and 4th courses of the Institute.
Students for today on the 1st year ... ...................... 198
On 4 - "" - ... ..................... 88
Classes are held behind the plan of the Berlin Medical Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm.
Lecturea Vinnitsa Medical Institute is provided.
At the Department of Anatomy Prof. Zamyatin, Assist [UNT] Omelchenko
Assistant Baltz
Physics .......................... and. about. Associate Arafyev
Assistant Varyaga
Chemistry ........................... Doctor Diaketonary
Associate Professor Bach
Zoology and booster. Sevastyanov
Tanic ................... Associate Professor Bolkovsky
Associate Professor Pihtin
Histology .................... Associate Professor Plenthen
Assist [ET] Buchovets V. D.
Assistant Topchiev
neighbor languages \u200b\u200b/ lat., Associate Professor Tykhvinsky
it. I / ... an assist. Glazrin
Assist. Rudzit
Assist. Alexandrov

At the IV course:
At the Department of Pat. Anatomy ....... Prof. Manulko-Gorbatsevich
Assist. Franco M. M.
Assist. Krulikovskaya
Therapies ................. Prof. Maslov.
Assist. Kunkel
TVs reads ..... Gelzer
At the Department of Surgery ................ Prof. Trempovich
Assist. Mazanik V. N.
Gof E. S.
At the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology professional. Kononenko
Assist. Borshchevskaya M. O.
Assist. Berezovskaya
Hygiene and epidemiology ..... professional. Gan
Assist. Bukhovets
dermatology .................... professional. Christ L. D.
Assist. Dogaeva
nervous and mental
Diseases .............. Assist. Lukyanenko
Assist. Chernomorets
Topographic anatomy
Reads ....................... Prof. Zamyatin
The vaccination course holds. about. Doc. Bernasovsky
German ZyK reads lecturer ... ... Rudzit

The institute has the opportunity to further deploy its activities. Classes on II and III courses can be opened.
Course II students are envisaged ... ............................ 50-60 persons.
The III course is envisaged ............................... 50-60 persons.
Regarding the professorial lecturer, then for PAT. Anatomy, histology, chemistry professors already have.
Physiology agreed to read invited from the city of Kiev. Serkov.
He will also read both pharmacology and physiology.
At the Department of Pathophysiology, the Institute invites prof. Capran S. K. (from Kiev).
Propchurgery will read prof. Gulyanitsky. There is no prof. Biochemistry.
An essential obstacle to the way of normal deployment of the institute is:
1) difficulties in providing apartments invited from Kiev professors. Vinnitsa is not now free housing, which could be given to the apartment professors. Providing an apartment in Vinnitsa Kiev professors put as a prerequisite for the possibility of moving from Kiev.
2) the estimate of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute is also finally approved by local authorities. The reason lies in the fact that the department of labor does not give consent to partitioning to certain persons of the professorical-lecture industry.
For further deployment of the Institute, you need:
1) Provide invited professors apartments.
2) approve the final estimate.
3) give permission to some persons from the professorical-lecturer on combination.
4) Return the institute who belongs to him the house at the corner of the Ukrainian Avenue and Pushkin Street.
5) Allow the deployment of the dental faculty by reorganizing the dental department of the Medical Technical School in the Dental Faculty, for this there are relevant conditions: the contingent of students, lecture and estimated allocations in the budget of the medical equipment.
6) Allow the medical institute to carry out a scientific excursion to the professorical staff in Germany (Berlin, Düsseldorf, etc.) for exploring the modern state of scientific and academic work at large centers of Germany.
7) Allow students of the Medical Institute, as well as a medical technical school to bring food from home to them food, because now they do not have the opportunity to send products in the city or bring them from the area.

Director of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute Professor Zamyatin

Head of the learning part Professor Gan

And [spilling] about [brancia] dean to Tikhvinsky "

(Note The collection of a collection: "The Medical Institute in the composition of two courses worked until the beginning of February 1943, in accordance with the order of Rekhomissar of Ukraine E. Koch [see below - N. K.] The institute was closed, and students were sent for forced work to Germany. .. ").

As mentioned above, on the official website of "Vinnitsky National District Medichny University II. M.І.Pirogova "( On the work of the institute in the years of occupation does not say a single word. Let's look at the pages of this site, in which it is described about the above mentioned departments immediately before starting the occupation and immediately after it.

Department of Anatomy.

"In 1936, Rotsi Zadyuychim Cathedron Bulo finished the ass. MK Jamine. After once, as a staff, Astesti V.I. Schmülenzon, Yasko (s 1939 p.). S.S. L_vtsy, p.h. Gaiduk (s 1940 p.). In 1939/1940, the inaccurate Rotsi of the Department of Bulo Vioslena Primischenna in the new morphologic corps.

PІD HOURS OF NIMETSKO-FASISTRAYA OKUBATSIA OBZEDINANNY CATEDRI Bulo is illuminated. Z Day Zilnennya m. Vіnnitskі Vіd Nіmezky-Fascistsky Okpantіv until 1949 ROCA Kaphedron Production of Zavoduvati Ass. MK Zamasyn. "

So, despite the fact that "during the German fascist occupation, the equipment of the department was destroyed", "from the day of the liberation of Vinnitsa from the German-fascist occupiers until 1949, the department continued to head Assoc. MK Zamyatin. Attention is noted that "from the day of liberation" (neither even one day later!) And the same Associate Professor Zamyatin M. K., who under the Germans (for solidity, or what?) Was listed by the professor.
It is very appropriate to quote. V. Ya. Kulikova, who compilers of certificate of history of the Anatomy's department did not bother to read. In vain, however:

"Leaving from Vinnitsa, the Germans burned a psychiatric. It was threatened with Morphorpus, and his appearance saved him and ... then the property was kept in his basements and cabinets.
So the patch calmly served Vinnichens to the liberation of Vinnitsa and some time after him, being in the premises of the morphological corps of the Vinnitsa State Medical Institute. So it was saved completely [completely! - N. K.] Property of the Department of Hygiene, Anatomy and much more. If on February 22, 1942, the otolaryngologist of the Piroga [this is V. Ya. Kulikov - about himself - N. K.] did not pay the attention of the German general to the appearance of Morphorcupus and General, instead of psychiatric, ordered the field rate staff to accommodate in Morphkorpus, and withdraw In a psychiatric, then on March 12, 1944, Morphkorpus would be burned instead of the premises (the Germans destroyed all the premises engaged in their Wehrmacht and services). Then all the estate of the Vinnets Medical Institute would have died and his post-war discovery would be delayed. Fortunately, there was no one or the other. So one delirious phrase saved from the death of Morphkorpus, the property stored in it and promptly the immediate renewal of the work of the Medin Institution "(II, p. 323).

Department of Physics.

Department of Physics: "1937 - 1958 R.R. - Doc. Javorsky O.M. "
Here, in general, the break during the "conservation" (see below) and there was no occupation. Comments are not required.

Department of Chemistry.

Department of General Chemistry: "Department of Zagalinii Hіmії organization in 1934 Rotsi professor L.K. MORINIS. Z 1937 to 1941 RІK Department of Associate Professor B.І. Soybelman. In 1944, Rotsi Zavkafedroya becoming the professor S.M. Chumakov, and in 1945 Rozі - Associate Professor S.є. Burkat. "
"Department of Biokhimіj Bula Organizanova in 1933 ROTSI on the basis of the course of the Kharchovo Himіji Vіnnitsky pharmaceutical Estitution. Last Zavitychim Cathedron Bouv professor Ya.K. Lazeyins. S 1936 to 1945 p. The department cleared the professor A.A. Kramer, D.S. Vorontsov, P.M.Sєrkov, and from 1945 to 1971 p. - Associate Professor І.S. Troyzman. "

There is a break in the work of the Department of General Chemistry from 1941 to 1944, but the Department of Biochemistry, as stated, functioned without a break. One of its heads was Professor Serkov, which is detailed below.

Department of Zoology and Botany.

Department of Biology:
"Perigod 1934-1941 pp.
The Department of Bula organisomized in 1934 Rotsi on the bases of the department of pharmaceutical Estitution І Tom Bula is sufficiently slaughtered by naughty postboins, drugs, sectors, reagents, Tables.
Person Zavityami Kapedroyu Bouv professor Sevastyanov A., and the first astests of the captains of Buli: A.Yu Novitsky (Vivchav Mollas Rіchki Pivdennes Bug), M.І. Yelperin, Yaka Solar Watch Vivchens Opіstorhozu, M.V. Іvasik, Vikokuvavov "Workshop of Pharmacognosnography" (for pharmaceutical institute) І V.N. Pihtіna, Yaka in 1940 Rotsi Zaisіyu Diztatsіyu on the alpine candidate of the Bisologic Science on the topic: "The role of Corey Nadnilnikіv at the Division of the refractory will be a shield-like Zavozy".

Perigod 1944-1952 PP.
Pisl Zvіlnennya Vіnnitsі Vіd Nіmezky-Fascistsky Okupantіv in 1944 Rotsi Zavituchoy Cathedri Bula adopted Associate Professor Pichtіna V.N.

This department will pay special attention. First, its organizer was Professor A. A. Sevastyanov - Burgomister G. Vinnitsa and, part-time, her head during the occupation. Secondly, Pihtin Associate Professor, having worked as an assistant and, during the occupation, an associate professor at prof. Sevastyanova, according to merit, was "appointed" (!) Head of the department, since prof. Sevastyanov retired together with the retreating German army to the West.

Now - more about Sevastyanov. At first, with the words of those who were not with him, in general, or only little sign, and after - from the words of Dr. Ya. Kulikova, who was very closely communicated with the professor almost all the years of occupation.

As an introduction - a quote from the work of M. Yu. Sorokina (M. Yu. Sorokina - Moscow House of Russian abroad. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. 2012. M.: House of Russian abroad. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn, 2013. P. 146-203 - year Germany in Russia - between two dictatorships: Soviet scientists in the occupied territories of the USSR during the Second World War (to the formulation of the problem, p. 146-203).

"... examples of collective business cooperation of the local scientific intelligentsia with the occupation authorities on the basis of scientific and cultural and educational interaction, the preservation of cultural and scientific resources, a negative attitude towards Soviet power was a lot, especially at the initial stage of the war in 1941-1942. With a change in the position at the front, the increase in resistance in the rear of the arms of the Hitler's coalition and the corresponding tightening of the repressive practices of the occupying regime, this cooperation became less and less intensive and voluntary. However, it is very symptomatic that with the departure of the occupation troops BO "The more expensive part of the Kharkiv and Odessa professors, who took an active part in maintaining scientific and educational systems of its cities during the occupation period, did not leave the native places, despite the actively distributed information about future persecutions from the coming Soviet authorities. A significant part of the scientific intelligentsia continued to believe in its historical mission of the carrier and the custodian of culture, scientific knowledge and continuity independent of political regimes, and considered herself obliged to share the lives of their people.
Meanwhile, after the coming of the Soviet troops, the fate of these very naive in their faith "collaborants" was usually terrible ... "

She also writes about Sevastyanov the following:
"In the literature, writing and his names, and initials are given in two versions: Savostyanov - Sevastyanov and Aleksandrovich - Andreevich. We believe that we are talking about one person - Alexander Alexandrovich Savostyanov (1871-1947), the Gaisinsky district leaders of the nobility of the Podolsk lip. In 1913, in 1917 - Chairman of the Gensina Zemskie. In 1928, the teacher of Vinnitsa Agricultural Technical School, then Professor of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute. Apparently, the trust of the Germans was caused to him and the fact that his wife Alla Stepanovna (1881-1974) was from Folksdoch (Ur. Hoff). After World War II, he lived in Paris, buried in the cemetery in St. Geneviev de Boua. "

M. Yu. Sorokina notes positive in the activities of prof. A. A. Sevastyanova - Burgomistra: "So, in particular, he played an important role in the lives of the famous biochemistry of Vladimir Pavlovich Skipsky (1913-1984), mobilized to the Red Army and then hit the German captivity. Thanks to the help of Savostyanov, he was released in Vinnitsa and continued to go to the United States, where he specialized in cancer tumors. "

And one more important decision was made, according to M. Yu. Sorokina, prof. A. A. Sevastyanov:
"... Circulated rumors about secret burials decided to test only the Russian head of the city administration, Professor of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute Alexander Alexandrovich Savostyanov (1871-1947 (?)), Initiated the creation of a special urban commission and with the support of which I. M. Malinin began Excavations and expertise. "In this case," Malinin wrote in one of the letters, -<…> I headed and leading exclusively by the interests of the fulfillment of my civil duties before my homeland and before the population, with which he experienced the casual revenue of the CC and the NKVD in his life. "
The Commission includes: A. A. Savostyanov, Associate Professor D. Doroshenko, a former head. Department of Forensic Medicine of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute [such a head, according to the history of the department on the website of Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. I. Pirogova, was not; V. Ya. Kulikov calls him not D., and Semen Arkhipovich, p. 224 - N. K.], Dr. O. Klunk, Head of the Criminal Inspectorate of the city (?), Apollo Trebochevsky, Chief Editor of the local newspaper, M. Sibirsky, Mammoths and two priests. " [About I. M. Malinin and the excavations - in my work "Vinnitsa Fights in lies of the grooved dictators" - - N. K.]

[In the newspaper "Vinniqii insti" on August 5, 1943 was given information about the collection money On the monument to the victims of Soviet repression. In July-September 1943, in almost every room of this newspaper, materials were printed on the progress of the excavations of the graves of the victims of the NKVD 1937-1938 g. (I, p. 532).]

But what is written by I. M. Malinin about A. A. Sevastyanov:
"Big Cabinet Burgomist Vinnitsa prof. A. A. S. Maifica, with a gray beard, with glasses, the professor carefully looks at the talking with him. Not a single friendlier, no visitor leaves without a good farewell and a delivered council in a difficult situation of German occupation and military events. Calm, balanced voice, weathered manners and full correctness with all people of different social ranks, official positions and states make it possible to be calm each of them after a conversation with a person, the moral authority of which among the shocked by military events of the population is absolutely unshakable.

Only one who has the honor and conscience can be conquered for such an authority out of all sorts of influences. In such people, a debt has been visible in front of his population, which residents of the city were convinced shortly after the German occupation. In 1941, after the seizure of the city of the city, Professor S. As the head of the urban government, it was proposed to compile a list of hostages. After his refusal to fulfill this order, he threatened with a harsh punishment to the Gestapo; Then in response, he offered himself one in the hostage, from which the Germans "courtesy" refused. In the city administration, with indignation, having transferred this categorical order, he proposed to draw up a voluntary list from members of the urban government and again put his name in the first place. German command, making sure that Professor S.'s inflexibility, refused to take this list. And from that time no longer presented such requirements to urban management. The entire population of the city and the county soon learned about the act of his head. " (Quote. According to M. Yu. Sorokina, p. 187).

M. Selshko [Mikhailo Selshko - Vіnnitsya. SPOMINI OF THE KOMIKOVYA ROMSION DOSLІDIV ZLOCHINIV NKVD in 1937-1938. - Fundence Im. O. Aalgich. - New York Toronto-London-Sidney, 1991. On the Internet: Seleshko M. Vinnytsya. Spomyny Perekladacha Komisiyi Doslidiv ZLOCHYNIV NKVD V 1937-1938 RR. -\u003d62072] Notes: "Sevastyanov, an old professor who visited former times in America and in Europe, he spoke in various languages." Recall that prof. A. A. Sevastyanova was at the time of the beginning of the occupation of 70 years, so that the "old professor" is a reflection of reality.

Dr. V. Ya. Kulikov reports many details about prof. A. A. Sevastyanov: "Sevastyanov - clever. Hermann him is known from the docezar times. He knows and what does Sturm und Drang Nach Osten mean. He is Slav. He is the advanced man of our time and is perfectly understood in politics. He has a rich life experience. He drank people! He was repeatedly abroad. He perfectly owns French and speaks well in German. He knows how to speak with people of all sorts of ranks and classes, knows how to listen to the interlocutors and listen to visitors. He owns methods and tact necessary for serving society. Who can you compare with him in Vinnitsa? Nobody! This is not an ordinary, but an outstanding personality. Her one smear, you can't depict one stroke. Here we need to observe and study according to the formula of the ancients: "According to their affairs, they are about them" (II, p. 162 and further).

"Sevastyanov knew how to listen to visitors. His patience and excerpt were amazing. In Vinnitsa was not Vinnichanin, who could say that he knows the case when Sevastyanov would flare or raised his voice. His contacts with Vinnicians and the occupiers were instructive even for those who had long tried to work on themselves a lot in this direction ... "[Here V. Ya. Kulikov clearly hints towards himself - N. K.] further praise prof. Sevastyanov continues with no less diligence, his undoubted superiority over the professors of Zamyatin, Mihulko-Gorbatsevich, Masalovo, Ganom. "Sevastyanov among them was similar to Gullive among Liliputs." (II, p. 165).

After the second execution of the Jews (April 16, 1942), "... Sevastyanov tried to commit suicide," said V. Ya. Kulikov engineer of frosts. "It was also heard Dr. K. and from Shurin Sevastyanova Dr. Gofa, two days on the apartment on the apartment who had fallen equilibrium and, said the mind of the" Mista "elders" (II, p. 207).

"He did a lot of good for prisoners of war" (II, p. 163). "The invaders of Irsos were glanced at the diligence of Sevastyanov, manifested in concerns about the prisoners of war of redarmeys. Since they knew his negative attitude towards the cruelings against the Jews, he became Persona Non Grata for them. " On February 1, 1942, it came out before his resignation. His successor was called Bernard. Bernard worked hard with invaders. He was Folksdoych. But could it be compared with Sevastyanov? Sevastyanov knew the people of all classes, Bernard - only workers. Sevastyanov always enjoyed only selected words, and Bernard and rude. Sevastyanov was always assembled, clean, well dressed, and Bernard - swallowed, often unsurgeted and casually dressed. At the meetings of the Germans with Sevastyanov, they had to "pull up, equally on it, and when he was in contact with Bernard, his carelessness and unceremoniousness" (II, pp 164) were surprised.

V. Ya. Kulikov believes that prof. A. Sevastyanov, prof. G. S. Gan, and a number of other persons from the local authorities during the occupation - people did not accidentally at these places. They "prepared (mainly) and substituted with invaders" (II, p. 179). But then neither V. Ya. Kulikov - the author of this hypothesis, nor to me (attempted in the review of his book to indicate truthfully behaved and clearly - sometimes it is not clear why - hidden, and objectively estimated to distinguish from the person characterized, respectively or the author's antipathies) , not to understand the behavior of these professors when the German retreat from the city. One of them left to the West, the other - remained, although the revenge of the Soviet authorities for cooperation with the enemy threatened both to the same extent. Perhaps it will be possible to understand something, reading the above-mentioned archive.

Or - no: the depth is in other archives. In the way V. Ya. Kulikov called him because of the color of the facade, the "chocolate house" (which still stands opposite the Music and Drama Theater and in which the Winnitsky Headquarters of the SD - Security Service and Gestapo was placed during the war - Secret State Police, and before and after the war - the Office of the NKVD in Vinnitsa region), from where V. Ya. Kulikov came from and where he, he said, went to challenges without any fear. Note that V. Ya. Kulikov in the medical institute during the occupation also taught (not for some reason among the teachers specified in the report note), and after the liberation of the city, he continued its teaching activities.

How, returning to the assumption V. Ya. Kulikova, then to understand the next quotation from the specialization of the Deputy Peace of Internal Affairs of the Ussr S. R. Savchenko, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) at L. R. Koreca about the situation in Vinnitsa and Vinnitsa region ( dated January 26, 1943) - I, p. 206: "All orders and orders for the civil line (about taxes and so on.) Sign in Sevastyanov and some Bernard. Who is not installed. "? This special message is marked with a vulture "Top Secret" - so really "prepared", according to V. Ya. Kulikova, Bernard for deputy. Commissar of the internal affairs of the Ukrainian SSR was "super-secretly secret"? Or collectors of data on the occupied Vinnitsa were far from the professionals of their case? Self-deputy. The addict was a message in Borisoglebsk (this is in the east of the Voronezh region).

Turning to the Ukrainian language (apparently, quoting the local newspaper for those years), V. Ya. Kulikov reports that on the night of March 27th to the 28th of December 1943 [almost three months before the liberation of Vinnitsa - N. K. ] "" The Head of Mist "" Leaving the cookie Waren "Ta Niknik in Nevido; Walked up [Ranking - N. K.] - to Paris. " (p. 165). Undoubtedly, Sevastyanov, by virtue of his mind, saw on others ...

Department of Histology.

"1935 ROCA captured professor V.E.Fomіn (1876-1940) -vikhovanese Moskovsky University. Reliefs prof. V.E.Fomіn, the Department of Bula's good one, rustled by reagents. Astestants of Pnceniowa V.D. Bukhovtsy, G.I. Kashlakova, S.A.Topchієєva.
At the Returning Perigod of the Department slaughter, in the main, intensive processes.

In the rocks of the NIMETSKO-Fascist Square, settling the castments of Bulo snapped.
Pisl Zvіlnennya M.Vіnnitsi Vіd Fascistsky Zagabnnikіv Medіststituet Vіdnoviv His robot і і колідувах подава at SERPNI 1944 ROKU BEV FRIFE CANDS.MED.NUK І.V. Almazov (1903-1972). "

Again about the years of occupation - no word. Although Topchis Assistant is mentioned in the report (undoubtedly, this is E. P. Topchieva - he didn't work at the Department of Pathophysiology in prof. Ya. M. Shazrena? Or I confused something: Long time it was, but the album of our release 1961 G. I do not.).
But the name of V. D. Bukhovets appears.
He taught me microbiology, so I consider it necessary to bring some data on the history of the microbiology department, although it is not in the list of the Department mentioned in the report note:

"In 1936 p. Zabiduvache Chadran Bulo admitted doctor of medical sciences profession G.P. Kalin. For a short perigalation of the Department of Pіd Kerіvnittva G.P. Kalini Bow of the painting of the meaning of the outlook from the Dvitchiznyanno-ї їkrobіologist, in the Susiki, in the same way, the base of the Department.

Vіnnitsky Medichnya Estitution in Chervnі 1941 r. Bulo is evacuated in M. Stavropol. In the rocks of Velikovo, Vіtchiznyanoji Vіini Majo, the departments of Boulo will be rogged, and the inhibition of the Certificate of the Urgent Institute of Bow Srunivnaya. Tіlki Pisl Peresogi over the fascist Nіmetchinyu, in 1945 r., I was won by the morphology corpus of the department of the Department of Medical Establishment. The Department of M_Krobіologist has twisted the following advicena. Organizatsіu in the inaccessible process, scoopping diyalnosti departments, slaughterhouses Nefіdnimy, the head did the head of the K.M.N. Associate Professor, Yaka for the translation of MINSIENCE OUNIONI OUTRPROPETROVSKIY ISRPROPE ISPROPEE 1946 R. To Roboti at the Department of Miskrobіologist. In the Falls, Perigod Bulo Bulo practically replaced Material Base, formed by the Catellies. SPI_BERSTINGS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORIES OF THE OLDLY SES є.S.ABERMAN, P.A.Bernassky, F.S.Kamіnskka, є.s.rubіna, Ts.M.Naftulіshina, E.O.Onostrovsk. On the Catherine of the 50s Rockіv їx L_Kar-Bakterіologist F.Y.Goldenberg, K.B.N. V.D. Bukhovtsy, Ph.D. T.Z. Voronna, Ph.D. Yu.N.Honchakova, Ph.D. . K.V. Tatyak, A.V. Pissel, Ph.D. E.V.Stolyarchuk. "

It's a lot of interesting things here. First of all, this is a mention of the evacuation of the Institute in Stavropol. Although the Wikipedia indicates quite different: "With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War In the composition [Stavropol - N. K.] of the university joined the evacuated Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute. " And on the official website of the Stavropol State Medical University, the following is: "... Soon after the start of the war from the western regions of the country in Voroshilovsk [the so-called Stavropol in 1935-1943 G. - N. K.] began to arrive a professorship and teaching staff and Students of evacuated medical universities. In August 1941, the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute was evacuated to Voroshilovsk, who since the beginning of the school year merged with Voroshilovian Medical Institute. From this point on, all courses and departments of the institute began to function. "

Here, at once, without evidence V. Ya. Kulikova we can not do. Let us leave aside the question of whether it is that "Strankuvannya Cafedri Bulo is illuminated." It is more important to determine the evacuation of the institute: Was it or everything limited to the order received by the order of such that some compilers of the history of the Department from the current medical university are considered to be completed then, in the summer of 1941? Quoting V. Ya. Kulikova:

"Vinnitsa Medical Institute, like the central part of the Victitia, found himself in the occupation at dawn on July 19, 1941. Evacuate him and did not try. The reasons are the same, namely: the rapid promotion of the German army, the confusion of the party, Soviet power and the population. In short, the Vinnitsa Medical Institute was left on the spot in Statu Quo, and the director, parthorization, associate professors, assistants and other employees fled. Until June 30, 1941, the Institute worked fine. Messages from the front did not please the staff, the secret and prohibited hearing of the radio transferred them from equilibrium, but they still went to the service, held, lived in Vinnitsa. But on June 30 at 20 o'clock, the German radio reported: "Today, our Bavarian parts took Lemberg (Lviv)," and then - all Vinnitsa spoke that the servicemen urgently evacuated their families. Vinnichene, among them the staff of the Medical Institute, has lost their balance, spontaneously threw the service and ran, rushed out of Vinnitsa on all types of transport. No one stopped anyone, no one forbade anyone to leave. " (II, p. 330).

"... And here is all professors and associate professors - Jews, and there were most of them, left their clinics with sick and departments with all the property and retired from Vinnitsa. Only Professor of Biology A. A. Sevastyanov, Head of the Department of Normal Anatomy Associate Professor M. K. Zamyatin, head of the department, remained in Vinnitsa. Department of Pathological Anatomy Doctor Honey. Sciences, Professor G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsev, head. Department of Hygiene Doctor Honey. Sciences G. S. Gan, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases Candidate Honey. Sciences V. M. Maslov. It must be said that the proven property of the department in the greater part of it was preserved before the liberty of Vinnitsa. " (II, p. 330). "... The property of the department in the greater part of it is preserved before the liberty of Vinnitsa." - I draw the attention of those who superficially read this offer from the memories V. Ya. Kulikova.

"... The library of the institute almost did not suffer. It was not interested in the premises of the occupiers, but the books were not disturbed. So it is almost in complete preservation and waited for the release of Vinnitsa ... "(II, p. 331).

"Can I preserve all the property of the Medical Institute? With the selection of personnel, which was dominated by a pre-war time, when the institute was staffed by members and candidates for members of the party and on class selection, it was not necessary to count on it. It was necessary not only to represent and inform, but to know the case and service. And to top it off, the director of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute was inexperienced in the administration, but impeccable in class (shepherd in the past). As a result, the health service and state property was injured, employees and students were provided by themselves according to the formula "Saw together and how can". Some of the teachers and students were evacuated for the Volga, in Central Asia and other remote places of the Soviet Union, many remained or left in Vinnitsa, some went to the village. Some of the former employees and students of the Medical Institute went to service to the invaders or began to cooperate with them "(II, p. 332).

I do not comment on this through the Pharisee reasoning V. Ya. Kulikova, "Forgetting", among other things, to mention the staff of the Institute who went to the front, from among which many remained on the battlefields. There are many such obvious deviations from the truth in the book, about what I have already written (,). I just want to warn the reader here that the memories of the eyewitness of the occupation of the doctor V. Ya. Kulikova - although unique in its kind - in significant quantities contain deliberately incomplete or distorted information. And we have to do with these memories and will still have to turn more than once.

It would not be dishonest not to bring the quotation from the reporting note of the Chairman of the Vinnitsa city administration to Vinnitsa A. Sevastyanova Vinnitskomh Ghebitkomissar about the creation of the Evacuation Committee (note, as noticeing in the collection, dates back to the day, "not earlier than November 8, 1943"):
"... to be removed from Vinnitsa, the property of the Support believes:
a) the most valuable property of the Medical Institute and health institutions;
b) some unicumes of libraries and museums;
c) part of the equipment and scarce drugs pharmacies and pharmacypolations. " (I, p. 194-195).

Most likely, when escaping from Vinnitsa in the spring of 1944, the Germans were no longer before the recommendations of A. Sevastyanov (a trail of which by that time has long been heard - he disappeared from the city much earlier, at the end of December 1943), otherwise it is somewhere It would be reported, and V. Ya. Kulikov would not have signed this fact.

Returning to one of my teachers again - V. D. Buhuhtsu. According to the "regular schedule of Vinnitsa City Administration" dated May 1, 1942 (I, p. 185 - 189), V. Bukhovets was listed in the medical and sanitary department by a sanitary inspector-doctor with a monthly salary of 1100 brands (Burgomaster received, notice, 1800 brands ). It remains true, to the end is not clear: this is V. D. Buchovets or his wife - V. I. Bukhovets, which will be discussed below.

So, during my study, V. D. Bukhovets was an associate professor of the Department of Microbiology and reading us a number of lectures. Lectures V. D. Buhuhvtsu were, so to speak, purely business, without special emotions, without lyrical deviations, etc. or he - high, with a simple person - was such in nature from birth, or all the peripetics that happened to him And his wife after the liberation of Vinnitsa, which I don't know about, but which I can imagine well, put a mark on all his rest.

V. D. Buchovets was a scientist if not with the world, then, in any case, with the All-Union name. He described one of the strains of the so-called Jewish leptospir, who received his name in world literature. V. D. Bukhovets was proposed a lively attenuated leptospyrosal vaccine, which was very important for the prevention of severe disease - leptospirosis, in particular, in farm animals. This happened in the 50th - early 70s of the last century.


And here about the time of the occupation - not a word:
"Yak Sv_dycha Materiali Archiva, Department of Iznomnie Mov Bula Created in 1934 Rotsi. Latinsk, Anglіysku Ta Nіmezka Mov Vilandali 7 Vidladachiv. Headwood Associate Professor, Candidate of Filologic Church Sciences І. O. Delnikov.
The Naukova of the robot of the methodical character rose from 1950 rock ... "

And the surname Rudzit (from the memorandum) seems to me. Specifically, I can not remember anything.

Department of pathological anatomy.

On the page of this department, the period of the occupation of Vinnitsa is mentioned, but not in the aspect of interest to us, and when they are interested in the founder of the department, Nicolae Afanasyevich Vakulentko (he also taught in the second half of the 50s when I studied): "C 1929 to 1941 Rik Protector of the regional L_karnі іm. M.I. Pirogov і for the SumySnittva Zavoduychiy Department of Patologicia, anatomy of the Vinnitsky of the Medical Estate. In Rocky Vіini Pepsyuvav, at the dubboliyii territory of the territory in the region Lіkarnі. " It seems that in the first post-war years (until 1948) N. A. Vakulenko headed the department again. At the end of the 50s, he is a very old, good-natured associate professor lectured and explained everything in Russian in practical classes, but with, or the Starokrainsky reprimand, uttering, for example, "Fascian" as "chiff", etc. Therefore, he received the student nickname "Chfasption". Years of his life: 1890-1962.

[In 1956, when I turned from Kursk Mednitskita to Vinnitsky, there was a peak attempt to translate teaching into Ukrainian. But gradually it all went to no, as the Ukrainian language did not own many teachers at all, others said in the language, which is now called Surgit (, and before it was designated as "the mixture French with Nizhny Novgorod ". Surprisingly, the German professor Nikolai Karlovich Witte (Head of the Department of Normal Physiology) or Jew Associate Professor Solomon Efremovich Burkat (Head of the Fizodoidal Chemistry Course) read lectures in a good Ukrainian language, and ... (I will not continue). The Ukrainian language was completely alien to many students, primarily translated from the institutes of other places (Russia, Ave.), a number of children of Kiev bosses, etc.]

And during the occupation, the department of pathological anatomy was headed by prof. Makhulko - Gorbatsevich (on a memorandum standing Manulko - Gorbatsevich).

Gregory Stepanovich Makh (H) Ulko - Gorbatsevich, according to V. Ya. Kulikova (II, p. 156) competed with prof. A. A. Sevastyanov for the post of head of temporary management of the city. But A. A. Sevastyanova was the best relationship with the Germans, his candidacy was supported by one important person of them, and he owned the former chairman of the Gaisin's Zemstvo administrator, unlike Gorbatsevich S. Makh (H) Ulko, and their tongue.

About this Professor V. Ya. Kulikov reports little good. G. S. MAKH (N) Ulko - Gorbatsevich and his surroundings were mistaken for a long time, hoping for the help of the Germans in creating an independent Ukrainian state. "He was meant that the times of Petlures came, that with the help of the Germans, independent Ukraine would be restored. And he joined the invaders, became a collaborationist. Something of another reprehensible in favor of the occupants did not create "(II, p. 168). He "was vain" (II, p. 169).
"When he took it on April 14, 1943, Gestapo [as the Ukrainian Nationalist - N. K.], his family remained without any means of existence. If it were not for the help of the Vinnitsa public, she would have died with hunger ...
Released him from prison on October 30, 1943. [I was very surprised that V. Ya. Kulikov indicates (somewhere fixed!) The exact dates of the arrest and liberation of Professor - N. K.] was arranged by a doctor in Vinnitsa prison. Exhausted, explotant, hungry he zalenor and left political activity. His like-minded people - Doroshenko [Judicial Medic, who participated in the opening of the burials of the NKVD - N. K.], Lukyanenko, Chernomorets [Chief Physician Chief Physical Hospital and a psychiatrist of the same hospital, both taught students honey. Institute - N. K.] and others left with the occupiers, he did not follow them. " (II, p. 170 - 171).
"... He spoke slowly, hard, and it was difficult to listen to the end .. they said that he was guilty of this was the mite encephalitis, transferred to them in Siberia. In addition, he was always poorly dressed and watched little for his appearance. " (II, p. 171).

At the same time, the city of S. Makh (H) Ulko - Gorbatsevich "never used his official position, did not enriched, lived on a salary and a meager paja and was an honest and disinterested person ... Actually, he did not leave From Vinnitsa during the evacuation of the city due to the lack of funds. " (II, p. 170).

"Does he caused Vinnitsa and someone from Vinnichene some kind of readiness?" - Asks V. Ya. Kulikov. And he himself answers: "No!". "He slept and saw the" Samostiina to Ukraine "in a dream and, having calculated, suffered twice for her: after serving, Petlyura and during the occupation period ... He was a strong scientist. Among the people of his specialty in Ukraine there were few scientists equal to him for special significance. An particularly large connoisseur he walked on scler. In this regard, he, perhaps, was not equal in the world. " (II, p. 171).

Nevertheless, V. Ya. Kulikov believes what happened after the liberation of Vinnitsa with G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, as if natural, almost normal. "In fact, Bishop Winnitsa and Zhytomyr Gregory could remain in Vinnitsa, which prayed for the health of Adolf Hitler and to grant the victory to" German Christ-loving army ", or a former deputy director of the economic part of the Vinnitsa Medinstitution Bernard -" Deputy. Head m. Vynnitsya "and others? Of course no. Stalin and Beria were in their places and would not spare them. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, a collaborationist, Deputy Sevastyanova risked to remain and did not become March 21, 1944 (on the second day of liberation) (II, p. 349).
Everything and everyone mixed up "eyewitness" in one pile and gave himself, or mention, to mention the one who spoke to Enco-Gorbatsevich on Professor Makhulko-Gorbatsevich on the very first day of liberation ...

Department of therapy.

Of the existing departments of domestic diseases, only three were organized in pre-war time and existed in the first post-war years (here by the departments of propaedeutic, faculty and hospital therapy). In short summaries on the history of these departments about the occupation time, nothing is mentioned.

Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases ..
"I will have a miscarriage of Bouw's sedient Ukrainian, the therapist Boris Solomonovich Skylyonovich (1936-1941 PR.), Cooking Zavindowavab in the department of propaedeutics in 1936-1941p., And PPT in 1945-1950 pp."

Department of Internal Medicine №1.
"In 1939 r. pіsl Seredi prof. Fіsnzon E.Ya. The department cleared Doctor Honey. Sciences, professor A.A.Aisenberg. Dovennі Rocky Department did not make an єdin science directly. Bulo publisko 5 Robіt profession of Fіsnzon E.Ya., Dvі Robot Drawugena Shinkareva M.F.
Pisl Zvіlnennya Vіnnitsі z 1944 to 1950 r. Department of FacultyTsiko Terapії Candidate Candidate of Mediches Azletsy Oleksandr Volodimirovich. "

Department of Internal Medicine №2.
"The department is sacrificed in Serpni 1936 Rock. First Vikladchai Buli Professor E.Ya. Physzon, Professor M.M. GEFT, Astesti M.F. Shinkarov, S.D. Zavlavl. Prior to Velikovoi Vіtchiznyannoye Vіini, the campaign campaigns on the problem of Diagnostiki Ta L_kuvannya Zakhvorniyuani Soul-Sudinno Systems of the Slunkovo-Kishovo Tract.
In the pislavoєnnі Rocky, the Department clearly cleaned the professor Ya.m. Razor, Potim GD. Davidov That Associate Professor B.І. L_dska. "

On the professor-therapist Maslov [Masalov V. V., according to the site of Vinnitsa Medical University and Masalov V. M., according to V. Ya. Kulikov, on page 330 and Masalov V. V. on page 376 - N. K. ]: This is an associate professionist, who worked as an appropriate department since 1938 before the start of war and in 1944 - 1945.

"In 1935 Rotsі Bow of Wings Associate Professional Course of Inthektsіyniy Khvorob at the Department of Facultyatskyi Terapії, and in 1938 Rotsi Self-Self-Self-Safety Department of Inthektsіyniy Khvorob, Yaku Chilling Lіkar-іnfektsіst V.V. Masuals. Through 3 Rockies, Vіn Zais_datsyiayu on the topic "Knipuvanny Sulfanіlamіda Ta Yoy Derivatіv at the menіngococks of Infektsії". V.V. Masalov Crites to the Department to Velikovo Vіtchiznyannoy Vіinny І in Persi Rocky Zilnennya m. Vіnnitsi Vіd Nіmezkyko Okupatsії. The first astests of the Department of Buli N.M. Berg, E.F. Gobman, A.G. Loifeman. We will be mainly directly at the Scoop-Domelіdni Roboti Boulo Vivchennya Epіdemіologist Cerebrozpіnalny Menіngit. Snain 1945-1949 Rockіv Keruvav E.F. Gobman, clarified by 1947 Rotsi Candidate of Dizzynyuya "Porіvnyalna Otsіnka Lіkuvannya Cerebrozpіnalal (Menіngocock) Menіngit". (

V. Ya. Kulikov did not particularly admire the medical and organizational activities of V. V. Masalov: "... an infectious hospital headed by Masalov, put up with incredible mortality from diphtheria. In the hospital there is no ... [It follows the listing of the missing necessary - N. K.], and the associate of Masalov and Professor Gan are calm, inactive. Then this case intervenes Dr. Kulikov ... "(II, p. 173).

Masalov "was" distinguished by non-irresistitivity, the lack of organizational specialities and incredible indecision. ... Clearly, ignorance (Gan) and passivity (Masualov) did not cope with the ramp. " (II, p. 174).

V. V. Masalov headed the department of infectious diseases after the war is not "Rocky", but about only one year: since 1945, the department headed one of the first assistants of the Department - E. F. Gobman (see above). And at this time, he (Masalov), of course, like other doctors, who were in the occupied city, especially - "worked on the enemy," was exposed to ostracism from the fronts returned from the fronts or from evacuation.

"It is especially indicative in the sense of the separation of Vinnichene on evacuated and externally in the occupation there were funerals of the mask spouses, who died from a raw typhoid on one day. [I suppose it was in 1945 - N. K.] Associate Professor V.V. Masalov worked in a patch of more than thirty years. From many of his colleagues for the funeral, units came. " (II, p.376).

Assistant Nikolai Pavlovich Demenkov - "Participant of the Civil War, a competent therapist, an experienced fighter with infections in the Red Army during the Civil War" (II, p. 241). So characterizes him V. Ya. Kulikov.

And then: "Dr. Demenekov [with whom V. Ya. Kulikov, until 1930, served together in Vinnitsa parts of the Red Army - N. K.] arrested WU NKGB and condemned for 5 years of conclusion (subsequently it was rehabilitated and released) . " (II, p. 343). It turned out to be in the bunches of N. P. Demenkov "On the Council" V. Ya. Kulikova, who convinced a number of persons not to evacuate, when the German retreat, together with the latter. Below, I give the arguments V. Ya. Kulikova.

N. P. Derenkov's doctor who worked with him and some other practitioners who collaborated with the occupiers, Dr. K. (so "conspirativity" calls itself in this section of the author) recommended not to run to the West during the departure of the Germans, and to obey returning power. "... What drives you to an unknown distance, where no one is waiting for you, and still lead a wife with you? Of course, the Soviet government will not praise - nothing. Let her even punish you, but you will stay at home, in the homeland, do not force my wife for the company. " "... Suppose you will be convicted. Discuss ... "" ... I, for example, ready to all this and calm "(p. 136). [By the way, is it possible to consider the last offer sincere expressing the authentic feelings of the author? After all, even its people, and V. Ya. Kulikov, most likely, one of them, the staff of the NKVD often, for various reasons, were eliminated - N. K.]

Assistant Lidia Petrovna Bizho worked as a physician in the regional hospital. N. I. Pirogova, tried to free the youth from sending to Germany. That's all that V. Ya. Kulikov reports about her.

Assistant Vladislav Mefodievich Kutelik (II, p. 311) [According to the report note - Kutalex - N. K.] - The doctor's doctor was among those that "competently freed people from sending to Germany", and "and" widely dismissed the commissions ... " . "He was Folksdoych, and it gave him courage." (II, p. 311).

Department of Fthisiaria.

The history of this department, according to the site, is conducted from 1954, although, undoubtedly, the course of tuberculosis (independently or at one of the departments of therapy) - with a great prevalence of this disease at that time - could not but exist.

I did not find any information about the doctor Gelser.

Department of Surgery.

Department of General Surgery: "In 1940-41 І 1944-45 R.R. Keruwavov Moisy Yulіyovich Lorin-Epshtein. "
Department of Surgery №1:. «Major gospіtalnoї hіrurgії organіzovana in 1937 rotsі on bazі oblasnoї lіkarnі at uchastі i pid kerіvnitstvom of professor Mykoly Mykolajovych Bolyarskogo ... Pіslya zvіlnennya Vіnnitsі m od nіmetsko-fashistskih okupantіv in 1944 rotsі Bulo organіzovane klіnіchne Mistechko in peredmіstі P ' Yantician for Vikaldanna Klіnіchny Disciplіn students of the 5th course. "
Department of Surgery №2: "C 1939 to 1940 RIK Department of Department Observing the professor of S.T.Novitsky, and from 1940 to 1941 Professor I.A. Shraєr.
Z 1945 to 1951 RIK Zaduvichchech Hands of the Paceyuvav Rector of Emploit, dealers of science professor I.Ya Didineka. "
About the years of evacuation in the sections of the history of the Department - not a word.

I could only find out about the reporting note on the memorandum of Professor Pavel Viktorovich Trempovich, only to find out that he worked in the 20s-30th year at the Department of General Surgery of the Medical Institute in Minsk. Belorus P. V. Trempovich V. Ya. Kulikov sometimes calls in their "eyewitness memories" by Professor (II, p. 258), notes that he was in Germany. More than once emphasizes that Tremepovich spoke freely in German (II, p. 257).
Trempovich appeared in Vinnitsa, together with the wave of refugees from the territories already captured by the Germans. His sheltered V. Ya. Kulikov: "Dr. Trempovich Pavel Viktorovich, striking on the street, cried his vanity as a child when Dr. K. provided him and his old woman, his warm office, without imposing any duties on him." (II, p. 136).

On the assistant Vera Nikolaevna Mazanik, I can only say one thing: this is the daughter of Nicholas Makarovich [Makarevich - V. Ya. Kulikova meets such a Writing - N. K.] Mazanik - in the years of occupation of the chief doctor of the regional hospital. N. I. Pirogova (II, p. 293, 307, etc.).

About the surgeon Evgenia Stepanovich Half [it turned out that the minimum is not quite so. Associate Professor of Vinnitsa Pedagogical University T. R. Karoeva sent me information about the fact that Georgy Stanislavovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor - worked from September 1945 to 08/09/1946 by the Vinnitsa Regional Library local Lore Museum, then was transferred to the position of a scientist, and in September 1946 he from the museum quit. - N. K.]

By the way, the medical and sanitary department is prof. G. S. Gang led only in the first time to temporarily manage the city. The second temporary management had to be necessary for him, by order of StadtComissar (German urban chapter), headed on January 19, 1944 by himself, because prof. A. A. Sevastyanov by this time already left the city. However, soon, March 11 of the same year prof. G. S. Gan was forced to complete his board - and he left the city in an unknown direction.

Professor Georgy Stanislavovich Gan (Der Hahn - Rooster, in German) in memories V. Ya. Kulikova appears in unfavorable light. He, they say, studied poisonous mushrooms, Vinnichin's waters, pr., But "did not feel the results of his scientific work, although he spent the whole day at the Department. He lived lonely, closed, launched and rather embarrassed bachelor. His lectures were boring, inconsistencies: he read a monotonous squeaky voice ...
Why is he - young, idle, a mustacheless and secured person did not evacuated from Vinnitsa? " And further - in the same spirit (II, p. 172).

"... Gan, hygienist, nothing that sense in either the field of health care, or in medical medicine, took up the health care of the city. All Vinnitsa doctors it is clear that he took not for his work: hygiene is medical, but it is necessary to know the organization of therapeutic case and health care services, possess experience in such work. ... Bed Ghana and that he does not know German. Some of the Germans tried to talk to the French professor in French, and he does not know French. ... Gan is blinking badly with diphtheria, typhes and dysentery - writes papers and everything. In pharmacies there is no single dose of anti-dialy serum - Ghana is little bother. The city is polluted to the limit, and Professor Hygienist Gan is completely calm. " ((Ii, p. 172-173).

On March 11, 1944, V. Ya. Kulikov, Kulikov, Bachelor "on the hospital carriage, drove from the courtyard of Morphkorpus, having a" two places "of baggage. Kulikov and Trempovich (doctor of the Piroga and the neighbor Kulikova) crushed with him.
-"Runs away!" - Trempovich said.
- "hiding!" - noticed Kulikov. " (II, p. 174).

Assistant V. I. Bukhovets (if I am not mistaken, her name was Valentina Ivanovna) was during my study (in the late 50s) the assistant of the department headed by a visible hygienist of the country, a legendary doctor of a huge camp of Soviet prisoners of war prof. R. D. Gabovich. About the latter with whom more or less friendly relations were associated, I wrote in detail in My Vinnitsa. V.I. was a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject and, judging by my impressions, just an excellent teacher. Goodworking, friendly.
I about her - in the most positive colors - often told at home. Once with my colorful narration of visiting a group, according to plan training sessions, meat processing plant, I, having thrilled, remembered what comments, with regard to production hygiene - very diplomatic, so that there was no insulting - did V. I. Meat processing staff. Someone from our guests present at our guests (I remember only that it was a doctor) suddenly interrupted me: "didn't she tell you how to danced on the tables in the German officer club?" (located on the territory of the psychiatric hospital - N. K.). I swore. Only introduced it - she had a very switched figure and beautiful legs - at the same time ... the stories about how doctors remaining in the city were in mind, helped partisans. Although by that time there were already doubts about the truthfulness of all officially told. I thought about where her husband was at that time (I believed that, most likely, in the Red Army). In a word, I understand now, which was wrong, because I did not know that the spouses Bukhovs served under the Germans and the Germans. But the whole truth and through more than half a century, did not recognize and never know.

On the website of the Vinnitsa Medical University, in the section History of the Hygiene Department Assistant V. I. Bukhovets is present in 1971 photos. Let me remind you that she performed the responsibilities of the head of this department since 1937 (he worked at the department, undoubtedly, from earlier time). So you only have to admire her pedagogical longevity!

Department of Dermatology.

Department of Skin-Venusal Diseases: "In 1937 Rotsi, the Department Creates the professor of M.Z. Yukhnevich (1937-1941). In Perigod Okupatsії NІMETSKO-fascist tangent of the theoretical Corps of the І Klіnіki Buli Zrunimani, until 1944th, the university is not a psyuvav. Після Злілнення Віннitsі vіd nіmezky-fascist zagabnnikіv in 1944 ROTSI, Estitution Vіdnoviv His robot І Zavoduvachechah Cafedri Bouv Adjustments Professor L.O. Christ (1944 -1945). "

How do you like it? "During the occupation of the German-fascist invaders, the theoretical building and clinics were destroyed, until 1944, university did not work." Why is this deception? Moreover, prof. L. O. Christine continued his interrupted work at the Department. True, in a memorandum note, it is as Christ L. D. (in the original in Ukrainian - Christi L. D.), and once at V. Ya. Kulikova - "Dean Christch" (II, p. 343).

Department of nervous and mental illness.

Department of Psychiatry: "Department of Psychiatric Vinnitsky Certificate of Medical Estitution of Bula is sacrificed in 1935 Rotsi. Under the co-founders of the Department of Squiries, O. K. Sudomir, VIPUSCHIK KIEVSKI. O. K. Sudomir Z Person Rockіv His Lіkarskoy Diyalnosti embodied himself a psychiatry. Until 1941 ROCA, Kolya Vіn Dobilly, joining Love Armії, O. K. Sudomir Maistersno reading Letsії ...
Після Злільнення Віннitizі vіd nіmetkiy Okupantіv in 1944 Rozі Rubbudovo Tu Vіdnnvennomy, Yak Cafedri, so I am a psychoneurologist, engaged in prof. O. A. Zaitsev - Vipuskin Lenіngradsky Medical Estitution ... "
The Department of Nerve Diseases with a course of neurosurgery: "Department of Nervovich Hvoroba at Vіnnitsky, the Medician Estitution of the Bula, was created in 1935 ROCI on the basis of psycho-neurologist, Lіkarnі іm. Acad. O.І.KUB. Last Zadyuchima Casthedron Bouv Professor Bear V.L., Republic of Kyivsko, Skoli Neurologist. In Perigod, Velikovoi Vіtchiznyano, Vіini, pіd hour Okupatsії, Dyalnіst Cafedri Bula pinned. Pisl Zvіlnennya Missta Department Vіdnovilua Robot. In 1946 Rotsi Pisl Soldi prof. Bear V.L. Timchasovo Department of Zavoduvav Lіkar Polischuk V.B.

Again - not true. And where are the Assistants Lukyanenko and Chernomorets? They will now be speaking about them.
Anton Ivanovich Lukyanenko - the Chief Doctor of the Psychiatric Hospital The German command of the city ordered the peace of the mentally ill patients. "The resistance of doctors was small. Fear of execution was stronger than medical debt, "V. Ya. Kulikov (II, p. 327).
I will quote myself (from the review on the book V. Ya. Kulikova):
"Dr. Lukyanenko, at the end of 1943, left the" Rіdna "Ukraine and went to Germany" (II, p. 329). And about this, taken in quotes the word "Rіdna", as in many other places of the book V. Ya. Kulikova, stumbled. What is there mockery? What - A. I. Lukyanenko, together with other hospital doctors, committed the murder of patients with his hospital led by him on their own initiative and with pretty pleasure? I forgot that V. I kulikov, what was told by the former colleague in the service in the Red Army, Dr. Demenkov: After receiving the order of the Germans, Lukyanenko "... I am going through, ... shocked - he does not like himself" (II, p. 324). Before whom Wishes V. Ya. Kulikov look a big Catholic than the Holy Father? "

V. Ya. Kulikov, however, notes that, since relatives of the mentally illness knew about the causes of mass mortality among the latter, dozens of patients were taken home. "Dr. Lukyanenko did not prevent this. Excesses were not. The Germans did not express any objections. " (II, p. 328).

By the way, on the first day of the physical destruction of psychic patients, V. Ya. Kulikov walked along the river, pleasantly chatting with a high-ranking German directed from Berlin to the post of Standtcomissar (urban commissioner) in Baku, a certain Mr. Eckel, a personally famous Hitler.

The collection (I, pp. 629-631) provides an article from Vinnitsa Pravda dated December 17, 1944 "Solubby". It is written in it, in particular, the following (in my translation with ukrainian language): "The German Varvaram in the destruction of patients helped the former director [so written in the original! - N.K.] Lukyanenko Hospitals and head physician [Position and surname - in original !, Although we are talking about Chernomorets assistant, according to a report note, and only familiarity with the archive will be able to help in the final establishment of truth - N. K.]. They created a patient unbearable conditions, and then began to ride them ... Poisoning patients led a black breakdown, directly performed the work of the paramedic "...".

This article ends with the following paragraph:
"At the bench of the defendants, the immediate performers - the killers of Dyachenko, Gota, Slobodyanka and the Senior Polyzay Hospital Spripborn, who helped the Schedule to shoot people and issued the Soviet citizens of Gestapo. Do not avoid punisters and chief participants in the massacre - traitors to Lukyanenko and the blackbust (so in the original! - N. K.), Nazistam Sepp, Meding, Neum, Gebitomissar Margenfeld and all those who have caused so much grief, who destroyed in a brutal Soviet people. The case of their crime will be obedient in the military tribunal. " Whether Lukyanenko went to Germany - who knows?

In another place, V. Ya. Kulikov emphasizes the zealous anti-Semitism of the chief physician of a psychiatric hospital (II, p. 283).
Only once V. Ya. Kulikov writes about A.I. Lukyanenko positively, emphasizing a significant role of the head doctor of a mental hospital in the salvation of the life of many Soviet prisoners of war (II, p. 240).

"For new cases of psyche diseases, a hospital was organized by 30 beds on the Khmelnitsky highway in the former police station. He headed by her Dr. Lukyanenko, helped him Dr. Chernomorets. Dr. Fisher gave a separation of nerve diseases. " (II, p. 328). We will consider this hospital to the clinical base of the department of nerve and mental illness of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute for the Occupation of the City of Fascists.

Topographic anatomy

Department of Operational Surgery and Topographic Anatomy:
"Zaduvachas of the captains of Buli: prof. N.N. Bololyarsky (1934-1936), prof. S.T.Novitsky (1938-1941), Assoc. І.P. Kalistov (1944-1948) ... "

Prof. Zamyatin - about it was reported when describing the Anatomy Department (see above).


I repeat.
Department of Foreign Languages: "Yak Snitch Mother Archiva, Department of Inozhemnichn Mos Bula Created in 1934 Rotsi. Latinsk, Anglіysku Ta Nіmezka Mov Vilandali 7 Vidladachiv. Headwood Associate Professor, Candidate of Filologic Church Sciences І. O. Delnikov.
The Naukova of the robot of the methodical character rose from 1950 rock. " Doc. Carpenters headed the department and after the war in the 40s and in the 50s: he took my exam.

Surname Rudzit seems familiar, but I did not see it in the department of the department on the site of the Medical University. True, there are not all teachers in the surnames.

About Professor Philippe Nikolaevich Serkov (1908-2011) - a special speech. Wikipedia about the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine (twice), the winner of the awards named after I. M. Sechenov Academy of Sciences of the USSR, A. A. The Bogomolets of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR F. N. Serkovo said, in particular The following: "During the Great Patriotic War, he participated in hostilities as Vivigar, was captured and was in the occupation until her liberation, after which he worked as a doctor in the front hospital.
In 1953 to 1966, it works as the head of the department of normal physiology. "

In the Ukrainian version of the same edition, more awarding were added: "... the hedens of the orders of Prince Yaroslav Wise V Step, the" Sign of Step "," For Merit "of the III Step, the scarma of the Order of Labor Prapor." As well as the following: "In the hour of NiMetsko-Radyandsko, Jac Lіkar, fighting the fate of the battles, saving from full, in the distance in the middle of the passion, living on the upopenia the territory. PІD HOUR OF OKPATSIA Danil Vorontsova [D. S. Vorontsov (1886-1965) is a famous electrophysiologist, before the war he headed the Department of Physiology of the Kiev Medical Institute, on which F. N. Serkov worked - N. K.] Vіd Hungry Solodi in Kijvi.
Pisl Wignannya Nazis_v with Territory, de Vіn living, Putsevav, Lіkarem Frontovoy Mittal.
Overall 1944 -1953 Rockіv Critering the Department of Operations of Normal Issociation of Vinnitsky. "
The territory where F. N. Serkov lived, in both versions it is specifically not specified.

And here's about the time of the occupation: "And then the epic occurred in Vinnitsa. Serkovo managed to arrange professors [D. S. Vorontsova - N. K.] to the position of a laboratory assistant in SanEpids, the occupation regime was concerned about the prevention of epidemics. The tuberculosis hospital has been preserved, where Philip Nikolaevich was enrolled by a radiologist. By participating in the patriotic movement, together with the wife of Elizabeth Feodorovna fearlessly brought out the city of the wounded underground. And this partisan commander, starting activities in the City Council in the Vinnitsa convulsed soon, remembered a modest doctor, and he was withdrawn from the hospital in Kazatin and invited to work in the revived Pirogovsky Medical Institute - Dean, Vice-Rector and Head of Physiology Department in one person. However, he read and biochemistry read ... "I had to start the restoration of the medical institute in Vinnitsa not from the first year, but to immediately declare free reception for all five courses." The institute reached out former students, for one reason or another, not completed education, among them a number of front-line and many teachers. Railed hospitals immediately received reinforcement. " An excerpt from the article Alla Shevko, Yuri Vilensky - the authors of the book "Life in science - science in life. Conversations with Academician Philipp Nikolayevich Serkovov "K.: Nukova Dumka, 2009.

The next mention of the occupation time: "Passed tests with captivity and occupying regime, returned to the existing army.
In 1944, I went to Vinnitsa to restore the Medin Institute, where he worked as the head of the department of normal physiology, then the Vice-Rector. " (\u003d1335).

But another story about this time - and one more evidence that F. N. Serkov did not "in 1944 went to Vinnitsa to restore the Medin Institution ...", and a couple of years before this: "Soon Philipp Nikolaevich was in Kiev. From here, we were in Vinnitsa, where in the period of the occupation the new authorities opened "Fakhshule" on the basis of the former Medin Institute. Serkov began to teach here, and since "Fakhshule" after the defeat of the Germans near Stalingrad soon closed, switched to a radiologist, having a new specialty, to the tuberculous hospital. Quiet, non-partisan scientist led a really double game, contributing to the partisan detachments of patriots who were written off as "dead". ")

There are more similar messages that are caused by the small knowledge by the authors of the subject of presentation, whether a deliberate desire to file facts in the aspect desires. During the occupation, which the direct statements were shy here, it was necessary to survive and, if it was possible, not at the expense of others and without the "face loss". Most likely, the individuals who missed the intelligentsia through their filters, which were on the captured territory, understood it. Yes, and specialists for the restoration of everything chained by the enemy lacked, and such as F. N. Serkov, who defended several weeks before the beginning of the war, his doctoral dissertation is suppressed.

About the invited institution at the Department of Pathophysiology prof. S. K. Kaprana could not be mined for me.

Professor Feodosiy Mikhailovich Gulianitsky worked in the regional hospital. N. M. Pirogova (II, p. 309). V. Ya. Kulikov reports that he went to the partisans (II, p. 317), without pointing out, even approximately, the date of this "candidate in the lecturers on propchurgergia".

And now - about the background of the start of classes in the Vinnytsia Medical Institute in 1942 (version V. Ya. Kulikova).
"A group of Vinnitsa theorists, hearding, began to look for a way out of her heavy material situation. They saw that practitioner practitioners make themselves the urgent bread and their families, and they are starving, and in the future there is nothing that would save them from the hunger strike. Some, however, found their service in the administration of the Governors and received a small wage and scarce missions, but others sat without work and starved from the first day of the occupation. Anata Zamyatin, believing that only one step from anatomy to surgery, declared himself a surgeon. He somehow made his way into the surgical department of the Piroga, knocked down his sleeves and waited for patients. They are understandable, they did not go to him. He looked like a dirty sleeve and turned to me for advice. - "What should I do? "He wrote me," I'm hungry with a brutal family. " "" We must master the specialty, "I noticed. - There is no eyepiece in Vinnitsa. Specialty interesting. Share it, as the circumstances require, and you will have a piece of bread. " [All Book V. Ya. Kulikova Pottit His advice to different people for any occasion. Sometimes following his advice leads (asked such) to prison, etc., what I wrote in the review. Here, according to V. Ya. Kulikova, from anatomy to eye diseases, even less than one step. Not that to surgery. Why suddenly so? - N. K.]

Zamyatin began the eye diseases. He helated better, but began to sin against medical ethics: he began to take a job for him. He did the head physician forbade it. Then he, together with other theorists, Ganom, Makhulko-Gorbatsevich - decided to resume classes with the students of the Medical Institute left in Vinnitsa, who graduated from the Soviet authorities four courses. StadtComissar made consent to this. [Comic, but also during the occupation, all instructions, prohibition and permission came from the same building, as before the war: StadtComissariat and the SS headquarters were in the former building of the regional committee KP (b) y. - N. K.] The fifth course was opened. Zamyatin became director of the institute. Scored and teachers needed for the fifth course. Began to assign titles. Only theorists were theorists - Anatus Zamyatin, Makhulko-Gorbatsevich's pathologist, hygienist Gan. Therapist Masualov had the title of associate professor. He, as well as the candidates from Kiev from Kiev. Sciences Gulianitsky, Trempovich, Biontovsky assigned the title of professor. The rest is Demenkova, Drum, Kutukka - ordered affiliates. Demenkov and Barabash brought themselves medical seals with the mention of this title. I abstained from the title and taught otorinolaryngology without any title. " (II, p. 371-372). [In a memorandum of the name of the Biontovskaya, the Barabash, the Mas (a) of the fishing is listed by Professor, Kutelik (Cutlep) - an assistant. About the modest V. Ya. Kulikov for some reason - not a word. - N. K.]

"A week after the liberty of Vinnitsa from the fascist occupation, the head of the regional health department Dr. Ivan Alekseevich Lobanov, who arrived in Vinnitsa on March 20, summoned to check documents to the doctors who worked in Vinnitsa Medinitis during the occupation period. Tov. Lobanov took the certificate, carefully read them, in front of the bearer tearned into small pieces and threw in a plate, which was standing on his table. "Go," he said, breaking the certificate of "assistant" or "professor". My certificate, in which I was the head of the Lor branch of Vinnitsa Hospital. N. I. Pirogova, he, smiling, returned to me.
- "What's the matter? - interested Dr. Demenkov, when we returned to the hospital. - Why did he not break your certificate? "
"Probably because it contains the position to which he himself appointed me on July 13, 1941," I noticed. - And you had a "associate professor", assigned to you in a medical institute during the occupation period: Vinnitsa Medical Institute and in peacetime did not possess the right to assign titles. " (II, p. 372-373).

Book V. Ya. Kulikova, as already mentioned above, is arranged by his grandson from records made at different times. Therefore, there are repetitions in it. So, elsewhere, describes a somewhat other reason for the restoration of the study activities of the Medin Institute.
"The idea of \u200b\u200bclasses with students of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, which passed on the V course, so that after 6-7 months to release the title of Lekary, appeared in Vinnitsa in January 1942.
The initiators of this case were Professor Vinnitsa Medinitskite Gan, Zamyatin, Makhulko-Gorbatsevich and Citizen Balkovsky, it seems a biologist in the specialty. Theorists in the occupation were aware of ... And now they decided to earlier and on teaching work. Makhulko-Gorbatsevichu, the Ukrainian nationalist, impressed even the thought that, on all the occupied Ukraine, only in Vinnitsa, in the city of Vinnitsa Colonel Bogun, on the initiative of the doctor of medical sciences Grigory Stepanovich Makhulko-Gorbatsevich functions Winnitsa Medical Institute.

"Mist" prof. Sevastyanov was against. At least, his Shurin Dr. Hoff, close to Professor Sevastyanov, being a Yarm's opponent of this idea, claimed: "Alexander Aleksandrovich (Sevastyanov) This will consider this idea unnecessary, untimely and useless. In fact - where is the base for such a serious case - clinics, professors, visual aids, textbooks, equipment, etc.? Simply Nationalist Makhulko-Gorbatsevich rushed to the head of thought in Vinnitsa to open the first Ukrainian Medical Institute, and Ghana, Zamyatin and others earn 1500-2000 rubles per month. " (II, p. 332-333).

"The initiators" pushed "this idea, opponents collected sympathizing with them. The latter headed Sevastyanov, sympathized with Him and Mazanik. The first motivated by the above reasons, two others were, it seems, other reasons: new concerns will be added, the workload will increase, the part-time job will increase, and what is it (Institute) to them? I reasoned like this: "The venture is not solid, but not meaningless. It is advantageous of these 30-40 people of young people not to put into German slavery and, having worked with them for 6-7 months, to release them with the title of the doctor and send to the service to the people. If this is not done, then they will definitely be picked up by the invaders, because someone went to the Germans (Benk). [It is not clear that I always had in mind, in his opinion, the wisdom of all the arguing V. Ya. Kulikov under the "left to the Germans" - N. K.] It must be prevented. You should not miss this opportunity. " "In addition, it will not be superfluous to doctors, taught, notify, repeat the completed," so I spoke at the meeting of the top three pirons - Gopa, Mazanika, Kulikov, who discussed this issue on January 13, 1942 upon receipt from Ghana (head. San Ciddle MISKII We manage) relations for №4. [Argument V. Ya. Kulikova - to resume classes in the medical institute, so that the doctors appointed to teachers, taught, reproduced, repeatedly passed - deserves, I believe, I suppose - N. K.] Evgeny Stepanovich Gof resolutely expressed against the organization of classes with students of the fifth Course, I am for, Nikolai Makarovich Mazanik, not without hesitation, joined me. " (II, p. 333-334).

The organizational meeting did not come by A. A. Sevastyanov, nor E. S. Gosh.
However, the meeting still at the appointed time took place with the participation of Ghana, Zamyatina, Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, Masalova, Demenkov, Razumovskogo, Kunkel, Doroshenko, Kutukka, Kulikova, Lukyanenko, Sukmansky, Berezovskaya, Chernomorets, Balka. It was reported that the garrison doctor Dr. ZepP against the resumption of classes in the medical institute does not object. The final decision is behind StadtComissar, but he is on a business trip.

Later, StadtComissar Margenfeld also gave "good" to the organization of classes with students of the fifth course. The favorable attitude to the medical institute of the main Vinnitsa Germans V. Ya. Kulikov explains the "military failures of the German army, experienced at this time near Moscow. The Red Army knocked down the fascists, and the winnitsa fascists came up and the concessive. " (II, p. 335). I, as I did not try, did not find the connection between these two circumstances. It is not decided to express my opinion here, since much remained beyond the scope of this chapter of the memories V. Ya. Kulikova - and the information available, or rather, the limited latter, predisposes only to groundless speculation.

Now it is necessary to quote. V. Ya. Kulikova: "It should be noted that this undertaking met sympathy from most of the gathered. [What would it be otherwise to come to this meeting? - N. K.] One - Ukrainians Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, Lukyanenko, Doroshenko, Chernomorets - It was nice to consciousness that they participated in the opening of the Ukrainian Medical Institute in the city of Vinnitsa Colonel Bogun - the participant and the hero of the Liberation War. Another - Kunken, Kutuk, Sukmansky, Berezovskaya - has impressed the opportunity to become teachers of the university (perhaps - associate professor!). Third - Ghana, Zamyatina, Balkovsky - attracted earnings: Only they promised him, all the others had to work for free. " (II, p. 334).

"February 14, 1942 (238th day of war) at 10 o'clock the solemn opening of the Vinnytsia Medical Institute was held. Opened the collection "Head Using M. Vinnits" Professor Sevastyanov. In his speech, read in German, and then translated into Ukrainian, he graduated from StadtComissar for permission to hold classes with students of the V Course of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute and the Spectacle of this "cultural work". His deputy profited for him. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, in speech in Ukrainian, called teachers more successfully conduct classes on programs of the course of therapeutic faculty, and students are thorough to master them taught. Students were 30 people.

Then with a greeting spoke from the Commissioner of Ukraine and Stadtcomers, as well as prof. Serafimovich [one of the Ukrainian nationalists - the German agents delivered to Vinnitsa "with the inconvenience of the occupiers" (II, p. 204) - N. K.]. The choir of the psychiatric hospital sang: "It's not impoverished ...".

With the response speaking in the word. about. Director of the Medical Institute Prof. Zamyatin. Then the choir was missing three Ukrainian songs. Margenfeld rose from his place, went to Sevastyanov and said something to him. After that, the choir sang another Ukrainian song and the meeting was closed. About the prayer, to whom the priest of the Slovchavsky prepared, obviously forgotten - he did not take place. Honorary participants and students bypassed Morf Corpus. At this celebration of the opening of the Medical Institute and ended. I managed to make several photos. " (II, p. 335). [In the book there is only a photo of the Chorus Vinnitsa Psychiatric Hospital, made, in all likelihood, on this day. - N. K.]

"It was necessary to start classes, and on therapy and surgery, the main subjects of medicine, there were neither the heads of departments or assistants. Associate Professor of Maslov, who taught infectious diseases to the war to war, refused to carry out the therapeutic clinic for free. The therapist Kutukik would not mind heading her, but everything - and he himself - knew perfectly well that this position he could not. Stopped at Dr. Demenkov, but he also did not want to work for free. He is poisoned: no one else - it will be an associate professor. He agreed. Doctors Kutukuk and Bizho agreed to be assistants to his department. The surgery department was imposed by the head. Surgical branch of the Pirography of Dr. Guofu. Assistant went to him Dr. Maria Alexandrovna Borschevskaya. Nervous diseases took to read Dr. Emelyan Pavlovich Barabash, Psychiatry - Dr. Anton Ivanovich Lukyanenko. Everyone agreed to engage in students for free. It should be noted that practical doctor practitioners easily agree to help students, without demanding the fee. Associate Professor Masalov did not have such a guard, I needed, and therefore did not agree to work for free. Theorists lived badly, so they paid. And I must say, it was considered just all the other teachers of the Medical Institute "(II, p. 336-337).

Let's pass with the quoting of the only known memories of the formation of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute of the 1942 Sample. And pay attention to two, in my opinion, important points.

The first of them: Cadres of the Institute. If you compare the teaching staff described by V. Ya. Kulikov (it was in February 1942), with this, presented in the report note (the end of 1942, definitely - no earlier than the end of September), then many inconsistencies will be revealed. Now you can only assume the reason for this. Either, in the teaching process, the teachers themselves felt that they were not in their place. And Dr. Demenkov, sacrificing the donation of the associate professor, gave way to the Department of therapy of Associate Professor Masalov, who - for consent to work after all, was awarded the title of professor. And Dr. Gofu managed to "fuse" an invalid department of the department of prof. Trempovich. Why and where did Dr. E. P. Barabash disappeared - and the Department of Nervous and Mental Diseases remained without a leader?
Or all this is the result of "unacceptability" by chance of the collective?
Or in a memorandum note a lot of not only Manilovskaya fantasy, but also frank lies - representations of the desired valid?

The second moment about which V. Ya Kulikov shyly silent in the book, I have already noted in the reviews on it. On the one hand, - permanent complaints (including the Germans) on small salary, pieces, growing prices (which would be clear: he had to feed his wife and three children). If it were not, on the other, boasting to the Germans, the presence of natural coffee, which at that time really did not even have the officers, not to mention the local population. And permanent tea drinking (of course, not with sugar in principle) together with the Germans or with the invited Dr. Ya. Kulikov in the Germans. About his private practice, about the acquisition of V. Ya. Kulikov silent. And I mention this because, from the words V. Ya. Kulikova (see above), "practical doctors who work in private practice easily agreed to help students, without demanding the fee." And whether it is impossible to assume that practitioners who are accustomed to receive signs of gratitude from patients (more often - in kind), it seemed that students would not leave their work without remuneration? It is not excluded that this quickly understood the theorists who taught in the Higher Educational Institution "to the Higher Educational Institution.

"When the departments were" equipped, "the question arose about how to refer to the teachers of the Vinnytsia Medical Institute? There were processes concerning mainly new persons, among which there was not a single candidate honey. science Some - Hoff, Kulikov - said: "Wake up without titles." Others - Demenkov, Barabash, Lukyanenko - offered to the heads of departments to call against associate professors, other assistants, and who will work out of the old professors of the Medinstitution, Togo to name "in the old, in a time". They began to occupy without titles.

Classes began from February 15-16, 1942 [At the beginning of the report note, twice indicates the beginning of classes in March 1942 - N. K.] according to the medical faculty programs, according to the plans drawn up by the heads of departments and on two-week schedules given by the Secretary of the Medical Institute Evgeny Alexandrovich Balkovsky [in the report note - Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology and Botanist Bolkovsky - N. K.]. About guidelines (textbooks) and. about. Director prof. Zamyatin said: "Each head. The department himself will pick up the manual in its specialty, compiled by the Russian or Ukrainian author, will cross out "to E ... M ..." (Diko said) all Soviet and recommends his students. Collect the surviving visual benefits and use them. " (II, p. 337).

V. Ya. Kulikov is not mentioned in a memorandum. Why - I do not occur any explanation to this. This paradox can only be understood after reading the archive. Meanwhile (you are probably guessing about it), the department he headed was the best. I do not exclude that it was true: four of the new doctors wished two (for four in the ENT, there was no place for four) doctors from the release of 1942. became otolaryngologists (II, p. 344) - on such a few release - a high percentage!

"Laura Department was ready for classes as it was in pre-war years in Professor Vladimir Petrovich Yaroslavsky. True, Dr. Ra V. Ya Kulikova was there no degree and no title, but he, having accepted the abandoned Laura Clinic on July 13, 1941, i.e., a week before the occupation of Vinnitsa, it was able to maintain almost all tools, educational equipment ( Only a few frontal reflectors were lost) [in another place it is said: "Part of the clinic property remaining inconspicuous, was abducted" (p. 331) - N. K.] and all visual clinic benefits. Two microscopes disappeared, but he knew who they were located - Sergey Dmitrievich Svadrievich ("... The man is omnipresent and well informed" - that's all that I reported by V. Ya. Kulikov on 229 p. - N . K.]. There was a pre-war program of both pediatric and therapeutic faculty. [But what about the program of the "Berlin Medical Institute of Friedrich-Wilhelm"? Her, or wrote, hovering out, confusing the instruction and. about. Director of the Institute prof. Zamyatina, "To E ... M ..." Head. Department of ENT disease? - N. K.] In the library of the Medical Institute, there were more than a hundred copies of the "Piardnik Khvobiobi Vukhi, the throat of the nose S. M. Kompanitsa," who satisfy all the requirements. True, the author of the "pianchechnika" Zelman Mordkovich Kompanets was a Jew, but this in Vinnitsa knew only Dr. Kulikov. " (II, p. 337-338). The sense of humor to the author of memories was, however, not alien!

"The release of doctors who graduated from the Medical Institute in 1942 was held on September 23 [according to a memorandum, September 21 - N. K.]. Awarded the medical title of 33 people. The order read and. about. Director prof. Zamyatin. In the solemn meeting, the "Head I will manage the m. Vynnitsi" prof. Sevastyanov, all teachers, graduates of the Medical Institute, invited and arriving from Kiev "Professor". [Who does this mean V. Ya. Kulikov - I'm not clear to me: prof. Serkov, prof. S. K. Kaprana (according to a memorandum), others - then why professors in quotes? - N. K.] From Germans was a garrison doctor Dr. Zepp. " (II, p. 338).

It would seem about classes and production - everything. But no: V. Ya. Kulikov again turns to the best Department of the Institute, his department, of course, of course.
"For Lor, it was 36 hours (18 lessons) for lectures and 40 hours (20 classes) for practical exercises. Knowing the character of the chairs of the newly functioning Vinnitsa Medical Institute, knowing and "accuracy" and "zeal" to free work, head. ENT Department knew something that the other would miss his clock and prepared to use them in ENT. Secretary of the Institute E. A. Balkovsky gladly gave the otolaryngologist "missing" by other hours. Kulikova has previous lectures and practical classes were prepared in advance and he found out: for Lor, 100 hours are needed - 25 two-hour lectures and practical training. He began his classes on February 18, 1942 and during the entire course not only did not miss any classes, but also used the "free" hours of his colleagues. Despite the festive days of Easter in April 1942 (April 1-9), on May 8, the last lesson on ENT was held (the entire course took 100 hours). (II, p. 339).

What is this in section History of the Department of Otolaryngology on the already mentioned site of the meduliper? This is what: "The department was sacrificed in 1936 Rozzi ... by the organizer of the first Kerіvnik of the Department of the Bouv, the professor V.P. Yaroslavsky, a kind of watelling department until 1962 poku. "(Http:// Last Name V. Ya. Kulikova is not mentioned as the head of the department in the years of occupation, nor as an assistant in the first post-war time, although during these periods he worked at the department.

I continue to richly quote the book V. Ya. Kulikov not only because it is the only printed description of the work of Vinnitsa Medinitskitte in the occupation, but also because the book instantly became a rarity: what is this circulation of 500 copies? I, by the way, It is also not there, but they are readographic and kindly sent to me from Vinnitsa Pages "Evidence Certificate".

By otorhinolaryngology from May 20 to 25,
- on eye diseases from 26 to 30 May,
- on infectious diseases from 1 to 4 June,
- on psychiatry from 5 to 9 June,
- on the history of Ukraine from 9 to 14 June.

Students' exams of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, which have passed subjects of the V course on the medical faculty program, began on August 15 and continued until September 20 "(II, p. 340).

This is what characteristic gives V. Ya. Kulikov doctors of the release of 1942:
"The best of them, the most capable and diligently engaged barely barely be comparable to the middle peasants of the pre-war and post-war 1945, 1946 and 1947. True, a large number of graduates of 1942 in 1944, after renewing in March of that year of the work of the institute, the repetitive state [what "state" was normally withstanding - the first "state"? - N. K.] Exams at the State Commission of Vinnitsa Medin Institution "(II, p. 340). The number of translated and translated final exams V. Ya. Kulikov does not lead: "A large number" remains with a big question mark.
What to say here? The quality of preparation is other could not be, as well as the result of re-checking knowledge: the country acutely needed physicians, as many doctors did not return from the war ...

Next, V. Ya. Kulikov analyzes the reasons that prevented the successful training of doctors:
"... The first is insufficient training of teachers. Almost they were no worse than good associate professors - they were all knowledgeable and with great experiences of specialists, but in relation to didactics, they have noticeably inferior to good peaceful assistants.

The second reason is the weakness of some clinical databases. Only Laura Clinic and the Hospital Surgical Clinic are well preserved. A little worse was the case in hospital therapeutic and obstetric and gynecological clinics. Significantly poorer was an infectious clinic, which has lost its base and neurological clinic in the occupation, in which there is not a single teacher from pre-war time. The base of the eye disease clinic died almost entirely.

The third reason that preventing successful student learning should be considered poor material support for them. First, they had to pay for study in the medical institute. Due to their contributions, Zamyatin's salas were paid - the director of the Medin Institute, Ghana, the head of the study part, and the Balkovsky - secretary. Secondly, students had to work out and, moreover, spend time on hiking in the village of products. To this, it is necessary to add that many students participated in the resistance movement and were associated with underground. " (II, p. 340-341).

Not given, however, in this place the memories of a single name from the number of "many students", neither the essence of the resistance movement nor the methods of communication with the underground. Most likely, it was added for the red sense, as the kelits did not have anything to do with the other - and he does not attribute such merit to himself.
The only mention: "Carefully fought [This section describes the resistance to invaders in Pirogovka - N. K.] ... Students Godlevsky and Schavinsky ..." (II, p. 309). Again - without specific instructions, even hint on the essence of their activities in resistance.

Interestingly, in the report of the secretary of the Vinnitsa underground committee of the CP (b) at D. T. Burchenko, the secretaries of the Central Committee of the CP (b) at N. S. Khrushchev and D. S. Korutochko about the situation in the occupied territory of the Vinnitsa region (from August 31, 1943 G.) It is: "The Medical Institute is closed back in 1942, as the underground organization was opened." (I, p. 219-223). To this message - confidence no more than to the other in the same report note, for example, the following: "The Germans to discredit Soviet power trumpets that they are supposedly (! - N. K.)" opened "the facts of the massacre of the Ukrainian population In Vinnitsa, the NKVD bodies in 1939-1939 and 1941. ... This propaganda is not successful, since the population is convinced that all photographs are made with the victims of the mass destruction of the Jewish and other population organized by the Germans themselves. "

Is it possible to assume that Dmitry Timofeevich Burchenko (Chairman of the Vinnitsa Regional Executive Committee from a Sewing time than immediately after the liberation of the region - a short time, the chairman of the regional council was the year - until 1948) did not know anything? True, I could not find data about the place (places) of his work in the pre-war time, but I think that this work was not ordinary. Otherwise, he would not be appointed immediately by the Sumy-Vinnitsa Partisan Commission Commissioner. That N. S. Khrushchev did not know about the repression of the late thirties - only a baby could think. Why does one party leader tell a false one? Just because it is so accepted - and the other will not call it with his name, but will pretend what believed? It is me - to how to believe the archives of party documents, as necessary, getting acquainted with them, be careful in conclusions.

"Does participate in the preparation of this group of doctors invited from Kiev" Professor "? No, not accepted. They arrived in Vinnitsa to the "Sharp Ware", before the most exams. From participation in the exams, they abstained, saying: "Who prepared them, let them examine." Therefore, on therapy examined Dr. N.P. Demenkov in the presence of Dr. V.M. Cuppet and representative of the adjacent discipline - infectilationist professor V.V. Maslov.

By surgery examined Dr. E.S. Hof in the presence of a surgeon MA Borschevskaya and representative of Laura Clinic Dr. Ra V.Ya. Kulikova. By the way, Dr. Gof then noticed: "Zamyatin and Gan this comedy is called the exam, and I am a test."

In general, the invitation of teachers from the side was premature. They are late for the preparation of the V course. The opening of I and IV courses was problematic. The permit for the opening of medical institutions was also received in Kiev (June 24, 1942) - from the Ukrainian authorities and in Zhytomyr (July 5, 1942) - from the occupiers, and the necessary money (1,800 thousand) - not a penny. And it was necessary to pay not only the director, the head. Training part, secretary, and invited to "professors" and some of those who refused to teach free (Masalov, Demenkov). In addition, a whole series of incidents originated in Vinnitsa Medinitis. " (II, p. 341).

First, the welding arose due to the assignment of the ranks of "professors" and "associate professors" - a peculiar fair of vanity, so to speak. Secondly, the reasons for the choke was the confrontation between local, Vinnitsa teachers and "Varyagov" - invited Kievans: could not divide the posts, coaches in the hospital. "We can say - writes V. Ya. Kulikov, - that Vinnitsa Medical Institute, releaseing young doctors, quietly and peacefully died." (II, p. 342).

I did not know that Lee, V. Ya. Kulikov anything about the report, in which the management of the Institute reported:
"From 1 to 10 August, entrance exams were held for the 1st year, and from September 1, work was launched on the 1st and 4th courses of the Institute.
Students for today on 1 course ... .................. 198
On 4 - "" - ... ........................ 88 "?

Or is such a frank lie from the institute's leadership?!
I could not know V. Ya. Kulikov not to know (or, at least hear) about the entrance exams, which came more than two hundred people? I could not not see in the patch 88 (!) Students of the 4th course! After all, he worked in the same morphorpus, in which the Institute's Office was located (I conclude it, based on the fact that all Institution celebrations celebrated there) and the Piroga! Even if the management of the institute was partially or completely in the building on the former Lenin Street, 69 (all the previously known building with Pharmacy No. 1, who owned at first the pharmaceutical institute, and then transferred to the Novorganized Medical Institute), then both apartments V. Ya. Kulikova (former - Lenin, No. 51 and the one, in which he moved - Pushkin, No. 3) was located next to these building. At a distance, each, no more than a hundred meters.

The following lines from the book V. Ya. Kulikova are not clear:
"Over November-December 1943 lacquered. The Institute was considered existing (there was even elected new administration of Vinnitsa Medinitis: director Gan, head. Teaching part Trempovich, Dean Christch), but in fact - it was not. " (II, p. 343).

In the "Report on the activities of cultural and educational institutions of the Vinnitsa District (August 1943)", in particular, it means: "In the medical institute, which was opened as part of two courses I and IV, 295 students were studied. In connection with the labor mobilization in February 1943, classes at the institute were temporarily interrupted. Now renewing academic work at all five courses of the Institute from August 1, 1943. (I, p. 788). Another attempt to give the desired for valid?

"From the order of Reichskyissar of Ukraine E. Koch
On the closure of schools and institutions and sending teachers
and students to work in Germany

Despite my clear political instructions, and above all, despite my order of August 31, 1942, I had to find out that in the general districts, except 4-class national schools, there is still a certain number of other schools that I did not give permission. Regarding this, I had to establish that, for example, in Kiev and Vinnitsa, the institutes acquired a character similar to the university, and that, in addition, there is another number of other institutions of another kind.

At such a time when even in Germany the growth of education almost stands in place and even such vital important professionsAs the profession of doctors, cannot have the necessary increase, it absolutely does not matter whether the education will increase in Ukraine, which German power can only plan after 10 years.

And then I demanded from the Lord General-Commissioners to close all schools and institutions in which students are trained over 15 years old, and all students and teachers from these institutions, regardless of gender, to send it to work in Germany.

I also need to simultaneously take care that in addition to 4-class national schools, there was not a single school that is not permitted by me.

Research institutions, headed by the Germans, and without Ukrainian students can continue to exist, but must necessarily have on this permission.

I have to specify the gentlemen to the General Commissioners and their relevant heads of departments to the fact that I have a personal responsibility for them for accurate compliance with my instructions in this regard. I specifically draw your attention to the fact that this responsibility applies to each institute and for each institution of your General District ,, if even this institution is subordinated to the superior to the General Commissioner of the Instance.

(Revision The collection notes in the footnote: "The order of Koch completely destroyed the education system in Ukraine, which prevailed in the pre-war period. It is known that this was not a personal initiative of Koch, but a decision agreed with Hitler.")
[I, Document No. 228 - in the Ukrainian language: p.555-556, Russian: 781-782. Gavo. F. P-138. Op. 4. D. 54. L. 57. Copy.]

But how was the order of E. Koha, according to the description of V. Ya. Kulikova:
"February 24, 1943, 614th day of war. Gestapovtsy and Vinnitsa police hooked Morphorpus [unfinished then the building of the current Medical University - N. K.], in which studies of Medshkol were engaged. " [In this building, then there was a Pirogovan hospital, the corps of which the Germans used for their purposes.]
"On the same day and at the same time, a similar area was carried out and in the premises of the former. Pharmaceutical Institute (Lenina, 69), where students of the IV Course of Medin Institution were engaged. "

It turns out, according to the same V. Ya. Kulikov, that after the release of doctors in September 1942 the institute did not immediately "quietly and peacefully died."

Another testimony:
"... In the autumn of 1942, the Germans eliminated almost all Ukrainian medium and higher schools. They still put up with medical and veterinary schools in Kiev until 1942, in Vinnitsa - by the beginning of 1943, the elimination of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, the Germans and Pharmaceutical Technical Schools conducted a meanman. In the morning of German gendarme, with the help of a police, which consisted of different chasprass, surrounded the premises of medical schools. Gathered at the school of doctors and pharmacists and began to drive into cars, not explaining the reasons. But they guessed that they were chased to "voluntary" work in Germany, as a cattle on slaughter. Some broke out and run ... "
(I, p. 995-406. Evgen Aletyano-Popіvsky. Z іdeyu in sir - zbroyu in his hands. London, 1980. Translation from the Ukrainian language.)

A total of 13,400 people (I, pp 226) were taken to work in Germany from Vinnitsa.

V. Ya. Kulikov also traces as far as it was possible, the fate of graduates of 1942 years. "Low to war in the villages returned home and became in their native villages to engage in medical practice. Doctors-citizens arranged in Vinnitsa. They went on improving the specialty chosen by them in the Pirography Department. " (II, p. 341).

However, the testimonies of the doctor V. Ya. Kulikov give rise to a number of issues.
For example, V. Ya. Kulikov bypassing the question: and who were these 30-40 people who wanted to continue learning on the V course? The fact is that before the war in the medical institute, training lasted not six, as it started from the 50s, and five years. With the beginning of the war of all, including a number of exceptions - and women who have graduated from four courses of the Medical Institute dobed to doubted an urgent way and sent diploman doctors to the front or in the rear hospitals. Doctors did not have enough doctors. At one of the photographs of the year of release of 1942 are seven women and five men - graduates (with professors A. A. Sevastyanov, G. S. Ganom and Chief doctor N. M. Mazanik) - Photo V. Ya. Kulikova (p. 339). How were these and other little unpleasant doctors in the occupied Vinnitsa? - This V. Ya. Kulikov does not explain. And the service of the people about which V. Ya. Kulikov writes, arguing the feasibility of resuming the work of the Institute in the occupation (see above), was not only in the occupied territory, but also on the battlefield and in hospitals.

At one of the graduates of the 1942th Association of the Department of Surgery of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute of Godlevsky - I had to study a little in the second half of the 50s at the Department of Faculty Surgery (head. - Prof. I. M. Grabchenko). I am writing almost with complete confidence, because the surname is not very common, and V. Ya. Kulikov indicates that the yearlevsky after the release began to specialize in the Pirogovan hospital on surgery, and in the photo, which was discussed above, I learned it: In the center, the highest guy (II, p.339). According to the website of the VNMU. N. I. Pirogova: "Z 1970 to 1974 Rocky Kapedroyu Zaduvavov Associate Professor Ivan Feliksovich Godlevsky. Yogo Sciences Against Buli is hidden on the painted Licuvannya Khvalikh z in the radical zhilavnyy mong, the diversule of the twig of the Schlooka is the 12 typoloic intestine, the proctologian pathologist. PID Kerulvniktva crouched 3 candidates of disorthaci. " (
Ivan Feliksovich was an affordable, benevolent teacher, always, as it seemed to me, in a raised mood and ... with a cigarette, sandwiched between the fingers (at that time, it was not forbidden to smoke in the clinic). Students considered him "their own."

Another graduate of 1942 became a teacher in Alma Mater:
"Subsequently, Mazievsky, defending his thesis, worked as an assistant Laura Clinic to retire itself." (II, p.344). Indeed: "C 1972 to 2002 RIK Department of Capbeds Oblasting Professor K.P. Derepe, author 188 Sciences of Pratsya on the pathogenesis, Diagnostitzі Ta Lіkuvannayn Kalvych on Scler, Hilarurgian Lіkuvannya Khvalich on the otoklerosis, Cancer Gunda. Before Vidladatsky, the warehouse included: AU. KMN O.O. Matsієvska, the author 15 of the science of pratsy, on the Opіkov, the stoolers, scleromy, sided t_lch buffalo ... "( She became an assistant, probably after I completed the training - I do not remember her.

Once again - about the fate of the teachers of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute of 1942-1943 g. After the liberation of the city and the restoration of Soviet power. This is how V. Ya Kulikov writes about this:

"Gof teachers, Kulikov remained at their regular places in the Pirog. [However, not for long: the HOFA "left", about whom I told V. Ya. Kulikov (see above), and the latter himself went to the rapidly rebuilt Hospital of Holyassanupra - N. K.]

Makhulko-Gorbatsevich was "taken" by the NKGB and from there he did not return.
[Here I can not resist to bring the fact struck me.
But first several introductory comments.

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 2, 1942, an emergency state commission was formed to establish and investigate the atrocities of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices and caused damage to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions of the USSR (CHG). The message of this commission on Vinnitsa region was published on May 13, 1946 (I, 228-241).

I bring to your attention one paragraph from the specified message:
"Professor Makhulko-Gorbatsevich G. S. spoke" On the organization "by the Germans in Vinnitsa Camp and the hospital for Soviet prisoners of war:" With the arrival of the German occupation authorities in August 1941, a camp for Soviet was organized in the building of the 2nd military town. Prisoners of war. In the camp, food was extremely bad, large crowded, the unsanitary state of the premises, the high incidence was attracted by a greater mortality. The Gain Camp Inspector has established a cruel regime for Soviet prisoners of war, as a result of which at least 12 thousand people died in the camp. Soviet prisoners of war for six months. Mortality among prisoners of war reached up to 100 people per day. At the camp there was a hospital for Soviet prisoners of war, the hospital was constantly up to 400 patients and wounded prisoners of war. Patients in the hospital were fed twice a day with a cabbage sheet or a worm peas, occasionally giving out bread from evidence with widths of 200 grams. Most of the hospital lying in the hospital suffered a hungry dyspepsy, accompanied by bloody diarrhea. Mortality was extremely high. No medical care to the Soviet prisoners of war lying in the hospital, the Germans were not allowed. As a result, for the entire period of the existence of the so-called hospital, the Germans killed over 1000 people of patients and wounded Soviet prisoners of war. "" (I, p. 238)

You read somewhat higher, which posts occupied and how I was characterized by V. Ya. Kulikov professor G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich. Now read what I wrote about the hospital for Soviet prisoners of war, the main doctor of the Pirogovskaya Hospital N. M. Mazanik:

"... 26.VII.41 Received an order to clean the last case. [It seems to me that the Germans did not use a military hospital on the hill to place their wounded and patients due to security reasons: the Pirogovan hospital was in the part of the city well protected by them. - N. K.] About 400 patients were thrown (the expression of N. M. Mazanika) in a military town. Of course, it is impossible to imagine that all these patients were in the premises of the former eye and ear clinics, that is, to the 26th day, the release of the corps for deploying in them the German hospital was still not fulfilled.

Two days later, he received another order: to translate patients from the civilian population to the building of the 4th hospital's nervous clinic (so then called a psycho-neurological hospital) - E. S. Gof began to be headed by this department. Patients with the number of military personnel of the Red Army (in fact, prisoners of war) - put in the territory of the military hospital - Vladimir Methodiyevich Kutelik began to establish this department. The distance between the departments, N. M. Mazanik notes, was 5 kilometers.

At the end of August, the number of prisoners of war increased to 800 people. By the end of February 1942, the Germans branch for prisoners of war were taken to their maintenance, appointing chief physician of this as if a separate hospital (hospital) V. M. Kutuk. This hospital itself was transferred to the premises of the 4th Hospital. " ().
It is clearly seen that the above story as if Professor G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich was, as they say, seats white threads. V. M. Kutovka at that time could not be in Vinnitsa: "Dr. Lukyanenko, Kutukik, like Professor Sevastyanov, fled to the West (Kutubik later returned and calmly lived his last years in Vinnitsa) - (II, p. 343). "
So in many ways, invented history was invested in the mouth of Professor G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich, who, first of all, did not have a hospital for Soviet prisoners of war, and, secondly, he was unlikely to This plan for those several hours, which he spent in the NKVD building before execution.

Those who read the message of the emergency state commission and who did not know anything about the person and the fate of Professor G. S. Makhulko-Gorbatsevich accepted everything for her pure coin. How many lies left us the time of the Board of the Communists! - N. K.]

Dr. Demenkov arrested VOU NKGB and condemned for 5 years of conclusion (subsequently it was rehabilitated and released).

Professor Gan and Zamyatin were translated into other medical institutions. [I am absolutely not clear to me why V. Ya. Kulikov wrote this untruth: after all, both professors worked "he under his nose" in Vinnitsa. - N. K.] Dr. Trempovich remained at work in the Pirogovka and served there until arrival in Vinnitsa of the new rector of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute of Professor I. Ya. Deneki [What is the connection between these events? - N. K.] Then Tremepovich worked in Mogilev-Podolsky. Dr. Pavlov [about him before - not a word and in a report note, and at V. I Kulikova - N. K.], the radiologist, after the liberation of Vinnitsa from the occupation, immediately went to Kiev [I was the reason for the "escape" in Kiev d -Ra Pavlova is not clear - N. K.] (II, p. 343).

So, the dates on February 14th (the opening of the institute and the beginning of training at the 5th year of thirty man -II, p. 335) and September 23 (release and assignment of the medical title of thirty-three trains - II, p. 343.) 1942 The year marked the "forgotten" school year in the Vinnytsia Medical Institute. Why learning completed more students than it began - I will not say (probably there is a search in numbers). And a few more months (after the release of doctors), the work of the institute to call the school year does not work out.

Let's return to the book V. Ya. Kulikova, to the chapter on the Medical Institute. There are gaps in it, perhaps even inaccuracies. But the main thing is that for the first time in the literature, information about the only territory worked in the territory of the territory of the territory of the Medical Institute, who gave rise to the title of the doctor of thirty three of its graduates! And here the merit of the highly educated V. Ya. Kulikova, who said, let not everyone, the details of this unique in his own kind - in essence, adventurous, but, according to the author, a successful - events, not to overestimate! All my criticism and irony about individual places of memories, although it seems to me relevant to the importance of evidence of the evidence of the occupation of the city of Wehrmacht.

And yet: what will the documents that "intelligently" in the Vinnitsa State Regional Archive will open us?

Photos from the "Photo of the author" and the photo of the author himself - from the book V. Ya. Kulikova. Their low quality is associated with the capabilities of photographing, selection of photographic materials and photo printing at the time, with the peculiarities of many years of storage, with a low printing execution of them in the book, and also with what I got them refreed photographed (from the pages of the book), and not scanned.
Three other photos - from the website of Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (

On the top photo on the left: exhaust therapy exam. Examine (from left to right) Assistant-therapist V. M. Kutukik, head. Department of Therapy Associate Professor V. V. Maslov and Assistant-Therapevt N. P. Demenkov, Secretary of Medinstitution E. A. Balkovsky.
In the middle (above): Assistant of the Hygiene Department V. I. Bukhovets.
At the top of the right: Morphorpus Medin Institute in March 1944.
On the bottom photo on the left: head. Department of Dermatology L. O. (D.) Christine,
Next - the head. Department of Hygiene Professor G. S. Gan, Dr. V. Ya. Kulikov (1892-1977).
Down on the right: a group of graduates with (right - left) by the head physician of the Pirogovskaya hospital Assistant-surgeon N. M. Maznik, Burgomistrik Vinnitsa and the head. Department of Zoology and Botany prof. A. A. Sevastyanov, head of the medical and sanitary department of the city council, head. Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology Prof. G. S. Ganom.

On June 10, 2015 on the website of the Interregional Union of Writers and Congress of the Writers of Ukraine ( was published - in the section "People and Fate. Invicious paths of the Lord ... "- Article Yuri Kukakerein" Amazing Fate Man Gan Georgy Stanislavovich ".

At first, Yu. Kukurein richly quotes my work on the "forgotten school year" and the excerpts of the memories of V. Ya. Kulikova (more than 90% of the total publication of Yu. Kukaisinin). And then, from the words K. V. Doroshenko - a student prof. G. S. Ghana, his first graduate student, and then - the assistant of the Department of General Hygiene of the Lugansk State Medical Institute, corrected as if inaccuracies in the evaluation of the work of G. S. Ghana during the war.

I have already noted that V. Ya. Kulikov in memories more than once emphasizes its higher training on a number of issues of the organization and practice of medical care - and I have no reason to believe it. How to doubt its greater competence, compared with G. S. Gan, in purely therapeutic events.
Therefore, we are driven by Y. Kukurin, with the words K. V. Doroshenko, the facts have little in common with the tasks facing prof. G. S. Ganom during the occupation of Vinnitsa. These are these facts:
"In 1953, the largest division of the regional sanitary-sanitary-bacteriological laboratory, which worked about 40% of medical personnel and was headed by Professor Georgy Stanislavovich Gan. On the basis of the regional laboratory, it prepared for regional laboratories over 110 laboratory technicians. He conducted considerable work on the study of the professional harm in industrial enterprises of the city and was actively involved in the elimination of many of them. Organized and took an active part in the work of the regional scientific society of hygienists, epidemiologists, bacteriologists, being deputy chairman of this society. From September 28, 1950 to June 30, 1954, S. Gan organized and conducted 26 scientific conferences of the Society of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectiousons, made 12 reports together with co-authors. "

From the publication of Yuri Kukakeinin, I was more interested in another - the stages of the employment path of prof. G. S. Ghana after he finally left Vinnitsa. These lines are:
"The Department of General Hygiene and the Ecology of the Lugansk State Medical Institute was organized in 1958 on the basis of the Luhansk Regional Hospital (the Lugansk Medical School is located there). Its founder and the first head of the doctor of medical sciences, Professor Gan G. S., who was previously ... was in Vinnitsa .., then he worked as the head of the Laboratory of the Kiev Research Institute of Municipal Hygiene, hereinafter - in the Luhansk Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. "
And death date G. S. Ghana: he died in April 1964

But the main thing is the reasons for the restless, lonely life of the Life of the Professor G. S. Ghana, its pre-war stages, relations with the NKVD in the post-war time and incomprehensible movements in service - all this remains in many ways foggy - hypothetical.
But not only this and not only touching G. S. Ghana ...

The efforts of the so-called competent authorities, which the Decree of the President of Ukraine is not a decree (and not only them), most of the time of the time of the occupation of the city remains unanswered.

And in January 2017, this footnotes came to my eyes: "M. K. Zamyatin witnessed in the case of Ghana Georgy Stanislavovich, born in 1902, Russian, from the nobles, professor, doctors of medical sciences. From July 1941 to March 1944, he worked as the head of the health department of the Winnitsa of the City Administration, part-time served as chairman of the Vinnitsa city government. On September 16, 1944, the case was discontinued for the lack of a crime composition. " (My translation from the Ukrainian language from this collection is, p.400). Another barcode of the difficult life of prof. G. S. Ghana, what, as well as many other things, it does not say a word in the book V. Ya. Kulikova.

Them. Pirogova is one of the few universities in Ukraine of this profile, which for many decades occupies leading positions in the ratings of higher educational institutions. In addition, it is also one of the main educational institutions in Vinnitsa, a plurality of students go to this city to get Diploma VNMU. How to enroll in Medicine Medical University? And what are the features of the university under consideration? We will tell about it further.

VNMU - Pride of Vinnitsa

Vinnitsa Medical University named after Pirogov was founded in the distant 1921 as a pharmaceutical institute, but for his, it would seem that the short story was not once reformed and expanded.

Fully received today, this university only in 2002. Then, strictly speaking, he was awarded the status of the National University. Almost ten years before that, in 1994, Vinnitsa's medical institute increased to the fourth level of accreditation, thereby paving the road to the new title. Rector of VNMU. Pirogova is a very distinguished person, an experienced specialist - Vasily Maksimovich Moroza, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and Academician of Nimes of Ukraine.

Forms of education

Before switching to the consideration of the peculiarities of this university, it is worth studying the preparation at the faculties, which is held by Vinnitsa Medical University, the rules for admission of students and forms of preparation.

Like any other VNMU provides applicants for the choice of daytime and absentee, respectively, for the second form more common is the training on a contract basis, there are almost no state employees at the correspondence department, and it is not possible to get a specialist diploma at this department.

Faculties VNMU

Total Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogova offers learning on one of the six faculties. Accordingly, the direction of training will be spelled out and a medical specialty in your diploma. Thus, the first two faculties unite the medical departments (honey. No. 1 and No. 2) is psychology, and pediatrics. Dental, on the contrary, concentrates only on its specialty. The fourth faculty is pharmaceutical.

Depending on the sphere of your interests, you can choose as a specialty both theoretical, scientific pharmacology and medical. Separately, it should be said about the faculty of postgraduate education. This field of work university is designed for doctors more than 33 specialties, which already have a diploma for medical education. Today there are 60 departments of both the clinical and scientific learning profile. Among the workers of Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogova - 119 doctors of science, 612 candidates and 88 teachers with the professorship.

The number of students and set in VNMU them. N. I. Pirogova

How many students study in this university? What are the chances there to do? According to the standards adopted by the Mona Ukraine, the number of applicants for the day form of training in the VNMU. Pirogov is limited to a number of 1740 people. The number of signs - 350. At the same time, it is constantly studying up to seven thousand people at all courses of both day shapes and correspondence. Taking into account the numbers and a large selection of the departments, where not every has an equilibrium set, it is quite real in Vinnitsa Medical University. Student's student feedback also suggests what to do this university is quite possible. The only thing that is required of you is good assessments and knowledge gained at school, ready for difficult studies and good results of external independent assessment for profile subjects of the type of chemistry or biology.

Training courses

For Applicants of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov operates systems of special preparatory courses. In total, according to state order, the number of places on them is limited to five to the citizens of Ukraine, and as much as provided for foreigners. The preparatory faculty increases the chances of the student to go to the university. Also, the passage of special preparatory courses in the UTMU gives additional points in the ranking after the surrender.

Residentience and internship

As a serious educational institution of medical profile, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. Pirogova guarantees students to pass the clinical residency and internship. You can be sure that you, entering this university, are guaranteed to get both theoretical knowledge in different aspects of medicine and practical. Places both in the ordinature and in the internship are limited to 1500 and 2000 students per year, respectively. In principle, they are enough for ensuring all successful students with options for practice. It is impossible not to say anything about the military department, which is very popular and prepares in the process of learning future stock officers.

History of VNMU

The pharmaceutical institute in Vinnitsa was founded in 1921. But in this form, the university existed for long. After reform higher School In the USSR in the early 1930s, this school was turned into a branch of the All-Ukrainian Institute further, the training was transferred for the evening to increase the number of potential personnel for healing, and in 1934 still returned the daily form. Since that time in Vinnitsa and functions fully.

The name of the famous surgeon and scientist Nikolai Pirogov, revered both on the territory of the former USSR and abroad, Vinnitsa Institute was named in 1960. The university was repeatedly awarded the highest awards and orders of the country, and after the collapse of the Union and the creation of independent Ukraine, he became a full-fledged medical university.

Since 1994, the ENMU has been significantly expanded: the university infrastructure has been complemented by the University of Dental and Pharmaceutical Faculty, more than ten departments were established in the specialties for two medical faculties and in the postgraduate preparation department.

Teaching staff VNMU

What can be told about the teachers of Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov so that you can more clearly imagine the features of this university? We have already spoken above about the number of professors and doctors of science in the teaching team of the VNMU. Most of the departments and readable courses are conducted by professionals with tremendous experience, which skillfully and successfully report the knowledge collected over many years new generations of doctors.

Young and promising experts will not be ignored. The best students are allowed for training in the magistracy and graduate school of the VNMU, thereby very soon replenish the ranks of teachers and assistants. Does not go and years without the staff of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov did not protect at least 3 doctoral and 30 candidate theses. In 2006, ENMU passed 6 work on the degree of doctor of medical sciences, and 45 to the title of candidate.

Foreign students

Foreigners who are trained in VNMU under the contract are not only evidence of the economic independence of the university, but also its attractiveness abroad. So, more than a thousand citizens of other countries are trained every year at all faculties, first of all - India, China, Arab and African states. In total, during the existence of this set, open since 1961, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. Pirogova received representatives of 98 countries of the world, which undoubtedly talks about his status in the international arena.

Scientific work with VNMU

Long history of Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov influenced its status not only as institutions of medical education, but also as a full-fledged scientific center. Whole branches of such sciences, as physiology, anatomy, functional morphology and anthropogenetics, obtained their development in the walls of the VNMU. Scientific schools of such industries of medicine, as experimental surgery, social medicine and therapeutics, are very valued at the international level, leaving far behind many other centers for the development of human body.

Every year the university produces dozens of textbooks and monographs. Methodical recommendations, published in the walls of Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov, use hundreds of doctors throughout Ukraine. Not one year does not pass without foreign publications of the staff of the university, not to mention articles on domestic periodicals. Three of them, by the way, are fully printed here: "Journal of Vinnitsa National Medical University" and "Morphology Herald".

The students themselves published the university newspaper "Young Medic", as well as special textbooks and methodical materials to optimize the educational process. VNMU them. N. Pirogova is not just an independent institution in the form of education, but also sets the trends that other major universities of the country.

Regional scientific communities of the nearest regions are headed by VNMU employees, they also take part in the Commissions of experts who inspect Ukrainian hospitals for compliance with the standards of healthcare countries. Hundreds of thousands of medical advice, tens of thousands of operations and hundreds of departures are a brief annual Summary of VNMU.

Welcome to Vinnitsa National Medical University. At your disposal 47 of the best Medical institutions Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr, Khmelnitskiy Regions, well-equipped training and scientific complexes, student town with comfortable hostels, buffets, medical services, sports complex.

At their disposal, students also have sports bases on the Black Sea and the South Bug River.

Cultural leisure students can be changed: there are many amateur circles and studios (dancing, national tools one, folklore ensemble, folk choir "Nadbuzhanka").

The university's teaching staff is recognized worldwide for their contribution in many areas of research and academic knowledge. Almost one of the six professors is the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

There are 6 Honored Sciences and Technology of Ukraine, 4 Honored Employees of the Higher School and Education of Ukraine, 2 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, 12 Honored Doctors of Ukraine, 6 Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Belarus.
Vinnitsa National Medical University of 12 schools and supports close ties and cooperates with the medical faculty of 19 foreign countries (including the USA, Germany, France, England, Russia, and others.), Has close ties with clinical departments 28 foreign pharmaceutical firms. His teachers & staff of the department are actively cooperating with 20 partner international higher educational institutions 67 International educational and scientific programs.
In recent years, in order to familiarize themselves with training, scientific and treatment, our university has visited the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of India, the Delegation of the Ministry higher education and scientific research of the khanashtsky kingdom of Jordan Dr. Lyle Yaghi, doctor. Saleh al-Mind, doctor. Naist al-Gharibe, Deputy Adviser to the Department in Ukraine Embassy of the Khistrist Kingdom of Jordan Mr. Mohammed Al-Hawamle, Cultural Advisor Dr.. Jamal Al-Debei, Attache for the culture of Yasir Momani, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Palestine ambassadors in Ukraine Valid Zakut, Khalid Ahmed Aikat, Saudi Attache for Culture in Turkey Dr. Talal M. Alshaban, Professor. Mochsen Al-Hazmi, scientific matters of the Embassy of Iran Mashaood Bakery, Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Limozh, France, Vice-Marshal of the Lodz region Stanistaw Olas and the Rector of Medical UnVersity Lodz Prof. Angey Lewiriski.

The result of these visits was the recognition of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. All of them and recommendations for studying on it for all courses, sub-graduate, as well as postgraduate.

Reception process in Vinnitsa National Medical University

since 2016. Reception process in Ukrainian universities For foreign students of Iveco through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
To contact Vinnitsa National Medical University of Foreign Students must apply online through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
After checking all parts in the reception center, they will send an invitation to students.
With the invitation letter, students can contact the nearest Embassy of Ukraine and get a student visa.
No exams, TOEFL, IELTS is required if you make an application through the Ukrainian Admission Center.


VNMU was created when the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Academician D.K. Zabolotny, raised a question to the government about the need to open a medical school in Vinnitsa to meet the needs of nation in the field of health. VNMU began the Winnitsa Pharmaceutical Institute (1921-1936), and later the Vinnytsian branch of the All-Ukrainian Institute of Correspondence Medical Education (1930) began, and was reorganized in 1932 in the Evening Industrial Medical Institute with two faculties - therapeutic and preventive and children's and in 1934 in Vinnitsa Medical Institute (1934).

In 1960 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Organ of U.S.R., the Institute was named after N.I. Pies. From 1969, 2,235 students studied at the two faculties of the Institute (medical and pediatric), and the ability was increased to 26 doctors of science and 106 candidates of science. In 1984, the Institute was awarded the Order of the "Honor Sign" for success in teaching doctors and help public health services. From 1988, VNMU elected by the rector V.M.Moroz. At that time, he was a respected scientist and technologist of Ukraine, the doctor of medical sciences, a professor, a graduate of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, and he passed all the administrative stages at the Institute: Secretary of the Academic Council, Deputy Dean, Dean of Pediatric Faculty, Vice Rector for Educational Work. V.M. Frost is an organizer, a scientist and teacher, and heads VNMU, who currently rose to more than seven thousand employees. It plays an important role in improving the quality of training of specialists, introduces new educational technologies, modernizes the basis of education, improves the conditions for training for students and increases compensation for teachers. In 2003 V.M.Moroz was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

In 1994, the Faculty of Dentistry was organized, and the Vinnitsa Medical Institute was accredited as the University at the level of IV, the highest level of accreditation by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 408, dated 15.06.94. The institute was renamed Winnitsky State Piers Memorial Medical University. From 2000, the faculty of pharmacy was organized.

From 2002, taking into account the national scale and international recognition of the results of its activities of the WGUU was assigned the status of the National University by Decree of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma (June 19, 2002, # 560/2002), supporting the specialties "Medical", "Pediatrics", "Stomatology", "Pharmacy", "Clinical Pharmacy", "Medical Psychology".

milestones of the University of Development:

1961 - Opening of the Pediatric Faculty;

1961 - the beginning of the training of foreign citizens at the University faculties;

1963 - the beginning of the publication of the newspaper "Young doctor";

1979 - The preparatory faculty for training 230 was opened by foreign citizens;

1979 - Opening of the Faculty of Advanced Traffic Qualifications and creating its branch - on the basis of medical institutions in Khmelnitsky;

1984 - for outstanding achievements and contribution to the development of higher medical education, the Collective of the Institute was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign;

1990 - Research Center was organized and equipped with modern computer equipment for its use by interdepartmental; Organization of scientific and educational complexes (morphological, physiological, biochemical), based on the laboratories of the Research Center for

1991 - First place among universities In Ukraine, the Center for New Information Technologies was founded, it coordinates the development and implementation of new technologies in all areas of the university, the beginning of the extensive implementation of computerization in the educational process;

1992 - the reorganization of the medical faculty, the preparation of students on new specialties "Medicine" and "Pediatrics" began;

1993 - Signing a cooperation agreement with the medical faculty of the University of Munster (Germany);

1994 - WGUU was certified and accredited at the level of IV accreditation as a university, which has some autonomy;

1994 - License for publication for magazines "Morphology magazine" and "Vestnik Vinnitsa State Medical University", including the list of publications recommended by HAK of Ukraine;

1994 - the opening of the dental faculty;

1994 - organization at the University of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, together with morphologists from Russia, Belarus and Germany;

1995 - Cooperation Agreement with Limoge University (France);

1996 - First visit of President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to University, meetings with employees and students, familiarization with the organization of training;

1998 - Opening of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the doctor, branch of the Faculty of study in graduate school with a branch in Khmelnitsky;

1998 - Opening of a specialized scientist Council d 05.600.01 with the right to represent theses for candidate and doctoral in the specialty: 14.01.01 - obstetrics and gynecology; 01/14/03 - Surgery; 01.14.09 - Children's surgery;

2000 - Signing Cooperation Agreement with Vanderbildt and University Birmingham (United States of America);

2000 - opening of the pharmaceutical faculty;

2001 - the reorganization of the medical faculty, medical faculties # 1 and also # 2 were based; Creating a new course "Clinical Pharmacy";

2002 - The second visit of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to the University, meetings with the staff of the university and the signing of the Declaration of the highest sign of differences - Status national University and changes its name to National Piers Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa;

2002 - Opening of a specialized scientist Council d 05.600.02 with the right to submit the abstracts for candidate and doctoral in the specialty: 14.03.01 - human anatomy; 03/14/03 - human physiology;

2003 - the opening of new specialties - "Clinical Pharmacy" and "Medical Psychology";

2003 - a significant reconstruction of students' hostels on the creation of a hotel as numbers;

2003 - award with a special diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2004 - the completion of the construction of a new educational building, the organization of the work of the Departments, the Research Center in it;

2004 - a license for the publication of the magazine "Biomedical and biosocial anthropology", including the list of publications recommended by HVA of Ukraine;

2005 - Completion of 7 certification of scientific laboratories, further widespread introduction of marketing and management requirements in ensuring the effective functioning of all universities units;

2006 - the creation of a medical - psychological clinic;

2006-2007 - significant expansion of integration and international relations in the field of scientific and technical cooperation, effective measures to attract foreign citizens from the countries of the Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia);

2007 - Accreditation of the specialty "Clinical Pharmacy";

2008 - Accession "Institute of Rehabilitation of Disabled" as teaching the university and scientific and medical complex;

2009 - Accreditation of Master of Sciences. Training course in the specialty "Stomatology";

2009 - licensing and increase in consumption for postgraduate education;

2010 - Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.Pirogov held the "readings Pirogov" V International Congress in which the XXII Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine was also held, in 5 days 2173 delegates from 28 countries took part in Congress.

During this time, new training buildings were built, the university was expanded 10 new departments in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and postgraduate education, and the centers of new information technologies and scientific research were opened.

since 2002, VNMU continued to build new facilities, expand their abilities and modernize their educational program. These efforts were recognized as the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Minister of Education and Science, Health, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

VNMU is known at the national and international level due to the high quality of training of specialists, and rated the ranking of the International Personnel Academy of Schools of Higher Education as one of the best educational institutions in Ukraine in 1995, 1997, as well as 2000. For 1997 and 2000, VNMU was determined To be among the best educational medical institutions and was awarded a special diploma. The goal for the VNMU is to improve the material and technical base, to create favorable conditions for learning students, student tutoring, for scientific and pedagogical personnel and improving methodological and research activities.

At the university features two forms of training - full and part-time.

There are 6 abilities: two medical (No. 1 and No. 2) - training in the specialties of general medicine, pediatrics, medical psychology, dental - for dentistry of specialty, pharmacy - specialty pharmacy and clinical pharmacy, the Faculty of Postgraduate Education provides various forms of postgraduate training of doctors in 33 specialties.

The faculty of pharmacy organized incomplete training of pharmacists.

The university also conducts a licensed admission to higher educational institutions of Ukrainians (Hosiest courses - Consumption of 500 people per year), training for foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions (preparatory faculty for foreign citizens - reception 500 people per year), specialized training in medicine ( Clinical Ordinatura) - 1500 people per year, internature - 2000 people per year and military program for training students for stock officers.

Annual admission for full-time training of specialists and masters of 1740 persons, part-time work. Training in the specialty pharmacy has a license for 350 persons. Every year, all different forms of learning covers more than 11,000.

At the moment, the contingent of university students is as follows (including foreign citizens): Students - 6560 (including 1030 Part-time training), Interns - 2149 (during 2012), MSC. Students Course PG - 63, graduate students - 110, PG students for doctoral students - 1, clinical orders - 103, Faculty of students Postgraduate studies - 2568 (during 2012).

today, NVMU has a teaching staff of 812 persons, with annual registration of 4,000 students, including almost 2,000 in postgraduate education, representing cuisine: Medicine, pediatrics, medical psychology, teeth treatment, pharmacy, including a specialty clinical pharmacy, and postgraduate education For doctors in more than 50 specialty. The university also offers preparatory courses to help both citizens of Ukraine and foreign citizens enter the universities.

since 1961 University is preparing foreign citizens. Since then, various forms of training covered more than 6,500 foreign graduates of 106 countries around the world. As of 01/01/2013, in the University study, 1334 foreign citizens.

university of Structural Units:

  • 6 abilities with 55 departments (39 clinical departments, 16 - theoretical), self-financing Preparatory courses;
  • Center for new information technologies (computer classes, television studios, typography, office for computer printing, internet block);
  • research Center, consisting of 7 research laboratories and an experimental clinic (vivarium);
  • units for the operation of university facilities, to create normal working conditions of full-time employees of higher educational institutions, students living in dormitories conditions, etc.;
  • library, 7 licensed laboratories.

as of 01/01/2013, University University 1646. The faculty consists of 812 persons. Now, the training of a specialist is carried out in 55 agencies, with competent scientific and pedagogical personnel of 120 doctors of sciences including 75 professors, 17 academicians, as well as 5 Corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences, 559 Candidates of Science, including 283 associate professors, teachers who do not have extent - 138. Seven teachers received honorary titles of the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and many of its scientists are laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine. Every year, teachers protect 4-6 doctoral and 30-35 candidate dissertations. In 2012, 1 doctoral and 113 were presented with candidate dissertations.

In 2004, the Department of International Relations was organized for a recruitment of foreign students and the expansion of international cooperation in various fields of university activities.

The University of the Pedagogical Collective cooperates with educational institutions, a pharmaceutical firm from 13 foreign countries for 9 international and 13 government programs. National Piers Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsi participates in technical and scientific and pedagogical exchanges with international organizations, including at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, University of Vanderbilt, New Hampshire (United States of America), Movner University (Germany), Limoge University ( France), Russian State Medical University, Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Institute of Pharmacology, St. Petersburg State Medical University (Russian Federation), Minsk State Medical Institute (Belarusian), Azerbaijan Medical University (Azerbaijan), and Warsaw medical Academy, Medical University of Lodz (Poland). The university received a grant from the Sparkman Foundation (Alabama - USA) is only 2.5 million dollars for research for the seven most significant health care provisions for five years. Also regulated by international scientific cooperation with departments and laboratories of the medical faculties of Russia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Austria and the United Kingdom.

Among graduates of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnitsa there are rectors of universities (academician VN Kazakhstan, Academician Vmmoroz, Professor VD Bielik, Associate Professor T.P. Rudyuk), Director of the Research Institute (Academician Ya Zozulu, Institute of Neurosurgery, Vice President of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences), former Deputy Minister of Health (Professor An Zelinsky), Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health (Professor A.I. TRESHIHINSKIY, Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy).

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe University of 80,896 square. m., of which 41,426 square. m. Used for learning. They include fully audio, multimedia systems equipped lecture halls (4,944.9 sq.m., seats for 3,327), classes with laboratory premises (3,193 sq.m.), educational and laboratory equipment and diagnostic equipment for medical institutions with clinical departments ( 14,701 square. M.), Research Center (1,400 sq.m) and clinic testing (Vivariya - 993 sq.m.), library (1418 sq.m.) Supports of 550 thousand books and periodicals and fitness complex (2,225 sq.m.).

Computer park of the university - 780 Pentium Personal computers, 680 Using the scientific process and training of specialists, as well as 100 for the use of university staff. There are 32 computer classes. In 100 students, there are 14.2 computers, all connected to the Internet, the number of multimedia projectors - 80.

To introduce computer technologies in the educational process, the study, the concern for the operation of local networks is responsible in 1991, a new information technology center consisting of computer classes, television studio, modern typography, office computer printing, block. Information Web Server University Functions, We also use computer animation.

This indicated equipment is used in the work of morphological, physiological, biochemical, educational and research complexes. When using the current material base, 39 studies and training of medical centers were created to introduce modern methods and treatments, diagnosis and rehabilitation of heavy patients into the educational and medical practice.

In 2005, the diagnostic center acquired a new spiral computed tomography, the center organized the work of the computer diagnostics department. The university acquired a device for endoscopic treatment of patients with urological disorders, a modern device for ultrasound research (ultrasound-4d), flow cytometry.

The university complex is adjusted using expensive computer laboratory and diagnostic equipment, units, equipped with research and development center (LEICA light microscopes with video "Yen", demonstration nozzle, microscope PEM-100M, UltraMicrotom UMPTI-4, modern liquid chromatographs, and SRESORD 2B / R spectrophotometer, Stat FAH 303 / RLUS immuno-enzyme analyzer, ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus "Ultrastandard 9", "Toshiba - SSA - 220A, a comprehensive analysis of the functions of the lungs" MedGraphics ", the blood analyzer" Autoluzez Al820 ", computing complex for analysis ECG, RHEOVAZogram, pulsometry, etc.).

Clinical departments, which organized training in all specialties located on the databases of specialized departments and centers 24 Medical institutions of regional, city and other subordination in Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky and Zhytomyr. Common Beds Foundation Clinical Department - 7736. In the training and medical diagnostic process, university uses of 90% of hospital beds of clinical bases. Departments of urban and district hospitals, clinics, specialized centers equipped with a modern laboratory and diagnostic equipment for processing, including MRI, CT. The clinical frameworks are also physical therapy of the rehabilitation center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Rehabilitation of Disabled.

There are two wellness complexes and sports for 200 people, the total area of \u200b\u200btheir premises 1172 sq.m. (on the Black Sea and the South Bug River), a sanatorium of 50 persons, medical school, gym, stadium and sports fields, five student hostels of the university with a design capacity of 3161 bedding and one hostel for the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, 5 Buffet, Student Cafe, 4 Buffets that provide the standards necessary for catering enterprises.

Priority areas of scientific activities of the University:

National program disabled improvement of rehabilitation;

Mother and child health (prevention of morbidity, disability and mortality among women and children, the creation and introduction of new diagnostic methods, treatment, rehabilitation and study of pathogenetic mechanisms and perinatal risk factors);

Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases among various population groups (cardiovascular pathology, pathology of digestive organs, respiratory, urinary system, nervous system, allergic diseases, etc.);

Creation, experimental research and introduction of new drugs, devices and devices.

Special attention is paid to the conduct of basic fundamental research, namely:

Study of the anthropological, genetic, physiological and psychological features of the human body of different ages (from newborns to the elderly) to identify markers of multifactorial diseases;

Determine the patterns of formation and pathorphosis of various diseases of origin for the development and improvement of secondary prophylactic technologies;

Development of modern medical and preventive technologies.

Scientific research is also actively passing in:

Research Center with the Laboratory of Functional Morphology and Genetics and Experimental Clinic;

Center for new information technology;

Laboratory of experimental neurophysiology;

Pharmacological experimental laboratory;

Clinical - diagnostic laboratory allergic;

Clinical - diagnostic laboratory gastroenterological;

Bacteriological laboratory;

Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology.

The above laboratories passed accreditation and received certificates.

University consists of 12 scientific schools, in particular, the school of physiologists, anatomas, functional morphology and anthropogenetics, pharmacologists, microbiologists, gynecologists, obstetrics, children's surgeons, as well as scientific therapeutic school, scientific school of experimental abdominal surgery, scientific school of social medicine, scientific school Hygiene, scientific school of clinical epidemiology, nervous system.

In 2005, the university's teaching staff is issued:

Text book - 15; manuscript - 10; Manuals - 53, Methodical recommendations, Instructions on practical medicine - 159; Recommendations for students - 60; Newsletters - 17; Collections of conferences of materials - 14.

VNMU conducted scientific and practical conferences - 64.

The university publishes three professional periodic journals, which are included in the list of VAK of Ukraine: "Vestnik Vinnitsa National Medical University", "Journal Morphology", and Biomedical and Bioocial Anthropology.

The necessary training materials for the learning process are published in the university newspaper "Young doctor".

Employees of clinical departments in 2005 Treatment of patients -18 766; Operated operations - 12 248; Patients - the number of questions 187 665, 284 new therapeutic and diagnostic methods were introduced, made 975 trips to rural areas, made speeches at scientific conferences - 425; They performed at meetings of scientific societies - 213.

The social protection of employees and students at school is being implemented:

Timely and regular payroll and scholarships;

Payment of wage raising after awarding the status of the National University;

Use 50 places in full and at discounted prices in the sanatorium and 200 places in university medical and sports facilities for recovery, rest and treatment of employees;

Free food for orphans;

Payment of wage increases for complexity and tensions in work;

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 1994, dated 09.09.2004 Payments for a long service life and support for recovery, while providing annual leave for the period from 01/01/1997 in 01/09/2002;

Bonus for university staff based on the results of the fiscal year;

Assistance in organizing treatment and purchase of medicines for seriously ill staff and students;

At the expense of the Special Budget Fund, the costs of living students in hostels and treatment at the University's Dental Cabinet subsidized;

Printing without abstracts, dissertations and candidate in the university printing house, using the Internet.

The university has traditions in educational, research work, organization of leisure of students, maintaining relationships with cardiovascular graduates.

Vinnitsa National Medical University It was founded in 1921.

The name of N.Ipirogov to the educational institution was assigned in 1960. In 1984, the University was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign.

Vinnitsa Medical Institute was certified and accredited by IV level of accreditation and since 1994 he was provided by the Status of the University. In 2002, the University received a national status and in the same year was awarded the honorary certificates of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

At the university, one of the highest, among the educational institutions of Ukraine, the level of security by teachers with scientific degrees and titles. Students teach 120 doctors of science and 554 candidates of science. The university employs 6 well-deserved figures of the science and technology of Ukraine, 4 honored workers of the Higher School and Education of Ukraine, 2 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, 12 Honored Doctors of Ukraine, 6 winners of the State Prize of Ukraine, the laureate of the State Prize of Belarus.

The university cooperates and maintains creative connections with the medical faculties of universities 19 foreign countries, clinical departments have close ties with 28 foreign pharmaceutical firms. Teachers of the Department are involved in the implementation of 72 international projects.

University Rector - Frost Vasily Maksimovich, D.M., Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of AMN of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine.



Faculty of Medical Faculty

In the structure of the faculty 38 departments, incl. 23 clinical and 15 theoretical.

Among the departments - 5 fundamental profiles, 4 humanitarian and socio-economic profiles and 31 professionally oriented.

Faculty of Medical Faculty number 2

At the Faculty of Faculty No. 2, specialists are trained in the specialties "Pediatrics" and "Medical Psychology" in the educational and qualification level "Specialist".

Department of Faculty:

    Department of Children's Diseases №1

    Department of Children's Diseases №2

    Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry Course

    Department of Medical Faculty Therapy № 2

    Department of Surgery of the Medical Faculty number 2

    Department of Children's Surgery

Dental faculty

The dental faculty was opened in 1994.

Profile departments:

Pharmaceutical Faculty

The Pharmaceutical Faculty prepares specialists in specialties: "Pharmacy" (day and absentee form of training) and "Clinical pharmacy" (day form form).

After a five-year period of study, graduates are assigned to the qualification of the "provision" or "Clinical provision", followed by postgraduate training in the form of annual internship.

The faculty employs more than 100 teachers who are highly qualified specialists.

Profile departments:


    Clinical pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical chemistry

Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens

Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Chairs Vinnitsa FPO:

    Children's surgery

    Nerve diseases


    Orthopedics and traumatology



    Anesthesiology and Resuscitation






    Organization of health management


Departments of theoretical profile

    Department of Biochemistry and General Chemistry

    Department of Histology

    Department of General Hygiene and Ecology

    Department of Foreign Languages

    Department of Microbiology

    Department of Medicine Catastrophe and Military Medicine

    Department of Medical Biology

    Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Apparatus

    Department of Human Anatomy

    Department of Normal Physiology

    Department of Operational Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

    Department of pathological physiology

    Department of Natural Sciences

    Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization

    Department of Ukrainian studies

    Department of Furm Education

    Department of Philosophy and Public Sciences

    Department of Pharmacology

    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    Department of Pharmacy

Departments of clinical profile

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2

    Department of Internal Medicine of the Medical Faculty number 2

    Department of Internal Medicine №1

    Department of Internal Medicine №2

    Department of Internal Medicine №3

    Department of Internal and Family Medicine

    Department of Children's Infectious Diseases

    Department of Children's Surgery

    Department of Endocrinology

    Department of General Surgery

    Department of Infectious Diseases

    Department of pathological anatomy, forensic medicine and law

    Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology

    Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry

    Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Medical Social Examination

    Department of Nervous Diseases with a course of neurosurgery

    Department of Oncology, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy

    Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology

    Department of orthopedic dentistry

    Department of otorinolaryngology

    Department of Eye Diseases

    Department of Pediatrics №1

    Department of Pediatrics №2.

    Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine

    Department of Propedeutics of Children's Diseases and Care for Sick Children

    Department of Psychiatry

    Department of Dentistry of Children's Age

    Department of therapeutic dentistry

    Department of Fthisiaria

    Department of Surgery of the Medical Faculty number 2

    Department of Surgery №1

    Department of Surgery №2.

    Department of Surgical Stomatology

    Department of Skin-Venus Diseases

Diagnostic Center

Structural divisions of the diagnostic center:

    Hepatological center (based on GKB №1)

    Bacteriological laboratory

    Cabinet spiral computed tomography

    Cabinet clinical vertebrology

    Center for Reproductive Medicine

Medical Advisory Work

Medical and advisory work is carried out in Vinnitsa National Medical University on 35 departments. Clinical work is performed by 340 teachers, among them - 68 professors, 126 associate professors, 121 candidates of medical sciences.

The clinical bases of the Vinnitsa National Medical University are located in the territory of the three regions: Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyr. These are 42 medical and preventive regional and urban health care facilities.

The general kainy fund of clinical databases is 15371 units. Every year about 200 thousand patients are treated annually on clinical departments.

The professorship of the 21st departments has emergency medical care to the city and rural population.

Every year, clinical departments are increasingly actively involved in conducting a variety of clinical trials of the latest pharmaceutical preparations.

Employees of clinical departments are actively involved in the events provided by comprehensive programs:

    National Program to ensure HIV prevention, help and treatment of HIV-infected and AIDS patients

    State program "Oncology"

    Program for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension

    Comprehensive program "Sugar diabetes"

    National Tuberculosis Fighting Program

On the basis of the Department of University, 10 specialized laboratories and centers are created successfully:

    Bacteriological Laboratory (Microbiology Department)

    Research Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

    Cabinet ultrasound diagnostics

    Cabinet computed tomography

    Clinical diagnostic allergic laboratory

    Clinical and diagnostic gastroenterological laboratory

    Hepatological Center (First City Hospital)

    Center of the pancreas

    Center for Reproductive Medicine

    Medical and Psychological Center (Altmed Center)

At the clinical bases of the university, 23 ultrasonic devices are used, a spiral computed tomograph, 2 computer tomographs, equipment for carrying laparoscopic interventions on the abdominal organs.

University employees are cooperating with educational institutions, pharmaceuticals of 13 foreign countries with 9 international and 13 government programs.

Cooperation of the university on concluded agreements with foreign educational institutions continues.


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