Text tattoos with translation. Tattoo inscription

Text tattoos with translation. Tattoo inscription

Tattoos with meaning of steel for girls not only with fashionable decoration, but also one way to emphasize their individuality, to demonstrate life credo, express their feelings, capture a memorable event. Experienced masters strongly advise before applying a tattoo on the body to study the meaning (translation) and the value of the chosen phrase or picture.

With the help of a tattoo drawing, it is not always possible to fully express one or another thought, its emotions, life position. For these purposes, phrases and quotes are best suited, with which they can be both in Russian and in other languages \u200b\u200b- Latin, English, Spanish, French, etc.

Inscriptions in russian

For tattoos with meaning recently, girls are increasingly choosing words and phrases in Russian. He is rich in beautiful and taking words, witty phraseological units and proverbs, wise aphorisms of classics.

Examples of popular checks in Russian for tattoos:

  • better terrible end than endless fear;
  • dreams Come True;
  • bless and save;
  • families First;
  • thanks to my mom for my life;
  • what does not kill makes us stronger;
  • mother's smile is more expensive than each of you;
  • everything is in us;
  • the best is inevitable.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

Despite the fact that the Latin language is considered to be dead, the many aphorisms and winged phrases have come to this day. They are filled with wisdom and deep meaning, with their meaning not always obvious to others.

Latin's inscriptions - an excellent version of the tattoo for thinking and deeply thinking girls.

Phrases about love:

  • Amor Vincit Omnia. Love wins everything;
  • AMOR ET HONOR. Love and honor;
  • Magna Res Est Amor. Love is a great deal;
  • Amor Caecus. Love is blind;
  • Amor Gignit Amorem. Love gives birth love.

Philosophical sayings:

  • Per Aspera AD Astra. Through the thorns to the stars;
  • Malo Mori Quam Foedari. Dishonor worse than death;
  • TEMPUS NEMINEM MANET. Time will not wait for anyone;
  • Primum Non Nocere. The main thing is not harming;
  • EDUCA TE IPSUM. Risk yourself.

Guessing about God and faith:

  • Deus Concervant Jmnia. God saves everything;
  • Fidem Habe. I have faith;
  • Via Sacre. Holy way.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Girls are quite often for tattoos with meaning choose lettering on english language. It can be capacious short phrases, whole quotes from works and films, winged expressions, etc.

Short symbolic phrases:

  • Love. Love;
  • Be Yourself. Be yourself;
  • Independent. Independent;
  • Serendipity. Insight;
  • FREE. Freedom.

Gesture about love:

  • While I'm Breathing - I Love and Believe. So far I breathe - I love and believe;
  • You and I - Belong. You and I - one;
  • LOVE NEVER DIES. Love never dies;
  • Make Love Not War. Make love Not War;
  • Love Is Anguish. Love is pain.

About life:

  • A Life Is a Moment. Life is a moment;
  • Live without regrets. Regret nothing;
  • That BE OR NOT TO BE? To be or not to be;
  • Fortune Favors The Bold. Fortuna prefers bold.

Tattoos with animals and their meaning

Since ancient times, people were made on their body acknowledged with the image of various animals, considering that they endow themselves with certain qualities and properties.

Similar images in the world of tattoo to this day are performed by special symbolism and meaning:

  1. Snake is a symbol of wisdom, temptation, life and death, female start.
  2. Viper means power, wisdom, strength and deceit.
  3. Lizard is associated with agility, smelting, revival.
  4. Spider symbolizes wealth, mind, fear, modesty.
  5. The wolf is one of the most popular images for the tattoo, it is values: nobility, strength, loyalty, power.
  6. Bear is a symbol of power, power, rebirth, courage.
  7. The image of fox points on wit, trick, smelting, and is also a symbol of sexuality and longevity.
  8. Panda is a light image, symbolizing kindness, friendship, peacefulness, calm.
  9. Cat symbolizes independence, beauty and dexterity.
  10. Tattoo in the form of a dog means devotion and loyalty, courage and courage.
  11. Tiger is associated with strength, passion, power, rage, anger.
  12. Panther simultaneously symbolizes femininity and courage, beauty and power, rage and trick.
  13. The lion personifies the courage, strength, pride, nobility, rage.
  14. Scorpio is a dangerous animal, the image of which means respect, justice, pain, loneliness.
  15. The image of the turtle is associated with reliability, calm, wisdom, security.
  16. Butterfly - the embodiment of beauty, soul, femininity and tenderness, refinement and graceiness.
  17. Dragonfly - symbol of speed, ease, courage, endurance.

Flowers and plants and their meaning

Tattoos with meaning for girls in the form of flowers and plants look especially feminine, elegance, gently.

However, when choosing a suitable sketch, it is necessary to be guided not only to the aesthetics of the image, but also its symbolic meaning.

What do they mean:

  1. Rose is a symbol of pure pristine love. The same flower with spikes indicates a loss and pain.
  2. Lily of white or pink color indicates purity and impossible, red flower talks about passion, orange - about freedom and self-sufficiency.

    Tattoos with meaning for girls can be both large and small, depicted with a pattern or inscription.

  3. Lotus is associated with oriental wisdom, and also means two sides of the universe - light and darkness, good and evil.
  4. Red tulip symbolizes passion and emotions, and yellow - loss, bitterness of parting.
  5. The image of Sakura is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bJapanese philosophy about the rapidness of time, youth and love.
  6. Chrysanthemum personifies the nobility, respect, happiness, love for life.
  7. Tattoo in the form of a dandelion speaks of playfulness and coastry. Flower with flying seeds symbolizes the speed of time.
  8. Orchid in the East is considered a symbol of a heroic beginning, as well as a guard for happiness and good luck.
  9. Mac in Russia was perceived as a symbol of youth and beauty, in other cultures it is given by other values \u200b\u200b- sleep, death, memory.
  10. Clover - Shador symbolizes the unity of the body, soul and spirit. Four-leaf - walked for good luck.
  11. Maple leaf is a generally recognized symbol of good and peace. He also indicates the power and disappointment of the spirit.

Religious tattoos

The pallows on the human body used to serve the sign of his involvement in a certain tribe, class, faith. Despite the fact that now the tattoo has become more aesthetic character, many people invest in the selected drawing or an inscription deeper meaning, demonstrate their values, including religious.


  1. Christianity. The Orthodox and Catholic Church does not welcome the application of tattoos on the body, despite this, recently the popularity of tattoos for Christian theme is growing. The personification of faith is the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin and the Cross, they are most often choosing to apply religious tattoos. In addition, the body is applied to the body and other saints, as well as quotes from the Bible.
  2. Islam. Muslims are prohibited to apply drawings on the body, but it stops not all. The phrases from the Qur'an, made by Arabic Vseu, are popular with popularity.
  3. Buddhism. One of the most popular images is the Buddha, it symbolizes the strength of the Spirit and character, the beauty of the soul. Most often for tattoos choose a laughing or dancing Buddha, or its symbolic images: for a girl - a lotus flower, and for a man - an image of a lion.

Tattoos for memory

Tattoo with meaning for girls can symbolize an important, iconic event in her life:

There are no certain rules in this matter, because each person himself decides which event for him is significant.

Mythical tattoos

Our distant ancestors believed in the existence of mythological creatures and gods, they prayed and brought victims. Their images were applied to the body and considered a kind of defense and guard. Despite the fact that today such characters are considered fictional, some of them have become bright symbols of certain qualities, intentions, life position.

Mythical tattoos not only have the original, quaint look, but also carry a hidden, deep meaning:

Slavic tattoo and runes

Slavic style is a special direction in the field of tattoo, with its help people try to emphasize their belonging to ancient culture and its carriers.

To apply to the body, different images are selected, each of which is endowed with its symbolism and meaning:

  1. A tree with roots is a Slavic symbol of longevity and good health.
  2. A snake or lizard, pierced by an arrow - wanted to health and get rid of the disease.
  3. Veles is the God of the Earth, the Lord of Wind and Mystical Power. Symbolizes spirit strength, resistance.
  4. Lada is the goddess of love and beauty, helps women in finding family happiness.
  5. Svarog is the main god in the Slavic Pantheon, symbolizes power, power, power.
  6. Yarilo is the God of the Sun, his image is associated with awakening, energy, power.

Runes from Slavs served as a written means of transmitting information. It was believed that each rune is sacred and magical power.

Their image gives a tattoo with a special meaning:

Celtic images

Historians believe that the artistic style of Celtic peoples was formed in 9th century. n. e. A unique feature of their art is continuous lines curves that do not have the beginning and end and forming a unique pattern. In this way, the Celts wanted to show the beauty of nature, chaos and harmony of the universe.

The island technique of Celtic ornaments in the art of tattoo allows you to create unique images filled with deep meaning:


Tattoos with meaning for girls in the form of hieroglyphs are especially popular, thanks to interesting writing and hidden content, the value of which is few people knows, except the owner of the knack. The Chinese writing system includes about 50,000 hieroglyphs (Tzu), in everyday life, the Chinese use about 4000 Tzu.

It is believed that the hieroglyphs have a certain mystical meaning and are able to influence the life and fate of a person, so the corresponding signs are most often choosing for the tattoo.

Here they are:

  • love;
  • bravery;
  • a family;
  • the Dragon;
  • fate;
  • miracle;
  • luck;
  • force;
  • nadezhda and MN. Dr.

Japanese hieroglyphs with similar meanings are also used, they are more simple in writing, but they look no less effectively.

Japanese tattoo

The Japanese style in the tattoo is highlighted by its characteristic style, the distinguishing features of which are the plots associated with the national folklore, large size, bright colors, intricate patterns.

Several key images stand out:

Tattoos for two

Tattoos for two are popular modern trend, symbolicly binding lovers in a single whole.

They can be performed in different forms:

  • 2 pieces of a single phrase;
  • 2 elements of one image;
  • same symbolic images or inscriptions.

Little Tattoos on Fingest Hand - Meaning

Miniature tattoos on the fingers of the girls serve not only the original decoration, but also carry a certain meaning:

The value of tattoos made on the neck

According to statistical data, girls in 2 cases out of 10 for applying a tattoo choose the neck. In this part of the body, the image looks most interesting and mysterious, especially if part of the image hide the hair.

The value of the neck on the neck is due to the selected sketches:

For girls, tattoo with meaning allows you to decorate your body, emphasize your individuality. It is believed that the right choice of inscriptions or images will help change the fate, bring good luck, love, health.

Video about tattoos for girls

The best small tattoos for girls:

Mini-tattoo having a hidden meaning:

Foreign inscriptions on the body are exactly the direction that will always be popular. The younger generation prefers phrases carrying hidden meaning. It is not so difficult to solve it, because now on many sites you can see a huge list of tattoo with an inscription on hand with translation. Thanks to the selected phrases, you can convey our individuality to other people and show character. This is a kind of non-verbal communication with the outside world and the way to express your "I".

The inscriptions on Latin, stuffed in their arms, have now become very popular. You can choose any suitable font, and the phrase of the elegant line will decorate your hand, turning into a certain pattern with a great meaning. This is attracted by such inscriptions, because having a mystery on the body - very intriguing, it helps to get acquainted with the representative of the opposite sex and make another person are interested in you.

What phrase is choking on hand?

Our hands are almost always in sight, so the most often tattoos are applied to the brushes, palms, fingers and wrists. Tattoo with the inscription on hand (with the translation on the first time to cause interest. Do not choose the inscription, which just liked it, because it should display the inner world of a person, characterize it. It must be remembered that all foreign people can see the tattoo with the inscription on hand .

With the translation into foreign languages \u200b\u200b- these are the knockers now choose young people. We give examples of the most on Latin.

  • Perigrinatio, that in translation "Life is a journey," this phrase will always inspire its owner.
  • Amor Omnia Vincit - these beautiful words On your hand will mean "True love wins everything."
  • Audi, Multa, Loquere Pauca - will characterize a person with a certain temper, because it is translated as "listening to a lot, and do little."
  • Phrase Non Ducor Duco will make it clear that this person is used to being the initiator, the literal translation of it is "not led, but leading."
  • The proposal of Dicere Non Audeamus will absolutely look like. With Latin, it translates as "mind there is no".
  • And, on the contrary, absolutely positive emotions will cause the RECTUM phrase, Quia Honestum est, because it will report that a person can do everything that he himself considers the right one;
  • Non Progredi EST RegRedi is translated as "not go ahead, it means to go back"

Beautiful tattoo, inscriptions on hand with translation - this is a stylish and fashion trend in the modern world. But do not forget that this procedure needs to be approached with maximum responsibility.

What does a man fit?

Men's and inscriptions with translation are very popular with the translation must be configured to the inner world of their owners. Men basically choose such phrases, which would emphasize their courageous nature, strength, will and courage.

Tattoo, inscription on hand (male with translation) you need to pick up beautiful and necessarily with meaning. Here is some of them.

  • Contra Spert Spero - This magnificent language means that only a confident and able to hope for a person in everything is accompanied by luck.
  • ERRARE HUMANUM EST - Her meaning is that it is absolutely every one to make mistaken.
  • Fecit is a short Latin word will reveal a man from the best side. After all, it symbolizes what he is responsible for his words that will be confirmed.
  • Gloria Victoribus - translates as "glory to the winner."

It is necessary to adhere to one rule if the young man decided to make a knocker and chose what exactly he needs a tattoo, inscription on his hand. Men's translated into Latin is hidden meaning, so one appearance insufficiency is not enough, you must know its exact translation.

What does a woman fit?

There is also a list of popular girls. Inscriptions with the translation also carry their meaning to emphasize femininity or show the stroke character of the owner.

  • In HAC Spe vivo - typical of sophisticated natures. His literal translation - "I live with this hope";
  • Magna Res Est Amar means "Love is a great deal." She will suit the woman who believes in true feelings.
  • Closed nature can be chopped by NOLL ME TANGERE, which means that its owner can not be touched.

Where else can you make a tattoo inscription?

Usually guys and girls in most cases make a tattoo with the inscription on hand. With the translation of difficulties arise from the surrounding people, this is the mystery of such inscriptions in open areas of the body. Basically, unusual phrases can be seen on the shoulder or wrist, and they will also be seen in the following places:

1) Neck. Food is fashionable to take on the side or behind under the back.

2) should reflect the mental state of a person, so it should be as simple as possible and touching.

3) back. In the field of the back, it is necessary to prick something strong, understandable and persistent. Even any wordformes of a scandalous nature will be suitable.

At what age is better to make tattoos in your hands?

Unfortunately, the craft of applying tattoos suggests that such work remains on the human body forever. Therefore, before the pattern or the inscription will appear on the hands, you need to analyze your life and activity. Many employers have a rule not to hire people with tattoos in their hands, so you should be ready for this. This is mainly related to professions of office workers.

If the tattoo is made in the form of text in the Latin language, then it must carry spiritual experiences, human thoughts. Very often made a tattoo inscription in a young age, a man, matured, understands: This thought is a stupid and superficial, non-relevant actual worldview.

What rules should stick if you decide to put a tattoo-inscription on your arms?

1) Tattoo on such open parts of the body, as hands, requires long-term decision-making. Therefore, it is not necessary to make it spontaneously, ask yourself the question: "Is it worth it?".

2) There is such a belief that it is impossible to copy other phrases. Your inscription must comply with your mental state. If at this stage make a mistake, it may even worsen health, the character and fate of the owner can change.

3) The choice of tattoo salon also needs to be approached with maximum responsibility. Collect feedback on the best masters of your city, look at the portfolio with photos of ready-made tattoos.

Nakolka is not just a fashionable trend of modernity. Foreign inscriptions on their hands make young people around the world. This is such a cry of the soul of man that he wants to convey to everyone around. In the choice of tattoo inscriptions to accommodate on his hand, you should be sure that the character-pronounced character will be present in you throughout life.

What are the beautiful tattoo with the inscription on hand? With translation, as well as without translation from a foreign language, there are plenty of options, including popular phrases from Latin. Despite the fact that it is currently considered dead, once it was a universal tool for communicating, on which all Europe said long ago.

Latin Liva

In fact, many people use Latin and today, not even aware of it. Many words of modern languages \u200b\u200bare derived from it. However, it is impossible to so easily strike Latin from the history of mankind. She is not forgotten at least doctors and lawyers exactly. Latin tattoo on hand is popular (with and without translation), as well as on other parts of the body.

Tattoo with the inscription on hand (with translation from Latin)

In addition to the most diverse drawings, phrases in a foreign language are considered very popular as a tattoo. By making the decision to write several beautiful foreign words on themselves, it will not know how they are translated. Here is a list of some Latin phrases with an interesting value.

  • Vestis Virum Reddit (clothing makes a person).
  • Alis Grave Nil (nothing is heavy for who has wings).
  • Audax at Fidelis (bold, but sure).
  • Auribus Teneo Lupum (I hold a tiger for the tail, which means I am in danger, but you will not give up if I face her face to face).
  • Dum Vita Est, Spes Est (while there is life - there is hope).
  • Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit (nothing comes from nothing).
  • Faber Est Quisque Fortunae Suae (all people are artisans of their own happiness).
  • Felix Culpa (perfect error or disaster, which in the end lead to a happy end).
  • Luceat Lux Vestra (let your light shine).
  • Luctor et Emergo (I'm struggling, and I won).
  • Nil Desperandum (never despair).
  • Non Ducor Duco (I do not lead me, I lead).
  • QUI Audet Adipiscitur (who dares, he wins).
  • Semper Ad Meliora (always to the best things).
  • Sic Itur Ad Astra (you have to go to the stars, this is the way to immortality).
  • Temet nosce (know yourself).
  • VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT (Split, written remains).
  • Veritas Lux MEA (Pravdaism - My Light).
  • Vincit Qui Se Vincit (he wins who wins himself).
  • Veni, Vidi, Vici (came, saw, won).

Tattoo in the form of inscriptions

Fortunately, in contrast to the tattoo in Hebrew and Arab words and phrases, Latin statements are quite easily translated. Many of them have a beautiful and inspiring meaning. However, it is still worth conducting a certain research work before entering insisted ink to themselves under the skin. Sometimes it can happen that it will be written not to reflect not at all, but quite the opposite. In this case, externally beautiful inscriptions for a tattoo on hand can mean not pleasant or meaningless things.

Before making a tattoo on hand with or without, it is important not only to know the meaning of words, but also check that they are all written correctly. Your body is not a school notebook, where to make a mistake is not so scary.

Latin language - Wisdom's storehouse

Quotes on Latin in the past were repeatedly used by many famous philosophers, kings, scientists. Our time is also no exception. A tattoo with an inscription on hand (with translation to native language, as well as without it), back, neck, and other parts of the body are used. This is a kind of trend, which, however, has a deep meaning and shows the inner world of the owner of the orphan record.

Popular quotes in Latin

Latin quotes are something like proverbs that are becoming visible to everyone around, becoming tattoos on the body. In just a few words or entire proposals, there is something that is in the heart and thoughts of the carrier. You can, of course, fill the phrase and in Russian, but Latin attaches even a simple statement of a mysterious, mystical and vestive meaning. The shoulders and forearms are considered a particularly popular place. For example, you can often find an incomprehensible thin and mysterious inscription on Latin on their inner side.

For a tattoo, you can choose an expression that fully corresponds to the image of thoughts and positioning itself in this world. Regarding the size of any restrictions, as a rule, no. As for the content, it is worth choosing a heart. The appropriate value of the tattoo is the inscription that will fit your beliefs, and not contradict them. For example, a diligent family man and five children of five children will fill something like "Wine, Women and Rock and Roll" to the whole back.

Taste and color - no comrades

Choosing a quote, you can, of course, use celebrities preferences, but the more correct option will listen to yourself, and not just copy other people's lines. There are universal options for tattoo, which are equally well suited for both men and women. But there are some expressions that are still more chosen by a strong half of humanity. An example is such tattoo inscriptions on hand for men, like:

  • Caesarem Decet Stantem Mori (Caesar must die standing).
  • COGITATIONS Poenam Nemo Patitur (no judge for thoughts).
  • Credo, Quia Verum (I believed, as this is true).
  • IGNI ET FERRO (Fire and Steel).
  • Alea Jacta Est (Lot Broken).
  • Memento Mori (Think of death).
  • Natus UT Primus SIM (born to be first).
  • AD ASTRA (directly to the stars).
  • Ex Oriente Lux (the sun rises in the east).

As there are no two absolutely similar people, you will not often meet the same pictures on the body. This thing is strictly individual. Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for men often wear more militant characters than girls who choose more feminine and sensual phrases.

What kind of tattoo choose girls?

What tattoo on the hand for girls (latin latin) are the most sought-after and relevant? Recently, there is quite a good demand for text images in the form of phrases or phrases that are fully implemented in words. As for the beautiful half of mankind, then the choice is made towards love and sensual tattoo on hand. For girls inscriptions can be:

  • Omnia Vincit AMOR (love wins all).
  • Oculis Non Manibus (Watch You can - can not be touched).
  • Varium et Mutabile Semper Femina (Woman is always changeable and inconstant).
  • Odero Si Potero Si Non Invitus AMabo (if it turns out, I will hate, and if I can't, then, contrary to my will I will love).
  • Est Quaedam Flere Voluptas (in tears enjoyment).
  • Ignoti Nulla Cupido (which do not know, do not want to).
  • Omnia Mutantur Nihil Interit (everything changes, nothing disappears).
  • Vivit Sub Pectore Vulnus (lives in the wound chest).
  • QUI SINE PECCATO EST (who is not without sin).

Tattoo in the form of quotes, sayings or sustainable expression is very popular inour days. People, who wish to leave a noticeable ink track on themselves, can be completely unlike each other, for example, striving to prove to this world a teenager, a girl who wants to attract increased attention, elderly rocker on a pension for which the next tattoo is just part of the huge collectionhollywood Star who wants to rememberfans on the one hand.

The same quotes may be something for each person and perceived in different ways. Some tattoo may be a reminder of a memorial moment or a display of life position. As a rule, this is done forever, so the phrase or drawing should be meaningful for you at least a dozen years ahead. Among the huge variety, you can choose the appropriate option in your taste and the state of the soul.

Before making a tattoo

If a final decision was made to apply a tattoo, then before this decisive step needs to take care of some points.

Color. It can be a black and white tattoo, as well as color.

Font . He can be chosen to his taste, the main thing is that it iselevating.

Design . It can be just words or in combination with a suitable pattern.

Language. One of the most popular options is Latin, but not less popular among foreign countries are English, French, Italian.

A place. Everyone decides for himself, where he has a tattoo - in a prominent place or where only trusted persons can see it. It can be a tattoo with an inscription on hand (with or without translation), on the neck, abdomen, back, legs. The least selected place is a person, although for some and it is not forbidden.

Now youth at the peak of popularity - inscriptions for tattoo with translation. Often, with the help of a standard drawing, it is difficult to express the full emotions that the person is experiencing, so the tattoo in the form of words and phrases was invented.

Tattoo in the form of words or phrases is applied different ways. You can portray the phrase in a curved version, for example, a heart or pattern. For example, you can make the original tattoo inscription on Latin with translation or leave the sense of the phrase incomprehensible to others, that is, not to translate it.

Women, unlike men, do not think about how the phrase phrase is translated on the body. In this case, there are inscriptions for the tattoo with the translation specifically for girls, their meaning is simple and understandable for many. These can be separate words or whole phrases.

If you want to buy hieroglyphs, it is better to know their correct value in advance. With all the visible beauty and compactness, the hieroglyphs may bear a negative meaning, and the slightest inaccuracy will lead to an incorrect understanding of the written.

Often, girls choose inscriptions in Latin or an old ancient language, the translation is known to everyone. In this case, the optimal solution will be the choice of life rule as a tag.

Tattoo inscriptions for girls and men

Any phrase, wide, narrow, curved or catchy, always looks beautiful if it is performed qualitatively. In order to determine the choice of phrase tattoo, you must answer a couple of questions before doing it.

  1. What is the most important thing for you in life? What values?
  2. What are you striving for? Career, family, love?
  3. Do you have a clear desire to capture an important life situation?
  4. What language is more suitable for the expression of thought through the tattoo tool?
  5. What part of the body is better to choose?

We determine the place for the tag

An important stage is the definition of a place for application. A small phrase can be placed on the wrist or ankle, but the back will come for long phrases.

Inscription tattoo on hand

The most popular part of the body, for tattooing, is hand: shoulder, wrist or palm. But, when choosing a place, you need to take care. The inscription for a tattoo with the translation, which will rush in the eye, if it is made in a prominent place, makes it difficult for life in some cases, for example, many employers consider tattoo something shameful. Therefore, it is not worth making a large and bulk inscription, which will attract a lot of attention.

On the wrists, the tattoo is difficult to do, and in the subsequent it is badly "worn," they say specialists about it.

Inscription on the back

No less popular destination is the back. Plus lies in the fact that the tattoo is easier to hide from others, and the skin on the back is denser, which means pain not so strong.

If you want to make a tattoo on your stomach, it is important to know that when the weight is set, the type of inscription is distorted. This also applies to the femoral part of the body, even when there is a slimming, the inscription is blown, and therefore corrections not to avoid.

Tattoo inscriptions on foot

A more successful place for punctures is the stop at which the tattoo will not look out vulgar and not intrusive. In case of needing, the inscription can be hidden using shoes. But, in this case, there is a negative point - the hard material will gradually distort the inscription.

Tattoo inscription on Latin with translation

A specially spent survey proved that most of the tattoo in the form of an inscription is made on Latin. This basic medical language likes young people, the fact that without help it is difficult to understand what the tattoo reads and only the chosen know the whole essence. Extremely interesting move, right? Latin is quite rare, for this reason the ancient language is attracted for the younger generation.

  • non Ducor Duco - I am not led, I myself lead.
  • semper Ad Meliora - move only forward - the best solution.
  • dum Vita Est, Spes Est - While I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare Quia Ego Dominus - Remember that you have to live.
  • Sed Anima Plus Est Quam Manere - Life - Something more than just staying on this earth.
  • Ille Vincit Qui Se Vincit - wins the one who can defeat himself.
  • Faber Est Quisque Fortunae Suae - Everyone of the Creator of his destiny.
  • Qui Estis - Whether who are you.
  • Nunc Aut Numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere Non Audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • RECTUM, QUIA HONESTUM EST - Do what you think right, because it is right.
  • Te Obtinuit Amitere Duobus Proeliis Vincere - Before winning the main battle, you need to sacrifice the previous ones.
  • CERTUM VOTO PETE FINEM - put yourself only achievable goals (i.e. do not fly in the clouds).
  • Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbis - actions stronger words.
  • Nunquam Retrorsum, Semper Ingrediendum - Neither step back, always forward.

Tattoo with translation in English

The second equally popular language is English. Especially popular by English inscriptions for tattoo with a translation destined for girls. In this case, they choose excerpts from prosaic or poetic works carrying a certain meaning.

In the case of English inscriptions, it is worth a caution, because each second person is familiar to this language, and not many may translate it correctly. As a result, reputation may suffer from incorrect translation, and the surrounding will simply laugh at the back. And you should not sin on the masters making a pall, because it is not a translator, but an executive order.

  • REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. Remember who you are.
  • WE HATE THE ONES WE LOVE BECAUSE THEY CAN CAUSE THE DEEPEST SUFFERING. We hate those who love, because they are able to hurt us the most suffering
  • BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR THOUGHTS - THEY ARE THE BEGINNING OF DEEDS. Be careful to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  • One Word Frees US Of All The Weight and Pain Of Life: That Word Is Love. One word frees us from all gravity and pain of life: this word is love.
  • DON'T Let Your Mind Kill Your Heart and Soul. Do not let your mind kill your heart and soul.
  • Two Things Are Infinite: The Universe and Human Stupidity; And I'm not Suver About the Universe. Two things endless: Universe and human nonsense; And I'm not still sure about the universe.
  • Everyone Has One's Own Path. Everyone has their own way.

Meaning inscription for tattoo with translation

If you decide to make a prase from phrases on the body, then you need to consider all the nuances. Is this not caused by a desire to a momentary impulse? Do not choose something unusual and exquisite, relying better on your own priorities and moral values.

  • Love

Many young people in the first place are a love relationship. Love is a wonderful feeling of people. Some are looking for their second half, while others have already gained happiness. If you decide to make a love pall in the form of a phrase, then it is better to choose the one that will serve as a reminder of your feelings.

  • Moments of Life

At a certain period of life, a person understands that it is impossible to do without credo or rule. Life credo means purposefulness, devotion to its principles and motivation. In this case, life credo in the form of an abdomen will constantly remind the goal, and motivate to implement.

  • A family

If there is a family in the first place, not depending on the related communication, you can make a tattoo with a certain meaning: "together forever".

  • "Philosophy" in everything

If you do not have enough decisiveness or perseverance on the way of implementing an insane, but the necessary act, score an inscription, pushing the actions. You can make a tattoo inscription on Latin with a translation containing philosophical thought and a certain promise.

The appropriate inscription tattoo for guys is also difficult to choose as girls. If you have decided on the inscription, it remains for its design. To help you a selection of beautiful tattoo for guys.

To decide on the choice of tattoo for a girl, you need to revise a lot of photos. Here is a good selection of the most popular and beautiful tatoshki.

Celebrities also have weakness in front of beautiful tattoo inscriptions. And it is not surprising, because they not only adorn the body, but also make their highlight.

And it is important to remember that a beautiful tattoo is the one that makes sense, understandable only to your loved ones. And it does not matter what language this phrase will be scrupped or as they understand.

Useful tips:Most popular:


Aphorisms, winged phrases, tattoo statements (tattoo inscriptions).

In order to convey any meaning with its tattoo, it is best to use the inscriptions. No, pictures can also symbolize a lot and mean, but the problem is that it is possible to understand the picture in different ways, but you can not understand at all. And the inscriptions in the tattoo describe the taught meaning on a lot of specific. And it does not matter what font, what handwriting, in what language, the main thing is that they perform their main function - transmit meaning. In the tattoo, in addition, the beauty and style of writing, and the size and semantic load are taken in the tattoo. A wonderful opportunity to connect all these integral qualities of tattoo inscriptions provide us with phrases for tattoos in Latin. Latin is characterized by beauty and meekness, the ability to express a huge text with a short text, deep meaning. Therefore, the most beautiful, most famous phrases or the expression of great people sounded on Latin.

Latin's inscriptions as tattoos are increasingly popular among young people around the world. As a rule, these are more fond of philosophy and sciences who want to emphasize their individuality and intellectuality.

One of the main directions of the tattoo is the image of a different kind of winged phrases and motto. On this page you can see the most common options:

Arrive CE Qu'il Pourra (FR.) - Be what will happen.

A TOOT PRIX (FR.) - Any price.

Audaces Fortuna Juvat (Lat.) - Happiness is accompanied by brave.

Battle of Life (English) is a struggle for life.

Buvons, Chantons Et Aimons (Fr.) - Drink, sing and love.

Cache TA VIE (Fr.) - hide your life.

Cave! (Lat.) - Be careful!

CERCANDO IL VERO (IT.) - Looking for truth.

Contra Spem Spero (Lag.) - I hope without hope.

Croire A Son Etoile (Fr.) - Believe in your star, i.e., hope for happiness.

CUM DEO (Lat.) - With God.

Da Bin Ich Zu Hause (it.) - Here I am at home.

DebelreRe Superbos (Lat.) - Suppress the pride, unprofitable.

DER MENSCH, VERSUCHE DIE GUTTER NICHT (HIM.) - A person, not tempt gods.

DICTUM FACTUM (Lat.) - Said - Made.

Dieu et Liberte (Fr.) - God and Freedom.

Dieu et mon DROLT (FR.) - God and my right.

Due Cose Belle Ha Il Mondo: Amore E Morte (IT.) - The world is beautiful two phenomena: love and death.

DU SOLLST NICHT ERST DEN SCHLAG ERWAREEN (HIM) - Do not wait until you hit you.

Eigenhum IST Fremdentum (it.) - Property is someone else.

EIN WINK DES SCHICKSALS (it.) - Specifying fate.


Est Quaedam Flere Voluptas (Lat.) - There is something from pleasure in tears.

Ex voto (lat.) - by promise; By Vote.

Faciam UT Mei Memineris (Lat.) - I will make you remember me!

Fatum (Lat.) - Fate, Rock.

Fecit (Lat.) - Made, executed.

FINIS CORONAT OPUS (lat.) - The end crowned business.

Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat (Lat.) - Fate helps brave.

Fortuna Non Penis, in Manu Non Recipe (Lat.) - Good luck is not x @ th, you can not hold in your hands.

FU ... e non e! (IT.) - Was ... And there is no it!

Gaudeamus Igitur, Juvenes Dum Sumus (Lat.) - We will argue while we are young.

Gnothi Seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.

Gott Mit Uns (Him.) - God is with us.

GRACE POUR MOI! (Fr.) - mercy (forgiveness) for me!

Guai Chi La Tocca (IT.) - Mount to those who will affect.

Gutta Cavat Lapidem (years.) - The drop is hammering a stone.

Nass Fac UT Felix Vivas (Lat.) - So do to live happily.

Help Yourself (eng.) - help yourself. (Take himself!)

Hoc Est in votis (Lat.) - That's what I want.

Homo Homini Lupus Est (Lat.) - Man Man Wolf.

Homo Liber (Lat.) - Free person.

Homo Res Sacra (Lat.) - Man is a sacred thing.

I CAN NOT AFFORD TO KEEP A CONSCIENCE (English) - I do not have the means to contain conscience.

ICH HABE GELEBT UND GELIEBT (it.) - I lived and loved.

Ignoti Nulla Cupido (Lat.) - What do not know what you do not want.

IL FAUT OSER AVEC UNE FEMME (Fr.) - You need to be brave with a woman.

Il Fine Giustifica I MEZZI (IT.) - The goal justifies the funds.

In God We Trust (eng.) - We hope for God.

In HAC Spe vivo (Lat.) - I live in this hope.

In Vino Veritas (Lat.) - Truth in fault.

Joi d'Amor (IT.) - The joy of love.

Juravi Lingua, Mentem Injuratam Gero (Lat.) - I swear tongue, but not thought.

JUS Vitae Ace Necis (Lat.) - The right to dispose of life and death.

Killing Is No Murder (English) - killing is not murder.

La Bourse Ou La Via (Fr.) - Wallet or Life.

La Donna E Mobile (IT.) - The woman is inconstant.

LA VIA EST UN COMBAT (FR.) - Life is a struggle.

Leben und Leben Lassen (Him.) - Live and live Let's another.

Le Devoir Avant Tout (Fr.) - debt first of all.

Macht Geht Vor Recht (Him.) - The force above right.

Magna Res Est Aror (Lat.) - Great business - love.

Malo Mori Quam Foedari (Lat.) - better death than dishonor.

Malum Necessarium - Necessarium (lat.) - Inevitable evil - inevitably.

Memento Mori (Lat.) - Remember the death!

Memento Quod Es Homo (Lat.) - Remember that you are a person.

Me Quoque Fata Regunt (Lat.) - I also obey Rock.

Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest (Lat.) - No one will avoid death.

NE CEDE MALIS (LAT.) - Do not fall in spirit in misfortune.

Nil Inultum RemaneBit (Lat.) - Nothing will remain unmarried.

Noli Me Tangere (Lat.) - Do not touch me.

Now or Never (English) - now or never.

ODERINT, DUM METUANT (LAT.) - Let them hate, just been afraid.

Omnia Mea Mecum Porto (Lat.) - All my wear with you.

Omnia Vanitas (Lat.) - Everything is a fuss!

Pac'e Gioja (IT.) - Peace and joy.

Penis Longus, Vita Brevis (Lat.) - X @ th long, Life is short

Per Aspera Ad Astra (Lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.

Pisces Natare Oportet (Lat.) - Fish should be swimming.

Potius Sero Quam Nunquam (Lat.) - Better late than ever.

Procul Negotiis (Lat.) - Away trouble.

Que Femme Veut - Dieu Le Veut (Fr.) - what a woman wants, as you like to God.

QUI NE RISQUE RIEN - N'A RIEN (Fr.) - Who does not risk - he has nothing.

Qui Sine Peccato Est (Lat.) - Who without sin.

QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI (LAT.) - What is allowed to Jupiter, then the bull is not allowed.

QUOD PRINCIPI PLACUIT, LEGIS HABET VIGOREM (LAT) - anything to the Lord, then has the power of the law.

Requiescit in Pace (Lat.) - resting with the world.

Sans Phrases (Fr.) - no extra words.

Senza Amare Andare Sul Mare (IT.) - Waving to wander around the sea.

Senza Dubbio (IT.) - No doubt.

Sic ITUR AD ASTRA (Lat.) - So go to the stars.

Sic Volo (Lat.) - So I want.

Silentium (lat.) Silence.

SONO NATO LIBERO - E VOGLIO MORIRE LIBE! (IT.) - I was born free - and I want to die free!

Souvent Femme Varie, Bien Fol Est Gui S'y Fie! (Fr.) - Woman often changeable, very stupid one who believes her!

Struggle for life (eng.) - Fighting life.

Supremum Vale (Lat.) - Last sorry.

Suum Cuique (Lat.) - Everyone.

Sweet Is Revenge (English) - Sweet Revenge.

Then be or not to be (eng.) - to be or not to be.

Tous Les Moyens Sotn Bons (FR.) - All means are good.

TUT POUR MOI - Rien Par Moi (Fr.) - Everything for me is nothing from me.

TRAHIT SUA QUEMQUE VOLUPTAS (Lag.) - Everyone entails his passion.

TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED CONTRA AUDENTIOR ITO (LAT.) - Do not conquer trouble, but boldly go to her towards.

UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA (Lat.) - Where is good, there is a homeland.

Unam in Armis Saluem (Lat.) - The only salvation is in the fight.

Vale et Me AMA (Lat.) - Goodbye and love me.

Veni, Vidi, Vici (Lat.) - came, saw, won.

Via Sacra (Lat.) - Holy Way.

Virginity is a luxury (lat.) - Virginity - luxury.

VITA SENE LIBERTATE NLHIL (LAT.) - Life without freedom is nothing.

Vivere Militare Est (Lat.) - To live - it means to fight.

Wait and See (Eng.) - Wait - see.

Wein, Weib Und Gesang (it.) - Wine, women and songs.

WELTKIND (it.) - Child of the World.

Tattoos inscriptions are one of the most common directions of tattoos in Rostov. This style is particularly popular with young people. Often, tattoos do not express that completeness that would like to transfer the tattoo carrier, it is here that tattoo inscriptions are well applicable. The text transmits the entire meaning of the tattoos, therefore, the phrase is selected with a special seriousness. Tattoos of inscriptions can be combined with the main drawing of the tattoo or use separately.

The use of tattoos of inscriptions is almost unlimited because You can pass them any sense. It may be an expression of a religious nature of the pending spiritual meaning, or as a memory of which an important event From life, for example, an important date, a loss of a loved one, the names of children or relatives and much more. The most commonly used statements and aphorisms of philosophers, great and famous people, in different languages, here only your fantasy limits you.


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