Gratitude to the teacher on the anniversary of the parents. Words from parents to teachers - beautiful texts in verse and prose with gratitude from moms and dads for graduation and last call

Gratitude to the teacher on the anniversary of the parents. Words from parents to teachers - beautiful texts in verse and prose with gratitude from moms and dads for graduation and last call

Collection of words, phrases, expressions, epithets, as well as examples of awards with the text of gratitude to the teacher.

Update date 05/19/2018

Class teacher

Elena Petrovna

as a sign of gratitude for sincere generosity,
kindness, responsiveness and outstanding
organizational abilities

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Teacher geography

Yulia Nikolaevna

as a sign of gratitude for your talent talent,
ability to captivate, for kindness and objectivity

School №174, Moscow
From your student

Mathematics teacher

Galina Sergeevna

as a sign of gratitude for your ability to make it difficult to make it simple and understandable, for ingenuity and patience

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Teacher physics

Stanislav Vladimirovich

as a sign of gratitude for your wisdom, patience and a huge contribution to the formation of deep knowledge in physics

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

What are bright qualities of your teacher?

  • for activity, energy and inexhaustible optimism
  • for creative activity, self-dedication and professional approach
  • for active participation in class life, responsiveness and kindness
  • for initiative, perseverance and active extracurricular work
  • for attentiveness, not indifference and endless patience
  • for high professionalism, responsibility and attentive attitude to students

  • for goodwill, justice and pedagogical tact
  • for sensitivity, responsiveness and ability to create a benevolent atmosphere in the class
  • for kindness, not indifference and the ability to give the warmth of your heart
  • for the kindness, love and wisdom, which you gave us
  • for emotional responsiveness, attention and good attitude to all students

  • for wit, eloquence and excellent sense of humor
  • for clarity of thought, the sharpness of the words and exciting stories about the school sciences
  • for wisdom, insight and indisputable authority
  • for wise advice, sensitivity and positive look at the world
  • for objectivity, kindness and wise resolution of complex situations
  • for perseverance, demanding and volitional character

No equations
  • for non-uniforms, goodwill and ability to empathize
  • for non-equilibrium and invaluable help in overcoming difficulties
  • for objectivity, impartiality and fair attitude
  • for objectivity, honesty and constructive criticism
  • for your endless optimism, unrelated search and joy of discoveries
  • for optimism, positive thinking and faith in students
  • for inspiration, optimistic attitude and dedication

  • for manifested responsiveness, initiative and responsibility in class life
  • for sensitivity, responsiveness and creation of a warm and comfortable setting in the classroom
  • for emotional responsiveness, sensitivity and goodwill
  • for decency and principle in difficult situations
  • for fundamental beliefs, high morality and teaching authority
  • for amazing performance, energy and a decent example for imitation
  • for justice, patience and love for children
  • for understanding, firm faith in success and fair assessment
  • for justice, understanding and wise advice
  • for patience, wisdom and responsible approach to any case
  • for patience, understanding and ability to solve any life situations
  • for infinite patience and motivation to new achievements

  • for demanding, rigor and ability to raise the character
  • for demanding attitude towards students, exposure and eloquence
  • for pedagogical talent, professional skill and hardworking
  • for the talented implementation of the educational process, patience and generosity of the soul
  • for hard work, patience and faith in each student
  • for unusual hardworking, natural talent and positive energy
  • for perseverance, Titanic work and your ingenious ideas
  • for dedication, enthusiasm and mental heat
  • for dedication and assistance to students in their personal development
  • for honesty, faith in justice and welcome

  • for sense of humor, eloquence and non-standard approach to the organization of the educational process
  • for your generous soul, loyalty and ability to light in the hearts of the inquisitive light

More examples

Teacher literature

Anne Petrovna

for pedagogical talent, the ability to teach the intricacies of literary analysis and a literate, figurative expression of their thoughts and feelings

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Teacher English

Mary Alexandrovna

for your enthusiasm and tremendous assistance in overcoming the language barrier and mastering the skills of the practical use of knowledge gained

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Teacher biology

Friend Andreevich

for your exciting liveliness lessons and the ability to present the information interesting and clearly

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Physical education teacher

Stepan Evgenievich

as a sign of gratitude for your exciting lessons, optimism and non-equations

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

Chemistry teacher

Elena Petrovna

as a sign of gratitude for your ability to interest and captivate, for goodwill and justice

Your students
Moscow, 2018.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis collection is practical assistance in writing laconic texts, expressing gratitude to the teacher and using them in attributes of appreciation.

Gratitude is a feeling formed by a long history of the difficult relationship of the teacher and the student in the process of transferring and receiving knowledge. The events in which the need arises to express such a sense of words, occur extremely rarely and therefore there is no work experience to do it freely and easily. In order to overcome this obstacle, it is enough to know the answer to one question.

What arises in our consciousness when evaluating the personality of the teacher?

Naturally, his bright manifested qualities, his skills and ability, created by the atmosphere. Love, kindness, rigor or softness, justice, patience or excitement, generosity, wisdom, ability to captivate and create favorable conditions in classes - all these are examples of the qualities that the teacher possesses and uses them in their practice.

Each teacher has its own unique set of qualities!

Looking through this collection and related phrases, expressions and epithets, you will probably find those basic and vivid qualities that are inherent in your teacher.

In the school tradition, parents of students usually join the idea of \u200b\u200bexpressing appreciation to the teacher in honor of significant events. In the elementary classes, their role in the assessment of the teacher's personality is naturally more significant, but by the time of the graduation of school, the high school students will be able to do it independently and for the teacher is a very important point.

We wish you creative success!
"Petrovsky workshops"

Dear you are our person! There was a lot of years since you began to train us to carefully write, fold the numbers, read our first works. Now we have already matured, have become beautiful, strong, and most importantly - smart. Today, the last school bell will sound personally for us, and after we have to enter the door of an adult independent life. For each of us it will be different. But we know the same thing - we will walk with honor. After all, you attached so much effort for this. We have no right to bring you. Often you slept little, because I checked our doodle, paid less attention to your own family, to once again be with us, shared with us with their heart heat, spent their nervous cells. And all that we have the opportunity to become worthy people. But today, graduates tell you thanks, even for the twos, which you have been punished from time to time. We will forever keep in our memories what you have done.

Today is a very symbolic day. After all, he is a feature between our childhood and adult life. Tomorrow we will not be schoolchildren. Therefore, while today we are still in this status, I would like to express the words of gratitude to all those teachers who were our accompanying schools throughout the school journey. Thank you so much for the contribution you did in each of us. Thank you for the knowledge gained from you, for a caring attitude, for constant support and eternal incentives. Thank you for not losing faith in us and always assisted. We sincerely wanted to justify your hopes and achieve the results to which you have always stimulated us. Thank you very much for everything! Let you all be good many more many years in advance! Happiness, good and good luck, are our relatives! We will never forget you!

Today in this solemn atmosphere we offer you to dream a little. Let's imagine that you are not your disciples, but already taken out of geniuses, artists, lawyers, inventors, scientists, doctors, travelers, teachers. In general, some good people. And they all would like to tell you thanks for your kindness and warmth, responsiveness, patience, understanding and help. For the fact that you have always knew the answer to any question and shared them. Always perfectly performed the duties set before you. Always could find an approach even to the most capricious kid. Thank you for taught us the most important thing - to be worthy people with open hearts. From our own side, we want you to wish to continue and continue to stand tightly on a life road. Let you always take a walk time, hard to sleep and relax from the heart.

Teacher, teacher is not just a profession. This concept hides a person who keeps school traditions. Little just get pedagogical education. For this profession you need a vocation. After all, before each teacher, there is a difficult task - lay the foundations of the worldview to the younger generation. By the nature of your profession, the teacher has to constantly contact people. And in this matter it is not necessary to do without tremendous patience and the ability to understand. And on this day, we simply cannot not thank all our teachers for being worked on us for so many years, we passed our experience, wisdom and knowledge, shared kindness. Thank you for this huge! And, after all, you continued to remain the sun rays, even when we were upsetting you or behaved badly. And for it, we ask us to forgive. We say with confidence that you will not do so more!

The teacher is an amazing person. There is not a single other profession where the employee would devote all his days to another family besides his. And after all, every child who falls under your custody is automatically becoming yours. But time is merciless. And now we are no longer the kids, but adult self-sufficient people who learn school benches today. We have to step onto the road of life. But this does not mean that we throw out the lessons from memory that you taught us. And the particle of your heat will always warm the heart of each of us, you are our teacher dear. We would really like you to become the happiest man on earth. You deserve it. After all, with how sometimes it is difficult to upbringing and learning difficult children, such as we. Even in response to our trips, you always answered us friendship. Now we want to repay our gratitude to you! Do not refuse us, accept our Thanksgiving words!

From all graduates who have to be tolerated throughout so many years, take congratulations, our cute teachers. I sincerely wanted to thank you for the work and knowledge that you have invested. There were moments when we became the cause of your disorder, perhaps offended you. However, it does not prevent you from appreciating you and remember every word that you have pronounced at our address. Thank you for loveing \u200b\u200bus, support and give such important advice. We carry them through the whole life path. Thank you for sharing with us what they knew. That each your word was filled with a special meaning. For us, this is very valuable. You helped each of us choose the required direction. Only thanks to you, we know which expensive should go. Happy holiday you, favorite teachers! Thanks for all!

On this day we are not just graduates. We can be compared with the laders, who placed their wings, who are ready to go to the free flight. Behind this action today is sadly observed both parents and teachers. After all, today the countdown of our adult life began. Now we will have to make our own decisions, engage in planning your own life. Still, this is our way. But we would never come to this conclusion, if we were not accompanied by a wise mentor, our brave captain. Why brave? Yes, because it was far from us. Maybe individually each of us and good, but we also got complete. However, you managed to create a coordinated team. This is all thanks to your human warmth, sincerity, openness, experience and wisdom. Thank you so much for this contribution to our lives!

And on graduation after 11 or 9 class, and on graduation at the end of study in elementary school Pupils are of particular joy and together with a small sadness. Now they will meet with new teachers and teachers, will learn new sciences. Therefore, high school students, and children, and their parents want to express the words of gratitude to the teacher who supported his disciples. They can be written or choose from the proposed ideas and examples of ready-made texts with verses and prose, video. Beautiful and touching words of appreciation will definitely like class teacher graduates, and the first teacher of kids.

Cute words of gratitude from students for primary school teachers - examples of texts

Baby in primary classes are quite quickly tied to teachers, as they help them to overcome stress, get used to the new learning conditions. Therefore, hear the kind words of gratitude to the teacher from the disciples will be very nice. So he will understand that children really love him and appreciate.

Examples of cute words of gratitude from the students of primary classes for teachers

The expression of appreciation to the students of primary classes may include both personal wishes and ready-made thanks. Suggested examples are great for fast memorization. They can be entrusted to learn several children who will perform before teachers.

Hand Guide -

It's not a simple thing

And sometimes dangerous -

Thank you very much!

For labor and nobility

Take gratitude

After all, your guide

For us great joy.

Thank you for knowledge,

For honesty and good

For faith, understanding -

We are lucky with you!

Our class, like a friendly family,

And this is your only merit,

What do we respect each other.

You give us a ticket to us,

For all this - thank you!

You are for us, you are our teacher,

You are cool our head!

Thank you for the fact that time

Spent not in vain on us

For the mind, for honesty and patience,

And did not regret that herself.

Thank you for the words direct,

Thanks for the science you

For warmth, and for care,

Wouldn't handle you without you!

Universal words of gratitude from parents for all primary school teachers

Parents are very often worried, giving a child to school that they are inexperienced or too strict teacher. But such experiences are almost always groundless: usually loving and caring teachers work in primary schools. Therefore, to choose the words of gratitude to the primary school teacher and to express their own appreciation, and to express love and respect from the face of your Chad.

Texts with words of gratitude from parents for primary school teachers

You can select various texts to choose to congratulate the teachers and express them. But it is important to pay attention not only to the class teacher, but also a sociologist, psychologist, physical education teacher. The joint work of these teachers allows children to feel comfortable in school and be interested in learning.

Thank you for kindness,

Love and affection, warmth.

From all parent hearts,

We wish you happiness to you the palace.

Let life brings a lot of light,

Love, happy dawn.

Sincere and bright smiles

And the feelings are always big, reply.

Dear teachers,

From parents to you "Thank you",

For children, thank you

For patience, perseverance and strength.

So that with the kids to cope

It is necessary to have steel nerves,

We will never understand your work

How language you find with them.

We wish you forces and health,

Creative and bold ideas

To our boys, girls

Transform into real people.

Thank you for your help, for the efforts,

For faith, sensitivity in difficult moments.

For your precious attention

For professional advice.

Thank you for children's successes,

Your merits are undoubted.

After all, your knowledge is invaluable!

Touching words of gratitude for the first teacher - from students and parents

For elementary school students, the first teacher becomes the most reliable and faithful "comrade". He replaces their parents, supports and helps in difficult situations. Prepare and tell the words of gratitude to the first teacher no less strongly want moms, dads of students. Among the proposed examples, you can find excellent options for expressing appreciation, respect and attention.

Touching gratitude for the first teacher from students

The most pleasant for any teacher in elementary school can be considered recognition among students. Therefore, the kids who are moving to the middle classes will certainly need to thank the first teacher for the manifested care, love. The considered words of gratitude to the teacher from the child in verses are perfectly suitable for easy learning.

Do you want to say "Thank you"

For work and support,

Cool you leader -

In all senses. And of course,

We would be hard without you,

Maybe even impossible

Learn granite science

And solve challenges complex.

So take gratitude

For good, long-suffering,

May things bring joy

And raise the mood!

You were with us every day, loved, helped.

We carried our hearts of hearts, and you got out of us.

For us you are always like a good parent,

Our cool, favorite manager.

Thank you today want to tell you

For a sensitive word and affectionate look.

Will tell each student or parent -

Cool you really have a manager!

Who is friends with whom and what is fond of you know

We are trying to understand us, and do not scold.

For patience, taking you tackle

Respect your you want to express!

Examples of touching words of gratitude from parents for the first teacher

Parents with special gratefulness belong to the first teacher of the child. This teacher helped their baby to become confident, strong and get a lot of useful knowledge. Pronunciation of words of gratitude to his 1st class teacher and in verses, and prose. It is only necessary to choose from the proposed options the most suitable in meaning.

From parents take

Gratitude words

We tell you thanks you

And we wish a lot of benefits

You are grateful, we are very,

Made a lot for us

We wish you to

Spark in the soul is not Gus!

For care and spiritual heat

We thank heart teachers, we thank


Patience, kindness you want to wish!

Knowledge gave

Experience life and wisdom

So that your own!

From parent cohort

Let's say we thank you.

For children of their calm

It was only all the time to us.

Low bow to you today,

Wishes of good.

To kids enough you

In the heart of exposure, heat.

What words of gratitude to pick up teachers from parents to graduation in grade 11?

Permanent care for children, learning assistance and solving vital issues - all this is a real teacher. Cool leaders belong to students with no less love than the Moms and Dads themselves. Therefore, hear the words of gratitude to the teacher from parents will be very nice on the day of graduation. Beautiful texts proposed below can be used to prepare touching speech. It should include words of appreciation, and good wishes for the teacher.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents graduates graduates for teachers

Original texts With the words of gratitude will help all graduate parents to express respect for the class teacher respect, appreciation. Help the compilation of beautiful speeches following text examples and video demonstration of parents on graduation:

Dear, dear our teachers!

From the face of all parents, we want to express you extraordinary thanks for everything you did for our children. To tell you just thanks - this is not to say anything. Trusting your children to you, we were sure that they fall into reliable hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts to us - parents - it would not be possible to achieve the main goal, to which we all went and continue to go - each of us wants to grow from your child a man with a capital letter.

You helped and directed our children, you supported us when we were not able to us with them. You worried about our students no less, but perhaps even more than we.

Low bow to you for your hard work and sincerely sincere words of great gratitude from everyone from parents!

Thank you!

Dear our teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to diligently take sticks and hooks, fold and deduct, read their first books. And here we are standing adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today, their last school bell is silent, and doors in adulthood. Everyone she will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they all will walk through life with honor. We know that you have a lot of nights, checking their notebooks, many misunderstood your families, in order to have an extra hour to spend with our children, they gave them warmth of their hearts, spent their nerves on them so that worthy people grew up.

Today we are from the soul Thank you for everything, even for the twos, which you sometimes put it. And we, and our children will never forget everything that you have done for us.

Low you bow and great human thank you!

School is holistic organismwhich possesses a unique feature - the ability to displace unnecessary, leaving those who can sincerely love and mentally empathize, devotion to be friends and truly feel another person. School, similar to the stairs, on which you can move only to swell, to the stars.

One day stepped onto the original stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But if this end? Most likely, no, because a person is destined to learn all his life - and helping the teachers' school angels, teachers are called in this important work.

Thank you, the mentors of children's, clean and naive souls for inexhaustible hardworking and endless patience, for the bright faith in the possibility of each student, for great wisdom and willingness to help.

Thanks for the warm your kind heart, for the universal understanding, thanks for the great work of the teacher!

Beautiful words of gratitude from students for teachers to graduation class 11

For many years, going together hand in hand, make every class small, but very cohesive family. And at the head of such a family there is a good cool leader. This teacher not only teaches children to be educated, attentive, but also supports them in difficult times. Therefore, in front of the graduation, many students think about what words gratitude to the teacher, and how to express his appreciation to him. You need to choose good, warm and sincere texts.

Ideas for writing gratitude from students of 11 classes for teachers for graduation

Write beautiful words of gratitude to the teacher from the student is easy, you just need to understand that the graduate wants to say the teacher. You can simply express your appreciation, but you can tell about your love, respect and affection. The necessary words can be found in the following text examples:

Today we say "Thank you!"

We are our school and teachers

For what they loved and taught,

We are infinitely grateful to you.

You taught us to think and dream,

Taught difficulties, the thresholds are not afraid

We want to wish you for goodbye

Love, health, joy and happiness.

Making the first steps to be aware of life, I want to thank all our teachers of the Jadmissitution, the tricky contribution of the outbreak. Thanks to the samploan, care, support for check-in stimulus. Thank you, but you believed Vnas challenged. I sincerely want to justify your hopes to goostach those heights, the Cotors of Nenas pushed by all forces. We thank you Break, Igesel you all the best, long years old!

Thank you for taking us wisely,

For the fact that people helped us to become.

And let you really be hard -

Hurry up you know knowledge to us.

Hurry up in minutes guys alarm

Give a good advice or just understand.

We wish you a vitality of solid road,

To walk more, to sleep hard, rest!

From future geniuses, artists, deputies, lawyers, inventors, doctors, travelers, teachers of good, good people. Our words of gratitude gratitude, responsiveness, patience, capital truths, discoveries, understanding, replies of bumps, help, attention, happiness of tears, responsibility, Impeccable duties, approach. After all, the most important thing about to be a worthy person, a woven heart. Thank you for taught it.

Good words of gratitude from parents of high school students for teachers for graduation class 9

Caring for children, assistance in their training and education are invaluable gifts. And in this parents should be grateful to all school educators. Their joint work helped grow from such small and unsure children of bold adults. Thank the responsible teachers from the bottom of our hearts will help beautiful words of gratitude to the teacher in prose. They will help the most accurate and sincerely express the feelings of moms and dad graduates.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents of high school students grade 9 for teachers for graduation

Warm and kind words may not only be gratitude, but also good wishes. After all, the hard work of teachers is not so often appreciated. And really good teachers who want to help students need to be respected and maintained.

From Parents Thank you

Teachers talk!

If only we could -

Dali used all medals to you:

For calm and rigor,

For persistence and talent,

And for everything for the years

Teach you guys.

You learned to learn them,

Do not give up, win

Although in his hunters

I had to keep them.

Know all that these people

You can trust children!

Congratulations, appreciate, love

Dear teachers!

These years have been imperceptibly flying ...

A frequent addressee of the Thanksgiving letters are teachers who spell the words of appreciation and gratitude to both parents of students and leadership educational institution. In this article, we offer samples of letters of a letter of thanks to the teacher.

As a rule, the letter grateful is written by the teacher from the parents of students at the end school year In order to express appreciation for patience and work shown by the attitude towards their children. In addition to gratitude, the words of wishes are also written. The approximate texts of a thankful letter addressed to the teacher are below.

For design it is appropriate to use a special typographic blank or a suitable postcard.

We also suggest familiarizing yourself with the article about.

Samples of texts

1. A sample of a letter of thanks to the teacher of history from parents of students

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Your professional approach to learning our children, patience, the ability to make your lessons interesting and bright cause a storm of emotional delight from our children. They look forward to your lessons, carefully prepared them, discuss the knowledge gained among themselves. Your creative nature causes children right in the lesson to plunge into the world of past times, because the history lesson is one of the most interesting among school subjects.

Undoubtedly, many dates and alternateness of historical facts are not allowed to remember, but your ability to properly organize the flow of knowledge has brought its fruits: repeated victories of students on urban competitions is that confirmation.

We, parents of students of 7-in class, respectfully and respect your work, we wish you in the future to remain sensitive and competent teacher, as well as health and happiness!

2. Sample of the text of a letter of thanks to the graduation class teacher

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich!

When my child comes from school, the first thing he starts the conversation, it is about how and that he learned new in the lesson of chemistry. I am once again amazed, as such a serious susceptibility, the subject can be forced to love not one or two students, but the whole class immediately.

For a teacher, great success is not easy to captivate with your subject, but to love it. Our graduation class, this year he will leave the native school building, but the fact that more than ten students collect documents for admission to educational institutions in a specialty chemist, speaks for itself.
My son Eugene is also included in this ten and we, his parents, with all souls thank you for your professionalism, work and ability to instill love for your subject. Thank you so much, happiness and health!

3. Thanksgiving letter of primary school teacher

Dear you are our Olga Vasilyevna!

Here are our children and finish their first class, as much he brought changes not only in them, but also in our, their parents of life. Thanks to you, their first class teacher, our children received the basics of knowledge, are taught to collective actions, get used to school objects. As we were lucky that our children got wise and professional teacher. After all, it is thanks to your ability to tactfully, unobtrusively against the background of games and entertainment to teach our children to make decisions on our own, and these decisions are correct. These ads of learning will remain in them for life, in any situations they will already be able to make their own decisions.

We understand the children at the very beginning life pathBut thanks to your ability, they were now able to correctly determine their direction, thank you very much for it and good luck in the difficult work!

4. Letter with gratitude to the teacher from former students

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Time has the property to fly quickly and unnoticed, and you may have been able to remember not all the students for many years of work, who have invested knowledge and ability to be a good man. Only now, when my children already graduated from school, having a solid cargo of experience, I understand how much you needed to invest in us, our students. You were able to instill not only knowledge, in your teaching there is a little one who possess teachers with a capital letter: a sense of decency, respect for others, responsiveness and those aesthetic norms that are not always honored today.

Thank you writing is a business letter containing words of gratitude for any events, actions. How it is written, you can read in. A very often thank letter is drawn up in the teacher's address, it can write it both parents, disciples and director of the educational institution.

If the letter is compiled on behalf of the school's guide, for example, schools, then it is usually appreciated for professionalism and literacy or actively participating in school life. Samples of writing a letter of appreciation from the management of the organization to their employee are represented.

Below we offer several options for designing letters of gratitude from parents of students. Parents usually thank the teacher of their children after graduation or at the end of the school year.

Try to write a letter so that the teacher really felt your gratitude, use the wording below and complement them with your phrases.

Texts of thanksgiving letters to the teacher from parents

1. Sample text letter teacher from parents

Dear Ekaterina Viktorovna!

We sincerely thank you for the training and education of our children. Your pedagogical abilities and sensitive attitude towards each student make the educational process successful. Children are happy to go to school, do and comprehend new knowledge. Your professionalism and individual approach to everyone helped to reveal many talents and abilities from students.

We wish you health, success, optimism, conquering new heights in the educational process!

Yours faithfully,

Parent Committee 11 W School Class No. 34

2. Another text of the Thanksgiving letter to the class teacher

Dear Natalia Sergeevna!

We sincerely thank you for patience and respect provided to our children during the school year. Thanks to your professional approach to learning, children go to school with pleasure, looking forward to the offensive of each lesson. Your individual approach to each student was able to open hidden talents and opportunities in them. With the help of your amazing learning abilities, students grow full and purposeful personalities aimed at obtaining new knowledge!

We wish you always to remain a competent specialist, a professional in your field! Be healthy and happy!

Parents 4 A class school №45

3. Another option for making a letter of thanks to the teacher

Dear Anna Nikolaevna!

Parent Committee 3A Grade School No. 45 thanks you for the sincere attitude towards our children, for patience and affection. Thanks for helping our children to find yourself in this life, develop their potential. Your mental attitude towards each child allows them to feel more confident in comprehending new knowledge.

Thank you for the not indifferent attitude towards the educational process, for your professionalism and literacy.

We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful!

Low bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna!

Yours faithfully,

Parents 3A school class number 45.


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