The killer app android processes. What program kills processes is better? Launched Android Apps

The killer app android processes. What program kills processes is better? Launched Android Apps

On Google Play the so-called "murderers" of processes - the sea. It seems that Android - buggy operating systemwhich constantly hangs, and all processes have to be deleted manually. Everything is just the opposite - Android is better than any OS knows what and when to "kill."

What does Task Killer do?

Let's go to the case. Process Managers (Task Killer, "Killers" Processes / Tasks) - Applications that clean RAM (RAM) from processes. Purpose - speed up the operation of the device. At least it promises developers on. The most popular "Task killers" -, Clean Master, Easy Task Killer.

"Task killer" allows you to clean RAM manually. Application interface is quite universal - everywhere there is a "kill processes" type button, from below - a list of active processes that you intend to destroy. In the settings, you can set the filter of the processes - choose which of them is to ignore the program, and which are always deleted. The automatic RAM cleaning function is also available - the processes are erased from the memory as soon as the percentage of its filling reaches the set mark, for example, 90%.

How does this affect the system?

Clearing RAM does not harm Android OS - simply disrupts its harmony.

There are system processes, but there are custom. System processes ensure the work of the OS and default applications, for example, check the availability of updates on Google Play. Custom processes, roughly speaking, is the applications that you installed from Google Play. These are usually toys, players, readers and editors - they are needed in RAM when the user interacts directly with them.

After cleaning, the RAM will take place only 10-20 seconds before all system processes will restore again. True, the user processes will not be. As a rule, these processes occupy a slight percentage of RAM.

User processes
User processes hang for some time in the RAM Run - it is convenient if you work with multiple applications at the same time. For example, you use the browser and click the "Home" button (or someone called you), then the browser (process) remains running, only you do not see it, it works in the background. You watched the mail (or talked) and return to the browser again - it starts instantly. The browser does not load again, because he was all this time in the RAM. If the RAM in the device is not enough, the browser process will be deleted by the system as soon as you open mail.

Only important moment For a user - this is when one process from the "background" is deleted and a new one is started instead. Usually it goes the fraction of a second. But if the device is cheap (little RAM, no processor), then in your smartphone or tablet will fool for a second.

It turns out if 70% of your RAM is occupied by the "immortal" system processes, and only 30% for you, then the OS will kill other processes all the time and take other processes to the fore. That is, a weak smartphone will hide all the time.

If the system processes have about 40% of memory, and your remaining 60% of yours, then, most likely, you have a powerful smartphone / tablet, and the replacement of processes in RAM will be irrelevant.


"Tax killer" for more or less powerful devices (from 512 MB RAM) is not needed - the system will do everything itself. For a budget device (RAM from 128-256 MB) - almost the useless, since system processes are renewed in a few seconds. Only in rare cases, it is convenient to clean the processes when the smartphone is completely freezing (in such cases, the Android reboot will help better).

What to do that, who has a budget device? The simplest thing is to work out the habit of extinguishing the app fully, instead of the "Home" button to use "Back / Back". Compare with Windows (as far as possible): "Home" is to turn the window, "Back" - close. You will do that - will hide less.

A more complex option. ROOT rights will allow you to disable the processes of applications that were set by default (Google Play, Gmail, Google Maps, etc.). Here be attentive: root rights are responsibility: before something to "kill", disperse that it is.

It will take time to get a root right, and you need experience with Android. Of course, there are programs that "roll up a smartphone with one click", but most often there are different unforeseen nuances - on their permission takes several hours (if for the first time). Also, make root rights - lose weight warranty.

Well, the most faithful option is not to suffer with a weak smartphone or tablet. Let's pay a little and buy yourself a device at least average power: at least 512 MB of RAM, enough single kernel. Then you can forget about the managers of processes forever.

Not a single application in the background will remain.


Although many people say that Tax killers are not needed now, because Android knows independently when he needs to clean anything in memory, but still better when you pressed one button and all unnecessary processes automatically closed. And there is a lot of calm and memory. This will accurately be able to help an application that perfectly supports 5.0 Android, and also has a simple, intuitive interface and excellent animation, which is slightly lower.


On the main screen immediately shows the list of applications that are in the background work. All applications are immediately marked, so you only need to click on "Close Applications" and free megabytes will significantly increase in memory. What is the most interesting, if you do not want to close any applications and remove the checkbox from them, even when you repeatedly scan the tick from those applications will be removed, which is very convenient. Now regarding animation. After you will drive this application, the left will appear little manwhich is actually a way to instant memory cleaning. To do this, you need to hold your finger on it, and then drag onto the rocket, which will appear at the bottom. After that, RAM will be automatically cleaned from running applications. It looks very beautiful and colorfully, I must like most users.


In the settings, you can enable / disable automatic launch of the application when starting the system, display alerts, automatically clearing the memory, configure filters and some aspects of the work. The application has proven itself only with best side, It is pleasant to work with him and conveniently. Let us sum up: Definitely deserves attention, because not only perfectly copes with its priority, but also has a stylish, convenient and understandable for a simple user interface. Pleasant use!

Android OS is one of the most common platforms for various gadgets. Devices with on android - indispensable tools for solving daily tasks, allowing to actively use multiple applications at the same time. The reverse side of tremendous performance is a great power consumption. Often software developers irresponsible approach to energy saving on the device. Some applications continue to act in the background, reducing the performance of the gadget. Task Killer will help to fully complete the application of applications,

What do "killers of programs" do?

The programs of this group are aimed at the release of RAM from unnecessary processes. Main tasks on:

  • free from unnecessary processes;
  • increase device performance;
  • accelerate the operation of the OS;
  • reduce power consumption.

Task Killer is an indispensable program for a person who actively uses various applications, games, social networks.

Using software: Negative side

The assumption that forced cleaning of the OP device is a good idea, not quite the right judgment. Any modern Task Killer does not displays all undergoing processes and working services.
The task manager of the Android only indicates how much memory is occupied by the application, opaquely hinting with the user that the OP can be released by the forced completion of the program.

The negative side of the killer is that the software does not analyze the operation of the processor of the device, showing all working services. Inexperienced user, viewing a report displayed on the device screen, will delete the process that most consumes electricity. He will finish him immediately, without even suspecting that it is vital for the proper functioning of the OS.
In addition, Android is a pretty smart and tricky thing. The user uses the task manager, turns off the vital service in the hope of improving the performance of the device, but the OS immediately includes it. Warning the troubleshooting. As a result, the capacity of the CPU increases, energy consumption grows and the processor speed drops. A diametrically opposite result is achieved.

How to be?

The use of the task manager for Android should be guided by the feasibility and understanding of the processes that pass on the device. According to experts, install and use Task Killer is needed in such situations:
OP device does not reach even 1 GB;
The battery is discharged within a few hours in moderate use;
The use of poor quality software, which led to the fact that the Android began to "slow down" or "bug";
To analyze the operation of the application, evaluating the resources consumed.
In addition, it is extremely gently use the software. Forced completion of any application is not a completely correct procedure, which makes some negative imperatives in the working processes of the gadget.


Using software requires knowledge and purification. Forced completion of the processes will not positively affect the operation of the device.

Today we want to tell you about such programs like Task Killer, as with their help, it is possible to speed up the operation of the system and whether it is worth doing this at all.

In the Environment of the Android users there is an opinion that the more RAM is employed, the slower the whole system will work. It would be nice to put a program that will be easy to swing, or kill the processes that load the phone or tablet on the root. But let's not rush with the conclusions, but we'll figure it out in more detail in all this. And let's start with the principle of operation of applications and processes.

Principle of operation of applications and processes in Android

Google, namely, it is the Android developer, made a lot that the use of the system was as comfortable as possible. At the base, it laid the Linux kernel. So Linux 'perceives the launch of the application, as the process involved and after closing the application, at all in a hurry to complete it. After all, the appeal to it may repeat again. I often noticed that, did not have time to close the application (for example, VK) and pressing on it again, it pops up instantly. This happens only because the process is not yet stopped and is in the memory of the virtual machine (RAM).

How does the system decide which of them should be closed, and which no? There is exist for this built-in Oom Killer utility.

Oom Killer (Out of Memory Killer - a shortage of memory or its disadvantage) is engaged in relieving the RAM on your device.

But he does not make it immediately after you closed the application, it does this when a memory lack on the device and disables unused processes. After all, if they were not completed at all, the phone or tablet simply would simply hurt either overheated. But this does not happen, since the smart Linux '- Android will not let it happen. Linux's slogan was that all the RAM should work.

Oom Killer works on a special algorithm, Which disconnects only those processes that do not really need you, thereby minimizing the malfunctions in the device and in no case harm you, but on the contrary, to maximize the convenience of using the system.

Process priorities in android

Each process is determined by Oom Killer in several categories, that is, the system understands which more important and what is needed for the successful performance of work. Each of them is assigned the category of importance. Here are the main:

  1. Foreground Applications.. These are applications that are always in the foreground. These include the so-called continuous use programs, such system services as a "phone" or a string status running in Foreground mode. Apps of this category have the highest priority. They practically never closes.
  2. Visible Applications.. These are the applications you see. Suppose you are in the browser and you called you, the browser app leaves from the foreground on the second and from the category of Foreground will switch to the Visible category. That does not greatly reduce its priority. And will reduce it so much so that you after you could with ease to return to it.
  3. SECONDARY SERVER.. This category contains service services. You can't see them, and they have hidden processes. Such processes stop extremely rarely and even if it happened at a critical memory shortage, then, as soon as the memory is replenished, they will immediately be launched. Such running services do not at all consume the energy of your favorite battery, as almost all of their time is waiting and starting active operation only after it has been completed which or manipulation affecting this very process. But just how you will stop using it, he will "freeze in a hibernation" in anticipation of the next team
  4. Hidden Applications.. This category includes programs that do not have certain services due to which they become invisible. Suppose you work in the program and clicked the "Home" button. Such an application remains in the device's memory. After all, according to Android criteria, and the person pressing the "Home" button is not going to close the application, so it will be necessary to return to it. When you press the "Back" button, you exit, respectively, the program can be closed.

If you really wanted to complete the application, click the "Back" button, and not "home". Then the memory of your device will significantly expand. 90% of Android users make this error.

Task killers as a way to remove processes

But this system is not ideal. There are programs that are installed by themselves, do not need to load from the network and the like actions, and accordingly stored in memory. Here you need to fight with such processes.

This can help managers of processes or as they are also called taxes killers From English Task Killer. Task Killer and similar utilities allow the user to complete the processes when it needs it. And really on old models of phones, they showed a good effect.. The performance increased and the memory was released.

But now, these are not desirable applications, re-load processes into memory. And accordingly, they must be re-deleted. Continuous removal, re-loading, this is an excess load on the processor and increased energy consumption.

therefore the greatest effect in modern phones To clean the memory and improve work can be achieved using cartridge programs. They are comprehensively suitable for this procedure. And Tax killers have already gone into the background.

Conclusions. Modern phones do not need to manually manage the RAM (Task Killer). The Android system itself will correctly decide. Most effectively clean your phone from not necessary programs With the help of specialized.

Many users are convinced of the need to install on their device of various kinds of applications such as Task Killer, as they believe that with their help, the management of the background tasks in becomes more efficient.

However, it does not yet imply achieve a higher productivity and an increase in battery life.

Android running applications

In reality, many for manual or automatic completion of processes can just on the contrary, reduce system performance and lead to a faster battery discharge. In fact, they are completely useless, in addition, Android itself copes well with the memory distribution and does not need such utilities.

We assume that most Android users are well familiar with the Windows operating system. It is also known that several simultaneously running applications including those that hang in the system tray, one way or another, consume a certain amount of RAM.

If they are running into too many or themselves, they are resource-intensive, it leads to a tangible slowdown in the computer. Consequently, the completion of one or more programs will release a part of the memory and speed up the speed of the computer

Android Application Management

Android operating system is somewhat different. There are simply no obvious tools for closing applications, there is no red button with a cross and this is not at all omission from Android developers. If you return to either run another program, the open application does not close, but continues to work in the background.

Contrary to popular belief, most of the Android applications in the background, no system resources are consumed, since they simply are not given control. They hang in the cache of processes is not easy, but with a certain goal.

Why don't task killers need?

When you return to the application, the operating system quickly resumes its work and with the place where it was suspended. If Task Killer, this application will be forcibly closed, then at the next launch it will start its work not from the place where it was stopped, and from the very beginning, that is, with all initialization and other things, which in general, just lead to enhanced resource consumption and discharge battery.

And only a relatively small part of programs, for example, or loaders, working in the background, continue to consume memory resources.

By the way, these Task Killers themselves relate to the category of the same applications. Being in active processes and continuing to "eat" RAM, they completes the work of programs in background processesThat actually do not consume anything and the battery is not sick! Funny, isn't it?

Supporters of using Task Killer object, they say, Android uses a lot of RAM. Yes, it is partly so, but on the other hand, it allows you to quickly switch between applications without re-initializing and unpacking resources.

Android is not so stupid as it can seem someone. If he needs more memory he himself, automatically closes unused applications and, and it will make it very correctly and no killers for this do not need it.

When Task Killers can help

The only advantage of Task Killer and the utility similar to it is that they allow the user to complete the processes when it needs. But once again we repeat, there is no special need for this.

Killers of processes and other things like him are not just useless, moreover, they can reduce productivity. The reasons for this we have already described - this is re-initialization, and unpacking resources and other accompanying operations. In addition, there are such applications that, after the forced completion, Task Killer is restarted automatically.

The state of memory does not have any influence on the charge flow rate, whether it is filled with zeros or units, the number of energy consumed as it was and will remain on the same level.

But really ask you, everything is so hopeless and Task Killer is completely nothing for nothing? Why? You can find applying this thing.

For example, using it to complete the hanging applications or "unnecessary" programs that actually use the resources of the device. But whether it will not be much easier to remove an unnecessary or incorrectly working application than to resort to the help of such dubious tools like Task Killer.


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