What programs are needed to design houses. Free programs for creating drawings

What programs are needed to design houses. Free programs for creating drawings

Every person is inherent in the desire to live in a cozy and comfortable home. With the help of a special program DOM 3D, anyone can easily create the interior of his dream. On our site you are given the opportunity of the 3D House download, and also familiarize yourself with all the possibilities, advantages and advantages of this program.

Brief information about the program house 3D

The developer of this program is the company of the same name that was able to create a multifunctional and user-friendly product available to various categories of users. Thanks to an intuitive interface, convenience of use, as well as a wide range of features and capabilities, this program will appreciate the novice amateurs designers who make their very first steps in the design of residential interiors.

The program is able to work perfectly on any computer devices where Windows XP, Vista operating system is installed, as well as Windows 7 or 8. This application is not very demanding for system resources, so it functions without problems even on old computers that differ in minor power. For others popular operating systems To date, the versions of this program are not provided.

The main functions of the program are the three-dimensional visualization of houses and apartments, the design of all sorts of furniture, three-dimensional design of a variety of interior parts. Developers are constantly working to expand the functionality of their program, given the wishes and suggestions of active users.

Main features and program opportunities House 3D

A significant advantage of the program is its distribution on free basedIn connection with which it is available absolutely to everyone. If you are interested in downloading a 3D house program in Russian, then you can do it at any time right on our site.

The interface of this application is very simple and intuitive, so that even unprepared users will be able to quickly master it.

This program perfectly copes with such tasks as:

  • comprehensive modeling of residential buildings;
  • design of individual furniture and other items;
  • creating interior design of residential premises;
  • high-quality three-dimensional design of a variety of details.

An important feature of the program is the presence of a built-in architectural module designed specifically for the construction of the walls of the future house, its roofs, realistic door and window structures, stairs of various types, openings, as well as many other elements that play a very important role in the arrangement of a holistic space.

With special convenient features, any user can design a variety of cabinet furniture without problems, as well as lay wall and floor tiles in various virtual dwellings. Also, this program allows in its created projects to use a variety of color schemes, experiment with textures and textures in order to find the most suitable option as a result.

According to the developers, compared to some other free programs and applications designed to model houses and designing interior - in particular, Sweet Home and Google Sketchup - the 3D House program offers users a much larger number of useful features and opportunities for creativity. To expand the functionality of this simple and available software, a very extensive catalog is provided, which presents a variety of products - a variety of items of cabinet and upholstered furniture, as well as additional accessories. They can be added to the interior created.

Benefits Version 3D House 3.1

Developers strongly recommend using only the latest version of this software. This is due to the fact that in previous editions there is no support for the new file format. Today, it is version 3.1 - compared to its predecessors, it has become even more improved and functional.

The latest version of the program house 3D download you at any time can directly from our site. She will please you with your new useful features, among which:

  • convenient manager of facades;
  • third-type lug-type with editing function;
  • the possibility of using fences, railing and other elements;
  • screw stairs.

In addition, some general improvements have appeared here - for example, the ability to edit door and window designs and changes in their size on the screen, new additional materials for laying floors and ceilings, additional light sources, as well as some other elements.

What is needed by the program 3D House

Creating cozy and comfortable home interiors is a very interesting and fascinating occupation, and with the help of correctly selected software it will become very easy.

If you wish to try your hand in design art and develop your own interior project for your home or apartment, all you need is this editor.

Everyone will be able to successfully use this software, since it is absolutely no specific knowledge, skills or certain experience in this field for work. Even the developers themselves position 3D house as software For beginners and lovers, but not for professional interior designers. Rating 3.98 72

Everyone who plans to build their own home, thinks about drawing up a project. It's nice to feel like an architect and try your hand, creating a visual plan of the future at home. Well, there are programs for designing houses, and you can choose free versions.

Sketchup Make

This program is intended to create relatively simple three-dimensional objects, allows not easy to make a project of the house itself, but also work with interior design, placement of furniture. It has belonged to Sketchup Make Google, there is also a paid version of Sketchup Pro, but we will talk about programs that can be used for free.

Users noted that SketchUp is a simple program, there is a built-in crack, designed for newcomers in the 3D modeling area.

In addition to creating and editing 3D projects, the program allows you to work with landscape design, interiors, engage in virtual archeology, that is, model disappeared buildings, master engineering design. Reference information is a lot, Sketchup has simple graphics tools, such as "eraser", "brush" and others, can convert the created projects into various graphic formats.

Another plus Sketchup is the ability to create building materials spending statistics. Designs are designed with an accuracy of a millimeter. With 2D drawings, the program does not work.

Another program for 3D-modeling buildings you can enjoy free. You can make a detailed two-dimensional plan, which is then converted into a three-dimensional model. The program allows you to work with the interiors, quite simple, you can change the modes of viewing the finished project from the transparent frame to the location of the building among the landscape. The finished project is easy to print and save in various formats. ENVISIONEER EXPRESS is less popular than Sketchup, but in general has a fairly wide functionality.


This is a Russian development, there is a free version not for commercial use. Nanocad has a rather wide potential - the program allows you to work with various drawings and even allows you to form a complete package of documents that are included in the construction project. Files that persist in Nanocad are compatible with other AutoCAD applications.

Home Plan Pr.

Free program for creating a house plan that supports BMP, GIF, JPG formats. It has a fairly simple interface, it can work with color palettes, different levels and layers, is distinguished by a large number of finished structures, such as windows, doorways, furnishing items. A ready-made plan of the Home Plan Pro can be printed in several projections. It is intended for beginners, and not professionals in the field of architecture.

A program with a variety of functions that allow you to experiment with three-dimensional images of buildings, landscape and interiors. It is noteworthy that professional designers often work with Floorplan 3D, which speaks of its high functionality and advantages. Information is automatically created not only about the number, but also the cost of materials, the levels and floors are designed, texts, roofs, windows and stairs are added, the library is very extensive. There are several versions. It works with such effects like snow and rain, sketch can be viewed at any angle, and the design can be designed to the smallest details.

This program can be called conditionally free - you can use only 30 days from the installation, after, if there is a desire, you should buy a license. Cybermotion 3D-Designer 13 allows you to create three-dimensional models, animation, read rendering. The program is used far from only to create projects and house design, you can simply engage in animation, making your characters.

Among the more specialized programs, you can mark Sweet Home 3D, created specifically for modeling interior design, as well as Lira-CAD 2013, designed to calculate the load on building structures.

Most of all positive feedback on the network about the Sketchup program, as a software product, the most adapted for use by newbies.

Did you decide to build your own home? The process is long and complicated, but the game is definitely worth the candle. Where to begin? Of course, with the creation of a layout. This service today offers hundreds of specialized firms throughout Russia. Their services are not suiced. For the project can request up to 20 thousand rubles. But the design of the house, if you turn on the head, the thing is simple. There are some points to which you need to pay close attention. It is possible to design a house on your own on your computer using online and offline programs. Some of them offer free use, others work only after payment. What to choose, and in general, where to start?

Before making a housing plan on a computer, you need to decide how you imagine it:

  • how many floors in the structure;
  • whether the basement will be;
  • what should be the roof;
  • how many rooms;
  • whether the bathroom is needed on the second and subsequent floors of the house;
  • will there be a room or attic under the roof;
  • is the garage in the building provided.

You need to immediately estimate the area of \u200b\u200bthe house on the basis of the number of tenants.

Important: According to modern house-building standards, at least 12 square meters of living space should be allocated (one can and more, the main thing is not less). Only in this case in the house will be comfortable and cozy to each family member.

Design and build a house so that it has a place for each family member. Proceed from the requirement - 12 square meters per person

It is also necessary to carry out gearview of the area: from the nature of the soil to the level of groundwater. This can be clarified in the city administration or village where you intend to build your own home. Why do you need such data? To properly lay the foundation. He, depending on the earth, maybe:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • tiled (slot);
  • columns;
  • pile;
  • step.

The basement in the house - the decision is not always reasonable. If the groundwater level is too high, then the arrangement of the basement will fly into a penny - too much means will go to waterproofing. If the basement is needed to store economic utensils, ordering and other things, just create one room in the house without windows and make it unheated.

When designing a house, keep in mind that the basement is convenient and practical, but expensive. Cheaper instead of basement to equip for such purposes one of the rooms of the building

Older: draw a pencil plan on paper

Creating a sketch with a pencil on a sheet of paper precedes a home design on a computer. The sketch is only a sketch, an exemplary plan, no more. Why is it so important to start with a simple layout:

  • to understand what exactly you want from the future at home;
  • if necessary, you can add or remove a room or a whole floor;
  • to imagine how the structure will be located on the site relative to other objects;
  • determine how many windows and doors will be in the house;
  • provide if necessary, place for the furnace;
  • decide how the construction will be heated.

The plan of the house on paper before designing on a computer will help to understand: what should be the structure, whether all the rooms are needed, where the doors and windows will stand

Draw on paper outdoor and inner homes. When drawing up an internal project of the building with their own hands, consider such moments:

  • the first floor should include a vestibule and hallway;
  • toilet, bathroom and kitchen should be located next to each other - it will simplify the wiring of communications;
  • well, if there is no passing room in the house - they are not too comfortable in operation;
  • on the first floor you need to provide storage room and dressing room - it is convenient to use;
  • immediately draw windows and doors;
  • on the second floor, the toilet and the bathroom is not always needed, but only if the area of \u200b\u200bthe building is more than 100 square meters, and the number of tenants is from 5 people or more;
  • if you design a 3D house yourself and are going to build it either yourself, stop at the duplex roof. It is easiest to build it, and under it you can make a attic;
  • take a rule: economic premises need to be located on the north side, and residential - with southern or east. In the afternoon through the windows, sunlight will fall, which heats the air indoors. This can be saved on heating;
  • immediately on the plan, specify the size of the house.

It is also important to draw the project of the house itself and indicate the materials from which the dwelling will be built.

On how to correctly perform drawing of the house on paper, look in the video:

Without communications - nowhere

Another important stage in the design of housing is engineering and technical calculation. This is a kind of plan where communications celebrate, without which it will be impossible to use the house:

  • heat supply system;
  • water supply and drainage pipes;
  • electricity of the net;
  • ventilation;
  • fire alarm.

Sometimes this list includes security alarms.

What is an engineering and technical plan - see below.

Best programs: How to make a drawing of a 3D house on a computer

To draw a house plan on your computer yourself, you will need a computer directly with Internet access and a special program. All 3D house designers can be divided into two types:

  • working only online;
  • allowing to draw a housing project offline.

Almost everyone modern programsthat make it possible to make a project of the building yourself, draw layouts in 3D. Such a system allows you to see the house from all sides in the "volume form".

Create a project at home in 3D on a computer can be per day. The program interface is simple and understandable, it is not difficult to figure it out.

Among the popular online programs for the design of the building are the following:

  • Planner 5D resource. Even experienced architects are used by this program. With its help, you can plan any dwelling - from the apartment to the country penthouse. No need to register or undergo training. Everything is so simple and it is clear that the child will cope. There are special templates that will reduce the time costs for independently drawing up the project of the house. With the help of Planner 5D, you can even develop your own interior design. However, many resource functions are paid. For the use of the program for a month will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Subtleties using Planner 5D:

  • the Rooms tab will help create build rooms in 3D mode. Immediately ask the Method of the walls, the height of the ceilings;
  • for the presence of windows, doors, stairs corresponds to the Construction tab;
  • the Interior button creates the design of the room;
  • using the EXTERIOR button, the yard is drawn in the yard;
  • the layout can be saved in the PC memory and print on paper.
  • The Housecreator designer helps 3D design to calculate. The use of the resource will tell the instruction that can be found on the designer website. Everything is simple and understandable, minus - a small number of options:
  • the "Wall" tab allows you to create the rooms of the desired size in 3D;
  • "Opera" is the installation of windows, doors, stairs;
  • "Roof" - for drawing the roof, respectively;
  • the project can be saved in PC memory and view offline.

Many options are available in free mode. But for the calculation will need to pay. To do this, send an application to site administrators. Decoration in Housecreator is not provided.

  • Planoplan is similar to the previous ones. Plus, it allows not easy to draw a project of a house on a PC, but also to "wander" on it using a special option. Planoplan allows you to take into account even the location of sockets and lighting devices in 3D mode.
  • Many architects and designers prefer homestyler. The resource laid real brands and furniture brands, building materials, so the program is considered as close as possible to reality.

Learn more about online resources that allow you to draw a plan at your own hands on your computer, you can from the video.

To draw a structure, you can download the program to the computer, to work which the Internet does not need:

  • the AUTODESK resource is paid (about 500 rubles per month). Uploading it to be allowed to use students and teachers construction Universities. Autodesk is a professional tool. With it, you can even design a car! To use the program you need to download from the official site. Development with a limited number of functions is available for free. Tools allow you to choose not only construction materials, but also the nature of the area, the relief, the state of the soil.
  • SolidWorks is considered complicated, but the most professional program. You can figure it out if you wish anyone. To help - video tutorials and e-books.
  • Sketchup - a very cool resource for those who dream, without exaggeration, about their own city! The program allows you to create your own municipality, not to mention the building in 3D.

Here are only the basic programs for drawing projects of a private building with their own hands on the PC.

Useful little things

It is possible to make a plan on the house itself, but according to the resulting result, you should not immediately begin construction.

It would be nice, before designing the house itself, learn all about the norms and rules for the construction of residential buildings. Read about it.

When designing even little houseFollow the basic rules and requirements. Otherwise, the building can not be operated and even to build

After drawing up a project of the house on the computer print it and take the architect. If there are no such specialists among your friends and relatives, you have a direct road to the BTI - a technical inventory bureau. Take the layout there. Employees of the department will appreciate your drawing and give (or will not give) a construction permit.

Start drawing a project home on your computer yourself, when the engineering and technical layout and pencil sketch on paper are ready.

Remember, the project creation must meet the following principles:

  • the plan of the house should be simple. If you want to build an original and unique building with many floors, balconies and other complex architectural elements, contact professionals for help;
  • the project of the structure must meet the requirements of aesthetics and morality;
  • before designing the house on your own on your computer, decide on the foundation. Electronic platforms do not provide.

Even before the design of the house, decide on the foundation of the building. The base will give the structure strength and reliability


Do you intend to independently create a project of the building? Nothing is impossible. Be sure to get acquainted with building construction standards, construction rules. This will facilitate your work in the future.

It is convenient to use offline program to draw your home. You can safely work with them, even if the Internet suddenly "hangs" or turns off. However, online resources are considered more complete and more modern, more functions in them.

Everyone who plans to build their own home, thinks about drawing up a project. It's nice to feel like an architect and try your hand, creating a visual plan of the future at home. Well, there are programs for designing houses, and you can choose free versions.

Sketchup Make

This program is intended to create relatively simple three-dimensional objects, allows not easy to make a project of the house itself, but also work with interior design, placement of furniture. It has belonged to Sketchup Make Google, there is also a paid version of Sketchup Pro, but we will talk about programs that can be used for free.

Users noted that SketchUp is a simple program, there is a built-in crack, designed for newcomers in the 3D modeling area.

In addition to creating and editing 3D projects, the program allows you to work with landscape design, interiors, engage in virtual archeology, that is, model disappeared buildings, master engineering design. Reference information is a lot, Sketchup has simple graphics tools, such as "eraser", "brush" and others, can convert the created projects into various graphic formats.

Another plus Sketchup is the ability to create building materials spending statistics. Designs are designed with an accuracy of a millimeter. With 2D drawings, the program does not work.

Another program for 3D-modeling buildings you can enjoy free. You can make a detailed two-dimensional plan, which is then converted into a three-dimensional model. The program allows you to work with the interiors, quite simple, you can change the modes of viewing the finished project from the transparent frame to the location of the building among the landscape. The finished project is easy to print and save in various formats. ENVISIONEER EXPRESS is less popular than Sketchup, but in general has a fairly wide functionality.


This is a Russian development, there is a free version not for commercial use. Nanocad has a rather wide potential - the program allows you to work with various drawings and even allows you to form a complete package of documents that are included in the construction project. Files that persist in Nanocad are compatible with other AutoCAD applications.

Home Plan Pr.

Free program for creating a house plan that supports BMP, GIF, JPG formats. It has a fairly simple interface, it can work with color palettes, different levels and layers, is distinguished by a large number of finished structures, such as windows, doorways, furnishing items. A ready-made plan of the Home Plan Pro can be printed in several projections. It is intended for beginners, and not professionals in the field of architecture.

A program with a variety of functions that allow you to experiment with three-dimensional images of buildings, landscape and interiors. It is noteworthy that professional designers often work with Floorplan 3D, which speaks of its high functionality and advantages. Information is automatically created not only about the number, but also the cost of materials, the levels and floors are designed, texts, roofs, windows and stairs are added, the library is very extensive. There are several versions. It works with such effects like snow and rain, sketch can be viewed at any angle, and the design can be designed to the smallest details.

This program can be called conditionally free - you can use only 30 days from the installation, after, if there is a desire, you should buy a license. Cybermotion 3D-Designer 13 allows you to create three-dimensional models, animation, read rendering. The program is used far from only to create projects and house design, you can simply engage in animation, making your characters.

Among the more specialized programs, you can mark Sweet Home 3D, created specifically for modeling interior design, as well as Lira-CAD 2013, designed to calculate the load on building structures.

Most of all positive feedback on the network about the Sketchup program, as a software product, the most adapted for use by newbies.

There are several free programs for the design of houses. But first of all, expensive and complex counterparts are known. Have you ever tried to work in? Only a description of the possibilities of this program takes more than 1000 sheets of printed text. Mastering such a program without special courses is very difficult. There will have to study a number of specialized terms. Such programs are appropriate to use only in design institutions.

But all the same way to every person, beginning construction or redevelopment of its own housing, has to face the problem of visualizing existing ideas. If you have zeal and at least small computer skills, you can easily solve this problem using special simpler homes design programs (many of which are free or conditionally free).

Google Sketchup is a software designed to simulate simple three-dimensional objects (furniture, buildings, interiors). It has a huge amount of advantages that makes it easier and comfortable.

Working window of one of the most popular programs for the design of Google Sketchup houses

The main feature of the program can be considered almost complete absence of windows with preliminary settings. That is, each geometrical characteristic is set using the keyboard in the Value Control Box field (parameter control field), located in the lower right corner of the working area, next to the inscription MEASUREMENTS.

Another important feature is the presence of a Push / Pull tool, thanks to which any plane can be "put forward" to the side, thereby creating additional side walls as it moves. With the special tool, the Follow ME plane can be moved along a previously specified curve.

Fundamentals of the design and layout of the house in the Google Sketchup program you can see in this video.

In addition, such programs for the design of houses have a number of following functions:

  1. The ability to prepare macros in Ruby language with their further output from the menu. Macros allow you to automate the implementation of actions that you have to repeat. It also provides the use of a variety of other macros developed by other users of the program.
  2. Support for various plug-ins for visualization, export and creating physical objects (movement, rotation, interaction of created objects with each other, etc.)
  3. Tools that allow you to view models in the context, as well as add tuning models containing the designations of visible dimensions in the style of drawings.
  4. Support for creating model elements that can be used and edited an unlimited number of times (the changes created in the element used will affect all places of its use).
  5. Ability to work with layers.
  6. Ability to prepare cross sections of objects.
  7. Library of models, styles of the workspace and materials, which can later be downloaded to the Internet or complement with its elements.
  8. The ability to use scenes that includes the position of the camera and the drawing mode, as well as the ability to animate transitions from one scene to another.
  9. The ability to create various dynamic objects (for example, the opening of the door of the cabinet to click the pointer).
  10. The ability to create models of actually existing buildings or items:
  11. Indication of existing physical sizes (in inches or meters),
  12. The possibility of installing geographically correct shadows in full compliance with the given long time, latter, the time of the year and day,
  13. Ability to view the model from the "first person",
  14. The ability to integrate from Google Earth,
  15. The ability to add to the Earth's surface model used and adjust its shape.

Read also

Simple projects of houses

SketchUp projects are saved in * .skp format files. In addition, there is support for importing and exporting some formats of three-dimensional and two-dimensional raster graphics (* .ddf; * .bmp, * .3ds, * .psd, * .jpg, * .dwg, * .obj, * .png).

Importing raster images has a number of features, such as an insertion of a particular image as a texture or some specific object, as well as the basis for recreating a three-dimensional object by photography. Exports in * .jpg format can be performed as a picture from the working area of \u200b\u200bthe application window.

In addition, many plug-ins can be installed in the programs for modeling houses, thanks to which it will be exported in * .Dae, * .mxs, * .b3d, * .atl formats, etc. Further editing of exported files in existing applications can be carried out without any restrictions.

Envisioneer Express

Envisioneer Express is a software designed to develop three-dimensional models of houses and apartments. Thanks to this application, you can first prepare a two-dimensional structure of the structure, including walls, windows, doors, roofs and stairs, after which it is converted to a high-quality three-dimensional model. Then, when 3D rendering is completed, the house can be viewed from different height and angles, as well as change the viewing mode from the transparent frame to the photorealistic view. In addition to the "construction" walls, there is the possibility of aligning various elements of the internal design of the room.


Also available is the possibility of changing the appearance of the used building materials. The finished project of the house, if desired, can be saved in the "native" format of the program, which in the future can be opened by some other applications for 3D design.

Home Plan Pr.

The HOME Plan Pro program is another remarkable tool that helps in matters. Its base includes a very impressive number of windows, doors, various accessories, etc. If necessary, a finished project can be printed and sent by fax or e-mail (for which the built-in program functions are used). The program supports multi-layered, various metric systems, a huge number of standard figures. The finished plan can be saved in various formats.

HOME PLAN PRO program has a fairly large set of working windows and functions.

Cybermotion 3D-Designer 13.0

Cybermotion 3D-Designer 13.0 is a program intended for professional modeling, 3D rendering - models and animation creation. The peculiarity of this program is in a huge number of all kinds of tips and templates, with which the room can simulate and place the furniture can even be new to it. Preparation of three-dimensional images are performed using the drawings. After creating three drawings (top view, front and side), you can get a ready-made three-dimensional object.

The Cyber \u200b\u200bMotion 3D Designer program has a lot of prompts and templates, which will especially help beginners.

The convenient user interface of the Cybermotion 3D-Designer program and a huge number of tools help work not only with modeling of apartments, but also with modeling of any other objects and high-quality animation.


House-3D is one of the free software for designing houses, apartments and interior. This program is used to create three-dimensional visualization of the interior and houses, design of furniture, modeling of houses, interior design, as well as three-dimensional design of all sorts of parts. The scope of the program and its functionality is constantly expanding.

Floorplan 3D

Floorplan 3D is one of the most reliable and comfortable redevelopment tools at home, apartment design, office reconstruction. Excellent graphics and easy-to-use tools provide huge opportunities to work with the design in an interactive three-dimensional environment.


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