What you need to do to get into the MHL. How to open your hockey club

What you need to do to get into the MHL. How to open your hockey club

* The calculations use average data in Russia

In world practice, hockey calls a whole family of team games, a distinctive feature of which is the use of clubs, with which the ball or washer should hit the opponent's gate. Three varieties of these games were the greatest distribution: hockey with a washer, on the grass and with the ball. In many countries around the world, the game on ice with a washer, which is called just hockey in everyday life.

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In Russia, this game is extremely inferior in popularity even football, and the merit of the team here is much higher than in football competitions. Many novice athletes choose hockey as a sport that they want to do all their lives, and in connection with this, the demand for learning hockey is large enough. But, on the other hand, the organization of the game in hockey is much more complicated than all the same football, in connection with which there are a small number of sections in many relatively large settlements in which this difficult game is engaged. It has its own club and not at all every big settlement. In this regard, even a novice club who scored a team of talented athletes and competent organizing and academic work can become popular.

The opening of his sports club can be carried out on the basis of a non-profit or commercial organization. As you can guess if the organizers of the club are their goal of making profit, then their association must be as a subject of entrepreneurship. If the club is formed, as they say, on the social basis for the sake of sports and development, the association of citizens may form their NPOs, which will become a hockey club. In general, the registration procedure is similar and in the other case, only subsequently the commercial club will act as a separate person of entrepreneurship, and non-commercial will more cooperate with state structures and have the right to participate in state subsidies. In the future, registration of the commercial club will be considered in more detail.

In order to register your hockey club, you need to choose a limited liability company, that is, this should be a legal entity in any case. The very name of the club itself, under which he will perform at competitions, can be different, different from the name of the organization, but from a legal point of view, all responsibility lies on LLC. But this form of entrepreneurship can take advantage of a simplified taxation system and pay 6% (from its income) or 15% (from operating profit) in favor of the state. Time registration will take about one month, and will require about 20 thousand rubles from the organizer to pay for state duty and other minor costs. The code of activity of the club is (OKPD 2) 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs, but also (OKPD 2) 93.19 Sports services should be indicated for full-fledged work.

After the registration is completed, it is serious to think about registration at the local hockey association, without this club can not be called full, because it will not participate in competitions (in any case, in official), and about some serious development then and speech to go can not. But at first, while only the formation of your business, a set of students and the search for promising players, with the appeal to the association, can be closed, but do not postpone the commercial. After all, even in the eyes of new athletes, the club without the possibility of participating on serious competitions and not taken into account among professional players is considered a simple sports section that does not claim something more. In each region, each association may have their own conditions for participants, and to get into this group will have to meet certain conditions that will be called upon the first appeal to this organization.

The next step in the formation of your hockey club is to search for your own premises. With lack moneyThe platform can be rented from a stronger club or simply in a sports complex where the ice rink under hockey is certainly equipped. Difficulties with this may arise in small cities, because there is rarely engaged in creating such arenas. You can solve this question only with your own own - having equipped it yourself, but in this case you will have to redeem the corresponding room and spend in it repair workAnd it will no longer be one million rubles. If you are lucky, you can find a sports complex, which will provide the room in the long-term rent, perhaps even with the right of redemption, and then it will be possible without the cost of building a structure to build your ice arena. However, its arrangement cannot be called low-cost.

In order to yearnogodically have an ice arena at the disposal, you need to organize an artificial rink. Currently, this is not a problem, there would be money, and the rink is organized in closed (and even perfectly heated) premises, because the low temperature is supported by special installations only directly at the surface of the site. To have an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of the site, it is worth contacting the world and Russian standards. Thus, the largest competitions are carried out on the arons of 61x26 meters, this is the NHL standard; In Russia, you can often find sites on the standard of the International Hockey Federation with a washer - 61x29 meters. This, of course, is not a football field, but the size is impressive. Entrepreneur - costs.

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The premises itself should be significantly more, because it is also necessary to equip viewers, fenced with special sides and glass, find a place for the cabin commentator (from which everything should be visible to the whole field), as well as allocate rooms for changing rooms, shower and administrative premises, and Also, technical rooms for the placement of refrigeration equipment and equipment, the resource player first. This is an ice combine that updates the field and supports it in properly, it is allocated for it with a constant temperature of at least 1 degree Celsius, otherwise the water will go in it, and break through the feed pipes.

A system of tubes with a refrigerant is put on a specially equipped floor, which is connected to a refrigeration unit in another room. Sometimes it is replaced by special ICE mats, which are more convenient to operate, but somewhat more expensive. A special moisture insulation is applied to the pipes or mats, combined with thermal insulation, and the water is applied on top of all this design, which is constantly in solid form. Equipment costs Only maintaining the ice plot will be:

    Refrigeration unit - from 4.5 million rubles.

    Monoethylene glycol refrigerant - from 450 thousand rubles.

    System of tubes-mats Basics of rink - from 1.3 million rubles.

    Mainstroke Connecting a matte system to a refrigeration unit - from 450 thousand rubles.

In the water sometimes add a dye, which stains the field in perfectly white colorThis is done not only with aesthetic, but also from a practical point of view - it is better to see the players. Further step is the organization of sides and integrated protection of the hockey field, this required conditionSo that players in the process of enthusiastic game and the washer cannot be departed beyond its limits, which can be sent to the unprepared viewer. For this, a ready-made hockey box is purchased, the value of which is approximately 70 thousand rubles. For the above-mentioned size, the cost will be:

    Bore from waterproof plywood - 400 thousand rubles.

    Protective glass (more precisely, fiberglass) - 600 thousand rubles.

    Rabita grid around the perimeter - 200 thousand rubles.

The entire complex of works on the equipment can take on specialized companies. It is also worth mentioning about the synthetic coating instead of ice, the cost of which is about 4 thousand rubles per m 2, and in operation such a coating is much cheaper and easier, but it is not suitable for professional hockey - it is not necessary for the standards. To complete the arrangement of its field, you need to purchase a gate and apply markup on the field. In addition to the field, you need to buy washers and complete equipment for your future players: clubs, skates, sinks, helmets, wickers, shields, bibs, kragi, kapa, shorts, collars, sweaters, hammashi, and special options for goalkeepers and for them Also additionally bandages, blotters and traps. The cost of a complete set of form for one player begins approximately from 20 thousand rubles, but can be significantly higher depending on the quality of the equipment.

Hockey view - This is an event aimed at the selection selection of hockey players of the corresponding level of the team or club, the goal of any viewing for hockey player is to get into the team!

Hockey players are held annually by children's youthful and professional teams around the world. The task of the hockey player on viewing is to demonstrate to the coaches or breeders of the team of their best qualities in accordance with your role. The task of coaches and breeders on hockey viewing is to choose a short time among the number of applicants, a hockey player who will enhance the team.

When are watching hockey views?

Last Visitors in Hockey Clubs of Russia are held in early July to the end of August and from the end of April to mid-May. Also, in the case of a preliminary agreement of the player and a coach or agent and the leadership of the club, a hockey player can come to watch in the middle of the season. In this case, the athlete will have to train with the basic composition of the club.

The bulk of Russia's clubs is completed until July 5, that is, before this date, the coaches already know who will be in the team camp and who they can count on the season.

How are hockey views?

As a rule, view is a classic collection, which includes training for skating technique, shifting training, etc. Trainers try to use the viewing time to the maximum in order to look at new guys in the case. Also, in the viewing period, viewers must hold.

Last Visitors in the MHL teams, sometimes pass on the principle of tournaments, within 3 days all the applicants play bilateral games on which, the best players fall into the summer camp of the MHL Club or Yukhl, which will further give them the opportunity to pass the selection to the main and sign a contract. The organizers of such tournaments are clubs or hockey agencies. Such events are very useful innovation, as it helps the parents of young athletes save money, the player does not need to fly to another city, he can show himself at once a few clubs and agencies.

How to get to watch in a hockey team?

In order to get to watch in the MHL-A, the MHL-B The player should have good statistics of performances in the Yukhl championship, since only the best players are moving from Junior to the youth hockey level. Often, many players and their parents start calling them to teams and ask to invite them to view, but they receive failures for various reasons. Often, this is due or with an incorrect selection of a team or with a revaluation of its level. The team may simply do not need your role players for the next season. This is not a reason to be upset, because if you decide to find a team without a mediator, then in a row of whether you have to agree on something from the first time.

If you are only at the beginning of your sports career and there is no MHL team in your club, most likely you have to resort to the help agent to find the team for the season.

List to hockey in America and Europe.

Last Visitors of hockey players in America and Europe are held on the principle of try-out (short-term viewing) or Showcase (exhibition games). In order to become a member of the American viewing you need to go to the team and see the dates of these events.

In case the player shows high level Preparations on such a collection, he will receive an invitation to the main camp - Main Camp, to which the main team will arrive. If the player meets the level, then it will be offered to sign a contract. Unlike Russian hockey players, juniors in the United States cannot receive remuneration (salary), but they will be provided with everything necessary in order to play and live in the territory of a foreign state.

The main problem is that you have no information about the number of legionnaires whom the club invited the next season. Often, situations occur when the club organizes a viewing exclusively for commercial purposes and management is aware that they have all the positions of legionnaires (in different leagues of the United States and Europe there are limit on the number of legionnaires).

Before you go for the view, you will definitely need to get as much information about the upcoming event and adequately assess your level, in order not to spend your time and do not stay without a team in the new season.

How to get to watch in a hockey team?

Here are some ways: 1. Call to a friend. If you play hockey for sure you have a few familiar older than you by age, which they play or played once in the MHL, ask their contact of the coach and ask to come to view.2. Tournaments. Recently, dozens of tournaments aimed at selection of hockey players are held in various clubs, sign up for one of these tournaments and try your strength, it will help to get an invitation to the club.3. Agent. If you do not have an idea to whom and where to call, in order to schedule watching a hockey team you need to contact the sports agency. The hockey agent will help you find the best option for the development of your career and take on negotiations with a team or professional club, it will allow the hockey player to concentrate on hockey as much as possible and do not think about domestic issues. Also, with the support of a qualified specialist, the hockey player will avoid errors when signing the contract.

How much is it worth viewing hockey?

The final cost of viewing can be different. If you eat on the commercial tournament to pass the view, then be prepared will pay food, accommodation and participation. If you are invited to the club to view, then most likely you will live with the rest of the team and you are not for sale to pay for food and accommodation, you can also compensate for transportation costs if you are from another city. Here everything is very subjective and depends on how much you are in demand in the club.

If you eat for viewing through the agent, then for this service the agency may charge you under the contract, if any. Usually, mutual settlements with the Agency are held after signing the Treaty in MHL or other League and the player pays agents percentage of the contract received (on average from 3 to 10 percent per year from the amount of the contract). Also, the cost of the service can be preliminary and may not depend on the final result.

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The head coach of MHC "Almaz" Evgeny Starovsky told how the selection goes to the team and what exams "I need to pass" to get into the members of the youth.

Now the MHL Championship is still. Who at the moment may be at viewing in the teams of MHL and in "Almaz" in particular?
- Everything happens, as in the KHL: pupils of hockey school come and they come those guys who have no contracts with their schools and clubs.

- How does the hockey players for the season go to the MHL?
- First, first call the agents and offer to see this player. Also sent to email Club resumes themselves hockey players. Secondly, if we were interested in the proposal, then we invite the guys to Cherepovets. Thirdly, we look at the player's player in training and make a decision, we want to work further with them, and they are with us or not.

- MHL is a hockey institute. If you continue the analogy - what competition in place?
- It is viewed to 60-70 people as a whole. As a rule, viewing contracts are signed - the first sieve somewhere 15-20%. A full-fledged contract signs 5-7%. In general, out of 60-70 people on watching, it remains somewhere 5 players in the team.

- And what exam should you pass to get into the team?
- When the school finish, they give up exams, and the student needs to dial a certain score. So here: we have to see that the applicant in the place in the composition rides that he has a certain technique of possession of the stick and the washer. And then, the hockey player should stand out and have something to notice something. They do not need to resist the MHL equal players, but the guys should show their individuality and their own character so that we all see it. As I say: "So that the eye clinches for the player."

The inhabitant of spring is associated with holidays in hockey. "Almaz" looks at the players and train. Are these exclusion from the rules?
- This is a generally accepted practice in MHL.

- Of all viewing, what percentage are our pupils?
- Unfortunately, in last years There are not very many pupils from our hockey school. By percentages I can not say for sure - every year in different ways. It all depends on the age that is produced.

- In your practice: Were there players who won their place in the composition at once on the spring fee?
- Those players who iron can get a contract already in the spring, as a rule, are in demand in their clubs. So it is a long process.

On April 30, contracts are terminated at MHL players. How many players from other clubs find himself on watching? How much coaching staff is counting on such hockey players?
- How to the main strengthen, we do not expect such players. In general, we expect more from the results of our work.
Young players come to the team, we work with them and try to make them good hockey players. This season, Vasily Belyaev came from Loko, but he did not delay it. Therefore, we are trying to take young hockey players and some of them make something to take an adult player from MHL. It is not quite logical in our conditions. Our most important task to grown players, bring them to VHL and KHL.

- Our youth is leaving to Izhstal. Is there a flow from their youth team to us?
- They have a movement only from MHL-B V AHL. And from the MHL-b to us, no one came from there.

- How wide is the geography of the guys who come to view?
- Whole country.

There is a player from an unknown school. How big is the chances of playing and whether there are guys who show themselves, but not the most visible schools?
- For example, Pavel Zhirnov. He is from the Chuvash Republic. The fact that you are not playing not in CSKA or Dynamo is not a sentence. Many guys are revealed on the release of the school.

The new head coach of Navy-Karelia is confident that the team can play much better and intends to prove it already next season. It would be nice because the past season was formed, to gently say, unsuccessful - the distant 25th place. About the causes of failure, plans for the future, coaching dreams, as well as how to get into the hockey elite, told the mentor "Sailors".

- Appointment by the sailor coach - is it for you career growth or is still a step back?
- Appointment by the head coach can never be a step back. In KHL, I worked as an assistant to the head coach, here is another specific work that allows you to improve coaching skills, grow as a coach.

- What are the basic tasks you put in front of yourself and before the team?
- First of all, to create a combat-ready team, which not only prepares promising players in the first team, and which will win, work out for the psychology of the winner. It is important that people engaged in their favorite work and delivered pleasure to their loved ones and fans.

- It is important for you to get at least the top ten teams of the highest hockey league?

- Well, of course, this is one of the most important tasks that we have to do. Initially, naturally, you need to get into the playoff zone, and if we are higher, it will be even better. We will try.

- The highest hockey league exists in order to prepare players for the KHL?
- This is a good check for young players. Some hockey players immediately fall into the KHL from the youth hockey league, but this happens rarely and only with the most talented players. And the guys who have skill slightly down, after the youth hockey league fall into the VHL and play with teams where there are already a lot of experienced players - for them it is a very good exam. You know how in education there is a school, college and university. VHL is one of the steps in the player's growth, because, even playing 2-3 years in VHL and not showing outstanding results, a hockey player can reveal for the fourth year, improve its skill and get a chance.

- Does someone from "sailors" there are chances of getting into the KHL?
"There are a lot of such guys, because they all played well in the youth hockey league, and then a very good hockey showed in the NHL. But this year there was some decline in the game of this team.

- And with what you, by the way, do you associate it?
"It's hard for me to say, because I was not there, just followed the results and talked with the head coach about the causes of what was happening. I think that many factors played their role - somewhere disciplines did not have enough players, probably many overestimated themselves, thinking that she was having trained with the first team - SKA - you can already walk on foot and do not prove anything here. In this team, many guys who, I think can play much better.

- What is your coaching dream?
- At this stage - create a good team that will win, show good hockey and good result For our fans.

- No, not today's goal, but the coaching dream in your life.

- Well, you know, in life ... however, hockey is really my life. Of course, this is a job in the KHL, the work by the head coach and, possibly, further promotion. You understand - both players and coaches always want to achieve something the most.

What do you think about the development of children's hockey here in such provinces? Is there a chance to create your team in Karelia, because mostly all concentrated somewhere in Kazan, Yaroslavl ...
- Well, why - there are strong schools and in small cities. Karelia - the region is very good and, of course, it is necessary to develop here children's sport, hockey, including. I think that it would be time for a hockey children's school to organize that not only players from St. Petersburg or still from somewhere, but also they grew up. This is a lot of work, but the result is more than worthy - enthusiastic children, healthy children.

In the hockey elite of thousands of players, dozens fall. When you see a children's hockey, see immediately who can become a champion, and who is not?
"Many say that even a small hockey player will be visible, he will play or not. It is really visible, there is a talent, gifted, but there is a lot of nuances in future life. The boy turns into a young man, new interests appear, new temptations and very difficult from a school school to reach KHL. This requires not only natural data, but also a lot of health. And throughout this path you need ... Well, you know how to put on the bushes, so that the person does a thing about, and not sprayed on some third-party things. Only for physical data and beautiful eyes in the KHL do not take - to get into the hockey elite, you need to work very seriously for many years.

- That is, talent and tremendous performance - this is the whole formula of success?
- And plus the heart, love for hockey, so as not to hockey for you, and you did something for hockey first.

Mikhail Komarov, coach of the youth team "Omsk Hawks" told "KP" about why MHL was created, called how young hockey players earned and explained how hard doctors are now watching the health of the players.

Mikhail Anatolyevich, why do you need all this idea with the creation of a new league?

MHL (youth hockey league. - approx. Aut.) Created in order to increase the level of youth hockey in Russia. The Russian national team wins the World Championship for the second year in a row. And both times were beaten by Canadians. But the youth team succes much more modest. In Canada, there is a whole system for preparing hockey players consisting of various leagues. As a result, the Canadian hockey player gradually becomes stronger in terms of skill. We have no such. MHL and created in order to gather in our country the best young players. With the creation of a new league, the faster boys will not need to play with already mature peasants, as it was before. Therefore, the commands will be approximately equal by strength. The age of the participants of MHL - from 17 to 21 years.

In some cases, it is allowed to perform 16-year-old hockey players. But for this they will need to undergo an additional medical examination and should be the resolution of parents.

In adult hockey, there are matches for which complete tribunes gather. For example, "Avangard" - Metallurg (Magnitogorsk) and others. Does Omsk Hawks have fundamental rivals?

Siberian derby will definitely be with the teams of Novokuznetsk and Novosibirsk. Ufa, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk "Tractor" - all this also our principled rivals. We are waiting for interesting games and Kazan.

What are your goals for this season?

The task is one - to strive only to the highest awards. We should be in the leaders - otherwise the point of participating? We have a combat team. Many guys have already played at the European and World Championships. So they already have a certain experience. The model of the game of our team is the same as the "avant-garde". Only our guys have more time to increase their skills before getting into the adult team.

Does your team players have a chance to become an adult avant-garde players?

With the main team, 10 people declared for "Omsk Hawks" are now trained. They went to the collection team in Germany and will now go to the tournament in Novosibirsk.

And who, in your opinion, is able to become a real hockey star in the future?

First of all, this goalkeeper Edward Raisi. He bribes his attitude. Persistently trains. Attacking Orlov, Timkin, defenders of Pivzakin, Kalashnikov. All of them, with properly, can become future stars not only "avant-garde", but also Russia.

Until now, the tragedy of last year is memorable when Alexey Cherepanov died. He was a real star. Can any of the young players in the near future become the same famous?

Such talented people like Lesha are born infrequently. They immediately become noticeable. Not only with your game, but also with love for the audience. People went to Lesha. Yes, there may be similar players, but such as Alexey will not be. He was distinguished from everyone in life, and on the site.

After that tragedy, it said a lot about the fact that young hockey players will follow the health of young hockey players. What has changed since then?

The attitude towards the health of young hockey players has become so stringent that sometimes you have to cancel workouts to lead the team to the dispensary or clinic for a survey. All the guys make an in-depth blood test. Doctors monitor the state of all internal organs. Now our whole team has passed the deepest medical examination. All our players are healthy and admitted to competitions. Also, in the course of the season, a selective examination of some hockey players will be held twice.

In our club, a specialist is now working, who will follow the condition of the heart of all players - both our and the main team.

Salary of young hockey players - 7 - 12 thousand rubles

Mikhail Anatolyevich, you have been working for many years in youth hockey. Is the current young players differ from those who have trained ten more years ago?

Differences, of course, big.

Modern youth has many temptations that can lead from hockey. Some think: why do you work, if you can sleep, play on the computer? Unfortunately, some guys throw training, although there could be big masters from them. Recently met one of these. A few years ago, he even played an adult team. But then threw the workout. Now here is renting motorcycles in one of the parks of the city. But those who remain in hockey live this game.

For example, I come to workout on the car, and several of my hockey players are on cars. Previously, there was no such thing. And this, on the contrary, is good. Our guys, unlike players from Western Russia, did not have fun hockey. They want to play and win, strive with hockey to get out of people. I will not say that it is more difficult to work with the current generation. Just now the coach requires more information about hockey players. And you need a slightly different approach.

If it's not a secret, how much young hockey players get on your team?

Salary low. From 7 to 12 thousand rubles per month. Depending on how important the player is for the team. We do not have the highest salary. In the same Kazan or Ufa pay more. But I did not hear complaints from my guys.

Often in your team, clashes happen? Still, all the guys are young, hot.

I believe, if no skirmish between our players did not happen during the month - it means that workouts are not quite right. Because if something does not work, the guys begin to find out the relationship. And it is necessary. They say that if two men have come up, and then they have risen, then this is a friendship for life. But, naturally, fights should not be every day and not for some ridiculous occasion, namely, because of hockey.

Last year, the scandal was remembered when several young hockey players took to serve in the army directly from the team. What is done so that your players do not find themselves in the barracks in the course of the season?

The MHL leadership promised to solve this problem at the government level. But we did not wait and defended the guys. All of them enrolled in full-time compartment at institutes. And have a legal delay.


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