Who is responsible for the child at school. Who is responsible for the security of children in school and kindergarten? About sport, you are peace

Who is responsible for the child at school. Who is responsible for the security of children in school and kindergarten? About Sport, you peace

We understand who is responsible for the life and health of children in kindergarten and school.

The mother of a four-year-old Egor Smirnov from kindergarten called only six hours after the state of emergency, when the left side of her child's head turned into a creepy bruise, the eye was swimming, the boy began to sick ...

It happened when the children were built in pairs and began to descend along the stairs, - Elena Smirnova's throat squeezes spasm when memories of what happened. - Nurse was absent, although accompanying children owe two adults. Egorka stuck and rolled down from the second floor down.

The teacher took the baby to the nurse, which "did not even find even scratch on the child," smeared with her bruise and sent for a walk. After the quiet hour, Egorch was very bad. Then the frightened teacher called Elena. The doctor never caused.

From the garden we went to a neurologist, "Mom says. - Egorka could not say anything, just stated to me, I was posted. The doctor said he was inhibited reactions. In the children's hospital. Speransky was diagnosed: "Partial memory loss, brain concussion, face injury, three teeth are very staggering." As soon as he hears the word "kindergarten", cries the sovereign: "Mom, do not throw me there!"

The head of the capital garden No. 2572, where everything happened, Tatiana Zhukov "punished the guilty" - made an educator and nurse "Strogach".

Of course, we are not removing guilt with yourself, "says Tatyana Sergeevna. - But there was no reason to dismissal, at that time the child felt normally, the pupils were normal, there were no vomit reflexes ...

Mom Egor considered such a punishment of too soft and filed a civil lawsuit with the requirement to compensate moral and material damage (the decision will result from day to day). And also wrote to us as a editors: they say, the child crippled, and this comes from his hands.

At the kindergarten to a bobbish mother offended: it was possible to deal with the situation "Human". Mommies from the parent committee Elena also do not approve - "Sorrow made from the hut." But as it were, they did in her place, they find it difficult to answer.

What the Law says

How should it really be? The law "On Education" (Article 32) said: "Educational institutions are responsible for the life and health of students, pupils and employees of the educational institution during the educational process." And Article 51-I clarifies: all the burden of responsibility is carried by officials - director, heads, educators and teachers. The first thing that the educator should make is to sign the paper about his full responsibility for the life and health of children in their group. Obligations are described in the job description.

The educator is responsible for the child from the moment the baby is transferred to him. As they say, from hand to hand, - tells the lawyer of the Higher Category Anna Vorozhinskaya. "But if Mom brought the child only to a gate of the garden, and then he went independently, then everything that could happen to him on this path will be on the conscience of the parent.

If the child came to the garden one, the teacher is obliged to report this to the head in writing, and in the evening, parents are signed under the document. In turn, he is obliged to also transfer the baby personally to the hands of his parents.

In the case when the educator is late for a long time, a nurse can remain with children, but it is responsible for the life and health of the wards. The head is given a note, which stipulates the time of the absence of an educator. During this period, the Director is responsible. If there is no such note, then the teacher and the head of the head will answer. According to the law, the teacher is responsible even for the diseases of the disease praised by children. But at the same time, by the same instructions, no one in the garden without the knowledge of the parents - nor the tutor nor the nurse - is not entitled to give children any medicines, even drip into the nose. This is the responsibility of the nurse, which should be in place all day.

From hand to hand

As for relatives, they can give them a child in the evening, only if the parents warned about it in advance. In some gardens, at the conclusion of a contract with parents, the Administration requires a list of persons who have the right to take the baby home. IN typical Agreementrecommended by MIN-ObroNauka, the following is written: "The parent undertakes to personally transfer and pick up the child from the educator, without an opposite child to persons who have not reached

16 years of age. " So, the brothers-sisters who came for the youngest, to give the child the educator is not right.

If parents do not have time to pick up a child before closing a kindergarten, the tutor does not have the right to put a child one to the street. Punishment for such trips is a serious administrative penalty, and that if nothing happened to the child. IN otherwise The case may end and criminal articles "negligence".

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Model Provision on an educational institution for preschool and junior children school age"It is said that the teacher is obliged to sit with the child until they come after him.

If you forgot about the kindergarten, then the teacher can even pick it up to his home.

Punishment for insuming

If the fault of the teacher or director in the death of a child or disability due to injury will be proved, they threaten art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - punishment from 2 to 5 years of imprisonment. If the child was injured, but without serious consequences, the punishment is a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles or corrective work up to a year. Parents of the affected child may require material compensation, for example for medicines. Most likely, the court will satisfy the requirements. Compensation for moral damage will remain at the discretion of the judge.

With my son of grade 1 students in school, injury happened. He got a brain injury, a hematoma and concussion of the brain as a result of a classmate's actions, who deliberately grabbed my son from behind behind his feet, applying the intake of the battle, why the son fell, hitting his forehead about the floor. Seeing swelling on the forehead, the class teacher advised the son to make hands cold water And apply them to forehead. The teacher did not appreciate the burden of injury, did not cause a doctor, did not report the incident of the school administration and parents. Honey! Kiy Cabinet on site educational institution Not available. Due to the non-fulfillment of the teacher and responsible for the safety of the UFA of their duties, the incident was known only after 3.5 hours after the occurrence. At my request, the watch caused an ambulance aid to school, and the child was delivered to the children's regional clinical hospital, where injuries were revealed. The teacher in his justification, wrote an explanatory note with discrepancies in the facts of what happened in the hope that the case would not be given. I turned to! Director of the school with a statement about and! NCIDENT. To understand my demands on the fact of the incident, the director said that you can complain "at least to court." He showed me disrespect, instead of worrying about the state of the health of his student. Of all, it was noticeable to the director's unwillingness to fix the fact of injury, which will lead to the deterioration of the image of the school, and cases of injuries are intentionally silent by the school administration. Can I attract to criminal! After the responsibility of a minor hooligan, the administrative responsibility of the teacher for not accepted operational measures to provide medical assistance to a minor, did not timely informed the onset administrator and attract school in the person of the director. If so, then by what items. Respect for you.


Hello, Elena Valerievna.

Public relations arising in the field of education in connection with the implementation of the right to education, providing state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education are regulated by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education" in Russian Federation».

In relation to the case under consideration, I believe that it is advisable to consider the issue of the responsibility of the educational institution for the life and health of the student (your child). According to paragraph 7 of Article 28. Federal Law "On education in the Russian Federation" the educational institution is responsible, including for the life and health of students.

That is, in this case you are entitled to demand from the educational institution compensation for damage (both moral and reimbursement of the cost of treatment of a child). At the same time, the parents of a child who hit your son is not responsible, because, according to Part 3 of Article 1073 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the juvenile citizen caused harm when he was temporarily under the supervision of the educational organization, medical organization or other organizations obliged to carry out supervision after him, or the person who supervises it on the basis of the contract, this organization is either responsible for the damage caused if it does not prove that harm does not have no fault in the supervision. Actually art. 28 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" and Article 1073 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and will serve as a basis for your claim for compensation for the educational institution of harm caused by your child's health. If the school refuses a voluntary order to fulfill your requirement, you have the right to apply to the appropriate statement in court.

Requirements to lawsuit And the list of documents attached to the lawsuage is provided for by Article. 1931,132 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

So far, no one has calculated, how much time is our children in the school walls. It is likely that much more than at home. Parents seem to have expressed themselves with the fact that by collecting a child to eight in the morning at the first lesson, they will see him again at best hours in seven or eight - such is the fee for the comprehension of modern sciences. But the main question: who is responsible for the schoolchildren at this time - remains. What if the trouble happened to the child at the time of his stay at school?

The story is the first. Innocent prank

After graduating from the lesson from the office on a change, 10-year-old Maxim sharply opened the door. At this time, on the corridor was the second-grader Katya. From hitting the girl dropped to the opposite wall. In the hospital put a concussion of the brain. For the desk she was able to sit only in two weeks.

Who is to blame in the incident, it is difficult to determine. It seems to be Maxim no malicious intent. The teachers are also difficult to reproach - they do not stick to each child. Nevertheless, Kati's parents appealed to the court, who ruled Maxim's parents to pay the affected side of $ 350.

History Second. Non-resident cruelty

Roma and Sergey on a change did not share a place at the computer, which was recently set in their office. Most classmates boys together with the teacher were still in the dining room. The harmless at first Potashka quickly turned into a fight. A minute later, schoolchildren were already riding on the floor. Sergey overturned the novel on his back and hit him in his chest. The crushed crunch was heard even who had fifth graders.

Roma held in bed fixed month before the doctors determined that, fortunately, he did not break the vertebra, and the crack in it. A boy returned to school only three months after the spring holidays, very quickly tired, began to learn it does not matter.

An investigation was conducted at school. Sergey even tested psychologists for excess aggressiveness. Odnoklassniki declared a boycott, the parents guilty did not recognize the sown, wringing everything to the children's prank. A month later, the boy came up again ...

The school administration sighed calmly, only when Sergei's family changed the apartment and moved to another area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

The third story. Criminal negligence

At the very beginning of the summer vacation, the class teacher led his children a weekly campaign. According to the existing instructions, the route was agreed with all instances, the teacher and children were instructed. Already after the tragedy, the teacher could not explain why the group deviated from the route. On the third day of the campaign, schoolchildren wanted to swim in the river - the depth of the teacher seemed small, and the bottom smooth. A 14-year-old girl who has fallen into the whirlpool failed.

A criminal case was initiated against the teacher, he fell to prison for many years.


For all in the answer teacher

School or any other educational institution is responsible for its students not only on its territory, but also on the road to it, if the transport was granted to an educational institution. And even if the child goes from school on foot on any instructions or asbit of the director or teacher. The head of school is obliged to immediately report the incident to the parents of a child who has learned.

Only five days is given to the investigation of any accident, and the school leader must provide members of the Special Commission all conditions for the investigation and even pay for expertise, photographing and the like. The teacher who has directly replied to the student who has fallen into the misfortune, to participate in the investigation is not entitled.

Times, when the school principal could go to prison, even if his school student got under the car during the summer vacation, already passed. But parents have the right to apply to court about any incident in which their child got. By the way, every accident investigating an accident is drawn up in three copies. One instance receive parents. One goes to the superior organization. The third is kept in school at least 20 years.

By the way, not only broken hands-legs, traffic accidents or physical overload are recognized as an accident. A schoolboy may suffer even because of neuropsychiatric overloads, which in our school are ever more often. (This topic will be devoted to a separate issue of "Pedsovet".)

Parents on a note

Since the full responsibility for the life and health of children in school is carrying teachers, parents have the right to make claims to them not only because of accidents.

The teacher is obliged to ensure that:

Anecdote in the topic

Little Johnny comes home: - Dad, we have such a school today that you will not have enough salary!

i can not find the responsibilities of the teacher ... In the law .. more than what time the teacher is responsible for the student .. and received the best answer

Answer from Lydia [Active]
familiarize yourself with the rules of the internal schedule of school in which you study, read the school charter, in these documents a lot of useful information

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: I can not find the responsibilities of the teacher ... In the law .. more than what time the teacher is responsible for the student ..

Answer from Genin joy[guru]
teacher in the answer for the student until the moment. While the lessons go. He left the school -svoboden.
but within the school, the teacher is obliged to follow the behavior of his student. It lies responsibility for his students's students.

On the teacher, as well as any other employee, disciplinary responsibility is entrusted. In accordance with the labor legislation, you can allocate general and special accomplishments of the teacher. General disciplinary responsibility is governed by labor law standards and in its content coincides with the responsibility of all employees, special - regulated by the norms of labor and educational legislation. The norms of legislation in the field of education envisageed that the teacher is responsible for the rude violation of the charter of the educational institution during the year; applications (even single) methods of upbringing and learning related to physical and (or) mental violence on the identity of the student; appearance at work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication; Inattention, admitted to the life and health of children during the lessons (classes), extracurricular and out-of-school events; incorrect behavior towards parents of students, colleagues; unworthy behavior at work, in everyday life; non-compliance with the requirements of labor protection and industrial sanitation, hygiene, fire and environmental safety.
Bibiograph of the Russian Federation "On Education", Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses

Efficiency of the Russian Federation

Answer from 2013 [guru]
Before the academic day.
We have a contract for the "guard" of children and to substitute the teacher of "parents" at the time of finding a child at school.

Answer from Elena Leontiev[guru]
Each teacher has a job description that is issued by the Director. The teacher is responsible for the student only during the educational process

Answer from old woman Shapoklyak[guru]
the teacher is in response while the student is located on the school.

Answer from Yaadkov Elena[guru]
original, of course, about the employer. It turns out if I was late for the work due to the fault that there is no transport, then I am not to blame?

1. Who is responsible for the child when he is at school?

1.1. Good evening!
The law "On Education" (Article 32) said: "Educational institutions are responsible for the life and health of students, pupils and employees of the educational institution during the educational process." And Article 51-I clarifies: all the burden of responsibility is carried by officials - director, heads, educators and teachers.

1.2. Dear Salaman G. Urus-Martan!
When the child is in the school, the responsibility for him is assigned to the school administration.

Sincerely Vladimir Nikolaevich
Ufa 03.11.2019

1.3. The school is responsible until the students are on the school.

See Art. 32 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

2. Who is responsible for the child when he is at school?

2.1. Hello, Victoria!

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article.32 of the Federal FZ of the Russian Federation "On Education"
The educational institution is borne in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation responsibility for:
- Life and health of students, pupils and employees of the educational institution during the educational process.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 1073 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
If the juvenile caused harm at the time when he was under the supervision of an educational, educational, medical or other institution, obliged to exercise supervision after him, or a person who supervised on the basis of the contract, This institution or person is responsible for harmIf it does not prove that harm does not have any fault in the supervision.
In case of injury or other damage to the health of a minor who has not reached fourteen years (young) and no earnings (income), an educational institution responsible for the damage caused, is obliged to compensate the costs caused by health damage (paragraph 1 of Article 1087 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, for a child during his stay at school the educational institution is responsible.

3. Who is responsible for the child while he is at school?

3.1. If we are talking about civil liability, as always, an educational institution, during his stay there.

4. Who is responsible for the safety of the child on the way to school and back.

4.1. Hello!

Legal representatives are responsible for the safety of the child - parents.

Successfully solve your problem with legal help.

You can contact a lawyer personally on the site by calling or writing a private message.

Good luck to you and all the best!

4.2. Hello, Elena! Responsibility for a child on the way to school and back the child's parents are carried, the school is responsible for the actual finding of the child at school.
Sincerely, Marina Sergeevna.

Question on the topic

Baby Talking some lessons at school. We, parents, learn about it from the e-diary. And the director says that we are poorly educating the child and that the school is not responsible for the child. But how so. After all, we think that he is at school. We ask why we are not reported about the absenteeism. And they say they are not responsible.

5. Who is responsible for damaging the personal belongings of the child when he is at school.

5.1. Hello. Parents of the child who spoiled these things, or the school administration, if things were spoiled in the protected school zone, for example, a jacket in the dressing room (wardrobe) is spoiled

6. Does the parent be responsible for the 17-year-old child's time in school?

6.1. The parent is responsible for his child of a minor, for everything, for the impossibility of the same, good luck to you in solving your issues. Sincerely, the lawyer Kolkovsky Yu. V.

6.2. Hello. Yes, of course carry.
Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", N 273-FZ | Art 44
4. Parents (legitimate representatives) minors are required:

1) to ensure the receipt of children general Education;

2) comply with the rules of the organization's internal regulations engaged in educational activities, the rules for living in boarding schools, the requirements of local regulations that establish the training regime, the procedure for regulating educational relations between the educational organization and training and (or) their parents (legal representatives) and design the emergence, suspension and termination of these relations;

3) Respect the honor and dignity of students and employees of the organization carrying out educational activities.

5. Other rights and obligations of parents (legal representatives) minors are established by this federal law, other federal laws, an agreement on education (if available).

6. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, parents (legal representatives) of minor students are responsible provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Is it possible to refuse, from the voice of the school responsibility for the child.

7.1. Is it possible to refuse, from the liability of the school responsibility for the child. Such responsibility occurs by the law.

8. Baby Boy Walking some lessons at school. We, parents, learn about it from the e-diary. And the director says that we are poorly educating the child and that the school is not responsible for the child. But how so. After all, we think that he is at school. We ask why we are not reported about the absenteeism. And they say they are not responsible.

8.1. Good day!

Well, what is not responsible? Very interesting, and this is for whom the law is provided? Highlighted in black font.

"" Article 51. Legal status of the head of the educational organization. President of the educational organization higher education

""one. Head of the educational organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the educational organization:
1) is elected by the General Assembly, the conference of employees (general meeting, conference of employees and students) of the educational organization, with the subsequent approval by the founder of the educational organization;
"2) is appointed by the founder of the educational organization;
3) is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation in cases established by federal laws;
4) appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation (for the rectors of federal universities).
2. Candidates for the position of the head of the educational organization should have a higher education and comply with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification "reference books", according to the relevant posts of educational organizations and (or) professional standards.
"" 3. It is prohibited to occupy the position of the head of the educational organization by persons who are not allowed for pedagogical activities on the grounds established by labor legislation.
""four. Candidates for the position of head of the state or municipal educational organization and its head (with the exception of the managers specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part 1 of this article) undergo compulsory certification. "Order" and the deadlines for the certification of candidates for the position of the head and head of the state or municipal educational organization are established by the founders of these educational organizations. In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, candidates for the position of the head of the Federal State Educational Organization are also agreed with the Federal State Commissioner of the Russian Federation.
ConsultantPlus: Note.
From 01.07.2020 h. 5 tbsp. 51 sets out in a new edition (FZ dated 02.12.2019 N 403-FZ).
""five. The official responsibilities of the head of the state or municipal educational organization, a branch of a state or municipal educational organization cannot be ordered part-time.
6. The rights and obligations of the head of the educational organization, its competence in the management of the educational organization are determined in accordance with the legislation on the formation and charter of the educational organization.
"" 7. Heads of educational organizations are provided in "ORDER", established by the Government of the Russian Federation, law, social guarantees and social support measures, provided for for pedagogical workers, paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 5 and part 8 of Article 47 of this Federal Law.
""8. The head of the educational organization is responsible for the leadership of educational, scientific, educational work and organizational and economic activities of the educational organization.[i]
9. Features of the replacement of posts, appointments for the posts and status of the head of the Federal State Educational Organization, carrying out training in the interests of the defense and security of the state, ensuring the legality and law enforcement, are determined in the manner prescribed by federal laws.
10. Features of election, appointment and status of the head of a private educational organization are determined in the charter of a private educational organization in accordance with labor law.
""eleven. In the educational organization of higher education by decision of its scientific council may establish the position of president of the educational organization of higher education.
""12. The combination of the posts of rector and the president of the educational organization of higher education is not allowed.
13. The procedure for election of the president of the educational organization of higher education and its powers are determined by the charter of the educational organization of higher education.
""fourteen. After the election of the president of the state or municipal educational organization of higher education between him and the founder of this educational organization is a labor contract for up to five years. The termination of the employment contract with the President of the State or Municipal Educational Organization of Higher Education is carried out on the grounds established by labor "legislation", including on the basis of termination of an employment contract with the head of this educational organization.

Federal Law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (ed. Dated 02.12.2019) "On Education in the Russian Federation" (with amended and add., Introductionful from 12/13/2019)
"" Article 28. Competence, rights, obligations and responsibility of the educational organization

""one. The educational organization has autonomy under which it means independence in the implementation of educational, scientific, administrative, financial and economic activities, the development and adoption of local regulations in accordance with this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the educational organization.
"" 2. Educational organizations are free in determining the content of education, the choice of educational and methodological support, educational technologies on the educational programs implemented by them.
"" 3. The competence of the educational organization in the established field of activity includes:
"" 1) Development and adoption of the rules of the internal schedule of students, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other local regulations;
"" 2) Material and Technical Support educational activities, equipment of premises in accordance with state and local regulations and requirements, including in accordance with federal state educational standards, federal state requirements, educational standards;
3) the provision of the founder and public of the annual report on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources, as well as the report on the results of self-examination;
"4) establishing a staff schedule, unless otherwise established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
"" 5) Acceptance of employees, conclusion with them and termination labor contractsunless otherwise established by this Federal Law, distribution official duties, creation of conditions and organization of additional vocational education employees;
"" 6) Development and approval educational programs educational organization;
"" 7) Development and approval by coordination with the founder of the educational organization development program, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;
8) receiving students to an educational organization;
"" 9) Definition of the list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal list of textbooks admitted to use in the implementation of the state accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as training aids admitted to use during implementation these educational programs in such organizations;
(as amended by Federal Law of 02.12.2019 N 403-FZ)

""10) Implementation of the current control of academic performance and interim certification of students, the establishment of their forms, frequency and procedures;[b]
10.1) Encouraging students in accordance with the established educational organizations of the species and conditions for the progress of success in educational, physical culture, sports, social, scientific, scientific and technical, creative, experimental and innovation activities, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law;
(p. 10.1 introduced by Federal Law of 27.05.2014 N 135-FZ)
11) individual accounting of the results of the development of educational educational programs and encouraging students, as well as storage in archives of information on these results and incentives on paper and (or) electronic media;

(see text in the previous "editorial board")
12) the use and improvement of learning and education methods, educational technologies, e-learning;
"" 13) conducting self-examination, ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education;
"" 14) Ensuring in an educational organization having a boarding school, required conditions content of students;
15) the creation of the necessary conditions for the protection and promotion of health, the organization of nutrition of students and employees of the educational organization;
"" 15.1) Organization of social and psychological testing of students in order to early detect illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The procedure for organizing social and psychological testing of students in general education organizations and professional educational organizations is established by the federal executive authority, carrying out functions for developing and implementing public Policy and regulatory regulation in the field of general education. The procedure for organizing the socio-psychological testing of students in educational institutions of higher education is established by the federal executive body, performing functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of higher education;
(p. 15.1 as amended by Federal Law of July 26, 2019 N 232-FZ)
(see text in the previous "editorial board")
16) Creating conditions for studying students physical culture and sports;
"17) Acquisition or manufacture of formations for education documents and (or) on qualifications, medals" for special successes in teaching ";
(as amended by Federal Law of 27.05.2014 N 135-FZ)
(see text in the previous "editorial board")
"" 18) has lost strength. - Federal Law of 04.06.2014 N 148-FZ;
(see text in the previous "editorial board")
19) promoting the activities of public associations of students, parents (legal representatives) of minors students implemented in the educational organization and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
20) the organization of scientific and methodological work, including the organization and conduct of scientific and methodological conferences, seminars;
"" 21) Ensuring the creation and maintenance of the official website of the educational organization in the Internet ";
22) Other issues in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. Educational institutional education organizations carry out scientific and (or) creative activities, and also have the right to prepare scientific personnel (in doctoral studies). Other educational organizations are entitled to lead in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation scientific and (or) creative activity, if such activities are provided for by their charters.
""five. The educational organization is entitled to conduct consulting, educational activities, activities in the field of citizen health and other not contrary to the objectives of creating an educational organization activities, including the organization of recreation and recovery of students in the vacation time (with a 24-hour or daily stay).
[i] "" 6. The educational organization is obliged to carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation on education, including:
"" 1) to ensure the implementation of the fully educational program, compliance with the quality of training established requirements, compliance of the forms used, tools, methods of training and education age, psychophysical features, inclinations, abilities, interests and needs of students;
ConsultantPlus: Note.
From 07/01/2020 in p. 2 h. 6 of Art. 28 Changes are made (FZ dated 02.12.2019 N 403-FZ).
"" 2) create safe conditions of training, education of students, supervision and care for students, their content in accordance with the established standards providing the lives and health of students, employees of the educational organization;
"" 3) Comply with the rights and freedoms of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, employees of the educational organization.

ConsultantPlus: Note.
From 07/01/2020 to Part 7 of Art. 28 Changes are made (FZ dated 02.12.2019 N 403-FZ).
[b] "" 7. The educational organization is responsible in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for non-compliance or improper performance of functions assigned to its competence, for the implementation of not fully educational programs in accordance with the curriculum, the quality of education of their graduates, as well as for the life and health of students, employees Educational organization. For violation or illegal restriction of the right to education and the legislation on the formation of rights and freedoms of students, parents (legal representatives) of minors students, violation of the requirements for the organization and implementation of educational activities, the educational organization and its officials are administrative responsibility in accordance with the "Code" of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.
[i] [u]

Hi School Director! :)


Question on the topic

We have 3 children to school in the neighboring village. In the morning, taken away, after the lessons were taken away. Only on Saturday, sometimes you have to wrap up on the school bus (the bus from the village where we live).

9. The grandson blows with his grandmother from 3 years old, she drove him to the garden, then to school. Then the boy asks for her mother (she lives for 4000 km) his grandmother brings him, after which the child in the mother's family and stepfather begins scandals, fights. The child asks to pick it up back. In the word, the grandmother has a notarial statement from the mother, that the mother transmits a child's grandmother with full responsibility. Grandma takes him, and brings back. And there are problems here: she cannot arrange him to school, as they said that from 01/01/19 the law changed and grandmother cannot arrange him without her mother, referring to the law of January 22, 15 of the Ministry of Education and Science. Grandma is lucky to go back to the mother, where again the scandal occurred. And the child asks the police to take him anywhere only not to her mother, because it is afraid of her. Mother writes consent to the arrival of his children's house for half a year. How do we be? How to pick up a boy? How to keep up at least limitations?

9.1. Hello, dear Tatyana!
FirstlyIn this case, you can deprive the mother of this child on the basis of articles 69, 70 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (short-term RF) parental rights through the prosecutor or the guardianship body and the guardianship, which are entitled to apply to such a claim.
Article 69. Decision of parental rights
Parents (one of them) may be deprived of parental rights if they are:
evade the fulfillment of parental duties, including with malicious evasion of the payment of alimony;
refuse without valid reasons to take their child from the maternity hospital (separation) or from a different medical organization, educational organization, organization of social services or from similar organizations;
abuse with their parental rights;
Brutally treated with children, including physical or mental violence against them, begged on their sexual integrity;
are patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;
They committed an intentional crime against the life or health of their children, another parent of children, spouse, including not a parent of children, or against the life or health of a different family member.
Article 70. The procedure for depriving parental rights
1. The deprivation of parental rights is carried out in court.
Cases about the deprivation of parental rights are considered at a request of one of the parents or persons who replace them, the application of the prosecutor, as well as according to the statements of bodies or organizations to which the responsibilities for the protection of minor children (guardianship and guardianship bodies, commissions for minors, organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and others).
(as amended by Federal Law of 24.04.2008 N 49-FZ)
2. Cases of deprivation of parental rights are considered with the participation of the prosecutor and the guardianship and guardianship authority.
3. When considering the case of deprivation of parental rights, the court decides the issue of collecting alimony into a child from parents (one of them) devoid of parental rights.
4. If the court, when considering the case of deprivation of parental rights, will find in the actions of parents (one of them) signs of criminal acting, he is obliged to notify the prosecutor.
5. The court is obliged within three days from the date of entry into force of the court decision on deprivation of parental rights to send an extract from this decision to the court to record the acts of civil status at the place of state registration of the child's birth of the child, and in the case of state registration of the child's birth, the multifunctional government center for the provision of state and municipal services - to a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of state registration of the child's birth for informing the civil status record authority in which the relevant entry of the birth act is kept.
SecondlyAfter depriving the parental rights of Mother, the grandmother of this child can issue a guardianship to the grandson through the guardianship and guardianship authority, to recover from the mother to child an alimony and arrange him to school.
So read the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Sheek and Trusteeship", which and regulate this family question.
Good luck to you.

10. We have 3 children to school in the neighboring village. In the morning, taken away, after the lessons were taken away. Only on Saturday, sometimes you have to wrap up on the school bus (the bus from the village where we live).
Today at school they said that children could not ride the bus. Since they are not in the lists. Where to contact us.
So, with 2 x, the villages were made to some lists and our no. They said that they were not responsible for them.

10.1. You need to contact the district education department with a complaint.

11. On Friday, the child was discharged with a diagnosis with a sharp tracheitis and recommendation to apply for a condemunicate diagnosis of chronic tumilitis. And on Monday, forcibly made in school a sample on Mantu. The child said that he had just gotten and that suspicion of chronic tonsilitis. Parents did not call and did not ask for the vaccination. Through the child's child, the temperature rose. Is it possible to attract a doctor who has spread to justice and how to do it?

11.1. Yes, of course, the doctor violated the law. Contact the prosecutor's office.

12. From what moment is the responsibility of the school for a child? School entrance by EL Carta. Since passing through the turnstile or already in the school?

12.1. From the moment of passing through the turnstile.

Question on the topic

On Friday, the child was discharged with a diagnosis with a sharp tracheitis and a recommendation to apply for a coordination about the diagnosis of chronic tumilitis. And on Monday, forcibly made in school a sample on Mantu. The child said that he had just gotten and that suspicion of chronic tonsilitis. Parents did not call and did not ask for the vaccination. Through the child's child, the temperature rose. Is it possible to attract a doctor who has spread to justice and how to do it?

13. The child was injured in the Tekwando section. Section in ordinary school.
Baby 5 years old. The cause of injury is a clash of children during a sports game during classes and fall in the end of the child. Fracture with displacement. Contracts from sections no, receipts too. They did not give out ... They said that they would give, but did not give it ... Does the coach have a contract with sections not known ... What is my responsibility for the child's injury ...? Can I get compensated for moral damage without a contract? Will the trainer be responsible for an administrative or criminal injury?

13.1. Intentional causing easy harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or a minor resistant loss of overall working capacity -
This is a criminal case but to consider it will be the world judge
Moral dress ask for something else.

14. Please explain the situation. The child was beaten on the school yard, the child fell, hit his head if the school should be responsible for this, or the child himself is to blame?

14.1. Blame those who beat
The school administration is responsible for children at the time of the educational process.
That is, you can make complaints if children should have been in a lesson during fight.

15. Yesterday there was such a situation at school. My child is studying in grade 1, after dinner, the teacher calls me and says that my daughter does not listen and relevant, at this time my daughter runs away while I went to school for my daughter, I didn't come off the child at school at school. On the question of where there was a security guard who sits at the entrance to school, my guard himself answered that he was not obliged to follow who comes and who leaves, at school, the secretary of the director answers this that the guard is not guilty that the child is dressed out of school he is not can delay it. The security agency is called "Cheap Cossack Security LLC." I wanted to write a complaint to the school administration, but since the secretary answered, I understand that there will be no further to consider it. Tell me where to contact me? It is not for the protection of no responsibility. With the daughter of glory to God all right, found in an hour.

15.2. And what are you looking for Anna Vasilyevna, then look for? Don't you think that the child needs to bring up properly? The teacher does not listen, it allows themselves to run away from school without accompaniment. Your omission in raising a child want to dump others. What will happen next with the behavior of the child, did not think? You can of course contact the department of formation of the district administration at the location of the school with a statement. Check. Will be taken out for the excretion of school comments, etc. But it will not affect the child, and only your ambition will come in this situation.

16. In April 2019, a settlement agreement was concluded between me and a former husband, about determining the procedure for communicating with two sons.

Since the conclusion of the global agreement, a former husband never met with children. Both children attend one school

10.24.2019 about 15 hours. The former husband came by car to school, where at that moment both sons were. I became known about the next events from the words of the Senior Son, and class teacher. So, the former husband went into class for the youngest son, where there was a tea party about the end of the first school quarter. The younger son, did not expect the appearance of his father, therefore was in an embarrassing state. At the end of the tea party CL. The head did not find in the class of the younger son and immediately informed the eldest, told about the arrival of their father. Vova immediately ran out on the street and saw his father carries his brother in the direction of the car, who waved his hands, trying to free himself, shouted: "I don't want!" Nevertheless, a former husband pushed the youngest son to the back seat of the car, he sat down on the driver's seat, blocking the door. Because The driver's window was discovered, the eldest son with his hands grabbed the discovery, trying to somehow stop the father. From the salon younger son I shouted: "I don't want anywhere!" Despite this, the car began movement and left in an unknown direction. After that, the eldest son called the police and reported the happening, and CL. The head told me on the phone.

I immediately left work, where I was already told about the abduction of the younger son. My former husband did not answer my calls, turned off the phone. Because Police officers did not return to the scene, I myself came to the senior son in the police department of the Perm municipal district. There, an employee of the juvenile affairs department took with us, took written explanations from us, it turned out that the former husband was answering the younger son to his home, where he was constantly living. I demanded to immediately return my son, because The next day, it is necessary to go to school, and then visit the phthisiatra doctor. In response, I heard from former husband Once again, his personal characteristics and claims in life. As a result of conversations in the police, I was invited to independently solve problems of communicating with children, otherwise both parents will be brought to administrative responsibility for improper upbringing.

The next day, the younger son at school did not appear, respectively, did not come to the doctor. Further, all negotiations took place on the phone of the father or grandmother and on the speakerphone, or on social networks with the sister of the ex-husband. I bought the younger son of the phone and a new SIM card, my rooms have brought into the black list, and I was informed of the unknown room that belonged to the former husband. Conversations with the son were short, aggression felt. My calls former husband and his relatives (grandparents) said son: "Who is she? What does she call? What do she need? "What son answered:" She's my mom! " Some calls and SMS son were unknown to him, hid from me where the child is located, the father said that he was visiting, but she did not call anyone, I called him from my sister, she said that everyone was at home. In conversations and correspondence on social networks (about social networks, I learned later) With my son, I realized that it was pressure from the father, other relatives. At the request of the Son to take him to the mother, the answer was "no!".

Only 03.11.2019 The youngest son was delivered by the Father to the place of our stay about 18.00. BUT! At first he is responsible at the address of the address, where I am registered and my children, I wanted me to pick it up from there (170 km from Perm), but for some reason I did not inform me. Then I changed my mind and the son of the son back in Perm. Upon arrival at the place of our stay, not by calling without writing SMS that the child brought, left him near the house, did not bring to the entrance, turned around and went into the car, without making sure, was I or the eldest son at home. The child was in a stressful state, could not speak, crying, shaking his hands very much. Later he said that he was afraid that I would scold him ...

At school, the class teacher noticed a change in behavior, attentiveness, aggression appeared. At my request, a conversation with a school psychologist will be held.

The eldest son categorically refuses to communicate with his father, who is not even trying to meet her son, is not interested in his life, learning, hobbies. My question on the phone, why did not take the older, but only the younger force shook into the car, replied: "He is already big why he is." Financial assistance from the former husband, except for alimony in the amount of 3,600-4,000 rubles for two children, I do not get. Issues of education, treatment, nutrition, clothing and civil spouse.

16.1. Good day!
Upon the abduction of the son or illegal deprivation of liberty, you must achieve the initiation of a criminal case, based on the setled circumstances, these crimes committed 24.10.2019 are obvious.

Article 126. Abduction of man

1. Kidnapping of man -
He is punished with forced work for up to five years or imprisonment for the same period.

c) with the use of violence, life-threatening or health, or with the threat of such violence;
(as amended by Federal Law of 09.02.1999 N 24-FZ)

g) for two or more persons;
h) from mercenary motivations, -
He is punished with imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years with a limitation of freedom for a period of up to two years or without such.
(as amended by federal laws of 09.02.1999 N 24-FZ, from 27.12.2009 N 377-FZ, from 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)

Art. 126, "Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" from 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (ed. From 04.11.2019) (consultantPlus)

Article 127. illegal deprivation of freedom

1. illegal deprivation of a person of freedom, not related to his abduction, -
It is punished by restriction of freedom for up to two years, or forced work for up to two years, or arrest for a period of three to six months, or imprisonment for up to two years.
(as amended by federal laws of 27.12.2009 N 377-FZ, from 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)
2. The same act, perfect:
a) a group of persons by preliminary conspiracy;
b) lost strength. - Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ;
c) with violence life-threatening or health;
d) using weapons or objects used as weapons;
e) with respect to knowingly minor;
(e) With regard to a woman, knowingly for the guilty pregnancy;
g) for two or more persons -
shall be punished for up to five years or imprisonment for a period of three to five years.
(as amended by Federal Law of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)
3. Acts stipulated by parts of the first or second of this article, if they are committed by an organized group or entailed the death of the victim or other serious consequences by negligence -
shall be punished with imprisonment for a period of four to eight years.

16.2. Hello! The initiation of criminal case and deprivation of parental rights. Required foundations are available. Find a lawyer in your city and good luck to you!

Question on the topic

From what moment comes the responsibility of the school for a child? School entrance by EL Carta. Since passing through the turnstile or already in the school?

17. The school principal requires a statement from his parents in which the parent provides his consent to the independent movement of the child to the circles and sections after graduation, the responsibility for the life and health of the child's child takes upon himself. Junior school, child on extellion. Is such a requirement legally and is it responsible for a child when he is in it on extinguishing and on secrockey and on the road to sections?

17.1. Hello. Of course, the school is responsible for the child when he is on trial. The essence of the extension is a care for children. Where are the sections? If in the school building, the school is responsible until the child is in the building.

18. Interested in correspondence (not family) form of training in a secondary school. Child 13 years old. Who is responsible for learning? Should Consultation and whether to visit? Will the child get a children's allowance for up to 18 years old with correspondence formation?

18.1. Good morning. In the abnormal staff of training, the child is attached to the school. Receives tasks from the teacher on the school program, performs and removes them. The tasks completed at least once every quarter and passes intermediate certification. Passing exams after 9 and 11 kl only in person. Children on the correspondence form of training use all the benefits.

19. A 9-year-old child's mother does not meet him from school, in a statement about the accompaniment wrote that he allows him to get home and to school on his own. Yandex Taxi calls regularly, the child goes in the car alone with an unfamiliar person (driver). Does the teacher and health be responsible for his life and health in this situation?

19.1. Marina, as soon as the student left the educational institution, educational institutions, especially the teacher is not responsible for this child.

19.2. No, do not worry, the teacher is not responsible in this case.

20. And the class on the weekend gathered to go on a tour of the bus that organized the genus. the committee. Having learned about this, the director of the school was opposed, and said that we did not have the right to go on your bus because Skola is responsible for our children, and offered his bus which costs 53,000 rubles. (Our costs 16,000 rubles) Our bus with all the ongoing documents. QUESTION. Can we go to your bus, whether the school bears responsibility on a day off for children, and whether the right has the right to impose their services about the bus. What to do? Thank you.

20.2. Hello in this case of their children you can completely calmly carry children by bus, children others - by decision of parents.

Question on the topic

Please explain the situation. The child was beaten on the school yard, the child fell, hit his head if the school should be responsible for this, or the child himself is to blame?

21. The Son disappeared a vest from the form after the physical education lesson. He left her in the locker room, and when he returned, was not. What or does the school involvement denies. Should the teacher check after the locker room lesson and does the school be responsible for the personal belongings of children? Thank you!

21.1. Hello. If the thing was in the wardrobe, the school is responsible for her (924 and 891 st. GK RF). Accordingly, if the thing does not exist, the school should reimburse its cost (Article 901 and 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Write an appeal to the Name Director with the requirement to compensate damage. If the reaction is not, contact the police. If the school does not compensate for the damage, it will have to collect through the court.

22. I have such a question ... Can teachers park their cars in school? After visiting the territory of the school, they do not close the gate behind them and all who are not too lazy. There are no signs of prohibiting entry. Who is responsible for it? Where to contact? I'm afraid of the life of children.

22.1. The use of the school territory disposes its administration. If there are no prohibiting signs, then the entrance is allowed without restrictions.

22.2. Parking on the school is prohibited. You can apply to the management of education on the director.

23. In our family, the following situation has developed: September 15, 2019, my husband and I swore in the kitchen. The husband cannot find a permanent job (works under a courier agreement), and I was loaded by the preparation of working programs for new textbooks (I work as a teacher at school). He was offended by the fact that the children and I did not come to the cottage at the weekend. I tried to explain that the programs are very difficult and I needed to be urgently done. This requires a lot of time. On emotions, the husband began to drive me out (now I understand that it was all on emotions).
Children at this time were in their room and watched cartoons.
Then the eldest son came to the kitchen when I already left there. He saw that I was crying. Then I took the children and went to the neighbor. From her I called the police. And all this happened in a state of affect.
When they arrived from the police, I told them everything. The inspector amounted to a protocol that I signed not particularly reading, since it was in an excited state. She said that there is no beatings - it means that it does not work. And decided to draw up a protocol on the non-fulfillment of parental duties on the spouse. But it is not so. Husband does not drink, does not smoke, engaged in sports. With children, he does not scandalite, everywhere it takes, it takes to school and kindergarten, it takes them on the circles, buys things, etc. Today, November 8, 2019 it turned out that they decided to register for the family. In school with children talked teachers. Also called me and said that they prepare characteristics and want to put them on intraschool accounting. Children learn well. At the time of study at school, there was not a single complaint. We visit everything parental meetings, I am interested in children's school every day. In the family we have trust relationships. We often go somewhere or travel the whole family.
But here there was the only such case when we are so largely scandalous. Usually we solved controversial issues when the children were not at home.
The next day I called the inspector and wanted to pick up a statement. But she said that then they would be attracted to criminal responsibility for false testimony.
Older children are very worried about the current situation. They are afraid that at school they will learn about everything and will tease. Our family has always led as an example, as a friendly and decent.
I am very sorry, which turned to the police in a state of affect. But, unfortunately, it's nothing back.
Tell me how to be? I hope for your help.
Regards, Angelina.

23.2. Good evening, Angelina!
"Pick up" the statement from the police is impossible. You need to make a refusal to the submitted statement by writing a new one with refusal if the criminal claim against your husband has not yet been established. If your husband has a criminal case on your husband, you need to submit a request with a request to terminate the criminal case, addressed to the police chief, or the investigator, who has this criminal case. In court at any stage of production it is possible to conclude a peaceful agreement between you and husband, in this case it will not receive a criminal record, because It is not a sentence, but a decree on the termination of a criminal case.
All the best!

23.3. Angelina, another time you will think before calling somewhere.
At the moment, a family registration is correct, since there was a family scandal with a police challenge. Tomorrow, God forbid, he will scold you, and they will be blamed that the police caused, and no nobody spent prevention. This also needs to be understood.
Regarding the non-fulfillment of parental duties - when considering this admindication, her husband will need to be defended, and if we decide - he will have the right to appeal it.
There is no criminal case, judging by the issue, not foreseen.

24. A daughter is 14 years old, ceased to go to school after the trade council, says that her teachers humiliate in front of the whole class. Prior to that, there were absenteeism for the first lessons, the impossibility, but before it tried to fix it ... After she was set at the board in front of the parent (me) and teachers, leading lessons, she simply does not want to go to school. They threatened and deprivation of the rights of me on both children, the family we have usual, do not disbelieve, the socialized voices raised me and swore, proving my guilt in that the child does not want to learn what to do in such a situation? Teachers are now generally responsible for obtaining knowledge of children? Or is it like a kindergarten, fed, looked, baby hooliganit-talk? If the child does not want to post this evidence, because It is humiliated and ocked, so it is necessary to send to PD?

24.1. Make a child only parents have the right to go to school.
Teachers are now generally responsible for obtaining knowledge of children?
With the situation, the question is not connected at all, the acquisition of knowledge is one thing, visiting the school is another.

Question on the topic

The school principal requires the parents from parents in which the parent provides his consent to the independent movement of the child to the circles and sections after graduation, the responsibility for the life and health of the child's child takes upon himself. Junior school, child on extellion. Is such a requirement legally and is it responsible for a child when he is in it on extinguishing and on secrockey and on the road to sections?

25. The Parent Committee sent an SMS to the School of Money to buy rubber on the Strong Steps of the School. On my question - is it possible to collect money from parents? - The headguard answered: on the steps of the porch slipper, and if your child falls and breaks something, we do not bring responsibility. And in general, they are not responsible for our children when they went out of the school door. I have a question: whether the school is responsible for my child if the PE is a porch case, or on a fenced school area. And how is this regulated?

25.1. Responsibility for the life and health of students are the school administration.

Article 41 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

26. Does the school be responsible for children received a certificate of primary education (9 classes) living in the school microdistrict and not want to continue learning or work?

26.1. Good afternoon, Vladimir. Mandatory is only the receipt of general secondary education - that is, 9 classes. The school after receiving the certificate is not responsible for further decisions of students.

27. My Son (14 years old) at school is constantly accused of what he did not. There are no 100% evidence of his vein. As the class teacher says, children said to me. Constantly call me to school to the director. Last call From school brought me to a stupor. Accused of use of narcotic substances. I went to school to understand. I ask the question. How did you determine that the son uses drugs? The answer shocked me. We had a search of things of all the boys class and on the floor found an empty jar from near Snyus (chewing tobacco) inspected the mouth of the mouth and found ulcers from your son. I ask questions. Found my son? Not. What is the right you have to search, inspect the oral cavity? What was the answer received. Well, we are responsible for your child when he is at school. Leaving the school met a class teacher. Maybe let your son do not go to school and we will put trickens to him. I boiled! Homes with her son spent a conversation. He doesn't bounce this snot. It turned out that this jar dropped one of the disciples during the search. On the same day, the son was overlooked to narcologist. The doctor conducted a primary inspection. I did not find anything. Builded analysis. Wait for 10 days. I went the next day to the director. She told that the narcologist was. The answer shocked me. The analysis that you will not show anything as Snyut is a weak drug. I ask the question after all, how did you determine that the son under narcotic intoxication was? The answer finally finished me. He looked inadequately. Laughed loudly. It was spoiled because I could not swallow after that Snyusa. We are waiting for the official answer of the analysis. And the label of the addict was already hanging. And for a quarter put 8 bodies. Today came the mother of one of the students with threats. I forbid your son to communicate with my son, I will otherwise write a statement to the police. Tell me how to act further?

27.1. Require a full examination, if as they claim, will noticeably, how much time he used narcotic substances, but for now, it is a slander that is punishable by law. To the director, tell me that it will not be analyzes in the use of narcotic substances, and it spreads such gossip, will suffer criminal responsibility, with subsequent consequences. Spend a complete child survey.

28. At school, make the full responsibility of the parents for using the Internet resources of the Internet in school, is it legitimate?

28.1. No one can entrust the parents responsibility for the use of the child with the property of the school in the school.

Question on the topic

Interested in correspondence (not family) form of education in a secondary school. Child 13 years old. Who is responsible for learning? Should Consultation and whether to visit? Will the child get a children's allowance for up to 18 years old with correspondence formation?

29. The school requires money for insurance, they say if you do not pay, the bus will not carry children to school. What laws refer to? I know that in the GC Art. 421 We are free to conclude a contract. There is a law by mandatory insurance civil responsibility carrier, but as I understand it does not apply to school. What to refer except ST 421 GK?

29.1. Hello, Oleg!
You do not have to pay for this insurance. The carrier or owner of the vehicle must insure responsibility.

29.2. At school require money for insurance, they say if you do not pay, the bus will not carry children to school.
: SM_BW:
Dear Oleg!
When do you have something require (No matter, at school or in the village council), always ask for this "requirement" in writing. And ask to put a signature under this document with the surname and initials. And do not forget to be sure to date. : sm_ay:
All oral shouts for any reason, no matter how it is - do not have legal importance. : SM_AD:

29.3. Write a complaint to the Governor RO and to the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region. Now with charges in schools are struggle.

30. I apply to the court to deprive the parental rights of the former husband, the father of our shared child. In the life of a child, it does not take part in anything at all. In addition to the certificate of not receiving an alimony for 3 years and its attraction for this to administrative and criminal liability, I want to make a certificate from school about what he is there just as a parent has not been noticed and taking testimony from his neighbors. Please tell us or give a link to the sample, in what form it is necessary to write this certificate and testimony of witnesses? How to assure these documents before submitting to court?

30.1. Deprivation is extremely difficult. It is possible to limit the rights, but still you need to bring more convincing arguments.

30.2. You can write a certificate in free form.

30.3. The testimony of the witnesses do not need to be prescribed, but to invite them to court and testify at the court session there. Help write or in the internet of the samples abound.

30.4. The certificate is compiled in free form. The testimony of witnesses does not need to write, you need to apply to the court about their challenge and interrogation at the court session.


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