Backup outluk. Export and backup email, contacts and calendar in Outlook PST file

Backup outluk. Export and backup email, contacts and calendar in Outlook PST file

When reinstalling operating system Or the change of computer you will probably wanted to lose messages of your mail client. In principle, they should not disappear anywhere, but there are different cases. Even if you do not plan any actions with your computer, it is better to progress and create a backup copy of all your letters.

How to save letters in Outlook

When using any way, together with the letter, its attachments are preserved, but it is impossible to preserve only the attachments without writing an individual script.

Saving certain letters

Selective saving mail is exactly the way that is usually understood under the preservation of the letter. It is intended to save certain letters, but nothing forbids thus keeping all his mail.

  1. Highlight the required letter you need (press the left mouse button, like when opening) and go to the File tab.

    Highlight the letter you need and go to the File tab.

  2. Click "Save As".
  3. The standard document saving window opens. Save the letter to the place you need.

    Select the folder and save the letter to the right place.

How to highlight a few letters

If you select a few letters and proceed to save, all selected are saved. There are two options to do this:

  • to highlight some specific letters, press each of them with the ctrl pinch;
  • you can select all letters in the group using the Ctrl + A keyboard key (first press on one of the letters so that the general selection command applies to the panel with letters).

Export (saving) of all letters to the PST file

This method implies the creation of a PST file, which will include all letters and their attachments.

  1. Go to the "File" tab, click on "Open and Export" and open "Import and Export". In Outlook 2010, the path to this window will be different: "File" - "Parameters" - "Optional" - "Export".

    Go to the "File" tab, click on "Open and Export" and open "Import and Export"

  2. Select "Export to File".

    Select in the "Export to File" window and click "Next"

  3. Select Outlook Data File and click "Next"

  4. Select your mailbox and check "Enable invested folders". Exports from several boxes at once is not possible.

    Select your mailbox and check "Enable invested folders"

  5. Select the path for the created file and click Finish.

    Select the path for the created file and click Finish

  6. In the next window, you will be offered to put a password for the file being created. Just click OK.

    Click OK if you do not want to enter the password every time to access the saved mail

Where Outlook stores letters

Outlook has its own PST file in which all your mail is saved. This file is similar to the creation of which was described above. It can be located in different places.

Possible paths to the PST file for Outlook 2016 and 2013:

  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>
  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>\\ Roaming \\ Local \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook;
  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>\\ Documents \\ Outlook files;
  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>\\ My documents \\ Outlook \\ files;
  • disc: \\ Documents and Settings \\<имя пользователя>

Possible paths to the PST file for Outlook 2010 and 2007:

  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>\\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook;
  • disc: \\ Users \\<имя пользователя>\\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook.

Video: Export and import data Outlook

How to recover letters

Under restoration, many understand two completely different actions: import from the PST file and restore the remote message. We describe both of these actions.

Import (recovery) letters from the PST file

This method implies the presence of your PST file. How to create it, described above.

  1. Open the Import and Export window, as when exporting, and select "Import from another program or file".

    Select "Import from another program or file" in the window that opens

  2. Select Outlook Data File.

    Select from the Outlook Data File list and click "Next"

  3. Specify the path to the file. If it is possible to match the letters available in Oulook with messages from the PST file, pay attention to the settings and select the desired one.

    Specify the path to the file using the "Overview ..." button and click "Next"

  4. Select the entire "Outlook data file", select the account to which you want to export the letters, and click Finish.

    Select the entire "Outlook data file", select the account to which you want to export letters, and click Finish

Video: Data Imports in Microsoft Outlook 2010 from PST file

Restoration of remote letters

If you cleaned the Outlook's internal basket, it will not work to restore the letter.

  1. In the folder panel, open "remote". What to see this panel in Outlook 2016 and 2013, click "All Folders" or Running Arrow on the left side of the window.

    Open "Remote" in the folder panel

  2. Click on the desired letter right-click, select "Move", and then the first proposed option (it will be a folder from which the letter was deleted).

    Click on the desired letter right-click, select "Move", and then the first proposed option

  3. If you have Outlook 2010 or 2007, there will be no such option. Select "Other Folder" and specify the path yourself.

    Select "Other Folder" and specify the path yourself

How to archive letters

Previously mentioned about the main Outlook PST file. Over time, more and more letters and investments accumulate in it, according to which its size is growing. To free part of the space on your hard disk, you can enable archiving.

Archiving letters in Outlook is not divided into automatic and manual.

Archiving involves the transformation of one or more folders with letters (inside the PST file) to the archive. The folders themselves will not change for you, but everything that is there now and will fall in the future, will shrink.

Possible problems with letters

As in all products of Microsoft Office package, there are sometimes problems in OtLook, but they are all solved very simply. Causes are most often consistent with the wrong settings of the mailing client.

Outlook notes letter as read

  1. If the letter is noted as read regardless of whether you read it or not, go to the "File" tab and open the "Parameters".

    Go to the "File" tab and open "Parameters"

  2. Go to the "Mail" section and open the "Reading Area ...".

    Remove the box from the first item and click OK

Outlook does not march read letters

If the read letters are not marked - as in the case of the previous problem, it is necessary to go to the reading area settings. Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox item "Mark as read when selecting another message" and click OK.

Drag the slider until you stop right and click Next

  • In subsequent windows do not change anything. After that restart Outlook.
  • Creating backups - or storing information on an additional medium - the case is useful. Mail is rarely lost, but it is better to still have insurance, especially if there are important data in messages. Try to periodically save a file with letters, even if you do not plan any changes.

    By archiving or creating a backup, as well as ways to restore Outlook data files (.pst or.ost) from a backup or archive.

    After all, regardless of whether you use Outlook to create and send emails, to import contacts from Gmail to the address book of the mail client or use it to the address book, you create a job or the calendar mark, it means that in your mail client a lot is stored valuable data. In this regard, each Outlook user is useful to know how to secure and save its data to avoid their loss in the future.


    Mail Control Panel

    To begin with, let's consider the control panel and the Outlook Mail settings with which you can configure the email client in Windows. To open it go to the computer control panel and select the section post office.

    In the window that opens Setting mail Three sections are available: Accounts, Data files, Configuration.

    Choosing the first two points opens the same window Email Account Settings, Only with different bookmarks in which you can add an account, see the storage location of each mail account, restore or make changes to them.

    To add an Outlook account. Click the button. Accountsand bookmark Email click Create.

    If you need these or other actions with the data of a specific post account, then for this go to the bookmark Data files In which you can do the following:

    • Add or delete data file.
    • Set Parameters of data file.
      In this menu, except for other functions, there is a function of a decrease in the size of the data file, which will be useful if such a file "will increase" To large sizes and will occupy a lot of space on the hard disk of the computer. To do this, click on the menu. Parameters button Squeeze.
    • Install the data file that will be the main default.
    • Open the location of the file (data file) by clicking on this appropriate button.

    Outlook data files (* .pst and * .ost)

    Most often, the user does not need to know about where the Outlook email client stores its data. But if it is necessary to create a backup copy of the mail client data or transfer them to another disk to save or release the free space of a hard disk of the computer, you need to know its placement location.

    Outlook stores email email accounts in .pst. or .ost The file, but the place of placement of such a file depends on the version of the mail client used. In this article, we will show the locations of Outlook data files, and how to change their placement location if necessary.

    If you have been using Outlook for some time, you probably heard about PST files. Each email box in Outlook has its own data storage in the form of a PST file, in which all letters and correspondence are stored, the calendar marks and reminders. PST file data can be compressed and encrypted or not, depending on the settings implemented.

    You may have drawn attention to the fact that the larger data is saved in the PST file, the slower the mail client begins to work. From time to time Outlook proposes to archive older messages to reduce this phenomenon by loading the smaller mail client data when it starts it.

    Also in the Outlook data folder you could meet a file with extension .ost. OST Files have a similar feature with PST files, but are used as a temporary offline email storage. The point is that the user can use messages from the OST file during the server disabled (lack of Internet connection), and after resuming Outlook communication, everything synchronized.

    That is, the PST file is created by Outlook if the entire email and correspondence on the local computer is saved, and the OST file is when working with email hosts that store all e-mailbox data on a remote server (for example, Gmail or In this case, the OST file simply contains a local copy of your email data.

    Where Outlook data files are stored

    The storage location with Outlook data depends on the version of the program. Outlook 2007 and 2010 saves the default PST and OST. Files in the folder APPDATA.:

    C: \\ Users \\ Username\\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook

    Starting with Outlook 2013, the location location of the PST file has changed, and now they began to be stored in the Documents folder. So, Outlook 2013 and 2016 saves PST Files in the following folder:

    C: \\ Users \\ Username\\ Documents \\ Outlook Files

    See storage folder PST or OST. A specific account file can also be using Outlook itself. To do this, go to the menu File / Configure accounts.

    In the window Account settings In the data files tab, select the account you want to view (if there are several of them) and click "Open the location of the file"

    Outlook will open the conductor window and will show the folder in which is stored PST File (or OST. The file, if this account is used).

    Outlook data archiving

    The main data file with which Outlook works is the file with the name of the account. From this file you can also create an archive or backup. You can do this by configuring automatic data archiving or archive data manually.

    Automatic data archiving

    To configure the automatic Outlook data archiving, open the application and go to the File tab. Select from the pop-up menu necessary account (if there are several).

    After that, PUBLIC CLEANING TOBLE and select Menu.

    After pressing the button, Outlook archives the installed mailbox folders. To change the auto-rotation settings to click right-click on one of the Outlook mailbox folders and select Properties / / .

    Clicking the button Default archive settings, You can set the archiving of the elements of the folder with the default settings.

    Outlook data archiving manually

    If there is no need to configure the automatic archiving of mail, then this can be done manually. To do this, go to the menu File / Cleaning facilities / Archive.

    In the menu that opens, install the required parameters and click OK..

    As a result of both described Outlook data archiving, a file with a data archive will be created by the mail client, which can be imported back if necessary.

    Creating a backup and restore Outlook data file

    Also, in order to ensure the safety of the mail client data, you can create a backup of the Outlook data file. Just copy enough .pst. or .ost File your account on another disc or cloud storage. To do this, open the location of the desired file. PST And copy it.

    To restore the data-copied file in this way, open Outlook and go to File / Open and export / Open Outlook data fileAnd select the desired data file.

    As a rule, the mail client immediately opens a folder with data files.

    After that, all this selected file will be displayed in Outlook. PSTAnd you can use mail as usual. In the event that the need to use this backup of the data file will no longer be, this data can be removed from the mail client.

    Note. As you can see in the import and exports wizard, files and Outlook parameters, import data can be implemented only from the file. PST. Those., If your mail account is used by the OST data file, it will not be able to import it in this form. To do this, you will need to convert OST file to PST format. Using the embedded in Outlook tools, this conversion is not provided, for this use third-party software.

    How to change the default storage folder Outlook data file (* .pst or * .ost)

    If you need to move your Outlook files from a disk with or simply to a more convenient place, then it can also be done. Only this file cannot be simply copied by holding the left mouse button. If you do this, then Outlook will create a new file in the folder that is set by default for PST The file and the result will be lost part of the mailbox information. To move the data file, you need to change the default storage location Outlook files using the registry and only then move the file.

    Attention. The registry editor is a tool, as a result of incorrect actions with which you can damage the operating system, after which its work will become unstable. Therefore, be careful to carry out any actions with the registry editor, and better create it backup before making any changes.

    Close Outlook and open Registry editor.

    In the left side Registry editor Go to the next way:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Office \\ 16.0 \\ Outlook \\

    where 16.0 is the version of your Outlook.

    Next, create a new unit in this folder. To do this, click on the right mouse button right and select Create / Expanded string parameter. Name a new unit "FORCEPSTPATH".

    Keep in mind that if you work with OST. file, then you need to create a unit called "FORCEOSTPATH". Often, users create both units so that all Outlook files are saved in one folder.

    Click twice on the new unit ( "FORCEPSTPATH" or "FORCEOUSTPATH") And in the properties window that opens, specify the folder in which you want to save Outlook data files, then press OK..

    Close Registry editor. After that, Outlook should create a new PST the file in the specified new folder, and now you can transfer old PST File to a new folder. After opening, Outlook should work, as before.

    Outlook email client users are often faced with the problem of saving letters before reinstalling the operating system. Especially acute this problem is facing users who need to keep an important correspondence, be it personal or working.

    Such a problem also concerns those users who work for different computers (for example, at work and at home). In such cases, it is sometimes necessary to transfer letters from one computer to another and make it a regular shipment is not always convenient.

    That is why today we will talk about how you can save all your letters.

    In fact, the solution to such a problem is very simple. The Outlook email client architecture is such that all data is stored in separate files. Data files have extension. PST, and files with letters - .ost.

    Thus, the process of saving all letters in the program is reduced to the fact that you need to copy these files to the USB flash drive or any other media. Then, after reinstalling the system, the files with the data must be downloaded to Outlook.

    So, let's start with copying the file. In order to find out how the folder is stored with the data file you need:

    1. Outlook Outlook.

    2. Go to the "File" menu and in the Details section, open the Account Settings window (for this, in the "Account Setup" list, select the appropriate item).

    Now it remains to go to the "Data File" tab and see where the necessary files are stored.

    In order to go to the folder with files, it is not necessary to open the conductor and search for these folders in it. It is enough to highlight the desired string and click the "Open File Location ..." button.

    Now copy the file to the USB flash drive or other disk and you can proceed to reinstalling the system.

    In order to return all the data in place after reinstalling the operating system, you need to do the same actions that were described above. Only, in the "Account Settings" window, you must click on the "Add" button and select the previously saved files.

    Thus, spending just a couple of minutes, we saved all Outlook data and now you can safely begin to reinstall the system.

    This Tutorial Will Teach You to Safely Back Up Outlook Emails, Contacts, Appointments and Tasks Automatically Or Manually In All Versions of Outlook 2016, Outlook 3013, Outlook 2010, And Outlook 2007.

    If you are using Microsoft Outlook for Most of Your Email Communications, There "S NO Need to Dwell on How Important It Is To Safely Store, Import and Export All Than Data.

    Whild Outlook Emails (As Well As Calendars, Contacts, Tasks, And Notes) Are Stored Within The Outlook Data File (.pst) File, Some Other Files and Settings Such As Account Settings, Signatures, Templates, Custom Forms Are Stored in Separate Files . Theraefore, if you Want to Transfer Your Outlook Account from the Old Computer to a New One in Full, Backing Up Only The .pst file May Not Be Enough.

    In this Tutorial, You Will Find The Detailed Instructions on Howe to Backup Outlook Mails and Other Items Automatically OR MANUALY AND LEARN WHICH METHOD IS BEST TO BE USED IN WHICH SCENARIOS.

    How to Backup Outlook Emails by Exporting

    There May Might Want to Back Up Outlook Mails - For example, When you're moving to Another Computer or Restoring your Outlook Data After A Crash. In The Second Case, Having a Healthy Outlook Backup CAN Significantly Alleviate The Pain, So It "S A Wise Strategy to Back-up Your Outlook Emails Once in a While, Especially If You are using Email for Work.

    The Most Safe and Reliable Way to Make An Outlook Backup Is To Let Microsoft Outlook Export a .pst File for You Automatically. Apart From. emails, this Will Also Save contacts., calendars., tasks., and. notes..

    How to Backup Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016

    To Backup Emails in Outlook 2013 and 2016, Perform The Following Steps.

    When Exporting to An Existing .PST File That Is Password Protected, Type The Password That You Previously Used.

    When Exporting to An EXisting Non-Protected .pst File, Outlook Will Begin The Export Process Immediately Worthout Showing The Password Dialog Box.

    YOURE FINISHED! Just Keep In Mind That Exporting a Big .pst File May Take a While, And the Progress Bar Will Stay On The Screen Until The Backup Process Is Completed. So, Please Be Patient :)

    How to Backup Outlook 2010 Emails

    To make an Outlook 2010 Backup, Go To the File Tab and Click Options. > Advanced > Export:

    This Will Start The Import and Export WizardAnd You Perform Steps 2 - 6 Described Above.

    How to Backup Outlook 2007 Emails

    To Backup Emails and Other Items in Outlook 2007, Click The File MENU, AND THEN CLICK Import and Export ...

    Their Import and Export Wizard Will Run, and You Configure It Exactly AS Described in.

    Now That Your Outlook Data Is Exported in a .pst File, You Can Move or Copy The File in the Usual Way. For example, You Can Save Your Outlook Backup to Dropbox or OneDrive, and Later On It To a New Computer.

    Advantages.: Exporting a .pst File IS A Quick, Intuitive and Safe Way to Backup Outlook Emails That Can Be Easily AccComplished Even by UNEXPERIENCED Users. Additionally, IT Lets You Make A selective Backup., I.E. Export Only Relevant Data Leaving Out Unimportant Folders Like Junk. Or. Deleted Items..

    Drawbacks.: Exporting a .pst File IS NOT A Complete Outlook Backup (Despite The Facts The Default Name Of The Exported File Is backup.pst.). This Method Copies The Most Essential Items Such As Mails, Contacts, AppOintments, Tasks, And Notes. Some Outlook Data Is Lost During Export, Even If You include All Folders and Subfolders. Among Others, Exporting Does Not Save The Following Data: Message Rules, Signatures, Custom Forms, Custom Views, and Folder Properties.

    If You Aim to Backup Outlook Data to the Maximum Extent Possible, Consider Using One of the Third-Party "All-in-One", or make a manually. In addition, You Can Back Up Files That Store Your Outlook Templates, Signatures, Themes, And Custom Forms. Full Details Follow Below.

    Copy .pst File - Quick Way to Backup Emails in Outlook

    For Experienced Users, The Fastest Way to Take Outlook Backup Is Copy The .pst File Manually and then. The Main Complication Of this Approach Is That Different Outlook Versions Store a .pst File in Different Locations.

    PST File in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016

    Depending on the Operation System, The .pst file is stored in one of the favoring places:

    Windows 8. And. Windows 10.:

    C: \\ Users \\
    C: \\ Users \\ \\ Roaming \\ Local \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook

    Windows 7. And. Windows Vista.:

    C: \\ Users \\ \\ Documents \\ Outlook Files

    PST File in Outlook 2010

    On All Operating Systems Including Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, The Default Location of The Personal Folders File Is This:

    C: \\ Users \\ \\ Documents \\ Outlook Files

    PST File in Outlook 2007 and Earlier

    On Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, The .pst File IS Located Here:

    C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook

    In Earlier Versions of Windows and Outlook, .pst Can Be Found in One of the Following Locations:

    C: \\ Documents and Settings \\

    C: \\ Users \\ \\ Documents \\ Outlook Files

    C: \\ Users \\ \\ My Documents \\ Outlook Files

    Note. APPDATA. IS A Hidden Folder. To Be Able to See It, Go To Control Panel > Folder Options., Switch to the VIEW. Tab, and Select Show Hidden Files, Folders, OR DRIVES Under Hidden Files and Folders.

    How to Determine The .pst File Location On Your Computer

    Over The Years, Microsoft Sems to Have Created A Real Mess In Terms of the Outlook .pst location. NEVERTHELESS, YOU CAN QUICKLY FIND THE OUTLOOK DATA FILE ON YOUR MACHINE IN THIS WAY:

    This Will Open The Folder in Which The .pst File Is Stored On Your Machine.

    And Now, Close Your Outlook (An Outlook Won "T Let You Copy The .pst File), and Copy The File As Usual: Right-Click and Click Copy. OR, Press The Ctrl + C Shortcut to Copy The File, and Ctrl + V to Paste It.

    Back Up Outlook Rules

    SINCE Outlook 2003, Messages Rules Are Stored in a .pst File. SO, Copying a .pst File Makes A Backup of the Rules, And The Correct Migration of the Backup to a New Profile Restores The Rules (Please See). The Only Adjustment That You Will Have To Make Is Remap "Move to Folder" and "Copy to Folder" Rules. To Do This, Open Outlook, Click Manage Rules and Alerts, SELECT THE RULE, CLICK THE FOLDER NAME IN THE BOTTOM PANE, AND CLICK OK TO CONFIRM THE FOLDER.

    AS AN EXTRA PRECAUTION, YOU CAN EXPORT YUR RULES TO A SEPARATE .RWZ FILE. ON THE HOME. Tab, Click. Rules. > Manage Rules & Alerts > Options. > Export Rules ...

    Advantages.: Making A Direct Copy of the .pst File Rather Than to Sue Export Feature Allows You to Sueve More Data - After A Proper Restore Your Outlook Ruleszations Will Be Still Customizations.

    Drawbacks.: You Need to Know Where The .pst File Is Stored In Your Outlook, OR BE ABLE TO FIND ITS Location. If You Have Sevel Outlook Accounts That Store Data in Different .pst Files, You Shald be 100% confident that you backed up the correct file.

    How to Back Up Outlook Signatures, Templates, Custom Forms and Settings

    Apart from Outlook Emails, You may Want to Back Up Other Items and Settings. Below, You Will Find A List of Places Where Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 Store Them.

    Signatures (.rtf, .txt, .htm)

    • C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Signatures
    • C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Signatures

    Stationery (.htm) - Outlook Theme

    • C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ COMMON FILES \\ Microsoft Shared \\ Stationery
    • C: \\ Program Files \\ COMMON FILES \\ Microsoft Shared \\ Stationery

    Outlook Templates (.oft)

    • C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Microsoft \\ Templates
    • C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Templates

    Navigation Pane Settings (.xml)

    • C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Outlook \\ Profile Name.xml
    • C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook \\ PROFILE NAME.XML

    Custom Forms.

    • C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Forms
    • C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Forms

    Note. BE SURE TO CLOSE Your Outlook Beefore Copying Any of the Above Files.

    How to Backup Office 365 Emails

    USUALY, YOU DON "T Need to Backup Office 365 Mailbox ( Because IT IS Stored in the Cloud and You Can Access Your Emails and Other Data from Any Place in the World. In some Cases, for example when changing Jobs and As The Result Moving To Another Office 365 Account, You May Want to Have a Local Copy of Your Emails. Here "S How:

    How to Backup Outlook Exchange Mailbox

    Exchange Accounts Keep All Data On The Offline Outlook Data File (.ost), Which is a Synchronized Copy of Your Exchange Account. The .ost File IS Stored in One Of The Following Locations, Depending On Your Outlook Version and Account Type:

    • C: \\ Users \\ \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook
    • C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username\u003e \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Microsoft \\ Outlook

    AS A Rule, Exchange Accounts Archive Data Automatically Is The Task of your Administrator and Backing Up EmailsAtrator.

    If You Want to Backup Outlook Exchange Emails Locally, You Can Have It Done Automatically using the AutoArchive Feature: File > Options. > Advanced > AUTOARCHIVE > AUTOARCHIVE SETTINGS..

    How to Restore Outlook Backup by Importing .pst File

    The Most Reliable and Safe Way to Restore Outlook Backup Is To Let the Built-in Import and Export Wizard Walk You Through The Process.

    Import .pst File to Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016

    To Import The Backup to Your New Account, Perform The Following Steps.

    Tip. If You Want To Restore The Contents of One Specific Folder, Say INBOX., EXPAND THE FOLDERS HIERARCHY UNDER SELECT THE FOLDER TO IMPORT FROM, and Choose The Desired Folder. To Import All Subfolders of the Selected Folder, Make Sure The Include subfolders CheckBox is selected:

    Clicking the FINISH Button Will Start Enorting The Contents of Your .pst File Immediately, And The Progress Box Will Stay On The Screen Until It "S FINISHED.

    Import .pst File to Outlook 2010

    To Migrate Your Backup to Outlook 2010, Click File > Open. > Import. This Will Start The Import Wizard, and You Follow The Above Steps to Do Importing.

    Import .pst file to outlook 2007

    In Outlook 2007, You Run The Import Wizard by clicking File > Import and Export, And then Follow Steps 2 - 6 of the Above Instructions.

    How to Restore Outlook Backup Manually

    AS You Have Just Seen, Importing a .pst File Is Quick and Straightforward. But Direct Copying / Pasting Is Even Faster. If You Need to Backup Outlook Emails On a Regular Basis, You Can Save Time Using The Following Way to Restore The Backup.

    A Safe Way to Transfer .pst File To An Existing Account

    First Off, IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT COPYING / PASTING THE .PST FILE WILL dELETE ALL CURRENT DATA IN YOUR ACCOUNT. So, If You Want to Keep Both The Current and Backed-Up Data, Rather Than Paste It Manually. Importing Will Merge The Current Data and Backup Data in a Single .pst file.

    If You Have Just Created A New Outlook Account (Which Automatically Creates A New Empty .pst File) and You Are Absolutely Confident Tat Your Outlook Backup IS Correct and Uncorrupted, You can Simply Copy / Paste The Backed-up PST to the location of the Current .pst File, and save it there under the same name, overwriting the curst .pst. Otherwise, IT Might Be Reasonable to Test The Backup First. Knowing that The Current .pst Works Anyway Will Surely Make Testing and Restoring Less Stressful.

    Tips and Notes:

    1. Instead of Saving The .PST File To The Default Location, You Can store it on Another Drive, SO in the Worst Case Of C: \\ Reformatting, You Won "T Have To Rescue Your Outlook Data. If you do this o Outlook Start-Up (Step 5 Above), You Will Get a Warning Message Prompting You to Locate The .pst file. You Click The Browse. Button, Go To Where You Saved The .pst File, and Select It.
    2. If You Are restoring Outlook After A Crash, The Original PST File Might Be Missing or Beyond Repair. In This Case, Outlook Will Also Display A Warning Prompting You to Specify The PST File Location. You Close Outlook, and Follow The Above Steps to Replace the Damaged .pst File with the backup.
    3. WHEN RESTIRING A PST FILE FOR AN ACCOUNT CONFIGURED TO leave A Copy Of Messages on The Server, Emails for The Specified Period Will Be Re-Downloaded. If Any Duplicates Occur, You Can Eliminate Them As Explained in.

    If You Haven't Created An Account Yet, You Can Connect Your PST Backup to A New Account During The Setup Process. This Option is Available Only for the Manual Account Configuration, Which Is Why This Method Is Best Suited for Administrators and Experienced Outlook Users Who Know The Server Information and Other Important Details.

    Outlook Backup Tools.

    Besides The Build-in Export / Import Tools, There Exist A Handful of Third-Party Plug-Ins That Can Help You Backup Outlook Emails Faster and Retain More Data, Settings and Customizations. Most of the Backup Tools Are Commercial Products, Though There Are A Few Free Tools Too, such as the first 3 Add-Ins in the Below List.

    The Outlook Backup program is the necessary data protection tool in the system administrator working arsenal. Since the built-in "Outlook Backup Addin" means is no longer supported, third-party programs are required.

    This article on how to make Outlook 2016 backup and earlier versions (for example, backup Outlook 2013 or 2007) using the Handy Backup backup utility. The article describes the capabilities and methods of working with the "Outlook Backup" plugin available in all versions of the program.

    Key Outlook Backup Functions

    In accordance with the technical requirements for the program running Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016 and other versions, Handy Backup provides the user with the following set of key tools:

    Full compatibility with different versions of Outlook

    Handy Backup can exercise backup and recovery for Outlook 2016, as well as backup of any versions of Outlook Express, MS Exchange and Windows Mail backup. In copies, not only letters are saved, but also other Outlook data.

    Hot Outlook Bacup

    VOLUME SHADOW COPYING SERVICE (VSS) allows Handy Backup to create copies of Outlook data without stopping work. In addition, Handy Backup is undemanding to resources, therefore it does not slow down the computer when performing backup.

    Outlook data recovery is as simple as backup, using the same interface and methods. It is enough to create a recovery task for Outlook, select its backup as a data source and perform the task.

    Recommended MS Outlook 2016 mail backup solution, 2013



    Version 8.1.2 dated February 21 2020. 106 MB.
    Backup programHandy Backup. 2900 RUB. For a license

    Organize your Outlook mail backup using the Professional version, with which you can also create copies of the system disks (and in hot mode).

    Other Important Features Handy Backup

    In addition to the Outlook backup, Handy Backup can automate backup creation for any other types of data by providing the user a powerful and reliable tool for providing information security.

    • Storage of backups in the source format. You can use the data from backup data at any time without resorting to recovery, since the Handy Backup keeps the data in the original form by default, without transforming them.
    • Automatic task execution scheduler. Your data, such as Outlook content, can be automatically copied on a regular basis, with an interval from minutes to months. It is enough just to configure the task scheduler for the period you need.

    • Wide selection of carriers for backups. You can save your data on local and network drives, USB, clouds, NAS or FTP. Extended Handy Backup versions will provide you with even more storage options.
    • Additional features. Handy Backup can copy any selected data within one task. Add any data sources you need to one common task for the simultaneous Outlook backup and other information.

    Handy Backup is running any version of Windows: Windows 10/8/8.1 / 7 and Windows Server Versions: Windows Server 2016/2012/2012 R2, Windows Server Essentials, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2.

    How to perform Outlook backup using the Outlook Backup tool

    Bacup Outlook with Handy Backup is exceptionally simple. Step by step, having done the operations below, you can effortlessly create an Outlook backup task.

    1. Run the Handy Backup and select the "New Task ..." menu, or simply press Ctrl + N. Select the backup task in the first step.
    2. In step 2, select Outlook from the list of data offered for saving. Click on it twice, or click "\u003e\u003e".
    3. A new window called "Select Data ..." will appear. Tick \u200b\u200bthe item to the left of the "Outlook". You will see the data list of your Outlook version.

    Attention: With this plugin, you cannot access Outlook Express and Windows Mail data! Use the plugin Computer To access letters and settings for these postal customers!

    1. Selecting the required data, click "OK" to return to the task creation wizard.
    2. Select other task options, such as a backup storage space, data compression and task scheduler parameters. Give the name task.

    Universal Tool for Bacapa Outlook

    As shown in this article, Handy Backup allows you to implement any user needs using the Outlook Backup tool. Configuring Outlook backup, the user can fully ensure the information security of his mail.

    Outlook Backup allows you to automatically save backup copies of letters and other Outlook data (including archived pST files File, contacts and events). Outlook data recovery using Handy Backup is as simple as creating a backup.

    Experience all the features of the MS Outlook Backup tool using the Handy Backup program,
    By downloading a free full-featured trial version!


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