It is unique. What is Pilates and what is it unique? The task of this exercise see yourself with the eyes of other people

It is unique. What is Pilates and what is it unique? The task of this exercise see yourself with the eyes of other people

Fitness expert Marie Winor for general recognition popularized Pilates. She once did completely incomprehensible to most workouts available for each of those interested in a healthy lifestyle. Now Pilates is at a new level of public recognition. But, in fact, what is Pilates and what is it unique?

A bit of history

Pilates was created more than 100 years ago. His founder, Joseph Pilates, called this system with his name and identified her action at the same time on the soul and body. Initially, Joseph wanted to name his exercises "counterworks", because they were based on muscle control with the help of the will of the will.

What does Pilates affect? His influence is extremely wide - man trains back, press muscles, develops the mobility of the joints and coordination. You use even muscle-stabilizers during training, which sometimes get a load.

In Pilates, it is important to carry out all exercises smoothly, concentrating on sensations and even breathing. People engaged in these exercises even a few months noted that they have a special feeling of their muscles. Doctors also noted a positive effect - after some time regular occupations Pilates improved blood circulation throughout the body.

Marie Winoru took over the obligation to divide his knowledge and experience with the public. Mrs. Winsor wrote several books, and her articles published in numerous magazines. Now she has its own fitness studio and a rich register of customers, including Drew Barrymore, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan, Sharon Stone and Marisa Tome. The actresses regularly appeal to the most popular coach in Hollywood in order to maintain their form and maintain health.

How to find a good coach?

Nowadays there is no shortage in fitness coaches. Someone specializes exclusively on Pilates, someone includes Pilates principles in other classes. For any newcomer, classes with an experienced trainer will bring great benefits. You train not only the body, but also mind! A person becomes more flexible, strong, body muscles come into tone and strengthen. A person has an understanding of the functioning of his musculature, not to mention that efficiency in everything else increases in geometric progression after a good workout. Marie Winor essentially notes that Pilates classes save a person from stress, you throw out tension, and nervous system Soothes.

And now, most importantly - if you mix pilates with other types of exercises or resort to unprofessional services, then you lose 80% of the final result. But how to find such a teacher who could really give you knowledge? Here are 5 questions that you must ask first before signing up by Pilates courses:

  • Do you have a certificate that allows you to teach Pilates?
  • Is there a briefing program on which you are certified, direct references to Joseph Pilates classes?
  • How long have you been studying before getting a certificate?
  • What is your teaching experience?
  • Are you planning to continue learning?

A good certification program is designed for a period of 8 months to one and a half years. W. best programs, training teachers, will always send in one form or another directly to Joseph Pilates. However, only you decide - what to choose the coach - with experience or not. Experience does not always mean quality. You must feel a person yourself, because during classes you need to feel comfort in every sense. Advanced training is also important, because the teacher will be able to learn about new techniques and exercises. If the coach is trying to lead the conversation aside or does not heal something, responding to your questions, run from such a coach where far! Marie Winsor itself has a program coach certificate Romana's Pilates.You can visit this site and see all certified teachers for this program.

Who should do Pilates?

Absolutely anyone can come to Pilates. It does not matter - whether you begin or do sports for more than one year. Each can extract enough benefits for itself.

"I always offer in my programs modified versions of exercises for different categories of people, it is important! If you are consistently engaged in Pilates 3 times a week, then after 10 lessons you will feel quite different. On 20 classes, you will notice changes in your own body, and on 30 lessons will see these changes and appreciate other people. "

But it is important to remember that if you have more than 40 kg of excess weight, it is better to consult with your doctor before classes. However, Marie Winor assumes that Pilates is one of the safest sports, useful for both the body and for the soul.

Press Muscle - Energy Center Body

Many exercises in Pilates accelerate the work of the heart, improve blood circulation and expand the volume of the lungs. The main thing in achieving all these goals is even breathing. Unlike simple fitness, during Pilates class you constantly strain the press muscles. Joseph Pilates has repeatedly said that the center of the belly is a "power plant", because most of the energy of our body is concentrated in the area. Try to perform the following exercise for the sample.

Take a deep breath, considering yourself to 5, and in the same way - do a breath out of the nose, counting to 5. If you breathe hard through your nose, you can use your mouth, but do the breaths-exhalations calmly and without tension. Lie back on a gymnastic rug. Bend the legs in the knees and press them to the chest. Hand clamp ankle. Do not strain your shoulders. Now straighten your legs and lift your head and shoulders from the floor. Start deep breathe and consider up to 100 in this position. Breathe smoothly and slowly. In other words - 10 times at 5 breaths and 10 times 5 exhalations. Slowly move your hands along the legs - draw up and go back to the original position. If you have a strong bottom of the back, then you can deflect the straightened legs at an angle of 45 degrees from the body. Start slowly rotate your feet (while keep your heels pressed to each other) - So you will feel the muscles of the buttocks and the muscles of the inside of the thighs. The lower you will lower your legs, the more you will feel like simply "light up" the muscles of the press! But observe accuracy and do not make sharp movements.

Olympic Pilates Games

Not so long ago in New York, Pilates Style Magazine magazine organized an amazing event.

These were the Olympic Pilates Competitions. Marie Winsor was a judge with some of her colleagues instructors. All income from them went to the development of schools on Pilates.

According to Marie, it was a new step in the history of Pilates. In one place there were many like-minded people. Training participants showed enthusiasm and demonstrated a talented exercise performance! Participants were divided into groups depending on the experience of Pilates. Famous in the US instructors spoke about the strength, coordination and control over the body. Ultimately, no one felt disadvantaged. The following Pilates Olympic Games will be held in Los Angeles. As they say, the path begins from the first step. And this step was successful. Pilates becomes popular and in demand.

If you do not have the opportunity to find the Pilates coach in your city, then you can purchase DVD, where the best instructors will teach you the azam sports exercises. But, most importantly, Pilates will help not only strengthen your body, but also harden the Spirit, since it is a special technique, the harmonizing balance of the soul and body. What is Pilates and what is it unique? First of all, Pilates is accessible even to people who were injured. These exercises make it possible to strain the load in such a way that rehabilitation will be twice as fast. In addition, many choose Pilates.

I will ask right: you know what are you different from others?

About 7 billion people live on Earth, and none of them look like another.

Even in twins, completely identical anywhere, there are differences in character.

Understanding your uniqueness - One of the first steps to know yourself and spiritual development.

But many, if not most, have no idea that they are special ... what is inherent only to them and anyone else.

In this article you will find a simple way that help you determineWhat is manifested by your uniqueness.

Bonus readers:

How to find your uniqueness

I suggest you a very simple exercise that helps you understand how to find your uniqueness.

Inscribe your loved ones: What distinguishes you from other people? What do they appreciate you?

Ask her husband, parents, children, friends, colleagues ...

The more answers you will collect and write down, the more food for reflections you will get.

Immediately I Warn: Record all the answers.

Most people do not see their uniqueness only because they consider it natural and habitual for yourself. So, do not appreciate.

The task of this exercise see yourself with the eyes of other people.

And then start translate into the outside world All you have discovered!

Express your uniqueness, individuality and passion through voice and communications will help open and balanced.

Soft motivation on uniqueness

And finally, the portion of motivation and soft Pendel from me in this fragment from the accompanying webinar for customers:

Examples of human uniqueness

The article has not yet seen it, it will be a surprise for them :)

Natalia Prokofiev:

Discovered relatively recently, which possess unique quality bear joy and raise the mood With its presence.

Joy with a touch of naivety, even more accurately children's such joy.

Julia Lorum:

We are talking about your virtues and gifts that we can give the world - what we have and not from others? It is so difficult for me to formulate. And uniqueness can)))

I perceive any personality, any live creation as uniquenessThis is for me a set of genes, qualities, experience - everyone has his own. Like iris or handwriting.

Svetlana Willonis:

Received two answers about their uniqueness. I myself could not determine either.

1 - excessive analytical mind (not even sure this is good or bad).
2 - highly developed intuition.

And, it seems to me - these are two opposite qualities ... Strange. Maybe the uniqueness is that these two qualities in me get along somehow.

Olga Lider:

And I feel this uniqueness, and I can't form at all in the words)

I, for example, can calm people install confidence in them and show directionHow to look at their situation is more positive.

And then I have a question for myself - and is it possible to consider it unique? Of course, not all possess such quality, but not me alone))

Alena Starovoitova:

I have long been looking for an answer to this question ... as a result, the following happened:

I see any situation at an angle of 30 degrees. That allows me to easily expand the picture of the world of all my readers and customers.

What is your uniqueness? Write in the comments!

At some point in life, each of our heads may come to the question, in which the uniqueness of the person and, in principle, is unique ...

Look first in the photo and think that you see them in them?

Photos of the Canadian photographer Joey L.

Reflections about the uniqueness of a person, about the ratio of the concepts of culture, personality and society - a rather permanent topic for me and therefore I often come back to her ... But today is the history of these reflections with the context of these photos.

I do not know how you ... And I saw beauty in these photos ... But not just a beauty, and the other, other and a little incomprehensible at first, the beauty, which is very different from the one that I already got used to see and in fact simply just notice.

This is truly unique beauty!

But most interestingly, what sensations do I have this unusual and unique beauty?

I will tell you ... The first is that I somehow frangly feel it. A sharper, or something. She clings, remembered and makes returning to her and worry it again and again. She is in the center of my attention. The second - she leads me for a better understanding of the world. I understand that for beauty there is no way to progress, the level of civilization and other myths ... the third - I start to manifest from somewhere from the inside, not a very pleasant feeling of discomfort ... I don't think wisely, but I feel right inside myself that not all My life is how it can be and how it should change ...

I ask for an interesting question ... Why do I generally perceive these photos as unusual and unique beauty? And these photos themselves tell me the solution ... they are silent, but still whisper to me in your ear: "Look at the details ... That's where the uniqueness of man is lurking!" And I begin to understand that it is the details in these photos are important. If it were not for the details - strong and noticeable sensations simply could not be. If you do not understand what I am probably a modern society about me, the modern society has already learned you from the look at the details. Returning to view photos and try to notify the details ...

Sometimes when viewing these photos, I have a smile ... sometimes I just rzhu like a horse ... And what about? Yes, I just try to imagine myself in the outfit of some African steep guy. And it gives rise to me laughter. However why am I laughing? After all, I just wondered and enjoyed beauty? Appeals to look inside yourself not enough. The decision does not come. I think not only about myself, but also about our society. About the society in which I live. What happens to me in this society? Everything is simple ... In this society, I can not imagine myself in an African warrior's dress ... Because it is ridiculous!

But the question appears about, and it is ridiculous with whose point of view? To be honest before yourself, it should be recognized that each of us is extremely dependent on society and society. In the end, we rarely make decisions yourself. Other people dictate our myths and behavior lines. The uniqueness of man for them is an alien concept. This applies among the number of culture and beauty. If we comply with the norms of society, then we are in the comfort zone. Other people appreciate us and assign us all possible virtuous titles and epithets. As gray crows in a flock of other gray raven. Praise each other and everything is in order. It pursues another bold thought. This is very simple means that if I want to be unique, then I should be ready for the fact that society will not appreciate me and will laugh. I will simply be prescribed by an egoist, solemny, a bad person and in the general White Voronene. While taking into account whites raven is not very pleasant. And this, honestly, goosebumps on the skin, because it scares! And nothing more scares what will happen next ... scares more of a choice ... what way to go. And the choice is extremely contradictory - the desire to be unique and the desire does not become a white crow.

At that moment starts to turn on time logical thinkingtrying to relate the resulting contradiction. Sometimes logic is also useful. She can lead to Evrica. I continue to reflect ... If you try to be unique, the society can simply devour you with guts. And this for a separate person is not very good. But to remain a gray raven - no longer want, because there is already an understanding of a different, excellent, personal, with your own opinion ... After all, I already begin to respect the concept of human uniqueness literally inside himself. What to do? In fact, my long reflections were in vain. But time is a good tool. The time allowed me to move different options for reasoning and the salvation came. As a result, the thoughts leading to the history of mankind and the experience of other people who were unique in their own way. Remember you ...

Do you remember at least one unique person who has lived 200 years ago, which is known only to you? That's right, there is no such person. Everything in its own way unique people are known to be quite wide and not one person, but by whole communities. These communities may be small or large, but these are groups of people. And these groups of people remember those who were in their own way.

Such reasoning came out on the topic "The uniqueness of a person" ... for the first time I wish, so I wrote a lot ... but there are questions about me ...

I would like to know what people think about, ... "Everyone is my project - for me a new story ..." ...

All people are completely different. They have their own thoughts, desires, dreams, writes Marketium. And all this, according to "Star," heads of the planet. Scientists-astrologists have determined than each sign stands out against the rest of the rest. They also noticed one very important essence that in each sign of the zodiac there is such a feature that is fully manifested only by him alone.


Aries differ from the rest of their energeticness. They have such a strong positive aura that they attract everyone to meet on the way. Aries are charming in their dedication.


Dobrese Taurus is difficult to find someone. Of course, they can become participants in conflicts, it is characteristic of all people. But, as a rule, the biggest heart belongs to the Tales.


Twins are distinguished by irrepressible optimism and luck. They are lucky because they feel happy. They literally attract luck with their faith in a bright future.


In the first place for crayfish - family and well-being of loved ones. Their goal is to improve the house and the creation of a family hearth. Sometimes they are too soft, but next to them cozy and warm, and it appreciates others.

Uniqueness of Lviv in their egocentrism. They live this feeling, thanks to him, they seek the desired, they fill the vitality and improve the mood. This integrity and ability to please, first of all, to itself - very useful quality.

It is difficult to find someone or rather than Virgo. They are very tied to people. If they love, then sincerely and with all souls. Virgin is not always angels, but on a lot of ready for a loved one.


Scales get sincere pleasure from conversations. At the same time, they are not engaged in empty boltology, but do it for a certain purpose and taste. This is the most sociable zodiac sign of all. And this allows him to be a valuable adviser and a stunning speaker.


If representatives of this constellation begin to revenge, they will not stop them anymore. They act as sophisticated methods, they are difficult to do something and suspect. Scorpions are the worst and dangerous enemies.


The people of this constellation from nature externally are very harmoniously folded, which gives them a complete right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always follow their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.


Do you want no one to know about your secret? Take it to Capricorn! Threaten to him, blackmail, he will never give out. Capricorn is able to keep secrets like no other.


Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed fantasy and creative thinking. But sometimes they lack the strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.

Hello everyone.

During my passion, I bought this balm with completely natural care. I have a lot of products from hawki, some, some liked, some none (for example, tonal cream). I loved this balm very much, but I do not know if I buy it again. Let's explain why:

I have a very dry skin, and this cream is so good moisturizing that after applying a cream for several days I could be lazy and not to apply the cream under the eyes, the wrinkles from dryness did not appear (day or two exactly). This is the main plus for me. None (!) The cream did not give me such a result, basically me catastrophically lacking moisturizing the skin around the eyes from most eye creams.

Natural composition - everything is clear here, a good firm, certificates, made in Europe.

Very economical means. I threw the bank using a quarter, although there are only 10 grams in the jar.

On the bank there is an icon that cream is suitable for six months after opening. I did not give this importance, but after half a year of use (and a pure spatula, because of Lena, I did not use) I first had an allergy before my eyes. I thought for the first time that the eye cream did not come down with a face cream (different firms). The next time I only inflicted on the eyes, and again itching, redness, inflammation. In general, I had to throw almost complete. Now in thought - the remedy came to me (the first six months), and spend money and look for a similar desire is not, but I don't know, my skin has ceased to be friends with him because of the shelf life, or and the same reaction will be the same reaction.

Very fat, on the upper eyelid in the morning it is better not to apply at all, the cosmetics will break out. And the bottom is desirable to get into the surplus. I applied this cream for half an hour before makeup, and then lasted the remnants with a napkin. Still used for the night, but at the office. The Housin's site is categorically not recommended to do it.

An uncomfortable bank, the cream balm is very dense, and it falls from the bank to smoke that nonhygienically, because of this I think and turned out the first minus))

Using:A small amount of cream (completely droplet) is lost between your fingers while the cream balm does not melt, and then apply to the skin around the eyes.

Outcome: For dry skin salvation. If you lack moisturizing, from your eye creams, I think that this cream is suitable. For the fatty age, most likely becomes disappointment. Although the company does not position its products by skin type.

If you compare cream balm with Dr.Hauschka Augen Creme, then the cream comes on every day under makeup, less moisturizing, packaging is more convenient. Cream-balm gives amazing moisturizing, but not entirely convenient to use.

P.S.: The name on my jar is another, bought it not in Russia, but in Tallinn. Checked at the office. The site of Dr. Hawushki, they have no other creams-balms)).


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